Campaign Rulebook v0.9M5
Campaign Rulebook v0.9M5
Campaign Rulebook v0.9M5
Word Forge Games, the Word Forge Games logo, the RWB system and the RWB logos are trademarks of Word Forge Ltd.
Emmanuel Aquin
Campaign rules transform D-Day Dice into a competitive game capable of
simultaneous play for up to 3 teams of 4 players featuring a bigger battlefield.
The dramatic increase in player count places teams in friendly competition with
one another as they try to achieve both primary and secondary objectives,
working together to overcome obstacles while still rivals. In the end, the team
with the highest score wins.
At the same time these Campaign rules include solitaire versions for solo players
to enjoy the game on a more epic scale. Look for the Army of One icon:
This book contains 3 fully realized campaigns.
the neutral cards
1. Select a Campaign and arrange Battle Maps per its battlefield
Solitaire Play: Set up the battlefield per the Team play setup, then
turn a few pages to the Army of One icon for the solo scenarios.
2. Each player requires the same materials as for a normal game:
a set of Regular Specialists a set of Reserve Specialists
a Unit Marker a set of RWB dice
a player aid a Resource card
3. Divide your group into teams as evenly as possible, with 1–4 players per
team, and assign 1 Team per Column on the battlefield. It’s okay to be
flexible with the player/team mix: 3 players can be divided into 2 uneven
Teams if you wish, or if you don't have enough maps for 3 columns.
4. Each Team should have the following:
• Special Items The Battle Map on which each Team starts determines
its Special Items. If you do not have enough copies of a card, replace
any missing Special Item with another that has the same cost or less
– with the agreement of all players. Replacements can be Legendary
Items from an unused Legendary Unit.
• 1 neutral card set to serve as the Team’s shared card pool. For games
with 1–4 players, 1 neutral card set serves all Teams. If you have 2
neutral card sets for 3 Teams, all Teams have access to all pools.
To determine which Regular Items and Special Items should be available,
use the number of players that need access to the pool as your guide. See
also page 4 of the D-Day Dice rulebook player-to-card-pool guidance.
• Legendary Units Either all Teams must play with them, or all go without
them. When playing with Legendary Units, players may not start with their
free Starting Specialists (those can be rallied normally later on).
GENERAL ORDERS (Rules for all Raids)
Each Raid has its own unique rules. The following rules apply to all campaigns.
If your Unit is wiped out, it can re-enter the battlefield. Here’s how:
• Unit Marker: You must "Retreat" (the opposite of Advancing) at least once,
up to 2 Sectors away, and ignore destination Sector requirements. This means
moving your Unit Marker back through the last Advance line you crossed,
while remaining on the same Battle Map. See the Example below.
• Specialists: Lose all except 1 of your choice. Your other Specialists become
available again: Regular, Reserve and Legendary return to your hand; Unique
and Ranking return to the pool. Specialists you lost earlier in the game also
become available.
• Keep: all your Items, Item Points, Stars, Courage, unused Awards and other
card types (Vehicles, Servicemen, Badges, Special Missions, etc).
• Sectors Reset: You can now re-visit Sectors you visited before.
• Gain Resources: Your Unit gains a number of Soldiers equal to twice the
current DEF of the new Sector, plus a total of Stars and Courage equal to the
number of that Sector, divided any way. See DEF note on facing page *
Example of Carrying On: If your Unit is wiped out storming the Bunker
Sector of Omaha Beach, you can return to Sector 9 (adjacent to the
Bunker), Sector 7, or Sector 8 (2 Sectors away).
Carry On example:
A Unit is wiped out
at the Bunker. It must Retreat
1 Sector...
* If the DEF of the new Sector has multiple DEF values Take the highest one
into account when determining the number of Soldiers you gain. If it is a “Fight
Once” Sector, gain a number of Soldiers equal to its full DEF once (not twice). If
the Sector has a reduced DEF because of a game effect (like a Bangalore Torpedo
or the Tank), use the current value of the Sector. If that Sector offers a benefit
when first visited (an Award or a free Specialist, for example), you do not benefit
from it.
A Team with a Unit wiped out receives a scoring penalty (Honor Roll, p. 32).
You can move laterally between Columns – doing so counts as an Advance
into the neighboring Sector, and the cost in Courage is the same as if you had
Advanced to that Sector (printed under the horizontal line of the target Sector).
It can never be less than 1 Courage. All game effects that reduce or cancel the
cost of Advancing apply (like the Battle Cry). Vehicles can follow Units when they
change Columns (following normal Vehicle movement rules).
All Command Posts, designated by the green flag, are activated only at
the end of the turn (instead of upon arrival in the Sector). A Unit must
survive combat in the Sector in order to activate its Command Post.
At the start of every Raid, give each player 3 Mulligan tokens (included
in D-Day Dice: Overlord). A Mulligan token can be discarded to allow a
Unit to re-roll all its dice from its first roll. At the end of a Raid the
Team(s) with the most Mulligan tokens left score 2 bonus
Achievement Points (Honor Roll, p. 32). You cannot use the Mullikens
rule at the same time as the optional Soldier Mulligan rule from p. 15
of the base game rulebook.
Awards are kept secret from other Teams, while all other cards
(Specialists, Items, Servicemen, etc.) are displayed openly for
everyone to see. An Award is revealed only when it is played.
As per the tie rules in the base game rulebook, p.13, if a tie occurs between 2 rival
Units that attempt the same action (find an Item, rally a Specialist, pick up an
Award from a Battle Map, pick up a token, etc.), the Unit with the fewest Soldiers
has priority. If the tie persists, apply tie-breakers in this order: Lowest AP Score of
the Unit Teams, least Courage, least Stars, then roll a die to determine priority.
Active Skull
This is a in your Final Tally that actively cancels another die during phase 2.
In other words, it is a Skull result that has not been ignored by game effects (like
the Sharpshooter, for example) and is not part of an RWB or a Straight.
Gold Beach (Charlie Column) Only Bunker 1 on the right side counts. Sector 11
(DEF 16 + 1 MGF) contains an abandoned Bunker that cannot be entered. Place a
red “X” token from the base game on it as a reminder.
If you use the map of Gold Beach included in D-Day Dice: Overlord, you can ignore
this Battlefield Note, as the Bunker on the left has been removed.
Early morning on D-Day, the Allied forces launch the Normandy invasion.
May God have mercy on the poor bastards defending the beaches…
Based on the number of players/Teams from p. 3, select your preferred Battle
Map configuration from the descriptions below, then lay out the maps as listed
in the Battle Map table (and shown on the next page). The grid symbols in the
table provide a quick visual aid to the configuration, along with large-scale
Battle Map Table, Campaign A (illustrated below and on next page)
raid 3 Achtung Panzer! Château de Vaumicel Marefontaine Battery
raid 2 WN-68 Vierville Draw Mont Fleury Battery
raid 1 Dog Red Omaha Beach Gold Beach (note: p.8)
Able Column Baker Column Charlie Column
Medium Configuration Small Configuration
baker charlie
baker charlie
This rule applies to all Raids in this campaign. For each active Skull a Unit
rolls in its Final Tally (including Skull tokens), it has the option to give 1 Skull
token of the corresponding color to another Unit (in any Team). Non-colored
Skulls are not affected. A Unit receiving a Skull token must add a Skull of the
corresponding color to its next Final Tally. If that Skull is ignored, the token is
discarded. If the Skull is not ignored, it can be given to yet another Unit. A Unit
cannot add more than 6 Skull tokens per turn to its Final Tally; any overflow is
carried over to the next turn.
Exception: Units in climbing Sectors (like Sector 8 of Dog Red) ignore the “Share
the Pain” rule. They can, however, be given Skulls by other Units to help them climb.
RAID A-1: Beachhead
At dawn, the Allied teams land their ships on the beaches, hoping to get
a foothold in Normandy. But the Atlantic Wall is well-defended, and
the troops manning the bunkers know that retreat is not an option…
Find a Flame-Thrower in an adjacent Column.
Conquer the Bunker in your Column.
special rules
Each Unit starts the game with an extra 6 Soldiers and 2 Courage.
To enter a Bunker for the first time, at least one of the Units present must use a
Flame-Thrower—however, the Flame-Thrower cannot be found normally! Each
Team will find its own Flame-Thrower in the adjacent Column to its left (to the
right for Able Team), in the most distant Sector of the 3rd row.
Teams must designate a Unit to find it. If the designated Unit fails to find its Team’s
Flame-Thrower (by not having enough Item Points or if it is no longer available),
it will find an Empty Flame-Thrower instead (at the cost of 0 Item Points; use a gray
Skull token as a reminder). The Empty Flame-Thrower allows you to enter the
Bunker, but it has a reverse effect of adding 10 to the DEF of the Bunker.
Once a Bunker has been entered by a Flame-Thrower-wielding Unit, the other
Units may enter it normally.
Teams can only find their own Flame-Thrower.
In games with only 1 pool, if more than 1 designated Unit tries to find the Flame-
Thrower during the same turn, they all find it (use green tokens to indicate this,
in place of the missing Item cards).
The Legendary Specialist Flame-Gunner (US 29th Infantry Division) can only find
the Flame-Thrower for free when standing in the correct Sector.
The last Unit to conquer its Bunker earns a bonus 3 AP for its Team. This bonus can
be earned by more than 1 Team (if their respective Units are synchronized), but
no Team may earn this bonus more than once.
Now that the amphibious assault is a success, your Team must help secure
the beaches by leaving a strong occupying force in the conquered bunkers.
You receive new orders to press on further inland while freeing airborne
officers pinned down in enemy territory. Keep your eyes open for
German runners and their valuable dispatches…
Conquer the Bunker in your Column.
Secondary objectives include rallying free Specialists and capturing German
special rules
Each Unit keeps 1 of its rallied Regular, Reserve or Legendary Specialists from the
previous Raid, and starts this Raid with an extra 5 Soldiers and 3 Courage. The
Specialist can be replaced by 3 Stars.
able baker charlie
The first Unit to reach a green token in a Column other than its own picks up the
token (discard it afterward) and rallies either the Lieutenant, the Colonel or the
Captain for free on a first come, first served basis. A Team may pick up more than 1
token this way.
In a 2–4 player game with only 1 pool, use the 1-pool version of this rule (below).
German runners are crossing the battlefield between Bunkers with secret
dispatches in their motorcycles’ saddlebags. Intercept them to get valuable intel
on enemy troops!
Place 1 red token in the following Sectors (indicated below a by red diamond) to
represent these runners: Able Sector 15, Baker Sector 16, Charlie Sector 16.
When a Team reaches one of these Sectors, they capture its token (pick it up). The
first token to be captured is worth 3 AP, the second one 2 AP and the third one 1
AP. A Team may pick up more than one token. If 2 Teams capture a runner at the
same time, use the Tie Fighter rules to determine which one was captured first.
As the day ends, Teams are asked to set up a perimeter to defend against
counterattacks. Each Team is given a howitzer to place in a strategic position.
However, a mixup! The Quartermaster Corps issued the wrong ammo…
Fire the howitzer! (You must first find ammo in an adjacent Column, then
stand in Sector 9) See Special Rules “Ammo Run” and “Synchronized Fire”.
Conquer the Bunker in your Column.
special rules
The ability of the Legendary Specialist Flame-Gunner (US 29th Infantry Division) is
replaced by: “Sacrifice to find the Bangalore Torpedo for free, even if it is used”.
Each Unit keeps up to 2 of its rallied Regular, Reserve or Legendary Specialists
from the previous Raid and starts the game with an extra 5 Soldiers, 2 Courage
and 15 Item Points.
To obtain the correct ammo for their howitzer, one Unit from each Team must
gain a Special Find RWB and renounce the bonus while standing in the third row
of any Sector in another Column.
To fire an artillery barrage at the German defenders, all Sector 9s must be
occupied by at least 1 Unit simultaneously at the beginning of any Phase 6. At the
start of the Raid, place a green token in each Column’s Sector 9 as a reminder. If
this is not done, permanently add 15 to the DEF of each Bunker.
The Flame-Thrower cannot be found normally in this Raid, even with game effects
that allow unavailable Items to be found.
Place 1 red token in the following Sectors (indicated below by a red diamond):
Able Sector 12, Baker Sector 12, Charlie Sector 13.
The first Unit to reach any of these red tokens finds the Flame-Thrower for free. If
2 or more Units reach a red token at the same time, use the Tie Fighters rules to
determine who finds the Flame-Thrower. No matter how many pools are used,
only 1 Flame-Thrower can be found in this Raid.
Only once the Flame-Thrower is used can it be found again by game effects
allowing you to find used Items (like some Special Find RWB bonuses).
See the Honor Roll at the end of this book for further details.
able baker charlie
raid A-1 Silver Star Bronze Star Victoria Cross
raid A-2 Legion of Merit Purple Heart Distinguished Service Order
raid A-3 Medal of Honor Long Service Medal Memorial Cross
The solitaire version of the Longest Day has many differences from the regular
campaign, but the setup of the battlefield remains the same (see p.9). It is best
played in the full configuration, but compatible with other configurations.
At dawn, the Allied teams land their ships on the beaches, hoping to get a foothold
in Normandy. But the Atlantic Wall is well-defended, and the troops manning the
bunkers know that retreat is not an option…
Conquer all 3 Bunkers using the War Correspondent as quickly as possible.
special rules
In addition to the Regular Items available to you as a solitaire player, you
are allowed 6 Special Items instead of 1:
amphetamines bazooka flak vest
pocket bible toolkit wirecutters
Start on Baker Column with an extra 6 Soldiers and 2 Courage.
Place a Unit Marker (of a different color) in the following Sectors: Able Column
Sector 6 and Charlie Column Sector 5. These Unit Markers are the Rallying Points
for the Raid. Rallying Points are explained below.
Place a gray Soldier token in Able Column Sector 1. This is the Time token. Every
phase 5, move the Time token up to the next-numbered Sector (in the same
Column). Once it reaches Sector 13, after 12 turns, the Time token moves into
the Bunker during next phase 5. If you conquer Baker Bunker before the Time
token reaches Able Bunker, gain 2 AP for each Sector between the Time token
and its Bunker. For example, if you conquer your Bunker while the Time token is
in Able Sector 12, you gain 4 AP, since the Time token is 2 Sectors away from its
objective. If you enter your Bunker at the same time as the Time token, you gain
0 AP. If the token enters its Bunker before you, lose 5 AP.
Once you have conquered Baker Bunker, roll your dice normally during next
Phase 1. Then, during phase 5, sacrifice the War Correspondent to trade places
with either one of the Rallying Points, and then discard that Unit Marker. If you
don’t have the War Correspondent, stay in the Bunker until you have enough
Stars to rally him (up to 3 turns).
Take all the Skull tokens that are next to your chosen Rallying Point and add
them to your next Final Tally. You cannot add more than 6 Skull tokens per turn:
any overflow is carried over to the next turn.
Important note: When sacrificed or lost, the War Correspondent returns to the pool,
to be rallied again. Sacrificing the War Correspondent counts as moving (you cannot
move again this turn).
Now that the amphibious assault is a success, you must help secure the beaches by
leaving a strong occupying force in the conquered bunkers. You receive new orders to
press on further inland, but the enemy has zeroed in on your position! Proceed with
caution. Move unpredictably, there are plenty of snipers around. Good luck!
Conquer any 1 Bunker.
special rules
The Spread Out! rule doesn’t apply to this Raid: you cannot move normally from
one Battle Map to another. Advancing also means you will change Columns. See
“Dodging Bullets,” below.
WN-68 (Able Column) This Raid, the Lieutenant can only be found in Able Sector 9.
In addition to the Regular Items available to you as a solitaire player, you are
allowed 6 Special Items instead of 1:
Transportation Notes
• The cost to Advance (Courage) is based on the map where you start, not the
map where you arrive (even if you end up in a Sector in another row).
• Only Land Mines and Barriers of the Sector you are leaving are taken into
effect, even if you are transported to another Sector that doesn’t have
them. This includes Mont Fleury Battery’s trench: you only need to build the
temporary bridge if you are Advancing from this Map’s Sectors 9, 10 or 11.
If standing in Baker Sector 6 you can Advance to Baker Sector 12 which will
transport you to Charlie Sector 12 without having to build the bridge.
• You must fulfill all Sector requirements of the Sector you are transported to,
unless you ignore them via a Battle Cry RWB or other game effect.
• Remember that you cannot visit the same Sector twice. This can prove trickier
than usual.
• Being transported triggers all Advancement effects, like the Beachmaster.
Keep 1 rallied Specialist from the previous Raid, and start the game with an extra
3 Soldiers and 3 Courage.
At the start of the Raid, for each Column, roll 1d6 and add 5: the result is the
number of a Sector that is blocked (place a red “X” counter on it as a reminder).
These Sectors are impassable under any circumstance. If Able Sector 9 is blocked
this way, the Lieutenant cannot be rallied.
When you start the game, and when you arrive in a new Sector, always place your
Unit Marker on the face. This gives you 1 less turn per Sector. Note that this
also means you will never use the first value of Multiple-DEF Sectors.
As the day ends, you must prepare to defend against counterattacks. There are multiple
howitzers to set up and so little time…
Visit all Sectors 10 to unlock the Bunkers.
Conquer all Final Bunkers.
Let all Résistant Prisoners (French Résistance Prisoners) reach the Allied lines.
special rules
Château de Vaumicel (Baker Column) For this Raid, you are allowed to visit Baker
Bunker 2 twice: once on your way to Bunker 3, and the second time when you
leave Bunker 3 to move out of the Map. Moving from Bunker 3 to Bunker 2 is
considered an Advance, costing 5 Courage.
Marefontaine Battery (Charlie Column) Don’t forget that both Bunkers must be
In addition to the Regular Items available to you as a solitaire player, you are
allowed 6 Special Items instead of 1:
Place a Soldier token on the highest-numbered Sector (not a Bunker) of each
Column: these are escaped Résistant Prisoners, who just fled the firing squad.
Every time you obtain an RWB, move 1 Résistant of your choice to the next lower-
numbered Sector of its Column (skipping Bunkers and ignoring all movement
restrictions). These Résistants must reach the Allied lines! You can only win the
game when all Résistant tokens have reached Sector 1. Being in the same Sector
as a Résistant is dangerous: DEF is +2 in all Sectors containing Résistant tokens.
You must conquer all the Final Bunkers.
Once you complete Raid 1, follow steps 1–3 for setting up for the next Raid (p. 5),
flip the maps over, complete the next Raid setup steps, and begin Raid 2.
German Anti-Aircraft (AA) defenses wreaked havoc with the Allied planes. As a result,
paratroopers were dropped in a very random fashion over the Normandy countryside,
forcing the airborne troops to improvise assaults with limited resources…
Recover lost Specialists
Trade lost paratroopers between Teams
Conquer the Bunker in your Column.
special rules
Mission Detroit (Charlie Column) Sector 12 has no Command Post (but it keeps
its “Fight Once” DEF). Place a red “X” token on it as a reminder.
Mission Boston (Able Column) Command Post lifts “A Few Good Men” (which
affects all the Battle Maps in the Raid) from this Map only. The other 2 Maps will
still follow the rule.
Each Unit starts with an extra 5 Soldiers and 2 Stars. Use normal random starting
Sector rules.
At the start of this Raid, each Unit randomly selects 3 Specialists: 1 Regular and
1 Reserve from its own country, 1 Ranking from its pool. These Specialists are
paratroopers hung up in trees: place them in a deck beside the battlefield, 1 deck
per Team. They are unavailable and must be freed. To free Lost Officers and make
them available again, each Team must draw a total number of Awards equal
to twice its number of Units, so a 3-player Team must draw at least 6 Awards
between all its Units.
If a Team fails to free its Lost Officers, they remain unavailable for the rest of the
Multiplayer Teams At the start of Raid 1, Units from multiplayer Teams are given
1 numbered token corresponding to their Team (“1” for Able Team, “2” for Baker
Team, “3” for Charlie Team).
1-player Teams At the start of Raid, Units from 1-player Teams are given 1
numbered token corresponding to their Team (“1” for Able Team, “2” for Baker
Team, “3” for Charlie Team) for each opposing Team. For example, in a 3-Team
game, your Unit would receive 2 tokens with your Team number on it.
These tokens are troopers who landed in the wrong place, and count as a
tradable resource. Trading Lost Paras is automatic and cannot be refused. Units must
give these Lost Paras to Units from another Team standing in the same Sector. A Unit
cannot trade Paras twice with the same Unit. By the end of the Raid, Units should
no longer have the same Lost Para tokens they started with. For each Lost Para a
Team failed to trade away, it loses 1 AP at the end of the Raid.
As you regroup after conquering the bunker, your outfit is assigned a new
commanding officer, straight out of school! This fresh wonder has never
seen combat, and your soldiers will pay the price for his lack of experience…
Conquer the Bunker from Operation Tonga.
special rules
Each Unit keeps up to 2 rallied Specialists from the previous Raid and starts
the game with 8 extra Soldiers and 10 Item Points. Baker Team gains an extra
5 Courage.
All Units ignore the random starting Sectors rules of their Battle Map for this Raid:
• Able Team starts in Sector 1.
• Baker Team starts in Sector 1 or 3 (whichever is closest to the Bunker they
conquered during Raid 1).
• Charlie Team Units have the choice between starting in Sector 2 or 3.
See the Honor Roll at the end of this book for further details.
able baker charlie
raid B-1 Medal for War Distinguished Service Order Military Cross
raid B-2 Military Medal Legion of Merit Conspicuous Gallantry Medal
solo Campaign B:
The night before the land invasion, Allied airborne troops are dropped behind enemy
lines to capture key positions and neutralize German defenses. As the paratroopers
love to say, when Hitler built his famous Atlantic Wall, he forgot to install a roof!
The solitaire version of the Longest Night has many differences from the regular
campaign, but the setup of the battlefield remains the same (see p. 21–22).
RAID b-1S:
find your flock
German Anti-Aircraft (AA) defenses wreaked havoc with the Allied planes. As a result,
paratroopers were dropped in a very random fashion over the Normandy countryside, forcing
the airborne troops to improvise assaults with limited resources…
Try to recover lost gear, lost officers, and lost paratroopers.
Conquer any 1 Bunker.
special rules
Mission Detroit (Charlie Column) The rules for the Command Post in Sector 12 are
overridden by the Special Rule “Lost Gear”, that follows.
Start in Baker Column with an extra 5 Soldiers and 2 Stars. Use normal random
starting Sector rules.
At the start of the Raid, randomly pick 6 Regular Items from the pool and place
them in a deck beside the battlefield: these Items were sent in crates that got lost
during the drop, and are considered unavailable. To make them available, you
must activate the Command Post in Mission Detroit’s Sector 12 (Charlie Column).
At the start of the Raid, randomly select 4 Specialists: 1 Regular, 1 Reserve, 1
Ranking and 1 Unique. These are paratroopers that got stuck in trees: place them
in a deck beside the battlefield. The Specialists in this deck are unavailable. To
free these Lost Officers and make them available again, reach Sector 10 of Able
Column, where you must earn a Fresh Troops RWB and renounce the bonus. If
you fail to free your Lost Officers, they will remain unavailable for the rest of the
RAID b-2s:
And the Blind
Shall Lead Them
As you regroup after conquering the bunker, your outfit is assigned a new
commanding officer, straight out of school! This fresh wonder has never
seen combat, and your soldiers will pay the price for his lack of experience...
With the “help” of the Rookie Officer Specialist, you must conquer 2 Bunkers
(the last one must be from Baker Column).
special rules
Keep up to 2 rallied Specialists from the previous Raid and start the game with an
extra 7 Soldiers and 10 Item Points.
Ignore the random starting Sectors rules for this Raid. Instead, start in the starting
Sector closest to the Bunker you conquered in Raid 1.
Campaign c: blind assault
The enemy is fighting much harder than expected, and the Allies have decided
to launch a diversion attack to relieve pressure on the other fronts. Your Units
have been chosen for this delicate and badly organized affair…
You may select from 2 different battlefields featuring different map sections. Choose
your preferred Battle Map configuration: Full, Medium, or Small.
Battlefield configurations from Battlefield version 2, Campaign C.
Full Configuration
baker charlie
baker charlie
RAID c-1: tarfu
The order was given yesterday: you attack at dawn! Not everything is prepared, not everyone
is ready, the logistics are bad and the weather could be better. Oh, and aerial reconnaissance
missions didn’t notice there is a German armored division nearby…
Conquer the Bunker in your Column. Avoid Tiger tanks and the Rookie Officer.
special rules
Each Unit starts the game with an extra 5 Soldiers, 2 Courage and 1 random
Serviceman, if available (otherwise, a free Specialist costing 2 Stars).
Shuffle all the Rookie Specialists together and randomly pick one: that card will
be the Snafu for the duration of the Raid. Randomly select 1 Unit at the start of
the Raid: that Unit has the dubious honor of rallying the Snafu for free. The Snafu
cannot be lost, killed or sacrificed, and his ability cannot be ignored. If a Unit is
wiped out, the Specialist it is allowed to keep must be the Snafu. The only way
a Unit can get rid of him is by obtaining a Leadership or a Battle Cry RWB and
renouncing the bonus: this allows the Unit to give the Snafu for free to another
Unit of its choice at the end of Phase 2 (the Snafu cannot be refused).
If a Unit enters its Bunker with the Snafu, it must immediately give him to another
Unit that is not also entering its Bunker. If this is not possible, the Snafu is kept
and he earns 2 AP for his Team. If a Unit uses the Battle Cry For Help (p. 7) option to
conquer the Bunker while having the Snafu, and no other Unit is available on the
Map, the Snafu is taken out of the game (nobody earns his 2 AP).
Surviving the initial assault and the Tiger tanks was just the beginning! You are now in
unknown territory and need good intel on enemy defenses. Your superiors have the perfect
solution: capture a German officer for interrogation! Yeah, that should be easy…
Obtain the Password of your Bunker (capture a German Colonel in Row 2 of
another Column) and give it to the Bunker sentries in a specific Sector.
Conquer the Bunker in your Column.
special rules
WN-68 (Able Column) When playing with 1 shared pool, the Lieutenant is freely
available. Sector 9 now reads "Rally 1 available Specialist for free (including
If playing with 2+ pools, put aside 1 Lieutenant from the pool accessible to Able
Team: that Lieutenant can only be rallied for free in WN-68’s Sector 9.
Each Unit keeps 1 of its rallied Specialists from the previous Raid and starts the
game with an extra 4 Courage, 1 Star and 2 random Servicemen, if available
(otherwise, 4 additional Stars).
Permanently add 24 to the DEF of each Bunker and place a green token in the
following Sectors to determine where the Bunker Sentries are placed:
• Able Column: WN-68 Sector 10/Strongpoint Sole Sector 11
• Baker Column: Vierville Draw Sector 6/Strongpoint Morris Sector 10
• Charlie Column: Mont Fleury Battery Sector 10/Cosy’s Bunker Sector 10
German Colonels are supervising defenses in the area. Each Team must send a
Unit to capture a Colonel. To do so: a Unit must spend 4 Stars while standing in
any Sector of Row 2 from another Column during any phase 4.
When a Unit captures a German Colonel (only 1 per Team), it does 2 things:
• It draws 1 random Serviceman. If you are not playing with Servicemen, the
Unit gains 2 Courage instead.
• It rolls 6 RWB dice and notes the results (ignore the color of the dice). These
results are the Password for its Team’s Bunker, revealed by the Colonel. Items
and game effects like the Binoculars can be used to change Password results
just after they are rolled. You have until the end of the turn to change the
Password this way.
The Password and its use are explained below.
Once a Unit knows the Password for its Bunker, it must stand in the same Sector
as its Bunker Sentries to give them the Password. If no Password is given, a Bunker
cannot be entered by any means.
To give the Password, a Unit must try to match it in its Final Tally. Decide once your
Final Tally is obtained if your Unit gives the Password to the sentries: each Team
has only 1 attempt per game. Results must be matched 1 for 1: each matched
result permanently lowers the Team’s Bunker DEF by 4. If you obtain a perfect
match (6 results), your Team’s Bunker returns to its normal DEF and you draw an
Award at random.
If using Servicemen (from War Stories), you are allowed to discard Servicemen
cards to help you obtain the Password results. Other game effects giving
additional results (like the Leadership RWB) can be used to help. The matching of
results happens before the cancelling effect of Skulls. Once the Password is given,
add the resources given by the dice to your Resource Card normally.
RAID c-3: fubar
You are not out of the woods yet! Having lost your commanding officer during the
previous battle, a new one is assigned to you by the geniuses at Command HQ. This
arrogant Lieutenant has never seen combat up close before, but that doesn’t stop him
from feeling up to the task!
Randomly determine which Bunker each Team must conquer.
special rules
Château de Vaumicel (Baker Column) If playing with this Battle Map, the Flame-
Thrower is available normally for players, following the Quartermaster’s
Nightmare rule, below. Sector 12 of this Battle Map now reads: “Draw 1 Award at
random when you enter here”. Also, the ability of the Legendary Specialist Flame-
Gunner (US 29th Infantry Division) is replaced by: “Sacrifice to find the Bangalore
Torpedo for free, even if it is used”.
Each Unit keeps up to 2 of its rallied Specialists from the previous Raid. One player
per Team rolls 2d6: the lowest die is the extra Courage given to every Unit in that
Team, and the highest die is the number of bonus Soldiers given to every Unit in
that Team.
All Units start with the Rookie Officer Specialist. There are only 2 ways to get rid
of him: by Special Damage or by paying his cost in Stars. Other game effects like
Awards or Sector requirements do not affect him. If the Rookie Officer is still part
of a Unit when it conquers the Final Bunker, its Team earns a bonus of 2 AP.
Just to show everyone he knows more about strategy than anyone, your new
commanding officer has decided on his very own attack plan! When a Team
reaches the third row of any Battle Map it rolls a d6 for its Raid objective.
• 1–2: the objective is Able Bunker *
• 3–4: the objective is Baker Bunker
• 5–6: the objective is Charlie Bunker
* Note: If the objective is WN-68 (Able Column): Each Team must neutralize the
Panzer for itself. 33
If 2 Teams have the same objective: their Units won’t place their Specialists beside
the Bunker once they have conquered it, to help others. It’s every Unit for itself!
If a Team’s objective is on an adjacent Column: it gains an additional 1 AP at
the end of the Raid. If the objective is 2 Columns away, the Team gains 3 AP.
For example, if Able Team’s objective is Charlie Bunker, Able Team will receive an
extra 3 AP at the end of the Raid.
If all Teams are multiplayer (including 4-player games with 2 Teams): Units cannot
find Items for themselves. Every time a Unit spends Item points for an Item, the
Item card itself is added to another Unit of its choice, anywhere on the Map (this is
not considered trading).
If there is a single pool (excluding 4-player games with 2 Teams): Shuffle all available
Regular Items and Special Items together and split them into 2 equal face-up
decks. At any time, Units only have access to the 2 Items at the top of each
deck. Once an Item is found, the one under it becomes available. No peeking!
Legendary Items are not affected and can be found normally.
If there is a mix of multiplayer and single-player Teams: Ignore this rule.
solo Campaign c: BLIND ASSAULT
The enemy is fighting much harder than expected, and the Allies have decided
to launch a diversion attack to relieve pressure on the other fronts. Your Unit
has been chosen for this delicate and badly organized affair…
The solitaire version of Blind Assault has many differences from the regular
campaign, but the setup of the battlefield remains the same (p. 28–29).
RAID c-1S:
The order was given yesterday: you attack at dawn! Not everything is prepared, not everyone
is ready, the logistics are bad and the weather could be better. Oh, and aerial reconnaissance
missions didn’t notice there is a German armored division nearby…
Conquer a Bunker from a different Column while avoiding Tiger tanks and the
Rookie Officer.
You can only change Columns on Row 3.
special rules
Start the game on Baker Column, with an extra 10 Soldiers, 5 Courage and
3 random Serviceman, if available (otherwise, 6 Stars).
You must conquer a Bunker from a different Column than the one you started in.
But the only way to change Columns is through Row 3.
At the start of Raid 1, place a Tiger tank (a regular d6) on the highest-numbered
Sector of Able and Charlie Columns. Every time you obtain an RWB, move both
Tigers down by 1 Sector (ignore Barriers and skip Bunkers). Once your Unit moves
to another Column, keep the Tiger in your Column and discard the other one
(i.e., if you move to Able, discard Charlie Tiger, and vice-versa). When you stand
in a Sector with a Tiger, roll the d6 to see how many Soldiers you lose during
phase 6. This damage is not considered MGF. The Binoculars or other similar game
effects can modify this die’s result. You must sacrifice a card with to leave
a Sector containing a Tiger (unless the Tiger moves by itself). If a Tiger reaches
Sector 1, the game is lost at the end of the turn.
RAID c-2s:
Surviving the initial assault and the Tiger tanks was just the beginning! You are now in
unknown territory and need good intel on enemy defenses. Your superiors have the perfect
solution: capture a German officer for interrogation! Yeah, that should be easy…
Capture a German Colonel in a random Sector in Row 3 of an adjacent
The Colonel will give you the Passwords for the Bunkers in the other 2
Conquer 1 of these Bunkers by giving the Password (the unused Password
becomes a new requirement).
special rules
Keep 1 of your rallied Specialists from the previous Raid and start the game with
an extra 4 Courage and 1 Star. Before choosing a starting Column, determine
where the German Colonel is standing…
Observers have spotted your approach and launched a Warning Signal: this is an
additional requirement that you must fulfill to enter your Bunker. Look at the dice
results of the Warning Signal, and read them as follows: lose 1 Soldier for each
Soldier in the Signal (a 2-Soldier result makes you lose 2 Soldiers), 1 Star for each
Star, 1 Courage for each Courage, 1 Item for each Tool and 1 Specialist for each
Skull. You must have the required resources in your Unit in order to discard them
and enter the Bunker.
RAID c-3s:
You are not out of the woods yet! Having lost your commanding officer during
the previous battle, a new one is assigned to you by the geniuses at Command HQ.
This arrogant lieutenant has never seen close combat before, but that doesn’t
stop him from feeling up to the task!
Start with the Rookie Specialist.
Randomly determine which Sector 10 you must reach, then randomly
determine which Bunker to conquer.
special rules
Keep up to 2 of your rallied Specialists from the previous Raid. Also, roll 2d6: the
lowest die result is the extra Courage you get, and the highest die result is the
number of bonus Soldiers you add to your Unit. Start in the same Column as the
last Bunker you conquered.
For this Raid, you are allowed to pick 1 Special Item per Battle Map from their
corresponding lists (so 3 in total, instead of 1) and add them to the available
Items. See the Quartermaster’s Nightmare, below.
Instead of having a pool for Items, shuffle all available Regular and Special Items
together (including Legendary Items) and split them into 2 equal decks, face-up.
At any time, you only have access to the 2 Items that are face-up. Once you find
an Item, the one under it becomes available. You are not allowed to peek at what’s
under an Item.
Start with the Rookie Officer Specialist. There is only 1 way to get rid of him: by
Special Damage. Other game effects like Awards or Sector requirements do not
affect him. If the Rookie Officer is still part of your Unit when you conquer the
Final Bunker, earn 5 AP.
Just to show he knows more about strategy than anyone, your new commanding
officer has decided on a very special attack plan! At the start of the Raid, randomly
determine a Column other than the one you’re starting on. You must reach Sector
10 of that Column (place a green token on it as a reminder).
multiplayer HONOR ROLL
At the end of each Raid, Units earn Achievement Points (AP) for their
respective Team, based on their performance.
If more than 1 Unit/Team qualifies for any of these items, each earns the
full AP.
At the end of each Raid, you earn Achievement Points (AP) based on
your performance.
N-01 Exercise Tiger Base game
N-02 Omaha Beach Base game
N-03 Gold Beach Base game
N-03B Gold Beach (alternate version) Overlord
N-04 Sword Beach Base game
N-05 Pointe du Hoc Base game
N-06 Vierville Draw Base game
N-07 Château de Vaumicel Base game
N-08 Mont Fleury Battery Base game
N-09 Marefontaine Battery Base game
N-10 Strongpoint Morris Base game
N-11 Strongpoint Hillman Base game
N-12 Pegasus Bridge Base game
N-13 Utah Beach Way To Hell
N-14 Juno Beach Way To Hell
N-15 Cosy's Bunker Way To Hell
N-16 Courseulles Way To Hell
N-17 Brécourt Manor Way To Hell
N-18 Exercise Fabius Atlantikwall
N-19 Dog Red Atlantikwall
N-20 WN-68 Atlantikwall
N-21 Achtung Panzer! Atlantikwall
N-22 Queen Red Atlantikwall
N-23 Strongpoint Sole Atlantikwall
N-24 Strongpoint Daimler Overlord
N-25 Mission Albany War Stories
N-26 Mission Boston War Stories
N-27 Mission Chicago War Stories
N-28 Mission Detroit War Stories
N-29 Operation Tonga War Stories
N-30 Merville Battery War Stories