Rice-Gary-Billups Small Rice Mills
Rice-Gary-Billups Small Rice Mills
Rice-Gary-Billups Small Rice Mills
Program 11R-2
Mills are using the compact systems for small or specialty lots that are not appro-
priate to run through a large production line. It is possible to obtain an economical,
easy to operate rice mill, and the Farm-to-Fork(1) revolution has given producers
the ability to enjoy the profits otherwise surrendered to middle men that reap the
rewards of the harvest.
Consumers are paying a premium for high quality rice and food products that they
can be assured are produced in the local area. Local production offers food securi-
ty for a region, food safety in being able to identify the origin of the identity pre-
served varieties, support of local business enterprises, and reliably fresh, good tast-
ing food for our families.
The traditional trend in the US is to produce large volumes (cwt. or lbs. per hour)
of milled brown and white rice to reduce the cost of production. Rice of different
varieties and origins are blended and the overall appearance, cooking qualities and
taste, have been diluted for the sake of a low cost bag of rice in the supermarket.
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Consequently, meals in the US market featuring rice as a component are limited.
It is possible for an independent producer, and many of them exist today, to own a
rice mill with a minimum investment in equipment and labor input. Zaccaria offer
four sizes of pre-engineered compact mills that are complete and delivered ready to
assemble. Additional accessory items such as rice enrichment applicators, color
sorters, metal separators, by-product handling, and packaging equipment are avail-
able to suit your individual requirements.
Cost of the basic equipment package (after paddy input and before packaging)
Compact Mills Budget Cost (FOB factory)
ZX-3 572 lbs./hour $ 16,000.00
ZX-6 1133 lbs./hour 19,000.00
ZX-25 2750 lbs./hour 74,000.00
ZX-50 5720 lbs./hour 130,000.00
ZX-3 System
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High Quality Final Product
High Head Rice Yield
Can produce white or brown rice
Can produce medium, short grain as well aromatic varieties
Easy to Operate with one person
Easy to Maintain
Space Requirements
The mill can be situated in a space as small as 7’ x 13’ x 10’ tall (ZX-3)
ZX-25 System (packaging equipment illustrated as the brown figures on the right)
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Component Illustration
Options Available
Paddy Day Bin
Color Sorter
White Rice Enhancement Application Equipment
Jumbo Bag Weighing and Filling
Sew Bag, 20-100 lb., weighing and sewing
Small package filling (such as 1 or 2 lb. “pillow”)
Motor Controls
Plant Automation
Paddy Milling Equipment for Small Samples
Notes: (1) Farm-to-table (or farm-to-fork) refers to the stages of the production
of food: harvesting, storage, processing, packaging, sales, and consumption.] Farm-
to-table also refers to a movement concerned with producing food locally and deliv-
ering that food to local consumers. Linked to the local food movement, the move-
ment is promoted by some in the agriculture, food service, and restaurant commu-
nities. It may also be associated with organic farming initiatives, sustainable agri-
culture, and community-supported agriculture. Wikipedia; 7 October, 2014.
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It is our position that the testing method should be performed in a way compara-
ble with actual milling techniques and the final product evaluated to match con-
sumer quality demands.
A rice mill uses four basic techniques to determine whether rice is suitable for
market sales;
1. Husking – removal of the kernel hull using rubber rolls.
2. Whitening/Polishing – using an abrasive stone for bran removal and kernel
3. Length separation – accurately controlling the percentage of broken ker-
nels in milled (white) rice.
4. Whiteness meter – to determine the extent of bran removal.
Mills and some buying station utilize a simple rubber roll machine for husk
removal, such as the unit illustrated below which is acceptable:
Unfortunately, some buyers are using the McGill style unit to hull and whiten in
our opinion is unacceptable because it causes excessive broken kernels and a poor
final finish on the whole (3/4 – 4/4) rice kernels.
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The McGill technology, endorsed by the USDA, uses rotary knives to remove the
bran layers and relies on a counter weight and the time which brown rice remains in
the machine to remove bran layers. The machine needs to be warmed up, by running
a trial sample(s), so the initial hulling result is acceptable. After running samples
the machine heats up and should be allowed to cool down to avoid excessive kernel
breakage. It lacks aspiration so the machine operation is dirty and bran particles that
adhere to the kernel are not extracted, making a “degree of milling evaluation” more
difficult. Dependence on a “trained, seasoned, unbiased operator can be minimized.
The “shaker table” uses a sheet with holes mounted over a solid plate that can hold
broken kernels. The hole perforation selected and the time the product is left vibrat-
ing in the machine determines the number of broken kernels that are retained as the
whole kernels pass over the screens. The inaccuracy of this method is demonstrated
by the independent evaluation conducted by trained industry professions in
Stuttgart, AR in June 2014.
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These results indicate the degree of error present and those using the shaker table
should immediately abandon it. The machine is inconsistent, and has an unreason-
able percentage of whole head rice kernels end up in the waste and brokens in the
head rice.
PAZ System
The best commercial alternative that has been tested and is in use by mills, rice
research stations, rice seed companies, and others offers the closest replication of
commercial milling techniques to produce a white rice product that is comparable
to consumer rice standards.
The system is easy to use, and the controls are calibrated for easy replication
between operators and among the full range of long, medium, short grain varieties.
The PAZ system, either the 100 gram or 500 gram (prototype stage) unit, offers a
precision feed mechanism so the rubber roll husking process is standardized and
allows the operators to consistently and uniformly remove the hull with minimum
kernel breakage.
Stage One – Husk Removal
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Fine, calibrated adjustment of the pressure exerted to the kernels and the reten-
tion time in the whitening chamber will allow the operators to reliably replicate the
precise degree of whiteness (bran layer removal).
Stage Three – Kernel Length Separation
The length separator is the same indented cylinder technology used in a modern
commercial mill that allows quick and easy cylinder change for different varieties,
is self-cleaning, and consumes a minimum counter space area.
The PAZ has calibrated controls so the operators can consistently achieve the
required milling standards, and variances between operators is minimized. The
adjustable timer means the single operator does not have to stand by the machine
constantly, and the cycle counter records the number of samples taken.
A greater number of samples can be managed. The sample testing cycle for the
PAZ-100 system is as low as 60 seconds while the McGill system requires more
than 4 minutes.
The PAZ system is clean, quiet, and safe for a laboratory setting atmosphere and
requires very low power consumption.
The aspiration system provided allows for easy collection and disposal of the husk
and bran while keeping the work environment clean. The PAZ produces white rice
that has a much lower degree of bran that adheres to the kernel after polishing.
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The controls on the PAZ 500 are simplified and offers the operator a number of
advantages with new electronic control technology.
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The desktop whiteness meter will now allow the operator to easily, quickly eval-
uate the whiteness reading, transparency and polish (how effectively scratch marks
are removed and ensure loose bran is removed, to give a smooth finish and enhance
the appearance of the final product).
An accurate whiteness reading will verify the degree of milling and dictate any
calibration/adjustments that are warranted on the milling equipment to maintain
consistent results. The subjective judgment of the operator, for reasonably well,
well, or hard milled, has been eliminated.
The portable whiteness meter will now allow the operator to easily, quickly take
whiteness reading and verify the degree of milling and dictate any calibra-
tion/adjustments that are warranted to maintain consistent results by taking the
instrument to the source. It is certainly the right machine when all the operator
wants to measure is whiteness. The subjective judgment of the operator has been
taken eliminated.
Measuring whiteness in the mill operation allows us to optimize each milling
machine so we can better obtain uniformity in milling each kernel and optimizing
the performance of each machine in the process. The result will be a better final
product while reducing brokens to the absolute minimum (maximizing profits).
The following chart represents a study using mill equipment technology and indi-
cates the dramatic increase in the percentage of brokens at artificially higher white-
ness values. Our field tests have found the average supermarket premium white
rice product sold has an average whiteness value of 42. Note the percentage of bro-
ken kernels more than doubles between 40.9 and 45.7 whiteness value.
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The use of the PAZ laboratory rice mill and the MBZ whiteness meter will offer
consistent, verifiable results for a wide variety of operators and test locations. The
dispute over head rice yield and the duplication of sample testing can be eliminat-
ed. The entire process can be sped up and the operators can work in a safe, clean,
and quiet environment.
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