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INDEX (new page draw)

Sr. Heading Signature

1) Introduction

2) Game

3) Game Ground

4) Game Rules

5) Game Skill

6) Bibliography &
1)Introduction (new page)
Volleyball is defined as a team sport in which two teams
consisting of six players each team that are separated by
a net. The game of Volleyball was invented in America in
1895 Willian G Morgan, a physical education director in
the gymnasium of YMCA of Holyoke, Massachusetts,
introduced volleyball. He wanted to start a simple game
that could be played by businessmen and middle-aged
men who were not very fit to play strenuous games. He
therefore formed two teams and asked them to toss
inflated basketball Bladder over the net. Thus, the game
of volleyball was born Its first name was
‘MINTONTONETTE’; Later, Dr Holstein renamed it to
‘Volleyball’ due to its volleying nature, the sport became
a symbol of teamwork, agility, and strategy.
Outside USA the Canada was first country Where
volleyball was played in 1900, Cuba adopted volleyball in
1905 the first national volleyball championship was
organized by YMCA in New York in 1922. During the
Second World War, the game gained popularity.
After the Second World War International Volleyball
Association was established in 1941. So, the first
Volleyball championship at world level was held at
Prague at Czechoslovakia in 1949. The first Asian world
championship was held in Japan. Tokyo in 1955 in this
first championship, India got a gold medal after beating
Japan in finals, Volleyball Was started in India by YMCA.
The volleyball federation of India was Found in 1950. In
1952 the first volleyball championship was organized in
Chennai Beach. The game of Volleyball became an
Olympic sport at Tokyo Olympic in 1964. Volleyball got its
medal status in 1996, Atlanta Olympic. The game quickly
gained popularity, spreading across schools, colleges, and
recreational centers. Its appeal extended beyond the
U.S., reaching countries worldwide.
2) Game Information [new pg]
Key Elements
Volleyball is played on a rectangular court divided by a
net. Two teams, each comprising six players, engage in
intense rallies. Here are essential aspects of the game:
1. Scoring and Rotation:
o Teams score points by successfully landing the ball
within the opponent’s court.
o Players rotate positions clockwise after winning a rally,
ensuring equal opportunities for all team members.
2. Three-Touch Rule:
o Each team has a maximum of three touches (usually
pass, set, and spike) to return the ball over the net.
o Precise ball control and communication are crucial.
3. Serving Techniques:
o Servers aim to launch the ball over the net, targeting
weak spots in the opponent’s defense.
o Techniques include float serves, jump serves, and
topspin serves.
4. Attacking and Blocking:
o The spike (or attack) is a powerful downward hit
executed near the net.
o Blockers attempt to intercept spikes, creating a
defensive barrier.
The Game of Volleyball (new page)
A) Indoor Volleyball
Indoor volleyball, played on a hard court, features fast-
paced action and strategic plays. Here’s what you need to
1. Positions:
o Setter: Orchestrates the offense, delivering
precise sets to attackers.
o Outside Hitter: Executes powerful spikes from
the left side.
o Opposite Hitter: Attacks from the right side.
o Middle Blocker: Aims to block and attack near
the net.
o Libero: Defensive specialist, wearing a different
jersey color, excels in passing and digging.
2. Tactics:
o Teams strategize to exploit opponents’
o Quick attacks, combination plays, and deceptive
moves keep opponents guessing.
3. Championships:
o The Fédération Internationale de Volleyball
(FIVB) oversees international competitions.
o The Olympic Games showcase top-level indoor
B) Beach Volleyball
Played on sand with two-player teams, beach volleyball
offers a unique experience:
1. Dynamic Duos:
2. Elements of Nature:
3. Olympic Glory:
In summary, whether indoors or on the beach, volleyball
celebrates athleticism, teamwork, and the thrill of the

International National
I. World Volleyball Championship
II. Olympic Game
III. Asian games
IV. Commonwealth Games.

I. National Volleyball Championship
II. Junior National volleyball Championship.
III. National School Games Volleyball Championship.
IV. Sub-junior championship.

Important Cups and Trophies

I. Centennial cup
II. Federation Cup
III. Shivanthi Geld Cup
IV. World Cup

Important awards

I. Arjuna Award
II. Dhyan Chand Busard
III. Dron Acharya Award

3) Volleyball Court Structure

[new pg]
Dimensions of a volleyball are as follows
Width: 29.5' | 9 m
Length:59’ | 18 m
Area:1,743 ft2 | 161 m2
Attack Line: 9’10” (10’) | 3 m from net
Playing Area: 1,743 ft2 | 161 m2
Free Zone | Clearance (Back): 9’10”-21’4” | 3-6.5 m
Free Zone | Clearance (Side): 9’10”-16’5” | 3-5 m
Area with Clearances (Minimum): 3,875 ft2 | 360 m2
Area with Clearances (Large): 6,340 ft2 | 589 m2
Material (Indoor): Wood, synthetic urethane, rubber,
4) Game Rules [new pg]
Volleyball Rules and Regulations: Basics

 Each team is composed of six players – Three players

in the front row and three players in the back row.
 The game begins with a serve – The serve comes
from behind the end line on the volleyball court.
 Each team gets three touches – Each team is
allowed to touch the ball three times before it must
return to the other side of the net. If contact is made
for a fourth time, the play is dead and the other
team will receive a point. Teams CAN hit it less than
three times if they wish to do so.
 Hit the floor to score – Points are scored when the
volleyball lands “in”, on the opposing team’s side of
the court (“in” means that the ball traveled over the
net and landed within the court of play).
 The line is “in” – If the ball hits the court boundary,
it is considered to be “in”.
 Points are also scored when the opposing team hits
the ball “out”. The ball is considered “out” if it lands
out of the court boundaries, hits the antenna, or
makes contact with the ceiling.
 The ball CAN touch the net on it’s way over – The
ball is allowed to make contact with the net
regardless of if it is on a serve, attack, block, etc.
 You can play the ball off of the net – If the ball is
driven off of the net, you can continue to play it as
long as it is within your team’s three contacts.
 If the team that served wins the point, they will
continue to serve.
 If they lose the point, the opposing team will
become the servers.
 Teams rotate clockwise when they become the
servers – This means that one front row player will
become a back row player and vice versa.
 Game ends at 25 points – The game is over when
one team scores a designated number of points
(most often 25).

Volleyball Rules and Regulations: Court Violations

 Individual players cannot hit the ball two
consecutive times.
 Contact must be instantaneous – Players cannot
catch or hold the volleyball.
 Double hit – hitting the ball twice during the same
action. You can only double hit if it occurs during the
team’s first contact (during serve receive or after an
opponent’s attack).
 Players cannot assist a teammate with hitting the
ball – This means that you can’t help a teammate by
throwing them into the air or allowing them to jump
off of your back in an effort to hit the volleyball.
 Under the net violation – Players cannot cross the
center line inside the court of play. This is a tricky
one because there are certain rules surrounding an
“under” violation. The rule states that your entire
foot needs to be under the net (meaning your whole
body can be over the line as long as your foot isn’t
and you aren’t affecting the play) but it is ultimately
up to the referee’s discretion.
 Out of rotation – This can occur if you serve out of
rotation as well as if you are not in rotation during
the opposing team’s serve.
 Back row attack – This is when a player attacks the
ball over the net while they are in the back row
(according to their rotation).
 Libero cannot:
o Attack the ball over the net regardless of where

they are on the court.

o Overhand set a front row attack while they are

standing in front of the ten-foot line.

o Block. Ever.

Volleyball Rules and Regulations: Net Violations

 You cannot block a serve – You must allow the

opposing team’s serve to come over the net.
Blocking the serve is illegal and will result in a point
for the serving team.
 Over the net violation – You cannot penetrate the
net unless the opposing team is attacking. This
means that you are not allowed to block a set from
the opposing team.
 The ball must be inside the antenna – If you hit the
ball outside of the antenna (or if it hits the antenna)
it is considered to be out of play regardless of where
it lands.
 Net violation – You cannot make contact with the
top of the net during an action such as an attack or
block. You CAN make contact with the net if it does
not affect the play (referee’s discretion).
 Screening – You cannot create a wall of players to
“screen” the opposing team while you are serving.
Volleyball Terms [new pg]

The volleyball terms are separated into sections based on

how they relate to the game. The sections include court
terminology, volleyball actions, volleyball sets, positional
terminology, and misc. terminology.
Terminologies of the game

1. ACE: A serve that no player of the opposition team

touches before it hits the ground. It results in a point
for the server.
2. ASSIST: Setting the ball up for a teammate who attacks
the ball and then scores a point. An assist is counted
only if the very next shot results in a point.
3. ATTACK: The act of actually approaching the volleyball
and hitting it, in order to gain a point.
4. ATTACKER: The person who attacks the ball. Also
known as the HITTER or the SPIKER.
5. ATTACK LINE: Also known as the ’10-foot line’, it is 3
meters away from the net and is present on both sides
of the court.
6. BALL HANDLING ERROR: The referee may call this
error, if he notices that there has been a double hit, or
a ball is thrown or lifted.
7. CENTER LINE: The line under the net that divides the
entire court into 2 equal parts.
8. DIG: The act of reaching a ball spiked by the opponents
and passing it to a teammate.
9. DOUBLE HIT: An illegal move that implies that the
same player has touched the ball twice in succession.
10. FLOATER: A serve that has often been mis-hit and its
direction cannot be predicted as there is no spin or
rotation on the ball.
11. FOUL: Any illegal violation of the rules.
12. Free ball: A ball that will be returned by a pass
rather than a spike. This is usually called allowed by
the defense instructing players to move into serve
receipt positions.
13. HIT: Act of jumping up and forcefully ‘spiking’ or
hitting the ball to the opposing court.
14. KILL: A move or a strike that results in the gaining of
a point.
15. Rally: It is an exchange of hits between the team on
opposite sides. The team that wins the rally gets a
point and the serve.
16. READY POSITION: The position and stance that any
player takes just before hitting the ball.
17. RED CARD: A disqualification by the referee. This
implies that either a player must leave the game, the
team forfeits a point, or a team forfeits a serve.
18. ROTATION: After a server has made his serve, all the
players rotate in a clockwise movement.
19. SERVE: The game starts when one player serves the
ball from the end line of his side of the court, into the
opposing teams half.
20. YELLOW CARD: A warning issued to any player. This
does not accompany a loss

5)Fundamental Game Skill with pictures [new pg]

Pg 169 (will give guidance)

6)Bibliography & Webliography (new page)
ICSE Textbook – Physical Education Oswal
Volleyball tips
Rules & Regulations
Court Dimensions

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