Unit No.3
Unit No.3
Unit No.3
There are three important parameters of an armature winding of an alternator. These are,
1. Armature resistance Ra
2. Armature leakage reactance XL
3. Reactance corresponding to armature reaction
1. Armature Resistance
Every armature winding has its own resistance. The effective resistance of an armature winding
per phase is denoted as Raph Ω/ph or Ra Ω/ph.
Generally the armature resistance is measured by applying the known d.c. voltage and
measuring the d.c. current through it. The ratio of applied voltage and measured current is the
armature resistance. But due to the skin effect, the effective resistance under a.c. conditions is
more than the d.c. resistance. Generally the effective armature resistance under a.c. conditions
is taken 1.25 to 1.75 times the d.c. resistance.
While measuring the armature resistance, it is necessary to consider how the armature
winding is connected whether in star or delta. Consider a star connected armature winding as
shown in the Fig. 1.
3. Armature Reaction
When the load is connected to the alternator, the armature winding of the alternator carries a
current. Every current carrying conductor produces its own flux so armature of the alternator
also produces its own flux, when carrying a current. So there are two fluxes present in the air
gap, one due to armature current while second is produced by the filed winding called main flux.
The flux produced by the armature is called armature flux.
Note: So effect of the armature flux on the main flux affecting its value and the distribution is
called armature reaction.
The effect of the armature flux not only depends on the magnitude of the current flowing
through the armature winding but also depends on the nature of the power factor of the load
connected to the alternator.
Now we will study the effect of nature of the load power factor on the armature reaction.
The above voltage equation is to be realised using phasor diagrams for various load power
factor conditions. For drawing the phasor diagram consider all per phase values and remember
following steps.
Steps to draw the phasor diagram :
1. Choose current as a reference phasor.
2. Now if load power factor is cosΦ it indicates that angle between V ph and Ia is Φ as Vph is the
voltage available to the load.
So show the phasor Vph in such a way that angle between Vph and Ia is Φ. For lagging 'Φ',
Iashould lag Vph and for leading 'Φ', Ia should lead Vph. For unity power factor load Φ is zero, so
Vphand Ia are in phase.
3. Now the drop Ia Ra is a resistive drop and hence will always be in phase with Ia. So phasor
Ia Radirection will be always same as Ia, i.e. parallel to Ia. But as it is to be added to Vph, Ia Ra phasor
must be drawn from the tip of the Vph phasor drawn.
4. The drop Ia Xs is drop across purely inductive reactance. In pure inductance, current lags voltage
by 90o. So 'Ia Xs' phasor direction will be always such that Ia will lag Ia Xs phasor by 90o. But this
phasor is to be drawn from the tip of the Ia Ra phasor to complete phasor addition of Vph, Ia Ra and
Ia Xs.
5. Joining the starting point to the terminating point, we get the phasor E ph.
Whatever may be the load power factor, Ia Ra is a resistive drop, will be in phase with Ia while
IaXs is purely inductive drop and hence will be perpendicular to Ia in such a way that Ia will
lag Ia Xsby 90o. This is shown in the Fig. 1.
Fig. 1
By using the above steps, the phasor diagrams for various load power factor conditions can
be drawn.
1 Lagging Power Factor Load
The power factor of the load is cosΦ lagging so Ia lags Vph by angle Φ. By using steps discussed
above, phasor diagram can be drawn as shown in the Fig. 2.
It can be observed that the sign of the Ia Xs is negative as against its positive sign for lagging
p.f. load. This is because Xs consists of Xar i.e. armature reaction reactance. Armature reaction is
demagnetising for lagging while magnetising for leading power factor loads. So sign of Ia Xs is
opposite for lagging and leading p.f. conditions.
2 Unity Poer Fcator Load
The power factor of the load is unity i.e. cosΦ = 1. So Φ = 0, which means Vph is in phase with
Ia. So phasor diagram can be drawn as shown in the Fig. 3.
Fig. 1 Circuit diagram for open circuit and short circuit test on alternator
1 Open Circuit Test
Procedure to conduct this test is as follows:
i) Start the prime mover and adjust the speed to the synchronous speed of the alternator.
ii) Keeping rheostat in the field circuit maximum, switch on the d.c. supply.
iii) The T.P.S.T switch in the armature circuit is kept open.
iv) With the help of rheostat, field current is varied from its minimum value to the rated value.
Due to this, flux increasing the induced e.m.f. Hence voltmeter reading, which is measuring line
value of open circuit voltage increases. For various values of field current, voltmeter readings are
The observation for open circuit test are tabulated as below:
Observation table for open circuit test :
Fig. 4
It is clear now from the equivalent circuit that as Ia = 0 the voltmeter reading (Voc)ph will be equal
to internally induced e.m.f. (Eph).
This is what we are interested in obtaining to calculate value of Zs. So expression for Zs can be
modified as,
at full load
General steps to determine Zs at any load condition are :
i) Determine the value of (Iasc)ph for corresponding load condition. This can be determined from
known full load current of the alternator. For half load, it is half of the full load value and so on.
ii) S.C.C. gives relation between (Iasc)ph and If. So for (Iasc)ph required, determine the corresponding
value of If from S.C.C.
iii) Now for this same value of If, extend the line on O.C.C. to get the value of (Voc)ph. This is
(Voc)ph for same If, required to drive the selected (Iasc)ph.
iv) The ratio of (Voc)ph and (Iasc)ph, for the same excitation gives the value of Zs at any load
The graph of synchronous impedance against excitation current is also shown in the Fig. 2.
4 Regulation Calculations
From O.C.C. and S.C.C., Zs can be determined for any load condition.
The armature resistance per phase (Ra) can be measured by different methods. One of the
method is applying d.c. known voltage across the two terminals and measuring current. So value
of Ra per phase is known.
Fig. 1
The voltage for the two alternators is measured with the help of a voltmeter. The lamps are
connected in such a way that the polarity and the frequency for the two machines can be
checked. No resultant voltage will appear across the switch terminals if the frequency of the two
alternators is exactly same as their voltage are in exact phase opposition. Thus under this case
lamps will not glow. The voltages for both the machines are having same maximum and r.m.s.
values and are in exact phase opposition thus resultant voltage is zero in local circuit. This is
represented in the Fig.2.
Fig. 2
It can be seen that with unequal frequencies of the two alternators, the two lamps will
become alternately bright and dark. The light beat will be produced whose number is equal to
the difference in frequencies for the two machines.
The resultant voltage appearing across the lamp will be difference of the two voltages at any
instant resulting in a waveform shown in the Fig. 3. Since number of cycle completed by two
machines in any given time are not same the light beat is produced which is shown in the Fig. 3.
Fig 3
Whenever the two voltage are in exact phase opposition (i.e. angle between them is 180 o)
then resultant voltage ER is zero. If the switch is not closed at this instant the voltage across lamp
will go on rising and synchronization will not appear proper.
The alternate darkness and brightness of the lamp will not indicate whether the incoming
alternator is running fast or slow. For the exact synchronization the speed of incoming alternator
is adjusted in such a way that the light beats are produced at a very slow speed and the
alternators are synchronized during the middle of the dark period where resultant voltage E R will
be zero. The word middle is used as the lamp will not glow even though there is sufficient voltage
across it. So it becomes difficult to know the correct instant of zero voltage.
2 Lamps Bright Method
Since it is very difficult to judge the correct instant of zero voltage in Lamps dark method, this
method is introduced which is shown in the Fig. 4. The lamps remain maximum bright when there
is no difference in voltages for the two machines. This is more sharp and accurate method of
synchronization because the lamps are much more sensitive to changes in voltage at their
maximum brightness than when they are dark.
Fig. 4
2. Sycnhronization of Three Phase Alternators
The conditions to be satisfied for synchronization of three phase alternators are same as that for
single phase alternators. But instead of saying that voltages must act in phase opposition, the
phase sequence must be same i.e. phase must be connected in proper order of R, Y, B. Typical
setup for synchronization of alternators is shown in the Fig. 1.
Fig. 3
Now two supplies are supplying lamp pairs, ERYB i.e. voltage supply of bus bar while ER'Y'B' i.e.
supply generated by alternator B. The switch S3 is still open.
Let the three bus bar voltages be represented by phasors OR, OY, OB rotating at angular
speed of ω1 rad/s. The incoming alternator voltage are represented by phasors OR', OY', OB'
rotating at angular speed of ω2 rad/s.
The phasor ERR', joining the tips R and R' is voltage across lamp pair L1. Similarly EYB , and EBY,
are voltages across lamps L2 and L3 respectively.
If there is difference between the two frequencies due to difference in speeds of the twp
alternators, the lamps will become dark and bright in a sequence. This sequence tells whether
incoming alternator frequency is less or greater than machine A.
The sequence L1, L2, L3 tells that machine B is faster as the voltage star R'Y'B' will appear to
rotate anticlockwise with respect to bus bar voltage RYB at a speed corresponding to difference
between their frequencies shown in the Fig. 4. The sequence L3, L2, L1 tells that the machine B is
slower because voltage star R'Y'B' will appear to rotate clockwise with respect to bus bar voltage
RYB. The prime mover speed can be adjusted accordingly to match the frequencies.
Fig. 4
The synchronization is done at the moment when lamp L1 is in the middle of dark period. If
the lamps pair becoming dark and bright simultaneously, it indicates incorrect phase sequence
which can be correct by interchanging any two leads either of the incoming machine or of bus
Note ; For high voltage alternators it is not possible to use the lamps directly. In such cases lams
are connected through potential transformers.
In this method when lamp L1 is dark the other two lamp pairs L2 and L3 and equally bright. So this
method of synchronization is called ''Lamps bright and dark'' method.
3. Synchronization by Sycnhronscope
It can be seen that the previous method is not accurate since it requires correct sense of
judgement of the operator. Hence to avoid the personal judgement, the machines are
synchronized by accurate device known as synchroscope.
It consists of a rotating pointer which indicates the exact moment of closing the synchronizing
switch. If the pointer rotates in anticlockwise direction, it indicates that incoming machine is
running slow whereas clockwise rotation of pointer indicates that incoming machine is running
faster. The rotation of pointer is proportional to the difference in the two frequencies. The
pointer should rotate at a very low speed in the direction of arrow marked fast as shown in the
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1
When the rotating pointer reaches the vertical position at slow speed, the switch must be
closed. The pointer will oscillate about some mean position instead of rotating if difference in
frequencies is large. In such cases the speed of incoming machine is adjusted properly.
The connections for synchroscope are shown in Fig. 1. Any two bus bars lines are connected
to its terminals while its other terminals are connected to corresponding lines of incoming
machine. The phase sequence from bus bars and from machine must be same. It can be checked
with the help of phase sequence indicator. The voltmeter is used to check the equality of voltage
of bus bars and incoming machine. The synchronization procedure is already explained before.
Note : The use of lamps and synchroscope together is a best method of synchronization.
Now a days automatic synchronizing devices are also available which will perform the entire
process of synchronization automatically without the help of shift engineer. But such schemes
are more complicated and may take larger time than required by a shift engineer.
4. Sycnhronizing Current
After proper synchronization of the alternators, they will run in synchronism. A synchronizing
torque will be developed if any of the alternator drops out of synchronism and will bring it back
to the synchronism.
Consider the two alternators shown in the Fig. 1 which are in exact synchronism. Due to this
they are having same terminal p.d. and with reference to their local circuit they are in exact phase
opposition. So there will not be any circulating current in the local circuit. The e.m.f. E 1 of
alternator 1 is in exact phase opposition to that of alternator E 2 .
Fig. 1
With respect to external load, the e.m.f.s of the two alternators are in the same direction
although they are in phase opposition with reference to local circuit. There will be no resultant
voltage in the local circuit.
Now assume that speed of alternator 2 is changed such that its e.m.f. E 2 falls by an angle α.
But E1 and E2 are equal in magnitude. The resultant voltage in this case will cause a current in the
local circuit which is called synchronizing current. This circulating current is given by,
ISY = Er /Zs
where Zs = Synchronous impedance of winding of alternator
The phase angle of ISY is given by an angle θ which can be computed as tanθ = X s/Ra where
Xsis synchronous reactance and Ra is armature resistance. This angle is almost 90o.
Fig. 2
Thus ISY lags Er by almost 90o and approximately in phase with E1. This current is generating
current with respect to alternator 1 since it is in the same direction as that of e.m.f. of alternator
1 while it will be motoring current for alternator 2 as it is in the opposite direction as that of e.m.f.
of alternator 2. This current ISY will produce a synchronizing torque which will try to retard
alternator 1 whereas accelerate the alternator 2.
The power output of alternator 1 supplies power input to alternator 2 and copper losses in
the local path formed by armatures of two alternators.
Power output of alternator 1 = E1 ISY cosΦ1
This power is approximately equal to E1 ISY as Φ1 is small and is almost in phase with E1. This
power is called synchronizing power. Similarly power input to alternator 2 is E2 ISY cosΦ2 which is
equal to E2 ISY as Φ2 is also small.
E1 ISY = E2 ISY + Cu losses in the local circuit
Let E1 = E2 = E
Let the magnitude of resultant e.m.f. be Er which is given by,
If Ra is not assumed as negligible then will not be so the above expression can be written in
exact form as,
If Ra is neglected,
Now assuming that E2 has advanced in phase shown in the Fig. 2(b). The synchronizing
current ISY in this case will be generating current for machine 2 and motoring current for machine
1. This will again produce a torque which will try to accelerate alternator 1 and try to retard
alternator 2.
Note : Hence if synchronism between the two machines is lost then synchronizing current will
flow in the local circuit which will produce a synchronizing torque.
This torque will tend to accelerate the lagging machine while will try to retard the leading
machine. In case of machines which are loaded this current is superimposed on the load current.
Since their induced emfs are the same, there is no resultant emf acting around the local circuit
formed by their two armature windings, so that the synchronizing current, Is, is zero. Since the
armature resistance is neglected, the vector difference between E 1 = E2 and V is equal
to, I1Xs1 I2Xs2 , this vector leading the current I by 900, where XS1 and XS2 are the synchronous
reactances of the two alternators respectively.
Now consider the effect of reducing the excitation of the second alternator. E2 is therefore
reduced as shown in Figure. This reduces the terminal voltage slightly, so let the excitation of the
first alternator be increased so as to bring the terminal voltage back to its original value. Since
the two alternator inputs are unchanged and losses are neglected, the two kW outputs are the
same as before. The current I2 is changed due to the change in E2, but the active components of
both I1 and I2 remain unaltered. It can be observed that there is a small change in the load angles
of the two alternators, this angle being slightly increased in the case of the weakly excited
alternator and slightly decreased in the case of the strongly excited alternator. It can also be
observed that I1 + I2 = I, the total load current.
Blondel's Two Reaction Theory (Theory of Salient Pole Machine) or Two Axis
It is known that in case of nonsalient pole type alternators the air gap is uniform. Due to uniform
air gap, the field flux as well as armature flux very sinusoidally in the air gap. In nonsalient rotor
alternators, air gap length is constant and reactance is also constant. Due to this the m.m.f.s of
armature and field act upon the same magnetic circuit all the time hence can be added
vectorially. But in salient pole type alternators the length of the air gap varies and the reluctance
also varies. Hence the armature flux and field flux cannot vary sinusoidally in the air gap. The
reluctances of the magnetic circuits on which m.m.fs act are different in case of salient pole
Hence the armature and field m.m.f.s cannot be treated in a simple way as they can be in a
nonsalient pole alternators.
The theory which gives the method of analysis of the distributing effects caused by salient
pole construction is called two reaction theory. Professor Andre Blondel has put forward the two
reaction theory.
Note : According to this theory the armature m.m.f. can be divided into two components as,
1. Components acting along the pole axis called direct axis
2. Component acting at right angles to the pole axis called quadrature axis.
The component acting along direct axis can be magnetising or demagnetising. The component
acting along quadrature axis is cross magnetising. These components produces the effects of
different kinds.
The Fig. 1 shows the stator m.m.f. wave and the flux distribution in the air gap along direct
axis and quadrature axis of the pole.
The phasor diagram corresponding to the positions considered is shown in the Fig. 3.
The Ia lags Ef by angle Ψ.
It can be observed that Fd is produced by Id which is at 90o to Ef while Fq is produced
by Iq which is in phase with Ef .
The flux components of ΦAR which are Φd and Φq along the direct and quadrature axis
respectively are also shown in the Fig.3. It can be denoted that the reactance offered to flux along
direct axis is less than the reactance offered to flux along quadrature axis. Due to this, the flux
ΦARis no longer along FAR or Ia. Depending upon the reluctances offered along the direct and
quadrature axis, the flux ΦAR lags behind Ia.
Let us find out some geometrical relationships between the various quantities which are
involved in the phasor diagram. For this, let us draw the phasor diagram including all the
components in detail.
We know from the phasor diagram shown in the Fig. 4 that,
Id = Ia sin Ψ ............. (4)
Iq = Ia cos Ψ ..............(5)
cosΨ = Iq/Ia ...............(6)
The drop Ia Ra has two components which are,
Id Rd = drop due to Ra in phase with Id
Iq Ra = drop due to Ra in phase with Iq
The Id Xd and Iq Rq can be drawn leading Id and Iq by 90o respectively. The detail phasor diagram
is shown in the Fig. 5.
Now OD = OI + ID = Vt cos Φ + Ia Ra
and CD = AC + AD = Ia Xq + Vt sinΦ
As Ia Xq is known, the angle Ψ can be calculated from equation (10). As Φ is known we can
δ = Ψ - Φ for lagging p.f.
Fig. 1
Note: With increase in δ power increases and with decrease in δ power decreases. Power in case
of synchronous machines depends on the angle δ. This angle δ is called power angle.
In case of large synchronous machines, Xs >>> R
. .. θ = tan-1(Xs/R) = 90o (if resistance is neglected)
θ = 90o
Substituting this value in above expression for power
Fig. 1
The phasor diagram corresponding to above condition is shown in the Fig. 2.
Fig. 2
Power Delivered to the infinite bus per phase is given by,
Pi = V . Ia cosΦ
From the above phasor diagram it can be seen that
From ∆OBC,
Substituting the above value of Ia cosΦ in the expression for power we get,
Note: The above power is the electrical power exchanged with bus bars. Angle δ between E and
V is known as power angle.
The relation between Pi and δ is known as power angle characteristics of the machine. It is
shown in the Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Power Angle Characteristics
The maximum power occurs at δ = 90o . Beyond this point the machine falls out of step and
loses synchronism. The machine can be taken up to Pi max only by gradually increasing the load.
This is known as the steady state stability limit of the machine. The is normally operated
at δ much less than 90o.
The first term is the same as for a round rotor machine with Xs = Xd and constitutes the major
part in power transfer. The second term is quite small (about 10-20%) compared to the first term
and is known as reluctance power. P versus δ is plotted in Fig. 4.31. It is noticed that the maximum
power output occurs at δ < 90° (about 70°). Further dp/d δ (change in power per unit change in
power angle for small changes in power angle), called the synchronizing power coefficient, in the
operating region (δ < 70°) is larger in a salient pole machine than in a round rotor machine.
Alternator Connected to Infinite Bus bar
In the previous post we have seen that synchronous generators do not operate individually in
a generating station but they are interconnected so that total generating capacity will be high.
When number of alternators are interconnected forming a system which may be treated as an
infinite bus. Infinite bus bar is one which keeps constant voltage and frequency although the load
varies. Thus it may behave like a voltage source with zero internal impedance and infinite
rotational inertia. Any alternator switched on to or off, the infinite bus does not cause any change
in the voltage and frequency of the system.
The characteristics of a synchronous generator on infinite bus bars are quite different from
those when it is connected to another alternator and both are in parallel. When two alternators
are connected in parallel we have seen that a change in the excitation changes the terminal
voltage and p.f. is determined by load. However change in excitation for an alternator connected
to infinite bus bar will not change the terminal voltage but the power factor only is affected
whereas the power developed by an alternator depends only on mechanical power input.
Now we will consider the effect of excitation and driving torque on the performance of an
alternator which is connected to infinite bus bar. In all the further discussion we will take zero
losses for the machine.
1.1 Effect of Excitation
Let us consider the cylindrical rotor as shown in the Fig.1 connected to infinite busbar.
Fig. 1
The voltage equation can be written as
Again we will consider the two cases one with alternator on no load and other with alternator
on load.
1.1.1 Alternator on No Load
Since we are considering the losses to be zero the power angle will be zero. Thus the power
transferred from or to the bus is zero ( P = ((EV/Xs) sinδ )
Now if the excitation is properly adjusted at no load then induced e.m.f. E will be equal to
bus voltage V and no current will flow. This is shown in Fig. 2. This is floating condition of
Fig. 2 Fig.3
Now if the alternator is under excited then induced e.m.f. E will be less that V. This will cause
circulating current ISY to flow which will lead E by angle of 90o. Due to this it produces magnetizing
m.m.f. which will try to increase field m.m.f. to maintain alternator terminal voltage equal to the
bus bar voltage. This is shown in the following Fig. 3.
Similarly if alternator is over excited then induced e.m.f. will be more than V which will again
cause a circulating current to ISY flow. The power angle δ is zero. This current lags E by 90 o. This
will produce demagnetizing armature m.m.f. which will counterbalance the effect of increased
field m.m.f. and again the terminal voltage of an alternator will be equal to constant bus bar
voltage V. This is represented in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4
It can be seen that in both the cases considered above, no active power is delivered since I SY is
in quadrature with V and load angle is also zero. But alternator takes reactive power from bus
since E < V and delivers it to bus if E > V.
1.1.2 Alternator on Load
Now let us consider that alternator is supplying power to an infinite bus which has induced
e.m.f. E, power angle δ and working at unity power factor with current I.
With mechanical power input to the alternator remaining constant, the power given by
(EV/Xs) sin δ will remain constant. If by varying excitation induced e.m.f. E is increased to E1 then
the load angle will also change from δ to δ1. From the phasor diagram it can be determined as
E1 sinδ1 = E sinδ as V and Xs are constant. The drop due to synchronous reactance also increases
and armature current increases from I to I1. This current has two components one real
component and other quadrature component. This quadrature component is nothing but
demagnetizing component. This will result in lagging power factor cosΦ1.
Similarly if the excitation is decreased so that induced e.m.f. reduces from E to E 2 with
corresponding change in power angle from δ to δ2. The armature current in this case will be
I2which has real component and magnetizing component which results in leading power factor
cosΦ2. This can be represented in the phasor diagram shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5
From the phasor diagram it can be seen that
I1 cosΦ1 = I2 cosΦ2 = 1
Multiplying by V throughout,
V I1 cosΦ1 = V I2 cosΦ2 = VI
This indicates that power delivered to the bus will remain constant. Thus by changing the
field excitation the active power is unaltered. But change in excitation results in corresponding
operating power factor as shown in phasor diagram.
Note : An under excited alternator operates at leading power factor whereas an over excited
alternator operates at lagging power factor.
It can also be seen that armature current is minimum at unity power factor. For over excited
alternator as E1 cos δ >V therefore as seen from case (i) i.e. no load condition alternator delivers
reactive power to the bus whereas for underexcited alternator E2 cosδ < V, alternators takes
reactive power from the bus. This variation of excitation and armature current can be plotted as
shown in Fig. 6. This is known as curves for synchronous generators by virture of their shape.
Fig. 7
The voltage equation remains same as
The load angle is δ. Now if the driving torque of alternator is increased keeping excitation
constant then output (EV/Xs) sinδ also increases as is changing, but E, V and Xs are constant. The
angle increases so as to balance between increased mechanical input and the power (EV/Xs)sinδ.
Thus the tip of phase E follows a curved path. The maximum value of δ will be 90o for which
armature current is I1 leading the bus bar voltage V by power factor angle Φ1.
Thus with increase in input the alternator delivers more power to infinite bus. The frequency
and terminal voltage of an alternator remains same as it is connected to infinite bus bar.
If driving torque is decreased, the power angle δ must decrease correspondingly. If it becomes
zero, no power is transferred to the infinite bus. The prime mover will only supply the losses.
If driving torque is reversed or if the prime mover is decoupled from the shaft E shifts and
lags behind V, then δ will be reversed and the operation of machine will change from synchronous
generator to synchronous motor as now
The synchronous motor operates at a leading p.f. indicating that it is delivering reactive
power to infinite bus.
Voltage Regulation of an Alternator
Under the load condition, the terminal voltage of alternator is less than the induced e.m.f. Eph.
So if load is disconnected, Vph will change from Vph to Eph, if flux and speed is maintained constant.
This is because when load is disconnected, Ia is zero hence there are no voltage drops and no
armature flux to cause armature reaction. This change in the terminal voltage is significant in
defining the voltage regulation.
Note : The voltage regulation of an alternator is defined as the change in its terminal voltage
when full load is removed, keeping field excitation and speed constant, divided by the rated
terminal voltage.,
So if Vph = Rated terminal voltage
Eph = No load induced e.m.f.
the voltage regulation is defined as,
The value of the regulation not only depends on the load current but also on the power factor
of the load. For lagging and unity p.f. conditions there is always drop in the terminal voltage
hence regulation values are always positive. While for leading capacitive load conditions, the
terminal voltage increases as load current increases. Hence regulation is negative in such cases.
The relationship between load current and the terminal voltage is called load characteristics of
an alternator. Such load characteristics for various load power factor conditions are shown in
Fig. 1.
The full load regulation of the alternator can be determined. The value of the regulation
obtained by this method is accurate as a particular load at required p.f. is actually connected to
the alternator to note down the readings.
Note : But for high capacity alternators, that much full load cannot be simulated or directly
connected to the alternator. Hence method is restricted only for small capacity alternators.
Example : While supplying a full load, running at synchronous speed, the terminal voltage of an
alternator is observed to be 1100 V. When the load is thrown off, keeping field excitation and
speed constant, the terminal voltage is observed to be 1266 V. Assuming star connected
alternator, calculate its regulation on full load.Solution : On full load, terminal voltage is 1100 V.
So VL = 1100 V
. .. Vph = VL/√3 = 635.0853 V
When load is thrown off, VL = 1266 V. But on no load,
VL = Eline
. .. Eline = 1266 V
... Eph = 1266/√3
= 730.925 V
If the alternator is supplying full load, then total field m.m.f. is the vector sum of its two
components FO and FAR. This depends on the power factor of the load which alternator is
supplying. The resultant field m.m.f. is denoted as FR. Let us consider the various power factors
and the resultant FR.
Zero lagging p.f. : As long as power factor is zero lagging, the armature reaction is completely
demagnetising. Hence the resultant FR is the algebraic sum of the two components FO and FAR.
Field m.m.f. is not only required to produce rated terminal voltage but also required to overcome
completely demagnetising armature reaction effect.
Fig. 2
This is shown in the Fig. 2.
AB = FAR demagnetising
OB = FR = FO + FAR
Total field m.m.f. is greater than FO.
Zero leading p.f. : When the power factor is zero leading then the armature reaction is totally
magnetising and helps main flux to induce rated terminal voltage. Hence net field m.m.f.
required is less than that required to induce rated voltage normally, as part of its function is
done by magnetising armature reaction component. The net field m.m.f. is the algebraic
difference between the two components FO and FAR. This is shown in the Fig. 3.
Fig. 3
AB = FAR magnetising
OB = FO - FAR = FR
Total m.m.f. is less than FO
Unity p.f. : Under unity power factor condition, the armature reaction is cross magnetising and
its effect is to distort the main flux. Thus and F are at right angles to each other and hence
resultant m.m.f. is the vector sum of FO and FAR. This is shown in the Fig.4.
Fig. 4
AB = FAR cross magnetising
General Case : Now consider that the load power factor is cos Φ. In such case, the resultant
m.m.f. is to be determined by vector addition of FO and FAR.
cosΦ, lagging p.f. : When the load p.f. is cosΦ lagging, the phase current Iaph lags Vph by angle Φ.
The component FO is at right angles to Vph while FAR is in phase with the current Iaph. This is because
the armature current Iaph decides the armature reaction. The armature reaction FAR due to current
Iaph is to be overcome by field m.m.f. Hence while Finding resultant field m.m.f., - FAR should be
added to vectorially. This is because resultant field m.m.f. tries to counterbalance armature
reaction to produce rated terminal voltage. The phasor diagram is shown in the Fig. 5.
From the phasor diagram the various magnitude are,
OA = FO , AB = FAR , OB = FR
Consider triangle OCB which is right angle triangle. The FAR is split into two parts as,
AC = FAR sinΦ and BC = FAR cosΦ
Fig. 5
. .. ( FR)2 )2
= (FO + FAR sinΦ + (FAR cosΦ)2 ................ (1)
From this relation (1), FR can be determined.
cosΦ, leading p.f. : When the load p.f. is cosΦ leading, the phase current Iaph leads Vph by Φ. The
component FO is at right angles to Vph and FAR is in phase with Iaph. The resultant FR can be obtained
by adding - FAR to FO. The phasor diagram is shown in the Fig.6.
Fig. 6
From the phasor diagram, various magnitudes are,
AC = FAR sinΦ and BC = FAR cosΦ
OA = FO, AB = FAR and OB = FR
Consider triangle OCB which is right angles triangle.
... (OB)2 = (OC)2 + (BC)2
... ( FR)2 = (FO - FAR sinΦ )2 + (FAR cosΦ) .................... (2)
From the relation (2), FR can be obtained.
Using relations (1) and (2), resultant field m.m.f. FR for any p.f. load condition can be
Once FR is known, obtain corresponding voltage which is induced e.m.f. Eph, required to get
rated terminal voltage Vph. This is possible from open circuit characteristics drawn.
Fig. 7
Once Eph is known then the regulation can be obtained as,
Note : To obtain Eph corresponding to FR, O.C.C. must be drawn to the scale, from the open circuit
test readings.
Note : This ampere-turn method gives the regulation of an alternator which is lower than the
actually observed. Hence the method is called optimistic method.
Important note : When the armature resistance is neglected then FO is field m.m.f. required to
produce rated Vph at the output terminals. But if the effective armature resistance is given then
FO is to be calculated from O.C.C. such that FO represents the excitation (field current) required a
voltage of Vph + Iaph Raph cosΦ where
Vph = rated voltage per phase
Iaph = full load current per phase
Ra = armature resistance per phase
cosΦ = power factor of the load
It can also be noted that, FR can be obtained using the cosine rule to the triangle formed by
FO, FAR and FO as shown in the Fig. 8.
Fig. 8
Note : This equation shows that the internal power of the machine is proportional to sin δ.
Fig. 1
The steps to perform open circuit test are,
1. The switch S is kept open.
2. The alternator is driven by its prime mover at its synchronous speed and same is maintained
constant throughout the test.
3. The excitation is varied with the help of potential divider, from zero upto rated value in definite
number of steps. The open circuit e.m.f. is measured with the help of voltmeter. The readings
are tabulated.
4. A graph of If and (Voc) i.e. field current and open circuit voltage per phase is plotted to some
scale. This is open circuit characteristics.
2 Zero Power Factor Test
To conduct zero power factor test, the switch S is kept closed. Due to this, a purely inductive
load gets connected to an alternator through an ammeter. A purely inductive load has power
factor of cos i.e. zero lagging hence the test is called zero power factor test.
The machine speed is maintained constant at its synchronous value. The load current
delivered by an alternator to purely inductive load is maintained constant at its rated full load
value by varying excitation and by adjusting variable inductance of the inductive load. Note that,
due to purely inductive load, an alternator will always operate at zero p.f. lagging.
Note : In this test, there is no need to obtain number of points to obtain the curve. Only two
points are enough to construct a curve called zero power factor saturation curve.
This is the graph of terminal voltage against excitation when delivering full load zero power
factor current.
One point for this curve is zero terminal voltage (short circuit condition) and the field current
required to deliver full load short circuit armature current. While other point is the field current
required to obtain rated terminal voltage while delivering rated full load armature current. With
the help of these two points the zero p.f. saturation curve can be obtained as,
1. Plot open circuit characteristics on graph as shown in the Fig. 2.
Fig. 2
2. Plot the excitation corresponding to zero terminal voltage i.e. short circuit full load zero p.f.
armature current. This point is shown as A in the Fig. 1 which is on the x-axis. Another point is
the rated voltage when alternator is delivering full load current at zero p.f. lagging. This point is
P as shown in the Fig. 1.
3. Draw the tangent to O.C.C. through origin which is line OB as shown dotted in the Fig. 1. This
is called air line.
4. Draw the horizontal line PQ parallel and equal to OA.
5. From point Q draw the line parallel to the air line which intersects O.C.C. at point R. Join RQ
and join PR. The triangle PQR is called potier triangle.
6. From point R, drop a perpendicular on PQ to meet at point S.
7. The zero p.f. full load saturation curve is now be constructed by moving a triangle PQR so that
R remains always on O.C.C. and line PQ always remains horizontal. The doted triangle is shown
in the Fig. 1. It must be noted that the potier triangle once obtained is constant for a given
armature current and hence can be transferred as it is.
8. Through point A, draw line parallel to PR meeting O.C.C. at point B. From B, draw perpendicular
on OA to meet it at point C. Triangles OAB and PQR are similar triangles.
9. The perpendicular RS gives the voltage drop due to the armature leakage reactance i.e. IXL.
10. The length PS gives field current necessary to overcome demagnetising effect of armature
reaction at full load.
11. The length SQ represents field current required to induce an e.m.f. for balancing leakage
reactance drop RS.
These values can be obtained from any Potier triangle such as OAB, PQR and so on.
So armature leakage reactance can be obtained as,
Obtain the excitation corresponding to Ē1ph from O.C.C. drawn. Let this excitation be Ff1. This
is excitation required to induce e.m.f. which does not consider the effect of armature reaction.
The field current required to balance armature reaction can be obtained from Potier
triangle, which is say FAR.
... FAR = l (PS) = l (AC) = .....
The total excitation required is the vector sum of the Ff1 and FAR. This can be obtained exactly
similar to the procedure used in M.M.F. method.
Draw vector Ff1 to some scale, leading E1ph by 90o. Add FAR to Ff1 by drawing vector FAR in phase
opposition to Iph. The total excitation to be supplied by field is given by FR.
The complete phasor diagram is shown in the Fig. 3.
Fig. 3
Once the total excitation is known which is FR, the corresponding induced e.m.f. Eph can be
obtained from O.C.C. This Eph lags FR by 90o. The length CD represents voltage drop due to the
armature reaction. Drawing perpendicular from A and B on current phasor meeting at points G
and H respectively, we get triangle OHC as right angle triangle. Hence E1ph can be determined
analytically also.
Once Eph is known, the regulation of an alternator can be predicted as,
This method takes into consideration the armature resistance an leakage reactance voltage
drops as e.m.f. quantities and the effect of armature reaction as m.m.f. quantity. This is reality
hence the results obtained by this method are nearer to the reality than those obtained by
synchronous impedance method and ampere-turns method.
The only drawback of this method is that the separate curve for every load condition is
necessary to plot if potier triangles for various load conditions are required.
Fig. 1
Consider the phasor diagram according to the M.M.F. method as shown in the Fig. 1 for cosΦ
lagging p.f. load. The FR is resultant excitation of FO and FAR where FO is excitation required to
produce rated terminal voltage on open circuit while is m.m.f. required for balancing armature
reaction effect.
Thus OB = FR = resultant m.m.f.
The angle between FAR and perpendicular to FO is Φ, where cosΦ is power factor of the load.
But OB = F resultant is based on the assumption of unsaturated magnetic circuit which is not
true in practice. Actually m.m.f. equal to BB' is additional required to take into account the effect
of partially saturated magnetic field. Thus the total excitation required is OB' rather than OB.
Let us see method of determining the additional excitation needed to take into account effect
of partially saturated magnetic circuit.
Construct the no load saturation characteristics i.e. O.C.C. and zero power factor
characteristics. Draw the potier triangle as discussed earlier and determine the leakage reactance
XL for the alternator. The excitation necessary to balance armature reaction can also be obtained
from the potier triangle. The armature resistance is known.
Construct ASA diagram, and draw phasor diagram related to the above equation.
The ASA diagram has x-axis as field current and y-axis as the open circuit voltage. Draw O.C.C.
on the ASA diagram. Then assuming x-axis as current phasor, draw Vph at angle Φ, above the
horizontal. The Vph is the rated terminal voltage. Add Ia Ra in phase with Ia i.e. horizontal and
Ia XLperpendicular to Ia Ra to Vph. This gives the voltage E1ph.
Now with O as a central and radius E1ph draw an arc which will intersect y-axis at E1. From E1,
draw horizontal line intersecting both air gap line and O.C.C. These points of intersection are say
B and B'. The distance between the points BB' corresponding to the field current scale gives the
additional excitation required to take into account effect of partially saturated field. Adding this
to FR we get the total excitation as FR'. From this FR', the open circuit voltage E1ph can be
determined from O.C.C. using which the regulation can be determined. The ASA diagram is shown
in the Fig. 2.
Fig. 2
The resultant obtained by ASA method are reliable for both salient as well as nonsalient
pole machines.
It may be recalled that a D.C. generator can be run as a D.C. motor. In same way, an alternator
may operate as a motor by connecting its armature winding to a 3-phase supply. It is then called
a synchronous motor. As the name implies, a synchronous motor runs at synchronous speed (Ns
= 120f/P) i.e., in synchronism with the revolving field produced by the 3-phase supply. The speed
of rotation is, therefore, tied to the frequency of the source. Since the frequency is fixed, the
motor speed stays constant irrespective of the load or voltage of 3- phase supply. However,
synchronous motors are not used so much because they run at constant speed (i.e., synchronous
speed) but it found very useful applications because they possess other unique electrical
ii) Rotor: Rotor is a field winding, the construction of which can be salient (projected pole) or
non-salient (cylindrical) type. Practically most of the synchronous motors use salient i.e.
projected pole type construction. The field winding is excited by a separate d.c. supply through
slip rings.
So to have the magnetic locking condition, there must exist two unlike poles and magnetic axes
of two must be brought very close to each other. Let us see the application of this principle in
case of synchronous motor.
Consider a three phase synchronous motor, whose stator is wound for 2 poles. The two
magnetic fields are produced in the synchronous motor by exciting both the windings, stator and
rotor with three phase a.c. supply and d.c. supply respectively. When three phase winding is
excited by a three phase a.c. supply the the flux produced by the three phase winding is always
of rotating type, which is already discussed in the previous post. Such a magnetic flux rotates in
space at a speed called synchronous speed. This magnetic field is called rotating magnetic field.
The rotating magnetic field creates the effect similar to the physical rotation of magnets in space
with a synchronous speed. So stator of the synchronous motor produces one magnet which is as
good as rotating in space with the synchronous speed. The synchronous speed of a stator rotating
magnetic field depends on the supply frequency and the number of poles for which stator
winding is wound. If the frequency of the a.c. supply is f Hz and stator is wound for P number of
poles, then the speed of the rotating magnetic field is synchronous given by,
Ns = 120f/P r.p.m.
In this case, as stator is wound for say 2 poles, with 50 Hz supply, the speed of the rotating
magnetic field will be 3000 r.p.m. This effect is similar to the physical rotation of two poles with
a speed of Ns r.p.m. For simplicity of understanding let us assume that the stator poles are N1 and
S1which are rotating at a speed of Ns. The direction of rotation of rotating magnetic field is say
When the field winding on rotor is excited by a d.c. supply, it also produces two poles,
assuming rotor construction to be two pole, salient type. Let these poles be N 2 and S2.
Now one magnet is rotating at Ns having poles N1 and S1 while at start rotor is stationary i.e.
second magnet is stationary having poles N2 and S2. If somehow the unlike poles N1 and S2 or
S1and N2 are brought near each other, the magnetic locking may get established between stator
and rotor poles.
As stator poles are rotating due to magnetic locking rotor will also rotate in the same direction
as that of stator poles i.e. in the direction of rotating magnetic field, with the same speed i.e N s.
Hence synchronous motor rotates at one and only one speed i.e. synchronous speed. But this all
depends on existence of magnetic locking between stator and rotor poles. Practically it is not
possible for stator poles to pull the rotor poles from their stationary position into magnetic
locking condition. Hence synchronous motors are not self-starting. Let us see the reason behind
this in detail.
It is necessary to keep field winding i.e. rotor excited from d.c. supply to maintain the magnetic
locking, as long as motor is operating.
So a general procedure to start a synchronous motor can be stated as :
1. Give a three a.c. supply to a three phase winding. This will produce rotating magnetic field
rotating at synchronous speed Ns r.p.m.
2. Then drive the rotor by some external means like diesel engine in the direction of rotating
magnetic field, at a speed very near or equal to synchronous speed.
3. Switch on the d.c. supply given to the rotor which will produce rotor poles. now there are twp
fields one is rotating magnetic field produced by stator while the other is produced by rotor which
is physically rotated almost at the same speed as that of rotating magnetic field.
4. At a particular instant, both the fields get magnetically locked. The stator field pulls rotor field
into synchronism. Then the external device used to rotate rotor can be removed. But rotor will
continue to rotate at the same speed as that of rotating magnetic field i.e. Ns due to magnetic
Key Point : So the essence of the discussion is that to start the synchronous motor, it needs some
device to rotate the rotor at a speed very near or equal to the synchronous speed.
Equivalent Circuit
Unlike the induction motor, the synchronous motor is connected to two electrical systems; a d.c.
source at the rotor terminals and an a.c. system at the stator terminals.
1. Under normal conditions of synchronous motor operation, no voltage is induced in the rotor
by the stator field because the rotor winding is rotating at the same speed as the stator field.
Only the impressed direct current is present in the rotor winding and ohmic resistance of this
winding is the only opposition to it as shown in Fig: (i).
2. In the stator winding, two effects are to be considered, the effect of stator field on the stator
winding and the effect of the rotor field cutting the stator conductors at synchronous speed.
(i) The effect of stator field on the stator (or armature) conductors is accounted for by including
an inductive reactance in the armature winding. This is called synchronous reactance Xs. A
resistance Ra must be considered to be in series with this reactance to account for the copper
losses in the stator or armature winding as shown in Fig: (i). This resistance combines with
synchronous reactance and gives the synchronous impedance of the machine.
(ii) The second effect is that a voltage is generated in the stator winding by the synchronously-
revolving field of the rotor as shown in Fig: 2.23 (i). This generated e.m.f. E b is known as back
e.m.f. and opposes the stator voltage V. The magnitude of Eb depends upon rotor speed and rotor
flux ф per pole. Since rotor speed is constant; the value of Eb depends upon the rotor flux per
pole i.e. exciting rotor current If.
Fig: 2.23 (i) shows the schematic diagram for one phase of a star-connected synchronous motor
while Fig: 2.23 (ii) shows its equivalent circuit. Referring to the equivalent circuit in Fig: 2.23 (ii).
When a d.c. motor or an induction motor is loaded, the speed of the motors drops. This is because
the load torque demand increases then the torque produced by the motor. Hence motor draws
more current to produce more torque to satisfy the load but its speed reduces. In case of
synchronous motor speed always remains constant equal to the synchronous speed, irrespective
of load condition. It is interesting to study how synchronous motor reacts to changes in the load
In a d.c. motor, armature develops an e.m.f.after motoring action starts, which opposes
supply voltage, called back e.m.f. Eb.
Hence if Ra the armature resistance and V is the supply voltage, we have established the
relation for the armature current as,
Ia = (V- Eb) / Ra ...... for a d.c. motor
where Eb = ΦPNZ / 60A .........for a d.c. motor
In case of synchronous motor also, once rotor starts rotating at synchronous speed, the
stationary stator (armature) conductors cut the flux produced by rotor. The only difference is
conductors are stationary and flux is rotating. Due to this there is an induced e.m.f. in the stator
which according to Lenz's law opposes the supply voltage. This induced e.m.f. is called back e.m.f.
in case of synchronous motor. It is obtained as Ebph i.e. back e.m.f. per phase. This gets generated
as the principle of alternator and hence alternating in nature and its magnitude can be calculated
by the equation,
or Ebph α Φ
As speed is always synchronous, the frequency is constant and hence magnitude of such back
e.m.f. can be controlled by changing the flux Φ produced by the rotor.
So back e.m.f. in case of synchronous motor depends on the excitation given to the field
winding and not on the speed, as speed is always constant.
As stator construction is similar to the armature of a three phase alternator, the impedance
of the stator is called synchronous impedance of synchronous motor consisting of Ra as the stator
winding resistance and Xs as the synchronous reactance. All the values are generally expressed
on per phase basis.
Zs = Ra + jXs Ω per phase
So similar to the d.c. motor, we can write voltage equation for a synchronous motor as,
The difference is that this equation is vector equation as each quantity is alternating and has
different phase. So addition is to be performed vectorially to obtain the result.
where Vph is the supply voltage per phase. The magnitude of Ebph is adjusted almost equal to
Vph, on no load by controlling flux produced by rotor i.e. field winding.
1.1 Ideal Condition on No Load
The ideal condition on no load can be assumed by neglecting various losses in the motor.
And Vph = Ebph
Under this condition, the magnetic locking between stator and rotor is in such a way that the
magnetic axes of both, coincide with each other as shown in the Fig.1. As this is possible only
under no losses condition, is said to be ideal in case of synchronous motor.
In practice this is impossible. Motor has to supply mechanical losses and iron losses alongwith
small copper losses. Let us see how it can be explained in case of synchronous motor.
1.2 Synchronous Motor on No Load (With Losses)
We have seen that Ebph and Vph are magnitudewise same, which is adjusted by controlling
field current, in turn controlling the flux.
Now due to the various losses practically present on no load, the magnetic locking exists
between stator and rotor but in such a way that there exists a small angle difference between
the axes of two magnetic fields as shown in the Fig.3.
This resultant decides the amount of current Iaph to be drawn to produce the torque which
meets the various losses present in the synchronous motor. Under no load condition, δ is very
small and hence ERph is also very small.
So current drawn by the motor is also very small on no load which is the case in all the various
type of motors.
1.3 Synchronous Motor on Load
As the load on the synchronous motor increases, there is no change in its speed. But what
gets affected is the load angle 'δ' i.e. the angle by which rotor axis retards with respect to stator
Hence as load increases, δ increases but speed remains synchronous.
As δ increases, though Ebph and Vph magnitudes are same, displacement of Ebph from its ideal
position increases.
As synchronous impedance is constant, the magnitude of Iaph drawn by the motor increases
as load increases. This current produces the necessary torque which satisfied the increased load
demand. The magnetic locking still exists between the rotor and stator.
The phasor diagrams showing ERph increases as load increases are shown in the Fig. 4(b) and
Fig. 4
So from the above discussion it is clear that on no load, current drawn by the motor is very
small. This is because the stator and the rotor magnetic axes are almost matching transformer
each other i.e. load angle δ is very small. As load increases, rotor magnetic axis starts retarding
with respect to stator axis i.e. load angle δ increases maintaining the magnetic locking condition.
And hence in case of the synchronous motor load affects the angle δ without affecting the speed.
As δ increases, the magnitude of ERph increases which shows that motor draws more current from
the supply. This satisfies the increased load torque demand.
So torque produced in the synchronous motor depends on the load angle 'δ' for small values
of and to be precise depends on 'sinδ'. The load angle 'δ' is measured in degrees electrical. As
angle δ increases, the magnetic flux lines producing the force of attraction between the two get
more and more stretched. This weakens the force maintaining the magnetic locking, though
torque produced by the motor increases. As δ reaches upto 90 o electrical i.e. half a pole pitch,
the stretched flux lines get broken and hence magnetic locking between the stator and rotor no
longer exists. The motor comes out of synchronism. So torque produced at δ equal to
90o electrical is the maximum torque, a synchronous motor can produce, maintaining magnetic
locking i.e. synchronism. Such s torque is called pull out torque. The relationship between torque
produced and load angle is shown in the Fig 5.
We have seen previously that when load changes, for constant excitation, current drawn by the
motor increases. But if excitation i.e. field current is changed keeping load constant, the
synchronous motor reacts by by changing its power factor of operation. This is most interesting
feature of synchronous motor. Let us see the details of such operation.
Consider a synchronous motor operating at a certain load. The corresponding load angle is δ.
At start, consider normal behaviour of the synchronous motor, where excitation is adjusted
to get Eb = V i.e. induced e.m.f. is equal to applied voltage. Such an excitation is called Normal
Excitation of the motor. Motor is drawing certain current from the supply and power input to the
motor is say Pin. The power factor of the motor is lagging in nature as shown in the Fig. 1(a).
Now when excitation is changed, changes but there is hardly any change in the losses of the
motor. So the power input also remains same for constant load demanding same power output.
Now Pin = √3 VL IL cos Φ = 3 (Vph Iph cos Φ)
Most of the times, the voltage applied to the motor is constant. Hence for constant power
input as Vph is constant, 'Iph cos Φ' remains constant.
Note : So far this entire operation of variable excitation it is necessary to remember that the
cosine component of armature current, Ia cosΦ remains constant.
So motor adjusts its cos Φ i.e. p.f. nature and value so that Ia cos Φ remains constant when
excitation of the motor is changed keeping load constant. This is the reason why synchronous
motor reacts by changing its power factor to variable excitation conditions.
1.1 Under Excitation
When the excitation is adjusted in such a way that the magnitude of induced e.m.f. is less
than the applied voltage (Eb < V) the excitation is called Under Excitation.
Due to this, ER increases in magnitude. This means for constant Zs, current drawn by the motor
increases. But ER phase shifts in such a way that, phasor Ia also shifts (as ER ^ Ia = θ) to keep Ia cos
Φ component constant. This is shown in the Fig. 1(b). So in under excited condition, current
drawn by the motor increases. The p.f. cos Φ decreases and becomes more and more lagging in
1.2 Over Excitation
The excitation to the field winding for which the induced e.m.f. becomes greater than applied
voltage (Eb < V), is called over excitation.
Due to increased magnitude of Eb, ER also increases in magnitude. But the phase of ER also
changes. Now = ER ^ Ia = θ is constant, hence Ia also changes its phase. So Φ changes. The
Iaincreases to keep Ia cos Φ constant as shown in Fig.1(c). The phase of ER changes so that
Ia becomes leading with respect to Vph in over excited condition. So power factor of the motor
becomes leading in nature. So overexcited synchronous motor works on leading power factor.
So power factor decreases as over excitation increases but it becomes more and more leading in
1.3 Critical Excitation
When the excitation is changed, the power factor changes. The excitation for which the power
factor of the motor is unity (cos Φ = 1) is called critical excitation. Then Iaph is in phase with Vph.
Now Ia cos Φ must be constant, cos Φ = 1 is at its maximum hence motor has to draw minimum
current from supply for unity power factor condition.
So for critical excitation, cos Φ = 1 and current drawn by the motor is minimum compared to
current drawn by the motor for various excitation conditions. This is shown in the Fig. 1(d).
Fig. 1
Excitation can be increased by increasing the field current passing through the field winding
of synchronous motor. If graph of armature current drawn by the motor (Ia) against field current
(If) is plotted, then its shape looks like an english alphabet V. If such graphs are obtained at various
load conditions we get family of curves, all looking like V. Such curves are called V-curves of
synchronous motor. These are shown in the Fig. 2a).
As against this, if the power factor (cos Φ) is plotted against field current (If), then the shape
of the graph looks like an inverted V. Such curves obtained by plotting p.f. against I f, at various
load conditions are called Inverted V-curves of synchronous motor. These curves are shown in
the Fig. 2(b).
Now IL = Ia, per phase value can be determined, from the stator winding connections.
IL = Iaph for stator connection
IL/√3 = Iaph for delta connection
The power factor can be obtained as
Synchronous Condenser
A synchronous motor takes a leading current when over-excited and, therefore, behaves as a
capacitor. An over-excited synchronous motor running on no-load in known as synchronous
condenser. When such a machine is connected in parallel with induction motors or other devices
that operate at low lagging power factor, the leading kVAR supplied by the synchronous
condenser partly neutralizes the lagging reactive kVAR of the loads. Consequently, the power
factor of the system is improved. Fig: 2.29 shows the power factor improvement by synchronous
condenser method. The 3 - f load takes current IL at low lagging power factor cosфL. The
synchronous condenser takes a current Im which leads the voltage by an angle fm. The resultant
current I is the vector sum of Im and IL and lags behind the voltage by an angle ф. It is clear that
ф is less than фL so that cos f is greater than cos фL. Thus the power factor is increased from
cos фL to cos ф. Synchronous condensers are generally used at major bulk supply substations for
power factor improvement.
(i) By varying the field excitation, the magnitude of current drawn by the motor can be
changed by any amount. This helps in achieving step less control of power factor.
(ii) The motor windings have high thermal stability to short circuit currents.
(iii) The faults can be removed easily.
(i) There are considerable losses in the motor.
(ii) The maintenance cost is high.
(iii) It produces noise.
(iv) Except in sizes above 500 RVA, the cost is greater than that of static capacitors of the
same rating.
(v) As a synchronous motor has no self-starting torque, then-fore, an auxiliary equipment
has to be provided for this purpose.
This is how the synchronous motor as a synchronous condenser is used to improve power
factor of the combined load.