Inventory - Motakamel Plus
Inventory - Motakamel Plus
Inventory - Motakamel Plus
Content ....................................................................................................................... 0
Inventory ................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter One Inventory System Configuration ............................................................. 3
Options ............................................................................................................. 5
Items Types ...................................................................................................... 19
Incoming Order Types ......................................................................................... 21
Outgoing Order Types ......................................................................................... 22
Transfer Orders Types ......................................................................................... 23
Measurements Units............................................................................................ 24
Unites Code Update (Change Unites Symbols) .......................................................... 28
Alerts (Notifications) ............................................................................................ 29
Chapter Two Inventory System Inputs ......................................................................31
Main Groups Details ............................................................................................ 33
Item Details....................................................................................................... 40
Assembled Items Components ............................................................................... 56
Warehouse Details .............................................................................................. 58
Bin Details (Shelves) ........................................................................................... 60
Linking Items with Bins ........................................................................................ 62
Storage Details .................................................................................................. 65
Item Pricing....................................................................................................... 67
Pricing Update ................................................................................................... 69
Items Budgeting ................................................................................................. 72
Items Sub-Groups .............................................................................................. 74
Scientific Names ................................................................................................ 76
Alternative Items ................................................................................................ 78
Alternatives Groups ............................................................................................. 80
Associate items with tax ....................................................................................... 82
Items Analytical groups ........................................................................................ 84
Import Items from Excel ....................................................................................... 86
Chapter Three Inventory System Transactions ...........................................................88
Incoming Orders................................................................................................. 90
Outgoing Request ............................................................................................... 96
Outgoing Orders................................................................................................. 99
Incoming Orders Returns .................................................................................... 105
Assemble Orders .............................................................................................. 108
Disassemble Orders .......................................................................................... 112
Inventory Transfer Orders ................................................................................... 115
Receive Orders ................................................................................................ 120
Damaged Items................................................................................................ 122
Stock Adjustment ............................................................................................. 124
Chapter Four Inventory Counts ............................................................................. 129
Inventory Menu ................................................................................................ 131
Annual Inventory .............................................................................................. 132
Monthly Inventory ............................................................................................. 134
Inventory Surplus and Shortage ........................................................................... 138
Inventory Monthly Report .................................................................................... 140
Inventory – Motakamel Plus V5
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Inventory – Motakamel Plus V5
Inventory and Inventory Management System are one of the
subsystems of the Motakamel Plus system. This system is the inventory
system that deals with inventory procedures and operations by using
multiple units per item. Working on the inventory system is done in
stages. After carrying out the necessary configuration and defining the
inputs such as storage groups, items, stores and other inputs, various
warehouse operations such as supply orders, disbursement orders, and
monthly inventory and annual inventory then compare it with the actual
warehouse inventory of items and compare them with balances of items
in the system and other operations. The system can also review the
inventory reports Such as stock report and items movement.
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Chapter One
Inventory System
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The configuration is the procedures that are done by the user prior
working on the inventory system. These procedures are important and
must be carried out accurately for their effects on the system screens.
These procedures are the settings options of the inventory system,
which are the warehouse measurement unit coding and the types used
as items type, incoming stock order type and warehouse transfer and
other types.
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Use: Options screen is used for the purpose of selecting the appropriate features and
characteristics for the enterprise from the available options, it is one of the most important
screens in the system ,therefore it must be the system administrator at the enterprise to
specify a precise appropriate option, because of the consequent effects on the screens
involved in various system partitions, since some of these options cannot be modified while
working on the system during the effective period, also it is not possible to specify an
appropriate options till the user has the knowledge of the option’s effects that would result
from specifying the option or not.
First, Main options Tab
Costing Method
The methods of costing option is used in order to select the option and the way they match
the quality of enterprise activity, which are the methods that the enterprise used in
performing stock count, the system allows the enterprise to specify the appropriate methods
in the system and traded on wider fields so that the system administrator select one of the
following t:
- First In, First Out, Method (FIFO): If this option is selected, it is assumed that items
from the inventory are sold in the order in which they are purchased or produced. This
means that cost of older inventory is charged to cost of goods sold first and the ending
inventory consists of those goods which are purchased or produced later. This is the
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most widely used method for inventory valuation. FIFO method is closer to actual
physical flow of goods because companies normally sell goods in order in which they
are purchased or produced.
- Average Cost Method (AVCO): Average cost method (AVCO) calculates the cost of
ending inventory and cost of goods sold for a period on the basis of weighted average
cost per unit of inventory.
Unused Costs
This option is used when the enterprise desires not to calculate cost of the items sold in the
system operations, which means that inventory control will not be performed on the costs
but only on the quantities, if the enterprise does not wish to use cost-based, the system
administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of selecting
this option, the system will not generate cost of sales and inventory that happens when the
user posts sales invoices, then the system will generate the a journal entry of the sold items
only, while not selecting the option means that the enterprise wish to apply continuous
inventory counts and calculates the cost of sold items in each process and the system will
post sales invoice and generates two journal vouchers first to prove the sales process and
the second to prove the deported items from warehouses at it cost, due to not selecting this
option. It is important to note that the system administrator will not be able to deactivate this
option through the system active year in case there are inventory operations done whether
in purchases, Supply or in sales.
The user will not be able to modify this option if there is any
operation made on the inventory.
Allow Minus Qtys
This option is used when the enterprise desires to allow - automatically in the system - the
sale and outgoing items, even there is no available quantity, in other words, it allows dealing
with the items in sales, orders and outgoing inventory orders invoices before supplying
quantities to the stores so that the item balance shows a negative signal by the outgoing
orders quantities. If the enterprise desires to allow dealing with minus quantities in the
system, the system administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears. It
important to note that the system administrator will not be able to deactivate this option
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through the system active year in case there is any operations made on the inventory
whether in purchases, Supply or in sales.
The use of this option is based on the use of the option
(Unused Costs); it can be used in case of not using the items
costs, as the enterprise does not evaluate the inventory, and it
completely cannot be used in case of using inventory items
Using Assembled Items
This option is used when the enterprise desires to deal with the assembled items, which
means the intention of configuring an item from a variety of items, which the user can make
an assembled item such as a (computer) This product is an assembled items that is
previously entered in the inventory, and it is composed of a computer, monitor, keyboard
and mouse. If the enterprise wishes to use the assembled item option, the system
administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and the result of selecting
this option will be as the following:
- Use the field of (assembled item) in items details screen.
- The screen of (Assembled Item components) appears on the Inventory Input Tab
Menu, which is a screen used to assemble the item components.
- The screen of (assemble orders) appears on the Inventory Transactions Tab Menu,
which is a screen through which the cost of the assembled items will be calculated and
the outgoing of the initial items (that the assembled item will be assembled by) from
warehouses (outgoing initial items and supplying assembled items).
- The screen of (Disassemble Orders) appears on the Inventory Transactions Tab Menu,
which is a screen through which the outgoing of the assembled item and supplying the
initial items to the warehouses will be done.
- Ability to deal with the assembled items in sales invoices screen and outgoing
inventory screen.
Multi Unites
This option is used when the enterprise desires to deal with more than one inventory unit for
a single item. For some items the enterprise will need to use more than one different
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inventory measurement units, both when buying or selling. For example, chocolate can be
handled in box, pack and pieces. Selecting this option allows the user to deal with item
measurements units and items numbers per measurement unit different from the item
number of other measurement unit, since most of these items include a bar code for each
measuring unit that is different than other measuring units. If the enterprise wishes to deal
with multiple inventory measurement units per item, the user selects this option so that the
signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection, the field (Parent code) will be activated
in the Items Details Screen in the Inventory System Inputs, that identifies the main item
when entering the sub item.
Using Carrying Account
This option is used when the enterprise desires to deal with items transportation fees
automatically when purchase and supply to warehouses using a warehouse incoming order,
where the system depends on a specific value for each measurement unit of item and
records it automatically in the associated accounts when supplying items using inventory
incoming orders. If the enterprise wishes to use transport wages account and record on it
the cost of each quantity transport being supplied to the warehouse based on the inventory
income order. The system administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears,
and the result of this selection:
- The field of the intermediate transport fares account (Carrying Account) appears in
main groups details screen in the Input Tab Menu, where the user enters the transport
fare account number that represents the debit side in the transport fares journal entry.
- The field of the transport fares account (Carrying Fee) appears in the Items Details
Screen in the Input Tab Menu, in which the user specifies the cost value of
transportation per unit on the supply.
- The column of Total transportation costs (Carrying Fee Sum) appears in the inventory
Incoming Orders Screen, where this column displays the total transport fares of each
item quantity.
- The fields of transport fares account (Use Carrying Fees) in the incoming orders
screen so that the user will be able to specify the debit account on which the
transportation fares will be recorded, that account that will be specified may be a
fund’s account or a transportation company account.
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From the above the user realizes that the debit's side, who will carry the amount of
transportation will be specified in the Inventory Group Details Screen, while the credit side
where the recorded amount will be in favor of will be specified in the (Additional Data)
Tab in the Incoming Order Screen.
Inventory currency
The currency inventory option used to specify the currency that will be used to evaluate the
inventory cost of the enterprise and by which the inventory reports will be displayed and this
option is considered one of the important options in the system. Specifying the inventory
currency is compulsory after the currency has been encoded in the Currency Screen - In
the General Ledger System. The inventory currency is chosen once at the early stages of
activating the system and it cannot be modified and deleted after using any related screens
of this option.
- The inventory currency is the currency that will be specified
in the accounts that will be affected by the inventory
activities, such as the Inventory Account, Sales Cost
Account, Sales Returns, Free Quantities Accounts and
other accounts.
- The inventory currency is not necessarily to be the same as
the enterprise local currency.
- Purchases and sales transactions can be performed by any
currency, while it will be affected by the account currency
used in the process, such as Treasury Account, Bank,
Customers, Vendors Account and other accounts, the
system will automatically affect the inventory by the
inventory currency.
- The inventory currency is the currency that is used to
specify the item selling price, with the ability to specify
selling prices using any another currency with inventory
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Pricing currency
The pricing currency option is used to specify additional pricing currency to the inventory
currency, and the items selling prices will specify using both currencies, meaning that, this
option is used in case the enterprise desires to specify a selling price with another currency
besides the inventory currency. Specifying the pricing currency is selected from currencies
that appear in the currency field, which are the currencies that have been encoded in the
Currency Details Screen in the General Ledger System.
- The pricing currencies that are entered in the Currency
Details Screen Appear in Items Pricing Screen.
- The pricing currency is a second currency that is used to
set items prices besides the inventory currency, which is
the default currency for the items pricing, therefore, the
inventory currency cannot be identified as a pricing
Second, General Options Tab
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item cost and does not mind that the user preview the cost of the assembled item when
carrying out the process of assembling the items, then system administrator selects this
option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection a column appears in
the Assemble Orders Screen that displays the cost of the assembled items.
Hide Cost Columns in Outgoing Orders
This option is used when the enterprise desires to hide the cost of items in the inventory
outgoing orders, in order to withhold users from viewing the cost of item when issuing
outgoing orders. If the enterprise wishes to hide the items costs in the outgoing orders, then
the system administrator select this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of
this selection the item cost column will disappear in the Outgoing Orders Screen.
Second Discount for Item
This option is used when the enterprise desires to deal with two item discounts percentages
in the sales invoice and purchases invoice. When selecting this option the user will be able
to enter initial discount percentage and a second discount percentage as needed, in order
to cope with repeated discounts that occurs during the sale or purchase of an item. if the
enterprise wishes to apply two discounts in the invoices the system administrator select this
option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection a second discount
column appears in both purchases invoices and sales invoices screens, in addition to the
discount column that appears by default in the screens and through these screens the user
is able to enter two item discounts in those invoices.
Use Max. And Min. Price Limit in Item Data
This option is used when the enterprise wishes to set a minimum and a maximum limits for
the item. This option is used to give the users of the Sales Invoices Screen flexibility in
dealing with the selling price specified in the Pricing Screen, and limiting this flexibility within
a specified minimum and maximum as a percentage of the item cost. The system does not
allow the user to exceed these limits when issuing the sales invoice, if the enterprise wants
to set the item’s minimum and the maximum limits of the sale price, the system
administrator select this option with a sign (✓), and the result of this selection will be the
activation of the fields (Min. Price Limit Percent) and (Max. Price Limit Percent) in the Items
Details Screen in which the user enters the minimum and maximum limits percentages.
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which have no sales activities, then the system administrator selects this option so that the
signal (✓) appears.
Show Item Cost Auto. In Incoming Bill
This option is used when the enterprise desires to display the cost of items automatically in
the Cost Column in the Inventory Incoming Orders Screen in the Inventory Transactions
Tab. This feature is often used when the items costs are fixed in every incoming order,
instead of manually entering the cost for each incoming order, the system will display the
cost automatically with the possibility of modifying it. If the enterprise wants item cost to
appear automatically in the incoming orders the system administrator selects this option so
that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection, the cost of items appears
automatically in the cost column in the inventory Incoming Orders Screen.
Auto. Update Last Income Price in Item Supply Detail
This option is used when the enterprise desires to direct the system to update the incoming
items prices in Incoming Order Screen in Input Tab in the Purchases System, in order to
use those prices in the enterprise trading with vendors as the enterprise requests supplying
the goods based on the prices of the last item Incoming Order. If the enterprise wants the
system to automatically update Items prices in the incoming orders, then the system
administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears.
Calculate Sub Quantity Cost in Incoming Order
This option is used when the enterprise desires to calculate the cost of a partial
measurement unit based on the cost of items total measurement unit, when supplying partial
amounts and show it in the incoming orders and purchase invoices. If the enterprise wishes
to calculate the partial unit cost such as a (piece) based on the cost of the larger
measurement unit (Box), then the system administrator selects this option so that the signal
(✓) appears, and as a result of this selection the user will be able to enter the total unit cost
and the system will calculate and show the cost of the partial item unit in the incoming
orders screen, when supplying a partial items units. For example, assuming that an item
consist of a measurement unit (box) and the box contains (12) pieces and the cost of box is
(12,000) riyals ,when selecting this option the user will input the box price as (12,000)
riyals, the system will calculate the price of the piece automatically and display it in the cost
column as (1.000) riyals per piece, while if this option is not selected, the user will enter the
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cost of the partial unit (the piece), and not the box, and note that if this option is selected to
deal with the cost of total measurement unit only ,even in the case of dealing with partial
unit ,which means when purchasing measurement units the total cost has to be encoded
and the system will calculate the partial cost.
Reduce from Oldest Expiration Date in POS System
This option is used when the enterprise sales relies on the automated items reader (Bar
Code) system, to direct the system to deduct the quantities of the sales invoices that are
issued by using the bar code device, according to the oldest expiration date, and if the
enterprise deals with expiry dates and desires to deduct the quantities sold by bar code
according to oldest expiry dates the system administrator selects this option so that the
signal (✓) appears.
Monitor the Number of Times the Inventory Printing Operations
This option is used when the enterprise desires to control the number of warehouse
documents printing times. if the enterprise wishes to monitor the number of times of printing
the warehouses operations documents, the system administrator select this option so that
the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection the number of printing times of each
document will be shown according to the number of times the document is sent to the
Deal with Bin No.
This option is used in case the enterprise deals with the shelves in the warehouses. If the
enterprise wishes to deal with shelves numbers, the system administrator select this option
so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection , a screen appears in the
Inventory Input Tab for encoding shelves and number it at each warehouse and another
screen to connect items with shelves.
Deal with Fright and Export Services
This option is used in enterprises that deal with loading and unloading services, or any
similar shipping services offices that are willing to work under the documentary cycle. if the
enterprise wish to deal with the shipping system, the system administrator select this option
so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection some fields in some
screens, such as, Profit Margin field in the Main Groups Details Screen and Items Details
Screen and some related fields in the Purchase Request Screen, Purchase Orders Screen
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and Sales Invoice Screen, also will result on activating some screens such as Quotations
Screen and Quotations Compare Screens in the Purchases System and Sales Orders
Screens and Proforma Invoice and Packaging List Screen in the Sales System.
Allow Repeat Item in Income and Outcome
This option is used when the enterprise desires to allow repetition of items in the system
screens. If the enterprise wish to allow to repeat the items, then the system administrator
selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears.
- With Alert: This option appears activated if the option (Allow Repeat Item in Income
and Outcome) is activated, and this option is selected if the system administrator wants
the system to generate an alert massage if the item is repeated, in order to notify the
user that the item is repeated.
- Without Alert: This option appears activated if the option (Allow Repeat Item in
Income and Outcome) is activated, and this option is selected if the system
administrator does not want the system to generate an alert massage if the item is
repeated, and not to notify the user that the item is repeated.
Deal with Sub. Groups
This option is used in case of the enterprise desires to deal with another classifications of
inventory items groups, in addition to the main inventory groups that will be linked to the
accounting system and link items with it. The subsidiary groups will be encoded and will not
be linked to accounts, its main purpose is to assist the user to link different items in different
main groups, that may be similar items or items that lead in total to a specific purpose, and
the purpose of this groups formation is to help the user in some of the activities as
workshops or electricity materials and other activities, the tool is to find homogeneous items
in the context of sub group. If the enterprise wishes to interact these groups, the system
administrator select this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this
selection the Sub Group Details Screen will appear in the Inventory Input Tab.
Display Sci. Name of Item and Hide Desc. In General Search Screen of Items
This option is used if the enterprise wishes to specify item details to appear in the search
screen as the user is using any of systems screens, when searching for items by (F9) a
side screen appears to search for the item also shows the item name and a description. If
the enterprise wishes to deal with the sub-groups in case or the scientific names instead of
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the description, the system administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears,
noting that the selection of this option will show the sub groups and in case of using the
pharmacy system it will show the scientific name.
Alternative Using
The option of using alternatives is used often in the enterprises that has a substitute item for
another item. The use of alternatives is just as using a sub inventory group along with the
main inventory groups, that can be linked to items of different inventory groups, the
advantage of these groups, is to carry out an assist feature for the user for collecting
substitute items that can be an alternative for some items and assemble it in one group
(Alternatives Group), the purpose of forming these groups is to help the user in some of the
activities, such as pharmacies ,and spare parts centers, to find substitute items of other
items, and if the enterprise wish to handle these groups, the system administrator selects
this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of selecting this option the user
needs to use one of the following options:
- Alternative Items: This option is used if the enterprise policy is that an item or items
are considered to be alternatives to other items, while the opposite is not possible, and
as a result of selecting this option is that the Alternative Items Screen appears in the
Inventory System Input Tab, through which the user specifies the item and the
alternative items of that item.
- Alternative Group: This option is used if the enterprise policy is based on establishing
alternative items group that include several items that any item can be a substitute item
of an item within the other group, In other words, any item is an alternative to another
item within the framework of specific alternatives group. And as a result of selecting
this option is that the Alternatives Groups Screen appears in the Inventory System
Input Tab, through which the user specifies the groups of items and specify the items
that may be alternative items of other items in the other groups.
Show outgoing requests in inventory outgoing after use
The show outgoing requests option is used in the inventory outgoing after its use if the
establishment will allow the repeated use of the inventory out going request on that screen
more than once. If the establishment wants to use this method, the Administrator shall
check (✓) this option. All outgoing orders appear on the Outgoing Requests screen
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whether or not they have been used before and can be used again without discounting
Allow warehouse outgoing order at the sale price
The user shall check this option if the Establishment will use the sale price in warehouse
outgoing orders.
Allow warehouse transfer order at sale price
The user shall check this option if the Establishment will use the sale price in warehouse
transfer orders.
Associate the “Items Analytical Groups” based on Inventory Groups
The user shall use this option if the Establishment wants to construct the inventory groups
so that analytical groups are branched from the main inventory groups to facilitate
monitoring items at more detailed levels. Accordingly, the (Items Analytical Groups) screen
will appear in the (Inventory System) → (Input) which will be used to encode the analytical
groups with several levels and associate them with the main inventory groups knowing that
the items will be associated with the last level of the analytical groups.
Use Deserved Bonus Qty.
This option is used when the enterprise desires to deal with deferred free quantities in
purchases (Purchase Invoices and Return Purchase Invoices) such as enterprises
specialized in medicines sales. The deferred free quantities which are mentioned in the
purchases invoices, but it will only be supplied after fulfilling certain conditions, such as,
selling the entire quantity, and then supply those free quantities, under new purchases
invoice as (Bonus Invoice). Once the user selects this option, a column will appear in the
Immediate Purchases Invoice Screen and Purchases Return Invoice Screen to encode the
free quantity.
- Percentage: The (percentage) option is selected if the enterprise is dealing with free
quantities as a percentage, where the system will calculate the bonus in purchases
invoices as a percentage of the actual quantities automatically.
- Quantity: The (Quantity) option is selected if the enterprise is dealing with free
quantities as a quantity, where the user will enter the free quantity in purchases
invoices manually.
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Items Types
Use: The Items types screen is used for the purpose of creating a basic base for items and
entering the types through which the items are sorted into homogeneous groups. The
importance of this classification is that the system will deal with each classification in a
different way from the other classification. The types of commodity items will be other than
the types of service items other than types of items that are stored for the company internal
use, and through this classification the user will determine how to deal with the items in
different screens. Also based on that classification the user can review the detailed reports.
The types of items are entered through the screen that appears in the following figure:
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- Non Sale: This checkbox option is used to distinguish the type of items that will be
used within the enterprise, which are not for sale, such as stationery materials,
cleaning tool or items that goes into the production process. If the enterprise wish to
deal with those types the user encodes one or more item then select the checkbox
option with (✓) signal, and as a result of this selection, the items that will be linked to
this type as (non-sale) will be available for the user to use it in various system screens
and not in the sales invoices screen and sales returns invoices because they are not
for sale.
- Service: This checkbox option is used to distinguish the service items, which are
intangible, and measured as an effort done by individuals or enterprises, such as,
training courses in training institutes, maintenance services in maintenance companies
and workshops. If the enterprise is dealing with these types, then the user specifies
these items as service items by selecting the checkbox option with (✓) signal, and as
a result of this selection, the items will be linked to this type and will be available for
the user to use it in the Sales Invoices Screen and Sales Returns Invoices Screen but
only to enable the user to issue sales invoices to customers for the services provided.
Service items cannot be stored as the opening balance and
cannot be supplied or transferred to a warehouse.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
The types of items that are entered in this screen, whether it
is commodity items, service or non-sale items, will appear in
the (Item Type) field in the items details screen, in order to
link items with their types.
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Measurements Units
Use: The Inventory Measurement Units Screen is used for the purpose of entering the
inventory measurement units used by the enterprise to store items. In this screen the user
enters all different measurement units used in the enterprise such as (Tones - Box -
Packs- Dozen ... Etc.). The benefit of entering the measurement units is for linking each of
the inventory items with its measurement unit, where these units will be dealt in the
incoming and outgoing of items from and to warehouses and in the inventory operations and
in purchases and sales screens transactions. The merge of some option fields in this screen
depends on specifying the option (Using of Weight System) in the System Administration –
Options Screen. If this option is enabled some fields related to sizes and weights will be
shown. Entering inventory measurement units is carried out from the screen that appears as
in the following figure:
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- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
Measurement units that are encoded in this screen are used
in items details screen, in order to link the items with their
appropriate measurement units and then it will be used in
other system operations screens.
Second Method, Sizes and Weights Measurement Units
This screen used in enterprises that deals with sizes and weights, such as type of
enterprises that deals with iron, wood, tiles, paper, and sponge, these units are entered as
the system administrator selects the option (Using of Weight System) in the System
Administration – Options Screen as follows:
- Uncountable Measurement Units: This option is selected if the user deals with
uncountable measurement units, in other words, if the user wishes to enter
measurement units that have a specification of sizes and weights, then by selecting
this option many related fields and options will appear on the screen.
- Unit Type: This field appears activated once the user selects the option (Uncountable
Measurement Unit) in order to specify the measurement unit type. The type will be
specified from the drop list of the types that appears by clicking on the arrow at the
end of the field, and as an example of the types of unites in the list are, height, space
and weights.
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- Code: This field is used to specify the measurement unit code, and selecting the
symbols from the menu that appears after pressing (F9) when the cursor is inside the
field, which are symbols that have been entered in the system as it is universally
recognized symbols, the units’ symbols will appear depending on the measurement
unit types that have been identified in the (Unit Type) field, if the unit type identified is
(weights) only the weight symbols will appear such as (ton, kg, g).
- Name: The unit name appears in this field once the user select the measurement unit
code in the previous field.
Measurement units that appear automatically in the system, it
is default codes that have been entered in the system, in
order to assist the user, so if those symbols suit the
enterprise’s activities it will be used as it appear, while If it
does not fit with the enterprise’s activities then the user will be
able to modify these symbols to suit the enterprise’s activities
from the screen (Change Measurement Units) that appears in
the menu after this screen.
- Other Measurement Units: This checkbox option is used if the entered measurement
unit is used along with other measurement units that have been entered before, for
example, tiles can be dealt with meter square which is a measurement unit of (Sizes
And Weights),and it can also be dealt with (peace), which is numerical unit of
measure, if the measurement units can be treated at the enterprise as a numerical, as
well as weights measurement unit, then this option is selected by the signal (✓), and
as a result of selecting this option, the units table of (Linked Countable Units) appears.
- Linked Countable Units: This table is used to specify the numerical units that will be
linked to the sizes and weights measuring units. The numerical unit will be specified
from the list of units that appear after clicking the arrow at the end of the field, the units
that appear on the list are units that have been entered in the measurement units’
screen as normal measuring units.
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- If the numerical measurement units required did not appear
then it is entered as a numerical measurement unit, then to
be linked to the size and weights measurement.
- The equation of specifying the numerical relation between
the measurement unit (square meter) and the numerical
unit that will be linked with the measurement unit (Peace)
will be specified for each item in the Items Details Screen in
The Input Tab, for example, entering that a square meter =
six pieces noting that the piece is equal to = 0.44 square
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
Both methods can be used a single enterprise.
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Alerts (Notifications)
Use: The Alert screen is used to specify the enterprise policy in the method of receiving
alert messages related to the inventory system, where the user can set to receive several
alert messages, such as items expiry dates alerts or items that reached the request limit or
inventory items that has opening balances and has no activity. All that can be carried
through the alert screen, by specifying the required settings for these notifications, such as
specifying when the alert message appears before the expiry date and whether the user
desires to get these alert massages when logging into the system or when logging out from
the system. The alert massages settings are set through the screen that appears as in the
following figure:
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- Repeat Alert\ Un-Alert: These options are used to specify whether the system
administrator wish to repeat the alert daily or to appear once only, if the user wish to
repeat the alarm the user selects the option (Repeat Alarm).
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
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Chapter Two
Inventory System
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The data input is considered the main structure of working on the
system and through which the basic data is entered to the system,
which will be used in the system transactions. In addition, most of the
data entered is used in many systems within the Motakamel Plus
System. An example of these inputs is the inventory groups and linking
it to the General Ledger, Item Details, Warehouses Details, Bin Details,
Items Price, Items Opening Balances and many other options, in
addition to some inputs of accounts system as the chart of accounts,
cost centers, currencies and other related inputs.
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(debit) and associated with several currencies that will be affected by the value of the
discounts granted to customers on the sales using sales invoice.
- P. Years Return Acc.\ No.: This field is used to specify the sales return account
number for items that were sold during the year or previous years and have been
returned during the current year (effective financial period), which is a sub-account
associated with several currencies affected as (debit) by the cost of the returned Sales
item of the Group that were sold during the previous years.
The system administrator will be able to select the account
that was specified in the field (Sales Returns Account) If an
enterprise does not wish to monitor the returns of the current
year sales and returns of previous years, but if the enterprise
desires to monitor the returns of sales of previous years in
separated reports from returns of current year sales a different
account will be used instead of the sales returns account.
- P. Years Return Cost Acc.\ No.: This field is used to specify the cost of sales returns
from previous year’s account number, which is a sub-account associated with several
currencies affected as (credit) by the cost of sales items Group sold during the
previous years were returned during the current year. The system separates the cost
of previous year sales account from the cost of the current year sales account to
perform cost control of each separately, with the possibility of using the same account
that was used in the field (Sales Cost Acc.\No.).
- Purchases Free Qtys. Account: This field is used in case of the use of the option
(Entering Bonus Quantities as Income) of bonus quantities in Purchases Options
Screen. And is used to specify the bonus quantities account number in purchases,
which is a sub-account associated with several currencies affected as (credit) affected
by posting the purchases invoices that contains bonus quantities, and it is considered
as an income in exchange for adding the quantities to the inventory (debit) by the cost
of the bonus quantities, whereas in case the option (Decrease The Costing) is selected
for the bonus quantities in the purchases system options screen then there will be no
need to use this field.
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- Difference Acc.\No.: This field is used to specify the incoming and purchases returns
differences account, which is a sub-account with the same inventory account currency
and it is affected by the difference between the items cost of purchases returns and the
value of items at the purchase, whether it have been supplied to the warehouses in the
system by an Incoming Order or Purchases invoice, and the difference appears in two
• Difference in the cost of items returned from the supplier’s purchase price and
supply so that the journal entry will be balanced for this process.
• Returning items to the supplier after adding additional charges in addition to the
supplier’s purchase cost.
- Vendor Discount Code: This field is used to specify the vendor discount account,
which means, the discount granted by the supplier to the enterprise, which is a sub-
account (credit) party, linked by several currencies and affected by the supplier
discount amounts granted to the enterprise when buying goods using purchases
invoice. This field is used in case of selecting the option (As Income) in the discounts
options in the Purchases Options Screen.
- Difference Disassembly Acc.\No: This field is used to identify the disassemble
difference account number, which is a sub-account. The disassemble difference refers
to difference that occur between the inventory assemble orders that are made at a
specific items costs and the disassemble orders when the items are returned to the
warehouse with a different cost.
- Promotion Acc. \No: This field is used to specify the promotion account number,
which is a sub-account by the same currency of the inventory and affected by the cost
of the bonus quantities in the sales invoices, for the purpose of separation between the
cost of actual sold items that appears in the cost of sales account and the cost of the
bonus quantities that appear in promotional expense, knowing that this field does not
appear and to be used the user should select the option (Post to promotion account in
sales) in the General Ledger Options Screen.
- Carrying Account No: This field is used to specify transportation costs account
number, which is a sub-account (debit) that is affected by the value of transportation
wages of supplied items, through the inventory incoming orders, faced by a credit party
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account which will be specified in the Incoming Orders Screen in the (Additional Data
Tab) as a treasury account or bank or a supplier if the transport fares were used.
Previous accounts will be affected by the operations of the
inventory items groups linked to each item and by the linkage
of the inventory groups by the General Ledger.
Group Formatting Tab
Configuring the Group formatting tab is used in order to identify some of the settings that
meets the needs of the enterprise and those configurations are as follows:
- Include Group No. In Item Code: This option is used if the enterprise desires to
include the inventory Group Number in the items numbers. If the enterprise wish to
include the group number in the items number automatically, the system administrator
selects this checkbox option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of
selecting this option is that when adding a new item in the items details screen it will
be mandatory to start the Item Number with the group number. For example, if the
group number is (001), then the item number must begin with this number and then
the item number and will be (001-001). The benefit of this method is to ensure linking
entered inventory items numbers by the Group item linked to and also ensure entering
the items using a single format.
- Generate Item Code Automatically: This option is used if the enterprise wishes to
generate the items numbers in the (items details screen) automatically, including the
inventory group number. If the enterprise wish so, the system administrator selects this
checkbox option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of selecting this option
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is that when adding a new item in the items details screen the system will automatically
generate an item number that includes the group number. Therefore, the use of this
option is linked related to the use the previous Item number option. While if this option
is not selected then the user will enter the items numbers manually.
- Group Wise Disc.: This field is used in case the enterprise desires to specify the
maximum discount limit allowed for items group in sales, and the percentage that will
be specified in this field will be circulated to all inventory items that follow the group.
- Gross Margin: This field appears when the shipping system is used, and it is used
that for the purpose of specifying the profit margin of the group items, and by
specifying the percentage it will be added to the supplier price, and will a Performa
invoice be issuing in the sales including the items cost price plus the profit margin that
will be specified in the margin percentage in this field, with the possibility of modifying
the profit margin in the Performa invoice. The percentage entered in this field will be
circulated to all the inventory items within the items group.
- Use VAT Tax (The Group Is Subjected to VAT): This option is used to specify
whether the subsidiary items will be subject to VAT or not. If the enterprise wishes to
subject such items to VAT the user selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears,
this selection will reflect on all items that follows this group, this selection will subject
the VAT to items on purchases and sales.
Print Group Details
It is used to print reports of the group data including all of the accounts that were entered
as for each group accounts, it is possible to select one or more groups in the specific
process of review the report, which appear as fields in the following figure:
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Item Details
Use: The Items Details Screen is used for the purpose of entering the inventory items data,
in which are the various items dealt with in the enterprise, whether it is commodity items for
sale or items of raw materials or items that are used internally or service items and any
other items. Through this screen the items are entered and linked with its related inventory
group, also the inventory group data must be entered before entering the items data. Also
through this screen the account related to the item are specified and linked which are the
accounts that will affected automatically with any operation conducted on items.
The Items details screen contains several tabs where each tab has a specific use. In
addition to the main tab of the screen through which the basic data of the items is
performed Including the variety of inventory units of the item, also there are other tabs
whose data appear automatically because of the operations carried out on the items. In one
of tabs the available quantities in each warehouse appear, and in another tab the statistical
data of the item cost that were added to the item price data will appear showing the initial
cost of the item and highest cost, lowest cost and average cost and other costs as they
appear in the same tab based o item, and in another tab the vendors details will appear
whose the items were purchased from and the price per item unit will appear as well, and in
another tab a statistical reports on items sales and supplies will appear .
Some buttons has been added which are used to move to other screens involved with
items, once the item is entered the user can access directly to the items warehouse screen
in order to enter the opening balances for the item and through other button the user can
access the pricing screen in order to specify the item sale prices and a third button from
which to move to the barcode screen if the user wish to print the barcode data for the item,
and a fourth button which enables importing the items data from an excel file. Through this
scree the user is also able to enter the items pictures and add it to the item data. Entering
the inventory items details are entered through the screen that appears in the following
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method is to ensure linking entered inventory items numbers by the Group item
linked to and also ensure entering the items using a single format.
• Generate Item Code Automatically: This option is used if the enterprise wishes to
generate the items numbers in the (items details screen) automatically, including
the inventory group number. If the enterprise wish so, the system administrator
selects this checkbox option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of
selecting this option is that when adding a new item in the items details screen the
system will automatically generate an item number that includes the group number.
Therefore, the use of this option is linked related to the use the previous Item
number option. While if this option is not selected then the user will enter the items
numbers manually.
• Manual Input Method: If the user didn’t specify any of the above options the user
enters the item code manually.
- Barcode No.: This checkbox option is selected in case of dealing with bar code
numbers. If the enterprise deals with items barcodes numbers, the user selects this
option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of selecting this option a table
will appear in which the user enters the items barcodes numbers, noting that the
system allows the user to enter more than one barcode number for the single item to
face the possibility of modifying the item barcode No.
- Default Name: This field is used to enter the item name by the default language used
in the system.
- Foreign Name: This field is used to enter the item code by any another language
provided by the system, and it is one of the several optional fields.
- Item Type: This field is used to specify the item’s type, which is one of the important
fields in case the enterprise deals with items types, and as a result of specifying the
item type it effects the system’s different screens and the system’s outputs. Where the
item type (Commodity Items) is a different from the type (Service Items) than a (Non-
Sale Items). The user specifies the item’s types from the drop list in this field that
appears when clicking the arrow in the field. The types appear are the types that that
have been established in the (Types of Items) Screen in Inventory System
Configuration Tab.
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In case of not specifying the item’s type, the system will deal
with this item as a commodity item.
- Measurement Units (Measure): the user shall use this field to select the item’s
measurement unit to be dealt with as follows:
• Single Measurement Unit: the user shall select the measurement unit if it is a
single unit and configure the package in the (package field) either one package or
• Multiple Measurement Units: the user shall select the main measurement unit
which is the smallest, and then, select the remaining units in the (Measurement
Units) table as follows:
▪ Unit: the selected unit will appear in the previous (Measurement Unit) field as a
main unit. Then, the user shall select the other units in sequence from the
smallest to the biggest (packet/ carton).
▪ Package: the user shall use this field to enter the unit package from the main
unit package not from the previous package.
▪ Sale Price: the user shall use this column to enter the sale price of each unit in
the inventory currency.
If the user specifies the sale price of the item on this screen, it
will be a unified price, in the inventory currency only, for the
different sale transactions either in wholesale or retail.
However, if the Establishment wants to configure more than
one price (wholesale/ retail/ private, etc.) either in the
inventory currency or another currency, the user shall
configure those prices in the (prices) screen, which will be
▪ Default Sale Unit: the user shall use this field to select the unit that will appear
by default on the sales invoice.
▪ Default Purchase Unit: the user shall use this field to select the unit that will
appear by default on invoices of purchase and incomings.
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▪ Stopped: the user may check this option to stop dealing with any item
measurement units.
The Items whose measurement units are based on sizes and
weights such as Tiles, Wood, Iron and
- Analytical Group: This field is active when the (Associate the “Items Analytical
Groups” based on Inventory Groups) option is enabled in the Inventory Options. It is
used to select the group to which the item will be associated.
- Item Description: This optional field is used for the purpose of entering any remarks
about the item, such as a special feature or general description, distinguishing items
quality from each other, such as (original/ forged) or the (first / second-quality class
degree ... etc.). These descriptions will be shown in the items search screen to help
the user when searching for items in the system’s various screens, and through the
search screen the user will be able to differentiate between similar items based on the
items descriptions.
- Minimum Quantity: This optional field is used, to specify the minimum quantity of the
item that is supposed to remain permanently in the warehouses in order to not to under
that quantity and to cope up with emergency situations.
- Maximum Quantity: This optional field is used, to specify the maximum quantity of the
item that is not supposed exceeded in the warehouses.
- Manufacturer Code: This optional field is used to enter the item’s manufacturing
- Sales Price: This field is used in case the enterprise desires to specify the item’s sale
price by the inventory currency, and if the user specifies a sale price in this field then it
will be mandatory for the users to sale with the specified price in the sales invoices.
- Min. Price Limit \ Max Price Limit: This field is used for the purpose of specifying a
supervisory limit of selling prices in the sales invoice, this limit is specified based on
the average cost of the items available quantity in the warehouses, so that the system
allows to modify the price within the specified limits either by decreasing the price so
that the system does not allow approaching the lower average cost rate of the
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minimum sale price or by increasing the selling price so that the system does not allow
approaching the upper average cost rate of the maximum sale price.
- Incoming Order No.: This field is used if the system administrator desires to link more
than one item in order to import those linked items to incoming orders in the Incoming
Orders Screen. In case of issuing incoming inventory orders for specific items and
most of these orders tend to be repeated regularly, the user can link these items
through this field, and if there was a repetition of a specific incoming number, for
example encoding No. 1 for an item or for more than a single item, this number will be
the link between these items, and this number appears when using the button (Fetched
From Items Details) in the Incoming Orders Screen, and rather than selecting and
entering items in the incoming orders screen the user will only has to specify the
linkage number among those items and once selecting the number, all the associated
items with this number will appear in its allocated fields.
- Gross Margin: This field is used if the enterprise desires to specify the item’s profit
margin. Specifying this percentage will result in the mandatory selling price by the cost
value added to the percentage of profit margin that will be specified in this field, noting
that the profit margin may appear in this field automatically if the user has specified the
profit margin of the inventory group in Groups Details Screen.
- Carrying Fee (Transportation Wage): This field is used in case the enterprise desires
to add the amount of the transportation wages per item unit to the item’s purchase
cost, when supplying the goods using incoming orders. This field as a result of
selecting the option (Use Carrying Account) in the inventory system - Options Screen.
- Size: This field is used in Shipping System for the purpose of viewing the size of the
item, which enables the user to figure out the quantity of a particular item the shipping
container can accommodate.
- Sub-Group: This field appears when selecting the option (Deal with Sub-Groups) in
the Inventory System Options Screen, and is used when the user wishes to link the
new item with a sub-group.
- Scientific Name: This field appears when selecting the option (Deal with Scientific
Names) in the Inventory System Options Screen, and is used when the user wishes to
link the new item with a specific scientific name.
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- Alternatives Group: This field appears when selecting the option (Deal with
alternatives Groups) in the Inventory System Options Screen, and is used when the
user wishes to link the new item with an alternative group.
- Additional Fields: several additional fields appear on this screen, which can be used
to enter any item’s information that the user wants.
- Import from Excel: The user can import the data of the items from an Excel file as
per the required formats with the ability to repeat the item by its different units and
How to Use the Sizes and Weights of Measurement Units
The user can deal with items measurement units that depend on the sizes and weights in a
suitable way to deal with those units. Enterprises that deals with sizes and weights units
such as companies that manufactures tiles, iron, wood, sponge and others that has other
features to deal with measurements, in addition to the possibility of dealing with spaces,
lengths, sizes and weights and other numerical units, for example, square meters, will be
handled by numerical units, and link the intangible sizes and weights measurement units
because of the difficulty of measuring or weighing it (square meters - kilograms - tons...)
with the numerical measurement units perceived that are easily counted (Box- Packet-
Piece), in other words, the system will allow the user to deal with the items in units of sizes
and weights units and numerical measurement units, and the user will enter the necessary
encodings to link the two types so that the system accommodates calculating and
converting the sizes and weights measure units to numerical measurement units. For
example, when encoding the item (tile) and the user specifies that a square meter is equal
to a specific number of tiles pieces, then in the transactions screens the user will enter the
data of the tile space needed by the customer (length × width), automatically the system will
calculate the numerical quantity that will cover the required space with adjusting the
differences that may occur from the calculation process. And because of the details of the
sizes and weights measurement units this part was allocated to enter any detailed data
needed as follows:
- First: Sizes and Weights Measurement Units That Are Unrelated To The Normal
Numerical Units:
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• Measure Unit: This field is used if the item is measured by a single measurement
unit to specify the item’s measurement unit, which is size and weight unit.
• Difference Range: This field displays the value of the fractures extent
automatically, which is the values pro-grammatically installed in the system, it uses
mathematical programming and dealt with globally such as specifying that the
kilogram is equal to 1000 grams.
- Second: Sizes and Weights Measurement Units That Are related To the Normal
Numerical Units:
Measurement unit encoding differs if the use of sizes and weights measurement unit is
associated with the use of numerical measurement units, which inquire mathematical
equations to link the weights measurement units with the numerical measurement units,
for example, if the item is measured by the meter square or tone and at the same time
it is measured by packet and piece, then the mathematical equations needed are as
• First, Specify the Relationship Between the Weight Units And The Numerical
Units, For Example:
1 Tone = 10 boxes
• Second, Specify the Relationship Between the Numerical Units With One
Another For Example:
1 Box = 24 pieces
Then the measurement units of such cases are encoded as follows:
- Measurement Unit: This field is used to specify the item’s measurement unit. If the
measurement unit is associated with a numerical measuring unit according to what has
been encoded in the Measurement Units Screen in the Inventory System Configuration
Tab, then once selecting the measurement unit the system displays a table at the
bottom of the screen, in which the user specifies the relationship between the
measurement units:
• Unit Symbol: the unit code and the unit name of numerical measurement appear
in the allocated columns, based on the linkage of the size measurement unit and
numerical measurement units’, according to what has been encoded in the
inventory Measurement Units Screen in the Inventory System Configuration Tab.
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• Equivalent Unit: This column is used to specify the relationship between weights
and numerical measurement units depending on the mathematical equations that
vary from item to another and from a measurement unit to another measurement
unit. If we assume that the item measurement unit is (ton) and the numerical
measurement unit is (box) through this column, we define that:
The Box is (1/10 = 0.1) compared to the ton
- Partial Unit: This column is used to specify the partial unit of the numerical
measurement unit, if we assume that the numerical measurement unit that will be dealt
with is (box) and the partial numerical measuring unit is (piece), then in this case, the
column will be used as follows:
• The Partial Measurement Unit (Piece): There will be no values specified of the
smallest numerical measurement unit.
• The Measurement Unit (Box): The user specifies the number of units and the
partial measurement unit of the (Box) is the (Piece).
- Package: This column is used to specify the relationship between the numerical
measurement units only, as in our previous example.
- Default: This column is used to specify the numerical measurement unit that the user
wishes to appear as default in the sales invoices screen. The unit that will be specified
as the default unit will appear directly in sales with the possibility of modifying the
numerical measuring unit that is linked with the same item.
This method is designed to facilitate the user's activity and
reduce the use of the calculator when the user wants to know
the equivalent quantity of the basic measurement unit and
vice versa the, through using this feature the user will be able
to deal with items several measurement units in the system
processes (supply - outgoing- purchases - sales). Where the
user will be able to enter the number of boxes or the number
of pieces used in the enterprise or the number of items per
square meter while keeping the square meter as the basic
measurement unit for the item operations (costs), so when
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- Allow Discounts In Sales: This option is used in order to specify the items that the
enterprise allows to give discounts for in the sales invoices. if the enterprise desires a
particular item to be given a discount, the user selects this option so that the signal (✓)
appears, and as a result of this selection, a field will appear in front of this option to
specify the allowable discount percentage of the sold quantity in the sales invoice.
- Use Free Qtys. In Sales: This option is used in order to specify the items that the
enterprise allows to deal with free quantities in the sales invoices. if the enterprise
desires a particular item to be used in the outgoing of free quantities process, the user
selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection, a
field will appear in front of this option to specify the allowable free quantity percentage
of the sold quantity in the sales invoice.
- Tax Item: This option is used to specify whether the item is subject to the value added
tax (VAT) or not. If the enterprise wishes the item to be subject to VAT, the user
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selects this option so that the signal (✓) appear, and the result of this selecting this
option, a (percentage) field will appear, in which the user enters item tax rate, the
percentage that will be entered in this field will be automatically add as an additional
charges (percentage of item value) in sales invoice or purchases invoice when using
this VAT, in case of selecting the option (Auto. Calculate) in the System Administration
Options Screen, also the item VAT can be entered manually if this option is not
- Tax Item (2): This option is used to specify whether the item is subject to a second
value added tax (VAT) or not. If the enterprise wishes the item to be subject to a
second VAT, the user selects this option so that the signal (✓) appear, and the result
of this selecting this option, a (percentage) field will appear, in which the user enters
the item’s second tax rate, the percentage that will be entered in this field will be
automatically add as an additional charges (percentage of item value) in sales invoice
or purchases invoice when using a second VAT, in case of selecting the option (Auto.
Calculate) in the System Administration Options Screen.
- Tax Item (3): This option is used to specify whether the item is subject to a third value
added tax (VAT) or not. If the enterprise wishes the item to be subject to a third VAT,
the user selects this option so that the signal (✓) appear, and the result of this
selecting this option, a (percentage) field will appear, in which the user enters the
item’s third tax rate, the percentage that will be entered in this field will be
automatically add as an additional charges (percentage of item value) in sales invoice
or purchases invoice when using a third VAT, in case of selecting the option (Auto.
Calculate) in the System Administration Options Screen.
- Improve City: This option is used to specify whether an item is subject to the City
Improvement Fees. This option does not appear activated, only if the option (Use
Improve City) is activated in the Sales System Options Screen. If the enterprise wants
this items to be subject to the city improvement fees, the user selects this option so
that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection the field (value) appears
which is used insert the amount of the city improvement fee, and the amount enter will
be automatically added by the system as an additional charges per the items unit of
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the sales invoice. The city improvement fee amount will be added in the invoice as the
number of item units multiplied by the amount that will be entered in this field.
- Use Expiry Date: This option is used to specify whether the enterprise want to deal
with the item expiry dates or not. This option does not appear activated, only if the
option (Use Expiry Dates) is activated in the System Administration Options Screen. if
the enterprise desires the item to be subject to the use of the expiry date, the user
selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection the
user will have to enter the expiry date whenever there is an incoming inventory, or
selling a quantity of this item.
- Blocked: This option is used for the purpose of suspending dealing with items
inventory balance, so that it is not allowed to be dealt with in system’s quantities
outgoing screens. If the user wishes to reserve items balances the user selects this
option so that the signal (✓) appears, and the item will remain reserved unless this
option is unselected.
- Item Stopped: This option is used if the user wishes to stop the item and not to deal
with it on the screens.
- Item Price Includes Tax in Sales: the user shall use this option if the Establishment
wants to add the VAT to the item’s sale price and enter them together in the (price)
column on the sales invoice, i.e. the user will enter the total of the item sale price and
the item tax together. Once he/ she moves from the (Price) field, the system will
calculate the value of the tax, as per its percentage, and deduct it from the entered
amount, so the sale price will remain, and the value of the tax will appear in the (tax
value) column.
- Item Price Includes Tax in Purchases: the user shall use this option if the
Establishment wants to add the VAT to the item’s purchase price and enter them
together in the (cost) column on the purchases invoice, i.e. the user will enter the total
of the item purchase price and the item tax together. Once he/ she moves from the
(Cost) field, the system will calculate the value of the tax, as per its percentage, and
deduct it from the entered amount, so the purchase price will remain, and the value of
the tax will appear in the (tax value) column.
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- Item Price Includes VAT: This option is used if the enterprise wishes to add the
amount of the (VAT) tax to the items that will be sold and states that price in the price
column in the immediate purchases invoice and sales invoice, meaning that the user
will enter the total item sale price and the item tax value, and as soon as transiting
from the (Price) field, the system will calculate the tax value - as a percentage - and
reduce it from the amount that has been entered and the selling price will remain while
the tax value will appear in the(tax value) column.
- Item is Not Subject to Distribution of Burden: This option is used to distinguish
items that will not be affected by the burdens distribution and will not be charged with
any burdens when allocating burdens on items in the sales invoices.
- Item is Not Subject to Distribution of Discounts: This option is used to distinguish
items that will not be affected by the distribution of the discount on the items in the
sales invoices.
- Used Item: This option is used for used items in order to be differentiated from new
items. This distinction has effects on the tax calculation of used items. The system
calculates the used item tax by the difference between the item selling price and the
item cost.
- Stations Item: This option is used to distinguish the items that will be dealt with in the
stations system, when dealing with stations system. This process will be dealt with in
the sales invoices of stations items.
- Lab Item: This option is used to identify the items to be dealt with when activating the
dealing with laboratories. Will result in, the sales invoices will be treated as a
laboratory item.
- Restaurant Item: This option is used to distinguish the items to be processed in the
Restaurant System. only the items that are marked as (restaurant Item) will appear in
the Restaurant System.
- Product Item: This option is used to distinguish the items to be dealt with in the
Production System, specifying the type (raw material, phased product, complete
- Display the Same Limit Percentage for All Group Items: This option is used if the
enterprise wishes to generalize the maximum and minimum quantities limits of the
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items quantities in the warehouses, that has been entered in the fields of maximum
and minimum quantities of the items group. if the enterprise wishes to generalize the
maximum and minimum quantities limits of the items quantities in the warehouses the
user selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection,
the system will automatically generalize these values and deals with it during the
outgoing and incoming processes of any item within the group and to or from the
- Item Linked with Salesman: This option is used if the user wishes to link the item to
a salesman, as a result of this link, the item will not appear in Sales Invoices except
with the specified salesman when selected in the Sales Invoice.
- Assembled Item: This option is used to specify whether the item will be dealt with in
the assembly of the assembled items, in other words, the item will be a combined of
several items. If the user wishes that item to be as an assembled item, the user
selects this option so that the signal (✓) appear, and the result of selecting this option,
is that the item will appear on the Assembled Items Components Screen.
Storage Tab
The storage tab is used to preview the inventory quantity data of the item in each
warehouse, where the user can review a summary of the available quantity and the opening
quantity, as well as reviewing detailed reports and total reports of the item’s activity in a
single warehouse or in all the warehouse, and the detailed and total reports are reviewed by
clicking the mouse right button on the warehouse No. field as shown in the following figure:
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and other costs, the user can also review all the costs by the inventory currency, in addition
to the ability to review the items costing summary in various stages which the item has
passed by.
Vendors Tab
The vendors tab is used to review the list of suppliers that the enterprise have purchased
the items from, where it allows the review of supplier’s names and unit price, which were
purchased from the supplier and the purchase currency.
Reports Tab
The reports tab is used for the purpose of reviewing some of the item’s detailed data,
where it allows the review a general summary of the monthly sales (cost - quantity) and a
summary of the monthly sales for each warehouse, as well as, review a summary of the
outgoing items and returns of supplies, if any.
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The user shall use this tab to enter the barcode of the item at the level of each
measurement unit by selecting the unit through searching by pressing (F9) and then enter
the barcode in the specified column.
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- Item Code: the item code column will be used to specify the initial inventory items that
are used to assemble the item, such as in the previous example (computer device) the
specified items will be (screen) and (keyboard) and (mouse) and (headset). The items
numbers are entered manually or to be selected from the list of items that appears
when pressing (F9).
- Item Name: once selecting the Item number the Item’s name appears in this column
- Qty.: This column is used to specify the quantity of each first item.
- Cost Rate of the Composite Item: this field is used when the (Allowed delivery of
composite items from available quantities) option is enabled in the System
Administration, which will give the user the privilege to supply the composite item
directly without assembling it of its constituent items. The cost rate of the component is
entered from the total cost of the composite item.
The total rate of the components of the composite item must
be 100%.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
This screen is used for the purpose of formatting items of
inventory items that are previously entered, while the inventory
effects - quantities and costs – will be on the initial items as it
left the warehouse and on the new assembled item added to
the warehouse by the cost that will be performed from the
Assembled Item Screen In The Inventory System
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Warehouse Details
Use: The Warehouse Details Screen is used for entering the warehouses of the enterprise.
A warehouse is the place where the items are stored, whether this store is permanent or
temporary and whether the items are for sale or for internal use at the enterprise, and which
will be dealt with in the system during purchases operations, incoming orders and sales that
are done from the warehouse in order to control the inventory. The warehouses details are
entered from the screen that appears as in the following figure:
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materials, spare parts and buffet materials, if the warehouse will be used for the
storage of such materials the user selects this checkbox option so that the signal (✓)
appears, and the warehouse that will be specified for storage only, will not appear in
the sales invoices screen as it is not meant for sale, while it will appear in the rest of
the screens, such as the Warehouses Details Screen and Purchases Screens.
- Transfers Interface Acc.: This field is used to specify the intermediate account that
will be affected by the inventory transfers operations between branches (transfer and
receive) and in which account is affected by the transfers and receives of inventory
operations. Where In case of inventory transfer the inventory account will be credit and
the inventory transfers intermediate account will be debit, and in case of inventory
receives the inventory account will be debit and inventory transfers intermediate
account will credit.
- Transfer Differences Account: This field is used to configure which account will be
impacted by the differences between the item cost and its sale price if the option (allow
warehouse transfers at the sale price) is active.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
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This screen is used for the purpose of entering the shelves
only, while the items will be linked to the shelves of each
warehouse through the use of the (Linking Items with Bins)
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Input Method
The user enters and identifies the items numbers in the items table, by either one of two
- Auto: The option (Auto) is used in case the user wishes to enter and identify the items
automatically using the search criteria. Once this option is selected the fields of the
search criteria appears to specify theinventory items that the user wishes to be
imported automatically, this method is often used if the user wishes to download
specific items groups or select items between two different items.
- Manual: The option (manual) is used in case the items that the user wishes to link
with the shelf are distributed among inventory groups or not gathered within one group.
Once this option is selected, the user will be able to specify the items in the table
directly without the use of search criteria.
Search Criterion
The search criterion is used for the purpose of filtering the inventory data that the user
desires to be imported to the table in order to link with a specific shelf. The search criterion
is also used, if the input method that has been selected is (auto):
- Group Code \ To, Item Code \ To: These fields are used if the user desires to filter
the items that are desired to be imported from a group or groups or determine items
between two items, knowing that if the user did not specify the data in these fields, it
means that all items will be imported in the table, according to the other search criteria.
- Download Stored Items: This Checkbox option is used if the user desires to filter the
items to be imported to the table and to be linked within the stored items only. If the
user desires to download the inventory items only, the user selects this option so that
the signal (✓) appears, while not selecting this option, means that all the items will be
imported to the table based on the search criteria.
- Download: This command button is used to direct the system to download the
inventory items in the table, and once this button is clicked on, the items data will be
downloaded, according to the search criteria.
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Storage Details
Use: Storage Details Screen is used for the purpose of entering the opening balances of
the inventory, and the items opening balances are entered for quantities and costs only
once for each warehouse at the beginning of using the system, noted that the costs are
entered by the inventory currency. The system also accommodates entering various data
related to the items such as entering the expiry dates, entering serial numbers for items that
deal with serial numbers and other data. It is also required to enter the items opening
balances before making any activity such as (Incoming- Outgoing - Purchases - Sales) of
the item. The opening balanced of inventory Items will be entered to the stores through the
screen that appears as in the following figure:
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- Order Seeking Wise: This field is used to select how the items will be arranged in the
screen, and whether the user wishes to arrange it according to the item number, item
name or according to the number and warehouse or according to the name and
- Data Display Method: This button is used for the purpose of importing the items data
to the screen. Once clicking on the item data download button the items data will be
imported according to the search criteria that have been identified in the previous
Detailed Data
- Item Code \ Name - Measurement Unit – Warehouse No.: The items details appear
in these fields automatically by simply clicking the button (Download Data).
The items appear duplicated based on the number of
warehouses in the enterprise.
- Opening Qty.: This column is used to enter the opening item balance quantity, taking
into account that the quantity is entered for each warehouse separately.
- Unit Cost: This column is used to enter the initial cost of items per unit.
- Expiry Date: This column is used in the enterprises that deal with expiry dates and is
used to enter the expiry date of the item.
- Serial Number: This column is used for the items that deal with serial numbers, the
beginning and end of the serial numbers is entered in the screen that appears as soon
as clicking on the serial number checkbox that intersect with item.
- Import from Excel: The user can import the data of items storage from an Excel file
according to the required formats with the ability to repeat the item by its different units
and packages.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
The system allows storing the items specified as main items
and sub items.
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Item Pricing
Use: The Item Pricing Screen is used for the purpose of specifying the sale prices of items.
The system allows specifying the sale price by the inventory currency in addition to another
currency which has been specified in the pricing currency screen in the system
configuration. The system administrator is able to select different selling prices to be used
by the users on sales invoices, where the user is able to specify the sale price of retail and
wholesale or special prices, and additional price, at the same time when the user is allowed
to specify the selling price of total and partial measurement units. Items pricing is performed
from the screen that appears as in the following figure:
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- Order Seeking Wise: This field is used to specify how the items will be displayed on
the screen and whether to display them by number or by name.
- Multiple Units: This checkbox option is used if the user wishes to download items to
the screen with its various measurement units, in order to be priced for each
measurement unit.
- Items That Have Available Quantities Only: This option is used if the user wishes to
limit the quantities that has inventory stock only.
- Download: This command button is used to direct the system to download the
inventory items in the table, and once this button is clicked on, the items data will be
downloaded, according to the search criteria.
Detailed Data
- Item Code \ Name - Measurement Unit – Warehouse No: The items details appear
in these fields automatically by simply clicking the button (Download Data).
- The user enters the sales different prices in the allocated columns. The system
enables the user to identify a type of the item prices types or more than one selling
price for one item, where the user can specify retail sell price, wholesale price,
additional price and special price.
- Cost \ Last Income. Price: The cost and the last in coming price of the item appear in
these columns in order to guide the user when specifying the price.
- Items that are dealt with in total or partial measurement units, it is possible to identify
its partial price in the allocated columns of partial prices for all types.
- Import from Excel: The user can import the data of items storage from an Excel file
according to the required formats with the ability to repeat the item by its different units
and packages.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Prices that are specified in this screen will appear on the
sales invoices screen.
- Prices can be adjusted through the use of Pricing Update
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Pricing Update
Use: The Pricing update screen is used for the purpose of modifying and adjusting the
selling prices that have been specified in the pricing screen or for specifying selling prices of
new items that have not been priced in the pricing screen, through this screen the user can
also specify the sale price for a pricing type that is not specified in the pricing screen based
on the pricing of another type. For example, if the user has set the wholesale price only of
the items in the pricing screen and desires to add a percentage to these prices for retail
sales prices, then the user must perform this action from this screen, and while adjusting
the pricing is done based on the current price, the user can also modify the these prices
based on the average cost of the item, or the initial cost or based on the last purchase price
or incoming, and the user can add a percentage to the price as adjustment or to reduce a
percentage of the price. All these actions are performed from the screen that appears as in
the following figure:
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- Group Code\ From Item: These fields are used if the user desires to filter the items
that are desired to be priced from a group or groups or determine items between two
items, where the user can modify the prices of a whole inventory group or part of a
group or to modify the price of one item.
- Price Change Wise: This field is used to specify the option of which the prices will be
adjusted by, where prices can be modified by one of the following cases of this field:
• Current Price: The current price is specified, if the user wishes to modify the
selling price by adding or reducing a percentage from the current item pricing of the
same type, which is the default state that appears.
• Unit Cost: The unit cost is specified, if the user wishes to modify the selling price
by adding or reducing a percentage from the item unit cost.
• Current Cost: The current cost is specified, if the user wishes to modify the selling
price by adding or reducing a percentage from the current average item cost.
• Income. Last Price: The income. Last price option is specified, if the user wishes
to modify the selling price by adding or reducing a percentage from the items last
supply price or purchase price, if this option is selected, a new field will appear in
which the user selects either Last supply price or last purchase price.
• Incoming / Purchase Order: This option is specified, if the user wishes to modify
the selling price by adding or reducing a percentage from specific incoming order
or purchase invoice of inventory process, if this option is selected, new fields
appear through which the user selects either incoming order No. or purchase
invoice No. and specify inventory incoming order number or invoice number, if the
user specifies (purchase No.) new fields appear to specify the purchase invoice
type and specify whether it is an external invoice or immediate purchases invoice
• By Currency: (by the second pricing currency) This option will be specified if the
user wishes to modify the selling price by adding or reducing a percentage from the
sale currency that have been specified in the pricing currency field in the previous
item prices field. If this option is selected a new field appears to specify the
exchange rate of the other currency, and the pricing adjustment will be based on
the exchange rate.
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• Other Types: other types of pricing that appears will be specified if the user wish
to modify the selling price by adding or reducing a percentage from the pricing type
that will be specified, if we assume that the user will modify the item retail price or
for one item or for several items prices, which is the type that has been specified in
the field (Previous Pricing Type) which contains two types (wholesale \ special)
then the user selects one of them, and this means that the specified percentage
will be added or reduced from the price type that will be specified and will result in
retail price. And in order to calculate the retails price it is required the wholesale
price or special price has been entered previously to the system.
- Percentage: This field is used to specify the percentage of which the user wishes to
modify the price. If the user desires to add the percentage of the option that was
selected, the user enters the percentage directly to the field, but if the user wish to
deduct the percentage, then the user enters the reduction percentage followed by the
negative (-) signal.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
Once saving, the selling prices will be modified based on the
data that have been specified in the screen.
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Items Budgeting
Use: items Budgeting screen is used for the purpose of preparing items estimated budget
as a sales plan. Using this screen is optionally in order to monitor the sale of an item or
several items which the user desires to obtain reports showing the extent of the deviation
between the sales plan and the actual sales. The items budgeting can be prepared for each
item or for all items within a single period or multiple periods based on the options available
in the screen. Preparing the estimated item budget is done from the screen that appears as
in the following figure:
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- Item \ Warehouse\ Cost Center: These fields are used for the purpose of filtering the
data that the user wishes to be imported into the items budgeting screen that will be in
the estimated selling budget for each warehouse and cost center.
- Month: This field which appears enabled in case of specifying the type (by item) to
specify the period in which it will be for preparing the budget.
- Fill the Data: This button is used for the purpose of importing the items data to the
screen, by clicking this button the items data will be imported, according to the search
criteria that have been specified in the previous fields.
Detailed Data
- Items will be imported to the screen by simply pressing the button (Fill the Data),
according to the search criteria that have been specified.
- Qty. of Budget: This column is used to enter the budget estimates, by entering the
item estimated quantities in the field that intersects with item.
- Period: The period appears in this field automatically if the budget type is (by item) it
shows the month that was specified in the month field in the basic data, but if the
budget type was (according to period) the active period months appear, whereby the
user enters the items of each period (month) .
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
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Items Sub-Groups
Use: The Sub-Groups Screen appears when selecting the option (Dealing with Sub-
Groups) in the Inventory System Options Screen. This screen is used for the purpose of
encoding inventory subgroups to collect the homogeneous items of various inventory
groups, the purpose of the formation of these groups is to help the user in some of the
activities, such as, sanitary, hardware shops or electricity materials shops and other
activities to find a homogeneous item in the context of a subgroup as electricity wires and
bulbs quality keys or a single brand in a subgroup. Based on the above, we know that when
entering those items in the items details screen have been linked to the inventory groups for
each item, where electricity various brands and industries have been linked to the main
group and bulbs of various brands have been linked to the main group, while these sub-
groups will contain different items that fall within the framework of the system if they were
from different main groups. The inventory sub groups are entered from the screen that
appears as in the following figure:
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- Description: This field is used to enter any notes or description that explains the
- Search Criterion: this part of the screen contains special field of search in order to
filter the items that the user wishes to import into the screen where it can be imported
from a specific main group or an item in between two items.
- Fill the Data: This button is used after specifying a specific detail in research section,
once pressing the download items in the table at the bottom of the screen, based on
what was specified in the search fields.
- Item Code\ Name: Items appear in these columns by simply clicking on the button (Fill
the Data) in case of importing the items based on entering details in the search area.
The user also can enter the items directly without the use of the search fields.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
Based on entering the sub-groups the user will able to search
and then find those items either on the supply, or purchase,
even though they belong to different inventory groups.
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Scientific Names
Use: Scientific Names Screen is used when activating the pharmacy system and appears
when selecting the option (Deal with Scientific Names) in the inventory system options
screen. This screen is used in order to link the inventory items that has scientific name in
one group. The scientific name is meant to be a name which combines several items of
basic components. The benefit of using this screen is for entering the scientific names to be
linked with the items under different brand names, to ease the use of those items in the
system various screens based on the linkage. For example, the scientific name
(Paracetamol Group) the user links this group name with all the items or medicines that
contains this substance within its components. The scientific names groups are entered
from the screen that appears as in the following figure:
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- Search Criterion: this part of the screen contains special field of search in order to
filter the items that the user wishes to import into the screen where it can be imported
from a specific main group or an item in between two items.
- Fill the Data: This button is used after specifying a specific detail in research section,
once pressing the download items in the table at the bottom of the screen, based on
what was specified in the search fields.
- Item Code\ Name: Items appear in these columns by simply clicking on the button (Fill
the Data) in case of importing the items based on entering details in the search area.
The user also can enter the items directly without the use of the search fields.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
Based on entering the scientific name groups the user will
able to search and then find those items either on the supply,
or purchase, even though they belong to different inventory
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Alternative Items
Use: The Alternative Items Screen appears when selecting the option (Using Alternatives -
Alternative Items) that appears in the inventory system options screen. when specifying
alternative items for a specific item the user can use that alternative item instead of the
basic item while can’t do the opposite, which means, that the alternative item cannot be a
substitute for the basic items, this feature is often used in pharmaceutical enterprises and
spare parts shops. The alternative items are entered and specified from the screen that
appears as in the following figure:
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- Download Items Of Same Scientific Name For Commercial Item: This checkbox
option is used if the user wants to import the items that share the scientific name with
the item specified.
Detailed Data
- Item Code: The items code will appear in this column by simply clicking on the button
(Bringing Data) in case of importing the items based in the search area; also it is
possible to enter items directly without the use of the search criterion fields.
- Item Name: The items names will appear in this column by simply clicking on the
button (Bringing Data) in case of importing the items based in the search area.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Based on entering the items alternatives the user can
search and then find these items and import it into the
Sales Invoices Screen as alternative item for items in case
of non-availability of the item, or for any reason.
- Item that was specified in the field (Item Code) in the basic
data part of the screen cannot be a substitute for items that
are specified in the column (Item Code) in the detailed data
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Alternatives Groups
Use: The Alternative Items Screen appears when selecting the option (Using Alternatives -
Alternative Items) that appears in the inventory system options screen. This screen is used
in case of identifying items that can be a substitute for any other item in the group, in other
words, the item can be alternative item to the other items within a specific group of
alternatives. This feature is often used in pharmaceutical enterprises and spare parts shops.
The alternatives group are entered and specified from the screen that appears as in the
following figure:
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- Bringing Data: This button is used when using the fields of Search Criterion. Once the
user clicks this button the items will be imported to the table at the lower part of the
screen of the screen based on what was specified in the Search Criterion fields.
Detailed Data
- Item Code: The items code will appear in this column by simply clicking on the button
(Bringing Data) in case of importing the items based in the search area; also it is
possible to enter items directly without the use of the search criterion fields.
- Item Name: The items names will appear in this column by simply clicking on the
button (Bringing Data) in case of importing the items based in the search area.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
Based on entering the alternatives groups the user can search
and then find these items and import it into the Sales Invoices
Screen as alternative item for any other items within the
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- Tax type: This field is used to select the type of tax to which the item will be
- Beneficiary: This field is used to select the beneficiary to which the item and tax type
will be associated.
- Tax Rate: This field is used to enter the tax rate on the item in favorof thetax type and
the beneficiary.
- Save: Data is saved by available save methods.
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- Type: This field is used to choose the group type and whether it is (main) which is the
type from which groups will branch, or (sub) which is the last level to which the items
will be associated.
- Rank: Rank Group appears automatically and reflects the level number.
- Group Number: This field is used to enter the number of the main inventory group to
which the analytical groups will be associated.
Second: Associate items
The bottom part of the screen is used with the last level of analytical groups to associate
items with the analytical group in which the association process is done in one of these two
- Method 1, Scope of Search: these search fields are used to filter the items which the
user wants to download on the screen. The items of a specific main group or items
between two categories can be Downloaded.
- Method 2: the user shall directly enter the items that will be associated on the table
- Save: Data is saved by available save methods.
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- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods. Once
saving, the data will be saved in items table and can be viewed from the Items Details
Screen or reports.
The Basic fields that must be provided in the data which will
be imported from the Excel file are: Inventory Group Number
- Item Code - Item Name - Unit - Packaging.
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Chapter Three
Inventory System
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Inventory transactions are the warehouse operations carried out by
users after the initialization and coding of inputs. These operations vary
between stock orders, warehouse transfers and receipts, warehouse
adjustment, assembling and disassembling of assembled items and
other operations.
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Incoming Orders
Use: Inventory Incoming Orders Screen is used for the purpose of supplying items to the
warehouse, which are the items that has a clear known cost and settled with no additional
charges or it has been calculated manually, while items that are purchased through open
letters of credit or local purchases which have additional charges added to the total invoice
amount, will be supplied to the warehouse through its allocated screens in the Purchases
System, meaning that this screen affects the stores by increasing the quantities of goods
that do not need to add additional charges to the invoice amount. Supplying items to the
stores directly is done through the use of the screen that appears as shown in following
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account. The account number can be entered directly or selected from the list of
accounts codes that appears when pressing (F9), and once selecting the account
number the account name appears in the allocated field.
- Currency: This field is used to specify the account currency that will be used in the
incoming order, which is one of the currencies which have been linked to the account
in the Chart of Accounts Screen.
- Exchange Rate: This field shows the exchange rate if the specified account currency
is a foreign currency, the exchange rate is the foreign currency price compared with
local currency of the enterprise with the ability to modify the exchange rate in the range
of upper and lower limits of the currency exchange rate that have been specified in the
Currency Screen in the General Ledger system.
- W. Code: This field is used to identify the warehouse that the items will be supplied to.
- Vendor Code \ Cust. No.: This field is used in case of specifying a vendor account or
customer account in the Account Code Field, which is the supplier or the customer,
who the amount of the incoming order will be in his\her favour. Also the customer’s or
supplier’s name will appear based on the account linked with client or supplier that has
been specified in the Customer Details Screen or Vendor Details Screen in Sales and
Purchases Systems. In case of linking more than one customer or supplier with the
customer’s or supplier’s account, the user selects the desired customer or vendor from
the drop list of customers or suppliers, which appears when clicking on the arrow at the
beginning of the field.
- Incoming Type: This optional field is used in order to specify the type of incoming
order, in case the enterprise uses the types of incoming orders. The incoming order
type is specified from the list of types, which has been entered in the Incoming Orders
Types Screen in the Inventory System Configuration Tab.
- Cost Center: This field is used to specify the cost center. The use of this field is
based on the method of dealing with the cost centres whether it is single or multiple
centres, and according to the configurations that has been made in the Options Screen
in the Inventory Configurations Tab, and it is used in case of selecting the option
(single) in the method of dealing with the cost centers in the Options Screen.
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- Qtys. From POS: This button is used in POS System Or Restaurants System, when
migrating (Posting) sales invoices from points of sale or from restaurants to the
Accounting System and there are items not included in the invoice - including the
initial items of assembled items – through this button the missing items will be reduced
from the quantities of that invoice and download it to stock incoming order to be
supplied to the warehouse and then allow the issuance of a sales invoice from the
Sales System.
- Fetched from Items Details: This button is used in case of using unified number in
the incoming order number field in the Items Details Screen. Items that will be linked to
a unified number will be imported to the incoming orders automatically, once selecting
the number from the menu that appears when clicking this button. This method is used
in case of issuing incoming orders of an item or several items repeatedly.
- Reference: This field is used to enter the reference number of the process, if any.
- Description: This field is used to enter the process statement, a statement that will
appear as an explanation of the process in various reports.
Second, Detailed Data
The lower part of the screen is used for the purpose of entering the items details that will be
supplied to the warehouse, and its quantities, costs and other details data of the incoming
orders. The quantities that would be supplied to the warehouses are considered as debtor
party in the process, and those details are entered as follows:
- Item Code: This field is used to specify the incoming order item number that will be
supplied to the warehouses. The items numbers are entered manually or to be
selected from the list of items that appears when pressing (F9).
- Unit: In this field, the item’s measurement unit will automatically appear if the item has
one unit as encoded in the Items Data screen. However, if the item has more than one
measurement unit, the user shall select the supply unit from the pop-up screen that
will appear after moving from the item field. It is possible to change the measurement
unit in the same pop-up screen by pressing (F9) when the curser is in the unit field.
The composite item can be supplied directly without creating it
in the (Creating Composite Items Orders) screen provided that
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Items Details Screen. Due to the transportation cost per item unit that has been
entered in the Items Details Screen, the total transport fares will appear in this column
which is a multiplying of cost × quantity.
- Total: Total field appears in the bottom of the screen, and it displays the total cost of
items in the incoming order.
- Grand Total: The net total filed appears in the bottom of the screen, and it displays
the items total cost added to the total transportation costs and the tax value.
- If the enterprise deals with expiry dates, a column will appear to specify the expiry
dates of the items that have expiry dates.
- Hide Cost In Report: When selecting this checkbox option, the user will be able to
print incoming orders reports without displaying the items costs in the reports.
- Some details related to the items will be displayed in the fields at the lower part of the
screen, such as, inventory currency, price, last incoming date, item average cost and
selling price if the item was priced and other details.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Once saving, the warehouses will be affected by the
operation, while the accounts and financial statements will
be only affected after posting the Incoming Orders from
General Ledger System.
- The user can review the reports of the incoming orders and
sent to the printer by clicking on the button.
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- Journals Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing (Journals) button.
The Accounting Guidance of the Inventory Incoming Orders
The journal entry that will be generated automatically from the incoming order process
as follows:
From \ Inventory Account
To \ Treasury \ Bank \ Vendor Account
In case of using transportation fees the account appears as follows:
From \ Those Mentioned
Inventory Account
Transportation Fees Account
To \ Treasury \ Bank \ Vendor Account
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Outgoing Request
Use: The Outgoing Request Screen is used in enterprises that deal with multiple stages and
steps in the stock outgoing orders, where the stock outgoing orders are issued only in
accordance with an automated request submitted by the concerned department, with the
ability of specifying the branch and warehouse from which the goods will be disbursed and
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- Currency: This field is used to specify the account currency that will be used in the
outgoing order, which is one of the currencies which have been linked to the account in
the Chart of Accounts Screen.
- Exch. Rate: This field shows the exchange rate if the specified account currency is a
foreign currency, the exchange rate is the foreign currency price compared with local
currency of the enterprise with the ability to modify the exchange rate in the range of
upper and lower limits of the currency exchange rate that have been specified in the
Currency Screen in the General Ledger system.
- S. T. Stock: This field displays the exchange rate if a foreign currency is selected,
which is the currency exchange rate compared with the stock currency with the ability
to modify the exchange rate in the range of upper and lower limits of the currency
exchange rate that have been specified in the Currency Screen in the General Ledger
- Vendor No. \ Customer No.: These fields are used if the applicant is a supplier or a
- From Branch: This field is used to select the beneficiary branch of the order.
- W. Code: This field is used to select the store from which to order.
- Cost Center: This field is used to specify the cost center, and the use of the field
depends on how the cost centers are used and whether their use is optional or
- Reference: This field is used to enter the reference number of the process, if any.
- Description: This field is used to enter the process statement, a statement that will
appear as an explanation of the process in various reports.
Second, Detailed Data
The lower part of the screen is used for the purpose of entering the items details that will be
taken out from the warehouse, and its quantities and other details data of the outgoing
orders request, and those details are entered as follows:
- Item Code: This field is used to specify the item number that will be taken out from the
warehouses. The items numbers are entered manually or to be selected from the list of
items that appears when pressing (F9).
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- Unit: In this field, the item’s measurement unit will automatically appear if the item has
one unit as encoded in the Items Data screen. However, if the item has more than one
measurement unit, the user shall select the unit of issue request from the pop-up
screen that will appear in after moving from the item field. It is possible to change the
measurement unit in the same pop-up screen by pressing (F9) when the curser is in
the unit field.
- Item Name: once selecting the Item number the Item’s name appears in this field
- Unit: The item measurement unit appears in this field automatically, according to what
has been specified in the Items Details Screen.
- W. Code: This field is used to specify the warehouse, which will be involved in the
item outgoing process.
- Quantity: This column is used to enter the quantity of items that will be taken out.
- Stock Price: This column is used to enter the cost per unit of items that will be taken
out from the warehouse by the warehouse currency.
- Total: Total field appears in the bottom of the screen, and it displays the total cost of
items in the outgoing order request.
The cost column does not appear nor the total column and the
total fields at bottom of the screen if the option (Show Item
Cost Auto. In outgoing Bill) is selected in the Options Screen
in the System Configuration Tab.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
The Outgoing Orders Requests appear in the Outgoing Orders
Screen for the user to issue Outgoing orders from on the
request entered.
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Outgoing Orders
Use: The Outgoing Orders Screen is used for the purpose of taking out items from the
warehouses, which are the items that go into the production process or those items that
were processed by the enterprise by their cost, whether non- salable items, such as
stationery materials, spare parts or commodity items given by the enterprise for the
employees by their initial cost or those items which are treated as Zakat and other cases, It
can be issued from warehouses at the sale price based on the option organizing the
process. It is used to which are the items that are not meant to be sold for profit. The items
that will be taken out from the warehouses, for the purpose of sales and profit, will be
performed through the use of the Sales Invoice Screen in the Sales System. The outgoing
orders of the items that are taken from the warehouse is done through the use of the
screen that appears as in the following figure:
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contents of the outgoing request items and the quantities through which the user
selects the items to be downloaded in the outgoing order.
- The user can drop the outgoing order in several batches
where all or part of the items, or all the quantity or some of
it can be removed, until finishing all the outgoing order
items are completed and its quantities.
- The system allows the user to reuse outgoing orders by
selecting the option (Display Orders In Purchases After
Used it) in the options screen in the Inventory System
- Outgoing Date: The outgoing order date appears in this field automatically.
- Account Code: This field is used to specify the account that will be affected by the
process of take quantities out from the warehouses, which is the account that
represents the debit side in the outgoing inventory process. The account number can
be entered directly or selected from the list of accounts codes that appears when
pressing (F9), and once selecting the account number the account name appears in
the allocated field.
- Currency: This field is used to specify the account currency that will be used in the
outgoing order, which is one of the currencies which have been linked to the account in
the Chart of Accounts Screen.
- Exchange Rate: This field shows the exchange rate if the specified account currency
is a foreign currency, the exchange rate is the foreign currency price compared with
local currency of the enterprise with the ability to modify the exchange rate in the range
of upper and lower limits of the currency exchange rate that have been specified in the
Currency Screen in the General Ledger system.
- Cust. No.: This field is used only if a customer account is specified in the previous
field (Account Code), and it is the account in which the customer will be charged with
the warehouse outgoing order, and the customer name will appear based on the
customer's link to the account in the Customer Data Screen of the Sales System. In
case of linking more than one customer to one account, the user selects the customer
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from among the customers’ names in the dropdown list that appears when clicking on
the button that appears at the end of this field, and it is compulsorily used when
issuing an outgoing order of the type (Sales Bill after Outcome).
- Vendor Code: This field is used only if a supplier account is specified in the previous
field (Account Code), and it is the account in which the supplier will be charged by the
warehouse outgoing order.
- Outgoing Type: This optional field is used in order to specify the type of outgoing
order, in case the enterprise uses the types of outgoing orders. The outgoing order
type is specified from the list of types, which has been entered in the Outgoing Orders
Types Screen in the Inventory System Configuration Tab.
- Cost Center: This field is used to specify the cost center. The use of this field is
based on the method of dealing with the cost centres whether it is single or multiple
centres, and according to the configurations that has been made in the Options Screen
in the Inventory Configurations Tab, and it is used in case of selecting the option
(single) in the method of dealing with the cost centers in the Options Screen.
- Extra. Charges Acc.\ No.: This field is used to specify the burden’s account, which is
the expense account that will be affected as creditor if there is any additional amount
on the outgoing process, in corresponding of affecting the account that was specified in
the account code field as debit.
- Outgoing Type: This field is used to choose the type outgoing order as follows:
• Ordinary Outcome Order: This method is shown as default and single method
and used with regular Outgoing orders.
• Outcome Order before Bills: This method is shown when the option (Sales Bill
after Outcome) is activated in the System Administration and it is used with the
outgoing orders that the user wishes to download on the sales invoice screen. In
this case, more than one order can be issued for one order and for a specific
customer that is specified in a single sales invoice. This method has different
accounting effects than the normal outgoing method.
• Outcome Order after Bills: This method is shown when the option (Sales Bill
Before Outcome) is activated in the system administration and it is used to issue
outgoing orders by the quantities included in the sales invoice of the type (Sales
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Bill Before Outcome) with the possibility of using the sales invoice in more than one
outgoing order, and this method has different accounting effects than other
outgoing methods.
- Order Type: The appearance of this field is associated to the selection of the outgoing
method (Sales Bill after Outcome) in the (Outgoing Type) field and it is used to specify
the type of order as follows:
• Auto. Order: This type is selected if the user wishes to issue direct outgoing
orders with the possibility of linking the outgoing order with a previous outgoing
order of this type to form one order of several outgoing orders to be placed in the
sales invoice at once according to the specified customer.
• Sales Order: This type is selected if the user wishes to issue outgoing order in
accordance with a customer request from the Customer Requests Screen in the
Sales And Customers System Transactions. The customer request number is
specified through the button that is shown at the end of the order number field with
the possibility of downloading a customer request in more than one order where
some items or quantities can be downloaded until the order items are totally
• Order Number: This field is used to specify the order number, which can be linked
to more than one outgoing order, and then drop all the orders associated with the
order in one invoice.
- Bill No.: This field is associated with the selection of the method (Sales Bill before
Outcome) in the previous field (Outgoing Type). It is used to specify the sales invoice
that will be issued and disbursed based on the outgoing order, where the sales invoice
can be issued from more than one outgoing order.
- Issue Method: This field is used to select the issue method in the outgoing order as
• Issue at Cost: This option appears by default and is the basis of the process of
issue through which items are issued from warehouses at their cost.
• Issue at the sale price: This option appears if the (possibility of issue at the sale
price) option is enabled, and is used when the items are issued from the
warehouse at the sale price but not at the cost price.
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- Reference: This field is used to enter the reference number of the process, if any.
- Description: This field is used to enter the process statement, a statement that will
appear as an explanation of the process in various reports.
Second, Detailed Data
The lower part of the screen is used for the purpose of entering the items details that will be
taken out from the warehouse, and its quantities and other details data of the outgoing
orders. The quantities that will be taken out from the warehouses are considered as credit
party in the process, and those details are entered as follows:
- Item Code: This field is used to specify the outgoing order item number that will be
taken out from the warehouses. The items numbers are entered manually or to be
selected from the list of items that appears when pressing (F9).
- Unit: In this field, the item’s measurement unit will automatically appear if the item has
one unit as encoded in the Items Data screen. However, if the item has more than one
measurement unit, the user shall select the issue unit from the pop-up screen that will
appear after moving from the item field. It is possible to change the measurement unit
in the same pop-up screen by pressing (F9) when the curser is in the unit field.
- Item Name: once selecting the Item number the Item’s name appears in this field
- Unit: The item measurement unit appears in this field automatically, according to what
has been specified in the Items Details Screen.
- Serial Number: This column is used for the items that deal with serial numbers, and if
the item deals with serial numbers, the user is able to enter the details of the items
serial numbers during the supply to warehouses. The user enters the serial numbers
from the side screen that appears once clicking on the checkboxes in this column that
intersect with items.
- Quantity: This column is used to enter the quantity of items that will be taken out.
- W. Code: This field is used to specify the warehouse, which will be involved in the
item outgoing process.
- Quantity: this column is used to enter the quantity that will be involved in the item
outgo process.
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The Quantity appears automatically, if the serial numbers are
used in the system.
- Cost: This column is used to enter the cost per unit of items that will be taken out from
the warehouse.
- Total: Total field appears in the bottom of the screen, and it displays the total cost of
items in the outgoing order.
- Grand Total: The net total field appears in the bottom of the screen, and it displays
the items total cost of the outgoing order.
The cost column does not appear nor the total column and the
total fields at bottom of the screen if the option (Show Item
Cost Auto. In outgoing Bill) is selected in the Options Screen
in the System Configuration Tab.
- If the enterprise deals with expiry dates, a column will appear to specify the expiry
dates of the items that have expiry dates.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Once saving, the warehouses will be affected by the
operation, while the accounts and financial statements will
be only affected after posting the Outgoing Orders from
General Ledger System.
- The user can review the reports of the outgoing orders and
sent to the printer by clicking on the print icon.
- Journals Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing (Journals) button.
The Accounting Guidance of the Inventory Outgoing Orders
The journal entry that will be generated automatically from the incoming order process
as follows:
From \ Treasury \ Bank \ Employee Account
To \ Inventory Account
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- Order No.: This field is used to specify the incoming order number that the user
wishes to return the goods received. The user enters the incoming order manually or
by selecting the incoming order number from the list of incoming orders that appears
when pressing (F9) and.
- Once specifying the incoming number and moving the curser by pressing the (Tab)
button the incoming orders data appears in the various fields of the screen that have
been entered in the incoming orders screen, unless some quantities of the same order
has been returned in previous Incoming Returns operations.
- Quantity: The only column that the user is able to interact with is the quantity column,
and specifying the return will be by one of three situations:
• First Case: Return All Quantities of All Items: when the user desires to return all
the items quantities. Once selecting the incoming order number and its data has
been imported the user clicks on the save icon directly without causing any
adjustments in the amounts or in the items.
• Second Case: Return Some Quantities of All Items: when the user desires to
return some quantities of all items. Once selecting the incoming order number and
its data has been imported the user will be able to modify the quantity that will be
returned in the (quantity) column and types in the quantity that will be returned from
each item.
• Third Case: Return All or Some Quantities of Certain Items: when the user desires
to return some quantities of certain items. Once selecting the incoming order
number and its data has been imported the user will be able to modify the quantity
that will be returned in the (quantity) column and adjust the quantity to be returned
from the item, which will return some quantity, while items that the user will not
return any of its quantities the user enters number zero (0) in the quantity column.
The accuracy is important when dealing with the quantities
that will be returned, and the user must make sure before
saving the entered quantities that will be returned.
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- Total: The total amount of each item will be affected by the item total returned
quantity. Also the total items returned will be affected by the returned items.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Journals Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing (Journals) button.
The Accounting Guidance of the Inventory Incoming Return Orders
The journal entry that will be generated automatically from the incoming return order
process as follows:
From \ Treasury \ Bank \ Vendor Account
To \ Those Mentioned
Inventory Account
Differences of incoming orders and purchases account
In case the item value in the incoming order less than the average cost:
From \ Those Mentioned
Treasury \ Bank \ Vendor Account
Differences of incoming orders and purchases account
To \ Inventory Account
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Assemble Orders
Use: Assemble Orders Screen is used for the purpose of assembling item or items that
have quantity and cost. It has been explained previously in the Assembled Items
Components Screen – in the Inventory Input Tab, that the initial items used in the items
assembly, while in this screen the user will be dealing with assembling the assembled item,
where the system will outgo the initial quantities from the warehouses at their cost and
supply the new assembled item to the warehouses at its cost which is the assembled item
cost, in other words, the system will deal with those items, whether initial or assembled
items, as quantities and costs with recording those costs in accounts, and that’s what the
item assembly process requires , especially if the outgo of initial items from inventory is
done from an account that is different from the inventory account which the assembled
items will be supplied to. The items assembly of different assembled items requires the
availability of the necessary quantities of the initial items that results of producing the
assembled item. Also for assembling items it is required to enter this assembled item with
item number and name in Items Details Screen as well as selecting the checkbox
(Assembled Item) because the user will not be able to interact with the item in this screen
unless the assembled item checkbox is selected, also its required to assemble the
assembled item from the Assembled Items Components Screen in the System Inputs Tab.
Assembling the assembled items is performed through the use of the screen that appears
as in The following figure:
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- Item Name: once selecting the Item number the Item’s name appears in this field
When pressing (F9) only the assembled items will appear,
which have been specified as assembled items on the items
details screen.
- Quantity: This column is used to specify the assembled item quantity that the user
wishes to assemble and supply to the warehouses.
It is required that the initial items that form the assembled
items are available, in order to assemble the assembled
items, according to the specified quantities in the Assembled
Item Component Screen.
- Cost: The cost of assembled items per unit appears in this column automatically,
which is the total average cost of the initial items that assembled item is consisted of.
- Change Components: The user is able to edit the component items of the assembled
item by using this column, and as soon as the user presses on the field that intersects
with assembled item, the assembled items components screen appears, through which
the user will able to modify and edit the assembled item components either by adding
new items to the existing items, or delete items from the existing components or modify
the items quantity.
- Show The Components In Report: Selecting this checkbox option will work on
displaying the component items of the assembled item in the reports. If the user
wishes to display the initial items details that the assembled item is consisted of
together with the assembled items details the user selects this option checkbox option
so that the signal (✓) appears.
- Cost Center: This column is used if the enterprise deals with the cost centers, and the
method of dealing with cost centers (multiple) is selected in the Inventory System
Options Screen.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
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- Journals Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing (Journals) button.
Journal Entry of the Assembled Item Orders
A journal entry is generated automatically as a result of the assembled items order, where
the system will process the outgoing order of the initial items that the assembly will be by
and therefore these items (stock) will be credit, it also supplies the assembled item and
therefore this item (stock) will be debit.
From \ Inventory Account (The Account of Inventory Group of Assembled Items)
To \ Inventory Account (The Account of Inventory Group of Initial Items)
The posting process is done, whether for the initial items or the assembled item within one
inventory group, or for the initial items in an inventory group has an inventory account and
the assembled item is in another inventory group that has a different account.
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Disassemble Orders
Use: disassemble orders screen is used for the purpose of disassembling assembled items
that have been assembled through the Assemble Orders Screen and return it to the initial
items. Through this process, the system inverses the assemble items orders process, where
the system will produce an outgoing inventory order of the assembled items from the
warehouse with all the quantities and include the cost and supply of the initial items to a
warehouse together with adjusting the difference that will occur financially from the
disassembly process. Disassemble items is performed through the use of the screen that
appears as in the following figure:
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- Total: This column will automatically display the total cost of the assembled items
which is the result of multiplying the quantity × cost.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Journals Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing (Journals) button.
Journal Entry of Dismantling Assembled Items Orders
The journal entry generated from the dismantling assembled items process. the system will
process outgoing order of assembled item and therefore this item is (stock) considered
credit, then the system processes supplying the initial items that have been used in the
assembly to the warehouse and therefore these items are (stock) debits, also the expense
account will be affected (Disassembly Difference Account) in case there is difference in the
cost of the initial items between the assemble and the dissemble process and the difference
will appear as debit or credit, according to the difference type.
From \ Inventory Account (The Account of Inventory Group of Initial Items)
To \ Inventory Account (The Account of Inventory Group of Assembled Items)
The posting process is done, whether for the initial items or the assembled item within one
inventory group, or for the initial items in an inventory group has an inventory account and
the assembled item is in another inventory group that has a different account.
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- Date: The good transfer order date appears in this field automatically, which is the date
of the transfer process.
- Transfer type: This optional field is used, for the purpose of specifying the inventory
transfer type, in case the enterprise use inventory transfers types. The inventory
transfer type is specified from the transfers’ types list that has been encoded in the
Inventory Transfers Types Screen in the Inventory Configurations Tab.
- Branch: in this field the branch appears automatically which is the user’s branch is,
and which inventory transfer will be carried out from.
- From warehouse: This field is used to specify the warehouse that the inventory
transfer will be from, knowing that the warehouses that will appear are the warehouses
that have been entered in the Warehouse Details Screen In The Inventory Input Tab
and which have been linked to the branch that was specified in the previous field
- To Branch: This field is used to specify the branch that the inventory transfer will be to
whether it is the same branch that carry out the transfer or to any another branch.
- To Warehouse: This field is used to specify the warehouse that the transferred items
will be to, knowing that the warehouses that will appear are the warehouses that have
been entered in the Warehouse Details Screen in The Inventory Input Tab and which
have been linked to the branch that was specified in the previous field (branch).
- Account Code: The account number appears in this field automatically, which is the
inventory transfers intermediate account, which is the account that has been linked to
the warehouse transferred from and in this process it is considered the debit party.
- Cost Center: This field is used to specify the cost center, and it is used due to the
method of dealing with cost centers used and whether its single or multiple.
- Transfer method: This field is used to select the inventory Transfer method as follows:
• Transfer at Cost Price: This option appears by default and is the basis for the
transfer process through which items are issued from warehouses at their cost
• Transfer at Sale Price: This option appears if the option (the possibility of
transferring from warehouses at the sale price) is enabled, and is used when
transferring items from the warehouse at the sale price but not at cost price.
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The differences between the cost of the item and the sale
price are recorded in the account of the transfer differences
associated with the warehouse in the Warehouses Data
- Reference: This field is used to enter the inventory transfer process reference. This is
an optional field use that the user can use it or overcome.
- Description: This field is used to provide a practical description of the good transfer
- Driver: this field is used to specify the driver number if required.
Second, Detailed Data
The detailed data table is used in the screen to enter the detailed data of the inventory
transfer process, such as the quantities that will be transferred from the warehouse and it is
considered as the credit party in this process. The data entry of these details is as follows:
- Item Code: This field is used to specify the items numbers that will transferred from
the warehouses. The items numbers are entered manually or to be selected from the
list of items that appears when pressing (F9).
Once the item is specified, the item’s available quantity in the
warehouse that the transfer will from, appears at the bottom of
the screen.
- Item Name: once selecting the Item number the Item’s name appears in this field
- Unit: The item measurement unit appears in this field automatically, according to what
has been specified in the Items Details Screen.
- Serial Number: This column is used for the items that deal with serial numbers, and if
the item deals with serial numbers, the user is able to enter the details of the items
serial numbers during the transfer from the warehouses. The user enters the serial
numbers from the side screen that appears once clicking on the checkboxes in this
column that intersect with items.
- Quantity: This column is used to enter the quantity of items that will be transferred.
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The Quantity will appear automatically if the serial numbers
were entered.
- Cost: The cost of transferred items appears in this column automatically per unit.
- Total: The total item cost per unit appears in this column, which is the result of
multiplying the item quantity × cost.
- Sales Price: This column is used if the enterprise desires to specify the selling price of
the branch which the goods are transferred to, which is initial selling price that
specified among the sales prices types that appears in the item price field.
- Grand Total: The grand total appears at the bottom of the screen which is the total
item cost of the inventory transfer.
- If the enterprise is dealing with expiry dates a column will appear to specify the
expiration date of the items subjected to expiry date.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Journals Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing (Journals) button.
- The financial and accounting effects of this screen will be
on the inventory and the inventory accounts and the
transferee branch only, while the financial and accounting
effects on the warehouse and branch which the transferred
items will be to will be caused by the inventory receipt order
through the Inventory Receipt Screen.
- The inventory will be affected directly once saving the
transfer process, while the accounts and financial
statements will be affected after posting the inventory
transfer orders from General Ledger System.
- Inventory transfers report can be viewed and printed by
clicking on the print icon.
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Receive Orders
Use: The Inventory Receive Orders Screen is used for the purpose of receiving inventory
items that have been transferred from a warehouse and will be received by another
warehouse. It is used in the branch that was specified in inventory transfer as the recipient
branch in the inventory transfer screen in the field (To Branch), therefore, the inventory
receive order will only be used if there is an inventory transfer order preceding, whether the
transfer is performed from a warehouse to a warehouse within the branch framework or
among the different branches. The inventory receive process will result in affecting the
accounts and the warehouse and the recipient branch account unlike the transfer orders,
and will affect the storage as quantities and costs by the quantities received. Once saving
the process of receiving the inventory quantities it will affect the inventory as the inventory
balance increases due to the quantities received, while the accounts will be financially
affected after posting the inventory receive orders. which makes the inventory account as
debit, against the inventory transfers intermediate account linked to the warehouse as credit.
This inventory receive process is considered as a supply process to the warehouse. The
inventory received process is done through the screen that appears as in the following
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- Date: The receive order date appears in this field automatically, which is the date of
the receive process.
- Receive Type: This optional field is used, for the purpose of specifying the inventory
receive type, in case the enterprise uses the inventory receive types. The inventory
receive type is specified from the list of receives’ types that has been encoded in the
Inventory receive Types Screen in the Inventory Configurations Tab.
- Branch Transfer from: This field is used to specify the branch that the inventory
transfer is done from.
- Good Transfer No.: This field is used to specify the transfer order number that has
been done in the transferee branch, the user can enter the transfer order directly or
select it from the list of transfer orders numbers that appears when pressing (F9), and
once the user selects the transfer order number the inventory transfer order details will
appear in the various fields of the screen.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Journals Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing (Journals) button.
- The inventory will be affected directly once saving the
receive process; while the accounts and financial
statements will be affected after posting the inventory
receive orders from General Ledger System.
- Inventory receive reports can be viewed and printed by
clicking on the print icon.
Journal Entry of Inventory Receive Orders
The journal entry that is generated automatically as a result of the inventory receives
process as follows:
From \ Inventory Account
To \ Inventory Transfers Intermediate Account
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Damaged Items
Use: The Damaged Items Details Screen is used for the purpose of creating journals to
prove the damaged items, which are statements that does not have any inventory and
accounting effects, and according to this data the user can display reports which the
enterprise stakeholders benefits from in studying and analysing the damage in terms of
causes and causers, then after proceeding the administrative necessary procedures the
damaged items must be adjusted and removed from the warehouses using outgoing
inventory orders or adjustment through the (inventory adjustment) screen. Entering the
damaged items data for each warehouse is done through the use of the screen that
appears as in the following figure:
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- Resp. Emp. No.: This field is used to enter the name and number of the responsible
employee of the damage.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
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Stock Adjustment
Use: The Stock Adjustment Screen is used for the purpose of adjusting the quantity or
costs of the stored items by plus or minus for any reason. The enterprise may have to
make such modifications as an adjustment of the inventory differences or to adjust the
errors in the inventory opening balances, So in the presence of these errors the user will be
able to perform inventory adjustment both in stored quantities or in costs, knowing that the
adjustment of the quantities does not affect the item’s average cost and cost adjustments
does not affect the quantities. The stock adjustments are performed through the screen that
appears as in the following figure:
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- Data Display Method: This field is used to specify the method of displaying the items
data in the screen, where the user selects one of the following options:
• Auto (Based on Options): This option is selected if the user desires to import the
items data in the screen automatically using the search criteria. Once this option is
selected the search criteria fields will appear enabled and it is used to facilitate the
process of importing the items data in the screen.
• Manual: This option is selected if the user desires to enter the items data in the
screen manually. Once this option is selected the search criteria fields will appear
disabled and therefore those fields cannot be used while the item field appears
enabled in the item code column in the table.
- Reference: This field is used to enter the process reference No., if any.
- Description: This field is used to enter a description of the stock adjustment process.
- Account Code: This field is used to specify the account that represents the other part
of the inventory in the process. In case of increasing the quantity or the cost then the
inventory will be considered as debit which this account will be credit in the adjustment
process, but if the adjustment was reduction in the quantities or costs as the inventory
is a creditor however, this account will represent the debtor party account.
In case the stock adjustment type is (Quantity Adjustment) this
account will be charges with the cost of the adjusted
quantities whether the process has been an increase or
decrease in quantities, while if the adjustment type is (Cost
Adjustment) then this account will be charged by the
difference between the previous and new cost
- Center Number: This field is used to specify the cost center which will be affected by
the inventory adjustment.
Second, Search Criterion
The search criterion is used for the purpose of filtering the items that the user desires to be
imported to the table. The search criterion is also used, if the input method that has been
selected is (auto):
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- From Group \ To Group: These fields are used if the user desires to import the item
within a specific group or specific groups.
- Item Code \ To Item: These fields are used if the user desires to import a specific or
items between two items.
- From Warehouse\ To Warehouse: These fields are used if the user desires to filter
the items quantity adjustment in specific warehouse or between two warehouses.
- Bring Qtys. From Stocking: This checkbox option is selected if the user wishes to
perform stock adjustment of inventory counts that has been done in the inventory
screen. Selecting this option then by simply clicking on the button (Fill Data) the
inventory quantities details appear by plus and minus.
- Download Qtys. From Monthly Inventory: This checkbox option is selected if the user
wishes to perform inventory adjustment using the inventories that have been done in
the monthly inventory screens. Selecting this option then by simply clicking on the
button (Fill Data) the inventory quantities details appear by plus and minus.
The system enables the user to import more than one
inventory count in the stock adjustments.
- Outcome Damaged Items: This checkbox option is selected if the user wishes to
perform inventory adjustment on the damaged items that have been done in the
damaged items screen. Selecting this option then by simply clicking on the button (Fill
Data) the transactions and operations details of damaged items processes will appear
on the screen, and it is required to have operations in the damaged items screen that
haven’t not been subjected to stock adjustment before.
- Distribute This Percentage for All Items: This checkbox option is selected if the user
wishes to select a specific percentage and distribute it to all the items that will be
adjusted, this option used in case the adjustment type is (cost adjustment) only.
- Fill The Data: This button is used to direct the system to downloading the data in the
screen, according to the details that have been specified in the previous search
criterion fields, and failing to specify those data fields will result on downloading all the
items in all warehouses.
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- Average Cost: This column appears if the stock adjustment type is (Cost Adjustment)
and it automatically shows the items average cost after specifying the increase rate or
reduction, as the new average can be entered directly into this field without specifying
the percentage.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Journals Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing (Journals) button.
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Chapter Four
Inventory Counts
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The Motakamel Plus System is concerned with the warehouses
inventory counts, where through this section the user can carry out
inventory counts for the warehouses items either monthly inventory or
annual inventory with inventory reports as well as surplus and shortage
inventory report.
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Inventory Menu
Use: The Inventories Menu Screen is used for the purpose of issuing items inventory counts
statements, these statements will be used by the authorized persons of the warehouse
inventory counts for the purpose of codification of the quantities that are inventoried for each
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Annual Inventory
Use: The Annual Inventory screen is used for the purpose of entering the actual inventory
count data that has been performed on warehouse inventory items. The annual inventory is
the inventory count that is performed once a year and for one time. If the enterprise makes
an inventory of its warehouses once a year, then the user uses this screen to carry out the
annual inventory count, but if the enterprise desires to perform the process of inventory
periodically or monthly inventory in this case the user will be able to use the Monthly
Inventory Screen. The actual inventory data that has been manually recorded will be
entered into the system and the system will compare these data with the available data in
the system and based on that comparison the inventory results will appear and will show
whether it is equal or increase or decrease, and according to that comparison the enterprise
will address the shortage and increase of inventory and accounts through the screen that
appears as in the following figure:
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- Inv. Qty: Inventory column is used to enter the actual inventory count quantities data,
by entering the actual inventory that is performed manually in the field that intersects
with items.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- The user can display the actual inventory data by the report
that appears when clicking on the print icon to ensure the
quantities data has been entered correctly.
- The user is able to import the inventory differences that
appear between the actual inventory and the balance
records in the Stock Adjustment Screen in order to perform
the process of inventory stock adjustments.
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Monthly Inventory
Use: The Monthly Inventory or Periodic Inventory Screen is used for the purpose of entering
the actual inventory count data that is performed on items on site. The monthly inventory is
an inventory performed on the enterprise’s warehouses on a monthly basis or periodically,
which means the inventory can be repeated more than once a year. If the enterprise
performs inventory counts for its warehouses more than once during the year, whether the
inventory process take place on a monthly basis or for a period date between two dates this
screen is used to carry out that inventory, while if the enterprise wish to perform an
inventory once a year, in this case the user can use the manual (Annual Inventory) screen.
The actual inventory data that has been manually recorded will be entered into the system
and the system will compare these data with the available data in the system and based on
that comparison the inventory results will appear and will show whether it is equal or
increase or decrease, and according to that comparison the enterprise will address the
shortage and increase of inventory and accounts through the screen that appears as in the
following figure:
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- The user can add an inventory at the side screen that
appears by clicking the button (Add New Stock Taking
- Inventory group that the user wishes to transfer its data at
the annual closing to the new financial period (New Year),
which reflects the latest inventory and which the user
specify it when entering groups in inventory groups screen
by the option (Last Inventory count).
- Inventory No.: The Inventory number appears in this field automatically, where the
system generates a sequenced number for the monthly inventory.
- Date: The date of the monthly inventory process appears in this field automatically with
the ability to modify it.
- User: The User Name appears in this field automatically.
- Cost Center: This field is used to specify the cost center which will be affected by the
inventory result especially when the inventory result is imported in Stock Adjustment
Screen, to perform adjustments on the inventory and accounts by the increase or
decrease of items, if any.
- Inventory Way (Method): This field is used to select the method of displaying the
items data that the inventory data will be entered for in the screen, by selecting one of
the following methods:
• Auto (Based on the Options): This option is selected if the user wants to import
the items data to the screen automatically using the search criterion fields. Once
this option is selected the search criteria fields appear enabled, for the user to use
it that facilitates the process of importing the items data to the screen.
• Manual: This option is selected if the user desires to enter the items data in the
screen manually. Once this option is selected the search criteria fields will be
disabled while the items code column will appear in the detailed data table.
• Pocket Device: This option is selected if the inventory process will be applied by a
special inventory application and other mobile applications.
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• From Excel: This option is selected if the inventory data will be imported from an
Excel file, according to the terms that appear in the following massages:
- Inventory Type: This part of the screen is used to specify the inventory type with one
of the available options as follows:
• Monthly: This option is selected if the user wishes to perform an inventory count
for a particular month, and the month is specified in the month field.
• Periodic: This option is selected if the user wishes to perform an inventory count
for a specific period between two dates the dates are specified in dates fields
- Description: This field is used to enter clear description of the inventory process.
Second, Search Criterion
The search criterion section is used for the purpose of filtering the items that the user
desires to be imported to the table in order to enter its inventory count data. The search
criterion is also used, if the input method that has been selected is (auto):
- From Group \ To Group: These fields are used if the user desires to import the item
within a specific group or specific groups.
- Item Code \ To Item: These fields are used if the user desires to import a specific or
items between two items.
- From Warehouse\ To Warehouse: These fields are used if the user desires to filter
the inventory items in specific warehouse or between two warehouses.
- Bringing Data: This button is used when using the fields of Search Criterion. Once the
user clicks this button the items will be imported to the table at the lower part of the
screen of the screen, based on what was specified in the Search Criterion fields.
Third, Detailed Data
The user deals with the detailed data table which is located at the lower part of the screen
as follows:
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inventory quantities that have appeared in warehouses more or less than the
available quantities balances records in the system.
- Report Order: This field is used to specify the items display arrangement in the report,
according to the available options.
- The user fills the rest of fields, according to the user needs.
- Print: The report is printed by clicking on the print icon in the toolbar.
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