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(Six-Semester Course)

(Effective from the Academic Year 2010-2011)


DELHI – 110 007

Course Structure


PART I: Semester-1

Paper 1 ANHT - 101 Introduction to Social Anthropology

Paper 2 ANHT - 102 Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Paper 3 ANHT - 103 Archaeological Anthropology-I

Paper 4 ENAT – 101*/ Technical Writing & Communication in English / Computational

CSAT – 101* Skills

PART I: Semester-2

Paper 5 ENAT – 201*/ Technical Writing & Communication in English / Computational

CSAT – 201* Skills

Paper 6 ANHT - 204 Archaeological Anthropology-II

Paper 7 ANHT - 205 Anthropology of Kinship

Paper 8 ANHT - 206 Biostatistics and Data Analysis

*The college will have an option to take either of the two papers in a particular
semester for a particular course, while students have to appear in both the papers

In addition, there shall be one qualifying paper in self-learning mode called

Environmental Studies offered in Semester-2


PART II: Semester-3

Paper 9 ANHT - 307 Theories of Culture and Society

Paper 10 ANHT - 308 Human Genetics

Paper 11 ANHT – 309/ Primate Biology / Cell Biology-I

CBHT - 301

Paper 12 MBHT - 301 Molecular Biology-I

PART II: Semester-4

Paper 13 ANHT - 410 Tribes and Peasants in India

Paper 14 ANHT - 411 Anthropology of religion, politics & economy

Paper 15 ANHT – 412/ Biodiversity & Indigenous Knowledge / Cell Biology II

CBHT – 402

Paper 16 ANHT – 413/ Anthropology of India / Molecular Biology-II

MBHT - 402


PART III: Semester-5

Paper 17 ANHT - 514 Human Ecology: Biological Dimensions

Paper 18 ANHT - 515 Biological Diversity in Human Populations

Paper 19 ANHT - 516 Human Ecology: Social and Cultural Dimensions

Paper 20 GGHT - 501 Genetics & Genomics-I

PART III: Semester-6

Paper 21 ANHT - 617 Field work dissertation

Paper 22 ANHT - 618 Fundamental of Human Origins and Evolution

Paper 23 ANHT - 619 Genomic Diversity in Human Populations

Paper 24 ANHT – 620/ Anthropology In Practice / Genetics & Genomics-II

GGHT - 602

Paper 1-ANHT 101: Introduction to Social Anthropology

THEORY Marks: 100

Social anthropology: history and subject matter; Relationship of social and cultural
anthropology with sociology, psychology, history, economics and political science.

Concepts of Society; Pre-requisite of Human society

Individual and Society; Group and its types; Community; Association and Institution
Status and Role ;

Unit -3
Social fact; Social Action; Social Structure , Function and Social Organisation ; Structural
- Functionalism ; Social System ; Social Conflict

Unit -4
Techniques and methods: Field work/ Ethnography and Survey Research
Comparative and Historical Methods

Core Readings

1. Metcalf Peter (2005) Anthropology: the basics. Abingdon (England), Routledge.

2. Ingold Tim (1994) Companion encyclopedia of anthropology. London, Routledge
3. R.M MacIver & Charles H. Page (1950) Society : An Introductory Analysis.
London, Macmillan
4. Ralph Linton (1936) The Study of Man. New York, Appelton Century Croft.
5. M. J. Herskovits (1974) Cultural Anthropology, New Delhi, Oxford and
IBH Publications.
6. Roger Keesing (1984) An Introduction of Cultural Anthropology.
NewYork, MacMillan.
7. Kingsley Davis (1948) Human Society, New York: MacMillan.
8. John Monaghan and Peter Just (2000) Social and Cultural Anthropology: A very
Short Introduction.
9. Thomas Hylland Eriksen (2010) Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social
and Cultural Anthropology.
10. Nigel Rapport and Joanna Overing (2006) Social and Cultural Anthropology:
The Key Concepts .

Paper 1-ANHP 101: Introduction to Social Anthropology


Social Anthropology

The Practical will include the following techniques and methods in collection of data in
social anthropology.

Questionnaire and Schedule
Case Study

Core Readings

1. Notes and Queries in Anthropology (1971) London: Routlege & Kagan Paul
2. H.Russel Bernard (1990) Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology, New Delhi,
Sage Publications
3. Bruce L. Berg (1995) Qualitative Research Methods for the Social
Sciences, London, Allyn and Bacon
4. Srivastava. V. K. (Ed.) (2004) Methodology and fieldwork Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
5. Sarantabos, S., 1998(1993), Social Research. London Macmillan
6. Pelto, Perlti J., and Goetel. H. Pelton. 1978, Anthropology Research; The structure of
Inquiry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Paper 2-ANHT 102: Introduction to Biological Anthropology

THEORY Marks: 100


Meaning and scope of anthropology, branches of anthropology;

History and subject matter of physical/biological Anthropology;

Relationship of physical/biological anthropology with other disciplines: medical and

health sciences, life sciences, earth sciences, and environmental sciences.


Fundamentals of physical/biological anthropology:

a. Human Evolution;
b. Human Variation;
c. Human Genetics;
d. Human Growth and Development.


Theories of organic evolution (Lamarckian, Darwinian, Mutational and Synthetic).


Position of man in animal kingdom: living primates, distribution, characteristics,

phylogeny, classification; comparative anatomy of man and apes; Primate Behaviour.


Concept of race, genetic basis of race, UNESCO Statement on Race; ethnic group,
racial classification of human populations (E.A. Hooton’s classification)

Core Readings
1. Craig Stanford, John S. Allen and Susan C. Anton (2008)Biological Anthropology
(2nd Edition).

2. John Buettner-Janusch (1969) Origins of Man. Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd

3. E. L. Simon (1972) Primate Evolution: An Introduction to Man’s Place in

Nature. New York, MacMillan.

4. Craig Stanford, John S. Allen and Susan C. Anton (2009) Exploring Biological
Anthropology: The Essentials, Prentice Hall.

5. Michael Park (2007) Biological Anthropology: An Introductory. Reader, McGraw


7 P. K. Seth & S Seth (1986) Perspectives in Primate Biology. New Delhi,Today &
Tomorrow Printers.

8. John G. Fleagle (1999) Primate Adaptation and Evolution. Elseveir.

9 E.A. Hooton (1947) Up from the Ape. New York, MacMillan.

10 M. F. Ashley Montague (1977) UNESCO Statement on Race. New York,

Academic Press.

11. G.A.Harrison et al. (1988) Human Biology. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Paper 2-ANHP 102: Introduction to Biological Anthropology


Osteology : Skull, Axial Skeleton, Appendicular Skeleton and


Somatoscopy : Head, Face, Nose, Eyes, Lips and Hair.

Somatometry : Drawing, description and use of the instruments used

for anthropological measurements Standing Height
Vertex, Sitting Height Vertex, Leg Length,
Hand Length, Hand Breadth, Head Circumference,
Nasal Length, Nasal Breadth, Head length, Head

Indices : Cephalic Index, Nasal Index

Serology : ABO blood group system

Books to be consulted:

1. Indera P. Singh and M.K. Bhasin: (1989) Anthropometry. Delhi, Kamla Raj
2. M.K. Bhasin and S.M.S. Chahal: Manual of Human Blood Analysis (1996),
Delhi, Kamla Raj Enterprises
3. Judith Hall, Judith Allanson, Karen Gripp, and Anne Slavotinek (2006)
Handbook of Physical Measurements (Oxford Handbook) Oxford University
Press, USA; 2 edition
4. Stanley J. Ulijaszek and C. G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor (2005)Anthropometry:
The Individual and the Population (Cambridge Studies in Biological and
Evolutionary Anthropology) Cambridge University Press

Paper 3-ANHT-103: Archaeological Anthropology-I
(Prehistoric India)

THEORY Marks: 100


a. Definition and scope of archaeological anthropology
b. Relation with other disciplines
c. Methods of studying archaeological anthropology
d. Methods of archaeological interpretation – ethnoarchaeology.

Methods of Estimation of Time
a. Geo-chronological methods
b. Absolute dating methods
c. Relative dating methods
d. Methods of climatic reconstruction: palynology, paleontology, soil pH estimation.

Understanding culture
a. Technique of tool manufacture and estimation of their relative efficiency;
b. Classification of tools: primary and combination fabrication techniques;
c. Typology and cultural nomenclature.

Prehistoric India
a. Pleistocene chronology of India: A critical assessment
b. Character, distribution and interpretation of habitat and economy of :
i Lower palaeolithic;
ii Middle palaeolithic;
iii Upper palaeolithic;
iv Mesolithic culture;
v Art, ritual and belief.

Core Readings

1. D. K. Bhattacharya (1996) An Outline of Indian Prehistory. Delhi, Palika Prakashan.

2. H. D. Sankalia (1974) Prehistory and Protohistory of India and Pakistan.

Poona, Deccan College.

3. H. D. Sankalia (1982) Stone Tool Type and Technology. Delhi, B.R.Publication.

4. B.M. Fagan (2004) People of Earth: An Introduction. Boston, Little, Brown
& Company.

5. Felix Gadstein, Names James Ogg, Alan Smith (2004) A Geologic Time
Scale. NewYork, CambridgeUniversity Press.

6. Robin Dannell (2009) The Palaeolithic Settlements of Asia New York,

Cambridge University Press.

Paper 3-ANHP-103: Archaeological Anthropology


1. Computer applications in archaeology:

(a) Introduction
(b) Scope
(c) Data processing (small number of samples)
(d) Computer aided graphic techniques

2. Identification of tools:
(a) Handaxe varieties, chopper/chopping tools
(b) Cleaver varieties
(c) Side scraper varieties
(d) Knives
(e) Burins
(f) End scrapers
(g) Borers
(h) Microlithic tools
(i) Bone tools

3. Identification of lithic technology.

4. Identification of bone tool technology.

5. Representation and interpretation of types and techniques.

Books to be consulted:

1. H.D. Sankalia: Stone Age Tools (1964) Poona, Deccan College

2. D.K. Bhattacharya: Old Stone Age Tools and Techniques (1979) Calcutta, K.P.
Bagchi Company

Paper 4/5-ENAT-101/ 201: Technical Writing and
Communication Skills in English

Marks: 100

Unit 1
Communication: Language and communication, differences between speech and writing,
distinct features of speech, distinct features of writing.

Unit 2
Writing Skills; Selection of topic, thesis statement, developing the thesis; introductory,
developmental, transitional and concluding paragraphs, linguistic unity, coherence and
cohesion, descriptive, narrative, expository and argumentative writing.

Unit 3
Technical Writing: Scientific and technical subjects; formal and informal writings; formal
writings/reports, handbooks, manuals, letters, memorandum, notices, agenda, minutes;
common errors to be avoided.

1. M. Frank. Writing as thinking: A guided process approach, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice
Hall Reagents.
2. L. Hamp-Lyons and B. Heasely: Study Writing; A course in written English. For
academic and professional purposes, Cambridge Univ. Press.
3. R. Quirk, S. Greenbaum, G. Leech and J. Svartik: A comprehensive grammar of the
English language, Longman, London.
4. Daniel G. Riordan & Steven A. Panley: “Technical Report Writing Today” - Biztaantra.

Additional Reference Books

5. Daniel G. Riordan, Steven E. Pauley, Biztantra: Technical Report Writing Today, 8th
Edition (2004).
6. Contemporary Business Communication, Scot Ober, Biztantra, 5th Edition (2004).

Paper 4/5-CSAT-101/201: Computational Skills

THEORY Marks: 100

Computer Fundamentals (12 Periods)

Introduction to Computers: Characteristics of Computers, Uses of computers, Types and
generations of Computers
Basic Computer Organization - Units of a computer, CPU, ALU, memory hierarchy,
registers, I/O devices
User Interface with the Operating System, System Tools
Data Representation (8 Periods)
Binary representation of integers and real numbers, 1's Complement, 2's Complement,
Addition and subtraction of binary numbers, BCD, ASCII, Unicode;
Networks terminology (4 Periods)
Types of networks, router, switch, server-client architecture
Multimedia (4 Periods)
Introduction, Characteristics, Elements, Applications
Problem Solving (10 Periods)
Notion of algorithms, stepwise methodology of developing an algorithm, developing
macros in spreadsheet
General Awareness (4 Periods)
IT Act, System Security (virus/firewall etc.), I-Tax, Reservations,Banking,

Paper 4/5- CSAP-101/201: Computational Skills


1. Defined projects will be done by the students and evaluated by the instructor.

2. Document Preparation

3. Presentation Software

4. Familiarizing with the Operating System, Control Panel, Networking

Configuration, Firewall setting

5. Spreadsheet Handing, Working with worksheets, Creating a spreadsheet, entering

and formatting information, basic functions and formulas, creating charts, tables
and graphs.


[1] V Rajaraman, Fundamentals of Computers, Fourth Edition, PHI.

[2] Anita Goel, Fundamentals of Computers; Forthcoming title in Pearson-Education
Note: Use of Open Office/Star Office is recommended, as they are freely downloadable.
Reference manual for Open Office available at: http://www.openffice.org
Reference manual for Star Office available at: http://www.sun.com/software/staroffice/

Paper 6-ANHT-204: Archaeological Anthropology-II
(Prehistoric Africa and Europe)

THEORY Marks: 100


Prehistoric Africa
a. Early climatic sequences in East Africa
b. Early climatic sequences in South Africa
c. Cultural succession in East Africa.
d. Cultural succession in South Africa.


Prehistoric Europe
b. Geo-chronology of Europe
c. Distribution of palaeolithic culture in Europe (western, central, eastern) and
i. Lower palaeolithic
ii. Middle palaeolithic
iii. Upper Palaeolithic

d. Mesolithic Period in Europe

i. Character of subsistence economy and settlement pattern
ii. Dispersal and internal variation
e. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Art of Europe
i. Character;
ii Distribution;
iii Interpretation;
iv Dating.

Core Readings

1. D. K. Bhattacharya (1978) Emergence of Culture in Europe, Delhi, B.R. Publication.

2. Champion et al. (1984) Prehistoric Europe, New York, Academic Press.

3. D. K. Bhattacharya (1996) Palaeolithic Europe. Netherlands, Humanities Press.

4. B.M. Fagan (1983) People of Earth: An Introduction, Boston, Little, Brown

& Company.

5. D. W. Phillipson (2005) African Archaeology, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.

Paper 6-ANHP-204: Archaeological Anthropology-II

(Prehistoric Africa and Europe)


Field Report based on field trip to a known archaeological site

The students will be required to undertake a field trip to a known archaeological site for
about seven days and on the basis of material collected, a typed Field Report has to be

Core Readings:

1. Thomas Hester, Harry Shafer and Kenneth L. Feder (1997) Field Methods in
Archaeology, 7th Ed. McGraw-Hill
2. Colin Renfrew and Paul Bahn, Archaeology (3 ed., 2001). Ch. 3 is good on field
3. Philip Barker, Techniques of Archaeological Excavation (1977).
4. Ed Harris, Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy (2 ed., 1989).

Paper 7-ANHT-205: Anthropology of Kinship

THEORY Marks: 100

Basic concepts: kinship, descent and filiations, kin terms and behaviour, ; approaches to
the study of Kinship

Kinship and descent: Descent groups: Patrilineal, Matrilineal, Double-descent and
Cognative descent ; Function of descent groups

Definition of Marriage, Alliance Systems : Symmetrical and Asymmetrical alliances
Family, Household and Domestic group; Development cycle of domestic group

Unit 4
Kinship, Marriage and Family in India


1 J.H.M. Beattie (1968) Other Cultures. New York, the Free Press.
2. Robin Fox (1983) Kinship and Marriage. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.
3. Paul Bohannan (1963) Social Anthropology. New York, Mac Millan.
4. Karve Irawati (1968) Kinship organization in India. London, Asia
Publication House.
5. R. Parkin, L. Stone (2004) Kinship and Family: An Anthropology Reader.
Oxford, Victoria. Blackwell Publishing.
6. C.C Harris (1990) Kinship. Concepts in social thought. Minneapolis, University of
Minnesota Press.
7. Carsten, Janet (2004) After kinship. New departures in Anthropology, UK: Cambridge
University Press.
8. Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1969) The elementary structures of kinship. Boston,
Beacon Press.
9. Goody, Jack, and Meyer Fortes (1973) The Character of kinship. Cambridge
(England), University Press.

Paper 8-ANHT-206: Biostatistics and Data Analysis

THEORY Marks: 100

Biostatistics and bioinformatics

Types of biological data
Variable and graphs
Frequency distributions
Population and samples
Measures of central tendency – mean, mode and median
Measures of dispersion and variability – the range, M.D., Variance, S.D., C.V.
Moments, skewness and kurtosis
Tests of significance – chi-square goodness of fit, chi-square contingency analysis, testing
for differences between two means (t-test), and testing for difference between coefficients
of variation (z-test).
Correlation and Regression
Computer applications in human genetics
Introduction to various databases freely available on the web and used in the analysis of
biological data
Odds ratios and confidence interval

Core Readings
1. Harvey Motulsky (1995) Intuitive Biostatistics, 2nd Edition, Oxford University.
2. Hartl and Jones (2001) Genetics -Principles and Analysis, 5th edition Jones and Barlet.
3. Stephen C. Newman (2001) Biostatistical Methods in Epidemiology, New York, Wiley.
4. P W Hedrick (2000) Genetics of Populations, 2nd Edition, Jones & Bartlett.
5 Veer Bala Rastogi (2006) Fundamentals of Biostatistics, New Delhi, Ane Books India.

Paper 9-ANHT-307: Theories of Culture and Society

THEORY Marks: 100

Unit 1

Introduction to the concept of Culture; Culture and Nature Relationship; Cultural


Unit 2

Classical Anthropological Theories: Evolutionism, Historical Particularism, Diffusionism,

Neo- evolutionism, Functionalism; Structural-functionalism.

Unit 3

Recent trends in Anthropological Theories: Structuralism, Interpretive approaches,

postmodernism, deconstruction

Unit 4

Culture and its relationship to: Environment; Health and medicine; Gender and


1. Geertz Clifford (2001) The interpretation of cultures: selected essays. New York,
N.Y: BasicBooks.
2. W.J. Goode and P. K. Hatt (1952) Methods in Social Research. Mc Graw Hill Co.,
New Delhi.
3. Marvin Harris (2001) Rise of Anthropological Theory. AltaMira Press, Walnut
Creek, CA.
4. Allan Barnard (2000) History and theory of anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
5. Tim In Gold (1994) Companion encyclopedia of anthropology. London, Routledge..
6. Voget Fred W (1975) A history of ethnology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and
7. Applebaum Herbert A (1987) Perspectives in cultural anthropology. Albany: State
University of New York Press.

Paper 9-ANHP-307: Theories of Culture and Society


Readings of Ethnographies

The students will be required to read two classical ethnographies one by a western scholar
and one by an Indian scholar. They will be asked to give a critical account of the
methodology and main conclusions of the selected ethnographies. The selection of
ethnographies will be done by the concerned teacher each year

They will be examined in the practical on their understanding of the methods, analysis,
interpretations and theoretical orientations used in the respective ethnographic account.

Paper 10-ANHT-308: Human Genetics

THEORY Marks: 100


History development and scope of human genetics

Cell Biology

a) Chromosome structure
b) Identification of human chromosomes
c) Numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities.
Numerical (Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, Patau’s syndrome); Structural
Chromosomal (cri-du-chat 5p-; Hiereshorn syndrome, Turner’s syndrome,
Klinefelter’s syndrome, Fragile-X syndrome).

DNA as Genetic Material

a) DNA structure
b) Concept of gene
c) Gene expression
d) Genetic disorders at molecular level


Types of Inheritance with examples

a) Dominant and recessive inheritance

b) Co-dominant inheritance
c) Sex-chromosomal inheritance
d) Extra-nuclear inheritance
e) Concept of multiple alleles – ABO blood groups,
f) Concept of genetic polymorphisms of proteins and DNA markers (RFLPs)
g) Other complicating factors in human genetics, like late age of onset,
Variable Expressivity, Penetrance, Uniparental Disomy, Genomic Imprinting


Techniques in Human Genetics

a) Chromosomal Banding and Karyotyping

b) Electrophoresis
c) Southern Blotting technique


Genetics and Environment

a) Variation and variability - skin colour

b) Methods of studying human heredity- linkage, pedigree, twin and sib-pair analysis
c) Genetic adaptation with examples


Applications of human genetics: screening, counseling and engineering


1. Robert H. Tamarin (2002) Principles of Genetics Tata-McGraw Hill, Seventh Edition.

2. Daniel Hartl & E.W. Jones (1998) Genetics, Principles and Analysis by. 4th
Edition,Jones & Barlett Publication.
3. Atherly A.G. Girton J. R & McDonald, J. F (1999) The Science of Genetics,
Saunders College Publications / Harcourt.
4. Sturtevant A.H (1965) A History of Genetics by (1965) Harper & Row, New York.
5. W.D. Stansfield (2002) Theory and problems of Genetics - (Schaum’s outline series)
McGrawHill 2002.

Paper 11-ANHT-309: Primate Biology
THEORY Marks: 100


a) Aim and scope of evolutionary biology with special reference to nonhuman primates.
b) Trends in early primate radiation-dentition, postural modification with special
reference to shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, limbs, hand and foot.

a) Population genetics of nonhuman primates.

b) Cladistic relationships and molecular evolution of primates:
o Serological aspects.
o Amino acid sequences
o Immunological studies
o Proteins
o Chromosomal aspects


a) Socioecology and population dynamics of nonhuman primates.

b) Communication: patterns, signals, display and vocalization.
c) Use of nonhuman primates in biomedical research.


a) Breeding and husbandry of non-human primates:Conservation of non-human


Paper 11-ANHP-309: Primate Biology

1 Osteology, craniometry and osteometry of primate bones.
2 Blood groups and dermatoglyphics of non-human primates.

1. Comparative Primate Biology, Vol. 2, Part B: Behaviour, congnition, and
motivation Edited by G. Mitchell and J. Erwin, Alan R. Liss, New York, 1987.
2. Current Perspective in Primate Biology by David M. Taub, 1986 Published by
Van Nostrand Reinhold
3. Perspectives in primate biology, vol9 of Advances in behavioral biology by AB
Chiarelli. Plenum Press, 1974, the University of Michigan
4. Primate behaviour. Sarah Lindsay, 1997, Grove Press
5. Primate Behaviour. Leonard A. Rosenblum. 1975. Academic Press
6. Perspectives in primate biology. Volume 3
Edited by P.K. Seth and Swadesh Seth, Today & Tomorrow’s, New Delhi, India, 1989, 266 pp.


Paper 11-CBHT-301: Cell Biology-I

THEORY Marks: 100

Unit 1. An Overview of Cells (Ch 1 Cooper et al./ Ch 1 Karp)

Overview of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, cell size and shape, Phages, Viriods,
Mycoplasma and Escherichia coli.

Unit 2. Tools and techniques of Cell Biology (Ch 1 Cooper et al./ Ch 18 Karp/
Ch 3 De Robertis)
Microscopic-Principles of Light microscopy; Phase contrast microscopy; Confocal
microscopy;Electron microscopy (EM)- scanning EM and scanning transmission EM
(STEM); Fluorescence microscopy;
Analytical-Flow cytometry- flurochromes, fluorescent probe and working principle;
Spectrophotometry; Mass spectrometry; X-ray diffraction analysis.
Separation-Sub-cellular fractionation- differential and density gradient
centrifugation; Chromatography- paper, thin-layer, gel-filtration, ion-exchange,
affinity and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).

Unit 3. Composition of Cells (Ch 2 Cooper et al.)

Molecules of cell, cell membranes and cell Proteins.

Unit 4. The Nucleus (Ch 9 Cooper et al.)

Nuclear Envelope- structure of nuclear pore complex, nuclear lamina, Transport
across Nuclear Envelope, Chromatin: molecular organization, Nucleolus and rRNA

Unit 5. Protein Sorting and Transport (Ch 10 Cooper et al.)

The Endoplasmic reticulum, The Golgi Apparatus, Mechanism of Vesicular
Transport, Lysosomes.

Unit 6. Mitochondria, Chloroplasts and Peroxisomes (Ch 11 Cooper et al.)

Structural organization, Function, Marker enzymes,Mitochondrial biogenesis,
Protein import in mitochondria, Semiautonomous nature of mitochondria and
chloroplast, chloroplast DNA, Peroxisomes’assembly
Unit 7. Cytoskeleton and Cell Movement (Ch 12 Cooper et al.)
Structure and organization of actin filaments; actin, myosin and cell movement;
intermediate filaments; microtubules.

Paper 11-CBHP-301: Cell Biology-I


1. Separation of nucleic acid bases by paper chromatography.

2. Microscopy- Theoretical knowledge of Light and Electron microscope.
3. Principles of fixation and staining.
4. Study of the photomicrographs of cell organelles.

Permanent slide preparation:

5. Cytochemical staining of DNA-Feulgen.
6. Cytochemical staining of DNA and RNA- Methyl Green Pyronin (MGP).
7. Cytochemical staining of Polysaccharides-Periodic Acid Schiff’s (PAS).
8. Cytochemical staining of Total proteins- Bromophenol blue.
9. Cytochemical staining of Histones -Fast Green.


1. Karp, G. (2010). Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. VI

Edition. John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
2. De Robertis, E.D.P. and De Robertis, E.M.F. (2006). Cell and Molecular Biology.
VIII Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.
3. Cooper, G.M. and Hausman, R.E. (2009). The Cell: A Molecular Approach. V
Edition. ASM Press & Sunderland, Washington, D.C.; Sinauer Associates, MA.
4. Becker, W.M., Kleinsmith, L.J., Hardin. J. and Bertoni, G. P. (2009). The World of
the Cell. VII Edition. Pearson Benjamin Cummings Publishing, San Francisco.

Paper 12-MBHT-301: Molecular Biology-I

THEORY Marks: 100

Unit 1. Nucleic Acids convey Genetic Information (Ch 2 Watson)

DNA as the carrier of genetic information, Key experiments establishing-The Central
Dogma, DNA Double helix, Genetic code, Direction of Protein Synthesis, Genomics.

Unit 2. The Structures of DNA and RNA / Genetic Material (Ch 6 Watson/ Ch 18
DNA Structure: Miescher to Watson and Crick- historic perspective, DNA structure,
Salient features of double helix, Types of DNA, Types of genetic material, denaturation
and renaturation, cot curves.
DNA topology - linking number, topoisomerases; Organization of DNA- Prokaryotes,
Viruses, Eukaryotes.
RNA Structure
Organelle DNA -- mitochondria and chloroplast DNA.

Unit 3. Genome Structure, Chromatin and the Nucleosome (Ch 7 Watson/ Ch

18 Becker)
Genome Sequence and Chromosome Diversity, Chromosome Duplication and
The Nucleosome
Chromatin structure- Euchromatin, Heterochromatin- Constitutive and Facultative
Regulation of Chromatin Structure and Nucleosome Assembly.
Organization of Chromosomes

Unit 4. The Replication of DNA (Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes) (Ch 8 Watson/

Ch 19 Becker)
Chemistry of DNA synthesis, general principles - bidirectional replication, Semi-
conservative, Semi discontinuous,RNA priming, Various models of DNA replication
including rolling circle, D-loop (mitochondrial), Ө (theta) mode of replication,
replication of linear ds-DNA, replicating the 5’end of linear chromosome. Enzyme
involved in DNA replication – DNA polymerases, DNA ligase, Primase, Telomerase
and other accessory proteins

Unit 5. The Mutability and Repair of DNA (Ch 9 Watson)

Replication Errors, DNA Damage and their repair.

Paper 12-MBHP-301: Molecular Biology-I


1. Preparation of Polytene chromosome from Chironomous larva/Drosophila larva

2. Demonstration of mammalian sex chromatin.
3. Preparations of temporary mount and study the different stages of Mitosis (Onion
root tip).
4. Perform Southern Blot Hybridization (Restrict DNA for Southern Blot
electrophoresis, perform electrophoresis of restricted DNA, perform southern
transfer, hybridization and detection of gene of interest)
5. Demonstration of Northern Blotting.
6. Demonstration of Western Blotting.
7. Perform DNA amplification by PCR.
8. Study of semiconservative replication of DNA through micrographs/schematic


1. Karp, G. (2010). Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. VI

Edition. John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
2. De Robertis, E.D.P. and De Robertis, E.M.F. (2006). Cell and Molecular Biology.
VIII Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.
3. Becker, W.M., Kleinsmith, L.J., Hardin. J. and Bertoni, G. P. (2009). The World of
the Cell. VII Edition. Pearson Benjamin Cummings Publishing, San Francisco.
4. Watson, J. D., Baker T.A., Bell, S. P., Gann, A., Levine, M., and Losick, R., (2008)
Molecular Biology of the Gene (VI Edition.). Cold Spring Harbour Lab. Press,
Pearson Pub.

Paper 13-ANHT-410: Tribes and Peasants in India

THEORY Marks: 100


Anthropological concept of tribe, problems of nomenclature, definition and characteristic

features of tribes in India; social structure, aspects of tribal economy, political organization
and religion


Tribes and wider world: impact of development schemes and programme on tribal life; the
history of tribal administration, issues of acculturation and assimilation.


The concept of peasantry; distinction between tribes and peasants Approaches to the study
of peasants – economic, political and cultural.
Characteristics of Indian village and a study of some of its aspects; social organization;
councils and administration; factionalism and religion;

Rise of tribal and peasant movements and ethnicity issues

Core Readings

1. Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf (1984) Tribes in India, Oxford, Oxford University
2. L.P. Vidyarthi and B. K. Rai (1985) Tribal Culture in India, New Delhi, Concept
Publishing Company.
3. Anthony Walker (1982) The Todas, New Delhi, Hindustan Publishing House.
4. Robert Redfield (1956) Peasant Society and Culture Chicago, Chicago
University Press
5. Eric Wolf (1966) Peasants, NJ, Prentice Hall.
6. Teodor Shanin (1987) Peasants and Peasantry, New York: Blackwell.
7. McKim Marriott (ed.) (1955) Village India ,Illinois, University of Chicago Press.
8. A.K. Kalla & P.C. Joshi (ed.) (2004) Tribal Health and Medicine, Delhi, Concept
Publishing Company.

Paper 14-ANHT-411: Anthropology of Religion, Politics and

THEORY Marks: 100

Unit 1
Anthropology of Religion; concepts in the study of evolution of religion and magic
(animism, animatism, totemism and naturism)

Unit 2
Functions of religion and magic; aspects of evil, witchcraft and sorcery; religious specialist
: shamans priests and mystics

Unit 3

Economic institutions: production, distribution, exchange and consumption in simple and

complex societies.

Political institution: concepts of power and authority; types of authority; state and stateless
societies; law and justice in simple and complex societies.


1. Marvin Harris 1991, Cultural Anthropology, New York, Harper Collins Publications
2. Lessa, W. A., E. Z. Vogt, et al. 2002. Reader in comparative religion: an
anthropological approach. New York; London, Harper and Row.
3. Arturo Escobar 1995. Encountering development: The making and unmaking of the
third world, Princeton University, Press
4. A Reader in Comparative Religion by Lessa and Vogt (4th ed) New York, Harper And
Row (1979)
5. A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion (ed) Michael Lambeck, Malden, Blackwell
6. Dimensions of the Sacred: An Anatomy of World’s Beliefs by Ninian Smart, C.A.
University of California Press (1998)
7. Elementary Forms of religious Life by Emile Durkheim, Tr. Karen E Fields, New
York, Free Press (1995) reprint.

Paper 15-ANHT-412: Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

THEORY Marks: 100

I Basic Concepts of Bio diversity, Conservation, Indigenous knowledge, UN convention

on Bio diversity.

II Community Ecology and Environmental Substantiality. Interface between Human

activity & Animal World: Comparative Perspectives.

III Conservation Policies and Law

Intellectual Property Right
Policies on National Parks & Displacement of Indigenous People.
Indian Forest Policy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.

IV Nature – Culture Debate: Women & Environment

Common Property Resources,
Conservation & Society Development support and communication.
V Indigenous Knowledge:
IK as Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
Validation & Protection of Indigenous Knowledge with reference to India (case studies)

1. Glauco Sanga, Gherado Ortalli 2000 nature knowledge : ethnoscience, congnition
and utility.
2. R.F. Ellen, Peter Parkes and Alan Bicker 2000 Indigenous Environmental
Knowledge and its Transformations.
3. Guillermo Castilleja Et.ol social challenge of biodiversity conservation United
Nations Environment Programme

4. Darrell Addison Posey (2004) Indigenous knowledge and ethics.

5. Regers W’O Okot-Uma, Rose Morie- Rita Odachi 1999 Biodiversity and Gender
for sustainable Development. Commonweath Becrtariot

6. Laird. Sarah A. (ed), Janes & Jaunces Science 2002. Bio-diversity and Traditional

7. Warren, D.M. 1992. Indigenous knowledge, biodiversity conservation and


8. Ramakrishnan, P.S., Saxena, K.G, and Chandrashekara, U.M. Eds. (1998).

Conserving the sacred for Biodiversity Management.Oxford & IBH, New Delhi

9. Posey, D.A. Ed. (1999). Intermediate Technology Publications/ UNEP. Cultural

and Spiritual valves of Biodiversity- A complementary Contribution to the Global
Biodiversity Assessment.

10. Nazrea, V.V. Ed. (1999). University of Arizona Press, Tueson. Ethno ecology:
Situated Knowledge/ Located Lives.

Paper 15-ANHP-412: Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge


1. Generation of Folk Taxonomy:

i. Free Listing
ii. Pile Sorting
iii. Cognitive Mapping
2. Project Report on Indian Case Law pertaining to Conservation Policy
and IPR.
3. Case Study on Indigenous Knowledge:
i. Ethnomedicine
ii. Forestry and Wild Life
iii. Coping with Disasters


Paper 15-CBHT-402: Cell Biology-II

THEORY Marks: 100

Unit 1. The Plasma Membrane (Ch 13 Cooper et al.)

Structure; Transport of small molecules, Endocytosis

Unit 2. Cell Wall, the Extracellular Matrix and Cell Interactio (Ch 14 Cooper et al.)
Bacterial and Eukaryotic Cell Wall; the extracellular matrix and cell matrix
interactions; cell-cell interactions.

Unit 3. Cell Signaling (Ch 15 Cooper et al.)

Signaling molecules and their receptor; functions of cell surface receptors;
Intracellular signal transduction pathway; signaling networks.

Unit 4. The Cell Cycle (Ch 16 Cooper et al.)

Eukaryotic Cell Cycle, Regulation of Cell cycle progression, Events of Mitotic
Phase, Meiosis and Fertilization.

Unit 5. Cell Death and Cell Renewal (Ch 17 Cooper et al.)

Programmed Cell Death, Stem Cells and Maintenance of adult tissues, Embryonic
Stem Cells and Therapeutic cloning.

Unit 6. Cancer (Ch 18 Cooper et al.)

Development and Causes of Cancer, Tumor Viruses, Oncogenes, Tumor
Suppressor genes, Cancer Treatment- molecular approach.

Paper 15-CBHP-402: Cell Biology-II


1. To demonstrate the presence of mitochondria in striated muscle cells/ cheek

epithelial cell using vital stain Janus Green B.
2. Study of polyploidy in Onion root tip by colchicine treatment.
3. Preparations of temporary mount of Grasshopper testis / onion flower bud anthers
and study the different stages of Meiosis.
4. Study of mitosis and meiosis from permanent slides.
5. Identification and study of cancer cells- Slides/Photomicrographs.


1. Karp, G. (2010). Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. VI

Edition. John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
2. De Robertis, E.D.P. and De Robertis, E.M.F. (2006). Cell and Molecular Biology.
VIII Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.
3. Cooper, G.M. and Hausman, R.E. (2009). The Cell: A Molecular Approach. V
Edition. ASM Press & Sunderland, Washington, D.C.; Sinauer Associates, MA.
4. Becker, W.M., Kleinsmith, L.J., Hardin. J. and Bertoni, G. P. (2009). The World of
the Cell. VII Edition. Pearson Benjamin Cummings Publishing, San Francisco.

Paper 16-ANHT-413: Anthropology of India

THEORY Marks: 100


Early Writings (a) History of Anthropological writings in India.

(b) Colonialism and Anthropology
(c) Writings of Administrators and Missionaries
(d) Policy of Integration

Indian Society & Culture (a) Ashram and Purusharth
(b) Varna and Jati
(c) Little Tradition and Great Tradition Nature
(d) Nature –Man Spirit complex

Indian Communities in Different Spaces : Caste
Urban Communities

Pioneers of India Anthropology : Contributions of Biological & Social
Anthropologist. S.C.Roy, D.N. Majumdar,
S. S. Sarkar and others.

Paper 16-ANHP-413: Anthropology of India


To study and make a summary of any two monographs/books/census/reports/Governments

Reports on development.

1. Nandini Sunder (et al.) (2008) Anthropology in the East, Permanent Black, New
2. M.N. Srinivas 1969 India: Social Structure
3. Milton Singer 1973 When a Great Tradition Modernises.
4. B. S. Cohen 1987 Anthropologist Among Historians
5. Louis Dumont 1993 Homo Hierarchicus, Oxford, New Delhi
6. Imtiaz Ahmed 1981 Ritual ad Religion among Muslims of India.
7. Rudolf ad Rudolf 1987 : In Pursuit of Laxmi: Political Economy of Indian State Orient
Longman; New Delhi.
8. Karin Kapadia 1996 Siva & her Sisters.
9. S.C. Dube: 1993 Indian Society, National Book Trust, New Delhi


Paper 16-MBHT-402: Molecular Biology-II
THEORY Marks: 100

Unit 1. Mechanism of Transcription (Ch 12 Watson/ Ch 21 Becker)

RNA Polymerase and the transcription unit
Transcription in Prokaryotes
Transcription in Eukaryotes

Unit 2. RNA Modifications (Ch 13 Watson)

Split genes, concept of introns and exons, removal of Introns, spliceosome machinery,
splicing pathways, alternative splicing, exon shuffling, RNA editing, and mRNA transport.

Unit 3. Translation (Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes) (Ch 14 Watson/ Ch 22 Becker/

Ch 21 DeRobertis)
Assembly line of polypeptide synthesis - ribosome structure and assembly, various steps in
protein synthesis. Charging of tRNA, aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. Proteins involved in
initiation, elongation and termination of polypeptides. Fidelity of translation. Inhibitors of
protein synthesis.
Regulation of translation
Translation-dependent regulation of mRNA and Protein Stability.

Unit 4. Transcription Regulation in Prokaryotes (Ch 16 Watson)

Principles of transcriptional regulation, regulation at initiation with examples from lac and
trp operons

Unit 5. Transcription Regulation in Eukaryotes (Ch 17 Watson)

Conserved mechanism of regulation, Eukaryotic activators, Signal integration,
combinatorial control, transcriptional repressors, signal transduction and control of
transcriptional regulator, Gene Silencing

Unit 6. Regulatory RNAs (Ch 18 Watson)

Riboswitches, RNA interference, miRNA, siRNA, Regulatory RNA and X-inactivation

Paper 16-MBHP-402: Molecular Biology-II


1. Preparation of culture medium (LB) for E.coli (both solid and liquid) and raise
culture of E.coli.
2. Demonstration of antibiotic resistance. (Culture of E.coli containing plasmid (pUC
18/19) in LB medium with/without antibiotic pressure and interpretation of results).
3. Isolation and quantitative estimation of salmon sperm / calf thymus DNA using
colorimeter (Diphenylamine reagent) or spectrophotometer (A260 measurement).
4. To perform Ames test in Salmonella / E.coli to study mutagenicity.


1. Karp, G. (2010). Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. VI

Edition. John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
2. De Robertis, E.D.P. and De Robertis, E.M.F. (2006). Cell and Molecular Biology.
VIII Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.
3. Becker, W.M., Kleinsmith, L.J., Hardin. J. and Bertoni, G. P. (2009). The World of
the Cell. VII Edition. Pearson Benjamin Cummings Publishing, San Francisco.
4. Watson, J. D., Baker T.A., Bell, S. P., Gann, A., Levine, M., and Losick, R.,
(2008) Molecular Biology of the Gene (VI Edition.). Cold Spring Harbour Lab.
Press, Pearson Pub.

Paper 17-ANHT-514: Human Ecology: Biological Dimensions
THEORY Marks: 100


Human ecosystems - adaptation in different ecological zones

(a) Principles and components of environmental pollution - air, water and soil pollutants.
(b) Influence of ecological factors like temperature extreme, hypoxia, altitude with special
reference to adaptation vis-à-vis work capacity, vital capacity and skin colour.
(c) Human population ecology - demographic performance of various human populations
living under varying ecological conditions.
(d) Ecological adaptation to infectious/non-infectious genetic diseases or abnormalities,
with special reference to malarial conditions – Haemoglolobin variants, G-6-PD, small
pox, blood groups.


Ecological rules – Allen’s and Bergman’s rule, Gloger's Rule, and Thompson and Boxton


Human growth and development from conception to maturity and senescence; methods of
studying human growth, importance of age in growth studies, growth curves, factors
affecting growth and role of heredity and environment in human ontogeny, secular trends.


Analysis of human physique and body composition – Sheldon’s, Heath and Carter’s


Health status: nutritional status and management of growth, obesity and physical fitness,
medical ecology: communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Core Readings

1. Bogin, B. (1999) Patterns of Human Growth. 2nd edition CUP.Frisancho, R. (1993)

Human Adaptation and Accommodation. University of Michigan Press.

2. Moran, E. (2007) Human Adaptability: An Introduction to Human Ecology. Third

edition. Westview Press.

3. Schutkowski, H. (2005) Human Ecology: Biocultural adaptations in human

communities. Springer, Ecological Studies 182

4. Wells, J.C.K. & Stock, J.T. (2007) Biology of the Colonising Ape. Yearbook of Physical
Anthropology 50:191-222.

5. Foley, R.A. 1995. Humans before Humanity: an Evolutionary Perspective. Blackwell.

6. Richerson, P. and R. Boyd. 2005. Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed
Human Evolution. University of Chicago Press.

7. Noel Cameron (2002) Human Growth and Development. Amerstadam, Academic

8. G. A. Harrison et al. (1988) Human Biology. Oxford University Press.

9. W. A. Marshall (1977) Human Growth and its Disorders. London, Academic Press.

10. J. M. Tanner (1978) Foetus into Man. London, Open Books.

11. P.T Baker and J.S Weiner(ed.) (1966) The Biology of Human Adaptability. Oxford &
New York, Oxford University Press.

12. A.K Kapoor and Satwanti Kapoor(ed.)(1995) Biology of Highlanders. Jammu, Vinod
Publisher & Distributor.

13. E.F. Moran (2000) Human Adaptability: An Introduction to Ecological Anthropology.

West View, Boulder & Co.

14. J.E.L. Carter & B.H Heath (1990) Somatoyping Cambridge ,Cambridge University

Paper 17-ANHP-514: Human Ecology: Biological Dimensions

Direct measurements on ten skulls of both sexes including adult and juvenile
A. Linear and Curvilinear Measurements

1. Maximum Cranial Length

2. Maximum Cranial Breadth
3. Nasion-Inion Length
4. Greater Occipital Breadth
5. Bimastoid Breadth
6. Greater Frontal Breadth
7. Minimum Frontal Breadth
8. Bizygomatic Breadth
9. Outer Biorbital Breadth
10. Inner Biorbital Breadth
11. Nasion-Prosthion Height
12. Basion-Bregma Height
13. Orbital Breadth
14. Orbital Height
15. Maxillo-Alveolar Length
16. Maxillo-Alveolar Breadth
17. Palatal Length
18. Palatal Breadth
19. Nasal Height
20. Nasal Breadth
21. Length of Occipital Foramen
22. Breadth of Occipital Foramen
23. Frontal Arc
24. Parietal Arc
25. Occipital Arc

B. Indices
1. Cranial Index
2. Nasal Index
3. Upper Facial Index

C. Angles

1. Frontal Profile Angle

2. Facial Profile Angle
3. Nasal Profile Angle
4. Alveolar Profile Angle

D. Mandible

1. Bi-condylar Breadth
2. Bigonial Breadth
3. Length of Lower Jaw (Mandibulometer)
4. Height of Lower Jaw
5. Height of Ramus
6. Breadth of Ramus
7. Profile Angle of Lower Jaw


Osteometric measurements on the following bones (one each) are to be taken:

1. Humerus
i. Maximum Length
ii. Total Length
iii. Caliber Index
2. Ulna
i. Maximum Length
ii. Physiological Length
iii. Least Circumference of the Shaft
iv. Caliber Index
3. Radius
i. Maximum Length
ii. Physiological Length
iii. Least Circumference of the Distal Half
iv. Caliber Index

4. Femur
i. Greatest Length
ii. Physiological Length
iii. Circumference in the middle of the Shaft
iv. Length Thickness Index
5. Tibia
i. Total Length of Tibia
ii. Minimum Circumference of shaft
iii. Length Thickness Index
6. Fibula
i. Absolute Length
ii. Least Circumference
iii. Length Thickness Index

Books to be consulted:

1. Indera P. Singh and M.K. Bhasin: (1989) Anthropometry. Delhi, Kamla Raj
2. White, Tim D (1991) Human Osteology. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc.

3. Bass, William (1987) Human Osteology: A laboratory and field manual. Special
publication No. 2 of the Missouri Archaeological Society, Inc.

Paper 18-ANHT-515: Biological Diversity in Human

THEORY Marks: 100


Definitions of race, ethnic group and population; genetic basis of race, uses of racial
Sources of genetic variation: mutation, genetic recombination, gene flow, genetic drift and
selection. Hardy-Weinberg Law


Criteria for racial classifications: skin colour, hair and eye colour, stature, head form, eyes,
lips and ears, face and nose; Genetic/Genomic markers ; Dermatoglyphics (palmar and
finger only).

Characteristics of major races of mankind – Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid


Racial classification: Deniker’s, Coon, Garn and Birdsell’s racial classifications. American
Anthropology Association Statement on Race
Indian populations – Risley’s, Guha’s and Sarkar’s classifications


The depth of diversity: biological diversity in Indian populations – with reference to blood
groups (A1A2BO, Rh), phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) and colour blindness, Red cell enzymes
(AK, PGM, G6PD), Serum Proteins (Haptoglobins, Transferrins) Hemoglobins, (HbS,
HbC and HbE)

Finger pattern types and palmar main line formulae


Ongoing evolution in man: microevolution, cultural factors affecting human variation,

Selection relaxation; shifting balance theory, Molecular approach for studying biological

Core Readings

1. A. K. Kalla (1994) Ethnology of India. New Delhi, Munshiram

Manohar Lal Publication.
2. J. H. Underwood (1979) Human Variation and Human Microevolution.
Eaglewood Clifes, Prenctice Hall.
3. Richard A. Goldsby (1977) Race and Races. New York, Mac Millan
4. A.E. Mourant et al. (1954) The Distribution of Human Blood Group. Oxford
5. A.E. Hooton Up from the Ape
5. M. F. Ashley Montague UNESCO Statement of Race. New York,
Academic Press.
7. Juan Comas (1961) Manual of Physical Anthropology.
8. H. Harris (1975) The Principal of Human Biochemical Genetics. New York,
American Elsvier Publication Company.
9. M.K. Bhasin and H Walter (2001) Genetics of Castes and Tribes of India. Delhi,
Kamla Raj Enterprises.
10. Bhasin et al. (1994) People of India– An Investigation of Biological Variability in
the Ecological, Ethno-economical and Linguistic Groups. Delhi, Kamla
Raj Enterprises.

Paper 18-ANHP-515: Biological Diversity in Human
I. Somatometry

Somatometric Measurements:

1. Body Weight
2. Standing Height vertex
3. Sitting Height vertex
4. Height Acromion
5. Height Dactylion III
6. Height Tibiale
7. Height Spherion
8. Total Upper extremity length ( Direct)
9. Hand Length
10. Hand Breadth
11. Foot Length
12. Foot Breadth
13. Total Lower Extremity Length (q-Method)
14. Mid-upper Arm circumference
15. Maximum Calf circumference
16. Biceps Skinfold thickness

Relative Measurements

1. Relative Sitting Height Vertex

2. Relative Total Upper Extremity Length
3. Relative T.L.E Length

II. Somatometry: Hand and Face Measurements:

1. Bigonial Breadth
2. Maximum Head Length
3. Maximum Head Breadth
4. Minimum Frontal Breadth
5. Minimum Bizygomatic Breadth
6. Nasal Height
7. Nasal Breadth
8. Physiognomic Facial Height
9. Morphological Facial Height
10. Physiognomic Upper Facial Height
11. Morphological Upper Facial Height
12. Physiognomic Ear Length

13. Physiognomic Ear Breadth
14. Circumference of the Head

II Indices
1. Ponderal Index
2. Cephalic Index
3. Nasal Index

III Somatoscopy:

1. Form of Head Hair

2. Profile of Forehead
3. Eye - direction, fold, colour
4. Root of Nose
5. Nasal Bridge
6. Nasal Tip
7. Chin Form
8. Darwin’s Tubercle
9. Ear Lobes
10. Supra-orbital Ridges

Total number of subject to be measured by each student –10

Determination of A1 A2BO and Rh (Test with anti-Rh) blood group of 25 subjects

Agar gel electrophoresis for Hb separation

Analysis and Interpretation of finger ball pattern type and indices. Palmar main
line formulae of 25 subjects.

Statistical treatment of the data collected.

Genomic data analysis

Core Readings

1. Inder P. Singh and M.K. Bhasin (1989) Anthropology. Delhi, Kamla Raj
2. M.K. Bhasin and S.M.S. Chahal (1996) A Laboratory Manual for Human Blood
Analysis Delhi, Kamla Raj Enterprises.
3. K. Boorman and B. Dodd (1988) Blood Group Serology. London, Churchill Living

4. R.R. Race and R. Sanger (1975) Blood Groups in Man. 6 edn. Oxford, Black Well
Scientific Publication.
5. J.S. Weiner and J.A. Lourie (1969) Human Biology: A Guide to Field Methods IBP
Hand Book No. 9. Oxford, Black Well Scientific Publication.
6. Sudha Rastogi and B.R.K. Shukla (2003) Laboratory Manual of Physical
Anthropology. Lucknow.
7. H. Cummins & C. Midlo (1961) Finger Prints, Palms & Soles: An Introduction to
Dematoglyphics. New York, Dower Publication.
8. S.B. Holt (1968) The Genetics of Dermal Ridges: Illnois: Charles C. Thomas.
9. S. Nath (1991) Anthropology: A Study of Body Sizes, Shape & Form. Delhi,
Friends Publication.
10. S. Nath (1984) Finger Print Identification. Delhi, SAP.
11. Inder P. Singh and M.K. Bhasin (2004) A Manual of Biological Anthropology.
Delhi, Kamla Raj Enterprises.

Paper 19-ANHT-516: Human Ecology: Social and Cultural
THEORY Marks: 100


Concept of ecology: the concepts of adaptation, environment, technology and economy.


The various modes of adaptation in pre-industrial societies

a) Hunting and food-gathering

b) Fishing
c) Pastoralism
d) Horticulture
e) Shifting cultivation
f) Settled cultivation


The foundations and theories of human and environment relationships:

a) Materialism and environmental determinism

b) Historical particularism and Age-Area; the influence of German diffusionism
c) Environmental particularism
d) Cultural ecology and multilinear evolution
e) Cultural Materialism
f) Eco-systems approach


Ecology and its contemporary relevance:

a) Deep Ecology
b) Eco-movements with Indian examples
c) Ecology and health


1. Cohen (1974) Man in Adaptation,Chicago, Aldine.

2. Marvin Harris (1975) Cows, Pigs, War and Witches, New
York, Random House

3. Daryl Forde (1957) Habitat, Culture and Society, London, G.Methuen & Co.
4. Kaplan and Manners (eds.) (1968) Theories in Anthropology,London
Routledge & Kegan Paul.
5. Roy Rappaport (1975) Pigs for Ancestors, New Haven, Yale University Press.
6. Marvin Harris (1969) Rise of Anthropological Theory, London
Routledge & Kegan Paul.
7. Michael R. Dove, C. Carpenter (2008) Environmental Anthropology: A
historical reader, Cambridge University Press.
8. Sutton, M.Q., E.N. Anderson (2004) Introduction to Cultural Ecology,
Oxford Berg.

Paper 19-ANHP-516: Human Ecology: Social and Cultural


1. Technological equipments, their use, energy input and output in relation to various
types of economy – hunting, fishing, pastoral, Swidden culture and agricultural

2. Drawing, identification and technological description of the following:

1. Implements for food gathering, hunting, fishing and agriculture
2. Implements used in fire-making
3. Musical instruments
4. Textile
5. Magico-religious artefacts
6. Habitation
7. Land and water transport

Books to be consulted:
1. Notes and Queries in Anthropology. 1971. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul
2. TIM INGOLD (2010) Archaeology, Anthropology, Art and Architecture, London,
3. F. Boas (ed.) 1938. General Anthropology. Boston: D.C. ;Meath & Company
4. M. N. Basu and M. N. Basu . 1975. A Study on material Culture.
Calcutta: The World Press Private Limited.

Paper 20-GGHT-501: Genetics and Genomics-I

THEORY Marks: 100

Unit 1. Introduction to Genetics (Ch 1 Klug and Cummings)

Mendel’s work on transmission of traits, Genetic Variation, Molecular basis of Genetic

Unit 2. Mitosis and Meiosis (Ch 2 Klug and Cummings)

Interrelation between the cell structure and the genetics function, Mitosis, Meiosis
(explaining Mendel’s ratios).

Unit 3. Mendelian Genetics and its Extension (Ch 3-4 Klug and Cummings)
Principles of Inheritance, Chromosome theory of inheritance, Laws of Probability,
Pedigree analysis Incomplete dominance and codominance, Multiple alleles, Lethal
alleles, Epistasis, Pleiotropy, Environmental effects on phenotypic expression, sex
linked inheritance.

Unit 4. Linkage, Crossing Over and Chromosomal Mapping (Ch 5 Klug and
Cummings, Ch 7, Gardner)
Linkage and crossing over, Cytological basis of crossing over, Molecular mechanism
of crossing over, Recombination frequency as a measure of linkage intensity, two
factor and three factor crosses, Interference and coincidence, Somatic cell genetics – an
alternative approach to gene mapping.

Unit 5. Mutations (Ch 8 Klug and Cummings/ Ch 11 Gardner)

Chromosomal Mutations: Deletion, Duplication, Inversion, Translocation, Aneuploidy
and Polyploidy; Gene mutations: Induced versus Spontaneous mutations, Back versus
Suppressor mutations, Molecular basis of Mutations in relation to UV light and
chemical mutagens, Detection of mutations: CLB method, Attached X method, DNA
repair mechanisms.

Unit 6. Sex Determination (Ch 7 Klug and Cummings)

Chromosomal mechanisms, Environmental factors effecting sex determination, Barr
bodies, Dosage compensation.

Unit 7. Extrachromosomal Inheritance (Ch 9 Klug and Cummings/ Ch 20
Chloroplast mutation/Variegation in Four o’ clock plant and Chlymodomonas,
Mitochondrial mutations in Neurospora and yeast, Maternal effects, Infective heredity-
Kappa particles in Paramecium.

Unit 8. Quantitative Genetics (Ch 25 Klug and Cummings/ Ch 21, Gardner)

Quantitative and multifactor inheritance, Transgressive variations, Heterosis

Paper 20-GGHP-501: Genetics and Genomics-I


1. Mendelian laws and gene interaction using Drosophila crosses.

2. Chi-square and probability.
3. Study of Linkage, recombination, gene mapping using marker based data from
4. Study of Human and Phlox/ Allium Karyotype (normal and abnormal).
5. Pedigree analysis of some human inherited traits.
6. Study of Hardy-Weinberg Law using simulations (seeds).


1. Gardner, E.J., Simmons, M.J., Snustad, D.P. (2008). VIII ed. Principles of
Genetics. Wiley India.
2. Snustad, D.P., Simmons, M.J. (2009). Principles of Genetics. V Edition. John
Wiley and Sons Inc.
3. Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., Spencer, C.A. (2009). Concepts of Genetics. XI
Edition. Benjamin Cummings.
4. Russell, P. J. (2009). iGenetics- A Molecular Approach. III Edition. Benjamin
5. Glick, B.R., Pasternak, J.J. (2003). Molecular Biotechnology- Principles and
Applications of recombinant DNA. ASM Press, Washington.
6. Pevsner, J. (2009). Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics. II Edition. John
Wiley & Sons.
7. Griffiths, A.J.F., Wessler, S.R., Lewontin, R.C. and Carroll, S.B. IX Edition.
Introduction to Genetic Analysis, W. H. Freeman & Co.

Both students as well as teachers of genetics can further benefit from knowledge of
following topics as given below-
• Epigenetics- http://www.nature.com/nrg/focus/epigenetics/index.html
• Tetrad Analysis in fungi
• Centromere Mapping
• Cytogenetic Mapping

Paper 21-ANHT-617: Dissertation based on Fieldwork

Field Report and Viva Voce Marks: 150

The department shall organize a fieldwork of about two weeks’

duration. Each student will be required to submit two typed copies
of a comprehensive ethnographic field report based on socio-
cultural and biological aspects of a population studied during the


• 1. Clifford, James and George E. Marcus (1986) Writing culture: the poetics and
politics of ethnography. Berkeley: University of California Press.
• 2. Geertz, Clifford (1973) The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books.
• 3. Harris, Marvin (1997) Culture, People, Nature: An Introduction to General
Anthropology (7th Edition). Boston: Allyn & Bacon
• 4. Salzmann, Zdeněk. (1993) Language, culture, and society: an introduction to
linguistic anthropology. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
• 5. Shweder, Richard A., and Robert A. LeVine, eds. (1984) Culture Theory: essays
on mind, self, and emotion. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Paper 22-ANHT-618: Fundamentals of Human Origins and

THEORY Marks: 100


1. Climate, time and human evolution: Miocene, Plio-Pleistocene climate and

geological time scale.

2. Nature and process of fossilization

3. Dating Methods:

i) Absolute Dating Methods:

a) Radiometric Dating Methods:

Carbon14, Potassium-Argon, Rubidium-Strontium Methods,
Fission Track Dating Technique

b) Non-radiometric Methods:

Palaeomagnetism, Racemization, Dendrochronology,

Obsidian Hydration Method, Thermoluminiscence.

ii) Relative Dating Methods:

Stratigraphy and correlation
Fluorine dating method


Origin of primates and their radiation – an overview


Miocene Hominoids – distribution, morphology and evolutionary relationships.

Australopithecines and their phylogenetic relationships


Australopethicine, Origin of Genus Homo; Homo habilis and related finds

Homo erectus finds from Asia and Africa.

The origin of Homo sapiens and fossil evidences (Archaic Homo sapiens and


Upper Palaeolithic Men (Grimaldi, Chancelade, Cro-Magnon, Rhodesian Man);

The hominization process.

Core Readings

1. Cartwright, J. (2000) Evolution and Human Behaviour. MacMillan Press.

2. Ridley, M. (2003) Nature via Nurture. Fourth Estate.
3. Bilsborough, A. (1992) Human Evolution. Blackie.
4. Boyd, R. & Silk, J. (2006) How Humans Evolved. 4th edit. Norton.
5. Foley, R.A. (1995) Humans Before Humanity. Oxford: Blackwells Publishers
6. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution (1994) Cambridge University Press
7. Lewin, R. & Foley R.A. (2003) Principles of Human Evolution. 2nd ed. Blackwell.
8. Seth, P,K. (2003) Understanding Evolution of Man: An Introduction to
Palaeoanthropology, Delhi, Kalpaz Publications
9. Stein, P & Rowe, B. (2005) Physical Anthropology, 9th Ed, Boston, McGraw Hill
10 Wolpoff, M (1998) Paleoanthropology. 2nd Ed. , Boston, McGraw Hill

Paper 23-ANHT-619: Genomic Diversity in Human Populations

THEORY Marks: 100


From DNA diversity to phenotype: an overview

Types of variation
Use of Autosomal markers and Haplotypes for understanding Genomic diversity
Human similarities and diversity in a global perspective

Human Genome Project

a) History, development and the objectives

b) Human Genome Diversity Project
b) Genome Diversity in Indian context
c) Hapmap Project, SNP Consortiums

Use of Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA population structure in tracing human


Molecular evolution, human genetic diversity and the genetic basis of human evolution.
Molecular basis of common complex diseases.

Fundamental factors (mutation, genetic drift, selection, migration, and mating systems) and
their interactions that create diversification within and between populations and affect the
genetic structure of populations and their adaptation and evolution;

Genetic variability in natural populations: Adaptive genetic polymorphisms; DNA

polymorphism; Genetic co-adaptation & Linkage disequilibrium, Balanced genetic
polymorphism; Heterosis & heterozygous superiority

Core Readings

1. Scott Freeman, John C. Hendon, Evolutionary Analysis, Fourth Edition, Pearson

Education. 2001

2. Hoelzel, Molecular Genetic Analysis of Populations, 2nd Edition, Oxford University,


3. Hartl and Jones, Genetics -Principles and Analysis, 5th edition Jones and Barlet.[2001]

4. P W Hedrick, Genetics of Populations, 2nd Edition, Jones & Bartlett 2000

5. Hartl & Clark, Principles of Population Genetics, Third Edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc.

6. Theory and problems of Genetics - W.D. Stansfield (Schaum’s outline series)

McGrawHill 2002.

7. Jobling, M.A., Hurles, M.E., Tyler-Smith, C. (2004) Human Evolutionary Genetics:

Origins, Peoples & Disease. Garland Science.

8. Lewin, R. (1999) Patterns in Evolution: The New Molecular View, Scientific American

9. Lewis, R. (1994) Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications. Wm. C. Brown.

10. Russell, P. J. (2009) Genetics- A Molecular Approach. III Edition. Benjamin


Paper 24-ANHT-620: Anthropology in Practice

THEORY Marks: 100

UNIT-1 : History, concepts and domain of Applied Anthropology in India and at

global level

UNIT-2 : Action Anthropology, Anthropology & Public policy, Community

development and need Assessment

UNIT-3 : Constitutional provisions, planning & development and Evaluation in India

UNIT-4 : Role of social and biological anthropology in human welfare; Management

anthropology; Anthropology of NGO’s; Visual Anthropology.

UNIT-5 : Forensic Anthropology and Law; Demography, Populations and tourism in


Core Readings

1. Ervic, Alexander M., 2000, Applied Anthropology: Tools and Perspectives for
Contemporary Practice, Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
2. Gwynne, Margaret A., 2003, Applied Anthropology: A Career-Oriented Approach,
Boston, MA:Allyn and Bacon.
3. Higgins, Patricia J. And J. Anthony Paredes, eds. 2000, Classics of Practicing
Anthropology 1978-1998. Society of Applied Anthropology, Oklahoma City,
4. Stephens, W. Richar, and Elliot M. Fratkin, 2003, Careers in Anthropology,
Boston, MA:Allyn and Bacon.
5. L. P. Vidyarthi and B.N. Sahay (eds), 2001, Applied Anthropology and
Development in India, National Publishing House, New Delhi.
6. Anthropology in Practice: Building a Career outside the Academy, Publishing
Lynne Reinner, Riall W. Noaln, 2002.
7. Alexander Ervin, 2004, Applied Anthropology Tools and Practise, Allyn and

Paper 24-ANHP-620: Anthropology in Practice

1. Study of Community Development in Rural/ Urban Setting with various

2. Write a project on Constitutional provisions as per Government of India.
3. Draw a scene of Crime and identify the various evidences.
4. Write a project on Religious Tourism/ Tribal Tourism/ Ecological tourism/ Health


Paper 24-GGHT-602: Genetics and Genomics II

THEORY Marks: 100

Unit 1. Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria and Bacteriophages Ch 6, Klug

and Cummings/ Ch 5, Griffith et al.)
Conjugation; Transformation; Transduction, Recombination.

Unit 2. Genome Dynamics-Transposable genetic elements, Eukaryotic Viruses

(Ch 22, Klug and Cummings/ Ch 14, Griffith et al.)
Prokaryotic transposable elements- IS elements, Composite transposons, Tn-3
elements; Eukaryotic transposable elements- Ac-Ds system in maize and P elements in
Drosophila; Uses of transposons; Eukaryotic Viruses.

Unit 3. Developmental Genetics and Model System (Ch 19, Klug and Cummings)
Study of model systems in developmental genetics- Drosophila melanogaster
Sachharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans, Arabidopsis thaliana, and
Xenopus laevis.

Unit 4. Genomics, Bioinformatics and Proteomics (Ch 21, Klug and Cummings/Ch
8-9, Russell/ Ch2, 3, 4 Ghosh, Z. and Mallick,V.)
Genomes of bacteria, Drosophila and Humans; Human genome project; Evolution and
Comparative Genomics.
Introduction to Bioinformatics, Gene and protein databases; Sequence similarity and
alignment; Gene feature identification.
Gene Annotation and analysis of transcription and translation; Post-translational
analysis- Protein interaction.

Unit 5. Genomic Analysis- Dissection of Gene Function (Ch 23, Klug and Cummings)
Genetic analysis using mutations, forward genetics, genomics, reverse genetics, RNAi,
functional genomics and system biology.

Unit 6. Population Genetics (Ch 27, Klug and Cummings)

Allele frequencies, Genotype frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg Law, role of natural
selection, mutation, genetic drift.

Unit 7. Evolutionary Genetics (Ch 28, Klug and Cummings)

Genetic variation and Speciation.

Paper 24-GGHP-602: Genetics and Genomics II


1. Genomic DNA isolation from E.coli (without plasmid).

2. Restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA from E.coli.
3. Isolation of plasmid DNA and genomic DNA together from E.coli. and restriction
enzyme digestion.
4. Restriction enzyme digestion (EcoRI) of genomic and plasmid DNA (obtained
from Expt.3).
5. Estimation of size of a DNA fragment after electrophoresis using DNA markers.
6. Construction of Restriction digestion maps from data provided.
7. Demonstration of DNA fingerprinting.


1. Gardner, E.J., Simmons, M.J., Snustad, D.P. (2006). Principles of Genetics. VIII
Edition John Wiley & Sons.
2. Snustad, D.P., Simmons, M.J. (2009). Principles of Genetics. V Edition. John
Wiley and Sons Inc.
3. Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., Spencer, C.A. (2009). Concepts of Genetics. IX
Edition. Benjamin Cummings.
4. Russell, P. J. (2009). iGenetics- A Molecular Approach. III Edition. Benjamin
5. Glick, B.R., Pasternak, J.J. (2003). Molecular Biotechnology- Principles and
Applications of recombinant DNA. ASM Press, Washington.
6. Pevsner, J. (2009). Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics. II Edition. John
Wiley & Sons.
7. Griffiths, A.J.F., Wessler, S.R., Lewontin, R.C. and Carroll, S.B. IX Edition.
Introduction to Genetic Analysis, W. H. Freeman & Co.
8. Ghosh, Z. and Mallick,V. (2008). Bioinformatics-Principles and Applications.
Oxford Univ. Press

Semester System at the undergraduate level
Course of Study B.Sc (Honours) Anthropology* Total number of papers: 24

Semester I Semester II
Paper 4 Paper 5
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Paper 6 Paper 7 Paper 8
ENAT – 201
ENAT - 101
Technical Writing and Biostatistics and
Introduction to Introduction to Archaeological Archaeological Anthropology of
Technical Writing & Communication in
Social Biological Anthropology-I Anthropology-II Kinship Data Analysis
Communication in English/ Computational
Anthropology Anthropology
ANHT - 103 Skills
English/ ANHT - 204 ANHT - 205 ANHT - 206
ANHT - 101 ANHT - 102 Computational Skills
CSAT - 201
CSAT - 101
Semester III Semester IV
Paper 15 Paper 16
Paper 11 Paper 14
Paper 9 Paper 10 Paper 13 ANHT - 412
ANHT - 309 Paper 12 BIODIVERSITY &
ANHT - 413
Theories of Anthropology of ANTHROPOLOGY OF
Human Genetics PRIMATE BIOLOGY Tribes and Peasants INDIGENOUS
Culture & Society religion, politics &
ANHT - 307 ANHT - 410
CBHT - 402 MBHT - 402
Semester V Semester VI

Paper 24
Paper 17 Paper 18 Paper 19
Paper 20 Paper 21 Paper 22 Paper 23
Human Ecology: ANHT – 620
Human Ecology: Biological Diversity Social and Cultural Field work Fundamental of Genomic Diversity
Dimensions Human Origins and in Human
Dimensions Populations GENOMICS-I dissertation PRACTICE
Evolution Populations
ANHT - 514 ANHT - 516 GGHT - 501 ANHT - 617 OR
ANHT - 515 ANHT - 618 ANHT - 619
GGHT - 602

* The students shall either choose Cell Biology I & II, Molecular Biology I & II and Genetics and Genomics I & II
Primate Biology, Molecular Biology I, Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge, Anthropology of India, Genetics and Genomics-I and Anthropology in Practice.

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