a) Compulsory Subjects:
b) Optional Subjects:
(List of Optional Subjects
is given in NB.:6)
(Two Otional Subjects
comprising two papers each)
N.B:- 1. Question Paper for Screening Test will be supplied in Telugu and English only as desired by the
candidate in his/her application.
2. Screening Test is intended to shortlist the number of candidates to be admitted to Written Examination
and the marks secured in this Test will not be counted for Ranking.
4. The Paper of General English is a qualifying one and the standard of this paper is that of S.S.C. The
marks secured in this paper are not counted for ranking.
5. The Papers under written examination except Paper-2 i.e., General English may be answered in English
or Telugu or Urdu as chosen by the candidates. However, a candidate is not permitted to write part of the
paper in one language and part of it in
another language.
3. History of India - emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, econimic,
cultural and political aspects with a focus on A.P. Indian National Movement.
5. Indian Polity and Economy - including the Country's political system, rural development, planning and
economic reforms in India.
ONE OPTIONAL SUBJECT:- Candidate should choose ONE Optional Subject from the following:
1. Psychology 2. Physics
3. English Literature 4. Geology
5. Sociology 6. Statistics
7. Commerce 8. Agriculture
9. Anthropology 10. Chemistry
11. Botany 12. Economics
13. Indian History 14. Zoology
15. Geography 16. Political Science
17. Public Administration 18. Law
19. Philosophy 20. Mathematics
21. Hindi Literature 22. Telugu Literature
23. Urdu Literature 24. Animal Husbandry &Veterinary Science
25. Social Work 26. Home Science.
3. Optics:
Defects in image formation by lenses and mirrors, Spherical and chromatic abberration,
accoromatic combination of lenses Dispersion of light Spectometer, Interference of light Young's
experiment, Fresnel's biprism, diffraction of light diffraction grating, resolving power, polarisation,
Modern Physics:
Planck's theory of radiation, photoelectric effect, discovery of X-rays, Thomsons discovery of
electrons, atom models, Bhors theory of spectoral lines, Discovery of a radioactivityneutron and building
up of nucleus, binding energy, fission and fusion.
1. Elizabethan Drama.
2. Age of Milton.
3. Restoration Drama.
4. Neo-Classical Age - Prose & Poetry.
5. Romantic Age - Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley and Keats.
6. Victorian Age - Tennyson, Browning Ruskin and Carylyle.
7. Post Victorian Age - Hardy Shaw and T.E.Eliot.
1. Literary Criticism - Dryden, Johnson, Coleridge and Mathew
2. Literary Forms - Sonnot, Elegy, Ode Dramatic monologue, Novel
and Essay.
1. Study of origin, structure and the age of the earth Geological action of Wind, rivers, glaciers,
lakes and oceans, Earthquakes and Volcanoes continental Drift, Isostasy and Plate Tectonic Groundwater.
Study of different types of folds, faults unconformities and joints.
Broad principles of stratigraphy, India Stratigraphy with special reference to Andhra Pradesh
Chronological Sub-division of Geological record. Fossils - Their classification and mode of preservation.
Study of major invertebrate and plant fossils.
Origin, structure textures and classification of Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks.
Description of Major Indian rocks types with special reference to their occurrence in Andhra Pradesh.
Principles of ore genises. Classificaion and Geology of Chief metallic and non-metallic minerals
in India. Mineral wealth of Andhra Pradesh.
1. Nature of Society, Holism and Atomism the animal and human society - Language and human
2. Nature and scope of sociology - Methods of sociology speciology and the Social Science -
Sociology and Philosophy.
3. The natural order and human society individual and society; theories of society; social contract
theory; organisamic theory and groupl mind theory, Sociology and Ecology.
4. the Social system - Status and Role, Social stratification and Bases, For s of stratification - Social
5. Social interaction and social processes basis of social interaction, interests and Motivation -
Forms of social processes associative and disassociative - Accommodation and Adjustment, Assimilation
and Cooperation - Competition and Conflict.
6. Socialisation - Theories of Socialisation - Agencies of Socialisation - Social learning and
imitation, rewards and punishment.
7. Nature and scope of special control means and agencies of social control - Social control and
changing social situation.
8. Poverty and unemployment, social and mormal hygiene prostitution and Alcoholism.
9. The concept of family joint family and its types - Advantages and disadvantages breakdown of
joint family, causes and trends, Status of Woman-Child marriage, widow marriage, divorce, dowry, Sati
and social seclusion - Law of Inheritance.
10. Basic Social Institution - Marriage, family and Kinshi Economic Institutions and division of a
1. Emperical frequency distribution of one variable graphical and diagramatic representation of data,
collection and classification of data measures of central tendency measures of dispersion moments,
Skewness and Kunestia.
Statistical regularity of change phenomena, relative frequency interpretation of probability,
probability on discrite sample space and their basic properties, addition theorem for probability
conditional probability Baya's theorem, stechastic independence, discretate renadem variable
mathematical expectation, Binomial and posson distributions mement generating function.
2. Theoretical frequency distribution of one and two variablesnormal distribution and its properties,
curve fitting of first and second degree polynomials, yash by the method of least squares, correlation and
Concept of a random sample, sampling distribution of sample mean and sample proportion for large
sample, statistical hypothesis, concept of nuo-hypothesis types of errors, cntical region, level of
significance, the following tests of significance.
(i) Tests of population H, comparison of population means test for the significance of correlation based
on t_test.
(ii) Companson of population varance based on F-test.
(iii) Test for goodness of fit test for population variance O, test of independence based on Chisquare
3. Principles of experimentation, completely randomized and randomized block designs.
4. Non-parametric tests, sign test, median test, willcoxon, Mann-whitvey test, runtest for two sample
problems, test of independence based on spearman's Rank correlation co-efficient.
Sampling, selection of a random sample, simple random sampling with and without replacement
notion of stratified random sampling estimation of population mean total and variance.
Economic Statistics: Index numbers importance of index numbers and methods of their
construction base shifting, splicing and delation, laspeyere's and Passche's index numbers. Fisher's ideal
index index number of cost of living.
Time series and its main components, determination of trend by moving averages and curve fitting,
determination of seasonal indices.
1. Principles of double entry Book-keeping Journalising - Ledger Posting - Bank reconciliation
Statement including overdraft.
2. Trial balance - Rectification of errors and suspense accounts.
3. Compilation of final accounts of Sole Traders and Partnerships.
4. Bills of exchange, consignments and Joint Ventures.
5. Account Current, average due date.
6. Single entry and self-balancing ledgers.
7. Royalties, hire purchase and instalment purchase.
8. Depreciation and Reserves.
9. Accounts of non-trading concerns.
10. Partnership accounts - Joint life policy, admission, retirement and death of a partner.
Dissolution and conversion of partnership into a joint stock company.
11. Company accounts, share capital transactions including over-subscription, forfeiture and re-
issue of forfeited shares - Business purchase - Issue and redemption - Profit prior to incorporation - Issue
of Bonus shares - Final accounts.
Role of Commercial Banks in a Developoing Country - Meaning, purpose and achievements of
Leed Bank Scheme.
Role and functions of Central Bank.
Banker and Customer - Nature of Relationship Handing of cheques; effect of forgery - When may or
must a banker dishonour a cheque.
Crossing and endorsement of Cheque - Types
Special Types of Banker's Customers. Minor illiterate persons, Lunatics, Trustees, Joint Accounts,
Clubs, Societies and Charitable Institutions.
Letter of credit; Purchase of Export Bills Refinance facilities from Reserve Bank - Role of Export -
Credit and Guarantee Corporation Ltd.
(a) Offer - Acceptance - Consideration - Capacity to contract consesus adidem void, voidable and
unforceable agreements - Discharge of contracts - Various modes - Determination of damages -
Penalty and liquidated damages - quasi-Contracts.
(b) Special Contracts - Indemnity - Guarantee - Bailment - Agency.
Sale and agreement to sell implied conditions and warranties - Consequences of breach rights and
duties of buyer and seller - Rule of Caveaemtor, Position of unpaid vendor; passing of property.
Nature of arbitration agreement - Effect of Arbitration agreement - Matters excluded from the
purview of Arbitration, Arbitration/Umpire. Appointment duties, powers remunerations. Arbiration with
or without the intervention of Court.
1. Forms of Business Organisations:
(a) Sole trader, (b) Partnership, (c) Joint Hindu Family Firm, (d) Company, (e) Co-operative
Comparative Evaluation of Business Organisations.
2. Company Management including Meetings and Resolutions.
3. Financial Planning - Methods of raising Finance - Institutions of Industrial Finance (a) IFC, (b) SFC
and (c) ICICI.
4. Nature and Functions of Management - Scientific Management.
5. Methods of Remunerating Employees.
6. Insurance.
7. Channels of Distribution.
8. Salesmanship and Advertising.
9. Organisation of external trade.
10. Rationalisation.
11. Business Combinations.
12. Public Utilities.
13. Government and Business - Public Enterprise - Industrial
Policy - Regional Development.
Importance of Agriculture and its products in the World and Indian Economy - Development of
agriculture as a science in India - Geographical distribution of different crops - Major crops of India and
Andhra Pradesh their acreage and production.
Meteorological elements and their measurements - Climate and weather - Monsoons and
Agricultural seasons with special reference to Andhra Pradesh - Effect of weather elements on crops
- Weather abnormalities.
Principles of crop production - Concept of new plant types - Adaptation, distribution, area and
production, varieties, soils, seasons, preparatory cultivation - Seeds and sowing, manures and fertilisers
- Diseases and pests and their control. After cultivation Harvesting, processing and storage of the
following crops.
Classification - Losses due to weeds - Principles of week control - Crop-weed association - Methods
of weed control - Weed control measures in major crops.
Factors of Production - Land, Labour, Capital and Management - Recent trends in management of
factors of production - Choice of farm enterprises - Types and systems of farming - Extensive and
intensive cultivation - Farm records - Preparation of cropping schemes - Crop calender - Cost of
cultivation of important crops - Cultivation sheets and other farm records and accounts.
1. Meaning and scope of Anthropology - The main division of Anthropology viz. Cultural
Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Palaco Anthropology, Lingustic Anthropology and their
contributions to the integrated study of man.
2. Concept of culture used in Anthropology - Structure of culture - Features of culture - Difference
between culture and society.
3. Definition of tribe: Characteristic features of tribal societies - Features of food gathering,
pastoraland food producting societies.
4. Outlines of Social Organisation of Tribal Societies - Major kin groups in tribal societies - Clan,
Phratry, Moiety Dual Organization and its working - importance of Kinship in tribal societies - Indian
Tribal Societies.
5. Marriage Rules: Exogamy, Endogamy, Preferential marriages - Marriage payments. Various
types of acquiring a mate in tribal societies. Definition of family and its universality - Types of families and
functions - Structure, features and significance of Hindu Joint Family, Changing Family System in India.
6. Salient features of tribal economic organisation - Concept of property in Tribal Societies - Types of
property found in tribal societies. Rules relating to inheritance of property. Role of reciprocity and gift
exchange in tribal economic organisation.
7. Forms of social control in tribal societies. Nature of Political Organization in Tribal Societies
- Justice in tribal societies and role of Oaths and Ordeals.
8. Meaning of Applied Anthropology. Role of Anthropologist in tribal welfare administration -
Relevance of Anthropology in Agricultural Development and health and family planning.
Composition of nucleus - Discovery of Radioactivity - Measurement of Radioactivity - Decay
constant - Half Life - Average Life Radioactive equilibrium - Position of radioactive elements in the
periodic table - Radioactive series - Determination of Avogadro's number - Age of minerals.
Group-I - Alkali metals - Electronic configuration - Properties based on electronic configuration -
Chemical properties - Solubility and hydration stability of carbonate and bicarbonate - halides - Principles
of extraction of metals complex.
Group-II - Alkaline earth metals - Electronic Configuration General properties - Anamoloujs
behaviour of beryillium - Chemical properties - Complex Principal of extraction of metals -
Diagonal relationship.
Group-III - Electronic configuration - General properties - Electropositive character - Boron
sesquloxide and other borates - The other Group-III oxides - Hydrides - Complex Principles of extraction of
Group-IV - Metalic and non-metallic Character - differences between carbon, silicon and the
remaining elements - General properties hydrides - halides - silicate - silocons - allotropy of carbon -
graphite compounds.
Group-V - Electronic configuration and oxidation states - Bond type difference between nitrogen
and other elements in the group - Ammonia liquid ammonia as a solvent - Oxides oxyacids of phosphorous.
Group-VI - Electronic structure and oxidation state - Differences between oxygen and other elements
- Polymorphism - General properties of oxides and oxyacids of sulphur - oxyacids of selenium oxyhalides.
Group-VII - The halogen - Electronic structure and oxidation states general properties - Oxidizing
power - reactivity of elements - Separation of the elements - Hydrogen halides.
The lanthanide series - Electronic Structure - Lanthanide contraction effect on the neighbouring
elements - Abundance.
Actinide Series: Position in the periodic table - physical and chemical characteristics of the
elements - Further extension of the periodic table.
Double Salts - and co-ordination compounds - Early theories of co-ordination compounds - Jaorgenses
theory - Werner's co-ordination theory - Sidgwicks electronic interpretation. Effective atomic number
concept - Introductory treatment theories of metal ligand bounding magnetic properties of co-
ordination compounds with special reference to hydrates - Ammoniates, cyano complexes of Co Fe and Cr
Detection of the complexion formation - Factors effecting the stabilities of complex compounds - Uses of
complexions in analysis.
10. Study of the following groups of elements (introductory) and their chief compounds:
(a) Scadium - Yttrium - Lanthanum and Cerium
(b) Titanium - Zirconium and hafnium
(c) Vandium - Nioblum and Tantalum
(d) Molybdenum and Tungsten
(e) Thorium and Uranium
Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds - Structure and reactivity of organic
compounds - Isomerism Cources.
Coal: Tar as a source of aromatic compounds - Structure of benzene and concept of aromatialy -
Mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution - Orientation of substitution - Alky benzenes.
Methods of preparation of alkyl and aryl halides - Relative reactivity - Mechanism and
nucleophilic substitution - Flourine compounds - Halo compounds as insecticides.
Methods of preparation of aldehydes and Ketones - Addition and condensation reactions -
Mechanism of nucleophilic addition - Carbaniona additions - Oxidation and reduction.
Conformational isomerism of alkanes and cyclo-alkanes-cia transisomerism of compounds
contains C=C, C=N, and N=N Stereo specific reactions - Criteria for optical activity - enantiomers and
diasteremorers - Resolution of recemic mixtures.
Classification, Structure of glucose, fructose and lactose - Configuration and cyclic structure of
glucose and fructose - Study of sucrose, maltose and sellobiose structure of starch and cellulose -
Importance of cellulose derivatives.
Isolation and methods of structure determination - study of a cyclic and monocyclic monote spenes
- Citral, Terpennil, Camphore, Pinene.
17. DYES:
Colour and chemical constitution - Synthesis and application of azo and quinonoid dyes - Structure
of indigo and alizarin.
Ionic compounds and electro static bonding. Lattice energies of ionic crystals; Born-Haber Cycle -
Electron pair bond - Covalent Compounds - Overlap criterion ob bond strength Hybridization - Bond
energies and electronegatives.
Gas Laws: Boyle, Charles, Avagadro's, Grahm's and Gav Lussac's Law - Kinetic theory of gases,
deduction of gas laws from kinetic theory of gases - Average r.m.s. and most probable velocity of
molecules - Distribu-tion of molecular velocities (no derivation) - frequency of collisions, collision
diameter and mean free path. Compressibility factor, Vander Walls equation of state. Specific heats
of gases - Principle of equiparation of energy, Critical phenomenon princple of continuity of state -
Determination of Vander Walls constants from Crintical constants - Principle of corresponding states -
Liquification of gases.
Vapour pressure of liquids and its measurement - variation of V.P. with tem. - Heat of vapourisation
of liquids - Surface tension and its measurement variation of S.T. with temp. Viscocity and its
Various types of crystal systems, properties of crystals - Bragg's method of crystal analysis.
Concentration units molarity, molality, normality, formolity and mole fraction. Types of solutions;
Henry's law, ideal solution, Raoult's law vapour pressure of liquid pairs. V.P. of miscible liquids, Boiling
point, diagrams of completely miscible solutions - Azeotropic mixture; Factional distillation - Partially
miscible liquids critical solution temperature (maximum and minimum type) - Principle of Steam
Colloidal dispersions, sols and their preparation and purification - Kinettic opticals and electrical
properties of sols. Precipitation of sols Emulsions Gels properties of macro molecular solutions.
Determination of molecular weight by Osmometry light scattering and viscocity measurements.
Energy and enthaply state function. Energy and enthaplhy changes in a system. 1st Law of
Theromodyamics. Application to ideal gases - Heat capacity of gases Cp and Cv. Isothermal and
adiabatic processsses. Reversible and irreversible processes - Maximum work, work done in any
adiabatic or isothermal expansions of gas. Joule Thomson effect. Heat of reaction and its variation with
temp. (Kirchoff's equation) Thermo-chemistry; Thermo-chemical equations and its usefulness in
calculation. H of reactions. Second Law of Thermodynamics. Conversion of heat into work. Carnot
Cycle, Entropy change - Molecular concept of entropy. Free energy change - Conditions for equilibrium.
Free energy changes and equilibrium constant - Variation of equilibrium constant with temp. Gibs
Helmholtz equation. Clausions and Claepeyron equation.
Lambet and Beer's law, Grouthus - Draper Law, Einstein's law of phto-chemical equivalence.
Consequences of light, absorption by atoms and molecules. Experminetal technique Actionometry, H2
C2 and H2 - Br2 reactions.
Reversible reactions equilibrium, equilibrium constant calculation of Kc and Kp and their relation.
Effect of concentration temperature and pressure on the equilibrium Ke and Kp and Lechoteller's
principle. Variation of equilibrium constant with temp. Heterogeneous equilibria.
1. Nature and Scope of Economic Analysis.
2. Micro and Macro Economics.
3. Economic Systems - Capitalism, Socialism and Mixed Economy.
4. National Income - its components - The inter-relationship between tehse.
National Income, Methods of computation of National Income -
various related concepts - The relevance of these to act as indices of economic development.
5. Production and pricing ina Micro system.
i) Consumption, its meaning - The problems of a consumer.
ii) Consumer equilibrium - Gardinel utility and the law of diminishing marginal utility.
Derivation of individual and market demand functions.
iii) Defects of Cardinal utility - Ordinal utility and indifference curves. The properties of
indifference curves. The law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution, income substitution and price
effects - Derivation of individual and market demand curves.
iv) The law of demand - The assumptions behind it.
6. Production Process: Factors of prodcution and the traditional classification of these into four
categories - The law of variable proportions. Theories of population.
Cost Curves - Total, Average and Marginal Cost - Short run and long run cost curves. Derivation of
individual and market supply curves.
7. The concept of Price Elasticity: Elasticites of demand and supply - Measurement of elasticity -
Constant elasticity demand and supply curves.
8. Pricing Process: Markets, their classification and characteristics of each. Equilibirium of a firm under
conditions of competition, monopoly and monopolistic competition. Discriminating monopoly -
Imperfect competition and advertisements.
9. Distribution: Marketing Production - Theory of Distribution and its defects - the Dicardian Theory
of Rent - Quasi - rent - Interest Theories of Marshall, Roberstion and Keyness - Theories of Profit.
10. Characteristic Features of under development: The use of inferior techniques - The importance of
Planning for Development. The problem of planning in mixed economics - Importance of Investment and
its allocation. The production of inessential goods and their effects on the economy - Choce of goods
and choice of techniques. The importance of intermediate technology.
Balanced versus Unbalanced growth.
11. Theory of Central Banking: The main fucnctions of Central Bank of Banks, instruments of Monetary
policy - Quantitative and Qualitative credit controls in a planned economy.
Devaluation and condition under which it should be done.
12. Theories of International Trade: Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade - The importance of
foreign trade and aid in planned economy development, foreign trade and bottleneck resources.
13. Public finance and its main branches: Taxation for public revenue and the cannons - Taxation and
functional finance, public expenditure - Guidelines for public expenditure - Contracyclical Public
Expenditure policies.
Public Debt - The concept burden and quity - Public Debt and economic development.
14. Elements of Feral Finance.
15. Development of Public Enterprises in India.
Sources of Indian History, Geographic feature and Indian History - Indust Civilisation - Rigvedic and
Post-Rigvedic Civilisation. India in the 6th century B.C. - Jainism, Buddhism, Rise of Maghada,
Alexanders invasion - Indo-Greek Kingdom - The Mauryan period - Mauryan Administration,
South India Satavahanas, Chalukyas - Pallavas, Cholas, Greater India.
Imperial Guptas - Gupta Administration - Harshavardhana - Rajput Kingdom in Northern India.
The Delhi Sultanate - The Slave dynasty - The Khiljies - Allauddin Khiliji Reforms - The Tuglaks -
Mohammed Bin Tuglak Feroze Tuglak - Reforms - Impact of Hinduism and Islam on one another - The
Bhakti cult - Ramananda - Chaitanya, Meera, Kabir, Nanak, Sufis.
Economic conditions in Medieval India - Dynasties of the South Yadavas - Kakaktiyas -
Hoyasalas - Pandavas - Literature Art - The Vijayanagar Empire - Foundations and origins - Krishna
Deva Raya - Government Art and Literature, India at the time of Baber's invasion - Causes for the
success of Baber at Panipat - The Moghuls.
The Moghuls (Political, Social and Economic aspects) - The rise of Marathas, Shivaji - Early
European Traders and their factors in India - Anglo-Fresnch Rivalry - Rise of British power in India - The
Regulating Act - Clive, Warren Hastings - Mysore and Maratha Wars. Pitt's Indian Act and Permanent
Revenue Settlement.
Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan of Mysore - British Paramountry - Wellensive Subsidiary Alliance.
Rise of Sikh power - Expansion British Dominations beyond Sutlej and Brahmaputra - Dalhousie -
The Indian War of Independence, 1857. Bentick - Social Reforms Movement. Inia under the crown
Minto - Ripson Rise of Indian Nationalism - The three phases of India's Freedom struggle - Home Rule
Movement - Growth of Muslim Separatism - India and Independence.
The Gandhian era in the freedom movement - Contribution of Mahatma Gandhi towards the evolution
of Indian Nationalism. The Gandhian views on non-violence - Education, Economics, Untouchability,
Women's upliftment, Sarvodaya etc.
Section A
(Non-Chordata and Chordata)
Phylum Protozoa: Parositic amebia, Plasmodium, Trypanosoma, Paramaeciu, Elphidium.
Phylum Prolifera: The systematic position of sponges, canal system, skeleton and reproduction in
Phylum Ceolenterata: Concept of polyp and medusa; phenomenon of polymerphism (siphonophora),
corals and coral formation. Catenophores and their systematic position.
Phylum Platyhcliminthes: Fasciola, Taenia prastic adoptation in termatodes and ceztodes.
Phylum Nemaheiminthes: Ascaries Strongylodies Wuchereria Dracuneulus.
Phylum Annelida.
Nephidrial system in Annelids. Reproduction in Annelida.
Phylum Orthropoda: Mouth parts of mosquito. House fly appendages of Prawn, Incests and their
economic importance.
Peripatus, its structure, general organisation and systematic position.
Phylum Mollusca: Unit (fresh water mussel)
Phylum Echinodermata: Echinoderm larvae, water vascular system.
Phylum Hemichordata: Systematic position of Hemichordaters.
Uruchordata: Herdmania, Retrogressive metamorphosis.
Cephalochordata: Amphixous - general character and affinities only.
Class Pisces: General characters of chondrichithyes and osteichthyes, distinctive features of
crossopterygi Latimsasa (coelcanth fish) Lung fishes, Dipnofishes and their importance mankind.
Clas Amphibea: General characters of Anura, Urodela and Apoda.
Class Reptillia: The outline classification of Reptiles with general characters of chelonia; squanata,
crocodilla, Dinosaurs, Poisons and non-poisonous snakes of India.
Class Aves: Adaptations of flight.
Class Mammalia: General chracters and distribution of Prototheira; Metatheria and Eutheria;
Distribution of Maruspials; Flying mammals, Aquatic mammals.
Emprobylogy: The development of Amphiusod frog, chick and Rabbit, Fate maps, inductors and
inducing mechanism.
(General Biology; Genetics; Cytology and Ecology)
a) Evolution: Origin of life: theories of Evidence of Organic Evolution, Speciation.
b) Palaeontology: Phylogeny of Horse.
c) Zoogeography: The Zoogeographical realms and the fauna of various Zoogeographical regions.
Heredity, Mendelism, Linkage, Sex linkage, crossing over.
Ultra structure of a cell and cell organelles with their structure and functions. The structure of
chromosome, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells.
Nucleic acids DNA; RNA; Protein synthesis.
The concept of ecology, ecosystems (Aquatic and terrestrial); Ecological pyramids; web of life.
1. Physiology of digestion.
2. Physiology of Muscle contraction.
3. Physiology of Excretion and Osmo-regulation.
4. Cellular Metabolism.
1. Kinds of Rocks - Classification and Distribution.
2. Origin Classification and Distribution of Mountains, Plateau and Plains.
3. Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
4. Land farms - Work of River, Glacier, Wind, Underground water.
5. Solar Insolation - Factors affecting distribution of temperature.
6. Pressure belts and Planetary Winds, Monsoons.
7. Precipitation - Types and Distribution.
8. Ocean currents, tides.
9. Study of natural regions with special reference to (i) Equitorial, (ii) Hot Desert, (iii) Mediterranean
and (iv) Tropical Monsoon.
1. State - Elements of State - Characteristics of Modern State.
2. Rights and Duties of the citizens; and significance of liberty and equality.
3. Law - Law and Liberty - Rule of Law and Administrative Law.
4. Forms of Governments - Democratic and Authoritarian Unitary and Federal.
5. Theory of Separation of Powers - Executive Cabinet and Presidential, Executives, Legislature,
Bicameralism, Judiciary and Judicial Reveiw.
6. Methods of representation - Direct Democratic devices.
7. Political parties and their role in Parliamentary Democracy.
8. Local Government; Panchayat Raj; Organization and functions.
9. United Nations Origins and Aims; and its main organs.
10. Ideologies, Utilitarianism, Individualism, Anarchism, Fascism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism,
Gandhian Philosophy.
Public Administration in a developing Society - Chief Executive functions, role - Organisation -
Types of Departments; and Corporations - line and staff Hierarchy - Span of Control - Unity of
Command Centralisation and Decentralisation.
Personnel Management - Recruitment, methods and agencies, promotion, training - morale.
Financial Management - Budget making Parliamentary Control, Juicial control over
Public Relations.
Administrative Reforms O and M.
The Constitutional framework of Indian Administration.
Preamble of the Indian Constitution - Fundamental Rights - Directive Privnicples of State Policy.
Machinery of Government - Federal and Unitary features.
Parliamentary form of Government.
Legislative, Executive and Judiciary at the Central and State levels.
Cabinet - Cabinet Sub-Committees - Cabinet Secretariat - Ministries Home and Fiance -
National Development Council - Planning Commission, Finance Commission. The Public Service - All
India Services, Central Service and State Service.
Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms.
Union Public Service Commission.
Comptroller and Auditor-General.
General Administration Department.
Secretariat and Directorate.
Board of Revenue.
District Administration - District Collector.
Rural and Urban Government and Administration.
2. Discharge of a Contract.
3. Quasi Contract.
4. Damages .. Principles governing assessment of damages, distinction between liquidated damages and
1. Nature of tortius liability.
2. Who cannot sue and be sued.
3. Defences to an action in tort.
4. Vicarious Liability.
5. Remedies to an action tort and remoteness of damage.
6. Liability of Joint tort feasors.
7. Suyrvival of actions - Death in relation to tort.
1. Scope, nature and definition and kinds of law.
2. Various theories of Law with special reference to imperative theory of law.
3. Sources of Law - Legislation, Precedent and Custom.
4. Rights and Duties.
5. Law of persons.
6. Liability, Crime and Torts.
7. Ownership and Possession.
Sets, Relations, Equivalence, Relations, Equavalence, Classes (Functions well definedness of the
function, one-to-one inverse functions, and composition of function - Algebra functions, Statement of
Peanon Axioms, properties of rational numbers)
Groups, Sub-groups, Cosets, Laranges theorem, Normal Sub-Groups, Factor Groups, Homomorphism
and isomorphism of groups.
Defintion and illustration of Rings, Integral domains and fields.
Defintion and illustration of Vector spaces of two and three dimensions. Linear dependence and
independence of vectors, Basis, Inner produce (Scaler dot), Orthogonal vectors, Length of a vector,
orthonormal system. Reduction of linearly independent system of vectors to an equivalent
orthonormal system in 2 Dimensions and 3 Dimensions.
Dot product of vectors, triple scaler and vector product Geometrial interpretation (angle
between line area of a triangle, Vector equation of line, concurrence of lines by Vector method simple
Matrices, symmetric, skew-symmetric and identity matric, Algebra of Matrices, illustration theory of
the tranformation of the type.
Definition of rank of a matrix, determination of the rank of a mxn matrix, m,n,3. Definition of eigen
values and eigen vector of a matrix, Eigen values of a symmetric matrix and eigen vectors of a symmertric
with distinct eigen values. Solution of a cubic and a quadratic equation.
Elementary Number Theory: Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic theorm of Fermat and Wilson.
Limit of sequence and series, Cauchy's general princple of convergence. Definitions of limit
and continuity of a function. Properties of continuous fucntions; Curvature in cartesion co-ordinates,
Envelop of a one parameter family of curves. Rolle's theorem. Mean valued theorem. Cauchy's mean
value theorem, Maximum and minimum, Taylor's Theorem, Maclaurins theorem.
Integration: Reduction formulae, Rimann's theory of definite integrals. First mean value theorem
and fundamental theorem of integral calculus.
Rectification of a curve, quadreture, volume and suface area of solids of revolution. Trapezoidal
rule, Simpson's rule for definite integration.
First order differential equations - Variable separables, Exac-Homogeneous, first order non-linear
equations soluble for p, x, y Berot noullis equation. Calariut's form, Orthogonal tranjectories. Linear
differential equations with constant co-efficients up to order 4 of the type.
1. Critical explanation of the two out of four passages from the following:
a) Ram ki Shakti Puja - Nirala.
b) Nisha Nimantran - Harivansh Rai Bachchan.
2. Critical Study of
a) Ajat Shatru - Jai Shankar Prasad.
b) Shrinkhala kikadiyan - Maha Devi Varma
3. Essay on Literary Topic.
4. Study of a Literary Form: Short Story
Manasasarowar Part-I -Premchand.
1. Salient Feature of Modern period 1875 A.D. upto date, with special reference to the Development of
Prose - Chinnayasuri, Veereshalingam, Chilkamarti and their followers.
2. Critical Study of Literary Forms - Drama and Novel with particualr reference to the following:
1. Kanya Sulkam by Gurajada Appa Rao.
2. Pandavodyagamu by Tirupati Kavulu.
3. Pratapa Rudreya by V. Venkata Raya Sastry.
1. Ekaveera by Viswanatha Satyanarayana.
2. Chivaraku Migiledi by Buchchi Babu.
3. Asamarthuni Jeevayatra by Copichand.
1. Definition of Fine Arts - Place of Poetry in Fine Arts.
2. Defintion of Poetry - Poet and Poem (Kavya).
3. Classification of Kavyas.
4. Purpose of Poetry and Poems (Kavyas).
5. Alankaras (Sabda & Artha).
6. Rasa Theory - (Definition - Number of Rasas - Sthai Bhava,
1. K. Narayana Rao Veereshalinga Yugamu
2. K. Seetha Ramaiah Navyandhra Sahitya
P. Hanumantha Rao Veedhulu
3. M. Naga Bhushana Sarma Telugu Navala Vikasam
4. P. Venkateswarlu Telugu Navala Vikasam
5. Yuva Bharati Telugu Novel
6. S. Suryanarayana Sastry Kavyalankara Sangraham
7. D. Venkatavadhani Sahitya Sopanamulu
8. K.V.R. Narasimham Sahitya Darsanamu.
1. Critical appreciation of two out of four passages of the following: Iqbal; Bang-e-Dira.
2. Critical Study of Abdul Haq;Chand Hamasar; Pitras Bhukhari; Mazameen-e-Pitras.
3. An Essay on a Literary Topic.
4. Ghaxal, Masnavi, Qasida, Rubaee, Marisia, Dastan, Assana Novel, Inshaiya, Khaka, Haju and
5. STudy of Literary Form:Short Story Prem Chand - Aakhri Tuhfa.
Morphology - Cytology and structure of bacteria - Chemical composition of bacteria - Pigments -
Physiology - Growth and metabolism of bacteria - Nutritional requirements of bacteria - Factors
influencing the Growth of bacteria. Principles of Sterilization - Cultivation and pure culture techniques -
Disinfection - Chemotherapy - Bacterial Genetics. Classification and nomenclature of bacteria - Study
of morphology cultural characters, biochemical characters, pathogenesis, antigenci structure, immunity
and diagnosis of diseases caused by spirochetes, campylobacter - Pseudomonas, Brucella - Pasteurella
- Hemophilus - Actinobacillus - Moraxella - Entero-bacteriaceae family - Gram positive coci -
Bacillaceae family - Corynebacterium - Mycobacterium - Mycoplasma - Properties of Fungi - Fungal
Diseases of animals - General characteristics of various important vira diseases occuring in Livestock.
Vira vaccines, chemotherapy of viral infections.
Defintion, etiology, incidence, mode of infection, symptoms, course, clinical pathology, diagnosis,
differential dagnosis, prognosis, post-mortem findings and curative and preventive treatment of the
diseases affecting different systems of various species of domestic animals.
Examination of animals for soundness, examination of injuries, post-mortem examination,
collection and despatch of material for chemical analysis.
Epizootology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, methods of prevention and control of common Bacterial,
Viral, Rickettisial, Fungal and Protozoan diseases - Metabolic and deficiency diseases.
Common surgical affections of various parts of bovines and their treatment and remedies.
1. Concent, Scope and Nature of Social Work. Definition of the terms Social Welfare, Social
Service, Social Reform and Social Action.
2. A historical review of social work in India and abroad. The philosophy of Social Wrok and its
relationship to changing Indian Culture. Professional and ethical values of Social Work.
3. Methods of Social Work: Definition, Scope, Principles and values of case work, Group work and
Community Organisation.
4. Fields of Social Work: Government and Voluntary efforts, difference between Government -
Professional - Voluntry work in the various fields of Social Work practise such as:
Youth Welfare
Labour Welfare
Correctional Social Work
Medical and Psychiatric Social Work
Rural and Urban Community Development - Local Self Government
Panchayat Raj.
Family and Child Welfare:
Importance of Family and Child Welfare, Status, Problems of Women in India and Special Legislation
relating to:
Marriage, dowry, inheritance and maintenance of women, problems of working women, women in
need of special care.
State Women's Welfare Department: Organisation, functions and Programmes.
Family Welfare Planning: Trends in demography and its impact on
the nation.
Demographic characteristics of child population, emerging
philosophy of Child Welfare and emphasised in the Children's Character of Rights, Indian Constitution and
other legislative provision.
Importance of the Family in the develoopment of the personality of the child, child rearing practices in
India. Children in need of special care, the disabled, the deserted and disturbed in the role of professional
held and services available.
Child Welfare in the Five Year Plans, Child Welfare Schemes by the State.
Philosophy and Objectives - Organisational structure and functions - a review.
Needs of Children and organising programmes to improve health, nutrition, recreational and
educational needs. Problems and needs to handle them.
Role of Voluntary agencies and their contribution, Social Welfare Administration, Semi-Government
agencies and Central Social Welfare Board, State Social Welfare Board - the structure and functions.
Food Science and Nutrition:
Basic food group which will provide nutrition, requirement for normal health; body building
goods, energy food and protractive foods - Cereals - millets, legumes, oilseeds, milk and milk products,
flesh goods, egg, fish, vegetables, fruits - Nutritive Value; selection, storege, processing and cooking
methods their effect on nutritive value and palatability - evaluation of food quality - subjective methods
of measuring quality of products - products - preparation of score cards.
Food poisoning, food allergy - Biological function, food sources and deficiency signs of
carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins and minerals - Nutritional inter-relationships.
Food and Nutrient requirement in human life cycle - Adulthood pregnancy - lactation - infancy -
pre-school age, school age, preadolesense and adolesence - nutritionally vulnerable groups - factors
effect in nutrient requirements.
Principles of meal planning - principle of diet in diseases. Therapautic modification of normal
diet during dietary deficiencies diseases - Anemia, PCM, Vit.A and other common diseases - Fever
Diseases of gastre intestinal tract, obesity, Diabetes - Heart deseases and Renal diseases.
Assessment of nutritional status of communities and their interpretation-clinical Biochemical -
Antrropcmetry - Biophysical and Diet surveys.
Child Development:
Factors affecting growth and development of child prenatal care preparation for child birth -
premature baby - causes postnatal care breast feeding v.s. bottle feeding weaning - immunization, physical
intellectual, and emotional development during infancy toddlerhood - childhood and adolescence
developmental talks - physical and physiocological needs of young children - Learning types and effects
importance of play - language growth - Habit of formation.
Creches and Balwadies - Importance of pre-school education needs and characteristics of pre-school
child - Needs of Importance in the growth and development of children.
Population education, Child and family Welfare services of State National and International
Agriculture productivity trends - Demand and supply of foods grain
- Agriculture planning and Government policy - Credit and credit institutions in the agricultural sector
- Agricultural marketing - Storages losses - Rural reconstruction - Community development and
Panchayats - their principles and organisations.
Principles and methods of Extension work - Individual group and mass media. Audio visual aids in
extension work. Programme planning - execution and evaluation in extension work. Developings
leadership - organisation of woman in villages.
The Five Year Plan of Government of India - Principles of Rural reconstruction - Problems of
Indian villages - Community development - National Programmes for rural women and children ANP,
IRDP, SNP Adult literacy, ICDS - Family Welfare Programme - Social Welfare Boards etc.
Problems involved in improving nutritional status of Community, Nutrition intervention
programmes - International agency involved in allovating malnutrition - UNESCO, ENICEF, WHO,