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4, APRIL 2020

Metasurface-Enabled Cavity Antenna: Beam Steering

With Dramatically Reduced Fed Elements
Kayode Adedotun Oyesina , Student Member, IEEE, and Alex M. H. Wong , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—We present a metasurface-enabled cavity antenna materials have been applied to a myriad of applications, such
that achieves full beam steering but features a significantly reduced as cloaking, revolutionary electronics, and antenna enhance-
number of fed elements. To create this antenna, we first excite a ment [9]. A brief review of metamaterial-enhanced antennas
traveling wave in a cavity enclosed by an active metasurface, then is given in [10] and [11]. Demonstrated applications include
form the desired radiation by leaking the cavity wave through a the formation of novel substrates [12], metamaterial lens an-
perforated top plate. We hence achieve a steerable antenna for
which the number of fed elements scales with the perimeter and
tennas [13], and leaky-wave antennas [14], [15], among oth-
not the area of the radiation aperture. In this letter, we report ers. Recently, space–time modulated metasurface antennas are
two models of this cavity antenna whose beamwidths and sidelobe proposed, which can steer antenna beam using control biases
levels closely resemble a traditional microstrip patch array of with simplified feeds [16]. However, the metasurface element
the same aperture size. Hence, dramatic savings in feed cost and spacing remains subwavelength, and steerability is also related
complexity are achieved without compromising the antenna gain, to the aperture area, much like the 2-D patch antenna array.
the beam shape, or steerability. The proposed antennas shall attract This means a complicated signal feed with a multitude of bias
strong interest in highly directive millimeter-wave beamforming lines is needed to achieve beam steering for an electrically large
applications. aperture.
Index Terms—Active metasurface, directive antennas, Huygens’ In this letter, we propose and demonstrate in simulation
sources, leaky-wave antennas, metamaterial, phased arrays. two metasurface-enabled cavity antennas that we name the
Huygens’ box antenna (HBA)—a Huygens’ metasurface-based,
fully steerable, highly directive antenna for which the number of
I. INTRODUCTION fed elements scales with the perimeter of the radiating aperture.
NTENNAS with low profile and high directivity have We design the HBA in the following manner. We first form an
A become highly desirable for many applications, which
for example include communication, imaging, and autonomous
enclosure by wrapping an active Huygens’ metasurface around
a region of interest. We then generate a propagating plane wave
vehicular technology. The most common method to achieve in the aforesaid enclosure. Finally, we allow the generated cavity
directed radiation is to use a phased array antenna, where beam waves to radiate by perforating the aperture on one side of the
steering is achieved by maintaining a linear phase progression cavity. After formulating the design process, we will report simu-
among array elements. To avoid grating lobes, elemental spacing lation results for the two HBA designs—TEM and TM1 models,
in a phased array antenna should be kept at d ≤ λ/2, hence, the for frequencies of 1 and 60 GHz. While the TEM model encloses
total number of radiating elements in a phased array is dependent a metamaterial, the TM1 model uses an air cavity and thereby
on the aperture area. However, the requirement of exciting mitigates complications and bandwidth restrictions, which may
individual radiating elements at different phases raises the cost of come with the use of a metamaterial. We shall show that in each
the phased array antenna, especially for large array sizes and for case, the designed HBAs feature dramatically reduced numbers
high-frequency operation in the millimeter (mm)-wave regime, of elements, but nonetheless achieve beamwidths and sidelobe
because of the high cost associated with the power-dividing and levels comparable to microstrip patch array antennas of similar
phase-shifting circuitry [1]–[3]. Furthermore, the requirement aperture sizes.
for a complicated feed network also necessitates a large volume
to house the required circuitry, and in some cases, the installation II. HUYGENS’ BOX CONCEPT
of associated cooling components. Hence, an alternative steer- We begin by overviewing the Huygens’ box concept, which
able high-gain antenna with reduced feed network complexity arises from considerations on the equivalence principle and
is highly desired. electromagnetic boundary conditions. Wong and Eleftheriades
With advances in metamaterial and metasurfaces, exciting [17], [18] have shown that the active Huygens’ source of Fig. 1(a)
new possibilities emerge [4]–[8]. These artificially engineered can be placed in a 2-D parallel-plate environment of Fig. 1(b).
Further simplification by adapting the electromagnetic image
Manuscript received December 31, 2019; accepted February 5, 2020. Date of theory results in the single-filament equivalent of Fig. 1(c). For
publication February 12, 2020; date of current version April 17, 2020. This work
was supported by an Early Career Scheme from the Research Grants Council of practical implementation of the current filament, a monopole
the Hong Kong under Grant 9048152. (Corresponding author: Kayode Adedotun antenna will suffice as it functions similarly to a current fila-
Oyesina.) ment in coupling to propagating modes within the parallel-plate
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Mil- environment. Therefore, we enclose a region of space with the
limeter Waves, Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: kaoyesina2-c@my.cityu.edu.hk; alex.mh.
perfect electric conductor (PEC)-backed single-filament active
wong@cityu.edu.hk). Huygens’ metasurface elements of Fig. 1(c). The distance be-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2020.2973507 tween the elements is kept at a value less than half-wavelength.

1536-1225 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on May 01,2020 at 16:21:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 1. (a) Simple active Huygens’ source. Central current filament constitutes
an electric current flow while the magnetic current flows in the outer filament Fig. 3. HBA models. (a) TEM enclosing a metamaterial region with a single
loop. (b) Twin current filament active Huygens’ source with copropagating Ia layer of Huygens’ metasurface elements. (b) TM1 enclosing a region of free
and Ib constituting an effective electric current and counter-propagating Ia and space with two layers of Huygens’ metasurface elements.
Ib constituting an effective magnetic current. (c) PEC-backed single-filament
active Huygens’ source equivalent.

Fig. 4. Ray direction and wavefront direction of a TM1 plane wave between
parallel planes.
Fig. 2. (a) Electromagnetic equivalence principle, relating a set of surface
currents {Js , Ms } to fields on either side of a boundary. (b) Typical Huygens’
box developed from the equivalence principle by arranging an array of simplified
wave’s horizontal spatial frequency
Huygens’ sources.
kcav = k0 n = k0 cos θ ⇒ n = cos θ. (2)

We call this contraption the Huygens’ box [19]–[21]. Fig. 2 We achieve this by filling the cavity with a dielectric, with
depicts the transformation of the equivalence principle into the εr = n2 = cos2 θ. The required dielectric, with 0 ≤ εr ≤ 1, can
Huygens’ box. We set the desired electromagnetic field within be readily engineered using metamaterial technology [22], for
the Huygens’ box and set the field outside the enclosure to example using a 2-D array of z-directed metallic wires.
zero. Then, we invoke electromagnetic equivalence to calculate For radiation into the azimuthal direction φ, we examine the
necessary excitation currents electromagnetic fields within the cavity, which are given by

Ms = −n̂ × (Eb − Ea ) , Js = n̂ × (Hb − Ha ) . (1) E (x, y) = E0 e−j(kx x+ky y) ẑ

E (x, y)
H (x, y) = (sinφx̂ − cosφŷ) (3)
In our previous works, we have applied this method to achieve η
arbitrary waveform generation in various box sizes and geome-
where kx = k0 n cos φ and ky = k0 n sin φ. Substituting these
tries [18]–[21].
fields into (1) along the Huygens’ box boundary will give us the
electric and magnetic currents of the corresponding excitation.
III. HUYGENS’ BOX ANTENNA For our element of choice, the electric field is shorted by the
In this letter, we generate traveling plane waves in the Huy- PEC back plate, and the excitation current along the Huygens’
gens’ box cavity, then we develop a highly directive antenna box boundary is related to the magnetic field through [19]
by opening up subwavelength perforations on the top metallic I = j (sMs ) / (ωμ0 w) (4)
plate of the Huygens’ box, thus allowing the cavity wave to
radiate. Since the radiated beam emanates from an aperture of where w and s are as defined in Fig. 2(b). The currents are
electromagnetic fields with uniform amplitude and linear phase placed equidistant along the Huygens’ box boundary and should
progression, the resulting radiation pattern is very much similar function properly as long as their spacing is less than half of
to that of a phased array. The radiation direction can be controlled the propagation wavelength. Solving (4) at the location of the
by tuning the cavity wave’s travel direction and wavenumber. In current elements yields a set of currents, the excitation of which
the following, we present two HBA designs that generate cavity will generate the propagating cavity wave at the desired angle.
waves that can be coupled into directive radiation. We have hence achieved control of both elevation and azimuthal
radiation directions.
A. TEM Huygens’ Box Antenna
B. TM1 Huygens’ Box Antenna
Fig. 3(a) shows the HBA with a single-layer Huygens’
metasurface element enclosing a region of space within a To increase the practicality of the HBA, we further propose
parallel-plate waveguide. We have previously demonstrated the an HBA model that uses an air cavity. Fig. 3(b) shows this HBA
generation of TEM traveling waves, with arbitrary travel di- with two layers of Huygens’ metasurface elements along the
rection in the xy plane, in this Huygens’ box [17]–[21]. We z-direction, which can be used to excite TM1 traveling waves.
control the elevation (θ) and azimuthal (φ) radiation direction Fig. 4 shows a ray diagram depicting the radiation mechanism
by engineering the cavity material and the cavity wave’s travel from the cavity. The height of the air-filled cavity is expanded to
direction, respectively. For radiation in the elevation direction θ, h = λ/(2cos θ) to achieve phase matching between the cavity
one needs to match the cavity wave’s wavenumber to the radiated wave and radiation at the desired elevation angle θ [23]. As

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Fig. 5. Elemental reduction achievable with the HBA concept.

in the previous case, we control the azimuth direction φ by

the direction of cavity wave travel. The electric fields in the
cavity are
πz Fig. 6. (a) 8 × 8 microstrip patch array. (b) and (c) TEM HBAs with 32
Eu = −E0 cos e−γu sources and 24 sources, respectively, showing the generated waves. Radiation
h patterns of the (d) microstrip patch array, (e) TEM HBA with 32 sources, and
γh πz γh πz (f) HBA with 24 sources.
Ez = E0 sin e−γu = E0 sin e−γ(xcosφ+ysinφ)
π h π h
where the cavity occupies the region −h/2 ≤ z ≤ h/2,
û =√cos φx̂ + sin φŷ represents the travel direction, and
γ = (π/h)2 −k02 denotes the propagation constant. Note the odd
symmetry of Ez along the z-dimension, we can also see that
the TM1 mode is optimally excited when the phase of the top
current strip π-phase-shifted from that of the bottom current
strip. This aids our cause because this current distribution does
not couple into the TEM fundamental mode and the two current
strips can be fed by splitting a single feed, thus rendering the Fig. 7. TEM HBA radiation patterns at 1 GHz. (a) φ = 0◦ plane. (b) θ = 45◦
number of required feeds the same as for the TEM Huygens’ plane. Solid black lines represent the patch array, dashed red lines represent the
box. The attractiveness of this design is that the metamaterial TEM HBA with 32 sources, and dotted blue lines represent the TEM HBA with
is no longer required within the cavity, hence simplifying the 24 sources.
antenna and eliminating a source for loss and dispersion.

C. Elemental Reduction
We briefly discuss the HBA’s merit in reducing the number of
feed elements. To avoid grating lobes, elemental spacing in an
array should not exceed λ/2 (for fair comparison, we consider
a spacing of λ/2 for both the phased array and the HBA). For
a square aperture of dimension mλ × mλ , the number of ele-
ments required for the phased array is NPA = [mλ/(λ/2)]2 =
4 m2 . On the other hand, the number of excitation elements
required by the HBA is NHBA = 4 × mλ/(λ/2) = 8m. Conse-
quently, an HBA achieves a reduction ratio of m/2. Fig. 5 depicts Fig. 8. Radiation patterns for the TM1 HBA. (a) φ = 0◦ plane. (b) θ = 45◦
plane. Solid black line represents the patch array, whereas dashed red line
elemental reduction achievable using the HBAs as compared to represents the TM1 HBA.
a microstrip patch array of similar aperture dimensions. Clearly,
the number of fed elements is dramatically reduced for large
antenna apertures. periodicity and arrangement of these perforations do not affect
the radiation pattern. We calculate the TEM and TM1 fields in
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS the HBA boxes using (3) and (5), respectively. Thereafter, we
calculate the required complex excitation to synthesize these
We design and simulate the HBA models of Fig. 3(a) and (b) fields using (1) and (4).
in ANSYS HFSS for radiation toward (φ, θ) = (0◦ , 45◦ ) from To facilitate a comparison with the Huygens’ box, we design
a Huygens’ box size of 4λ × 4λ at a frequency of 1 GHz. a microstrip patch array of a corresponding aperture size on a
The TEM HBA has a height of λ/6 (set below λ/2 to avoid Taconic RF-60 substrate (εr = 6.15) backed by a ground plane.
higher order
√ modes), whereas the TM1 HBA has a height of We present a diagram of the array in Fig. 6(a). The patch array is
h = λ/ 2 = 212.0 mm (as explained in Section III-B). We linearly phased to achieve radiation at (φ, θ) = (0◦ , 45◦ )through
use an element spacing of s = 0.5λ unless otherwise stated. the beam-steering relation α = −k0 dcos θ.
For the TM1 HBA, the gap between the twin current strips is Fig. 6(a)–(c) shows the diagrams of the microstrip patch array,
g = λ/10. The perforations on the top plates are subwavelength a TEM HBA, and a reduced-element TEM HBA; Fig. 6(d)–(f)
(0.025λ × 0.025λ) with regular pattern and 0.125λ separation. shows their 3-D radiation patterns. Figs. 7 and 8 show the 2-D
As long as they are deeply subwavelength and evenly spaced, the radiation patterns for the TEM and TM1 HBAs, respectively. In

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Fig. 9. (a) 3-D radiation plot for the 60 GHz TEM HBA. (b) Cavity wave (Ez)
propagating at 0◦ with respect to the x-axis.
Fig. 11. TM1 HBA azimuthal beam steering at 60 GHz. Patterns are shown
for wave propagation directions φ = 0◦ , 22.5◦ , 45◦ , 67.5◦ at (a) θ = 45◦ plane
and (b) φ = 0◦ , 22.5◦ , 45◦ , 67.5◦ planes.

symmetry. On the whole, we observe that the azimuthal angle

is tuned according to the cavity wave’s travel direction, whereas
the elevation angle remains unchanged at 45°. We observe
slightly stronger sidelobes and lower radiation peak strength
as φ approaches 45◦ . This seems to be an artifact of imperfect
plane wave generation in the Huygens’ box. Nevertheless, beam
steering is achieved while the beamwidth and sidelobe level
remain largely stable.
Fig. 10. Radiation patterns at 60 GHz: (a) θ = 45◦ plane. (b) φ = 0◦ plane. We summarize the simulated results in Tables I and II.
Solid black line represents the patch array, whereas dashed red line represents
the TEM HBA.
all, we observe that the radiation patterns of the Huygens’ boxes In this letter, we have demonstrated two distinct models
match very well to those obtainable from the microstrip patch of a novel metasurface antenna that we call the HBA. These
array. We note that the wavelength within the TEM√ HBA is larger antennas produce highly directive radiation comparable to that of
than the free-space wavelength: λc = λ/n = 2λ. We attempt microstrip patch arrays of similar aperture sizes. We have shown
to further reduce the number of fed elements by increasing the that with the HBA, one can significantly reduce the number of
element spacing to 0.6λ. The resultant waveform is shown in radiating elements required and also achieve full beam steering.
Fig. 6(c). It is also in agreement with the microstrip patch array, This reduction ratio becomes increasingly significant as the
but we observe some distortions in the cavity waves and some aperture size increases. Presented results depict radiation from
appreciable backside radiation. This is more clearly seen from antennas targeted at an angle (φ, θ) = (0◦ , 45◦ ). The simulated
the 2-D plot of the radiation patterns of Fig. 7. We present the radiation patterns show good agreement with the patterns of a
key characteristics of the radiated beams in Table I. patch arrays of similar aperture sizes. Engineering the direction
As discussed in Section III-C and shown in Fig. 5, the HBA of cavity wave travel and the wavenumber allows one to steer
can achieve significant element reduction for large aperture the emitted radiation to any desired direction. The HBA shows
antennas. We therefore design and simulate the TEM HBA great promise as a cost-effective alternative to phased arrays in
of 8λ × 8λ aperture at the mm-wave frequency of 60 GHz. high-gain antennas at mm-wave frequencies and beyond.
Fig. 9 shows the simulated radiation beam and the corresponding During the preparation of this letter, our attention was drawn
cavity wave. Fig. 10 compares the radiation pattern from the to the work in [24] that excites peripheral sources around a
HBA to a patch array of similar aperture size. Table II lists the cavity. As such, the device achieves reduction in the number
key characteristics of the radiated beams. From these results, it of fed elements similar to our device. Our work differs from
can be seen that the HBA achieves a very similar radiation pattern [24] in two important ways: First, by avoiding the use of a dense
to the patch array, but does with only 64 sources compared with dielectric, we achieve a further reduction ratio than is shown
256 for the patch array, realizing a saving of 192 sources. in [24]. Second, by coupling from cavity to free space without
Finally, we show azimuthal beam steering for selected angles momentum contribution from the perforation of the top plate,
within 0◦ ≤ φ < 90◦ in Fig. 11. Equivalent results will be ob- we achieve independent tuning in the azimuthal and elevation
tained for larger azimuthal angles due to the antenna’s structural directions.

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