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Khairina Layout
Khairina Layout
How to Cite :
Khairina, K., Syahputra, A., 2023. Analysis of Leading Commodity of Agricultural,
Forestry, and Fishing Subsectors in Aceh . Journal of Agri Socio Economics and
Business. 5 (1): 1-14. DOI: 2023
The economic success of a region can be seen from the Gross Regional
Domestic Product (GRDP) value. GDRP is the added value generated by all
economic units in a certain period. It is also an indicator of the economic
growth of a region/country. GRDP of a region can be related to the welfare of
its people and is able to describe the condition of the economy, whether the
economy is good or not.
Journal of Agri Socio Economic and Business, Vol. 05 No. 1 June 2023 page: 1–14| 1
ISSN: 2685-7243 e-ISSN :2715-839x
The table above shows that the most contributed sector to the revenue for
Aceh is the agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sector which can earn 37,768.08
billion Rupiah. This sector also contributes 27,92 percent of Aceh’s GRDP.
Nonetheless, in 2021, compared to the previous year, this sector’s growth
decreased which was 0,35 percent.
The decrease in the growth of the agricultural, forestry, and fishing sector
is certainly a problem that must be overcome by the government of Aceh
Province, on the consideration the importance of this sector which is the largest
industry in the formation of Aceh’s GRDP. It is known that Aceh Province has
an area of 5,677,081 hectares which certainly has abundant leading sectors,
starting from agricultural, forestry, plantations, livestock, and also fisheries.
The length of the coastline and the breadth of the sea in Aceh Province is also
believed to be very promising potential in the fisheries sector. Per year, Aceh
produces 180,000 tons of captured fisheries (BPSAceh, 2021).
Each region certainly has its own potential sectors as a source of regional
income and this can cause the government in every region/province are
required to give more attention to the most potential sector (Zuhdi, 2021). The
government of Aceh is expected to be capable of exploring the existing
potential/ leading sectors. Exploring the leading sectors and commodities of a
region is very useful for increasing the GRDP value.
The agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sectors have a very strategic role
in the development of the national economy (Sari & Bangun, 2019). The
agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sector is a human business activity which
includes farming, fishing, animal husbandry and forestry activities (Nooralam et
al., 2019) . This sector also can absorb a large number of laborers (Hayati et al.,
2017), most poor people in developing countries depend on the agricultural,
forestry, and fisheries (Ramlawati, 2020). Based on data published by BPS, this
sector was able to absorb 37,40 percent of the workforce in February 2021
(BPSAceh, 2021). In addition, the agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sectors are
providers of basic needs for the community as well as a provider of raw
materials produced by other economic sectors (Rashidghalam, 2020). Thus, the
agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors have a role in the development of the
industrial sector in a region (Kurniawati, 2020). A successful agricultural,
forestry, and fisheries sector is a prerequisite for the development of the
industrial and service sectors (Rante et al., 2018). Field studies show that several
countries in the world managed to build sustainable economy and its economy
driven by the industrial sector and the service sector after being initiated by the
success of the agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sector (Niara & Zulfa, 2019).
This study aims to find the leading sub-sectors/commodities in the
agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors by using the Static Location Quotient
(SLQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), and Differential Shift (DS)
approaches. By knowing the leading subsectors/commodities, it is hoped that
Journal of Agri Socio Economic and Business, Vol. 05 No. 1 June 2023 page: 1–14| 3
ISSN: 2685-7243 e-ISSN :2715-839x
(Xri ⁄Xr )
(Xni ⁄Xn )
Where :
SLQ : the value of agricultural, forestry, and fishery sectors in Aceh
X ir : Added value of the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sector in
Aceh Province
Xr : GRDP of Aceh Province
Xi : Added value of the agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sectors
in Indonesia
Xn : GDP of Indonesia
(𝟏 + 𝒈𝒊𝒌)⁄(𝟏 + 𝒈𝒌)𝒕
(𝟏 + 𝒈𝒕𝒑)⁄(𝟏 + 𝒈𝒑)
Where :
DLQ : Dynamic Location Quotient
gik : The average GRDP growth of agricultural, forestry, and fishing
subsector in Aceh province
Journal of Agri Socio Economic and Business, Vol. 05 No. 1 June 2023 page: 1–14| 5
ISSN: 2685-7243 e-ISSN :2715-839x
compared to other sectors. But the GRDP value in this sector decreased by 0.35
The decline in the value of GRDP in this sector must be overcome due to
the agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sectors is the sector that provides food,
fodder, and other goods through crop cultivation and animal husbandry (Frouz
& Frouzová, 2022). This sector is the root of the resource economics because if the
population increases, this sector will the function as a food provider (Aruga,
2022). Many developing countries have a comparative advantage in some form
of agricultural, forestry, and fisheries activity. This sector is composed of sub-
sectors of food crops, horticulture, animal husbandry, plantations, forestry and
Journal of Agri Socio Economic and Business, Vol. 05 No. 1 June 2023 page: 1–14| 7
ISSN: 2685-7243 e-ISSN :2715-839x
more than one. Even though there is a decrease in the added value of GRDP in
this sector in 2021, the SLQ value > 1.04 in 2021 shows an increase compared to
the previous year where the SLQ value was > 1.02 in 2020. This indicates that
the Aceh province is able to meet the needs in its territory in this sub-sector and
is also able to meet the needs in outside areas (exports) due to a surplus in these
three subsectors.
In other words, Aceh Province specializes in these three sub-sectors.
Specifically, for the horticultural crops are the leading sub-sector because the
SLQ value is above one. With the leading commodities are large chili, followed
by cayenne pepper, shallots, long beans, and cucumber. These commodities
have very wide planting area and abundant production every year. If viewed
from the type of fruit, bananas, and papaya are the leading commodities in the
province of Aceh.
Table 2 also shows that the husbandry is the leading subsector, with the
leading commodities are goats, broilers, free-range chickens, and ducks.
Production’s amount of these commodities increase compared to the previous
year. It is also shown that Agricultural Services & Hunting is the leading
subsector which has SLQ value > 1. The SLQ’s value of this subsector is the
highest among other subsector.
Based on theory, these leading subsectors/commodities are able to meet
demand and be able to export outside the region. SLQ analysis able to assist
Aceh province in determining leading commodities in its region (Nazipawati,
2007). The agricultural, forestry, and fishing sub-sector is the largest contributor
to Aceh's GRDP. Aceh is very dependent on this subsector. So that the decline
in GRDP in this sector should be a serious concern. Determining the leading
sub-sectors is believed to provide an accurate analysis of which commodities
should be given special attention so their growth in production will be
increased. The abundant production will be exported outside Aceh province
and generate profits for the province of Aceh (Nazipawati, 2007).
The sales results obtained can certainly be used to develop commodities
that are already leading commodities and also increase the amount of
production of commodities that are not yet superior such as food crops,
plantation crops, forestry, and fisheries to the point where they can afford it
become the leading sectors/commodity.
sector (Anggraini et al., 2023). The results of the calculation of DLQ can be seen
in table 3 below:
(1+gi (1+gt
Sector gik gtp k)/ p)/ T DLQ Explanation
k 1+gtp
(1+g (1+gp
k) )
Forestry, & 3,16 4,16 3,01 4,01 1,022 0,916 5 1,73
Hunting 3,57 4,57 2,768 3,768 1,122 0,861 5 3,763
a. Food Crops -0,97 0,03 0,842 1,842 0,008 0,421 5 0 prospective
b. Horticultural prospective
5,23 6,23 4,18 5,18 1,531 1,183 5 3,63
Crops sector
c. Plantation prospective
5,65 6,65 3,55 4,55 1,633 1,039 5 9,575
Crops sector
d. Husbandry 3,74 4,74 3,27 4,27 1,166 0,975 5 2,438
e. Agricultural
Services 3,79 4,79 2,688 3,688 1,178 0,842 5 5,345
Forestry -
-4,12 -3,12 1,064 2,064 -0,767 0,471 5 prospective
&Logging 11,403
Fishery 3,34 4,34 4,56 5,56 1,067 1,27 5 0,419 prospective
From table 3 above, the DLQ value can be interpreted if the value
DLQ>1 means that the sub-sector in Aceh Province is developing quickly or it
can be said that this sub-sector has the potential to become a leading sub
sector/commodity in the future. Furthermore, if DLQ<1, That is, the sub-sector
is growing slowly, or it could also be assessed that this sub-sector/commodity
is predicted not to become a leading sector/commodity in the future. Table 3
above presents data that the sub-sector that has the potential to become a
leading sector in the future is horticultural crops which DLQ= 3,63>1,
plantation crops DLQ= 9,575 > 1, animal husbandry which DLQ= 2,438>1, and
agricultural services and hunting which DLQ 5,345 > 1.
Journal of Agri Socio Economic and Business, Vol. 05 No. 1 June 2023 page: 1–14| 9
ISSN: 2685-7243 e-ISSN :2715-839x
Based on the results of data analysis, the Aceh government can intensify
production of sub-sectors/commodities that have the potential/prospective to
become leading sectors in the future that is plantation. The plantation sub-
sector based on the results of the SLQ analysis is not a leading sub-sector.
However, the high growth rate makes this sub-sector potentially to become a
leading sub-sector in the future which indicates by DLQ value 9,75 > 1. This
DLQ calculation is proven to be used as a reference to find out which
commodities will become the leading sub-sectors in the future (Nurul Hidayah
et al., 2023)
In this plantation sub-sector, the leading commodity is palm oil. This is
due to the increasing number of oil palm plantations in Aceh. This large area of
oil palm fields causes to the increasing production continuously. This
prospective commodity is expected to become a leading commodity in Aceh.
The government of Aceh should provides some policies to improve the quality
and quantity of seeds and seedlings to maintain this fast commodities’ growth.
In the future this subsector can be developed to become a leading subsector in
Aceh. And also this indicates that in the future, the commodity of palm oil will
increase become the main source of GRDP for the province of Aceh
After analyzing the data with three approaches, it can be concluded that in
general, the agricultural, forestry, and fisheries sectors are the leading sectors
that play a very important role in the formation of Aceh's GRDP, marked by an
SLQ value = 1.04 > 1 with the leading subsectors namely horticultural crops,
husbandry and agricultural services & hunting. This sector is also predicted to
remain a leading sector for the next few years due to the DLQ value = 1.73 > 1.
The Aceh government is deemed necessary to develop the potential that exists
in the region, and stimulate the production of sub-sectors that have rapid
development such as cash crops which is predicted to be the leading subsector.
Even though in general the competitiveness of this sector is still lower
compared to the national level which can be seen from the Differential Shift
calculation which has a negative sign, the Aceh government is expected to take
strategic steps to increase the competitiveness of this sector. The Aceh
Journal of Agri Socio Economic and Business, Vol. 05 No. 1 June 2023 page: 1–14| 11
ISSN: 2685-7243 e-ISSN :2715-839x
Based on the results of this study, the researchers suggest to the Aceh
government improve the quality of raw materials, create technological
development innovations in accelerating harvests as well as creating superior
seeds and seedlings, and developing derivative products from this sector. after
this improvement, it is hoped that the production output of this sector will
increase which in turn will increase the GRDP value of Aceh province.
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