CLS 603 Lecture Note 7 & 8
CLS 603 Lecture Note 7 & 8
CLS 603 Lecture Note 7 & 8
Lecture 7 & 8
Dr Samyah Alanazi
Social Determinants
A range of factors has been identfed as
of health and these generally include:
Social Determinants/Health
1.Social determinants contribute to health inequalites between
social groups. This is because the effects of social determinants
of health are not distributed equally or fairly across society.
2. Social determinants can infuence health both directly and
indirectly. For example educatonal disadvantage can limit
access to employment, raising the risk of poverty and its adverse
impact on health.
3. Social determinants of health are interconnected e.g poverty is
linked to poor housing, access to health services or diet, all of
which are in turn linked to health.
4. Social determinants operate at different levels
Multple Causes
A range of factors contribute to health Inequalites:
• Socio-economic or material factors such as government social
spending and the distributon of income and other resources in
society which infuence the social and built environment.
• Psychosocial factors such as stress, isolaton, social
relatonships and social support.
• Behavioural or lifestyle factors.
Measuring Health Inequalites
• Adequate baseline data is necessary to help us understand health
inequalites more fully and to help identfy appropriate targets and
interventons to reduce them.
10. Health systems should be built on equity principles – public health services
should be provided according to need, not ability to pay, they should not be
driven by proft, and should offer the highest standards of care to all.
Key Social Determinants of Health
1. Poverty and Inequality.
2. Social Exclusion and Discriminaton.
3. A Life Course Perspectve
4. Public Policies and Services
5. The Built Environment
6. Work and Employment
7. Community and Social Partcipaton
8. Health Behaviours
9. Stress
Well established inequalites
• Income
• Poverty
• Educaton
• Health
1. Poverty and Inequality.
• Strategies to reduce poverty and inequality are fundamental to reducing health inequalites.
• Long-term targets for greater health equity and the reducton of health inequalites need to
become novernment prioritees and need to be championeds reeourceds reviewed and
supported by medium and shorter term goals, actons.
• Policies and actons to address poverty, social exclusion and health inequalites need to be
mainstreamed into all policy areas.
• Working for health equity requires a joined-up approach acroee novernment departmente and
cross sectoral partnerships between and within sectors.
• Health Impact Assessment could usefully inform this process as it enables policy makers to assess
the health implicatons of a wide range of public policy decisions.
2. Social Exclusion and Discriminaton
Cumulatve Impact
While individual episodes of etreee may have minimal impact in an otherwise positve
trajectory, the cumulatve impact of multple stresses over tme may have a profound
direct impact on health and development, as well as an indirect impact via associated
behavioral or health services seeking changes.
• Access to primary health care also has the potental to reduce the need
for more costly acute hospital care in the longer term.
• When people become ill, access to equitable and appropriate care and
treatment from specialist or hospital services becomes fundamental
• The foundatons for life-long health are set down in childhood.
Childhood poverty casts a long shadow over the health of an
• India has made much progress in the past few years, with several
innovatve pilot programmes and initatves in the public and
private sectors, and the establishment of the Natonal Rural
Health Mission in 2005 being the most noteworthy government-
led initatve.
Some suggestons..
1. Equity metrices as applied to data for health and health
systems, needs to be integrated into all health-system policies
and implementaton strategies, and at every stage of any reform
• Access to ICT and adequately resourced library services for the purposes
of acquiring reliable evidence .