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Bursaries and Loans

Financial assistance
for undergraduate and
postgraduate students

Yearbook, Part 2
Bursaries and Loans

For bursary-related enquiries

Tel. +27 21 808 9111 (Stellenbosch University Client Services)

Email info@sun.ac.za

General website for students www.maties.com

Postal Address The Registrar

Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X1

Website for undergraduate bursaries finaid.sun.ac.za

Website for postgraduate bursaries www.sun.ac.za/pgo/funding

Bursaries and Loans

Please note that the University officially changed the English name “Calendar” to “Yearbook” in August 2023.
The new name came into effect immediately in documents and communication of the University and will
also be used in all Yearbook parts from the 2024 Yearbook onwards.

Accuracy, liability and changes

• Stellenbosch University has taken reasonable care to ensure that the information provided in the
Yearbook parts is as accurate and complete as possible.
• Take note, however, that the University’s Council and Senate accept no liability for any incorrect
information in the Yearbook parts.
• The University reserves the right to change the Yearbook parts at any time when necessary.

The division of the Yearbook

• The Yearbook is divided into 13 parts.
• Part 1, 2 and 3 of the Yearbook contain general information applicable to all students. Make sure that
you understand all provisions in Part 1 (General Rules) of the Yearbook that are applicable to you.
• Part 4 to 13 of the Yearbook are the Faculty Yearbook parts.

Part Yearbook
Part 1 General Rules
Part 2 Bursaries and Loans
Part 3 Student Fees
Part 4 Arts and Social Sciences
Part 5 Science
Part 6 Education
Part 7 AgriSciences
Part 8 Law
Part 9 Theology
Part 10 Economic and Management Sciences
Part 11 Engineering
Part 12 Medicine and Health Sciences
Part 13 Military Science

Availability of the Yearbook parts

• The electronic versions of the Yearbook parts are available at www.sun.ac.za/Yearbook.
• There are English and Afrikaans (Part 1 to 12) copies available.

Bursaries and Loans

Table of contents

General information .......................................................................... 1

Language Policy and Plan ............................................................................................................... 1
Inclusivity.................................................................................................................................................. 1
Communication with the University .......................................................................................... 1
Important concepts ............................................................................................................................ 1
Financial support ................................................................................3
1. Who qualifies for financial support? .................................................................................... 3
1.1 The two sets of factors in the University’s allocation of financial support ...................................... 3
a) Academic factors ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
b) Financial need .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 How can I apply for financial support? ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 What are the opening and closing dates for applications? ....................................................................... 4
1.4 How will I know if my application was successful? ......................................................................................... 4
1.5 What may I spend the money on? ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Reduction or cancellation of bursary......................................................................................................................... 4
2. What kind of financial support is available? ................................................................... 5
2.1 Excellence awards for first-year students ..............................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Achievement awards ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
a) Vice-Chancellor's Award .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
b) Achiever Award ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Merit awards ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
c) Excel Award ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
d) Access Award ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Summary of conditions for an excellence award ..........................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Senior Merit Award for senior-year students ...................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Summary of conditions for a Senior Merit Award ..........................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Special Bursaries .......................................................................................................................................................................7
a) Sport Bursary ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
b) “Three Children” Rebate ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Bursaries for undergraduate students...................................... 8

1. Bursaries for study in most faculties ................................................................................... 8
1.1 Bursaries not subject to significant restrictions................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Bursaries subject to certain restrictions .................................................................................................................. 11
2. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences................................................................................... 18
2.1 Various departments ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2 Department of Afrikaans and Dutch ........................................................................................................................ 18
2.3 Department of Drama......................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Department of English ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Department of Music........................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Department of Social Work........................................................................................................................................... 22
2.7 Department of Visual Arts .............................................................................................................................................. 22
3. Faculty of Science ...................................................................................................................... 24
4. Faculty of Education ................................................................................................................. 26
5. Faculty of AgriSciences ........................................................................................................... 27
Bursaries and Loans
5.1 Various departments............................................................................................................................................................27
5.2 Department of Food Science .......................................................................................................................................30
6. Faculty of Law ............................................................................................................................... 31
7. Faculty of Theology ................................................................................................................... 33
8. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences ..................................................... 35
8.1 Various departments ...........................................................................................................................................................35
8.2 Department of Economics ..............................................................................................................................................37
8.3 Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science..............................................................................................37
8.4 School of Accountancy .....................................................................................................................................................37
9. Faculty of Engineering ............................................................................................................. 39
9.1 Various departments .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
9.2 Department of Civil Engineering ................................................................................................................................44
9.3 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ................................................................................45
9.4 Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering .................................................................... 46
10. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences .................................................................. 47
10.1 Various departments .........................................................................................................................................................47
10.2 Department of Health and Rehabilitation Studies ..................................................................................... 49

Bursaries for postgraduate students .......................................50

1. Bursaries for study in most faculties ................................................................................ 50
1.1 Bursaries not subject to significant restrictions................................................................................................ 50
1.2 Bursaries subject to certain restrictions ................................................................................................................. 51
2. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.................................................................................. 55
2.1 Various departments ...........................................................................................................................................................55
2.2 Department of Afrikaans and Dutch ....................................................................................................................... 56
2.3 Department of Drama.........................................................................................................................................................57
2.4 Department of English .......................................................................................................................................................57
2.5 Department of History ....................................................................................................................................................... 58
2.6 Department of Information Science ....................................................................................................................... 59
2.7 Department of Journalism.............................................................................................................................................. 59
2.8 Department of Music ......................................................................................................................................................... 59
2.9 Department of Social Work............................................................................................................................................ 61
2.10 Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology ................................................................................ 62
2.11 Department of Visual Arts ............................................................................................................................................. 62
3. Faculty of Science ...................................................................................................................... 63
3.1 Various departments .......................................................................................................................................................... 63
3.2 Department of Botany and Zoology ....................................................................................................................... 64
3.3 Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science........................................................................................... 65
3.4 Department of Earth Sciences .................................................................................................................................... 65
3.5 Department of Mathematical Sciences ................................................................................................................ 66
3.6 Department of Physics ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
4. Faculty of Education ................................................................................................................. 68
5. Faculty of AgriSciences ........................................................................................................... 69
5.1 Various Departments .......................................................................................................................................................... 69
5.2 Department of Food Science ....................................................................................................................................... 70
6. Faculty of Law ............................................................................................................................... 71
7. Faculty of Theology ................................................................................................................... 72

Bursaries and Loans
8. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences ..................................................... 73
8.1 Various departments ...........................................................................................................................................................73
8.2 Department of Economics ..............................................................................................................................................73
8.3 School of Accountancy .....................................................................................................................................................73
8.4 School of Public Leadership ..........................................................................................................................................74
9. Faculty of Engineering ............................................................................................................. 75
9.1 Various departments ...........................................................................................................................................................75
9.2 Department of Chemical Engineering....................................................................................................................76
9.3 Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering ..................................................................... 77
10. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences .................................................................. 78
Loans .................................................................................................... 81
ABSA Stellenbosch Student Lifestyle Centre .................................................................... 81
Ackermann (Jossie Ackermann)................................................................................................. 81
ATKV.......................................................................................................................................................... 81
Conradie (JE Conradie).................................................................................................................... 81
CWAA (Cape Women’s Agricultural Association) Agriculture Research Loan 81
FUNDI ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
Helpmekaar Studiefonds .............................................................................................................. 82
Namibian Public Service ............................................................................................................... 82
NEDBANK .............................................................................................................................................. 82
Northern Helpmekaar Study Fund .......................................................................................... 82
Department of Chemical Engineering Bursary Loan Scheme.................................. 83
Schumann (Wynnie Schumann Memorial Loan) .............................................................. 83
Standard Bank .................................................................................................................................... 83
Uys (Glen Uys) ..................................................................................................................................... 83
Prizes, trophies, shields, sword of honour and cups .......... 84
1. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences ................................................................................... 84
2. Faculty of Science ...................................................................................................................... 87
3. Faculty of AgriSciences .......................................................................................................... 88
4. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences .....................................................90
5. Faculty of Military Science ..................................................................................................... 92
Medals ................................................................................................. 93
1. General Medals ........................................................................................................................... 93
2. Faculty of Science ...................................................................................................................... 93
3. Faculty of AgriSciences ........................................................................................................... 94
4. Faculty of Law .............................................................................................................................. 94
5. Faculty of Engineering ............................................................................................................. 94
6. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences ..................................................................... 95
7. Faculty of Military Science ..................................................................................................... 95
Scholarships ...................................................................................... 96
1. Stellenbosch University Scholarships.............................................................................. 96
2. Other Scholarships (Possibility of Study Abroad) ...................................................... 96
Bursaries and Loans
Index .................................................................................................. 100

Bursaries and Loans

General information
In this publication, any expression signifying one of the genders includes the other gender equally, unless
inconsistent with the context.
The University reserves the right to amend the Yearbook at any time. The Council and the Senate of the
University accept no liability for any inaccuracies there may be in the Yearbook. Every reasonable care has
been taken, however, to ensure that the relevant information to hand as at the time of going to press, is given
fully and accurately in the Yearbook. Notifications regarding bursaries or the amendment of bursary
conditions are announced through the official channels of the University and sent to the deans of the
faculties concerned.
In the event of uncertainty or a dispute regarding information in Part 2 of the Yearbook, the final inter-
pretation will be based on the English version.

Language Policy and Plan

The official Language Policy and Language Plan of Stellenbosch University were approved by the Council of
the University. The full version is available at http://www.sun.ac.za/language.

Stellenbosch University admits students of any race to all rights, privileges, programmes and activities
generally accorded or made available to students at the University. The University does not discriminate on
the basis of race in the implementation of its educational policies, its scholarship and bursary programmes,
or its sport programmes.

Communication with the University

Prospective students
The University allocates an application number to you (for example APP/1234567) when you apply to study
at the University. The application number is a unique number to identify you and to simplify future
communication with the University regarding all your programme applications in a given year. Use your
application number every time you communicate with the University.
Please note, however, that to apply for SU Funding Opportunities (SUFO), all prospective students must use
their SU student number to gain access to the online portal.
Current or former Stellenbosch University students
The University allocates a student number to you when you are admitted to a programme and register at the
University. The student number is a unique number to identify you and to simplify future communication with
the University.

Use your uniqe, 8-digit student number every time you communicate with the University.

Important concepts
In this Part 2 of the University Yearbook, any expression signifying the singular includes the plural, and vice
versa, unless inconsistent with the context.

In this Part 2 of the University Yearbook, the terms “programme” and “programmes” are short for
“instructional programme”/“programme of study” and “instructional programmes”/“programmes of study”
respectively, unless inconsistent with the context.

In this Part 2 of the University Yearbook, the term “holder” means “bursary holder” and/or “merit bursary
holder”, unless inconsistent with the context.

Bursaries and Loans
An amount of money allocated to a deserving student to pay for his studies fully or in part. There may be a
service agreement attached to the bursary.

An amount of money lent to a deserving student to pay for his studies in full or in part. The money must be
paid back by the student.

Bursaries and Loans

Financial support
Stellenbosch University (SU) believes that people who have the potential to succeed academically should as
far as practicable be given the appropriate opportunities. This is why SU strives to provide as much support
as possible to those who gain admission to the University as students but who lack financial means.
The University is very much aware of the financial need of its students. Unfortunately, though, the University
has limited funds at its disposal. Students are encouraged to not only look to the University for financial
support, but to also explore other, external (private) funding opportunities. The fact that a student has applied
for an SU bursary or funding is not a guarantee in any sense that they will be granted such funding.
The University offers two reliable forms of financial support that students can count on, namely excellence
awards and the highly beneficial "three children" rebates. These awards and rebates are granted based on
merit and do not consider financial need as an eligibility criterion.
In the first and last instance, therefore, each student at Stellenbosch University is personally responsible for
making financial provision for the settlement of their Student Fees account.

1. Who qualifies for financial support?

All South African citizens who are prospective students (who received a conditional or final offer from SU) or
current SU students may apply for financial support from the University.
A student who comes from a household with a gross household income (HHI) of less than R350 000 per
year – or for a student living with a disability, a gross HHI of not more than R600 000 per year – are advised
to apply for the government-funded National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) bursary. This bursary is
available to South African citizens, students with a permanent residence, and all SASSA grant recipients.
Applications are online via the official NSFAS website, www.nsfas.org.za. NSFAS-funded students are
encouraged to also apply annually for SU Funding Opportunities (SUFO).
Prospective and current postgraduate students of all nationalities may apply for SU's postgraduate bursary
programme. Please refer to the criteria per funding opportunity for more details.
The following categories do not qualify for financial support:
• Students registered as occasional students
• Students who register for a second bachelor’s degree programme, except for:
o Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
o Medical students who transferred from BSc
• Students who are not RSA citizens

1.1 The two sets of factors in the University’s allocation of financial

Since the University’s financial resources are limited, it bases the allocation of bursaries – in other words, the
allocation of financial support – on both academic and financial factors.
Central to the academic factors is the individual’s potential to make a success of university studies. Central to
the financial factors is the individual’s financial need.

a) Academic factors
Students at the University, whether registered (current) or prospective, must meet the minimum academic
requirements for admission.
First-year students and students in one of the extended degree programmes who have been admitted to the
University as students on the strength of their results in the final school examinations (or equivalent
examinations) may be eligible for financial support (the University takes such admission to be sufficient proof
of their capacity to make a success of university studies).
Undergraduate students at the University must be registered for full-time, complete programmes.
Senior undergraduate students – that is, students in a second or further year of study – are required to have
passed at least 60% of the credits of their previous year of study. Senior undergraduate students who have
passed less than 60% of their credits of the previous year of study disqualify themselves on academic
grounds to be considered for any financial support.

Bursaries and Loans
b) Financial need
If an applicant has the academic potential to study successfully, the University will consider their financial
need. To form an accurate picture of the applicant’s financial position, the University will verify the household
income via a third party. With these financial particulars to hand, the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and
Loans (CUBL) then assesses the extent of the applicant’s financial need.
Students are granted financial support, regardless of race and gender, in direct proportion to the extent of
their financial need.
An applicant is normally considered for financial support if the gross household income is less than
R600 000 per year (“missing middle”). For households with a higher income (between R600 000 and
R1 million), the number of dependents attending a tertiary institution may be taken into consideration. Unless
otherwise specified, applicants must be South African citizens and reside in South Africa.

1.2 How can I apply for financial support?

• Study this book carefully to determine which bursaries you qualify for. Make sure to read through
the general bursaries, as well as the faculty-specific bursaries.
• For bursaries administrated by a private company or organisation, you can contact the company or
organisation directly for application forms.
• For SU funding, you can apply online during the SU Funding Opportunities (SUFO) application
period. The application dates will be communicated prior to the academic year for which funding
may be required. Please go to the CUBL website > Application process tab for more detailed
• You use the same online application form to apply for more than one bursary administered by
Stellenbosch University. This includes applications for an SU external donor bursary and/or an SU
family bursary listed in this Yearbook Part 2.
• Make sure that you complete all the necessary forms correctly and that all required support
documents are uploaded when requested. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
• We urge all prospective and undergraduate students with financial needs to apply online to be
registered on the CUBL financial aid database. Bursary officers can then consider and nominate
students accordingly, across varying financial need, academic and/or other qualifying criteria.
Please note that if you apply and your financial circumstances change, you may inform the bursary
office and still be considered for suitable funding. However, if your financial circumstances change
(for example, due to provider’s change in income/job loss or death) and you did not apply during
the application period, you cannot be considered for any SU funding opportunity for the given
academic year.

1.3 What are the opening and closing dates for applications?
• The opening and closing date for undergraduate bursaries administered by Stellenbosch University
will be communicated on all official channels. Please also visit the CUBL website for information.
• The closing dates for bursaries administrated by private companies or organisations may differ from
that of the University, but the closing date of each externally administered bursary is indicated in the
bursary section of this book, where available.
• Postgraduate bursary applications have various closing dates. Contact postgradfunding@sun.ac.za
as early as April of the preceding academic year to enquire about the different closing dates.

1.4 How will I know if my application was successful?

All allocations of bursaries to current students who have applied timeously are finalised by year-end. The
Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans (CUBL) thereafter informs each applicant in writing of the
outcome of their application.

1.5 What may I spend the money on?

All funding/bursaries that are awarded to students may only be used for study fees, accommodation, meals,
books and study material, and for travel allowance for students residing at home.

1.6 Reduction or cancellation of bursary

A bursary may be cancelled or reduced at any time if the holder’s conduct or progress is unsatisfactory, or if
the holder discontinues their studies, or if the standard of their class work or their examination results are, in
the University’s opinion, not adequate.
The amount of the bursary is determined by a cost-of-study calculation. If the student receives any other
bursary or bursaries (e.g. an SU excellence award or a full cost-of-study bursary from an organisation), the
amount of the bursary will be reduced accordingly or even cancelled. This reduction or cancellation of the

Bursaries and Loans
bursary is done automatically.

2. What kind of financial support is available?

Current students and prospective students of the University are eligible for a wide range of bursaries.
Basically, these fall into four broad types:
• First-year Undergraduate Excellence Awards – granted on the basis of academic achievement in
grade 12/matric; Senior Merit Award – granted from the second to final year of undergraduate study
on the basis of academic achievement in the previous year.
• Rebates for certain Stellenbosch University students.
• Sport bursaries for Stellenbosch University students – awarded on the basis of achievements other
than scholastic or academic.
• Bursaries for undergraduate and postgraduate students with financial need at Stellenbosch

2.1 Excellence awards for first-year students

There are four excellence awards for academically excellent students in their first year of undergraduate
study. There is no application process for these awards, as the allocation is an automatic, computerised

2.1.1 Achievement awards

a) Vice-Chancellor's Award
The Vice-Chancellor’s Award is allocated in recognition of sterling grade 12 final academic results achieved.
Candidates who excelled in National Senior Certificate (NSC), the Independent Examination Board (IEB),
Cambridge, and other international examinations recognised by SU will be considered for this award. Fifteen
(15) awards will be made.
The Vice-Chancellor's awardees will receive correspondence from SU after the examination board results
have been released and final admission offers were made. Each award value is R100 000 and is a once-off
allocation to the Student Fees account.
Important note: The proposed list and final selection of candidates will be approved by the chair of the
Bursaries & Loans Committee (BLC).

b) Achiever Award
The Achiever Award recognises the sterling grade 12 academic achievement of 20 registered, first-year
students. The following candidates will be considered for this award:
• Category 1: the top ten first-year students who are enrolled at SU and excelled in NSC, IEB,
Cambridge, and other international examinations recognised by SU.
• Category 2: the top ten first-year students who are enrolled at SU and who attended a quintile 1 to 4
school (as classified by the Department of Basic Education) and passed the NSC. Should any top ten
candidate from a quintile 1 to 4 school also rank in either the Vice-Chancellor’s Award or Category 1
of the Achiever Award, the next candidate on the Category 2 ranking list will be considered.
The Achiever awardees will receive correspondence from SU after the examination board results have been
released and final admission offers were made. Each award value is R75 000 and is a once-off allocation to
the Student Fees account.

2.1.2 Merit awards

c) Excel Award
The Excel Award is allocated to the top 1% to 5% of first-time entry, first-year registered students per faculty.
Each award value is R25 000 and is a once-off allocation to the Student Fees account.

d) Access Award
The Access Award is allocated to all registered, first-year students from quintile 1 to 4 schools (as classified
by the Department of Basic Education) who passed the National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a grade 12
average above 80%. The value of each award is based on a sliding scale and is a once-off allocation to the
Student Fees account:
• more than 80% but less than 85% average: R5 000
• more than 85% but less than 90% average: R7 500
• more than 90% average: R10 000
Bursaries and Loans
Important note: The averages used for Excel and Access Awards are based on the calculation as per the
University’s Admission Policy.
The Excel and Access awardees will receive correspondence from SU after the examination board results
have been released and faculty registrations have been concluded.

2.1.3 Summary of conditions for an excellence award

1. These awards are available to South African citizens and students with permanent residence status.
2. A recipient must be registered at Stellenbosch University for their first year of study.
3. Registration at Stellenbosch University must also be the student’s first registration at a higher education
4. The final grade 12 (matric) results are applicable; re-marks will not be considered.
5. A recipient must have passed grade 12 (matric) not more than two years prior to the first year of study.
6. The award is a once-off allocation to the Student Fees account in the first year of study.
7. If a student de-registers before the end of the first semester, the full award will be forfeited. If a student
de-registered during the course of the second semester, 50% of the award will be forfeited.
8. A recipient whose parent(s) qualify for an SU staff rebate on tuition fees will receive a pro-rated
percentage of the award.
9. An Excel Award or an Access Award cannot be allocated in addition to a Vice-Chancellor’s Award or an
Achiever Award. A student who is identified for an Excel Award may, however, also receive an Access
Award, or vice versa.
10. The award will settle the Student Fees account first. If a credit results from an excellence award
allocation at the end of an academic year, the credit may be carried forward to the following academic
year that the student registers for.
For the Vice-Chancellor’s Award and the Achiever Award only: After settling the Student Fees account,
any credit available may be used for allowance disbursements – such as accommodation, meals,
textbooks, and travel associated with the student’s circumstances and living arrangements – or paid over
to the student.
For the Excel Award and the Access Award only: After settling the Student Fees account, any credit
available may be used for allowance disbursements such as accommodation, meals, textbooks, and
travel associated with the student’s circumstances and living arrangements.
11. All undergraduate excellence awards may be held concurrently with other bursaries or a combination of
bursaries, subject to the bursar or funder conditions.
12. The University reserves the right to cancel an undergraduate excellence award allocation accordingly
should it be determined that a student misrepresented any of the information used as criteria to qualify
for an undergraduate excellence award.

2.2 Senior Merit Award for senior-year students

This academic merit award is for senior undergraduates from their second to final year of study.
The Senior Merit Award is allocated to the top 5% of achievers per faculty, on the condition that a candidate
obtains a weighted aggregate of at least 75% in their previous academic year. There is no application process
for this award, as the allocation is an automatic, computerised process.
The award is a once-off, tuition-only rebate (discount) allocation to the Student Fees account, capped at
20%, and excludes module and/or programme costs.
The Senior Merit awardees will receive correspondence from SU once faculty registrations have been

2.2.1 Summary of conditions for a Senior Merit Award

1. A recipient must be registered at Stellenbosch University for their undergraduate senior year of study.
2. The award is only applicable for one year of study and cannot be carried over to a next year of study.
3. Students who studied at other institutions are to submit their results before 15 February of the current
academic year to the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries & Loans (CUBL) for consideration.
4. The Senior Merit Award will not be granted based on a student’s final-year undergraduate academic
5. If a student de-registers before the end of the first semester, the full award will be forfeited. If a student
de-registered during the course of the second semester, 50% of the award will be forfeited.
6. A recipient whose parent(s) qualify for an SU staff rebate on tuition fees will receive a pro-rated
percentage of the award.
7. The award will settle the Student Fees account first. In addition to this, however, after settling the
Student Fees account, any credit available may be used for allowance disbursements – such as
Bursaries and Loans
accommodation, meals, textbooks, and travel associated with student’s living arrangements – or paid
over to the student.
8. The Senior Merit Award may be held concurrently with other bursaries or a combination of bursaries,
subject to the bursar or funder conditions.
9. The University reserves the right to cancel an award allocation accordingly should it be determined that
a student misrepresented any of the information used as criteria to qualify for an undergraduate
excellence award.

2.3 Special bursaries

a) Sport Bursary
First-year students who have superior sporting achievements to their credit may be eligible for a range of
special bursaries that are not listed in this book. For more information, please contact Maties Sport,
tel. 021 808 4642.

b) “Three Children” Rebate

The University gives a 10% rebate on study fees where three or more children from the same family are
studying at the University simultaneously.

Bursaries and Loans

Bursaries for undergraduate students

As a rule, applicants for the financial support described in this Section must be prospective or registered
undergraduate students at Stellenbosch University (SU). The exceptions to this rule will be clear from the
descriptions given.
SU advises its students and prospective students to consult the relevant particulars in this Section.
All applications must be done online via the Stellenbosch University Funding Opportunities (SUFO) link, or
with the company or trust concerned. There is only one application process for the SU-managed bursaries
listed in this Yearbook Part 2 – this includes applications for the SU external donor and SU family bursaries.
Students in financial need are encouraged to apply annually for University funding, to ensure they are
registered on the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans (CUBL) financial aid database.
All undergraduate applications for funding opportunities that are administered by the University should reach
CUBL before the closing date. Closing dates for private organisations or companies may vary from that of the
In some instances, the value of a bursary may vary year on year. In such cases, the value has not been
Please note:
Interested current students and prospective students may also obtain information about other bursary
options from All Bursaries, Bursaries South Africa and GoStudy.

1. Bursaries for study in most faculties

1.1 Bursaries not subject to significant restrictions
Bendiks (LMC Bendiks)
Who qualifies?
Needy and deserving students.
Applications: SUFO

Broden (Eric Broden Trust)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries are awarded on the grounds of financial need and academics.
Applications: SUFO

Campher (Leon Campher Bursary Fund)

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate students who are needy and/or from historically disadvantaged schooling circumstances.
Applications: SUFO
Variable and subject to the availability of funds, and to the general terms and conditions laid down by SU.

Du Toit Huguenote
Who qualifies?
Criteria of award include financial need, academic achievement and leadership potential.
All candidates must study two modules of their programmes in Afrikaans. All candidates must include a
motivational letter and affidavit (for the two modules in Afrikaans) with their application.
All else being equal, candidates of Huguenot descent will receive preference.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU external donor bursary that requires a unique application form to also be submitted. You can
download Form Du Toit Huguenote at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Students who already receive the bursary will have to reapply each year.
If a holder fails to show satisfactory progress, or is guilty of misconduct, the bursary may be cancelled and
repayment demanded on such conditions as may be laid down by the trustees and the bursary committee

Bursaries and Loans
Fraser (Ian Fraser Memorial Bursary Fund)
Who qualifies?
Blind and visually impaired students.
The Bursary Fund Officer, Ian Fraser Memorial Bursary Fund, PO Box 125, HOWARD PLACE 7450
Closing date: 30 September
• Awarded towards the completion of an undergraduate diploma or degree
• Medical proof of blindness MUST be furnished
• Certified copies of the Matriculation Certificate and advices of subsequent university results,
especially the previous year’s final examination results, must also be furnished

Greenberg (Isaac Greenberg)

Who qualifies?
Prospective first-year students with an exceptionally high level of scholastic achievement qualify.
Allocations are divided equally among candidates of Afrikaans, English and Jewish descent.
Applications: SUFO

Hocken (Marjorie Hocken)

Who qualifies?
Full-time needy and deserving undergraduate students.
Applications: SUFO
No bursaries are to be awarded to candidates studying in any field where animals are used for
Bursary holders must apply annually for a continuation.

Jansen (Dr PG Jansen)

Who qualifies?
Needy, deserving students.
Applications: SUFO

Leadership (Student Leaders)

Who qualifies?
Student leaders, e.g. a head student of a University residence.
Applications: No applications.
Value: R3 600

Meaker (Cato Meaker)

Who qualifies?
Deserving and/or needy students (undergraduate and postgraduate) in any field of study, with preference to
students in Social Work.
Applications: SUFO
Value: Study fees.
The Cato Meaker Study Fund aims at supporting the University's striving towards greater academic
excellence by offering financial support, in the form of bursaries, to deserving undergraduate and/or
postgraduate students.
Each year in December, the Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans and the Unit for Postgraduate
Student Funding, in collaboration with the Centre for Prospective Students, will nominate deserving and/or
needy students to the Management Committee of the Cato Meaker Study Fund for approval.
The candidates must carry a full academic load and meet the minimum academic admission requirements of
the programme concerned.
The bursary may be awarded to the same bursary holder in consecutive academic years, provided that the
holder meets the minimum requirements for readmission as a student each year.
The bursaries may form part of the packages offered to recruitment students to attract academically top
students to the University.
Bursaries and Loans
National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)
Who qualifies?
A person who has never been registered at any university in the system before and is entering the university
at undergraduate level for the first time and for their first undergraduate qualification. Students should come
from a family with a gross household income of up to R350 000 per year; for students living with a disability,
the gross household income must not be more than R600 000 per year.
Existing students will be considered, provided you meet the NSFAS’s financial and academic eligibility
requirements. However, as a continuing student, your combined household income threshold will be
assessed in terms of the DHET’s NSFAS general fund criteria.
Bursaries to undergraduate students with South African citizenship in any field of study.
Applications: www.nsfas.org.za

Ohlthaver (Hermann Ohlthaver)

Who qualifies?
Deserving and extremely needy first-year students for a period of three years.
Applications: SUFO

Who qualifies?
A second-year student who matriculated at one of the following high schools: Kakamas, Keimoes, Kenhardt
or Upington.
Applications: SUFO
One bursary every year for the purchase of books.

Robertson (MM Robertson)

Who qualifies?
Hardworking and deserving students who are financially needy.
Applications: SUFO

Russel Botman Bursary Fund

Who qualifies?
Bursaries are awarded on the grounds of financial need, academic merit, South African citizenship,
community involvement and leadership, as well as particular perseverance and success achieved.
Applications: SUFO
Varies depending on each student’s financial need.
The bursaries are awarded by the committee of the Russel Botman Bursary Fund via a nomination process.

Van Brakel (CJ van Brakel Study Bursary)

Who qualifies?
Promising students who require assistance.
Applications: SUFO

Van der Merwe (JR van der Merwe)

Who qualifies?
Extremely needy students.
Applications: No applications.
Value: The yield from a number of ABSA shares.

Bursaries and Loans
Von Zeuner (Louis von Zeuner)
Who qualifies?
Academically deserving and needy students in any field of study.
Applications: SUFO
Value: Variable.
The bursaries are awarded by CUBL in consultation with the donor.

Die Vlakte Bursary Fund

Who qualifies?
People who lived in the area called Die Vlakte and who were removed at the time, as well as their children
and grandchildren, and who apply for undergraduate study, as well as for a first postgraduate programme.
This area in Stellenbosch is bordered by Muller, Ryneveld, Banghoek, Smuts, Merriman and Bird Streets and
was known as Die Vlakte in the 20th century.
Candidates must also meet the minimum academic admission requirements for the programme concerned;
the bursary is allocated for the minimum duration of the programme, provided that the candidate obtains at
least 0,6 HEMIS credits in each academic year.
Please note: A selected committee comprising members of the Die Vlakte community will verify whether
new applicants are in fact descendants of residents of Die Vlakte.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU external donor bursary that requires a unique application form to also be submitted. You can
download Form Vlakte at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Value: Study fees.
In his inaugural address on 29 April 2015, the Rector, Prof Wim de Villiers, announced that he would establish
the Die Vlakte Bursary Fund for descendants of the people who were forced to move from Die Vlakte in the
The funds for this bursary will be raised from new funds and do not form part of the existing institutional
budget for bursaries.

1.2 Bursaries subject to certain restrictions

Amberg Fund
Who qualifies?
Deserving and needy students (preference will be granted to non-Afrikaners who regard Afrikaans as their
home language).
Applications: SUFO

Association for Educational Transformation (ASSET)

Who qualifies?
Matriculants resident in the Western Cape who are starting their first year of study.
www.asset.org.za; Tel.: 021 685 1025. Application forms available from 1 July.
Closing date: 30 September

Athlone Institute Trust

Who qualifies?
First-year students will be considered for a bursary and/or bursary loan.
The bursary is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in any discipline who are permanent residents of
Paarl/Mbekweni only.
www.athlonebursaries.yolasite.com; Email: athlonebursaries@gmail.com; Tel: 021 862 7777
Closing date: 13 February

Bursaries and Loans
Cillié (Maria Cillié)
Who qualifies?
Needy female students from the second year of study.
Applications: SUFO
In memory of the founder of the Women’s Association of the University, the late Mrs (Prof) GG Cillié, senior.

Davel (Koos and Lenie Davel)

Who qualifies?
Needy Afrikaans-speaking undergraduate students at SU.
Applications: SUFO
Preference to be given to students from the Hantam and from the North-West of the former Cape Province.
(For this purpose, “the North-West” is defined as the area north of the Olifants River, south of the Orange
River, including the Orange River Valley, and west of a line between Beaufort West and Prieska.)
Preference will be given, moreover, to students in AgriSciences, Economic and Management Sciences,
Engineering, Medicine and Health Sciences and Science.

Who qualifies?
One bursary each year to a matriculant of Bloemhof Girls’ High School.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R500

Hanekom (Joey Hanekom)

Who qualifies?
Needy and deserving female students.
Applications: SUFO

Hendriksz (Gawie Hendriksz)

Who qualifies?
For needy children from orphanages, or children who were institutionalised as a result of the failure of their
parents’ marriage.
Applications: SUFO

Home (George Home)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for one year for needy students who, in order of preference, matriculated at the following schools:
• BOYS AND GIRLS: Worcester Gymnasium
• BOYS: Montana High School
• GIRLS: Montana High School
• BOYS AND GIRLS: A high school in Stellenbosch
Applications: SUFO
Applicants to furnish an appendix clearly stating the high schools they have attended and the years of their

Immigrant Children
Who qualifies?
Deserving and/or needy children of immigrants who have been living in the RSA for three years or less.
Applications: SUFO
Documentary proof that the applicant is an immigrant must be attached to each application.
Bursary holders are required to reapply annually for a continuation.

Bursaries and Loans
Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP)
Who qualifies?
South African citizens who are studying towards a degree for the first time in 2023.
Applicants from families whose gross household income is between R350 000 and R600 000 per year.
Applicants with provisional acceptance/s from ISFAP partner universities in the ISFAP supported degree
programmes (refer to www.isfap.org.za).
Applications: Online applications at www.isfap.org.za
Closing date: 31 October
Full cost for tuition, as well as other allowances (which are capped at amounts determined annually by

Jacobs Family
Who qualifies?
Direct descendants of Jan Abraham Jacobs.
A precise explanation in writing of the family relationship is required.
Applicants must be needy, deserving and members of the Dutch Reformed Church.
Applications: No applications
The bursaries may be used at Stellenbosch or at the University of the Free State.
This financial assistance is granted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the

Knacke (FW Knacke)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for deserving and especially for financially needy students, excluding students in Medicine and
Health Sciences and Law, who are wholly or partly of German descent, speak German and who have already
completed their first year of study at the University.
Applications: SUFO
When considering awards from the Trust, the Trustees will moreover take into account the quantum of
assistance the individual student receives from other sources. On condition that their academic performance
is of a satisfactory standard, existing holders may annually apply for the continuation of their bursaries.
The Trustees emphasise that bursaries from the Knacke Trust are intended primarily to assist financially
needy students, even if their academic achievement is not superior.

Kuchler (AM Kuchler)

Who qualifies?
Afrikaans-speaking students qualify on the basis of financial need after due consideration of their academic
merit for the duration of study, subject to satisfactory progress.
Only candidates who matriculated at one of the following schools in the Stellenbosch area will be
• Bloemhof Girls High School
• Cloetesville Secondary
• Kayamandi Secondary
• Kylemore Secondary
• Lückhoff Secondary
• Paul Roos Gymnasium
• Rhenish Girls High School
• Stellenbosch High School
• Stellenzicht Secondary
Applications: SUFO
Value: Variable, depending on each student’s financial need.
Particulars: Students must reapply each year.

Bursaries and Loans
Langenhoven (HP Langenhoven)
Who qualifies?
Deserving students from Punt High School at Mossel Bay.
Applications: SUFO

Malan (FS and WC Malan)

Who qualifies?
Students born to the surname of Malan who are needy and deserving.
Applications: SUFO

Marais (Elizabeth Marais)

Who qualifies?
Direct descendants of Abraham Barend de Villiers and Theophile Antonia de Villiers (née Van der Lingen).
For further important conditions, please see the particulars below.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Available for a maximum of three years.
A precise explanation in writing of the family relationship must be furnished.
The will further provides as follows:
“If however in the course of any period there has been no application by any of the descendants, then the
amount in interest shall be placed in a reserve fund, and earn further interest; then and in that case the
Reserve Fund and interest thereon shall be used to enable any one of the said descendants to further his or
her studies at any other university, whether in South Africa or abroad. In the allocation of monies from interest
on the said amount from the Reserve Fund or interest thereon to the descendants of their aforesaid
deceased parents, the following principles shall be adhered to:
FIRSTLY: The descendant who is or descendants who are closest to the generation of her deceased parents
shall be taken into account first: Provided (i) that this principle shall be effective only as far as the fifth
generation, her deceased parents being counted as the first generation and (ii) that, after the fifth generation,
any one of their descendants shall be at liberty to apply, if the necessary proofs have been furnished that the
applicant or applicants are lawful descendants of their aforesaid deceased parents.
SECONDLY: If all other circumstances of the descendants are the same, preference shall be given to the
descendant who is or descendants who are neediest.
THIRDLY: If interest has accrued on the capital amount but has not been applied for, then and only then may
applications for support for studying at any other university inside or outside South Africa be granted, and
allocations for this purpose shall be made solely from the aforesaid Reserve Fund and interest thereon.”

Metje (Wilfred Metje)

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate students who were born in Namibia and received their school education there.
Applications: SUFO
Bursaries for a period of one year.
Awards will be made available on the grounds of academic achievement with account taken of financial
need, provided applicants already receiving full cost bursaries are not eligible for these bursaries.

Mostert (Fritz and Anna Mostert)

Who qualifies?
Both undergraduate and postgraduate bachelor’s degree students qualify if they matriculated at schools in
the magistrate’s districts of Hopefield, Malmesbury, Moorreesburg, Piketberg, Porterville, Velddrift and
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.

Bursaries and Loans
Muller (DR JH Muller)
Who qualifies?
Needy students who come from the Free State.
Applications: SUFO

Neethling (Prof JH Neethling)

Who qualifies?
Needy and deserving undergraduate students, with preference given to direct descendants of Prof JH
Neethling’s father, Hendrik Johannes Neethling.
Applicants claiming such direct descendance have to furnish documentary proof.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Descendants: a bursary equal to tuition fees, residence fees, meals and books.
Non-descendants: variable.

Neethling (Rev DH Neethling)

Who qualifies?
Descendants of the Rev DH Neethling.
A precise explanation in writing of the family relationship must be furnished.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to also be submitted. You can
download Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Value: R500

Orr (Wilfred Orr)

Who qualifies?
Matriculants from Kimberley.
Applications: SUFO

Parfitt (Yvonne Parfitt)

Who qualifies?
Needy matriculants from schools in the Cape Peninsula.
Full particulars of value, application forms and closing date are obtainable, by the end of April, from
principals of schools in the Western Cape only.
Closing date: 30 April
Value: Study fees.
At least 15 (fifteen) bursaries per annum.
Bursaries are normally awarded for the duration of a programme of study.

Paul Roos Gymnasium

Who qualifies?
Past pupils of Paul Roos Gymnasium for any year of study.

Paul Roos Gymnasium (Rhodes Scholarship)

Who qualifies?
For a past pupil of Paul Roos Gymnasium, single, being between the ages of 19 and 24 years, and holding a
degree or other qualification acceptable to the University of Oxford.
The Rector, Paul Roos Gymnasium, STELLENBOSCH 7600; www.rhodestrust.org.za
Closing date: 15 August
Value: Covers all costs.

Bursaries and Loans
One to three years of study at Oxford.

Paul Roos Gymnasium Together Bursary

Who qualifies?
Bursaries are available for children of teachers who are permanently employed at Paul Roos Gymnasium,
and for direct descendants of Coenraad Hendrik Loubser.
Applications: SUFO

Rosenzweig (Miss AE Rosenzweig)

Who qualifies?
Needy and deserving first-year students who come from the Free State.
Applications: SUFO

Rotary Club: Cape Town

Who qualifies?
Students from the Cape Peninsula who are in their second or further year of study, with the emphasis on
community service.
Applications: SUFO
Value: Study fees, plus book allowance.

Spies (Johan and Willie Spies)

Who qualifies?
• The children of Mrs E Wood and Dr CJ de Kock (also see particulars below); or
• One or more needy and deserving Afrikaans-speaking student(s) (mother language Afrikaans).
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.
One bursary in memory of Johannes Jacobus Spies and his wife, Wilhelmina Christina Spies, donated by their
son Mr JF Spies, to be awarded by preference to his grandchildren (the children of Mrs E Wood and Dr CJ de
Kock) for the full duration of their studies at Stellenbosch University, provided that they must make a success
of their studies every year.
If more than one grandchild is studying simultaneously, the bursary monies are to be divided equally among
Should any of the donor’s grandchildren study elsewhere because the programmes they are taking are not
offered by Stellenbosch University, the bursary must be placed at their disposal regardless of their place of
If there is no family member who qualifies for the bursary, the University may award it to one or more needy
and deserving Afrikaans-speaking student(s) (mother-tongue speakers of Afrikaans), provided that their
studies must be completed successfully every year.

Stegmann (Eben Stegmann)

Who qualifies?
Deserving athletes of good and exemplary character.
Applications: No applications.
Athletics. A maximum of three bursaries is awarded.
Each bursary is awarded for a period of a single year. A given athlete may, however, be awarded a bursary in
successive years.

Swart (JP Swart)

Who qualifies?
Needy Afrikaans-speaking students. To be awarded preferably to students who come from the northern
suburbs of Cape Town.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.

Bursaries and Loans
Theron (Frans and Rykie Theron Study Fund)
Who qualifies?
• Students wishing to qualify as ministers of the church or as missionaries
• Students wishing to take a degree programme in Agriculture
• Students wishing to take a postgraduate programme in Spectrophysics
• In all cases, preference is to be given to students who are descendants of the Theron, Marais and
Zeeman families
• If none of the above applies, the bursary can be awarded to a student from the Tulbagh District
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Bursaries from the estate of the late Mrs RJ Marais of Tulbagh.
If in a given year there are no students who meet these conditions, the bursaries are to be granted to
students from the said families who are taking any other programme at Stellenbosch University; thereafter to
students coming from Tulbagh District. A precise explanation of the family relationship must be furnished in

United Transport and Allied Trade Union

Who qualifies?
The deserving, particularly needy child of a member of the SA Footplate Staff Association qualifies.
Documentary proof of the parent’s membership must accompany the bursary application.
Applications: SUFO
The bursary is awarded anew each year.
It may (though it need not) be reallocated to the existing bursary holder, provided he has been studying
successfully and has reapplied for the bursary.

Van Zijl (Petrusa van Zijl)

Who qualifies?
Needy descendants of the six sisters of the donor, the late Mrs Petrusa Groenewald (née van Zijl).
A precise explanation of the family relationship must be furnished in writing.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.

Viljoen (Elizabeth Viljoen Trust)

Who qualifies?
Descendants and adopted children of brothers and sisters of the late Miss Elizabeth Viljoen who wish to
further their studies at SU.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Variable and subject to the number of applications received.

Visser (Elise Visser)

Who qualifies?
Students who are deserving and needy, and who are members of the Dutch Reformed Church of the Cape.
Preference is given to applicants born in the Wellington or Paarl Districts.
Applications: SUFO
Value: Maximum R500
This financial assistance is granted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the donor.

Bursaries and Loans

2. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

2.1 Various departments
Charlton (Ethel Joyce Charlton)
Who qualifies?
Needy and deserving undergraduate students.
Applications: SUFO
Bursaries for undergraduate study in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or the Faculty of Education.

Van Ewijck (Van Ewijck Foundation)

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate and postgraduate students who are studying or wish to do research in a Dutch discipline, or
research on a terrain where the relations with the Netherlands play a roll, or students who are of Dutch
descent (parentage).
www.ewijckfoundation.co.za or contact the Secretary at vanewijck@uysandkie.co.za; Tel.: 021 913 1399.
The research or studies also entails studies at Dutch (the Netherlands) universities or approved institutions.
Successful applicants would have to supply certain substantiating documentation, such as proof of
registration as a student, or proof of invitation or acceptance at a Dutch university or institution.
Closing date:
Closing date for applications for the next calendar year is 31 October.
Interim applications are also considered.

Wheatfield Estate Foundation Trust

Who qualifies?
Prospective first-year students qualify. Candidates must have an average of at least 60% in matric.
Value: Study fees.
Applications: SUFO
Renewable annually, dependent on academic performance and interview.
Candidates are encouraged to do voluntary work for a welfare organisation, or job shadowing in their field of
study or future work.

2.2 Department of Afrikaans and Dutch

Scholtz (J du P Scholtz)
Applications: SUFO
Undergraduate and full-time or part-time postgraduate bursaries.
Postgraduate students may retain bursaries for further study here or in the Netherlands at the discretion of
Stellenbosch University.

Van Ewijck (Van Ewijck Foundation)

Who qualifies?
Students who study at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch at Stellenbosch University and who have
already shown exceptional results within their Dutch studies.
Two yearly bursaries of varying amounts.
Further information about these bursaries can be obtained at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch.
The value of these bursaries is donated by the Van Ewijck Foundation to the Department. The Department
itself decides which two candidates the bursaries are awarded to on grounds of their performances.
Candidates cannot receive both a Bursary of Merit and a general Van Ewijck bursary.
Bursaries and Loans
2.3 Department of Drama
Who qualifies?
One bursary to a student in Drama from the second year of study.
Applications: SUFO

Pretorius (Anna Pretorius)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for promising, needy students.
Applications: SUFO
• Music
• Speech and Drama

2.4 Department of English

Louw (The Marilyn Louw Scholarship)
Who qualifies?
One bursary for a student who is both needy and deserving (with special reference to academic
achievements and sporting skills).
Applications: SUFO

2.5 Department of Music

Bowman (Lionel Bowman Bursary/Prize)
Who qualifies?
One bursary/prize is awarded annually to an undergraduate or postgraduate student for the best
interpretation of a complete solo piano work by Beethoven.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable.
Students are to compete for this prize.
Applicants must give a public performance of a complete work by Beethoven for adjudication.

Chapman (Myra Chapman Educational Trust)

The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 1 March
Value: Variable.
Undergraduate scholarships may be awarded to the same candidate/s for a maximum tenure of three years;
postgraduate scholarships may be awarded to the same candidate/s for a maximum tenure of two years.
Renewal must be applied for annually.
The awards are made in consultation with the Department of Music.
Should no eligible postgraduate candidates qualify, the total amount may be awarded to qualifying
undergraduate students.

Cluver (Betsie Cluver)

Who qualifies?
A single bursary for the BMus student with the overall best achievement in Piano as the principal instrument
in his second or third year of study.
Applications: No applications.
Value: Variable.

Bursaries and Loans
Elphick (Edna Elphick)
Who qualifies?
Registered or prospective students (part-time or full-time), as well as alumni of the Conservatoire
(“Konservatorium”) qualify.
Applicants may not be older than 25 (twenty-five) on 30 September of the year in which they participate.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable.
The award is decided by competition and applicants are required to perform a short programme in public for
An award will be made only if the standard is satisfactory.
The money has to be used for study at the Conservatoire or at an approved institution abroad.

Franken (JLM Franken)

Who qualifies?
One bursary to a deserving full-time student in any specialised field of Music.
The Chairperson: Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 1 March
Value: Variable.
Estate of the late Mrs LEF Rosser.

Hendrikz (Hilda Hendrikz)

Who qualifies?
Deserving undergraduate or postgraduate voice students.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 1 March
Value: Variable.

Joao dos Santos

Who qualifies?
Two students will be identified: the one a deserving third- or fourth-year performance student and the other
an incoming undergraduate student.
No applications. The Department of Music will identify suitable candidates for the bursary before the end of
November of the previous academic year.
R15 000 for the best performance student and R50 000 for the incoming undergraduate student (subject to
interest gained).
Candidates will be identified by the practical staff of the Department of Music.

Laetitia Morkel Bursary Fund

Who qualifies?
Financially needy BMus students who are also academically deserving.
Applications: None.
Value: Variable.
Students must excel in piano.
Suitable candidates will be considered by the Piano Division, Music Department.

Bursaries and Loans
Pretorius (Anna Pretorius)
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for promising, needy students.
Applications: SUFO
Speech and Drama.

Quick (Mabel Quick)

Who qualifies?
Prospective or registered full-time Music students.
Competitors for these scholarships must not be more than 23 (twenty-three) years of age on 30 September
of the year in which they participate.
Previous winners are disallowed from participating again.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable.
Two scholarships. One is for singing; the other for any musical instrument.
The awards are made on the basis of a competition: applicants must perform a short programme in public in
the presence of adjudicators.
In the year immediately following, winners will be required to study as their major subject singing, or the
particular musical instrument with which they won.

Roos (Gideon Roos Bursary Fund)

Who qualifies?
Students studying in Music, AgriSciences and Law.
Applications: SUFO
The Gideon Roos Bursary Fund at Stellenbosch University provides scholarships for academically deserving
students in financial need. The University chooses qualifying scholarship candidates in three fields of study,
namely Music, AgriSciences and Law.

Smallie Scholarship
Who qualifies?
Notably deserving, full-time student(s) of piano, violin or voice.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 1 March
Value: Variable.
One or two scholarships are awarded annually for a maximum period of two years.
From the Estate of the late Ms LE Smallie.

Stellenbosch Boere-Orkes
Who qualifies?
One bursary for a deserving and financially needy student.
Applications: SUFO
Undergraduate bursaries for general study in music in Southern Africa.

Stellenbosch University Women’s Association

Who qualifies?
One bursary is awarded to a deserving final-year student in the field of education. The award is based on
academic results and other achievements of the preceding years of study. No applications.

Bursaries and Loans
A second bursary is awarded to a deserving third-year student for musical performance (any instrument or
singing). Applicants are required to perform a short programme in public in the presence of adjudicators
towards the end of their second year of study.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable.
From a donation made by the Stellenbosch University Women’s Association, two study bursaries are
awarded annually to Music students.

“Vereniging van Volksang en Musiek”

Who qualifies?
One bursary for a deserving and financially needy student.
Applications: SUFO

2.6 Department of Social Work

Hofmeyr and De Vos
Who qualifies?
Needy students.
Applications: SUFO
Social Work and Theology accommodation bursaries.
Bursary holders to apply for a continuation annually.

Meaker (Cato Meaker)

Who qualifies?
Deserving and/or needy students (undergraduate and postgraduate) in any field of study, with preference to
students in Social Work.
Applications: SUFO
Value: Study fees.
The Cato Meaker Study Fund aims at supporting the University's striving towards greater academic
excellence by offering financial support, in the form of bursaries, to deserving undergraduate and/or
postgraduate students.
Each year in December, CUBL and the Unit for Postgraduate Student Funding, in collaboration with the
Centre for Prospective Students, will nominate deserving and/or needy students to the Management
Committee of the Cato Meaker Study Fund for approval.
The candidates must carry a full academic load and meet the minimum academic admission requirements of
the programme concerned.
The bursary may be awarded to the same bursary holder in consecutive academic years, provided that the
holder meets the minimum requirements for readmission as a student each year.
The bursaries may form part of the packages offered to recruitment students to attract academically top
students to the University.

2.7 Department of Visual Arts

Canitz (GP Canitz)
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for deserving undergraduate and postgraduate students in the art of painting.
Applications: SUFO
Renewal has to be applied for annually.

Bursaries and Loans
Laubser (Maggie Laubser) (Local)
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for needy students (excluding first-year students).
Students of Painting to receive preference, with priority to those who are further advanced in their studies.
Department of Visual Arts

Laubser (Maggie Laubser) (Abroad)

Who qualifies?
Conditions as for the Maggie Laubser Bursary (local).
Department of Visual Arts
All applicants must attach full academic transcripts.
A full exposition of the proposed research must be furnished (including the name of the proposed place of
study and the date of commencement of the proposed period of study).

Bursaries and Loans

3. Faculty of Science
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the fact that a significant number of bursaries in the Faculty of Science can be
awarded to students in several fields of study, the bursaries are not reported under individual depart-
ments, but as an alphabetical list below. Where a bursary can only be awarded in (a) specific field(s) of study,
the relevant field(s) of study is indicated under the heading “Who qualifies” with the relevant bursary.

Dean (NJ Dean)

Who qualifies?
Second-year students studying in the fields of Science, AgriSciences, Economic and Management Sciences,
Law, Medicine and Health Sciences.
Applications: SUFO
Undergraduate bursary for a period of not more than three years.

Du Preez (JW du Preez)

Who qualifies?
Deserving, hardworking and financially needy students in Science and Medicine and Health Sciences from
the second year of study.
Applications: SUFO
Continuation of the bursary for the full duration of the programme is dependent on satisfactory progress.

Federale Volksbeleggings
Who qualifies?
Students in the Economic and Management Sciences, Engineering, Science and Law.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R1 000
One bursary awarded for the duration of the programme. As a result, a new award may not necessarily be
possible every year.

Green (SP Green)

Who qualifies?
A student who wants to study Zoology.
Applications: SUFO
Particulars: One bursary for a deserving and needy student.

Jones (Levi and Bessie Jones)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for needy, deserving students.
Applications: SUFO

Kleyweg (The Kleyweg Educational Trust)

Who qualifies?
Economically and educationally disadvantaged students in Science and Engineering.
Applications: SUFO

Bursaries and Loans
Kumba Iron Ore
Who qualifies?
Students who want to do BSc in Geology, or Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical or
www.kumba.co.za; Email: bursars@angloamerican.com; Tel.: 012 683 7108
Closing date: 30 April
Study and accommodation fees, book, computer and calculator allowance.

Mintek (Council for Mineral Technology)

Who qualifies?
Several undergraduate bursaries for students in the following fields of study: Chemistry, Geology,
Mineralogy, Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering (Extraction Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy),
Electrical Engineering (Process Control Systems or Electronics).
Applications: www.mintek.co.za and type in 'bursary' on search tab
Closing date: 31 July
Study fees, a book allowance, plus SU residence fees or an equivalent amount for accommodation.
The bursaries are awarded for the full duration of the programme (maximum 4 years).
The bursary holder has to remain in Mintek’s service for an unbroken period of at least one calendar year for
every year of study that the bursary was used.

Pelteret (Charles Pelteret Educational Trust)

Who qualifies?
A student who wants to study Mathematics, Physics, Medicine and Health Sciences or related subjects.
Applications: SUFO
One bursary to a deserving undergraduate or postgraduate student who wants to study in one of the fields
Bursary holders are required to reapply annually.

Schumann (AW Schumann)

Who qualifies?
Preference given to undergraduate students in Physics and/or Mathematics.
All else being equal, descendants receive preference. A written account of the family relationship is required.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted. You can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.
The bursary is awarded for the duration of the programme, but not longer than three years.

Stighlingh Memorial Bursary (Public Servants’ Association of SA)

Who qualifies?
Students who want to study in the Sciences or Medicine and Health Sciences.
Public servants, or members and children of members of the Association, who have been in the employ of
the Public Service, or have been members of the Association, for twelve months or longer.
Where applicable, proof needs to be submitted of the positions of both birth parents as confirmation.
Students should already have completed the 1st academic year successfully.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R3 000

Bursaries and Loans

4. Faculty of Education
Charlton (Ethel Joyce Charlton)
Who qualifies?
Needy and deserving undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or the Faculty of
Applications: SUFO

Settlers High School Bursary for Teaching

Who qualifies?
Future or current university students who wish to train as teachers.
Applications, including a CV, testimonials and references, are to be made to: The Settlers High School, PO
Box 599, BELLVILLE 7535
Closing date: 5 August
Value: R5 000 per annum
Applicants may plan to teach any subject, but preferably Mathematics or Science.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at The Settlers High School for an equivalent period of
time that the bursary was used, if there is a post available.

Wakeford (Mavis Wakeford)

Who qualifies?
A former pupil of Rustenburg High School for Girls who is studying in the field of education.
The President, Rustenburg Old Girls’ Union, Rustenburg High School for Girls, Camp Ground Road,
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Up to R4 000 per annum

Who qualifies?
One bursary for a woman student, preferably someone from the Humansdorp district, who wants to do BEd
Applications: SUFO

Bursaries and Loans

5. Faculty of AgriSciences
5.1 Various departments
Blundell (Bob Blundell Memorial Bursary)
Who qualifies?
Applicants who wish to study BSc in Forestry or BScAgric with Conservation Ecology.
The bursary is awarded on the grounds of merit and financial need to an undergraduate student for the
duration of the programme, subject to satisfactory progress.
The Deed Trustee, PO Box 158, PRETORIA 0001; Tel.: 012 323 1406.
Closing date: 31 October
A board of trustees will make the final selection from among the names submitted to it before 31 December
of each year by the Head of Conservation Ecology and Entomology.

Dean (NJ Dean)

Who qualifies?
Second-year students studying AgriSciences, Science, Economic and Management Sciences, Law, and
Medicine and Health Sciences.
Applications: SUFO
Undergraduate bursary for a period of not more than three years.

Glossop (Clifford Glossop)

Who qualifies?
A second-year student in Forestry.
One bursary, available every third year for a three-year period, for a second-year student who matriculated in
Applications: SUFO

Hortgro Services
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for needy and deserving students in AgriSciences, focusing on the following fields of study:
Entomology, Horticultural Science, Facets of Management, Plant Genetics and Improvement of Plants,
Quality Management, Agricultural Economics.
https://www.hortgro.co.za/inclusive-growth/bursary-program/; Email: recruitment@hortgro.co.za
Closing date: 15 August

Karsten Group/ABSA Bursary

Who qualifies?
A student who wants to do the degree BAgric (Elsenburg).
Cape Institute for Agricultural Training, Private Bag X1, ELSENBURG 7607
Closing date: 31 January
Value: R40 000 per year of study for study fees, accommodation and meals
One bursary per annum from the first to the third year of study.
After the study period the bursary holder will be required to work for Karsten Boerderygroep for the same
number of years as the bursary was used.
Bursaries are awarded by a committee on the basis of the applicant’s matric results as well as evaluation by
the bursaries committee.

Bursaries and Loans
Lombardi Bursaries (EJ Lombardi)
Who qualifies?
Students doing the degree BScAgric in a field of study that focuses on plants.
Financial need and academic merit are the chief criteria.
Preference is given to students from the second year.
Applications: SUFO

Merensky (Hans Merensky)

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate and postgraduate bursaries for studies in the Faculty of AgriSciences, focusing on Forestry
and Wood Science.
The Department Chair, Forest and Wood Science Department, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch
University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602
Closing date: 31 October
The bursaries are awarded in conjunction with the Hans Merensky Foundation, account being taken of the
representation of cultural diversity.

Milne (Lindsey Milne Bursary)

Who qualifies?
Students for the degree BScAgric, preferably majoring in Horticultural Science and related fields or
Agricultural Economics.
Preference will be given to third- and fourth-year students.
The Lindsey Milne Bursary Scheme, c/o SUBTROP, PO Box 866, TZANEEN 0850; Tel.: 015 307 3676/7; Email
Ms Delané Landman: delane@subtrop.co.za
Closing date: 31 October
Value: Variable.
Holders are required to work for SUBTROP for a period of one year for each year that the bursary is awarded,
provided that a position is available.

Pongracz (DP Pongracz) Scholarship Trust

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Viticulture and Oenology.
Applications: SUFO

Pretorius (Willem Pretorius)

Who qualifies?
One bursary to a promising and needy student studying Economics and Agricultural Economics.
Applications: SUFO

Roos (Gideon Roos Bursary Fund)

Who qualifies?
Students studying in the AgriSciences, Law and Music.
Applications: SUFO
The Gideon Roos Bursary Fund at Stellenbosch University provides scholarships for academically deserving
students in financial need. The University chooses qualifying scholarship candidates in three fields of study,
namely AgriSciences, Law and Music.

Rotary Club: Helderberg

Who qualifies?
A bursary for a deserving student in the Faculty of AgriSciences. Recommendation to be made by the Dean.
Applications: SUFO

Bursaries and Loans
Who qualifies?
Bursaries from the first year of study for students who want to study BSc in Forestry, or Chemical, Electrical
or Mechanical Engineering.
The Bursaries Officer, Sappi Ltd, PO Box 6, INNOVATION HUB 0087, consisting of CV, copy of ID,
motivational letter and results. Email: bursary.recruitment@sappi.com; Tel.: 011 407 8425 (Jessie Freitas).
Closing date: 31 July
Value: Study fees, plus a book allowance.
Service obligation of one year for each year sponsored by Sappi.
Applicants must state the discipline in which they are studying, and enclose with their application form a
formal statement of their university results, if available.

SA Society for Crop Production

Who qualifies?
Three bursaries for undergraduate and/or postgraduate studies in Agronomy.
One of the bursaries is for a student from a historically disadvantaged community.
Visit www.sascp.org.za/awards to download and complete the SASCP Bursary Application Form.
Applications must be submitted electronically via email to Lisa Smorenburg at lisas@elsenburg.com and
insert 'SASCP Bursary Application 2024 in the email subject line.
Closing date: 15 March
Value: Variable.
Renewal of the bursaries is dependent on satisfactory academic performance.

Steenberg (Hennie, Louisa and Willie Steenberg Trust Fund)

Who qualifies?
Only needy students taking the programme for the BScAgric degree, majoring in Animal Science, are eligible
for a bursary, and this only from their second year of study.
Preference will be given to students who bear the surname of Steenberg or Steynberg or are next of kin of
the Steenberg family.
Applications: SUFO
A student qualifies for a bursary for at most the normal duration of the programme and must apply annually
for the renewal of such bursary. The bursaries are awarded by a committee, as laid down by the bursary
A student who has been awarded a bursary and who has not passed a minimum of two-thirds of the credits
of the preceding year of study, or a student who discontinues his studies, may, after the committee has
assessed the circumstances, be instructed to repay the bursary.

Swanepoel (Danie Swanepoel)

Who qualifies?
One bursary to a needy student with strong qualities of both character and leadership, doing a degree
programme in the Faculty of AgriSciences, or of Economic and Management Sciences.
Applications: SUFO
This bursary is available to senior students as well as first-year students.

Bursaries and Loans
Theron (Anna Juliana Theron)
Who qualifies?
For needy and deserving Afrikaans-speaking students, with preference given to family members, and further
preference to studies in the AgriSciences.
Family members who apply must provide proof of their kinship by attaching a letter furnished by Mr FPR van
Wyk, Rooikrans, Post Office, VOËLKLIP 7203.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU family bursary that requires an additional application form to be submitted; you can download
Form Family Bursary at finaid.sun.ac.za.

Wheatfield Estate Foundation Trust

Who qualifies?
Prospective first-year students with an average of 60% in matric.
Value: Study fees.
Applications: SUFO
Renewable annually, dependent on academic performance and an interview.
Candidates are encouraged to do voluntary work for a welfare organisation, or job shadowing in their field of
study or future work.

5.2 Department of Food Science

Who qualifies?
One bursary granted to a final-year undergraduate student based on merit and financial need.
Applicants must be members of SAAFoST.
No applications. Recommendation by the Departmental Chair.
Value: R20 000

SA Breweries
Who qualifies?
Students in the following faculties/fields of study:
• Biological Science
• Chemical Engineering
• Mechatronics
• Mechanical Engineering
www.sab.co.za; The Administrator, SAB, PO Box 782178, SANDTON 2146
Closing date: 30 June
Value: Full study fees, full accommodation fees and a book allowance.
The bursaries are available from the first year of study, for the normal duration of the programme. There is an
obligation to work back for the company one year for every academic year that the bursary was used.

Bursaries and Loans

6. Faculty of Law
Amicus/Aall Foundation Bursaries
Who qualifies?
Needy Law students in all year groups except the first year.
Limited to students from historically disadvantaged communities.
Application forms are available from the Dean of Law’s secretary, Room 2024, Old Main Building.
Closing date: 31 August
Value: R46 000 per annum

Amicus Bursaries
Who qualifies?
For needy Law students in the postgraduate LLB programme or the final year of the four-year LLB
Preference is given to students from historically disadvantaged communities.
Application forms are available from the Dean of Law’s secretary, Room 2024, Old Main Building.
Closing date: 31 August
Value: R20 000 per annum

Attorneys Fidelity Fund

Who qualifies?
To be eligible, applicants must hold a BA (Law), BCom (Law), BJuris or BProc degree, or an equivalent
qualification, or have completed the first two years of the 4-year LLB curriculum.
The bursaries are awarded on the grounds of acute financial need, or exceptional academic merit.
Visit www.fidfund.co.za/bursaries for more information.
Bursary Co-ordinator, The Attorneys Fidelity Fund, PO Box 3062, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email:
LLBbursary@fidfund.co.za, or shawn@fidfund.co.za; Tel.: 021 424 4608.
Closing date: 15 August
Value: See particulars below.
The Attorneys Fidelity Fund offers a limited number of study bursaries for a maximum period of two years for
the LLB degree at a local university.
The value of the bursaries will be limited to the study fees for the year in question, subject to such maximum
amount as may be fixed from year to year.

Dean (NJ Dean)

Who qualifies?
Second-year students studying Law, AgriSciences, Science, Economic and Management Sciences, and
Medicine and Health Sciences.
Applications: SUFO
Undergraduate bursary for a period of not more than three years.

Federale Volksbeleggings
Who qualifies?
Students in the Economic and Management Sciences, Engineering, Science and Law.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R1 000
One bursary awarded for the duration of the programme. As a result, a new award may not necessarily be
possible every year.

Bursaries and Loans
Judge of Appeal FW Beyers Bursary
Who qualifies?
One bursary for one year awarded annually from the legacy of the late Judge of Appeal FW Beyers by virtue
of exceptional achievement in the first year of the BA (Law) or BCom (Law) degree programme.
The Dean: Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602
Closing date: 31 March

Louw (The Steve Louw Scholarship)

Who qualifies?
One bursary for a student who is both needy and deserving (with especial reference to academic
achievements and sporting skills).
Applications: SUFO

PPS Law Faculty Bursary

Who qualifies?
Any final-year LLB student.
Electronic mail applications must be sent to Ms Annemieke Nel at anel@pps.co.za
This bursary does not obligate a student to work for PPS after completion of his/her degree programme.
Closing date: 31 August
Value: Two bursaries of R20 000 each.

Rodney Africa Bursary

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate coloured and black students.
Preference is given to alumni of the Lückhoff High School and/or students from the Stellenbosch area.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU external donor bursary that requires a unique application form to also be submitted. You can
download Form Rodney Africa at finaid.sun.ac.za.
A bursary awarded annually by Mr Rodney Africa, an alumnus.

Roos (Gideon Roos Bursary Fund)

Who qualifies?
Students studying in Law, AgriSciences and Music.
Applications: SUFO
The Gideon Roos Bursary Fund at Stellenbosch University provides scholarships for academically deserving
students in financial need. The University chooses qualifying scholarship candidates in three fields of study,
namely Law, AgriSciences and Music.

Bursaries and Loans

7. Faculty of Theology
Beyleveld (Babs Beyleveld)
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for undergraduate students on the grounds of merit and financial need.
Applications: SUFO

Dutch Reformed Church Curatorium/Seminary

Who qualifies?
Theology students registered with the Dutch Reformed Church (“NG Kerk” in South Africa) Western Cape
NG Kerk in SA website: https://www.kaapkerkadmin.co.za/beurse/.
Reapply every year.
Closing date:
As published on the NG Kerk in SA website.
Bursary or loan values are determined according to the study fees. Only for students with financial
difficulties, who do not qualify for NSFAS bursaries, and who do not receive any other bursaries.
A part of the loan is written off systematically when the student meets specific requirements.

Frank and Elizabeth Auld Bursaries

Who qualifies?
Needy and deserving students in the Faculty of Theology who intend to enter the church ministry.
Applications: SUFO
The Faculty annually invites all undergraduate students in all programmes to apply.
The selection committee uses the criteria of academic achievement, financial need and vocation.
All allocations are reviewed annually.

Grundling (Magdalena Grundling Trust)

Who qualifies?
Students of Theology from the Oudtshoorn West Dutch Reformed Congregation.
If no student from the relevant congregation may qualify in this way within a given period, anybody from the
DR Church congregations in Oudtshoorn will qualify.
Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, SANLAMHOF 7532
Closing date: 15 September
Theology (up to ordination).
Interest on trust fund.
The decision of the trustee in respect of any student over whatever period of time will be final and binding.

Havenga (Lukas Havenga)

Who qualifies?
One bursary for a deserving and needy first-year student for the duration of the programme.
Applications: SUFO

Hofmeyr and De Vos

Who qualifies?
Needy students.
Applications: SUFO
Social Work and Theology.

Bursaries and Loans
Accommodation bursaries for needy students.
Bursary holders to apply for a continuation annually.

Hopefield and Kuils River Congregations

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for theological studies as approved by the Dutch Reformed Church are offered annually to children
of needy families living in Kuils River or Hopefield.
The Church Administrator, PO Box 107, KUILS RIVER 7579; or The Church Administrator, PO Box 27,
Closing date: 30 September

Linde (EM Linde)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries are available for needy, deserving students who are members of the Dutch Reformed Church.
Applications: SUFO

Malan Memorial Bursary (FS and RE Malan)

Who qualifies?
For a student of Theology born to the surname of Malan.
Applications: SUFO

Nyboer (Wilhelmina du Toit Nyboer)

Who qualifies?
Needy students who wish to train as ministers of the church or as missionaries.
Applications: SUFO

Sieberhagen (Dr and Mrs N Sieberhagen)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for deserving and needy first-year students for the duration of the programme.
Applications: SUFO

Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa Bursaries

Enquiries can be directed to the Secretary, URCSA Curatorium, nphil@sun.ac.za

Viljoen (Johanna Viljoen)

Who qualifies?
Yearly to a needy student pursuing his BDiv studies.
Applications: SUFO
Postgraduate students of the Theological Seminary are not eligible for this bursary.
The remainder of the interest must each year be added to the capital.
This bursary is awarded to senior as well as prospective students.

Visser (The Sarel and Gertie Visser Trust Fund)

Applications: SUFO

Bursaries and Loans

8. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

8.1 Various departments
Dean (NJ Dean)
Who qualifies?
Second-year students studying Economic and Management Sciences, AgriSciences, Law, Medicine and
Health Sciences, and Science.
Applications: SUFO
Undergraduate bursary for a period of not more than three years.

Dippenaar Family Trust Bursary

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences with an average of 60%.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU external donor bursary that requires a unique application form to also be submitted. You can
download Form Dippenaar at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Value: Between R20 000 and R50 000 per annum
The amount of any bursary granted is decided by a selection panel observing financial need and academic

Harmony Gold Mining Company Ltd

Who qualifies?
A number of bursaries will be made available for studies towards the company’s core business, namely
mining engineering, ore reserves, financial, and human resources.
Only electronic at www.harmonybursaries.co.za
Closing date: 30 September
Study and accommodation fees, a semester allowance and an allowance during practical training.
Before attending the university, a successful candidate for a bursary could be required to undergo a practical
training period of one year.
After graduating, bursary holders are obliged to remain in the service of Harmony for the number of years
equal to that for which they received the bursary.

Maitland Maties Bursary

Who qualifies?
The ideal candidate is a financially needy student with a strong academic history from a previously
disadvantaged community in the Western Cape, intending to study or studying full-time towards an
undergraduate degree related to the economics, investments, finance or accounting field.
Applications: No applications
It will be required of the successful candidate to work as an intern at Maitland’s Cape Town offices during
certain of the University holidays.

SA Breweries
Who qualifies?
Students in the following faculties/fields of study:
• Biological Science
• Chemical Engineering
• Mechatronics
• Mechanical Engineering
Bursaries and Loans
www.sab.co.za; The Administrator, SAB, PO Box 782178, SANDTON 2146
Closing date: 30 June
Value: Full study fees, full accommodation fees and a book allowance.
The bursaries are available from the first year of study, for the normal duration of the programme.
There is an obligation to work back for the company one year for every academic year that the bursary was

Who qualifies?
Students who want to pursue a BScEngineering or BEng undergraduate degree.
Students who want to do BScEngineering or BEng Honours.
Applications must be submitted via the Sasol bursaries website: www.sasolbursaries.com
If you experience problems with your application, please contact Berlyne Rasool on email,
berlyne.rasool@adcorpgroup.com; Tel.: 086 010 6235.
Closing date: Variable, depending on the bursary programme (27 May to early September)
Full bursary: tuition, accommodation and meals.
Book allowance as determined by Sasol.
Each bursary holder will be required, after completion of studies, to work in the service of the donor for a
period of years equal to that for which the bursary was received.

Swanepoel (Danie Swanepoel)

Who qualifies?
One bursary to a needy student with strong qualities of both character and leadership, doing a degree
programme in the Faculties of Economic and Management Sciences or AgriSciences.
Applications: SUFO
This bursary is available to senior students as well as first year students.

Who qualifies?
Bursaries are awarded to full-time undergraduate students according to the employment needs of the
company in the following fields of study:
• Specialist Commercial Bursary in various commercial specialist disciplines (visit website for specific
• BScEngineering or BEng in the following disciplines: Civil, Electrical (Heavy Current); Electronics;
Computer Engineering; Mechanical; Industrial; Marine Engineering
Visit https://www.transnet.net/Career/Pages/Bursary.aspx to download the application form.
Email: bursaries@transnet.net
Closing date: 5 November
Value: The comprehensive bursary covers tuition fees, accommodation and meals, book allowance and
experiential training.
The bursary may be renewed annually, depending on academic performance.
A service contract is a requirement.

Bursaries and Loans
8.2 Department of Economics
Pretorius (Willem Pretorius)
Who qualifies?
One bursary to a promising and needy student studying Economics and Agricultural Economics.
Applications: SUFO

8.3 Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science

Pretorius (Faantjie and Lettie Pretorius)
Who qualifies?
Deserving and needy students in Statistics.
Applications: SUFO
Value: Variable
The bursaries are awarded by CUBL in consultation with the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
and the donor.

8.4 School of Accountancy

Who qualifies?
Students who want to study BAccounting or Electrical, Electronic or Mechanical Engineering.
Applications: www.eskom.co.za
Closing date: 31 July
Value: Tuition, accommodation, meals and books.

Gold Fields Ltd Bursary

Who qualifies?
Awarded to prospective full-time South African students with good academic progress.
Awarded from the second year of study for BAccounting, BEng in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, or BScHonours in Geology.
The Bursary Administrator, Gold Fields Academy, Private Bag X11, WESTONARIA 1780; Tel.: 011 752 1145;
Email: jolene.pienaar@goldfields.co.za
Closing date: 31 May
Full study fees, plus R19 440 living-out allowance and approximately R10 800 personal allowance.
A once-off computer allowance as from the second year is provided.
Successful applicants are required to work for the company for one year (mining only) prior to attending

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate and postgraduate bursaries for prospective chartered accountants (BAcc and BAccLLB).
Applications: There are three types of bursaries – merit, tuition, and full – that you can apply for online at
Closing date: 31 July

PricewaterhouseCoopers Memorial Bursary

Who qualifies?
One bursary each year is available for a full-time BAcc student (from the historically disadvantaged
This student must be academically strong (with an A aggregate in matric), have a firm intention to qualify as a
Chartered Accountant (SA) and is required to enter into an articles of clerkship contract with
PricewaterhouseCoopers in any of its offices in South Africa for a minimum period of two years.

Bursaries and Loans
No applications.
Nominated by the School to the Dean of Economic and Management Sciences. The Dean makes a
recommendation to the company and informs the University Administration of the outcome.
Closing date: 31 October of the previous year of study.

Theron (Pierre F Theron)

Who qualifies?
One or possibly two undergraduate or postgraduate bursaries for needy, but especially for deserving first-
year students.
Applications: SUFO
Awarded for the duration of a programme, as a result, a new award may not necessarily be possible every

Bursaries and Loans

9. Faculty of Engineering
9.1 Various departments
Aurecon Bursary
Who qualifies?
Bursaries granted to matriculants and first-, second- and third-year applicants studying BEng in Chemical
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
Submit applications online at https://www.aurecongroup.com/graduates/themes/bursaries-south-africa
Enquiries: bursaries@aurecongroup.com
Closing date: 31 August
Value reviewed from time to time.
Work-back period, 1 year for every year sponsored.

Blake (George Blake)

Who qualifies?
Students from the Cape.
Applications: SUFO

Brook (Alec Brook)

Who qualifies?
Persons whose parents reside in Port Elizabeth or environs and who want to study Engineering or Medicine
and Health Sciences (MBChB only).
Students must be single and under 25 years of age.
BOE Private Clients, PO Box 27528, GREENACRES 6057
Closing date: 30 September
Bursaries may be renewed annually, subject to satisfactory progress.

Applications: SUFO
One bursary, awarded for the duration of a programme, as a result, a new award is not possible every year.

DW Ackermann
Who qualifies?
The DW Ackermann Bursary Fund is only open to undergraduate Engineering students. NSFAS-funded
students and SU International students from the Faculty of Engineering are eligible and encouraged to apply.
Please note, however, that only SUI engineering students must apply via email; CUBL will email these
students with instructions.
Applications: SUFO
This is an SU external donor bursary that requires a unique application form to also be submitted. You can
download Form DW Ackermann Africa at finaid.sun.ac.za.
Value: The value is decided by a selection panel that considers the financial need and academic potential of
candidates. Continuation of the bursary depends on academic performance as determined by the DW
Ackermann Bursary Fund committee.
Undergraduate Engineering students must meet the following eligibility criteria to be considered:
• Field of study: the student is provisionally accepted to study any degree programme offered by the
Faculty of Engineering
• Academic merit: the student achieves at least 75% average (excluding Life Orientation) for their final
grade 12 results, and 75% for Mathematics and 70% for Physical Science

Bursaries and Loans
• Financial need: the student comes from a home with a gross household income of not more than
R600 000 per year (R50 000 per month)

Who qualifies?
Students who want to study Electrical, Electronic or Mechanical Engineering or BAccounting.
Applications: www.eskom.co.za
Closing date: 31 July
Value: Tuition, accommodation, meals and books.

Federale Volksbeleggings
Who qualifies?
Students in the Economic and Management Sciences, Engineering, Science and Law.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R1 000
One bursary awarded for the duration of the programme. As a result, a new award may not necessarily be
possible every year.

Gold Fields Ltd Bursary

Who qualifies?
Prospective full-time South African students with good academic progress.
Awarded from the second year of study for BEng in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, BAccounting, or BScHonours in Geology.
The Bursary Administrator, Gold Fields Academy, Private Bag X11, WESTONARIA 1780; Tel.: 011 752 1145;
Email: jolene.pienaar@goldfields.co.za
Closing date: 31 May
Full study fees, plus R19 440 living-out allowance and approximately R10 800 personal allowance.
A once-off computer allowance as from the second year is provided.
Successful applicants are required to work for the company for one year (mining only) prior to attending

Harmony Gold Mining Company Ltd

Who qualifies?
A number of bursaries will be made available for studies towards the company’s core business, namely
mining engineering, ore reserves, financial, and human resources.
Online only at www.harmonybursaries.co.za
Closing date: 30 June
Study and accommodation fees, a semester allowance and an allowance during practical training.
Before attending the university, a successful candidate for a bursary could be required to undergo a practical
training period of one year.
After graduating, bursary holders are obliged to remain in the service of Harmony for a number of years
equal to that for which they received the bursary.

Kleyweg (The Kleyweg Educational Trust)

Who qualifies?
Financially and educationally disadvantaged students in Engineering and the Natural Sciences.
Applications: SUFO

Bursaries and Loans
Kumba Iron Ore
Who qualifies?
Students who want to do Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical or Mining), or BSc in
www.kumba.co.za; Email: bursars@angloamerican.com; Tel.: 012 683 7108
Closing date: 30 April
Study and accommodation fees, book, computer and calculator allowance.

Mintek (Council for Mineral Technology)

Who qualifies?
A number of undergraduate bursaries for students in the following fields of study: Chemistry, Chemical
Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering (Extraction Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy), Electrical Engineering
(Process Control Systems or Electronics), Geology, Mineralogy.
Applications: www.mintek.co.za and type in 'bursary' on search tab
Closing date: 31 July
Study fees, a book allowance, plus SU residence fees or an equivalent amount for accommodation.
The bursaries are awarded for the full duration of the programme (maximum 4 years).
The bursary holder has to remain in Mintek’s service for an unbroken period of at least one calendar year for
every year of study that the bursary was used.

Murray and Roberts Construction

Who qualifies?
Students who have successfully completed the first year of a BSc or BEng degree in the following fields:
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical or Metallurgical Engineering, Quantity Surveying, or Building/Construction
The Murray and Roberts' selection panel will deal directly with the University to select eligible students for
Murray and Roberts' student and graduate programmes. If you have any queries, contact Murray and
Roberts' Client Services on 011 456 1144 or email clientservice@murrob.co.za.
Closing date: 31 August
Value: Study, textbooks and accommodation fees.
Year-for-year service contract.

Who qualifies?
Full-time undergraduate students in the following fields of Engineering: Chemical, Computer, Electronic,
Industrial and Mechanical.
Full-time undergraduate BSc students in the fields of Chemistry and Physics.
Available to matriculants with a minimum of 70% in Mathematics and Physical Sciences, and to university
The Bursary Office, Human Resources and Development, NECSA, PO Box 582, PRETORIA 0001
Closing date: 31 May
Full study, accommodation and meal fees plus a book allowance.
Aid scheme for the purchase of a personal computer.

Bursaries and Loans
PPS Engineering Faculty Bursary
Who qualifies?
Any final-year BEng student or a student who is currently registered for a Master’s programme at the Faculty
of Engineering, who has an average of 60% and above and who is not currently studying with a bursary.
Electronic mail applications must be sent to Ms Annemieke Nel at anel@pps.co.za
Closing date: 31 August
Value: Two bursaries of R20 000 each.
This bursary does not obligate the recipient to work for PPS after completion of their degree programme.

SA Breweries
Who qualifies?
Students in the following faculties/fields of study:
• Biological Science
• Chemical Engineering
• Mechatronics
• Mechanical Engineering
www.sab.co.za; The Administrator, SAB, PO Box 782178, SANDTON 2146
Closing date: 30 June
Value: Full study fees, full accommodation fees and a book allowance.
The bursaries are available from the first year of study, for the normal duration of the programme.
There is an obligation to work back for the company one year for every academic year that the bursary was

Who qualifies?
Top-performing students who are currently in Grade 12, first to third, or final year of study.
The bursary scheme is available to students in the following disciplines: Mechanical Engineering: Electrical
Engineering; Metallurgy, Mining Engineering, Mining Surveying, Rock Engineering and Geology.
www.samancorcr.com – click on 'Our People – Bursary' and follow the links to apply online.
Closing date: 15 October
Study fees and an annual cash allowance.
Second-year academic students qualify for a computer allowance.
Bursaries are renewable annually, dependent on academic performance, and are awarded for a maximum of
four years.
Vacation work at Samancor, or another institution approved by Samancor, is compulsory.
There is also a service obligation of six months for each year sponsored by Samancor.

Who qualifies?
Bursaries from the first year of study for students who want to study Chemical, Electrical or Mechanical
Engineering, or BSc in Forestry.
The Bursaries Officer, Sappi Ltd, PO Box 6, INNOVATION HUB 0087, consisting of CV, copy of ID, motivation
letter and results. Email: bursary.recruitment@sappi.com; Tel.: 011 407 8425 (Jessie Freitas).
Closing date: 31 July
Value: Study fees, plus a book allowance.
Service obligation of one year for each year sponsored by Sappi.
Bursaries and Loans
Applicants must state the discipline in which they are studying, and enclose with their application form a
formal statement of their university results, if available.

Who qualifies?
Students who want to pursue a BScEngineering or BEng undergraduate degree.
Students who want to do BScEngineering or BEng Honours.
Applications must be submitted via the Sasol bursaries website: www.sasolbursaries.com
If you experience any problems with your application, please contact Berlyne Rasool at
berlyne.rasool@adcorpgroup.com; Tel.: 086 010 6235.
Closing date: Variable, depending on the bursary programme (27 May to early September)
Full bursary: tuition, accommodation and meals.
Book allowance as determined by Sasol.
Each bursary holder will be required, after completion of studies, to work in the service of the donor for a
period of years equal to that for which the bursary was received.

Sentech Educational Trust

Who qualifies?
Bursaries available in the following fields of study: Electronics, Information Science, Computer Science.
The Bursary Administrator: SL Ndwalaza, Private Bag X06, HONEYDEW 2040; Tel.: 011 691 7080; Email:
Evodia@sentech.co.za; www.sentech.co.za
Closing date: 31 August

Who qualifies?
Bursaries are awarded to full-time undergraduate students according to the employment needs of the
company in the following fields of study:
Specialist commercial bursary in various commercial specialist disciplines (visit website for specific details).
BScEngineering or BEng in the following disciplines: Civil, Electrical (Heavy Current); Electronics; Computer
Engineering; Mechanical; Industrial; Marine Engineering.
Visit https://www.transnet.net/Career/Pages/Bursary.aspx to download the application form.
Email: bursaries@transnet.net
Closing date: 5 November
Value: The comprehensive bursary covers tuition fees, accommodation and meals, book allowance and
experiential training.
The bursary may be renewed annually, depending on academic performance.
A service contract is a requirement.

Wheatfield Estate Foundation Trust

Who qualifies?
Prospective first-year students. Candidates must have an average of 60% in matric.
Value: Study fees.
Applications: SUFO
Renewable annually, dependent on academic performance and interview.
Candidates are encouraged to do voluntary work for a welfare organisation, or job shadowing in their field of
study or future work.

Bursaries and Loans
9.2 Department of Civil Engineering
Arup Education Trust
Who qualifies?
Students studying towards a degree in the built environment (engineering, architecture, construction studies,
quantity surveying, town planning, etc.).
Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged individuals (as per SA B-BBEE codes).
The students’ parents, guardians or sponsors should have a combined household net income of R15 000 or
less per month.
Excellent academic results are vital.
The application form can be found on the Trust’s website at www.arupedutrust.org
Closing date: Opens on 1 July and closes on 30 September.

Beamish (Roy Beamish)

Who qualifies?
One bursary for a needy and deserving male student, starting in the second year of study, for study in Civil
Engineering or Health Sciences.
Applications: SUFO
Awarded for the duration of the programme, as a result, a new bursary is not necessarily available every year.

BKS (Pty) Ltd

Who qualifies?
Good academic achievers.
The Bursary Officer, BKS (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3173, PRETORIA 0001; Email: lorrainevz@bks.co.za
Closing date: 30 June
A fixed amount towards study costs.
A computer will be provided to bursary holders in the second year.

Garden Cities
Who qualifies?
Students from disadvantaged communities, including female students.
Applications: SUFO
Civil Engineering, Building Science, Quantity Surveying.
Bursaries available from the second year of study.

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Who qualifies?
Students who want to do Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current), or Town and Regional
The Bursary Officer, PO Box 116, PORT ELIZABETH 6000
Closing date:
Prospective candidates should enquire at 041 506 3259 for the closing date before submitting any
Study and accommodation fees; cost of meals; personal allowance. No book or photocopying allowance.
A year-for-a-year service contract is required.

Bursaries and Loans
Who qualifies?
Bursaries are awarded to financially needy, academically deserving students who are planning to pursue a
full-time degree in Civil Engineering.
Bursary applications are open to students who have completed their first year and are registered for the 2nd,
3rd, 4th year, or for postgraduate studies.
A motivational letter needs to accompany the first-year student applications.
Applications: www.nra.co.za
Closing date: 30 November
The bursary will cover tuition, accommodation, food, books, travelling costs and will include a living

9.3 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Arup Bursary Fund
Who qualifies?
Students studying towards a degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.
Arup seeks exceptional people with fresh ideas and curious minds who want to make a real difference to the
environment we live in – passion, drive, creativity and academic achievement are a must.
The application process can be obtained from Tameron Steenkamp at tameron.steenkamp@arup.com
Closing date: Applications open on 1 July and close on 30 September.

Arup (Pty) Ltd – Graduate Programme

Who qualifies?
All graduates with a degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering will be considered for employment in
CV, copy of ID and academic record to be emailed to Tameron Steenkamp at tameron.steenkamp@arup.com
Closing date: Application process closes on 30 October.

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Who qualifies?
Students who want to do Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current) or Civil Engineering, or Town and Regional
The Bursary Officer, PO Box 116, PORT ELIZABETH 6000
Closing date:
Prospective candidates should enquire at 041 506 3259 for the closing date before submitting any
Study and accommodation fees; cost of meals; personal allowance. No book or photocopying allowance.
A year-for-a-year service contract is required.

Applications: SUFO
Value: R4 000

SAAB South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Who qualifies?
A number of bursaries are offered to students in Electronic Engineering.
Human Resources, Business Support, SAAB South Africa (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 8792, CENTURION 0046
Closing date: 31 July

Bursaries and Loans
Value: Study and accommodation fees, plus a book allowance.
Bursary holders are required to do certain work in the summer vacations and to conclude a service contract.

SA Institute of Electrical Engineers

Who qualifies?
Students who are financially needy and academically strong and want to study Electrical, Electronic or
Computer Engineering.
The Secretary, SAIEE, PO Box 751253, GARDENVIEW 2047
Email: dudum@saiee.org.za
Closing date: 30 September
Value: R30 000
From first year of study, for one year.
No service contract.
The SAIEE runs a study loan scheme for students whose bursary applications have not been successful.
Particulars available from the SAIEE.

9.4 Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Anonymous donor
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for needy, deserving students in Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.
Applications: SUFO
Awards are made in conjunction with the Chairperson of the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic

Arup Bursary Fund

Who qualifies?
Students studying towards a degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
Arup seeks exceptional people with fresh ideas and curious minds who want to make a real difference to the
environment we live in – passion, drive, creativity and academic achievement are a must.
The application process can be obtained from Tameron Steenkamp at tameron.steenkamp@arup.com
Closing date: Applications open on 1 July and close on 30 September.

Arup Pty Ltd – Graduate Programme

Who qualifies?
All graduates with a degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering will be considered for employment in
CV, copy of ID and academic history report to be emailed to Tameron Steenkamp at
Closing date: Application process closes on 30 October.

KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Administration Bursary Scheme

Who qualifies?
Mechanical or Civil Engineering: bursaries from the second year.
Medicine: bursaries from the third year.
The Director-General, KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Administration, Private Bag 9037, PIETERMARITZBURG
Closing date: 30 September

Bursaries and Loans

10. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

10.1 Various departments
Beamish (Roy Beamish)
Who qualifies?
One bursary, starting in the second year of study, for needy and deserving male students for studies in
Medicine and Health Sciences or Civil Engineering.
Applications: SUFO
Awarded for the duration of the programme, as a result, a new bursary is not necessarily available every year.

Bosma (Helena Bosma)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for needy MBChB students from their second year of study.
Applications: SUFO

Dean (NJ Dean)

Who qualifies?
Second-year students studying in the fields of Medicine and Health Sciences, Science, AgriSciences,
Economic and Management Sciences and Law.
Applications: SUFO
Undergraduate bursary for a period of not more than three years.

Du Preez (JW du Preez)

Who qualifies?
Deserving, hardworking and financially needy students in Medicine and Health Sciences and Science, from
the second year of study.
Applications: SUFO
Continuation of the bursary for the full duration of the programme is dependent on satisfactory progress.

Granelli (Joseph Granelli)

Who qualifies?
For students from the second year onwards. The criteria of award are merit and clear proof of financial need.
Students holding substantial bursaries, e.g. R10 000 per annum or more, will not be considered.
Applications: SUFO

Hansen (John Michael Hansen)

Who qualifies?
Needy and deserving students from the second year of study onwards.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R800
Two bursaries for three years each, every third year.

iThemba (FMHS bursary)

As part of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ (FMHS) sustained endeavour to realise its values,
vision and mission, the Faculty actively promotes access to quality education and works hard to ensure
student success. The iThemba (FMHS bursary) was established in 2015 in support of students who have
exhausted all other avenues to access funding for their studies.
The FMHS has limited funding available for TygerMatie undergraduate students in financial need.
Who qualifies?
• Awards are determined by financial need and allocated to students who have exhausted all other
available options for funding.
Bursaries and Loans
• Applicants must provide proof that they do not qualify for or have been unable to access any other
funds, bursaries, and/or loans.
• Non-SA citizens will be considered.
• Final-year undergraduate students and fifth-year MBChB students will not be considered for this
fund if they are unable to prove that they have accessed or exceeded all available funding options
(e.g. a secured Standard Bank loan).
Step 1: Download and complete the unique application form (this will be available by the end of November).
Step 2: Prepare the required support documents as noted on the application form. Combine all these
documents into one PDF file. Please include your SU number (#) as a prefix to the file name, e.g. #-
Step 3: Submit your application using one of the following two options:
Via email: Email your application to tygbursaries@sun.ac.za. Remember to include your SU# in this subject
line, SU # / iThemba application, and double-check you have attached the application form and the
combined support documents as one PDF file; or
Hand-delivery: Place your printed application and support documents in a clearly marked envelope and
deliver it to the Bursary Office, Room 1044, Clinical Building, Tygerberg campus.
Closing date: The application period will be confirmed in due course.
Awards are allocated to a maximum of R50 000 for an academic year only (allocations exceeding this
amount can be made under exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case merit basis).
• The University reserves the right to validate all information and cancel the application and/or
bursary allocation if false information has been supplied.
• The University reserves the right to retract the iThemba (FMHS bursary) allocation should a recipient
be awarded other funds during the year that cover all study-related expenses.
• The iThemba (FMHS bursary) allocation may not be used towards historic study-related debt.

Medical Association of SA (Tygerberg Boland Branch)

Who qualifies?
One bursary for one year to a deserving and needy third-year student.
Where candidates’ circumstances are otherwise essentially similar, preference will be given to a child of a
medical practitioner who is or was a member of the Medical Association of South Africa.
Applications: SUFO

Meiring (The Doctor Meiring Memorial Bursaries)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for needy students, in the third or further years of study.
Applications: SUFO
From the yield of a bequest by the late Dr Meiring.

Who qualifies?
Deserving and especially for needy undergraduate students.
Applications: SUFO
Awarded for the duration of their programme, hence, new awards are not necessarily possible every year.

Pelteret (Charles Pelteret Educational Trust)

Who qualifies?
A student who wants to study Medicine and Health Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, or related subjects.
Applications: SUFO
One bursary to a deserving undergraduate or postgraduate student who wants to study in one of the fields
Bursary holders are required to reapply annually.

Bursaries and Loans
Stighlingh Memorial Bursary (Public Servants’ Association of SA)
Who qualifies?
Students who want to study Medicine and Health Sciences or Science.
Public servants, or members and children of members of the Association, who have been in the employ of
the Public Service, or have been members of the Association, for twelve months or longer.
Where applicable, proof needs to be submitted of the positions of both birth parents as confirmation.
Students should already have completed the 1st academic year successfully.
Applications: SUFO
Value: R3 000

10.2 Department of Health and Rehabilitation Studies

Kok (Dorinda Kok)
Who qualifies?
A needy and deserving first-year student in Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy.
Applications: SUFO
The bursary may be continued if the student passes, but the application must be renewed annually. As a
result, a new award is not necessarily possible every year.

Occupational Therapy
Applications: SUFO
At least four (4) bursaries each awarded for the duration of the recipient’s programme of study. As a result,
new awards may not be possible in every year.

Bursaries and Loans

Bursaries for postgraduate students

This is a non-exhaustive list; for further information, please also refer to the website

Requirements for the allocation of bursaries for postgraduate students

Postgraduate candidates who already have a qualification on the same or higher level than the one they are
seeking support for, are not eligible to apply for bursaries administered by Stellenbosch University.
Postgraduate students who register from the second semester, will only receive half of the original amount
allocated for bursaries administered by Stellenbosch University.
Where a particular bursary allows for postgraduate students to apply for renewal, such an application should
reach the Postgraduate Student Funding Unit by the predetermined closing date and be accompanied by a
recommendation from the supervisor. Renewal applications are subject to the availability of funds.

1. Bursaries for study in most faculties

1.1 Bursaries not subject to significant restrictions
Aligarh Association of SA
Prof AA Wadee (Honorary Secretary), Aligarh Old Boys’ Scholarship Trust, PO Box 42406, FORDSBURG 2033
Closing date: 31 October of the previous year of study.

Eriksen (Ernst and Ethel Eriksen Trust)

Who qualifies?
No restriction as to sex, race or field of study.
Consideration is given only to candidates intending to study for a master’s degree or a doctorate.
The Ernst and Ethel Eriksen Trust, Private Bag X67, BRYANSTON 2021; www.eriksentrust.co.za
Closing date: 30 September

National Research Foundation (NRF)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for full-time honours degree, master’s degrees and doctoral studies.
Electronic (online) applications for Postgraduate Scholarship Funding on honours, master’s and doctoral
level: http://nrfconnect.nrf.ac.za
Closing dates: Refer to www.sun.ac.za/pgo/funding for closing dates.
Full particulars regarding these, as well as grant-holder bursaries and bursaries for students with disabilities,
may be obtained from the Postgraduate Student Funding Unit.

Stellenbosch University Postgraduate Scholarship Programme

Who qualifies?
Available to full-time postgraduate students studying any field. International students may also apply.
Application forms are available at www.sun.ac.za/pgo/funding.
Closing date:
31 October of the previous year of study.
Subject to change of regulations and availability of funds.
Full information obtainable on request from the Unit for Postgraduate Student Funding.

Bursaries and Loans
Thom (HB and MJ Thom Trust)
Who qualifies?
The criteria for award call for, among other things, good character or positive leadership potential in any field,
including sporting achievements.
Although not a requirement for the award, the University will give preference to candidates who, as well as
meeting the conditions laid down, show a sound academic record in their previous degree/studies.
Application forms available on www.sun.ac.za/pgo/funding.
Applications must be accompanied by a short CV and by at least two testimonials from persons able to
comment reliably and authoritatively as to compliance with the criteria referred to above.
Closing date: 30 September of the previous year of study.
A maximum of ten bursaries for postgraduate students in any field of study.

1.2 Bursaries subject to certain restrictions

Blind SA
Who qualifies?
Blind and partially sighted students, and sighted students whose parents are visually impaired.
The President: Ms CJ Donaldson, Blind SA, Private Bag X9005, Crown Mines 2025; www.blindsa.org.za
Value: R8 000 annually for the normal duration of the study programme.

City of Cape Town: External Bursaries

Who qualifies?
Residents of the City of Cape Town.
Cape Town Municipality, Department of Human Resources, PO Box 298, CAPE TOWN 8000
Closing date:
To be determined annually and communicated in the local media.

Du Toit (Willie du Toit (Quaggasfontein) Educational Fund)

Who qualifies?
By preference students from the Loxton and Victoria West Districts.
The Trustees, Willie du Toit (Quaggasfontein) Educational Fund, PO Box 24, VICTORIA WEST 7070
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Roughly equivalent to study fees.
If funds suffice, applicants from other parts, with preference given to the Cape, may also be considered.

Hendriksz (Gawie Hendriksz)

Who qualifies?
Needy children from orphanages, or children who were institutionalised as a result of the failure of their
parents’ marriage.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Value: Roughly R6 000.

Immigrant Children
Who qualifies?
Deserving and/or needy children of immigrants who have been living in the RSA for three years or less.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Documentary proof that the applicant is an immigrant must be attached to each application.
Bursary holders are required to reapply annually for a continuation.

Bursaries and Loans
Jacobs Family
Who qualifies?
Direct descendants of Jan Abraham Jacobs qualify. A precise explanation in writing of the family relationship
is required.
Applicants must be needy, deserving, and members of the Dutch Reformed Church.
Application forms for family bursaries are available at my.sun.ac.za.
Bursaries for a maximum of three years.
The bursaries may be used at Stellenbosch or at the University of the Free State.
This financial assistance is granted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the

Knacke (FW Knacke)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for deserving and especially for financially needy students, excluding students in Medicine and
Health Sciences and Law, who are wholly or partly of German descent and who have already completed
their first year of study at the University.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
When considering awards from the Trust, the Trustees will moreover take into account the quantum of
assistance the individual student receives from other sources.
On condition that their academic performance is of a satisfactory standard, existing holders may annually
apply for the continuation of their bursaries.
The Trustees emphasise that bursaries from the Knacke Trust are intended primarily to assist financially
needy students, even if their academic achievement is not superior.

Malan (FS and WC Malan)

Who qualifies?
Students born to the surname of Malan who are needy and deserving.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za

Mostert (Fritz and Anna Mostert)

Who qualifies?
Both undergraduate and postgraduate bachelor’s degree students who matriculated at schools in the
magistrate’s districts of Hopefield, Malmesbury, Moorreesburg, Piketberg, Porterville, Velddrift and
Applications: my.sun.ac.za

Muller (Dr JH Muller)

Who qualifies?
Needy students who come from the Free State.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za

Myburghbond of South Africa Trust

Who qualifies?
The applicant must be a born Myburgh, Myburg, Meyburgh, Meyburg, Mijburg, Meijburgh, or Meijburg.
The applicant must have an average score of 65% in the last degree.
In writing or email to: The Chairman, Myburghbond of SA Trust, P.O.Box 30194, PELLISSIER 9322, or
myburghbond@gmail.com. The following documentation must accompany the application:
• Three copies of the CV and marks record if the application is sent by post, or one copy of the CV and
marks record if sent by email (for speedy approval by Trustees / Board members individually);
• Proof of registration for the degree for which the scholarship is applied for;
• A copy of the applicant’s ID. In case of a married female Myburgh-born student, her birth certificate
or marriage certificate must accompany her application.
Approved applications will be decided by the Board of Trustees, and a decision of the Board will be final.

Bursaries and Loans
If more than one application is received, it will be approved on the basis of merit.
The award of this scholarship is once per grade and student, and will be made available annually for the next
Myburgh student.
Closing date: 1 July annually.
Value: R20 000
If his/her application is approved, the applicant must be willing to become a member of the Myburghbond of
SA. The application for membership and information form of their Myburgh family branch must be send by
the parents or the applicant to the Bond Office (one-time membership is R500).
The bursary will be paid as soon as forms are received at the Bond Office.
The successful applicant must report in writing to the Bond Office on his/her academic progress for at least
the next two years.
Enquiries: Tel/fax: 051 422 4639, or cell phone: 083 309 8704

Roos (Paul Roos Gymnasium (Rhodes Scholarship))

Who qualifies?
For a past pupil of Paul Roos Gymnasium, single, being between the ages of 19 and 24 years, and holding a
degree or other qualification acceptable to the University of Oxford.
The Rector, Paul Roos Gymnasium, STELLENBOSCH 7600; www.rhodestrust.org.za
Closing date: 15 August
Value: Covers all costs.
For one to three years study at Oxford.

Roos (Paul Roos Gymnasium Together Bursary)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for children of teachers who are permanently employed at Paul Roos Gymnasium, and for direct
descendants of Coenraad Hendrik Loubser.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za

Rotary Club: Cape Town

Who qualifies?
Students from the Cape Peninsula who are in their second or further year of study with the emphasis on
community service.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Value: Study fees plus a book allowance.

Theron (Frans and Rykie Theron Study Fund)

Who qualifies?
• Students wishing to qualify as ministers of the church or as missionaries;
• Students wishing to undertake a degree programme in Agriculture;
• Students wishing to undertake a postgraduate programme in Spectrophysics;
• In all cases, preference is to be given to students who are descendants of the Theron, Marais and
Zeeman families. A precise explanation of the family relationship must be furnished in writing.
Application forms for family bursaries are available at my.sun.ac.za.
Bursaries from the estate of the late Mrs RJ Marais of Tulbagh.
If in a given year there are no students who meet these conditions, the bursaries are to be granted to
students from the said families who are taking any other programme at Stellenbosch University; thereafter to
students coming from Tulbagh District.

Bursaries and Loans
Union of Jewish Women of South Africa (Toni Saphra)
Who qualifies?
The Toni Saphra Bursary is for a postgraduate or final-year woman student whose proposed further study
will better equip her to render one or another service to the South African community.
The Bursary Officer, The Union of Jewish Women of SA, PO Box 87556, HOUGHTON 2041
Closing date: 1 March-31 July.
Value: R20 000
Holders may apply annually for renewal of the bursary, within the approved duration of their programme.

Van Zijl (Petrusa van Zijl)

Who qualifies?
Needy descendants of the six sisters of the donor, the late Mrs Petrusa Groenewald (née van Zijl).
A precise explanation of the family relationship must be furnished in writing.
Application forms for family bursaries are available at my.sun.ac.za.

Viljoen (Elizabeth Viljoen Trust)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries available to descendants and adopted children of brothers and sisters of the late Miss Elizabeth
Viljoen who wish to further their studies at SU.
Application forms for family bursaries are available at my.sun.ac.za.
Variable and subject to the number of applications.

Bursaries and Loans

2. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

2.1 Various departments
Cape Tercentenary Foundation (Dudley D’Ewes Scholarship)
Who qualifies?
Master’s or doctoral students in the fields of literature, art, music, drama, ballet, environmental studies and
nature conservation or cultural conservation.
Gloria Barrett, Postnet Suite 354, Private Bag X16, CONSTANTIA 7848; Tel.: 021 683 3990; Fax: 021 671 6404;
Email: info@cape300foundation.org.za; www.cape300foundation.org.za
Closing date: 30 September
Variable, up to a value of R10 000.

De Klerk (DP de Klerk)

Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
A bursary, or bursaries, for a study tour abroad or for research in Urology or Arts alternatively.

De Vries (Sheelagh Fitzpatrick de Vries Bursary)

Who qualifies?
One or two bursaries awarded annually for postgraduate study in Classical Literature or Ancient Cultures.
Bursaries are awarded on the basis of academic merit and/or financial need.
Outstanding undergraduate students may also apply for study in the third year.
The Chair, Department of Ancient Studies, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602
Closing date:
31 October of the preceding year.
Awarded annually and is available for a second time after renewed application.

Slater (WJB Slater)

Who qualifies?
For postgraduate studies in the performing arts, ballet, speech and drama, music and fine arts.
Candidates will be selected on the grounds of academic merit, qualities of character, motivation and field of
The Scholarships and Bursaries Officer, Grahamstown Foundation, PO Box 304, GRAHAMSTOWN 6140
Closing date: 31 October
Value: R4 000
Applicants must be citizens of and resident in South Africa.
No other bursary or scholarship or paid appointment may be held without the consent of the Grahamstown

Bursaries and Loans
Uys (Dirkie Uys Memorial Fund)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Public and Development Management, Sociology.

Van Ewijck (Van Ewijck Foundation)

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate and postgraduate students who are studying or wish to do research in a Dutch discipline, or
research on a terrain where the relations with the Netherlands play a role, or students who are of Dutch
descent (parentage).
http://www.ewijckfoundation.co.za/ or contact the Secretary at nieuwoudt0@absamail.co.za
The research or studies also entails studies at Dutch (the Netherlands) universities or approved institutions.
Successful applicants would have to supply certain substantiating documentation, such as proof of
registration as a student, or proof of invitation or acceptance at a Dutch university or institution.
Closing date:
Closing date for applications for the next calendar year is 31 October.
Interim applications are also considered.

2.2 Department of Afrikaans and Dutch

De Jager (CJ de Jager Bursary Fund)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
For full-time postgraduate study.

Hertzog (General JBM Hertzog)

Who qualifies?
Preferably a student of Afrikaans Cultural History, Afrikaans or Dutch.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.

Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Scholtz (J du P Scholtz)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Undergraduate and full-time or part-time postgraduate bursaries.
Postgraduate students may retain bursaries for further study here or in the Netherlands, at the discretion of
Stellenbosch University.

Bursaries and Loans
Smith (JJ Smith)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
One bursary for research in linguistics

Van Ewijck (Van Ewijck Foundation)

Who qualifies?
Two yearly bursaries of varying amounts to students who study at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch at
Stellenbosch University and who have already shown exceptional results within their Dutch studies.
Further information about these bursaries can be obtained at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch.
The value of these bursaries is donated by the Van Ewijck Foundation to the Department.
The Department itself decides which two candidates the bursaries are awarded to on grounds of their
Candidates cannot receive both a Bursary of Merit and a general Van Ewijck bursary.

Weiss (Hymne Weiss Bursary Fund)

Who qualifies?
Full-time postgraduate students in Afrikaans and Dutch at Stellenbosch University.
The Chairperson, Department of Afrikaans and Dutch, SU.
Closing date: 31 December
The University reserves the right not to award this bursary in a given year.
Where a holder of the bursary discontinues his studies in the course of the year for which it has been
awarded, the full amount thereof shall be repayable not later than 30 December of the same year.

2.3 Department of Drama

Engelen (Fred Engelen)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Late applications acceptable subject to availability of funds.
Variable, but not less than R3 000, subject to availability of funds.
Scholarship for a postgraduate student of the Drama Department to help meet the candidate’s travelling
expenditure in furthering his/her theatre studies abroad.
Choice of topic and of institution are subject to the approval of the selection committee.

2.4 Department of English

Old Mutual/Grahamstown Foundation
Who qualifies?
Preference is given to honours students.
Candidates will be selected on the grounds of academic merit, quality of character, motivation and field of
Applicants must be citizens of and resident in South Africa.
The Scholarships and Bursaries Officer, Grahamstown Foundation, PO Box 304, GRAHAMSTOWN 6140
Closing date: 31 October
Bursaries and Loans
Value: R10 000
For postgraduate studies in English or related fields.
No other bursary or scholarship or paid appointment may be held without the consent of the Grahamstown

Taute (Babette Taute)

Who qualifies?
Applicants must be final-year or honours students.
The Trustees, Babette Taute Trust, Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, SANLAMHOF 7532
Closing date: 1 October
Book bursaries are offered for full-time or part-time study in any branch of English literature or language,
including applied language studies related to English. At least half of the proposed programme must relate
directly to English.
Study bursaries are offered for full-time final-year and honours students in any branch of English literature or
linguistics, including applied language studies related to English. At least half of the proposed programme of
study must relate directly to English.

Victoria League
Who qualifies?
One bursary available for an Honours student in the Department of English who wishes to specialise in the
teaching of the English language.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date: First Friday in December of the previous year.

2.5 Department of History

Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Conradie (GD Conradie)

Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Dekker (HP Dekker)

Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Hertzog (General JBM Hertzog)

Who qualifies? my.sun.ac.za
Preferably a student of Afrikaans Cultural History, Afrikaans or Dutch.
Manager: Postgraduate Student Funding, SU.
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.

Bursaries and Loans
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Prowse (Ruth Prowse)

Mr C Pauw, Ruth Prowse Bursary Fund, 4 Tweed Road, NEWLANDS 7700
Closing date: 31 October
Value: R800 per annum.
Visual Arts, Cultural History or Museology.
A postgraduate merit bursary for South African citizens only, for use in the RSA or abroad.
For a period of one year.

2.6 Department of Information Science

Geyser (Sakkie Geyser)
Who qualifies?
A postgraduate student in Socio-Informatics.
No applications, granted by the department.
Value: Variable, to a maximum of R5 000.
A bursary awarded for one year.
Applications for renewal after a first award will be considered.
The criteria of award are financial need, academic merit, suitability for the profession and leadership

2.7 Department of Journalism

Car Magazine
Who qualifies?
One bursary for a student who has already been accepted by the Department of Journalism.
Mr Ramsay, Media Pty Ltd, PO Box 180, HOWARD PLACE 7450; Email: applications@ramsaymedia.co.za
Closing date: End of first semester.
Value: R12 000
Applicants are selected on the basis of their academic record and a personal interview.

2.8 Department of Music

Bowman (Lionel Bowman Bursary/Prize)
Who qualifies?
One bursary/prize is awarded annually to an undergraduate or postgraduate student for the best
interpretation of a complete solo piano work by Beethoven.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable
Applicants must give a public performance of a complete work by Beethoven for adjudication.

Bursaries and Loans
Chapman (Myra Chapman Educational Trust)
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 1 March
Value: Variable
Postgraduate scholarships may be awarded to the same candidate for a maximum tenure of two years.
Renewal must be applied for annually. The awards are made in consultation with the Department of Music.
Should no postgraduate candidates qualify, the total amount may be awarded to qualifying undergraduate

Elphick (Edna Elphick)

Who qualifies?
Registered or prospective students (part-time or full-time), or alumni of the Conservatoire (“Konservatorium”).
Applicants may not be older than 25 on 30 September of the year in which they participate.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable
One bursary is awarded.
The award is decided by competition and applicants are required to perform a short programme in public for
An award will be made only if the standard is satisfactory.
The money has to be used for study at the Conservatoire or at an approved institution abroad.

Hendrikz (Hilda Hendrikz)

Who qualifies?
Deserving undergraduate or postgraduate students of singing.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 1 March
Value: Variable

Molteno (HA Molteno)

The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 1 March
Value: Variable
A varying number of bursaries for postgraduate studies in music.
The bursaries are renewable on application.

Quick (Mabel Quick)

Who qualifies?
Prospective or registered full-time music students.
Competitors for these scholarships must not be more than 23 years of age on 30 September of the year in
which they participate.
Previous winners are disallowed from participating again.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable

Bursaries and Loans
Two scholarships. One is for singing, the other for any musical instrument.
The awards are made on the basis of competition.
Applicants must perform a short programme in public in the presence of adjudicators.
In the year immediately following, winners will be required to study as their major subject singing, or the
particular musical instrument in which they have won.

Quick (Mabel Quick) (overseas scholarship)

Who qualifies?
A student or past student of Stellenbosch University for advanced study in any instrument or singing.
Only students or past students who are not more than 30 years of age on 30 September of the year in which
they propose to participate, shall be eligible.
The Chairperson, Department of Music, Stellenbosch University.
Closing date: 30 September
Value: Variable
A single scholarship every second year.
The performance of a short concert programme for adjudication, or the presentation of suitable other proof
of the candidate’s standard, will be required.
Within three months after the award of the overseas scholarship, the successful candidate must notify the
University of acceptance/non-acceptance thereof.
The money shall be payable in two equal instalments.
The first instalment is to be disbursed after the recipient’s submission of his planned study programme, when
he is about to depart for overseas.
The second instalment is to be disbursed not less than six months later, on receipt of a satisfactory progress
report from the lecturer(s) or institution concerned.
Except with the special permission of the University Council, the scholarship shall be forfeited if it is not taken
up within two years after the date of award.
If no satisfactory progress report is received within twelve months after the disbursement of the first
instalment, the second instalment shall be forfeited.

2.9 Department of Social Work

Hofmeyr and De Vos
Who qualifies?
Financially needy students.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Value: R1 000
Social Work and Theology accommodation bursaries.
Bursary holders to apply for a continuation annually.

Union of Jewish Women of South Africa (Toni Saphra)

Who qualifies?
The Toni Saphra Bursary is for a postgraduate or final-year woman student whose proposed further study
will better equip her to render one or another service to the South African community.
The Bursary Officer, The Union of Jewish Women of SA, PO Box 87556, HOUGHTON 2041
Closing date: 1 March-31 July.
Value: R20 000
Holders may apply annually for renewal of the bursary, within the approved duration of their programme.

Bursaries and Loans
2.10 Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Union of Jewish Women of South Africa (Toni Saphra)
Who qualifies?
The Toni Saphra Bursary is for a postgraduate or final-year woman student whose proposed further study
will better equip her to render one or another service to the South African community.
The Bursary Officer, The Union of Jewish Women of SA, PO Box 87556, HOUGHTON 2041
Closing date: 1 March-31 July.
Value: R20 000
Holders may apply annually for renewal of the bursary, within the approved duration of their programme.

2.11 Department of Visual Arts

Canitz (GP Canitz)
Who qualifies?
Bursaries for deserving undergraduate and postgraduate students in the art of painting.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Renewal has to be applied for annually.

Laubser (Maggie Laubser) (Abroad)

Who qualifies?
Conditions as for the local bursaries below.
Applications: Department of Visual Arts
All applicants must attach full academic transcripts.
A full exposition of the proposed research must be furnished, as well as the name of the proposed place of
study and the date of commencement of the proposed period of study.

Laubser (Maggie Laubser) (Local)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for needy students (excluding first-year students).
Students of Painting to receive preference, with priority to those who are further advanced in their studies.
Applications: Department of Visual Arts

Prowse (Ruth Prowse)

Mr C Pauw, Ruth Prowse Bursary Fund, 4 Tweed Road, NEWLANDS 7700
Closing date: 31 October
Value: R800 per annum.
Visual Arts, Cultural History or Museology.
A postgraduate merit bursary for South African citizens only, for use in the RSA or abroad.
For a period of one year.

Bursaries and Loans

3. Faculty of Science
3.1 Various departments
Cape Tercentenary Foundation (Dudley D’Ewes Scholarship)
Who qualifies?
Master’s or doctoral studies in the fields of environmental studies and nature conservation or cultural
conservation, literature, art, music, drama, ballet.
Gloria Barrett, Postnet Suite 354, Private Bag X16, CONSTANTIA 7848; Tel.: 021 683 3990; Fax: 021 671 6404;
Email: info@cape300foundation.org.za; www.cape300foundation.org.za
Closing date: 30 September
Variable, up to a value of R10 000.

Fuchs (Carl and Emily Fuchs Overseas Scholarship)

Who qualifies?
A doctoral student, with high academic achievement, to study in Science, Technology, Business
Management, Economics, Education, Finance or Human Health full-time for one year at a recognised foreign
university, preferably a prestigious one.
The Senior Assistant Registrar, Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, University of the Witwatersrand, Private
Bag 3, WITS 2050
Closing date: 30 September
Value: R100 000
Applicants must be South African citizens who are resident in South Africa. After obtaining the degree
abroad, the holder of the scholarship must return to the RSA for not less than four years.
The award of the scholarship may on reapplication be renewed for a further year, depending on satisfactory
progression with the study.
Applicants who are short-listed must be available for an interview between 20 and 30 November.

Who qualifies?
Bursaries for full-time postgraduate (honours, master’s and doctoral) students in the broad domain of
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Who qualifies?
BScHons in Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry, Geology or Geophysics. Engineering: Chemical, Electrical,
Electronic, Industrial, Mechanical, Mining.
Corporate Bursary Services Section, Sasol Ltd, PO Box 5486, JOHANNESBURG 2000; Tel.: 011 441 3111;
Closing date: 28 February
Full bursary: tuition, accommodation and meals. Book allowance as determined by Sasol.
Each bursary holder will be required, after completion of studies, to work in the service of the donor for a
period of years equal to that for which the bursary was received.
Bursaries and Loans
SAWISE Angus Scholarship
Who qualifies?
Sub-Saharan Black women graduates with excellent academic records.
It will be expected of successful applicants to become actively involved in SAWISE (South African Women in
Science and Engineering).
SAWISE Scholarships Committee, PO Box 34085, RHODES GIFT 7707. Address enquiries to Jacquie
Greenberg; Email: Jacquie.Greenberg@uct.ac.za; www.sawise.org.za
Closing date: 30 November
Value: R10 000 per annum.
Awarded for studies at honours (fourth year) level in any field of the Natural Sciences or Engineering.
All applications must include: a one-page motivation, a curriculum vitae with the names of two referees, an
official academic transcript (record), and the names and amounts of other bursaries applied for.

Stighlingh Memorial Bursary (Public Servants’ Association of SA)

Who qualifies?
Public servants, or members and children of members of the Association, who are in the employ of the
Public Service, or have been members of the Association, for twelve months or longer. Where applicable,
proof needs to be submitted of the positions of both birth parents as confirmation.
Students should already have completed the first academic year of study successfully.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Value: R3 000
Science or Medicine and Health Sciences.

3.2 Department of Botany and Zoology

Boonstra (Dr LD Boonstra)
Who qualifies?
South African citizens for BScHons, MSc, PhD and DSc studies in Palaeontology.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Awarded on an annual basis, but renewable by application.

De Villiers (Prof OT De Villiers)

Who qualifies?
Full-time postgraduate students in Botany, on the grounds of academic achievement.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Awarded annually and renewable once by renewal application.

Green (SP Green)

Who qualifies?
One bursary for a deserving and needy student in Zoology.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Value: R1 000

Bursaries and Loans
3.3 Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science
Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa
Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students who are conducting research in the field of corrosion or corrosion control.
The Secretary, Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa, PO Box 966, KELVIN 2054
Closing date: 30 April

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students conducting research in Chemistry (Inorganic or Organic), Chemical Engineering,
Electrical or Electronic Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering (Extraction, Pyro or Physical), Geology or
The Manager: Human Resources, Training and Development, MINTEK, Private Bag X3015, RANDBURG 2125
Closing date: 31 May
To be determined annually.
Under the B Scheme the value of the bursary is two-thirds of that under the A Scheme.
Mintek’s approval of the research project is required.
Under the A Scheme, the bursary holder has to remain in Mintek’s service for an unbroken period of one year
for every year of study sponsored.
The B Scheme does not call for a contractual commitment.
The type of scheme offered is to be determined by Mintek.

Sasol/Stellenbosch 2020
Who qualifies?
Full-time postgraduate students who are South African citizens, on the grounds of academic achievement
and also versatility in other areas.
For honours degrees, master’s degrees or doctoral study in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date: 15 March
These bursaries may be held jointly with NRF bursaries.
Applications must be furnished in writing in English in the form of a memorandum. Full names, identity
number, course/programme, schools attended, cultural or student activities, etc. should be stated.
A written recommendation by the supervisor is also to be enclosed.
The awards are made in consultation with Sasol.

3.4 Department of Earth Sciences

Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA)
The Geological Society Trust, PO Box 61809, MARSHALL TOWN 2107; Tel.: 011 492 3370; Cell: 083 262 2604;
Fax: 011 492 3371; Email: craig.smith@gssa.org.za; www.gssa.org.za
Closing date: 31 December
Value: About R2 500 to R15 000 per annum.
The Geological Society REI Fund annually makes limited funds available to members or postgraduate
student members of the GSSA, to be utilised for research projects, defraying of analytical or publication
costs, attendance of congresses or conferences, travel grants, or any other purpose related to the earth

Bursaries and Loans
Gold Fields Ltd Bursary
Who qualifies?
A South African for full-time study in BScHons in Geology.
The Bursary Administrator, Gold Fields Academy, Private Bag X11, WESTONARIA 1780; Tel.: 011 752 1145; Fax:
011 752 1887; Email: jolene.pienaar@goldfields.co.za
Closing date: 31 May
Full study fees, plus R19 440 living-out allowance and approximately R10 800 personal allowance.
Computer allowance as a once-off amount from second year.
Successful applicants are required to work for the company (mining only) for one year prior to attending

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students for research in Geology, Mineralogy, Chemistry (Inorganic or Organic), Chemical
Engineering, Electrical or Electronic Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering (Extraction, Pyro or Physical).
The Manager: Human Resources, Training and Development, MINTEK, Private Bag X3015, RANDBURG 2125
Closing date: 31 May
To be determined annually.
Under the B Scheme, the value of the bursary is two-thirds of that under the A Scheme.
Mintek’s approval of the research project is required.
Under the A Scheme, the bursary holder has to remain in Mintek’s service for an unbroken period of one year
for every year of study sponsored.
The B Scheme does not call for a contractual commitment.
The type of scheme offered, is to be determined by Mintek.

3.5 Department of Mathematical Sciences

Cillié (In memory of the late Prof GG Cillié)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Postgraduate studies in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics.
To be awarded in consultation with the departmental chairperson.

Pelteret (Charles Pelteret Educational Trust)

Who qualifies?
A student who wants to study Mathematics, Physics, Medicine and Health Sciences, or related subjects.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
One bursary to a deserving undergraduate or postgraduate student who wants to study in one of the fields
Bursary holders are required to reapply annually.

3.6 Department of Physics

Pelteret (Charles Pelteret Educational Trust)
Who qualifies?
A student who wants to study Physics, Mathematics, Medicine and Health Sciences, or related subjects.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Bursaries and Loans
One bursary to a deserving undergraduate or postgraduate student who wants to study in one of the fields
Bursary holders are required to reapply annually.

Bursaries and Loans

4. Faculty of Education
Fuchs (Carl and Emily Fuchs Overseas Scholarship)
Who qualifies?
A doctoral student, with high academic achievement, to study in Education, Business Management,
Economics, Finance, Human Health, Science or Technology full-time for one year at a recognised foreign
university, preferably a prestigious one.
The Senior Assistant Registrar, Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, University of the Witwatersrand, Private
Bag 3, WITS 2050
Closing date: 30 September
Value: R100 000
Applicants must be South African citizens who are resident in South Africa.
After obtaining the degree abroad, the holder of the scholarship must return to the RSA for not less than four
The award of the scholarship may on reapplication be renewed for a further year, depending on satisfactory
progression with the study.
Applicants who are shortlisted must be available for an interview between 20 and 30 November.

La Grange (AJ la Grange)

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students in Educational Psychology.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Pauw (DAA Pauw)

Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

SAALED (The South African Association for Learning and Educational Differences)
Who qualifies?
One bursary yearly to a student specialising in the support of learners with special educational needs
(remedial education).
SAALED National Office, PO Box 55023, NORTHLANDS 2116; Tel.: 011 325 2406; Email:
membership@saaled.org.za; www.saaled.org.za
Closing date: 31 October
Value: R6 000

Bursaries and Loans

5. Faculty of AgriSciences
5.1 Various departments
Cape Pork Producers’ Organisation
Who qualifies?
A prospective full-time MScAgric student in the Department of Animal Sciences to conduct research on pigs.
(In exceptional cases, the bursary may be awarded to a prospective doctoral student, particularly to a person
who wishes to further investigate specific facets of his master’s project on completion of the master’s
The Departmental Chairperson, Department of Animal Sciences, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602
Closing date: 15 August
One bursary for the duration of study.

Merensky (Hans Merensky)

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students in Forestry and Wood Product Science.
The Dean, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602
Closing date: 31 October
Two postgraduate bursaries in the Faculty of AgriSciences focusing on Forestry and Wood Product Science.
The bursaries are awarded in conjunction with the Hans Merensky Foundation, account being taken of the
representation of cultural diversity.

Pongracz (DP Pongracz) Scholarship Trust

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate and postgraduate students in Viticulture and Oenology.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za

SA Society for Crop Production

Who qualifies?
Three bursaries for undergraduate and/or postgraduate studies in Agronomy.
One of the bursaries is for a student from a historically disadvantaged community.
Send CV and academic transcript to: SASCP Secretariat, Ms E Smit, Private Bag X1252, POTCHEFSTROOM
Closing date: Before 15 March each year.
Value: R4 000
Renewal of the bursaries is dependent on satisfactory academic performance.

Steenberg (Hennie, Louisa and Willie Steenberg Trust Fund

Who qualifies?
Only needy students taking the programme for the BScAgric degree and majoring in Animal Science are
eligible for a bursary, and this only from their second year of study.
Preference will be given to students who bear the surname of Steenberg or Steynberg or are next of kin of
the Steenberg family.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
An AgriSciences student qualifies for a bursary for at most the normal duration of the programme and must
apply annually for the renewal of such bursary. The bursaries are awarded by a committee, as laid down by
the bursary donor.
Bursaries and Loans
A student who has been awarded a bursary and who has not passed the minimum of two-thirds of the
credits of the preceding year of study, or a student who discontinues his studies may, after the committee
has assessed the circumstances, be instructed to repay the bursary.

Theron (Prof CJ Theron)

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students in Viticulture and Oenology on the grounds of academic achievement.
Preferably to be granted to students coming from the areas previously known as the Cape Province
(Western Cape, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and a section of North-West Province).
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Value: Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

5.2 Department of Food Science

Koeppen (The Koeppen Memorial Scholarship)
Who qualifies?
Students must be SAAFoST members.
The National Secretariat, SA Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST), PO Box 868,
FERNDALE 2160; Tel.: 011 789 1384; Fax: 011 789 1385; Email: saafost@vdw.co.za; www.saafost.org.za
Closing date: 28 February
R25 000
One scholarship per year is available.
Food Science.
Postgraduate students registered for master’s degrees or doctorates. (To honour the late Prof BH Koeppen,
who until his death in 1980 was the Head of the Department of Food Science at SU.)

Bursaries and Loans

6. Faculty of Law
Attorneys Fidelity Fund
Who qualifies?
To be eligible, applicants must hold a BA (Law), BCom (Law), BJuris or BProc degree, or an equivalent
qualification, or have completed the first two years of the 4-year LLB curriculum.
The bursaries are awarded on the grounds of acute financial need, or exceptional academic merit.
Mrs Liesel Decker, Operations Co-ordinator, The Attorneys Fidelity Fund, PO Box 3062, CAPE TOWN 8000;
Email: LLBbursary@fidfund.co.za, or liesel@fidfund.co.za
Closing date: 15 August
Value: See particulars below.
The Attorneys Fidelity Fund offers a limited number of study bursaries for a maximum period of two years for
the LLB degree at a local university.
The value of the bursaries will be limited to the study fees for the year in question, subject to such maximum
amount as may be fixed from year to year.

Bursaries and Loans

7. Faculty of Theology
Grundling (Magdalena Grundling Trust)
Who qualifies?
Theology (up to ordination).
Applicants from the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Oudtshoorn West.
If no student from the relevant congregation may qualify in this way within a given period, anybody from the
DR Church congregations in Oudtshoorn will qualify.
Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, SANLAMHOF 7532
Closing date: 15 September
Interest on the trust fund for such students of Theology.
The decision of the trustee in respect of any student over whatever period of time will be final and binding.

Hofmeyr and De Vos

Who qualifies?
Needy students.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Theology and Social Work.
Accommodation bursaries for needy students.
Bursary holders to apply for a continuation annually.

Malan (FS and WC Malan)

Who qualifies?
Students born to the surname of Malan who are needy and deserving.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za

Nyboer (Wilhelmina du Toit Nyboer)

Who qualifies?
Needy students who wish to train as ministers of the church or as missionaries.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date: First Friday in December of the previous year.

Thom (HB and MJ Thom Bursary for Theology)

Who qualifies?
Bursaries and/or loans to students in the Faculty of Theology.
Dean: Faculty of Theology.
Closing date: 31 January
Value: Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Visser (The Sarel and Gertie Visser Trust Fund)

Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Value: Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Closing date: First Friday in December of the previous year.

Bursaries and Loans

Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

8.1 Various departments
Fuchs (Carl and Emily Fuchs Overseas Scholarship)
Who qualifies?
A doctoral student, with high academic achievement, to study in Business Management, Economics, Finance,
Education, Human Health, Science or Technology full-time for one year at a recognised foreign university,
preferably a prestigious one.
The Senior Assistant Registrar, Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, University of the Witwatersrand, Private
Bag 3, WITS 2050
Closing date: 30 September
Value: R100 000
Applicants must be South African citizens who are resident in South Africa.
After obtaining the degree abroad, the holder of the scholarship must return to the RSA for not less than four
The award of the scholarship may on reapplication be renewed for a further year, depending on satisfactory
progression with the study.
Applicants who are short-listed must be available for an interview between 20 and 30 November.

8.2 Department of Economics

Uys (Dirkie Uys Memorial Fund)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Manager: Postgraduate Student Funding, SU.
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Value: Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Economics, Anthropology, Geography, Political Science, Public and Development Management, Sociology.

8.3 School of Accountancy

Who qualifies?
Undergraduate and postgraduate prospective chartered accountants.
Applications: www.pwc.com/za/careers
Closing date: 31 July

Theron (Pierre F Theron)

Who qualifies?
One or possibly two undergraduate or postgraduate bursaries for needy, but especially for deserving, first-
year students for the duration of their study programme. As a result, a new award may not necessarily be
possible every year.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za

Bursaries and Loans
8.4 School of Public Leadership
Uys (Dirkie Uys Memorial Fund)
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Manager: Postgraduate Student Funding, SU.
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Public and Development Management, Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Sociology.

Bursaries and Loans

9. Faculty of Engineering
9.1 Various departments
BHP Billiton Energy Coal
Who qualifies?
Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current), Extractive Metallurgy, Mine Surveying, Mining Engineering or
Mechanical Engineering. BSc majoring in Geology and in one of the following as second major subject:
Chemistry, Earth Science, Geophysics, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics or Physics. Obligation to study to
honours level in Geology.
The study bursaries are open to all Grade 12 (Std. 10) learners with a minimum of 70% in both Mathematics
and Physical Sciences.
Persons already studying at a university or technikon are also eligible.
BHP Billiton Energy Coal, PO Box 30632, BRAAMFONTEIN 2017; Fax: 086 602 8949
Closing date: 31 May
Study and accommodation fees plus a personal allowance.
A work obligation of six months for every year the bursary was used towards Energy Coal, or the bursary
expenditure experienced by Ingwe can be paid back.

Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students who are doing research in the field of corrosion or corrosion control.
The Secretary, Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa, PO Box 966, KELVIN 2054
Closing date: 30 April

Gold Fields Ltd Bursary

Who qualifies?
A prospective South African full-time student with good academic progress. Awarded from the second year
of study for a bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and
Metallurgical Engineering.
The Bursary Administrator, Gold Fields Academy, Private Bag X11, WESTONARIA 1780; Tel.: 011 752 1145; Fax:
011 752 1887; Email: jolene.pienaar@goldfields.co.za
Closing date: 31 May
Full study fees, plus R19 440 living-out allowance and approximately R10 800 personal allowance; computer
allowance (once-off amount, from second year).
Successful applicants are required to work for the company for one year (mining only) prior to attending

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students to carry out research in Chemical Engineering, Electrical or Electronic Engineering
and Metallurgical Engineering (Extraction, Pyro or Physical).
The Manager: Human Resources, Training and Development, MINTEK, Private Bag X3015, RANDBURG 2125
Closing date: 31 May
To be determined annually. Under the B Scheme the value of the bursary is two-thirds of that under the A

Bursaries and Loans
Mintek’s approval of the research project is required.
Under the A Scheme, the bursary holder has to remain in Mintek’s service for an unbroken period of one year
for every year of study sponsored. The B Scheme does not call for a contractual commitment.
The type of scheme offered is to be determined by Mintek

SA Breweries
Who qualifies?
First-year students for the normal duration of the programme.
The Administrator, SAB, PO Box 782178, SANDTON 2146
Closing date: 30 June
Full study fees, full accommodation fees and a book allowance.
Engineering (Chemical, Electrical, Electronic, Industrial and Mechanical).
Obligation to work back for the company a year for a year.

SAWISE Angus Scholarship

Who qualifies?
Sub-Saharan Black women graduates with excellent academic records.
It will be expected of successful applicants to become actively involved in SAWISE (South African Women in
Science and Engineering).
SAWISE Scholarships Committee, PO Box 34085, RHODES GIFT 7707. Address enquiries to Jacquie
Greenberg: Email: Jacquie.Greenberg@uct.ac.za; www.sawise.org.za
Closing date: 30 November
Value: R10 000 per annum.
Awarded for studies at honours (fourth year) level in any field of Engineering or the Natural Sciences.
All applications must include: a one-page motivation, a curriculum vitae with the names of two referees, an
official academic transcript (record), and the names and amounts of other bursaries applied for.

9.2 Department of Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering
Who qualifies?
Available to full-time or part-time master’s or doctoral students or staff members in the Department of
Chemical Engineering for a period of one year. Preference is given to needy students.
The Chairperson, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND
7602; Email: mwilken@sun.ac.za
Closing date: None
No service obligation.
May be held jointly with other bursaries.

Sasol/Stellenbosch 2020
Who qualifies?
Full-time postgraduate students on the grounds of academic achievement and also versatility in other areas.
For master’s or doctoral study in Chemical Engineering, or honours, master’s and doctoral study in Chemistry.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date: 15 March
These bursaries may be held jointly with NRF bursaries.
Applications must be furnished in writing in English in the form of a memorandum (full names, identity
Bursaries and Loans
number, study programme, schools attended, cultural or student activities, etc. should be stated).
A written recommendation by the supervisor is also to be enclosed.
Applicants must be South African citizens.
The awards are made in consultation with Sasol.

9.3 Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Louw (Tienie Louw)
Who qualifies?
Preference accorded to gifted students.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.
Aeronautical Engineering.
Postgraduate bursaries for studies in the RSA or abroad.
Applications must be accompanied by a recommendation by the supervisor and an official academic

Bursaries and Loans

10. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Brink & De Kock
Postgraduate students for studies in Cardiology or Pulmonology.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

De Klerk (DP de Klerk)

Who qualifies?
A bursary, or bursaries, for postgraduate students for a study tour abroad or for research in Urology or Arts,
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Fuchs (Carl and Emily Fuchs Overseas Scholarship)

Who qualifies?
For a doctoral student, with high academic achievement, to study in Human Health, Business Management,
Economics, Education, Finance, Science or Technology full-time for one year at a recognised foreign
university, preferably a prestigious one
The Senior Assistant Registrar, Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, University of the Witwatersrand, Private
Bag 3, WITS 2050
Closing date: 30 September
Value: R100 000
Applicants must be South African citizens who are resident in South Africa.
After obtaining the degree abroad, the holder of the scholarship must return to the RSA for not less than four
The award of the scholarship may on reapplication be renewed for a further year, depending on satisfactory
progression with the study.
Applicants who are short-listed must be available for an interview between 20 and 30 November.

Maree-Stander (AM Maree-Stander)

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students for studies in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences with cancer research as
the topic.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

McIntosh (Dr McIntosh Trust)

Who qualifies?
Medical students of British descent.
Preference will be given to physically handicapped males.
Candidates must be prepared, upon qualifying, to do research for not less than ten years.

Bursaries and Loans
The Trustees, BOE Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000
Closing date: 31 July
If a student does not do research, 10% of the allocation per annum must be paid back to the trustees.

Pelteret (Charles Pelteret Educational Trust)

Who qualifies?
A student who wants to study Medicine and Health Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, or related subjects.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
One bursary to a deserving undergraduate or postgraduate student who wants to study in one of the fields
Bursary holders are required to reapply annually.

Roome (William Wallace Roome Trust)

Who qualifies?
Needy, postgraduate, registered medical students.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Snyman (GPJ Snyman)

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students in Psychiatry.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Stighlingh Memorial Bursary (Public Servants’ Association of SA)

Who qualifies?
Public servants, or members and children of members of the Association, who are in the employ of the
Public Service, or have been members of the Association, for twelve months or longer. Where applicable,
proof needs to be submitted of the positions of both birth parents as confirmation.
Students should already have completed the first academic year of study successfully.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Value: R3 000
Medicine and Health Sciences or Science.

Strauss (Sankie Strauss)

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students in Ophthalmology.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Bursaries and Loans
Truter (HW Truter)
Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students in Psychiatry.
Manager: Postgraduate Student Funding, SU.
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Van Rensburg (Kate van Rensburg)

Who qualifies?
Postgraduate students in Nursing.
Applications: my.sun.ac.za
Closing date:
First Friday in December of the previous year.
Variable and subject to the availability of funds.

Bursaries and Loans

The loans listed in this section are mostly for undergraduate students. Postgraduate students are advised to
contact the Postgraduate Student Funding Unit at 021 808 4208.

ABSA Stellenbosch Student Lifestyle Centre

Absa Student Lifestyle Centre (Neelsie)
Tel.: 021 809 9300; Fax: 021 809 9334/8
Varying amounts and interest rates, depending on the year of study, the programme, and the student’s
academic performance.
Absa makes unconventional convenience available to students.
Not only does it provide the exceptional Absa student loan, it also offers a range of other student products.

Ackermann (Jossie Ackermann)

CWAA (Cape Women’s Agricultural Association), PO Box 273, STELLENBOSCH 7599
Closing date: 15 November
Food Science or Textile Science.
Mother’s/grandmother’s membership of the CWAA is a requirement.

The Managing Director, ATKV, PO Box 4586, RANDBURG 2125; Tel.: 011 919 9000; Fax: 011 886 8939;
Closing date: 15 October
Value: R15 000 per annum.
ATKV study loans are awarded to ATKV members and their immediate family members for part- or full-time
Interest is charged at 3% during studies, and 8% after completion of studies.

Conradie (JE Conradie)

CWAA (Cape Women’s Agricultural Association), PO Box 273, STELLENBOSCH 7599
Closing date: 15 November
Occupational Therapy.
Mother’s/grandmother’s membership of the CWAA is a requirement.

CWAA (Cape Women’s Agricultural Association) Agriculture Research Loan

CWAA, 126 Dorp Street, STELLENBOSCH 7600
Closing date: 15 November
Value: R10 000
A research loan for a full-time master’s or doctoral student in any branch of the Agricultural Sciences.
After completion of the study, the loan plus interest is repayable over a period of years equal to that for
which the loan was granted.
Should a recipient fail to complete the programme, or fail to make satisfactory progress, the loan plus
interest shall be repaid immediately in full.

Bursaries and Loans
www.fundi.co.za; Call Centre: 0860 55 55 44; Email: support@fundi.co.za
Value: Negotiable
When you apply for a study loan, you don’t need a deposit and there are no hidden costs.
We pay directly to the institution.
Your instalments are fixed, which means your payments will stay exactly the same until the end of the
contract period of the loan.
A family member or sponsor can apply for a loan on your behalf and different credit criteria can apply when
you nominate salary deduction as a method to pay back your instalments.

Helpmekaar Studiefonds
Applications: www.helpmekaarfonds.org
Application and closing date: Online from 1 August to 30 September.
Up to a maximum of R95 000 per annum, depending on the degree programme.
For Afrikaans-speaking students.
The applicant must have someone who will act as surety for the loan.
Interest is payable while studying.

Namibian Public Service

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Namibia Student Financial Assistance Fund, PO Box 23053,
WINDHOEK, Namibia; Tel.: 09264 61 270 6111; Fax: 09264 61 270 6122
Closing date: 31 October
N$16 500 - N$36 300 per annum.
Loans for a wide range of fields of study for Namibian students.
The number of loans in any one field is determined by the Public Service’s need for trained staff in that field.
Every loan is repayable by the borrower upon completion of studies, whether working or not working for the
Public Service of Namibia.

At any Nedbank branch.
Undergraduate – variable. Part-time (postgraduate) – variable.
Interest rate available on request.
Student loans are granted on merit from the first year of study.

Northern Helpmekaar Study Fund

Application forms from and applications to: The Manager, Northern Helpmekaar Study Fund, PO Box 91050,
Any enquiries may be addressed to Mrs JF van der Westhuizen at 011 782 9160 between 8:00 and 13:00 on
workdays. Email: nhsfonds@mweb.co.za
The Northern Helpmekaar Study Fund annually offers a number of loans for Afrikaans-speaking students
whose parents are resident in Gauteng, North West, Mpumalanga and the Northern Province (Limpopo), on
condition that they must attend their undergraduate studies at a South African tertiary institution.
Loans for postgraduate study will also be considered on merit.
Applications are assessed in strict accordance with established criteria, such as credit worthiness and
Bursaries and Loans
satisfactory performance in stated subjects.

Department of Chemical Engineering Bursary Loan Scheme

The Chairperson, Department of Chemical Engineering, SU.
Variable, depending on financial need, rounded off to the nearest R500.
Loans (for the duration of the period of study), with possible further incentives (mechanisms of reward) in
terms of performance, for deserving and needy undergraduate students in the Department of Chemical
The applicant must furnish a deed of surety from an acceptable person.
Full particulars are obtainable from the Chairperson of the Department of Chemical Engineering.
This financial assistance is granted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the donor.

Schumann (Wynnie Schumann Memorial Loan)

CWAA (Cape Women’s Agricultural Association), PO Box 273, STELLENBOSCH 7599
Closing date: 15 November
For study in any field.
Mother’s/grandmother’s membership of CWAA a prerequisite.

Standard Bank
The Manager, Standard Bank Student Business Centre, Shop 907, Langenhoven Students’ Centre, Victoria
Street, STELLENBOSCH 7600; Tel.: 021 808 6362
For particulars, please phone or visit Standard Bank.
Loans for full-time and part-time students are available at favourable interest rates.

Uys (Glen Uys)

Closing date: 15 November
For study in any field.
Mother’s/grandmother’s membership of CWAA a prerequisite.

Bursaries and Loans

Prizes, trophies, shields, sword of

honour and cups
There are a number of rewards for students that excel in their faculties and departments. Prizes, trophies,
shields, cups and the sword of honour are awarded by the various faculties, departments and private
companies based on merit, and therefore students cannot apply for these awards.

1. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Ancient Cultures
PJ Conradie
A prize of R300 for the purchase of books, to be awarded to the best third-year student.

Ancient Studies
Biblical Hebrew
Prizes for the purchase of books, to be awarded to:
the best second-year student (R300), and
the best third-year student (R500).

Philosophy, Education and Law

Visser Prize
Philosophy, Education and Law. About R300 for the best performance in each.

Geography and Environmental Studies

WA Nieman Prize
A merit bursary to an honours student in Geography and Environmental Studies for submitting the best
research report.
Adjudication is done by lecturers of the department.

CJ Rhodes Prize
A prize of at least R3 000 for outstanding achievement in History over a period of at least four years.

Car Prize
A set of dictionaries awarded by Ramsay Media, for the best BPhil student (designation in February; prize-
giving in March).

PJ Cillié Prize
A prize of R2 000 for the BPhil student who is the year’s top candidate in terms of outstanding formulation.
Adjudication is done by lecturers of the department.

George Claasen Darwin Prize

A book for a BPhil student who displays critical thinking skills.
Adjudication is done by lecturers of the department.

Rowland Hill Prize

A golden pen for the BPhil student primus inter pares selected by the lecturers (selection in February;
handing over in March).

MPhil Golden Pen

A golden pen to the top achiever among the MPhil graduates of each year.

Bursaries and Loans
ORMS Photography Prize
A camera for the BPhil student with the best photo portfolio (selection in February by teaching staff; handing
over in March).

Ton Vosloo Prize

A prize of R2 000 for creativity and innovative thinking to a BPhil student.
Adjudication is done by lecturers in the department.

Lionel Bowman Prize
One prize of approximately R2 500 is awarded annually to an undergraduate student for the best
interpretation of a complete work for solo piano by Beethoven.
Competitors must give a public performance of a complete work by Beethoven in the presence of judges.

Elise de Villiers Prize

A prize of variable value to be divided among gifted violin students.

Pieter de Villiers Prize

An annual prize of R1 000, to be awarded to a deserving piano student for outstanding achievement in the
field of piano accompaniment.

PS du Toit Prize
A prize of R1 000 for the final-year student who was the top achiever in the preceding year in the Music
Education module.

Hans Endler Prize

A prize of R2 000 to a deserving cello student of the Conservatoire.
If there is no deserving cello student, the prize may be awarded to a violin or viola student.
The University may, at its discretion, divide the prize money among deserving candidates.

Charles Johnman Prize

A prize of R1 500 for a student who, as well as achieving good results in his studies, displays outstanding
personal characteristics.
The University may, at its discretion, divide the prize money among deserving candidates.

Dorothy Johnman Prize

A prize of R1 500, to be awarded to the top achieving student ensemble of the previous year in the field of
Chamber Music.

Molteno Prize
A cash prize of R1 000, to be awarded to a first-year Music student for the best overall achievement in his

Afrikaans and Dutch

Corrie Burger Prize
One or more prizes are awarded annually to the best second-year student(s) in Afrikaans and Dutch.

WEG Louw Prize

One or more prizes are awarded annually to the best third-year student(s) in literature in Afrikaans and Dutch.

Jaco van der Merwe Prize

One or more prizes are awarded annually to the best first-year student(s) in Afrikaans and Dutch.

The Consulate General of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Cape Town annually offers book prizes for the
best students in German.

Bursaries and Loans
The French Embassy annually awards book prizes to the best students in French as well as merit bursaries to
highly deserving students.
In addition, the French Embassy awards full bursaries to top postgraduate students wishing to further their
studies at a French university, as well as assistantships to students who wish to improve their French in
France after completing their Honours degree.

CS Edgar Prizes
Prizes, for the purchase of books, to be awarded to:
• the best second-year student (R300), and
• the best third-year student (R500).

JG de Grevenbrouk Prize
A prize of R500 for the purchase of books, to be awarded to the best third-year student.

Smuts-Bruwer Prize
A prize of R300 for the purchase of books to the best second-year student.

People’s Republic of China
The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China annually offers book prizes through the Confucius Institute
for the best students in Chinese.

Naspers makes annual awards to the best students in Chinese.

Bursaries and Loans

2. Faculty of Science
Merck Prize in Molecular and Cellular Biology or Biotechnology
A certificate and cash prize awarded to the best final-year student in the Molecular Cellular Biology or
Biotechnology programme, who is proceeding with postgraduate studies.

Dr WP Steenkamp Prize
A cash prize for the student with the best achievement in Biology 144 and 154 jointly.

Merck Achievement Prize
A glass trophy and R1 000 to the best final-year Chemistry student who has taken a pure BSc degree and is
proceeding to postgraduate studies in Chemistry.

SMM Prize
A prize of R5 000 to the best cum laude honours student in Chemistry.

Dr JGP van der Horst Prize

A cash prize on a rotational basis for an MSc student in Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics who has obtained
the degree with distinction.
Awarded on the grounds of a thesis.

Plant Morphology
Professor PG Jordaan Prize for Plant Morphology
Interest on R1 000 for the purchase of a book or books by the professor of Botany.
To be awarded to an undergraduate student in his final year for commendable performance in a branch of
Plant Morphology, such as Comparative Morphology and Plant Systematics.
Approval at the last faculty meeting of the year.
One-fifth of the interest is to be capitalised annually.

Textile and Polymer Science

Bernina Prize
Annually to a student in BSc Chemistry (Textile and Polymer Science stream) for the best achievement over a
two-year period in the Textile Science modules.
The amount is variable.

Mattie Jooste Prize (Postgraduate)

Annually to a postgraduate student for the best achievement in an MSc degree with the focus on Textile
Science. (Mattie Jooste Prizes are made available from the Mattie Jooste Study Fund.)

Mattie Jooste Prize (Undergraduate)

Annually to an undergraduate student in BSc Chemistry (Textile and Polymer Science stream) for the highest
average percentage for all modules over the second and third year of study. (Mattie Jooste Prizes are made
available from the Mattie Jooste Study Fund.)

Truida Louw Book Prize:

Annually to a BSc Chemistry (Textile and Polymer Science stream) student with the highest average
percentage in the first two Textile Science modules.

Bursaries and Loans

3. Faculty of AgriSciences
Agricultural Economics
The management of the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) annually awards a prize
to the best final-year student in Agricultural Economics at each university.
The student will receive a certificate from AEASA, and also an invitation to attend the annual conference.
To be eligible for the AEASA Prize, students must have obtained an average of not less than 65% in all their
final-year Agricultural Economics modules, as well as an average of 60% in Agricultural Economics in each of
the other years of study.
Students must also have obtained an average of 60% in all ancillary modules over all years of study.

Animal Sciences
South African Society for Animal Sciences (SASAS)
An amount of R1 000 for the best final-year student in Animal Sciences (major subject), donated by SASAS.

Food Science
Bessie Retief Book Prize
Annually to a final-year BSc Food Science student with the highest final mark in the undergraduate module,
Sensory Analysis.

Jeanne Marie van der Poel

Annually to a final-year BSc Food Science student. Involvement in and general interest in Food Science as
field of study.

Kitty Simmons Book Prize

Annually to a third-year BSc Food Science student with the highest average in Food Science 214
(Commercial Food Processing and Preservation I) and Food Science 244 (Commercial Food Processing and
Preservation II).

Mattie Jooste Prize (Postgraduate)

Annually to a PhD student for the best achievement in an MSc in Food Science degree.
Mattie Jooste Prize (Undergraduate)
Annually to a final-year student in BSc Food Science for having obtained the highest average percentage for
all modules over the first three years of study.

Mimsie Smit Book Prize

Annually to a final-year BSc Food Science student with the highest final mark in the Food Science 344
module (Food of plant origin).

Nonna Rabie Prize

Annually to a second-year BSc Food Science student for the best achievement in the first year in all Food
Science modules.

SASKO Grain Prize

Annually to a third-year BSc Food Science student for the best average achievement over the first and
second year for all modules.

An amount of R1 000 for the most deserving final-year BSc in Food Science student, donated by the South
African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST).

Plant Breeding
South African Plant Breeders’ Association (SAPBA)
A cash prize of R1 000 for the best final-year student in Plant Breeding, donated by SAPBA.

Bursaries and Loans
Viticulture and Oenology
An amount of R5 500, known as “the SASEV Prize”, is offered annually by the South African Society for
Enology and Viticulture for the best final-year BScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology) student.

Bursaries and Loans

4. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

Badenhorst Auditors
Best second-year BCom student in Financial Accounting.

BGR Auditors Inc

Two cash prizes for the best progress in BAccHons.

CA Support
Best second-year BCom student in Financial Accounting.

Best BComHons student in Management Accounting.

Two prizes for the best second-year and third-year students in Financial Accounting and Taxation.

Ernst and Young

Cash prize for the best progress in Financial Accounting II by a BAcc student.

Cash prize for the best third-year BAcc student in Financial Accounting.

Cash prize and floating trophy for the best first-year BAcc student in Financial Accounting.
Cash prize and floating trophy for the best BAccHons student in Financial Accounting.

LexisNexis Publishers
Two book prizes for deserving BAcc students.

Little Big Bookstore

Best third-year BCom student in Financial Accounting.
Second-best third-year BCom student in Financial Accounting.

Loubser du Plessis
Cash prize for the second best BAccHons student.
Cash prize for the best first-year BAcc student.

Mazars Moores Rowland

Best student in Information Systems.

Pastel Software
Best student in Information Systems.

Phumzile Njomose Memorial Prize

Cash and floating trophy.

Kruger Rand plus certificate for the best BAccHons student.
Cash prize plus certificate for the best third-year BAcc student.
Cash prize plus certificate for the second best third-year BAcc student.
Cash prize plus certificate for the best third-year BAcc student in Auditing.
Cash prize plus certificate for the best second-year BAcc student in Auditing.

Rademeyer Wesson
Cash prize for the best second-year and third-year BAcc students in Accounting subjects.

Roux van der Poel

Merit bursaries for BAccHons students.

Bursaries and Loans
SAIPA (The South African Institute of Professional Accountants)
Cash prize and floating trophy for the best first-year BCom student in Financial Accounting.
Cash prize and floating trophy for the best third-year BCom student in Financial Accounting.
Cash prize and floating trophy for the best third-year BCom student in Taxation.

Best third-year BCom student in Accounting subjects.
Best second-year BAcc student.
Best second-year BAcc student in Financial Accounting.

The South African Society of Chartered Accountants: Southern Region

Commemorative medal for the best BAccHons student in Taxation.
Commemorative medal for the best BAccHons student in Auditing.
Commemorative medal for the best BAccHons student in Financial Accounting.
Commemorative medal for the best BAccHons student in Management Accounting.

Bursaries and Loans

5. Faculty of Military Science

The Sword of Honour
The Sword of Honour is awarded to the final-year student with the highest military and academic
achievements during his/her period of study at the Military Academy.

Bursaries and Loans

Medals are awarded to students who have excelled in their field of study. Students cannot apply for a medal.

1. General medals
Chancellor’s medal
The Chancellor’s Medal is awarded each year to the most deserving student who in that year has obtained a
degree or postgraduate diploma at Stellenbosch University.
Value: Gold medal: 18 carat

South African Association for the Advancement of Science

The South African Association for the Advancement of Science annually offers a bronze medal for the best
master’s study at each South African university.
Value: Bronze medal

2. Faculty of Science
Dean’s medal
Established and donated by Prof JA de Bruyn.
Awarded annually to the honours student who over the entire period of studies for the BSc and BScHons
degrees obtained the highest average percentage.
For purposes of calculation, each year of study for the BSc degree shall, in accordance with HEMIS norms,
carry a weight of one, and the honours degree a weight of two.
Value: Solid silver medal

Element Six (Pty) Ltd and DST/NRF Centre of Excellence in Strong Materials Medal
A gold-plated medal is presented annually to the best third-year student with an average mark of 70%, that
includes the marks obtained in the two polymer modules.
A gold-plated medal is also presented to the best honours student (minimum mark 70%) in Polymer Science.
Value: Gold-plated medal

Morrison (Prof John Todd Morrison)

Physics or Applied Mathematics.
For the best student to have obtained the MSc degree cum laude. Donated by Mrs JT Morrison, wife of the
late Prof JT Morrison.
Interest on R1 000.
Value: Gilded solid silver medal

Naude (Dr Meiring Naude)

The medal is awarded in a given year to the best candidate to have passed an approved BScHons
programme in Physics with a final mark, before rounding off, of not less than 80% and who has obtained a
final mark of not less than 60% in all modules taken for the degree.
Value: Gilded silver medal

Shand (SJ Shand)

For the best student to have obtained the MSc degree in Geology cum laude.
Donated by Miss Helen B Shand in commemoration of the work of her brother, the late Prof SJ Shand.
Value: Gold medal: 18 carat

Van der Walt (APJ van der Walt)

To be awarded annually in memory of the late Prof APJ van der Walt.
The medal is awarded to an undergraduate final-year student with the highest average percentage for all
Computer Science modules over the first three years of study.

Bursaries and Loans

3. Faculty of AgriSciences
Farmer’s Weekly
For the best final-year student for the degree of BAgricAdmin.
Value: Gilded silver medal

Hofmeyr-Van Schaik
For a BScAgric final-year student or BScHons student for best achievement in Genetics or Plant Breeding.
Value: A solid silver medal

Perold (Profs AI Perold and PA van der Bijl)

Awarded to the two best final-year students who have obtained the BScAgric degree cum laude, or who
have passed a major subject with distinction (donated by Farmer’s Weekly).
Value: Gilded solid silver medals

Schlich (Sir William Schlich)

For the final-year student for the BSc degree in Forestry who has the highest overall weighted average
percentage and who also meets the following requirements:
a weighted average percentage of not less than 70% over the full duration of the degree programme, and
a weighted average percentage of not less than 70% for the subject modules of the final year.
In the calculation of the percentages just mentioned, the credit loads of the subject modules are used as
If the requirements are met by more than one final-year student, consideration may be given to award the
runner-up a silver medal, on the basis of merit.
The medal is awarded by the national Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
Value: Gold medal

SSSSA (Soil Science Society of South Africa)

For the best BScAgric final-year or postgraduate student in Soil Science.
An average final mark of 70% in the Soil Science modules taken in the final year or postgraduate year is
Value: Silver medal

4. Faculty of Law
Hofmeyr, Herbstein, Gihwala Inc
For the final-year LLB student who has performed best in the degree programme.
The medal is donated by the Johannesburg law firm of Hofmeyr, Herbstein, Gihwala Inc.
Value: Gold medal

Stonehage Group Medal

To a final-year LLB student on the grounds of academic excellence and proven involvement with community
interaction and upliftment.
The medal is donated by the Stonehage Group, which provides asset management and fiduciary service to
international families.
Value: Gold Medal

5. Faculty of Engineering
For the most deserving BEng student within the Faculty as a whole.
Value: Gold medal

Bursaries and Loans
For the best final-year student in the BEng degree programme in Chemical Engineering
Value: Silver medal

6. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

A gilded solid silver medal to the best final-year student, provided that such student has had an average of
not less than 70% for the duration of the programme (donated by the members of the Faculty Board of
Medicine and Health Sciences).

7. Faculty of Military Science

PJG de Vos
A gilded solid silver medal to the best final-year student, provided that such student has had an average of
70% for the duration of the programme in each of his/her major subjects.

Bursaries and Loans

1. Stellenbosch University scholarships
Abe Bailey
An annual scholarship for full-time study towards a doctorate for a graduate from any department for studies
in Great Britain, with preference given to the University of Oxford.
The Scholarship may also be awarded to a student registered for full-time studies towards a doctorate at
Stellenbosch University, provided that such student shall produce proof of registration for the doctorate at
Stellenbosch University; spend a minimum period of three months towards the study in Great Britain,
preferably at the University of Oxford; and submit a progress report that has been approved by his supervisor
after his period of study in Great Britain.
Please note:
This scholarship may be used to increase the doctoral student’s bursary award(s).
If a suitable candidate cannot be found in a particular year, the scholarship funds are transferred to the next
Email CV to sunfinaid@ac.za, for the attention of the Head: Centre for Undergraduate Bursaries and Loans
Closing date: 30 April
Value: Roughly R9 000

Conservatoire Scholarship
For a deserving undergraduate student in the fourth year of study who excelled in the preceding year.
If no suitable fourth-year student can be identified, a suitable third-year student can be chosen.
Alongside academic results, account is taken of maturity and of outstanding achievement in any facet of
music studies.
This scholarship is awarded on recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Music.
The scholarship may be withheld if no candidate is considered to be suitable.
Value: R15 000
Applications: No applications

2. Other scholarships (possibility of study abroad)

Applications for the bursaries listed below must, where applicable, be addressed directly to the
organisations concerned, from which the necessary application forms and particulars are obtainable.
The academic year of foreign universities as a rule commences on 1 October, unless otherwise specified.

AIMS offers an intensive one-year course that leads to a MSc degree in the Mathematical Sciences.
This master’s degree is formally accredited at the Universities of Cape Town, Stellenbosch and the Western
Cape and is presented in cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cambridge and the
Division of Physical Science of the University of Oxford.
Travel expenses to and from AIMS, tuition, accommodation, meals and a modest allowance.
Application forms can be downloaded from the website: www.aims.ac.za. Completed forms to be posted to:
The Administrative Officer, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 6 Melrose Street, MUIZENBERG 7945,
Republic of South Africa; Email: info@aims.ac.za; Tel.: 27 21 787 9320; Fax: 27 21 787 9321
Closing date: 28 February

Bursaries and Loans
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation promotes academic cooperation between excellent scientists and
scholars from abroad and from Germany.
6- to 24-month fellowships
The Foundation awards 6- to 24-month fellowships to highly qualified post-doctoral scientists and scholars,
who only completed their doctorates in the last four years, for research projects in any discipline in Germany.
The fellowship is worth €2 250 per month.
This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution towards health and liability insurance.
6- to 18-month fellowships
The Foundation also offers 6- to 18-month fellowships for experienced researchers, who completed their
doctorates less than twelve years ago.
This fellowship is worth €2 450 per month.
This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution towards health and liability insurance.
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 12 Jean-Paul St, D-53173 Bonn, Germany

Fully Funded International Research Scholarship (FIRS)

A fully funded international research scholarship is available for full-time research students of outstanding
merit and research potential, who will be commencing research degree study in October.
Full international fees and a maintenance grant of €13,895 (to be confirmed).
The Postgraduate Scholarships Office, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS29JT, UK; Email:
pgscholarships@Leeds.ac.uk; Web: www.scholarships.leeds.ac.uk
Closing date: January

George Forster Research Fellowship

For scientists and scholars from developing and threshold countries (excluding PR of China, India and Turkey;
contact the Foundation for a detailed list of countries).
The research proposal must deal with issues which are of major relevance to the continued development of
the candidate’s country of origin and, in this context, particularly suited to transferring knowledge and
methods to developing and threshold countries.
Highly qualified post-doctoral researchers, who only completed their doctorates in the last four years, may
apply. (6-24 months’ duration).
The fellowship is worth €2 250 per month. This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution towards
health and liability insurance.
Highly qualified, experienced researchers who completed their doctorates less than twelve years ago, may
apply (6-18 months’ duration).
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 12 Jean-Paul -St, D-53173 Bonn, Germany.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Scholarships to South Africans for postgraduate studies (master’s and doctoral) in South Africa and Germany.
Research grants for doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists, including sandwich model
grants. Students must have two supervisors, one in Germany and one in South Africa.
Bilateral exchange of academics. AAU/DAAD staff exchange.
Postgraduate courses (mainly at master’s level) for professionals with relevance to developing countries.
Study visits to Germany.
Practical Traineeships for students of Natural and Technical Science, Agriculture and Forestry (IAESTE).
Inter-university partnerships.
Alumni programmes.

Bursaries and Loans
German Academic Exchange Service/Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), DAAD Information
Centre, Johannesburg, Dr Ralf Hermann, Head of DAAD IC and Visiting Lecturer, Mrs Samia Chasi, DAAD
Educational and Programme Advisor, PO Box 269, WITS 2050; Tel.: 011 717 9334; Fax: 011 717 9335;
http://ic.daad.de/johannesburg; Email: daad@wits.ac.za
Closing date:
Various deadlines, depending on the programmes.

Haworth and Wahl Bursaries

The Scholarships are for a minimum amount of R1 200 and a maximum of two-thirds of the Rhodes
Scholarship, and may be awarded for study at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge or London for a period
of two successive years in the case of a bachelor’s or a master’s degree, and for a period of three successive
years in the case of a doctorate.
Applicants must be graduates of a recognised South African university and the scholarships will be awarded
as follows:
• Peter Haworth Memorial Scholarship, to male and female graduates;
• Cicely Haworth Wahl Scholarship, to female graduates; and
• Robert and Cicely Wahl Scholarship, to male and female graduates.
The Secretary for the respective scholarships, For attention: R Visser, FNB Trust Services, PO Box 40076,
Closing date: 30 December

Nan Mears Scholarship

Scholarship for studies in Law or the Arts and Humanities at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge.
Only available to past scholars with not less than 4 years schooling either at Rondebosch Boys’ High School
or St Stithian’s, Randburg.
Awarded every three years.
Nan Mears Scholarship Fund, PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000
Closing date: 28 February

Oxford Nuffield Medical Fellowship

Medicine and Health Sciences.
One new scholarship every year or every second year for two to three years, with a view to an appointment
as a demonstrator at the Medical School in Oxford.
Salary, housing allowance and travel expenses.
Prof B Mendelow, 37 Liesbeek Road, ROSEBANK 7700; Email: barry.mendelow@wits.ac.za
Closing date:
Announced in the media every one or two years (normally 30 April).

Rhodes Scholarships
Applicants must have lived for at least five years, within the period of ten years immediately preceding their
date of application, in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia or Swaziland; to be over 19 and
under 25 years old on 1 October 2022, and have obtained a first degree acceptable to Oxford.
The trustees have specially extended the age limit by two years for MBChB applicants who are doing their
medical internship.
About £20 000 per annum.
The General Secretary, Rhodes Scholarships, PO Box 41468, CRAIGHALL 2024; Email: rhotrust@pixie.co.za;
www.rhodestrust.org.za; Tel.: 011 794 4693
Closing date: 15 August

Bursaries and Loans
Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship
These are for full-time study in any field of study at a university abroad.
Applicants must have already completed two years of study at a university successfully or have acquired
appropriate professional experience.
In addition, they must get along well with other people, must socialise easily and must be able to act as
ambassadors for their country.
A maximum of $25 000 (USA dollars) for one full-time academic year (including one return airfare).
The Chairperson, Rotary Foundation, PO Box 1509, DASSENBERG 7350, or www.rotary.org
Closing date: 15 May

Bursaries and Loans

This index contains both bursaries and loans in alphabetical order. To make the distinction as clear as
possible, the word “loan” has been added in brackets with all the loans.

Abe Bailey ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 96

ABSA Stellenbosch Student Lifestyle Centre (loan)............................................................................................................. 81
Ackermann (Jossie Ackermann) (loan) ........................................................................................................................................... 81
AIMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 96
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ............................................................................................................................................97
Aligarh Association of SA.........................................................................................................................................................................50
Amberg Fund ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Amicus Bursaries ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Amicus/Aall Foundation Bursaries ................................................................................................................................................... 31
Anonymous donor ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 46
Arup (Pty) Ltd – Graduate Programme...........................................................................................................................................45
Arup Bursary Fund ...............................................................................................................................................................................45, 46
Arup Education Trust...................................................................................................................................................................................44
Arup Pty Ltd – Graduate Programme ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Association for Educational Transformation (ASSET) ........................................................................................................... 11
Athlone Institute Trust ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
ATKV (loan) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Attorneys Fidelity Fund ......................................................................................................................................................................31, 71
Aurecon Bursary ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
Beamish (Roy Beamish) .................................................................................................................................................................... 44, 47
Bendiks (LMC Bendiks) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Beyleveld (Babs Beyleveld) .................................................................................................................................................................. 33
BHP Billiton Energy Coal...........................................................................................................................................................................75
BKS (Pty) Ltd ......................................................................................................................................................................................................44
Blake (George Blake) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Blind SA ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Blommaert.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Blundell (Bob Blundell Memorial Bursary) ..................................................................................................................................27
Boonstra (Dr LD Boonstra) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Bosma (Helena Bosma) .............................................................................................................................................................................47
Bowman (Lionel Bowman Bursary/Prize) ............................................................................................................................19, 59
Brink & De Kock ...............................................................................................................................................................................................78
Broden (Eric Broden Trust) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Brook (Alec Brook) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
Campher (Leon Campher Bursary Fund) ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Canitz (GP Canitz) ..................................................................................................................................................................................22, 62
Cape Pork Producers’ Organisation ................................................................................................................................................. 69
Cape Tercentenary Foundation (Dudley D’Ewes Scholarship)............................................................................ 55, 63
Car Magazine .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Chapman (Myra Chapman Educational Trust) ................................................................................................................. 19, 60
Charlton (Ethel Joyce Charlton) ...................................................................................................................................................18, 26
Cillié (In memory of the late Prof GG Cillié) ................................................................................................................................ 66
Cillié (Maria Cillié) ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
City of Cape Town: External Bursaries............................................................................................................................................ 51
Cluver (Betsie Cluver).................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Conradie (GD Conradie) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Conradie (JE Conradie) (loan) ................................................................................................................................................................ 81
Consani ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Conservatoire Scholarship ..................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Bursaries and Loans
Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa .................................................................................................................................... 65, 75
CWAA (Cape Women’s Agricultural Association) Agriculture Research Loan (loan) .................................. 81
Davel (Koos and Lenie Davel) ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
De Jager (CJ de Jager Bursary Fund) ............................................................................................................................................. 56
De Klerk (DP de Klerk)........................................................................................................................................................................ 55, 78
De Villiers (Prof OT De Villiers) ............................................................................................................................................................ 64
De Vries (Sheelagh Fitzpatrick de Vries Bursary) ...................................................................................................................55
Dean (NJ Dean) ...............................................................................................................................................................24, 27, 31, 35, 47
Dekker (HP Dekker)...................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Department of Chemical Engineering ............................................................................................................................................76
Department of Chemical Engineering Bursary Loan Scheme (loan) ...................................................................... 83
Die Vlakte Bursary Fund ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Dippenaar Family Trust Bursary ..........................................................................................................................................................35
Du Preez (JW du Preez) .................................................................................................................................................................... 24, 47
Du Toit (Willie du Toit (Quaggasfontein) Educational Fund) .......................................................................................... 51
Du Toit Huguenote .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Dutch Reformed Church Curatorium/Seminary .................................................................................................................... 33
DW Ackermann .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Eikenhof-Moulton .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Elphick (Edna Elphick).......................................................................................................................................................................20, 60
Engelen (Fred Engelen) .............................................................................................................................................................................57
Eriksen (Ernst and Ethel Eriksen-Trust) ......................................................................................................................................... 50
ESKOM ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................37, 40
Federale Volksbeleggings .....................................................................................................................................................24, 31, 40
Frank and Elizabeth Auld Bursaries ................................................................................................................................................. 33
Franken (JLM Franken) ..............................................................................................................................................................................20
Fraser (Ian Fraser Memorial Bursary Fund) ................................................................................................................................... 9
Fuchs (Carl and Emily Fuchs Overseas Scholarship) ................................................................................. 63, 68, 73, 78
Fully Funded International Research Scholarship (FIRS) ..................................................................................................97
FUNDI (loan) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Garden Cities .....................................................................................................................................................................................................44
Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA) ................................................................................................................................. 65
George Forster Research Fellowship..............................................................................................................................................97
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) ..........................................................................................................................97
Geyser (Sakkie Geyser) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Glossop (Clifford Glossop) .......................................................................................................................................................................27
Gold Fields Ltd Bursary ...................................................................................................................................................37, 40, 66, 75
Granelli (Joseph Granelli) ..........................................................................................................................................................................47
Green (SP Green) ...................................................................................................................................................................................24, 64
Greenberg (Isaac Greenberg) .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Grundling (Magdalena Grundling Trust) ............................................................................................................................... 33, 72
Hanekom (Joey Hanekom) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Hansen (John Michael Hansen)............................................................................................................................................................47
Harmony Gold Mining Company Ltd ..................................................................................................................................... 35, 40
Havenga (Lukas Havenga)...................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Haworth and Wahl Bursaries ................................................................................................................................................................ 98
Helpmekaar Studiefonds (loan) .......................................................................................................................................................... 82
Hendriksz (Gawie Hendriksz) ..........................................................................................................................................................12, 51
Hendrikz (Hilda Hendrikz) ...............................................................................................................................................................20, 60
Hertzog (General JBM Hertzog)..................................................................................................................................................56, 58
Hocken (Marjorie Hocken) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Hofmeyr and De Vos ..........................................................................................................................................................22, 33, 61, 72
Home (George Home)................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Hopefield and Kuils River Congregations ................................................................................................................................... 34
Hortgro Services .............................................................................................................................................................................................27
Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) ............................................................................................................... 13
Bursaries and Loans
Immigrant Children ................................................................................................................................................................................12, 51
iThemba (FMHS bursary) ..........................................................................................................................................................................47
Jacobs Family ...........................................................................................................................................................................................13, 52
Jansen (Dr PG Jansen) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Joao dos Santos .............................................................................................................................................................................................20
Jones (Levi and Bessie Jones) ............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Judge of Appeal FW Beyers Bursary ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Karsten Group/ABSA Bursary ..............................................................................................................................................................27
KAT............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Kleyweg (The Kleyweg Educational Trust) ....................................................................................................................... 24, 40
Knacke (FW Knacke) ............................................................................................................................................................................13, 52
Koeppen (The Koeppen Memorial Scholarship) .................................................................................................................... 70
Kok (Dorinda Kok) .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Kuchler (AM Kuchler) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Kumba Iron Ore........................................................................................................................................................................................25, 41
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Administration Bursary Scheme .......................................................................................... 46
La Grange (AJ la Grange) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Laetitia Morkel Bursary Fund ...............................................................................................................................................................20
Langenhoven (HP Langenhoven)....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Laubser (Maggie Laubser) (Abroad) ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Laubser (Maggie Laubser) (Local) ............................................................................................................................................23, 62
Leadership (Student Leaders) ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Linde (EM Linde) ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Lombardi Bursaries (EJ Lombardi) ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Louw (The Marilyn Louw Scholarship) ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Louw (The Steve Louw Scholarship) .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Louw (Tienie Louw).......................................................................................................................................................................................77
Maitland Maties Bursary ............................................................................................................................................................................35
Malan (FS and WC Malan) ........................................................................................................................................................14, 52, 72
Malan Memorial Bursary (FS and RE Malan) ............................................................................................................................. 34
Marais (Elizabeth Marais) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Maree-Stander (AM Maree-Stander) ...............................................................................................................................................78
McIntosh (Dr McIntosh Trust).................................................................................................................................................................78
Meaker (Cato Meaker)...........................................................................................................................................................................9, 22
Medical Association of SA (Tygerberg Boland Branch) .................................................................................................... 48
Meiring (The Doctor Meiring Memorial Bursaries)................................................................................................................. 48
Merensky (Hans Merensky)............................................................................................................................................................28, 69
Metje (Wilfred Metje) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Milne (Lindsey Milne Bursary) .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Mintek ....................................................................................................................................................................................................65, 66, 75
Mintek (Council for Mineral Technology)..............................................................................................................................25, 41
Molteno (HA Molteno) ................................................................................................................................................................................60
Mostert (Fritz and Anna Mostert) ................................................................................................................................................14, 52
Muller (Dr JH Muller) ....................................................................................................................................................................................52
Muller (DR JH Muller)................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Murray.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Murray and Roberts Construction ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
Mushet................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Myburghbond of South Africa Trust.................................................................................................................................................52
Namibian Public Service (loan)............................................................................................................................................................ 82
Nan Mears Scholarship ............................................................................................................................................................................. 98
National Research Foundation (NRF) ............................................................................................................................................. 50
National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) ...................................................................................................................10
NECSA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
NEDBANK (loan) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Neethling (Prof JH Neethling) ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Bursaries and Loans
Neethling (Rev DH Neethling)............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality ............................................................................................................................................ 44, 45
Northern Helpmekaar Study Fund (loan) .................................................................................................................................... 82
Nyboer (Wilhelmina du Toit Nyboer)...................................................................................................................................... 34, 72
Occupational Therapy ............................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Ohlthaver (Hermann Ohlthaver) ..........................................................................................................................................................10
Old Mutual/Grahamstown Foundation .........................................................................................................................................57
Oranjebond .........................................................................................................................................................................................................10
Orr (Wilfred Orr) ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Oxford Nuffield Medical Fellowship ............................................................................................................................................... 98
Parfitt (Yvonne Parfitt) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Paul Roos Gymnasium ............................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Paul Roos Gymnasium (Rhodes Scholarship) ........................................................................................................................... 15
Paul Roos Gymnasium Together Bursary .................................................................................................................................... 16
Pauw (DAA Pauw).......................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Pelteret (Charles Pelteret Educational Trust) .................................................................................................. 25, 48, 66, 79
Pongracz (DP Pongracz) Scholarship Trust........................................................................................................................28, 69
PPS Engineering Faculty Bursary ...................................................................................................................................................... 42
PPS Law Faculty Bursary......................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Pretorius (Anna Pretorius)................................................................................................................................................................. 19, 21
Pretorius (Faantjie and Lettie Pretorius).........................................................................................................................................37
Pretorius (Willem Pretorius) ........................................................................................................................................................... 28, 37
PricewaterhouseCoopers Memorial Bursary .............................................................................................................................37
Pricewaterhouseoopers ............................................................................................................................................................................73
Prowse (Ruth Prowse) ........................................................................................................................................................................59, 62
Quick (Mabel Quick)............................................................................................................................................................................. 21, 60
Quick (Mabel Quick) (overseas scholarship) ............................................................................................................................... 61
Rhodes Scholarships .................................................................................................................................................................................. 98
Robertson (MM Robertson) .....................................................................................................................................................................10
Rodney Africa Bursary ............................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Roome (William Wallace Roome Trust) ........................................................................................................................................79
Roos (Gideon Roos Bursary Fund) .................................................................................................................................... 21, 28, 32
Roos (Paul Roos Gymnasium (Rhodes Scholarship)) ...........................................................................................................53
Roos (Paul Roos Gymnasium Together Bursary) ....................................................................................................................53
Rosenzweig (Miss AE Rosenzweig)................................................................................................................................................... 16
Rotary Club
Helderberg ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Rotary Club: Cape Town ...................................................................................................................................................................16, 53
Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship...................................................................................................................... 99
RusselBotman Bursary Fund .................................................................................................................................................................10
SA Breweries ...........................................................................................................................................................................30, 35, 42, 76
SA Institute of Electrical Engineers .................................................................................................................................................. 46
SA Society for Crop Production ..................................................................................................................................................29, 69
SAAB South Africa (Pty) Ltd ....................................................................................................................................................................45
SAAFoST ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................30
SAALED (The South African Association for Learning and Educational Differences)................................. 68
Samancor ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
SANRAL .................................................................................................................................................................................................................45
SAPPI Ltd .....................................................................................................................................................................................................29, 42
Sasol....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36, 43, 63
Sasol/Stellenbosch 2020 .............................................................................................................................................................. 65, 76
SAWISE Angus Scholarship........................................................................................................................................................... 64, 76
Scholtz (J du P Scholtz)......................................................................................................................................................................18, 56
Schumann (AW Schumann) ...................................................................................................................................................................25
Bursaries and Loans
Schumann (Wynnie Schumann Memorial Loan) (loan) ..................................................................................................... 83
Sentech Educational Trust ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Settlers High School Bursary for Teaching ................................................................................................................................ 26
Sieberhagen (Dr and Mrs N Sieberhagen) .................................................................................................................................. 34
Slater (WJB Slater).........................................................................................................................................................................................55
Smallie Scholarship ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Smith (JJ Smith) ...............................................................................................................................................................................................57
Snyman (GPJ Snyman) ...............................................................................................................................................................................79
Spies (Johan and Willie Spies) .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Standard Bank (loan) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Steenberg (Hennie, Louisa and Willie Steenberg Trust Fund...................................................................................... 69
Steenberg (Hennie, Louisa and Willie Steenberg Trust Fund) .................................................................................... 29
Stegmann (Eben Stegmann) .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Stellenbosch Boere-Orkes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Stellenbosch University Postgraduate Scholarship Programme .............................................................................. 50
Stellenbosch University Women’s Association ....................................................................................................................... 21
Stighlingh Memorial Bursary (Public Servants’ Association of SA) .................................................. 25, 49, 64, 79
Strauss (Sankie Strauss).............................................................................................................................................................................79
Swanepoel (Danie Swanepoel) ...................................................................................................................................................29, 36
Swart (JP Swart) ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Taute (Babette Taute) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Theron (Anna Juliana Theron) ..............................................................................................................................................................30
Theron (Frans and Rykie Theron Study Fund) .................................................................................................................. 17, 53
Theron (Pierre F Theron) .................................................................................................................................................................. 38, 73
Theron (Prof CJ Theron) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Thom (HB and MJ Thom Bursary for Theology) ......................................................................................................................72
Thom (HB and MJ Thom Trust) ............................................................................................................................................................ 51
Transnet .......................................................................................................................................................................................................36, 43
Truter (HW Truter) ........................................................................................................................................................................................80
Union of Jewish Women of South Africa (Toni Saphra) .................................................................................... 54, 61, 62
United Transport and Allied Trade Union .....................................................................................................................................17
Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa Bursaries ................................................................................................... 34
Uys (Dirkie Uys Memorial Fund) ......................................................................................................................................... 56, 73, 74
Uys (Glen Uys) (loan) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Van Brakel (CJ van Brakel Study Bursary) ...................................................................................................................................10
Van der Merwe (JR van der Merwe) .................................................................................................................................................10
Van Ewijck (Van Ewijck Foundation).................................................................................................................................18, 56, 57
Van Rensburg (Kate van Rensburg).................................................................................................................................................80
Van Zijl (Petrusa van Zijl) ................................................................................................................................................................... 17, 54
Vereniging van Volksang en Musiek............................................................................................................................................... 22
Victoria League ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Viljoen (Elizabeth Viljoen Trust) ................................................................................................................................................... 17, 54
Viljoen (Johanna Viljoen) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Visser (Elise Visser).........................................................................................................................................................................................17
Visser (The Sarel and Gertie Visser Trust Fund) ............................................................................................................. 34, 72
Von Zeuner (Louis von Zeuner) ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Wakeford (Mavis Wakeford) ................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Weiss (Hymne Weiss Bursary Fund)................................................................................................................................................57
Wentzel ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Wheatfield Estate Foundation Trust ...............................................................................................................................18, 30, 43


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