Memorandum: City of Dallas
Memorandum: City of Dallas
Memorandum: City of Dallas
Date To
January 27, 2012 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Budget Workshop #2: FY 2012-13 Preliminary Outlook The FY 2012-13 Preliminary Outlook briefing is attached for your review and will be St presented at your February 1 meeting. The revenue and expenditure changes included in the briefing are preliminary estimates provided as a range of forecasts to illustrate potential impact on next years budget. Revenue and expenditure estimates will be updated as more data becomes available. Additional briefings on the FY 2012-13 budget will be presented during the upcoming months. A balanced budget recommendation will be presented on th 13 for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2012 and ending on September 30, August 2013. Please let me know if I can provide additional information.
c: Mary K. Suhm, City Manager Thomas P. Perkins, Jr., City Attorney Craig Kinton. City Auditor Rosa Rios, Interim City Secretary Judge C. Victor Lander A.C. Gonzalez, First Assistant City Manager Ryan S. Evans, Assistant City Manager Jill A. Jordan, P.E., Assistant City Manager Forest Turner, Assistant City Manager Joey Zapata, Assistant City Manager Jack Ireland, Director, Office of Financial Services
Together, we do it better!
Purpose of Briefing
Review schedule for development of FY 201213 budget Provide a preliminary outlook of general fund budget for FY 2012-13
Budget Schedule
Budget being developed is for FY 2012-13 and covers period from Oct 1, 2012 through Sep 30, 2013 Budget development is year-round process and key dates for FY 2012-13 development include:
Jan 18 Jan 26 Budget Workshop #1: confirm strategies for six Key Focus Areas (KFA) Departments invited to submit bids to accomplish City Council strategies Budget Workshop #2: preliminary outlook of general fund Departments submit final bids to CMO, OFS, and KFA Teams for funding consideration KFA Teams evaluate and prioritize bids/offers submitted by departments based on Council confirmed strategies Public Hearing
Budget Schedule
Apr 16 to May 11 May 16 May 17 May 23 Jun 20 Jul 25 Aug 13 Aug 13 to Sep 4 Aug 15 Aug 22 Aug 27 Sep 5 Sep 10 Sep 19 City Managers Office reviews and refines rankings established by KFA Teams Budget Workshop #3: Preliminary rankings Preliminary tax roll Public Hearing Budget Workshop #4: Rankings and budget review Certified tax roll Budget Workshop #5: City Managers recommended budget Town hall meetings Budget Workshop #6: Topics TBD Public Hearing Budget Workshop #7: Topics TBD Adopt Budget at First Reading Budget Workshop #8: Council Amendments Adopt Budget at Second Reading (3rd Wednesday to comply with request of Dallas County Tax Office rather than 4th Wednesday as typical)
Preliminary Outlook
Preliminary outlook is provided as range of forecasts to illustrate potential impact (lesser to greater) that various scenarios may have on revenues and expenditures Forecasts are very preliminary and will change before FY 2012-13 budget is recommended on Aug 13
Limited new information is available since adoption of FY 201112 budget in Sep 2011 Forecasts are being made 20 months into future (through end of FY 2012-13 on Sep 30, 2013)
Revenue Outlook
Revenues Possible Adjustments In Million Dollars Property Tax Possible range from 2.1% value loss to 0.1% value increase Sales Tax Possible range from 0.7% decline to 1.6% growth Other Revenues - Includes revenues such as franchise fees, sale of surplus property and abandonments Total Possible Revenue Adjustments Greater Impact ($8.9) ($1.5) ($14.2) ($24.6) Lesser Impact +$0.4 +$3.5 ($2.6) +$1.3
Expenditure Outlook
Expenditures Possible Adjustments In Million Dollars Police and Fire Meet and Confer Requirements (assumes revenue triggers are not met for FY 2012-13) Eliminate remaining 3 Mandatory City Leave days 3% cost of living adjustment Education Incentive Pay Add 2 holidays Retention incentive bonus for recently hired officers Full-year-funding for overtime pay in-lieu of comp time Reinstate wellness program Note: Meet & Confer is 3-year agreement approved by City Council on August 11, 2010 that resulted in over $26.2m savings in FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12.
Expenditure Outlook
Expenditures Possible Adjustments In Million Dollars Public Safety adjustments include Fire-Rescue overtime savings result of hiring 200 recruits in FY 2011-12 Paramedic training restored after being deferred due to previous budget reductions Police uniform salary adjustments assume hiring for full attrition in both FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 COPS grant funding ends, and City must pick-up cost for 50 officers O&M cost for Fire Station #27 (Douglas & NW Hwy.) and #50 (Keeneland & Walton Walker) Electricity and Fuel Oncor rate adjustment in FY 2011-12 has full-year impact in FY 2012-13 Per gallon cost of fuel may increase (range $3.93 to $3.20 per gallon); fuel prices are volatile and will continue to be monitored Greater Impact +$1.4 Lesser Impact ($2.3)
Expenditure Outlook
Expenditures Possible Adjustments In Million Dollars Civilian personnel Eliminate remaining 4 Mandatory City Leave days Restore pay reductions put in place on October 1, 2010 Quality of Life contracts and other commitments AT&T Performing Arts Center increase by $0.8m from $1.7m in current year to $2.5m for FY 2012-13 (contract amount) Zoo contract increase Recreation Centers restore funding for centers closed due to renovation during FY 2011-12 Library materials increase Greater Impact +$6.4 Lesser Impact +$6.4
Expenditure Outlook
Expenditures Possible Adjustments In Million Dollars Employee/Retiree Health Benefits Increased expense assumed at 5% and 8% (Citys share of total cost is approximately 50%) Equipment, Maintenance, etc. Equipment and technology purchases through Master Lease program Commercial Paper interest cost O&M cost associated with capital projects Street striping and signage Building and Major Maintenance funding for critical facility needs Total Possible Expenditure Adjustments Greater Impact +$4.6 +$10.7 Lesser Impact +$3.7 +$7.2
Other Considerations
Debt service budget for FY 2012-13 is being developed independent of general fund budget
in debt service fund will be impacted by amount of new debt to be issued in FY 2012-13 for purpose of retiring commercial paper
Commercial paper is used as short-term financing for capital projects and then retired with long-term general obligation bonds
Outlook Summary
Possible Adjustments In Million Dollars Revenue adjustments Expenditure adjustments Differential Greater Impact ($24.6) +$62.4 $87.0 Lesser Impact +$1.3 +$50.2 $48.9
Preliminary outlook for FY 2012-13 indicates a differential between revenues and expenses ranging from $48.9m to $87.0m Differential will be eliminated by Aug 13 when City Manager recommends balanced budget Council feedback and Key Focus Area strategies will be used in budget development and balancing FY 2012-13