Android Questions
Android Questions
Android Questions
Q3. Write an android application to display Alert Dialog Box on click of a public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
1. Create a new Android project:
• Open Android Studio and create a new project.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
• Choose an appropriate project name and save location.
• Select the minimum API level for your target devices.
2. Design the layout:
• In your activity_main.xml layout file, add a Button element with an ID
Button button = findViewById(;
(e.g., button).
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
3. Implement the button click listener:
• In your MainActivity class, find the Button using findViewById and set
an OnClickListener. public void onClick(View view) {
4. Show the AlertDialog: showAlertDialog();
• Inside the OnClickListener, call a function to show the AlertDialog }
package com.example.alertdialogdemo; });
import android.content.DialogInterface; private void showAlertDialog() {
import android.os.Bundle; AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setTitle("Alert"); });
builder.setMessage("This is an alert dialog.");;
builder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { }
@Override }
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "OK button clicked", Q4. What is Layout? Explain any one layout with suitable example
Layout in Android refers to the arrangement of UI elements (like buttons,
} text views, images, etc.) on the screen. It defines how these elements are
positioned, sized, and interact with each other.
One of the most commonly used layouts in Android is the LinearLayout.
builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { LinearLayout:
@Override • Description: Arranges child views in a single line, either horizontally
or vertically.
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
• Attributes:
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Cancel button clicked",
Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); o android:orientation: Specifies the direction of the layout
(horizontal or vertical).
o android:weightSum: Defines the total weight for all child
builder.setNeutralButton("Neutral", new
o android:layout_weight: Assigns a weight to a child view,
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
determining its share of the available space.
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Neutral button clicked",
android:layout_height="match_parent" Other common layouts:
android:orientation="vertical"> • RelativeLayout: Positions child views relative to each other or to the
parent layout.
• ConstraintLayout: Provides a flexible way to define the layout of your
UI elements using constraints.
• FrameLayout: Places child views one on top of another.
android:text="Hello, World!" />
By understanding different layouts and their attributes, you can effectively
design and create visually appealing user interfaces for your Android
Q5. What is Intent? Explain types of intent with a suitable example
Intent in Android is a messaging mechanism used to communicate between
different components of an application or between applications. It's a way to
Me" /> request actions from other components, such as starting activities,
broadcasting messages, or sending data.
Types of Intents:
1. Explicit Intents:
• The LinearLayout is set to have a vertical orientation, meaning the
child views will be stacked one on top of the other. o Specifies the exact component (activity, service, or broadcast
receiver) that should handle the intent.
• The TextView and Button have
android:layout_width="match_parent" and o Used when you know the target component's package name
android:layout_height="wrap_content". This means they will fill the and class name.
entire width of the parent layout and their height will be adjusted to
Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);
fit their content.
This code starts a new activity named SecondActivity within the same
2. Implicit Intents: 1. Create a new Android project:
o Does not specify the exact component but declares the action • Open Android Studio and create a new project.
to be performed, the data to be used, and the category of the
• Choose an appropriate project name and save location.
component that can handle the intent.
• Select the minimum API level for your target devices.
o The Android system finds a suitable component based on the
intent filters declared in the manifest of other applications. 2. Design the layout:
• In your activity_main.xml layout file, add a ListView element.
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); XML
intent.setData(Uri.parse("")); <ListView
startActivity(intent); android:id="@+id/fruitListView"
This code opens a web browser to the specified URL. The Android system will android:layout_width="match_parent"
find a suitable browser app that can handle the ACTION_VIEW intent with
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
the given URL.
3. Create a string array:
Other Intent Types:
• In your strings.xml file, define a string array containing the fruit
• Service Intents: Used to start or stop services.
• Broadcast Intents: Used to broadcast messages to interested
Key Points:
<string-array name="fruits">
• Intents are essential for building complex Android applications that
interact with other components. <item>Apple</item>
• Explicit intents provide direct control over the target component. <item>Banana</item>
• Implicit intents allow for more flexible and reusable code. <item>Orange</item>
• Understanding the different types of intents is crucial for effective <item>Mango</item>
Android development.
Q6. Demonstrate Array Adapter using List view to display list of fruitsname
4. Implement the ArrayAdapter and ListView: }
• In your MainActivity class, create an ArrayAdapter to populate the }
ListView with the fruit names.
1. Create a ListView: In your layout file, add a ListView element.
import android.os.Bundle;
2. Define fruit names: In your strings.xml file, create a string array
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; containing the fruit names.
import android.widget.ListView; 3. Create an ArrayAdapter: In your MainActivity, create an ArrayAdapter
using ArrayAdapter<String>.
4. Set the adapter to the ListView: Use listView.setAdapter(adapter) to
set the ArrayAdapter to the ListView.
public class MainActivity extends
Running the app:
AppCompatActivity {
• Run your app on an emulator or physical device.
• The ListView will display the list of fruit names from the string array.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
This demonstrates how to use an ArrayAdapter with a ListView to display a
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); list of items in an Android application.
ListView Q7. Write an android using SQLite to create a table student (Sid, sname,
scourse, smark) and update a record of student
listView = findViewById(;
Android JSON Parsing is the process of extracting data from JSON (JavaScript
String[] fruits = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.fruits);
Object Notation) formatted text and converting it into a usable format within
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(this, an Android application. JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format that is
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, widely used to transmit data between servers and applications.
listView.setAdapter(adapter); 1. Obtain JSON data: This can be done through network requests (e.g.,
using HTTP) or by reading from local files.
2. Parse JSON data: Use a JSON parsing library (e.g., Gson, Jackson, or • Ensure that the JSON structure matches the Java object structure for
the built-in JSONObject and JSONArray classes) to convert the JSON correct parsing.
string into a Java object representation.
• Handle potential exceptions (e.g., JSONException) during parsing.
3. Access and process data: Extract the desired data from the parsed
• Consider using a network library like Retrofit to simplify HTTP
objects and use it in your application.
requests and JSON parsing.
Example using Gson library:
Additional considerations:
• JSON validation: Use a JSON validator to ensure the correctness of
import; your JSON data.
// Assuming you have a JSON string named jsonString • Data security: If dealing with sensitive data, implement appropriate
security measures to protect it.
Gson gson = new Gson();
• Performance optimization: For large JSON datasets, consider
Student student = gson.fromJson(jsonString, Student.class);
optimizing parsing performance using techniques like caching or
// Access and process the student data asynchronous parsing.
String name = student.getName(); By understanding these concepts and following best practices, you can
effectively parse JSON data in your Android applications and leverage its
int age = student.getAge();
benefits for data exchange and communication.
Example using built-in classes:
Q8. Write short note on Content value with example
import org.json.JSONObject;
Content Values in Android are a key-value pair data structure used to store
// Assuming you have a JSON string named jsonString and retrieve data in a structured way. They are often used to pass data
between components within an Android application, such as activities,
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonString);
services, and content providers.
String name = jsonObject.getString("name");
Key points about Content Values:
int age = jsonObject.getInt("age");
• Key-value pairs: Each entry in a Content Values object is a key-value
Key points: pair, where the key is a string and the value can be of various data
types (e.g., String, Integer, Long, Boolean, etc.).
• Choose a suitable JSON parsing library based on your project
requirements and preferences.
• Immutable: Content Values objects are immutable, meaning their Content Values provide a convenient and efficient way to handle structured
contents cannot be modified once created. data within Android applications. By understanding their usage and key
methods, you can effectively work with data in various scenarios.
• Put methods: To add or update values, you use methods like
put(String key, Object value).
• Get methods: To retrieve values, you use methods like Q9. Write steps to build simple Flutter application
getAsBoolean(String key), getAsInteger(String key), etc.
Steps to Build a Simple Flutter Application
2. Create a New Flutter Project:
• Open your chosen IDE or editor.
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
• Create a new Flutter project using the built-in tools or command-line
values.put("name", "John Doe"); interface.
values.put("age", 30); • Choose a project name and location.
values.put("is_student", true); 3. Structure Your Project:
Use code with caution. • The basic structure of a Flutter project includes:
In this example, a Content Values object is created and populated with three o lib/main.dart: The main entry point of your application.
key-value pairs: "name" with the value "John Doe", "age" with the value 30,
o pubspec.yaml: The project's configuration file, specifying
and "is_student" with the value true.
dependencies and assets.
Common use cases for Content Values:
4. Write Your Flutter Code:
• Passing data between activities: When starting a new activity, you can
• Open the main.dart file and start writing your Flutter code.
pass Content Values as an intent extra.
• Use Flutter's widget-based architecture to build the user interface.
• Inserting data into a content provider: You can use Content Values to
define the data to be inserted into a table. • Refer to Flutter's documentation and examples for guidance.
• Updating data in a content provider: You can use Content Values to Basic Flutter code example:
specify the new values for columns to be updated.
• Querying data from a content provider: You can use Content Values
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
to define selection criteria for a query.
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp()); final String title;
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
const MyApp({super.key}); return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
Widget build(BuildContext title: Text(title),
context) { ),
return MaterialApp( body: Center(
title: 'My Flutter App', child: Column(
theme: ThemeData( mainAxisAlignment:,
primarySwatch:, children: <Widget>[
home: const Text(
const MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'), 'You have pushed the button this many times:',
); ),
} Text(
} '$_counter',
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineMedium,
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
const MyHomePage({super.key, required this.title}); ),
], By following these steps and leveraging Flutter's powerful tools and
community, you can create beautiful and functional Android and iOS
Q10. Write a short note on Android Project Folder structure
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
Android Project Folder Structure
onPressed: () {},
An Android project typically has a well-defined directory structure to
tooltip: 'Increment', organize its files and resources. Here's a breakdown of the key folders and
their contents:
child: const Icon(Icons.add),
1. app:
), ); } }
• src/main/java: Contains Java source code files for your application's
5. Run Your Flutter App:
• src/main/res: Stores various resource files, including:
• Use the flutter run command in your terminal or the run button in
o drawable: Image files (PNG, JPEG, etc.).
your IDE to run your app on an emulator or connected device.
o layout: XML files defining the layout of your app's user
6. Test and Iterate:
• Test your app on different devices and screen sizes.
o mipmap: Launcher icons for your app.
• Iterate on your code to improve the user experience and
o values: XML files containing strings, colors, dimensions, and
Additional Tips:
• AndroidManifest.xml: The project's manifest file, declaring
• Explore Flutter's rich ecosystem of packages and widgets to enhance components, permissions, and other app-level information.
your app's features.
2. androidTest:
• Learn about state management techniques like setState and Provider
• java: Contains test classes for Android instrumentation tests.
to manage data efficiently.
3. test:
• Follow Flutter's style guidelines for consistent and readable code.
• java: Contains test classes for local unit tests.
• Consider using a linter to enforce code quality standards.
4. gradle:
• wrapper: Contains scripts for setting up the Gradle wrapper. • Native performance: React Native renders components directly into
the native view hierarchy, resulting in near-native performance.
• build.gradle: Gradle build scripts for the project and modules.
• Hot reloading: See changes instantly as you edit code, improving
development efficiency.
5. .idea:
• Large community and ecosystem: Benefit from a vast community of
• Contains IntelliJ IDEA project-specific settings. developers, libraries, and tools.
o Represents a clickable button that can trigger actions when in Android development, a Fragment is a reusable, self-contained portion of
clicked. a user interface within an Activity. Think of it as a modular section of an
Activity's layout that has its own lifecycle and is capable of handling its own
o Can be customized with text, background, and other
input events. Fragments are particularly useful when creating dynamic and
flexible UIs that adapt to different screen sizes, such as phones and tablets.
Fragment Life Cycle
The fragment lifecycle is similar to an activity’s lifecycle, but with additional
<Button specific states due to its dependency on the activity in which it resides.
Here’s an overview of each major stage:
1. onAttach(Context context):
o Called when the fragment is first attached to its parent
android:text="Click Me" />
activity. The fragment now has access to the context, which
Use code with caution. can be used to interact with the activity.
The Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) is a custom virtual machine developed by In summary, the Dalvik VM was essential to Android's initial architecture,
Google specifically for Android operating systems. It is designed to run enabling applications to run efficiently on limited-resource devices. However,
applications on devices with limited memory, CPU, and battery capacity, ART has since replaced Dalvik to provide better performance and overall
making it suitable for mobile environments. Dalvik is a key component of improvements.
Android's application framework and serves as the runtime environment for
Q16. What is Curson? Demonstrate a SQLite database application to insert
executing Android applications.
a record in table.
Key Characteristics of Dalvik Virtual Machine
In Android, a Cursor is an interface that provides random read-write access
1. Optimized for Mobile: Dalvik was built to be lightweight and to the result set of a database query. It is used to navigate and interact with
optimized for mobile devices, focusing on low power consumption data retrieved from a database, usually from an SQLite database. Cursors
and efficient memory use. It runs compiled Java bytecode in a format allow you to read rows of data from the result set, accessing specific
called Dalvik Executable (DEX), which is a compact, optimized columns by their index or name. They’re essential when working with
bytecode format specifically suited for mobile use. databases in Android as they allow efficient data retrieval and manipulation.
2. Register-Based Architecture: Unlike the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), SQLite Database Application to Insert a Record in a Table
which is stack-based, Dalvik uses a register-based architecture. This
Below is a simple example of an Android application that uses SQLite to
makes Dalvik more efficient for Android apps, as it reduces the
insert a record into a table.
number of CPU instructions needed for certain operations, saving
processing time and battery power. Step 1: Create a Database Helper Class
3. Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation: DVM incorporates a JIT compiler that Create a helper class that extends SQLiteOpenHelper, which will handle
dynamically translates bytecode into machine code at runtime, database creation and management.
improving performance by optimizing frequently executed code
4. Runs Multiple Instances: Each Android app runs in its own instance of
the Dalvik VM, ensuring that applications run in isolated package com.example.sqliteexample;
environments for better security and stability. If one app crashes, it
doesn’t affect others.
import android.content.ContentValues; db.execSQL(createTable);
import android.content.Context; }
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; @Override
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion)
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "example.db";
// Method to insert a record into the database
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
public boolean insertUser(String name, int age) {
private static final String TABLE_NAME = "users";
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
private static final String COLUMN_ID = "id";
ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
private static final String COLUMN_NAME = "name";
contentValues.put(COLUMN_NAME, name);
private static final String COLUMN_AGE = "age";
contentValues.put(COLUMN_AGE, age);
console.log('Latitude:', xml
}, <LinearLayout
(error) => {
{ enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 15000, maximumAge: 10000 }
Important Considerations:
• Battery Usage: Be mindful of battery consumption when using
background location tracking. Implement strategies like geofencing to android:layout_width="match_parent"
optimize battery usage.
• User Privacy: Always request location permissions explicitly and
provide clear explanations to the user.
• Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to gracefully handle
cases where location data is unavailable or permissions are denied.
By effectively utilizing the React Native Geolocation API, you can create <EditText
powerful location-based applications that enhance user experience and
provide valuable location-specific services.
android:layout_width="match_parent" java
android:layout_height="wrap_content" Copy code
android:hint="Password" //
android:inputType="textPassword"/> package com.example.loginapp;