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6TH Sem CE Syllabus

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6th Semester
CIVIL ENGINEERING 9472059019 | 7277084298
(Based on Latest Bihar Engineering University Syllabus) Telegram Competitive | Telegram Semester (BEU)


Sl. Code Course Title Hours Per Credits

1. 101601 Constitution of India/Essence of Indian Knowledge 3 0 3 0
2. 101602 Construction Engineering & Management 3 0 3 3
3. 101603 Design of Steel Structure 3 0 0 3

4. 101604 Engineering Economics, Estimation & Costing 3 1 2 3

5. 101605 Environmental Engineering-II 3 0 0 3

6. 101606 Geotechnical Engineering -II 3 0 0 3

7. Program Elective- I 3 0 0 3

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6th Semester
CIVIL ENGINEERING 9472059019 | 7277084298
(Based on Latest Bihar Engineering University Syllabus) Telegram Competitive | Telegram Semester (BEU)

Construction Engineering & Management

PAPER CODE- 101602

Module 1: Basics of Construction- Unique features of construction, construction projects- types

and features, phases of a project, agencies involved and their methods of execution;

Module 2: Construction project planning- Stages of project planning: pre-tender planning,

preconstruction planning, detailed construction planning, role of client and contractor, level of
detail. Process of development of plans and schedules, work break-down structure, activity lists,
assessment of work content, concept of productivities, estimating durations, sequence of
activities, activity utility data; Techniques of planning- Bar charts, Gantt Charts. Networks: basic
terminology, types of precedence relationships, preparation of CPM networks: activity on link
and activity on node representation, computation of float values, critical and semi critical paths,
calendaring networks.PERT- Assumptions underlying PERT analysis, determining three time
estimates, analysis, slack computations, calculation of probability of completion.

Module 3:Construction Methods basics: Types of foundations and construction methods; Basics
of Formwork and Staging; Common building construction methods (conventional walls and
slabs; conventional framed structure with blockwork walls; Modular construction methods for
repetitive works; Precast concrete construction methods; Basics of Slip forming for tall
structures; Basic construction methods for steel structures; Basics of construction methods for

Module 4: Construction Equipment basics: Conventional construction methods Vs Mechanized

methods and advantages of latter; Equipment for Earthmoving, Dewatering; Concrete mixing,
transporting & placing; Cranes, Hoists and other equipment for lifting; Equipment for
transportation of materials. Equipment Productivities

Module 5: Planning and organizing construction site and resources- Site: site layout including
enabling structures, developing site organization, Documentation at site; Manpower: planning,
organizing, staffing, motivation; Materials: concepts of planning, procurement and inventory
control; Equipment: basic concepts of planning and organizing; Funds: cash flow, sources of
funds; Histograms and S-Curves. Earned Value; Resource Scheduling- Bar chart, line of balance
technique, resource constraints and conflicts; resource aggregation, allocation, smoothening and
leveling. Common Good Practices in Construction

Module 6: Project Monitoring & Control- Supervision, record keeping, periodic progress
reports, periodical progress meetings. Updating of plans: purpose, frequency and methods of
updating. Common causes of time and cost overruns and corrective measures. Basics of Modern
Project management systems such as Lean Construction; Use of Building Information Modelling
(BIM) in project management; Quality control: concept of quality, quality of constructed
structure, use of manuals and checklists for quality control, role of inspection, basics of statistical
quality control. Safety, Health and Environment on project sites: accidents; their causes, effects
and preventive measures, costs of accidents, occupational health problems in construction,
organizing for safety and health.

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6th Semester
CIVIL ENGINEERING 9472059019 | 7277084298
(Based on Latest Bihar Engineering University Syllabus) Telegram Competitive | Telegram Semester (BEU)

Module 7: Contracts Management basics: Importance of contracts; Types of Contracts, parties to

a contract; Common contract clauses (Notice to proceed, rights and duties of various parties,
notices to be given, Contract Duration and Price. Performance parameters; Delays, penalties and
liquidated damages; Force Majeure, Suspension and Termination. Changes & variations, Dispute
Resolution methods.

Module 8: Construction Costs: Make-up of construction costs; Classification of costs, timecost

trade-off in construction projects, compression and decompression.

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6th Semester
CIVIL ENGINEERING 9472059019 | 7277084298
(Based on Latest Bihar Engineering University Syllabus) Telegram Competitive | Telegram Semester (BEU)

Design Of Steel Structure

PAPER CODE- 101603

Module 1: Introduction: Steel structures, material properties, Limit states and design
philosophies; analysis and design methods, Loads, partial safety factors and load combinations,
analysis of roof for wind loads. Codes and standards. Section Classification: Plastic, compact,
semi-compact, and slender sections.

Module 2: Connections: Structural fasteners - Rivets, bolts and welds, strength under combined
stresses, Bolted and Welded Connections - Simple and Eccentric and Column bases.I

Module 3: Tension members: Design based on net section including shear lag effects and block
shear, lug angles. Compression members:

Module 4: Design for flexural and flexural-torsional buckling, Effective length factor: Sway and
Nonsway frames, Local buckling, Built-up columns - Battens and lacings. Laterally Supported
and Unsupported Beams:

Module 5: Design strength using shear-moment interaction; Built-up beams, Shear buckling
strength, Plate girders and design of stiffeners, Lateral torsional buckling, Effect of restraints and
effective length.

Module 6: Beam-Columns: Effect of axial load on flexure behaviour, P-M interaction and
moment amplification, Flexural torsional buckling and Bi-axial bending.

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6th Semester
CIVIL ENGINEERING 9472059019 | 7277084298
(Based on Latest Bihar Engineering University Syllabus) Telegram Competitive | Telegram Semester (BEU)

Engineering Economics, Estimation & Costing

PAPER CODE- 101604

Module 1: Basic Principles and Methodology of Economics. Demand/Supply – elasticity –

Government Policies and Application. Theory of the Firm and Market Structure. Basic
Macroeconomic Concepts (including GDP/GNP/NI/Disposable Income) and Identities for both
closed and open economies. Aggregate demand and Supply (IS/LM). Price Indices (WPI/CPI),
Interest rates, Direct and Indirect Taxes (3 lectures)

Module 2: Public Sector Economics –Welfare, Externalities, Labour Market. Components of

Monetary and Financial System, Central Bank –Monetary Aggregates; Commercial Banks &
their functions; Capital and Debt Markets. Monetary and Fiscal Policy Tools & their impact on
the economy – Inflation and Phillips Curve. (2 lectures)

Module 3: Elements of Business/Managerial Economics and forms of organizations. Cost &

Cost Control –Techniques, Types of Costs, Lifecycle costs, Budgets, Break even Analysis,
Capital Budgeting, Application of Linear Programming. Investment Analysis – NPV, ROI, IRR,
Payback Period, Depreciation, Time value of money (present and future worth of cash flows).
Business Forecasting – Elementary techniques. Statements – Cash flow, Financial. Case Study
Method. (3 lectures)

Module 4: Indian economy - Brief overview of post-independence period – plans. Post reform
Growth, Structure of productive activity. Issues of Inclusion – Sectors, States/Regions, Groups of
people (M/F), Urbanization. Employment–Informal, Organized, Unorganized, Public, Private.
Challenges and Policy Debates in Monetary, Fiscal, Social, External sectors. (2 lectures)

Module 5: Estimation / Measurements for various items- Introduction to the process of

Estimation; Use of relevant Indian Standard Specifications for the same, taking out quantities
from the given requirements of the work, comparison of different alternatives, Bar bending
schedules, Mass haul Diagrams, Estimating Earthwork and Foundations, Estimating Concrete
and Masonry, Finishes, Interiors, MEP works; BIM and quantity take-offs; adding equipment
costs; labour costs; rate analysis; Material survey-Thumb rules for computation of materials
requirement for different materials for buildings, percentage breakup of the cost, cost sensitive
index, market survey of basic materials. Use of Computers in quantity surveying (7 lectures)

Module 6: Specifications-Types, requirements and importance, detailed specifications for

buildings, roads, minor bridges and industrial structures. (3 lectures)

Module 7: Rate analysis-Purpose, importance and necessity of the same, factors affecting, task
work, daily output from different equipment/ productivity. (3 lectures)

Module 8: Tender- Preparation of tender documents, importance of inviting tenders, contract

types, relative merits, prequalification. general and special conditions, termination of contracts,
extra work and Changes, penalty and liquidated charges, Settlement of disputes, R.A. Bill &
Final Bill, Payment of advance, insurance, claims, price variation, etc. Preparing Bids- Bid Price

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6th Semester
CIVIL ENGINEERING 9472059019 | 7277084298
(Based on Latest Bihar Engineering University Syllabus) Telegram Competitive | Telegram Semester (BEU)

buildup: Material, Labour, Equipment costs, Risks, Direct & Indirect Overheads, Profits; Bid
conditions, alternative specifications; Alternative Bids. Bid process management (6 lectures)

Module 9: Introduction to Acts pertaining to-Minimum wages, Workman's compensation,

Contracts, Arbitration, Easement rights. (1 lecture)

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6th Semester
CIVIL ENGINEERING 9472059019 | 7277084298
(Based on Latest Bihar Engineering University Syllabus) Telegram Competitive | Telegram Semester (BEU)

Environmental Engineering-II

Module 1: Sewage- Domestic and Storm water, Quantity of Sewage, Sewage flow variations.
Conveyance of sewage- Sewers, shapes design parameters, operation and maintenance of sewers,
Sewage pumping; Sewerage, Sewer appurtenances, Design of sewerage systems. Small bore
systems, Storm Water- Quantification and design of Storm water; Sewage and Sullage, Pollution
due to improper disposal of sewage, National River cleaning plans, Wastewater treatment,
aerobic and anaerobic treatment systems, suspended and attached growth systems, recycling of
sewage – quality requirements for various purposes.

Module2: Solid waste management-Municipal solid waste, Composition and various chemical
and physical parameters of MSW, MSW management: Collection, transport, treatment and
disposal of MSW. Special MSW: waste from commercial establishments and other urban areas,
solid waste from construction activities, biomedical wastes, Effects of solid waste on
environment: effects on air, soil, water surface and ground health hazards. Disposal of solid
waste-segregation, reduction at source, recovery and recycle. Disposal methods- Integrated solid
waste management. Hazardous waste: Types and nature of hazardous waste as per the HW
Schedules of regulating authorities.

Module 3: Government authorities and their roles in water supply, sewerage disposal. Solid
waste management and monitoring/control of environmental pollution

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6th Semester
CIVIL ENGINEERING 9472059019 | 7277084298
(Based on Latest Bihar Engineering University Syllabus) Telegram Competitive | Telegram Semester (BEU)

Geotechnical Engineering -II

PAPER CODE- 101606
Module 1: Consolidation of Soil - Introduction, comparison between compaction and
consolidation, initial, primary & secondary consolidation, spring analogy for primary
consolidation, interpretation of consolidation test results, Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation, final
settlement of soil deposits, computation of consolidation settlement and secondary consolidation.
On completion of this module, the student must be able to: • Understand the basic mechanism of
consolidation of soil; • Determine various consolidation parameters of soil through laboratory
test; Evaluate ground settlements against time.

Module 2: Shear Strength - Mohr circle and its characteristics, principal planes, relation between
major and minor principal stresses, Mohr-Coulomb theory, types of shear tests: direct shear test,
merits of direct shear test, triaxial compression tests, test behaviour of UU, CU and CD tests,
porepressure measurement, computation of effective shear strength parameters unconfined
compression test, vane shear test On completion of this module, the student must be able to: •
Determine graphically and analytically the stress state in any plane of the soil mass; Perform
various shear strength tests and appreciate the different field conditions which they simulate; •
Understand the significance of shear strength parameters in various geotechnical analyses; •
Evaluate the stiffness of soil using shear strength parameters

Module 3:Stability of Slopes - Introduction, types of slopes and their failure mechanisms, factor
of safety, analysis of finite and infinite slopes, wedge failure Swedish circle method, friction
circle method, stability numbers and charts. On completion of this module, the student must be
able to: • Differentiate various modes of slope failure; • Evaluate factor of safety of infinite
slopes based on different ground conditions; Understand various methods for computation of
factor of safety for finite slopes.

Module 4: Soil Exploration- Introduction, methods of site exploration and soil investigation,
methods of boring, soil samplers, sampling procedures, trail pits, borings, penetrometer tests,
analysis of borehole logs, geophysical and advance soil exploration methods. On completion of
this module, the student must be able to: • Specify a strategy for site investigation to identify the
soil deposits and determine the depth and spatial extent within the ground; • Understand various
site investigation techniques and their in-situ applications; Prepare a soil investigation report
based on borehole log data and various in-situ tests like SPT, CPT, etc.

Module 5 Application of soil mechanics to determine earth pressures, analysis of retaining walls,
cuts & excavations and sheet piles, stability of slopes, instrumentation.

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