Financial assistance
for undergraduate and
postgraduate students
Yearbook, Part 2
Bursaries and Loans
Email info@sun.ac.za
Please note that the University officially changed the English name “Calendar” to “Yearbook” in August 2023.
The new name came into effect immediately in documents and communication of the University and will
also be used in all Yearbook parts from the 2024 Yearbook onwards.
Part Yearbook
Part 1 General Rules
Part 2 Bursaries and Loans
Part 3 Student Fees
Part 4 Arts and Social Sciences
Part 5 Science
Part 6 Education
Part 7 AgriSciences
Part 8 Law
Part 9 Theology
Part 10 Economic and Management Sciences
Part 11 Engineering
Part 12 Medicine and Health Sciences
Part 13 Military Science
Bursaries and Loans
Table of contents
Bursaries and Loans
8. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences ..................................................... 73
8.1 Various departments ...........................................................................................................................................................73
8.2 Department of Economics ..............................................................................................................................................73
8.3 School of Accountancy .....................................................................................................................................................73
8.4 School of Public Leadership ..........................................................................................................................................74
9. Faculty of Engineering ............................................................................................................. 75
9.1 Various departments ...........................................................................................................................................................75
9.2 Department of Chemical Engineering....................................................................................................................76
9.3 Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering ..................................................................... 77
10. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences .................................................................. 78
Loans .................................................................................................... 81
ABSA Stellenbosch Student Lifestyle Centre .................................................................... 81
Ackermann (Jossie Ackermann)................................................................................................. 81
ATKV.......................................................................................................................................................... 81
Conradie (JE Conradie).................................................................................................................... 81
CWAA (Cape Women’s Agricultural Association) Agriculture Research Loan 81
FUNDI ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
Helpmekaar Studiefonds .............................................................................................................. 82
Namibian Public Service ............................................................................................................... 82
NEDBANK .............................................................................................................................................. 82
Northern Helpmekaar Study Fund .......................................................................................... 82
Department of Chemical Engineering Bursary Loan Scheme.................................. 83
Schumann (Wynnie Schumann Memorial Loan) .............................................................. 83
Standard Bank .................................................................................................................................... 83
Uys (Glen Uys) ..................................................................................................................................... 83
Prizes, trophies, shields, sword of honour and cups .......... 84
1. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences ................................................................................... 84
2. Faculty of Science ...................................................................................................................... 87
3. Faculty of AgriSciences .......................................................................................................... 88
4. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences .....................................................90
5. Faculty of Military Science ..................................................................................................... 92
Medals ................................................................................................. 93
1. General Medals ........................................................................................................................... 93
2. Faculty of Science ...................................................................................................................... 93
3. Faculty of AgriSciences ........................................................................................................... 94
4. Faculty of Law .............................................................................................................................. 94
5. Faculty of Engineering ............................................................................................................. 94
6. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences ..................................................................... 95
7. Faculty of Military Science ..................................................................................................... 95
Scholarships ...................................................................................... 96
1. Stellenbosch University Scholarships.............................................................................. 96
2. Other Scholarships (Possibility of Study Abroad) ...................................................... 96
Bursaries and Loans
Index .................................................................................................. 100
Bursaries and Loans
General information
In this publication, any expression signifying one of the genders includes the other gender equally, unless
inconsistent with the context.
The University reserves the right to amend the Yearbook at any time. The Council and the Senate of the
University accept no liability for any inaccuracies there may be in the Yearbook. Every reasonable care has
been taken, however, to ensure that the relevant information to hand as at the time of going to press, is given
fully and accurately in the Yearbook. Notifications regarding bursaries or the amendment of bursary
conditions are announced through the official channels of the University and sent to the deans of the
faculties concerned.
In the event of uncertainty or a dispute regarding information in Part 2 of the Yearbook, the final inter-
pretation will be based on the English version.
Stellenbosch University admits students of any race to all rights, privileges, programmes and activities
generally accorded or made available to students at the University. The University does not discriminate on
the basis of race in the implementation of its educational policies, its scholarship and bursary programmes,
or its sport programmes.
Use your uniqe, 8-digit student number every time you communicate with the University.
Important concepts
In this Part 2 of the University Yearbook, any expression signifying the singular includes the plural, and vice
versa, unless inconsistent with the context.
In this Part 2 of the University Yearbook, the terms “programme” and “programmes” are short for
“instructional programme”/“programme of study” and “instructional programmes”/“programmes of study”
respectively, unless inconsistent with the context.
In this Part 2 of the University Yearbook, the term “holder” means “bursary holder” and/or “merit bursary
holder”, unless inconsistent with the context.
Bursaries and Loans
An amount of money allocated to a deserving student to pay for his studies fully or in part. There may be a
service agreement attached to the bursary.
An amount of money lent to a deserving student to pay for his studies in full or in part. The money must be
paid back by the student.
Bursaries and Loans
Financial support
Stellenbosch University (SU) believes that people who have the potential to succeed academically should as
far as practicable be given the appropriate opportunities. This is why SU strives to provide as much support
as possible to those who gain admission to the University as students but who lack financial means.
The University is very much aware of the financial need of its students. Unfortunately, though, the University
has limited funds at its disposal. Students are encouraged to not only look to the University for financial
support, but to also explore other, external (private) funding opportunities. The fact that a student has applied
for an SU bursary or funding is not a guarantee in any sense that they will be granted such funding.
The University offers two reliable forms of financial support that students can count on, namely excellence
awards and the highly beneficial "three children" rebates. These awards and rebates are granted based on
merit and do not consider financial need as an eligibility criterion.
In the first and last instance, therefore, each student at Stellenbosch University is personally responsible for
making financial provision for the settlement of their Student Fees account.
a) Academic factors
Students at the University, whether registered (current) or prospective, must meet the minimum academic
requirements for admission.
First-year students and students in one of the extended degree programmes who have been admitted to the
University as students on the strength of their results in the final school examinations (or equivalent
examinations) may be eligible for financial support (the University takes such admission to be sufficient proof
of their capacity to make a success of university studies).
Undergraduate students at the University must be registered for full-time, complete programmes.
Senior undergraduate students – that is, students in a second or further year of study – are required to have
passed at least 60% of the credits of their previous year of study. Senior undergraduate students who have
passed less than 60% of their credits of the previous year of study disqualify themselves on academic
grounds to be considered for any financial support.
Bursaries and Loans
b) Financial need
If an applicant has the academic potential to study successfully, the University will consider their financial
need. To form an accurate picture of the applicant’s financial position, the University will verify the household
income via a third party. With these financial particulars to hand, the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and
Loans (CUBL) then assesses the extent of the applicant’s financial need.
Students are granted financial support, regardless of race and gender, in direct proportion to the extent of
their financial need.
An applicant is normally considered for financial support if the gross household income is less than
R600 000 per year (“missing middle”). For households with a higher income (between R600 000 and
R1 million), the number of dependents attending a tertiary institution may be taken into consideration. Unless
otherwise specified, applicants must be South African citizens and reside in South Africa.
1.3 What are the opening and closing dates for applications?
• The opening and closing date for undergraduate bursaries administered by Stellenbosch University
will be communicated on all official channels. Please also visit the CUBL website for information.
• The closing dates for bursaries administrated by private companies or organisations may differ from
that of the University, but the closing date of each externally administered bursary is indicated in the
bursary section of this book, where available.
• Postgraduate bursary applications have various closing dates. Contact postgradfunding@sun.ac.za
as early as April of the preceding academic year to enquire about the different closing dates.
Bursaries and Loans
bursary is done automatically.
b) Achiever Award
The Achiever Award recognises the sterling grade 12 academic achievement of 20 registered, first-year
students. The following candidates will be considered for this award:
• Category 1: the top ten first-year students who are enrolled at SU and excelled in NSC, IEB,
Cambridge, and other international examinations recognised by SU.
• Category 2: the top ten first-year students who are enrolled at SU and who attended a quintile 1 to 4
school (as classified by the Department of Basic Education) and passed the NSC. Should any top ten
candidate from a quintile 1 to 4 school also rank in either the Vice-Chancellor’s Award or Category 1
of the Achiever Award, the next candidate on the Category 2 ranking list will be considered.
The Achiever awardees will receive correspondence from SU after the examination board results have been
released and final admission offers were made. Each award value is R75 000 and is a once-off allocation to
the Student Fees account.
d) Access Award
The Access Award is allocated to all registered, first-year students from quintile 1 to 4 schools (as classified
by the Department of Basic Education) who passed the National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a grade 12
average above 80%. The value of each award is based on a sliding scale and is a once-off allocation to the
Student Fees account:
• more than 80% but less than 85% average: R5 000
• more than 85% but less than 90% average: R7 500
• more than 90% average: R10 000
Bursaries and Loans
Important note: The averages used for Excel and Access Awards are based on the calculation as per the
University’s Admission Policy.
The Excel and Access awardees will receive correspondence from SU after the examination board results
have been released and faculty registrations have been concluded.
Bursaries and Loans
Du Toit Huguenote
Who qualifies?
Criteria of award include financial need, academic achievement and leadership potential.
All candidates must study two modules of their programmes in Afrikaans. All candidates must include a
motivational letter and affidavit (for the two modules in Afrikaans) with their application.
All else being equal, candidates of Huguenot descent will receive preference.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU external donor bursary that requires a unique application form to also be submitted. You can
download Form Du Toit Huguenote at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Students who already receive the bursary will have to reapply each year.
If a holder fails to show satisfactory progress, or is guilty of misconduct, the bursary may be cancelled and
repayment demanded on such conditions as may be laid down by the trustees and the bursary committee
Bursaries and Loans
Fraser (Ian Fraser Memorial Bursary Fund)
Who qualifies?
Blind and visually impaired students.
The Bursary Fund Officer, Ian Fraser Memorial Bursary Fund, PO Box 125, HOWARD PLACE 7450
Closing date: 30 September
• Awarded towards the completion of an undergraduate diploma or degree
• Medical proof of blindness MUST be furnished
• Certified copies of the Matriculation Certificate and advices of subsequent university results,
especially the previous year’s final examination results, must also be furnished
Who qualifies?
A second-year student who matriculated at one of the following high schools: Kakamas, Keimoes, Kenhardt
or Upington.
Applications: SUFO
One bursary every year for the purchase of books.
Bursaries and Loans
Von Zeuner (Louis von Zeuner)
Who qualifies?
Academically deserving and needy students in any field of study.
Applications: SUFO
Value: Variable.
The bursaries are awarded by CUBL in consultation with the donor.
Bursaries and Loans
Cillié (Maria Cillié)
Who qualifies?
Needy female students from the second year of study.
Applications: SUFO
In memory of the founder of the Women’s Association of the University, the late Mrs (Prof) GG Cillié, senior.
Who qualifies?
One bursary each year to a matriculant of Bloemhof Girls’ High School.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R500
Immigrant Children
Who qualifies?
Deserving and/or needy children of immigrants who have been living in the RSA for three years or less.
Applications: SUFO
Documentary proof that the applicant is an immigrant must be attached to each application.
Bursary holders are required to reapply annually for a continuation.
Bursaries and Loans
Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP)
Who qualifies?
South African citizens who are studying towards a degree for the first time in 2023.
Applicants from families whose gross household income is between R350 000 and R600 000 per year.
Applicants with provisional acceptance/s from ISFAP partner universities in the ISFAP supported degree
programmes (refer to www.isfap.org.za).
Applications: Online applications at www.isfap.org.za
Closing date: 31 October
Full cost for tuition, as well as other allowances (which are capped at amounts determined annually by
Jacobs Family
Who qualifies?
Direct descendants of Jan Abraham Jacobs.
A precise explanation in writing of the family relationship is required.
Applicants must be needy, deserving and members of the Dutch Reformed Church.
Applications: No applications
The bursaries may be used at Stellenbosch or at the University of the Free State.
This financial assistance is granted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the
Bursaries and Loans
Langenhoven (HP Langenhoven)
Who qualifies?
Deserving students from Punt High School at Mossel Bay.
Applications: SUFO
Bursaries and Loans
Muller (DR JH Muller)
Who qualifies?
Needy students who come from the Free State.
Applications: SUFO
Bursaries and Loans
One to three years of study at Oxford.
Bursaries and Loans
Theron (Frans and Rykie Theron Study Fund)
Who qualifies?
• Students wishing to qualify as ministers of the church or as missionaries
• Students wishing to take a degree programme in Agriculture
• Students wishing to take a postgraduate programme in Spectrophysics
• In all cases, preference is to be given to students who are descendants of the Theron, Marais and
Zeeman families
• If none of the above applies, the bursary can be awarded to a student from the Tulbagh District
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Bursaries from the estate of the late Mrs RJ Marais of Tulbagh.
If in a given year there are no students who meet these conditions, the bursaries are to be granted to
students from the said families who are taking any other programme at Stellenbosch University; thereafter to
students coming from Tulbagh District. A precise explanation of the family relationship must be furnished in
Bursaries and Loans
Bursaries and Loans
Elphick (Edna Elphick)
Who qualifies?
Registered or prospective students (part-time or full-time), as well as alumni of the Conservatoire
(“Konservatorium”) qualify.
Applicants may not be older than 25 (twenty-five) on 30 September of the year in which they participate.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable.
The award is decided by competition and applicants are required to perform a short programme in public for
An award will be made only if the standard is satisfactory.
The money has to be used for study at the Conservatoire or at an approved institution abroad.
Bursaries and Loans
Pretorius (Anna Pretorius)
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for promising, needy students.
Applications: SUFO
Speech and Drama.
Smallie Scholarship
Who qualifies?
Notably deserving, full-time student(s) of piano, violin or voice.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 1 March
Value: Variable.
One or two scholarships are awarded annually for a maximum period of two years.
From the Estate of the late Ms LE Smallie.
Stellenbosch Boere-Orkes
Who qualifies?
One bursary for a deserving and financially needy student.
Applications: SUFO
Undergraduate bursaries for general study in music in Southern Africa.
Bursaries and Loans
A second bursary is awarded to a deserving third-year student for musical performance (any instrument or
singing). Applicants are required to perform a short programme in public in the presence of adjudicators
towards the end of their second year of study.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable.
From a donation made by the Stellenbosch University Women’s Association, two study bursaries are
awarded annually to Music students.
Bursaries and Loans
Laubser (Maggie Laubser) (Local)
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for needy students (excluding first-year students).
Students of Painting to receive preference, with priority to those who are further advanced in their studies.
Department of Visual Arts
Bursaries and Loans
3. Faculty of Science
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the fact that a significant number of bursaries in the Faculty of Science can be
awarded to students in several fields of study, the bursaries are not reported under individual depart-
ments, but as an alphabetical list below. Where a bursary can only be awarded in (a) specific field(s) of study,
the relevant field(s) of study is indicated under the heading “Who qualifies” with the relevant bursary.
Federale Volksbeleggings
Who qualifies?
Students in the Economic and Management Sciences, Engineering, Science and Law.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R1 000
One bursary awarded for the duration of the programme. As a result, a new award may not necessarily be
possible every year.
Bursaries and Loans
Kumba Iron Ore
Who qualifies?
Students who want to do BSc in Geology, or Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical or
www.kumba.co.za; Email: bursars@angloamerican.com; Tel.: 012 683 7108
Closing date: 30 April
Study and accommodation fees, book, computer and calculator allowance.
Bursaries and Loans
4. Faculty of Education
Charlton (Ethel Joyce Charlton)
Who qualifies?
Needy and deserving undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or the Faculty of
Applications: SUFO
Who qualifies?
One bursary for a woman student, preferably someone from the Humansdorp district, who wants to do BEd
Applications: SUFO
Bursaries and Loans
5. Faculty of AgriSciences
5.1 Various departments
Blundell (Bob Blundell Memorial Bursary)
Who qualifies?
Applicants who wish to study BSc in Forestry or BScAgric with Conservation Ecology.
The bursary is awarded on the grounds of merit and financial need to an undergraduate student for the
duration of the programme, subject to satisfactory progress.
The Deed Trustee, PO Box 158, PRETORIA 0001; Tel.: 012 323 1406.
Closing date: 31 October
A board of trustees will make the final selection from among the names submitted to it before 31 December
of each year by the Head of Conservation Ecology and Entomology.
Hortgro Services
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for needy and deserving students in AgriSciences, focusing on the following fields of study:
Entomology, Horticultural Science, Facets of Management, Plant Genetics and Improvement of Plants,
Quality Management, Agricultural Economics.
https://www.hortgro.co.za/inclusive-growth/bursary-program/; Email: recruitment@hortgro.co.za
Closing date: 15 August
Bursaries and Loans
Lombardi Bursaries (EJ Lombardi)
Who qualifies?
Students doing the degree BScAgric in a field of study that focuses on plants.
Financial need and academic merit are the chief criteria.
Preference is given to students from the second year.
Applications: SUFO
Bursaries and Loans
Who qualifies?
Bursaries from the first year of study for students who want to study BSc in Forestry, or Chemical, Electrical
or Mechanical Engineering.
The Bursaries Officer, Sappi Ltd, PO Box 6, INNOVATION HUB 0087, consisting of CV, copy of ID,
motivational letter and results. Email: bursary.recruitment@sappi.com; Tel.: 011 407 8425 (Jessie Freitas).
Closing date: 31 July
Value: Study fees, plus a book allowance.
Service obligation of one year for each year sponsored by Sappi.
Applicants must state the discipline in which they are studying, and enclose with their application form a
formal statement of their university results, if available.
Bursaries and Loans
Theron (Anna Juliana Theron)
Who qualifies?
For needy and deserving Afrikaans-speaking students, with preference given to family members, and further
preference to studies in the AgriSciences.
Family members who apply must provide proof of their kinship by attaching a letter furnished by Mr FPR van
Wyk, Rooikrans, Post Office, VOËLKLIP 7203.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted; you can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.
SA Breweries
Who qualifies?
Students in the following faculties/fields of study:
• Biological Science
• Chemical Engineering
• Mechatronics
• Mechanical Engineering
www.sab.co.za; The Administrator, SAB, PO Box 782178, SANDTON 2146
Closing date: 30 June
Value: Full study fees, full accommodation fees and a book allowance.
The bursaries are available from the first year of study, for the normal duration of the programme. There is an
obligation to work back for the company one year for every academic year that the bursary was used.
Bursaries and Loans
6. Faculty of Law
Amicus/Aall Foundation Bursaries
Who qualifies?
Needy Law students in all year groups except the first year.
Limited to students from historically disadvantaged communities.
Application forms are available from the Dean of Law’s secretary, Room 2024, Old Main Building.
Closing date: 31 August
Value: R46 000 per annum
Amicus Bursaries
Who qualifies?
For needy Law students in the postgraduate LLB programme or the final year of the four-year LLB
Preference is given to students from historically disadvantaged communities.
Application forms are available from the Dean of Law’s secretary, Room 2024, Old Main Building.
Closing date: 31 August
Value: R20 000 per annum
Federale Volksbeleggings
Who qualifies?
Students in the Economic and Management Sciences, Engineering, Science and Law.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R1 000
One bursary awarded for the duration of the programme. As a result, a new award may not necessarily be
possible every year.
Bursaries and Loans
Judge of Appeal FW Beyers Bursary
Who qualifies?
One bursary for one year awarded annually from the legacy of the late Judge of Appeal FW Beyers by virtue
of exceptional achievement in the first year of the BA (Law) or BCom (Law) degree programme.
The Dean: Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602
Closing date: 31 March
Bursaries and Loans
7. Faculty of Theology
Beyleveld (Babs Beyleveld)
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for undergraduate students on the grounds of merit and financial need.
Applications: SUFO
Bursaries and Loans
Accommodation bursaries for needy students.
Bursary holders to apply for a continuation annually.
Bursaries and Loans
SA Breweries
Who qualifies?
Students in the following faculties/fields of study:
• Biological Science
• Chemical Engineering
• Mechatronics
• Mechanical Engineering
Bursaries and Loans
www.sab.co.za; The Administrator, SAB, PO Box 782178, SANDTON 2146
Closing date: 30 June
Value: Full study fees, full accommodation fees and a book allowance.
The bursaries are available from the first year of study, for the normal duration of the programme.
There is an obligation to work back for the company one year for every academic year that the bursary was
Who qualifies?
Students who want to pursue a BScEngineering or BEng undergraduate degree.
Students who want to do BScEngineering or BEng Honours.
Applications must be submitted via the Sasol bursaries website: www.sasolbursaries.com
If you experience problems with your application, please contact Berlyne Rasool on email,
berlyne.rasool@adcorpgroup.com; Tel.: 086 010 6235.
Closing date: Variable, depending on the bursary programme (27 May to early September)
Full bursary: tuition, accommodation and meals.
Book allowance as determined by Sasol.
Each bursary holder will be required, after completion of studies, to work in the service of the donor for a
period of years equal to that for which the bursary was received.
Who qualifies?
Bursaries are awarded to full-time undergraduate students according to the employment needs of the
company in the following fields of study:
• Specialist Commercial Bursary in various commercial specialist disciplines (visit website for specific
• BScEngineering or BEng in the following disciplines: Civil, Electrical (Heavy Current); Electronics;
Computer Engineering; Mechanical; Industrial; Marine Engineering
Visit https://www.transnet.net/Career/Pages/Bursary.aspx to download the application form.
Email: bursaries@transnet.net
Closing date: 5 November
Value: The comprehensive bursary covers tuition fees, accommodation and meals, book allowance and
experiential training.
The bursary may be renewed annually, depending on academic performance.
A service contract is a requirement.
Bursaries and Loans
8.2 Department of Economics
Pretorius (Willem Pretorius)
Who qualifies?
One bursary to a promising and needy student studying Economics and Agricultural Economics.
Applications: SUFO
Who qualifies?
Undergraduate and postgraduate bursaries for prospective chartered accountants (BAcc and BAccLLB).
Applications: There are three types of bursaries – merit, tuition, and full – that you can apply for online at
Closing date: 31 July
Bursaries and Loans
No applications.
Nominated by the School to the Dean of Economic and Management Sciences. The Dean makes a
recommendation to the company and informs the University Administration of the outcome.
Closing date: 31 October of the previous year of study.
Bursaries and Loans
9. Faculty of Engineering
9.1 Various departments
Aurecon Bursary
Who qualifies?
Bursaries granted to matriculants and first-, second- and third-year applicants studying BEng in Chemical
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
Submit applications online at https://www.aurecongroup.com/graduates/themes/bursaries-south-africa
Enquiries: bursaries@aurecongroup.com
Closing date: 31 August
Value reviewed from time to time.
Work-back period, 1 year for every year sponsored.
Applications: SUFO
One bursary, awarded for the duration of a programme, as a result, a new award is not possible every year.
DW Ackermann
Who qualifies?
The DW Ackermann Bursary Fund is only open to undergraduate Engineering students. NSFAS-funded
students and SU International students from the Faculty of Engineering are eligible and encouraged to apply.
Please note, however, that only SUI engineering students must apply via email; CUBL will email these
students with instructions.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU external donor bursary that requires a unique application form to also be submitted. You can
download Form DW Ackermann Africa at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Value: The value is decided by a selection panel that considers the financial need and academic potential of
candidates. Continuation of the bursary depends on academic performance as determined by the DW
Ackermann Bursary Fund committee.
Undergraduate Engineering students must meet the following eligibility criteria to be considered:
• Field of study: the student is provisionally accepted to study any degree programme offered by the
Faculty of Engineering
• Academic merit: the student achieves at least 75% average (excluding Life Orientation) for their final
grade 12 results, and 75% for Mathematics and 70% for Physical Science
Bursaries and Loans
• Financial need: the student comes from a home with a gross household income of not more than
R600 000 per year (R50 000 per month)
Who qualifies?
Students who want to study Electrical, Electronic or Mechanical Engineering or BAccounting.
Applications: www.eskom.co.za
Closing date: 31 July
Value: Tuition, accommodation, meals and books.
Federale Volksbeleggings
Who qualifies?
Students in the Economic and Management Sciences, Engineering, Science and Law.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R1 000
One bursary awarded for the duration of the programme. As a result, a new award may not necessarily be
possible every year.
Bursaries and Loans
Kumba Iron Ore
Who qualifies?
Students who want to do Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical or Mining), or BSc in
www.kumba.co.za; Email: bursars@angloamerican.com; Tel.: 012 683 7108
Closing date: 30 April
Study and accommodation fees, book, computer and calculator allowance.
Who qualifies?
Full-time undergraduate students in the following fields of Engineering: Chemical, Computer, Electronic,
Industrial and Mechanical.
Full-time undergraduate BSc students in the fields of Chemistry and Physics.
Available to matriculants with a minimum of 70% in Mathematics and Physical Sciences, and to university
The Bursary Office, Human Resources and Development, NECSA, PO Box 582, PRETORIA 0001
Closing date: 31 May
Full study, accommodation and meal fees plus a book allowance.
Aid scheme for the purchase of a personal computer.
Bursaries and Loans
PPS Engineering Faculty Bursary
Who qualifies?
Any final-year BEng student or a student who is currently registered for a Master’s programme at the Faculty
of Engineering, who has an average of 60% and above and who is not currently studying with a bursary.
Electronic mail applications must be sent to Ms Annemieke Nel at anel@pps.co.za
Closing date: 31 August
Value: Two bursaries of R20 000 each.
This bursary does not obligate the recipient to work for PPS after completion of their degree programme.
SA Breweries
Who qualifies?
Students in the following faculties/fields of study:
• Biological Science
• Chemical Engineering
• Mechatronics
• Mechanical Engineering
www.sab.co.za; The Administrator, SAB, PO Box 782178, SANDTON 2146
Closing date: 30 June
Value: Full study fees, full accommodation fees and a book allowance.
The bursaries are available from the first year of study, for the normal duration of the programme.
There is an obligation to work back for the company one year for every academic year that the bursary was
Who qualifies?
Top-performing students who are currently in Grade 12, first to third, or final year of study.
The bursary scheme is available to students in the following disciplines: Mechanical Engineering: Electrical
Engineering; Metallurgy, Mining Engineering, Mining Surveying, Rock Engineering and Geology.
www.samancorcr.com – click on 'Our People – Bursary' and follow the links to apply online.
Closing date: 15 October
Study fees and an annual cash allowance.
Second-year academic students qualify for a computer allowance.
Bursaries are renewable annually, dependent on academic performance, and are awarded for a maximum of
four years.
Vacation work at Samancor, or another institution approved by Samancor, is compulsory.
There is also a service obligation of six months for each year sponsored by Samancor.
Who qualifies?
Bursaries from the first year of study for students who want to study Chemical, Electrical or Mechanical
Engineering, or BSc in Forestry.
The Bursaries Officer, Sappi Ltd, PO Box 6, INNOVATION HUB 0087, consisting of CV, copy of ID, motivation
letter and results. Email: bursary.recruitment@sappi.com; Tel.: 011 407 8425 (Jessie Freitas).
Closing date: 31 July
Value: Study fees, plus a book allowance.
Service obligation of one year for each year sponsored by Sappi.
Bursaries and Loans
Applicants must state the discipline in which they are studying, and enclose with their application form a
formal statement of their university results, if available.
Who qualifies?
Students who want to pursue a BScEngineering or BEng undergraduate degree.
Students who want to do BScEngineering or BEng Honours.
Applications must be submitted via the Sasol bursaries website: www.sasolbursaries.com
If you experience any problems with your application, please contact Berlyne Rasool at
berlyne.rasool@adcorpgroup.com; Tel.: 086 010 6235.
Closing date: Variable, depending on the bursary programme (27 May to early September)
Full bursary: tuition, accommodation and meals.
Book allowance as determined by Sasol.
Each bursary holder will be required, after completion of studies, to work in the service of the donor for a
period of years equal to that for which the bursary was received.
Who qualifies?
Bursaries are awarded to full-time undergraduate students according to the employment needs of the
company in the following fields of study:
Specialist commercial bursary in various commercial specialist disciplines (visit website for specific details).
BScEngineering or BEng in the following disciplines: Civil, Electrical (Heavy Current); Electronics; Computer
Engineering; Mechanical; Industrial; Marine Engineering.
Visit https://www.transnet.net/Career/Pages/Bursary.aspx to download the application form.
Email: bursaries@transnet.net
Closing date: 5 November
Value: The comprehensive bursary covers tuition fees, accommodation and meals, book allowance and
experiential training.
The bursary may be renewed annually, depending on academic performance.
A service contract is a requirement.
Bursaries and Loans
9.2 Department of Civil Engineering
Arup Education Trust
Who qualifies?
Students studying towards a degree in the built environment (engineering, architecture, construction studies,
quantity surveying, town planning, etc.).
Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged individuals (as per SA B-BBEE codes).
The students’ parents, guardians or sponsors should have a combined household net income of R15 000 or
less per month.
Excellent academic results are vital.
The application form can be found on the Trust’s website at www.arupedutrust.org
Closing date: Opens on 1 July and closes on 30 September.
Garden Cities
Who qualifies?
Students from disadvantaged communities, including female students.
Applications: SUFO
Civil Engineering, Building Science, Quantity Surveying.
Bursaries available from the second year of study.
Bursaries and Loans
Who qualifies?
Bursaries are awarded to financially needy, academically deserving students who are planning to pursue a
full-time degree in Civil Engineering.
Bursary applications are open to students who have completed their first year and are registered for the 2nd,
3rd, 4th year, or for postgraduate studies.
A motivational letter needs to accompany the first-year student applications.
Applications: www.nra.co.za
Closing date: 30 November
The bursary will cover tuition, accommodation, food, books, travelling costs and will include a living
Applications: SUFO
Value: R4 000
Bursaries and Loans
Value: Study and accommodation fees, plus a book allowance.
Bursary holders are required to do certain work in the summer vacations and to conclude a service contract.
Bursaries and Loans
Who qualifies?
Deserving and especially for needy undergraduate students.
Applications: SUFO
Awarded for the duration of their programme, hence, new awards are not necessarily possible every year.
Bursaries and Loans
Stighlingh Memorial Bursary (Public Servants’ Association of SA)
Who qualifies?
Students who want to study Medicine and Health Sciences or Science.
Public servants, or members and children of members of the Association, who have been in the employ of
the Public Service, or have been members of the Association, for twelve months or longer.
Where applicable, proof needs to be submitted of the positions of both birth parents as confirmation.
Students should already have completed the 1st academic year successfully.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R3 000
Occupational Therapy
Applications: SUFO
At least four (4) bursaries each awarded for the duration of the recipient’s programme of study. As a result,
new awards may not be possible in every year.
Bursaries and Loans
Bursaries and Loans
Thom (HB and MJ Thom Trust)
Who qualifies?
The criteria for award call for, among other things, good character or positive leadership potential in any field,
including sporting achievements.
Although not a requirement for the award, the University will give preference to candidates who, as well as
meeting the conditions laid down, show a sound academic record in their previous degree/studies.
Application forms available on www.sun.ac.za/pgo/funding.
Applications must be accompanied by a short CV and by at least two testimonials from persons able to
comment reliably and authoritatively as to compliance with the criteria referred to above.
Closing date: 30 September of the previous year of study.
A maximum of ten bursaries for postgraduate students in any field of study.
Immigrant Children
Who qualifies?
Deserving and/or needy children of immigrants who have been living in the RSA for three years or less.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Documentary proof that the applicant is an immigrant must be attached to each application.
Bursary holders are required to reapply annually for a continuation.
Bursaries and Loans
Jacobs Family
Who qualifies?
Direct descendants of Jan Abraham Jacobs qualify. A precise explanation in writing of the family relationship
is required.
Applicants must be needy, deserving, and members of the Dutch Reformed Church.
Application forms for family bursaries are available at my.sun.ac.za.
Bursaries for a maximum of three years.
The bursaries may be used at Stellenbosch or at the University of the Free State.
This financial assistance is granted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the
Bursaries and Loans
If more than one application is received, it will be approved on the basis of merit.
The award of this scholarship is once per grade and student, and will be made available annually for the next
Myburgh student.
Closing date: 1 July annually.
Value: R20 000
If his/her application is approved, the applicant must be willing to become a member of the Myburghbond of
SA. The application for membership and information form of their Myburgh family branch must be send by
the parents or the applicant to the Bond Office (one-time membership is R500).
The bursary will be paid as soon as forms are received at the Bond Office.
The successful applicant must report in writing to the Bond Office on his/her academic progress for at least
the next two years.
Enquiries: Tel/fax: 051 422 4639, or cell phone: 083 309 8704
Bursaries and Loans
Union of Jewish Women of South Africa (Toni Saphra)
Who qualifies?
The Toni Saphra Bursary is for a postgraduate or final-year woman student whose proposed further study
will better equip her to render one or another service to the South African community.
The Bursary Officer, The Union of Jewish Women of SA, PO Box 87556, HOUGHTON 2041
Closing date: 1 March-31 July.
Value: R20 000
Holders may apply annually for renewal of the bursary, within the approved duration of their programme.
Bursaries and Loans
Bursaries and Loans
Uys (Dirkie Uys Memorial Fund)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Public and Development Management, Sociology.
Bursaries and Loans
Smith (JJ Smith)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
One bursary for research in linguistics
Victoria League
Who qualifies?
One bursary available for an Honours student in the Department of English who wishes to specialise in the
teaching of the English language.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date: First Friday in December of the previous year.
Bursaries and Loans
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Bursaries and Loans
Chapman (Myra Chapman Educational Trust)
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 1 March
Value: Variable
Postgraduate scholarships may be awarded to the same candidate for a maximum tenure of two years.
Renewal must be applied for annually. The awards are made in consultation with the Department of Music.
Should no postgraduate candidates qualify, the total amount may be awarded to qualifying undergraduate
Bursaries and Loans
Two scholarships. One is for singing, the other for any musical instrument.
The awards are made on the basis of competition.
Applicants must perform a short programme in public in the presence of adjudicators.
In the year immediately following, winners will be required to study as their major subject singing, or the
particular musical instrument in which they have won.
Bursaries and Loans
2.10 Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Union of Jewish Women of South Africa (Toni Saphra)
Who qualifies?
The Toni Saphra Bursary is for a postgraduate or final-year woman student whose proposed further study
will better equip her to render one or another service to the South African community.
The Bursary Officer, The Union of Jewish Women of SA, PO Box 87556, HOUGHTON 2041
Closing date: 1 March-31 July.
Value: R20 000
Holders may apply annually for renewal of the bursary, within the approved duration of their programme.
Bursaries and Loans
3. Faculty of Science
3.1 Various departments
Cape Tercentenary Foundation (Dudley D’Ewes Scholarship)
Who qualifies?
Master’s or doctoral studies in the fields of environmental studies and nature conservation or cultural
conservation, literature, art, music, drama, ballet.
Gloria Barrett, Postnet Suite 354, Private Bag X16, CONSTANTIA 7848; Tel.: 021 683 3990; Fax: 021 671 6404;
Email: info@cape300foundation.org.za; www.cape300foundation.org.za
Closing date: 30 September
Variable, up to a value of R10 000.
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for full-time postgraduate (honours, master’s and doctoral) students in the broad domain of
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Who qualifies?
BScHons in Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry, Geology or Geophysics. Engineering: Chemical, Electrical,
Electronic, Industrial, Mechanical, Mining.
Corporate Bursary Services Section, Sasol Ltd, PO Box 5486, JOHANNESBURG 2000; Tel.: 011 441 3111;
Closing date: 28 February
Full bursary: tuition, accommodation and meals. Book allowance as determined by Sasol.
Each bursary holder will be required, after completion of studies, to work in the service of the donor for a
period of years equal to that for which the bursary was received.
Bursaries and Loans
SAWISE Angus Scholarship
Who qualifies?
Sub-Saharan Black women graduates with excellent academic records.
It will be expected of successful applicants to become actively involved in SAWISE (South African Women in
Science and Engineering).
SAWISE Scholarships Committee, PO Box 34085, RHODES GIFT 7707. Address enquiries to Jacquie
Greenberg; Email: Jacquie.Greenberg@uct.ac.za; www.sawise.org.za
Closing date: 30 November
Value: R10 000 per annum.
Awarded for studies at honours (fourth year) level in any field of the Natural Sciences or Engineering.
All applications must include: a one-page motivation, a curriculum vitae with the names of two referees, an
official academic transcript (record), and the names and amounts of other bursaries applied for.
Bursaries and Loans
3.3 Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science
Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa
Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students who are conducting research in the field of corrosion or corrosion control.
The Secretary, Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa, PO Box 966, KELVIN 2054
Closing date: 30 April
Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students conducting research in Chemistry (Inorganic or Organic), Chemical Engineering,
Electrical or Electronic Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering (Extraction, Pyro or Physical), Geology or
The Manager: Human Resources, Training and Development, MINTEK, Private Bag X3015, RANDBURG 2125
Closing date: 31 May
To be determined annually.
Under the B Scheme the value of the bursary is two-thirds of that under the A Scheme.
Mintek’s approval of the research project is required.
Under the A Scheme, the bursary holder has to remain in Mintek’s service for an unbroken period of one year
for every year of study sponsored.
The B Scheme does not call for a contractual commitment.
The type of scheme offered is to be determined by Mintek.
Sasol/Stellenbosch 2020
Who qualifies?
Full-time postgraduate students who are South African citizens, on the grounds of academic achievement
and also versatility in other areas.
For honours degrees, master’s degrees or doctoral study in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date: 15 March
These bursaries may be held jointly with NRF bursaries.
Applications must be furnished in writing in English in the form of a memorandum. Full names, identity
number, course/programme, schools attended, cultural or student activities, etc. should be stated.
A written recommendation by the supervisor is also to be enclosed.
The awards are made in consultation with Sasol.
Bursaries and Loans
Gold Fields Ltd Bursary
Who qualifies?
A South African for full-time study in BScHons in Geology.
The Bursary Administrator, Gold Fields Academy, Private Bag X11, WESTONARIA 1780; Tel.: 011 752 1145; Fax:
011 752 1887; Email: jolene.pienaar@goldfields.co.za
Closing date: 31 May
Full study fees, plus R19 440 living-out allowance and approximately R10 800 personal allowance.
Computer allowance as a once-off amount from second year.
Successful applicants are required to work for the company (mining only) for one year prior to attending
Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students for research in Geology, Mineralogy, Chemistry (Inorganic or Organic), Chemical
Engineering, Electrical or Electronic Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering (Extraction, Pyro or Physical).
The Manager: Human Resources, Training and Development, MINTEK, Private Bag X3015, RANDBURG 2125
Closing date: 31 May
To be determined annually.
Under the B Scheme, the value of the bursary is two-thirds of that under the A Scheme.
Mintek’s approval of the research project is required.
Under the A Scheme, the bursary holder has to remain in Mintek’s service for an unbroken period of one year
for every year of study sponsored.
The B Scheme does not call for a contractual commitment.
The type of scheme offered, is to be determined by Mintek.
Bursaries and Loans
4. Faculty of Education
Fuchs (Carl and Emily Fuchs Overseas Scholarship)
Who qualifies?
A doctoral student, with high academic achievement, to study in Education, Business Management,
Economics, Finance, Human Health, Science or Technology full-time for one year at a recognised foreign
university, preferably a prestigious one.
The Senior Assistant Registrar, Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, University of the Witwatersrand, Private
Bag 3, WITS 2050
Closing date: 30 September
Value: R100 000
Applicants must be South African citizens who are resident in South Africa.
After obtaining the degree abroad, the holder of the scholarship must return to the RSA for not less than four
The award of the scholarship may on reapplication be renewed for a further year, depending on satisfactory
progression with the study.
Applicants who are shortlisted must be available for an interview between 20 and 30 November.
SAALED (The South African Association for Learning and Educational Differences)
Who qualifies?
One bursary yearly to a student specialising in the support of learners with special educational needs
(remedial education).
SAALED National Office, PO Box 55023, NORTHLANDS 2116; Tel.: 011 325 2406; Email:
membership@saaled.org.za; www.saaled.org.za
Closing date: 31 October
Value: R6 000
Bursaries and Loans
5. Faculty of AgriSciences
5.1 Various departments
Cape Pork Producers’ Organisation
Who qualifies?
A prospective full-time MScAgric student in the Department of Animal Sciences to conduct research on pigs.
(In exceptional cases, the bursary may be awarded to a prospective doctoral student, particularly to a person
who wishes to further investigate specific facets of his master’s project on completion of the master’s
The Departmental Chairperson, Department of Animal Sciences, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602
Closing date: 15 August
One bursary for the duration of study.
Bursaries and Loans
6. Faculty of Law
Attorneys Fidelity Fund
Who qualifies?
To be eligible, applicants must hold a BA (Law), BCom (Law), BJuris or BProc degree, or an equivalent
qualification, or have completed the first two years of the 4-year LLB curriculum.
The bursaries are awarded on the grounds of acute financial need, or exceptional academic merit.
Mrs Liesel Decker, Operations Co-ordinator, The Attorneys Fidelity Fund, PO Box 3062, CAPE TOWN 8000;
Email: LLBbursary@fidfund.co.za, or liesel@fidfund.co.za
Closing date: 15 August
Value: See particulars below.
The Attorneys Fidelity Fund offers a limited number of study bursaries for a maximum period of two years for
the LLB degree at a local university.
The value of the bursaries will be limited to the study fees for the year in question, subject to such maximum
amount as may be fixed from year to year.
Bursaries and Loans
7. Faculty of Theology
Grundling (Magdalena Grundling Trust)
Who qualifies?
Theology (up to ordination).
Applicants from the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Oudtshoorn West.
If no student from the relevant congregation may qualify in this way within a given period, anybody from the
DR Church congregations in Oudtshoorn will qualify.
Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, SANLAMHOF 7532
Closing date: 15 September
Interest on the trust fund for such students of Theology.
The decision of the trustee in respect of any student over whatever period of time will be final and binding.
Bursaries and Loans
Bursaries and Loans
8.4 School of Public Leadership
Uys (Dirkie Uys Memorial Fund)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Manager: Postgraduate Student Funding, SU.
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Public and Development Management, Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Sociology.
Bursaries and Loans
9. Faculty of Engineering
9.1 Various departments
BHP Billiton Energy Coal
Who qualifies?
Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current), Extractive Metallurgy, Mine Surveying, Mining Engineering or
Mechanical Engineering. BSc majoring in Geology and in one of the following as second major subject:
Chemistry, Earth Science, Geophysics, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics or Physics. Obligation to study to
honours level in Geology.
The study bursaries are open to all Grade 12 (Std. 10) learners with a minimum of 70% in both Mathematics
and Physical Sciences.
Persons already studying at a university or technikon are also eligible.
BHP Billiton Energy Coal, PO Box 30632, BRAAMFONTEIN 2017; Fax: 086 602 8949
Closing date: 31 May
Study and accommodation fees plus a personal allowance.
A work obligation of six months for every year the bursary was used towards Energy Coal, or the bursary
expenditure experienced by Ingwe can be paid back.
Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students to carry out research in Chemical Engineering, Electrical or Electronic Engineering
and Metallurgical Engineering (Extraction, Pyro or Physical).
The Manager: Human Resources, Training and Development, MINTEK, Private Bag X3015, RANDBURG 2125
Closing date: 31 May
To be determined annually. Under the B Scheme the value of the bursary is two-thirds of that under the A
Bursaries and Loans
Mintek’s approval of the research project is required.
Under the A Scheme, the bursary holder has to remain in Mintek’s service for an unbroken period of one year
for every year of study sponsored. The B Scheme does not call for a contractual commitment.
The type of scheme offered is to be determined by Mintek
SA Breweries
Who qualifies?
First-year students for the normal duration of the programme.
The Administrator, SAB, PO Box 782178, SANDTON 2146
Closing date: 30 June
Full study fees, full accommodation fees and a book allowance.
Engineering (Chemical, Electrical, Electronic, Industrial and Mechanical).
Obligation to work back for the company a year for a year.
Sasol/Stellenbosch 2020
Who qualifies?
Full-time postgraduate students on the grounds of academic achievement and also versatility in other areas.
For master’s or doctoral study in Chemical Engineering, or honours, master’s and doctoral study in Chemistry.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date: 15 March
These bursaries may be held jointly with NRF bursaries.
Applications must be furnished in writing in English in the form of a memorandum (full names, identity
Bursaries and Loans
number, study programme, schools attended, cultural or student activities, etc. should be stated).
A written recommendation by the supervisor is also to be enclosed.
Applicants must be South African citizens.
The awards are made in consultation with Sasol.
Bursaries and Loans
Bursaries and Loans
The Trustees, BOE Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000
Closing date: 31 July
If a student does not do research, 10% of the allocation per annum must be paid back to the trustees.
Bursaries and Loans
Truter (HW Truter)
Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students in Psychiatry.
Manager: Postgraduate Student Funding, SU.
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Bursaries and Loans
The loans listed in this section are mostly for undergraduate students. Postgraduate students are advised to
contact the Postgraduate Student Funding Unit at 021 808 4208.
The Managing Director, ATKV, PO Box 4586, RANDBURG 2125; Tel.: 011 919 9000; Fax: 011 886 8939;
Closing date: 15 October
Value: R15 000 per annum.
ATKV study loans are awarded to ATKV members and their immediate family members for part- or full-time
Interest is charged at 3% during studies, and 8% after completion of studies.
Bursaries and Loans
www.fundi.co.za; Call Centre: 0860 55 55 44; Email: support@fundi.co.za
Value: Negotiable
When you apply for a study loan, you don’t need a deposit and there are no hidden costs.
We pay directly to the institution.
Your instalments are fixed, which means your payments will stay exactly the same until the end of the
contract period of the loan.
A family member or sponsor can apply for a loan on your behalf and different credit criteria can apply when
you nominate salary deduction as a method to pay back your instalments.
Helpmekaar Studiefonds
Applications: www.helpmekaarfonds.org
Application and closing date: Online from 1 August to 30 September.
Up to a maximum of R95 000 per annum, depending on the degree programme.
For Afrikaans-speaking students.
The applicant must have someone who will act as surety for the loan.
Interest is payable while studying.
At any Nedbank branch.
Undergraduate – variable. Part-time (postgraduate) – variable.
Interest rate available on request.
Student loans are granted on merit from the first year of study.
Standard Bank
The Manager, Standard Bank Student Business Centre, Shop 907, Langenhoven Students’ Centre, Victoria
Street, STELLENBOSCH 7600; Tel.: 021 808 6362
For particulars, please phone or visit Standard Bank.
Loans for full-time and part-time students are available at favourable interest rates.
Bursaries and Loans
Ancient Studies
Biblical Hebrew
Prizes for the purchase of books, to be awarded to:
the best second-year student (R300), and
the best third-year student (R500).
CJ Rhodes Prize
A prize of at least R3 000 for outstanding achievement in History over a period of at least four years.
Car Prize
A set of dictionaries awarded by Ramsay Media, for the best BPhil student (designation in February; prize-
giving in March).
PJ Cillié Prize
A prize of R2 000 for the BPhil student who is the year’s top candidate in terms of outstanding formulation.
Adjudication is done by lecturers of the department.
Bursaries and Loans
ORMS Photography Prize
A camera for the BPhil student with the best photo portfolio (selection in February by teaching staff; handing
over in March).
Lionel Bowman Prize
One prize of approximately R2 500 is awarded annually to an undergraduate student for the best
interpretation of a complete work for solo piano by Beethoven.
Competitors must give a public performance of a complete work by Beethoven in the presence of judges.
PS du Toit Prize
A prize of R1 000 for the final-year student who was the top achiever in the preceding year in the Music
Education module.
Molteno Prize
A cash prize of R1 000, to be awarded to a first-year Music student for the best overall achievement in his
The Consulate General of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Cape Town annually offers book prizes for the
best students in German.
Bursaries and Loans
The French Embassy annually awards book prizes to the best students in French as well as merit bursaries to
highly deserving students.
In addition, the French Embassy awards full bursaries to top postgraduate students wishing to further their
studies at a French university, as well as assistantships to students who wish to improve their French in
France after completing their Honours degree.
CS Edgar Prizes
Prizes, for the purchase of books, to be awarded to:
• the best second-year student (R300), and
• the best third-year student (R500).
JG de Grevenbrouk Prize
A prize of R500 for the purchase of books, to be awarded to the best third-year student.
Smuts-Bruwer Prize
A prize of R300 for the purchase of books to the best second-year student.
People’s Republic of China
The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China annually offers book prizes through the Confucius Institute
for the best students in Chinese.
Naspers makes annual awards to the best students in Chinese.
Bursaries and Loans
2. Faculty of Science
Merck Prize in Molecular and Cellular Biology or Biotechnology
A certificate and cash prize awarded to the best final-year student in the Molecular Cellular Biology or
Biotechnology programme, who is proceeding with postgraduate studies.
Dr WP Steenkamp Prize
A cash prize for the student with the best achievement in Biology 144 and 154 jointly.
Merck Achievement Prize
A glass trophy and R1 000 to the best final-year Chemistry student who has taken a pure BSc degree and is
proceeding to postgraduate studies in Chemistry.
SMM Prize
A prize of R5 000 to the best cum laude honours student in Chemistry.
Plant Morphology
Professor PG Jordaan Prize for Plant Morphology
Interest on R1 000 for the purchase of a book or books by the professor of Botany.
To be awarded to an undergraduate student in his final year for commendable performance in a branch of
Plant Morphology, such as Comparative Morphology and Plant Systematics.
Approval at the last faculty meeting of the year.
One-fifth of the interest is to be capitalised annually.
Bursaries and Loans
3. Faculty of AgriSciences
Agricultural Economics
The management of the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) annually awards a prize
to the best final-year student in Agricultural Economics at each university.
The student will receive a certificate from AEASA, and also an invitation to attend the annual conference.
To be eligible for the AEASA Prize, students must have obtained an average of not less than 65% in all their
final-year Agricultural Economics modules, as well as an average of 60% in Agricultural Economics in each of
the other years of study.
Students must also have obtained an average of 60% in all ancillary modules over all years of study.
Animal Sciences
South African Society for Animal Sciences (SASAS)
An amount of R1 000 for the best final-year student in Animal Sciences (major subject), donated by SASAS.
Food Science
Bessie Retief Book Prize
Annually to a final-year BSc Food Science student with the highest final mark in the undergraduate module,
Sensory Analysis.
An amount of R1 000 for the most deserving final-year BSc in Food Science student, donated by the South
African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST).
Plant Breeding
South African Plant Breeders’ Association (SAPBA)
A cash prize of R1 000 for the best final-year student in Plant Breeding, donated by SAPBA.
Bursaries and Loans
Viticulture and Oenology
An amount of R5 500, known as “the SASEV Prize”, is offered annually by the South African Society for
Enology and Viticulture for the best final-year BScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology) student.
Bursaries and Loans
CA Support
Best second-year BCom student in Financial Accounting.
Best BComHons student in Management Accounting.
Two prizes for the best second-year and third-year students in Financial Accounting and Taxation.
Cash prize for the best third-year BAcc student in Financial Accounting.
Cash prize and floating trophy for the best first-year BAcc student in Financial Accounting.
Cash prize and floating trophy for the best BAccHons student in Financial Accounting.
LexisNexis Publishers
Two book prizes for deserving BAcc students.
Loubser du Plessis
Cash prize for the second best BAccHons student.
Cash prize for the best first-year BAcc student.
Pastel Software
Best student in Information Systems.
Kruger Rand plus certificate for the best BAccHons student.
Cash prize plus certificate for the best third-year BAcc student.
Cash prize plus certificate for the second best third-year BAcc student.
Cash prize plus certificate for the best third-year BAcc student in Auditing.
Cash prize plus certificate for the best second-year BAcc student in Auditing.
Rademeyer Wesson
Cash prize for the best second-year and third-year BAcc students in Accounting subjects.
Bursaries and Loans
SAIPA (The South African Institute of Professional Accountants)
Cash prize and floating trophy for the best first-year BCom student in Financial Accounting.
Cash prize and floating trophy for the best third-year BCom student in Financial Accounting.
Cash prize and floating trophy for the best third-year BCom student in Taxation.
Best third-year BCom student in Accounting subjects.
Best second-year BAcc student.
Best second-year BAcc student in Financial Accounting.
Bursaries and Loans
Bursaries and Loans
Medals are awarded to students who have excelled in their field of study. Students cannot apply for a medal.
1. General medals
Chancellor’s medal
The Chancellor’s Medal is awarded each year to the most deserving student who in that year has obtained a
degree or postgraduate diploma at Stellenbosch University.
Value: Gold medal: 18 carat
2. Faculty of Science
Dean’s medal
Established and donated by Prof JA de Bruyn.
Awarded annually to the honours student who over the entire period of studies for the BSc and BScHons
degrees obtained the highest average percentage.
For purposes of calculation, each year of study for the BSc degree shall, in accordance with HEMIS norms,
carry a weight of one, and the honours degree a weight of two.
Value: Solid silver medal
Element Six (Pty) Ltd and DST/NRF Centre of Excellence in Strong Materials Medal
A gold-plated medal is presented annually to the best third-year student with an average mark of 70%, that
includes the marks obtained in the two polymer modules.
A gold-plated medal is also presented to the best honours student (minimum mark 70%) in Polymer Science.
Value: Gold-plated medal
Bursaries and Loans
3. Faculty of AgriSciences
Farmer’s Weekly
For the best final-year student for the degree of BAgricAdmin.
Value: Gilded silver medal
Hofmeyr-Van Schaik
For a BScAgric final-year student or BScHons student for best achievement in Genetics or Plant Breeding.
Value: A solid silver medal
4. Faculty of Law
Hofmeyr, Herbstein, Gihwala Inc
For the final-year LLB student who has performed best in the degree programme.
The medal is donated by the Johannesburg law firm of Hofmeyr, Herbstein, Gihwala Inc.
Value: Gold medal
5. Faculty of Engineering
For the most deserving BEng student within the Faculty as a whole.
Value: Gold medal
Bursaries and Loans
For the best final-year student in the BEng degree programme in Chemical Engineering
Value: Silver medal
Bursaries and Loans
1. Stellenbosch University scholarships
Abe Bailey
An annual scholarship for full-time study towards a doctorate for a graduate from any department for studies
in Great Britain, with preference given to the University of Oxford.
The Scholarship may also be awarded to a student registered for full-time studies towards a doctorate at
Stellenbosch University, provided that such student shall produce proof of registration for the doctorate at
Stellenbosch University; spend a minimum period of three months towards the study in Great Britain,
preferably at the University of Oxford; and submit a progress report that has been approved by his supervisor
after his period of study in Great Britain.
Please note:
This scholarship may be used to increase the doctoral student’s bursary award(s).
If a suitable candidate cannot be found in a particular year, the scholarship funds are transferred to the next
Email CV to sunfinaid@ac.za, for the attention of the Head: Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans
Closing date: 30 April
Value: Roughly R9 000
Conservatoire Scholarship
For a deserving undergraduate student in the fourth year of study who excelled in the preceding year.
If no suitable fourth-year student can be identified, a suitable third-year student can be chosen.
Alongside academic results, account is taken of maturity and of outstanding achievement in any facet of
music studies.
This scholarship is awarded on recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Music.
The scholarship may be withheld if no candidate is considered to be suitable.
Value: R15 000
Applications: No applications
AIMS offers an intensive one-year course that leads to a MSc degree in the Mathematical Sciences.
This master’s degree is formally accredited at the Universities of Cape Town, Stellenbosch and the Western
Cape and is presented in cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cambridge and the
Division of Physical Science of the University of Oxford.
Travel expenses to and from AIMS, tuition, accommodation, meals and a modest allowance.
Application forms can be downloaded from the website: www.aims.ac.za. Completed forms to be posted to:
The Administrative Officer, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 6 Melrose Street, MUIZENBERG 7945,
Republic of South Africa; Email: info@aims.ac.za; Tel.: 27 21 787 9320; Fax: 27 21 787 9321
Closing date: 28 February
Bursaries and Loans
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation promotes academic cooperation between excellent scientists and
scholars from abroad and from Germany.
6- to 24-month fellowships
The Foundation awards 6- to 24-month fellowships to highly qualified post-doctoral scientists and scholars,
who only completed their doctorates in the last four years, for research projects in any discipline in Germany.
The fellowship is worth €2 250 per month.
This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution towards health and liability insurance.
6- to 18-month fellowships
The Foundation also offers 6- to 18-month fellowships for experienced researchers, who completed their
doctorates less than twelve years ago.
This fellowship is worth €2 450 per month.
This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution towards health and liability insurance.
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 12 Jean-Paul St, D-53173 Bonn, Germany
Bursaries and Loans
German Academic Exchange Service/Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), DAAD Information
Centre, Johannesburg, Dr Ralf Hermann, Head of DAAD IC and Visiting Lecturer, Mrs Samia Chasi, DAAD
Educational and Programme Advisor, PO Box 269, WITS 2050; Tel.: 011 717 9334; Fax: 011 717 9335;
http://ic.daad.de/johannesburg; Email: daad@wits.ac.za
Closing date:
Various deadlines, depending on the programmes.
Rhodes Scholarships
Applicants must have lived for at least five years, within the period of ten years immediately preceding their
date of application, in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia or Swaziland; to be over 19 and
under 25 years old on 1 October 2022, and have obtained a first degree acceptable to Oxford.
The trustees have specially extended the age limit by two years for MBChB applicants who are doing their
medical internship.
About £20 000 per annum.
The General Secretary, Rhodes Scholarships, PO Box 41468, CRAIGHALL 2024; Email: rhotrust@pixie.co.za;
www.rhodestrust.org.za; Tel.: 011 794 4693
Closing date: 15 August
Bursaries and Loans
Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship
These are for full-time study in any field of study at a university abroad.
Applicants must have already completed two years of study at a university successfully or have acquired
appropriate professional experience.
In addition, they must get along well with other people, must socialise easily and must be able to act as
ambassadors for their country.
A maximum of $25 000 (USA dollars) for one full-time academic year (including one return airfare).
The Chairperson, Rotary Foundation, PO Box 1509, DASSENBERG 7350, or www.rotary.org
Closing date: 15 May
Bursaries and Loans
This index contains both bursaries and loans in alphabetical order. To make the distinction as clear as
possible, the word “loan” has been added in brackets with all the loans.