Direct Coating
Direct Coating
Direct Coating
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C I R P Annals
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Citation (APA):
Islam, A., Hansen, H. N., & Tang, P. T. (2017). Direct electroplating of plastic for advanced electrical
applications. C I R P Annals, 66(1), 209–212.
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Direct electroplating of plastic for advanced electrical applications
Aminul Islam a, b,*, Hans Nørgaard Hansen (1) b, Peter Torben Tang c
aCentre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
cIPU, Lyngby, Denmark
Electrodeposition or electroplating is predominantly applied to metallic components. Electroplating of plastics is possible in some cases where an initial
electroless plating layer of nickel or copper is made to provide a conductive surface on the plastic part. This paper proposes a method for direct
electroplating of plastic eliminating the need for slow and expensive processes like electroless metal deposition, PVD coating, painting with conductive
inks etc. The results obtained from the test demonstrate the potential of direct electroplating of plastic to enhance the electrical conductivity and the use
of electroplated plastics for advanced applications like Moulded Interconnect Devices (MIDs).
shielding applications [3]. In the near future, the modified Schulatec CNT filled Metallized Pure
TinCO 50 Plastic plastic Copper
electrically conductive plastics can be widely used in many other
Figure 1. Granulates of Schulatec TinCo 50 (A), schematic representation
industrial applications like for the production of Moulded of conductive network inside moulded parts (B), comparative resistivity
Interconnect Devices (MIDs), for antennas, solar cells, polymer (approximate) of Schulatec TinCo 50 compared with other materials (C).
based electronics, biosensors, LED lighting, touch sensors,
polymer based MEMS devices, transistors and many more. Fig. 2 presents the results from the morphological investigation
Particularly the MIDs show enormous potential in using done with the moulded parts of the material. The analysis was
electrically conductive polymers, due to the adaption of done with the help of an Alicona Infinite Focus microscope and
conductive patterns to the geometric form of the products [4]. But Scanning Probe Image Processor (SPIP) version 6.6.1. Picture C of
before the electrically conductive plastics can be used in such Fig. 2 was taken at the cross section of a moulded sample. The
wide spread applications, there are some technical challenges to copper fibers are clearly visible in the cross section which are
overcome. One of these is the achievable electrical conductivity of connected by the tin/zinc alloy (white colour substance) to some
the composites [5]. It is possible to produce highly complex 3D extent. In this way the copper fibers and the alloys are forming a
conductive elements by injection moulding from conductive conductive network of metallic materials inside the polymer
composites, but the offered conductivity is not as good as it is matrix. Many disconnections among the neighbouring fibres are
required for many applications. One example of such is visible too. This proves that a theoretical continuous network of
demonstrated in [6] with an FM antenna for hearing aids. copper fibers (as presented in picture B of Fig. 1) is not possible.
Currently available electrically conductive composites are unable It is characterized by a combination of continuous and
to fulfil the future demands and when it comes to the point of discontinuous fiber networks in the polymer matrix. The
thin-walled or miniaturized components, so far conductive morphological analysis at the cross section revealed that about
plastics have nothing to offer as the conductivity of the material is 21% area was covered with copper (yellow substance in picture
drastically reduced due to smaller dimensions [5]. In this paper, a E), about 17 % area was covered by tin-zinc alloy (grey in picture
novel method for the direct electroplating of plastics is proposed. F) and the rest was the plastic material-PA6 (black in picture D).
The proposed method can significantly improve the electrical
conductivity of the poorly conductive plastic composite.
presented in the Fig. 1 (picture C). The resistivity is significantly Part after plating Micrograph: Electroplated surface 3D Image: Electroplated surface
lower than other commercially available conductive plastics like Figure 3. Part after plating (A), optical microscope picture of the
Plasticyl PA 1501 which is Polyamide (PA66) filled with 15 wt% electroplated surface (B) and 3D profile image of the surface (C).
Carbon Nano Tubes (CNTs). But the resistivity of Schulatec TinCo
50 it is still many times higher than pure copper or metallized To find the reason for poor coverage of the surface after
plastics (with copper). This is the problem for many current and electroplating, the moulded part was subjected to microscopic
future applications as discussed before. The following investigation. Fig. 4 (picture A) shows a magnified view of a part
experimental process and results will show one way to enhance surface before electroplating, where some metallic materials
the electrical conductivity of the plastic composite to help the (fibers) are visible on the surface but the amount is low. An
wide spared applications of conductive plastics for the analysis of the surface with Alicona and SPIP showed about 7%
production of electromechanical components. surface area was covered by the metallic fibers and rest of the
area was basically plastic material. A close look to the exposed
3. Electroplating experiments and results metallic fibers showed that even the area that was covered by
metallic fiver was having a thin layer of plastic material over the
To enhance the electrical conductivity of parts moulded with metal fibers (about 5 to 10 µm thick). This thin plastic layer was
Schulatec TinCo 50, an electroplating process was applied. The the so called skin layer formed by plastic moulding process. The
most widely used metallization process for plastics is an presence of this thin plastic layer between the metal fibers and
electroless process which is characterized by being a slow, electroplated metal hindered the adhesion of the plated metal
chemical intensive process involving many different process and it did not pass the tape test (could be easily removed by
steps [9]. The electroless process is toxic especially the etching adhesive tape). The tape test performed was similar to the
solution that consists of a hot balanced mixture of chromic acid, procedure describe in IPC-TM-650 [11].
sulfuric acid, and water [10]. The introduction of these chemicals
to a production chain raises huge environmental and safety To increase the metallic coverage by electroplating process
concerns. The direct electroplating of plastics can overcome most different surface treatment techniques like milling, sand paper
of these problems. Electroplating is primarily used to change the grinding and wet abrasive blasting (wetblasting) were used.
surface properties of an object (e.g. abrasion and wear resistance, Basically, with these processes some material from the part
corrosion protection, aesthetic qualities, etc. [10]). But this can be surface was removed to expose more metallic fibers. By the
beneficial also for the global conductivity of the material as it can milling, about 0.1 mm of material was removed from the surface
create a highly conductive surface layer. The presences of some using a rotary cutter. During sand paper grinding, 80 grit size
degree of conductivity in Schulatec TinCo 50, suggests that direct papers was used to remove about 0.1 mm surface layer. For the
plating of the material can be a possibility. This attempt has never wetblasting process a mixture of water and abrasive (Al2O3
been reported before according to the material supplier [7]. powder) was propelled via a blast nozzle to remove the skin layer
When electroplating is attempted for plastics, usually a thin initial from the part surface. The equipment used was Vapormate 3
layer of metal is deposited on the surface by process like from Vapormatt Ltd, UK. Approximately 0.1 mm thick layer of
electroless metal deposition, conductive painting or PVD coating material was removed by the blasting process. The changes made
etc. But the use of the electrically conductive plastic as in the by different surface treatment can be seen in the picture B, C and
D of Fig. 4 in comparison with the original surface shown in
picture A. The surface treated parts had higher amount of metal Fig. 6 (picture A) shows a cross sectional interface of deposited
fibers exposed to the surface compared to the original moulded metal on the surface of a moulded part. Between the copper fiber
surface. Fig. 4 (picture G) shows the metallic fibres spiking out and the metal layer, a gap is visible which basically is a thin layer
from the surface treated part and picture E and F show the of plastic. So in this case, the adhesion occurs between metal and
macroscopic difference made by surface treatment (wetblasting). plastic which is a weak adhesion. On the contrary, picture B of
Fig. 6 reveals the adhesion mechanism in case of surface treated
A B E parts. By the surface treatment, the skin layer is removed. This is
why metal-to-metal adhesion can occur which generates a strong
Moulded part bond [12]. Moreover, the increased average surface roughness by
F the surface treatments also had positive effects on the adhesion of
100 µm 100 µm electroplated metal on the part surface. The electrodeposited
Moulded surface Milled surface Surface treated part metal on the surface treated parts passed the tape test (it was not
C D G possible to remove the metal with the tape).
100 µm 100 µm 50 µm
200 µm
200 µm 0
Non-treated Grinded Milled Wetblasted
carbon nano tubes (CNTs) etc. can be other options for the future
investigation. Different plastic matrix should also be investigated
in the future other than the currently chosen Polyamide.
[mm] Moreover the possibilities of chemical etching to remove the skin
Line profile: Part treated by wetblasting and Cu plated
layer (selectively/non-selectively) should also be investigated.
5. Conclusion
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The electroplating on plastics can bypass many of the known
disadvantages of the electroless plating. The skin layer formed
during injection moulding proved to be a detrimental factor for
electroplating on plastics. In this paper, diverse pre-treatment
techniques for the surface were investigated. The best plating
results were obtained with the surface treatment by wetblasting.
The adhesion was significantly improved by the blasting process
and relatively high metal coverage was achieved on wetblasted
samples. Future work should be focused on the optimization of