Essential Guide
for Supermoms
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Challenges of Feeding Baby
Baby Food: Approaches
The Traditional Approach: Spoon Feeding and Purees
Baby Led Weaning (BLW)
1: Is It Time?
2: 10 Tips for First Foods
3: Baby’s First Foods
4: Store-Bought vs Homemade
5: Make Eating Fun!
6: When to Feed Baby
7: Baby Food and Allergies
8: Healthy Habits
9: Pitfalls to Avoid
10: 25 Easy Baby Food Recipes
The transition from liquids to solids is no easy task. There are many facets
to consider, including:
When to introduce solid foods?
What is the difference between a puree and a mash, and when to
use them?
How to best prepare baby foods
How to avoid constipation, messes, and other common problems
Which is better, homemade or store bought?
Which foods should come first?
How can I make feeding time fun?
How will my baby’s feeding regimen change from birth to three
What about allergies?
What mistakes should I watch out for?
How can I make delicious, awesome-tasting baby food?
This Guide will give you the answers to all of these questions and more. As
we move forward, keep in mind that every baby is different, and what works for
one may not work for another. Thus, this book is truly meant as a ‘guide’ rather
than a prescriptive approach. Don’t be afraid to experiment to find the best way
to meet your baby’s needs. Always consult your doctor if in doubt or before
implementing a new developmental regimen, including baby feeding.
Baby Food: Approaches
It’s important to wait until your baby is ready before beginning the
transition to solid foods. Beginning too early can result in digestive problems,
allergies, increased risk of choking, and frustration for mom and baby alike. On
the other hand, there’s usually no reason to delay this important milestone if baby
is ready to move on from a primarily liquid diet.
So how do you know when your baby is truly ready to join the world of
solid food?
First of all, there are some important numbers to keep in mind. The CDC
and the AAP both recommend that babies not be introduced to solid foods until
six months or later. A number of studies have suggested that babies’ digestive
systems are not ready to process solid foods before this age, and beginning
before six months can potentially lead to digestive problems and discomfort.
Introducing baby food too early can also increase the risk of your little one
developing a food allergy.
On the other hand, for years pediatricians recommended introducing foods
between four and six months of age, and a large number of doctors still make this
recommendation today. Many parents have found success introducing food
before six months, and some babies do seem to be ready earlier than others.
Earlier than four months is not recommended.
Generally speaking, we agree with the CDC’s recommendation of six
months later. There is nothing to be lost by waiting a couple of extra months for
your baby’s digestive system to mature, and there is enough evidence correlating
early weaning with food allergies to make the wait worth it.
With that in mind, how do you know when your baby is ready to start the
journey towards solid food? There are a number of cues to keep in mind, most of
which will come from your baby herself!
Start by noticing how your baby acts at meal time. You may notice him
watching you with interest while you eat, mimicking mouth and tongue motions,
or even smacking his lips. Being interested in food is a good sign that your baby
is ready to start eating food.
All babies are born with a tongue thrust reflex. This reflex helps keep
babies safe by pushing foreign objects (including food) out of their mouths. They
will begin to lose it between four and six months of age, and it’s usually
disappeared by six months. The tongue thrust reflex should be gone before you
start introducing foods.
If you think your baby is ready for solid foods, try giving them a little
cereal. If it stays in their mouth (if they don’t push it out with their tongue),
they’re probably ready.
For baby led weaning, your baby should also be able to sit up without help
or support, hold her own head steady, and pick up her own food. It’s okay if you
need to guide their hands towards their mouths in the beginning, but they should
be capable of putting the food in themselves.
2: 10 Tips for First Foods
If your baby is ready to get started, it’s time to move on to the first step:
Introducing first foods! We’ve put together 10 easy rules to guide you as move
forward. Keep in mind that these tips are not meant to be hard and fast
‘prescriptions’; rather, use them as guidelines to inform your baby’s personal
journey and keep her on track for a healthy transition to eating.
Tip 1: Rice is often recommended as a first food because it is gluten-free
and easy to digest. Pureed vegetables are another excellent introductory food that
provide important nutrients. For BLW, avocados, sweet potatoes, and bananas are
great first choices because they are gentle and easy to finger. The AAP
recommends introducing your baby to a wide variety of healthy foods, in terms
of both flavor and texture.
Tip 2: Try mixing your first baby purees with breastmilk or formula.
Gradually increase the amount of puree or mash until your baby is eating at a
regular consistency.
Tip 3: Start small. Try a tablespoon the first day and then gradually work
up to more.
Tip 4: The first time you feed your baby food, don’t try to replace his meal.
Go ahead and feed him about half of his regular breastmilk or formula serving, or
wait until an hour after he’s eaten.
The first attempt at baby food won’t get it all down, and if your baby is
hungry you will only cause frustration and discomfort.
Tip 5: Don’t introduce new foods all at once. Wait 4 days before giving
your baby her next food. This will allow you to watch for any allergies, and
pinpoint what caused them if they develop.
Tip 6: Don’t feed your baby directly from the container unless you’re sure
he will be able to finish it. To avoid contaminating leftovers with bacteria from
your baby’s mouth, scoop the baby food into its own serving dish. You can
always add more if your baby is still hungry!
Tip 7: Watch out for choking—always monitor your baby during feeding,
even if she is feeding herself. Chocking is a real hazard for babies, so be prepared
to intervene if necessary.
Tip 8: Don’t force your baby to eat. If he is refusing food, move on and try
again later.
Tip 9: Your baby’s brain needs healthy fats for proper development. Make
sure to include baby-friendly servings of healthy fat sources, such as olive oil or
avocados, in your baby’s new diet.
Tip 10: If your baby doesn’t seem to like a food, don’t give up. It can take
up to 10 exposures before a baby gets ‘used’ to a new taste and texture. In some
cases, they may never develop a taste for those mashed peas, but much of the
time they’ll be happily gumming away after a few more chances to try things out.
3: Baby’s First Foods
Which foods you choose to introduce your baby to first will depend on
how old your baby is and which feeding method you’ve chosen to follow. Many
health organizations, including the AAP, recommend that infants receive a
variety of healthy, nutritious foods to complement breast milk or formula after 6
months. Which foods you choose will be largely up to you and your baby.
Generally speaking, if your baby is around six months and you choose the
spoon-fed method, you’ll probably be starting with baby cereals and porridges
before moving on to pureed or mashed vegetables, fruits, and finally meats and
Many experienced mothers recommend fruits after vegetables because
babies love the sweet taste of fruits and may be more resistant to vegetables once
they know there’s a sweeter option. However, the truth is that babies like sweet
foods; it’s natural, and it will be true regardless of when fruits are introduced.
With baby fed weaning, you’ll want to jump straight to table foods. Instead
of delaying fruits, feel free to start with soft fruits such as mashed bananas,
avocados, ripe melon, or pears or apples (steam first to soften). Mashed sweet
potatoes and steamed butternut squash are another great choice for introducing
your baby to solids.
If you choose to go all-out with the baby led weaning method, you should
try to choose foods that your family is also eating. The aim is for the baby to join
the real, authentic world of dinner and eating from the beginning, so avoid giving
them separate food from the family.
This doesn’t mean that if the rest of the family is eating tacos your baby is
ready for a hard shell and sour cream. However, try to include some ingredients
in the main meal that are baby-friendly and then give those to your baby. For
example, give your baby avocado chunks and also put them on the table to go
with your family’s tacos. Give your baby a few options to choose from. Start
with simple whole foods and work your way up to combinations and complexity.
Check out the following table for suggestions on what to introduce to your
baby, and when. Please keep in mind that feeding from 4-6 months is not
recommended for most babies. Make sure to check with your pediatrician before
beginning a feeding program at this or any age. Always make sure that each of
the following foods is soft enough and small enough for baby to swallow safely.
Age Vegetables Fruits
4-6months -Pumpkin -Apple
-Carrots -Avocado
-Sweet potato -Banana
6-8 months -Bell pepper -Apricot
-Broccoli -Kiwi
-Zucchini -Mango
-Butternut -Melon
Squash -Plums
8-10 months -Asparagus -Blueberries
-Beans -Cherries
-Cauliflower -Coconut
-Cucumber -Figs
-Eggplant -Persimmons
-Onions -Pineapple
10-12 -Corn -Citrus
months -Okra -Raspberries
-Spinach -Strawberries
Age Grains Meats Dairy
4-7months -Rice -none -none
Whether to make your own baby food purees and mashes can be a tough
choice. On the one hand, homemade food is usually more nutritious and free of
preservatives. Homemade food lets you rest assured that you know what’s in
your baby’s food and where it came from.
On the other hand, busy moms don’t always have time to make baby food
for every meal. Even making baby food in advance and freezing it won’t always
be practical. Further, homemade baby food doesn’t keep as long, nor is it as
portable. Store bought food can make life easier in many ways, by reducing the
time you spend in the kitchen. It’s also easy to pop into a diaper bag when you’re
on the go and don’t want to worry about spoilage.
In the end, you’ll probably use both at one time or another. As with adults,
organic, seasonal fruits and vegetables are always the best choice. Try to select
seasonal fruits and vegetables when preparing food for your baby. If it’s the
wrong season for the food you had in mind, consider trying a different recipe. If
you must buy fruits and vegetables out of season, try to choose organic foods to
reduce your baby’s exposure to pesticides.
We recommend making your baby food whenever possible, but if you do
purchase baby food, rest assured that there are many good options on the market.
While it’s true that store-bought baby foods lose some nutrients due to the
canning process, they still retain many essential vitamins and minerals for your
baby. Many store-bought baby foods also have no added salts, sugars, or
preservatives, so the food is natural and gentle for baby’s tummy. Just remember
to read labels to make sure.
Babies have very tiny stomachs. Food moves through them quickly, so they
need to eat far more often than older children or adults. How often and when
your baby eats will change as they grow, especially once they’re in the weaning
stage, when they will be eating a combination of breastmilk or formula and solid
In the early stages of introducing solids, the amount of baby food your
baby eats should be determined by your baby. Baby food should not be your
baby’s primary source of nutrition until one year or later. Up until then, solid
foods provide an important nutritional and experiential supplement to breastmilk
and formula.
The following table will give you an idea of when, and how often, your
baby should be eating based on age:
It’s never too early to start building healthy habits into your baby’s routine.
Far too many children in today’s world grow up overweight or obese and enter
adulthood with an unhealthy, unsustainable relationship with food. Help your
baby to avoid this fate by establishing healthy behaviors from the beginning.
Here are some things to remember when it comes to your baby’s eating
Food is Nourishment
To help your baby develop a healthy relationship with food, treat food as
nourishment. Avoid using food as a reward, bribe, or distraction. Besides
associating food with non-nourishment roles in your baby’s mind, using food for
these purposes can lead to a habit of asking for food when not hungry, eating for
comfort, and overeating. All of these are prime ingredients for future weight
Avoid Added Sugars and Salts
Natural, whole foods are usually the best option for all of us, and babies are
no exception. Avoid adding too much sugar or salt to your baby’s food unless
directed to do so by a doctor. Too much sugar can lead to increased appetite,
while salt is hard on babies’ kidneys.
Instead, encourage your baby to develop a taste for healthy food by only
sweetening food with natural fruit juices. Instead of adding salt, add variety of
flavor by combining whole-foods ingredients, such as peas and roast beef.
Don’t Eat in Front of the TV
Letting your baby eat while watching tv can lead to ‘mindless’ eating, or
eating on autopilot. This will interfere with your baby’s ability to recognize when
they are full and can lead to overeating. Instead, try to provide a consistent time
and place for feeding—preferably at the family table, when the family is eating—
and teach baby to focus on and enjoy mealtimes.
Don’t Forget the Fat
The low-fat craze left us all a bit wary of this macronutrient, but the truth is
that the right fats in the right amounts are necessary for our bodies to be healthy.
For your baby, fat is also imperative for healthy brain development. If you’re
only feeding your baby fruits and vegetables, you’re depriving them of this vital
nutrient. You’ll need to make sure there are enough healthy sources of fat in their
baby food, including avocados and olive oil. Your baby should develop a taste
for all of the important nutrients that she will be eating throughout her life,
including healthy fat. Talk to your doctor to determine just how much fat your
baby needs.
Provide Structure
As your baby becomes older and more independent in making food
choices, he will start to ask for foods more frequently, especially after 12 months
of age. It can be tempting to give in to frequent requests for food, juice, or milk,
but help your little one learn to self-regulate by sticking to a snack and mealtime
Have them eat at the table with the rest of the family, and set up consistent
snack times for those extra bites that babies and toddlers need. This will help
them learn to wait a developmentally appropriate space of time between feedings
and avoid relying on food as entertainment.
9: Pitfalls to Avoid
Bon Appétit!
Rice Cereal
Tip: You can make your own rice powder by grinding brown rice, or a
blend of brown and white rice, in a food processor.
Oatmeal Cereal
Tip: Although steel-cut oats take longer to cook, they retain more nutrients
than instant or quick-cook oats.
Barley Cereal
Tip: After cooking, stir in some breastmilk, formula, or juice for extra
flavor and nutrition.
Fruity Rice Porridge
1. In a medium sauce pan, combine rice porridge and white grape juice
2. Heat slowly, stirring constantly; do not allow to boil
3. Stir in the applesauce
Tip: Grape juice can be replaced with apple juice, pear juice, or even peach
juice for a whole different flavor.
Banana Rice Bowl
Apricot Puree
Tip: If your puree is too thin, try adding a little baby cereal to thicken it up.
Mixed Fruit Applesauce
- 1 cup peeled apple chunks (make sure to completely remove the core)
- ½ cup fruit of your choice (recommended: berries or pears)
- 1 ½ cups water
1. Add fruit and water to a medium saucepan.
2. Boil until the fruit is tender.
3. Drain, saving the leftover liquid.
4. Mash fruit mixture using a fork or potato masher.
5. Place mixture into blender or food processor and puree.
6. Add leftover liquid until you achieve the desired consistency.
- 1 ripe banana
- 1 ripe avocado
Tip: Make sure the banana and avocado are both ripe to aid mashing and
increase flavor.
Mango Cubes
- 1 ripe mango
Tip: Make the mango chunks a little bigger than you might if adding to a
food or salsa, so baby can hold them comfortably in one hand to gum or suck.
Peach Smoothie
- 1 ripe peach
- ~2 Tablespoons breastmilk or formula
Tip: Ask your pediatrician if it’s okay to add a dash of cinnamon for fun
and flavor.
Mixed Veg
Tips: Try cutting the parsnips into very small bite-sized pieces. Steam
separately until very soft. Puree the carrots and peas and then stir in the parsnip
pieces to give a baby a different texture and something to gum.
Dinner Veg
1. Add all vegetables to a medium saucepan; cover with water to ½ inch
above the surface of the vegetables.
2. Boil until soft
3. Mash with a fork or puree in a blender or food processor
Tips: For added flavor, add a little low-sodium, all-natural chicken broth.
Squash Mix
Tip: When it comes to mixes, make sure that your baby has been
previously introduced to each food used in the mix, using the 4 Day Rule to
check for allergies.
Berry Sweet Potatoes
Tip: Is it a fruit, or is it a vegetable? This mix gives baby the best of both
worlds. Adjust the amount of berries to give your baby a different taste.
Cauliflower Mash
Tip: Saving ingredients from last night’s dinner can save you time and
headaches when it comes to making baby food. Try having butternut squash with
the family the night before, and set some aside to use for purees the next day.
Tip: Use this basic puree to create mixtures with your babies favorite
pureed vegetables.
Basic Chicken Puree
Tip: When your baby is ready for dairy, try mixing this base with ½ cup
yogurt for a different taste and texture.
Basic Fish Puree
- 1 Egg Yolk
- ¼ cup milk
- ¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese
- ¼ cup pureed carrots
Tip: Try replacing the carrot puree with your baby’s favorite vegetable for
a whole new dish.
Creamy Chicken Casserole
Tip: rather than puree the yogurt, try simply mixing it with the first puree
for a different texture that your baby may find more agreeable.
Chicken Soup
1. Combine ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil
2. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 30-45 minutes, or until chicken is
well cooked and carrots are soft
3. Let cool
4. Strain into to food processor or blender and puree, adding broth until
desired consistency is reached
Tip: Soups can be good cold, too! Try pouring this easy soup into an ice
tray to make delicious frozen soup cubes.
Butternut Squash Soup
1. Bring chicken broth, cauliflower, and spices to boil in a saucepan
2. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 15-20 minutes or until cauliflower is soft
3. While still simmering, stir in egg yolks with a wire whisk
4. Continue whisking until egg yolk is solid
5. Let cool
6. Add to a food processor and puree
Tip: After adding the eggs and while still simmering, whisk in a little basic
chicken puree for added protein.
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