2023 ArtsAndSocialSciences
2023 ArtsAndSocialSciences
2023 ArtsAndSocialSciences
Arts and
Social Sciences
Academic programmes
and faculty information
Calendar, Part 4
Arts and Social Sciences
Part Calendar
Part 1 General
Part 2 Bursaries and Loans
Part 3 Student Fees
Part 4 Arts and Social Sciences
Part 5 Science
Part 6 Education
Part 7 AgriSciences
Part 8 Law
Part 9 Theology
Part 10 Economic and Management Sciences
Part 11 Engineering
Part 12 Medicine and Health Sciences
Part 13 Military Science
Arts and Social Sciences
Table of Contents
How to use this Calendar Part ....................................................... 1
1.1 Prospective undergraduate students .....................................................................................1
1.2 Prospective postgraduate students ........................................................................................1
1.3 Registered undergraduate students .......................................................................................1
1.4 Registered postgraduate students ......................................................................................... 2
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
o An explanation of the different digits used for the numbering of modules in the “Undergraduate
Programmes” chapter;
o The abbreviations and definitions used for the teaching loads of individual modules;
o An indication at each module of what its teaching load is;
o Definitions of prerequisite pass, prerequisite and corequisite modules; as well as an indication at
each module of which of the requisites apply to it, if any; and
o The way in which individual modules are assessed.
• An alphabetical list of undergraduate subjects that can be taken in programmes of study is available
in the back of this Calendar Part.
Arts and Social Sciences
General Information
1. History and functions of the Faculty of Arts and Social
In the context of a developing country such as South Africa, universities play an important role in the process
of knowledge creation. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is fully aware of the extent of this challenge
and strives continuously through its teaching and learning, research, community interaction and
management strategies to make a significant contribution to a knowledge-based society and economy in
As a faculty, we place immense value on creating a space where the diversity of people and ideas can
flourish. This also helps us to further develop the various research fields in our environment. We therefore
make a concerted effort to employ staff and admit students to our Faculty who contribute to our goal of
creating a diverse environment where all forms of knowledge can develop and prosper.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences consists of 18 departments that represent three broad disciplinary
groups, namely Arts, Languages and Social Sciences:
• Drama
• Music
• Visual Arts
• African Languages
• Afrikaans and Dutch
• Ancient Studies
• English
• General Linguistics
• Modern Foreign Languages
Social Sciences:
• Geography and Environmental Studies
• History
• Information Science
• Journalism
• Philosophy
• Political Science
• Psychology
• Social Work
• Sociology and Social Anthropology
The mission of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is the discovery, transfer and application of
knowledge for the promotion of the human sciences. Our aim is also to enrich and enhance the quality of life
of the people of this region, country and continent.
Arts and Social Sciences
Community interaction
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences does not only focus on teaching and research but community
interaction also forms an integral part of our faculty. Visit our website at
www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/about/community-interaction for more information on how we serve
the community. Some of the projects that the Faculty is involved in are:
• Art in Schools Initiative of NSCAD University/Stellenbosch University;
• Cloetesville Community Health Centre Mental Health Service-Learning Project;
• Financial literacy education programme for social work service users;
• Interpreting service;
• The Certificate Programme in Music Literacy; and
• Welgevallen Community Psychology Clinic.
Arts and Social Sciences
For more information on the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, visit our website at
Arts and Social Sciences
3.3 Contact details for enquiries about your studies, bursaries and loans,
and residence placements
E-mail: info@sun.ac.za
Telephone: 021 808 9111
Visit Stellenbosch University’s website at http://www.sun.ac.za.
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Undergraduate Programmes
1. Undergraduate enrolment management
In order to meet the targets of Council with regard to the total number of students, the fields of study and
diversity profile of the student body of Stellenbosch University, it is necessary to manage the undergraduate
enrolments at the University. The University’s total number of enrolments is not only managed to
accommodate its available capacity but we are committed to the advancement of diversity.
The University’s undergraduate enrolment is managed within the framework of the national higher-education
system. We strive toward a well-grounded cohesion between national and institutional goals, respecting
important principles such as institutional autonomy, academic freedom and public responsibility. The
following points of departure apply:
• High academic standards are maintained for the expansion of academic excellence.
• The University attempts to maintain and continuously improve high success rates.
• The University is committed to rectification, social responsibility and training future role models from
all population groups.
• The University strives to expand access to higher education especially for students from
educationally disadvantaged and economically needy backgrounds who has the academic potential
to be successful in their studies at the University.
Take note that, even if you meet the minimum requirements of your chosen programme, you will not
necessarily gain admission to the University, due to the strategic and purposeful management of enrolments
as places are limited.
All undergraduate programmes in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are selection programmes.
Selection takes place according to the guidelines and procedures of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Consult the “Guidelines and Procedures for Enrolment Management: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences”
document that can be found at
You can find more details about the selection procedures and admission requirements for undergraduate
programmes in this chapter and on the Faculty’s website at www.sun.ac.za/arts.
As a prospective undergraduate student, you must write the National Benchmark Tests (NBT). Consult the
NBT website at www.nbt.ac.za or the University’s website at www.sun.ac.za for more information on the
National Benchmark Tests. The University can use the results of the National Benchmark Tests for the
following purposes:
• To help determine whether you must be placed in an Extended Degree Programme;
• For selection; and
• For curriculum development.
Arts and Social Sciences
• Music
• Physical Sciences
• Religion Studies
• Visual Arts
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
General Programmes
BA (Humanities)
BA (Social Dynamics)
Specialised Programmes
BA (International Studies)
B in Social Work
BA (Music)
BA (Law)
BA (Socio-Informatics)
BA (Sport Science)
BA in Visual Arts
5.1 BA (Humanities)
Specific Admission Requirements
• A National Senior Certificate (NSC) or school-leaving certificate from the Independent Examination
Board (IEB) as certified by Umalusi with a mark of at least 4 (50%) in each of the four school
subjects from the list of school subjects under “Undergraduate Programmes” in this Calendar Part.
• An average final mark of 63% in the NSC or the IEB school-leaving certificate (excluding Life
Orientation) for the three-year mainstream programme.
• An average final mark of 60-62,9% in the NSC (excluding Life Orientation) for the four-year Extended
Degree Programme.
• Your National Benchmark Test results may be taken into consideration for placement in the
Extended Degree Programme.
• Home Language – code 4 (50%).
• First Additional Language – code 3 (40%).
• Mathematics – code 4 (50%) OR Mathematical Literacy – code 6 (70%) (only if you will be taking
Socio-Informatics as a subject).
Consult section 4 in this chapter for more information on the Extended Degree Programmes.
Arts and Social Sciences
The content of the BA in the Humanities is presented at three consecutive year levels:
First-year level
At this level content is taught which is introductory in nature and which forms the foundation for the contents
that are presented on subsequent levels.
At first-year level you take 5 subjects plus Knowledge Skills 172. Your subject choice is as follows:
Please note:
The credit value for the subject Geo-Environmental Science is higher than 24 credits.
Second-year level
At this level contents are still taught which do not necessarily concern specific human sciences aspects of
Southern African realities, but which are directly relevant to an understanding of the problematic aspects of
this reality.
In practicals and tutorials, the relevance of these contents to an understanding of problematic human
sciences aspects of the Southern African reality is illustrated systematically.
In your second year you take four subjects that you took at first-year level.
Arts and Social Sciences
Third-year level
The contents at this level are focused on problematic human sciences aspects of Southern African realities.
In each of the two majors you do a certain amount of work that is focused on enhancing the content
integration within and between the two major subjects, as well as the overall coherence of the programme.
This work that forms part of the process of integrated assessment, can take on various forms:
(interdepartmental) seminars, written assignments, practicals of various kinds, etc.
Your subject choice for your third year is as follows:
2 subjects Group 1
(that you took in your first and second year) or
Group 2
1 subject from Group 1 and 1
subject from Group 2
Half third-year-level subject or the equivalent of a half third-year Group 1 or
subject based on the amount of credits (minimum of 24 credits) (that Group 2 or
you took in your first and second year). Group 3
(If you passed General Linguistics 178 and 278, you can take Sign
Language Studies 318(24) as a half third-year-level subject.)
The programme is presented by means of regular lectures, complemented with tutorials and/or practical
Please note:
If you are taking Sociology 3 as a major subject, then 314 (first semester) and 364 (second semester) are
compulsory modules. Students then follow 324 in the first semester and choose between 344 and 354 in the
second semester. Please note that 344 and 354 cannot be taken together due to timetable clashes.
Please note:
• If you take the subject Geo-Environmental Science from Group 2, the credit value of this subject will
be higher than 24 credits.
Compulsory Module
Subject Subject Module
14507 Knowledge Skills 172(6) Information and Computer Competence
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Group 1: Human Thought, Language, Culture and Art
Choose at least two subjects from this group.
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Group 1: Human Thought, Language, Culture and Art
Subject Subject Modules
41505 African Languages 214(16) Intermediate Study of African Languages
244(16) Continued Intermediate Study of African
39373 Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32) Intermediate Studies in Afrikaans
Language and Literature
57487 Afrikaans Language Acquisition 278(32) Afrikaans for Foreign-language Speakers
(only up to second-year level) (follows on Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178)
288(32) Afrikaans as Second Language (follows
on Afrikaans Language Acquisition 188)
53813 Ancient Cultures 211(8) Continued Ancient Cultures
221(8) Continued Ancient Cultures
241(8) Continued Ancient Cultures
251(8) Continued Ancient Cultures
93874 Applied English Language Studies 214(16) Applied English Language Studies
(In your first year, you must have 244(16) Applied English Language Studies
English Studies 178 or General
Linguistics 178 as a prerequisite pass
11302 Chinese 278(32) Continued Study of Chinese Language
and Culture
53880 English Studies 214(16) Reading Literature and Culture
244(16) Reading Literature and Culture
Arts and Social Sciences
11802 Visual Studies 278(32) 19th and 20th Century Visual Culture
21687 Xhosa 214(16) Continued Xhosa Language and Culture
244(16) Continued Xhosa Language and Culture
(214 and 244 follow on Xhosa 178)
224(16) Continued Xhosa Language,
Communication and Culture
254(16) Continued Xhosa Language,
Communication and Culture
(224 and 254 follow on Xhosa 188)
Arts and Social Sciences
2 subjects Group 1
(that you took in your first and second year) or
Group 2
1 subject from Group 1 and 1
subject from Group 2
Half third-year-level subject or the equivalent of a half third-year Group 1 or
subject based on the number of credits (minimum of 24 credits) (that Group 2 or
you took in your first and second year) Group 3
(If you passed General Linguistics 178 and 278, you can take Sign
Language Studies 318(24) as a half third-year-level subject.)
Please note:
If you are taking Sociology 3 as a major subject, then 314 (first semester) and 364 (second semester) are
compulsory modules. Students then follow 324 in the first semester and choose between 344 and 354 in the
second semester. Please note that 344 and 354 cannot be taken together due to timetable clashes.
Elective Modules
Group 1: Human Thought, Language, Culture and Art
Subject Subject Module(s)
41505 African Languages 318(24) Advanced Study of the African
348(24) Continued Advanced Study of the
African Languages
39373 Afrikaans and Dutch 318(24) Advanced Studies in Afrikaans Language
and Literature
348(24) Advanced Studies in Afrikaans Language
and Literature
53813 Ancient Cultures 311(12) Advanced Ancient Cultures
321(12) Advanced Ancient Cultures
341(12) Advanced Ancient Cultures
351(12) Advanced Ancient Cultures
93874 Applied English Language Studies 318(24) Applied English Language Studies
348(24) Applied English Language Studies
11302 Chinese 318(24) Intermediate Study of Chinese Language
and Culture I
348(24) Intermediate Study of Chinese Language
and Culture II
53880 English Studies 318(24) Reading Literature, Culture and Theory
348(24) Reading Literature, Culture and Theory
13145 French 318(24) Advanced Study of the French
Language, Literature and Culture I
348(24) Advanced Study of the French
Language, Literature and Culture II
10294 General Linguistics 318(24) Advanced Linguistics
348(24) Advanced Linguistics
26107 German 318(24) Advanced Study of German Language
and Culture I
348(24) Advanced Study of German Language
and Culture II
(318 and 348 follow on German 278)
328(24) Advanced Study of the German
Literature and Culture I
358(24) Advanced Study of the German
Literature and Culture II
(328 and 358 follow German 288)
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Assessment
The manner in which individual modules are assessed, is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Dr L Mongie
Tel: 021 808 2321 E-mail: laurenm@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Please note:
In addition to the above-mentioned subjects, you must choose two additional subjects from Group 2 and/or
Group 3 that you take in your first and second years. You must also take an additional 24 credits in your third
year that is explained at the third-year offering.
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures, tutorials, practicals, group work, assignments that
must be completed independently, self-study and field trips. You can find the contents of your specific
modules in the entries of the departments concerned in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and
Module Contents”.
Compulsory Module
Knowledge Skills 172
1 subject Group 1
4 subjects Group 2 (major subjects) and/or Group 3
(of which a minimum of two subjects must be taken from Group 2)
Please note:
If you take Geo-Environmental Science, the credit value of your programme will be higher (2 x 16 credits).
Compulsory Module
Subject Subject Module
14507 Knowledge Skills 172(6) Information and Computer Competence
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Subject Subject Modules
41505 African Languages 114(12) Introductory Study of African Languages
144(12) Continued Introductory Study of African
39373 Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24) Introductory Studies in Afrikaans
Language and Literature
57487 Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24) Afrikaans for Foreign-language Speakers
188(24) Afrikaans as Second Language
53813 Ancient Cultures 114(12) Introduction to the Ancient World I
144(12) Introduction to the Ancient World II
49638 Basic Xhosa 114(12) Introduction to Communication in Xhosa
144(12) Introduction to Communication in Xhosa
11302 Chinese 178(24) Introduction to Chinese Language and
12084 Economics 114(12) Economics
144(12) Economics
53880 English Studies 178(24) Literature and Language in Context
13145 French 178(24) Introduction to the French Language,
Literature and Culture (if you did not take French in
Grade 12)
188(24) Intermediate Study of the French
Language, Literature and Culture (if you took
French in Grade 12)
64165 Geo Environmental Science (at 124(16) Introduction to Human-Environmental
second- and third-year level you Systems
must take Geography and 154(16) Introduction to Earth Systems Science
Environmental Studies)
26107 German 178(24) Introduction to the German Language
and Culture (if you did not take German in Grade
188(24) German Language, Literature and
Culture of the 20th and 21st Century (if you took
German in Grade 12)
13463 History 114(12) Introduction to the Main Global Patterns
and Developments in the Nineteenth and
Twentieth Centuries
144(12) Review of South African History
12882 Philosophy 114(12) Introduction to Systematic Philosophy
144(12) Introduction to Moral Reasoning
44687 Political Science 114(12) Introduction to Political Science and South
African Politics
144(12) Introduction to International Relations
and African Politics
18414 Psychology 114(12) Psychology as Science
144(12) Psychology in Context
48003 Public and Development 114(12) Introduction to Public and Development
Management Management
144(12) Public Policy and Management
58173 Socio-Informatics 114(12) The Knowledge Economy and Society
144(12) Technology, Organisation and Society
19003 Sociology 114(12) Introduction to Sociology and Social
144(12) Social Issues in South Africa
Arts and Social Sciences
4 subjects Group 2 (major subjects) and/or Group 3
(that you took in your first year) (of which a minimum of two subjects must be taken from Group 2)
Please note:
• If you are taking Socio-Informatics, you must take 40 instead of 32 credits.
• In order to gain access to Applied English Language Studies 214 or 244, you need to pass either
General Linguistics 178 or English Studies 178.
• You may take Sociology and/or Social Anthropology at second-year level if you took Sociology at
first-year level.
Elective Modules
Subject Subject Modules
39373 Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32) Intermediate Studies in Afrikaans
Language and Literature
53813 Ancient Cultures 211(8) Continued Ancient Cultures
221(8) Continued Ancient Cultures
241(8) Continued Ancient Cultures
251(8) Continued Ancient Cultures
93874 Applied English Language Studies 214(16) Applied English Language Studies
(In your first year, you must have 244(16) Applied English Language Studies
English Studies 178 or General
Linguistics 178 as a prerequisite pass
12084 Economics 214(16) Economics
244(16) Economics
53880 English Studies 214(16) Reading Literature and Culture
244(16) Reading Literature and Culture
56502 Geography and Environmental 225(16) Urban and Tourism Development
Studies 265(16) Environmental Studies
13463 History 214(16) Key Processes in the Making of Western
244(16) Africa and South Africa: Colonisation and
the Re-ordering of Societies
12882 Philosophy 214(16) Subdisciplines in Philosophy I
244(16) Subdisciplines in Philosophy II
44687 Political Science 212(8) Political Behaviour
222(8) The Global Political Economy
242(8) Political Development
252(8) Foreign Policy Analysis
18414 Psychology 213(8) Approaches to Psychological Theories of
the Person
223(8) Human Development in Context
243(8) Research Design in Psychology
253(8) Data Analysis in Psychology
Arts and Social Sciences
2 subjects Group 2
(that you took in your first and second years)
Half third-year subject or the equivalent of a half third- Group 2 and Group 3
year subject based on the amount of credits (minimum of
24 credits) (that you took in your first and second years)
Please note:
• If you are taking Geography and Environmental Studies in your third year, then your credit load will
be higher.
• If you are taking Sociology 3 as a major subject, then 314 (first semester) and 364 (second semester)
are compulsory modules. Students then follow 324 in the first semester and choose between 344
and 354 in the second semester. Please note that 344 and 354 cannot be taken together due to
timetable clashes.
• If you are taking Sociology as a half third-year subject (or as part of the half third-year subject), then
Sociology 314 and 364 are not compulsory.
Elective Modules
Subject Subject Modules
12084 Economics 318(24) Economics
348(24) Economics
56502 Geography and Environmental Choose any four of the following modules:
Studies (if you are taking Geography 314(12) Geography of Tourism
and Environmental Studies as major 323(12) The South African City
subject then you must obtain at least 334(16) Environmental Processes and Hazards
56 instead of 48 credits) 358(16) Environmental Studies
363 (12) Geographical Communication
13463 History 318(24) Twentieth Century History: A Global
348(24) South Africa in the 20th Century
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Assessment
The manner in which individual modules are assessed, is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Mr J du Plessis
Tel: 021 808 2134 E-mail: jmjdp@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Group A Group B
• Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178 • Afrikaans and Dutch
• Basic Xhosa (only offered at first- • Afrikaans Language Acquisition 188
year level) • African Languages
• Biblical Hebrew • Ancient Cultures
• Chinese • English Studies
• French • German 188
• German 178 • History
• Greek • Philosophy
• Latin • Psychology
• Sign Language Studies (only offered • Theatre Studies
at first-year level) • Visual Studies
• Xhosa 178 • Xhosa 188
At first-year level, you take five subjects plus Knowledge Skills 172. General Linguistics 178 is compulsory at
first-year level. Please be sure to choose at least two language subjects in your first year that can be taken in
your second year too. At least one of the language subjects you take in your second year must be taken in
your third year as well so that your subject combination can adhere to the requirements of the programme
Your first-year level subject choice is as follows:
Please note:
• Please ensure that you choose your first-year subjects in such a way that you are able to meet the
subject requirements in the second and third years.
• Please check the table at the back of the Calendar Part for permissible subject combinations.
• Subject combinations with timetable clashes will not be permitted.
In your second year you continue with four subjects from Group A and/or Group B that you took in your first
Your subject choice is as follows:
Choose Credits
2 subjects Group A 2 x 32 credits
2 subjects Group A and/or Group B 2 x 32 credits
Group A Group B
• Afrikaans and Dutch • History
• Afrikaans Language Acquisition • Philosophy
• African Languages • Psychology
• Ancient Cultures • Theatre Studies
• Applied English Language Studies • Visual Studies
• Biblical Hebrew
• Chinese
• English Studies
• French
• General Linguistics
• German
• Greek
• Latin
• Xhosa
Arts and Social Sciences
Please note:
• In order to gain access to Applied English Language Studies 214 or 244, you need to pass either
General Linguistics 178 or English Studies 178.
• Afrikaans Language Acquisition can only be taken up to the second-year level. It is not necessarily
offered every year.
1 subject (that you took in your first and second years) Group A
1 subject (that you took in your first and second years) Group A or Group B
Half third-year subject or the equivalent of a half third-year subject Group A or Group B
based on the amount of credits (minimum of 24 credits) (that you
took in your first and second years, with the exception of Sign
Language Studies which can only be taken as half a third-year subject
if you have passed General Linguistics at second-year level)
Group A Group B
• Afrikaans and Dutch • History
• African Languages • Philosophy
• Ancient Cultures • Psychology
• Applied English Language Studies • Theatre Studies
• Biblical Hebrew • Visual Studies
• Chinese
• English Studies
• French
• General Linguistics
• German
• Greek
• Latin
• Sign Language studies (half subject only)
• Xhosa
Please note:
General Linguistics 278 is a pass prerequisite for Sign Language Studies.
The programme is presented by means of lectures, complemented with tutorials and/or practical classes.
Consult the entries of the departments concerned in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and
Module Contents” for module contents.
Please note:
• Please ensure that you choose your first-year subjects in such a way that you are able to meet the
subject requirements in the second and third years.
• Please check the table at the back of the Calendar Part for permissible subject combinations.
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Subject Subject Modules
41505 African Languages 114(12) Introductory Study of African Languages
144(12) Continued Study of African Languages
39373 Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24) Introductory Studies in Afrikaans
Language and Literature
57487 Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24) Afrikaans for Foreign-language Speakers
188(24) Afrikaans as Second Language
53813 Ancient Cultures 114(12) Introduction to the Ancient World I
144(12) Introduction to the Ancient World II
49638 Basic Xhosa 114(12) Introduction to Communication in Xhosa
144(12) Introduction to Communication in Xhosa
53848 Biblical Hebrew 178(24) Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
11302 Chinese 178(24) Introduction to Chinese Language and
53880 English Studies 178(24) Literature and Language in Context
13145 French 178(24) Introduction to the French Language,
Literature and Culture (if you did not take French in
Grade 12)
188(24) Intermediate Study of the French
Language, Literature and Culture (if you took
French in Grade 12)
26107 German 178(24) Introduction to the German Language and
Culture (if you did not take German in Grade 12)
188(24) German Language, Literature and Culture
of the 20th and 21st Century (if you took German in
Grade 12)
14109 Greek 178(24) Introduction to Ancient Greek Grammar
and Translation
13463 History 114(12) Introduction to the Main Global Patterns
and Developments in History
144(12) Survey of South African History
15644 Latin 178(24) Latin Grammar and Literature for
12882 Philosophy 114(12) Introduction to Systematic Philosophy
144(12) Introduction to Moral Reasoning
18414 Psychology 114(12) Psychology as Science
144(12) Psychology in context
13521 Sign Language Studies (only at 178(24) South African Sign Language Acquisition
first-year level)
14032 Theatre Studies 114(12) Introduction to Western Theatre and
Principles of Text Study
144(12) Continued Study of Western Theatre and
Principles of Text Study
11802 Visual Studies 178(24) Visual Culture and Interpretation
Arts and Social Sciences
Choose Credits
2 subjects Group A 2 x 32 credits
2 subjects Group A and/or Group B 2 x 32 credits
Please note:
• In order to gain access to Applied English Language Studies 214 or 244, you need to pass either
General Linguistics 178 or English Studies 178.
• Afrikaans Language Acquisition can only be taken up to second-year level. It is not necessarily
offered at second-year level every year.
Elective Modules
Subject Subject Modules
41505 African Languages 214(16) Intermediate Study of African Languages
244(16) Continued Intermediate Study of African
39373 Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32) Intermediate Studies in Afrikaans
Language and Literature
Arts and Social Sciences
1 subject (that you took in your first and second years) Group A
1 subject (that you took in your first and second years) Group A or Group B
Half a third-year subject or the equivalent of a half third-year subject Group A or Group B
based on the amount of credits (minimum of 24 credits) (that you took in
your first and second years, with the exception of Sign Language Studies
which can only be taken as half a third-year subject if you have passed
General Linguistics at second-year level)
Elective Modules
Subject Subject Modules
41505 African Languages 318(24) Advanced Study of African Languages
348(24) Continued Advanced Study of African
39373 Afrikaans and Dutch 318(24) Advanced Studies in Afrikaans Language
and Literature
348(24) Advanced Studies in Afrikaans Language
and Literature
53813 Ancient Cultures 311(12) Advanced Ancient Cultures
321(12) Advanced Ancient Cultures
341(12) Advanced Ancient Cultures
351(12) Advanced Ancient Cultures
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Assessment
Assessment takes place per module and may vary from module to module.
The manner in which individual modules are assessed is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Prof A Visagie
Tel: 021 808 2174 E-mail: agvisagie@sun.ac.za
Duration of programme
Four years
Programme structure
The BDatSci programme consists of a set of compulsory core modules on all year levels foundational to the
field of Data Science and further offers you a relatively free choice of modules to enable you to focus on a
very specific field within the Data Science environment. In choosing your modules, please take note of the
stipulations regarding timetable clashes as may be applicable.
It is also possible within this programme to focus on a specific area of study, called a focal area. You register
for BDatSci in the faculty that offers that focal area.
Focal areas
The objective of focal areas is to help you choose a specific career focus within the BDatSci programme. The
focal area is not a programme, and the module combinations are only recommendations for you to make
more focussed module choices. The module choices in the tables describing each focal area fit in with
lecture and assessment timetables. However, there are compulsory modules that should be taken within
each focal area.
Arts and Social Sciences
There are eight focal areas within the BDatSci programme, one of which resides within the Faculty of Arts
and Social Sciences. The eight focal areas of BDatSci are given below with an indication of the faculty
calendar part in brackets that contains the programme structure of each focal area:
• Statistical Learning (Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences);
• Analytics and Optimisation (Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences);
• Behavioural Economics (Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences);
• Computer Science (Faculty of Science);
• Applied Mathematics (Faculty of Science);
• Statistical Physics (Faculty of Science);
• Geoinformatics (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences) and;
• Statistical Genetics (Faculty of AgriSciences)
Focal area: Geoinformatics within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
(Home Department: Geography and Information Science)
Geoinformatics is the science and technology dealing with the structure and character of spatial information,
its capture, its classification and qualification, its storage, processing, portrayal, and dissemination.
Focal area: Geoinformatics
Arts and Social Sciences
The contents of the programme are divided into:
• Theatre Studies (theory, acquisition of knowledge and insight);
• Theatre Arts (theory and skills: combination, application and acquisition); and
• Theatre Skills (theory, acquisition of skills).
These sections of the programme are linked through the focus on theatre and the media and supplement
one another.
Theatre Skills and Theatre Art require contact teaching in the form of working in small groups. Given the
nature of the theatre and media industries and to broaden your range of career opportunities, it is important
to the Department that you are fluent either in spoken English or spoken Afrikaans, and have basic speaking
abilities in the other language.
Programme Composition
The subjects and modules of the programme BA (Drama and Theatre Studies) are set out below. You can
find the contents of these subjects and modules, as well as the specifications concerning the selection of
subjects and modules, in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and Module Contents” in this
Calendar Part.
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following two options (2 x 24 credits).
Option 1 (48 credits)
Choose two of the following languages.
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24)
Basic Xhosa 114(12), 144(12)
Xhosa 178(24)
English Studies 178(24)
French 178(24)
German 178(24)
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Assessment
The manner in which individual modules are assessed, is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Dr SW van der Merwe
Tel: 021 808 9546 E-mail: schalkw@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/drama
Arts and Social Sciences
The programme consists of six subjects in the first year, six subjects in the second year (with French or
German) or five subjects (with Chinese), and two major subjects (with elective modules of 24 credits) in the
third year. The programme leads to postgraduate study in Political Science, History or other fields of study
but is subject to postgraduate programme-specific requirements.
Programme Composition
The subjects and modules of the programme BA (International Studies) are set out below. You can find the
contents of these subjects and modules, as well as the specifications concerning the selection of subjects
and modules, in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and Module Contents” in this Calendar Part.
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following subjects (24 credits). Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable
considerations. Your subject choice must not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition,
consult the schematic outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this
Calendar Part.
Chinese 178(24)
French 178(24)
German 178(24)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
You continue with the language that you took in your first year (32 credits).
Chinese 278(32) (follows on Chinese 178)
French 278(32) (follows on French 178)
German 278(32) (follows on German 178)
288(32) (follows on German 188)
Elective Modules
Choose 24 credits from the following modules. Your choice depends on timetable considerations.
Chinese 318(24) (provided that you do not have any timetable
French 318(24) (follows on French 278)
German 318(24) (follows on German 278)
328(24) (follows on German 288)
Philosophy 364(12)
Social Anthropology 324(12)
Sociology 364(12)
Programme Assessment
The manner in which individual modules are assessed is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Prof J van der Westhuizen
Tel: 021 808 2502 E-mail: jvdw2@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
Programme Composition
The subjects and modules of the programme B in Social Work are set out below. You can find the contents
of these subjects and modules, as well as the specifications concerning the selection of subjects and
modules, in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and Module Contents” in this Calendar Part.
Consult Calendar Part 10 for the module contents of modules that are presented by the Faculty of Economic
and Management Sciences (marked with a **).
Elective Modules
Choose one of the subjects (24 credits) in the following table.
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24)
(both only in the first year)
Basic Xhosa 114(12), 144(12)
English Studies 178(24)
Philosophy 114(12), 144(12)
Public and Development Management** 114(12), 144(12)
Xhosa* 178(24) OR 188(24)
* See the entry of the Department of African Languages in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules
and Module Contents” of this Calendar Part for the choice of modules for the subject Xhosa.
**Consult Calendar Part 10 for the module contents of modules that are presented by the Faculty of
Economic and Management Sciences.
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following subjects that you took at second-year level (48 credits).
Psychology 314(12), 324(12), 348(24)
Social Anthropology 314(12), 324(12), 344(12), 354(12)
Sociology 314(12), 324(12), 364(12)
344(12), 354(12)
(please note that due to timetable clashes, 344 and
354 cannot be taken together)
Programme Assessment
The manner in which individual modules are assessed, is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Dr M Strydom
Tel: 021 808 2076 E-mail: mstrydom@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/social-work
Arts and Social Sciences
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures per subject per week, complemented by practical
Programme Composition
The subjects and modules of the programme BA (Human Resource Management) are set out below. The
entries of the departments concerned in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and Module
Contents” of this Calendar Part provide the contents of individual modules. Consult the Calendar Part 10 for
the contents of modules of the subject that is presented by the Faculty of Economic and Business
Management Sciences (marked with *).
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
Please note:
If you, as a BA student, are selected for postgraduate study in the Department of Industrial Psychology, then
you will migrate to the BComHons degree.
Arts and Social Sciences
Choose one of the languages (24 credits) from the following table. If you did not take an African language at
school, then you must take Basic Xhosa as a compulsory subject.
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24)
Basic Xhosa 114(12), 144(12)
English Studies 178(24)
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following subjects (64 credits) to continue in your second year that you took in your first
Political Science 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Social Anthropology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8) (Sociology is a
prerequisite module at first-year level)
Sociology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following subjects (96 credits) to continue in your third year that you took in your second
Political Science 314(12), 324(12), 344(12), 354(12)
Psychology 314(12), 324(12), 348(24)
Social Anthropology 314(12), 324(12), 344(12), 354(12)
Sociology 314(12), 324(12), 364(12)
344(12), 354(12)
(please note that due to timetable clashes 344 and
354 cannot be taken together)
Programme Assessment
The manner in which individual modules are assessed, is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Prof G Görgens
Tel: 021 808 3596 E-mail: ekermans@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures per subject per week, complemented by practical
Programme Composition
The subjects and modules of the programme BA (Human Resource Management) are set out below. The
entries of the departments concerned in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and Module
Contents” of this Calendar Part provide the contents of individual modules. Consult the Calendar Part 10 for
the contents of modules of subjects that are presented by the Faculty of Economic and Business
Management Sciences (marked with *).
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
Please note:
If you, as a BA student, are selected for postgraduate study in the Department of Industrial Psychology, then
you will migrate to the BComHons degree. You must take Psychology as a second major subject for
admission to the BComHons (Industrial Psychology) programme. Public and Development Management is
recommended as a second major subject if you want to continue with BComHons (Human Resource
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following subjects (48 credits):
Political Science 114(12), 144(12)
Psychology 114(12), 144(12)
Public and Development Management* 114(12), 144(12)
Sociology 114(12), 144(12)
Choose one of the languages (24 credits) from the following table. If you did not take an African language at
school, then you must take Basic Xhosa as a compulsory subject.
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24)
Basic Xhosa 114(12), 144(12)
English Studies 178(24)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following subjects (64 credits) to continue in your second year that you took in your first
Political Science 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Psychology 213(8), 223(8), 243(8), 253(8)
Public and Development Management* 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Social Anthropology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8) (Sociology is a
prerequisite module at first-year level)
Sociology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following subjects (96 credits) to continue in your third year that you took in your second
Political Science 314(12), 324(12), 344(12), 354(12)
Psychology 314(12), 324(12), 348(24)
Public and Development Management* 314(12), 324(12), 348(24)
Social Anthropology 314(12), 324(12), 344(12), 354(12)
Sociology 314(12), 324(12), 364(12)
344(12), 354(12)
(please note that due to timetable clashes 344 and
354 cannot be taken together)
Programme Assessment
The manner in which individual modules are assessed, is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Prof G Görgens
Tel: 021 808 3596 E-mail: ekermans@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
5.9 BA (Music)
Specific Admission Requirements
• A National Senior Certificate (NSC) or school-leaving certificate from the Independent Examination
Board (IEB) as certified by Umalusi with a mark of at least 4 (50%) in each of the four school
subjects from the list of school subjects under “Undergraduate Programmes” in this Calendar Part.
• An average final mark in the NSC or the IEB school-leaving certificate (excluding Life Orientation) –
• Home Language – code 4 (50%).
• First Additional Language – code 3 (40%).
• Mathematics – code 6 (70%) (if you are taking Mathematics 114, 144).
• You must have a minimum standard equivalent to a Grade VII practical examination on your main
instrument (or voice) and your knowledge must be equivalent to the Grade V theoretical
examination of any of the music examination bodies.
BA (Music) is a selection programme where you are selected according to an audition and theoretical test.
The selection takes place in the year preceding your registration for the programme.
a) If you do not have the required skills, but show the necessary potential, you may possibly be
accepted, provided that you register for supplementary work as specified by the department.
b) If you are required to register for Musicology (Music Skills) 271 as an additional subject in the
degree programme, you must pass the module before you will be allowed to proceed with
Music Theory 222 and 252.
c) Alternatively, you might be encouraged to first complete the entire year of the Higher
Certificate programme before you reapply for admission to the BA (Music) programme.
d) If your practical work is of sufficient standard, but you do not have the required
academic/theoretical background, you could do the three-year Diploma in Practical Music
instead of this degree programme.
Consult section 2 in this chapter for the undergraduate enrolment management as well as the “Guidelines
and Procedures for Enrolment Management: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences on the website
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures per subject field per week, complemented by
practical sessions, tutorials and individual practical tuition.
Programme Composition
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations and availability of lecturers for
Practical Music Study. The subjects and modules that you choose may not clash on the class, test and
examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic outline for permissible subject combinations on
the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
Arts and Social Sciences
If you take an Orchestral instrument as main instrument, you must also register for the following module.
Orchestral Practice 184(12)
If you take Voice as main instrument, you must also register for the following module.
Languages for Singers 194(12)
Elective Modules
Choose two of the subjects in the following table.
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24) or 188(24)
(only first-year level)
Basic Xhosa 114(12), 144(12)
(only first-year level)
Xhosa 178(24)
English Studies 178(24)
French 178(24) (only at first-year level)
German 178(24) (only first-year level)
Mathematics 114(16), 144(16)
Psychology 114(12), 144(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
Second year (12 credits at first-year level, 120 credits at second-year level
and 12 credits at third-year level)
Compulsory Modules
Aural Training 271(8)
Music Technology 112(6), 142(6)
Musicology 212(8), 242(8)
Practical Music Study A 278(24)
Teaching Method 374(12)
Theory of Music 222(8), 252(8)
If you take a Keyboard instrument, Recorder, or Guitar as main instrument, you must also register for the
following modules.
Accompaniment 276(12)
Chamber Music 284(12)
If you take Conducting or Church Music as main instrument, you must also register for the following
Ensemble Singing 274(12) (for conductors)
Church Music Practice 284(12) (for organists)
Practical Score Reading 286(12)
If you take an Orchestral instrument as main instrument, you must also register for the following modules.
Chamber Music 284(12)
Orchestral Practice 284(12)
If you take Voice as main instrument, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 274(12)
Languages for Singers 294(12)
Elective Modules
Choose one of the subjects in the following table.
Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32)
Applied English Language Studies 214(16), 244(16) (In your first year, you must have
English Studies 178 or General Linguistics 178 as a
prerequisite pass module.)
English Studies 214(16), 244(16)
French 278(32)
German 278(32)
Mathematics 214(16), 244(16)
Psychology 213(8), 223(8), 243(8), 253(8)
Xhosa 214(16), 244(16)
224(16), 254(16)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose one of the subjects in the following table.
Afrikaans and Dutch 318(24), 348(24)
Applied English Language Studies 318(24), 348(24)
English Studies 318(24), 348(24)
French 318(24), 348(24)
German 318(24), 348(24)
328(24), 358(24)
Mathematics 314(16), 324(16), 344(16), 365(16)
Psychology 314(12), 324(12), 348(24)
Xhosa 318(24), 348(24)
328(24), 358(24)
Programme Assessment
Assessment is done as indicated in the individual module frameworks.
If you are taking the following modules, then you must use the first assessment opportunity:
• Accompaniment
• Chamber Music
• Ensemble Singing
• Practical Music Study A
Programme Leader: Ms L Bredekamp
Tel: 021 808 2176 E-mail: lbrede@sun.ac.za
5.10 BMus
Specific Admission Requirements
• A National Senior Certificate (NSC) or the school-leaving certificate from the Independent
Examination Board (IEB) as certified by Umalusi with a mark of at least 4 (50%) in each of the four
school subjects from the list of school subjects under “Undergraduate Programmes” in this Calendar
• An average final mark in the NSC or the IEB school-leaving certificate (excluding Life Orientation) –
• Home Language – code 4 (50%).
• First Additional Language – code 3 (40%).
• Mathematics – code 6 (70%) (if you are taking Mathematics 114, 144).
• You must have a minimum standard equivalent to a Grade VII practical examination on your main
instrument (or voice) and your knowledge must be equivalent to the Grade V theoretical
examination of any of the music examination bodies.
• Your admission is subject to a selection audition and a theoretical test in accordance with the
Department of Music’s selection policy. This must take place either during your Grade 12 year or in
the year preceding the first registration, during which you must provide proof of the
abovementioned standards in classical music.
Arts and Social Sciences
BMus is a selection programme where your admission is subject to a selection audition and a theoretical test.
The selection takes place in the year preceding your registration for the programme.
a) If you do not have the required skills, but show the necessary potential, you may possibly be
accepted, provided that you register for supplementary work as specified by the department.
b) If you are required to register for Musicology (Music Skills) 271 as an additional subject in the
degree programme, you must pass the module before you will be allowed to proceed with
Music Theory 222 and 252.
c) Alternatively, you might be encouraged to first complete the entire year of the Higher
Certificate programme before you reapply for admission to the BMus programme.
d) If your practical work is of sufficient standard, but you do not have the required
academic/theoretical background, you could do the three-year Diploma in Practical Music
instead of this degree programme.
Consult section 2 in this chapter for the undergraduate enrolment management as well as the “Guidelines
and Procedures for Enrolment Management: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences” on the website
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures per subject field per week, complemented by
practical sessions, tutorials and individual practical tuition.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Composition
Subject combination depends on timetable considerations, as well as the availability of staff in the case of
Practical Music Study. The subjects and modules that you choose may not clash on the class, test and
examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic outline for permissible subject combinations on
the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
Option 2
Practical Music Study A 178(24)
Practical Music Study B 174(12) Group tuition
Option 3
Practical Music Study A 178(24)
Practical Music Study A 184(12) Individual tuition
If you take a Keyboard instrument, Recorder, or Guitar as main instrument, you must also register for the
following module.
Accompaniment 176(12)
If you take Conducting or Church Music as main instrument, you must also register for the following module.
Practical Score Reading 186(12)
If you take an Orchestral instrument as main instrument, you must also register for the following module.
Orchestral Practice 184(12)
If you take Voice as main instrument, you must also register for the following module.
Languages for Singers 194(12)
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following subjects (24 credits, except Mathematics has 32 credits).
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24)
Basic Xhosa 114(12), 144(12)
English Studies 178(24)
Arts and Social Sciences
French 178(24)
German 178(24)
Mathematics 114(16), 144(16)
Psychology 114(12), 144(12)
Xhosa 178(24)
Bridging Module
Musicology 271(8) (Music Skills)
Option 2
Practical Music Study A 278(24)
Practical Music Study B 274(12) (Group tuition)
Option 3
Practical Music Study A 278(24)
Practical Music Study B 284(12) (Individual tuition)
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following three modules.
Composition 279(16)
Music Education 278(16)
Music Technology 222(8), 252(8)
If you take a Keyboard instrument, Recorder, or Guitar as main instrument, you must also register for the
following modules.
Accompaniment 276(12)
Chamber Music 284(12)
If you take Conducting or Church Music as main instrument, you must also register for two of the following
Ensemble Singing 274(12) (for choral conductors)
Church Music Practice 284(12) (for organists)
Practical Score Reading 286(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
If you take an Orchestral instrument as main instrument, you must also register for the following modules.
Chamber Music 284(12)
Orchestral Practice 284(12)
If you take Voice as main instrument, you must also register for the following modules:
Ensemble Singing 274(12)
Languages for Singers 294(12)
You can specialise from the third year in the BMus programme. The third and fourth years of the BMus
programme consist of the following specialisations:
• BMus in Composition;
• BMus in Music Education;
• BMus in Music Technology;
• BMus in Musicology; and
• BMus in Performance.
You will only be permitted to specialise if you have passed both Musicology (174, 212, 242) and Theory of
Music (174, 222, 252).
The subjects and modules of each of the specialisations’ third and fourth years are presented after the
following information.
Elective Modules
You must choose one of the following modules.
Musicology 414(12), 444(12)
Theory of Music 424(12), 454(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following two modules.
Musicology 414(12), 444(12)
Theory of Music 424(12), 454(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following two modules.
Musicology 414(12), 444(12)
Theory of Music 424(12), 454(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
You must choose one of the following two modules.
Orchestral Study 377(12)
Repertoire Study 394(12)
If you specialise in a Keyboard instrument, Recorder or Guitar, you must also register for the following
Accompaniment 376(12)
Chamber Music 384(12)
If you specialise in Accompaniment, you must also register for the following modules.
Chamber Music 384(12)
Practical Music Study A 384(12)
If you specialise in Chamber Music, you must also register for two of the following three modules.
Accompaniment 376(12)
Orchestral Practice 384(12)
Practical Music Study A 384(12)
If you specialise in an Orchestral instrument, you must also register for the following modules.
Chamber Music 384(12)
Orchestral Practice 384(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
If you specialise in Voice, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 374(12)
Theatre Skills (Music) 394(12)
If you specialise in Conducting, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 374(12)
Practical Score Reading 386(12)
If you specialise in Church Music, you must also register for the following modules.
Church Music Practice 384(12)
Practical Score Reading 386(12)
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following four modules.
Musicology 414(12), 444(12)
Theory of Music 424(12), 454(12)
Repertoire Study 494(12)
Orchestral Study 477(12)
If you specialise in a Keyboard instrument, Recorder or Guitar, you must also register for the following
Accompaniment 476(12)
Chamber Music 484(12)
If you specialise in Accompaniment, you must also register for the following modules.
Chamber Music 484(12)
Practical Music Study A 484(12)
If you specialise in Chamber Music, you must also register for two of the following three modules.
Accompaniment 476(12)
Orchestral Practice 484(12)
Practical Music Study A 484(12)
If you specialise in an Orchestral instrument, you must also register for the following modules.
Chamber Music 484(12)
Orchestral Practice 484(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
If you specialise in Voice, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 474(12)
Theatre Skills (Music) 494(12)
If you specialise in Conducting, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 474(12)
Practical Score Reading 486(12)
If you specialise in Church Music, you must also register for the following modules.
Church Music Practice 484(12)
Practical Score Reading 486(12)
Programme Assessment
The assessment in this programme is done per individual module, as explained at the start of the module.
If you are taking the following practical modules, you must use the first assessment opportunity:
• Practical Music Study A, B, E and S
• Chamber Music
• Orchestral Study
• Ensemble Singing
• Accompaniment
Programme Leader: Ms L Bredekamp
Tel: 021 808 2176 E-mail: lbrede@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures, tutorials, practicals, group work, individual
assignments, self-study and field trips. You are expected to work more independently in your third year.
Tuition techniques are monitored constantly and adjusted according to experience.
Programme Composition
The subjects and modules of the programme BA (Development and Environment) are set out below. You can
find the contents of these subjects and modules in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and
Module Contents” in this Calendar Part.
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
Consult Calendar Part 10 for module contents of modules that are presented by the Faculty of Economic and
Management Sciences (marked with *).
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
• You continue with one of the following subjects (32 credits, or 40 credits if you are taking Socio-
• You must take Economics 288 if you did not take Economics 114 and 144 in your first year.
• If you did take Economics 114 and 144 in your first year, then you cannot take Economic 288 for
degree purposes.
Economics* 288(32)
Economics* 214(16), 244(16)
History 214(16), 244(16)
Philosophy 214(16), 244(16)
Socio-Informatics 224(16), 254(16), 262(8)
Elective Modules
Geography and Environmental Studies Choose any four of the following modules:
314(12), 323(12), 334(16), 358(16), 363(12)
Public and Development Management* 314(12), 324(12), 348(24)
Social Anthropology 314(12), 324(12), 344(12), 354(12)
Sociology 314(12), 324(12), 364(12)
344(12), 354(12)
(please note that due to timetable clashes, 344 and
354 cannot be taken together)
Take note that study in a particular subject at Honours level is permitted only if you had the subject as a
major for which you attained an average final mark of 60% or more.
Programme Assessment
The manner in which individual modules are assessed, is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Dr S Williams
Tel: 021 808 4975 E-mail: samanthawilliams@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures, practicals and tutorials as required in the
participating disciplines. You will also be given written assignments, which you must complete
independently. Group work may also be used.
Programme Composition
The subjects and modules of the programme BA (Political, Philosophical and Economic Studies) are set out
below. The entries of the departments concerned give the module contents in the chapter “Undergraduate
Subjects, Modules and Module Contents” of this Calendar Part. Consult Calendar Part 10 for the module
contents of modules that are presented by the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (marked
with *).
The entries of the departments African Languages and Modern Foreign Languages in the chapter
“Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and Module Contents” give more information on the choice of modules
for the subjects Xhosa, German and French respectively.
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following subjects (48 credits).
African Languages 114(12), 144(12)
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24)
Business Management* 113(12) (compulsory for Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management*)
Industrial Psychology* 144(12)
English Studies 178(24)
French 178(24)
German 178(24)
History 114(12), 144(12)
Public and Development Management* 114(12), 144(12)
Sociology 114(12), 144(12)
Xhosa 178(24)
Elective Modules
You continue with one of the following subjects that was taken at first-year level (32 credits).
African Languages 214(16), 244(16)
Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 278(32)
(both only up to second-year level)
Applied English Language Studies 214(16), 244(16) (In your first year, you must have
English Studies 178 or General Linguistics 178 as a
prerequisite pass module.)
English Studies 214(16), 244(16)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management* 214(16), 244(16)
(follows Industrial Psychology and Business
Management that were taken on first-year level)
French 278(32)
German 278(32) (follows on German 178)
288(32) (follows on German 188)
History 214(16), 244(16)
Public and Development Management 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Sociology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Xhosa 214(16), 244(16),
224(16), 254(16)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Assessment
The manner in which individual modules are assessed, is explained in the module framework/study guide
that is handed out during the first lecture of each module.
Programme Leader: Prof V Roodt
Tel: 021 808 2103 E-mail: vroodt@sun.ac.za
5.13 BA (Law)
5.13.1 Current programme (from 2022)
Specific Admission requirements
• An average of at least 70% (excluding Life Orientation) in the National Senior Certificate or
Independent Examinations Board school-leaving certificate.
• Afrikaans (Home Language) at least an achievement rating of 5 (60%–69%); or
English (Home Language) at least an achievement rating of 5 (60%–69%); or
Afrikaans (First Additional Language) at least an achievement rating of 6 (70%–79%); or
English (First Additional Language) at least an achievement rating of 6 (70%–79%)
• If you want to take Economics as a subject, you must pass Mathematics with an average mark of at
least a 5 (60%–69%).
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Dr AB Wessels
Tel: 021 808 2113 E-mail: abwessels@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Dr AB Wessels
Tel: 021 808 2113 E-mail: abwessels@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
5.14 BA (Socio-Informatics)
Please note: This programme does not admit new students.
The programme is presented by means of regular lectures, supplemented with seminars, tutorials and/or
practicals. You can do your assignments, tests and examinations in English or Afrikaans.
The entries of the departments concerned in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and Module
Contents” of this Calendar Part provide the module contents. Consult Calendar, Part 10 for the module
contents of modules that are presented by the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (marked
with *).
Programme Composition
Consult the entries of the departments concerned in the chapter “Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and
Module Contents” for the contents of standard modules.
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
The subjects and modules of both Option 1 and 2 are presented below.
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose three of the following subjects on the condition that you may only take one language. Furthermore,
you can choose one subject that is only offered on first-year level.
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 178(24)
Basic Xhosa 114(12), 144(12) (only at first-year level)
Economics* 114(12), 144(12)
English Studies 178(24)
Mathematics* 114(16), 144(16)
Philosophy 114(12), 144(12)
Political Science 114(12), 144(12)
Psychology 114(12), 144(12)
Public and Development Management* 114(12), 144(12)
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following subjects (64 credits).
Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32)
Afrikaans Language Acquisition 278(32) (follows on Afrikaans Language Acquisition
288(32) (follows on Afrikaans Language Acquisition
Economics* 214(16), 244(16)
English Studies 214(16), 244(16)
Philosophy 214(16), 244(16)
Political Science 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Psychology 213(8), 223(8), 243(8), 253(8)
Public and Development Management* 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following subjects.
Economics* 214(16), 244(16)
Sociology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Programme Assessment
Consult the departments concerned for more information on assessment.
Programme Leader: Dr D le Roux
Tel: 021 808 3803 E-mail: dbleroux@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Special Provisions
1. Selection
• Only a limited number of students are admitted annually to the first year of this programme.
• You must apply by 30 June of the preceding year.
• If you are not declared medically fit, you will not be allowed to register for the compulsory practical
modules such as Sport Science 184.
2. Dress Code
• You must obey the prescribed regulations regarding the dress code.
• You can obtain particulars of these regulations from the Department of Sport Science at the
beginning of the academic year.
3. Practical Classes
• You must attend all practical classes.
• The Department of Sport Science requires a minimum of 40% for each component of the practical
• You must pass all practical and theoretical modules with a minimum of 50%.
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures, tutorials, practicals (including sports practicals),
laboratory visits, group work, work assignments that are completed independently and self-study.
Programme Composition
You can find the contents of the subjects and modules that are set below in the chapter “Undergraduate
Subjects, Modules and Module Contents” in this Calendar Part, as well as in the Faculty of Medicine and
Health Sciences’ Calendar Part (Part 12).
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
The four different subject combinations of Sport Science and their modules are set out below.
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following subjects.
English Studies 178(24)
Geo Environmental Science 124(16), 154(16) (you take Geography and
Environmental Studies at second-year level)
Psychology 114(12), 144(12)
Elective Modules
You continue with one of the following subjects (32 credits) that you took in your first year.
English Studies 214(16), 244(16)
Geography and Environmental Studies 225(16), 265(16) (follows on Geo-Environmental
Science at first-year level)
Psychology 213(8), 223(8), 243(8), 253(8)
Elective Modules
Choose only one of the following options (24 credits) of the subject Applied Kinesiology.
Applied Kinesiology Adapted Physical Activity – 324 (12), 344(12)
Sport Coaching – 313(12), 353(12)
Fitness Industry – 314(12), 352(12)
Consult the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Calendar Part (Part 12) for the postgraduate
programmes in Sport Science.
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following subjects.
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Geo Environmental Science 124(16), 154(16) (you take Geography and
Environmental Studies at second-year level)
Psychology 114(12), 144(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
You continue with one of the following subjects (32 credits) that you took in your first year.
Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32)
Geography and Environmental Studies 225(16), 265(16) (follows on Geo-Environmental
Science at first-year level)
Psychology 213(8), 223(8), 243(8), 253(8)
Elective Modules
Choose only one of the following options (24 credits) of the subject Applied Kinesiology.
Applied Kinesiology Adapted Physical Activity – 324 (12), 344(12)
Sport Coaching – 313(12), 353(12)
Fitness Industry – 314(12), 352(12)
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following subjects (24 credits).
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
English Studies 178(24)
Psychology 114(12), 144(12) (only at first-year level)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
You continue with one of the following subjects (32 credits) that you took in your first year.
Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32)
English Studies 214(16), 244(16)
Sociology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Elective Modules
Choose only one of the following options (24 credits) of the subject Applied Kinesiology.
Applied Kinesiology Adapted Physical Activity – 324 (12), 344(12)
Sport Coaching – 313(12), 353(12)
Fitness Industry – 314(12), 352(12)
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following three subjects.
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
English Studies 178(24)
Geo Environmental Science 124(16), 154(16) (only first-year level)
Elective Modules
You continue with one of the following subjects (32 credits) that you took in your first year.
English Studies 214(16), 244(16)
Sociology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
Choose only one of the following options (24 credits) of the subject Applied Kinesiology.
Applied Kinesiology Adapted Physical Activity – 324 (12), 344(12)
Sport Coaching – 313(12), 353(12)
Fitness Industry – 314(12), 352(12)
Programme Assessment
Consult the departments concerned for more information on the assessment of your specific modules.
Programme Leader: Prof W Kraak
Tel: 021 808 2379 E-mail: kjw@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Formal Requirements
• If you have modules outstanding with a total credit value of 24 (excluding Visual Arts modules), you
can only register for the fourth year of the Visual Arts programme with the Department’s permission.
The programme and all related subject modules are presented on the Stellenbosch campus.
Programme Composition
You can find the contents of the subjects and modules that are set out in the tables below in the chapter
“Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and Module Contents” in this Calendar Part.
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
The three different programme streams of Visual Arts and their modules are presented below.
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following subjects (24 credits).
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
English Studies 178(24)
Sociology 114(12), 144(12)
Please note:
• You have to pass the modules Drawing 174 and Integrated Art and Design 178 to gain entry into the
second year of study.
• The Department may refuse your re-entry into the first year of Visual Arts if:
o you have achieved a performance mark below 50% for either Drawing 174 or Integrated Art and
Design 178 or both; and
o the Department of Visual Arts is of the opinion that you do not have the potential to improve
your marks.
Arts and Social Sciences
You must continue with one of the following subjects that you took in your first year (32 credits).
Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32)
English Studies 214(16), 244(16)
Sociology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Social Anthropology 212(8), 222(8), 242(8), 252(8)
Programme Assessment
Consult the departments concerned for more information on the assessment of your specific modules.
Programme Leader: Prof E Gunter
Tel: 021 808 3213 E-mail: eg@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
The programme and all related subject modules are presented on the Stellenbosch campus.
Programme Composition
You can find the contents of the subjects and modules that are set out in the tables below in the chapter
“Undergraduate Subjects, Modules and Module Contents” in this Calendar Part.
Your chosen subject combination depends on timetable considerations. The subjects and modules that you
choose may not clash on the class, test and examination timetables. In addition, consult the schematic
outline for permissible subject combinations on the fold-out page at the back of this Calendar Part.
The three different programme streams of Visual Arts and their modules are presented below.
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following subjects (24 credits).
Afrikaans and Dutch 178(24)
Ancient Cultures 114(12), 144(12)
English Studies 178(24)
History 114(12), 144(12)
Philosophy 114(12), 144(12)
Please note:
• You must pass the modules Investigation of Visual Art Concepts 178 and 188 to be admitted to the
second year of study.
• The Department of Visual Arts reserves the right to refuse you readmission to the first year of study
in Visual Arts if:
o you achieved a final mark of less than 50% for one or both of the modules Investigation of Visual
Art Concepts 178 and 188; and
o the Department of Visual Arts is of the opinion that you do not have the potential to improve
your marks.
Arts and Social Sciences
Elective Modules
You continue with one of the following subjects that you took in your first year (32 credits).
Afrikaans and Dutch 278(32)
Ancient Cultures 211(8), 221(8), 241(8), 251(8)
Applied English Language Studies 214(16), 244(16) (In your first year, you must have
English Studies 178 or General Linguistics 178 as a
prerequisite pass module.)
English Studies 214(16), 244(16)
History 214(16), 244(16)
Philosophy 214(16), 244(16)
Arts and Social Sciences
After successful completion of the Higher Certificate in Music, you may register for the Diploma in Practical
Music or one of the Music Department’s degree programmes. However, you will have to comply to the
entrance requirements as specified by each programme; and undergo the prescribed selection procedures.
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures per subject discipline per week supplemented
with practical sessions and tutorials, as well as individual practical tuition.
You must attend a number of workshops as determined by the Department with respect to writing, language
and study skills. Completion of the Higher Certificate will be subject to your satisfactory attendance of these
workshops. The Department will notify you of these workshops at the beginning of the academic year.
Programme Composition
Compulsory Modules
Aural Training 181(8)
Business Management (Music) 171(8)
General Music Studies 171(8)
Music Technology 181(12)
Practical Music Study A 111(24)
Repertoire Study 181(8)
Theory of Music 181(12) (Theory of Music), 171(8) (Theory of Music
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following subjects.*
Academic Literacy (Music) 114(12), 144(12)
Texts in the Humanities 114(12), 144(12)
* The choice will be made in consultation with the Music Department according to your level of literacy
and/or academic record, as well as the Department’s admission tests.
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following subjects.
Creative Skills 191(8)
Orchestral Practice 191(8)
Programme Assessment
Assessment is done as explained in the module frameworks of individual modules.
If you are taking the practical module Practical Music Study A, you must use the first assessment opportunity.
Programme Leader: Ms F Lesch
Tel: 021 808 2349 E-mail: fsmlesch@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Admission to the Diploma (Practical Music) after successful completion of the Higher
Certificate in Music
• You can register for the Diploma in Music after you obtained the Higher Certificate in Music and if
you comply with the entrance requirements for the Diploma.
• You must undergo the prescribed selection process.
• You will receive credit for the following subjects:
The programme is presented by means of formal lectures per subject discipline per week, supplemented
with practical sessions and tutorials, as well as individual practical tuition.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Composition
First year (128 credits)
Compulsory Modules
Academic Literacy (Music) 114(12), 144(12)
Aural Training 191(8)
General Music Studies 191(18)
Knowledge Skills 172(6)
Music Technology 171(12)
Practical Music Study A 171(24)
Practical Music Study B 151(12)
Repertoire Study 141(6)
Teaching Method 121(6)
If you are taking a Keyboard instrument, Recorder, or Guitar as main instrument, you must also register for
the following module.
Accompaniment 171(12)
If you are taking an Orchestral instrument as main instrument, you must also register for the following
Orchestral Practice 181(12)
If you are taking Voice as main instrument, you must also register for the following module.
Languages for Singers 191(12)
If you are taking a Keyboard instrument, Recorder, or Guitar as main instrument, you must also register for
the following modules.
Accompaniment 271(12)
Chamber Music 281(12)
Repertoire Study 281(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
If you are taking an Orchestral instrument as main instrument, you must also register for the following
Chamber Music 281(12)
Orchestral Practice 281(12)
Choose one of the following subjects.
Orchestral Study 271(12)
Repertoire Study 281(12)
If you are taking Voice as main instrument, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 271(12)
Languages for Singers 291(12)
Repertoire Study 281(12)
Elective Modules
You have to choose between Option 1 and Option 2. Option 2 is dependent on selection.
Option 1
Practical Music Study A 371(24)
Practical Music Study B 351(12)
Teaching Method 341(12)
Option 2
Practical Music Study S 221(24), 261(24)
If you specialise in an Orchestral Instrument, you must also register for the following modules.
Chamber Music 381(12)
Orchestral Practice 381(12)
Choose one of the following subjects.
Orchestral Study 371(12)
Repertoire Study 381(12)
If you specialise in Voice, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 371(12)
Repertoire Study 381(12)
Theatre Skills (Music) 391(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
If you specialise in Choral Conducting, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 371(12)
Practical Score Reading 381(12)
Repertoire Study 381(12)
If you specialise in Church Music, you must also register for the following modules.
Church Music Practice 381(12)
Practical Score Reading 381(12)
Repertoire Study 381(12)
Programme Assessment
a) Assessment is done as explained in the module frameworks of individual modules.
b) You must use the first assessment opportunity if you take the following practical modules:
• Accompaniment
• Chamber Music
• Ensemble Singing
• Orchestral Study
• Practical Music Study A and B
Programme Leader: Ms L Bredekamp
Tel: 021 808 2176 E-mail: lbrede@sun.ac.za
Weekly individual instruction and opportunities to perform in public as much as possible under the guidance
of the lecturer within and outside the Department of Music.
Programme Composition
Compulsory Modules
Practical Music Study S 321(30), 361(30)
Repertoire Study 389(36) (the module consists of two-thirds practical
and one-third written work)
You choose two co-requisite components of 12 credits each (24 credits).
Note regarding co-requisite components for Practical Music Study
If you specialise in a Keyboard instrument, Recorder or Guitar, you must also register for the following
Accompaniment 376(12)
Chamber Music 384(12)
Arts and Social Sciences
If you specialise in an Orchestral Instrument, you must also register for the following modules.
Chamber Music 384(12)
Orchestral Practice 384(12)
If you specialise in Voice, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 374(12)
Theatre Skills (Music) 394(12)
If you specialise in Choral Conducting, you must also register for the following modules.
Ensemble Singing 374(12)
Practical Score Reading 386(12)
If you specialise in Church Music, you must also register for the following modules.
Church Music Practice 384(12)
Practical Score Reading 386(12)
If you specialise in Chamber Music, you must also register for the following modules.
Accompaniment 376(12)
Orchestral Practice 384(12)
Practical Music Study A 384(12)
Programme Assessment
You must use the first assessment opportunity for all modules. Assessment is done as explained in the
module frameworks of the individual modules.
Programme Leader: Ms L Bredekamp
Tel: 021 808 2176 E-mail: lbrede@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Postgraduate Programmes
For more information on the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences’ postgraduate programmes, consult the
University’s Postgraduate Prospectus or the various departmental websites.
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the development of a reflective language view of the African languages through
the study of literature and/or linguistics. Four specialisation fields or streams are offered in the programme:
• Language teaching;
• Communication;
• Literature; and
• Linguistics.
The programme is presented by means of 2 lectures and 1 seminar per week.
Duration of Programme
This programme extends over one year full-time or two years part-time. Lectures begin the first week of
The programme makes provision for the needs and circumstances of both full-time and part-time students
(professional persons):
• Full-time students – one year of study with contact tuition on campus. You take all six compulsory
modules in one year.
• Part-time students – two years of study with contact tuition on campus or through modular
teaching. You take three modules in the first year and do the remaining three modules in the second
Programme Content
The programme includes the following research fields in African languages:
• Literature;
• Linguistics;
• Communication;
• Language Acquisition; and
• Language Teaching.
You choose, in collaboration with the Department, themes from one option of five modules in respect to one
of the specialisation fields or streams.
Module description
The content of the module is determined by your option:
• Option 1: Communication (elements of human communication, interpersonal and group
communication, public communication, pragmatics and discourse analysis, and mass
• Option 2: Language Teaching (literacy and language teaching, reading skills and text-linguistic
analysis, writing skills and genre analysis, pragmatics and discourse analysis, and sociolinguistics).
• Option 3: Literature (novel, drama, short story, poetry and creative writing, oral literature and
• Option 4: Linguistics (syntax, morphology/phonology/phonetics, semantics and computational
linguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis, and sociolinguistics).
Arts and Social Sciences
Compulsory Modules
10033 : Study of African Language 781(18)
10033 : Study of African Language 782(18)
10033 : Study of African Language 783(18)
10033 : Study of African Language 784(18)
10033 : Study of African Language 785(18)
12792 : Research Assignment (African Languages) 776(30)
Programme Leader: Prof M Visser
Tel: 021 808 2106 E-mail: mwv@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/african-lang
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on professional discourse practices in African languages in multilingual contexts. It
focuses specifically on the study of African languages in the related fields of sociolinguistics, communication
study, pragmatics, discourse analysis and genre analysis. The programme structure is modular and consists
of blocks of on-campus contact sessions and self-study components.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one year of study. Lectures begin in the first week of February.
Programme Content
The compulsory modules are presented below. For the research module you write an assignment of 30
Compulsory Modules
12790 : Professional Discourse in African Languages 771(60)
10037 : Discourse and Pragmatics 772(30)
12791 : Research Assignment (Language Planning and Policy) 773(30)
Programme Leader: Prof M Visser
Tel: 021 808 2106 E-mail: mwv@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/african-lang
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The MA programme in African languages is a research-directed programme that focuses on the
development of advanced reflective language view on African languages. You undertake advanced
postgraduate study in a specialisation field in literature and/or linguistics. You choose, in collaboration with
the Department, a research problem which entails investigation of one or more of the following fields of the
African languages:
• Literature of the African languages;
• Linguistics of the African languages;
• Communication;
• Language Acquisition; and
• Language Teaching.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12794 : Thesis (African Languages) 871(180)
Compulsory Modules
12794 : Thesis (African Languages) 872(90)
10033 : Study of African Languages 873(90)
Compulsory Modules
12792 : Research Assignment (African Languages) 871(72)
10033 : Study of African Languages 873(90)
10033 : Study of African Languages 874(18)
Programme Leader: Prof M Visser
Tel: 021 808 2106 E-mail: mwv@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/african-lang
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on professional discourse practices in African languages in multilingual contexts. It
focuses specifically on the study of African languages in the related fields of sociolinguistics, ethnography of
communication, pragmatics, discourse analysis, and genre analysis. The programme structure is modular,
consisting of blocks of on-campus contact sessions and self-study components. You write a thesis of 90
credits or an assignment of 72 credits depending on your specific programme.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one year of study. Lectures begin the first week of February.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10039 : Communication Theoretic Study 873(90)
12796 : Thesis (Professional Contexts) 871(90)
Compulsory Modules
10039 : Communication Theoretic Study 873(90)
10039 : Communication Theoretic Study 872(18)
12797 : Research Assignment (Professional Contexts) 873(72)
Programme Leader: Prof M Visser
Tel: 021 808 2106 E-mail: mwv@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/african-lang
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The PhD programme in African Languages focuses on the development of an advanced-level reflective
language view of African languages with regard to a research problem in literature or linguistics. The results
are presented in the form of a dissertation.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
41505 : African Languages 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof M Visser
Tel: 021 808 2106 E-mail: mwv@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/african-lang
Programme structure
a) The programme consists of a compulsory research assignment and six electives chosen from a variety
of modules.
b) You choose six modules in linguistics or literature in order to prepare yourself for a career in teaching
Afrikaans, a career requiring advanced knowledge of Afrikaans language studies, or a career requiring
advance knowledge of Afrikaans and/or Dutch literature.
c) Not all modules are necessarily available for selection in all years.
d) This programme is presented in lecture format.
Duration of programme
The programme runs for one academic year. Lectures start in the first week of February.
Programme content
Compulsory module
12788 : Research Assignment (Afrikaans and Dutch) 771(30)
Choose one of the following modules.
14029 : Formal Afrikaans Linguistics 771(15)
10028 : Literary Theory and Afrikaans Literature 771(15)
Arts and Social Sciences
Choose five of the following modules, excluding the module you chose above.
10019 : Afrikaans Text Analysis 771(15)
11860 : Afrikaans and/or Dutch Drama and Film Studies 771(15)
10018 : Afrikaans Lexicographic Theory 771(15)
10023 : Afrikaans Poetry 771(15)
10025 : Afrikaans Prose 771(15)
14031 : Applied Afrikaans Linguistics 771(15)
10031 : Creative Writing 771(15)
14029 : Formal Afrikaans Linguistics 771(15)
14030 : Linguistic Citizenship and Afrikaans 771(15)
10028 : Literary Theory and Afrikaans Literature 771(15)
11859 : Methodology of Afrikaans Language Acquisition 771(15)
11532 : Modern Dutch Literature 771(15)
Programme Leader: Prof AG Visagie
Tel: 021 808 2174 E-mail: agvisagie@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/afrikaans/faculty/arts/afrikaans-dutch
Programme Code
40169 – 778(120)
Programme Structure
The main aim of the programme is to train you as a researcher in translation/interpreting and editing. A
further aim is to train you as a language practitioner in two of the following languages: Afrikaans, English, an
African language, South African Sign Language, Chinese, French, Dutch and German. Not all the language
options will necessarily be offered each year.
This programme is presented by means of lectures.
Duration of Programme
This programme extends over one academic year. Lectures begin in the first week of February.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
13873 : Editing Methods and Practice 774(30)
12784 : Research Assignment (Translation) 774(30)
14255 : Translation and Interpreting Theory 774(30)
13874 : Translation Methods and Practice 774(15)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Ms L Foster
Tel: 021 808 2166 E-mail: lfoster@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/afrikaans-dutch/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
The expected outcomes are for students to:
a) Do independent research on Afrikaans and/or Dutch language and/or literature;
b) Apply their knowledge in careers related to the fields of language and literature.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12789 : Thesis (Afrikaans and Dutch) 871(180)
Compulsory Modules
12789 : Thesis (Afrikaans and Dutch) 876(120)
10011 : International Module 874(60)
Programme Leader: Dr W Anker
Tel: 021 808 2163 E-mail: anker@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/afrikaans/faculty/arts/afrikaans-dutch
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme is presented on a full-time basis. It may include regular campus-based seminars, lectures
and workshops. You write an original literary text and a related literary theoretical critique.
Please note: There will not necessarily be a new student intake into this programme every year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12184 : Thesis (Creative Writing) 872(180)
Programme Leader: Dr Willem Anker
Tel: 021 808 2163 E-mail: anker@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/afrikaans-dutch/Pages/default.aspx
3.2.5 MA (Lexicography)
Programme Codes
51223 – 879(180)
51223 – 889(180)
Programme Structure
The aim of the programme is to train you as a researcher in theoretical lexicography, as practising
lexicographer and to equip you for the teaching of lexicography in order to establish a broad South African
dictionary culture.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12783 : Thesis (Lexicography) 871(180)
Arts and Social Sciences
Compulsory Modules
12783 : Thesis (Lexicography) 876(120)
11259 : Foreign Module (Lexicography) 874(60)
Programme Leader: Prof R Gouws
Tel: 021 808 2164 E-mail: rhg@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/afrikaans-dutch/Pages/default.aspx
3.2.6 MA (Translation)
Programme Codes
40169 – 879(180)
40169 – 889(180)
Programme Structure
The desired outcomes are to enable you:
a) to undertake individual research into the science of translation, interpreting or editing; and
b) to apply your knowledge in careers related to language practice.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12786 : Thesis (Translation) 871(180)
Compulsory Modules
12786 : Thesis (Translation) 872(120)
12787 : Research Methodology (Translation) 872(60)
Programme Leader: Prof AE Feinauer
Tel: 021 808 2162 E-mail: aef@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/afrikaans-dutch/Pages/default.aspx
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
You write a dissertation on a specific theme formulated in consultation with your promotor. The theme
should be related to the research focus of the Department:
• contemporary or historical Afrikaans and/or Dutch literature;
• literary science; or
• descriptive Afrikaans language studies, sociolinguistics or language use studies.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
39373 : Afrikaans and Dutch 978(360)
Programme Leader: Dr W Anker
Tel: 021 808 2163 E-mail: anker@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/afrikaans/faculty/arts/afrikaans-dutch
Programme Structure
You write a dissertation on a topic from the field of lexicography that is chosen in consultation with your
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
51223 : Lexicography 978(360)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Prof R Gouws
Tel: 021 808 2164 E-mail: rhg@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/afrikaans-dutch/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
You write a dissertation on a specific theme that is determined in consultation with your supervisor. The
theme will be related to the subject area of translation, interpretation or editing.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
40169 : Translation 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof AE Feinauer
Tel: 021 808 2162 E-mail: aef@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/afrikaans-dutch/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
The programme is focused on deepening the knowledge of ancient cultures and developing research
Arts and Social Sciences
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one year: from February of the commencement year to February of the
following year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12804 : Ancient Cultures: Theory Method and Sources 771(30)
10088 : Theme Ancient Cultures I 772(30)
10089 : Theme Ancient Cultures II 773(30)
12805 : Research Essay in Ancient Cultures 774(30)
Programme Leader: Dr S Masters
Tel: 021 808 3206 E-mail: masters@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/ancient-studies/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
The programme is focused on the linguistic phenomena and/or literature of ancient languages.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one year: from February of the commencement year to February of the
following year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12809 : Theory Method and Background 771(30)
12810 : Text and Language Study I 772(30)
12811 : Text and Language Study II 773(30)
13333 : Research Essay in Ancient Languages 744(30)
Programme Leader: Prof PR Bosman
Tel: 021 808 3203 E-mail: bosmanpr@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/ancient-studies/Pages/default.aspx
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme comprises the writing of a thesis that contains the results of research on an aspect of
ancient cultures.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12806 : Thesis (Ancient Cultures) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Dr S Masters
Tel: 021 808 3206 E-mail: masters@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/ancient-studies/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
The programme comprises the writing of a thesis containing the results of research on an aspect of ancient
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12812 : Thesis (Ancient Languages) 871(180)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Prof PR Bosman
Tel: 021 808 3203 E-mail: bosmanpr@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/ancient-studies/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
The programme comprises the writing of a dissertation that contains the results of independent and original
research on a research problem.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
53813 : Ancient Cultures 978(360)
Programme Leader: Dr S Masters
Tel: 021 808 3206 E-mail: masters@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/ancient-studies/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
The programme comprises the writing of a dissertation which contains the results of independent and
original research on a research problem.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12808 : Ancient Languages 978(360)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Prof PR Bosman
Tel: 021 808 3203 E-mail: bosmanpr@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/ancient-studies/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the concept of performance (on the stage, radio, TV, film, etc.), which is studied in
the three compulsory theoretical modules and then investigated experimentally in your choice of
specialisation. You choose one specialisation in consultation with staff.
The programme is presented in four lectures, four practicals and three seminars per week.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year. Lectures normally begin in the last week of January.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12813 : Introduction to Research Methodology (Drama and Theatre 771(10)
10117 : Advanced Theatre and Media Theory 772(20)
10118 : Advanced Text and Performance Analysis 773(20)
12814 : Research Assignment: Theory and Methodology of 774(30)
12816 : Field of Specialisation (Drama and Theatre Studies) 775(40)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Mrs Z Hofmeyr
Tel: 021 808 3216 E-mail: zh@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/drama
Programme Structure
Like the BAHons in Drama and Theatre Studies, this programme focuses on the concept of performance, but
at this level the emphasis shifts more strongly towards training in, and the application of, independent
research and creative work linked to prior training. The programme offers two options: 879 and 889. The
contents of the two options are presented below.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12817 : Thesis (Drama and Theatre Studies) 871(180)
Compulsory Modules
10122 : Projects (Drama and Theatre Studies) 872(90)
12817 : Thesis (Drama and Theatre Studies) 872(90)
Please note:
Admission is subject to departmental approval of chosen projects. Projects must be relevant to the content
of the thesis.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Prof P du Preez
Tel: 021 808 3208 E-mail: cntr@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/drama
Programme Structure
Doctoral degrees in the arts are research degrees culminating in a dissertation. The study as a whole can
consist of theoretical work or it can be the result of an integrated study of the creative processes and
theoretical work which are reported in a dissertation. The unique nature of the integrated option is derived
from the coherence and interdependency of the study of the creative process and theoretical dimensions of
the research leading to an original contribution to knowledge and insight into the arts.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
54267 : Drama and Theatre Studies 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof P du Preez
Tel: 021 808 3208 E-mail: cntr@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/drama
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme comprises a coursework module that makes up 75% of the programme and a research
assignment module that makes up 25% of the programme.
The programme is presented in weekly module meetings, as determined by the Department.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one year full-time.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
53880 : English Studies 773(90)
12880 : Research Assignment (English) 774(30)
Programme Leader: Dr N Sanger
Tel: 021 808 2041 E-mail: nsanger@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/english
Programme Structure
You choose between a full thesis and one of two structured coursework options:
• Option 1 – Literature, conflict and transition;
• Option 2 – Creative writing.
You have to write a thesis of limited scope in both of the abovementioned options.
Option 1 comprises coursework and a thesis, each contributing 90 credits to the total of 180 credits. In the
case of option 2 the thesis contributes 120 credits and the coursework the remaining 60 credits. The thesis
for option 2 must include a work of original creative writing and a critical commentary.
Please note: The MA by thesis is on offer every year while the MA by coursework options may not necessarily
be taught in a particular year.
Arts and Social Sciences
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over a minimum of one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12879 : Thesis (English) 871(180)
Compulsory Modules
12879 : Thesis (English) 873(90)
10127 : Literature, Conflict and Transition 872(90)
Compulsory Modules
12184 : Thesis (Creative Writing) 874(120)
11427 : Course Component Creative Writing 872(60)
Programme Leader: Dr M Slabbert
Tel: 021 808 3652 E-mail: mslabbert@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/english
Programme Structure
The completion of a dissertation on a topic selected in consultation with the Department, and written under
the supervision of a member of the Department.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
53880 : English Studies 978(360)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Prof T Steiner
Tel: 021 808 3653 E-mail: tsteiner@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/english
Programme Code
59692 – 788(120)
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on linguistic aspects of intercultural communication. Specific attention is given to
the nature and properties of language and linguistic communication; the nature and properties of
intercultural linguistic communication, including linguistically relevant aspects of culture; pragmatic and
sociolinguistic aspects of intercultural communication; and the linguistic ‘mechanics’ of intercultural
communication, including the factors that play a role in successful or failed communication. You take four
compulsory modules of one term each.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends overs a minimum of one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10046 : Linguistic Communication 771(30)
10047 : Intercultural (Linguistic) Communication 772(30)
10048 : Pragmatic and Sociolinguistic Aspects 743(30)
10050 : Linguistic ‛Mechanics’ 744(30)
Programme Leader: Dr M Oostendorp
Tel: 021 808 9288/2052 E-mail: linguis@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/linguistics
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Code
51128 – 788(120)
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on aspects of the phenomenon of second languages which are central to various
forms of language practice, and investigates specifically the nature, properties and acquisition of second
languages from a general linguistic and psycholinguistic perspective. You take three compulsory modules:
one in the first semester and two in the second semester. One of the modules in the second semester is a
self-study module in which you have a limited choice regarding the topic of study, and which is aimed at the
deepening of knowledge. This self-study module is assessed by means of an examination.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over a minimum of one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10055 : General Linguistic Perspective 771(48)
10056 : Psycholinguistic Perspective 772(48)
10058 : Perspective on Second Languages 747(24)
Programme Leader: Prof F Southwood
Tel: 021 808 2010/2052 E-mail: linguis@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/linguistics
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
You take three compulsory modules. The base module is offered in the first semester and focuses on central
assumptions and concepts in modern linguistic research. The specialisation module is offered in the second
and third terms and offers you the opportunity of specialising in one of the following domains:
• The structure of language
• The use of language
• Critical Discourse Analysis
• Sociolinguistics
• Second-language acquisition
• Intercultural communication
• Psycholinguistics
• Sign Language linguistics
• Child language acquisition and language impairment
In the research module, which extends over the second semester, you conduct limited individual research
on a topic falling within your specific specialisation domain. You choose your domain of study in consultation
with the Department. Your choice is determined by the availability of supervisors.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over a minimum of one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12933 : Base Module (General Linguistics) 772(60)
12934 : Specialised Module (General Linguistics) 741(30)
12935 : Research Assignment (General Linguistics) 742(30)
Programme Leader: Dr M Oostendorp
Tel: 021 808 9288/2052 E-mail: linguis@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/linguistics
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on language phenomena in the following domains:
• The structure of language
• The use of language
• Critical Discourse Analysis
• Sociolinguistics
• Second-language acquisition
• Intercultural communication
• Psycholinguistics
• Sign Language linguistics
• Child language acquisition and language impairment
You can choose between two options. Both options require independent research on problematic
phenomena in one of the domains mentioned above. In Option 1, the results of the research are presented in
the form of a 100% thesis, and in Option 2 in the form of a 50% thesis. Option 2 requires further advanced
study in one or more themes in linguistics, for which you must complete a series of assignments in the first
semester. You choose your study theme in consultation with the Department. Your choice is determined by
the availability of supervisors and your academic background and interests.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12798 : Thesis (General Linguistics) 876(180)
Please note: This option does not admit new students.
Compulsory Modules
12799 : Themes in General Linguistics 873(90)
12798 : Thesis (General Linguistics) 844(90)
Programme Leader: Prof F Southwood
Tel: 021 808 2010/2052 E-mail: linguis@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/linguistics
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the linguistic aspects of intercultural communication in various domains,
including the business sector, health, education, law and the public sector. These aspects are investigated
from a variety of theoretical perspectives including those offered by contrastive and ethnographic
approaches, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, (critical) discourse analysis and grammatical analysis.
You can choose between two options. Both options require independent research on problematic
phenomena in one of the domains mentioned above. In Option 1, the results of the research are presented in
the form of a 100% thesis, and in Option 2 in the form of a 50% thesis. Option 2 requires further advanced
study of various theoretical approaches to intercultural communication and the accompanying research
methodologies, for which you must complete a series of assignments in the first semester. You choose your
study theme in consultation with the Department. Your choice is determined by the availability of supervisors
and your academic background, interests and professional needs.
Please note: You may write your assignments and thesis in Afrikaans if your supervisor(s) and the concerned
examiners are proficient in Afrikaans.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12801 : Thesis (Intercultural Communication) 876(180)
Please note: This option does not admit new students.
Compulsory Modules
10052 : Theoretical Approaches 876(45)
10053 : Research Approaches and Methods 874(45)
12801 : Thesis (Intercultural Communication) 875(90)
Programme Leader: Dr M Oostendorp
Tel: 021 808 2006/2052 E-mail: linguis@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/linguistics
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on aspects of the phenomenon of second languages which are central to various
forms of language practice. These aspects are investigated from various theoretical perspectives, including
sociolinguistic and cross-cultural perspectives. You can choose between two options. Both options require
independent research on a problematic aspect of second languages:
• Option 1 – The results of your research are presented in the form of a thesis of 180 credits.
• Option 2 – The results of your research are presented in the form of a thesis of 90 credits.
Option 2 requires further advanced study of two themes in second-language investigation, for which you
must complete a series of assignments in the first semester. You choose your study theme in consultation
with the Department. Your choice is determined by the availability of supervisors and your academic
background, professional needs and interests.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12802 : Thesis (Second-language Studies) 876(180)
Please note: This option does not admit new students.
Compulsory Modules
10060 : Sociolinguistic Perspective 874(45)
12802 : Thesis (Second-language Studies) 846(90)
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following modules.
10061 : Cross-cultural Perspectives 875(45)
10062 : Language Disorder (Second-language Learners) 876(45)
Programme Leader: Prof F Southwood
Tel: 021 2010/2052 E-mail: linguis@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/linguistics
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on one or more general linguistic theories and the linguistic methodology
associated with these theories. The work is structured on an individual basis in the form of a carefully
planned research project.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
10294 : General Linguistics 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof F Southwood
Tel: 021 808 2010/2052 E-mail: linguis@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/linguistics
Programme Structure
The study of the systematic disciplines of urban, tourism, social and physical geography, environmental
impact analysis, disaster risk and development, and their application in a geographical research field.
The modules of this programme (with the exception of Module 743 that is presented throughout the year)
are presented in block periods. These modules are presented weekly in four lectures and four practicals.
Duration of Programme
The programme normally begins in the last week of January and concludes in November.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
14033 : Geographical Research Application 743(30)
Elective Modules
Choose three of the following modules. Please note that not all elective modules are necessarily presented
each year.
10131 : Urban Analysis and Synthesis 714(30)
11887 : Tourism Analysis and Synthesis 715(30)
63371 : Environmental Analysis and Synthesis 711(30)
13134 : Disaster Risk Science and Development 712(30)
14034 : GIS applications 771(30)
14259 : Applications in Geomorphology 771(30)
Programme Leader: Prof R Donaldson
Tel: 021 808 2395 E-mail: rdonaldson@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/geography
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The study of the systematic disciplines of urban or tourism geography, in-depth knowledge of, and
advanced skills in, the basic principles of geographical information systems and their application in a human
geographical research field.
The programme is presented weekly in four lectures and four practicals.
Duration of Programme
The programme normally begins in the last week of January and concludes in November.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
49611 : Geographical Information Systems 713(30)
12187 : Spatial Modelling and Geographical Communication 716(30)
10130 : Geographical Research Application 743(30)
63398 : Advanced Remote Sensing 712(30)
Programme Leader: Dr J Kemp
Tel: 021 808 9147 E-mail: jkemp@sun.ac.za
Website: https://www0.sun.ac.za/geography
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the study and resolution of human-environmental problems, environmental
disasters and urban or tourism phenomena from a spatial perspective.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
11660 : Thesis (Geography and Environmental Studies A) 872(180)
Programme Leader: Dr M Spocter
Tel: 021 808 3095 E-mail: mspocter@sun.ac.za
Website: https://www0.sun.ac.za/geography
Programme Structure
The implementation, management and application of GIS for managing resources and for spatial analysis
and modelling of human geographical phenomena, disasters and problems.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12188 : Thesis (GIS) 872(180)
Programme Leader: Prof A van Niekerk
Tel: 021 808 3101 E-mail: avn@sun.ac.za
Website: https://www0.sun.ac.za/geography
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
Please note: This option does not provide access to registration with SACPLAN.
The programme comprises a 180-credit research thesis plus possible further prerequisites. The thesis deals
with the study and solving of a relevant urban and regional planning problem.
This option could possibly lead to registration with SACPLAN, subject to accreditation by SACPLAN.
The programme comprises a course work component of 130 credits and 130 credit research thesis in the
second year of study which deals with the study and solving of a relevant urban and regional planning and
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
13151 : Thesis (Urban and Regional Planning) 871(180)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
First year:
13299 : Social Systems 812(10)
13300 : Spatial Economic Systems 812(10)
13302 : Urban Systems 812(10)
13301 : Urban Form and Function 871(20)
13306 : GIS Analysis 812(10)
13310 : Planning Practice 871(20)
11434 : Planning Legislation 871(15)
11435 : Planning Theory 871(15)
11433 : Planning Design 871(20)
Second year:
13151 : Thesis (Urban and Regional Planning) 876(130)
Programme Leader: Dr DJ du Plessis
Tel: 021 808 3104 E-mail: ddp@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/cruise
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme comprises a research thesis of 180 credits plus other possible prescribed co-requirements
and deals with the study and resolution of a relevant urban and regional science problem.
The programme comprises a course work component of 80 credits and a research thesis of 100 credits. The
thesis deals with the study and resolution of a relevant urban and regional science problem.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12568 : Thesis (Urban and Regional Science) 872(180)
Compulsory Modules
12568 : Thesis (Urban and Regional Science) 871(100)
13299 : Social Systems 812(10)
13300 : Spatial Economic Systems 812(10)
13304 : Migration Systems 812(10)
13309 : Urban Management 812(10)
13305 : Statistical Analysis 812(10)
13302 : Urban Systems 812(10)
13301 : Urban Form and Function 812(10)
13306 : GIS Analysis 812(10)
Programme Leader: Dr DJ du Plessis
Tel: 021 808 3104 E-mail: ddp@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/cruise
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the study and resolution of human-environmental problems and urban or
tourism-related phenomena from a spatial perspective.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
49905 : Geography and Environmental Studies A 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof G Visser
Tel: 021 808 3105 E-mail: gevisser@sun.ac.za
Website: https://www0.sun.ac.za/geography
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on systemic applications in the planning of urban and regional systems.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
11466 : Urban and Regional Planning 978(360)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Dr DJ du Plessis
Tel: 021 808 3104 E-mail: ddp@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/cruise
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on systemic applications in the science of urban and regional systems.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12569 : Urban and Regional Science 978(360)
Programme Leader: Dr DJ du Plessis
Tel: 021 808 3104 E-mail: ddp@sun.ac.za
Website: and www0.sun.ac.za/cruise
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the theoretical aspects of History as a scholarly discipline and on selected
themes from International, African and South African History
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10137 : Theoretical History 771(60)
10139 : South African History 771(20)
10140 : Assignment (Theoretical/South African History) 771(40)
Programme Leader: Dr A Ehlers
Tel: 021 808 2177 E-mail: aehl@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/history
3.8.2 MA (History)
Programme Code
13463 – 879(180)
Programme Structure
A thesis in History which is based on original research on primary sources must be completed. The
programme focuses on those aspects of the past listed in the areas of specialisation.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12826 : Thesis (History) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Prof W Visser
Tel: 021 808 2177 E-mail: wpv@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/history
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme entails the writing of a dissertation based on the results of your independent original
research on a specific research problem.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
13463 : History 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof W Visser
Tel: 021 808 2177 E-mail: wpv@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/history
Programme Structure
The programme consists of six compulsory modules taken over two years. Students must at least pass two
of the three modules in their first year to be able to advance to the second year.
Duration of Programme
This is a one-year programme that is presented over two years.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
First year
Compulsory Modules
13639 : Management and Organisation 771(20)
55654 : Knowledge Management 771(20)
13640 : Knowledge Economy and Dynamics 771(20)
Second year
Compulsory Modules
13642 : Knowledge Management Practice 771(20)
13643 : Knowledge Management Systems 771(20)
13688 : Integrated Evaluation 771(20)
Programme Leader: Mr C Maasdorp
Tel: 021 808 2423 E-mail: chm2@sun.ac.za
Departmental e-mail address: mikm@sun.ac.za
Website: www.informatics.sun.ac.za/ikm
Programme Code
11852 – 778(120)
Selection of students in accordance with the University’s official selection policy may be unavoidable due to
the limited number of students that can be accommodated in the programme.
Duration of Programme
Twelve months.
Programme Description
The purpose of the programme is twofold. Firstly, it aims to consolidate and deepen the knowledge and
skills of students with bachelor’s degrees in the area of Informatics. In doing so the programme aims to
deliver a mature graduate with a holistic understanding of information systems as socio-technical
phenomena operating in the context of social collectives. Due to the nature of the content covered in the
programme, it is envisaged that graduates would be more suited to managerial positions in ISM contexts, as
opposed to junior developer/analyst positions. The second purpose of the programme is to introduce
students to the various aspects of conducting research in the fields of Informatics, Information Systems,
Knowledge Management and others. As part of the programme students are expected to conduct a research
assignment (30 credits).
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme content
A minimum of 120 credits.
Compulsory modules
13365 : Advanced Information Systems Theory and Practice 771(30)
13368 : Computing in Information Systems 771(30)
13368 : Information and Knowledge in Organisations 771(30)
13369 : Research Assignment Information Systems Management 771(30)
3.9.3 MA (Socio-Informatics)
Programme Code
58173 – 879(180)
Programme Structure
This MA programme focuses on the development of research capacity in the field of Socio-Informatics by
means of an independent execution of a research project under supervision which leads to a thesis of 120 to
140 pages.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12833 : Thesis (Socio-Informatics) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Dr D le Roux
Tel: 021 808 3803 E-mail: dbleroux@sun.ac.za
Departmental e-mail address: informatics@sun.ac.za
Website: www.informatics.sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
This programme consists of a research component only.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12828 : Thesis (Decision-making and Knowledge Dynamics) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Mr C Maasdorp
Tel: 021 808 2423 E-mail: chm2@sun.ac.za
Website: www.informatics.sun.ac.za
Programme Structure
The programme consists of a thesis of 120 to 140 pages.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12832 : Thesis (Information and Knowledge Management) 872(180)
Programme Leader: Mr C Maasdorp
Tel: 021 808 2423 E-mail: chm2@sun.ac.za
Departmental e-mail address: informatics@sun.ac.za
Website: www.informatics.sun.ac.za/mikm
Programme Structure
The programme consists of the design, planning, execution, assessment and publication of an independent
and original research project, in line with the general requirements for doctoral dissertations set by the
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12827 : Decision-making and Knowledge Dynamics 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof B Watson
Tel: 021 808 2423 E-mail: bwwatson@sun.ac.za
Website: www.informatics.sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme consists of the execution of an independent and original research project leading up to a
dissertation of 250 to 300 pages.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
58173 : Socio-Informatics 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof B Watson
Tel: 021 808 2423 E-mail: bwwatson@sun.ac.za
Departmental e-mail address: informatics@sun.ac.za
Website: www.informatics.sun.ac.za
Programme Structure
The programme includes classes from February to November, career-oriented assessment, theoretical and
practical tests, an internship at an approved media institution, as well as an in-depth project. The practical
component includes regular contributions to MatieMedia, a digital community news publication.
The programme is presented as an intensive full-time 24/7 course consisting of practicals and theory.
The degree is awarded at the March graduation.
Duration of Programme
The BAHons programme in journalism is a one-year programme that begins in February.
Programme Content
The career requirements are set according to the standards of the South African National Editors’ Forum
(SANEF). The programme consists of a package of modules that supplement each other.
Arts and Social Sciences
Compulsory Modules
10152 : Journalism Practice 772(30)
10156 : Media Studies 772(20)
13644 : Media Entrepreneurship 772(10)
13645 : Multiplatform Journalism 772(15)
10159 : Assignment (Journalism) 771(30)
10158 : Specialist Journalism 772(15)
Programme Leader: Ms M Jordaan
Tel: 021 808 3488 E-mail: marenet@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/journalism
3.10.2 MA (Journalism)
Programme Codes
38725 – 879(180)
38725 – 889(180)
Programme Structure
The MA in Journalism is based on two possible structures as per the module description below. The
programme is based on individual interaction between you and your lecturer, but attendance of two
residential seminars in the first year of registration is compulsory. A thesis must be done.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12834 : Thesis (Journalism) 871(180)
Compulsory Modules
14538: Theory and Method Review 871(90)
12834: Thesis (Journalism) 883(90)
Programme Leader: Dr G Botma
Tel: 021 808 3488 E-mail: gbotma@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/journalism/Pages/default.aspx
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The writing of a dissertation. Also consult Part 1 (General) of the Calendar.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
38725 : Journalism 978(360)
Programme Leader: Dr G Botma
Tel: 021 808 3488 E-mail: gbotma@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/journalism
Programme Code
12848 – 788(120)
Programme Structure
The programme comprises a study of, and training in, technology-assisted language pedagogics which
leads to a broad but critical insight into this complex and continually changing direction of studies. The
programme familiarizes you with relevant concepts, principles and techniques of language learning and
teaching, and with technology and its applications. It enables you to critically evaluate, design, create and
deliver material for language learning through technology.
Arts and Social Sciences
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year on a full-time basis.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12850 : Research Assignment (TeLL) 772(20)
12053 : HTML Development LL (TeLL) 774(25)
12051 : Multimedia Development (TeLL) 772(25)
12052 : Theoretical Perspectives CALL (TeLL) 773(25)
12050 : Theoretical Perspectives SLA(TeLL) 771(25)
Programme Leader: Prof C du Toit
Tel: 021 808 2063 E-mail: cdt@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
Programme Structure
The one module consists of different topics in Chinese language, literature and culture presented in weekly
seminars. During seminars, you submit assignments and do oral presentations on specific topics. The other
module comprises an independent research project for which you must do your own research. You will be
given the opportunity to attend an intensive three-month course at a Chinese university.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
11303 : Chinese and Aspects of Cultural Mediation 771(90)
12190 : Project (Chinese Literature, Culture or Language) 772(30)
Programme Leader: Mr Allen Luo
Tel: 021 808 2033 E-mail: lx@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The one module consists of three topics in German Literature presented in weekly seminars. During
seminars, you submit assignments and do oral presentations on specific topics. The other module comprises
the writing of a research assignment for which you must do independent research.
The programme is presented on a weekly basis in four lectures and two seminars.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10172 : German Literature and Aspects of Cultural Mediation 771(90)
10173 : Assignment (German Literature) 772(30)
Programme Leader: Dr I dos Santos
Tel: 021 808 2065 E-mail: icds@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
Programme Structure
The module French Literature and Aspects of Cultural Mediation consists of three topics in French literature
and translation practices presented in weekly seminars. During seminars, you submit assignments and do
oral presentations on specific topics. The Assignment module comprises the writing of a research
assignment for which independent research is done. The topic of the assignment is confirmed in consultation
with the French Section.
The programme is presented on a weekly basis in four lectures and two seminars.
Arts and Social Sciences
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year on a full-time basis.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10174 : French Literature and Aspects of Cultural Mediation 771(90)
10175 : Assignment (French Literature) 772(30)
Programme Leader: Prof C du Toit
Tel: 021 808 2063 E-mail: cdt@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
3.11.5 MA (German)
Programme Codes
26107 – 879(180)
26107 – 889(180)
Programme Structure
You either write a full thesis of 180 credits or enrol for approved modules (90 credits) at Leipzig University
and write a thesis of 90 credits. The topic of the thesis is decided in consultation with the Department.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12570 : Thesis (German) 871(180)
Compulsory Modules
12570 : Thesis (German) 872(90)
12571 : Foreign Module (German) 873(90)
Programme Leader: Dr I dos Santos
Tel: 021 808 2065 E-mail: icds@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
Arts and Social Sciences
3.11.6 MA (French)
Programme Code
13145 – 879(180)
Programme Structure
The topic of the thesis is determined in consultation with the Department.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12847 : Thesis (French) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Prof C du Toit
Tel: 021 808 2063 E-mail: cdt@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
Programme Code
12848 – 879(180)
Programme Structure
You write a thesis on an aspect of technology for language learning which you decide in consultation with
the Department.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12851 : Thesis (Technology in Language Learning) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Prof MCK du Toit
Tel: 021 808 2063 E-mail: cdt@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
Programme Structure
You write a dissertation on a topic selected in consultation with the Department.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
26107 : German 978(360)
Programme Leader: Dr I dos Santos
Tel: 021 808 2065 E-mail: icds@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
Programme Structure
The PhD entails the writing of a dissertation the topic of which is determined in consultation with the
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
13145 : French 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof C du Toit
Tel: 021 808 2063 E-mail: cdt@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
Programme Structure
You write a dissertation on a topic related to the subject field of Comparative Literature. The topic is selected
in consultation with the supervisor.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
57479 : Comparative Literature 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof C du Toit
Tel: 021 808 2063 E-mail: cdt@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/forlang
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
Advanced theory and practical applications in the field of film music.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
13295 : Film Music Creation 771(48)
32964 : Composition 771(24)
44717 : Musicology 771(36)
10385 : Research Methodology (Music) 771(12)
Programme Leader: Dr G Roux
E-mail: groux@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/music
Programme Structure
Advanced theory and practical applications in the field of Music Technology.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
50652 : Music Technology 776(120)
Programme Leader: Dr G Roux
E-mail: groux@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/music
3.12.3 BMusHons
Programme Code
16446 – 778(120)
Programme Structure
You choose one of the specialisation fields of the BMusHons programme in consultation with the
departmental chairperson while also taking the undergraduate qualification into consideration.
You choose one of the following specialisation fields:
• Composition;
• Music Education;
• Musicology and Music Technology; or
• Practical Music Study.
Each specialisation field consists of two components:
• A major component that consists of the contents from the chosen field of specialisation, and
• Research Methodology.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one year on a full-time basis.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
13524 : Specialisation Module (Music) 711(70)
10385 : Research Methodology (Music) 711(20)
10797 : Assignment (Music) 711(30)
Programme Leader: Dr P Grobler
Tel: 021 808 2375 E-mail: postgradmusic@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
3.12.4 MMus
Programme Codes
Codes for Music
• 16446 – 879(180)
• 16446 – 889(180)
Code for Composition
• 32964 – 889(180)
Code for Practical Music Study
• 59781 – 889(180)
Programme Structure
The programme makes provision for the acquisition of research skills in the form of either a thesis of 180
credits or a thesis of 90 credits. The 180-credit thesis can involve theoretical work OR a combination of
creative and theoretical work (practice-based research), which is examined as a single project. The 90-credit
thesis forms part of a structured programme, which can also include assignments, compositions or the public
performance of concert programmes.
Please note:
• The options under the programme code 16446 Music refer exclusively to the Musicology, Music
Education, Music Technology and Practice-based Research routes. The option under the 12852
Thesis module code can involve exclusively theoretical work OR a combination of creative and
theoretical work that is examined as a single project.
• The option under the programme code 32946 Composition consists of the completion of an
approved portfolio of works, at least one of which must be of considerable scope (e.g. an orchestral
• The option under the programme code 59781 Practical Music Study consists of the public
performance of three approved concert programmes to be performed within one year.
Programme Content
879 Music Option:
Compulsory Module
12852 : Thesis (Music) 871(180)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Dr P Grobler
Tel: 021 808 2375 E-mail: postgradmusic@sun.ac.za
Programme Structure
The programme consists of advanced theory and practical applications in the field of film music.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
32964 : Composition 874(90)
13296 : Thesis (Film Music) 871(90)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Dr G Roux
E-mail: groux@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/music
Programme Structure
The programme comprises advanced technological and research skills in music technology and multimedia.
As a qualified individual you must be able to apply and develop technology in a meaningful and responsible
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12855 : Thesis (Music Technology) 876(180)
Compulsory Modules
12855 : Thesis (Music Technology) 871(90)
11901 : Subject Related Studies (Music Technology) 872(90)
Programme Leader: Dr G Roux
E-mail: groux@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/music
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
Doctoral degrees in the arts are research degrees culminating in a dissertation. The study as a whole can
consist of theoretical work or it can be the result of an integrated study of the creative processes and
theoretical work which are reported in the dissertation. The unique nature of the integrated option is derived
from the coherence and interdependency of the study of the creative processes and theoretical dimensions
of the research leading to an original contribution to knowledge of and insight into the arts. All material
presented for the dissertation, including the creative work, should be in a format that can be archived and
thereby be available to other users.
Duration of Programme
The minimum period for enrolment is two years.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
16446 : Music 978(360)
Programme Leader: Dr Prof M Nell
Tel: 021 808 2375 E-mail: postgradmusic@sun.ac.za
Programme Structure
The programme gives direction on the nature and important problem areas of applied ethics and prepares
you for further postgraduate studies in applied ethics.
Arts and Social Sciences
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year. Lectures are presented in two block periods of two weeks
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12822 : The Methodology of Case Studies in Applied Ethics 744(30)
12820 : Introduction to Ethics and Applied Ethics 714(30)
12819 : Introduction to Philosophy and Critical Thinking Skills 714(30)
12821 : Contemporary Trends in Moral Philosophy 744(30)
Programme Leader: Prof AA van Niekerk
Tel: 021 808 2418 E-mail: aavn@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/philosophy/centre-for-applied-ethics
Programme Structure
Substitute modules can be followed in other departments and/or at other universities. Consult the
Department for more information.
The programme is presented in six lectures and two tutorials per week.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year on a full-time basis. Lectures begin in the first week of
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10673 : Subdisciplines (Philosophy) 711(45)
10762 : Movements (Philosophy) 741(45)
10763 : Assignment (Philosophy) 771(30)
Programme Leader: Dr JP Smit
Tel: 021 808 2418 E-mail: jps@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/philosophy
Arts and Social Sciences
3.13.3 MA (Philosophy)
Programme Codes
12882 – 879(180)
12882 – 889(180)
Programme Structure
The programme entails the focusing, intensification and deepening of advanced training in the study and
practise of Philosophy, with an eye towards independent research. In keeping with existing agreements with
foreign universities, you can follow substitute modules at other universities, while remaining enrolled at
Stellenbosch University on a full-time basis. This is only possible if substitute components followed in other
countries can receive full recognition instead of module 10764 Self Study (Philosophy) 872. Consult the
Department for more information.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12818 : Thesis (Philosophy) 872(180)
Compulsory Modules
10764 : Self Study (Philosophy) 872(90)
12818 : Thesis (Philosophy) 873(90)
Programme Leader: Prof L du Toit
Tel: 021 808 2056 E-mail: louisedt@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/philosophy
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme comprises specialised teaching and training in research in one of four areas in specialisation
of applied ethics:
• Biomedical ethics;
• Business ethics;
• Environmental ethics; or
• Social and political ethics.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12824 : Thesis (Applied Ethics) 874(90)
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following modules.
10772 : Biomedical Ethics 874(90)
59277 : Business Ethics 874(90)
10769 : Environmental Ethics 874(90)
14258 : Social and Political Ethics 874(90)
Programme Leader: Prof AA van Niekerk
Tel: 021 808 2055 E-mail: aavn@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/philosophy/centre-for-applied-ethics
Programme Structure
The programme comprises the completion of a dissertation that is the result of independent and original
research on a philosophical problem.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12882 : Philosophy 978(360)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Prof AA van Niekerk
Tel: 021 808 2418 E-mail: aavn@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/philosophy/postgraduate-programmes/phd-2
Programme Structure
The programme comprises the completion of a doctoral dissertation that is the result of independent and
original research on a philosophical problem.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
50075 : Applied Ethics 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof AA van Niekerk
Tel: 021 808 2418 E-mail: aavn@sun.ac.za
Website: www0.sun.ac.za/philosophy/postgraduate-programmes/phd-2
Programme Structure
The programme comprises the intensive study of a number of selected focus areas in International Relations
and International Political Economy. It is aimed at decision makers and analysts who require a thorough
understanding of dynamics of the world political economy and how South Africa functions within it. The
programme also serves as preparation for the MA (International Studies). The outcomes and a detailed
description of the programme are available on the Department’s website and in our postgraduate brochures.
The programme is presented on a weekly basis in six lectures and three seminars.
Arts and Social Sciences
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12973 : Research Methodology 772(15)
13880 : Quantitative Research Skills (SPSS) 742(15)
14039 : Selected Themes (International Studies) 771(60)
12857 : Research Assignment (International Studies) 771(30)
Programme Leader: Dr C Steenekamp
Tel: 021 808 2115 E-mail: cindylee@sun.ac.za
Programme Structure
The programme comprises the intensive study of a number of selected focus areas in Political Science. It is
aimed at decision makers and analysts who require a thorough understanding of political processes and
behaviour within South African society. The outcomes of the programme are available on the Department’s
website and in our postgraduate brochures.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
13880 : Quantitative Research Skills (SPSS) 742(15)
10178 : Research Methodology (Political Science) 772(15)
10180 : Selected Themes (Political Science) 772(60)
12856 : Research Assignment (Political Science) 772(30)
Programme Leader: Dr C Steenekamp
Tel: 021 808 2115 E-mail: cindylee@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Code
50148 – 889(180)
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the dynamics of interdependence, the actors and the structures of the
contemporary global political economy. It is aimed at decision makers in the public and private sectors who
are confronted by and must develop strategies in a world which is subject to the dynamics of political,
economic and technological globalisation. The outcomes of the programme are available on the
Department’s website and in our postgraduate brochures.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10181 : Selected Themes (International Studies) 871(60)
12864 : Thesis (International Studies) 872(120)
Programme Leader: Prof J van der Westhuizen
Tel: 021 808 2502 E-mail: jvdw2@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/polwet
Programme Codes
44687 – 879(180)
44687 – 889(180)
Programme Structure
The general aim of this programme is the development of a thorough understanding of political events,
processes and tendencies based on methodologically accountable and theoretically informed empirical
research. The programme also aims to train you as researcher to make professional contributions to the
discipline of Political Science.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12863 : Thesis (Political Science) 871(180)
Compulsory Modules
12863 : Thesis (Political Science) 872(120)
10180 : Selected Themes (Political Science) 871(60)
Programme Leader: Prof J van der Westhuizen
Tel: 021 808 2502 E-mail: jvdw2@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/polwet
Programme Structure
You write a dissertation, under supervision, on a selected topic in Political Science or International Studies.
The aim of the programme is to enable you to acquire an in-depth understanding of political events,
processes and tendencies, based on methodologically defendable and theoretically informed research.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
44687 : Political Science 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof J van der Westhuizen
Tel: 021 808 2502 E-mail: jvdw2@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/polwet
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme structure
This is a postgraduate diploma which includes course work and practical assignments.
The programme focuses on the development of leadership and capacity in the field of Public Mental Health.
It also aims to develop basic research skills, particularly with respect to the ability to interpret and use
research findings in the development of services.
The programme is designed to be relevant and accessible to full-time working health and development
Duration of Programme
The programme is normally available over one year or two years. Only the one-year option is offered at the
moment. Enquiries in this regard can be directed to the programme leader.
The programme is presented in hybrid mode. This enables students to learn by means of longer periods of
asynchronous online learning, as well as real-time online interactions and blocks of on-campus interactions.
Programme Content
The programme requires the completion of four compulsory modules, each of which involves practical
assignments that relate to the ongoing work that you conduct in your work environment.
Year 2
12196 : Mental Health Epidemiology 771(30)
12198 : Interventions for Mental Health 771(30)
Programme Leader: Prof SA Kagee
Tel: 021 808 3442 E-mail: skagee@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/psychology/Pages/default.aspx
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme is presented in English.
The programme focuses on advanced knowledge of human behaviour, intrapsychic as well as interpersonal,
normal as well as abnormal, individually as well as in group contexts. It also encompasses the application of
such knowledge in the multi-cultural South African society, particularly with regard to the understanding of
specific psychosocial problems and the development of intervention and preventative strategies. In addition,
the programme also focuses on the development of critical-analytical and problem-solving thinking skills, as
well as social-scientific research knowledge and skills.
Please note that the Honours programme at Stellenbosch University is an academic programme. It is not
designed to meet the requirements for the Professional Board for Psychology for registration as a
psychological counsellor or as a psychometrist, and does not serve as an entrance qualification for
internships in these areas. Professional training in this Department is offered only at master’s level.
Based on the credit values of modules (indicated in brackets after each module) a selection of modules is
made to a minimum of 120 credits for the programme.
Duration of Programme
The Honours programme in Psychology is a one-year full-time programme. Lectures begin in the first week
of February and is divided according to the undergraduate academic terms.
Programme Content
Depending on staff availability, certain modules may not be offered every year. For certain modules a
restriction may be placed on the number of students. If the demand for a specific module is too small in any
given year, that module may not be offered in that year.
Compulsory Modules
10042 : Research Methodology (Psychology) 771(25)
10206 : Research Assignment (Psychology) 772(30)
Elective Modules
Choose five of the following modules.
10207 : Psychotherapy 711(13)
10208 : Psychopathology 742(13)
10209 : Psychometry 741(13)
10210 : Vocational Psychology 712(13)
10211 : Family Psychology 715(13)
10212 : Community Psychology 714(13)
10213 : Child Psychology 716(13)
10214 : Cognitive Psychology 743(13)
10216 : Psychological Development of Women 744(13)
11558 : Interpersonal Relationships 711(13)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Dr AM Lesch
Tel: 021 808 3456 E-mail: alesch@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/psychology/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the identification and treatment of psychopathology in children and adults, as
well as on the development, implementation and assessment of preventative and remedial programmes.
The theoretical component is presented in English and consists of different modules which cover the broad
terrain of Clinical Psychology. The practical component of the programme requires you to be involved in the
diagnostic assessment and psychotherapeutic treatment of adults, children and families, and to undertake
individual community projects. You must be involved continuously throughout the year (approximately 15 to
20 hours per week) with the Welgevallen Community Psychological Clinic, community clinics and within
departmental community projects. An assignment, based on independent research under supervision, must
also be completed.
This programme satisfies the conditions and requirements of the Professional Board for Psychology for the
professional training of clinical psychologists and is accredited as such with the Professional Board. In order
to register as a clinical or psychologist the Professional Board for Psychology requires:
1. The successful completion of examinations and practical work;
2. A full-time internship of 12 months accredited by the Professional Board;
3. 12 months of community service; and
4. The successful completion of the Professional Board’s examination for psychologists.
Registration with the Board as a clinical psychologist is determined by whether a clinical accredited
internship has been completed. Details about internships and community service is available from the
programme leader.
Duration of Programme
The programme is presented full-time for the duration of one academic year.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
13883 : Assignment (Clinical Psychology) 875(60)
11561 : Professional Development 875(30)
13881 : Psychological Assessment 875(50)
13882 : Psychological Interventions 875(40)
Programme Leader: Prof E Lesch
Tel.: 021 808 3455 E-mail: el5@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/psychology/Pages/default.aspx
3.15.4 MA (Psychology)
Programme Code
18414 – 879(180)
Programme Structure
This programme focuses on the acquisition and broadening of knowledge in a specific area of Psychology. It
also aims to develop your research skills, particularly with respect to the planning and execution of research
and the reporting of research results. On completion of the thesis, in consultation with the supervisor, you
must prepare a paper for publication which is based on your research.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over a minimum period of one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12881 : Thesis (Psychology) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Dr C Pretorius
Tel: 021 808 3453 E-mail: chrismapretorius@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/psychology/Pages/default.aspx
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Code
12194 – 879(180)
Programme Structure
This research programme focuses on the acquisition and broadening of specialised knowledge in a specific
area of Public Mental Health. It also aims to develop research skills, particularly with respect to the planning
and execution of research and the reporting of research results. The programme is designed to be relevant
and accessible to full-time working health and development professionals.
The programme requires the preparation of a thesis of a minimum of 20,000 words in a required field of
public mental health. The thesis may be submitted in either monograph or publication-ready format. The
thesis must be related to the ongoing work you are conducting in your work environment. You must do
additional course work in support of the development of a research proposal.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over a minimum period of one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12192 : Thesis (Public Mental Health) 872(180)
Programme Leader: Prof SA Kagee
Tel: 021 808 3442 E-mail: skagee@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/psychology/Pages/default.aspx
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The doctoral programme in Psychology focuses on the broadening of knowledge in a specific area of
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over a minimum period of two academic years.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
18414 : Psychology 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof LP Swartz
Tel: 021 808 3450 E-mail: lswartz@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/psychology/Pages/default.aspx
Programme Structure
You must attend a workshop on research that does not contribute to the final mark, and conduct an
independent research project under the guidance of a supervisor. The outcomes of the programme have a
direct connection with a specific field in social work and satisfy the requirements that are set by the South
African Council for Social Service Professions.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over a period of at least one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12846 : Thesis (Social Work) 871(180)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Prof L Engelbrecht
Tel: 021 808 2073 E-mail: lke@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/social-work
Programme Structure
The programme consists primarily of self-study and consultation with the supervisor about your dissertation
and the research you are undertaking. You also attend research-related workshops. Your research is done in
a specific field of social work and must meet the requirements of the South African Council for Social Service
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over a minimum period of two academic years.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
15865 : Social Work 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof L Engelbrecht
Tel: 021 808 2073 E-mail: lke@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/social-work
Programme Code
50156 – 788(120)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
This programme focuses on the methodology of social science research and on specific application and
research skills. You complete a total of eight modules – two are compulsory and you select six from the
available elective modules.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year. Lectures begin in February.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
13646 : Social Research and Social Epistemology 711(15)
10264 : Principles of Research Design in Social Science 713(15)
Elective Modules
Choose six of the following modules. The Department reserves the right not to offer all elective modules in a
particular calendar year.
10265 : Survey Methodology 771(15)
10266 : Introduction to Social Statistics 713(15)
58874 : Capita Selecta 741(15)
10268 : Advanced Data Management and Data Analysis with SPSS* 713(15)
12578 : Case Study Methodology 741(15)
10271 : Qualitative Data Analysis 743(15)
10271 : Qualitative Data Analysis 744(15)
10269 : Ethnographic Research Methods 741(15)
10270 : Interviewing Methods 742(15)
10274 : Politics and Ethics of Social Research 743(15)
10267 : Programme Evaluation 714(15)
10267 : Programme Evaluation Design 715(15)
* SPSS=Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Mr J Vorster
Tel: 021 808 2417 E-mail: jhv3@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Programme Code
13135 – 788(120)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme aims to create a space for a diverse group of students to develop the theoretical and
methodological skills necessary to take on the social and political complexities of health and development in
Africa. The postgraduate diploma provides a strong conceptual foundation for theoretically and
methodologically grounded engagements with applied concerns around health and development, and
prepares you for professional work or further academic study.
This programme is hosted by the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology in collaboration with the
Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Division of Community Health, in the Faculty of Medicine
and Health Sciences. The purpose of the programme is to develop your capacity to investigate and think
critically about a range of questions to do with health and development broadly conceived.
The programme will pair a core set of required modules with methodological and topical electives. You will
be assigned an academic advisor, who will ensure that the programme is tailored to meet your specific
needs and interests.
Please note: If you want to follow the programme over a period longer than one academic year you can, in
consultation with the programme leader, enrol for those modules you want to follow in a particular year.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year. Lectures begin in February.
Programme Content
You must select two topical electives and two methods electives from the list below in addition to the
compulsory modules. The Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology reserves the right not to offer
all elective modules in a particular calendar year.
Compulsory Modules
13187 : Critical Theory for Transdisciplinary Research in Health and 771(30)
13189 : History, Politics and Ethics of Health and Development in 771(30)
Programme Leader: Dr E Prah
Tel: 021 808 2479 E-mail: eprah@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The Honours Programme focuses on the theoretical and methodological content of Social Anthropology,
and on specific application areas and research skills.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year. Lectures begin in February.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10232 : Selected Themes 741(30)
10489 : Assignment (Social Anthropology) 771(30)
10237 : Socio-Anthropological Theory 713(30)
10238 : Socio-Anthropological Research 714(30)
Programme Leader: Dr I van Wyk
Tel: 021 808 2420 E-mail: ilanavw@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Programme Structure
The Honours Programme focuses on the theoretical and methodological content of Sociology, and on
specific application areas and research skills.
Arts and Social Sciences
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year. Lectures begin in February.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10232 : Selected Themes 741(30)
10233 : Assignment (Sociology) 771(30)
10234 : Sociological Theory 711(30)
10236 : Sociological Research 712(30)
Programme Leader: Dr K Fakier
Tel: 021 808 2420 E-mail: kfakier@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Programme Structure
This programme focuses on the development of critical thought as well as theoretical and conceptual
research competence in a specialised area of social science research, such as the philosophy of science,
research ethics, the sociology of science and research management and/or with a strong methodological
You obtain the Master’s degree after completion of a 180-credit thesis.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12878 : Thesis (Social Science Methods) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Mr J Vorster
Tel: 021 808 2417 E-mail: jhv3@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
This programme focuses on the development of critical thought as well as theoretical, conceptual and
research competence in a specialised area. You choose your specialisation area in consultation with the
Department. The programme comprises the writing of a thesis containing the results of independent
research on a research problem. You must do additional course work in support of the development of a
research proposal.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12867 : Thesis (Social Anthropology) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Prof S Robins
Tel: 021 808 2417 E-mail: slr@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
3.17.7 MA (Sociology)
Programme Code
19003 – 879(180)
Programme Structure
This programme focuses on the development of critical thought as well as theoretical, conceptual and
research competence in a specialised area. You choose your specialisation area in consultation with the
Department. The programme comprises the writing of a thesis containing the results of independent
research on a research problem. You must do additional course work in support of the development of a
research proposal.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12865 : Thesis (Sociology) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Prof D Francis
Tel: 021 808 2417 E-mail: dafrancis@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Programme Structure
This programme focusses on the acquisition and broadening of knowledge in a specific area of Sociology or
Social Anthropology. It also aims to develop your ability to think critically about social issues related to
transformation in (South) Africa and to critically apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills to societal
problems. It includes an applied practice component.
The programme consists of four modules: You will receive a solid grounding in Social Theory and take a
module in Research Design and Ethics which provides the foundation for a thesis. You will also take a
module in Critical Transformation Studies where you select a topic which is most closely aligned to your
thesis. You choose between the elective of Public Sociology (Thesis) and Public Anthropology (Thesis). An
internship programme of a minimum of five weeks is linked to your thesis. You work on your thesis from the
start with your supervisor, and this runs concurrently with the modules which are structured to support the
development of your research proposal, research and the writing of your thesis.
Programme Content
13634 : Social Theory 871(30)
13635 : Research Design and Ethics 871(30)
13636 : Critical Transformation Studies 871(30)
13637 : Thesis (Public Sociology) 871(90)
13638 : Thesis (Public Anthropology) 871(90)
Programme Leader: Prof L Heinecken
Tel: 021 808 2417 E-mail: lindy@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme aims to create a space for a diverse group of students to address the complex social and
political challenges of health and development in Africa through theoretical and methodological research.
The specific option that you may register for in this MPhil is dependent on your training.
The first option (879) requires the writing of a thesis containing the results of independent research on a
research problem. You must do additional course work in support of the development of a research
proposal. Once the proposal is approved by the programme committee, you begin with the research,
analysis, and writing.
The second option (899) requires the completion of four modules and a research assignment.
Please note: If you want to follow the programme over a period longer than one academic year you can, in
consultation with the programme leader, enrol for those modules you want to follow in a particular year.
Duration of Programme
This programme extends over a minimum period of one academic year. Lectures begin in February.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
879 (Full thesis option):
13150 : Thesis (Transdisciplinary Health and Development Studies) 871(180)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Dr E Prah
Tel: 021 808 2479 E-mail: eprah@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Programme Structure
The programme entails the writing of a dissertation that contains the results of independent and original
research regarding a research problem and makes an authoritative contribution to knowledge in the field of
social science methods. You may be required to do additional coursework which entails the successful
completion of four structured modules.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
50156 : Social Science Methods 978(360)
Programme Leader: Mr J Vorster
Tel: 021 808 2417 E-mail: jhv3@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the theoretical and methodological aspects of social anthropology. It leads to
the development of your ability to be innovative and exploratory, and to apply your skills in certain problem
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
54186 : Social Anthropology 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof S Robins
Tel: 021 808 2417 E-mail: slr@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on the theoretical and methodological aspects of Sociology. It leads to the
development of your ability to be innovative and exploratory, and to apply your skills in certain problem
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
19003 : Sociology 978(360)
Programme Leader: Dr B Dubbled
Tel: 021 808 2417 E-mail: dubbled@sun.ac.za
Website: http://blogs.sun.ac.za/sociology
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme comprises a practical studio component and a theoretical component. The programme
focuses on an advanced level of contemporary illustration and is presented in two lectures, two seminars
and 20 practicals per week.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10107 : Drawing for Illustration 772(30)
10108 : Narrative Illustration 771(15)
10109 : Scientific Illustration 771(15)
10110 : Conceptual Illustration 771(15)
10113 : Theory of Illustration 772(15)
12869 : Research Project (Practice and Theory) 771(30)
Programme Leader: Ms M Kaden
Tel: 021 808 3593 E-mail: mjkaden@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/visual-arts
Programme Code
11802 – 778(120)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on an advanced level of contemporary theory in the field of Art History and, more
broadly, the field of visual studies and the complex factors underlying both the production and consumption
of ‘high’ and popular art forms, especially in South Africa and other African countries.
The programme is presented on a weekly basis in one lecture and two seminars.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year. Classes begin in February and conclude in November. The
degree is awarded at the March graduation ceremony.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12870 : Visual Studies Theory 771(30)
12871 : Contemporary Visual Practices 771(30)
12872 : Interdisciplinary Theory 771(30)
11925 : Assignment (Visual Studies) 771(30)
Programme Leader: Prof L van Robbroeck
Tel: 021 808 3048 E-mail: lvr2@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/visual-arts
Programme Structure
The programme requires the production of an integrated project in which creative processes (the practical
component) and a related theoretical investigation (a thesis) are combined. You must produce original art
works and a thesis that contextualises them theoretically, historically and philosophically. The programme
emphasises the development of critical thinking and argumentative abilities by encouraging independent
practical and theoretical research that must make a considerable contribution to the visual arts.
Arts and Social Sciences
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
11540 : Thesis (Visual Arts) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Ms L Moe
Tel: 072 299 8310 E-mail: ledelle@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/visual-arts
Programme Structure
This programme comprises various modules and a thesis. The programme emphasises the development of
critical thinking and argumentative abilities by encouraging independent theoretical research that must
make a contribution of considerable scope and depth to the broad discipline of visual art education.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12873 : Learning Theories 811(15)
12875 : Citizenship and Art Education 812(15)
12876 : Globalisation and Art Education 842(15)
13884 : Research Methods in the Arts 874(15)
11301 : Service Learning (Art Education) 874(30)
12877 : Thesis (Art education) 871(90)
Programme Leader: Prof E Costandius
Tel: 021 808 3053 E-mail: elmarie@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/visual-arts
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses on diverse aspects of visual culture, such as art, design, popular culture, film and
photography, as well as new media and art and cultural theory and criticism.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12868 : Thesis (Visual Studies) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Prof L van Robbroeck
Tel: 021 808 3048 E-mail: lvr2@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/visual-arts
Programme Structure
Doctoral degrees in the arts are research degrees culminating in a dissertation. The study as a whole can
consist of theoretical work or it can be the results of an integrated study of the creative processes and
theoretical work which are reported in a dissertation. The unique nature of the integrated option is derived
from the coherence and interdependency of the study of the creative process and theoretical dimensions of
the research leading to an original contribution to knowledge and insight into the arts.
You must present your research for comment on a regular basis. You must, from time to time, present
papers dealing with your research at seminars for informal discussion.
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
59846 : Visual Arts 978(360)
Programme Leader: Prof E Viljoen
Tel: 021 808 9087 E-mail: stella@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/arts/visual-arts
Programme Structure
You obtain the Postgraduate Diploma after the successful completion of five structured modules and a
research report. This programme focuses as a whole on the rigorous and systemic monitoring and
evaluation, both in the private and public sectors.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
10225 : Principles and Paradigms of Evaluation Studies 772(15)
10226 : Clarificatory Evaluation 772(15)
10228 : Process Evaluation and Programme Monitoring 772(15)
10229 : Data Collection Methods for Evaluation Research 772(15)
10230 : Statistical and Qualitative Analysis Methods for Evaluation 772(15)
12579 : Evaluation Report 772(45)
Programme Leader: Dr L Wildschut
Tel: 021 808 4866 E-mail: lauren@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/crest
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme comprises four compulsory modules. The four modules will be presented in sequence:
modules 1 and 2 in the first year of the two-year programme, and modules 3 and 4 in the second year of the
two-year programme. For each module, students must do independent self-study of prescribed material in
preparation for lectures to be presented in block periods on the main campus at SU. Additional academic
input will be provided in the form of technologically mediated group tutorials.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over two academic years.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
14199 : Research Landscape in Africa 771(15)
14198 : Management of Research and Research-related Information 771(35)
14197 : Research Grants Management 771(35)
14196 : Research Integrity and Ethics 771(35)
Programme Leader: Prof Nelius Boshoff
Tel: 021 808 3708 E-mail: scb@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/crest
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme focuses as a whole on accurate and systematic monitoring and evaluation in both the
private and public sectors.
You obtain the Master’s degree with the completion of eight modules of 15 credits each and a research
assignment of 60 credits.
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
12884 : Data Collection and Data Management for Evaluation 871(15)
12885 : Evaluation Theory 871(15)
12887 : Indicators and Measurement for Evaluation 871(15)
12886 : Impact Evaluation Design 871(15)
12888 : Qualitative Analysis for Evaluation Data 871(15)
12889 : Statistics for Evaluation 871(15)
12891 : Research Assignment (Monitoring and Evaluation) 871(60)
12932 : The Managing of a Monitoring and Evaluation Portfolio 871(15)
Elective Modules
Choose one of the following modules.
12892 : Evaluation in the Public Sector 871(15)
12893 : Evaluation of Public Health Interventions 871(15)
12894 : African Evaluation Case Studies 871(15)
12895 : Politics and Ethics of Evaluation 871(15)
Programme Leader: Dr L Wildschut
Tel: 021 808 3708 E-mail: lauren@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/crest
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The one-year programme focuses on the social study of science and technology. It comprises three options:
• General;
• Research Management and Evaluation; and
• Science and Public Engagement.
You obtain the Master’s degree after completion of eight modules of 15 credits each and a research
assignment of 60 credits.
The “Science and Public Engagement” option in the MPhil programme focuses on the relationship between
science and society from a “sociology of science” perspective. If you are interested in the study of science
mass communication (including science journalism), contact the Department of Journalism for more
Duration of Programme
The programme extends over one academic year.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules for all options
10279 : Sociology of Science 871(15)
10280 : Science Policy Themes 871(15)
12936 : Assignment (Science and Technology Studies) 871(60)
Programme Leader: Dr N Boshoff
Tel: 021 808 3708 E-mail: scb@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/crest
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The program entails the writing of a dissertation that contains the results of your independent and original
research on a research problem.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
12883 : Evaluation Studies 978(360)
Programme Leader: Dr L Wildschut
Tel: 021 808 3708 E-mail: lauren@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/crest
Programme Structure
The programme entails the writing of a dissertation that contains the results of your independent and original
research on a research problem. You must do compulsory additional coursework which entails the
successful completion of four structured modules.
Programme Content
Compulsory Module
51225 : Science and Technology Studies 978(360)
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Leader: Dr N Boshoff
Tel: 021 808 3708 E-mail: scb@sun.ac.za
Website: www.sun.ac.za/crest
Programme Content
The programme develops your understanding of disaster risk and risk reduction, and the interplay between
the physical environment and social conditions that undermine development.
Compulsory Modules
13134 : Disaster Risk Science and Development 712(30)
13691 : Community Risk Assessment 771(30)
13742 : Risk and Development 771(30)
Programme Leader: Dr R Pharoah
Tel.: 021 808 9492 E-mail: robynpharoah@sun.ac.za
Web address: https://www0.sun.ac.za/geography
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Structure
The programme comprises a coursework component of 90 credits and a research thesis of 90 credits.
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
13136 : Disaster Risk Assessment and Analysis 871(30)
13134 : Disaster Risk Science and Development 871(30)
13181 : Thesis (Disaster Risk Science and Development) 871(90)
Elective Modules
Choose two of the following modules. Please note that the module GIS for Risk Reduction is compulsory if
you do not have training in geographical information systems (GIS).
13182 : GIS for Risk Reduction 871(15)
11179 : Environmental Issues 771(15)
11919 : Environmental Governance 771(15)
58718 : Sustainable Development 771(15)
11199 : Sustainable Cities 775(15)
13134 : Disaster Risk Science and Development 712(30)
Module 13134:712 – Disaster Risk Science and Development (30 credits) is compulsory for all students
who have not completed it at Honours level.
Programme Leader: Dr R Pharoah
Tel: 021 808 9492 E-mail: robynpharoah@sun.ac.za
Website: https://www0.sun.ac.za/geography and www.riskreductionafrica.org
Arts and Social Sciences
Programme Code
13519 – 879(180)
Programme Structure
The programme consists of a thesis of 180 credits. The thesis component aims to provide students with the
opportunity to acquire specialised knowledge in a specific area of China, approaching it either via a
background in Mandarin and Chinese, or through a correlated discipline in the Humanities and Social
Programme Content
Compulsory Modules
13520 : Thesis (Chinese Studies) 871(180)
Programme Leader: Prof C du Toit
Tel.: 021 808 2063 E-mail: cdt@sun.ac.za
Programme Leader: Mr J van Breda
Tel: 021 808 2152 E-mail: jrvb@sun.ac.za
Arts and Social Sciences
Each subject is identified by this five digit-subject number. The subject number “18414” refers to the
subject Psychology.
• Subject name
The specific name of the subject is presented directly after the five-digit subject number before the
various modules of the subject are offered. Normally the subject name is followed by the module
code and the credit value of the specific module, for example in this case: Psychology 114 (12).
• Module code
The module code consists of a three-digit number that is unique to the specific module. The module
code “114” has the following meaning:
o The first digit refers to the year of study in which the module is presented, for example:
Year 1: 114
Year 2: 214
Year 3: 314
o The second digit “1” refers to the semester that the module will be presented in and also serves
as a number to distinguish between various modules offered within the same specific year of
study. The University uses different numbers to indicate the particular semester of a module,
either the first or the second semester or modules that are presented in both semesters (which
are year modules). The numbers that indicate semesters are as follows:
1, 2 or 3 – modules are presented in the first semester.
Semester 1: 214, 324, 334
4, 5 or 6 – modules are presented in the second semester.
Semester 2: 342, 354, 364
7, 8 or 9 – modules are presented in both semesters, which are year modules.
Year modules (both): 278, 288, 391
o The third digit “4” of the module code 114 serves as a distinguishing digit between various
modules of the same subject in a particular year of study.
• Credit value
The number in brackets after the module code indicates the credit value of the particular module,
for example Psychology 114(12). When you pass Psychology 114(12), you will receive 12 credits.
• Module subject
This indicates the subject that will be dealt with in this specific module.
Arts and Social Sciences
• Teaching load:
The teaching load of a module is indicated after the module subject. It gives you both the teaching
load and the type of teaching per week that you can expect in this particular module. For the
module Psychology 114 you can expect two lectures and one tutorial each week for the duration of
the module. The following abbreviations are used for the teaching load:
o L – Lecture of 50 minutes, for example 2L
o P – Practical period of 50 minutes, for example 1P, 2P, 3P
o S – Seminar of 50 minutes, for example 1S, 2S
o T – Tutorial of 50 minutes, for example 1T, 2T
3. Assessment of modules
Modules are assessed according to the latest version of the Faculty Assessment Plan and the University’s
Assessment Policy. These documents are available on the respective websites.
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
21687 Xhosa
Special provisions for taking Xhosa
The modules (Xhosa 178, 214, 244, 318, 348) constitute the contents for students who did not pass Xhosa or
Zulu first language for the matriculation examination (that is, the non-mother-tongue stream), while the
modules that follow below (Xhosa 188, 224, 254, 328 and 358) constitute the contents for students who have
a first-language communication proficiency in Xhosa or Zulu.
Arts and Social Sciences
188 (24) Introduction to Xhosa Language, Communication and Culture (3L, 1T)
Classification of the African languages;
Language planning and language policy for the African languages;
Xhosa language and culture with regard to authentic spoken and written texts (e.g. printed media:
newspaper, magazine) and visual media (television);
Communication in Xhosa in a range of communication contexts;
Xhosa literature: a choice of genres;
Xhosa linguistics.
Note: Xhosa 188 requires a first-language communicative proficiency in Xhosa or Zulu.
224 (16) Continued Xhosa Language, Communication and Culture (3L, 1T)
Continued study of Xhosa language and culture with regard to authentic written and spoken texts (e.g. the
printed media: newspaper, magazine and the visual media: television);
Continued study of communication in Xhosa;
Xhosa literature: a choice of genres;
Continued study of Xhosa linguistics.
Prerequisite pass module: Xhosa 188
254 (16) Continued Xhosa Language, Communication and Culture (3L, 1T)
Continued study of Xhosa language and culture with regard to authentic written and spoken texts (e.g. the
printed media: newspaper, magazine, and the visual media: television);
Continued study of communication in Xhosa;
Xhosa literature: a choice of genres;
Continued study of Xhosa linguistics.
Prerequisite module: Xhosa 224
Arts and Social Sciences
328 (24) Advanced Xhosa Language, Communication and Culture (4L, 1T)
Advanced study of Xhosa language and culture with regard to authentic written and spoken texts (e.g. the
printed media: newspaper, magazine, and the visual media: television);
Advanced study of communication in Xhosa;
Advanced study of Xhosa literature: a choice of genres;
Advanced study of Xhosa linguistics;
Study of literacy, language variation and language planning for the African languages.
Prerequisite module: Xhosa 224, 254
358 (24) Advanced Xhosa Language, Communication and Culture (4L, 1T)
Advanced study of Xhosa language and culture with regard to authentic written and spoken texts (e.g. the
printed media: newspaper, magazine, and visual media: television);
Advanced study of communication in Xhosa;
Advanced study of Xhosa literature: a choice of genres;
Advanced study of Xhosa linguistics;
Study of literacy, language variation and language policy for the African languages.
Prerequisite module: 224, 254
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Ancient Cultures 211, 221, 241, 251, 311, 321, 341 and 351
In the second- and third-year modules, we rotate themes related to social structures, world view, literature,
art, mythology and everyday life in the ancient world and their reception in the contemporary world. The
third-year modules are more advanced in terms of the level of difficulty, contact time, and number and types
of assessment.
The themes for Ancient Cultures 211, 221, 241, 251, 311, 321, 341 and 351 that are
rotated include the following:
Western Asian mythology: Some of the oldest myths and epics originated in ancient Western Asia more
than five millennia ago. Myths and epics allowed people to make sense of how the world came into being
and how it works. They are important for an understanding of any culture, because they “explain” the origin of
the cosmos, worldview and political ideologies.
Ancient Kush (Sudan): One of the great cultures of Africa which need not stand back for Egypt in any way.
More pyramids were built than in Egypt, women played an important role as rulers, and they produced some
of the oldest pottery in the world. Some argue the culture is more “African” in character than Egypt.
Everyday Life in Kemet (Egypt): Where and how did the people of Kemet live? What did they eat and drink?
What work did they do and how did the economy work? What did they do for entertainment and which
sports/games were there? What about pets and animals? How did they deal with health issues?
Arts and Social Sciences
Women of Kemet (Egypt): The life of ordinary women with regard to social and legal position, occupations
and professions, love and marriage, health and children, dress and adornment, domestic life and religion
(including afterlife). Attention is also devoted to women of power (queens) and divine women (goddesses).
Reading ancient Greek art: This theme explores ancient Greek visual culture in context. Iconic Greek
‘masterpieces’ are examined critically, as well as their reception in later and contemporary art. It also covers
heritage and ethical issues, including dilemmas around the ownership and preservation of antiquities and
also of culture.
Ancient Drama: The theatre of the ancient Greeks and Romans influenced later dramatic genres. On the
African continent classical drama has been an instrument of both reinforcement of colonial ideologies, and
as political protest. This theme studies specific tragedies and comedies from antiquity to explore
contemporary issues such as exile and displacement, violence against women and patriarchy.
Rome, Empire and Material Remains: Augustus, the first emperor of Rome, used a language of imagery to
propagate messages about himself and his empire. The imperial sculptures, buildings, coins, inscriptions, and
monuments communicate ideological statements about values, strength, power and authority. This theme
investigates the power of images during the Roman Empire and more recent and contemporary examples of
visual political propaganda.
Ancient Greek/Roman mythology: The theme covers Greek and the Roman myths through a variety of
genres. The topics covered include archaeology and myth; modern theories on the nature and function of
myth; the role of mythology in ancient literary works (like Greek lyrical poetry or Roman love poems); the
depiction of mythological scenes on ancient vases; myth as a reflection of world view; and myth as
214 (16) Continued Biblical Hebrew Language and Text Study (3L, 1P, 1T)
Intermediate Hebrew grammar.
Language, form and structure of selected texts.
Literary and cultural-historical background of the specific texts.
Critical comparison of translations.
Textual criticism.
Prerequisite pass module: Biblical Hebrew 178
244 (16) Continued Biblical Hebrew Language and Text Study (3L, 1P, 1T)
Continued intermediate Hebrew grammar.
Language, form and structure of selected texts.
Literary and cultural-historical background of the specific texts.
Critical comparison of translations.
History of Bible Translation.
Prerequisite pass module: Biblical Hebrew 214
Arts and Social Sciences
314 (12) Advanced Study of Biblical Hebrew Language and Literature (2L, 1P)
Study of selected texts.
Literary and cultural-historical background of the specific texts.
Theory and practice of Biblical translation.
Advanced Hebrew grammar.
Prerequisite pass module: Biblical Hebrew 214, 244
324 (12) Advanced Study of Biblical Hebrew Language and Literature (2L, 1P)
Study of selected texts.
Literary and cultural-historical background of the specific texts.
Theory and practice of Biblical translation.
Advanced Hebrew grammar.
Prerequisite pass module: Biblical Hebrew 214, 244
344 (12) Advanced Study of Biblical Hebrew Language and Literature (2L, 1P)
Study of selected texts.
Literary and cultural-historical background of the specific texts.
Theory and practice of Biblical translation.
Advanced Hebrew grammar.
Prerequisite pass module: Biblical Hebrew 214, 244
354 (12) Advanced Study of Biblical Hebrew Language and Literature (2L, 1P)
Study of selected texts.
Literary and cultural-historical background of the specific texts.
Theory and practice of Biblical translation.
Advanced Hebrew grammar.
Prerequisite pass module: Biblical Hebrew 214, 244
14109 Greek
Greek: Special provision for students who have already graduated
• Students who have already graduated can, on the recommendation of the Department, be allowed
to complete both the first- and second-year modules in Greek jointly in one year.
• Notwithstanding the official application for admission, students must report to the Departmental
Chair before the end of October of the preceding year regarding the necessary arrangements.
178 (24) Introduction to Ancient Greek Grammar and Translation (3L, 1P, 1T)
Elementary morphology and syntax of ancient Greek.
A vocabulary of about 300 words.
Translation, with elementary grammatical commentary, of a few chapters from a Gospel or another simple
ancient text.
Introduction to the use of electronic tools and libraries.
Cultural-historical overview of the ancient world.
214 (16) Continued Ancient Greek Language and Text Study (3L, 1P, 1T)
Intermediate Greek grammar.
The language, form and structure of selected texts.
Problems of translation.
Literary and cultural-historical background of the specific texts.
Prerequisite pass module: Greek 178
Arts and Social Sciences
244 (16) Continued Ancient Greek Language and Text Study (3L, 1P, 1T)
Continued intermediate Greek grammar.
The language, form and structure of selected texts.
Critical comparison of translations.
Literary and cultural-historical background of the specific texts.
Prerequisite pass module: Greek 214
314 (12) Advanced Study of Ancient Greek Language and Literature (2L, 1P)
Study of selected Greek writers.
The socio-political and cultural-historical context of the specific writers.
Advanced study of Greek grammar.
The theory and practice of translating ancient texts.
Prerequisite pass modules: Greek 214, 244
324 (12) Advanced Study of Ancient Greek Language and Literature (2L, 1P)
Study of selected Greek writers.
The cultural-historical context of the specific writers.
Advanced Greek grammar.
Theory and practice of translating ancient texts.
Prerequisite pass modules: Greek 214, 244
344 (12) Advanced Study of Ancient Greek Language and Literature (2L, 1P)
Study of selected Greek writers.
The cultural-historical context of the specific writers.
Advanced Greek grammar.
The theory and practice of translating ancient texts.
Prerequisite pass modules: Greek 214, 244
354 (12) Advanced Study of Ancient Greek Language and Literature (2L, 1P)
Study of selected Greek writers.
The cultural-historical context of the specific writers.
Advanced Greek grammar.
The theory and practice of translating ancient texts.
Prerequisite pass modules: Greek 214, 244
Arts and Social Sciences
144 (12) Development of Roman Law and its Legacy (3L, 1P)
The codification of Roman Law.
The reception of Roman Law in Dutch Law.
The use of Roman and Dutch legal sources in South African court cases.
Advanced Latin legal terminology.
15644 Latin
Latin: Students who passed matriculation Latin with a B aggregate
Students who passed matriculation Latin with at least a B aggregate can, on the recommendation of the
Department or the Executive Committee acting for the Senate, be admitted directly to the second-year
course in Latin after passing an entrance examination.
178 (24) Latin Grammar and Literature for Beginners (3L,1P, 1T)
Introductory Latin grammar and literature.
Cultural background.
214 (16) Continued Latin Grammar and Literature (3L, 1P, 1T)
Intermediate Latin grammar and literature based on selected texts.
Prerequisite pass module: Latin 178
244 (16) Continued Latin Grammar and Literature (3L, 1P, 1T)
Intermediate Latin grammar and literature based on selected texts.
Prerequisite pass module: Latin 178
Department of Drama
1. Commencement of classes for Theatre Arts students
• Classes for all senior Theatre Arts students (Level 2, Level 3) and all postgraduate students
(Honours, Master’s and PhD) begin every year one week before the general commencement of
classes for senior students, i.e. on the Monday of the week during which first-year students first
arrive at the University.
2. General provisions for Theatre Arts and Theatre Skills subjects
• No student will be permitted to join the Theatre Arts or Theatre Skills subjects late.
• The pass requirement for Theatre Arts and Theatre Skills is a minimum of 50% in each of the
subsections of the subjects. A student who does not obtain the required sub-minimum in one or
more of the subsections thus does not pass the subject, even though the average mark for the
subject as a whole is above 50%. The Department of Drama reserves the right to refuse readmission
to the programme to students who have been awarded a final mark of less than 50% for one or both
subjects Theatre Arts and Theatre Skills.
• Because a teamwork approach is adopted in presenting the Theatre Arts and Theatre Skills courses,
class attendance is essential. Therefore, students who miss more than 10% of the practical classes,
even for medical or other acceptable reasons, are normally not permitted to proceed with the
• Because the Theatre Arts and Theatre Skills courses entail extensive physical and psychological
involvement by the student, any students with a medical condition that could prevent them from
participating regularly in practical classes, must indicate this prior to registration, with supporting
documentation from a medical practitioner, for consideration by the Department.
• On account of their interdependence the modules Theatre Arts and Theatre Skills must be
presented and taken together at each level (Basic, Intermediary and Advanced). If a student
Arts and Social Sciences
abandons or is incomplete, for any reason, in one module, he may not continue with the other
module at that level, but must repeat both modules. The above is the general rule in this regard, but
exceptions can be made in consultation with the Department. In this category are students who pass
only one of the modules and who must thus repeat the other module in the following year, as well
as students who obtain recognition for prior study at an acknowledged tertiary institution for certain
subjects, and for whom such recognition has been made applicable to one of the modules (Theatre
Arts or Theatre Skills).
• Students in their second and third years may be obliged to remain in Stellenbosch during the two
short vacations and on public holidays, as well as for short periods during the winter and summer
Arts and Social Sciences
114 (12) Introduction to Western Theatre and Principles of Text Study (3L, 1T)
Introduction to basic concepts in theatre studies.
Introduction to techniques and methods of textual analysis and interpretation through a study of selected
plays in context as part of a survey of the history of the theatre and of theatre conventions and conditions of
Western drama and theatre from the Greeks to Realism.
Arts and Social Sciences
144 (12) Continued Study of Western Theatre and Principles of Text Study (3L, 1T)
Introduction to techniques and methods of textual analysis and interpretation through examining selected
plays in context as part of a historical survey of theatre, theatre conventions and theatre conditions of
Western drama and theatre from Realism until the twentieth century.
244 (16) Theatre History: Theory and Forms of Drama and Theatre (3L, 1T)
Introduction to theory of drama and theatre.
Principles of theatre studies and theatre research.
Introduction to selected genres of drama and theatre.
Overview of the main trends in drama, theatre, media and performance theory and research.
Department of English
53880 English Studies
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Department of History
13463 History
114 (12) Introduction to the Main Global Patterns and Developments in History (3L)
Nomadic societies.
The agriculture revolution and the emergence of established societies.
The development of complex societies.
The emergence of modernity and the industrial revolution.
The historical construction of the modern globalising world.
214 (16) Key Processes in the Making of Western History (3L, 1T)
State formation, the Renaissance and revolutions:
• Origins of the modern state.
• The Renaissance as cultural phenomenon.
• Origins, dynamics and impact of historical revolutions.
Wealth and poverty in Western history:
• Changing views and attitudes.
• Perspectives on systems such as socialism, capitalism and communism.
• Dimensions of the culture of wealth and poverty.
244 (16) Africa and South Africa: Colonisation and the Rearrangement of Societies (3L,
Africa and the West in the 19th century:
• Colonial policies in Africa.
• The political, cultural and economic impact of the colonisation of Africa in the 19th century.
South Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries:
• The political and cultural dynamics of 18th- and 19th-century Cape societies.
• The establishment of new black empires and white republics in the interior in the 19th century.
• The mineral revolution: the making of a new political and cultural social order.
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Journalism
Arts and Social Sciences
178 (24) Introduction to the Chinese Language and Culture (3L, 1P, 1T)
Introductory language study, including phonetics.
Introduction to contemporary China based on a selection of topics.
Chinese 178 is a module for beginners. No previous knowledge of Chinese is required. The module is
designed to provide basic intercultural communication skills. It enables students to understand, speak, read
and, to a lesser degree, write contemporary Chinese in everyday situations, which includes a basic
knowledge of the present-day situation in China.
278 (32) Continued Study of Chinese Language and Culture (4L, 1P)
Continued language study.
Basic concepts and principles of Chinese as a foreign language.
Comparative study of culture based on a selection of topics.
Study of texts on these topics.
Prerequisite pass module: Chinese 178
318 (24) Intermediate Study of the Chinese Language and Culture I (5L)
Intermediate language study.
Chinese literature.
Comparative contemporary culture based on a selection of topics.
Study of texts on these themes.
Prerequisite pass module: Chinese 278
348 (24) Intermediate Study of the Chinese Language and Culture II (5L)
Intermediate language study.
Chinese literature.
Comparative contemporary culture based on a selection of topics.
Study of texts on these themes.
Prerequisite pass module: Chinese 318
13145 French
Specific provisions for French
1. French 178 is offered for beginners; no prior knowledge of French is required. The module is designed to
provide basic intercultural communication skills. It enables students to understand, speak, read and, to a
lesser degree, write contemporary French in everyday situations, which includes a basic knowledge of
the present-day situation in France.
French 188 makes special provision for students who passed French in Grade 12 or who, in the opinion
of the Department, have reached an equivalent standard.
Students who passed French in Grade 12 but who, according to the departmental Chair, are not
sufficiently prepared for French 188, may be allowed to register for French 178, following early
assessment and/or a departmental aptitude test.
2. The second- and third-year courses lead to advanced proficiency in intercultural communication. Like
the first-year courses, they focus on the present-day situation, but also include its historical dimension.
The emphasis falls on students’ ability:
a) to understand and to use texts (in the extensive meaning of the term) by way of contrasting cultures,
which requires, among other things:
o an insight into communication processes,
o an understanding of the basic principles of text analysis,
o a critical awareness of the differences between source and target culture;
b) to demonstrate the above skills both orally and in writing. Self-tuition courses and computer
modules are provided to improve and enhance the acquired knowledge, insight and skills.
3. At the end of every year students may take the respective DELF/DALF examinations of the French
Department of Education.
Arts and Social Sciences
178 (24) Introduction to the French Language and Culture (3L, 1P, 1T)
For students without French in Grade 12.
Introductory language studies.
Introduction to contemporary French culture and French-speaking societies on the basis of selected topics.
Study of elementary literary texts.
188 (24) Intermediate Study of the French Language, Literature and Culture (4L)
For students with French in Grade 12.
Intermediate language studies with particular emphasis on vocabulary.
French and Francophone literary texts.
278 (32) Continued Study of the French Language, Literature and Culture (3L, 1P, 1T)
Continued language studies.
Basic concepts and principles of French as a foreign language.
Comparative cultural studies on the basis of selected topics.
Study of literary texts based on these topics.
Prerequisite pass module: French 188
318 (24) Advanced Study of the French Language, Literature and Culture I (4L, 1P)
Advanced language studies.
Study of French texts (including hypertext and film).
Practical language skills with reference to professional applications.
Prerequisite pass module: French 278
348 (24) Advanced Study of the French Language, Literature and Culture II (4L, 1P)
Advanced language studies.
Study of French texts (including hypertext and film).
Practical language skills with reference to professional applications.
Prerequisite pass module: French 318
26107 German
Specific provision for German
1. German 178 is offered for beginners; no prior knowledge of German is required. The module is designed
to provide basic intercultural communication skills. It enables students to understand, speak, read and,
to a lesser degree, write contemporary German in everyday situations; this includes acquiring a basic
knowledge of the present-day situation in the German-speaking countries.
German 178 normally gives access to German 278. Students who do exceptionally well in German 178
may be granted access to German 288 by means of a Departmental recommendation and the writing of
a special entrance examination. This examination is written in the first two weeks after the start of classes
in February. If these students fail German 288, they may fall back to German 278 in the following year.
German 188 makes special provision for students who passed German in Grade 12 or who are in
possession of an equivalent qualification. Students proceed from German 188 to German 288. Students
who passed German in Grade 12 but who, according to the Departmental Chair, are not sufficiently
prepared for German 188, may be allowed to register for German 178 following early assessment and/or
a departmental aptitude test.
2. Students who passed German (Mother-tongue) in Grade 12 with a B symbol or higher can, on the
Department’s recommendation through the Senate or the Executive Committee acting on the latter’s
behalf, be admitted directly to German 288, provided that they pass a special admission examination
Arts and Social Sciences
during the first two weeks after the start of classes in February. To comply with the credit requirements
for a BA, such students must take another language or General Linguistics at first-year level.
3. The second- and third-year courses lead to advanced proficiency in intercultural communication. Like
the first-year courses, they focus on the present-day situation, but they include its historical dimension.
The emphasis falls on students’ abilities:
a) to understand and to use texts (in the extensive meaning of the term) by way of contrasting cultures,
which requires, among other things,
o an insight into communication processes,
o an understanding of the basic principles of text analysis,
o a critical awareness of the differences between source and target culture;
b) to demonstrate the above skills both orally and in writing. Self-tuition courses and computer
modules are provided to improve and enhance the acquired knowledge, insight and skills.
4. Based on a recommendation by the Department, students who do exceptionally well in German 278,
may continue with German 328 and after that with German 358. If these students fail German 328, they
may fall back to German 318 in the following year.
In their third year, students’ language skills are developed up to the level of the Goethe-Zertifikat B1
examination of the Goethe Institute, which can be written at predetermined dates set by the Department.
5. Flexible assessment is used in all undergraduate modules.
6. Further details of all modules are available in the Department's study guide and on the web page at
178 (24) Introduction to the German Language and Culture (3L, 1P, 1T)
For students without German in Grade 12.
Introductory language study.
Introduction to contemporary culture on the basis of selected topics.
Analysis of texts related to these topics.
188 (24) German Language, Literature and Culture of the 20th and 21st Centuries
(3L, 1T)
For students with German in Grade 12.
A cultural-historical overview of the period on the basis of selected topics.
Analysis of texts related to these topics.
Intermediate language studies.
278 (32) Intermediate Study of the German Language, Literature and Culture (3L, 1P)
Continued language study.
Concepts and principles of German as a foreign language.
Comparative Landeskunde, based on selected topics.
Analysis of texts related to these topics.
Prerequisite pass module: German 178 (or German 188 in certain cases)
288 (32) German Language, Literature and Culture from the 18th Century to the
Present (3L)
A cultural-historical overview of the period on the basis of selected topics.
Analysis of texts related to these topics.
Advanced language study.
Prerequisite pass module: German 188 (or German 178 in certain cases)
318 (24) Advanced Study of the German Language and Culture I (2L, 2P)
Advanced language and cultural studies by means of a variety of texts and themes.
Prerequisite pass module: German 278 (or German 288 in certain cases)
Arts and Social Sciences
328 (24) Advanced Study of the German Literature and Culture I (3L, 1P)
Advanced Study of Literature including film and media.
Advanced Study of Culture.
Advanced Study of Language.
Prerequisite pass module: German 288 (or German 278 in certain cases)
348 (24) Advanced Study of the German Language and Culture II (2L, 2P)
Advanced language and cultural studies by means of a variety of texts and themes.
Prerequisite pass module: German 318
358 (24) Advanced Study of the German Literature and Culture II (3L, 1P)
Advanced Study of Literature including film and media.
Advanced Study of Culture.
Advanced Study of Language.
Prerequisite pass module: German 328
Department of Music
General information for prospective students
All programmes in the Department of Music are selection programmes. During the selection audition
candidates must provide proof of the prescribed standard as required for each programme.
1. Practical Music Study
1.1 Choice of instrument: The Music Department offers the following: Keyboard instruments (Piano,
Harpsichord and Organ), Recorder, Guitar, Voice, Saxophone, any instrument of the Symphonic
Orchestra, as well as Conducting and Church Music (a combination of organ and choral conducting).
From the third year in the BMus programme, within the Practical Performance specialisation, it is also
possible to major in Chamber Music and Accompaniment.)
Students are only permitted to register for a maximum of two instruments, of which at least one must be
a major instrument (A level).
1.2 Practical Music Study A: The first-year entry level is equal to that of Grade VII Unisa examination
standard. All first-year degree and diploma students mus register for either Practical Music Study A (24)
or Practical Music Study A (36).
1.3 Practical Music Study B: All first- and second-year BMus students may also register for another
practical subject in which a level of at least Grade V Unisa examination standard must be achieved within
the first year. Practical Music Study B(12) is offered in group context. Students may opt to register for the
second instrument as Practical Music Study A(12), in which case tuition will be offered individually.
Admission is subject to a selection process and/or audition, as well as the availability of staff.
Where piano accompaniment is required for those who take instruments or voice, students are
personally responsible for the engagement of an accompanists and to cover the financial costs incurred.
Practical Music Study A and B combinations:
BMus (first and second year)
• Practical Music Study A(36), if the student only plays the main instrument;
• Practical Music Study A(24) main instrument, plus
Practical Music Study B(12) second instrument (group tuition)
• Practical Music Study A(24) main instrument, plus
Practical Music Study A(12) second instrument (individual tuition)
In the third year, only Practical Music Study A is continued, on two different credit levels (24 or 12),
depending on the student’s specialisation route.
BAMus (first to third year)
• Practical Music Study A(24)
BAMus students may register for a second instrument as “Konservatorium student”. Admission is subject
to a selection process and/or audition, as well as the availability of staff.
Arts and Social Sciences
1.4 Practical Music Study S: For students who have demonstrated sufficient potential for solo performance
during an assessment of Practical Music Study 2A. These students may register from their third year for
Practical Music Study S level (performance level). Admission is subject to a selection process and/or an
1.5 Practical Music Study E: Only applicable to non-music students, i.e. university students who are
registered for Practical Music Study as an extra subject, on a part-time basis. Admission is subject to
selection and to the availability of full-time practical staff. This module can be taken on A or B level (on a
comparable standard as for BMus students). Students who take this module on the B level must, in
addition to their practical work, also submit two assignments (one per semester). In consultation with
their practical lecturers, the assignments may be in the field of history or theory of music.
Students may only register for Practical Music Study E after they have done an audition and have written
permission from the Music Department.
Where piano accompaniment is required for those who take instruments or voice, students are
personally responsible for the engagement of an accompanists and to cover the financial costs incurred.
Konservatorium students: The following persons may register for practical tuition as “Konservatorium
student” at the Music Department (pending selection and availability of staff):
• Full-time music students (who wish to study more instruments (or voice), students than required for
their degree/diploma or certificate programme), e.g. BAMus students who wish to register for more
than their main instrument.
• Other Stellenbosch University students, as well as learners from outside the University. SU students
may choose to take the Department’s practical examinations.
Where piano accompaniment is required for those who take instruments or voice, students are
personally responsible for the engagement of an accompanist and to cover the financial costs incurred.
2. Orchestral Practice
This is a compulsory module (co-requisite) for all students who take an orchestral instrument as their Major
Orchestral Practice is a compulsory attendance subject for students who register for Practical Music Study A
378 and 478 as orchestral instrument. Unsatisfactory attendance will result in a penalty.
Students should note that attendance at all rehearsals (as members of recognised orchestras within the
department) is compulsory. This may result in some students being required to participate in more than one
Practical Music E students, Konservatorium students and students who take an orchestral instrument as a
second main instrument, are strongly advised to participate in one of the Department’s orchestras, in
consultation with the lecturer concerned.
3. Integrated Academic Support
Students who, during the selection process for the degree programmes in music, are identified as requiring
academic support, must register for the bridging module Musicology 271 (Music Skills) as and additional
subject, and also take part in any other kind of bridging work prescribed by the Department. Students are
required to pass this module before they will be allowed to proceed with Music Theory 222 and 252.
Alternatively, students who have deficiencies over a wide range of music skills may first be advised to
complete the entire year of the Higher Certificate in Music at the Department of Music before they reapply
for admission to one of the degree programmes in music in the following year.
The Department of Music also offers a three-year Diploma (Practical Music), specifically for students who
would like to specialise in the practical aspects of music at an advanced level, but for whom, because of
limited theoretical and/or academic background, the degree programmes in music are not accessible.
4. BA subjects
BMus students should note that only certain BA subjects which appear on the official timetable of the
University are taken into consideration by the Department when setting up its internal class timetable, thus
enabling music students to choose these traditionally sought-after BA subjects.
NB: Should Mathematics 114 and 144 be chosen in the first year, Grade 12 Mathematics code 5 (60%) is a
5. Mark calculation
Marks in all modules are calculated according to the latest assessment policy of the Faculty. The details of
this calculation are given in the respective module frameworks.
6. Lectures (L) and Tutorials (T)
Class lectures and tutorials are normally 50 minutes in length; all weekly practical under- and postgraduate
lessons are units of 60 minutes or more.
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
111 (24) All Instruments, Voice, Conducting and Church Music (1L)
The establishment of basic technique as well as music principles and an understanding of style.
Arts and Social Sciences
56510 Accompaniment
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
171 (24) All Instruments, Voice, Conducting, and Church Music (1L)
The establishment and consolidation of basic technique, as well as music principles and an understanding of
Conducting and Church Music
Corequisite module: Practical Score Reading 181
Keyboard Instruments, Recorder, and Guitar
Corequisite module: Accompaniment 171
Orchestral Instruments
Corequisite module: Orchestral Practice 181
Corequisite module: Languages for Singers 191
271 (24) All Instruments, Voice, Conducting, and Church Music (1L)
The establishment and consolidation of basic technique as well as music principles and an understanding of
Conducting and Church Music
Corequisite module: Practical Score Reading 281; Ensemble Singing 271 for conductors or Church Music Practice
281 for organists
Keyboard Instruments, Recorder, and Guitar
Corequisite module: Accompaniment 271; Chamber Music 281
Orchestral Instruments
Corequisite module: Orchestral Practice 281; Chamber Music 281
Corequisite module: Languages for Singers 291; Ensemble Singing 271
371 (24) All Instruments, Voice, Conducting, and Church Music (1L)
The establishment and consolidation of basic technique as well as music principles and an understanding of
Conducting and Church Music
Corequisite module: Practical Score Reading 381; Ensemble Singing 371 for conductors or Church Music Practice
381 for organists
Keyboard Instruments, Recorder, and Guitar
Corequisite module: Accompaniment 371; Chamber Music 381
Orchestral instruments
Corequisite module: Orchestral Practice 381; Chamber Music 381
Corequisite module: Theatre Skills (Music) 391; Ensemble Singing 371
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
56510 Accompaniment
Arts and Social Sciences
32964 Composition
Arts and Social Sciences
50628 Ethnomusicology
54003 Improvisation
Arts and Social Sciences
44717 Musicology
Arts and Social Sciences
32956 Orchestration
Arts and Social Sciences
178 (24) All instruments, Voice, Conducting, and Church Music (1L)
The establishment and consolidation of basic technique as well as music principles and an understanding of
Conducting and Church Music
Corequisite module: Practical Score Reading 186
Keyboard Instruments, Recorder, and Guitar
Corequisite module: Accompaniment 176
Orchestral Instruments
Corequisite module: Orchestral Practice 184
Corequisite module: Languages for Singers 194
278 (24) All Instruments, Voice, Conducting, and Church Music (1L)
The establishment and consolidation of basic technique as well as music principles and an understanding of
Conducting and Church Music
Corequisite module: Practical Score Reading 286; Ensemble Singing 274 for conductors or Church Music Practice
284 for organists
Keyboard Instruments, Recorder, and Guitar
Corequisite module: Accompaniment 276; Chamber Music 284
Orchestral Instruments
Corequisite module: Orchestral Practice 284; Chamber Music 284
Corequisite module: Languages for singers 294; Ensemble Singing 274
378 (24) All Instruments, Voice, Conducting, and Church Music (1L)
The establishment and consolidation of basic technique as well as music principles and an understanding of
Orchestral instruments: Orchestral Practice is compulsory as an attendance subject.
478 (24) All Instruments, Voice, Conducting, and Church Music (1L)
The establishment and consolidation of basic technique as well as music principles and an understanding of
Orchestral instruments: Orchestral Practice is compulsory as an attendance subject.
188 (36) All Instruments, Voice, Conducting, and Church Music (1L)
The establishment and consolidation of basic technique as well as music principles and an understanding of
style. Participation in Performance Classes is compulsory.
Conducting and Church Music
Corequisite module: Practical Score Reading 186
Keyboard Instruments, Recorder, and Guitar
Corequisite module: Accompaniment 176
Orchestral Music
Corequisite module: Orchestral Practice 184
Corequisite module: Languages for Singers 194
Arts and Social Sciences
288 (36) All Instruments, Voice, Conducting, and Church Music (1L)
The establishment and consolidation of basic technique as well as music principles and an understanding of
style. Participation in Performance Classes is compulsory.
Conducting and Church Music
Corequisite module: Practical Score Reading 286; Ensemble Singing 274 for conductors or Church Music Practice
284 for organists
Keyboard Instruments, Recorder, and Guitar
Corequisite module: Accompaniment 276; Chamber Music 284
Orchestral Music
Corequisite module: Orchestral Practice 284; Chamber Music 284
Corequisite module: Languages for Singers 294; Ensemble Singing 274
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Specialisation: Accompaniment
Corequisite modules: Practical Music Study A 384; Chamber Music 384
Specialisation: Chamber Music
Corequisite modules: Practical Music Study A 384 for all instruments; Accompaniment 376 for non-orchestral
instrumentalists or Orchestral Practice 384 for orchestral instrumentalists.
Specialisation: Solo Performance – Orchestral Instruments
Corequisite modules: Orchestral Practice 384; Chamber Music 384
Specialisation: Solo Performance – Voice
Corequisite modules: Theatre Skills (Music) 394; Ensemble Singing 374
Specialisation: Conducting
Corequisite modules: Practical Score Reading 386; Ensemble Singing 374 for choral conductors or Orchestral
Practice 384 for orchestral conductors
Specialisation: Church Music
Corequisite modules: Practical Score Reading 386; Church Music Practice 384
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Philosophy
12882 Philosophy
Arts and Social Sciences
344 (12) Critical Social Theory and Ideology Critique (2L, 1T)
Contemporary trends in ideology critique, for example eco-feminism, critical race theory, postcolonial theory
and queer theory.
The relevance of ideology critique for the analysis and evaluation of various social discourses (e.g. literature,
political rhetoric, policy formulation, science, sexuality) prevalent in South African society.
Service modules
Arts and Social Sciences
114 (12) Introduction to Political Science and South African Politics (2L, 0.5T)
The module is an introduction to the academic discipline of Political Science. It covers key concepts,
theories, models and debates in the discipline. Following the conceptual and theoretical introduction it
moves on to discuss the political development of, as well as politics in contemporary South Africa.
144 (12) Introduction to International Relations and African Politics (2L, 0.5T)
An overview of the most important actors, structures and processes in the global system. Students will be
familiarised with some practical as well as theoretical challenges related to the study and analysis of
International Relations (IR), with particular attention to the African context.
Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Psychology
Important notice to all students wishing to study Psychology
Students wishing to proceed to postgraduate study in Psychology are warned that there is enormous
pressure for places in the Honours programme in Psychology and in the Psychology Master’s programme in
Clinical Psychology. The vast majority of people who meet the basic stipulated requirements for admission
to these degrees will not be offered places because of the pressure on space and stringent selection
processes. Students with an interest in postgraduate study in psychology are advised:
• to ensure that their undergraduate performance is exceptionally good;
• if they are interested in a career in clinical or counselling psychology, to gain extra experience in
human service work through volunteer or other relevant opportunities;
• to be able to demonstrate at least basic proficiency in an indigenous South African language apart
from Afrikaans;
• to plan their curricula so that they consider alternative career paths, as, even if they meet all the
above criteria, they may not be admitted to Honours or Master’s study in Psychology.
18414 Psychology
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
178 (56) Investigation of Two- and Three-dimensional Art and Design Concepts (1L,
Introduction to technical, formal and conceptual skills in two-dimensional, three-dimensional and digital
278 (32) Investigation of Two- and Three-dimensional Art and Design Concepts (1L,
Integration of technical, formal and conceptual skills in two-dimensional, three-dimensional and digital form.
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design 178, Drawing 174.
378 (24) Investigation of Two- and Three-dimensional Art and Design Concepts (1L,
Application of technical, formal and conceptual skills in two-dimensional, three-dimensional and digital form.
Prerequisite pass modules:
• Integrated Art and Design 278, Drawing 274
And one of
• Jewellery Design OR Fine Arts OR Visual Communication Design.
Arts and Social Sciences
278 (32) The Designer within the 21st-century Society (1L, 18P)
Critical and analytical investigation of concepts and techniques within creative jewellery and metal design.
Focus areas: Methods of 2D design and development of concepts in jewellery design. Introduction to
specialised 3D, metal and production techniques.
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design 178, Drawing 174.
378 (48) The Designer within the 21st-century Society (1L, 24P)
Critical and analytical investigation of concepts and techniques within creative jewellery and metal design.
Focus areas: Methods of 2D design and development of concepts in jewellery design. Introduction to
specialised 3D, metal and production techniques.
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design 278, Drawing 274, Jewellery Design 278.
479 (100) The Designer within the 21st-century Society (1L, 50P).
Critical and analytical investigation of concepts and techniques within creative jewellery and metal design.
Focus areas: Methods of 2D design and development of concepts in jewellery design. Introduction to
specialised 3D, metal and production techniques.
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design 378, Jewellery Design 378, Drawing 374.
Arts and Social Sciences
278 (32) Investigation of Two- and Three-dimensional Art-making Processes (1L, 18P)
Focus areas: Painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography and New Media
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design 178; Drawing 174
378 (44) Investigation of Two- and Three-dimensional Art-making Processes (1L, 24P)
Focus areas: Painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography and New Media
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design 278; Fine Arts 278; Drawing 274
479 (100) Investigation of Two- and Three-dimensional Art-making Processes (1L, 50P)
Focus areas: Painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography and New Media
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design; Fine Arts 379; Drawing 374
Arts and Social Sciences
278 (32) The Designer within the 21st-century Society (1L, 18P)
Exploring connections: Local/global, individual/collective, private/public, identity/subjectivity,
human/technology, image/text.
Focus area: Image generation, structural organisation, navigation and storytelling in identity design
(branding), packaging design, and editorial and publication design.
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design 178, Drawing 174
378 (48) The Designer within the 21st-century Society (1L, 24P)
Exploring social and environmental ecologies: Design for sustainable change, participation and transition.
Focus areas: 2D, 3D, screen-based animation and interactive design: branding, social campaign,
documentary video, storytelling and narrative structure, and navigation/way-finding in digital and physical
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design 278, Drawing 274, Visual Communication Design 278
479 (100) The Designer within the 21st-century Society (1L, 50P)
Becoming change agents: Enabling the emergence of new and possible worlds.
Focus area: Creating relational experiences, services, productive interactions, and relevant objects of
engagement through the use of multimodal and transmedial communication strategies and platforms.
Prerequisite pass modules: Integrated Art and Design 378, Drawing 374, Visual Communication Design 378
Arts and Social Sciences
318 (24) Identity and Difference in African and South African Visual Culture (3L, 1T)
This module is designed around the broad theme of cultural identity, which is explored in relation to a variety
of African and South African visual objects and images. Various critical-theory readings are used to explore
identity formation and the crucial role of difference in the establishment of both collective and personal
identities. Various identifications, such as gender, race, ethnicity and nationalism, will be investigated as
being intersectional and complexly interwoven. Particular attention is devoted to the complexities of identity
in the postcolonial sphere.
One of:
• Prerequisite pass module: Visual Studies 278
• Prerequisite pass module: Visual Studies 276; AND
Corequisite module: Philosophy 252
348 (24) Identity and Difference in African and South African Visual Culture (3L, 1T)
This module is designed around the broad theme of cultural identity, which is explored in relation to a variety
of African and South African visual objects and images. Various critical-theory readings are used to explore
identity formation and the crucial role of difference in the establishment of both collective and personal
identities. Various identifications, such as gender, race, ethnicity and nationalism, will be investigated as
being intersectional and complexly interwoven. Particular attention is devoted to the complexities of identity
in the postcolonial sphere.
One of:
• Prerequisite pass module: Visual Studies 278
• Prerequisite pass module: Visual Studies 276; AND
Corequisite module: Philosophy 252
Language Centre
59447 Professional Communication
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Prof S Müller
Tel: 021 808 2352 Email: smuller@sun.ac.za
The thematic aims of the Centre are to identify and analyse the problems that arise when ethical norms are
applied in decision-making processes in fields such as the following:
• Research, therapeutic and supply practices in medicine, biology and genetics;
• Business activities and managerial practice;
• Activities with detrimental consequences for the maintenance and conservation of the physical and
social environment of humans; and
• The creation of an organised and just society and division of privileges in society.
The activity aims of the Centre are:
• To initiate, undertake and publish multi- and interdisciplinary baseline research on ethical problems;
• To make information available and give advice to institutions that are responsible for policy
formulation and legislation.
The Centre consists of four units, namely the Unit for Bioethics, the Unit for Environmental Ethics, the Unit for
Business Ethics and the Unit for Social and Political Ethics.
Arts and Social Sciences
Contact details
For more information, visit us at www0.sun.ac.za/philosophy/centre-for-applied-ethics/ or contact Ms J
Engelbrecht at jengelb@sun.ac.za or 021 808 2418.
• To conduct research, on project basis and in co-operation with other experts, within and outside the
University, on relevant aspects of Bible interpretation, Bible translation and the reception of the
• To gather information, by means of regular contact with all relevant parties involved in the
interpretation, translation or reception of the Bible (e.g. Bible translation agencies, training
institutions, churches, Bible study groups or individuals) on the African continent, on the need for
research, advice or practical help, so that the research and other projects being undertaken will not
be merely theoretical, but also practical in their orientation.
• To discuss research results through national and international academic publications, symposiums,
workshops and/or conferences and to make available tested findings to Bible translators and
interested members of the public through scientific and popular publications.
• To establish a framework, in co-operation with institutions in control of Bible translation in Africa,
related departments at the University and other relevant training institutions, for the equipping and
training of Bible translators and assisting researchers concerning Bible translation.
• To assemble and maintain on a continuing basis, in co-operation with existing national and
international information access programmes, accessible computerised information banks
concerning the field of Bible interpretation, translation and reception in Africa.
Arts and Social Sciences
• To provide advice, if and when so requested, to concerned expositors, translators or users of the
• To undertake on a practical project basis translation and/or the assembling of aids for
understanding the Bible or portions thereof for specific groups of readers and purposes.
Contact details
For more information on the Centre, visit us at www.cebita.org or contact Prof CHJ van der Merwe at
cvdm@sun.ac.za or 021 808 3655.
The Centre involves various dimensions of Comic, Illustrative and Book Arts with the following goals:
• To provide a meaningful contribution to the development of research and publishing in these
• To improve the quality of teaching, research and service in these fields at Stellenbosch University, in
order to position the University as the leading university in this field in South Africa, and as a
recognised centre of excellence in these disciplines.
• To improve public perception of Comic, Illustrative and Book Arts in South Africa, and to improve the
international profile of South Africa in these disciplines.
• To support the development of South African cartoonists, comic artists and illustrators through the
organisation and development of appropriate exhibitions, publications and training courses, as well
as other educational, networking and mentoring opportunities.
• To facilitate collaborations and dialogues with comic artists and illustrators in other countries,
especially in the SADC region.
• To provide a national forum and a range of services and resources to South African comic artists and
• To generate the necessary revenue to accomplish these aims through fundraising and business
• To establish a permanent collection and Archive of South African comic, illustration and book Arts
based at the Stellenbosch University Library and Museum.
• To identify problems and needs in the above-mentioned areas with a view to develop, promote and
sustain these disciplines nationally and internationally.
Contact details
For more information, visit us at www.ciba.sun.ac.za or contact Mr V Nyoni at vuli@sun.ac.za or 021 808 3587.
The aims of the Centre are:
• The delivery of psychological services to, and in co-operation with, the community;
• The use of such services as training opportunities for postgraduate students; and
• The use of such services to create research opportunities for members of staff and students in the
Contact details
For more information, visit our website or contact us at crpet@sun.ac.za or 021 808 2944/2696.
Arts and Social Sciences
The objectives of the Centre are:
• To conduct basic and applied research on environmental, urban and regional problems through
utilisation of geographical-analytical methods;
• To provide a service to the community by undertaking research and training on request from private
and public institutions.
The CGA specialises in the application of geographical information systems, satellite remote sensing and
other geographical-analytical techniques in carrying out its research, training and service-provision functions.
Contact details
For more information, visit us at www.sun.ac.za/cga or contact Prof A van Niekerk at avn@sun.ac.za or 021
808 3101.
The Centre focuses on the various dimensions of the dynamic in modern society in general and organisations
in particular through which information is created, interpreted and converted into meaningful knowledge and
productive decision-making.
Examples of these dimensions are:
• Hermeneutics
• Sense-making and decision-making in organisations
• Values and value systems
• Knowledge management
• Electronic decision-making support
• The learning organisation and organisational design
• Knowledge creation and leadership
The Centre performs its task through dedicated research; relevant network creation (both inside and outside
the University context) and strategic partnerships with universities and non-university institutions; services as
needed; and the market-related offers of selected knowledge products.
Contact details
For more information, visit us at www.informatics.sun.ac.za or contact Prof BW Watson at
informatics@sun.ac.za or 021 808 2025.
Arts and Social Sciences
The Centre’s teaching and research aims are the following:
• To understand how cities work as instruments of social and economic networks, locally and
internationally, and what the data and research requirements are for informed urban development
policy-making in those fields;
• An overall understanding of the options that are available for service provision in the urban
environment in the developed and developing world and creative ways in which it could be
expanded or improved upon;
• How cities and city systems can be used for economic growth and for the creation of employment
• To understand the planning approach to urban and regional development in South Africa and how
urban management is approached differently in other parts of the world;
• To develop the skill of identifying and applying appropriate techniques for the study of different
kinds of human activities and the ability to correctly judge what the data requirements are for such
• To understand the application range of different geographical information technologies designed
for socio-economic spatial analysis and decision-making;
• To develop the skills of oral and printed communication techniques and how to utilise modern
electronic hardware and software as instruments of communication; and
• To conduct basic and applied urban system-related research.
Contact details
For more information, visit us at www.sun.ac.za/cruise or contact Dr D du Plessis at ddp@sun.ac.za or 021
808 3104.
The objectives of the Centre are:
• To conduct research on the nature of science and technology with specific reference to science and
technology policy in South Africa and Africa;
• To conduct research on, and improve, the ‘meta-fields’ of methodology and sociology of science.
These objectives will be realised by:
• Research on the emergence of interdisciplinarity in the sciences;
• Research on the methodology of the social sciences;
• Research on the sociology of science with a specific focus on science policy studies;
• Workshops and conferences on methodology, sociology of science and science policy;
• A directed publication programme whereby the research findings of the Centre are published as
widely as possible;
• An active programme of local and international networking.
Since the main objective of the Centre, to engage in meta-science studies, is interdisciplinary by definition,
the Centre aims to work in cooperation with other scientific disciplines wherever possible.
The Centre is managed by an advisory committee and answers to the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Arts
and Social Sciences.
Arts and Social Sciences
Contact details
For more information, visit us at https://www0.sun.ac.za/crest or contact Prof J Mouton at jm6@sun.ac.za or
021 808 3708.
HUMARGA (the Computer Users’ Area for the Humanities) is used by students of the Faculties of Arts and
Social Sciences, Education, Law and Theology. There are computer facilities at each of these faculties, and
specialised equipment and software at the Departments of Visual Arts, Geography and Environmental
Studies, Journalism and Music. The main facility in the Arts and Social Sciences building opened in 1999.
The management strives to make work areas and technology available to provide students with optimal and
uninterrupted access to electronic resources and to offer electronic class rooms and support services that
make a proven contribution to teaching. These services include network space, e-mail, internet,
multipurpose printers, specialised software and the latest technology.
HUMARGA strives to make cutting-edge technology available in a sustainable manner, so as to help our
students achieve their goals.
The help desk is at the main facility in the Arts and Social Sciences Building (tel. 021 808 2129,
humarga@sun.ac.za) and is open during office hours, while the general computer users’ are is available 24
hours a day. Strict access control measures are employed to ensure the safety of students.
HUMARGA is as far as possible accessible to persons with disabilities and co-operates closely with the Office
for Students with Special Learning Needs and the Lombardi Braille Centre, which is situated at HUMARGA.
The Lombardi Braille Centre can also be contacted at braille@sun.ac.za.
Contact details
For more information, visit us at www.sun.ac.za/humarga or contact the Service Desk at humarga@sun.ac.za
or 021 808 2129.
Arts and Social Sciences
RADAR's objectives are to:
• Offer academic and professional disaster-risk-related programmes and modules.
• Produce and disseminate research that improves understanding and management of disaster risks.
• Advance disaster risk awareness through training, policy advocacy and strategic continental
• Establish partnerships and build networks with relevant role players in disaster and risk reduction.
Contact details
For more information, visit us at www.sun.ac.za/geography or contact Dr A Holloway at
ailsaholloway@sun.ac.za or 021 808 9281.
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
Arts and Social Sciences
• Chinese 178 and French 188 exclude one another.
• Chinese 318 and Geography and Environmental Studies 323 exclude one another as well as Chinese
348 and Geography and Environmental Studies 358.
• Chinese and Social Anthropology may be combined only in the second year and only in the
programme for International Studies.
• German 178 and German 188 exclude one another.
• German 318 and 348 can be combined with History 3.
• German 328 and 358 can be combined with Latin 3 and Psychology 3.
• French 178 and French 188 exclude one another.
• Geography 334 also cannot be combined with Economics 318
• Geography and Env. Studies may be combined with Socio-Informatics in the second and third year
only in the programme for Socio-Informatics.
• Sign Language Studies: Students who wish to combine modules from this subject with Geo-
Environmental Science, German, Greek, History, Socio-Informatics, Sport Science or Theatre Studies
must first ensure that this does not cause timetable clashes.
Apart from the above, more exclusions may be prescribed by each programme.
Arts and Social Sciences
Geo-Environmental Sciences *
Sport Science/Recreation
Sign Language Studies
Social Anthropology ***
Public & Development
Afrikaans and Dutch
Afrikaans Language
General Linguistics
African Languages
Ancient Cultures
Political Science
Theatre Studies
Biblical Hebrew
Geography 334
English Studies
Visual Studies
Basic Xhosa *
Social Work
African Languages - 2 2 2 2 2
Afrikaans and Dutch - 1 2 2 2 2 2
Afrikaans Language
2 - 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Acquisition **
Ancient Cultures 2 2 - 1 2 2 2 2 1 2
Applied English Language
2 - - 2 2 2
Studies ***
Basic Xhosa * 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
Biblical Hebrew 2 1 - 1 1 1 2
Chinese 1 - ! 2 1 2! 2 2! 1
English Studies 2 1 - 1 2 2
French 2 1 ! - 1 1
General Linguistics 2 2 1 2 - 1 1 2 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sciences *
Geography & Env. Studies *** 2 2 1 2! 1 - - 2 2 1! 1
German 2 2 1 - 2! 2! 2! ! 2 1 2
Greek 2 2 1 - 1 1 1 ! 1 1
History 2 2 1 1 2! 1 - ! 1 2
Latin 2 1 1 2! - 1 2
Public & Development
2 2 2 2 1 2 1 - 2 2 2 2
Philosophy 2 1 1 1 2 - 2
Philosophy 214, 244, 314, 364 2 2 1 1 1 1 - 2 1
Political Science 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 - 1 1
Psychology 2 1 1 2! -
Sign Language Studies ! ! ! ! - ! ! !
Social Anthropology *** 1 - 2! - -
Social Work 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 - 2
Socio-Informatics 2 1 1 1 1! 1 1 1 ! -
Sociology 2 2 1 1 - 2 2
Sport Science/Recreation 2 2 1 ! 2 -
Theatre Studies 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 ! -
Visual Studies 2 1 1 1 1 2 -
Xhosa 2 2 1 2 2 2 -
Arts and Social Sciences
Subjects cannot be combined
1 Subjects can only be combined at first year level
2 Subjects can only be combined at second year level
! Indicates a special condition that is described in the notes below
• French and Economics can only be combined at first year level. Please note: Only the English
stream is available for Economics.
• Latin cannot be combined with Xhosa 188. Latin can be combined with Xhosa 178.
Antique Cultures
- 1
Afrikaans and Dutch
- 1
English Studies
- - 1
- 1
- ! 1 1 1
! -