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# Discuss in detail value maximization as an

objective of the firm. Give examples.

# Discuss the importance of regression analysis

for a manager. Explain the process of specifying
the regression equation.

# Differentiate between market demand curve

and individual demand curve. Explain with

# Explain the following techniques of demand

forecasting :
(i) Expert opinion
(ii) Surveys

# Explain the types of statistical analysis.

Discuss the limitations of different types of
statistical analysis.

# Briefly differentiate between short-run cost

functions and long-run cost functions. Also use
diagrams to illustrate your answer.

# Briefly explain the important entry barriers.

What are the factors determining conditions of
entry ?

# What is Monopolistic Competition ? Explain

price and output determination under
monopolistic competition in the short-run.

# What is fundamental nature of Managerial

Economics ? Discuss with reference to the three
choice problems of an economy.

# “The opportunity cost principle is the return

that can be had from the next best alternative
use.” Explain this statement with the help of an

# What are the variables in the demand function

which have an influence on the demand of a
particular product ? Discuss.

# Differentiate between arc price elasticity and

point price elasticity ? Explain.
# Explain production function framework.
Differentiate between short-run and long-run.

# Explain the difference in the following costs

and discuss their role in managerial decision-
making :
(i) Accounting and Economic costs
(ii) Implicit and Explicit costs

# Explain the factors determining the nature of

competition in a market.

# Explain the pricing under a perfectly

competitive market.

# Explain Equi-Marginal Principle of the firm.

How is it different from discounting principle of
the firm ?

# How is decision taken under risk ? Describe

how decision tree helps in strategic decision
making ? Explain with examples.

# Identify the variables included in demand

function and explain its impact on demand.

# Differentiate between the following :

(a) Income elasticity of demand
(b) Cross elasticity of demand

# Explain their application in managerial

decision making.

# Differentiate between economic costs and

accounting costs. Explain with illustrations.

# Explain short-run cost functions.

# Explain the different types of market structures

with the help of examples.

# Differentiate between monopolistic competition

and oligopoly markets giving real life examples.

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