Sensor System For Predictive Maintenance in Industrial Environment
Sensor System For Predictive Maintenance in Industrial Environment
Sensor System For Predictive Maintenance in Industrial Environment
In line with the Industry 4.0 Revolution, equipment maintenance is undergoing several advance-
ments which take advantage of the ever-increasing affordability of hardware capable of capturing
and processing high amounts of complex data to analyse equipment health and performance. This
progress has given rise to Predictive Maintenance, a proactive strategy that uses real-time data
analysis to predict equipment failures, which optimises schedules, minimises downtime and re-
duces maintenance costs by replacing components only when necessary.
A substantial portion of manufacturing operations depend heavily on legacy equipment to
meet their production demands, which lack the advantages of contemporary sensor technology to
incorporate Predictive Maintenance in the production line.
By leveraging technology developed for the Internet of Things and state-of-the-art Machine
Learning algorithms, this dissertation’s ultimate goal is to design a wireless sensor system capa-
ble of bringing Predictive Maintenance to legacy machinery, more specifically to an Automated
Guided Vehicle and its surrounding machines.
The system aims to achieve its objective through the use of vibration, sound and temperature
sensors as well as with Machine Learning algorithms. A thorough analysis of the sensor technol-
ogy and characteristics employed in the literature of these physical quantities was made, keeping
in mind the physical space constraints of the vehicle and the ultimate cost of the sensor system.
The system concept was put to the test by detecting anomalous behaviour in testing platforms
meant to replicate an Automated Guided Vehicle. The preprocessing method used is based on
time-domain features to minimise the amount of data to send wirelessly. The technique yielded
nearly ideal predictions for the selected Supervised Learning models, while the performance of the
Unsupervised Learning models was notably poor. Additionally, a comparison between sensors,
which varied in cost, was conducted.
It took me some time to realise I had fallen into a black hole of possibilities. Without the help of
many people, I am not sure I would be able to climb out.
First, I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Vítor Pinto, for giving me the opportunity
to be the first student to take on a new project take will be carried out by other students in the near
future. I would still be worrying about insignificant details without your guidance. I would also
like to thank DIGI2 Laboratory for providing all the extra equipment that I would not have access
to if I was to do my dissertation elsewhere.
My family is responsible for the dedication I put into this project. If not for them, I would not
know how to keep working, even though, sometimes, motivation vanishes. It came back.
I would have gone insane if not for the help and care of all my friends. Why do anything if
you can’t have some fun doing it?
Thank you
André Enes
“Quem não tem cão,
caça com gato.”
Ditado Popular
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Document Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Background 5
2.1 Nomenclature Disambiguation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Types of Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.1 Reactive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.2 Preventive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.3 Predictive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Signal Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3.1 Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3.2 Discrete Fourier Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3.3 Signal Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3.4 Short-Time Fourier Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.5 Wavelet Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3.6 Empirical Wavelet Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.7 Empirical Mode Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3.8 Hilbert Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.9 Hilbert-Huang Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3 Related Work 15
3.1 Critical Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2.1 Vibration Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2.2 Acoustic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.3 Acoustic Emission Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.4 Temperature Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.5 Oil Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.6 Electric Current Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Prediction Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3.1 Prediction Problem Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.3.2 Statistical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3.3 Supervised Learning Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3.4 Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Methods . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.4 Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4 Methodology 37
4.1 Prototype Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.1.1 Vibration Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.1.2 Microphones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.1.3 Temperature Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.1.4 Microcontroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.1.5 Voltage Incompatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.1.6 Analog-to-Digital Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1.7 Hardware Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1.8 Local Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1.9 WiFi Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.1.10 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.2 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.3 Custom Testbed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.3.1 Tested Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.4 Software Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.4.1 Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.4.2 Dataset Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.4.3 ML Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5 Experimental Results 67
5.1 Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.2 Test Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.2.1 Dataset Unbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.2.2 Sensor Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.2.3 ML Automation Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.3 Ultrasonic Microphone Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.4 Temperature Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.5 Unsupervised Models Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.6 Supervised Models Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.6.1 Sensor Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.6.2 Unknown Anomalies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
References 85
List of Figures
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chapter 1
1.1 Context
In an ever-increasing world of rising industrial productivity, with the advent of Industry 4.0, where
every process is optimised to the fullest, the maintenance of the machines in charge of this surge
cannot be left behind. Traditional maintenance practices often result in excessive downtime, in-
creased repair costs, and inefficient resource allocation. Thankfully, this problem has not gone
unnoticed. A new paradigm in industrial maintenance, leveraging state-of-the-art technology, is
emerging in modern industry: Predictive Maintenance [1]. This new model uses data collected
from machines to estimate when a certain machine part will require either repair or replacement.
Older maintenance systems would either correct the anomaly after it occurred or preventively
replace parts, without confirming their actual necessity.
A significant challenge in implementing Predictive Maintenance (PdM) lies in integrating
modern technologies into older machinery without resorting to replacing the entire equipment
with newer, technologically advanced models. Retrofitting these machines with suitable sensors,
data acquisition systems, and communication interfaces necessitates careful engineering to ensure
seamless compatibility and efficient data integration [2]. A module containing several types of
sensors and capable of processing data autonomously which could be used in different machines
without significant changes would enable legacy systems to benefit from the advantages of data-
driven maintenance techniques while reducing the cost of individually retrofitting older machines.
Recent research developments in the area of Machine Learning (ML) have enabled complex
processes being able to be predicted with a high degree of certainty. These advancements also
include the field of maintenance, with several different methods being explored and evaluated
with favourable results over more traditional methods.
1.2 Motivation
Estimates show that maintenance costs account for 15 to 60 % of the total expenses of manu-
facturing operations [3]. While these costs vary substantially between industries, depending on
2 Introduction
how much that production relies on complex and highly specialised equipment, such as the avi-
ation industry, due to the need for specialised technicians, spare parts, and intricate maintenance
procedures, whereas a sector like agriculture may have lesser costs in maintenance on account of
relatively simpler machinery. Nevertheless, all industries can benefit from the implementation of
Predictive Maintenance since it can heavily lower unplanned downtime and lower product defects
due to earlier warnings of necessary repairs [4].
It is also important to highlight the impact of defective equipment on the well-being of factory
workers. Prolonged exposure to such noisy conditions can give rise to various health conditions,
with hearing damage or loss being one of the most glaring concerns. Furthermore, there are more
subtle repercussions, involving a decrease in worker productivity due to annoyance, frustration,
dissatisfaction and increased stress; the risk of accidents also increases [5]. Although most noise
would not be entirely eliminated from a prototypical factory, the deployment of Predictive Main-
tenance in such an environment would alleviate some of the harmful noise.
Most current implementations of PdM in practical applications make use of existing theoret-
ical models in order to monitor and predict faults in the system under evaluation. Nonetheless,
these models require a considerable amount of knowledge about the system and their predictions
can be hindered by high amounts of noise which limit the potential use cases. Employing the
use of ML techniques facilitates the implementation of Predictive Maintenance in more intricate
systems, where there is less knowledge available or in more dynamic conditions where the setting
is constantly affected by noise. Machine Learning methods are capable of extracting features from
a set of data while being agnostic to the problem at hand. This versatility allows for detecting
anomalies in complex data [6].
The domain of the Internet of Things has propelled forward the development of microcon-
trollers, sensor technology, and lightweight communication protocols, unveiling the potential of
energy-efficient devices. The recent interest, in conjunction with the decrease in the cost of elec-
tronics that can be used in a Predictive Maintenance context, such as accelerometers and temper-
ature sensors, makes possible the creation of a module capable of collecting relevant data from
machines, running algorithms that detect faults and sending meaningful information wirelessly to
alert the maintenance department.
1.3 Objective
The objective of this dissertation is to develop a system capable of determining when maintenance
is required on an Autonomous Mobile Robot and its surrounding machines in an industrial sce-
nario. To reach this objective, a sensor module for PdM was designed and tested. The full system
would include software outside the microcontroller to fully process the gathered data to detect
faults. The complete system should be able to fulfil the following criteria:
Considering that the final objective is to achieve the capability to detect anomalies in an Auto-
mated Guided Vehicle whose assignment is to tug cargo around a factory floor, and since intention-
ally damaging the vehicle is not possible, a testing platform must be built to evaluate the system
and to ensure the procedures function as intended. Different Machine Learning algorithms will
also be tested to determine the most effective ones for the given scenario. Although not mandatory,
the overall cost of the module should be taken into account by ensuring cost-effectiveness.
In this chapter, relevant concepts to the dissertation’s objective will be reviewed. Ranging from
the existing types of maintenance to signal-processing theoretical base concepts. Additionally, a
dedicated section will address and clarify certain nomenclature used in pertinent articles where a
definitive standard or consensus is lacking regarding specific definitions.
Condition Monitoring refers to the continuous assessment and tracking of various parameters or
indicators to evaluate the health and performance of a system or equipment [7]. It aims to detect
any deviations from normal operating conditions and provides early warnings of potential failures
or abnormalities. It is not generally used in other contexts apart from Predictive Maintenance.
The Remaining Useful Life of an asset or system is the duration remaining from the present
moment until the conclusion of its productive operational span [8]. Predicting the Remaining Use-
ful Life involves analysing historical data, condition monitoring data, and possibly other factors
to estimate when a system might fail or become inefficient. Other definitions are used in other
research fields, but the previous one remains the predominant choice when considering system
health monitoring.
Fault Detection is defined as the determination of the occurrence of faults in the monitored
system. It entails the detection of faults in the processes, actuators and sensors by using depen-
dencies between different measurable signals [9]. A fault is defined as an unpermitted deviation
of at least one feature of the system from the standard and acceptable condition [10]. A failure is a
permanent interruption of a system’s ability to perform a required function under a set of specific
operating conditions [11]. The difference between these definitions clarifies that articles referring
to Fault Detection tend to focus on a specific part of a bigger machine or structure, as the case
with [12], which is a review on bearing fault detection, [13] which is a review on induction motor
fault detection and [14] which is about fault detection in vibrating structures. The term Failure
Detection is rarely used and normally appears in articles in the Distributed Computing field [15].
6 Background
Fault Diagnostics delves into the identification and understanding of the root cause behind a
detected fault or anomaly. It involves a comprehensive analysis of available data to pinpoint the
exact source of the problem. Fault diagnostics aim to answer questions like "What is causing the
fault?" and are crucial for effective troubleshooting and targeted repair strategies. It is a more
in-depth step following fault detection.
Fault Prognostics take a step beyond fault detection and diagnostic processes. Prognostics in-
volve predicting the future behaviour of a system based on its current state and historical data. This
includes estimating the time remaining before a system experiences a specific failure, considering
factors like wear and tear, usage patterns, and environmental conditions.
Anomaly Detection is the process of identifying deviations or outliers from normal patterns
within a given dataset or system behaviour [16]. Techniques referring to Anomaly Detection can
be applied in several different fields, including fraud detection [17], cyber-intrusion detection [18]
and image processing [19]. The most relevant articles on Anomaly Detection for this dissertation
are those whose focus is on industrial damage detection, which will be further explored. The term
is usually meant for moving parts analysis, as with bearings and gearboxes, and not referring to
structural or static parts analysis
Figure 2.1 shows how the research terms relate to each other. It is important to note that
the circles’ proportions do not represent the frequency of keyword occurrence; rather, they serve
as a visual aid to enhance comprehension. Condition Monitoring, Anomaly Detection and Fault
Detection were the target terms for the research part of this dissertation since the project focus
area is on detecting faults in the system under analysis. The scope of this project, as outlined in
Figure 2.1, does not encompass tasks such as predicting the Remaining Useful Life of specific
components or engaging in fault diagnosis and prognostics. Although the previous keywords
were not the priority during the research phase, some techniques that are often employed in these
research fields were analysed due to the comparable goals of the articles and of this dissertation.
Another ambiguity found while researching for this dissertation is that some articles refer to
Anomaly Detection as Abnormality Detection; however, both terms can be used interchangeably
when referring to the same goal: to identify deviations from normal patterns, as previously defined.
In PdM, Anomaly Detection is more common, with Abnormality being more common in the
medical field, [20] [21].
repair the failure [23]. RM can lead to increased downtime, production delays, and higher repair
costs. Moreover, the unpredictability of breakdowns can impact operational efficiency and hinder
long-term asset reliability. As a result, many industries seek to transition from reactive to more
proactive maintenance approaches to optimise equipment performance and minimise unplanned
PdM as a concept has long existed, but only recently have emerging technologies become seem-
ingly capable and inexpensive enough to make PdM widely accessible [24]. It has been adopted
by many sectors, especially by the ones where reliability is paramount, such as power plants, util-
ities, transportation systems, communication systems, and emergency services [25]. In essence, it
uses data analysis to predict when equipment failure is likely to occur, allowing maintenance to be
performed proactively and optimising the evaluation of the monitored system’s deterioration state
8 Background
As mentioned above, PdM uses data to predict future failures by leveraging data analytics,
sensor technology, and algorithms to predict and prevent equipment failures before they occur.
Unlike traditional maintenance approaches, RM and PM, which rely on fixed schedules or reactive
responses to breakdowns, PdM uses real-time data from sensors and historical performance infor-
mation to forecast potential issues and identify early warning signs of equipment deterioration.
By continuously monitoring the health and performance of machinery, PdM enables proactive
interventions, such as timely repairs or component replacements, extending the lifespan of equip-
ment and minimising costly downtime and unplanned disruptions to operations. This approach has
gained significant traction across industries, including manufacturing, energy, transportation, and
healthcare, as it offers increased operational efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and improved
safety, ultimately leading to enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction [24].
2.3.1 Envelope
In the domain of signal processing, an envelope represents a curve that traces the changes in
amplitude or intensity of a signal over time. Figure 2.2 shows a signal and its envelope, generated
using the SciPy 1 Python package.
Envelopes play a role in time-frequency analysis, offering insights into how a signal’s fre-
quency content evolves over time. This is particularly valuable in audio processing, enabling the
identification of time-varying features in audio signals. Additionally, envelopes serve as a visu-
alisation tool, providing a concise representation of a signal’s overall behaviour. They simplify
waveform analysis, facilitating tasks like noise reduction and feature extraction [26].
The Fourier Transform converts a function into a form that describes the frequencies present in the
original function [26]. It is a fundamental technique that is used in many different fields, ranging
2.3 Signal Processing 9
from mathematics and physics to image analysis and audio compression. This project’s most
relevant use case is its use in Signal Processing, which deals with the analysis, manipulation, and
interpretation of signals. Signals are defined as a function that conveys information, such as audio,
video, images, sensor data, or any other form of measurable data. Signal processing techniques
aim to extract useful information from signals, enhance their quality, remove noise, compress them
for efficient storage or transmission, and perform various other operations [27]. Signal Processing
can be subdivided into two sub-fields: Analog Signal Processing and Digital Signal Processing
(DSP); the latter handles signals that need to be analysed using digital hardware, as the case with
this dissertation.
The Fourier Transform in the DSP world must be adapted for discrete signals since analog
signals cannot be sampled at an infinite rate. Thankfully, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
exists and is widely used in DSP. It enables the analysis of discrete-time signals in the frequency
spectrum, and the equation that describes it for a periodic signal is displayed in Equation 2.1 [26].
1 N−1 2π
X(k) = ∑ x(n)e j( N )kn (2.1)
N k=0
The most challenging obstacle of using this equation lies on the fact that its computation is
of O(N 2 ) complexity, using the big O notation [28]. The most well-known and used algorithm to
compute the DFT faster and more efficiently is the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) [29]. The main
advantage of using the FFT algorithm is that its complexity is O(Nlog(N)), and therefore, it is
significantly faster for larger sequences. This speed advantage is crucial for real-time signal pro-
cessing applications, such as audio and video processing, communication systems, image analysis,
and many other domains where processing large amounts of data is required.
In the realm of Signal Processing, noise poses a substantial challenge, as it can impact the desired
outcome at every stage, ranging from the amplification of electrical signals to the subsequent
sampling of these signals. Most electrical noise manifests itself as unwanted frequencies in the
signal. These undesirable frequencies can be entirely or partly removed from the signal using
10 Background
analog and/or digital filters. The greatest difference between analog and digital filters lies in the
fact that analog filters deal with continuous signals and digital filters with discrete signals. Another
divergence is that analog filters are deployed using physical components, e.g. capacitors and
inductors, while digital filters are mostly set up using programs processed using a microprocessor
after the signal has been sampled with an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) [26]. Different types
of filters, which vary in complexity, affect the original signal differently in its frequency response
and phase delay, and some of the most common designs will be explored further along.
Analog and digital filters are essential signal processing components used to modify or extract
specific frequency components from signals. Analog filters are implemented using analog elec-
tronic components such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. They operate on continuous-time
signals and are typically found in analog circuits, audio systems, and radio frequency applications.
Analog filters are characterised by their frequency response, which determines how the filter at-
tenuates or amplifies different frequency components in the signal. The design of analog filters
involves selecting the appropriate filter type (e.g., low-pass, high-pass, band-pass) and adjusting
parameters to achieve the desired frequency response [26].
On the other hand, digital filters process discrete-time signals represented in digital form, such
as those found in digital audio processing, image processing, and communication systems. Digital
filters are implemented using digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms and are often realised
using software or specialised hardware. The design of digital filters is based on mathematical al-
gorithms that manipulate the signal’s discrete samples. Digital filters can offer greater flexibility
and precision compared to analog filters due to the inherent advantages of digital processing, such
as easy reconfigurability, precise control over filter characteristics, and the ability to implement
complex filtering operations. Moreover, digital filters can be easily replicated, stored, and trans-
mitted, making them ideal for modern digital systems where data is processed and transmitted
in digital format. Both analog and digital filters play critical roles in various engineering appli-
cations, ensuring efficient signal processing and signal conditioning in a wide range of systems
The Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) is an algorithm meant to increase clarity in the time
domain when analysing signals in the frequency spectrum. As previously seen in Subsection 2.3.2,
the Fourier Transform enables the transformation of a signal from the time domain to the frequency
domain, yet all information about how certain frequencies change throughout time is lost. The
STFT tries to solve this issue by dividing the signal into smaller parts and then computing the FFT
for every section. This way, it is possible to analyse how the frequencies of the signal change over
time [26]. Figure 2.3, taken from [5], displays a signal with environmental noise and a significant
event at the 4-second mark. The DFT of this signal would not be able to pinpoint the time at which
the increase of amplitude of the signal occurred. By using the STFT, information about time can
be extracted from the signal, as well as the different frequencies and their amplitudes, which in
2.3 Signal Processing 11
this case, is able to detect an increase in amplitude at 1 kHz at the 4-second mark, which is shown
in yellow, meaning a stronger amplitude, according to the scale on the right of the graph.
The Wavelet Transform shares similarities with the Fourier Transform as both methodologies
strive to express a given function using known functions. In the case of the Fourier Transform,
the known functions are sines and cosines, which are non-local and stretch out to infinity. This
fact causes the Fourier Transform to approximate sharp spikes very poorly. Wavelet analysis uses
functions that are contained in finite domains, which are better suited for approximating data with
sharp discontinuities [30]. In Figure 2.4, two functions are displayed, also referred to simply as
wavelets, namely the Ricker and Morlet Wavelets. These examples were generated using the SciPy
Python package with the scipy.signal.morlet and the scipy.signal.ricker method. Using different
Wavelets to calculate the Wavelet Transform produces different results, so which type is selected
influences the subsequent analysis.
12 Background
Using the Wavelet Transform, it is possible to determine how the frequency of a signal changes
over time, while the Fourier Transform provides the prevalent frequencies of a signal, indepen-
dently of its duration. In Figure 2.5, a signal that increases its frequency over time was generated
through SciPy and the Wavelet Transform was computed.
Figure 2.5: Signal with increasing frequency over time and its Wavelet Transform
Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is a signal processing technique that provides a data-
driven way to decompose a complex signal into a set of simpler components known as intrinsic
mode functions (IMFs). EMD perceives a signal as consisting of a fast oscillation superimposed
on a slower one. Once the fast oscillation is extracted, the process treats the remaining slower
component as the new signal and again regards it as a fast oscillation superimposed on a slower
one. This iterative cycle continues until a predefined stopping criterion is met. While EMD
does not employ fixed functions, as seen in wavelets, its fundamental approach shares conceptual
similarities with the wavelet method. Both techniques involve breaking down the signal into its
constituent details and approximations, followed by further decomposition of the approximation
into details and an approximation [32].
Figure 2.6, taken from [33], displays a non-stationary signal, labelled Data, and its decom-
position into several IMFs, which enables the extraction of information about the signal’s time
and frequency characteristics. This method is especially useful for non-linear and non-stationary
data since it is self-adapting according to the analysed signal. Nonetheless, EMD possesses a few
downsides, which include a lack of a sound theoretical basis and mode mixing (when an IMF
obtained through the EMD decomposition exhibits components with varying frequencies) [31].
Other methods have been created which try to supplement EMD, Ensemble Empirical Mode De-
composition, Local Mean Decomposition and Empirical Wavelet Transform (in Subsection 2.3.6),
to name a few.
Figure 2.6: Example Signal and its decomposition into other functions through Empirical Mode
Decomposition, from [33]
14 Background
1 x(τ)
Z ∞
H[x(t)] = dτ (2.2)
π −∞ t −τ
It can be used to extract the envelope and instantaneous frequency of a signal, which are
useful for analysing non-stationary and nonlinear signals. The Hilbert transform can also be used
for time-frequency analysis, phase analysis, and amplitude modulation detection [34].
Related Work
This chapter provides a comprehensive review and analysis of existing literature, research, and
studies relevant to the dissertation’s subject matter. The main research topics revolve around what
components are most often analysed, the types of data used in PdM, Machine Learning methods
typically employed in the field, preprocessing techniques, signal processing methods and hardware
components and solutions matching the dissertation’s goal.
Critical components encompass the essential elements within a system or process that are crucial
to its proper functioning, efficiency, reliability, and success. In many cases, the breakdown of a
single critical component can have severe consequences, leading to system failures, downtime, or
even catastrophic events [1].
These components can be identified by analysing the frequency of faults in each compo-
nent relative to the downtime caused by those faults [37]. When dividing components using this
method, four quadrants can be described that display the most relevant information for the iden-
tification of the critical components of a production line. Figure 3.1 was adapted from [37] and
illustrates the existence of these four regions using a case study from a production line that used
wheeled mobile robots which recorded the number of faults of each type of component over one
year and the average downtime each fault caused in the production line. For the case study, the
boundaries for the quadrants were defined at 10 minutes of average downtime and 2000 faults in
one year.
The four quadrants characterise the behaviour of components in the context of failure fre-
quency and downtime, offering an insight into their economic efficiency and sustainability con-
• 1st Quadrant: components that fail often and cause a high amount of downtime. These
represent the most wasteful components, from an economic and sustainability standpoint,
and, therefore, should be avoided at the machine’s design stage.
16 Related Work
Figure 3.1: Number of faults in a production line in 1 year and average downtime caused by such
faults, adapted from [37]
• 2nd Quadrant: components that fail often but require a relatively low amount of time to
be replaced. According to [1], can be maintained using PM without significant production
efficiency losses.
• 3rd Quadrant: components with infrequent failures, resulting in minimal downtime. Their
impact on production efficiency is relatively low, making them suitable for RM strategies.
• 4th Quadrant: components that seldom fail but demand extended downtime when faults
occur. Components that meet these criteria are considered critical components. The rare
faults do not justify replacing these components in the design stage, meaning their impact
has the biggest impact in terms of potential downtime of all parts if third quadrant compo-
nents were avoided at the design stage.
Components that belong to the fourth quadrant tend to be of high mechanical complexity,
such as gearboxes [38] and induction motors [39], but low mechanical complexity critical com-
ponents also exist in machinery, e.g. bearings [40] and gears [41]. Critical components are the
best candidates for PdM at this moment because this type of maintenance strategy is still under
development, and predicting faults in these components brings the biggest benefit to production
lines. This is reflected in articles whose subject matter is condition monitoring, fault detection or
anomaly detection, which tend to focus on monitoring the same kinds of components. [1] reviews
articles regarding machine health and lists the monitored components, and its findings show that
3.2 Data Collection 17
the most frequently monitored components are the ones referring to rotary components and ma-
chining tools and processes, comprising 78% of a total of 93 analysed articles. Gears, bearings,
and shafts represent the most frequently analysed single parts for machine health assessment in the
rotary components group. Bearing faults account for 40% of rotating machinery fault events [31],
which coincides with the literature, as most articles in the dissertation’s area of interest account for
fault detection of bearings. However, it is worth noting that induction motors and gearboxes are
integral components of virtually all industrial machines and hold critical importance. As a result,
they are consistently subjected to condition monitoring and fault detection, as evidenced by [42]
and [43].
which can captured through the use of proximity transducers [44]. Accelerometers have emerged
as the predominant transducer in condition monitoring research. This preference arises from their
ease of installation in comparison to proximity probes, which necessitate closer proximity to the
specific machine part under inspection, such as a rotating shaft. Proximity probes may require
drilling into certain components or other costly operations. In contrast, accelerometers can be
conveniently placed in more accessible locations while still delivering precise and reliable read-
ings. Proximity probes are also susceptible to other outside factors such as dust, dirt and thermal
expansion [40]. This does not mean that accelerometers are immune to noise or impervious to
environmental factors. The accuracy of their readings can be influenced by the mounting method
used, meaning that careful consideration of the installation is crucial to ensure reliable measure-
ments [45].
Researchers exploring novel signal processing or Machine Learning techniques for fault detec-
tion with vibration data benefit from the availability of reliable datasets that have been extensively
employed in the field. Among these datasets, the Case Western Reserve University Dataset [46]
holds a prominent position, to the extent that there are even reviews dedicated to the algorithms
applied to this dataset, such as [47]. This review focuses on how the dataset was produced, while
comparing it to other well-known ones, e.g. the Paderborn University Bearing Dataset [48] and
the PRONOSTIA dataset [49], and reviewing Deep Learning algorithms that employ these.
In [50], a testing platform consisting of a motor, shaft and load is created and three accelerom-
eters are used to record vibration data for detecting unbalance of the shaft. The data is used as
input for a Convolutional Neural Network while testing different preprocessing techniques. The
best classification model obtained 98.6% accuracy in identifying four different degrees of mis-
alignment. [51] relies on thresholds of vibration for classifying faults according to their severity
of a conveyor belt motor, based on a theoretical model built specifically for the motor’s conditions,
including power and rotation speed.
Additional articles that utilise vibration as its source data to either detect or diagnose faults
will be reviewed throughout the rest of this chapter, but the focus of the review will shift to the
techniques used to process the data.
Under typical operating settings, most machines produce consistent sound patterns, which can be
recorded as reference. Changes in the reference pattern indicate wear or other types of component
deterioration [25]. At a low-frequency range (which is often considered up to 400 Hz), unbalance,
misalignment and other mechanical construction shifts can be detected [52]. Other types of failures
can be identified at higher frequencies, such as gearbox faults and bearing faults [53] [54].
Using sound data as a means of condition monitoring has two distinct advantages over vi-
bration analysis: fewer costs associated with sensor installation in preexisting machinery [5] and
the lack of physical interaction with the test subject, which does not affect the system’s vibration
dynamics [55].
3.2 Data Collection 19
According to [56], the most popular datasets used in acoustic condition monitoring up until
its publishing were: ToyADMOS [57] and MIMII [58]. The ToyADMOS dataset comprises three
subsets of equipment audio samples in normal and anomalous operating conditions. The subsets
were meant to replicate different scenarios: product inspection, fault diagnosis for a fixed machine
and fault diagnosis for a moving machine. The recordings were of a toy car, toy conveyor and toy
train, supplemented with controlled environmental noise, to reproduce real scenarios more accu-
rately. The microphones used were the SHURE SM11-CN, whose frequency response is charted
between 50 Hz and 15 kHz 1 . Another iteration of this dataset, ToyADMOS2 [59], has been since
published. It complements the first version by possessing controlled domain shifts and higher
variation (machine models and operating speeds) in the same operating conditions (normal and
anomalous). Domain shifts refers to a change between the training dataset used for an algorithm
and the dataset it encounters during deployment. The article also adds a different microphone
model (TOMOCA EM-700) whose frequency response is charted from 20 Hz to 20 kHz 2 . The
MIMII dataset consists of audio recordings sampled in normal and anomalous working conditions
of four types of machines: valves, pumps, fans and slide rails. Each machine’s anomalous record-
ings included different root causes, e.g. for the pump, a leakage state was recorded separately
from a clogged state. The recordings were made using a TAMAGO-03 (with a frequency response
charted up to 16 kHz 3 ) microphone array, which enables multi-channel-based analysis as well as
the more common single-channel-based analysis.
Most articles which use sound data typically use microphones with a charted frequency re-
sponse charted up to 20 kHz, as is the case with all articles which use the aforementioned datasets,
e.g. [60] [61]. Other implementations that exemplify the previous statement are [62], using the
ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array with SPU0414HR5H-SB microphones (up to 10 kHz), and [63], using the
GRAS 40PH-10 microphone (up to 20 kHz). However, acoustic analysis can go beyond human
hearing and into ultrasonic analysis. Ultrasonic sensors can be used to detect other types of faults,
e.g. leakage from water pipes [64] and railway inspection [65]. Ultrasonic analysis is commonly
referred to as Acoustic Emission analysis, which is further explored in the next Subsection.
Acoustic emission is a phenomenon defined as the propagation of transient stress waves as a result
of localised internal energy, such as a micro-fracture in elastic material [66]. Acoustic emission
waves are not sonic waves but elastic waves in a solid whose frequency range goes beyond the
human audible range (usually up to 20 kHz [67]). Sonic waves higher than the audible range are
defined as ultrasonic waves. Acoustic waves, strictly speaking, are neither ultrasonic nor acoustic
and are commonly detected up to 1 MHz [68].
These emissions can be monitored to detect micro-fractures in many different scenarios, more
commonly applied to structural health monitoring by analysing defects in concrete [69] [70]. It
20 Related Work
is also used to monitor seismic activity in scenarios such as earthquake detection [71]. The most
relevant use cases are those applied to machine health monitoring, such as bearing condition mon-
itoring [72] [73] and rotating machinery monitoring [74], including gearboxes [75].
Thermography refers to the use of a non-invasive imaging technique that utilises infrared technol-
ogy to capture and visualise the temperature patterns of objects and surfaces. By detecting and
measuring the emitted heat radiation, thermography produces thermal images that depict varia-
tions in temperature across a specific area. It has been used in several different research fields,
including medical imaging, vulcanology and chemical process control, but the most relevant use
case scenario for this project is in condition monitoring.
Any surface can release energy as electromagnetic waves through the radiation process, which
is the foundation of this technology. Objects emit electromagnetic radiation in the infrared region
of the electromagnetic spectrum when their temperature exceeds 0 K [76].
In condition monitoring, this technique has been extensively adopted in electrical equipment
inspection, material fatigue evaluation, weld inspection and printed circuit board (PCB) inspec-
tion, among other varied uses [76]. The biggest advantages of using this technology are the fact
that it eliminates the need for direct physical contact between the Thermography sensor and the
examined component and that several different points of a surface and objects can be measured
simultaneously. These features enable checking a large surface area to check for hotspots or other
temperature-related anomalies [77].
Faults in mechanical and electrical components can lead to a temperature increase in the af-
fected component [76], which makes it a feature suitable for condition monitoring and, therefore,
PdM. The most common use of temperature analysis is through Infrared Thermography (IRT) [1],
which utilises the principle that objects emit infrared (IR) when their temperature exceeds absolute
zero and that the wavelength of the light grows as the object’s temperature increases. This can be
used to visualise temperature changes by displaying different temperatures as different colours, as
displayed in Figure 3.2, but it must be noted that in addition to temperature, surface characteristics,
object shape and view angle also affect the amount of radiation that reaches the thermography de-
vice [25]. Since thermography merely relies on detecting radiation produced from the component
under examination, direct contact with the component is not necessary [77], which reduces the
impact the sensor has on the health signals of the examined component. As opposed to manual
inspection, automatic IR-based condition monitoring does not require a human expert to inter-
pret the thermal images [78], meaning models can be made to automatically detect faults or even
predict them.
Oil Analysis is a non-intrusive method that involves periodically sampling and analysing lubricat-
ing oil or hydraulic fluid to detect potential signs of wear, contamination, and degradation within
3.3 Prediction Algorithms 21
the machinery. By examining the oil’s physical and chemical properties, as well as the presence
of metal particles, contaminants, and additives, oil analysis provides valuable insights into the
condition of critical components such as bearings, gears, and hydraulic systems [25]. Anoma-
lies detected through oil analysis can help identify early signs of equipment deterioration, abnor-
mal wear patterns, and potential failures, enabling proactive maintenance interventions to prevent
costly breakdowns and unplanned downtime.
Electric Current Analysis relies on monitoring the electrical current consumption of different ele-
ments of a machine to check if a fault has occurred. It is especially helpful in identifying electrical
faults in components such as motor drivers, windings and contactors. Faulty components produce
high currents and winding overheating, which may lead to irreversible damage, making Electric
Current Analysis a valuable tool for preventing such deterioration [79]. Electric Current Analysis
is a frequently employed technique, especially in the context of electric motors, due to its versa-
tility in monitoring multiple components, particularly through the precise examination of motor
current signals. This specialised approach is exemplified in [80], where the current signal of a
permanent magnet synchronous machine is harnessed to successfully identify three distinct types
of faults within the system.
Prediction algorithms play a crucial role in the field of PdM, where the goal is to anticipate equip-
ment failures and perform maintenance activities proactively, reducing downtime and optimising
resource allocation.
22 Related Work
This project’s ultimate objective is detecting looming faults in the AGV, possibly discerning which
components are about to experience faults. However, due to time constraints, this dissertation only
plans on determining if a fault is about to take place without discriminating if it will affect the
motors or roller bearings or the electrical wiring. In the field of data analysis, this is a problem
known as Anomaly Detection defined as "finding patterns in data that do not conform to expected
behaviour", according to [16]. This definition fits the problem at hand since impending faults can
be predicted from sensor measurements that deviate from the "normal" readings, e.g. the increase
of a roller bearing’s vibration frequency and the temperature increase from a motor driver’s heat
sinks. A noteworthy characteristic feature of Anomaly Detection is that using it enables detecting
faults for components that are not modelled or that do not possess previously researched fault
diagnosis methods. As the case with planetary gearboxes, whose behaviours differ significantly
from fixed axis gearboxes, which invalidates using functioning fault diagnosis methods from the
latter to be used with the former, as noted by [43].
Anomaly Detection can be approached through two primary methodologies: statistical meth-
ods and Machine Learning algorithms. Statistical methods rely on theoretical insights into the
data or utilise simulated models with known behaviour to identify anomalies. In contrast, Machine
Learning (ML) methods do not rely on pre-existing knowledge and can autonomously determine
anomalies within the dataset. Given the absence of a comprehensive model for the AGV based
on theoretical principles and analysis, the utilisation of ML techniques emerges as the most fitting
approach within the context of this dissertation.
It is important to note that Anomaly Detection represents a classification problem since its
primary objective is to determine whether a set of measurements at a particular sample time falls
into one of two categories: anomaly or non-anomaly. Before selecting what ML algorithms to
implement, there is a need to better define the problem at hand, taking into account the lack of
a similar public dataset that encompasses all features of the planned sensor module: vibration,
temperature and sound data. A custom dataset must be created for evaluating the performance of
different algorithms.
ML algorithms for Anomaly Detection can be broadly categorised into three groups, each
of which aligns with the availability of labelled data. These groups, as outlined by [81], are
Supervised Learning, Semi-Supervised Learning, and Unsupervised Learning:
• Supervised Learning involves a dataset in which all classes are explicitly represented. For
instance, in the case of temperature data, a label might indicate that 75.6°C corresponds to
the anomaly class, while 60°C belongs to the non-anomaly class.
• Semi-Supervised Learning, on the other hand, entails a dataset where not all classes are
clearly delineated or represented.
• Unsupervised Learning operates with data that lacks predefined classes, and the algo-
rithm’s task is to autonomously identify patterns and anomalies without explicit labels.
3.3 Prediction Algorithms 23
Considering the project’s ultimate goal of deployment in an industrial setting, noise is a sig-
nificant problem. It cannot be considered white noise since distinctive patterns can emerge from
characteristic machinery parts, such as fans. As previously seen, in the MIMII dataset [58], the
equipment sound recordings were mixed with background noise from multiple factories to sim-
ulate a real environment. In the spectrograms available in the article, it is possible to observe
patterns that do not correspond to either the equipment subject to recording or white noise. The
fact that industrial noise is not Gaussian is rather intuitive as multiple concurrent activities occur
during working hours, e.g. material transportation from and to different stations and changes of
the cycles of production. One way to combat this is to use other types of measurements that are
not affected by background noise to reinforce the built model to better resist noise. An example
of this type of measurement is temperature, considering that a component’s temperature is not
influenced by background acoustic noise in a meaningful way. More sophisticated techniques to
reduce noise will be explored further along.
Statistical methods in this context combine signal processing techniques with theoretical knowl-
edge for fault detection. Such is the case with [82], whose objective is to identify faults in roller
bearings using a Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) microphone contained in a small
battery-powered module. It records sound in 1-second snippets and converts the audio from the
time domain into the frequency domain using the FFT algorithm combined with a windowing
function to limit the range of the FFT.
Z fr d
BPFO = 1 − cosα (3.1)
2 D
In Equation 3.1, BPFO refers to the Ball Pass Frequency of the Outer Raceway of a rolling
element bearing 4 , which describes the resonant frequency of the outer shell of a rolling element
bearing based on its physical characteristics. Z is the number of rolling elements, fr is the inner
rotation frequency, d is the rolling element diameter, D is the pitch diameter and α is the contact
angle. Figure 3.3 displays a schematic drawing of the basic structure of a ball bearing. It is
worth noting that some variables have a different name from Equation 3.1 since the drawing was
taken from a different source. Other resonant frequencies are used, such as the one for the Inner
Raceway and for the Ball Spin Frequency, which have their own equations based on the same
characteristics. [82] calculates these frequencies for the tested bearings and sets a small frequency
window due to possible deviations from the ideal model. The proposed model, as previously
detailed, turns the audio sample into the frequency domain and checks the amplitude of the signal
in the previously calculated frequency windows, and if the amplitude surpasses a certain threshold,
there is a mechanical fault in that specific part of the bearing, such as the outer race. It is important
4A rolling element can be either a sphere or a cylinder
24 Related Work
to note that the algorithm needs calibration to set the minimum threshold since it is highly affected
by background noise.
Supervised Learning for classification tasks is based on the premise that the training data contains
instances of all categories, in this case, normal behaviour and all expected anomalies. Many arti-
cles which focus on fault diagnostics tend to use Supervised Learning Methods due to potentially
producing more accurate predictions provided that enough data for training is available [16].
Decision trees are a widely used and intuitive machine learning algorithm for classification and
regression tasks, presenting a flowchart-like structure where internal nodes represent features and
leaf nodes represent class labels or predicted values. The goal is to create a model that predicts the
target variable by learning simple decision rules from the data. Each tree can be seen as a "piece-
wise constant approximation," partitioning the feature space into regions with unique predictions.
The interpretability of decision trees allows for better understanding and insights into the model’s
decision-making process [23]. Due to the latter feature, it is a popular choice of algorithm for
Anomaly Detection. However, it is prone to overfitting and more efficient algorithms that achieve
better results with a similar structure, e.g. Random Forest has overtaken Decision Trees as a choice
in more recent works [81].
The Random Forest (RF) algorithm combines multiple Decision Trees in order to increase predic-
tive accuracy and reduce overfitting [24]. By aggregating the predictions of individual Decision
Trees, the RF algorithm mitigates the tendency of any single tree to make biased or erroneous
predictions. Additionally, the term "Random" refers to the fact that this algorithm introduces an
3.3 Prediction Algorithms 25
element of randomness during both tree construction and prediction, which enhances the model’s
In [84], the condition of a friction stir welding tool is monitored using vibration signals, where
several Decision Tree-like algorithms are compared, including the RF algorithm. Multiple states
of the tool were recorded, in normal condition, in partially dysfunctional condition and in broken
condition, at two different speeds. When comparing four different ML algorithms, RF obtained
the highest accuracy for classifying the condition of the tool based on the testing data, obtaining a
73.16 % score for the 1400 rpm test and a 93.51 % score for the 1800 rpm.
Boosting algorithms, in general, combine weak learners, as in models slightly better than random,
into stronger learners in an iterative way. In the case of Gradient Boosted Decision Trees, the
weak learners are Decision Trees [85]. Gradient Boosting refers to the way the loss function is
computed, relying on gradient descent optimisation. The most popular Gradient Boosted Decision
Trees frameworks for this variety of ML algorithm are XGBoost [86], LightGBM [87] and Cat-
Boost [88]. These are widely spread across multiple fields of study since they can be used in both
classification and regression tasks. According to [85], LightGBM provides the fastest training
times, while CatBoost had the most accuracy for classification tasks. XGBoost produced the most
balanced results. All tests considered hyperparameter tuning, as the results might have been fairly
compared without adjusting each model for the best results possible.
In [89], a wind turbine is simulated, as well as several fault states, including faults in the rotor,
controller and pitch actuator. A model using XGBoost is created in order to diagnose the simulated
faults after a feature analysis was performed to denote which features were the most relevant to
use as input. The article concludes that the created model was adequate for diagnosing faults in
wind turbines, including offshore ones, in several different working conditions. It was also shown
that the model performed better than Random Forest and an SVM which were also tested.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are a very popular ML model archetype, based on the structure
of biological neural networks. It consists of a network with a large number of simple processors
with many interconnections in parallel. Rather than adhering to rules defined by human experts,
ANNs acquire fundamental principles by learning from a set of symbolic situations provided in
examples given in the training data. Since ANNs are able to learn solely from examples, ideal
for random data, fuzzy data, and nonlinear data, variations of it are widely used in the field of
Condition Monitoring [90], due to some systems’ high complexity and nonlinear behaviour. In
[50], which as been previously reviewed, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used to detect
if a shaft is unbalanced through vibration data. The article compares using raw sensor data through
the CNN and preprocessing the data before using it as input for the CNN. Although the CNN using
preprocessed data performed significantly better than the raw data CNN, the latter still achieved
26 Related Work
an average of 79% accuracy across all tests, which demonstrates that ANNs and their variations
can obtain satisfactory results from crude data. However, it is demonstrated that preprocessing the
data before inputting it into a CNN can lead to substantial improvements in the performance of the
model, given that the accuracy raised to 97.5 %.
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm aims to find an optimal hyperplane that best sep-
arates different classes, maximising the margin between them. SVMs have been successfully
applied to multiple applications ranging from speech recognition, and face detection to fault di-
agnosis. By using a Kernel Trick, SVM can effectively handle non-linearly separable data, which
is the reason for being able to yield suitable results in such a varied span of research fields [24].
The objective in [91] is to diagnose faults in roller bearings, for which an SVM, in conjunction
with Principal Component Analysis (PCA), is used. This method was chosen due to its non-linear
regression abilities since non-linear data was used, vibration signals. When classifying different
faults in the tested bearings, the lowest accuracy obtained was 96.6%.
Semi-supervised Learning offers a promising avenue for Anomaly Detection, particularly in sce-
narios where obtaining a large number of labelled anomalies is challenging. This approach lever-
ages a combination of labelled normal samples and a more extensive set of unlabelled data, en-
abling the chosen model to learn meaningful representations of normal patterns [92]. Unsuper-
vised Learning techniques in the realm of Anomaly Detection possess the broadest applicability
due to the aforementioned fact of the rarity of availability of anomalous data while assuming that
the testing data contains a significantly higher frequency of normal instances compared to anoma-
lies [16].
The Isolation Forest algorithm was specifically developed for Anomaly Detection. It explores a
different approach from those typically used by other techniques to try to solve the Anomaly De-
tection problem: isolating the anomalies explicitly instead of profiling the normal instances [93].
The article that first proposes the algorithm, [93], considers isolation as "separating an instance
from the rest of the instances" and anomalies as "few and different", meaning that anomalies are
prone to isolation. It has successfully been used in the fault detection field, as in [94], where
Isolation Forest was employed to detect faults in an aero-engine. For aeronautical scenarios, it is
difficult to obtain actual fault data, so the model was trained in a Semi-Supervised manner, using
only normal data. For testing purposes, anomalous data was simulated through a State Variable
Model of the engine to mimic most fault states, e.g. faults related to the gas path (an aero-engine
specific part), and through adding noise to the measurements to replicate the impact of vibration.
Four different Anomaly Detection algorithms were used: Angle-based Outlier Detection, Local
3.3 Prediction Algorithms 27
Outlier Factor, One-class Support Vector Machine and Isolation Forest. Out of these, the most
accurate and with the lowest running times was Isolation Forest.
One-Class SVMs differ from SVMs as their objective is to build a boundary between normal
and anomalous data. The fundamental approach involves assessing each test instance to ascertain
whether it falls within the learned region. If a test instance is found to lie within the learned region,
it is classified as normal; otherwise, it is classified as anomalous [16]. This makes its primary use
Anomaly or Outlier Detection. Figure 3.4 shows a One-Class SVM in a two-dimensional space,
where the red line represents the boundary between normal and anomalous data points.
In [95], a One-Class SVM is built using 300 samples of a simulated system, which takes into
account noise, instrument failure, formatting errors and non-representative samples, i.e. misread-
ings. The results of the implementation show that the One-class SVM was robust to outliers but
still sensitive enough to determine if a test instance was anomalous or normal, demonstrating that
this algorithm is adequate for Fault Detection.
The Local Outlier Factor is an unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm that assesses the ab-
normality of data points within their local neighbourhood. It calculates the degree of isolation of
each data point by comparing its density to that of its neighbouring points. If a data point has a
significantly lower density compared to its neighbours, it is considered an outlier. It is widely used
in Anomaly Detection and as a comparison metric in articles comparing their proposed method
to more traditional methods, such as the Local Outlier Factor. It is based on a concept of a local
density, where locality is given by x nearest neighbours, whose distance is used to estimate the
density [16].
28 Related Work
The Local Outlier Factor (LOF) is frequently employed as a benchmark when evaluating new
algorithms. For instance, in [94], it falls into a category of traditional methods for anomaly detec-
tion, particularly within the realm of fault detection in engines. Autoencoders
Autoencoders are a type of neural network intended for feature extraction and data compression
and are trained to attempt to copy their input to its output. The algorithm reconstructs its input data
by learning a compressed representation of the input in a lower-dimensional space [92]. Figure 3.5
shows the basic structure of an Autoencoder: the input layer followed by encoding layers to reduce
the dimensionality of the input, the layer containing the least amount of information that the model
needs to classify the input, and decoding layers leading to the output which will try to replicate the
input. During training, the Autoencoder is exposed only to normal data, and it learns to capture
the essential patterns and features of the normal samples. Anomalies, being dissimilar to the
learned normal patterns, result in higher reconstruction errors. This makes Autoencoders sensitive
to anomalies and can effectively distinguish them from normal data. By setting a threshold on
the reconstruction error, data points with higher errors are flagged as anomalies. In [96], a hybrid
model is created that deploys an Autoencoder in conjunction with the STFT to diagnose faults
in rotating machinery, namely a hydro generator rotor, using vibration signals, for which only
normal functioning data was provided. The proposed method outperformed two other models
used for comparison, a modified Autoencoder that uses Softmax Regression and a CNN, in terms
of accuracy. In addition, the models were compared when trained using 20 up to 2000 labelled
samples, with the hybrid method beating the other models at every stage.
3.4 Preprocessing
As with all statistical models, noise, missing values, and other types of disturbances affect the
intended prediction. Certain techniques are employed to reduce the influence these characteristics
3.4 Preprocessing 29
have on the expected results. The set of procedures to make the available data better suited for
the intended use is called Data Preprocessing. Considering the given definition for the problem
in Subsection 3.3.1, Anomaly Detection is the chosen approach to reach this project’s objective.
However, this technique bears an inherent uncertainty: the difference between anomalies and out-
liers [16]. Some articles do not bother to set these apart [16], but these tend to refer to the field
of cybersecurity, where network packets that deviate from the norm might represent suspicious
activity. In this context, separating anomalous behaviour and outliers is essential since the data
under scrutiny is obtained from sensors that occasionally fail or provide a misreading, so a method
to discern these cases is needed to identify actual anomalous behaviour. In the following Sub-
sections, several data preprocessing techniques will be discussed, including noise reduction and
outlier removal.
One aspect of preprocessing that will not be analysed is missing value imputation since one
of the goals of this dissertation lies in building a testbed, meaning the datasets will be created
specifically for this project and not sourced from other sources. This way, missing values can be
data to the frequency spectrum using the FFT; removing the median component from each Fourier
coefficient and dividing the remaining values by the interquartile values. By analysing the avail-
able code 5 , it is possible to verify that the former operations are executed using the Scikit-Learn
method sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScaler 6 . In [99], the goal is to diagnose faults in a gearbox
using the motor’s (the one attached to the gearbox) current values and a CNN. It is important to
note that these values are for Alternate Current, which share the oscillatory properties of vibration
signals. Before using the current values, a second-order Butterworth low-pass filter with a cut-off
frequency of 500 Hz is used to remove noise from the signal. However, this filter is only applied
after removing outliers which are defined as more than three times the Scaled Median Absolute
Deviations (MADS ) characterised in Equation 3.2, where A is the input data and C is defined in
Equation 3.3.
C= √ (3.3)
2 · er f cinv( 32 )
In Equation 3.3, the term er f cinv is the inverse of the Gauss error function, er f , which is
described in Equation 3.4.
Z x
2 2
er f (x) = e−t dt (3.4)
π 0
Other types of data used in PdM, such as temperature and direct current, are not waves, and
their measurement readings do not oscillate significantly between samples taken milliseconds apart
as in the case of sound measurements. This means that more standard outlier removal techniques
can be applied to these data types. Assuming the sensor readings follow a Gaussian Distribution, as
they are not subject to as many noise sources as their vibration counterparts, parametric techniques
can be used [16]. One of the simplest is to declare that all measurements that are more than 3σ
(standard deviations) away from the distribution mean µ are outliers since the µ ± 3σ region
contains 99.7% of the data instances. More sophisticated algorithms are used, such as the Local
Outlier Factor [16], which has been reviewed in Subsection 3.3.4.
performance of fault-detecting or diagnosing algorithms. The following Section will focus on the
application of Signal Processing methods and their diverse use cases in augmenting performance.
As seen in the previous chapter, the DFT is widely used in the current technology landscape,
and the field of condition monitoring is no exception. Frequency analysis is essential to several
different model-based and data-driven fault detection approaches, whether in terms of vibration,
acoustic emission or sound analysis, since these physical quantities are generally harder to analyse
using time-series data [29].
Frequency analysis is at the basis of most articles about condition monitoring that use vibration and
sound as measurements. [100] uses the FFT algorithm to create a model to monitor ceramic ball
bearings in a starved lubrication state based on simple thresholds. Empirical Mode Decomposition
(EMD) is also extensively used in Model-Based methods, such as the case with [101] where EMD
is used in fault detection for roller bearings. In [102], EMD is adopted to de-noise vibration
measurements before using them to train a Probabilistic Neural Network. [31] implements the use
of the Empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT) to build the frequency spectrum of bearing vibration
data and uses a threshold to diagnose the nature of the fault of the affected bearing.
[54] uses the common FFT algorithm in order to calculate the Power Density Spectrum, the Root
Mean Square Frequency and the Frequency Center to analyse vibration and sound data to detect
faults in a worm gearbox using an ANN. In [103], vibration measurements are put into the fre-
quency realm using FFT and fed into a predictive maintenance model with a Convolutional Neural
Network to diagnose faults in rotating machinery.
The STFT is often used in combination with machine learning algorithms to create models capable
of distinguishing anomalous from behaviour. These models learn the typical time-frequency pat-
terns of the signal during normal operating conditions and can then identify deviations or unusual
patterns that may indicate a potential fault or anomaly in the system. In [5], the STFT is used to
convert audio data from the MIMII dataset to the frequency spectrum in intervals of 0.1 seconds
before using the output of the STFT as the input of an Autoencoder.
In [96], the STFT is used as a 2D input for an Autoencoder whose function is to diagnose
faults in roller bearing through vibration data, more specifically using the Case Western Univer-
sity Bearing Dataset [46]. The STFT was favoured over the Wavelet Transform because it demands
less prior knowledge compared to the manual selection of a wavelet that best matches the signal’s
32 Related Work
features, which is required by the Wavelet Transform. The article considers the STFT as a prepro-
cessing step since its output is normalised and only after the latter step is the data fed into the ML
In Section 2.3, state-of-the-art time-frequency analysis methods have been explored, apart from
the STFT. This Subsection is dedicated to briefing the use of these techniques in the field of fault
detection. [104] mentions the following methods as being extensively used in the research field of
interest, more specifically using vibration data:
• Hilbert-Huang Transform
In [105], the EMD decomposes a vibration signal captured from a machine used in a mining
facility into IMFs and faults are detected from the subsequent spectrum analysis created from the
IMFs. [106] simulates vibration signals from defective roller bearings and decomposes the signals
using the EWT, which allowed for detecting early faults through kurtosis parameters and envelope
spectrum of the signals. In [107], a method is developed to improve the performance of the HHT
when diagnosing faults in simulated vibration data from rotating machinery.
The application layer, according to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, is the clos-
est layer to the end user. It serves as the interface between the user applications and the underlying
network infrastructure. For this project, as previously stated, technologies and protocols used for
IoT devices fit the necessary characteristics. Concerning application layer protocols for IoT, the
most popular ones are Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), Hypertext Transfer Pro-
tocol (HTTP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) [110].
While several other protocols exist, these were the reviewed ones due to their much higher imple-
mentation abundance, which simplifies the research process, as this is not one of the main points of
the dissertation. MQTT is the lesser-known protocol, so a small explanation proceeds: it operates
on a publish-subscribe messaging paradigm, facilitating efficient communication between devices
in the IoT and other distributed systems. The protocol involves two key entities: the MQTT broker
and the MQTT clients. The broker acts as an intermediary, receiving messages published by the
clients and distributing them to subscribed clients based on predefined topics. MQTT clients can
either publish data to specific topics or subscribe to topics of interest. When a client publishes a
message to a topic, the broker receives it and forwards it to all subscribed clients interested in that
topic. This lightweight and efficient approach minimises network overhead and conserves power,
making MQTT ideal for IoT applications with limited resources and intermittent connectivity 7 .
All of the methods for detecting and diagnosing faults in machinery previously introduced require
a platform to validate them. While a significant portion of the articles in the literature rely on data
gathered from external sources, such as public datasets (e.g., [46]), some researchers construct
their own customised testbeds tailored to the specific requirements of their proposed methods.
The majority of articles that employ their own testbeds have very similar characteristics, with the
main difference being what component is being monitored, mostly consisting of either bearings or
gearboxes. [49] encapsulates the trends of bearing testing equipment and procedures, as PRONOS-
TIA was developed as a platform for testing PdM algorithms for the IEEE PHM 2012 Prognostic
Challenge for the 2012 Prognostics and Health Management Conference 8 . The testbed, displayed
in Figure 3.6 contains an AC motor, a gearbox, a bearing, accelerometers, a temperature sensor, a
data acquisition card as well other components to couple the mechanical elements.
34 Related Work
In the PRONOSTIA, the AC motor has a power of 250 W and a rated speed of 2830 rpm. The
gearbox converts the rated speed into less than 2000 rpm while maintaining the rated torque. The
setup allows the radial force exerted on the bearing to reach its dynamic load limit of 4000 N. The
rotational speed is sampled at 100 Hz, the bearing’s vibration at 25.6 kHz and the bearing’s external
ring temperature at 10 Hz. Two one-axis accelerometers are used and placed over the bearing’s
outer race, one on the horizontal axis and the other on the vertical axis. The accelerometers’ model
is not specified in the article, but it can be concluded that its bandwidth reaches 12.8 kHz due to the
Nyquist Sampling Theorem. For the temperature measurements, an RTD (Resistance Temperature
Detector) is used, yet it is also unknown the exact model.
The PRONOSTIA testbed and subsequent dataset is one of the most popular in the literature,
however, some articles either custom testbeds are used or opt for a commercial solution. The most
prevalent commercial solution is made by SpectraQuest [115]. Multiple models are available; the
basic one, named Machinery Fault Simulator, is displayed in Figure 3.7.
The basic simulator includes a 750 W motor and all parts associated with its control, a re-
configurable shaft mount for different sizes and positions, and vibration isolation mounts, among
other features to test different elements, such as roller bearings and gearboxes. This simulator
has been successfully utilised in several articles, among them [31], [99] and [36], and is most
commonly employed for testing heavy machinery components.
3.8 Summary
This chapter delved into the core concepts employed in the relevant literature. The exploration
encompassed a wide spectrum, ranging from identifying the most suitable components for PdM to
exploring the latest advancements in ML algorithms within the domains of Condition Monitoring
and Anomaly Detection. The realm of preprocessing techniques was also examined, which play
3.8 Summary 35
This chapter focuses on detailing the approach and techniques employed to implement the pro-
posed objective. As in the previous Chapter 3, a careful review of which sensors fit the proposed
objective while keeping in mind the cost and measurement fidelity. Furthermore, this chapter
delves into the communication protocols established for data exchange between the microcon-
troller and the sensors, as well as between the microcontroller and the database. It offers an
overview of the software designed to run on the microcontroller and for the analysis of the cap-
tured data. Lastly, it outlines the preprocessing steps applied to the collected data and introduces
the models employed.
Vibration can be expressed in three parameters: translational displacement, velocity, and acceler-
ation [44]. Translational acceleration provides information on the rate of change in translational
velocity, which describes the speed of displacement. Displacements are larger at lower frequen-
cies and considering that the vibration frequency intervals that better indicate deterioration in the
most common machinery fault cause, bearings, are above 150 Hz [116], measuring acceleration is
the best method to measure a body’s vibration [117].
In order to measure acceleration, displacement transducers or accelerometers can be used.
Displacement transducers, such as proximity probes, measure the distance a body has moved in
a straight line in relation to the transducer which means that the sensor must be placed in a static
position in relation to the ground [44]. This is not possible in the context of the project’s objective
making accelerometers the only viable option. Accelerometers typically comprise of a suspended
mass attached to a spring and damper mechanism housed inside a casing. The accelerometer is
38 Methodology
firmly affixed to the object experiencing acceleration and its readings rely on Fa = M ẍ, being Fa
the force on the body caused by the acceleration, ẍ, on the mass, M [117].
The most common accelerometers for vibration measurement in the project context are piezo-
electric and MEMS accelerometers [118]. Piezoelectric accelerometers use the piezoelectric effect
to output a voltage proportional to the acceleration, thus providing a way to measure it [44]. This
category of accelerometer typically provides a measurement resolution of 0.1% of full-scale, with
an accuracy of approximately ±1%. These devices are available in a range of configurations to
accommodate a broad spectrum of measurements and frequencies, spanning from 0.03g full-scale
up to 1000g full-scale and from 1 Hz up to 30 kHz, with some reaching up to 90 kHz [118]. Mi-
croelectromechanical systems (MEMS) accelerometers are comprised of a micro-machined proof
mass that is suspended between two parallel plates from which acceleration is obtained [119].
This type of accelerometer is becoming more popular in the field of condition monitoring as this
technology had relatively high internal noise [118], but low-noise MEMS accelerometers are be-
coming available. The frequency response of these accelerometers are usually much narrower than
those of piezoelectric accelerometers, but those of comparable characteristics are much lower in
Taking into consideration the previous statements, the vibration transducers selected were
MEMS accelerometers, namely the ADXL355 [120], using the EVAL-ADXL355Z evaluation board
in Figure 4.1, and the MMA8451 [121], using the Adafruit breakout board in Figure 4.2. Table 4.1
compares the chosen sensors using the most relevant parameters, particularly sensitivity, noise
density and bandwidth.
The Sensivity parameter in Table 4.1 has different scales for each accelerometer since it was di-
rectly transcribed from their respective datasheets. By further analysing the datasheets, the scales
express the same unit of measurement, the number of digits used to divide each g (referring to
the force per unit mass due to gravity at the Earth’s surface, 9.80665 ms−2 ). With this informa-
tion, it is possible to state that the ADXL355 is several times more sensitive than the MMA8451.
Concerning the other parameters in the Table, the ADXL355 has lower noise density and higher
bandwidth. These distinctions are justifiable, given the price differential between the two devices.
The MMA8451 was selected due to the objective of creating a cost-effective sensor module and
would serve as a comparison to an accelerometer with more adequate mechanical characteristics,
such as the ADXL355. For simpler use of the accelerometers, breakout boards were chosen since
they remove the need to solder Surface Mount Technology components and the need to build the
interaction circuits. However, another advantage that is often overlooked is the fact that the evalu-
ation boards are built with the mechanical structural integrity required for accurate accelerometer
readings per the manufacturer’s specifications, while a custom solution would have to follow the
compulsory guidelines which would delay transducer deployment.
4.1.2 Microphones
As seen in Chapter 3, sound analysis is a well-explored method to monitor the condition of me-
chanical parts that are included in the critical components group. The microphones that are usually
chosen appear to be ones that are readily available without much thought given to how the sonic
transducer’s physical characteristics might affect the measurements and, consequently, the chosen
algorithm’s results. Nonetheless, it is important to note that this strategy has produced effective
results, as remarked previously in the cited articles, which means there is little incentive to switch
approaches. As the ultimate goal of this project is the deployment of the prototype in an environ-
ment with very high levels of noise (an industrial setting), more thought was put into choosing the
right microphones for the situation.
The most adequate microphone types for this prototype are of the Electret and MEMS varieties
due to their relatively small dimensions when compared to other technologies, since Electret mi-
40 Methodology
crophones do not exceed 8 mm in diameter and 4 mm in length and MEMS microphones do not
have any size measurement over 4 mm. Although Electret microphones are the most popular
choice, MEMS microphones are the better option for the use case scenario, due to their compact-
ness, ruggedness, and resistance to environmental factors and lower power consumption. MEMS
microphones also posses better noise performance and a higher signal to noise ratio (SNR) in re-
lation to Electret ones [124]. Additionally, it is noteworthy that MEMS microphones can be used
as ultrasonic transducers, as some models present its frequency response over the human hear-
ing range of 20 kHz. [125] used MEMS microphones to build an ultrasonic microphone array to
inspect concrete for faults using ultrasonic wavefield imaging.
With hundreds to thousands of MEMS microphone models to choose from, guidelines need to be
established in order to select the one with the most appropriate features for the use case scenario.
Two considerations other than environmental resistance have already been determined: noise per-
formance and SNR. One way to create guidelines is to check the specifications of the microphones
used in the already reviewed literature. As many of the previously cited articles use the same three
datasets, MIMII [58], ToyADMOS [57] and ToyADMOS2 [59], Table 4.2 compares features from
each microphone used. The model used in [63] was added to the table since a specialised measure-
ment microphone was chosen while the other articles used general-purpose microphones for video
recording usage. The MIMII dataset uses the TAMAGO-03 microphone array but the datasheet
was not available, so all values are missing from Table 4.2. However, it is possible to infer that the
frequency range is probably up to 20 kHz since the product page 2 lists the product as a device to
aid video calls.
A quick examination of Table 4.2 reveals that most information is not available to the con-
sumer, including SNR and noise performance. These two parameters tend to be only displayed
in the datasheet for the sound transducer itself, for which consumer microphones do not list, so it
is not possible to know these unless directly contacting the manufacturer. This is the justification
for the prior statement relating to the lack of criteria for selecting microphones, given that certain
characteristics that greatly affect measurements are not available and those microphones are still
used. The Shure SM-11 and the GRAS 40PH are the ones with the most available information, so
a deeper analysis can be performed.
Regarding sensitivity, the GRAS 40PH has much higher sensitivity, since the higher the output
voltage for the same pressure, the higher the sensitivity and the GRAS has an output voltage over
150 times higher than the SM-11. Microphone output impedance affects the amount of noise and
signal quality that the microphone’s output endures and the lower the output impedance, the lower
the noise and higher the signal quality. Frequency response details how the output varies across
the frequency spectrum. The relative superiority of the GRAS 40PH over the SM-11 is to be
expected, because the first one was developed to be a measurement microphone, meaning its goal
4.1 Prototype Design 41
is to capture sound in the most accurate way, while the SM-11’s objective is to capture the human
voice in the clearest way, minimising unwanted environmental noise.
The final overview for the selection criteria is that these should include the frequency response,
sensitivity, frequency range and SNR, if available. These features describe how the microphone’s
characteristics influence readings and the considerations that should be taken in order to retrieve
measurements with the highest amount of fidelity.
One of the objectives of this dissertation is to make use of cost-effective sensors in the final so-
lution. With this goal in consideration, the SPH0645LM4H digital microphone [127] (using a
breakout board from Adafruit 4 ) was selected. Even though certain criteria were delineated in
SubSubSection, the selection of this microphone was predominantly driven by its cost of
6,46 C [128], at the time of writing. Another significant factor contributing to this decision was the
absence of established criteria in the literature for selecting a suitable microphone while consis-
tently achieving accuracies surpassing 90% in the final models. This gap in guidance prompted the
exploration of potentially employing a microphone originally designed for smartphone integration
in the context of detecting anomalies within mechanical systems.
3 (mV/Pa @ 1 kHz)
42 Methodology
The SPH0645LM4H uses the Inter-IC Sound (I2S) communication protocol. Figure 4.5 dis-
plays the microphone’s frequency response plotted up to 10 kHz. The labels on the graph refer
to the frequency of the microphone’s internal clock, which is set by the BCLCK frequency of the
I2S protocol that the controller device provides, according to the datasheet [127]. The standard
frequency is 3.072 MHz, meaning the frequency response is characterised by the light blue line,
according to the label. Table 4.3 exhibits the other main characteristics of the microphone.
Microphone SPH0645LM4H
Sensitivity (dBFS @ 1 kHz) - 25
Bandwidth (Hz) 50 - 15 000
SNR (94 dB SPL @ 1 kHz) (dB(A)) 65
As previously mentioned, especially in Subsection 3.2.3, some articles have found better re-
sults regarding anomaly detection when analysing vibration frequency at higher frequency ranges,
which is the basis for Acoustic Emission. However, all of the cited articles that use sound anal-
ysis, tend to adhere to utilising consumer microphones, made for recording human perceptible
sounds, up to 20 kHz. This might be due to the relatively higher prices of ultrasonic microphones
4.1 Prototype Design 43
and limited available selection. Moreover, the name "ultrasonic microphone" is hardly used, with
the term "ultrasonic transducer" being much more popular. Furthermore, "ultrasonic transducer"
is usually associated with devices for measuring distance between the sensor and the object, e.g.
the ever-popular HC-SR04 5 . These sensors could be used for detecting ultrasonic waves created
by faulty parts, but their frequency response is only typically charted between a small interval of
frequencies, as with the CUSA-R75 whose frequency response is plotted between 37 and 43 kHz.
This fact is detrimental to the experiment since the exact frequency of the faulty part sound signal
is not known and a relatively small interval of captured signal might not acquire the sought-after
signal. It has also
At the time of writing, MEMS technologies have enabled cheaper microphones to be mass-
produced, with very few of the models having a charted frequency response above 20 kHz. How-
ever, these do exist and are available at a low enough price to be included in the project’s objec-
tives, which include using low-cost sensors. The selected ultrasonic MEMS microphone was the
SPU0410LR5H-QB [129]. Figure 4.6 shows the selected microphone in a breakout board since
MEMS components are very small when compared to "regular" components. The SPU0410LR5H-
QB’s length is 3.76 mm, which makes it very difficult to solder and a breakout board is needed for
easier prototyping. Another important feature to note is that the SPU0410LR5H-QB’s output is
an analog voltage, with a maximum peak-to-peak voltage of, so an amplifier circuit is needed to
fully utilise the Analog-to-Digital Converter’s (ADC) resolution capabilities.
Table 4.4 lists the main characteristics of the ultrasonic microphone. These were not exten-
sively selected due to the very low amount of MEMS ultrasonic microphone models available. In
Figure 4.7, the frequency response is plotted, from 10 to 80 kHz and a cursory look at the chart
reveals that at these frequencies, the output is not linear throughout the interval and this fact must
be taken into account when amplifying the analog output voltage and when processing the data.
44 Methodology
Microphone SPU0410LR5H-QB
Sensitivity (mV/Pa @ 1 kHz) 12.6
Output Impedance (Ω) 400
Frequency range (Hz) 100 - 80 000
SNR (94 dB SPL @ 1 kHz) (dB(A)) 63
Price 6 14.76 C [130]
Analog signal amplification is a crucial process in the context of MEMS microphones, which are
highly sensitive transducers used to convert sound waves into electrical signals. Due to the small
size of MEMS microphones, the generated electrical signals are typically very weak. To ensure
accurate and reliable signal detection, the analog signals from the microphone need to be amplified
before further processing.
The SPU0410LR5H-QB microphone outputs an analog voltage, so two different steps are re-
quired before having audio data capable of being analysed by an anomaly detection algorithm:
amplifying the output and sound digitisation. In this Subsection, the first step’s proposal is delin-
The first step in designing an amplifier circuit is to check the requirements. Further ahead will
be made clear the choice of ADC, which has a voltage range between 0 and 3.3 volts. The output
of a microphone is a symmetrical sinusoidal signal centred around 0 V, meaning the output must
be given an offset of half the maximum input value of the ADC in order to take advantage of the
full scale of the ADC. The next step is to check the microphone’s characteristics, available in its
datasheet [129]. The DC output with a supply voltage of 1.5 V is typically 0.73 V. The output
6 At the time of writing
4.1 Prototype Design 45
sensitivity at a sound pressure level of 94 dB at 1 kHz has a maximum of -35 dBV/Pa which is
equivalent to 17 mV/Pa. Since the selected microcontroller ADC’s maximum input is 3.3 V and
considering the 1.65 V offset, the gain the amplifier needs to provide is 97. It is necessary to
point out that the output is not constant, as remarked by the frequency response graph, present
in Figure 4.7, but the gain must take into account the maximum output so as not to oversaturate
the audio, which causes loss of information, also known as clipping. Amplifier circuits for MEMS
microphones are not generally not publicly accessible, but in [131], an open-source acoustic device
for monitoring biodiversity is detailed, including schematics for an amplifier circuit. One of the
objectives of the device is to detect ultrasonic sounds produced by bats, so it uses a previous
iteration of the model of the microphone chosen for this dissertation, the SPM0408LE5H-TB.
The final amplifier circuit design for this project is presented in Figure 4.8 and follows the
same configuration of two inverting operational amplifier circuits, using the OPA350 [132], as the
aforementioned one present in [131]. The OPA350 was selected due to its noise of 5 nV/ Hz.
Although the use of a single operational amplifier appears to be intuitive, it was observed that
that configuration would introduce an amount of electrical noise in the circuit’s output that would
completely obscure the sound signal’s voltage.
A further inspection of the frequency response chart in Figure 4.7 reveals that the sensitivity is
very uneven over the charted frequency values, and a peak exists around 25 kHz. Since the goal of
using this specific microphone is to capture ultrasonic waves, a passive band-pass filter was made
to ensure the readings are not overly influenced by signals in the 10 to 40 kHz range. The region
of interest and of lower variation is between 45 and 80 kHz, which was the band chosen for the
signal to pass through. A passive band-pass filter can be made using a passive low-pass filter and
a passive high-pass filter directly connected to each other. The filter’s resistance and capacitance
were calculated using Equation 4.1, where fc represents cut-off frequency. This calculation was
performed twice: once for the low-pass component and once for the high-pass component of
the filter. The filter is connected to the output of the microphone, as seen in Figure 4.8, and its
components are identified by either bp_h (band-pass high) or by bp_l (band-pass low).
fc = (4.1)
Table 4.5 contains all the values of the passive components used in the amplifier circuit in
Figure 4.8. The SPU0410LR5H-QB’s datasheet mentions that capacitors placed close to the mi-
crophone should not contain Class 2 dielectrics, which are a type of dielectric used in certain
ceramic capacitors. This recommendation is due to the Piezoelectric Effect in this type of capac-
itor, as current passes through the capacitors, these expand and contract, which causes vibration
and affects the signal captured by the microphone [133]. The designed circuit will be built on
a breadboard, so this recommendation was ignored since the placing of the components is much
more unstable and susceptible to other sources of vibration than the Piezoelectric Effect affecting
the capacitors.
46 Methodology
Certain applications necessitate the use of non-contact temperature sensors for measuring com-
ponent temperatures. One such scenario arises when assessing the inner raceway of a bearing.
Utilising a contact sensor in this context can disrupt the system’s dynamics, leading to undesirable
inaccuracies that fail to represent the system’s true performance accurately. IR thermometers are
used as non-contact sensors since they possess the ability to detect the IR radiation from objects,
taking into account the object’s emissivity, as seen in Subsection 3.2.4.
4.1 Prototype Design 47
Keeping in line with one of the goals of this dissertation, an IR thermometer was chosen,
the MLX90614 [134], displayed in Figure 4.9. Table 4.6 presents the key specifications of the
thermometer. The "Sensor Temperature Range" specifies the ambient temperature range within
which the sensor is guaranteed by the manufacturer to operate within its stated specifications. The
chosen breakout board is sourced from seeed studio7 , selected primarily for its ready availability
and lower cost.
Table 4.6: MLX90614 Specifications [134]
4.1.4 Microcontroller
According to the chosen sensors, the prototype’s microcontroller needs to fulfil certain require-
ments, namely:
The selected microcontroller is the Teensy 4.1 9 , displayed in Figure 4.10 from PJRC. It has an
ARM Cortex-M7 CPU [136] with a maximum clock speed of 600 MHz, 2.14 DMIPS/MHz and
8 At the time of writing
48 Methodology
includes a Digital Signal Processing hardware accelerator. It also possesses three units capable
of communicating over I2C and two others capable over SPI, although either protocol is able to
communicate using only one bus for multiple devices [137]. The last feature worthy to point out
is the fact that the Arduino framework 10 is available, which greatly simplifies the programming
of the microcontroller as the Arduino libraries are available.
Some of the chosen sensors, such as the MLX90614, operate at 5 V, whereas the Teensy 4.1
microcontroller is designed to interface with 3.3 V compatible devices. Attempting to directly
connect these sensors to the Teensy without proper voltage level translation may result in potential
issues such as voltage mismatch and could lead to malfunction or damage to both the sensors and
the microcontroller.
Given that the digital communication protocols for the mentioned sensors are all based on
I2C, this must be taken into account for choosing a method for converting the 5 V signals into
3.3 V and vice-versa. While alternative methods may come to mind, utilising a dedicated logic
level converter is the less complex and more practical solution. These devices are specifically
designed to ensure reliable voltage translation, minimising the risk of communication errors or
4.1 Prototype Design 49
damage to the components. The SparkFun Bi-directional Logic Level Converter [138], in Figure
4.11 provides these advantages while also being priced at 2,74C.
One of the primary goals of this dissertation is to establish a wireless sensor module capable
of connecting to a database for storing its readings. The chosen physical layer protocol for this
purpose is WiFi, owing to its suitable range and data transfer rate, which align well with the
project’s environmental conditions and use case requirements. The selected microcontroller, the
Teensy 4.1, does not have WiFi capabilities, so a separate microcontroller is needed in order to
transmit data wirelessly. One of the most popular WiFi chipsets available is the ESP8266 [140],
and the selected microcontroller which contains the chipset was the ESP-12E [141] (in Figure
4.13) due to its immediate availability. At the time of writing, newer and more capable models
have been launched, e.g. the ESP32-C6 [142], but the ESP-12E is supported by the Arduino
Framework, which simplifies programming and enables access to the existing libraries made for
that framework. It is also noteworthy the amount of documentation which is available for this
microcontroller, which simplifies troubleshooting and implementation of programs.
The ESP-12E is a microcontroller, however, it is not suitable for the project’s requirements,
since it lacks processing power, enough SPI and I2C connections, ADC speed and accuracy and
digital ports for all the selected sensors. So, the best possible combination of hardware for the
project’s needs is to merge both microcontrollers, using the Teensy 4.1’s processing and I/O char-
acteristics and the ESP-12E WiFi connectivity. A way to communicate between the Teensy 4.1
and the ESP-12E is needed, for which three possible approaches exist: UART, I2C or SPI, as both
4.1 Prototype Design 51
microcontrollers share these communication methods. Table 4.7 compares the most relevant char-
acteristics in relation to each other, namely, speed, ease of use and the number of wires needed
between the microcontroller boards.
After analysing Table 4.7, the most suitable protocol is either UART, due to its ease of im-
plementation and minimal connection usage, or SPI, which offers relatively higher data transfer
speeds. In this context, UART has been selected as the preferred protocol, considering that this
project primarily serves as a proof of concept and does not demand the utmost performance. Thus,
opting for simpler implementation over faster communication is a valid and pragmatic decision.
Figures 4.15 and 4.16 display the hardware connections in order to program the ESP-12E
and to connect to the Teensy 4.1, respectively. It is important to point out that although these
connection schemes function for interacting with the ESP-12E, the connection is unstable and
requires extra capacitors to negate instability in the power supply.
52 Methodology
The Teensy 4.1 is equipped with eight serial ports, and to transmit data to the ESP-12E through
one of these ports, the function Serial1.print is employed. To verify the successful transmission
of data, the ESP-12E can utilise the function. For error checking and to ensure all
4.2 Database 53
information has been sent and correctly received, an application layer must be created, which has
not been accomplished, but small tests allowed for verifying that this method is valid.
4.1.10 Overview
Figure 4.17 contains a simplified diagram with the selected sensors and the connection method
from the microcontroller to the sensors. The sample rate of the sensors is also displayed as it is
the feature with the most impact on the program’s structure due to the time restrictions it imposes.
4.2 Database
As with any sensor system, a countless amount of data is generated, especially considering the
accelerometers and ultrasonic microphones for which data must be captured at least 160 thousand
times each second, a way to store these measurements must be thoroughly considered. The Teensy
4.1 has support for a micro SD card 15 for which storage at the time of writing can reach up to
1.5 TB 16 , but this would not be a practical solution, since it would require an operator to retrieve
the data from the SD card manually. The most practical solution for dealing with data storage
management is to employ a database, analogous to how IoT devices store data. Using a database
would also enable interconnectivity between similar sensor modules or other hardware to run the
developed statistical and ML algorithms.
Time-series databases are a specialised category of databases designed specifically for effi-
ciently storing, managing, and analysing time-stamped data. Time series data, commonly gen-
erated by IoT devices, sensors, or monitoring systems, consists of measurements or events that
occur over time. Unlike traditional relational databases such as PostgreSQL, which can handle
54 Methodology
time-series data to some extent, time-series databases are optimized for storing time-stamped data
that of high-frequency ingestion.
The most popular time-series databases, at the time of writing, are: InfluxDB, Prometheus and
DolphinDB [144]. The chosen one was, ultimately, InfluxDB due to being the most popular one,
meaning it is the one with the most documentation and readily available examples. The cloud-
based servers can be used for free, which alleviates the amount of data storage needed for the
present iteration of this project’s prototype. Several different web client APIs are also available,
including one for the Arduino Framework which uses either the ESP32 or ESP8266 WiFi chipsets
which can be used since the ESP8266 was the chosen WiFi connection hardware method chosen
for the prototype.
While MQTT is a widely used and efficient protocol for communication between multiple de-
vices in an IoT (Internet of Things) system, it may not be the best fit for a project that involves
only one device. MQTT is designed to facilitate communication between multiple devices, en-
abling efficient data exchange and real-time updates in a network of interconnected nodes. In a
scenario where there is only one device, using MQTT may introduce unnecessary complexity and
overhead. Alternative communication protocols, such as HTTP or simple serial communication,
may be more straightforward and suitable for a single-device project. InfluxDB has an Arduino
Client API for ESP32 and ESP8266 which allows for a simpler implementation route.
The previous steps only refer to the prototype’s physical integrity and reliability, nonetheless,
using a testbed also brings another obvious advantage: being able to test the anomaly detection
algorithm with a controlled measurement noise level. Noise in this context refers to spurious
vibrations and sounds that, in an industrial setting, might be caused by several different sources.
These are not limited to environmental causes, e.g. other machines operating, but also by the
target machine, as is the case with structural resonances. This noise source should be taken into
account, as exemplified in [145], where a simulation model of a bearing was created, and structural
resonance is part of the equation that characterises the degradation process.
4.3 Custom Testbed 55
The first and most logical step for knowing which hardware to use in order to create a testbed
suitable for the dissertation’s objective is to compare testbeds in articles with similar goals of
condition monitoring and anomaly detection, which have already been explored in Section 3.7.
The testbeds previously explored in Section 3.7 are noticeably guided towards emulating heavy
machinery, however, the goal of this dissertation consists of detecting anomalies in an AGV and
accurately replicating the generic setup in the literature does not represent the critical components
of an AGV due to the differences in size and power of the elements, such as the motors and
shaft diameters. Most characteristics of the analysed testbeds can be adapted to fit the objective,
namely the structure elements of a motor and gearbox, a mechanical coupler, a shaft, a bearing
and a mechanical load. This structure can be used to represent the traction system of the AGVas it
comprises motors, gearboxes, shafts, bearings and wheels. Environmental noise is a big concern
in the ultimate scenario, and this factor should be taken into account while testing the prototype,
however, it is mostly ignored in the literature. In [82], a Bluetooth device is created, and sound
is used to identify faults in rolling bearings and to simulate real conditions, a speaker playing
prerecorded sounds from a similar environment as the planned deployment space is added to the
testing procedures to evaluate the prototype’s performance with and without extra noise. For this
dissertation, the same concept can be used to add noise to the overall system, however, parasitic
vibration is more difficult to simulate due to the need for costly equipment, such as a controllable
vibrating table.
To validate that the final sensor module is capable of detecting anomalous behaviour in the face
of noise and different scenarios, three different testbeds were built. In order to more accurately
simulate the AGV, components that are within the required scale were selected. The chosen basis
components were:
• A 12 V DC motor
• Two ball bearings for securing the shaft onto the platform
• An aluminium shaft
All testbeds use the same fixating ball bearing setup while varying the motor and main shaft
length, in Figures 4.18 to 4.20. The first testbed, in Figure 4.18, is comprised of a 1000 rpm DC
motor and a 40 cm shaft, the second testbed, in Figure 4.19, includes a 1000 rpm DC motor and
a 10 cm shaft and the third testbed, Figure 4.20, a 2640 rpm DC motor and a 10 cm shaft. The
black pieces visible in all testbeds were 3D printed and served as a support for the motor to rest
on, otherwise, the motor would hang and would only be supported by the decoupler.
56 Methodology
On the reviewed testbeds, the ones using accelerometers usually place them either on top of
the bearing support, on top of the motor or gearbox under testing or on the main shaft. However,
in this case, due to the physical dimensions of the AGV and, thus, of the testbed, it is not possible
to fixate the accelerometers on any of these locations. Since the wooden base is attached to the
testbed, the vibrations of the setup also propagate to the base, making it a viable option to place
the sensors. This is analogous to placing the sensors in the AGV since space inside is limited, and
the only feasible option is to put the sensors as close as possible to the critical components. The
placement of the temperature sensors and microphones are not as carefully placed as these can
take measurements without being physically connected to the object.
The most analysed component in the literature is the roller bearing, since it is a critical component
for rotating machinery, as explored in Section 3.1. Due to this fact, more information is available
pertaining to simulating or replicating faults in this type of component. This led to the choice
of replicating faults in a ball bearing in order to collect samples of anomalous behaviour of the
system. Figure 4.21 displays the bearing in normal operating conditions, the top picture shows the
bearing with the protective caps, which prevent debris from entering the inside structure and also
prevent loss of lubricant, while the bottom picture reveals the inside of the bearing.
Figure 4.22 features the alterations done to the normal condition ball bearing: removal of most
of the lubricant and mechanical indentation. These methods are one of the most common for
creating defects on bearings [40].
58 Methodology
Figure 4.22: Ball Bearing under testing with lubricant partially removed
• IR Thermometer: MLX90614
All the digital sensors except for the microphone possess libraries for the Arduino framework,
which greatly facilitates the software implementation since it minimises the direct interaction with
the SPI and I2C protocols as well as with direct register manipulation. Such low-level coding ap-
proaches are inherently error-prone and less human-readable when compared to higher-level code,
making the availability of Arduino libraries a significant advantage in ensuring robust software.
The digital microphone uses a different protocol, I2S. Thankfully, the Teensy platform provides a
library for interacting with I2S devices using Teensy microcontrollers, the Teensy Audio Library17 ,
so it is possible to abstract the final code from directly managing I2S operations.
Before utilising the ESP-12E for sending data wirelessly, it was decided that it was better
to record every sample and to save onto an SD card, made possible by an integrated SD card
reader available in the Teensy 4.1. This enables saving the raw samples and testing different pre-
processing techniques. It also removes the need to implement an application layer, redirecting the
effort on analysing the data.
The objective of the microcontroller’s program is to read the data from the sensors and to
store the measurements in the provided SD card. For convenience reasons, the data from each
sensor should be stored in a separate file or folder. For running the higher order operations of the
data collection algorithm, a finite state machine was developed, in Figure 4.23. Two push buttons
4.4 Software Structure 59
were connected to the microcontroller to interact with the program: one to record a single one-
second sample and a different one to start a loop of recording and saving samples. These buttons,
combined with the Serial port, enabled debugging each stage. The finite state machine in Figure
4.24 controls the looping of the program.
The finite state machines control the higher-order operation of the microcontroller, but the
state of recording and saving the data requires more detail since it is necessary to maintain a fixed
and rigorous sampling frequency for each sensor. Figure 4.25 shows a flowchart of the reading
stage. For reading from the digital I2C and SPI sensors, the following libraries were used:
These libraries simplify the interaction with the sensors as the library’s user only needs to
call one or two functions to get the values. However, the libraries do not guarantee the necessary
60 Methodology
sampling rates, so an extra library was utilised to control the hardware timers available in the
Teensy 4.1:
The final digital sensor, the SPH0645LM4H microphone, uses the I2S protocol. It requires a
specific hardware controller, which is present in the Teensy 4.1, and an integrated library can be
used: Audio.h 18 . The library uses the Teensy Audio System Design Tool 19 to simplify the setup
of different audio devices. The tool uses a block diagram to represent input sources, audio filters,
amplifier stages, audio synthesizers, etc., as the Teensy platform is often used for audio projects,
and turns the diagram into code, automatically. The blocks used for setting the I2S microphone as
an input device and to record the output to a buffer:
• queue1 - output
The code to record audio to an SD card was based on the example provided by the Audio.h
library, Recorder.ino. It records 512 bytes of audio before writing to an open file in the SD card
until 1 second has passed. The microphone outputs a binary file format, .raw, which has to be later
encoded into an audio format if playback is desired.
4.4 Software Structure 61
Concerning the analog microphone, to achieve the needed sampling rate of twice the band-
width, according to the Nyquist Sampling Theorem, meaning a sampling frequency of 160 kHz,
the normal usage of the ADC with the ADC.h library 20 is not possible. The analogRead.ino exam-
ple that is provided, in the fastest setting, would take about 13 µs to take each sample, while a 160
kHz sampling frequency requires a sample every 6.25 µs, which makes it impossible to use the
normal ADC mode in this use case scenario. Thankfully, the library enables accessing the ADC
using Direct Memory Access (DMA), which can drastically decrease the time of retrieving the
samples. The final implementation of the analog sampling algorithm was based on the adc_timer
_dma.ino example, which continuously fills a buffer with the samples taken from the signal and
when the timer set frequency is met, an interrupt is made, and the values from the buffer are passed
to the memory of the microcontroller. Using DMA, each operation to retrieve the samples from
the buffer, which contained 1600 samples, takes less than 1 µs, enabling the required sampling
frequency to be achieved.
For saving the data into the SD card, the SD.h library in the Arduino Framework is used. It
utilises SPI for interfacing with the card and its storage. Figure 4.26 contains a flowchart show-
ing the algorithm employed to store the measurements (contained in buffers). Character strings
containing the file names are modified after each sample is taken to reflect the number of the
sample so that it is possible to join each sensor’s second worth of data together. Apart from the
SPH0645LM4H microphone, the readings are stored in .csv files making it easier to separate the
measurements of different axes, in the case of the accelerometers. Writing .csv files does not need
a different method from writing .txt files, as it is a text format type file and the only needed step is
to separate each axis with a comma and each instance of the buffer with a paragraph.
62 Methodology
In the last Subsection, the methods required to collect the relevant data for the project’s objective
were reviewed, but steps remain before using the data to train ML models to detect anomalies.
This Subsection addresses these procedures, which include Preprocessing and the merging of the
different types of data, vibration, sound and temperature.
As discussed in Section 3.4, different types of data require different processes for extracting the
most relevant information from them. In this dissertation, particular emphasis has been placed on
vibration and sound data. This is due to these data types’ high variability in the context of me-
chanical maintenance. Temperature rises in much longer time frames and more consistently when
compared to vibration or sound. The chosen method is composed of two steps: the scaling of the
data and time domain feature calculation. The first step was taken from [50], where acceleration
data is passed through the RobustScaler function from sklearn21 . This scaler method removes
the median and scales the data according to the quantile range, which was chosen to be between
quantiles 5 and 95, as per the cited article. For the temperature, the StandardScaler 22 was used,
since this type of data is not prone to such high variance as vibration and sound. The second
step is described in [83], where central tendency-based time domain features are computed before
using them as the input for an ML model. The utilised characteristics are defined in the following
Equations 4.2 to 4.9, where X represents a sample.
! 12
1 N
RMS = ∑ [X(i)2 ]
N i=1
1 N
Variance(σ 2 ) = ∑ (X(i) − µ)2 (4.3)
N i=1
1 N X(i) − µ 3
Skewness = ∑ (4.4)
N i=1 σ
1 N X(i) − µ 4
Kurtosis = ∑ (4.5)
N i=1 σ
4.4 Software Structure 63
CrestFactor = (4.6)
ImpulseFactor = 1
N ∑Ni=1 |X(i)|
ShapeFactor = 1
N ∑Ni=1 |X(i)|
This method was chosen over more traditional steps, e.g. the FFT, since it is simpler to imple-
ment and these calculations could be easily transferred to the microcontroller, which could reduce
the amount of data to be sent wirelessly. Using the FFT implies selecting a certain number of
frequency bins, which can be a very large number when compared to the selected method. For
example, in [50], 2048 per 1-second sample is the chosen value, based on the approximate ac-
celerometer bandwidth of 2 kHz. Since, in this project, 3-axis accelerometers were chosen, this
number would be multiplied by three, while using the previous Equations, the total number of
values to be sent is 24 for each accelerometer. Another possible advantage lies in potentially being
less reliant on the bandwidth of the sensors, as sensors with lower bandwidth tend to be of lower
cost. Although in [83], these preprocessing calculations in exclusively in vibration data, due to the
similar nature of vibration data and sound data, which was previously explored, Equations 4.2 to
4.9 where also applied to the sound data.
To employ a single ML model with all the data types, merging the datasets is necessary to create the
training data. The primary challenge lies in that each sensor captures different sample quantities of
data for the same 1-second sample. For example, the ADXL355, according to its datasheet [120],
has a bandwidth of 1 kHz, meaning at least two thousand data points (due to the Nyquist Theorem),
are recorded, for three different axes, while only one temperature measurement is made by the
MLX90614. The method that was found to be the most suitable is the one used in [83], which is
previously detailed in Subsection 3.4.1. The strategy lies in using time-domain characteristics of
the vibration and sound signals, such as the variance and kurtosis. By utilising these features, it
is possible to describe the measured signal through variables that represent 1 second’s worth of
data. The selection of sample duration aligns with the methodology presented in [83], wherein
10-second samples are initially acquired and subsequently partitioned into 0.25-second segments.
64 Methodology
The decision to divide the samples by a factor of 40 is rooted on the fact that the motor used in the
testbed rotates the main shaft at 29 Hz, meaning each 0.25-second excerpt contains more than 7
revolutions of the shaft which was considered to be sufficient for computing trustworthy statistical
features. In the context of this dissertation, the exact rotation speed of the shaft is unknown, while
it is over 7 Hz, so 1 second is a suitable time frame to capture credible measurements within the
Figure 4.27 shows some features and the structure of the final dataset. The suffix _x, _y or
_z represents the axis of the feature. The prefix 355 refers to the ADXL355 accelerometer, mma
to the MMA8451 accelerometer, digital_mic to the SPH0645LM4H microphone and object to the
object’s measured temperature using the MLX90614 IR thermometer.
4.4.3 ML Models
As previously described, the problem to be solved is Anomaly Detection, where the objective lies
in finding data that deviates from the majority. In this context, an anomaly constitutes a mechanical
fault that causes the system to behave differently from the normal state. This behaviour manifests
through different vibration patterns, which leads to an increase in temperature of the damaged
component. As the AGV comprises several critical components, it’s important to acknowledge that
the built testbed can only simulate a subset of potential anomalies. Consequently, it’s not feasible
to capture data representing every possible anomaly scenario. This limitation suggests that the
most suitable type of ML model to employ would be a Semi-Supervised model, which theoretically
possesses the capability to classify a new sample that deviates from the characteristics present in
the training data, labeling it as an anomaly. However, a significant portion of successful Semi-
Supervised Learning algorithms are rooted in Deep Learning, which typically demands substantial
datasets (comprising tens of thousands of data points) and can be more complex to implement. Due
to time constraints, the project focused exclusively on Supervised and Unsupervised ML models.
4.4 Software Structure 65
In the selection of Supervised ML models, our choices were primarily guided by prior research
findings and their availability within the sklearn package or their ease of implementation. The
final set of models includes:
• Random Forest 25
• AdaBoost 26
• XGBoost 27
It is worth noting that all models, except XGBoost, are readily available through sklearn. Some
models are not covered in Chapter 3 because no relevant articles were found focusing on them.
Following the selection criteria for the Supervised ML models, the Unsupervised ML model set:
• One-Class SVM 28
• Isolation Forest 29
66 Methodology
Chapter 5
Experimental Results
In continuation of the processes outlined in the preceding chapter, the subsequent chapter out-
lines the techniques employed to assess the chosen models, while considering various scenarios,
including sampling restrictions.
5.1 Metrics
For evaluating the effectiveness of the ML models in detecting anomalies in the datasets, it is
necessary to choose adequate metrics that discern the most pertinent aspects of the model’s per-
formance for the associated scenario. Recapitulating, the ML problem is a binary classification
question: if the sample is of anomalous behaviour, then the anomaly feature is a 1; if it is normal
behaviour, the anomaly feature is a 0.
For classification problems, one of the most popular methods for evaluation of the model is
by using a confusion matrix. This N · N matrix, where N represents the number of target classes,
displays the actual target values with those predicted by the model. Figure 5.1 1 shows an example
of a confusion matrix: the top left corner is the case where the true label for the data point was
0 and the model correctly predicted that label; the top right corner represents the mislabelling
of the 0 class; the bottom left corner is the mislabelling of the 1 class; the bottom corner is the
correct labelling of the 1 class. From these four values, it is possible to extract the number of true
positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives.
Other metrics have emerged from these four base numbers whose objective is to highlight
certain aspects of the model. In the context of this dissertation, the focus lies on minimising false
negatives, where an anomalous sample is incorrectly classified as normal, as this misclassification
could potentially lead to an unscheduled maintenance stop for the AGV and a halt of production,
which is less favourable than an unnecessary scheduled maintenance stop. Keeping this goal in
mind, the following metrics were employed:
• Recall
1 Taken from
68 Experimental Results
• Precision
• F1-Score
• Accuracy
To underscore the importance of reducing false negatives, recall (as defined in Equation 5.1
2) was picked. A recall value closer to 1 signifies a higher rate of true positives relative to false
negatives, highlighting the model’s ability to correctly identify anomalies. Precision, defined in
Equation 5.2, highlights the fraction of relevant instances among the retrieved instances, meaning
a value closer to 1 is a better score than a value closer to 0. F1 Score is defined in Equation 5.3 and
takes into account Recall and Precision and can be understood as the harmonic mean of the two.
The F1 Score reaches its best value at 1. The final metric is accuracy and encompasses predicted
labels that exactly match the true labels, calculated using Equation 5.4.
Recall = (5.1)
T P + FN
Precision = (5.2)
T P + FP
Precision · Recall
F1 Score = 2 · (5.3)
Precision + Recall
2 TP - True Positives; TN - True Negatives; FP - False Positives; FN - False Negatives
5.2 Test Structure 69
Accuracy = (5.4)
T P + T N + FP + FN
As previously stated, one of the challenges of Anomaly Detection is the potential lack of samples
of anomalous data due to anomalies representing rare events which can be difficult to capture. A
benefit of having a custom dataset is the ability to control the amount of anomalies present in the
training dataset in relation to the normal samples. Testing the models with different percentages
of anomalies in the dataset allows for simulating a scenario where anomalous behaviour is hard to
capture and comparing the model’s performance when being provided with an unbalanced dataset.
It is important to note that some of the selected models, namely Isolation Forest and Local Outlier
Factor expect that the dataset is unbalanced and one of the input parameters is the fraction of
anomalous data.
Different amounts of samples were recorded from each testbed:
• Testbed 1: 3018 samples of normal behaviour and 3058 samples of anomalous behaviour;
• Testbed 2: 4049 samples of normal behaviour and 4323 samples of anomalous behaviour;
• Testbed 3: 4161 samples of normal behaviour and 3966 samples of anomalous behaviour;
The disparity between the testbeds occurred due to initial software issues. These manifested
as the finite state machine becoming stuck in the recording function of the SPH0645LM4H I2S
microphone after approximately 100 samples had already been saved. The software was adjusted
to mitigate the issues, reducing the number of stops to restart the program, after extracting the
samples from the SD card.
For creating unbalanced datasets, the following percentages of anomalies were chosen: 50%,
43%, 33%, 20% and 9%. These values were selected a posteriori, following manually entered
amounts and an analysis of the impact on model performance using these thresholds. These per-
centages were subsequently employed to automate the model testing procedures, which will be
explored ahead.
70 Experimental Results
One of the objectives of this dissertation is for the sensor module to be cost-effective, which is the
justification for integrating two different accelerometers in the testing procedures: the ADXL355
presents more adequate characteristics for the subsequent analysis, according to the research done
for the project, but the MMA8451 is, at the time of writing, more than six times cheaper. The
custom datasets can combine the readings from all the integrated sensors, combine certain sensors
or use the readings from a single sensor. This enables the comparison of multiple combinations
which adapt to the problem at hand: comparing the two accelerometers, comparing the most
expensive sensors with a junction of the cheapest and comparing the impact of each sensor on
the model’s performance, which was also taken into account in the automation of the testing
Python was the language of choice for creating and testing the ML models. One advantage of using
it is the ability to create a list or array element containing any type of variable, including sklearn
objects and any other object from different packages. This enables iterating through models and
retraining them using different percentages of anomalies in the datasets while saving the relevant
metrics and images of each confusion matrix for each scenario.
Figure 5.2 displays the process, through a flowchart, used in the script for automating the
training and testing of each models while modifying the dataset provided with different numbers
of anomalies, as described in SubSection 5.2.1, and computing and saving the metrics discussed
in Section 5.1.
The script possesses two different parts, one for the Unsupervised models and another for
the Supervised ones, since these two kinds of models require slightly different procedures, as the
Unsupervised models do not require a training procedure. For using the script with different sensor
data, it is only required to alter the .csv file containing the data. All Supervised models were trained
and tested with a Train Test Ratio of 80/20, meaning 80% of the data was used for training the
models and 20% for testing. It is also important to note that it is assumed that the preprocessing
steps have already been performed and that the provided file contains the preprocessed data.
One of the primary challenges encountered during the development of the sensor module revolved
around the SPU0410LR5H-QB ultrasonic microphone, particularly in terms of amplifying its sig-
nal and converting it into the digital domain. Unfortunately, the measurements proved to be un-
usable, as evidenced by the complete saturation of the ADC’s input, as illustrated in Figure 5.3.
During testing, the input was not saturated, and the values were centred around 2048 (in line with
the offset of 1.65 V given to the output of the amplifier).
5.3 Ultrasonic Microphone Measurements 71
Figure 5.4 shows a more zoomed-in perspective of the sampled signal, where it is possible to
observe that not all values are either 0 or close to 4000 (the limits of the input range).
Comparing the difference between the microphone’s testing setup and the sensor module’s
setup, the difference lies in the number of sensors connected to the power lines of the microcon-
troller, so the signal might be contaminated by noise in the power supply. The amplifier’s design
was based on the one in [131], but the one employed in this dissertation does not have an electrical
noise isolation stage nor an external voltage reference chip.
The observation of this error was almost immediate, and the ultrasonic microphone circuit
was removed from the module and its measurements were not included in the training of the ML
The data was sampled sequentially, starting from Testbed 1. Then, the data was analysed and
the Python scripts for preprocessing and for concatenating were made and tested on the data.
This sequence, as opposed to recording all the Testbeds and then make the scripts, was chosen
in order to optimise the process of acquiring the samples and to check what parts of the whole
process would take up the most time, building the final workflow. The easiest variable to process
both computationally and visually is temperature. Figure 5.5 displays the temperature readings
from Testbed 2 of the normal bearing, from sample 1450 up to sample 4030. In orange, the
temperature read from the IR thermometer and, in blue, the ambient temperature. A constant rise
in the temperature up to a steady state is noticeable and explained by the fact that recordings began
while the components were at ambient temperature.
5.4 Temperature Analysis 73
A different aspect is also noteworthy and emerges by comparing the difference between two
consecutive readings of the bearing’s temperature (Figure 5.6 shows a zoomed-in perspective of
the readings): the temperature fluctuates a relatively high amount within seconds apart, while the
ambient temperature’s fluctuation is much smaller. It can be deduced that the IR thermometer
was not measuring the same point on the bearing surface, probably due to being attached to the
wooden platform, which vibrated due to the components being tested. This error in the method
of measurement could possibly have been solved by using a different board for the sensor with a
smaller field of view since the one used from seeed studio has a field of view of 35º or by using a
more secure attachment method.
An analysis perspective that contrasts the initial reasoning point for temperature as a measure-
ment unit to use to detect anomalies is that it is not useful for the objective. Temperature changes
74 Experimental Results
much more slowly than vibration or sound, and it would require for the AGV to continuously run
for its critical components’ temperature to increase significantly before a fault is detected, while
vibration and sound signals are always affected by damaged components. This is perhaps the
reason for the difference in the number of articles which use vibration or sound for PdM, while
temperature is not as often utilised.
The previous speculation is demonstrated in the results of the models when removing temper-
ature from the dataset. Table 5.1 compares metrics of 3 models trained (k-NN, SVM and Random
Forest) with all sensors and with all sensor data apart from temperature. In these examples, the
exclusion of temperature has a negligible impact on the results and the differences of less than 1%
could be attributed to the limited dataset size or the inherent randomness inherent in ML models.
Table 5.1: Comparison of models using all sensors and without temperature data - Testbed 1
Since adjustments were made between recordings and due to this lack of impact of temperature
in the results, temperature was not recorded for Testbed 3.
In this Section, the metrics of the Unsupervised Learning Models will be analysed. To recapitulate,
three models were selected: One-Class SVM, Isolation Forest and Local Outlier Factor. In Table
5.2, the best results for all combinations are displayed, while excluding F1-Score. Many of the
models exhibited performance akin to that of the Testbed 1 version of the One-Class SVM, where
their accuracy was only marginally superior to that of random guessing. However, some models
(e.g. Testbed 2 Isolation Forest with 9% anomalies) possess relatively high accuracy and recall
values, but the precision values are very low. Figure 5.7 shows the confusion matrix of the previous
example and demonstrates the statement, as the model classifies almost every sample as normal,
which explains high accuracy and recall since only 9% of all samples to classify are anomalous.
This displays the benefit of using multiple metrics to evaluate a model’s performance.
5.6 Supervised Models Results 75
The poor performance of the Unsupervised models could potentially be attributed to the choice
of pre-processing steps employed on the data. To enhance their performance, alternative ap-
proaches could be explored, such as frequency-based or time-frequency-based methods, as dis-
cussed in Chapters 2 and 3.
This section will go further in the exploration of the results of the Supervised models than in
Section 5.5 since the metrics are objectively superior. Table 5.3 details the best models in the most
challenging conditions, using all features except temperature: 9% of anomalies in the dataset. The
results are nearly ideal, while it is necessary to consider the small sample size, within the case of
Testbed 2, 109 anomalous samples, as shown in Figure 5.8.
It is necessary to take into account that Table 5.3 shows the model with the best results, namely
XGBoost. Table 5.4 shows the performance of the other models under the same conditions. Us-
ing four different metrics proves to be a valuable approach, given that three of these metrics are
consistent across all models, with the exception of the F1-Score, which demonstrates markedly
inferior results in the SVM and Random Forest models. This multi-metric evaluation structure
allows for a more comprehensive assessment of each model and its respective performance.
As emphasised throughout this dissertation, a key goal is to ensure the cost-effectiveness of the
module. Therefore, it becomes essential to evaluate the performance of various sensors while con-
sidering their cost. The ML Automation Script allows for simple testing of multiple alternatives:
using only the accelerometers or only the microphone or by combining different sensors. Table
5.5 presents a selection of models along with the corresponding training data. The models chosen
were the ones were the most variation occurred between evaluation metrics.
Table 5.5 shows that the better-performing models only present slight variations when chang-
ing the sensors used in the training data. However, the ones with previous inferior performance
5.6 Supervised Models Results 77
display much higher variation, especially by only using either the MMA8451 accelerometer or the
SPH0645LM4H microphone, e.g. SVM’s accuracy goes down to 0.57 and 0.78, respectively. One
possible way to improve the model performance using these sensors is to combine the data from
both. Table 5.6 displays metrics for the worst performing models in Table 5.5 being retrained with
data from both sensors, while maintaining the conditions of the testbed and anomaly percentage.
Employing only the ADXL355 accelerometer for the training data produces marginally worse
performance for almost every scenario than using all sensor data. The combination of the cheaper
sensors (MMA8451 and SPH0645LM4H), which total in price of 13,85 C [128] [122] 3 , also
produces near-ideal results.
While the previous results have shown that some Supervised models have produced near-perfect
predictions in detecting anomalous behaviour based on 1-second samples. However, the recorded
anomalies do not represent every possible anomaly that might occur in a real scenario. Since three
different testbeds were used, it is possible to join datasets to simulate new anomalies by using
data from a different testbed than the one used for training to test the models and evaluate their
performance when facing anomalies that were not represented in the dataset. Table 5.7 presents the
best model to have met these conditions, it was trained using data from Testbed 3 and tested using
anomalies from Testbed 2. Figure 5.9 shows the confusion matrix of the same model. Automating
tests would provide more insight into this possibility of testing unseen anomalies, but the built
script is not capable of taking two different datasets.
The results obtained from this small experiment are promising but further exploration is re-
quired to figure out if this method of detecting faults is achievable in a real scenario, particularly
when confronted with unforeseen anomalies.
3 At the time of writing
78 Experimental Results
5.7 Summary
This Chapter delved into the methods and metrics employed to comprehensively evaluate the pre-
viously chosen ML models and the operating conditions. One of the main issues in Anomaly
Detection, the lack of anomalous data, was addressed by testing the models with different levels
of dataset unbalance. More in line with the context of this dissertation, the models were also
trained using different sensors to compare performance.
The Unsupervised models performed very poorly, possibly due to the preprocessing steps,
while the Supervised models obtained near-ideal results, even with datasets containing 91% of
normal data. Having data from three different testbeds allowed for experimenting with classifying
previously unseen anomalies. However, more research must be conducted before it is determined
the applicability of these tests in a real use case scenario.
5.7 Summary 79
Table 5.7: Best results testing with anomalies not present in the dataset
6.1 Conclusion
The objective of this dissertation was to create a cost-effective sensor module for detecting anoma-
lies in an AGV and its surrounding machines. In order to validate the created system, a custom
platform was necessary to replicate the AGV, as the existing platforms and public datasets are
typically meant for studying industrial machinery, whose physical characteristics are not identical
to the AGV.
Three different custom testbeds were built, which allowed for diversifying the collected data
and further validating the system, including the hardware and software. The custom platforms can
also be used to simulate other types of machines, apart from AGVs, such as machines with smaller
traction systems.
A study of the most important features of the sensors employed in public datasets and in the
literature enabled a mindful choice of which sensors were the most adequate. This knowledge can
be utilised to streamline the sensor selection process, aligning them with a researcher’s specific
The selected accelerometers and the digital microphones proved to be fit for the task at hand,
meeting physical space restrictions and providing reliable measurements, which enabled the ac-
curacy of the Supervised models. The IR thermometer and ultrasonic microphone require more
preparation and study to determine their possible contribution to the objective.
Regarding the preprocessing of the data and the results, while the preprocessing method em-
ployed yielded nearly ideal predictions for the Supervised ML models, the performance of the
Unsupervised ML models was notably poor. Therefore, it is advisable to explore alternative tech-
niques, starting from the ones described in Chapter 3. An experiment was made to simulate anoma-
lies not present in the training dataset in order to further test the Supervised models and to evaluate
their performance in a possible deployment scenario. Although, in this scenario, the models were
less accurate than in the conventional scenario, the results proved promising and further research
can validate the strategy. It is important to note that the number of collected samples is not suffi-
cient for experimenting with Deep Learning techniques, which are thoroughly reviewed and used
82 Conclusion and Future Work
in the literature.
Consideration for an industrial environment was taken throughout the document and thought
process, including the environmental noise inherent to a factory, the constricting space limitations
of the inside of an AGV and the inability to record every possible fault that might occur in the
The ultimate goal of this dissertation was not met, which involved the detection of anoma-
lies in an AGV and in its surrounding machines. However, a strategy for constructing a sensor
module capable of achieving the aforementioned objective was delineated and validated, all while
considering the constraints inherent to the environmental and spatial conditions.
is to adapt the algorithm used in [83], where vibration is sampled continuously for 10 seconds and
then the data is divided into segments, which would accelerate the recording process. One possible
limitation of using this method is the available memory of the microcontroller, which limits the
amount of data that can be stored at once before transferring either wirelessly or to external storage.
TinyML 1 is a field of study that brings ML to embedded devices. Implementing a TinyML
solution in the prototype would enable the usage of more complex ML models for detecting
anomalous behaviour without needing to send data wirelessly, apart from a warning signal that
an anomaly has been detected. Furthermore, it would reduce dependence on cloud infrastructure
for deploying complex models.
84 Conclusion and Future Work
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