NTM Module 2
NTM Module 2
NTM Module 2
What is Ultrasonic?
Ultrasonic refers to sound/vibratory waves that have a frequency higher than the upper
limit of human hearing, typically above 20 kHz.
What is Ultrasonic Machining?
Ultrasonic machining is a non-traditional machining process which utilizes high-frequency
of ultrasonic vibrations to remove material from a workpiece.
In USM Process material is removed by the repetitive impact of abrasive particles carried
by liquid medium on to the workpiece surface by shaped tool vibrating at ultrasonic frequency.
Principle of USM
USM is based on the principle that, when a tool vibrating at a very high frequency is
brought closer to the workpiece with abrasive particles between them.
These abrasive particles are pumped between the tool and workpiece.
The vibrating energy of the tool can force the abrasive particles to strike the workpiece
with a great velocity.
The impact of the abrasive particles fractures the hard work surface resulting in the removal
of material from the workpiece.
Prof. Krishna Prasad S, Assistant Professor Dept. of ME, MIT Mysore Page 1
Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
These features of the USM makes above mentioned materials to be machined economically
and efficiently compared to conventional methods.
USM Equipment and Operation
The USM consists of following components
Signal Generator and Power amplifier
Ultrasonic Transducer
Transducer cone or Horn
Tool Holder
Abrasive slurry
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
2. Ultrasonic Transducer
Ultrasonic transducer Convert high frequency electrical signal into and low amplitude
mechanical vibration. (5 microns).
In USM, piezo- electric or Magneto-strictive transducers are used.
piezo electric transducer works on piezoelectric. effect. i.e. when an electric current
is passed through piezoelectric crystal (quartz) it expands and when the current is
removed the crystal attains its original size. Such transducers are available up to 900
Magneto-strictive transducer works on Magneto-strictive effect. According to this
effect, in the presence of the applied magnetic field, ferro-magnetic metals and alloys
Change the length such transducers are available up to 2000 watts.
The transducer based on magneto-strictive effect is preferred in USM, due to high
efficiency, high reliability in the 15-30 KHz, low supply voltage and simple cooling
3. Transducer/Tool cone or Horn
The tool con e or concentrator (also called mechanical amplifiers), which amplify the
amplitude of vibration from 5 to 40-50 microns.
The amplified Vibration is the transmitted to tool and commonly used tool materials
are Titanium.
following figures shove the different shapes of tool cone
4. Tool Holder
The high frequency of mechanical motion obtained from the transducer transmitted to
the tool via tool-holder.
The tool holder as the name implies it helps to attach and hold tool to transducer.
In addition, it also transmits the length of stroke or vibration of the tool by means of
wave guide.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
5. Tool
Tool is the mirror image of shape to be produced.
During operation, tool is subjected to high frequency of vibration perpendicular to the
work surface to machined.
vibrating tool drives the abrasive particles against the work piece and causes impact
action of abrasive particles on work piece.
It is usually made up of ductile materials brass, steel, Mild steel to minimize the book
wear rate.
6. Abrasive slurry:
Abrasive sherry is the working medium in USM.
Abrasive slurry. Consists of Mixture of Liquid (water is most commonly used and oils
are also used) it is up to 30 % to 60% of abrasives.
commonly used abrasives are Aluminum Oxide (Al2o3) Silicon Carbide (sic) and
Boron Carbide (B4C) and diamond dust.
Working of USM-
In operation Electronic oscillator and power amplifier convert low frequency (60Hz)
electrical signal to high frequency (20kHz) electrical signal.
This high frequency electrical-signal is transmitted to the ultrasonic transducer.
This Ultrasonic transducer convert high frequency electrical signal into high frequency
low amplitude mechanical vibrations of about (5 micros).
The tool come which amplify the amplitude of vibration Obtained from the transducer
from 5 to 40 microns The amplified vibration is then transmitted to the tool.
The tool vibrates at very high frequency with desired amplitude.
Abrasive slurry is pumped between to the vibrating tool and Work piece.
The vibrating tool drives the abrasive particles against the workpiece and causes an
impact action of abrasive particles on the workpiece.
Impact action of abrasive particle causes a brittle fracture and hence material is
The removed material is carried by the abrasive slurry.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
4) Type of Abrasive
Abrasive used should be harder than workpiece material to be machined or else life of the
abrasive shortened results in poor surface finish.
Boron carbide used for Higher MRR for machining harder materials like Titanium carbide
(Tic), tool-steel & precious stones.
Also abrasive used for machining is costlier.
Silicon-carbide is best suited as abrasive and finds maximum applications.
5) Effect of Abrasive grain-size
As the grain size increases MRR increases initially due to impact of more abrasives on
larger area of workpiece.
As the abrasive grainsize increases beyond certain limit MRR decreases.
Size of the abrasive particle usually ranges from 200-840grit size.
Coarse-grits suits for higher MRR but poor Surface finish.
Similarly fine-grits suits for lower MRR but high surface finish.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
6) Effect of Tool-Shape
MRR is inversely proportional to the cutting area of tool.
Narrow rectangular tool give increase in MRR compared to square shape.
Conical-tool produces twice MRR compared to cylindrical tool.
Process Characteristics (Capabilities) of USM
1. Metal Removal Rate (MRR)
Material MRR (mm3/min)
Glass 425
Mica 390
Ceramics 185
Steel 30
From the above table it is clear that USM has High MRR for brittle materials like -
glass, Mica & Ceramics and Low MRR for ductile materials like Steel.
USM process gives high MRR for Work-piece whose hardness greater than 50 HRC.
i.e., not suitable for workpiece whose hardness below 50HRC.
Therefore, USM is best suitable for machining Hard & Brittle materials.
Also, MRR also depends on
Amplitude & frequency of vibrating tool
Abrasive grain-size.
Abrasive slurry concentration
Work-piece material
Applied static-load.
2. Tool-wear: is defined as the ratio of
Wear ratio = Volume of material removed from workpiece / volume of material removed
from tool.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
3. Surface Finish
Surface finish produced by USM depends on Type of abrasive and size of the abrasive at
major level.
Type of work-piece material, Amplitude of vibrating tool & Abrasive slurry concentration
in minor level.
Fine grainsize of (0.2-0.8 µm) gives better surface finish but Low MRR and Coarse grain
size gives poor surface finish but High MRR.
From the figure it is clear that as the abrasive grain size increases surface finish decreases.
4. Accuracy
In USM accuracy of the machined surface depends on the
Size of the abrasive particle
Tool wear-rate
Tool vibration
For example, accuracy occur in the form of Taper while drilling is discussed below:
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
Principle of AJM
AJM principle involves use of high velocity abrasive particle carried in a gas medium
through nozzle.
Mixture of abrasive particle & while passing through the nozzle pressure energy is
converted into kinetic energy.
High velocity of abrasive jet from the nozzle is then directed on to the work-surface.
The impact of the abrasive particle on the worksurface causes brittle fracture and hence
material is removed.
Excess material is then carried by gas stream resulting in smooth & fine surface finish.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
1. Filter
It filters the air/gas from oil/moisture & other contaminants before entering nozzle and
mixing chamber.
2. Compressor
It pressurizes the gas to the required level.
Commonly used gas is air/Nitrogen/Carbon-dioxide.
3. Pressure gauge and flow regulator
It is used to regulate & control the pressure & flowrate of compressed air.
4. Mixing Chamber
It is used to mix the gas and abrasive particle.
The mixing chamber is made to vibrate at about 50 Hz for proper mixing of abrasive
particle with gas.
5. Hopper
It is used for feeding the abrasive particle to the mixing chamber through metallic sieve.
Metallic sieves are constantly subjected to mechanical vibration.
Mass flowrate of abrasive entering the chamber depends on amplitude & frequency of
vibrating sieve.
6. Vibrator
It is provided below the mixing chamber.
It vibrates the mixing chamber for proper mixing of abrasive particle with a gas.
7. Nozzle
It is used to accelerate the abrasive particle on the worksurface.
Since the abrasive particle leave the nozzle at high velocity subjected to abrasive wear.
Therefore, nozzle is made of hard materials like Titanium carbide, synthetic sapphire which
has high resistance to wear.
8. Abrasive jet
It is a mixture of abrasive particle & compressed air.
Aluminum oxide (Al2o3), Silicon carbide (Sic) particle is used as abrasive particle.
The size of the abrasive particle ranges from 10-50 µm.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
Small size of particles are preferred for polishing & cleaning, large size of abrasives are
preferred for cutting.
9. carrier gas
Air, nitrogen, carbon-dioxide are used as abrasive particles.
It must be filtered to remove moisture, oil & other contaminants.
Here high pressure of carrier gas leads to nozzle wear & low pressure leads to low MRR
therefore, gas pressure needs to adjust accordingly.
Initially, dry air or gas is filtered and compressed by passing it through the compressor.
In operation, the filtered gas is supplied under pressure into the mixing chamber containing
abrasive particle.
The mixing chamber is made to be vibrated at about 50Hz for proper mixing of abrasive
particle with the gas.
The stream of mixture emerging from the nozzle at a high velocity is directed onto the
worksurface to be machined.
The impact of the abrasive particle on the worksurface produces sufficient force to cut a
hole or slot, deburring, trimming or removing oxides and other surface films from the
The removed work material is carried away by gas stream, i.e. carrier gas.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
Reuse of abrasive particles not recommended for because cutting capacity decreases
after first application.
3. Size of Abrasive grains
Size of the abrasives decides the MRR.
Fine grains produce low MRR and coarse grains produces high MRR.
4. Velocity of the abrasive particle
When the velocity increases i.e., speed at which abrasive particle hits the workpiece
increased. i.e., MRR increases with increase in velocity of abrasive particle.
For erosion of the workpiece surface minimum velocity of abrasive particle found to
be 150m/s.
5. Nozzle Design
Since the abrasive particle leave the nozzle at high velocity it is subjected to abrasive
To avoid the nozzle wear its made from tungsten carbide (Tic) & Sapphire material
both having a property of high resistance to wear.
Nozzle may be either circular or rectangular cross-section and life of the sapphire
material nozzle is 10 times more than the Tungsten carbide nozzle.
Nozzle should be designed in such a way that loss due to bend/friction is minimum.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
Figure a shows effect of SOD on MRR, i.e.. MRR initially increases with increase in
the distance of the nozzle (i.e. NTD) due to acceleration of abrasive particle leaving the
MRR increases upto a distance of 8mm beyond this range MRR decreases due to
Increasing machine area for same amount of abrasive particle.
Decrease in velocity of abrasive particle due to drag.
NTD not only affects MRR but also the size and shape of the cavity produced.
Figure b shows NTD on machining accuracy of the workpiece material.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
Larger volume of the mixing ratio leads to Higher MRR. i.e., large abrasive flowrate
adversely influence on jet velocity.
Figure shows as the mixing ratio increases with MRR also increases due to more number
of abrasive particle available for cutting.
2. Abrasive Flowrate
It is nothing but, amount of abrasive enters to mixing per unit time.
Figure a shows effect of abrasive flowrate on MRR.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
3. Surface Finish
Surface finish produced by AJM depends on size of the abrasive, type of abrasive & work
material being machined.
Fine grainsize results in low MRR but better surface finish.
Coarse grainsize results in High MRR but rough surface finish.
Size of the abrasive ranges from 0.2 to 1.2 µm. i.e., as the size of abrasive increases surface
finish decreases.
4. Accuracy
In Abrasive jet machining tolerance upt o ± 0.05mm can be achieved.
Precision tolerance (repetitive tolerance) up to 0.1 mm can be obtain for normal production
Corner radius up to 0.2 mm can be achieved.
5. Metal Removal Rate
6. Gas Pressure
As shown in the figure Metal removal rate increases with increase in gas pressure.
i.e. Higher gas pressure produces a strong stream for cutting operation.
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Module2: Ultrasonic and Abrasive Jet machining
Initial Investment is low due to low capital cost and low power consumption.
Abrasive jet equipment’s are easy to operate and maintain.
Ability to cut intricate shapes in hard and brittle materials and heat sensitive materials.
Good accuracy and surface finish can be obtained.
Heat generation is low.
It is used for cutting, drilling, polishing and cleaning of materials.
Low metal removal rate.
Abrasive particles are cannot be reused.
Not suitable for soft and ductile materials because high velocity of abrasive particles
embedded in the workpiece itself.
Nozzle life is limited.
Taper is present in the finished workpiece while drilling a square hole.
Used for machining of brittle and heat sensitive materials like ceramic, glass and quartz.
Used for machining of semiconductor materials like silicon and germanium.
Used to cut intricate shapes in the workpiece.
Used for drilling holes, boring, polishing, cutting slots, cleaning, marking or engraving.
Used to engrave register numbers on toughened glass.
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