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(For Office Use Only)

Government of Maharashtra
Water Resources Department
Annual Dam Health Status Report
(North Maharashtra Region)


Superintending Engineer Chief Engineer

Dam Safety Organisation Hydrology & Dam Safety
Nashik Nashik

Director General
Design, Training, Hydrology, Research and Safety,
MERI, Nashik
1.0 Annual Dam Health Status Report (ADHSR) 2021-22 of Class-I & Class-II Dams in North
Maharashtra Region is prepared based on the Inspection Reports (Pre and Post Monsoon 2021)
received from field offices and test inspections carried out by Dam Safety Organisation (DSO),
Nashik during Year 2021-22.The period of the report is from April 2021 to March 2022.

2.0 This Report comprises of following Parts.

Part Description
Part-1 General Information
Part-2 Action Taken Report (ATR)
Part-3 Annual Dam Health Status Report (ADHSR) of Pre & Post Monsoon 2021
Part-4 Annual Performance Report of Dam Instruments
Part-5 Annual Performance Report of Meteorological Instruments
Part-6 National Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS) Documents
Part-7 Dam Health and Rehabilitation Monitoring Application (DHARMA)
Part-8 Health Status of Gated Dam (As per Mechanical Organisation)
Part-1 & Part-6 to 8 are envisaged by DSO, Nashik & Part-2 to 5 are in the format provided by
Dam Safety Monitoring Directorate, Central Water Commission, New Delhi vide letter No.
3/19/NCDS/HS/DSM/2001/627-56 Dated 28/08/2002.

2.1 Part-1: Covers General Information viz. Time schedule of Inspection, Classification of Dams,
Inspection Authorities, Preparation of ADHSR for Class-I & Class-II Dams, Categorization and
Standardization of Deficiencies, NRLD updation, which will be helpful to field officers.
Inspecting officers are requested to follow the suggestion given in ‘Part-1’ while carrying out
forthcoming Pre/Post Monsoon inspections of dams.
2.2 Part-2: Covers Action Taken Report (ATR) on Deficiencies pointed out in last Year ADHSR
2020-21 & Status of poor efforts taken by field office.
2.3 Part-3: Covers condensed summary of Dam deficiencies noticed during inspection carried out by
field officer and Dam safety Organisation in the Year 2021-22.
2.4 Part-4: Covers details of Instrumentation provided in or on Dams & its Functionality. Prepared by
Instrumentation and Research Division, Nashik.
2.5 Part-5: Covers details of Metrological Instrumentation provided at Dam Site & its Functionality.
Prepared by Instrumentation and Research Division, Nashik.
2.6 Part-6: Covers status of Documents (EAP, ROS & GOS, Data Book, O & M Manual, Record
Drawing, Completion Report) recommended by National Committee on Dam Safety.
2.7 Part-7: Covers Progress of updation of Dam Information filled in DHARMA Web Portal.
2.8 Part-8: Covers over overall Health Status Gated Dam in ADHSR- 2021-22 of Mechanical
3.0. This report covers Dam Health Status of 69 Class-I & 225 Class-II Dams owned by WRD and
Also covers 1 Class-I & 8 Class-II Private Owned Dams inspected by DSO twice in the year.
4.0. There are total 303 Dams in this Region. Out of 606 expected Inspection Reports, this ADHSR is
based on 564 Inspection Reports received in DSO, Nashik.

ADHSR_2021-22 (NMR)
Status of Dam inspection during 2021-22
(Ref. Table- 3.1 & 3.3)
Dam Expected Inspection Report in Inspection Report Received in Inspection Report Not
Owner DSO DSO Received in DSO
Class I Class II Total Class I Class II Total Class I Class II Total
WRD 138 450 588 125 423 548 13 27 40
Private 02 16 18 02 14 16 00 02 02
Total 140 466 606 127 437 564 13 29 42

Dams having Deficiencies

(Ref. Table- 3.6)
No. of Dams
Dam Class-I dams having Class-II dams having
owner Class of Dam Deficiencies Deficiencies
I II Total Cat-I Cat-II Cat-III Cat-I Cat-II Cat-III
2020-21 69 221 290 00 08 69 00 39 221
2021-22 69 225 294 00 09 68 00 33 214
2020-21 01 08 09 00 00 01 00 01 01
2021-22 01 08 09 00 01 01 00 08 08
2020-21 70 229 299 00 08 70 00 40 229
2021-22 70 233 303 00 10 69 00 41 222

Category wise Deficiencies

(Ref. Table- 3.7)
No. of Deficiencies
Dam Category–1 Category-2 Category-3
owner Class Class Class
I II Total I II Total I II Total
2020-21 0 0 0 33 154 187 595 855 1450
2021-22 0 0 0 47 166 213 631 1391 2022
2020-21 0 0 0 00 02 02 00 44 44
2021-22 0 0 0 01 25 26 10 107 117
2020-21 0 0 0 33 156 189 603 909 1512
2021-22 0 0 0 48 191 239 641 1498 2139

ADHSR_2021-22 (NMR)
Gated Dams having deficiencies (Class-I) (As per Mechanical
(Ref. Table- 8.1 )
Number of Deficiencies
Year Category
No. of dams
Number No. of
Dam of Gated dams Category Category Category
owner Dams inspected -1 -2 -3
2020-21 35 34 34 01 357 1896
W.R.D 2021-22 35 35 35 01 351 1726
2020-21 01 01 01 00 05 07
Private 2021-22 01 1 1 00 04 --
2020-21 36 35 35 01 662 1903
Total 2021-22 36 36 36 01 655 1726

5.0: The responsibility of Health and Safety Monitoring of Class-III dams lies with the respective Chief
Engineers. Hence for Class-III Dams based on periodical inspection reports, Annual Dam Health
Status Report should be prepared & published by concerned Field Chief Engineers with submission to
Government & forwarded to DSO, Nashik for record.

6.0: The deficiencies shown in the present report are based on the Pre/ Post Monsoon Inspections of the
Dams carried out by the field officers and reports of them received by this organization. As such, the
deficiencies and action taken thereof is the sole responsibility of the field officers.

7.0 Conclusions :
Government Owned Class-I Dams :
7.01 : Category-1 Deficiency is Not noticed in all 69 Dams.
7.02 : 47 No. of Category-2 Deficiencies in 9 out of total 69 No. of Dams are noticed.
7.03 : 631 No. of Category-3 Deficiencies in total 69 Dams are noticed.
7.04: Out of ATR expected for 33 No. of Category-2 Deficiencies, No field action is noticed for removal of
Government Owned Class-II Dams :
7.05: Category-1 Deficiency is Not noticed in all 225 Dams.
7.06: 166 No. of Category-2 Deficiencies in 33 out of total 255 No. of Dams are noticed.
7.07: 1391 No. of Category-3 Deficiencies in total 214 Dams are noticed.
7.08: Out of ATR expected for 161 No. of Category-2 Deficiencies, field action for removal of
137 Deficiencies is noticed for 2 Deficiencies only.

ADHSR_2021-22 (NMR)
Private Owned Class-I Dams :
7.09: Category-1 Deficiency is Not noticed in any Dam.
7.10 : 01 No. of Category-2 Deficiencies in 01 Dams are noticed.
7.11 : 10 No. of Category-3 Deficiencies in total 01 Dams are noticed.
7.12:Out of ATR expected for 0 No. of Category-2 Deficiencies, No field action is noticed for removal
of Deficiencies.
Private Owned Class-II Dams :
7.13:Category-1 Deficiency is Not noticed in all any Dams.
7.14 : 25 No. of Category-2 Deficiencies in total 8 Dams are noticed.
7.15 : 107 No. of Category-3 Deficiencies in total 8 Dams are noticed.
7.16 : Out of ATR expected for 02 No. of Category-2 Deficiencies, No field action is noticed for
removal of Deficiencies.

8. Points of Attention:
8.01: It is mandatory that Pre Monsoon Inspection Report must be submitted to DSO, Nashik by
30thJune & Post Monsoon Inspection Report must be submitted to DSO, Nashik by
31stDecember every Year.

8.02: As per Dam Safety Monitoring Directorate, Central Water Commission, New Delhi Annual
Dam Health Status Report (ADHSR) must be submitted in the month April every Year.

8.03: It is pointed out that only 54 (9.03 %) Pre & Post Monsoon Reports out of 588 Pre & Post
Monsoon Reports are received in stipulated period.
494 (84.01 %) Pre & Post Monsoon Reports are received out of 588 Pre & Post
Monsoon Reports after rigorous follow up by DSO officials & 40 (6.80 %) reports out of 588
Pre & Post Monsoon Reports were not received at all. All field officers & Higher Authorities
shall take serious note of this in light of enactment of Dam Safety Act 2021.

8.04: ATR expected for 48 No. of Dams (196 Cat-2 Deficiencies). However ATR was not received
from 17 no. dam i.e. only 36% for 31 no. of dam (103 Cat -2 Deficiencies ) 64.58 % of Cat-2
Deficiencies fully addressed.

8.05: Concerned Chief Engineer should monitor and instruct field Superintending Engineer &
Executive Engineer regarding submission of ATR to DSO, Nashik to reflect exact status of
Dam Safety works.

8.06: The Chief Engineers should compel all Superintending Engineer & Executive Engineer of
concerned Dams to carry out periodic inspections and submit report to D.S.O. in time.
ADHSR_2021-22 (NMR)
Brain storming of field officer regarding Dam Safety aspect is must otherwise the whole
exercise done by Dam Safety Organisation tends to become futile.

8.07: In case of Mechanical Organisation inspections, Out of ATR expected for 33 No. of Category-
2 Deficiencies, No Action Taken Report (ATR) from field for removal of Deficiencies.

8.08: Earthen dam uprooting of trees & shrubs grown on embankment of Dam follow CWC
guidelines for safety of dams 2018.

8.09: Review of a need for painting of Gates & structural parts to avoid further deterioration
in consultation with Mechanical orgnisation.

8.10: Being the dam owner, safety of the dam is the prime responsibility of the concerned field
Executive Engineer. In order to ensure safety of dam/dams in his jurisdiction, he shall initiate
The procedures for removal of deficiencies noticed in the Pre-Post Monsoon Inspection as well
as pointed out in this ADHSR by following due procedure of approval.

8.11: Higher authorities i.e. Superintending Engineer and Chief Engineer shall accord timely sanction
to most economical and sustainable technical work required for Deficiency removal.

8.12: Executive Director, Godavari Marathwada Development Corporation, Aurangabad are

requested to make required funds available to the Deficiency removal and monitor the progress
periodically. This will help in keeping the Dam safe.

8.13: As per Marathi Government Resolution Misc. 2016/(88/16)/IM(W) Dtd.- 09/05/2016,

Responsibility of Approval of M & R Work’s Procurement List & Prioritization of execution of
work & its implementation is entrusted to Superintending Engineers. And Responsibility of
Review & monitoring is entrusted to Chief Engineers.

8.14: Hence, It is expected that Superintending Engineers should verify whether Works of removal
of Deficiencies are proposed to address Deficiencies pointed in ADHSR while approving
Procurement List of the M & R works of the Project.

8.15:Gist of report is that though inspection of Dams are carried out & Reports are published
however status of ATR depict that despite of M & R expenditure extreme poor performance of
removal deficiency is observed. Field officers should take serious note of this.

8.16: Central Government has enacted Dam Safety Act 2021 from date 30/12/2021 to provide for
surveillance, Inspection, Operation & Maintenance of the specified dam for prevention of dam
failure disaster & to provide for institutional mechanism to ensure their safe functioning & for
matters connected therewith or incidental thereto So that Dam owner shall give specific
attention for implementation of Dam Safety Act 2021.

8.17The responsibility of Health and Safety Monitoring of Class-III dams lies with the
respective Chief Engineers. Hence for Class-III Dams based on periodical inspection reports,
Annual Dam Health Status Report should be prepared & published by concerned Field Chief
Engineers with submission to Government & forwarded to DSO, Nashik for record. Till no
such type of reports are received in DSO, Nashik

ADHSR_2021-22 (NMR)
8.18:Dams having Height above 10 meter are classified as per the norms of International
Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD).NRLD is consists of information of Large Dams as per
20 columns proforma covering information regarding salient features. NRLD is updated in
every January. NRLD is last updated in 2019.Hence Field offices need to submit the
information of new dams every year to DSO by December to incorporate it in NRLD. The
response regarding submission of NRLD information from field offices is very poor, regarding
this no information is submitted to DSO Nashik.

I hope this report will serve desired expectations expressed by Dam Safety Monitoring
Directorate of C.W.C. New Delhi. Any error, discrepancies omissions if any may please kindly by
brought to the notice. So that it can be taken into consideration in the next report.
The efforts taken by the Superintending Engineer, Dam Safety Organisation, Nashik and his
team, for completion of this report are highly appreciated.

Place: Nashik (R.R. Shah)
Date: 11/10/2022 Director General
Design, Training, Hydrology, Research and Safety
MERI, Nashik

ADHSR_2021-22 (NMR)
Sr. Page
No. No.
1 Part-1 : General Information
1.01 Introduction 01
1.02 Inspection of Dams 01
1.03 District wise and class wise break up of number of Dams 02
1.04 Time Schedule of Inspections 02
1.05 Classification of Dams 03
1.06 Field Inspection Authorities 04
1.07 Preparation of Annual Dam Health Status Reports of Class-I & class-II Dams 04
1.08 Preparation of Annual Dam Health Status Report of Class-III Dams 04
1.09 Guidelines Regarding Preparation of Annual Dam Health Status Report 04
1.09.1 Categorization of Deficiencies 05
1.09.2 Category-1 Standard Deficiencies 05
1.09.3 Category-2 Standard Deficiencies 06
1.09.4 Category-3 Standard Deficiencies 07
1.10 Special Deficiencies 09
1.11 Standard Procedure For Confirmation And Removal of Category-1 Deficiency of Dams 10
1.12 National Register of Large Dams (NRLD) 10
1.13 Point of Attention 11
2 Part-2: Action Taken Report
2.1 General 12
2.2 ATR Submitted by Field Offices 12
2.3 Action Taken Report of Class-I & Class-II Dams (Government owned) 12
2.4 Conclusions 12
2.5 Points of Attention 13
Table-2.1 Consolidated Abstract of Status of Compliance of Category-1 Deficiencies in
Table-2.2 Consolidated Abstract of Status of Compliance of Category-2 Deficiencies in
Table-2.3 Dams for which Compliance Report Not Received in DSO, Nashik 18
Table-2.4 ATR on Category-1 Deficiency in Class-I Dams 21
Table-2.5 ATR on Category-2 Deficiency in Class-I Dams 22
Table-2.6 ATR on Category-1 Deficiency in Class-II Dams 29
Table-2.7 ATR on Category-2 Deficiency in Class-II Dams 30
Table-2.8 ATR on Category-1 Deficiency in Class-I Dams (Private Owned) 64
Sr. Page
No. No.
Table-2.9 ATR on Category-2 Deficiency in Class-I Dams (Private Owned) 65
Table-2.10 ATR on Category-1 Deficiency in Class-II Dams (Private Owned) 66
Table-2.11 ATR on Category-2 Deficiency in Class-II Dams (Private Owned) 67
3.0 Part- 3: Dam Health Status Report of Pre & Post Monsoon 2021
3.1 General 68
3.2 Inspection Reports submitted by Field Offices 68
3.3 Test Dam Inspection by Dam Safety Organisation 68
3.4 Health Status of Class-I & Class-II Dams (Government owned) 68
3.5 Categeries wise Abstract 69
3.6 Graphical Representation appended in Annexure I 69
3.7 Snapshots of DSO Test Inspection Test appended in Annexure II 69
3.8 Conclusions 69
3.8.1 Frequent Deficiencies Class-I Dams 69
3.8.2 Frequent Deficiencies Class-II Dams 69
3.9 Points of Attention 70
Table 3.1 Status of Receipt of Pre & Post Monsoon Inspection Reports 2021-22 71
Table 3.2 Dams for which Inspection Report of 2021 is Not Received in DSO, Nashik 72
Status of Pre & Post Monsoon Inspection 2021 by DSO, Nashik (Private
Table 3.3 75
Table 3.4 Dams for which Inspection Not carried out by DSO, Nashik (Private Owned) 77
Table 3.5 Dams inspected by Dam Safety Organization, Nashik (2021-22) 78
Table 3.6 Deficiency Classification (No. of Dam wise) 82
Table 3.7 Deficiency Classification (No. of Deficiency wise) 85
Table 3.8 Category-1 Deficiency Classification (Dam wise) 88
Table 3.9 Category-2 Deficiency Classification (Dam wise) 89
Table 3.10 Class-I Dams with Category-1 Deficiency 93
Table 3.11 Class-I Dams with Category-2 Deficiency 94
Table 3.12 Class-I Dams with Category-3 Deficiency 107
Table 3.13 Class-II Dams with Category-1 Deficiency 114
Table 3.14 Class-II Dams with Category-2 Deficiency 115
Table 3.15 Class-II Dams with Category-3 Deficiency 158
Table 3.16 Class-I Dams with Category-1 Deficiency (Private Owned) 183
Table 3.17 Class-I Dams with Category-2 Deficiency (Private Owned) 184
Table 3.18 Class-I Dams with Category-3 Deficiency (Private Owned) 185
Table 3.19 Class-II Dams with Category-1 Deficiency (Private Owned) 186
Sr. Page
No. No.
Table 3.20 Class-II Dams with Category-2 Deficiency (Private Owned) 187
Table 3.21 Class-II Dams with Category-3 or No Deficiency (Private Owned) 194
Table 3.22 Category-1 Deficiency in Class-I Dams 195
Table 3.23 Category-2 Deficiency in Class-I Dams 196
Table 3.24 Category-1 Deficiency in Class-II Dams 197
Table 3.25 Category-2 Deficiency in Class-II Dams 198
Annexure-1 Graphical Representation 201
1. Dams in Districts of North Maharashtra Region (Government owned) 202
2. Deficiencies Attended by Field Offices (ATR for ADHSR 2020-21) 203
3. 4. Submission of Pre/Post Monsoon Reports 204
4. Category wise Deficiencies of Class-I Dams 205
5. Category wise Deficiencies of Class-II Dams 206
6. Dams Deficiencies 207
Annexure-2 Snapshots of Dams inspected by DSO 208
4.0 Part-4 : Annual Performance Report of Dam Instruments

4.1 General 209

4.2 Instrumentation in Earthen Dams 209
4.3 Instrumentation in Concrete / Masonry Dams 210
4.4 Status Of Dam Instrumentation In The Region 211
4.5 Observations 211
Table-4.1 Status of Dam Instrumentation 212
Table-4.2 Status of instruments Mortality 214
Table-4.3 Comparision of instrumentation with Last Year ADHSR 215

5.0 Part-5 : Annual Performance Report of Meteorological Instruments

5.1 General 216

5.2 Observations 216
Table-5.1 Status of Dam Meteorological Instrumentation 217
Table- 5.2 Status of Meteorological instruments Mortality 221
6.0 Part-6: National Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS) Documents
Table- 6.1 Status of Emergency Action Plan (EAP) 225
Table- 6.2 Status of Reservoir Operation Schedule (ROS) 225
Table- 6.3 Status of Gate Operation Schedule (GOS) 225
Table- 6.4 Dam Wise Status of GOS & ROS, EAP ( Class-I Dams) 226
Table- 6.5 Status of Other NCDS Documents (Class-I Dams) 229
Sr. Page
No. No.
Table- 6.6 Dam Wise Status of other NCDS Documents 230
7.0 Part-7 : Dam Health and Rehabilitation Monitoring Application
Table-7.1 Status of DHARMA Information updation 236

8.0 Part- 8: Health Status of Gated Dam (As per Mechanical Organisation)

8.1 General 245

8.2 Health Status of Gated Dams 245
Table 8.1 Status of Deficiencies 246

General Information
Part-1 General
1.01 Introduction:

As per National Register of Large Dam (NRLD) published by CWC, New Delhi, Maharashtra has
the distinction of having largest numbers of dams in the country.
A separate Organisation called Dam Safety Inspectorate, Nashik was functioning in the
State since 20/10/1980. Its status is upgraded as Dam Safety Organisation, Nashik from
01/05/1985. The organization consists of a circle level unit headed by Superintending Engineer
under which Executive Engineer, Dam Safety Division No.2, Nashik looks after Nagpur Region.

1.02 Inspection of Dams:

The Government of Maharashtra has delegated powers of Pre and Post Monsoon
Inspection to competent authority for Pre and Post Monsoon Inspection of the Dams vide G.R

Dam Safety Organization, Nashik carries out scrutiny of the inspection reports received
from field offices for Class-I & II Dams. Significant & Serious deficiencies observed during
scrutiny are immediately intimated to Field Offices to carry out Remedial Measures.

The “Annual Dam Inspection Programme is sanctioned by Director General, DTHRS

MERI Nashik. Test inspections are carried out by Dam Safety Organization as a third party
inspection to crosscheck the inspections carried out by Field Offices.

North Maharashtra Region comprising 454 Government owned Completed Dams

(includes 08 Century old Dams & 34 Dams under Construction Dams) & 9 private Dams

DSO, Nashik monitors all Government Dams from safety point of view. In addition to
this DSO, Nashik carried out detailed inspections of 9 Private Dams.1 Class I Dam from
Commissioner, Nashik Municipal Corporaton,Nashik, 2 Class II Dams from S.E. MJP Nashik, 1
Class II dam from Malegaon Municipal Corporatin, Malegaon, 1 Class II dam from Dhule
Municipal Corporation, Dhule, 1 Class II dam from E.E. M.I.D.C. Dhule, 1 Class II dam from
Igatpuri Municipal Council Igatpuri, 1 Classa II dam from Manmad Nagar Parishad, Manmad, 1
Class II dam from Nandgaon Nagar Parishad, Nandgaon.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 1
1.03 District wise and class wise break up of number of Dams :

No. Of Class- I No. Of Class- II No. Of Class- III

District Grand Total
Dams Dams Dams
NASHIK 24 89 20 132
AHMEDNAGAR 13 34 36 81
DHULE 10 32 14 56
NANDURBAR 08 36 05 49
JALGAON 14 34 76 124
Govt. Total 69 225 151 442
NASHIK 01 06 - 07
DHULE 00 02 - 02
Private Total 01 08 00 09
Grand total 70 233 151 454

1.04 Time Schedule of Inspections :

The Government of Maharashtra has designed systematic approach formonitoring each
and every dam. The periodical inspection of dams must be completed as per following schedule.

Last dates for

Type of Inspection Sending of Inspection
Completion of Inspection reports to concerned
(1) Pre Monsoon 15th May 30th June
(2) Post Monsoon 30th November 31st December
(3) Special inspection before the
first filling (Report need not be
30th April 31st May
sent to Dam safety
Within one week after the lake
(4) Special inspection after the Within one week from the
attains the intended storage
first filling date of inspection.
(5) Special inspection after a
Immediately after the event is Within one week form the
severe distressing event or
noted. date of inspection?
accident or incident.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 2
1.05 Classification of Dams :

The dams are categorized into three types based on their component and features as below.

Height from Impounded

general level gross storage
SR Type of Spillway
of deepest capacity Up to Type of spillway
No Dam capacity
foundation in FRL in M
m. Cum

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Class-I Above 30 m Above 60 M Above 3,000 Gated Spillway
Dam Cum Cumecs
2 Class-II 15 m to 30 m 15 M Cum 2,000 to Ungated Spillway
Dam upto 60 3,000 Cumecs
3 Class-III 10 m.to15m 1.0 M Cum 2,000 to Ungated Spillway
Dam upto 15 MCum 3,000 Cumecs

1) All dams more than 15 meters in height will be classified under “Large Dam”
Irrespective of other parameters.
2) All dams less than 10 meters in height will be classified as “Small Dam” irrespectiveother
3) In order to determine the exact category of “Large Dam” following procedure shall be
followed. The category of dam as per (I) Height (II) Storage Capacity & (III) Spillway
Capacity shall be worked out individually.The highest of category shall be appropriate
category of dam
4) Apart from above following additional parameters shall be considered for deciding
the category of the dams between 10 to 15 m. in height.
a)Dams having length of crest more than 2000 m. OR
b)Dams having specially difficult foundation problems OR
c) Dams with unusual design shall be classified under “Large Dams(Class-II)”
d)Dams having length of crest more than 500 meters but less than 2000 meters
Shall be classified as “Large Dams (Class-III)”

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 3
1.06Field Inspection Authorities :

The designated inspection authority for periodical inspection of dam depending upon the
classification of type of dam is as below.

Type of Inspection Inspection Reports to

Sr. No. Test Inspection
Dam authority be sent to
1 2 7 8 9
1 Class-I Superintending 1) Chief Engineer Test Inspection by the Regional
Dam Engineer/ 2) Superintending Chief Engineer/ Chief Administrator
Administrator Engineer Dam Safety for the dams having height more than
Organization. 60 m or storage capacity more than
1000 MCum or spillway capacity
10000 Cumecs or more

2 Class-II Executive 1) Superintending

Dam Engineer Engineer/ Administrator
2) Superintending
Engineer, Dam safety
3 Class-III Deputy Engineer 1)Superintending
Dam Engineer/ Administrator
2) Executive Engineer

1.07 Preparation Of Annual Dam Health Status Reports Of Class-I & class-II

Dams :
Dam safety Organization carried out scrutiny of the periodical inspection reports of Class-I &
Class-II dams received from field offices and significant deficiencies are immediately
communicated to concern authorities to carry out remedial measures.

Based on all periodical inspection reports from Field Offices and Test Inspections carried out
by DSO, Nashik, Region wise Annual Dam Health Status Report is published by DG, DTHRS,
MERI, Nashik and submitted to Government, CWC and circulated to all concerned Field Offices.

1.08 Preparation of Annual Dam Health Status Report of Class-III Dams :

The responsibility of Health and Safety Monitoring of Class-III dams lies with the respective
Chief Engineer. Hence for Class-III Dams based on periodical inspection reports, Annual Health
Status Report of Class-III dams should be prepared by concern Field Chief Engineers and
forwarded to DSO, Nashik for record.
1.09 Guidelines Regarding Preparation of Annual Dam Health Status Report :
ADHSR is prepared in DSO, Nashik as per Central Water Commission New Delhi’s guidelines
received vide letter Dtd. 28/08/2002. As per this letter it is intimated that all States /
Organizations should submit the Annual Dam Health Status Report (ADHSR) in the month of
‘April’ every year.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 4
1.09.1 Categorization of Deficiencies

The deficiencies observed are categorized as per CWC, New Delhi’s letter
Dtd. 28/08/2002as below

Category Action to be taken

Category-1 Dams with Major deficiencies which may lead to dam failure.
Category-2 Dams with Major rectifiable deficiencies needing immediate attention.
Category-3 Dams having Minor/ No deficiencies.

For further detailing of deficiencies based on the nature and priority of deficiency, DSO, Nashik
has standardized all the three types of deficiencies.
These standardized deficiencies are as follows

1.09.2Category-1 Standard Deficiencies :

Sr. Category
No. identifier
1 E - Earthen Dam.
1 Seepage water has created an open pathway or pipe through dam, which may 1E.1
lead to failure of dam by piping.
2 Heavy seepage with muddy or turbid water is observed through any part of 1E.2
3 Seepage water flooding from a boil in the foundation or from relief well on 1E.3
downstream side of dam.
4 Outlet well / Head regulator well and hoisting structure is collapsed/completely 1E.4
5 Outlet pipe in the body of the dam is damaged/failed and uncontrolled outlet- 1E.5
releases eroding Toe of dam.
6 Debris stuck under gate or gate leaf is cracked / failed resulting uncontrolled 1E.6
flow through outlet.
1 M Masonry Dam
1 Downstream movement or tilting of dam. 1M.1
2 Differential movement of dam blocks/monoliths. 1M.2
3 Vertical Displacement with visible cracking in the body of dam. 1M.3
4 Spillway gate damaged / not working. 1 M.4

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 5
1.09.3 Category-2Standard Deficiencies :

Deficiency Cat II (A) Deficiency Cat II (B)

Earthen Dam
A.1: Boil/leakage/ seepage/ wet patches/ slushiness B 1: Dam section is not as per design
Earthen Dam.
A 2: Standing pool / Ponding / Water Logging / B 2: Cross and toe drains not working properly/
Slushy condition on D/S of Dam drains silted or vegetated causing stagnant pool of
A 3 : Leakages in vicinity of junction between B 3: Considerable settlement of embankment /
earthen dam & masonry dam portion. Rock toe/Pitching/ U/S & D/S slops,
bulging/concavity of slopes.
A 4 : Major leakages through outlet conduit/pipe B 4: Longitudinal / Transverse cracks/ low
joints/Gates. area/sink holes/gully formation on top side slope
of earthen dam.
A 5 ; Relief wells not functioning properly./ B 5: Outlet gates not functioning properly. Stem
Abnormal rise in water level in wells. rod is bent(Service gate/Emergency gate/Stop log
gate/sluice gate)
A 6 : Outlet well is damaged/not in good condition B 6: Approach to dam through all weather road not
/cracks observed/jets of water in well. constructed/maintained properly.
A 7 : Retrogression /scouring in tail channel. B 7: Waste weir/waste weir bar not in good
condition/coping damaged/leakage through waste
Masonry / Concrete Dam
A 8 : Drainage gallery inaccessible/No adequate B 8: Pointing on U/S face of dam not in good
lighting./ No dewatering arrangement or failure. condition./deterioration spalling of concrete
A 9 : Foundation drains / holes/ porous B 9: Instruments not in working condition.
pipes/chocked/ no seepage through foundation
drain holes.
A 10 : Heavy leakages through porous pipes/ B 10:Leakages through River sluice.
through dam body in gallery /monolith joints.
A 11 : Sweating / seepages through D/S of masonry
A 12 : Excessive considerable leaching from seepage
A 13 : Swelling / minor cracking observed on body
of dam.
A 14 : EDA / Stilling basin damaged/Hydraulic
performance not good.
A 15 : Leakages through spillway /piers//junction
of flank wall.
A 16: Damages / foundation erosion/
scour/undermining observed in vicinity of flank
walls/ guide walls/ junction walls/return walls.
A 17 :End weir not in good condition / scouring
noticed on immediate D/S.
Spillway gates

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 6
Deficiency Cat II (A) Deficiency Cat II (B)
A 18 :Wire ropes of hoist not in good B 11: Surface paint/steel surface of spillway gates
condition/hoisting structure damaged/cracked. deteriorated.
A 19 : Alternative power system Generator for gate B 12 : Damage to Rubber seals/ considerable
operation not working properly. Leakages through gates.
A 20 : Operation of gates not smooth needs repair.
Other structures
B 13 : Heavy vegetation/big trees on embankment
top/slope making dam portion not accessible.
B 14 : Deck bridge slab/ pier / damaged cracked/
alignment disturbed.
B 15 :Major portion of Pitching damaged/washed

1.09.4 Category-3Standard Deficiencies :

Sr. Category
No. identifier
1 Profuse growth of bushes and trees over dam portion. 3.1
2 Guard stones/ chainage stones and parapet wall not provided /damaged. 3.2
3 Growth of aquatic weeds in reservoir of dam is observed. 3.3
4 Ant hills or crab holes/holes made by rodents/animals. 3.4
Minor undulation/ settlement/slightly less top width/ Rain cuts / pot holes 3.5
observed on dam top & slopes.
6 Access road/Dam top road surface/ slab joints damaged needs repair. 3.6
7 Pitching on embankment of dam is dislocated /disturbed at some places. 3.7
Breaching section is not accessible/ Instruction board showing operation of 3.8
breaching section is not available.
Section of Toe drain/cross drain/ out fall drain/rock toe damaged at some 3.9
9 places.Pitching of drains disturbed.Some weed,vegetation growth/ siltation in
nalla/drains. Nalla needs regradation.
10 Surface drain/ Catch water drains for berms are silted /damaged 3.10
11 Electric cable & wiring are damaged/not in good condition. 3.11
12 Minorleaching in the gallery/ body of dam. 3.12
V – notches/ measuring devices are not in working condition/ silted /damaged/ 3.13
not provided.
14 Mosquito net door is to be provided to avoid entry of reptiles in thegallery. 3.14
Damage to natural slope protection works, guniting damaged/washed out. Wire 3.15
mesh exposed.
Guide wall/Divide wall/Guide bund/End Sill wall damaged/ Pointing is not in 3.16
16 good condition/weep holes not functioning. At some places w.w bar/coping is
17 Provision of access to stilling basin/ladder not provided. 3.17
18 EDA ponding with water not possible to Inspect. 3.18
19 Minor erosion/ Scouring/Retrogression/ pot holes in tail channel. Ponding, 3.19

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 7
Sr. Category
No. identifier
standingWater in EDA / Tail channel.
Lubrication/painting/minor repairs required for parts of Gates / hoisting 3.20
Structure/Rubber seal damaged/ replacement.
Approach bridge to intake well / spillway gates railing /flooring plates damaged / 3.21
need repairs. Need of ladder for inspection well/EDA.
22 Minor leakages through river sluice/outlet/ gates. 3.22
23 Air vent not periodically cleaned./damaged/closed. 3.23
24 EAP / ROS /GOS /Record drawings/ not provided / not prepared at dam site. 3.24
The record of periodical measurements of leakage discharge from dam / relief 3.25
well is not maintained.
26 Street light on dam top is not provided/not working. 3.26
27 Security / CC TV camera/entry gate not provided/not working. 3.27
Sufficient staff arrangement is not available for security ,instrument readings and 3.28
measurements and maintenance on dam site.
Fencing around dam is not provided/ damaged due to which unauthorized 3.29
trespassers are seen.
Communication facilities like mobile wireless, warning devices, telephone is not 3.30
available at dam site.
Sufficient stock of spares/stationary required is not available at dam site. Storage 3.31
arrangement not provided at site.
Minor leakages through masonary/ concrete dam body/gallery of dam/outlet 3.32
Security cabin at dam entrance/Irrigation outlets not provided/damaged/needs 3.33
34 Approach channel silted.Trash rack need to be cleaned/ damaged/not provided. 3.34
35 Minor damages to spillway / masonary/ concrete portion of dam/outlet well. 3.35
36 Porous pipes/foundation drains / holes not periodically cleaned. 3.36

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 8
1.10 Special Deficiencies
Director general, DTHRS, Nashik has circulated a circular of special deficiencies dated
21/07/202 ( सं. ा.ज.सं.सु./म.अ.सं.सं./ शा/अ ध/८८/सन२०२०) to all field offices to attend the
above special deficiencies along with periodical inspection report

Statement No-1

Special Attention Deficiencies (Civil), Attached with Pre- Post monsoon Inspection Reports
(Availability of Compulsory Manpower & Documents at dam Site)

Deficiency Deficiency

Sp-1 Whether Emergency Action Plan is kept at dam site or not ?

Sp-2 Whether Approved Reservoir Operation Schedule is kept at dam site or not ?

Sp-3 Whether Latest approved gate Operation Schedule is to be kept at dam site or not ?

Whether Record Drawings sets are kept at dam site / section / Sub Divn. office or
not ?

Whether Standard Operating Procedure copy with Updatedcontact numbers of all

concerned authorities are kept at dam site or not ?

Whether Chart showing location of rain gauges / river gauges on U/s catchment &
approximate travel time of discharge is maintained & displayed at dam site.

If CCTV is established, how observations are done round the clock & who is
responsible person to observe these.

Whether Sufficient arrangement of staff is available or not. Engineers / Operators /

Electrician / Watchmen / Security etc. and also staff for instrument reading,
measurement & maintenance.They may be Govt. employee or through outsourcing.
This staff is especially compulsory during monsoon period.

Whether Communication facilities like mobile, wireless, warning devices, telephone

are available at dam site, or otherwise.

Whether The record of periodical measurements of leakage discharge from dam /

relief well etc. is maintained or not.

Sp-11 Is there any profuse growth of bushes or trees over any portion of dam ?

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 9
Statement No-2
Special Attention Deficiencies (Mech& Elect), Attached with Pre- Post monsoon Inspection
( Compulsory Minimum repairs, For Spillway Gates & Gallery)
Deficiency Deficiency

Whether Wire ropes of hoist are in good condition/hoisting structure damaged/cracked ?.


Whether Alternative power system- Stand by two Generators for gate operation are working
Sp-13 properly or not ?

Sp-14 Whether the operation of all gates is smooth or needs repair ?.

Whether Lubrication/ painting/ minor repairs for parts of Spillway Gates and Hoisting
Sp-15 structure are carried out or not ?.

Sp-16 Whether Rubber seals of gates are damaged or needs replacement ?.

Due date of painting of each part should be displayed on dam site as per mechanical
Sp-17 maintenance schedule

Sp-18 Whether Electric cable / wiring / lights etc are in working condition are not ?

Sp-19 Whether gallery is having excessive leakages ?

1.11 Standard Procedure For Confirmation And Removal of Category-1

Deficiency of Dams
A systematic approach and working methodology is very essential to monitor the
safety aspects of the dams.
During the scrutiny of Pre and Post Monsoon report or during DSO test Inspection
whenever it is found that the deficiency is of Category-I, it will be immediately communicated
to concern SE and CE.
Concerned SE /CE should immediately visit the dam and should satisfy himself
that the deficiency pointed out is a major deficiency which may lead to failure of dam and
should confirm to the DSO, Nashik regarding the classification of deficiency as per his
After conformation from Field Chief Engineer it will appear in ADHSR.
Remedial Measures for Category-I deficiency removal shall be undertaken immediately. And after
completion of physical work of deficiency removal, Concern Chief Engineer should communicate status to
DSO, Nashik immediately.

1.12 National Register of Large Dams (NRLD) :

Dams having Height above 10 meter are classified as per the norms of International Commission
on Large Dams (ICOLD).
NRLD is consists of information of Large Dams as per 20 columns proforma covering information
regarding salient features.
NRLD is updated in every January. Hence Field offices need to submit the information of new
dams every year to DSO by December to incorporate it in NRLD.The response regarding submission of
NRLD information from field offices is very poor, it is always observed that DSO officials has to take
rigorousfollow up to obtain requisite information.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 10
1.13 Point of Attention :

General Details

Inspection details 1) The periodical inspection reports of all the dams shall be sent in original instead of
carbon or xerox copy. ( Signed copy shall be emailed in advance to DSO.
2) Ambiguous or incomplete replies shall be avoided. It is necessary to check point
wise replies, which should clear and self explanatory.
3) The deficiencies observed frequently since long shall be deleted after verification of
rectification work.
4)The inspecting officer is advised to write the word “special attention” in inspection
report against all such items wherever immediate attention is necessary from
concerned field officer in charge of dam from safety point of dams and life &
property on the downstream & would be useful for identifying categorization of
deficiencies in Dam Safety Organization, Nashik.
5) The information in Appendix II (Performance of meteorological instruments
installed) and Appendix III (performance of taking observation of instruments
installed in large dams) shall be filled properly and complete.
6) The compliance of rectification work of deficiencies of each dam mentioned in
status report shall be communicated to Dam Safety Organization, Nashik every year
so that this can be included in the Action Taken Report Part-I of status report.
Salient features 1) Due care shall be taken while filling the salient features of dam and information
regarding N.C.D.S. documents.
2) Date of inspections is not mentioned in some Pre / Post Inspection Reports. This is
mandatory since it will reflect in the Annual health status report.
Dam and Dam reach 1) If the existing dam section is found under section as compared to the design section
(Embankment) during inspection then the work of re-sectioning shall be carried out and opinion of
inspecting officer shall be stated in inspection report.
2) The extent of embankment settlement shall be furnished with its measurement &
Reduced Distance (R.D.) and it shall be with compared designed cross section.
Gallery / Shaft The monolith wise quantum of leaching in galleries and all type of leakages in dam shall
Drainage ( be noted in inspection report.
Concrete / Masonry)

Spillway and Energy The quantum of retrogression/scouring in tail channel shall be given in inspection
Dissipation Structure report.

Hydro-Mechanical The trial of spillway gates shall be carried out before monsoon every year &observed
Component and condition shall be mentioned in inspection report.
Instrumentation It is observed that the information regarding number of instruments installed does not
tally for pre & post monsoon inspection report of the same dam. In some cases it is
observed that the list of instruments given in previous year do not appears in the
current year. These discrepancies should be avoided.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 11

Action Taken Report

Part-2: Action Taken Report (ATR)
2.1 General:
Annual Dam Health Status Reports (ADHSR) of Dams for Year
2020-2021 was published by Director General, DTHRS, MERI, Nashik in May 2021 and
submitted to Govt. of Maharashtra and also circulated to all Field Offices ranging from
Divisions to Corporations for information and carrying out remedial measures.
It is expected that Field Officers should go through the Status Report scrupulously
and attend remedial measures on priority basis and submit Action Taken Report (ATR) for
reflecting necessary repairs & attention given for maintaining safety of Dams in the

2.2 ATR Submitted by Field Offices:

In this region there is Government owned 69 Class-I & 222 Class-II Dams &
Private owned 9 Class-I & 2 Class-II Dams
As per ADHSR 2020-21 Action Taken Report was expected from Government
owned 8 Class-I & 39 Class-II Dams & Private owned 1 Class-II Dam. However Action
Taken Report were received from Government owned 3 Class-I & 28 Class-II Dams &
Private owned dams Nil action taken reports received. [Ref. Table 2.1, 2.2& 2.3]

2.3 Action Taken Report of Class-I & Class-II Dams (Government owned)

Category Total Dam ATR received Physically fully completed Physically partly completed

Class I II I II I II % I II %









No. of









Category 1

2 Private
Category 2
3 WRD 8 33 39 161 3 11 22 97 0 0 28 19 28 19 0 0 22 5 22 5
4 Private 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 8 33 40 163 3 11 23 99 0 0 28 19 28 19 0 0 22 5 22 5

2.4 Conclusions :
As 48 out of 16 ATR are not received in DSO. Field officers & higher Authorities shall
take note of this seriously.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 12
2.5 Points of Attention:
A) Government & Private Owned Dams :

Even after
Sr. Inspection Received in time in ATR were not
No. rigorous follow up
Report in DSO received
by DSO

Number % Number % Number %

1 48 0 0.00 31 59.95 16 34.03

1. Concerned Chief Engineer should monitor and instruct field Superintending

Engineer & Executive Engineer regarding submission of ATR to DSO, Nashik to
reflect exact status of Dam Safety works. Otherwise whole exercise of publishing
ADHSR will be futile.

2. Concerned Dam owner should give serious attention regarding submission (Before
15th feb 2022) of ATR to DSO, Nashik to reflect exact status of Dam Safety works.
Otherwise whole exercise of publishing ADHSR will be futile.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 13
Table - 2.1
Consolidated Abstract of Status of Compliance of Category-1 Deficiencies in ADHSR-2020-21

Sr.No Agency
Dams & Deficiencies Status of Deficiencies removal as per compliance report received in DSO, Nashik
Class-I Class- Total Administrative action Compliance report not
Dam II Dam Physically fully completed Physically partly completed
initiated received in DSO
Class-I Class- Total Class-I Class- Total Class-I Class- Total Class-I Class- Total
Dam II Dam Dam II Dam Dam II Dam Dam II Dam
No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. of Def. Cat -1

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 14
Table - 2.2

Consolidated Abstract of Status of Compliance of Category-2 Deficiencies in ADHSR-2020-21

Sr Dams & Deficiencies Status of Deficiencies removal as per compliance report received in DSO, Nashik
o Physically fully completed Physically partly completed Administrative action initiated Compliance report not received in DSO
Class- Class-II
I Dam Dam Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II
Total Total Total Total
Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam
No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
A)Chief Engineer North Maharashtra Region ,Nashik
1 2 7 8 30 10 37 0 0 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 4 10 2 7 4 16 6 23
2 Ahamad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total (A) 2 7 8 30 10 37 0 0 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 4 10 2 7 4 16 6 23
[B] Chief Engineer, TIDC, Jalgaon
1 3 11 22 97 25 108 0 0 22 12 22 12 0 0 22 5 22 5 3 11 22 78 25 89 0 0 0 2 0 2
2 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 5
3 2 10 4 11 6 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 4 11 6 21
Total (B) 6 26 26 108 32 134 0 0 22 12 22 12 0 0 22 5 22 5 3 11 22 78 25 89 3 15 4 13 7 28

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 15
Sr Dams & Deficiencies Status of Deficiencies removal as per compliance report received in DSO, Nashik
o Physically fully completed Physically partly completed Administrative action initiated Compliance report not received in DSO
Class- Class-II
I Dam Dam Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II
Total Total Total Total
Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam
No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
[C] Chief Engineer, Kokan Region , Mumbai
1 Thane 0 0 2 7 2 7 0 0 2 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total (C) 0 0 2 7 2 7 0 0 2 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
[D] Chief Engineer, (SP),Pune
1 IC, 0 0 3 16 3 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 16 3 16
Total (D) 0 0 3 16 3 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 16 3 16
Total 8 33 39 161 47 194 0 0 28 19 28 19 0 0 22 5 22 5 3 11 28 92 31 103 5 22 11 45 16 67

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 16
Sr Dams & Deficiencies Status of Deficiencies removal as per compliance report received in DSO, Nashik
o Physically fully completed Physically partly completed Administrative action initiated Compliance report not received in DSO
Class- Class-II
I Dam Dam Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II
Total Total Total Total
Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam
No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. of Def. Cat -2

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams

No. Of Dams
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1 Nashik
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Malegao 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Nashik
0 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2
0 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2
Total 8 33 40 163 48 196 0 0 28 19 28 19 0 0 22 5 22 5 3 11 28 92 31 103 5 22 12 47 17 69

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 17
Table - 2.3

Dams for which Compliance Report Not Received in DSO, Nashik

Total Total
Sr. Sr.
Compliance Report not received Number of Compliance Report Not Received Number of
No. No.
Dam Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6
Class-I Dams Class-II Dams
A)Chief Engineer North Maharashtra Region ,Nashik
I) Superintending Engineer North Maharashtra Region ,Nashik
1) Executive Engineer, Nashik Irrigation Division, Nashik
1. Bhandardara 01 1 Mahiravani
2 Borkhind

2)Executive Engineer, Ahamdanagar Irrigation Division, Ahamdanagar

1 Ambit
2 Ambikhalsa

3)Executive Engineer, Mula Irrigation Division Ahamdanagar

1 Mula 01

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 18
Total Total
Sr. Sr.
Compliance Report not received Number of Compliance Report Not Received Number of
No. No.
Dam Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6
Class-I Dams Class-II Dams
B)Chief Engineer Tapi Irrigation Project, Jalgaon
I) Superintending Engineer DIPC, Dhule

1)Executive Engineer Girna River Valley Project Division, Nashik

1 Punand 01

II) Superintending Engineer JIPC, Jalgaon

1) Executive Engineer,Minor Irrigation Division, Jalgaon

1 Gangapuri 04

2 Sur

3 Matran Nalla

4 Jondalkheda

2) Executive Engineer,Jalgaon Medium Project Division no 1 , Jalgaon

1 Gul 02
2 Anjani

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 19
D)Chief Engineer Special Project, Pune

I) Superintending Engineer Kukadi Irrigation Division,Kukadi

1) Executive Engineer, Kukadi Irrigation Division, Shrigonda

------ 1 Telenghashi

2 Visapur

Private Dam

1) Maharashtra Jeevan Vikas Pradhikaran, Water Management Circle, Nashik

--- 1 Talegaon 1

Total 05 Total 12

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 20
Table 2.4
ATR on Category-1 Deficiency in Class-I Dams

Sr. Name of Dam Date of Main Significant Remedial Measures Suggested Implementatio
No. Inspection component of Deficiencies Noticed n Status
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

---------------------------- No Such Dams under this category is reported ----------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 21
Table 2.5
ATR on Category-2 Deficiency in Class-I Dams
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial Measures Implementation Status
No. of Officer component deficiencies noticed. Suggested
inspection of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
S.E. Administrator CADA Nashik
1 Name-BHANDARDARA 23/05/2020 Smt. Masonry Leaching is observed at some Leaching material should be Not Received
Year of Completion: 1926 12/12/2020 A.H.Ahirrao Dam location. .(A11) tested from MERI.
Location S.E. & Adm. There is excessive seepage Causes of leakage should be
Longitude: 73o 45 30 CADA sweating on d/s face of the dam at found out & necessary
Latitude: 19o 32 43 Nashik ch. 935 ft, 1090 ft. 1140 ft,&1265 repairs should be carried
Height: 82.35 m ft.(A11) out.
Gross capacity: 312.60Mm3 Quantity of seepage not measured & Quantum of seepage shall
Spillway capacity: 1500 m3/sec recorded daily or periodically. be monitored monolithwise.
Sr. No. in National Register of Leaching material getting
Large Dams :- MH09HH0047 accumulated to be scraped
04/07/2020 off frequently. Leached
Shri. material to be collected
Y.K.Bhadane yearly monolithwise and
S.E. DSO. weighed and record of
Nashik quantity and weight to be
maintained. Leaching
material to be tested from
MERI, Nasik.
Piezometer, inverted plunb bob & Urgent repairing should be
uplift pressure measuring gauge are carried out with the help of
out of order. Instrumentation Division.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 22
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial Measures Implementation Status
No. of Officer component deficiencies noticed. Suggested
inspection of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 Name:- MULA 13/05/2020 Smt. Earth dam There is sign of water logging slushy The d/s area at least up to In old Mula river d/s if
Year of Completion: 1971 Not A.H.Ahirrao condition on d/s of dam. (A2) above 200m. From toe, shall Mula dam at ch 2200m
Location Received S.E. & Adm. be free from stagnation of there is K.T. weir digras.
Longitude: 74o 34 30 CADA water. The area should be well Hence, water logging and
Latitude: 19o 21 30 Nashik drained so as to avoid any slushy condition is
Height: 46.67 m stagnant pools of water occurred. each year
Gross capacity: 736.32 Mm3 cleaning of old river at
Spillway capacity:- 5946.53 d/s side of mula dam is
m3/sec done.
Sr. No. in National Register of (Letter no.MID/PB-5/
Large Dams :- MH09HH0316 1613 dt 22/04/2022)

Body Wall Considerable leaching from seepage Proper remedial measures Not yet done
water and deposition of lime near should be taken in
seepage is observed. (A12) consultation with MERI,

Spillway Life is overdue for full length of the Necessary repairs should be
gates chain or wire rope of the hoist.(A18) carried out.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 23
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial Measures Implementation
No. of Officer component deficiencies noticed. Suggested Status
inspection of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 Name :- RANIPUR 29/05/2020 Shri. W.W&T.C Waste weir bar needs to be arrested Necessary repairs should be Preparation of
Year of Completion: 1999 15/01/2021 S.N.Kulkarni by provision of concrete structure carried out. estimate at sub
Location SE & Adm. wall.(B7) division level is in
Longitude: NA CADA process.
Latitude: Na Jalgaon Outlet Conduit is fully chocked by incident Siltation should be removed
Height: 40 m of 2006.(B5) from conduit for free flow of
Gross capacity: 43.90 Mm3 water.
Spillway capacity: Ungated
Sr. No. in National Register of Conduit gets chocked by debris. Gate
Large Dams:- MH09HH1481 system cannot be
4 Name :- SARANGKHEDA Shri. Spillway `Vertical lift gates highly deteriorated. Necessary action of repairing For this on
BARRAGE 18/03/2020 S.N. Kulkarni Gates are in poor condition. (B11) / replacement should be 06/03/2022 at TIDC,
Year of Completion: 2008 02/01/2021 SE,&Admn. taken with the help of Jalgaon committe is
Location CADA Mechanical Organisation. established and
Longitude: 74o32 15 Jalgaon conclusion and
Latitude: 21o25 30 Hydro Due to back water of Prakasha Necessary repairs / recommedation of
Height: 13.34 m. Mechainc Barrage, D/S side of vertical gates were replacement should be carried committee is send to
Gross capacity: 92.20 Mm3 Componant. submerged upto 1.2 m. Hence out with the help of goverment level.
Spillway capacity:- 50529.00 corrosion found in all gates. Bottom Mechanical Organisation.
m3/sec panel of gates needs to be replaced.
Sr. No. in National Register of

Large Dams :- MH09HH1770

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 24
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial Measures Implementation Status
No. of Officer component deficiencies noticed. Suggested
inspection of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 Name :- MANYAD 14/05/2020 Shri. W.W. Bar & Foundation erosion in Guide/Divide Necessary repairs should be SE,CDO Nashik letter
(JALGAON)Year of 03/12/2019 S.N.Kulkarni tail channel /Junction, Need to repairs carried out.. no manyad/236 dt
Completion: 1973Location SE & Adm. Immediately (A16) 28/11/2014 the work
Longitude: 74o 48 00” CADA repaired included in
Latitude: 20o 29 00 Jalgaon EDA Erosion occurred in both wall No.1 & Necessary repairs should be estimate has damaged
Height: 45.00 m 2 in tail channel.(A16) carried out. more due to heavy
Gross capacity: 53.98Mm3 rainfall in september
Spillwaycapacity: 3755 m3/sec Erosion on D/S in both E.D.A. & Necessary repairs should be month, because of this
Sr. No. in National Register of wall No.1 (A14) carried out. the work pattern is
Large Dams:- MH09HH0387 changed and for this
estimation preparation is
Necessary repairs should be progressed at sub
Protection wall No.5 collapsed carried out. division level.
between Ch. 55 ti 125 m.

Appron is also washed away Need to Proper measures to control

repaire immediately(A14) the erosion should be carried
Appron should be
reconstructed with
consultation of CDO Nashik

Scouring is noticed between EDA & Necessary repairs shpuld be

check wall No.1 carried out.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 25
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial Measures Implement
No. of Officer component deficiencies noticed. Suggested ation Status
inspection of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 Name :- GUL 08/05/2020 Shri. A.S.More Earthen dam Wet/ slushy patches observed in Necessary measures should be Not
Year of Completion: 2009 Not S.E. J.I.P.C. Gorge portion from Ch. 635m to carried out. Received
Location Received Jalgaon 655m. (A1)
Longitude: 75o 22 40 In Inspection gallery lighting Necessary measures should be
Latitude: 21o 19 00 should be done. (A8 carried out.
Height: 31.33 m Stairs are slippery needs to be Necessary measures should be
Gross capacity: 23.25 Mm3 cleaned.(A8) carried out.
Spillway capacity:- 1823.00 Excessive leakages at Rd. 72m. due to Necessary measures should be
m3/sec monolethic joint & from porous carried out.
Sr. No. in National Register of drain. It should be rectify.(A10)
Large Dams :- MH09MH1955 Seepages at 3 to 4 locations needs to Necessary measures should be
be repaired. (A10) carried out.
Stand by Generator needs to be Necessary repairs should be
repaired.(A19) carried out.
Leakages to the intake well of right Necessary repairs should be
bank H.R.& conduit concrete from carried out
Ch. 251.15 m. to 253.20 m.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 26
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial Measures Implementation
No. of Officer component deficiencies noticed. Suggested Status
inspection of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 Name- Anjani 29/04/2020 Shri. A.S.More Hydro Gate No. 2 is in non operative Necessary repairs should Not Received
Year of Completion: 2007 Not S.E. JIPC. Mechanic condition &Goliath crane & trunnion be carried out with the
Location Received Jalgaon Component buckle of gate No.2 is broken. (A18) help og Mechanical
Longitude: 75o 19 00 Organisation.
Latitude: 20o 54 00
Height: 23.20 m
Gross capacity: 36.78 Mm3 Rubber seal & wire ropes of all three Necessary repairs should
Spillway capacity: 1991.81 Gates need to be replaced. (B12 & be carried out with the
m3/sec A18) help og Mechanical
Sr. No. in National Register of Organisation.
Large Dams :-MH09MH1954 03/06/2020 Shri.
Y.K.Bhadane Standby Generator is needed. (A19)
S.E. DSO. Necessary action should
Nashik be taken.

Lifting arrangement is not provided

for emergency gates. (B5) Necessary action should
be taken.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 27
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial Measures Implementation
No. of Officer component deficiencies noticed. Suggested Status
inspection of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 Name :-PUNAND 22/05/2020 Shri. Foundations Drainage gallery is full of water. Grouting is necessary for Not Received
Year of Completion: 2011 28/12/2020 M.S.Amale Lighting arrangement done but OF & NOF section. Also
Location SE,DIPC, required to be repaired.(A10) behaviour of gallery should
Longitude: 73o 52 30 Dhule be kept under observation
Latitude: 20o 37 30 Shri. Rahul
Height: 42.225 m Patil, D/S Due to rock erosion, pond developed Necessary repairs should be
Gross capacity: 39.75 Mm3 EE,GRVPD, Drainage at D/S of apron as per suggested by carried out.
Spillway capacity:- 1985.00 Nashik CDO cement concrete Up to Ch.
m3/sec 57.85 m.is in progress )(A16)
Sr. No. in National Register of
Large Dams :- MH09MH1820 Due to rock erosion, pond developed Necessary repairs should
EDA near D/S of apron near R/S guide be carried out
wall ( Ch. 58.85 m. to 75 m. D/S side)

River Sluice Rock erosion found near D/S of Necessary measures should
apron of spillway. (A16) be carried out.

Necessary repairs should be

Spillway Full length of chain or wire rope of carried out in consultation
Gates the hoist is not in sound condition. with Mechanical
(3.20) Organisation.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 28
Table 2.6
ATR on Category-1 Deficiency in Class-II Dams
Date Of Main Component Observation / Significant Remedial Measures Implementation
No. Dam Features
Inspection Of Dam Deficiencies Noticed Suggested Status
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

---------------------------- No Such Dams under this category is reported ----------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 29
Table 2.7
ATR on Category-2 Deficiency in Class-II Dams
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Name: BORKHIND 22/04/2020 Shri. S.D. Shinde Earthen Top width, U/S & D/S slopes Causes of leakage should be Not Received
Year of Completion:1995 12/12/2020 E.E. Embankment are not as per Design, Some investigated & treated
Location: N.I.D. Nashik concavity is noticed. (B3) accordingly.
Longitude: 73o50 00 &
Latitude: 19o45 09 Shri. S.D. Shinde Outlet gate is in closed position The repair shall be carried out
Height: 19.59 m E.E. WW & TC since last 5 years. (B5) with the help of Mechanical
Gross capacity:1.576 Mm3 N.I.D. Nashik Organization
Spillway capacity: 7.62 cumecs
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams:-MH09MH1347

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 30
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 Name:MAHIRAWANI 01/06/2020 Shri. S.D. Outlet There is about 2 cusecs leakage The leakage may be due to Not Received
Year of Completion:1984 07/12/2020 Shinde through masonary of damages or misalignments of
Location: E.E. conduit..(B5) stem rods, damages to rubber
Longitude: 73o 39 00 N.I.D. seal, improper operation of
Latitude: 19o 57 00 Nashik hoist etc. The repair shall be
Height: 25.53 m & carried out with the help of
Gross capacity: 2.633 Mm3 Shri. S.D. Mechanical Organization to
Spillway capacity: 196 cumecs Shinde minimize leakages.All
Sr.No.in National Register of E.E. leakages need to be attended
Large Dams:-MH09MH0683 N.I.D. in time. Causes of leakages
02/12/2020 Nashik should be investigated &
treated accordingly.
Shri. C.T. Leakage seen from side wall of Causes of leakage should be
Mondhe conduit & conduit concrete.(A4) investigated & treated
E.E. accordingly.
DSO,Nashik Seepage observed near and Causes of seepage should be
around the junction of conduit. investigated & treated
concrete and earthwork. accordingly
(2 Cusecs) (A4)

WW bar is not in good Damaged portion of w.w. bar

condition.(B7) shall be repaired.

W.W.&T.C scouring on D/S side of WW Scouring on d/s to be

bar (50 m. below) is seen. (A7) repaired by concrete filling

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 31
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting
Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer
compone deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 Name :- JAMLEVANI 16/05/2020 Shri.M.S. Earth Crest profile &slope of dam is not Dam section to be brought to correct Estimate Preparation is
Year of Completion: 1999 06/02/2020 Chaudhari Dam. as per design.(B1) design profile and level by adding Progress at section office.
Location : E.E.M.I.D. earthwork duly compacted properly.
Longitude: 73o 49 47 Malegaon
Latitude: 20o 26 40 Abnormal leakage through rock . Disturbed pitching work
Height: 27.63 m toe.(B3) Exact causes of leakages should be at rock toe is done in year
Gross capacity:1.66 Mm3/sec investigated & treated accordingly. 20-21.
Spillway capacity:-
Sr.No.in National Register of Waste Junction between spillway bar & Exact causes of leakages should be Grouting Estimate
Large Dams : MH09MH1507 weir bar embankment is not intact. Leakage investigated & treated accordingly. Preparation in Progress at
&Tail observed through masonry wall. section office.
channel (B7)
Scouring is noticed at D/S side in Scouring on d/s to be repaired by Estimate Preparation is
tail channel (A7) concrete filling suitably Progress at section office.

4 Name:SHINDE 16/05/2020 Shri.M.S. Outlet Leakage through conduit is Leakage should be monitored & if it is Work done by mechanical
Year of Completion: 1984 15/12/2020 Chaudhari observed.about 100 LPM.(A4) large then pipe joints should be repaired divisional Nashik.
Location: E.E.M.I.D. & all leakages need to be attended in time.
Longitude: :74o18 00 Malegaon Exact causes of leakages should be
Latitude: 20o 21 40 investigated & treated accordingly.
Height: 21.26 m
Gross capacity:1.690 Mm3
Spillway capacity: 80.00 Outlet well is notin good Necessary repairs to be carried out. Estimate Preparation is
cumecs condition.(A6) Progress at section office
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams: MH09MH0951 Waste Leakage through foundation of Exact causes of leakages should be Estimate Preparation is
weir bar WW bar.(2 to 3 Cusecs).(B7) investigated & treated accordingly. Progress at section office
& tail
channel. Scouring on D/S of ww bar.(A7) Scouring on d/s to be repaired by Work is kept in special
concrete filling suitably repairs year 2020-21.
DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 32
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer componen deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 Name:BHADANE 16/05/202 Shri.M.S. EE Section is not as per design in Dam section to be brought to Estimate Preparation is
Year of Completion: 1984 0 Chaudhari respect of top width.D/S and U/S correct design profile and Progress at section office
Location: 15/12/202 E.E.M.I.D slope are not as per design.(B3) level by adding earthwork
Longitude: 73o 30 00 0 Malegaon duly compacted properly.
Latitude: 20o 34 00
Height: 16.20 m Outlet Leakage through gate and HR Causes of leakages should be
Gross capacity:1.520 Mm3 well.(B5 & A6) investigated & treated Gate repaired by Mechanical
Spillway capacity: 101.0cumecs accordingly. unit.
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams: MH09MH0957 Leakage through well Exact causes of leakages Estimate Preparation is
masonry.(A6) should be investigated & Progress at section office.
treated accordingly.
All leakages need to be
attended in time.

W.W.& EDA is not in good condition. Necessary repairs should be Estimate Preparation is
T.C. (A14) carried out. . Progress at section office

Scouring is noticed at D/S of If required concrete filling

waste weir bar @ 60 m. should be done OR check Estimate Preparation is
wall should be constructed. Progress at section office

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 33
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6 Name :- TALWADE 24/05/2020 Shri.M.S. Earth Dam Dam section is not as per design. Dam section to be brought to Yet to be carried out.
BHAMER 19/12/2020 Chaudhari Top width is less than design(B1) correct design profile and
Year of Completion: 1979 E.E.M.I.D. level by adding earthwork
Location : Malegaon duly compacted properly
Longitude: 74o 18 00
Latitude: 20o 48 00 Outlet Outlet gate is not in working Necessary repairs should be Yet to be carried out.
Height: 15.45 m condition.(B7) carried out.
Gross capacity:2.560 Mm3/sec
Spillway capacity:-265.33
cumecs Well and approach channel is Necessary repairs should be
Sr.No.in National Register of 28/09/2020 Shri. C.T. completely silted.(A6) carried out. Yet to be carried out.
Large Dams :- MH09MH0776 Mondhe
DSO, Outlet wel damaged & silted. Silt should be removed & Yet to be carried out.
Nashik Necessary repairs should be
carried out.
WW. Bar & Right side UCR masonry having Necessary repairs have been
Tail Channel length 1.20 m. &width 0.80 m. is Necessary repairs should be done.
broken. carried out.


7 Name:-AMBIT 24/05/2020 Shri. W.W.&T.C. 22 pannel of size 7x 5 m are The necessary repair shall be Not Received
Year of Completion:- 2003 26/12/2020 G.B. washed away with anchor bar & carried out in consultation
Location Nannor exposed rock are open in stilling with the S.E. (Dams)
Longitude:73o 47 30 E.E.A.I.D. basin.(A14) C.D.O.Nashik
Latitude: 19o 36 30 A’Nagar
Height: 24.00m

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 34
Gross capacity:5.86Mm3 Flow condition of EDA have Necessary repairs should be
Spillway capacity:952.0 cumecs tendency to draw material.(A14) carried out inconsultation
Sr.No.in National Register of with S.E. (Dams)
Large Dams:- C.D.O.Nashik

Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 Name:-AMBIKHALSA 16/05/2020 Shri. Earthen Standing pool of water is noticed Causes of leakages should be Not Received
Year of Completion:-1975 05/12/2020 G.B. Embankment in nalla portion. find out & water in nalla
Location Nannor should be drained out.
Longitude:74o10 00 E.E.A.I.D.
Latitude: 19o20 34 A’Nagar
Height: 15.32 m
Gross capacity:1.74 Mm3 Outlet. Outlet well is not in good Necessary repairs should be
Spillway capacity:193.94 condition. carried out.
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams:- Complete gate assembly have to be Necessary repairs should be
MH09MH512 repaired. carried out with the help of
Mechanical Organisation.

General Severe leakage through dam & Necessary repairs should be

COT carried out with the help of
S.E. (Dams) CDO. Nashik

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 35
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
09 Name :Aad 12/05/2020 Shri.G.M. EE Local depression observed at some Necessary repairs should be The work was proposed in
Year of Completion: 1997 26/12/2020 Sanghani, places.Section of dam is get carried out procurement plan 2021-22.
Location: EE, disturbed.(B3) Now work will be proposed
Longitude: 73 o 36 00 MID, again in procurement plan
Latitude: 20o10 00 Nashik 2022-23.
Height: 23.80 m & Top width ,slopes are not as per Dam section to be brought
Gross capacity: 1.653 Mm3 Shri.V.Y. design at some places.(B1) to correct design profile and
Spillway capacity:70.07 cumecs Sonwane, level by adding earthwork
Sr.No.in National Register of EE, duly compacted properly.
Large Dams :-MH09MH1419 MID,
Nashik The leakage is observed near and Causes of leakages should be A fund of RS 20 lakhs has
around the earthwork and head investigated & treated been sactioned in
wall in d/s side .(A4) accordingly. procurement plan 2021-22
for the work of leakage
. around head regulator.
Estimated for work is in

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 36
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 Name :INAMBARI 12/05/2020 Shri. Earth Dam Heavy undulation on dam top is Necessary repairs should be Work is completed
Year of Completion: 1976 26/12/2020 S.R.Patil, observed.(B3) carried out under agreement no B-
Location: EE, Heavy raincuts are noticed in Necessary repairs should be 1/3/2020-21.
Longitude: 73 o 35 00 MID, between chainage 50 m to 150 carried out
Latitude: 20o 16 00 Nashik m.(B4)
Height: 22.57m Heavy leakage through outlet well. Necessary repairs should be
Gross capacity: 2.47 Mm3 carried out
Spillway capacity:215.20 Construction of flank wall on both Necessary repairs should be The repaired work has
cumecs ends of weir is essential.(A16) carried out been approved in
Sr.No.in National Register of procurement plan
Large Dams :- MH09MH0563 2021-22 and the work
is planned to be
completed before rainy
season of 2022.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 37
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
11 Name:MUKTI 08/05/2020 Shri. Earth Dam Dam section is under section in Dam section to be brought to As per letter
Year of Completion: 1873 17/11/2020 V.R.Darade gorge. Leakage is noticed on d/s of correct design profile and TIDC/PB-4/2550 dt
Location : E.E.D.I.D. slope.(B1) level by adding earthwork 19/05/2022 and work
Longitude: 74o 53 00 Dhule duly compacted properly. order no 3023 dt
Latitude: 21o 44 00 Heavy undulations and heavy Necessary repairs should be 08/07/2022 work is in
Height: 21.20m raincuts are observed.(B3) carried out. progress on field.
Gross capacity:9.90 Mm3
Spillway capacity:548.0 cumecs In gorge portion clear water Leakages appearing on d/s
Sr.No.in National Register of leakages are observed. Standing shall immediately be treated
Large Dams:- MH09MH0009 pool of water on d/s of dam.(A2) by providing inverted filters at
exit points & the path of
leakage from u/s shall be
traced out & treated properly
i.e. filling with impervious soil
blanket or filling on u/s side
The d/s area at least up to
above 200 m. from toe, shall
be free from stagnation of
water The area should be well
Both emergency gates are not in The repair shall be carried out
Outlet working condition.(B5) with the help of Mechanical
Leakages through waste weir bar Necessary repairs be carried
WW & TC noticed. out immediately.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 38
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
12 Name:Mahupada 06/05/2020 Shri. Earth dam D/S Slope are under Dam section to be brought to correct Preparation of estimate
Year of Completion: 1989 02/11/2020 V.R.Darade section.(B3) design profile and level by adding at sub division level is
Location : E.E.D.I.D. earthwork duly compacted properly. in process.
Longitude: 74o 25 45” Dhule Leakage from outlet gate about Causes of leakages should be
Latitude: 21o 00 05 Outlet 1 to 2 cusecs.(B12) investigated & treated accordingly.
Height: 16.47m
Gross capacity:2.558 Mm3 There is leakage from conduit Causes of leakages should be
Spillway capacity:126.95 cumecs concrete.(A4) investigated & treated accordingly.
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams:- WW.&TC Scouring on d/s side of bar.(A7) Scouring on d/s to be repaired by
MH09MH1948 concrete filling suitably.
13 Name:-KHAPERKHEDA 05/05/2020 Shri. Earth Dam Section is not as per design Dam section to be brought to correct As per Government of
Year of Completion: 1976 01/11/2020 V.R.Darade Slope indicates concavity.(B1) design profile and level by adding Maharashtra, WRD GR
Location : E.E.D.I.D. earthwork duly compacted properly. no 21/04/2022 RS 3.61
Longitude: 74o 40 12” Dhule CR administrative
Latitude: 20o 30 00 Leakage or oozing is noticed at Causes of leakages should be approve and as per
Height: 18.30m d/s slope.(A1) investigated & treated accordingly. division letter no PB-4/
Gross capacity:2.70 Mm3 4781/2022 dt
Spillway capacity:424.0 cumecs Boils and wet patches noticed at Causes of leakages should be 27/06/2022 estimate
Sr.No.in National Register of d/s of embankment. Leakage investigated & treated accordingly for technical saction is
through dyke.(A1) submitted at competent
Large Dams: MH09MH0581 Abnormal leakage through rock Leakage should be monitored. Exact authoirty.
toe @ two places from dam causes of leakages should be
body & side hill dyke. investigated & treated accordingly
Outlet Leakage through conduit Leakage should be monitored & if it is
concrete & pipe joints large then pipe joints should be
(A4) repaired & all leakages needs to be
attended in time. Exact causes of
leakages should be investigated &
treated accordingly.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 39
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
14 Name:-WAKWAD 03/05/2020 Shri Earth Dam Top width, U/S & D/S slope Dam section to be brought to correct This project is included
Year of Completion: 1977 24/10/2020 V.R.Darade are not as per design.(B1) design profile and level by adding in drip II and Drip III
Location : E.E.D.I.D. earthwork duly compacted properly. programe and work will
Longitude: 74o 46 00” Dhule be done.
Latitude: 21o 07 00 Outlet Leakage through gate from slot The leakage may be due to damages or
Height: 28. 64m about 10-15 LPS.(A4) misalignments of stem rods, damages
Gross capacity:2.910 Mm3 to rubber seal, improper operation of
Spillway capacity:418.0 cumecs hoist etc. The repair shall be carried
Sr.No.in National Register of out with the help of Mechanical
Large Dams:- MH09MH0633 Organization to minimize leakages.

W.W & T C Left side Flank wall between It should be reconstructed on top
WW bar & embankment is priority.

About 20 m. portion of waste Damaged portion of w. w. bar shall be

weir bar is collapsed. (B7) repaired.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 40
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15 Name:-NANDRE 21/05/2020 Shri. Earth Dam Leakage through COT in gorge Leakages appearing on d/s As per circle letter no
Year of Completion: 1979 20/11/2020 V.R.Darade portion due to partial COT.(A1) shall immediately be treated TB-2/3336/dt
Location : E.E.D.I.D. by providing inverted filters at 28/09/2021, this
Longitude: 74o 25 45” Dhule exit points & the path of project is transferred to
Latitude: 21o 00 05 leakage from u/s shall be soil and water
Height: 17.37m traced out & treated properly. conservation
Gross capacity:2.37 Mm3 department for
Spillway capacity:382.0 cumecs Boils,wet patches on d/s of Boils shall be treated by repairing work
Sr.No.in National Register of dam.(A1) providing ring bunds around according to Chief
Large Dams:- MH09MH0778 boils to the appropriate ht. to Ministers water
decipate the exit gradient & conservation scheme.
for wet patches proper Proposal is submitted
drainage arrangement should to corporation level.
be provided so that d/s 200 m
area will remain dry.

Outlet Outlet is not working condition Necessary repairs should be

since 13 years.(B5) carried out with the help of
Mechanical Organisation.

Leakage through underground. .Inspection should be

Hence water is stored for one carriedout & the causes of
month only. (A1) leakages weather it is through
body of dam or through
foundation should be found
out& remedial measures
should be carriedout with
consultation with CDO.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 41
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 Name:KHOLGHAR 13/05/2020 Shri. Earth Dam General condition of dam is not Dam section to be brought to Remedial measures are
Year of Completion: 1986 24/12/2020 V.R.Darade satisfactory. Settlement of d/s correct design profile and level done.
Location: E.E.D.I.D. slope.Dam section and dam top by adding earthwork duly
Longitude: 74o 49 00 Dhule width is not as per design.(B1) compacted properly.
Latitude: 20o 39 00
Height: 26.0 m
Gross capacity:4.314 Mm3 Outlet H.R. masonry of well is fully Damaged portion shall be
Spillway capacity: 470.99 cumecs damaged.Outlet hoist not in proper repaired or reconstruct.
Sr.No.in National Register line.Gate is in closed position.(A18)
ofLargeDams: MH09MH1121 06/1/2021 Shri. C.T.
E.E. Piping is observed near junction Piping hould be monitored & Preparation of estimate
DSO, of conduit and earthwork.(A4) Necessary at sub division level is in
Nashik repairs should be carried out. process.

WW.&TC Scouring at d/s and u/s of Scouring on d/s to be repaired

bar.Scouring observed in tail by concrete filling suitably.

EDA is totally collapsed.D/S Damaged portion of EDA

guide wall washed away.(A14) shall be repaired.

Necessary repairs should be

carried out immidetely.for
guide wall.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 42
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
17 Name:DHANIBARA 13/05/2020 Shri. Earth Dam Small leakage on d/s slope when Leakages appearing on d/s This work will be
Year of Completion: 1985 24/11/2020 V.R.Darade dam is full. Dam top is settled. (A1 shall be treated immediately by done by District
Location: E.E.D.I.D. & B3) providing inverted filters at exitwater conservation
Longitude: 74o 48 00 Dhule points & the path. officer, soil and water
Latitude: 21o 02 00 conservation Dhule
Height: 19.65m Top width is not as per design.(B1) leakage from u/s shall be and estimation
Gross capacity: 1.660Mm3 traced out & treated properly preparation is in
Spillway capacity: 418.8 i.e. filling with impervious soil progress.
cumecs blanket or filling on u/s side
Sr.No.in National Register of Dam section to be brought to
Large Dams:- MH09MH1085 correct design profile and level
by adding earthwork duly
compacted properly.

Outlet Leakage observed through gate & The leakage may be due to
head wall (A4) damages or misalignments of
stem rods, damages to rubber
seal, improper operation of
W.W&TC hoist etc. The repair shall be
carried out with the help of
Mechanical Organization to
minimize leakages

Heavy leakage through pipe conduit All leakages need to be

(A4) attended in time.
Leakages in outlet well.(A6) Causes of leakages should be
investigated & treated

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 43
Outlet & earth work is not properly Causes of leakages should be
protected hence carries leakage. investigated & treated
(A4) accordingly.
H.R well required to Necessary action should be
reconstruct.(A6) taken.
WW bar is in damaged Damaged portion of w.w.bar
condition.(B7) shall be repaired.
Necessary repairs should be
EDA required to reconstruct.(A14) carried out.

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer compone deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
18 Name: KHANDLAY 21/05/202 Shri Earth Section is not as per design.(B1) Dam section to be brought to Preparation of estimate at
Year of Completion: 1974 0 V.R.Darade Dam Concavity on u/s & d/s slope. correct design profile and level sub division level is in
Location: 21/11/202 E.E.D.I.D. Top width is less than 3.0 m. (B1) by adding earthwork duly process
Longitude: 74o 25 45 0 Dhule compacted properly
Latitude: 21o 00 05
Height: 21.90 m Standing pool on d/s.(A2) The d/s area at least up to
Gross capacity:1.593 Mm3 above 200m. from toe, shall be
Spillway capacity: 413.00 free from stagnation of water
cumecs The area should be well drained
Sr.No.in National Register of so as to avoid any stagnant
Large Dams: MH09MH0430 pools of water.

Outlet Heavy crack from top to 3m. Damaged portion of well shall
downward to well. Leakage from be monitored & repaired
well. (A6) properly.

Leakage through gate.(B12) Causes of leakages should be

investigated & treated

Two numbers of stem rod are Necessary repairs should be

bent.(B5) carried out in consultation with
Mechanical Organisation.

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer compone deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
19 Name:KHOKASA 14/05/2020 Shri. Earth Embankment is undersection. Some Dam section to be brought to Preparation of
Year of Completion: 1995 25/11/2020 V.R.Darade Dam concavity in d/s slope. D/S slope is correct design profile and level by estimate at sub
Location: E.E.D.I.D. not as per design.. (B1 & B3) adding earthwork duly compacted division level is in
Longitude: 74o 40 12 Dhule Standing pool on d/s of dam.Clean properly. process
Latitude: 21o 34 00 water is flowing d/s of dam at
Height: 24.72 m chainage 160 m,240 m,330m(0.25 The d/s area at least up to above
Gross capacity:1.523 Mm3 Cusecs @FSL) 200m. from toe, shall be free from
Spillway capacity: 135.0 (A2) stagnation of water The area should
cumecs Leakage through gate ( 2 to 3 be well drained so as to avoid any
Sr.No.in National Register of cusecs) (A4) stagnant pools of water
Large Dams-: MH09MH1368 Outlet
The leakage may be due to damages
or misalignments of stem rods,
damages to rubber seal, improper
Leakage through masonry of well & operation of hoist etc. The repair
pipe joint.(A4) shall be carried out with the help of
Mechanical Organization to
minimize leakages
Location & amount of leakages
shall be monitored and if large then
necessary treatment on u/s & d/s
of the affected area may be carried
out to minimize leakage

Leakage through conduit ( 2 To 3 All leakages need to be attended in

Cusecs).Every day water level is time. Causes of leakages should be
reducing by 5 cm even the gate is in investigated & treated accordingly.
closed position.(A4)

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No inspection Officer compone deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
20 Name:SHELBARI 17/0/2020 Shri. Earth Leakage Or oozing on d/s slope Leakages appearing on d/s shall Preparation of
Year of Completion: 1982 16/10/202 V.R.Darade Dam of embankment.(A3) immediately be treated by estimate at sub
Location: 0 E.E.D.I.D. providing inverted filters at exit division level is in
Longitude: 74o 08 30 Dhule points & the path of leakage process
Latitude: 20o 50 00 from u/s shall be traced out &
Height: 20.70 m treated properly i.e. filling with
Gross capacity:1.589 Mm3 impervious soil blanket or filling
Spillway capacity: 403.0 on u/s side
Sr.No.in National Register of WW & TC Leakage through foundation of Location & amount of leakages
Large Dams: MH09MH0929 masonry bar.(B7) shall be monitored and if large
then necessary treatment in the
affected area & on its u/s may be
carried out to minimize leakage.

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer compone deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
21 Name:CHHAWADI 07/05/202 Shri. Earth Embankment is not in good Dam section to be brought to Preparation of
Year of Completion: 1973 0 D.B.Bhere Dam condition Top width is less than correct design profile and level estimate at sub
Location: 18/11/202 E.E.D.I.D. 3.0 m. i.e. 1.5 m. to 2.5 m. by adding earthwork duly division level is in
Longitude: 74o 31 00 0 Dhule (B1,B3). compacted properly process
Latitude: 21o 06 00
Height: 17.20 m U/S & D/S slopes shows signs of
Gross capacity:4.420 Mm3 slips bulging or concavity.(B3)
Spillway capacity: 1243.00
Sr.No.in National Register of Longitudinal cracks, rain cuts, crab Longitudinal cracks shall be
Large Dams: MH09MH0383 holes in the embankment. excavated & filled with by soil &
( B4) sandy material with proper
proportion. Rain cuts shall be
filled by heavy drainable casing
Remedial measures
WW& TC Masonry bar is not in good Damaged portion of w.w.bar are done.
condition. Bar is broken.Leakage shall be repaired. Causes of
through masonry & foundation. leakages should be find out &
(B7) repairs should be carried out

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
22 Name:HALDANI 14/05/202 Shri. Earth Dam Embankment settlement in Dam section to be brought to Remedial measures
Year of Completion: 1989 0 D.B.Bhere gorge by 0.6 m. Section is not as correct design profile and level are done.
Location: 25/11/202 E.E.D.I.D. per design. Rain cuts noticed. by adding earthwork duly
Longitude: 73o 58 00 0 Dhule (B1,B3 & B4) compacted properly
Latitude: 21o 09 00
Height: 19.42 m Preparation of
Gross capacity:3.420 Mm3 Outlet Head regulator is collapsed.(A6) Necessary repairs should be estimate at sub
Spillway capacity: 410.00 carried out. division level is in
cumecs process
Sr.No.in National Register of WW& TC Scouring in tail channel, 4 m. to 5 If retrogression is moving
Large Dams: MH09MH1231 m drop observed.(A7) closer to the EDA of spillway
or waste weir bar, protective
measures, shall be undertaken
to prevent progressive damage.
Extent of retrogression should
be ascertained and monitors
every year by mapping.If the
problem of retrogression is
moving upstream and serious
for geological investigation the
problem shall be referred to
respective organization for
undertaking investigations and
studies for evolving suitable
solution to the problem.

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
23 Name:GADHAD-DEO 02/05/202 Smt. S.G. EE General condition of dam is not Necessary repairs should be Preparation of
Year of Completion: 1998 0 Shahpure good.The crest profile is not at carried out. estimate at sub
Location: 20/10/202 E.E.D.I.D. proper elevation.Top width,u/s & division level is in
Longitude: 74o 50 30 0 Dhule d/s slope is not as per design.(B3) process
Latitude: 21o 36 30 Shri.
Height: 22.80 m V.R.Darade
Gross capacity:1.73 Mm3 Leakage through gate.(10c to 15 Leakages should be stopped by
Spillway capacity: 230.80 Outlet LPS.(B5) consulting Mechanical
cumecs Organisation
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams: MH09MH1468 WW& TC Leakage through masonry of WW Necessary repairs should be
bar.(10 to 20 LPS)(B7) carried out.

Left side wall between WW bar & Necessary repairs should be

embankment is collapsed. carried out.

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
24 Name: KABRYAKHADAK 16/05/202 Shri. EE Settlement of earthwork above Necessary repairs should be As per Government of
Year of Completion:2002 0 V.R.Darade conduit pipe of HR.(B3) carried out. Maharashtra, WRD GR no
Location: 16/10/202 E.E.D.I.D. 1/04/2022 administrative
Longitude: 74o01 00 0 Dhule Outlet During DSO visit field officers Bentonite grouting will help to approve and as per
Latitude: 21o 42 00 reported that embankment near arrest leakages. division letter no PB-4/
Height: 21.82 m flank wall where cavitation 4782/2022 dt 27/06/2022
Gross capacity:3.959 Mm3 occurred during rainy season. This estimate for technical
Spillway capacity: 429.46 cavitation was filled with casing saction is submitted at
Sr.No.in National Register of material. This may be due to circle level.
Large Dams:MH09MH1610 piping through
embankment/leakage through
flank wall.(A1&A15 )
Leakages were noticed on D/S Path of leakage should be find
side of dam from head wall outlet out & necessary repair should be
pipe .It is at higher level than carried out to prevent the leakage
conduit pipe.(A4)
Leakages from conduit outlet were Path of leakage should be find
also noticed.(A4)Seepage water out & necessary repair should be
from embankment may entering carried out to prevent the leakage
the conduit pipe in addition to the
gate leakages.
Necessary repairs should be
The masonary structure of WW
carried out immediately.
bar is heavily damaged on d/s
Necessary repairs should be
carried out immediately.
EDA & end weir is heavily
damaged & collapsed.(A14)

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
25 Name:VIRKHEL 18/05/202 Shri. EE Top width is short in all length of Dam section to be brought to Preparation of
Year of Completion: 1977 0 VR.Darade dam.(B1) correct design profile and level by estimate at sub
Location: 16/10/202 E.E.D.I.D. adding earthwork duly compacted division level is in
Longitude: 74o 49 00 0 Dhule properly. process.
Latitude: 20o 39 00
Height: 15.5 m Abnormal leakages through rock Necessary repairs should be carried
Gross capacity:0.8 Mm3 toe. out.
Spillway capacity: 286.00
Sr.No.in National Register of WW & TC Scouring on d/s side of bar.(A7) Necessary repairs should be carried
Large Dams:MH09MH0419 out.

Leakage through COT is Necessary repairs should be carried

observed.(B3) out.

26 Name:SHEWADE 07/05/202 Shri. EE From chainage 510m to Necessary repairs should be carried Preparation of
Year of Completion: 1980 0 V.R.Darade 780m.U/S slope of dam is slip out estimate at sub
Location: 18/11/202 E.E.D.I.D. from top of dam.(B3) division level is in
Longitude: 74o 36 00 0 Dhule process.
Latitude: 21o 10 00
Height: 10.5 m
Gross capacity:1.156 Mm3
Spillway capacity: 230.00
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams:MH09MH0829

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No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
27 Name:ROZAWA 06/05/202 Shri. Outlet Outlet well is not in good Necessary repairs should be For this work tender is
Year of Completion: 1977 0 V.R.Darade condition. (A6) carried out. completed and todays
Location: 02/11/202 E.E.D.I.D. date water is stored in
Longitude: 73o 52 12 0 Dhule dam and when water
Latitude: 21o 04 00 WW Heavy leakages through masonary level is down work will
Height: 26.70 m & TC of WW bar when the dam is at Necessary repairs should be be done
Gross capacity:1.738 Mm3 FSL .(B7) carried out.
Spillway capacity: 198.75
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams:MH09MH0612

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
28 Name: RANGAWALI 14/05/202 Shri. Earthen Embankment is under section. Dam section should be checked as Preparation of
Year of Completion:1990 0 V.R.Darade Embankment per design & restore it as per estimate at sub
Location: 25/11/202 E.E.D.I.D. design section. division level is in
Longitude:73o52 00 0 Dhule Outlet Leakage through conduit concrete Path of leakage should be find out process.
Latitude: 20o04 00 & pipe joint. & necessary repair should be
Height: 25.63 m carried out to prevent the leakage.
Gross capacity:15.02 Mm3 Leakage through outlet well Necessary repairs should be carried
Spillway capacity:1167.32 out.
cumecs Waste weir bar Scouring in tail channel. Check Scouring on d/s to be repaired by
Sr.No.in National Register of & Tail channel wall is damaged. concrete filling suitably. Check wall
Large Dams: MH09MH0942 should be repaired.
Due to heavy flood, scouring of Necessary repairs should be carried
embankment of guide bund on out of embankment of bund.
L/S of tail channel.

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation Status
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
29 Name: AGNAWATI 14/05/202 Shri.L.M. Earth Dam Dam section is not as per Dam section to be brought to Yet not attended as the work
Year of Completion:1989 0 Shinde design. Rain cuts are correct design profile and considered in Drip II Scheme but this
Location: 30/11/202 E.E.J.I.D. observed.(B1) level by adding earthwork project was droped from the scheme
Longitude:75o 13 00 0 Jalgaon duly compacted properly. of Central Government so as per
Latitude: 20o 29 00 current CSR Estimate preparation is
Height: 14.83 m going on at Sub division level.
Gross capacity:3.00 Mm3
Spillway capacity:952.0 cumecs Standing pool observed at 60 The d/s area at least up to Work Done
Sr.No.in National Register of m from d/s toe of dam above 200m. from toe, shall
Large Dams: MH09MH1225 between ch.1700 to be free from stagnation of
1750m.(A2) water The area should be well
drained so as to avoid any
stagnant pools of water

WW&TC Scouring in bottom of EDA Scouring on d/s to be Yet not attended as the work
& d/s of end wall.(A7) repaired by concrete filling considered in Drip II Scheme but this
Leakage through right side suitably. project was droped from the scheme
flank wall (B7) Necessary repairs be carried of Central Government so as per
out after investigating the current CSR Estimate preparation is
path of leakage. going on at Sub division level.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 55
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting
Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officercomponent deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
30 Name:KRUSHNAPURI 28/05/202 Shri.D.B. Outlet Leakage observed through Leakages should be stopped by Work completed in
Year of Completion:1987 0 Behere junction of pipe.(A4) consulting Mechanical 2020-21.
Location: 06/11/202 E.E.G.I.D. Organisation
Longitude: 75o 04 00 0 Jalgaon Work will be completed
Latitude: 20o 56 00 W.W&TC Leakage through WW bar.(B7) Necessary remedial measures in 2022-23.
Height: 14.15 m should be carried out.
Gross capacity:2.176 Mm3 Work will be completed
Spillway capacity:595.0 cumecs Scouring on d/s of bar.(A7) Necessary remedial measures in 2022-23.
Sr.No.in National Register of should be carried out.
Large Dams:-MH09LH1166

31 Name: RAJDHERE 29/05/202 Shri.D.B. EE Standing pool of water observed The d/s area at least up to above Work completed in
Year of Completion:1981 0 Behere in nalla portion of d/s of 200m. from toe, shall be free from 2020-21.
Location: 06/11/202 E.E.G.I.D. dam.(A2) thick vegetation. The area should
Longitude: 74o 52 00 0 Jalgaon be well drained so as to avoid any
Latitude: 20o 18 00 stagnant pools of water.
Height: 17.05 m Water logging in nalla portion of Necessary remedial measures Work completed in
Gross capacity:1.94Mm3 d/s of dam.(A2) should be carried out. 2020-21.
Spillway capacity:312.62
cumecs Scouring on d/s side of bar, Necessary remedial measures Not yet done
Sr.No.in National Register of coping is necessary at d/s of ww should be carried out.
Large Dams:-MH09MH0874 bar.(A7)
Leakage through COT Necessary remedial measures Not yet done
should be carried out.

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Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
32 Name: VALTHAN 29/05/202 Shri.D.B. EE Standing pool of water observed s area at least up to above 200m. From Work completed
Year of Completion:1987 0 Behere in nalla portion of d/s of toe, shall be free from thick vegetation. in 2021-22.
Location: 06/11/202 E.E.G.I.D. dam.(A2) The area should be well drained so as to
Longitude: 75o04 00 0 Jalgaon WW Bar & avoid any stagnant pools of water.
Latitude: 20o56 00 Tail Channel
Height: 14.15 m Longitudinal cracks, Rain cuts, Necessary remedial measures should be Work completed
Gross capacity:2.176 Mm3 Shri. C.T. crab holes observed carried out. in 2021-22.
Spillway capacity:595.00 Mondhe .
cumecs 03/02/202 E.E.
Sr.No.in National Register of 1 DSO, Work will be
Large Dams:-MH09LH1166 Nashik Scouring on d/s side of bar,coping Necessary remedial measures should be completed in
is necessary at d/s of ww bar.(A7) carried out. 2022-23.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 57
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementatio
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested n Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
33 Name:GANGAPURI 25/05/202 Shri. Outlet Leakage observed on d/s side of All leakages need to be attended in time. Not Received
Year of Completion:1994 0 S.C.Ahire conduit through pipe joint. Causes of leakages should be investigated
Location: NR E.E.M.I.D. (1 Cusecs) (A4) & treated accordingly.
Longitude:75o 06 00 Jalgaon Scouring should be kept under observation
Latitude: 21o 21 00
Height: 17.93 m Scouring on d/s of EDA @ ch 15 Necessary remedial measures should be
Gross capacity:2.392 Mm3 m.to 40m. (A7) carried out.
Spillway capacity:380.0 cumecs
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams: MH09MH1328 WW. & T.C. Retrogression in tail channel If retrogression is moving closer to the
. between ch 15 m. to 40 m. & 168 EDA of spillway or waste weir bar,
m.to 229 m. (A7) protective measures, shall be undertaken
to prevent progressive damage. Extent of
retrogression should be ascertained and
monitors every year by mapping.If the
problem of retrogression is moving
upstream and serious for geological
investigation the problem shall be referred
to respective organization for undertaking
investigations and studies for evolving
suitablesolution to the problem

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 58
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
34 Name:SUR 29/05/202 Shri. EE Top width,U/S& D/S slopes are Dam section to be brought to correct Not Received
Year of Completion:1994 0 S.C.Ahire not as per design.(B3) design profile and level by adding
Location: NR E.E.M.I.D. earthwork duly compacted properly.
Longitude:75o 06 00 Jalgaon
Latitude: 21o 21 00 Standing pool are observed at The d/s area at least up to above
Height: 17.93 m chainage 20 m to 90 m and d/s of 200m. from toe, shall be free from
Gross capacity:2.392 Mm3 earthen dam.(A2) stagnation of water. The area should be
Spillway capacity:380.0 cumecs well drained so as to avoid any
Sr.No.in National Register of stagnant pools of water.
Large Dams: MH09MH1328
WW. & T.C. Leakage through outlet gate uopto All leakages need to be attended in
1 to 2 cusecs is noticed.(A4) time. Causes of leakages should be
investigated & treated accordingly.
Leakages from masonry of All leakages need to be attended in
spillway bar are noticed. Leakage time. Causes of leakages should be
is observed from both side flank investigated & treated accordingly
wall.(A7 & A15)
Scouring in tail channel on D/S of Scouring on d/s to be repaired by
ww bar.(A7) concrete filling suitably.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 59
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspectin Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection g Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
35 Name:MATRAN NALLA 20/05/2020 Shri. WW. & T.C. Retrogression @ d/s side of drop If retrogression is moving closer to the Not Received
Year of Completion:1994 NR S.C.Ahire at chainage 70 m.upto 360 m.in EDA of spillway or waste weir bar,
Location: E.E.M.I.D. tail channel & damages to bridge protective measures, shall be
Longitude:75o 06 00 Jalgaon of PWD on river Pal road due to undertaken to prevent progressive
Latitude: 21o 21 00 heavy flood.(A7) damage. Extent of retrogression
Height: 17.93 m should be ascertained and monitors
Gross capacity:2.392 Mm3 every year by mapping. If the problem
Spillway capacity:380.0 cumecs of retrogression is moving upstream
Sr.No.in National Register of and serious for geological investigation
Large Dams: MH09MH1328 the problem shall be referred to
respective organization for undertaking
investigations and studies for evolving
suitable solution to the problem.

36 Name:JONDHALKHEDA 20/05/202 Shri. W.W. & Tail Scouring is noticed in tail channel If retrogression is moving closer to the Not Received
Year of Completion:1997 NR S.C.Ahire Channel beyond chainage 30 m.(A7) EDA of spillway or waste weir bar,
Location: E.E.M.I.D. protective measures, shall be
Longitude:76o 20 00 Jalgaon undertaken to prevent progressive
Latitude: 21o 02 30 damage.
Height: 20.39 m
Gross capacity:2.114 Mm3 Foundation of toe wall of EDA is Necessary repairs should be carried
Spillway capacity:501.00 openeddue to erosion by heavy out.
cumecs flood. (A7)
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams: MH09MH1437

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No inspection g Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
37 Name:TELENGHASHI 25/05/202 Shri.S.V. Outlet Repairs to outlet well masonry & Necessary repairs to be carried out. Not Received
Year of Completion:1975 0 Kale cleaning of well is required.(A6)
Location : 04/11/202 E.E.K.I.D.2
Longitude:75o 26 00 0 Shrigonda WW&TC Heavy leakage through Location & amount of leakages shall be
Latitude: 18o 20 00 & masonry.Major repairs are monitored and if large then necessary
Height: 17.12 m Shri.S.N. required.(B7) treatment in the affected area & on its u/s
Gross capacity: 1.070 Mm3 Koli may be carried out to minimize leakage
Spillway capacity:218.40 E.E.K.I.D.2
cumecs Shrigonda Damages to concrete in Damaged portion shall be repaired on
Sr.No.in National Register of bucket.(A14) priority.
Large Dams: MH09MH0486
All leakages need to be attended in time.
Leakages through guide wall.(A14) Causes of leakages should be investigated
& treated accordingly.

Scouring on d/s at chainage 70 m Scouring is to be monitored. Scouring on

to 80 m.(A7) d/s to be repaired by concrete filling

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No inspection g Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
38 Name:VISAPUR 08/05/202 Shri.S.V. Drains Drains are fully silt up and growth Necessary repairs should be carried out. Not Received
Date of Completion:1926 0 Kale of vegetation is observed.(B2)
Location : 27/11/202 E.E.K.I.D.2 Outlet Leakage through conduit about 50 All leakages need to be attended in time.
Longitude:74o 34 55 0 Shrigonda LPM.(A4) Causes of leakages should be
Latitude: 18o 48 46 investigated & treated accordingly.
Height: 25.60 m W.W&TC Scouring on d/s side of bar.(A7) Scouring on d/s is to be repaired by
Gross capacity: 26.10 Mm3 concrete filling suitably.
Design spillway capacity:1968 Scouring noticed in tail channel Scouring is to be monitored. Scouring
cumecs up to 60 m length.(A7) on d/s to be repaired by concrete filling
Sr.No.in National Register suitably.
ofLarge Dams: MH09HH0054

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 62
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures Implementation
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
39 Name:NAIGAON 05/05/202 Shri.S.V. Outlet Gate is not functioning since last Necessary repairs should be carried out Not Received
Year of Completion:1978 0 Kale 25 Years. with the help of Mechanical
Location : NR E.E.K.I.D.2 Organisation.
Longitude:75o 24 00 Shrigonda Repairs of well masonry & Necessary repairs should be carried out.
Latitude: 18o 19 00 cleaning of well is necessary
Height: 15.96 m WW&TC Heavy leakages in spillway All leakages need to be attended in time.
Gross capacity: 2.368 Mm3 bar.(B7) Causes of leakages should be
Spillway capacity: 756.24 investigated & treated accordingly.
cumecs Coping of bar is not in good Necessary repairs should be carried out.
Sr.No.in National Register of condition.(B7)
Large Dams: MH09MH728
Scouring on d/s of bar.(A7) Necessary repairs should be carried out.
Guide bund of end portion is Necessary repairs should be carried out.
washed out.

Retrogression in tail channel.(A7) If retrogression is moving closer to the

EDA of spillway or waste weir bar,
protective measures, shall be undertaken
to prevent progressive damage.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 63
Table 2.8

ATR on Category-1 Deficiency in Class-I Dams (Private Owned)

Sr.No Name of Dam Date of Main Component of Significant Deficiencies Noticed Remedial Measures Implementation
Inspection Dam Suggested Status
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

---------------------------- No Such Dams under this category is reported ----------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 64
Table 2.9

ATR on Category-2 Deficiency in Class-I Dams (Private Owned)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

---------------------------- No Such Dams under this category is reported ----------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 65
Table 2.10

ATR on Category-1 Deficiency in Class-II Dams (Private Owned)

Sr.No. Name of Dam Date of Main Significant Remedial Measures Suggested Implementation
Inspection component of Deficiencies Noticed Status
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

---------------------------- No Such Dams under this category is reported ----------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 66
Table 2.11
ATR on Category-2 Deficiency in Class-II Dams (Private Owned)

Sr. Dam Features Date of Inspecting

Main Significant Deficiencies Remedial Measures Suggested Implementatio
No Inspection Officer
Component Noticed n Status
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Name: Talegaon 12/06/2020 Shri. C.T.Mondhe, Earth Dam Some stagnant water in nallas Stagnant Water should be drained Not Received
Year of Completion:- 1987 18/06/2020 E.E. D.S.D.3, Nashik portion & at one place D/S of out properly & record should be
Location : dam toe was observed.(A2) maintained against reservoir water
Longitude:- 73o 32 37 levels.
Latitude: - 19o 40 42
Height: 21.80 m.
Gross capacity 11.68 W.W bar & Ungated spillway bar is found in Remaining work of W.W. bar
Mm3Spillway capacity: 36.00 T.C. unfinished condition. Also should be carried out
cumecs height of both the flank wall of immediately.
Sr.No.in National Register of W.W. bar should be increased
Large Dams: upto dam top level.(B7)

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 67

Dam Health Status Report of

Pre & Post Monsoon 2021
Part-3: Dam Health Status Report of Pre & Post Monsoon 2021
3.1 General:
Dam Safety Division No. 3 under Dam Safety Organization, Nashik exercise compilation of Annual Pre
& Post Inspection Reports of Dams submitted by Field Offices as well as Test Inspection Reports of
Selected Dams carried out by Dam Safety Organization, Nashik in the form of Annual Dam Health Status
Report (ADHSR).

3.2 Inspection Reports submitted by Field Offices:

In all there are 294 Government owned Dams & 9 Private owned Dams are monitored by Dam Safety
Organization, Nashik from safety point of view.
294 Government owned Dams constitute 69 Class-I & 225 Class-II Dams.. Private owned Dams constitute
1 Class I & 8 Class-II Dams.
Government owned Dams: Out of 294 dams, Pre Monsoon Reports were received for 276 Dams.
However, out of 294 Dams, Post Monsoon Reports were received from 272 Dams. 13 Class-I & 27 class-II
Dams Reports were not received in DSO. [Ref. Table 3.1 & 3.2]

3.3 Test dam inspection by Dam Safety Organization:

Test Inspection Programme for Test Inspection of selected Dams is approved by Director General,
DTHRS, MERI, Nashik.
As per approved Annual Test Dam Inspection Programme, Class-I Dams are inspected by SE, DSO
along with EE, DSD & Class-II Dams are inspected by EE, DSD, Nashik.
On similar lines in case of Private owned Dams, full fledged inspection of Class-I Dam is carried out by
SE, DSO along with EE, DSD & Class-II Dam is carried out by EE, DSD, Nashik.

Government owned Dams: 100% Dams(09 Class-I, 25 Class-II )as proposed for test inspection were
inspected by team of Dam Safety Organization, Nashik. [Ref. Table 3.5]

Private owned Dams: Out of 9 dams Pre monsoon inspection of 7 Private owned has done and Post
Monsoon Inspections for all 9 Dams were carried out by DSO. [Ref. Table 3.3 & 3.4]
Following team of officers have inspected targeted Dams in North Maharashtra region
1) Shri A.S.Amale, Superintending Engineer Dam Safety Organization, Nashik
2) Shri P.S.Patare, ExecutiveEngineer, Dam Safety Division No.3, Nashik
3) Shri. G.P.Vadnerkar, Sectional Engineer, Dam Safety Division No.3, Nashik
4) Smt. P.P.Bhoye, Junior Engineer, Dam Safety Division No.3, Nashik

And Following team of officers have taken efforts to prepare this report.
1) Shri A.S.Amale, Superintending Engineer Dam Safety Organization, Nashik
2) Shri P.S.Patare, Executive Engineer, Dam Safety Division No.3, Nashik
3) Shri. A.V.Mendgule, Sub Divisional Engineer, Dam Safety Division No.3, Nashik
4) Smt. P.P.Bhoye, Junior Engineer, Dam Safety Division No.3, Nashik

3.4 Health Status of Class-I & Class-II Dams (Government owned)

This report excerpts details of Deficiencies received from Pre & Post Monsoon Inspections Reports
based on detailed inspections carried out by concerned field Superintending Engineer for Class-I Dams &
Executive Engineer for Class-II Dams.

And it also covers test inspection carried out by team of officers from Dam Safety Organization,

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 68
Total Reports received in
Sr. Category Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3
Dams DSO






No. of








1 WRD 69 225 62 63 214 209 0 0 0 0 9 47 33 166 68 631 214 1391
2 Private 1 8 1 1 6 8 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 25 1 10 8 107
Total 70 233 63 64 220 217 0 0 0 0 10 48 41 191 69 641 222 1498

3.6 A Graphical Representation of Deficiencies attended, Submission of Pre/Post Monsoon

Reports, Category wise Deficiencies, Class wise of Deficiencies is appended in
Annexure I.

3.7 Selected Snapshots of DSO Test Inspection Test Inspections are compiled in
Annexure II.

3.8: Conclusions :
3.8.1 Frequent deficiencies Class-I Dams

1. A18: Wire ropes of hoist not in good condition/hoisting structure damaged/cracked – (02 Dams)
2. A 10 : Heavy leakages through porous pipes / through dam body un gallery / monolith joints
(02 Dams)
3. A-19 : Alternative power system generator for gate operation not working properly.(01 Dam)
4 A.18:Wire ropes of hoist not in good condition/ hoisting structure damaged/ cracked.( 02 Dams)
5 A 2: Standing pool / Ponding / Water Logging / Slushy condition on D/S of Dam – (02 Dams)

3.8.2 Frequent deficiencies Class-II Dams

1. B 7: Waste weir/waste weir bar not in good condition/coping damaged/leakage through

waste weir. (21 Dams)

2. A 7 : Retrogression /scouring in tail channel – (12 Dams)

3. A-4: Major leakage through outlet conduit / pipe joints / gates. (14 Dams)

4. B- 3: Considerable settlement of embankment / rock toe/ pitching /u/s & d/s slope not as

per design- ( 25 Dams )

5. B-1: Dam section is not as per design– ( 18 Dams )

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 69
3.9 Points of Attention :
Pre & Post
Pre & Post Pre & Post
Expected Monsoon
Monsoon Monsoon
Sr. Inspection Inspection
No. Report in Inspection Inspection
Report Not
Report Received Report Not
DSO Received in
in time Received
Number % Number % Number %
1 588 54 9.03 494 84.01 40 6.80

1) This overview provides condensed summary of deficiencies noticed in the Pre & Post
Monsoon Inspection Reports Received in DSO & also during test inspection conducted
by DSO Officials. Field Officers / Owners of the Dams are required to pay attention to
Deficiencies pointed out in ADHSR to maintain Dams in Safe condition.

2) The Chief Engineers are requested to flag this issue and compel all Superintending Engineer &
Executive Engineer of concerned Dams to carry out periodic inspections and submit report to
D.S.O. in time.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 70
Table 3.1
Status of Receipt of Pre & Post Monsoon Inspection Reports 2021-22
Sr. Name of Office Expected Pre Monsoon Pre Monsoon Pre Monsoon Post Monsoon Post Monsoon Post Monsoon
No. Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection
Report in DSO Report Received Report Not Report Not Report Received Report Not Report Not
in time Received in time Received in time Received in time Received
(By 30th June) (By 30th June) In DSO (By 31st Dec) (By 31st Dec) In DSO



















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

A ) Chief Engineer, Water Resources Department, Nashik

1 SE,C.A.D.A Nashik 29 77 106 09 00 09 20 77 97 00 00 00 00 00 00 29 77 106 00 00 00

2 SE,CADA Ahamadnagar 04 00 04 03 00 03 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 04 00 00 00

B ) Chief Engineer, Tapi Irrigation Division Circle

4 SE, , CADA Jalgaon 18 76 94 00 00 00 18 76 94 00 00 00 00 00 00 13 76 89 05 00 05

5 SE,DIPC, Dhule 10 14 24 00 12 12 10 02 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 13 23 00 01 01

6 SE, JIPC,Jalgaon 07 17 24 00 06 06 00 00 00 07 11 18 00 00 00 06 06 12 01 11 12

C ) Chief Engineer, Kokan Region, Mumbai

SE, TIC, Thane 01 24 25 00 24 24 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 22 23 00 02 02

D) Chief Engineer, (SP)
KIC, Pune 00 17 17 00 00 00 00 17 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 15 00 02 02
Total 69 225 294 12 42 54 50 172 222 07 11 18 00 00 00 63 209 272 06 16 22

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 71
Table 3.2
Dams for which Inspection Report of 2021-22 is Not Received in DSO, Nashik

Pre & Post Monsoon Report Not Received (Both) Either Pre or Post Inspection Report not received
No. Pre Monsoon Post Monsoon
Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II
A) Chief Engineer, Tapi Irrigation Division Circle
I) Superintending Engineer , Dhule Irrigation Project Circle , Dhule
1) Executive Engineer, Girna river valley project division, Nashik
II) Superintending Engineer & Administrator , C.A.D.A, Jalgaon
1) Executive Engineer, Jalgaon Irrigation Division, Jalgaon

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 72
Pre & Post Monsoon Report Not Received (Both) Either Pre or Post Inspection Report not received
No. Pre Monsoon Post Monsoon
Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II
III) Superintending Engineer, Jalgaon Irrigation Project Circle, Jalgaon
1) Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Jalgaon
1. Dighi-II 1)Haripura
2. Gagapuri 2)Waghzira
3. Hatgaon-II 3) Nimbadevi
4 Jondhalkheda 4) Borkheda
5. Nashirabad
6. Vadri
7.Matran Nalla
8. Chinchati (Lohara)
9. Galan-II
2) Executive Engineer, Jalgaon Medium Project Division no. 1, Jalgaon
1) Anjani
2) Gul
3) Executive Engineer, Waghur Dam Division, Jalgaon
B) Chief Engineer, Special Projects, Pune
I) Kukadi Irrigation Circle, Pune
1) Executive Engineer, Kukadi Irrigation Division 2 Narayangaon

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 73
Pre & Post Monsoon Report Not Received (Both) Either Pre or Post Inspection Not Report
No. Pre Monsoon Post Monsoon
Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II
C) Chief Engineer, Kokan Region , Mumbai
I) Superintending Engineer, Thane Irrigation Circle, Thane
1. Ambad

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 74
Table 3.3
Status of Receipt of Pre & Post Monsoon Inspection 2021 by DSO (Private)
Sr. Name of Office To be Inspected Pre Monsoon Pre Monsoon Pre Monsoon Post Monsoon Post Monsoon Post Monsoon
No. by DSO Inspection in Inspection Not Not Inspected by Inspection in Inspection Not Not Inspected by
time in time DSO time in time DSO
(By 30th June) (By 30th June) (By 31st Dec) (By 31st Dec)



















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Class I

1.Comissinor Nashik Municipal Corporation Nashik

1 Chehedi Bandara 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

Class II

Superintending Engineer, Water management circle,Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikar ,Nashik

1 Malmatha
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

2 Talegaon 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 75
Sr. Name of Office To be Inspected Pre Monsoon Pre Monsoon Pre Monsoon Post Monsoon Post Monsoon Post Monsoon
No. by DSO Inspection in Inspection Not Not Inspected by Inspection in Inspection Not Not Inspected by
time in time DSO time in time DSO
(By 30th June) (By 30th June) (By 31st Dec) (By 31st Dec)



















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1.Comissinor Malegaon Municipal Corporation ,Malegaon

1 Talwade 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

2.Comissinor Dhule Municipal Corporation ,Dhule

1 Dedargaon 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

Superintending Engineer,MIDC, Jalgaon

Executive Engineer, MIDC,Dhule

1 Motinalla 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

3.Chief Officer, Igatpuri Nagar Prashad Igatpuri

1 Barabunglow 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

4.Chief Officer, Manmad Nagar Prashad Manmad

1 Waghdardi 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

5.Chief Officer, Nandgaon Nagar Prashad Nandgaon

1 Dahegaon 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

Total 1 8 9 0 0 0 1 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 9 0 0 0

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 76
Table 3.4
Dams for which Inspection Not carried out by DSO, Nashik(Private Owned)

Pre & Post Monsoon Report Not Received Either Pre or Post Inspection Report not received
Sr. (Both)
No. Pre Monsoon Post Monsoon
Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II Class-I Class-II
1 3 3 4 5 6 7

--------------------------------- NIL ------------------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 77
Table 3.5
Dams inspected by Dam Safety Organization, Nashik (2021-22)

Sr. No. Name of Dam Date of Inspection Sr. No. Name of Dam Date of Inspection
1 2 3 4 5 6

Class-I Dams Class-II Dams

A ) Chief Engineer, Water Resources Department, Nashik

I ) Superintending Engineer & Administrator , C.A.D.A, Nashik

1) Executive Engineer, Nashik Irrigation Division, Nashik

1 Mukane 19/01/2022 1 Ramshej 24/12/2021
2 Pimpalnare
3 Dhaur
4 Nalegaon

5 Borkhind 10/01/2022

6 Thangon 10/01/2022

7 Saradwadi 10/01/2022

2) Executive Engineer, Palkhed Irrigation Division Nashik

1 Punegaon 17/01/2022 1 Khirdisathe (100 Years) 10/02/2022

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 78
Sr. No. Name of Dam Date of Inspection Sr. No. Name of Dam Date of Inspection
1 2 3 4 5 6

3)Executive Engineer, Ahmednagar Irrigation Division Ahmednagar

1 Padoshi 08/02/2022 1 Waki 08/02/2022
2 Sangavi 08/02/2022
3 Ambhore 14/03/2022
4) Executive Engineer, Malegaon Irrigation Division, Malegaon

1 Bhegu 05/01/2022 1 Lohashigave 11/01/2022

2 Chankapur (100 years) 05/01/2022 2 Kasari I 11/01/2022
3 Dhanoli 04/02/2022

I ) Superintending Engineer & Administrator , C.A.D.A, Ahemadnargar

1) Executive Engineer, Upper Pravara Division, Sangamner

1 Waki 19/01/2022

B ) Chief Engineer, Tapi Irrigation Division Circle

I) Superintending Engineer, DIPC ,Dhule

1) Executive Engineer, NMPD, Nandurbar

1 Visarwadi 25/03/2022

I) Superintending Engineer, JIPC ,Dhule

1) Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Jalgaon
1 Nashirabad 15/03/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 79
Sr. No. Name of Dam Date of Inspection Sr. No. Name of Dam Date of Inspection
1 2 3 4 5 6
3) Executive Engineer, Girna River Valley Project Division, Nashik
1 Punand 05/01/2022

I) Superintending Engineer, CADA Jalgaon

1) Executive Engineer, Dhule Irrigation Division, Dhule
1 Nandre 16/03/2022

2 Kulthe 16/03/2022

3 Kanoli 16/03/2022

2) Executive Engineer, Girna Irrigation Division, Jalgaon

1 Girna 25/03/2022 1 Hatgaon I 15/03/2022

3) Executive Engineer, Jalgaon Irrigation Division, Jalgaon

1 Tondapur 15/03/2022

B ) Chief Engineer, Kokan Region, Mumbai

I) Superintending Engineer, TIC, Thane

1) Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Nashik

1 Shrimant 07/01/2022 1 Roshani 04/01/2022

2 Waigholpada 04/01/2022

3 Cholmukh 07/01/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 80
Sr. No. Name of Dam Date of Inspection Sr. No. Name of Dam Date of Inspection
1 2 3 4 5 6

B ) Chief Engineer, SP Pune

I) Kukadi Irrigation Circle, Pune
1) Executive Engineer, Kukadi Irrigation Division 2 Shrigonda
1 Bhatodi (100 years) 10/02/2022
Private Dams
Class-I Dams Class-II Dams
1Supritending Engineer, Water Management Circle,Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikar
1.Comissinor Nashik Municipal Corporation Nashik
11/08/2021 1 Malmatha 05/08/2021
1 Chehedi Bandara
17/01/2021 09/02/2021
2 Talegaon
2.Comissinor Malegaon Municipal Corporation ,Malegaon
1 Talwade
3.Comissinor Dhule Municipal Corporation ,Dhule
1 Dedargaon
4.Supritending Engineer,MIDC, Jalgaon
Executive Engineer, MIDC,Dhule
1 Motinalla
5.Chief Officer, Igatpuri Nagar Prashad Igatpuri
1 Bara Bunglow
6.Chief Officer, Manmad Nagar Prashad Manmad
1 Waghdardi
7.Chief Officer, Nandgaon Nagar Prashad Nandgaon
1 Dahegaon

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 81
Table 3.6
Deficiency Classification(No. of Dam wise)

Sr. No Authority Total Number of Dams Number of Dams (Class-I ) Number of Dams (Class-II )
Class-I Class-II Total Def. Cat-1 Def.Cat-2 Def. Cat-3 Cat-1 Cat-2 Cat-3
Water Resources Department Dams

[A] CE, NMR,NASHIK 33 77 110 0 02 33 0 09 77

(I) SE, CADA, NASHIK 29 77 106 0 02 29 0 09 77
1 EE, NID NASHIK 10 29 39 0 00 10 0 02 29
2 EE, PID NASHIK 05 03 08 0 00 05 0 00 03
3 EE, AID, AHMEDNAGAR 09 17 26 0 01 09 0 03 17
4 EE, MID, MALEGAON 04 28 32 0 00 04 0 04 28
EE,MULA ID,AHMEDNAGAR 01 00 01 0 01 01 0 00 00
(II) SE, CADA, AHMEDNAGAR 04 00 04 0 00 04 0 00 00
EE, UPPDD, SANGAMNER 04 00 04 0 00 04 0 00 00
[B] CE, TIDC, JALGAON 35 107 142 0 07 34 0 18 96
(I) SE, DIPC, DHULE 10 14 24 0 02 10 0 00 14
1 EE, NMPD,NANDURBAR 04 10 14 0 00 04 0 00 10
2 EE,GRVP, NASHIK 02 02 04 0 02 02 0 00 02
3 EE,DMPD,DHULE 04 00 04 0 00 04 0 00 00
4 EE,MID DHULE 00 02 02 0 00 00 0 00 02
(II) SE, CADA, JALGAON 18 76 94 0 03 18 0 17 76
1 EE.DID,DHULE 10 59 69 0 02 10 0 14 59
2 EE,JID, JALGAON 05 11 16 0 00 05 0 01 11
3 EE,GID, JALGAON 03 06 09 0 01 03 0 02 06
(III) SE, JIPC, JALGAON 07 17 24 0 02 06 0 01 06
1 EE,MID. JALGAON 04 17 21 0 00 04 0 01 06
2 EE.JMPD NO 1 , JALGAON 02 00 02 0 02 02 0 00 00
3 EE, WAGHUR DAM DIV, 01 00 01 0 00 ---- 0 00 00

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 82
Sr. No Authority Total Number of Dams Number of Dams (Class-I ) Number of Dams (Class-II )
Class-I Class-II Total Def. Cat-1 Def.Cat-2 Def. Cat-3 Cat-1 Cat-2 Cat-3
[C] CE, KIC,PUNE 00 17 17 0 00 00 0 05 17
(I) SE, KIC, PUNE 00 17 17 0 00 00 0 05 17
1 EE,KID NO 2 SHRIGONDA 00 15 15 0 00 00 0 05 15
2 EE KID NO 1 NARAYANGAON 00 02 02 0 00 00 0 0 02
01 24 25 01 01 24
(I) SE, TIC THANE 01 24 25 0 00 01 0 01 24
EE, MID, NASHIK 01 24 25 0 00 01 0 01 24
WRD Total 69 225 294 0 09 68 0 33 214
Private Dams
Comissinor Nashik Municipal 0 0
01 00 01 01 01 00 00
1 Corporation Nashik
Superintending Engineer, Water 0 0
management circle, Maharashtra 00 02 02 00 00 02 02
2 Jeevan Pradhikar ,Nashik
Commissioner Malegaon 0 0 01
Municipal Corporation 00 01 01 00 00 01
3 ,Malegaon
Commissioner Dhule Municipal 0 0 01
00 01 01 00 00 01
4 Corporation ,Dhule
5 Executive Engineer, MIDC,Dhule 00 01 01 0 00 00 0 01 01
Chief Officer, Igatpuri Nagar 0 0 01
00 01 01 00 00 01
6 Prashad Igatpuri
Chief Officer, Manmad Nagar 0 0 01
00 01 01 00 00 01
7 Prashad Manmad
Chief Officer, Nandgaon Nagar 0 00 00 0 01
00 01 01 01
8 Prashad Nandgaon
Private Total 01 08 09 0 01 01 0 08 08
Grand Total 70 233 303 0 10 69 0 41 222

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 83
Note - 1. Out of 69 Govt. owned Class-I Dams, Only 07 Dams Pre Monsoon Report were not received in DSO where as Only 06 Dams Post Monsoon
Report were not received in DSO.

2. Out of 225 Govt. owned Class-II Dams Only 11 Dams Pre Monsoon Report were not received in DSO and only 16 class II dam’s
Post Monsoon Report were not received in DSO.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 84
Table 3.7
Deficiency Classification(No. of Deficiency wise)
Number of Deficiencies
Sr. Total Number of Dams
Authority Category–1 Category–2 Category–3
Class-I Class-II Total Class-I Class-II Total Class-I Class-II Total Class-I Class-II Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Water Resources Department Dams

[A] CE, NMR,NASHIK 33 77 110 0 0 0 06 45 51 303 522 825
(I) SE, CADA, NASHIK 29 77 106 0 0 0 06 45 51 275 522 792
1 EE, NID NASHIK 10 29 39 0 0 0 00 09 09 99 235 334
2 EE, PID NASHIK 5 3 8 0 0 0 00 00 00 52 23 75
3 EE, AID, AHMEDNAGAR 9 17 26 0 0 0 02 14 16 72 90 162
4 EE, MID, MALEGAON 4 28 32 0 0 0 00 22 22 42 174 216

5 EE,MULA ID,AHMEDNAGAR 1 0 1 0 0 0 04 00 04 10 00 10

4 0 4 0 0 0 00 00 00 28 00 28
1 EE, UPPDD, SANGAMNER 4 0 4 0 0 0 00 00 00 28 00 28

[B] CE, TIDC, JALGAON 35 107 142 0 0 0 41 95 136 314 614 928
(I) SE, DIPC, DHULE 10 14 24 0 0 0 16 01 17 96 107 203
1 EE, NMPD-2,NANDURBAR 4 10 14 0 0 0 00 00 00 36 82 118

2 EE,GRVP, NASHIK 2 2 4 0 0 0 16 00 16 20 09 29

3 EE.DMPD,DHULE 4 0 4 0 0 0 00 00 00 40 00 40

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 85
Number of Deficiencies
Sr. Total Number of Dams
Authority Category–1 Category–2 Category–3
Class-I Class-II Total Class-I Class-II Total Class-I Class-II Total Class-I Class-II Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4 EE,MID,DHULE 0 2 2 0 0 0 00 01 01 00 16 16

(II) SE, CADA, JALGAON 18 76 94 0 0 0 13 87 100 159 448 607

1 EE.DID,DHULE 10 59 69 0 0 0 06 71 77 77 331 408

2 EE,JID, JALGAON 5 11 16 0 0 0 00 07 07 54 72 126

3 EE,GID, JALGAON 3 6 9 0 0 0 07 09 16 28 45 73

(III) SE, JIPC, JALGAON 7 17 24 0 0 0 12 07 19 59 59 118

1 EE,MID. JALGAON 4 17 21 0 0 0 00 07 07 35 59 94

2 EE.JMPD NO 1 , JALGAON 2 0 2 0 0 0 12 00 12 27 00 27
1 0 1 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00
1 24 25 0 0 0 00 01 01 11 146 157
[C] REGION, Mumbai
(I) SE, TIC THANE 1 24 25 0 0 0 00 01 01 11 146 157
EE, MID, NASHIK 1 24 25 0 0 0 00 01 01 11 146 157

[D] CE, KIC,PUNE 0 17 17 0 0 0 00 25 25 00 109 109

0 17 17 0 0 0 00 25 25 00 109 109
0 15 15 0 0 0 00 25 25 00 105 105
0 2 2 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 04 04
WRD Total 69 225 294 0 0 0 47 166 213 631 1391 2022

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 86
Number of Deficiencies
Sr. Total Number of Dams
Authority Category–1 Category–2 Category–3
Class-I Class-II Total Class-I Class-II Total Class-I Class-II Total Class-I Class-II Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Private Dams
Comissinor Nashik Municipal
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 10 0 10
1 Corporation Nashik

Supritending Engineer, Water

management circle,Maharashtra 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 29 29
Jeevan Pradhikar ,Nashik
Comissinor Malegaon Municipal
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 12 12
3 Corporation ,Malegaon
Comissinor Dhule Municipal
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 14 14
4 Corporation ,Dhule
Executive Engineer,
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 11 11
5 MIDC,Dhule
Chief Officer, Igatpuri Nagar
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 15 15
6 Prashad Igatpuri
Chief Officer, Manmad Nagar
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 13 13
7 Prashad Manmad
Chief Officer, Nandgaon Nagar
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 13 13
8 Prashad Nandgaon
Private Total 1 8 9 0 0 0 1 25 26 10 107 117
Grand Total 70 233 303 0 0 0 48 191 239 641 1498 2139

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 87
Table 3.8
Category-1 Deficiency Classification (Dam wise)
Sr. No. of deficiencies
Name of Dam No. of deficiencies noticed Sr. No Name of Dam
No noticed
1 2 3 4 5 6
Class - I Dams Class - II Dams

--------------------------------- NIL ------------------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 88
Table 3.9
Category-2 Deficiency Classification (Dam wise)

Sr. No. Name of Dam No. of deficiencies Sr. No. Name of Dam No. of deficiencies
noticed noticed
1 2 3 4 5 6

Class-I Dams Class-II Dams

A ) Chief Engineer, Water Resources Department, Nashik
I ) Superintending Engineer & Administrator , C.A.D.A, Nashik
1) Executive Engineer, Ahmednagar Irrigation Division, Ahmednagar
1 Bhandardara 02 1 Ambit 04
2 Ambikhalsa 05

3 Ghodambe 05

2 ) Executive Engineer, Mula Irrigation Division, Ahmednagar

1 Mula 04

3) Executive Engineer, Malegaon Irrigation Division, Malegaon

1 Jamlevani 05
2 Shinde 05
3 Bhadane 06
4 Talwade Bhamer 06

4) Executive Engineer, Nashik Irrigation Division, Nashik

1 Mahirawani 05
2 Borkhind 04
B ) Chief Engineer, Tapi Irrigation Division Circle

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 89
I) Superintending Engineer, DIPC ,Dhule
1) Executive Engineer, GRVP, Nashik
1 Punand 07
2 Susri 09

I) Superintending Engineer, JIPC ,Dhule

1) Executive Engineer, Jalgaon Medium Project Division No. 1 , Jalgaon
1 Anjani 05

2 Gul 07
2) Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Jalgaon
1 Sur 07
I) Superintending Engineer, CADA Jalgaon
1) Executive Engineer, Dhule Irrigation Division, Dhule
1 Ranipur 04 1 Mukti 05

2 Sarangkheda Barrage 02 2 Khaparkheda 05

3 Wakwad 05

4 Nandre 04

5 Kholghar 07

6 Dhanibara 09

7 Khanday 07

8 Khoksa 06

9 Shelbari 02

10 Chhawadi 04

11 Haldani 05

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 90
12 Ghadhav deo 06

13 Virkhel 04

14 Shewade 02

2)Executive Engineer, Jalgaon Irrigation Division, Jalgaon

1 Agnavati 07

3)Executive Engineer, Girna Irrigation Division, Jalgaon

1 Manyad 07 1 Rajdehare 06

2 Krushnapuri 03

B ) Chief Engineer, Kokan Region, Mumbai

I) Superintending Engineer, TIC, Thane
1) Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Nashik
1 Aad 01

B ) Chief Engineer, SP Pune

I) Kukadi Irrigation Circle, Pune
1) Executive Engineer, Kukadi Irrigation Division 2 Shrigonda
1 Talanghshi 04

2 Ratnapur 05

3 Naigaon 09

4 Chichondi Patil 04

5 Ghodegaon 03

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 91
Private Dams
Class-I Dams Class-II Dams
1Supritending Engineer, Water Management Circle,Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikar
1.Comissinor Nashik Municipal Corporation Nashik
1 Chehedi Bandara 01 1 Malmatha 05
2 Talegaon 04
2.Comissinor Malegaon Municipal Corporation ,Malegaon
1 Talwade 02
3.Comissinor Dhule Municipal Corporation ,Dhule
1 Dedargaon 04
4.Supritending Engineer,MIDC, Jalgaon
Executive Engineer, MIDC,Dhule
1 Motinalla 02
5.Chief Officer, Igatpuri Nagar Prashad Igatpuri
1 Bara Bunglow 04
6.Chief Officer, Manmad Nagar Prashad Manmad
1 Waghdardi 02
7.Chief Officer, Nandgaon Nagar Prashad Nandgaon
1 Dahegaon 02

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 92
Table 3.10
Class-I Dams with Category-1 Deficiency

Sr. Dam Features Date of Inspecting Main Observation / Significant Remedial Measures Suggested
No. Inspection Officer Component of Deficiencies noticed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

---------------------------- NIL ----------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 93
Table 3.11
Class-I Dams with Category-2 Deficiency

Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures suggested.
No. of Officer component deficiencies noticed.
inspection of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
S.E. Administrator CADA Nashik
1 Name-BHANDARDARA 16/05/2021 Smt. Masonry There is excessive seepage 1.Source of seepage should be identified
Year of Completion: 1926 03/12/2021 A.H.Ahirrao Dam sweating on d/s face of the dam at chainage wise along the length of masonry
Location S.E. & Adm. ch. 935 ft, 1090 ft. 1140 ft,&1265 dam and seepage should be quantified with
Longitude: 73o 45 30 CADA Nashik ft.(A11) respect to reservoir water level.
Latitude: 19o 32 43 2.Investigations for seepage should be
Height: 82.35 m carried out as per relevant provisions
Gross capacity: 312.60Mm3 mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations for
Spillway capacity: 1500 m3/sec seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of
Sr. No. in National Register of Large Dams (Page 47 of 112) published by
Large Dams :- MH09HH0047 Central Water Commission
3.Necessary repairs should be carried out
with prior approval from competent
technical authority. .
Quantity of seepage not measured & 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out .
recorded daily or periodically. 2.Instrumentation Research Division under
Piezometer, inverted plunb bob & uplift DSO, Nashikmay be contacted for repairs
pressure measuring gauge are out of
order. (B9)

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 94
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures suggested.
No. of Officer component deficiencies noticed.
inspection of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 Name:- MULA 17/05/20211 Smt. Earth dam There is sign of water logging slushy 1.The cause of water logging should be
Year of Completion: 1971 2/01/2021 A.H.Ahirrao condition on d/s of dam. D/s are is not identified. Confirm whether this water is
Location S.E. & Adm. clear of debris and free drainage. (A2) coming from reservoir through seepage or
Longitude: 74o 34 30 CADA Nashik may be from toe drain. This stagnant water
Latitude: 19o 21 30 in toe drain may lead to building of pore
Height: 46.67 m pressure in the earthen dam section leading
Gross capacity: 736.32 Mm3 to serious consequences if not attended
Spillway capacity:- 5946.53 m3/sec immediately.
Sr. No. in National Register of 2.Necessary arrangements should be made
Large Dams :- MH09HH0316 like removing any obstacles or techno
economical nallaregradation etc. so that
water will not get stagnant.
1.Source of Wet spot should be identified
Spillway Wet spot found in spillway section. chainage wise along the length of spillway
(A11) and leakages should be quantified with
respect to reservoir water level.
2.Investigations for seepage should be
carried out as per relevant provisions
mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations for
seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of
Large Dams (Page 47 of 112) published by
Central Water Commission
3.Necessary repairs should be carried out
with prior approval from competent
technical authority.
Masonry Dampness observed in right side of 1.Source of dampness/seepage should be
masonry dam on d/s face. (A11) identified chainage wise along the length of
masonry dam and dampness/seepage
should be quantified with respect to

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 95
water level.
2.Investigations for seepage should be
carried out as per relevant provisions
mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations for
seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of
Large Dams (Page 47 of 112) published by
Central Water Commission.
3.Necessary repairs should be carried out.

Spillway gates Surface of gate and paint is 1.It may be repaired in consultation with
deteriorated.(B11) the of Mechanical Organisation.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 96
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures suggested.
No. of inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed.
of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 Name :- RANIPUR 05/06/2021 Shri. W.W & T.C Waste weir bar needs to be arrested by 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out.
Year of Completion: 1999 15/12/2021 S.D.Dalvi provision of concrete structure wall.(A7)
Location SE & Adm.
Longitude: NA CADA Jalgaon U/S and D/S face of w w bar needs 1.Location, type, and extent of the
Latitude: Na pointing.(B7) damages of the spillway bar should be
Height: 40 m identified and photographed.
Gross capacity: 43.90 Mm3 2. Necessary repairs should be carried
Spillway capacity: Ungated out.
Sr. No. in National Register of Outlet Conduit is fully chocked by incident of 1.Record the findings and photograph
Large Dams:- MH09HH1481 2006.(A4 ) the area. Notes, sketches, and
photographs are useful in documenting
and evaluating problems.
2.Necessary repairs should be carried out
in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik.

Rock toe Rock toe not seen.(B3) 1.Detailed survey of the dam and dam
section should be carried out.
2.Dam section (Top width, side
slopes,rock toe and drain) should be
checked. Surveyed section should be
superimposed on design section to
ascertain whether earthen embankment is
under section or not.
3 Necessary repairs should be carried out
in accordance with approved drawings.

4 Name :- SARANGKHEDA 08/03/2021 Shri. Spillway `Vertical lift gates highly deteriorated. 1.It may be repaired in consultation with
BARRAGE 17/12/2021 S.D.Dalvi Gates are in poor condition. (B11) the of Mechanical Organisation.
Year of Completion: 2008 SE,&Admn.
Location CADA Jalgaon

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 97
Longitude: 74o32 15 Hydro Due to back water of Prakasha Barrage, 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out
Latitude: 21o25 30 Mechanical D/S side of vertical gates were submerged in consultation with the of Mechanical
Height: 13.34 m. Component. upto 1.2 m. Hence corrosion found in all Organisation and with prior approval
Gross capacity: 92.20 Mm3 gates. Bottom panel of gates needs to be from competent technical authority.
Spillway capacity:- 50529.00 replaced. (B11)
Sr. No. in National Register of
Large Dams :- MH09HH1770

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 98
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures suggested.
No. of inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed.
of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 Name :- MANYAD 23/04/2021 Shri. W.W. Bar & Foundation erosion in 1.Location, type, and extent of the damages of the
(JALGAON)Year of 18/11/2021 S.D.Dalvi tail channel Guide/Divide /Junction, Need to guide wall should be identified and photographed .
Completion: 1973Location SE & Adm. repair Immediately (A16) 2.Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance
Longitude: 74o 48 00” CADA Jalgaon with approved drawing with prior approval from
Latitude: 20o 29 00 competent technical authority.
Height: 45.00 m EDA Erosion occurred in both wall 1.Location, type, and extent of the damages of the
Gross capacity: 53.98Mm3 No.1 & 2 in tail channel.(A16) concerned wall should be identified and photographed .
Spillwaycapacity: 3755 m3/sec 2.Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance
Sr. No. in National Register of with approved drawing .
Large Dams:- MH09HH0387 Erosion on D/S in both E.D.A. & 1.Location, type, and extent of the deterioration of the
wall No.1 (A14) EDA and protection wall should be identified and
Apron is also washed away Need 2.Structural damages including misalignment,
to repair immediately(A14) settlement, vertical and horizontal displacement should
be checked.
Protection wall No.5 collapsed 3.Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance
between Ch. 55 ti 125 m. with approved drawing with prior approval from
competent technical authority.
Scouring is noticed between EDA 4.If deterioration is extensive, repairs to the EDA,
& check wall No.1 should be done in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik

Spillway Surface of gate and paint is 1.It may be repaired in consultation with the of
deteriorated.(B11) Mechanical Organisation.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 99
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures suggested.
No. of inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed.
of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 Name :- GUL NR Shri. Earthen Dam Dam section is not as per design.(B1) 1.Detailed survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion: 2009 10/11/2021 Y.K.Bhadane should be carried out.
Location S.E. J.I.P.C. 2.Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and
Longitude: 75o 22 40 Jalgaon drains) should be checked. Surveyed section
Latitude: 21o 19 00 should be superimposed on design section to
Height: 31.33 m ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Gross capacity: 23.25 Mm3 section or not.
Spillway capacity:- 1823.00 m3/sec 3. Necessary repairs should be carried out in
Sr. No. in National Register of consultation with Central Design Organization ,
Large Dams :- MH09MH1955 Nashik.

Stairs are slippery needs to be 1.Sufficient lighting arrangement should be

cleaned.(A8) provided throughout the length of drainage
gallery to facilitate the maintenance &
Inspection gallery lighting should inspection of gallery with battery backup facility.
be done .(A8)
Excessive leakages at Rd. 72m. due to 1. Source of leakage/seepages should be
monolithic joint & from porous drain. It identified chainage wise along the length of
should be rectify.(A10) gallery of the dam and leakages/seepages
should be quantified with respect to reservoir
Seepages at 3 to 4 locations needs to be water level.
repaired. (A10) 2.Investigations for seepage should be carried
out as per relevant provisions mentioned in
Leakages to the intake well of right bank para5.2.2.2 Investigations for seepage of
H.R.& conduit concrete from Ch. 251.15 Manual for Rehabilitation of Large Dams (Page
m. to 253.20 m. 47 of 112) published by Central Water
3. Necessary repairs should be carried out

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 100
Wet/ slushy patches observed in gorge 1.Record the findings and photograph the area
portion from ch 635 to 655 m. (A1) 2.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of
the wet/ slushy patches. Measure and
photograph any damage caused by the seepage
so that its progression can be monitored if
3.Always measure the seepage and flow rate
with respect to reservoir water level on a
regular and frequent Basis
4.The seepage should be checked for turbidity
which would show the presence of soil in the
5.Search for opening on the upstream side and
plug it if possible.
6.Reservoir level may need to be lowered if
saturated areas increase in size at a fixed storage
level or if flow increases.
7.Necessary repairs should be carried out in
consultation with Central DesignOrganisation,

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 101
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures suggested.
No. of inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed.
of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 Name- Anjani NR Shri. S.D.Dalvi Hydro Mechanic Gate No. 2 is in non operative condition 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out
Year of Completion: 2007 23/12/2021 S.E. JIPC. Component &Goliath crane & trunnion buckle of gate in consultation with the of Mechanical
Location Jalgaon No.2 is broken. (A18) Organisation.
Longitude: 750 19’ 00’’
Latitude: 200 54’ 00’’ Rubber seal & wire ropes of all three 1.It may be repaired in consultation with
Height: 23.20 m Gates need to be replaced. (B12 & A18) the of Mechanical Organisation and with
Gross capacity: 36.78 Mm3 prior approval from competent technical
Spillway capacity: 1991.81 authority
m3/sec Standby Generator is needed. (A19) 1.Alternative power system Generator for
Sr. No. in National Register of gate operation should be provided and it
Large Dams :-MH09MH1954 should be always in proper working
Lifting arrangement is not provided for 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out
emergency gates. (B5) with the help of Mechanical

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 102
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures suggested.
No. of inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed.
of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 Name :-PUNAND 09/05/2021 SE,DIPC, Foundations Drainage gallery is full of water. Lighting 1.The water retained in gallery should be
Year of Completion: 2011 19/11/2021 Dhule arrangement done but required to be drained out filed officer are advised to
Location repaired.(A10) carry out inspection gallery as per CWC
Longitude: 73o 52 30 guidelines and convey facts to DSO,
Latitude: 20o 37 30 Nashik.
Height: 42.225 m Shri. M.S.Amle 2.The water level of outside sump of
Gross capacity: 39.75 Mm3 05/01/2022 SE,DSO, Nashik gallery is above the gallery can’t be
Spillway capacity:- 1985.00 m3/sec Shri. P.S.Patare drained out naturally.
Sr. No. in National Register of EE, DSO- 3.Tender of drilling horizontal hole in
Large Dams :- MH09MH1820 3,Nashik well of outside sump well is progress.
Shri. The results of this work may please
G.P.Vadnerkar communicated to DSO, Nashik

Visible leakage at right end of right side 1.Source of leakage should be identified
NOF portion also right side NOF section chainage wise along the length of NOF
leakages are observed.(A11) section and leakages should be quantified
with respect to reservoir water level.
2.Investigations for seepage should be
carried out as per relevant provisions
mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations
for seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation
of Large Dams (Page 47 of 112)
published by Central Water Commission.
3.Necessary repairs should be carried out.
EDA Due to rock erosion, pond developed 1.The extent and location of such erosion
near D/S of apron near R/S guide wall ( with reference to the various components
Ch. 58.85 m. to 75 m. D/S side) (A16 & of dam, spillway, outlet, power house etc.
A17) should be identified with the respect to
the levels and contour plans and
reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 103
of erosion
3Necessary erosion protection work
should be carried out with prior approval
from competent technical authority.
4.Iferosion is extensive erosion
protection work should be done in
consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik.
5.The cause of ponding should be
identified. Confirm wheather this water
is coming from reservoir through seepage
or may be from toe drain. This stagnant
water in toe drain may lead to building of
pore pressure in the earthen dam section
leading to serious consequences if not
attended immediately.
6.Necessary arrangements should be
made like removing any obstacles or
techno economical nalla regradation etc.
so that water will not get stagnant.
River Sluice Rock erosion found near D/S of apron of 1.Location, type, and extent of the
spillway. (A16) damages of the appron should be
identified and photographed.
2.Necessary repairs should be carried out
in accordance with approved drawing .
`Earthen Dam All weather road should be 1.Access road should be provided,
constructed.(B6) repaired and maintained properly.

Hydro Rubber seal of radial gate are to be 1.It may be repaired in consultation with
Mechanic changed. (B12) the of Mechanical Organisation
Service gate and emergency gate of ICPO 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out
is not in working condition. (B5) with the help of Mechanical

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 104
Sr. Dam Features Date Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures suggested.
No. of inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed.
of dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 Name :-Susri 06/05/2021 Shri. S.S. EDA EDA cannot be inspected since ponding 1.Water from stilling basin should be
Year of Completion: 2007 11/12/2021 Khandekar in stilling basin (A8) drained and inspection should be carried
Location SE,DIPC, out.
Longitude: 74o30 00 Dhule
Latitude: 32o21 00 Earthen Dam Signs of bulging and concavity and rain 1.Detailed survey of the dam and dam
Height: 4.16 m cuts to u/s side slope between ch 1680m section should be carried out.
Gross capacity: 14.76 Mm3 to 1800m. (B3) 2.Dam section (Top width, side slopes,
Spillway capacity:- 1145.07 m3/sec and drains) should be checked. Surveyed
Sr. No. in National Register of section should be superimposed on
Large Dams :- MH09MH1797 design section to ascertain whether there
is any the bulging and concavity of the
earthen embankment is under section or
3. Necessary repairs should be carried

Standing pool of water is observed in 1.The cause of ponding should be

river portion.(A2) identified. Confirm wheather this water
is coming from reservoir through seepage
or may be from toe drain. This stagnant
water may lead to building of pore
pressure in the earthen dam section
leading to serious consequences if not
attended immediately.
2.Necessary arrangements should be
made like removing any obstacles or
techno economical nallaregradation etc.
so that water will not get stagnant.
Seepage is noticed at ch 1035m to 1290 1.Record the findings and photograph
m, 2400m to 3390m. (A1) the area.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 105
2.Determine the extent, severity, and
cause of the seepage. Measure and
photograph any damage caused by the
seepage so that its progression can be
monitored if necessary.
3.Always measure the seepage and flow
rate with respect to reservoir water level
on a regular and frequent Basis
4.The seepage should be checked for
turbidity which would show the presence
of soil in the water.
5.Search for opening on the upstream
side and plug it if possible.
6.Reservoir level may need to be lowered
if saturated areas increase in size at a
fixed storage level or if flow increases.
7.Necessary repairs should be carried out
in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik
Hydro Surface of gate and paint is 1.It may be repaired in consultation.
Mechanic deteriorated.(B11)
Trunnion pin cover of all gates required 1.It may be repaired in consultation with
to be bolted at position tightly. Leakage the of Mechanical Organisation
through rubber seal at many places. (A18)
The structure soundness of all members
of gate and hoisting arrangement is not

Rubber seal lubrication mechanism is not 1.It may be repaired in consultation with
working properly. (B12) the of Mechanical Organisation.
Steel parts of spillway bridge needs 1.It may be repaired in consultation with
painting, hoist bridge needs painting. the of Mechanical Organisation.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 106
Table 3.12
Class-I Dams with Category-3 Deficiency

Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No. of Gated / Date of Deficiencies Noticed Total
No Dam Completion Location in Capacity spillway Large Dam in Ungated Inspection Deficiencies
meters (Mm3) Capacity National
(m3/ Sec) Register
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Bhojapur 1972 70o 03 00 13.66 32.41 1488 MH09HH1142 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.1, 3.26, 3.9. 3.13, 3.31, 3.6, 11
19o 41 20 06/12/2021 3.30, 3.28, 3.24, 3.27, 3.29
2 Gangapur 1965 73o 19 00 36.59 215.88 2294 MH09HH0113 Gated 05/05/2021 3.24, ,Cat 3,3.1,3.28,3.21 05
20o 35 00 17/01/2021
3 Mukane 1995 73o 39 00 26.93 214.16 1938 MH09MH1380 Gated 08/05/2021 3.7, 3.26, 3.9, 3.31, 3.28, 3.27, 12
19o 48 00 30/11/2021 3.23, 3.20, 3.6,3.28,3.29,3.21
4 Waldevi 2003 73o 04 00 38.50 41.91 809 MH09HH1376 Ungated 08/05/2021 3.26, 3.9, 3.25, 3.20, 3.31, 10
19o 54 00 30/11/2021 3.30, 3.28, 3.27,3.6,3.24
5 Kashyapi 1999 73o 36 24 47.77 52.69 580.55 MH09HH1479 Gated 25/05/2021 3.30, 3.24,3.25,3.28,3.27, 06
20o 04 08 17/11/2021 3.1
6 Gautami 2008 73o 34 00 59.375 53.22 1808 MH09HH1778 Gated 25/05/2021 3.25, 3.27, 3.28, 06
Godavari 19o 59 00 17/11/20.21 3.26,3.22,3.30,
7 Bhavali 2009 73o 35 00 31.28 44.75 896 MH09HH1789 Ungated 08/05/2021 3.1, 3.26, 3.25, 3.13, 3.36, 12
19o 33 00 30/11/2021 3.31, 3.28, 3.34, 3.30,
8 Darana 1912 73o 45 00 28.00 226.87 3336.00 MH09MH0037 Gated 08/05/2021 3.1, 3.25, 3.16, 3.31, 3.21, 14
19o 48 00 30/11/2021 3.24, 3.20, 3.29, 3.6,
9 Karwa 1993 73o 48 00 31.84 59.59 2821.00 MH09MH1444 Gated 09/05/2021 3.1, 3.26, 3.9, 3.25, 3.34, 3.28, 15
19o 40 00 06/12/2021 3.31, 3.21, 3.16, 3.22, 3.29, 3.6,

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 107
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies Noticed Total
No Dam Completion Location in Capacity spillway Dam in Ungated Inspection Deficienci
meters (Mm3) Capacity National es
(m3/ Sec) Register
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10 Nandur 1910 73o 32
00 14.52 29.91 2833.33 ------ Gated 09/05/2021 3.1, 3.28, 3.27, 3.20, 3.31, 3.24, 08
Madhmeshwar 19o55 00 03/11/2021 3.26,Cat 3
11 Ozarkhed 1982 73o 52 00 35.30 67.96 2400 MH09HH0943 Ungated 15/05/2021 3.5, 3.10 3.25, 3.23, 3.33, 06
20o 17 00 22/12/2021 3.24

12 Punegaon 1998 73o 50 30 25.14 20.39 1170 MH09MH1486 Gated 15/05/2021 3.2, 3.26, 3.10, 3.7, 3.25, 3.28, 11
20o 21 30 22/12/2021 3.31, 3.11, 3.16, 3.24, 3.27,
13 Waghad 1979 73o 44 00 46.92 76.48 1350 MH09HH0797 Ungated 15/05/2021 3.5, 3.10, 3.25, 3.1, 09
20o 14 00 22/12/2021 3.24,3.9,3.27,3.28,3.11
14 Palkhed 1976 73o 54 00 19.55 23.01 4592 MH09HH0532 Gated 15/05/2021 3.5, ,3.16, 3.28, 3.31, 3.11, 3.21, 10
20o 10 00 22/12/2021 3.19, 3.24,3.9,3.27
15 Karanjawan 1974 73o 46 00 39.30 161.43 2724.00 MH09HH454 Gated 15/05/2021 3.5, 3.7, 3.28, 3.21, 16
20o 18 00 22/12/2021 3.1,3.26,3.9,3.13,3.36,3.18,3.31,3.2
16 Adhala 1976 74o 02 03 40.0 30.0 1582 MH09HH0594 Ungated 16/05/2021 3.26, 3.9, 3.25, 3.27, 3.2, 11
19o 38 28 03/12/2021 3.31,3.22,3.30,3.36,3.29,3.24

17 Kothale 2007 73o 49 00 35.59 5.17 490 MH09MH1938 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.9, 3.25, 3.6, 3.30, 3.24,3.16,3.27 07
19o 24 00” 04/12/2021
18 Titwi 2007 73o 49 00 31.80 8.59 577.49 MH09MH1941 Ungated 16/05/2021 3.9, 3.25, 3.6, 3.30, 3.24,3.27 06
19o 34 00 03/12/2021
19 Shirpunje 2008 73o 49 15 37.85 4.4 269 MH09MH1940 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.9, 3.25, 3.6, 08
19o 32 00 04/12/2021 3.30,3.26,3.31,3.24,3.27
20 Ghoti Shilwandi 2007 73o 53 00 32.20 4.53 312 MH09MH1937 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.1, 3.6, 3.25, 3.24,3.9,3.27 06
19o 27 00 04/12/2021
21 Padoshi 2010 73o 52 00 30.91 4.134 721.23 MH09MH1939 Ungated 16/05/2021 3.6, 3.25, 3.30, 3.24,3.27,3.9, 06
19o 40 00 03/12/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 108
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/Ungat Date of Deficiencies Noticed Total
No Dam Completion Location in Capacity spillway Dam in ed Inspection Deficiencies
meters (Mm3) Capacity National
(m3/ Sec) Register
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
22 Bhandardara 1926 73o 45 30 82.35 312.60 1500.00 MH09HH0047 Gated 16/05/2021 3.1, 3.6, 3.9, 3.7, 3.25, 3.21, 11
19o 32 43 03/12/2021 3.31,3.20, 3.22,3.27,3.13

23 Balthan 2008 73o 49 00 28.52 5.72 318.22 MH09HH0047 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.9, 3.25, 3.6, 07
19o 28 00 04/12/2021 3.30,3.19,3.24,3.27
24 Kalu (Bruhat) 2010 74o 28 45 ---- 8.188 ---- ---- Ungated 29/05/2021 3.9,3.25,3.293.17,3.31,3.6,3.3 10
19o 12 15 04/12/2021 0,3.24,3.27,3.28


25 Kelzar 1980 73o 58 00 32.50 17.01 832 MH09HH0896 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.9, 3.7, 3.25, 3.13, 3.21, 3.23, 12
20o 39 00 26/12/2021 3.31, 3.2, 3.28,3.26,3.30,3.27
26 Bhegu 2000 73o 46 00 34.66 2.77 2751 MH09HH1540 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.2, 3.1, 3.26, 3.9, 3.25, 3.13, 12
20o 36 00 26/12/2021 3.16, 3.34, 3.30, 3.24,
05/01/2022 3.28,3.29
27 Haranbari 1980 74o 02 00 34.00 34.78 1312 MH09HH0142 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.26, 3.25, 3.13, 3.16, 3.21, 09
20o 42 00 26/12/2021 3.22, 3.31, 3.30,3.27
28 Chankapur 1911 73o 56 00 39.01 79.96 2236.00 MH09HH0028 Gated 13/05/2021 3.1, 3.9, 3.25, 3.28, 3.31, 09
20o 29 30 26/12/2021 3.30,3.18,3.22,3.27

29 Mula 74o 34 30
1971 46.67 736.32 5946.53 MH09HH0316 Gated 17/05/2021 3.6, 3.2, 3.13, 3.33, 3.7, 3.1, 10
19o 21 30 12/01/2022 3.36, 3.12, 3.21, 3.34


30 Nilwande 2010 73o 54 15 74.50 236.00 3700 MH09MH1942 Gated 19/05/2021 3.33, 3.20, 3.22, 3.13, 07
19o 32 45 26/11/2021 3.25,3.30,3.27

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 109
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No. of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies Noticed Total
No Dam Completion Location in Capacity spillway Dam in Ungated Inspection Deficienci
meters (Mm3) Capacity National es
(m3/ Sec) Register
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
31 Bham 2018 --- -- -- -- -- Ungated 03/05/2021 3.13, 3.2, 3.25, 3.20, 3.28, 3.26, 09
13/12/2021 3.21,3.30,3.27
32 Waki 2016 --- 34.90 75.80 1031.80 -- Gated 24/12/2021 3.13, 3.1, 3.25, 3.20, 3.31, 08
13/012/2021 Cat -3, 3.30,3.27
33 Pimpalgaon 2019 73o 59 55 30.39 16.99 2683.00 -- Ungated 29/09/2021 3.13,3.24,3.30,3.27 04
Khand 19o26 00 28/12/2021



34 Susari 2007 74 o30’00” 24.72 9.64 1343.00 MH09MH1950 Gated 06/05/2021 3.1,3.7,3.12,3.5,3.26,3.3,3.21,3.28,3. 11
32o 21’ 00” 11/12/2021 24,3.29,3.27
35 Dara 2008 74 o26’00” 43.16 14.76 1145.07 MH09HH1797 Ungated 06/05/2021 3.1, 3.26, 3.25, 3.20, 3.29, 3.6, 08
21o 45’ 00” 11/12/2021 3.30,3.21
36 Shivan 2007 75 o11’50” 31.30 24.19 1637 MH09MH1748 Gated 26/05/2021 3.1, 3.12, 3.25, 3.36, 3.28, 10
Vircheck 21 o19’00” 26/12/2021 3.31,3.20,3.26,3.27,3.30
37 Koradi(nalla) 2011 74 o21’30” 31.50 13.45 1063.07 MH 09 MH1094 Ungated 26/05/2021 3.1,3.5,3.13,3.25,3.26, 07
21o 14’ 30” 26/11/2021 3.27,3.28

38 Manikpunj 2000 74 o44’ 00” 32.00 14.02 2032 MH09HH1786 Ungated 08/05/2021 3.27, 3.20, 09
20o 05’00” 04/12/2021 3.6,3.26,3.9,3.29,3.24,3.28,3.30

39 Punand 2011 73 o52’ 30” 42.225 39.75 1985 MH09MH1820 Gated 09/05/2021 3.1,3.26,3.7,3.25,3.16,3.17,3.31,3.28, 11
20o 37’30” 19/11/2021 3.21,3.29,3.6

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 110
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No. of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies Noticed Total
No Dam Completion Location in Capacity spillway Dam in Ungated Inspection Deficienc
meters (Mm3) Capacity National ies
(m3/ Sec) Register
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
40 Wadi 2009 74 o34’50” 33.65 36.93 3782 MH09HH1815 Gated 16/05/2021 3.31, 3.20, 10
Shewadi 21o 9’15” 10/12/2021 3.9,3.25,3.28,3.21,3.29,3.6,3.
41 Akkalpada 2012 74 o27’22” 36.565 109.31 9873 MH09HH1795 Gated 16/05/2021 3.1,3.5,3.25,3.18,3.24, 11
26o 56’ 28” 14/11/2021 3.31,3.28,3.20,3.6,3.36,
42 Sulwade 2008 N.A 45.50 65.06 12000 MH09MH1814 Gated 16/05/2021 3.18, 3.17, 08
Barrage N.A 10/12/2021 3.20,3.21,3.31,3.28,3.29,3.6
43 Nagan 2007 73 o50’15” 31.07 26.48 1550 MH09MH1791 Gated 26/05/2021 3.1, 3.26, 3.13, 3.36, 3.12, 11
20o 12’ 19” 26/11/2021 3.20, 3.34, 3.31,
44 Amravati 2005 74 o30’00” 17.19 27.78 419.57 MH 09 MH1644 Gated 19/05/2021 3.1, 3.5, 3.9, 3.13, 3.18, 3.20, 12
21o 17’ 00” 17/12/2021 3.28, 3.21, 3.23, 3.27, 3.6,
45 Sarangkheda 2008 N.A 13.34 92.20 50529 MH09HH1770 Gated 08/03/2021 3.18, 3.20, 3.29, 3.6, 3.1, 06
Barrage N.A 17/12/2021 3.24
46 Prakasha 2008 74 o48’00” 29.13 63.64 50517 MH09HH1810 Gated 8/03/2021 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.29, 3.6, 10
Barrage 20o 29’ 00” 17/12/2021 3.1, 3.24,3.17,3.18,3.11

47 Burai 1984 74o 21 40 30.93 21.33 2149 MH09HH1009 Ungated 19/05/2021 3.5, 3.1, 3.10, 3.9, 3.13, 3.16, 11
21o 09 36 23/12/2021 3.20, 3.21, 3.34, 3.7,3.24
48 Karwand 1970 74o 57 00 39.30 33.84 2461 MH09HH0226 Ungated 05/05/2021 3.13, 3.27, 3.6, 3.24,3.16 05
21o 22 36 27/12/2021
49 Panzara 1973 74o 05 30 33.10 43.50 1768.00 MH09MH0385 Ungated 19/05/2021 3.1, 3.9, 3.13, 3.33, 3.18, 08
23/12/2021 3.24, 3.28,3.20
20o55 01
50 Ranipur 1999 NA 40.00 43.90 Ungated MH09HH1481 Ungated 05/06/2021 3.5, 3.9, 3.13, 3.24, 3.29 05

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 111
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No. of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies Noticed Total
No Dam Completion Location in Capacity spillway Dam in Ungated Inspection Deficienc
meters (Mm3) Capacity National ies
(m3/ Sec) Register
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
51 Aner 1979 NA 47.00 31.62 4318 MH09HH0741 Gated 05/05/2021 3.1, 3.5, 3.9, 3.13, 3.19, 3.18, 08
27/12/2021 3.27, 3.24,
52 Sonwad 1999 NA 21.40 17.32 1428 MH09MH1487 Gated 19/05/2021 3.1, 3.11, 3.5, 3.19, 3.13, 13
17/12/2021 3.33, 3.18, 3.20, 3.28, 3.27,
3.22, 3.24,3.4
53 Jamkhedi 2001 74o 11 00 37.07 13.28 1663.44 MH09MH1593 Ungated 19/05/2021 3.9, 3.20, 3.25, 3.28 04
21o 00 00 23/12/2021

54 Suki 1976 75o 54 00 42.00 50.57 2336 MH09HH0656 Ungated 19/04/2021 3.5, 3.7, 3.1, 3.16, 3.18, 3.20, 12
21o 18 00 NR 3.28, 3.30, 3.24, 3.6,3.17,3.25

55 Bhokar 1997 74o 48 00 33.07 8.98 1270 MH09HH1442 Ungated 19/04/2021 3.7,3.1,3.13,3.22,3.36,3.21,3. 11
(Mangrul) NR 6,3.30,3.24,3.9,3.25
20o 29 00

56 Bahula 1997 75o 23 30 16.64 20.032 3802.00 MH09MH1445 Gated 23/04/2021 3.1, 3.5, 3.2, 3.26, 3.13, 3.18, 09
NR 3.31, 3.30, 3.24
20o 42 15
57 Mor 2003 75o 47 30” 47.45 9.505 1700 MH09HH1619 Gated 19/04/2021 3.3,3.26,3.9,,3.33,3.36,,3.18,, 12
21o 14 45” NR 3.31,3.28,3.6,3.30,3.24,
58 Hatnur 1982 75o 57 00” 25.50 388 26415 MH09MH0948 Gated 19/04/2021 3.9, 3.36, 3.18, 3.20, 3.28, 10
21o 41 00” NR 3.23, 3.6, 3.17,3.21,3.25
59 Girna 1969 74o 48 00 54.50 608.98 8433.00 MH09MH0196 Gated 23/04/2021 3.6, 3.2, 3.25, 3.16, 3.21, 09
18/11/2021 3.20, 3.31, 3.28, 3.25,
20o 29 00 25/03/2022
60 Manyad 1973 74o 48 00 45.00 53.98 3755 MH09HH0387 Ungated 23/04/2021 3.6, 3.19, 3.16, 3.32, 07
18/11/2021 3.24,3.1,3.9
20o 29 00
61 Bori 1976 75o 03 00 22.80 40.31 267.10 MH09MH0659 Gated 23/04/2021 3.1, 3.6, 3.2, 3.7, 3.13, 3.18, 12
20o 41 00 23/12/2021 3.31, 3.28, 3.19, 3.22, 3.30,

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 112
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies Noticed Total
No Dam Completio Location in Capacity spillway Dam in Ungated Inspection Deficie
n meters (Mm3) Capacity National ncies
(m3/ Sec) Register
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
62 Wagzira 1999 75o 36 00 34.85 2.002 381.00 MH09HH1659 Ungated NR 3.2, 3.22, 3.19, 3.16, 3.28, 3.6, 3.13, 07
21o 16 00 15/01/2022
63 Nimbadevi 1997 75o 37 00 32.39 2.43 500.90 MH09HH1660 Ungated NR 3.2, 3.6, 3.13, 3.28,3.1,3.5,3.19,3.30 08
21o 17 00
64 Borkheda 1997 75o 15 00 30.64 1.94 239.96 MH09HH1658 Ungated NR 3.7, 3.5, 3.13, 3.21, 3.28, 3.6, 3.30, 10
25/11/2021 3.24,3.1,3.10
21o 15 00
65 Haripura 2010 76o 41.27 5.998 833.00 MH09MH1956 Ungated NR 3.1, 3.24, 3.28, 10
42 00 25/11/2021 3.30,3.5,3.2,3.22,3.6,3.13,
21o 17 00 3.9
66 Anjani 2007 75o 19 00 23.20 36.78 1991.81 MH09MH1954 Gated NR 3.9, 3.6, 3.2, 3.1, 3.26, 3.13, 3.18, 3.20, 14
20o 54 00 23/12/2021 3.34, 3.23, 3.31, 3.24, 3.20, 3.28

67 Gul 2009 75o 22 40 31.33 23.25 1823.00 MH09MH1955 Gated NR 3.11, 3.5, 3.9, 3.13, 3.36, 3.12, 3.20, 13
10/11/2021 3.34, 3.33, 3.31, 3.24,3.1,3.21
21o 19 00
68 Waghur 2008 75o 43 0 39.50 325.00 16644.0 MH09LH1750 Gated NR ----- ---
20o 54 0 NR
69 Shrimant 2006 73 o 24’ 0” 39.31 11.63 352.1 MH09LH2037 Ungated 11/4/2021 3.1,3.5,3.7,3.2,3.26,3.17,3.25,3.31,3.29,3. 11
20 o 15’55” 19/11/2021 30,3.24

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 113
Table 3.13
Class-II Dams with Category-1 Deficiency

Gross Sr. No. in
Sr. Year of Height Spillway Date of
Name of Dam Location Capacity NRLD Inspecting Officer
No Completion in m Capacity Inspection
Mm3 Register 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

---------------------------- No Such Dams under this category is reported ----------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 114
Table 3.14
Class-II Dams with Category-2 Deficiency

Sr. No Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Name: BORKHIND 13/05/2021 Shri. D.D. Earthen Top width, U/S & D/S slopes are 1.Detailed survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion:1995 12/12/2021 Shinde Embankment not as per Design, Some concavity should be carried out.
Location: E.E. is noticed. (B3) 2.Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains)
Longitude: 73o50 00 N.I.D. Nashik should be checked. Surveyed section should be
Latitude: 19o45 09 superimposed on design section to ascertain
Height: 19.59 m 10/01/2022 Shri P.S.Patare whether earthen embankment is under section or
Gross capacity:1.576 Mm3 EE, DSO-3, not.
Spillway capacity: 7.62 cumecs Nashik 3.Necessary repaired should be carried out.
Sr.No.in National Register of Shri.
Large Dams:-MH09MH1347 G.P.Vadnerkar,
Drains Drains are not functioning 1.Drains should be cleared and desilted for
satisfactorily.(B2) carrying effective flow of
Outlet Leakage through outlet well 1.Outlet well should be surged and repaired to
masonry. (A6) restore original working capacity of the well.

WW & TC Outlet gate is in closed position 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out with the
since last 5 years. (B5) help of Mechanical Organisation.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 115
Sr. No Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 Name: MAHIRAWANI 25/05/2021 Shri. S.D. Outlet There is about 2 cusecs leakage 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help of
Year of Completion:1984 13/12/2021 Shinde through masonry of conduit.(B5) Mechanical Organisation
Location: E.E.
Longitude: 73o 39 00 N.I.D. Nashik Leakage seen from side wall of 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the seepage.
Latitude: 19o 57 00 conduit & conduit concrete.(A4) Measure and photograph any damage caused by the
Height: 25.53 m seepage so that its progression can be monitored if
Gross capacity: 2.633 Mm3 Seepage observed near and around necessary.
Spillway capacity: 196 cumecs the junction of conduit. Concrete 2.Always measure the seepage and flow rate with respect
Sr.No.in National Register of and earthwork. to reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
Large Dams:-MH09MH0683 (2 Cusecs) (A4) 3.The seepage should be checked for turbidity which
would show the presence of soil in the water.
4.Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if
5.Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated areas
increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow increases.
6.Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation
with Central Design Organisation, Nasik

WW bar is not in good 1 Location, type, and extent of the

condition.(B7) damagesPhotographed.
2. Necessary repaired should be carried out in accordance
with approved drawings.
1.The extent and location of such scouring with reference
W.W.&T.C Scouring on D/S side of WW bar to the various components of dam, spillway, outlet, power
house etc. should be identified with the respect to the
(50 m. below) is seen. (A7) levels and contour plans and reference marks
2.Dam owner should identify the cause of scouring
3.Necessary scouring protection work should be carried
out with prior approval from competent technical
4.If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work
should be done in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 116
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 Name :- JAMLEVANI 24/05/2021 Shri S.P.Pawar Earth Dam. Crest profile &slope of dam is not as 1.Detailed survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion: 1999 20/12/2021 E.E.M.I.D. per design.(B1) should be carried out.
Location : Malegaon 2.Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains)
Longitude: 730 49’47’’ should be checked. Surveyed section should be
Latitude: 200 26’ 40’’ superimposed on design section to ascertain
Height: 27.63 m whether earthen embankment is under section or
Gross capacity:1.66 Mm3/sec not.
Spillway capacity:-340.37cumecs 3.Checking of crest profile is essential to identify
Sr.No.in National Register of the excessive/uneven settlement of the dam.
Large Dams : MH09MH1507 4.Dam owner should figure out the cause of low
area and supervise all steps necessary to reduce the
threat to the dam and to correct the condition.
5.A uniform crest elevation may be re-established
over the crest length by placing proper filler
material in the low area in accordance with relevant
IS codes with prior approval from competent
technical authority.

Abnormal leakage through rock 1.Exact causes of leakages should be investigated

toe.(B3) &treated accordingly.

Outlet Outlet gate not open and close 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out with the
smoothly, some noise is there. (B5) help of Mechanical Organization

1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the

Waste weir Junction between spillway bar & leakage. Measure and photograph any damage
bar &Tail embankment is not intact. Leakage caused by the leakage so that its progression can be
channel observed through masonry wall. (A3) monitored if necessary.
2.Always measure the leakage and flow rate with
respect to reservoir water level on a

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 117
regular and frequent Basis
3.Theleakage should be checked for turbidity which
would show the presence of soil in the water.
4.Search for opening on the upstream side and plug
it if possible.
5.Reservoir level may need to be lowered if
saturated areas increase in size at a fixed storage
level or if flow increases.
Necessary repairs should be carried out in
consultation with Central Design Organisation,

1.The extent and location of such scouring with

Scouring is noticed at D/S side in tail reference to the various components of dam,
channel (A7) spillway, outlet, power house etc. should be
identified with the respect to the levels and contour
plans and reference marks .
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of
3.Necessary scouring protection work should be
carried out with prior approval from competent
technical authority.
4.If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work
should be done in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 118
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 Name:SHINDE 24/05/2021 Shri. S.P.Pawar Outlet Leakage through conduit is observed. 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of
Year of Completion: 1984 20/12/2021 E.E.M.I.D. about 100 LPM.(A4) theleakage. Measure and photograph any damage
Location: Malegaon caused by the leakage so that its progression can be
Longitude: :74018’00’’ monitored if necessary.
Latitude: 200 21’ 40’’ 2.Always measure the leakage and flow rate with
Height: 21.26 m respect to reservoir water level on a regular and
Gross capacity:1.690 Mm3 frequent Basis
Spillway capacity: 80.00 cumecs 3.Theleakage should be checked for turbidity which
Sr.No.in National Register of would show the presence of soil in the water.
Large Dams: MH09MH0951 4.Reservoir level may need to be lowered if
saturated areas increase in size at a fixed storage
level or if flow increases.
5.Necessary repairs should be carried out.
Outlet well is not in good 1.Outlet well should be surged and repaired to
condition.(A6) restore original working capacity of the well, with
prior approval from competent authority .

Waste weir Outlet gate not open close smoothly, 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out with the
bar & tail 0.50 cusec leakage observed through help of Mechanical Organisation.
channel. the gate.(B5)
Leakage through foundation of WW 1.Source of leakage should be identified chainage
bar.(2 to 3 Cusecs).(B7) wise along the length of waste weir bar and
leakages should be quantified with respect to
reservoir water level.

2.Investigations for seepage should be carried out

as per relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2
Investigations for seepage of Manual for
Rehabilitation of Large Dams (Page 47 of 112)
published by Central Water Commission

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 119
3. Necessary repairs should be carried out

Scouring on D/S of ww bar.(A7) 1.The extent and location of such scouring with
reference to the various components of dam,
spillway, outlet, power house etc. should be
identified with the respect to the levels and contour
plans and reference marks
2.Dam owner should identify the cause of scouring
3.Necessary scouring protection work should be
carried out with prior approval from competent
technical authority.
4.If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work
should be done in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik

5 Name: BHADANE 24/05/2021 Shri. S.P.Pawar Outlet Outlet gate not open close smoothly. 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out with the
Year of Completion: 1984 20/12/2021 E.E.M.I.D Stem rod of well is bent. (B5) help of Mechanical Organisation.
Location: Malegaon
Longitude: 730 30’ 00’’ Latitude: Leakage through gate & H.R 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the
200 34’ 00’’ well.(A4) leakage. Measure and photograph any damage
Height: 16.20 m caused by the leakage so that its progression can be
Gross capacity:1.520 Mm3 monitored if necessary.
Spillway capacity: 101.0cumecs 2.Always measure the leakage and flow rate with
Sr.No.in National Register of respect to reservoir water level on a regular and
Large Dams: MH09MH0957 frequent Basis
3.Theleakage should be checked for turbidity which
would show the presence of soil in the water.
4.Search for opening on the upstream side and plug
it if possible.
5.Necessary repairs should be carried .

Leakage through well masonry is 1.Outlet well should be repaired to restore original
observed. (A6) working capacity of the well.
W.W.& T.C. EDA is not in good condition. (A14) 1.Location, type, and extent of the deterioration of
the EDA should be identified and photographed
2.Structural damages including misalignment,

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 120
settlement, vertical and horizontal displacement
should be checked
3.Survey or surface mapping to document all
problems in the structure and their characteristics
should be done thoroughly
4.Necessary repairs should be carried out in
accordance with approved drawing with prior
approval from competent technical authority.
5.If deterioration is extensive, repairs to the EDA,
should be done in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik
Scouring is noticed at D/S of waste 1.The extent and location of such scouring with
weir bar @ 60 m. (A7) reference to the various components of dam,
Leakage through foundation spillway, outlet, power house etc. should be
rock.(B7) identified with the respect to the levels and contour
plans and reference marks
2.Dam owner should identify the cause of scouring
3.Necessary scouring protection work should be
carried out with prior approval from competent
technical authority.
4.If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work
should be done in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik
5.Source of leakage should be identified chainage
wise along the length of waste weir bar and
leakages should be quantified with respect to
reservoir water level.
6.Investigations for seepage should be carried out
as per relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2
Investigations for seepage of Manual for
Rehabilitation of Large Dams (Page 47 of 112)
published by Central Water Commission
7.Location, type, and extent of the damages of the
spillway bar should be identified and photographed

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 121
Sr. No Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 Name :-TALWADE BHAMER 24/05/2021 Shri. Earth Dam Dam section is not as per design. Top 1.Detailed survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion: 1979 25/12/2021 S.P.Pawar width is less than design(B1) should be carried out.
Location : E.E.M.I.D. Pitching is disturbed.(B3) 2.Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and
Longitude: 740 18’00’’ Malegaon drains) should be checked. Surveyed section
Latitude: 200 48’ 00’’ should be superimposed on design section to
Height: 15.45 m ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Gross capacity:2.560 Mm3/sec section or not.
Spillway capacity:-265.33 cumecs 3. Necessary repairs should be carried out.
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams :- MH09MH0776

Outlet Outlet gate is not in working 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out with
condition.(B5) the help of Mechanical Organisation.

Well and approach channel is 1.Outlet well should be surged and cleaned to
completely silted.(A6) restore original working capacity of the well.

Outlet well damaged & silted. (B5) 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out with
the help of Mechanical Organisation.
WW. Bar & Tail Right side UCR masonry having 1.Source of leakage should be identified
Channel length 1.20 m. &width 0.80 m. is chainage wise along the length of waste weir bar
broken. Coping over spillway bar is and leakages should be quantified with respect
damaged.(B7) to reservoir water level
2.Investigations for seepage should be carried
out as per relevant provisions mentioned in
para5.2.2.2 Investigations for seepage of
Manual for Rehabilitation of Large Dams (Page
47 of 112) published by Central Water
3.Location, type, and extent of the damages of
the spillway bar should be identified and
4. Necessary repairs should be carried out in
accordance with approved drawings.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 122
Sr. No Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 Name:-AMBIT 17/05/2021 Shri. Outlet Rubber seal shows the sign of 1. It may be repaired in consultation with the of
Year of Completion:- 2003 09/12/2021 S.P.Pawar weathering.(B12) Mechanical Organisation .
Location E.E.A.I.D. W.W.&T.C. 22 panel of size 7x 5 m are washed 1.Location, type, and extent of the deterioration of the
Longitude:730 47’ 30’’ A’Nagar away with anchor bar & exposed rock EDA should be identified and photographed
Latitude: 190 36’ 30’’ are open in stilling basin.(A14) 2.Structural damages including misalignment,
Height: 24.00m settlement, vertical and horizontal displacement should
Gross capacity:5.86Mm3 Flow condition of EDA have tendency be checked
Spillway capacity:952.0 cumecs to draw material.(A14) 3.Survey or surface mapping to document all problems
Sr.No.in National Register of in the structure and their characteristics should be done
Large Dams:- thoroughly
MH09MH1943 4.Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance
with approved drawing.
5.If deterioration is extensive, repairs to the EDA,
should be done in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik

Access Road WBM road is slightly damaged.(B6) 1. Access road should be provided, repaired and
maintained properly.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 123
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 Name:-AMBIKHALSA 03/05/2021 Shri. Earthen Standing pool of water is noticed in 1.The cause of ponding should be identified. Confirm
Year of Completion:-1975 28/11/2021 S.P.Pawar Embankment nalla portion.(A2) whether this water is coming from reservoir through
Location E.E.A.I.D. seepage or may be from toe drain. This stagnant water in
Longitude:74010’00’’ A’Nagar toe drain may lead to building of pore pressure in the
Latitude: 19020’ 34’’ earthen dam section leading to serious consequences if
Height: 15.32 m not attended immediately.
Gross capacity:1.74 Mm3 2.Necessary arrangements should be made like removing
Spillway capacity:193.94 cumecs any obstacles or techno economical nalla regradation etc.
Sr.No.in National Register of so that water will not get stagnant.
Large Dams:- Outlet. Outlet well is not in good 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help
MH09MH512 condition.(B5) of Mechanical Organisation.

Complete gate assembly have to be

repaired. (B5)

WW & TC Coping is not in good condition.(B7) 1.Location, type, and extent of the damages of the
spillway bar should be identified and photographed.
3.Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance
with approved drawing.
General Severe leakage through dam & 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the
COT.(A1) seepage. Measure and photograph any damage caused by
the seepage so that its progression can be monitored if
2.Always measure the seepage and flow rate with respect
to reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
3.The seepage should be checked for turbidity which
would show the presence of soil in the water.
4.Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if

5.Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated

areas increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow
6.Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation
with Central Design Organisation, Nasik.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 124
9 Name:- Ghodambe 03/05/2021 Shri. Earthen Crest profile is not as per design.(B1) 1.Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be
Year of Completion:-1990 28/11/2021 S.P.Pawar Embankment carried out.
Location E.E.A.I.D. 2.Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
Longitude:73075’00’’ A’Nagar checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Latitude: 20030’ 00’’ section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 18.26 m section or not.
Gross capacity:2.22 Mm3 3.Checking of crest profile is essential to identify the
Spillway capacity: cumecs excessive/uneven settlement of the dam.
Sr.No.in National Register of 4.Dam owner should figure out the cause of low area and
Large Dams:- supervise all steps necessary to reduce the threat to the dam
MH09MH612 and to correct the condition.
5.A uniform crest elevation may be re-established over the
crest length by placing proper filler material in the low area in
accordance with relevant IS codes with prior approval from
competent technical authority

Outlet. Outlet gate does not open close 1.Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help of
smoothly.(B5) Mechanical Organisation.

WW & TC Coping is not in good condition.(B7) 1.Location, type, and extent of the damages of the spillway bar
should be identified and photographed.
2.Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance with
approved drawing.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 125
Scouring on D/S of ww bar.(A7) 1.The extent and location of such scouring with reference to
the various components of dam, spillway, outlet, power house
etc. should be identified with the respect to the levels and
contour plans and reference marks
2.Dam owner should identify the cause of
3.Necessary scouring protection work should be carried out
with prior approval from competent technical authority.
4.If scouring is extensive, retrogression / scouring protection
work should be done in consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik

General Severe leakage through dam & 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the seepage.
COT.(A1) Measure and photograph any damage caused by the seepage
so that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
2.Always measure the seepage and flow rate with respect to
reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
3.The seepage should be checked for turbidity which would
show the presence of soil in the water.
4.Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if
5.Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated areas
increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow increases.
6.Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation with
Central Design Organisation, Nasik.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 126
10 Name : Aad 04/05/2021 Shri. EE The leakage is observed near and 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the
Year of Completion: 1997 04/12/2021 S.R.Patil, around the earthwork and head wall in leakage.Measure and photograph any damage caused by the
Location: EE, d/s side .(A4) leakageso that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
Longitude: 73036’00’’ MID, 3.Always measure the leakage and flow rate with respect to
Latitude: 20010’ 00’’ Nashik reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
Height: 23.80 m 4.Theleakage should be checked for turbidity which would
Gross capacity: 1.653 Mm3 show the presence of soil in the water.
Spillway capacity:70.07 cumecs 5.Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if
Sr.No.in National Register of possible.
Large Dams :-MH09MH1419 6.Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated areas
increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow increases.
7.Necessary repairs should becarried out.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 127
11 Name: MUKTI 17/04/2021 Shri. Earth Dam Dam section is under section in 1.Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be
Year of Completion: 1873 24/11/2021 N.M.Vatte gorge. Leakage is noticed on d/s of carried out.
Location : E.E.D.I.D. slope.(B3)
Longitude: 740 53’ 00’’ Dhule Heavy undulations and heavy rain cuts 2.Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
Latitude: 210 44’ 00’’ are observed.(B3) checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Height: 21.20m section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Gross capacity:9.90 Mm3 section or not.
Spillway capacity:548.0 cumecs 3. Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance with
Sr.No.in National Register of approved drawing.
Large Dams:- MH09MH0009 In gorge portion clear water leakages 1. The cause of ponding should be identified. Confirm
are observed. Standing pool of water wheather this water is coming from reservoir through seepage
on d/s of dam.(A2) or may be from toe drain. This stagnant water in toe drain
may lead to building of pore pressure in the earthen
damsection leading to serious consequences if not attended
2. Necessary arrangements should be made like removing any
obstacles or techno economical nalla regradation etc. so that
water will not get stagnant.

Both emergency gates are not in 1 Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help of
Outlet working condition.(B5) Mechanical Organisation.
Leakages through waste weir bar 1. Source of leakage should be identified chainage wise along
WW & TC noticed. (B7) the length of waste weir bar and leakages should be quantified
with respect to reservoir water level.
2. Investigations for seepage should be carried out as per
relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations
for seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of Large Dams
(Page 47 of 112) published by Central Water Commission.
3. Necessary repairs should be carried out.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 128
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12 Name:-KHAPERKHEDA 23/04/2021 Shri. Earth Dam Section is not as per design 1.Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should
Year of Completion: 1976 27/11/2021 N.M.Vatte Slope indicates concavity. Settlement be carried out.
Location : E.E.D.I.D. of embankment. 2.Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains)
Longitude: 74o 400 12” Dhule (B1& B3) should be checked. Surveyed section should be
Latitude: 20o 300 0000 superimposed on design section to ascertain whether
Height: 18.30m earthen embankment is under section or not.
Gross capacity:2.70 Mm3 3.Dam owner should figure out the cause of low area
Spillway capacity:424.0 cumecs and supervise all steps necessary to reduce the threat to
Sr.No.in National Register of the dam and to correct the condition.
4. Necessary repairs should be carried out .
Large Dams: MH09MH0581 Leakage or oozing is noticed at d/s 1. Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the
slope.(A1) boils, wet patches and leakages. Measure and
Boils and wet patches noticed at d/s photograph any damage caused by the boils, wet
of embankment. Leakage through patches and leakages so that its progression can be
dyke.(A1) monitored if necessary.
Abnormal leakage through rock toe @ 3. Always measure the leakage and flow rate
two places from dam body & side hill with respect to reservoir water level on a regular and
dyke. (A1) frequent Basis
4. The leakage should be checked for turbidity which
would show the presence of soil in the water.
5. Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it
if possible.
6. Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated
areas increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow
7. Necessary repairs should be carried out in
consultation with Central Design Organisation, Nasik.
Outlet Leakage through conduit concrete & 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the
pipe joints.(A4) leakage. Measure and photograph any damage caused
by the leakage so that its progression can be monitored
if necessary.
2.Always measure the leakage and flow rate with
respect to reservoir water level on a regular and
frequent Basis
3.Theleakage should be checked for turbidity which
would show the presence of soil in the water.
4.Necessary repairs should be carried out,
DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 129
13 Name:-WAKWAD 03/05/2020 Shri Earth Dam Top width/S & D/S slope are not as 1 Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should
Year of Completion: 1977 24/10/2020 N.M.Vatte per design. Crest profile is not at be carried out.
Location : E.E.D.I.D. proper elevation. Settlement is 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains)
Longitude: 740 460 0000 Dhule observed. (B1& B3) should be checked. Surveyed section should be
Latitude: 210 070 0000 superimposed on design section to ascertain whether
Height: 28. 64m earthen embankment is under section or not.
Gross capacity:2.910 Mm3 3. Checking of crest profile is essential to identify the
Spillway capacity:418.0 cumecs excessive/uneven settlement of the dam.
Sr.No.in National Register of 4 Dam owner should figure out the cause of low area
Large Dams:- MH09MH0633 and supervise all steps necessary to reduce the threat to
the dam and to correct the condition.
5. A uniform crest elevation may be re-established over
the crest length by placing proper filler material in the
low area in accordance with relevant IS codes with
prior approval from competent technical authority.
Outlet Leakage through gate from slot about 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out in
10-15 LPS.(A4) consultation with mechanical Organization.

W.W & T C Left side Flank wall between WW bar 1. Location, type, and extent of the damages of the
& embankment is collapsed.(B7) spillway bar should be identified and photographed.

2. Necessary repairs should be carried out in

accordance with approved drawing.
About 20 m. portion of waste weir bar
is collapsed. (B7)

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 130
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 Name:-NANDRE 18/04/2021 Shri. Earth Dam Leakage through COT in gorge portion 1. Determine the extent, severity, and cause
Year of Completion: 1979 10/11/2021 N.M.Vatte due to partial COT.(A1) of the leakage. Measure and photograph any
Location : E.E.D.I.D. Boils, wet patches on d/s of dam.(A1) damage caused by the leakage so that its
Longitude: 740 250 4500 Dhule Leakage through underground. Hence progression can be monitored if necessary.
Latitude: 210 000 0500 water is stored for one month only. 2. Always measure the leakage and flow rate
Height: 17.37m (A1) with respect to reservoir water level on a
Gross capacity:2.37 Mm3 regular and frequent Basis
Spillway capacity:382.0 cumecs 3. The leakage should be checked for turbidity
Sr.No.in National Register of which would show the presence of soil in the
Large Dams:- MH09MH0778 water.
4. Search for opening on the upstream side
and plug it if possible.
5. Reservoir level may need to be lowered if
saturated areas increase in size at a fixed
storage level or if flow increases.
6. Necessary repairs should be carried out in
consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik.

Outlet is not working condition since 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out
Outlet 13 years.(B5) with the help of Mechanical Organisation.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 131
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
15 Name: KHOLGHAR 20/04/2021 Shri. Earth Dam General condition of dam is not 1 Detailed survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion: 1986 16/11/2021 N.M.Vatte satisfactory. Settlement of d/s slope. should be carried out.
Location: E.E.D.I.D. Dam section and dam top width is not 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and
Longitude: 740 490 00 0 Dhule as per design. Rock toe required drains) should be checked. Surveyed section
Latitude: 200 390 000 repairs.(B3 & B1) should be superimposed on design section to
Height: 26.0 m ascertain whether earthen embankment is
Gross capacity:4.314 Mm3 under section or not.
Spillway capacity: 470.99 cumecs 3. Checking of crest profile is essential to
Sr.No.in National Register identify the excessive/uneven settlement of
ofLargeDams: MH09MH1121 the dam.
4 Dam owner should figure out the cause of
low area and supervise all steps necessary to
reduce the threat to the dam and to correct
the condition.
5. A uniform crest elevation may be re-
established over the crest length by placing
proper filler material in the low area in
accordance with relevant IS codes with prior
approval from competent technical authority.
Outlet H.R. masonry of well is fully damaged. 1. It may be repaired in consultation with the
Outlet hoist not in proper line. Gate is of Mechanical Organisation .
in closed position.(A18)
Piping is observed near junction. 1. Determine the extent, severity, and cause
of conduit and earthwork.(A4) of the piping. Measure and photograph any
damage caused by the piping so that its
progression can be monitored if necessary.
2. Necessary repairs should be carried out in
consultation with Central Design
Organisation, Nasik.

WW.&TC Scouring at d/s and u/s of bar. 1. The extent and location of such scouring
Scouring observed in tail channel.(A7) with reference to the various components of
dam, spillway, outlet, power house etc. should
be identified with the respect to the levels and
contour plans and reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 132
3. Necessary scouring protection work should
be carried out with prior approval from
competent technical authority.
4. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection
work should be done in consultation with
Central Design Organisation, Nasik
EDA is totally collapsed/S guide 1. Location, type, and extent of the
wall washed away.(A14) deterioration of the EDA should be identified
and photographed
2. Structural damages including misalignment,
settlement, vertical and horizontal
displacement should be checked
3. Survey or surface mapping to document all
problems in the structure and their
characteristics should be done thoroughly
4. Necessary repairs should be carried out in
accordance with approved drawing with prior
approval from competent technical authority.
5. If deterioration is extensive, repairs to the
EDA, should be done in consultation with
Central Design Organisation, Nasik

U/s & D/s face needs pointing. (B7) 1.Location, type, and extent of the damages
of the spillway bar should be identified and
2. Necessary repairs should be carried out in
accordance with approved drawing .

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 133
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
16 Name: DHANIBARA 20/04/2021 Shri. Earth Dam Small leakage on d/s slope when dam is 1. Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the leakage.
Year of Completion: 1985 16/11/2021 N.M.Vatte full. Dam top is settled. Measure and photograph any damage caused by the seepage
Location: E.E.D.I.D. (A1 & B3) so that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
Longitude: 740 480 000 Dhule 2. Always measure the leakage and flow rate with respect to
Latitude: 210 020 0000 reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
Height: 19.65m 3. The leakage should be checked for turbidity which would
Gross capacity: 1.660Mm3 show the presence of soil in the water.
Spillway capacity: 418.8 cumecs 4. Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if
Sr.No.in National Register of possible.
Large Dams:- MH09MH1085 5. Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated areas
increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow increases.
6. Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation
with Central Design Organisation, Nasik.
Top width is not as per design.(B1) 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be
carried out.
2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should
be checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on
design section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is
under section or not.
3. Necessary repairs should be carried out
Outlet Leakage observed through gate & head 1. Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the leakage.
wall (A4) Measure and photograph any damage caused by the seepage
so that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
2. Always measure the leakage and flow rate with respect to
reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
3. The leakage should be checked for turbidity which would
Heavy leakage through pipe conduit show the presence of soil in the water.
(A4) 4. Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if
Outlet & earth work is not properly 5. Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated areas
protected hence carries leakage. (A4) increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow increases.
7. Necessary repairs should be carried.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 134
H.R well required to reconstruct.(A6) 1. Outlet well should be repaired to restore original working
Leakages in outlet well.(A6) capacity of the well, with prior approval from competent
authority .

W.W&TC WW bar is in damaged condition.(B7) 1. Location, type, and extent of the damages of the spillway
bar should be identified and photographed.
2. Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance
with approved drawing.

EDA required to reconstruct.(A14) 1. Location, type, and extent of the deterioration of the
EDA should be identified and photographed
2. Structural damages including misalignment, settlement,
vertical and horizontal displacement should be checked
3. Survey or surface mapping to document all problems in
the structure and their characteristics should be done
4. Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance
with approved drawing with prior approval from competent
technical authority.
5. If deterioration is extensive, repairs to the EDA, should
be done in consultation with Central Design Organization,

Sr. no Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
17 Name:KHANDLAY 18/04/2021 Shri. Earth Dam Section is not as per design.(B1) 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be carried
Year of Completion: 1974 10/11/2021 N.M.Vatte Concavity on u/s & d/s slope.Top out.
Location: E.E.D.I.D. width is less than 3.0 m. 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
Longitude: 740 250 45 00 Dhule (B1& B3) checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Latitude: 210 000 05 00 section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 21.90 m section or not.
Gross capacity:1.593 Mm3 3. Dam owner should figure out the cause of concavityand
Spillway capacity: 413.00 cumecs supervise all steps necessary to reduce the threat to the dam and
Sr.No.in National Register of to correct the condition.
Large Dams: MH09MH0430 4. Necessary repairs should be carried.
Standing pool on d/s.(A2) 1. The cause of ponding should be identified. Confirm whether
this water is coming from reservoir through seepage or may be
from toe drain. This stagnant water in toe drain may lead to
building of pore pressure in the earthen dam section leading to

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 135
serious consequences if not attended immediately.
2. Necessary arrangements should be made like removing any
obstacles or techno economical nalla regradation etc. so that
water will not get stagnant.
Outlet Heavy crack from top to 3m. 1. Outlet well should be surged and repaaired to restore original
Downward to well. Leakage from working capacity of the well, with prior approval from
well. (A6) competent authority
Leakage through gate.(A4) 1 Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation with
Mechanical Organisation.

Two numbers of stem rod are bent. 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help of
Outlet is not in good condition.(B5) Mechanical Organisation.

All weather approach road is not 1. Access road should be provided, repaired and maintained
provided. (B6) properly.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 136
Sr. no Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
18 Name:KHOKASA 21/04/2021 Shri. N.M.Vatte Earth Dam Embankment is under section. Some 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be carried
Year of Completion: 1995 16/11/2021 E.E.D.I.D. concavity in d/s slope. D/S slope is out.
Location: Dhule not as per design. 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
Longitude: 740 400 12 00 (B1 & B3) checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Latitude: 210 340 00 00 Standing pool on d/s of dam.Clean section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 24.72 m water is flowing d/s of dam at section or not.
Gross capacity:1.523 Mm3 chainage 160 m,240 m,330m(0.25 3. Dam owner should figure out the cause of concavity and
Spillway capacity: 135.0 Cusecs @FSL) supervise all steps necessary to reduce the threat to the dam and
cumecs (A2) to correct the condition.
Sr.No.in National Register of 4.The cause of standing pool should be identified. Confirm
Large Dams-: MH09MH1368 wheather this water is coming from reservoir through seepage or
may be from toe drain. This stagnant water in toe drain may lead
to building of pore pressure in the earthen dam section leading to
serious consequences if not attended immediately.
5.Necessary arrangements should be made like removing any
obstacles or techno economical nalla regradation etc. so that
water will not get stagnant.

Leakage through gate ( 2 to 3 cusecs) 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the leakage.
(A4) Measure and photograph any damage caused by the leakage so
Outlet that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
Leakage through masonry of well & 2. Always measure the leakageand flow rate with respect to
pipe joint.(A4) reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
3. Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation with
Leakage through conduit ( 2 To 3 mechanical Organisation.
Cusecs).Every day water level is
reducing by 5 cm even the gate is in
closed position.(A4)

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 137
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
19 Name:SHELBARI 19/05/2021 Shri. N.M.Vatte Earth Dam Leakage Or oozing on d/s slope of 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the leakage.
Year of Completion: 1982 22/11/2021 E.E.D.I.D. embankment.(A3) Measure and photograph any damage caused by the leakage
Location: Dhule so that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
Longitude: 740 080 30 00 2. Always measure the leakage and flow rate with respect to
Latitude: 200 500 00 00 reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis.
Height: 20.70 m 3. The leakage should be checked for turbidity which would
Gross capacity:1.589 Mm3 show the presence of soil in the water.
Spillway capacity: 403.0 4. Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if
cumecs possible.
Sr.No.in National Register of 5. Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated areas
Large Dams: MH09MH0929 increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow increases.
6. Necessary repairs should be carried out.

WW & TC Leakage through foundation of 1. Source of leakage should be identified chainage wise along
masonry bar.(B7) the length of waste weir bar and leakages should be quantified
with respect to reservoir water level.
2. Investigations for seepage should be carried out as per
relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations
for seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of Large Dams
(Page 47 of 112) published by Central Water Commission.
3. Necessary repairs should be carried out.
20 Name:CHHAWADI 17/04/2021 Shri. N.M.Vatte Earth Dam Embankment is not in good condition 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be
Year of Completion: 1973 24/11/2021 E.E.D.I.D. Top width is less than 3.0 m. i.e. 1.5 carried out.
Location: Dhule m. to 2.5 m. (B1,B3). 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
Longitude: 740 310 0000 U/S &D/S slopes shows signs of checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Latitude: 210 060 0000 slips, bulging or concavity.(B3) section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 17.20 m section or not.
Gross capacity:4.420 Mm3 3. Dam owner should figure out the cause of slips bulging or
Spillway capacity: 1243.00 concavityand supervise all steps necessary to reduce the threat
cumecs to the dam and to correct the condition.
Sr.No.in National Register of 4. Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation with
Large Dams: MH09MH0383 Central Design Organisation, Nasik.
Outlet Stem rod is not straight. (B5) 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help of
Mechanical Organisation.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 138
Masonry bar is not in good condition. 1. Source of leakage should be identified chainage wise along
WW& TC Bar is broken.Leakage through the length of waste weir bar and leakages should be quantified
masonry & foundation. (B7) with respect to reservoir water level.
2. Investigations for seepage should be carried out as per
relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations
for seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of Large Dams
(Page 47 of 112) published by Central Water Commission
3. Location, type, and extent of the damages of the spillway
bar should be identified and photographed
4. Necessary repairs should be carried out .

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 139
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
21 Name:HALDANI 21/04/2021 Shri. Earth Dam Embankment settlement in 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion: 1989 16/11/2021 N.M.Vatte Gorge by 0.6 m.Section is not as per design. Rain should be carried out.
Location: E.E.D.I.D. cuts noticed. (B3 ) 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and
Longitude: 730 58’ 00’’ Dhule drains) should be checked. Surveyed section
Latitude: 210 09’ 00’’ should be superimposed on design section to
Height: 19.42 m ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Gross capacity:3.420 Mm3 section or not.
Spillway capacity: 410.00 3. Checking of crest profile is essential to identify
cumecs the excessive/uneven settlement of the dam.
Sr.No.in National Register of 4 .Dam owner should figure out the cause of low
Large Dams: MH09MH1231 area and supervise all steps necessary to reduce
the threat to the dam and to correct the condition.
5. A uniform crest elevation may be re-established
over the crest length by placing proper filler
material in the low area in accordance with
relevant IS codes with prior approval from
competent technical authority.
Outlet Head regulator is collapsed.(A6) 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out with
Stem rod is not straight. ( B5) the help of Mechanical Organisation.
WW& TC Scouring in tail channel, 4 m. to 5 m drop 1. The extent and location of such scouring with
observed.(A7) reference to the various components of dam,
spillway, outlet, power house etc. should be
identified with the respect to the levels and
contour plans and reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of
3. Necessary scouring protection work should be
carried out with prior approval from competent
technical authority.
4. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection
work should be done in consultation with CDO,
Waste weir bar is broken at places.(B7) 1 Location, type, and extent of the damages of the
spillway bar should be identified and
2. Necessary repairs should be carried out

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 140
22 Name:GADHAD-DEO 14/05/2021 Shri. EE General condition of dam is not good.The crest 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion: 1998 17/11/2021 N.M.Vatte profile is not at proper elevation.Top width,u/s & should be carried out.
Location: E.E.D.I.D. d/s slope is not as per design.(B1, B3) 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and
Longitude: 740 50’ 30’’ Dhule drains) should be checked. Surveyed section
Latitude: 210 36’ 30’’ should be superimposed on design section to
Height: 22.80 m ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Gross capacity:1.73 Mm3 section or not.
Spillway capacity: 230.80 3. Dam owner should figure out the cause of low
cumecs area and supervise all steps necessary to reduce
Sr.No.in National Register of the threat to the dam and to correct the condition.
Large Dams: MH09MH1468 5. A uniform crest elevation may be re-established
over the crest length by placing proper filler
material in the low area in accordance with
relevant IS codes with prior approval from
competent technical authority.
Outlet Leakage through gate.(10c to 15 LPS.(B12) 1. It may be repaired in consultation with the of
Mechanical Organisation .
Gate surface is deteriorated.(B11) 1. It may be repaired in consultation with the of
Mechanical Organisation .
Rubber seal is damaged.(B12) 1.It may be repaired in consultation with the of
Mechanical Organisation .
WW& TC Leakage through masonry of WW bar.(10 to 20 1. Source of leakage should be identified chainage
LPS) wise along the length of waste weir bar and
Left side wall between WW bar & embankment is leakages should be quantified with respect to
collapsed.(B7) reservoir water level.
2. Investigations for seepage should be carried out
as per relevant provisions mentioned in
para5.2.2.2 Investigations for seepage of Manual
for Rehabilitation of Large Dams (Page 47 of 112)
published by Central Water Commission
3. Location, type, and extent of the damages of
the spillway bar should be identified and
4. Necessary repairs should be carried out in
accordance with approved drawing.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 141
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
23 Name: VIRKHEL 19/05/2021 Shri. EE Top width is short in all length of 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be
Year of Completion: 1977 22/11/2021 N.M.Vatte dam.(B1) carried out.
Location: E.E.D.I.D. Abnormal leakages through rock
Longitude: 740 49’ 00’’ Dhule toe.(A1) 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
Latitude: 200 39’ 00’’ Leakage through COT is checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Height: 15.5 m observed.(A1) section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Gross capacity:0.8 Mm3 section or not.
Spillway capacity: 286.00 3.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the seepage.
cumecs Measure and photograph any damage caused by the seepage so
Sr.No.in National Register of that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
Large Dams:MH09MH0419 4.Always measure the seepage and flow rate with respect to
reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
5.The seepage should be checked for turbidity which would
show the presence of soil in the water.
6.Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if
7. Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated areas
increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow increases.
8.Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation with
Central Design Organisation, Nasik.

1. The extent and location of such scouring with reference to

WW & TC Scouring on d/s side of bar.(A7) the various components of dam, spillway, outlet, power house
etc. should be identified with the respect to the levels and
contour plans and reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of
3. Necessary scouring protection work should be carried out
with prior approval from competent technical authority.
4. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work should be

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 142
Coping over spillway bar is not in 1. Location, type, and extent of the damages of the spillway
good condition.(B7) bar should be identified and photographed
2. Necessary repairs should be carried out.
24 Name: SHEWADE 17/04/2021 Shri. EE From chainage 510m to 780m.U/S 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be
Year of Completion: 1980 24/11/2021 N.M.Vatte slope of dam is slip from top of carried out.
Location: E.E.D.I.D. dam.(B3) 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
Longitude: 740 360 0000 Dhule checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Latitude: 210 100 0000 section to ascertain the slip earthen embankment.
Height: 10.5 m 3. Dam owner should figure out the cause of slip and supervise
Gross capacity:1.156 Mm3 all steps necessary to reduce the threat to the dam and to
Spillway capacity: 230.00 correct the condition.
cumecs 4. A uniform crest elevation may be re-established over the
Sr.No.in National Register of crest length by placing proper filler material in the low area in
Large Dams:MH09MH0829 accordance with relevant IS codes with prior approval from
competent technical authority.
WW & TC Leakage through COT. (A1) 1.Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the seepage.
Measure and photograph any damage caused by the seepage so
that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
2.Always measure the seepage and flow rate with respect to
reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
3.The seepage should be checked for turbidity which would
show the presence of soil in the water.
4.Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if
5. Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated areas
increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow increases.
6.Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation with
Central Design Organisation, Nasik.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 143
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
25 Name: AGNAWATI 24/05/2021 Shri.L.M. Earth Dam Dam section is not as per design. Rain 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be
Year of Completion:1989 21/12/2021 Shinde cuts are observed. Pitching is carried out.
Location: E.E.J.I.D. disturbed at some places. 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
Longitude:750 13’00’’ Jalgaon (B1 & B3) checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Latitude: 200 29’ 00’’ section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 14.83 m Standing pool observed at 60 m from section or not.
Gross capacity:3.00 Mm3 d/s toe of dam between ch.1700 to 3. The cause of standing pool should be identified. Confirm
Spillway capacity:952.0 cumecs 1750m.(A2) wheather this water is coming from reservoir through seepage
Sr.No.in National Register of or may be from toe drain. This stagnant water in toe drain may
Large Dams: MH09MH1225 lead to building of pore pressure in the earthen dam section
leading to serious consequences if not attended immediately.
4. Necessary arrangements should be made like removing any
obstacles or techno economical nalla regradation etc. so that
water will not get stagnant
Outlet Gate does not open close smoothly. 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help of
(B5) Mechanical Organisation.
Rubber seal is damaged. (B12) 1. It may be repaired in consultation with the of Mechanical
Organisation .
WW&TC Scouring in bottom of EDA & d/s of 1. The extent and location of such scouring with reference to
end wall.(A7) the various components of dam, spillway, outlet, power house
etc. should be identified with the respect to the levels and
contour plans and reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of
3. Necessary scouring protection work should be carried out
with prior approval from competent technical authority.
4. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work should be
done in consultation with Central Design Organisation, Nasik

Leakage through right side flank wall 1. Source of leakage should be identified chainage wise along
(B7) the length of flank wall and leakages should be quantified with
respect to reservoir water level.
2. Investigations for seepage should be carried out as per
relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations
for seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of Large Dams (Page
47 of 112) published by Central Water Commission
3. Necessary repairs should be carried out.
DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 144
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
26 Name:KRUSHNAPURI 22/05/2021 Shri. Outlet Leakage observed through junction of 1. Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the leakage.
Year of Completion:1987 07/11/2021 D.P.Argrawal pipe.(A4) Measure and photograph any damage caused by the leakage so
Location: E.E.G.I.D. that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
Longitude: 750 04’ 00’’ Jalgaon 2. Necessary repairs should be carried out .
Latitude: 200 56’ 00’’ 1. Source of leakage should be identified chainage wise along
Height: 14.15 m W.W&TC Leakage through WW bar.(B7) the length of waste weir bar and leakages should be quantified
Gross capacity:2.176 Mm3 with respect to reservoir water level.
Spillway capacity:595.0 cumecs 2. Investigations for seepage should be carried out as per
Sr.No.in National Register of relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations
Large Dams:-MH09LH1166 for seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of Large Dams (Page
47 of 112) published by Central Water Commission
3. Necessary repairs should be carried out .
1.The extent and location of such scouring with reference to
Scouring on d/s of bar.(A7) the various components of dam, spillway, outlet,etc. should be
identified with the respect to the levels and contour plans and
reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of
3. Necessary scouring protection work should be carried out
with prior approval from competent technical authority.
4. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work should be
done .

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 145
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
27 Name: RAJDHERE 25/05/2021 Shri. EE Standing pool of water observed in 1. The cause of ponding should be identified. Confirm
Year of Completion:1981 07/11/2021 D.P.Argrawal nalla portion of d/s of dam.(A2) whether this water is coming from reservoir through seepage
Location: E.E.G.I.D. or may be from toe drain. This stagnant water in toe drain
Longitude: 740 52’ 00’’ Jalgaon may lead to building of pore pressure in the earthen dam
Latitude: 200 18’ 00’’ Water logging in nalla portion of d/s section leading to serious consequences if not attended
Height: 17.05 m of dam.(A2) immediately.
Gross capacity:1.94Mm3 2. Necessary arrangements should be made like removing
Spillway capacity:312.62 cumecs any obstacles or techno economical nalla regradation etc. so
Sr.No.in National Register of that water will not get stagnant.
Large Dams:-MH09MH0874
Outlet Gate does not open close smoothly. 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help of
(B5) Mechanical Organisation.

Stem Rob is bent. (B5)

Scouring on d/s side of 1.The extent and location of such scouring with reference to
bar(A7)coping is necessary at d/s of the various components of dam, spillway, outlet,etc. should
ww bar.(B7) be identified with the respect to the levels and contour plans
and reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of
3. Necessary scouring protection work should be carried out
with prior approval from competent technical authority.
4. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work should
be done .
5. Location, type, and extent of the damages of the spillway
bar should be identified and photographed.
6. Necessary repairs should be carried out.
Leakage through COT.(A1) 1. Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the seepage.
Measure and photograph any damage caused by the seepage
so that its progression can be monitored if necessary.
2. Always measure the seepage and flow rate with respect to
reservoir water level on a regular and frequent Basis
3. The seepage should be checked for turbidity which would
show the presence of soil in the water.
4. Search for opening on the upstream side and plug it if
5. Reservoir level may need to be lowered if saturated areas

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 146
increase in size at a fixed storage level or if flow increases.
6. Necessary repairs should be carried out in consultation
with Central Design Organisation, Nasik.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 147
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
28 Name:SUR 18/05/2021 Shri. EE Differences observed in profile 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion:1994 28/11/2021 V.T.Thakare elevation and undulation is observed. should be carried out.
Location: E.E.M.I.D. Settlement of embankment. (B3) 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and
Longitude:750 06’ 00’’ Jalgaon drains) should be checked. Surveyed section
Latitude: 210 21’ 00’’ should be superimposed on design section to
Height: 17.93 m ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Gross capacity:2.392 Mm3 section or not.
Spillway capacity:380.0 cumecs 3 .Dam owner should figure out the cause of low
Sr.No.in National Register of area and supervise all steps necessary to reduce the
Large Dams: MH09MH1328 threat to the dam and to correct the condition.
4. A uniform crest elevation may be re-established
over the crest length by placing proper filler
material in the low area in accordance with relevant
IS codes with prior approval from competent
technical authority
Standing pool are observed at 1. The cause of ponding should be identified.
chainage 20 m to 90 m and d/s of Confirm whether this water is coming from
earthen dam.(A2) reservoir through seepage or may be from toe
drain. This stagnant water in toe drain may lead to
building of pore pressure in the earthen dam
section leading to serious consequences if not
attended immediately.
2. Necessary arrangements should be made like
removing any obstacles or techno economical nalla
regradation etc. so that water will not get stagnant.
Outlet Right side of outlet gate is 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out with the
damaged.(B5) help of Mechanical Organisation.
Leakage through outlet gate up to 1
to 2 cusecs is noticed.(A4)

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 148
Leakages from masonry of spillway 1. Determine the extent, severity, and cause of the
WW. & T.C. bar are noticed. Leakage is observed seepage. Measure and photograph any damage
from both side flank wall.( A15) caused by the seepage so that its progression can
Scouring in tail channel on D/S of be monitored if necessary.
ww bar.(A7) 2. Always measure the seepage and flow rate with
respect to reservoir water level on a regular and
frequent Basis
3. Necessary repairs should be carried out
4. The extent and location of such scouring with
reference to the various components of dam,
spillway, outlet, etc. should be identified with the
respect to the levels and contour plans and
reference marks
5. Dam owner should identify the cause of
6. Necessary scouring protection work should be
carried out with prior approval from competent
technical authority.
7. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection
work should be done in consultation with Central
Design Organisation, Nasik

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 149
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
29 Name:TELENGHASHI Not Shri.S.V. Outlet Repairs to outlet well masonry & 1.Outlet well should be surged and repaired to restore
Year of Completion:1975 Mentioned Kale cleaning of well is required.(A6) original working capacity of the well, with prior approval
Location : E.E.K.I.D.2 from competent authority
Longitude:750 26’00’’ Shrigonda 1. Source of leakage should be identified chainage wise
Latitude: 180 20’ 00’’ WW&TC Heavy leakage through masonry. along the length of waste weir bar and leakages should be
Height: 17.12 m Major repairs are required.(B7) quantified with respect to reservoir water level
Gross capacity: 1.070 Mm3 2. Investigations for seepage should be carried out as per
Spillway capacity:218.40 cumecs relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2
Sr.No.in National Register of Investigations for seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of
Large Dams: MH09MH0486 Large Dams (Page 47 of 112) published by Central Water
3. Location, type, and extent of the damages of the waste
weir should be identified and photographed
4. Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance
with approved drawing .
1. Location, type, and extent of the deterioration of the
Damages to concrete in bucket.(A14) EDA should be identified and photographed
2. Structural damages including misalignment, settlement,
vertical and horizontal displacement should be checked
3. Survey or surface mapping to document all problems in
the structure and their characteristics should be done
4. Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance
with approved drawing with prior approval from
competent technical authority.
5. If deterioration is extensive, repairs to the EDA, should
be done in consultation with Central Design Organisation,
Scouring on d/s at chainage 70 m to 1. The extent and location of such scouring with reference
80 m.(A7) to the various components of dam, spillway, outlet, power
house etc. should be identified with the respect to the
levels and contour plans and reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of scouring
3. Necessary scouring protection work should be carried

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 150
out with prior approval from competent technical
4. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work should
be done in consultation with Central Design Organisation,

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 151
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
30 Name:NAIGAON Not Shri.S.V. EE Undulation is observed. Growth of 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be
Year of Completion:1978 Mentioned Kale vegetation is seen. Normal cracks are carried out.
Location : 19/11/2021 noticed. (B3,B4) 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should
Longitude:750 24’ 00’’ Latitude: E.E.K.I.D.2 be checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on
180 19’ 00’’ Shrigonda design section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is
Height: 15.96 m under section or not.
Gross capacity: 2.368 Mm3 3. Dam owner should figure out the cause of low area and
Spillway capacity: 756.24 cumecs supervise all steps necessary to reduce the threat to the dam
Sr.No.in National Register of and to correct the condition.
Large Dams: MH09MH728 4. A uniform crest elevation may be re-established over the
crest length by placing proper filler material in the low area in
accordance with relevant IS codes with prior approval from
competent technical authority.
5. Necessary repairs should be carried out.
Gate is not functioning since last 25 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help of
Outlet Years. (B5) Mechanical Organisation.
Repairs of well masonry & cleaning of 1. Necessary repairs should be carried out with the help of
well is necessary.(B5) Mechanical Organisation.

1. Source of leakage should be identified chainage wise along

WW&TC Heavy leakages in spillway bar.(B7) the length of waste weir bar and leakages should be
quantified with respect to reservoir water level.
2. Investigations for seepage should be carried out as per
relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations
for seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of Large Dams
(Page 47 of 112) published by Central Water Commission.
3.Necessary repairs should be carried out.

Coping of bar is not in good 1. Location, type, and extent of the damages of the waste
condition.(B7) weir should be identified and photographed.
2. Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance with
approved drawing .
Scouring on d/s of bar.(A7) 1. The extent and location of such retrogression/scouring
Retrogression in tail channel.(A7) with reference to the various components of dam, spillway,
outlet, power house etc. should be identified with the respect

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 152
to the levels and contour plans and reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of
3. Necessary retrogression / scouring protection work should
be carried out with prior approval from competent technical
4. If retrogression / scouring is extensive, retrogression /
scouring protection work should be done in consultation
with Central Design Organisation, Nasik

Guide bund of end portion is washed 1. Location, type, and extent of the damages of the guide
out. (A16) bund should be identified and photographed.
2. Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance with
approved drawing .

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 153
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
31 Name: Chichondipatil Not Shri.S.V. EE Standing pool are observed at 1. The cause of ponding should be identified. Confirm whether
Year of Completion:1977 Mentioned Kale chainage 20 m to 90 m and d/s of this water is coming from reservoir through seepage or may be
Location : 19/11/2021 earthen dam.(A2) from toe drain. This stagnant water in toe drain may lead to
Longitude:740 35’ 00’’ E.E.K.I.D.2 building of pore pressure in the earthen dam section leading to
Latitude: 190 20’ 00’’ Shrigonda serious consequences if not attended immediately.
Height: 15.96 m 2. Necessary arrangements should be made like removing any
Gross capacity: 2.80 Mm3 obstacles or techno economical nalla regradation etc. so that
water will not get stagnant.

Some undulation is observed. Some 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be carried
settlement is observed in gorge out.
portion.(B3) 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Embankment level is below 1.0 m of section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
TBL. (B3) section or not.
3. Dam owner should figure out the cause of low area and
supervise all steps necessary to reduce the threat to the dam and
to correct the condition.
4. A uniform crest elevation may be re-established over the crest
length by placing proper filler material in the low area in
accordance with relevant IS codes with prior approval from
competent technical authority.
5.Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance with
approved drawing .
1. The extent and location of such scouring with reference to the
WW&TC Scouring on d/s of bar.(A7) various components of dam, spillway, outlet, etc. should be
identified with the respect to the levels and contour plans and
reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of scouring
3. Necessary scouring protection work should be carried out with
prior approval from competent technical authority.
4. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work should be
done in consultation with Central Design Organisation, Nasik

32 Name: Ghodegaon 25/05/2021 Shri.S.V. EE Local depression and settlement in 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be carried
Year of Completion:1975 20/11/2021 Kale gorge portion. Section is not as per out.
Location : E.E.K.I.D.2 design. (B3 & B1) 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 154
Longitude:740 35’ 00’’ Shrigonda checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
Latitude: 190 20’ 00’’ section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 16.36 m section or not.
Gross capacity: 2.99 Mm3 3. Dam owner should figure out the cause of low area and
supervise all steps necessary to reduce the threat to the dam and
to correct the condition.
4. A uniform crest elevation may be re-established over the crest
length by placing proper filler material in the low area in
accordance with relevant IS codes with prior approval from
competent technical authority.
5. Necessary repairs should be carried out.
1. The extent and location of such scouring with reference to the
WW&TC Scouring is noticed in tail channel. various components of dam, spillway, outlet, etc. should be
Retrogression 10 m from ww identified with the respect to the levels and contour plans and
bar.(A7) reference marks
2. Dam owner should identify the cause of scouring
3. Necessary scouring protection work should be carried out with
prior approval from competent technical authority.
4. If scouring is extensive, scouring protection work should be
done in consultation with Central Design Organisation, Nasik

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 155
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
33 Name: Ratnapur Not Shri.S.V. EE Standing pool are observed at 1. The cause of ponding should be identified. Confirm
Year of Completion:1985 Mentioned Kale chainage 20 m to 90 m and d/s of whether this water is coming from reservoir through seepage
Location : 13/11/2021 earthen dam.(A2) or may be from toe drain. This stagnant water in toe drain
Longitude:750 17’ 00’’ E.E.K.I.D.2 may lead to building of pore pressure in the earthen dam
Latitude: 180 42’ 00’’ Shrigonda section leading to serious consequences if not attended
Height: 16.41 m immediately.
2. Necessary arrangements should be made like removing any
obstacles or techno economical nalla regradation etc. so that
water will not get stagnant.

Some undulation is observed in gorge 1. Detailed survey of the dam and dam section should be
portion.(B1) carried out.
Settlement of rock toe , abnormal 2. Dam section (Top width, side slopes, and drains) should be
leakage through rock toe . (B3) checked. Surveyed section should be superimposed on design
section to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
section or not.
4 .Dam owner should figure out the cause of abnormal
leakage through rock toe and supervise all steps necessary to
reduce the threat to the dam and to correct the condition.
5. Necessary repairs should be carried out.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 156
1. Outlet well should be cleaned to restore original working
Outlet Outlet gate needs cleaning. (A6) capacity of the well.
1. Source of leakage should be identified chainage wise along
WW&TC Heavy leakage through ww bar.(A7) the length of waste weir bar and leakages should be quantified
with respect to reservoir water level
2. Investigations for seepage should be carried out as per
relevant provisions mentioned in para5.2.2.2 Investigations
for seepage of Manual for Rehabilitation of Large Dams
(Page 47 of 112) published by Central Water Commission
3. Location, type, and extent of the damages of the waste weir
should be identified and photographed
4. Necessary repairs should be carried out in accordance with
approved drawing .

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 157
Table 3.15
Class-II Dams with Category-3 Deficiency

Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National Ungated Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post Monsoon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Alandi 1983 73o42 29.28 29.53 1019.00 MH09MH1003 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.22, 3.20, 3.21, 03
00 01/12/2021
20o 07
2 Amboli 1978 73o29 17.00 3.660 106.47 MH09MH0549 Ungated 25/05/2021 3.5,3.1,3.7, 3.18, 3.9 05
00 13/12/2021
19o 59
3 Anjneri 2006 73o35 28.14 3.242 100.45 MH09HH1804 Ungated 25/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.9,3.34,3.20,3.32 07
40 13/12/2021
1456 00
4 Dhaur 1993 73o40 16.07 1.18 54.38 MH09MH1301 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.7,3.9,3.22,3.34,3.20,3.28,3.30, 07
00 04/12/2021
20o 12 24/12/2021
5 Eklahare 1984 73o47 17.40 3.54 187.99 MH09MH1035 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.4,3.30, 3.7, 3.9, 3.34, 3.20, 08
00 04/12/2021 3.16,3.6,
20o 22
6 Karanjalipada 1986 74o35 15.50 1.867 89.18 MH09MH1108 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.20,3.16, 09
00 04/12/2021 3.30,3.6
20o 16
7 Khed 1990 73o42 19.01 3.800 216.00 MH09MH1237 Ungated 27/05/2021 3.4,3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.25,3.22,3.2 10
50 14/12/2021 0,3.6
19o 37
8 Kone 1985 73o32 12.50 2.109 278.24 MH09MH0870 Ungated 25/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.2,3.9,3.34 06
00 13/12/2021
20o 04
DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 158
9 Khadakjamb 1973 74o14’00 16.44 0.510 96.26 MH09MH0337 Ungated 01/05/2021 3.16,3.32,3.19,3.33,3.20,3.6 06
20 o 14’00” 11/12/2021
10 Kawadasar 1995 74o14 17.00 1.680 57.99 MH09MH1018 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.7,3.9,3.13,3.22,3.34,3.21,3.20, 09
00 04/12/2021 3.30,3.6
20o 07

Sr.N Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/Ungate Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
o. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National d Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
11 Nalegaon 1995 73o42 20.24 2.260 72.04 MH09MH1221 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.13,3.22,3.34,3.20, 09
50 05/12/2021 3.16,3.30
19o 37 24/12/2021
12 Pimpalnare 1981 73o35 17.73 2.250 95.69 MH09MH0849 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.13,3.22,3.34,3.16, 09
00 05/12/2021 3.20,3.30
20o 18 24/12/2021
13 Ramshej 1974 73o48 17.09 1.69 130.48 MH09MH0329 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.13,3.34,3.21,3.20, 10
00 05/12/2021 3.16,3.30,3.6
20o 06 24/12/2021
14 Talegaon Trimbak 1997 73o37 18.00 4.250 216.32 MH09MH1431 Ungated 25/05/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.20,3.6,3.30 07
00 13/12/2021
19o 40
15 Taloshi 1992 73o37 20.78 1.398 138.00 MH09MH1264 Ungated 27/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.2,3.9,3.22,3.34, 08
00 13/12/2021 3.6
19o 40
16 Tringalwadi 1980 73o35 15.77 3.110 206.68 MH09MH0686 Ungated 27/05/2021 3.2,3.9,3.34,3.5,3.7,3.20,3.22,3.19,3. 09
00 14/12/2021 1
20o 06
17 Sadgaon Ladchi 1998 73o36 25.65 5.89 158.87 MH09MH1467 Ungated 25/05/2021 3.7,3.3,3.2,3.9,3.1,3.13,3.23,3.34,3.3 12

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 159
00 12/12/2021 2,3.22,3.16,3.6
20o 06
18 Rawalgaon 1997 73o42 17.71 1.331 58.00 MH09MH1418 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.34,3.20,3.16,3. 11
00 05/12/2021 19,3.30,3.6
20o 05
19 Dhagur 1993 73o40 19.57 1.183 51.39 MH09MH1944 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.5,3.6,3.7,3.9,3.13,3.22,3.34,3.20,3. 10
00 05/12/2021 16,3.30
20o 10
20 Konambe 1971 73o45 18.80 1.54 361.61 MH09MH0254 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.5,3.4,3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.13, 11
00 12/12/2021 ,3.22,3.34,3.16,3.32
19o 45
21 Daraswadi 1970 74o11 30 15.52 3.058 875.00 MH09MH0221 Ungated 01/05/2021 3.5,3.9,3.1,3.2,3.7,3.13,3.22,3.21,3.1 10
20o 13 11/12/2021 6,3.30
22 Shenwad 1994 73o36 00 17.90 2.906 68.19 MH09MH1322 Ungated 27/05/2021 3.5,3.7, 3.9,3.20,3.23,3.21 06
19o 41 14/12/2021
23 Khadakozar 1963 73o40 00 21.57 8.429 1153.90 MH09MH0086 Ungated 01/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.22,3.16,3.19 08
20o 12 11/12/2021
24 Saradwadi 1987 73o55 00 12.52 2.18 544.80 MH09MH1125 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.5,3.4,3.1,3.7,3.9,3.13,3.20,3.22,3.3 10
19o 55 12/12/2021 4,3.16
14 10/01/2022
25 Borkhind 1995 73o50 00 19.59 1.576 7.62 MH09MH1347 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.1,3.7,3.2,3.9,3.13,3.34, 06
19o 45 12/12/2021
09 10/01/2022
Sr.N Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/Ungate Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
o. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National d Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
26 Mahiravani 1984 73o39 00 25.53 2.633 196.00 MH09MH683 Ungated 25/05/2021 3.5,3.2,3.9,3.34 04
19o57 13/12/2021
00 10/01/2022
27 Thangaon 1992 73o56 00 18.71 1.424 345.00 MH09MH1220 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.5,3.4,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.34,3.20 08
19o42 12/12/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 160
28 Umarale (Kh) 1989 73o47 00 15.10 1.111 34.24 MH09LH1207 Ungated 02/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.13,3.22,3.34,3.21 08
20o15 04/12/2021 ,3.16
29 Wadiwarhe 1983 73o39 00 19.40 1.737 140.00 MH09MH0956 Ungated 27/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.2,3.9,3.34,3.20,3.19,3.6 09
19o51 14/12/2021
30` Jambutke 1973 74o10 18.27 2.520 834.88 MH09MH0415 Ungated 02/06/2021 3.5, 3.7,3.2,3.21,3.22,3.20,3.30 07
00 28/01/2022
20o 19
31 Tisgaon 2000 73o57 24.90 15.14 1804.0 MH09MH1379 Ungated 02/06/2021 3.7,3.2,3.9,3.13,3.22,3.21,3.20, 09
30 28/01/2022 3.32,3.19,
20o 15
32 Khadakmalegaon 1975 74o10 16.38 3.17 899.00 MH09MH0525 Ungated 05/11/2021 3.9, 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.21,3.20,3.30 07
00 28/01/2022
20o 10
33 Bordaiwat 1976 73o26 00 18.60 1.650 509.77 MH09MH0584 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.9,3.34,3.20,3.16,3.19 08
20o20 20/12/2021
34 Bori Ambedari 1985 73o20 00 18.87 4.910 1515.00 MH09MH1102 Ungated 30/05/2021 3.2,3.20,3.16,3.6 04
20o24 24/12/2021
35 Dahikute 1974 74o36 00 15.00 3.570 896.00 MH09MH0379 Ungated 30/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.21,3.20, 09
20o37 24/12/2021 3.16,3.6
36 Dhardedigar 1979 72o55 00 17.85 0.960 85.02 MH09MH0744 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.5,3.2,3.9,3.21,3.20,3.31 06
20o24 19/12/2021
37 Dunde 1986 74o19 30 15.54 1.820 643.16 MH09MH1091 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.34,3.20,3.1 09
20o38 24/12/2021 6
38 Jakhod 1982 73o20 00 24.23 2.34 235.00 MH09MH0922 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.7,3.2,3.9, 3.20,3.16 05
20o40 25/12/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 161
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Gated/Ungate Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No. Dam Completio Location in Capacity Spillway Large Dam in d Inspection Deficiencies
n meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity National Pre &
(Cumecs) Register Post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
39 Kasari-I 199 74o45 00 14.71 1.58 451.00 MH09MH0856 Ungated 20/05/2021 3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.6 05
20o13 30/12/2021
00 11/01/2022
40 Lohashingave 1973 74o35 00 15.50 2.34 517.13 MH09MH0303 Ungated 20/05/2021 3.5,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.20,3.21 06
20o12 29/12/2021
00 11/01/2022
41 Malgaon 1984 73o56 00 23.39 2.82 188.00 MH09MH1034 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.5,3.1,3.2,3.9,3.34,3.21,3.20,3.16 08
chinchpada 20o20 19/12/2021
42 Mandwadwadi 1990 74o35’30 19.35 1.28 138.39 MH09MH1250 Ungated 20/05/2021 3.34, 3.9,3.20 03
43 Markandpimpri 1993 72o55 00 16.11 1.150 78.20 MH09MH1303 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.5,3.9,3.34,3.21,3.20 05
20o24 19/12/2021
44 Nagyasakya 1992 74o36 00 23.09 15.620 51.550 MH09MH1282 Ungated 30/05/2021 3.5,3.1,3.7,3.9,3.22,3.23,3.20,3.21,3. 10
20o02 29/12/2021 32,3.16
45 Pokhari 1985 74o15 15 20.20 2.34 796.00 MH09MH1059 Ungated 20/05/2021 3.7,3.1,3.2,3.9, 04
20o42 30/12/2021
46 Rameshwar 1989 74o09 00 17.00 2.02 462.00 MH09MH1240 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.5,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.20 06
20o36 19/12/2021
47 Rankheda 1979 74 o 16.13 1.377 397.90 MH09MH0780 Ungated 20/05/2021 3.7,3.9,3.2,3.20,3.21 05
47 00 30/12/2021
20 o 20
48 Warshi 1974 74 o 18.19 1.160 298.18 MH09MH0423 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.1, 3.2,3.9,3.22,3.34,3.20 06
12 00 19/12/2021
20 o
38 00
49 Gobapur 1976 73 o 25.38 2.25 441.00 MH09MH0583 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.7,3.2,3.9,3.22,3.34,3.21,3.19 07
58 00 19/12/2021
20 o 26

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 162
50 Sakur 1979 74 o 10.52 1.91 240.00 MH09MH0760 Ungated 30/05/2021 3.7,3.1,3.2,3.9,3.34,3.20,3.32, 08
46 00 24/12/2021 3.16
20 o 33
51 Pathave 1985 74 o 18.35 1.870 235.00 MH09MH1043 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.7,3.2,3.20 03
18 00 25/12/2021
20 o 40
52 Parsul 1884 74 o 18.80 1.670 188.00 MH09MH0015 Ungated 30/05/2021 3.5, 3.2, 3.9,3.7,3.22,3.6 06
19 00 24/12/2021
20 o 24

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 163
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/Ungate Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National d Inspection Deficiencies
. meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
53 Khirad 1992 74 o 19.99 1.400 123.44 MH09MH1284 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.7,3.2,3.9,3.34,3.20,3.16 06
04 00 20/12/2021
20 o 26
54 Bhalur 1983 74 o 15.58 1.15 349.00 MH09MH0978 Ungated 20/05/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.21,3.20 06
34 00 29/12/2021
20 o 14
55 Dhanoli 1995 73 o 28.30 4.910 167.00 MH09MH1504 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.7,3.2,3.9,3.34,3.6 05
46 52 20/12/2021
20 o 34 04/02/2022
56 Jamlevani 1999 73 o 27.63 1.66 340.37 MH09MH1507 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.7,3.2,3.9,3.22,3.16,3.19 06
49 47 20/12/2021
20 o 26
57 Talwade Bhamer 1979 74 o 15.45 2.560 265.33 MH09MH0776 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.5,3.2,3.9,3.34,3.21,3.20,3.16 07
18 00 25/12/2021
20 o 48
58 Bhadane 1984 73 o 16.20 1.520 101.00 MH09MH0957 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.34,3.20,3.16 07
30 00 20/12/2021
20 o 34
59 Ghodambe 1990 73 o 18.56 2.20 431.00 MH09MH1239 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.9,3.2,3.7,3.34,3.20,3.16,3.6 07
45 00 20/12/2021
20 o 30
60 Shinde 1984 74 o 21.26 1.690 80.00 MH09MH0951 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.20,3.16 07
18 00 20/12/2021
20 o 21
61 Ambhore 1981 75o00 00 21.94 2.23 193.94 MH09MH109 Ungated 03/05/2021 3.2,3.13,3.17,3.20,3.7 05
19o24 00 28/11/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 164
62 Ambikhalsa 1975 74o10 00 15.32 1.74 193.94 MH09MH512 Ungated 03/05/2021 3.7,3.9,3.13, 03
19o20 34 28/11/2021
63 Ambidumala 1993 73o07 00 29.18 4.39 386.17 MH09MH1171 Ungated 03/05/2021 3.7,3.9,3.13,3.20 04
19o07 00 28/11/2021
64 Belapur Badgi 1973 75o20 00 23.46 3.06 1087 MH09MH0998 Ungated 17/05/2021 3.7,3.2,3.20,3.31 04
18o46 27/11/2021
65 Bhalwani 1973 74o33’30” 17.74 2.605 946.08 MH09MH0380 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.10,3.2,3.9,3.13,3.35,3.6 06
19o06’40” 17/12/2021
66 Bori 1981 75o00’00” 21.94 1.353 193.94 MH09MH0861 Ungated 17/05/2021 3.7,3.20 02
19o24’00” 27/11/2021
67 Dhoki I 1981 74o25’00” 17.33 1.266 1046.00 MH09MH0898 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.10,3.9,3.2,,3.13,3.21,3.20 06
19o10’00” 17/12/2021
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/Ungate Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National d Inspection Deficiencies
. meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
68 Kelewadi 1980 74o10’00” 17.24 0.910 121.70 MH09MH0825 Ungated 03/05/2021 3.7, 3.20, 3.9,3.13 04
19o14’00” 28/11/2021
69 Kuttarwadi 1991 74o14’00” 15.52 1.812 550.00 MH09MH1276 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.5,3.10,3.1,3.2,3.7,3.9,3.13,3.21, 10
19o15’00” 31/12/2021 3.20,3.16
70 Mandohal 1979 74o19’00” 27.07 11.30 1420 MH09MH0800 Ungated 03/05/2021 3.5,3.9,3.34,3.20 04
19o12’00” 17/12/2021
71 Sangavi 1994 74o14’00” 18.58 2.02 660.44 MH09MH1333 Ungated 16/05/2021 3.2,3.13,3.20,3.16 04
19o33’00” 09/12/2021
72 Takalibhan 1977 74o47’00” 16.60 5.490 0081.00 MH09MH0602 Ungated 10/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.9,3.13,3.22,3.34,3.21,3. 10
19o36’00” 24/12/2021 33,3.28
73 Tikhol 1975 74o25’00” 18.53 2.430 848.00 MH09MH0523 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.2,3.9,3.34,3.21,3.20,3.6 06
19o40’00” 17/12/2021
74 Dhoki II 1981 74o25’00” 18.53 2.430 848.00 MH09MH1945 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.10,3.9,3.2,3.21,3.20,3.16,3. 09
19o10’10” 17/12/2021 6
75 Waki 1992 73o44’04” 29.83 3.19 750.00 MH09MH1403 Ungated 16/05/2021 3.13,3.1,3.22,3.34,3.20,3.31,3.16 07
19o33’58” 27/11/2021
76 Pargaon Ghatshil 1977 75o21’30” 22.46 12.45 1467.00 MH09MH0653 Ungated 13/05/2021 05
19o12’00” 31/12/2021
77 Ambit 2003 73o47 30 24.00 5.86 952.00 MH09MH1943 Ungated 17/05/2021 3.20 01
19o36 19/12/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 165
78 Cholmukh 2005 73o34 00 23.44 3.486 103.60 MH09MH1634 Ungated 04/06/2021 3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.22,3.20,3.16,3.6 08
20o08 04/12/2021
00 07/01/2022
79 Shinde 2002 73o35 30 20.06 1.226 105.20 MH09MH1531 Ungated 04/05/2021 3.1,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.16,3.28,3.34 08
20o10 04/12/2021
80 Waigholpada 2001 73o30 30 29.09 4.942 103.60 MH09MH1602 Ungated 30/04/2021 3.7,3.10,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.21,3.20 08
20o00 27/11/2021 ,3.19
00 04/01/2022

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 166
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/Ungate Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National d Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post Monsoon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
81 Lingawane 1987 73o35 00 23.68 1.866 172.00 MH09MH1287 Ungated 04/05/2021 3.5,3.1,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.28,3.6 08
20o11 04/12/2021
82 Inambari 1976 73o35 00 22.57 2.470 215.20 MH09MH0563 Ungated 04/05/2021 3.7,3.1,3.2,3.13,3.22,3.34,3.19, 09
20o16 04/12/2021 3.28,3.6
83 Ambai 2010 73o29 23 23.51 2.177 119.00 MH09LH2039 Ungated 30/04/2021 3.28, 3.7 02
19o57 27/11/2021
84 Harangaon 1997 73o35 00 28.30 5.143 119.56 MH09MH1426 Ungated 04/05/2021 3.5,3.4,3.1,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.22, 11
20o18 04/12/2021 3.20,3.6,3.28
85 Kachurli 2011 73o29 00 28.24 2.113 43.75 MH09LH2040 Ungated 30/04/2021 3.7,3.1,3.2,3.32,3.6,3.28 06
19o57 27/11/2021
86 Chinchwad 1992 74o52 00 21.30 2.02 183.32 MH09MH1287 Ungated 30/04/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.34,3.6,3.28,3.19 08
19o49 27/11/2021
87 Jategaon 1984 73o31 00 18.94 1.73 167.24 MH09MH1030 Ungated 30/04/2021 3.7,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.34,3.5,3.20,3.28,3.6 09
20o07 00 27/11/2021
88 Shirale 2010 73o30 05 25.40 1.910 358.75 MH09LH2041 Ungated 30/04/2021 3.1,3.2,3.9,3.13,3.28,3.6 06
20o15 04/05/2021
89 Aad 1997 73o36 00 23.80 1.653 70.07 MH09MH1419 Ungated 04/05/2021 3.1,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.22,3.20,3.21,3.2 09
20o10 04/12/2021 8
90 Bubali 1984 73o39 00 20.00 1.634 322.96 MH09MH0976 Ungated 30/04/2021 3.7,3.1,3.9,3.13,3.22,3.20,3.28 07
20o21 11/12/2021
91 Roshani 2007 73o40 30 29.67 5.796 719.68 MH09LH2038 Ungated 30/04/2021 3.7,3.1,3.2,3.9,3.13,3.22,3.16,3.19,3.6 10
20o31 27/11/2021 ,3.28
00 04/01/2022
92 Pahuchibari 1982 73o36 00 17.78 1.570 336.00 MH09MH0877 Ungated 04/05/2021 3.5,3.4,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.28 06
20o22 04/12/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 167
93 Ambad 2015 73o39 00 26.95 4.825 258.30 -- Ungated 14/05/2021 3.7,3.1,3.2 03
20o22 NR

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 168
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Inspection Deficiencies noticed Total
No. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National Ungated Pre & Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Post Monsoon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
94 Pimpraj 2015 73o38 17 25.00 0.56 37.80 -- Ungated 11/05/2021 3.9, 3.2,3.13 03
20o10 07/02/2022
95 Ambegan 2015 73o38 03 25.62 0.47 42 -- Ungated 11/05/2021 3.13, 3.2,3.11 03
20o13 07/02/2022
96 Chafyachapada 2015 73o40 31 16.02 0.06 -- -- Ungated 11/05/2021 3.2, 3.13 02
20o24 07/02/2022
97 Zarlipada 2015 73o38 00 16.10 0.38 30.45 -- Ungated 11/05/2021 3.11,3.2,3.13 03
20o14 07/02/2022
98 Dhondalpada U/C 73o38 07 20.50 0.324 -- -- Ungated 11/05/2021 3.7,3.5,3.2,3.13 04
20o21 12/02/2022
99 Joran 2019 73o40 00 19.50 2.542 117.16 --- Ungated 11/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.13,3.28 05
20o18 07/02/2022
100 Vani 2019 73o40 00 20.32 1.897 88.20 --- Ungated 11/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.13,3.28 05
20o18 00 07/02/2022
101 Nanashi 3.5,3.7,3.13 03
102 Deobhane 1976 74o78 00 19.35 1.660 323.90 MH09MH0588 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.20,3.6 05
21o02 10/11/2021
103 Kanoli 1974 74o47 00 24.50 11.90 1848.00 MH09MH0452 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.20,3.34 07
20o30 10/11/2021
00 16/03/2022
104 Khothare 1974 74o34 00 15.75 4.870 428.00 MH09MH0432 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.5,3.2,3.34,3.2,3.16 05
21o06 10/11/2021
105 Malangaon 1970 74o50 30 23.78 13.027 1075.1 MH09MH0223 Ungated 04/04/2021 3.9,3.22,3.35,3.16 04
21o50 22/11/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 169
Sr.No. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/Ungate Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National d Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post Monsoon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
106 Ranmala 1999 73o36 00 17.73 4.61 800.0 MH09MH1480 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.21,3.20 07
21o32 10/11/2021
107 Raingan 1998 73o55 00 24.09 7.786 642.80 MH09MH1475 Ungated 21/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.20,3.34 07
21o07 16/11/2021
108 Thanepada -1 1972 74o48 00 18.64 2.885 438.00 MH09MH0301 Ungated 20/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.20,3.16 07
21o 02
109 Ambebara 1976 74o13 00 22.00 2.386 442.93 MH09MH0433 Ungated 20/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.9,3.22,3.20,3.21,3.6 08
21o35 16/11/2021
110 Kabryakhadak 2002 74o01 00 21.82 3.959 829.46 MH09MH1610 Ungated 19/05/2021 3.5,3.2,3.7,3.16 04
21o42 22/11/2021
111 Wawad 1975 74o49 00 16.60 1.485 224.00 MH09MH0488 Ungated 20/04/2021 3.9,3.2,3.34,3.20,3.6 05
20o39 16/11/2021
112 Burudakhe 1973 74o20 00 17.75 1.470 298.00 MH09MH0358 Ungated 04/04/2021 3.7,3.2,3.9,3.20 04
21o10 22/11/2021
113 Rozwa 1977 73o52 12 26.70 1.738 198.75 MH09MH0612 Ungated 02/11/2021 3.5,3.9,3.34,3.20 04
21o04 23/11/2021
114 Lauki 1983 74o55 00 17.25 2.030 349.00 MH09MH0979 Ungated 15/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.20 06
21o25 17/11/2021
115 Lamkani 1991 74o31 44 19.00 3.34 1820.00 MH09MH1280 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.21,3.6 06
21o05 10/11/2021
116 Anchale 1983 74o50 00 16.41 1.070 198.78 MH09MH0960 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.21, 05
20o54 10/11/2021
117 Kakani 1987 74o25 00 21.60 2.660 782.00 MH09MH1168 Ungated 04/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.20,3.16,3.19 08
21o36 22/11/2021
DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 170
118 Kaayankada 1990 74o24 21 17.34 2.360 557.00 MH09MH1243 Ungated 04/04/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.20, 05
20o53 22/11/2021
119 Vikharan 1977 74o48 30 24.90 2.644 361.00 MH09Mh0629 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.21,3.20 08
21o37 17/11/2021
120 Umarani 1993 74o13 00 16.19 1.09 102.00 MH09MH1304 Ungated 23/04/2021 3.7,3.1,3.2,3.22,3.21,3.16 06
21o07 15 01/11/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 171
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National Ungated Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post Monsoon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
121 Padalpur 1991 74o14 45 20.75 1.70 187.00 MH09MH1305 Ungated 22/04/2021 3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.21, 05
21o39 23/11/2021
122 Gadhavali 1994 74o15 00 16.52 0.94 320.0 MH09MH1344 Ungated 22/04/2021 3.34,3.7,3.1,3.9 04
21o39 23/11/2021
123 Nawali 1998 75o 07 00 19.24 1.94 430.00 MH09MH1455 Ungated 21/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.34,3.21,3.20 08
124 Khamkheda 1977 74o46 30 18.71 3.220 579.00 MH09MH0641 Ungated 15/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.21,3.20 07
21o07 17/11/2021
125 Kalikarad 1977 74o48 00 22.00 2.17 424.00 MH09MH0634 Ungated 15/05/2021 3.5,3.10,3.7,3.9,3.2, 05
21o00 17/11/2021
126 Virkhel 1974 74o49 00 15.50 0.88 286.00 MH09MH0419 Ungated 19/05/2021 3.7,3.1,3.5,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.20 07
21o39 22/11/2021
127 Purmepada 1955 74 o 24.70 13.55 2141.00 MH09MH0073 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.5,3.1,3.9,3.20,3.34,3.21,3.16 07
47 00 10/11/2021
20 o 39
128 Khadkuna 1981 73 o 19.50 6.257 513.57 MH09MH0889 Ungated 22/04/2021 3.1,3.9,3.20 03
52 19 23/11/2021
o32 30

129 Shahane 1999 74 o 16.20 1.88 253.00 MH09MH1949 Ungated 23/04/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2,3.22 04
45 00 27/11/2021
21 o 37
130 Dahyane 2010 74 o 18.00 4.268 734.10 MH09MH1952 Ungated 19/04/2021 3.20,3.21,3.6 03
41 00 24/11/2021
20 o 51
131 Wadi 1988 75 o 15.15 1.540 320.00 MH09MH1199 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.21,3.20 07
51 00 17/11/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 172
21 o 27
132 Chaugaon 1987 74 o 21.54 6.430 938.00 MH09MH1169 Ungated 17/11/2021 3.4,3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.20,3.34,3.21, 10
34 00 24/11/2021 3.16,3.36
21 o 20
133 Sonkhadki 1997 74 o 18.48 3.279 196.00 MH09MH1428 Ungated 21/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.20,3.21 06
00 00 16/11/2021
21 o 01
134 Rangawali 1982 73 o 25.63 15.02 1180.00 MH09MH0942 Ungated 21/04/2021 3.5,3.1,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.20,3.32, 10
52 12 16/11/2021 3.16,3.6
21 o 04

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 173
Sr.No. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National Ungated Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post Monsoon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
135 Kondaval 1987 74 o 18.80 1.830 214.00. MH09MH1155 Ungated 23/04/2021 3.7,3.9,3.16 03
37 00 27/11/2021
21 o 31
136 Kulthe 1971 74 o 13.20 3.20 654.00 MH09MH0263 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.22,3.20,3.16 06
48 00 10/11/2021
21 o 20 16/03/2022
137 Budki 1975 74 o 15.18 2.15 643.00 MH09MH0515 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.21,3.20 07
55 00 17/11/2021
21 o 32
138 Singaspur 1997 73 o 31.68 2.27 276.70 MH09MH1433 Ungated 22/04/2021 3.7,3.20,3.34 03
21 54 23/11/2021
21 o 40
139 Londhare 1988 74 o 20.48 3.140 832.00 MH09MH1201 Ungated 23/04/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2, 03
30 00 27/11/2021
21 o 32
140 Nandarde 1992 74 o 21.06 3.89 474.40 MH09MH1285 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,.20 06
50 00 17/11/2021
21 o 30
141 Vasdara 1986 73 16.61 1.156 230.00 MH09MH1144 Ungated 20/04/2021 3.5, 3.2, 3.34, 03
o18 00 24/11/2021
21 o 30
142 Shewade 1980 74 o 10.50 1.30 442.00 MH09MH0829 Ungated 17/04/2021 3.20 01
36 00 24/11/2021
21 o
10 00
143 Mukti 1873 74 o 21.20 9.90 548.00 MH09MH0009 Ungated 17/04/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2 03
53 00 24/11/2021
21 o
44 00
144 Khekada 1977 73 o 19.20 1.480 67.00 MH09MH0601 Ungated 21/04/2021 3.1,3.9,3.2,3.7,3.20,3.16,3.19 07

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 174
40 00 16/11/2021
21 o
02 30
145 Mahupada 1989 73 o 16.47 2.558 126.95 MH09MH1948 Ungated 22/04/2021 3.5,3.1,3.9,3.20,3.16 05
40 00 23/11/2021
21 o
02 30
146 Khaperkheda 1976 74o40 12 18.30 2.70 424.00 MH09MH0581 Ungated 23/04/2021 3.20 01
20 o 27/11/2021
30 00
147 Wakwad 1977 74 o 28.46 2.910 418.00 MH09MH0633 Ungated 24/10/2021 3.5, 3.7,3.9,3.2,3.21,3.34,3.20 07
46 00 17/11/2021
21 o
07 00
148 Nandre 1979 74 o 17.37 2.37 382.00 MH09MH0778 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.5,3.1,3.2,3.9 04
25 45 10/11/2021
21 o 16/03/2022
00 05
149 Kholghar 1986 74 o 26.00 4.314 470.99 MH09MH1121 Ungated 20/04/2021 3.5,3.2,3.9,3.22,3.34,3.20 06
49 00 16/11/2021
20 o
39 00
Sr.No Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National /Ungated Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post Monsoon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
150 Dhanibara 1985 74 o 19.65 1.660 418.80 MH09MH1085 Ungated 20/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.34,3.20,3.6 06
48 00 16/11/2021
21 o
02 00
151 Khandlay 1974 74 o 21.90 1.593 413.00 MH09MH0430 Ungated 18/04/2021 3.2, 3.20 02
25 45 10/11/2021
21 o
00 05
152 Khokhasa 1995 74 o 24.72 1.523 135.00 MH09MH1368 Ungated 21/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.1,3.2,3.34,3.20,3.16 08
40 12 16/11/2021
21 o
34 00
153 Shelbari 1982 74 o 20.70 1.589 403.00 MH09MH0929 Ungated 19/05/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.20 05
08 30 22/11/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 175
20 o
50 00
154 Hatti 1973 74o21 30 18.75 2.740 659.00 MH09MH0373 Ungated 17/04/2021 3.5,3.1,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.16 06
21 o 24/11/2021
13 00
155 Chhawadi 1973 74 o 17.20 4.420 1243.00 MH09MH0383 Ungated 17/04/2021 3.7,3.9,3.2,3.22,3.34,3.20,3.16 07
31 00 24/11/2021
21 o
06 00
156 Mugdhan 1982 73 o 21.37 2.730 168.00 MH09MH1075 Ungated 21/04/2021 3.9,3.2,3.22,3.34,3.21,3.20,3.16, 07
45 00 16/11/2021
21 o
07 00
157 Haldani 1989 73 o 19.42 3.420 410.00 MH09MH1231 Ungated 21/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.16 07
58 12 16/11/2021
21 o
09 00
158 Sulipada 1987 73 o 17.03 1.82 230.00 MH09MH1176 Ungated 21/04/2021 3.9,3.2,3.1,3.22,3.34,3.21,3.16 07
50 00 16/11/2021
21 o
09 00
159 Jalod 1998 74 o 22.73 2.60 742.00 MH09MH1476 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.21,3.20 07
45 00 17/11/2021
21 o
28 00
160 Gadhad – Deo 1998 74 o 22.80 1.730 230.00 MH09MH1468 Ungated 14/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.34,3.21 07
50 30. 17/11/2021
21 o
36 30
161 Abhora 1986 74o16 30 27.16 7.440 1048 MH09MH1135 Ungated 19/04/2021 3.2, 3.7,3.13,3.22,3.20,3.34,3.16, 08
19o28 19/04/2021 3.6
162 Velhale 1995 75o52 00 17.75 1.990 264.01 MH09MH0069 Ungated 01/06/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.22 05
21o00 10/11/2021
163 Gondegaon 1970 75o37 00 16.56 2.10 383.00 MH09MH0206 Ungated 28/05/2021 3.2, 3.9,3.13,3.20 04
20o40 13/12/2021
164 Tondapur 1992 75o15 00 15.30 6.30 1332.00 MH09MH1298 Ungated 03/12/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.22,3.6 07
21o30 28/05/2021

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 176
00 15/03/2022
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National Ungated Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post Monsoon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
165 Hivara 1980 75o40 00 15.21 12.770 2738.00 MH09LH1342 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.5, 3.1,3.9,3.7,3.13,3.20,3.6 07
20o36 21/12/2021
166 Lahasar 1979 75o50 00 14.96 1.64 237.00 MH09LH0759 Ungated 28/05/2021 3.5,3.2,3.9,3.20,3.21 05
20o47 13/12/2021
167 Pimpri 1973 75o34 00 15.88 2.015 452.72 MH09LH0649 Ungated 28/05/2021 3.5, 3.9,3.7,3.2,3.20 05
20o39 13/12/2021
168 Kalamsara 1998 75o20 00 16.00 6.92 1097.00 MH09LH1494 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.23,3.34,3.6 07
20o20 00 09/12/2021
169 Agnawati 1989 75o13 00 14.83 3.00 952.00 MH09MH1225 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.9,3.20, 05
20o29 00 21/12/2021
170 Sarva Pimpri 1985 75o30 00 15.81 2.96 853.00 MH09MH1097 Ungated 24/05/2021 3.7,3.5,3.34,3.9,3.2,3.20,3.35,3.16,3.1 09
20o37 00 21/12/2021 9
171 Charthana 1979 76o15 4 17.60 1.388 209.40 MH09MH0864 Ungated 19/04/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13,3.20,3.21,3.32,3.1 10
21o3 00 28/12/2021 9,3.6
172 Kankraj 1971 75o04 00 10.72 2.450 587.69 MH09MH0305 Ungated 05/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.9,3.22,3.34,3.21,3.20,3.6 09
20o56 13/11/2021
173 Hatgaon-I 1973 74o52 00 17.04 1.643 508.12 MH09MH0365 Ungated 21/05/2021 3.2,3.9,3.13,3.19,3.28 05
20o24 07/11/2021
00 15/03/2022
174 Krushnpuri 1997 74o38 00 16.38 2.740 308.89 MH09MH1440 Ungated 22/05/2021 3.7,3.9,3.1,3.2,3.13,3.22,3.23,3.20,3.2 10
20o58 07/11/2021 8,3.6
175 Rajdehare 1981 74o52 00 16.50 1.941 312.00 MH09MH0874 Ungated 22/05/2021 3.18,3.2,3.9,3.13,3.25,3.34,3.20 09
20o24 07/11/2021 ,3.16,3.28
176 Bhokarbari 1978 75o07 00 22.45 7.09 187.50 MH09MH0682 Ungated 05/05/2021 3.21,3.28,3.27 03
20o55 13/11/2021
177 Valthan 1987 75o04 00 14.15 2.176 595.00 MH09LH1166 Ungated 21/05/2021 3.5,3.9,3.2,3.7,3.34,3.20,3.19,3.16,3.2 09
20o56 00 07/11/2021 8

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 177
Sr.N Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/Ungated Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
o. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National Inspection Deficiencie
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre & s
(Cumecs) Post Monsoon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(a)EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, Minor Irrigation Division JALGAON
178 Dighi-II 1988 75o10 50 18.87 1.057 224.95 MH09MH1191 Ungated NR ------ 00
21o20 NR
179 Hatgaon-II 1998 74o52 00 19.81 2.372 995.69 MH09MH1478 Ungated NR ----- 00
20o24 NR
180 Nashirabad 1996 74o38 00 16.80 3.125 982.00 MH09MH1407 Ungated NR 3.3,3.13,3.29,3.1,3.2,3.26,3.5,3.9,3. 12
20o58 NR 25,3.30,3.28,3.24.
00 17/03/2022
181 Galan –II 2006 75o15 30 16.17 2.648 628.49 MH09MH1958 Ungated NR ------ 00
20o34 NR
182 Chinchat (Lohara) 2006 75o56 00 18.74 1.825 308.00 MH09MH1957 Ungated NR ----- 00
21o17 NR
183 Devhari 2002 75o45 00 15.60 3.104 632.94 MH09MH1170 Ungated 18/05/2021 3.2, 3.7,3.5,3.1,3.13,3.22,3.28 07
20o38 28/11/2021
184 Kotgaon 2007 75o00 00 18.00 7.162 1010.38 MH09MH1960 Ungated NR ------ 00
20o26 NR
185 Odhare 2010 75o58 30 17.50 3.972 369.88 MH09MH1961 Ungated NR ----- 00
20o21 NR
186 Moygaon 2007 75o43 00 15.73 4.622 237.70 MH09MH1963 Ungated 17/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.9,3.13,3.20,3.7,3.28,3. 09
20o40 28/11/2021 22
187 Hijryanalla 2009 75o43 00 15.56 1.854 57.84 MH09MH1964 Ungated 17/05/2021 3.5,3.2,3.7,3.13,3.20,3.28 06
20o40 28/11/2021
188 Paldhi 2007 75o43 00 17.53 4.755 81.35 MH09MH1965 Ungated 17/05/2021 3.5,3.9,3.1,3.2,3.13,3.20,3.22,3.7,3. 09
20o40 28/11/2021 28
189 Londhari 2007 75o43 00 15.60 2.609 88.35 MH09MH1962 Ungated 17/05/2021 3.2,3.7,3.1,3.5,3.1,3.13,3.22,3.21,3. 10
20o40 28/11/2021 20,3.28,
DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 178
190 Vadri 1994 75o42 00 26.64 2.510 874.46 MH09MH1336. Ungated NR ---- 00
20o16 NR

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 179
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Inspection Deficiencies noticed Total
No. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National Ungated Pre & Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Post Monsoon
191 Gangapuri 1994 75o06 00 17.93 2.392 380.00 MH09MH1328 Ungated NR ----- 00
21o21 00 NR
192 Sur 2008 75o59 00 17.98 10.478 1378.40 MH09MH1966 Ungated 18/05/2021 3.9,3.2,3.13,3.21,3.20,3. 06
20o42 30 28/11/2021 7
193 Matran nalla 2006 75o59 00 24.17 3.482 547.29 MH09MH1959 Ungated NR ------ 00
21o17 40 NR
194 Jondhalkheda 1997 76o20 00 20.39 2.114 501.00 MH09MH1437 Ungated NR ----- 00
21o02 30 NR
195 Nanduri 2009 73o55 00 19.70 1.576 227.76 MH09MH1813 Ungated 09/05/2021 3.18,3.1,3.22 03
20o26 NR
196 Dasane 1985 74o01 00 16.52 2.340 232.02 MH09MH0216 Ungated 19/05/2021 3.5, 3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2, 06
20o40 00 26/11/2021 3.13
197 Abhanpur 2004 74o42 00 25.99 3.660 635.00 MH09MH1951 Ungated 13/05/2021 3.5,3.19,3.1,3.2,3.7, 09
25o28 12/11/2021 3.13,3.20,3.16,3.28
198 Fagane 2007 74o51 00 25.99 3.660 635.00 MH09LH1953 Ungated 10/05/2021 3.5,3.1,3.7,3.9,3.2, 07
20o52 10/05/2021 3.13,3.20
199 Deolipada 2005 74o12 00 17.03 3.34 232.12 MH09MH1969 Ungated 19/06/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13, 09
26/11/2021 3.20,3.16,3.19,3.28
21o03 00
200 Chirda 2010 74o23 00 16.61 2.679 952.0 MH09MH1968 Ungated 06/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13, 09
02/11/2021 3.20,3.16,3.28,3.19
21o23 00
201 Choupale 2010 74o23 00 16.61 2.679 547.72 MH09MH2250 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13, 10
10/11/2021 3.34,3.20,3.28,3.17,3.6
21o23 00
202 Nesu 2009 74o30 00 20.72 11.04 1036.73 MH09MH197 Ungated 26/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.2,3.9,3.13,3 10
25/11/2021 .34,3.22,3.20,3.28
21o30 00

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 180
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National Ungated Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post
203 Amrawati nalla 2004 74o20 00 19.41 21.06 1224.40 MH09MH1967 Ungated 29/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.20,3.13, 06
21o02 00 10/11/2021 3.28
204 Visarwadi 1990 74o00 00 29.40 6.81 651.80 MH09MH1238 Ungated 19/06/2021 3.1,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.2,3.13,3. 08
20o07 30 26/11/2021 21,3.28
205 Dhanpur 2017 74o16 00 19.75 3.18 582.00 Not Given Ungated 28/05/2021 3.20,3.21,3.35,3.28 04
20o40 00 02/11/2021
206 Ranknalla 2007 74o27 00 14.87 6.77 1188.42 MH09LH1975 Ungated 26/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.1,3.34, 07
20o21 00 25/11/2021 3.17,3.28
207 Mendipada 1972 74o44 58 16.86 2.995 1271.13 MH09MH0528 Ungated 19/06/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.13, 11
18o36 56 Not 3.22,3.21,3.35,3.16,
Mentioned 3.19,3.28
208 Dhong 74o44 58
2006 15.00 2.69 298.00 ---- Ungated 19/06/2021 3.5,3.7,3.1,3.9,3.2,3.1, 08
18o36 56 26/11/2021 3.13,3.20
209 Bardari 1973 74o51 00 16.18 1.860 561.03 MH09MH0370 Ungated 18/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34, 06
19o06 NR 3.20,
210 Deulgaon siddi 1972 74o45’00 15.40 2.320 927.00 MH09MH0308 Ungated 20/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.20, 07
18 o 43’00” 21/11/2021 3.34,3.16,
211 Bhutwada 1973 75o20’00 23.46 3.06 1087.00 MH09MH0382 Ungated Not 3.5,3.9,3.7,3.2,3.34, 08
(OLD) 18 o 46’57” Mentioned 3.21,3.20,3.6
212 Khairy 1990 75o26’00 18.10 15.110 1962.00 MH09MH1227 Ungated 17/06/2021 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.20,3.21, 08
18 o 16’00” 13/11/2021 3.6,3.35,3.16
213 Hanga 1978 75o38 00 15.84 1.830 1010.00 MH09MH0734 Ungated 19/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.2,3.9,3.22, 09
18o 19 21/11/2021 3.20,3.21,3.16,3.19
214 Ratnapur 1985 75o17’00 17.20 2.370 1583.08 MH09MH1103 Ungated Not 3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2,3.34, 08
18 o 43’00” Mentioned 3.21,3.20,3.16

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 181
Sr. Name of Year of Height Gross Design Sr No.of Large Gated/ Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No. Dam Completion Location in Capacity Spillway Dam in National Ungated Inspection Deficiencies
meters ( Mm3 ) Capacity Register Pre &
(Cumecs) Post
215 Dhondpargaon 1977 74o25 00 18.35 2.483 534.48 MH09MH0639 Ungated Not 3.9,3.2,3.34,3.21,3.20,3 06
19o 10 Mentioned .16
00 19/11/2021
216 Kaudgaon 1973 74o05 00 15.55 2.487 770.00 MH09MH0374 Ungated 18/05/2021 3.7,3.2,3.21,3.20,3.31,3 06
19o 06 20/11/2021 .16,
217 Chichondi patil 1977 74o55 00 15.06 2.80 908.72 MH09MH0647 Ungated 18/05/2021 3.2,3.20,3.9,3.16, 04
19o00 00 20/11/2021
218 Bhatodi 1892 74o53 00 15.24 1.05 760.33 MH09MH0019 Ungated 18/05/2021 3.34,3.20 02
19o03 10 20/11/2021
219 Naigaon 1978 75o24 00 15.96 2.368 756.24 MH09MH728 Ungated Not 3.1,3.5,3.9,3.2,3.7, 09
18o19 00 Mentioned19 3.34,3.20,3.16,3.6
220 Telanghashi 1975 75o26 00 17.12 1.070 218.40 MH09MH0486 Ungated Not 3.1,3.5,3.7,3.9,3.2, 09
18o20 00 Mentioned 3.34,3.20,3.16,3.6
221 Visapur 1926 74o34 55 25.60 26.10 1968.00 MH09MH0054 Ungated 10/05/2021 3.5,3.7,3.3,3.10,3.9, 09
18o48 46 14/11/2021 3.34,3.20,3.16,3.6
222 Ghodegaon 1972 74o44 58 16.86 2.995 1271.13 MH09MH0528 Ungated Not 3.5,3.7,3.8,3.2,3.9, 07
18o36 56 Mentioned 3.34,3.16
223 Bhutwada 2006 75o30 00 22.10 1.72 Proposed to be Ungated ---- 3.1,3.9,3.2,3.7,3.34, 07
(NEW) 18o46 50 included in NRLD 19/11/2021 3.21,3.6
224 Yesarthav 2008 73o56 27 35.03 7.466 949.00 MH09LH2042 Ungated 12/06/2021 3.22, 3.20 02
19o 21 -----
225 Palsunde 2021 74o02 00 25.00 2.443 300.16 Proposed to be Ungated 12/06/2021 3.21, 3.20 02
19o 52 included in NRLD -----

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 182
Table 3.16
Class-I Dams with Category-1 Deficiency (Private Owned)

Sr. Dam Features Date of Inspecting Main Significant Deficiencies Remedial Measures Suggested
No. Inspection Officer Component noticed
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

---------------------------- No Such Dams under this class ----------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 183
Table 3.17
Class-I Dams with Category-2 Deficiency (Private Owned)
Sr. Dam features Date of Inspecting Main Observations / Significant Remedial measures
No inspection Officer component deficiencies noticed suggested
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
31 Name:Chehedi Bandhara 11/08/2021 Shri. P.S.Patare Spillway Gate Hoisting cable is not properly It may be repaired in consultation with the of
Year of Completion:2008 17/01/2022 E.E. D.S.D.3, tightened. It may create problems Mechanical Organisation and with prior approval
Location : Nashik during gate operation. (A18) from competent technical authority
Longitude: 73o51 26 ’’
Latitude: 19o 55 53
Height: 7.50m
Gross capacity:3.879Mm3

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 184
Table 3.18
Class-I Dams with Category-3 Deficiency (Private Owned)

Sr. Name of Dam Date of Completion Location Height Gross Design Sr.No. in NRLD Gated / Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No in m Capacity Spillway Register Ungated Inspection Deficiencies
Longitude/ Mm3 Capacity Pre & Post
Latitude m3 / sec
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The Comissioner, Nashik Municipal Corporation, Nashik

1 Chehedi 2008 73o51 26 7.50 3.879 191.00 MH09LH2058 Gated 11/08/2021 3.3,3.13,3.27,3.1,3.2, 09
Bandhara 19o 55 17/01/2022 3.18,3.5,3.24,3.30

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 185
Table 3.19

Class-II Dams with Category-1 Deficiency (Private Owned)

Sr. Dam Features Date of Inspecting Main Significant Deficiencies noticed Remedial Measures Suggested
No. Inspection Officer Component of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

---------------------------- No Such Dams under this category is reported ----------------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 186
Table 3.20
Class-II Dams with Category-2 Deficiency (Private Owned)

Sr. Dam Features Date of Inspecting

Main Significant Deficiencies Noticed Remedial Measures Suggested
No Inspection Officer
Component of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Name:Talegaon 03/08/2021 Shri. P.S.Patare Earth Dam No documentation regarding checking Total station survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion:- 1987 06/01/2022 , E.E. D.S.D.3, of Crest Profile is observed. Dam top should be carried out. Dam section (Top width, side
Location : Nashik was not free from undulation and local slopes, and drains) should be checked. Surveyed
Longitude:- 73o 32 37 Shri G.P.Vadnerkar depression.(B1) section should be superimposed on design section
Latitude: - 19o 40 42 SDO, D.S.D.3, to ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 21.80 m. Nashik section or not. Checking of crest profile is essential
Gross capacity 11.68 to identify the excessive/uneven settlement of the
Mm3Spillway capacity: 36.00 dam.
Sr.No.in National Register of Outlet Flooring arrangement inside the outlet Flooring arrangement inside the well should be
Large Dams: well is heavily corroded & damaged. repaired in consultation with Mechanical
MH09LH2058 (B5) Organization immediately.
W.W bar & Waste weir bar of Talegaon dam is Identify the leakage with exact locations and
T.C. ungated and constructed in UCR quantify the leakage with respect to reservoir water
masonry. It is in unfinished condition. level. Communicate these facts to DSO, Nashik.
Field officers reported that the Waste weir bar should be repaired immediately in
proposal of increasing of height of dam consultation with CDO Nashik
is in process. So it is in unfinished
condition. Pointing of UCR masonry
also damaged. At the time of
inspection, Leakages are observed
through body W.W. bar.(B7)

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 187
Height of both flank walls is less as It is general practice to keep the top of flank wall up
compare to the height of dam. (A16) to TBL. Decision regarding the top of flank wall can
be taken with reference to existing section and
approved drawing in consultation with CDO,

Sr.No Dam Features Date of Inspecting Main Significant Deficiencies Noticed Remedial Measures Suggested
Inspection Officer Component
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. Name:Malmatha 05/08/2021 Shri. P.S.Patare Earth Dam No documentation regarding checking Total station survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion:-1976 09/02/2022 , E.E. D.S.D.3, of Crest Profile is observed. Dam top should be carried out. Dam section (Top width, side
Location : Nashik was not free from undulation and local slopes, and drains) should be checked. Surveyed
Longitude:- 74o29 00 Shri G.P.Vadnerkar depression.(B1) section should be superimposed on design section to
Latitude: - 20o 44 00 SDO, D.S.D.3, ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 8.330 m. Nashik section or not. Checking of crest profile is essential
Gross capacity:3.650 to identify the excessive/uneven settlement of the
Mm3Spillway capacity:24.90 dam.
Sr.No.in National Register of
W.W bar & Waste weir bar of Malmatha dam is Waste weir bar should be repaired immediately & in
Large Dams:
T.C. ungated and constructed in UCR accordance with approved drawing.
Proposed to be included in
masonry. It is damaged at some places.
It is noticed that, there is some
construction work was done on it(.B7)

Right side flank wall is damaged at

some places. (A16) Flank wall should be repaired immediately.

Scouring also noticed beneath the

Waste weir bar wall.(A17) Scouring beneath the waste weir bar should be
repaired immediately.
Access road All weather approach road not properly Properly constructed and well maintained all weather
maintained.(B6) approach road should be provided.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 188
Sr.No Dam Features Date of Inspecting
Main Significant Deficiencies Noticed Remedial Measures Suggested
Inspection Officer
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. Name: Talwade 05/08/2021 Shri. P.S.Patare Outlet Outlet gate is not in working condition. Gate and stem rod should be repaired with
Year of Completion:- 2004 09/02/2022 , E.E. D.S.D.3, Stem rod is bent up.(B5) consultation with Mechanical Organisation
Location : Nashik immediately.
Longitude:- 74o 20 09 Shri G.P.Vadnerkar
Latitude: - 20o 23 00 SDO, D.S.D.3, W.W bar & Scouring noticed beneath waste weir Scouring beneath the waste weir bar should be
Height: 18.85 m. Nashik T.C. bar.(A17) repaired immediately.
Gross capacity 1.174
Mm3Spillway capacity: 136.68
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams:

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 189
Sr.No Dam Features Date of Inspecting Main Significant Deficiencies Noticed Remedial Measures Suggested
Inspection Officer Component
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4. Name: Dedargaon 05/08/2021 Shri. P.S.Patare Earth Dam Dam top was not free from undulation Total station survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion:- 1975 09/02/2022 , E.E. D.S.D.3, and local depression.(B1) should be carried out. Dam section (Top width, side
Location : Nashik slopes, and drains) should be checked. Surveyed
Longitude:- ---- Shri G.P.Vadnerkar section should be superimposed on design section to
Latitude: - ---- SDO, D.S.D.3, ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 20.00 m. Nashik section or not. Checking of crest profile is essential
Gross capacity:2.090 to identify the excessive/uneven settlement of the
Mm3Spillway capacity:1940.00 dam.
Sr.No.in National Register of
W.W bar & Waste weir bar of Dedargaon dam is Waste weir bar should be repaired immediately in
Large Dams: T.C. ungated and constructed concrete. It is accordance with approved drawing & vegetation
damaged at some places. Vegetation should be removed.
noticed on U/S & D/S side of waste
weir bar. (B7)
Flank wall is damaged. Needs to be Repairing of flank wall should be carried out in
repaired. (A16) accordance with approved drawing.

Access road All weather approach road not Properly constructed and well maintained all weather
constructed.(B6) approach road should be provided.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 190
Executive Engineer, MIDC, Dhule
5. Name: Motinalla 05/08/2021 Shri. P.S.Patare Dam & Dam No documentation regarding checking Total station survey of the dam and dam section
Year of Completion:-1987 09/02/2022 , E.E. D.S.D.3, reach of crest profile is observed. Dam top should be carried out. Dam section (Top width, side
Location : Nashik was not free from some undulation and slopes, and drains) should be checked. Surveyed
Longitude:- 740 45’ 00’’ Shri G.P.Vadnerkar local depression. (B1) section should be superimposed on design section to
Latitude: - 200 59’ 00’’ SDO, D.S.D.3, ascertain whether earthen embankment is under
Height: 19.03 m. Nashik section or not. Checking of crest profile is essential
Gross capacity:1.690 to identify the excessive/uneven settlement of the
Mm3Spillway capacity:365.00 dam
Sr.No.in National Register of Outlet All weather approach road not Properly constructed and well maintained all weather
Large Dams: constructed.(B6) approach road should be provided.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 191
Sr.No Dam Features Date of Inspecting Main Significant Deficiencies Noticed Remedial Measures Suggested
Inspection Officer Component
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Name: Bara Bunglow 03/08/2021 Shri. P.S.Patare Earth Dam Minor leakages through dam body & Identify the leakage with exact chainage and quantify
Year of Completion:---- 06/01/2022 , E.E. D.S.D.3, minor sweating at some portion on the leakages with respect to reservoir water level.
Location : Nashik D/S side of Masonry dam was noticed Communicate these facts to DSO, Nashik to
Longitude:- ---- Shri G.P.Vadnerkar during visit. (A11) recommend proper remedial measure.
Latitude: - ---- SDO, D.S.D.3,
Height: ---- Nashik
Gross capacity:---- W.W bar & End weir & apron could not inspect Access road should be made available to End weir.
Spillway capacity:----- T.C. due to water ponding & proper access Inspection of Apron & end weir should be done by
Sr.No.in National Register of is not available to end weir. (B7) field officers when it will become dry & its report
Large Dams: should be sent to DSO Nashik.
Proposed to be included in
NRLD Minor leakages were noticed through Identify the leakage with exact chainage and quantify
right side flank wall. (A16) the leakages with respect to reservoir water level.
Communicate these facts to DSO, Nashik to
recommend proper remedial measure.

Access road All weather approach road not Properly constructed and well maintained all weather
constructed.(B6) approach road should be provided.


7. Name: Waghdardi ------- , E.E. D.S.D.3, Earth Dam Stagnant water noticed at d/s side in The cause of ponding should be identified and
Year of Completion:- 1972 11/01/2021 Nashik gorge portion.(A2) standing water should be techno economically
Location : Shri. P.S.Patare drained to natural drain.
Shri G.P.Vadnerkar

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 192
Longitude:- ---- SDO, D.S.D.3,
Latitude: - ---- Nashik W.W bar & Leakages are seen through waste weir Source of leakage should be identified and quantified
Height: 10.67 m. T.C. bar. (B7) with respect to reservoir water level and be treated
Gross capacity: 2.25 properly.
Mm3Spillway capacity:3.110.00
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams:

Sr.No Dam Features Date of Inspecting Main Significant Deficiencies Noticed Remedial Measures Suggested
Inspection Officer Component
of Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. Name: Dahegaon ------- , E.E. D.S.D.3, Earth Dam Stagnant water noticed at d/s side in The cause of ponding should be identified and
Year of Completion:- 1975 11/01/2021 Nashik gorge portion.(A2) standing water should be techno economically
Location : Shri. P.S.Patare drained to natural drain.
Longitude:- ---- Shri G.P.Vadnerkar
Latitude: - ---- SDO, D.S.D.3, WW Bar Leakages are seen through right side Source of leakage should be identified and be treated
Height: 20.00 m. Nashik bar.(B7) properly.
Gross capacity: 2.090
Mm3Spillway capacity: 1940.00
Sr.No.in National Register of
Large Dams:

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 193
Table 3.21
Class-II Dams with Category-3 or No Deficiency (Private Owned)
Sr. Name of Date of Location Height in m Gross Design Sr.No. in NRLD Date of Deficiencies noticed Total
No Dam Completio Capacity Spillway Register Inspection Deficiencies
n Longitude/ Mm3 Capacity Pre & Post
Latitude m3 / sec
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


1 Motinalla 1987 74o45 00 19.03 1.690 365.00 MH09MH1161 05/08/2021 3.3,3.13,3.27,3.1,3.2,3.26,3.7,3.5,3.25,3.9, 11
20o 59 00 09/02/2022 3.24
2 Malmatha 1976 74o29 00 8.330 3.650 24.90 Proposed to be 05/08/2021 3.3,3.13,3.27,3.29,3.1,3.6,3.2,3.26,3.7,3.9, 15
20o44 00 included in 09/02/2022 3.4,3.25,3.21,3.30,3.24
3 Bara --- --- --- --- --- Proposed to be 03/08/2021 3.13,3.29,3.27,3.7,3.5,3.21,3.2,3.26,3.93.25,3.3 15
Banglow included in 06/01/2022 5,3.21,3.30,3.24,3.3
4 Dedargaon --- --- --- --- --- MH09LH2058 05/08/2021 3.3,3.13,3.27,3.1,3.6,3.2,3.26,3.7,3.4, 14
09/02/2022 3.9,3.25,3.21,3.30,3.24
5 Talwade 2004 74o20 09 18.85 1.174 136.68 MH09LH2058 05/08/2021 3.3,3.13,3.27,3.2,3.26,3.5,3.7,3.9,3.25,3.21,3.3 12
20o23 00 09/02/2022 0,3.24
6 Dahegaon 1975 --- 20.00 2.090 1940.00 MH09LH2058 --- 3.3,3.13,3.27,3.1,3.2,3.26,3.5,3.7,3.9, 13
11/01/2021 3.25,3.34,3.30,3.24
7 Wagdardi 1972 --- 10.67 2.25 3110.00
--- MH09LH2058
3.3,3.13,3.27,3.1,3.5,3.2,3.26,3.4,3.7, 13
11/01/2021 3.9,3.25,3.30,3.24
8 Talegaon 1987 73o 32 37 21.80 11.68 36.00 MH09LH2058 03/08/2021 3.3,3.13,3.27,3.6,3.2,3.26,3.7,3.5,3.9, 14
19o 40 42 06/01/2022 3.25,3.21,3.20,3.30,3.24

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 194
Table 3.22
Category-1 Deficiency in Class-I Dams (Private dam)
Total No.
Sr. No Deficiency Names of dams
of dams
1 2 3 4

--------------- NIL ---------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 195
Table 3.23
Category-2 Deficiency in Class-I Dams
Total No.
Sr. No Deficiency Names of dams of dams

1 A.1: Boil leakage/ seepage/ wet patches/ slushiness,in Earthen Dam. 1)Gul 2) Susri 02

2 A 2: Standing pool / Ponding / Water Logging / Slushy condition on D/S of Dam 1)Mula 2) Susri 02

3 A 3 : Leakages in vicinity of junction between earthen dam & masonry dam portion. -- --

4 A 4 : Major leakages through outlet conduit/pipe joints/Gates 1)Ranipur 01

5 A 5 ; Relief wells not functioning properly./ Abnormal rise in water level in wells. -- --

6 A 7 : Retrogression /scouring in tail channel. 1)Ranipur 01

7 A 8 : Drainage gallery in accessible/No adequate lighting./ No dewatering arrangement or failure. 1)Gul 2) Susri 02

8 A 10 : Heavy leakages through porous pipes/ through dam body in gallery /monolith joints. 1)Gul 2)Punand 02

9 A 11 : Sweating / seepages through D/S of masonry dam 1)Bhandardara 2) Mula 3) Punand 03

10 A 12 : Excessive considerable leaching from seepage water. ---- --

11 A 13 : Swelling / minor cracking observed on body of dam -- --

12 A 14 : EDA / Stilling basin damaged/Hydraulic performance not good 1)Manyad 01

13 A 15 : Leakages through spillway /piers//junction of flank wall. -- --

14 A 18 :Wire ropes of hoist not in good condition/hoisting structure damaged/cracked. 1)Anjani 2) Susri 02

15 A 19 : Alternative power system Generator for gate operation not working properly. 1)Anjani 01
B 5 : Outlet gates not functioning properly. Stem rod is bent(Service gate/Emergency gate/Stop log 1) Anjani 2) Punand 02
gate/sluice gate)
17 B 12 : Damage to Rubber seals/Leakages through gates. 1)Anjani 2) Punand 3) Susri 03

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 196
Table 3.24
Category-1 Deficiency in Class-II Dams
Total No.
Sr. No Deficiency Names of dams
of dams
1 2 3 4

--------------- NIL ---------------

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 197
Table 3.25
Category-2 Deficiency in Class-II Dams

Sr. No Deficiency Names of dams Total no of dams

1 2 3 4
A.1: Boil leakage/ seepage/ wet patches/ slushiness,in Earthen Dam. 1)Khaperkheda 2)Nandre 3)Dhanibara 05
4) Rajdhere 5) Ambikhalsa
A 2: Standing pool / Ponding / Water Logging / Slushy condition on D/S of Dam 1) Khandlay 2) Sur 3)Mukti 4) Rajdhere 09
2 5) Khokasa 6) Agnawati 7) Ratnapur
8) Chichondi Patil 9) Ambikhalsa
3 A 3 : Leakages in vicinity of junction between earthen dam & masonry dam portion. 1) Shelbari 01
A 4 : Major leakages through outlet conduit/pipe joints/Gates 1) Mahiravani 2) Shinde 3) Khandlay 14
4) Agnawati 5)Khaparkheda6) Wakwad
4 7) Kholghar 8) Dhanibara 9) Khokasa
10 ) Aad 11) Krushnapuri 12) Bhadne
13) Sur 14) Jamlevani
5 A 5 ; Relief wells not functioning properly./ Abnormal rise in water level in wells. -- --
A 6 : Outlet well is damaged/not in good condition /cracks observed/jets of water in well. 1)Shinde 2) Bhadne 3) Nandre 11
4) Dhanibara 5) Khandlay
6) Haldani 7) Ratnapur 8) Telanghashi
9) Naigaon10)Talwade Bhamer11)Borkhind
A 7 : Retrogression /scouring in tail channel. 1)Jamlevani 2) Ghodegaon 3) Chichondi Patil 4) 12
Kholghar 5) Haldani 6) Virkhel
7) Agnawati 8) Ghodambe 9) Bhadne
10) Mahirawani 11) Naigaon 12) Telanghashi
A 14 : EDA / Stilling basin damaged/Hydraulic performance not good 1)Bhadne 2)Ambit 3) Kholghar 06
4) Telanghashi 5) Dhanibara 6) Ratnapur
A 16 : Damages / foundation erosion/ scour/undermining observed in vicinity of flank walls/ guide 1) Shinde 01
walls/ junction walls/return walls

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 198
Sr. No Deficiency Names of dams Total no of dams
1 2 3 4
B 1 Dam section is not as per design 1) Talwade Bhamer 2) Aad 3) Ghodegaon 4) 18
Mahirawani 5)Khaperkheda 6) Wakwad 7) Shelbari 8)
10 Dhanibara 9) Khandlay 10) Khokasa 11) Chhawdi 12)
Nandre13) Virkhel 14) Agnawati 15) Gadhad-deo
16) Ghodambe 17) Krushnapuri 18)Jamlevani
B 3 : Considerable settlement of embankment / Rock toe/Pitching/ U/S & D/S slops, 1)Borkhind 2) Jamlevani 3) Nandre 25
bulging/concavity of slopes 4) Wakwad 5) Mukti 6) Shelbari 7) Khandlay 8)
Khokasa 9) Chhawdi 10) Haldani 11)Gadhad-deo 12)
Kholghar 13) Virkhel 14) Shewade 16) Sur 17)
18) Ratnapur 19) Ghodegaon 20)Chichondi Patil 21)
Naigaon22) Telanghashi
23) Agnawati24) Talwade Bhamer25)Mahirawani
B 4: Longitudinal / Transverse cracks/ low area/sink holes/gully formation on top side slope of 1) Ambikhalsa 2) Chhawdi 3) Ghodegaon 04
earthen dam 4) Naigaon
B 5 : Outlet gates not functioning properly. Stem rod is bent(Service gate/Emergency gate/Stop log 1)Borkhind 2) Mahirwani 3) Bhadne 4) Mukti 5) 21
gate/sluice gate) Nandre 6) Khandlay 7) Chhawdi
8) Haldani 9) Dhanibara 10) Ratnapur 11)Chichondi
Patil12) Naigaon 13)Telanghashi14)Sur15)Rajdhere
16)Agnawati17)Ghodambe 18)Talwade
Bhamer19)Shinde20)Jamlevani 21)Virkhel

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 199
Sr. No Deficiency Names of dams Total no of dams
1 2 3 4
B 7: Waste weir/waste weir bar not in good condition/coping damaged/leakage through waste weir 1)Mahirwani 2) Kholghar 3) Ratnapur 20
4) Ghodegaon 5) Wakwad 6) Dhanibara 7) Shelbari 8)
Chhawdi 9) Gadhad-deo 10) Naigaon 11) Sur 12)
14 Agnawati
13) Krushnapuri 14) Telanghashi 15) Rajdhere 16)
Mukti 17) Haldani18)Ambikhalsa19)Ghodambe
20)Talwade Bhamer 21) Bhadne
15 B 8 : Pointing on U/S face of dam not in good condition./deterioration spalling of concrete surface. -- --
16 B 12 : Damage to Rubber seals/Leakages through gates. 1) Gadhad-deo2) Agnawati3) Ambit4)Shinde 04

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 200

1. Dams in Districts of North Maharashtra Region

(Government Owned) Class 1

90 Class-3
34 36 36 34
No. of Dams ----

40 32

30 24
20 13 10
14 14



DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 201
2. Dams in Districts of North Maharashtra Region
(Private Owned)

No. of Dams ------



0 0 0


District -----> Class-1 Class-2 Class-3

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 202
3.Deficiencies Attended by Field Offices (ATR for ADHSR-2020-21)
110 110
Total deficiencies pointed out

Physically fully completed

Physically partly completed

No. of Deficiencies----->

Administrative action initiated

Physically not attended

38 37

22 22
20 16 16

5 5 7 7
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CADA, Nashik CADA, Ahemadnagar CADA, Jalgaon DIPC, Dhule JIPC, Jalgaon TIC, Thane KIC, Pune

Circle ------>

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 203

Expected Inspection reports in DSO

200 188 183 Pre & Post monsoon IR received in time

150 Pre & Post monsoon IR not received in


Pre & Post monsoon IR not received in


48 48 50
50 35
30 34 32
8 12
0 5 0 5 1 2 2
CADA, Nashik CADA, AhemadnagarCADA, Jalgaon DIPC, Dhule JIPC, Jalgaon TIC, Thane KIC, Pune

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 204
5. Category-2 Deficiencies in Class-I Dams

A.1: Boil leakage/ seepage/ wet patches/

slushiness,in Earthen Dam.
2 2
A 2: Standing pool / Ponding / Water 0
Logging / Slushy condition on D/S of Dam 0

A 4 : Major leakages through outlet

conduit/pipe joints/Gates
A 5 ; Relief wells not functioning properly./
Abnormal rise in water level in wells.
A 7 : Retrogression /scouring in tail

A 8 : Drainage gallery in accessible/No
adequate lighting./ No dewatering
arrangement or failure.
1 0
A 11 : Sweating / seepages through D/S of 2
masonry dam

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 205
6. Category-2 deficiencies in Class-II dams
A.1: Boil leakage/ seepage/ wet patches/ slushiness,in
Earthen Dam.
A 2: Standing pool / Ponding / Water Logging / Slushy
condition on D/S of Dam
A 3 : Leakages in vicinity of junction between earthen dam &
masonry dam portion.
A 5 ; Relief wells not functioning properly./ Abnormal rise in
water level in wells. 4 5
20 10
A 6 : Outlet well is damaged/not in good condition /cracks 11
observed/jets of water in well.
A 7 : Retrogression /scouring in tail channel. 12
A 14 : EDA / Stilling basin damaged/Hydraulic performance 1
not good 18
A 16 : Damages / foundation erosion/ scour/undermining
observed in vicinity of flank walls/ guide walls/ junction
walls/return walls
B 1 Dam section is not as per design

B 3 : Considerable settlement of embankment / Rock

toe/Pitching/ U/S & D/S slops, bulging/concavity of slopes
B 4: Longitudinal / Transverse cracks/ low area/sink
holes/gully formation on top side slope of earthen dam

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 206
7. Dam Deficiencies

239 Category-2



DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 207
Snapshots of Dams inspected by DSO

Snapshot-1 Snapshot -2
Girna Dam (Class II )
Bhegu Dam (Class I )
Tal- Nandgaon, Dist- Nashik
Tal- Kalwan Dist-Nashik
Date of inspection:25/03/2022
Date of inspection:05/01/2022
Leakage through pier near gate is observed.
Rock toe stone is disturbed.(B3)

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 208

Annual Performance Report of

Dam Instruments
Part-4 : Annual Performance Report of Dam Instruments
4.1 General :

The main purpose of instrumentation in dam is to warn of any changes that could in danger the
safety of a dam, as well as to provide a confirmatory check in design assumptions and methods of

Instruments embedded in or installed at the surface of the dam keeps a constant watch over the
performance and indicate the distress spots for which remedial measures may be taken. Thus,
instruments play an important role in monitoring and evaluating the performance of the dams during the
construction as well as operation.

In general it is observed that Dam Instrumentation is somewhat neglected part in Dam

maintenance. Instruments are installed in or on the Dam Body. However due to poor Maintenance they

are not functioning. It is must for field officers to recognize importance of data derived from

instruments and its analysis to upkeep of Dams in safe condition.

4.2 Instrumentation in Earthen Dams :

1. Pore Pressure Meter :

They are installed in bore holes drilled below the foundation or through already completed embankment.
Hence cannot be repaired or replaced.

2. Casagrande /Standpipe Piezometers :

These are used for measuring pore water pressure in soil. These instruments can be installed at any time
at desired location after completion of construction of the dam.

1. Twin Tube Piezometers :

These are also used for measuring pore water pressure in earthen dam. These are installed in foundation
and embankment during construction of dam. If PVC pipes are found chocked due to leached material
then it can be cleaned with CuSo4. If pipes are cut / broken then it cannot be replaced as those are in
body of dam. Outside measuring assembly can be repaired. Periodical maintenance, reading and
calibration are of utmost important.

4. Earth Pressure Cells :

These are installed in the foundation. The cables which are outside the body can be replaced if damaged.
The sensor cannot be repaired or replaced.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-22/(NMR) 209
5. Settlement Gauges (Surface Settlement Gauges/Vertical Cross Arms) :

These are used for measuring settlement in earth fill dam, rock fill dam and high embankment. Initially
when the dam is under construction these instruments are installed.

Settlement of dam is more in initial period, which gradually decreases and it is almost nil after certain
period. As such these gauges also do not show settlement after few years.

6. Slope Indicator :

This is installed in foundation with one end at bottom and other at top of the dam. It measures
horizontal and vertical movement of the dam. This can be replaced.

4.3 Instrumentation in Concrete / Masonry Dams :

1. Stress meters :

The stress meters measure stresses inside the dam body. These instruments are embedded in
concrete/masonry during construction stage hence cannot be repaired or replaced.

2. Strain Meter/ No Stress Strain Meter :

The strain meters measures the deformation in the structure at the particular location due to strain,
creep, temperature etc. The main purpose is to determine the stress distribution in the concrete dam
during and after construction of dam. Since instrument is installed in the body of the dam it cannot be
repaired or replaced.

3.Uplift pressure cells

The bowl type uplift pressure cells are provided in the foundation of dam. Uplift pressure cell is used for
monitoring uplift pressure of water in the foundation of dam and concrete structure. The pressure cell
pipes can be cleaned if choked. The pressure gauges can be repaired or replaced.

4. Plumb Bob /Co-Ordimeter :

Conventional / Inverted Plumb Bob is used to measure deflection of the dam body. It measures the
horizontal displacement in dam’s foundation and abutment. Plumb bob can be repaired or replaced.

5. Thermocouples/ Thermometers :

These are used to measure the temperature variations in the body of concrete dam. These are installed in
layers at various levels and can not be replaced or repaired after construction.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-22/(NMR) 210
6. Long Gauge Extensometer :

It is used to measure the deformation/displacement in the foundation of the concrete dam. Once it fails
to function can not be repaired.

7. Joint meters :

The joint meters measure the opening of the joints across which they are embedded. As such they are
located near the joints.

4.4 Status Of Dam Instrumentation In The Region :

Considering the fact that most of the instruments were non-functional from many years, Govt. of
Maharashtra appointed a committee to study these instruments. The recommendations of the committee
were accepted and incorporated in G.R. धसुसं २०१४(६२१/१४)/ स. य. (कामे) Dated. 31/12/2015. Accordingly
to every dam owner, it is informed by Dam Safety Organization to update the list of instruments at the
dam site. In this report the updated details of instruments are considered.

The status of dam instrumentation in the North Maharashtra region is given in table No.4.1.
Similarly the details of mortality of instruments is given in table No.4.2 and comparison of mortality rate
with respect to previous year is given in table no. 4.3

4.5 Observations

1) Various instruments numbering 487 have been installed on these 10 dams. Out of which 07 were
working and 480 were not working i.e. 98.56 % instruments are in non working condition.
2) As for no dam instrument data reading are available so No Instrumentation data analysis report has been
prepared for Nagpur region.

3) The observations of the instruments should be taken regularly and need to be sent to D.S.O. Nashik for
4) Comparison of mortality rate of instrument as compared to last year is given as per table No.3.3.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-22/(NMR) 211
Table No.4.1
Dam wise Status of Dam Instruments Installed on Large Dams (Nashik )

Functional Status
Sr. Date of (F/N.F)
Dam Name Instrument Name Total
No. Installation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Chief Engineer (W.R) N.M.R, Nashik

1 Chankapur Stand pipe piezometers - 10 0 10

Twin tube piezometers - 45 0 45

Stand pipe piezometers - 2 0 2

2 Ozarkhed Earth pressure cell - 4 0 4

Vertical Settlement
- 2 0 2

Twin tube piezometers 24 0 24

Stand pipe piezometers - 14 0 14

3 Karanjwan
Horizontal & Vertical
- 3 0 3
movement gauge

4 Bhojapur Stand pipe piezometers - 7 0 7

Twin tube piezometers - 91 0 91

5 Gangapur
Stand pipe piezometers - 11 0 11

6 Adhala Stand pipe piezometers - 11 0 11

DSP-ADHSR-2021-22/(NMR) 212
Functional Status
Sr. Date of (F/N.F)
Dam Name Instrument Name Total
No. Installation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Standpipe piezometers 1970-71 13 0 13

7 Bhandardara Uplift pressure cells 1970-71 2 2 0

Plumb bob 1970-71 1 0 1

Stand pipe piezometer 1970 15 5 10

Twin tube piezometer 1970 42 0 42

8 Mula Uplift pressure cells 1970 16 0 16

Plumb bob 1970 2 0 2

Settlement guages 1970 2 0 2

CE Wise Total for 8 Dams 317 7 310

Chief Engineer T.I.D.C. Jalgaon

Stand pipe 1969 26 0 26

Twin tube piezometers 1969 69 0 69

9 Girna
Vertical settlement
1969 3 0 3

10 Karwand Twin tube piezometers - 72 0 72

CE Wise Total for 2 Dams 170 0 170

NMR Region Total for 10 Dams 487 7 480

DSP-ADHSR-2021-22/(NMR) 213
Mortality Status of Instruments installed on Large Dams (Nashik )

Number Of Instruments
Sr. No. Type of Instruments Non-
Total Working Mortality (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6
(A) Earth Dams
Casagrande/ Stand pipe
1 109 05 104 95.41
Piezometers /Vibrating

2 Twin tube piezometers 343 0 343 100

Horizontal/Vertical device
3 / Cross arm surface 10 0 10 100
settlement plug
4 Earth pressure cells 4 - 4 100

5 Slope indicator - - - -
Total 466 05 461 98.93
(B) Masonry Dams

1 Pore pressure meters - - - -

2 Stressmeter - - - -
Strainmeter/ No stress-
3 - - - -
strain meter
4 Uplift pressure cells 18 0 18 100
Plumb bob/ Inverted
5 3 0 3 100
Plumb Bob / co-ordimeter
Long Gauge
6 extensometer, Multiple - - - -
Bore hole extensometer
7 Thermometers - - - -

8 Jointmeters /Dial Gauge - - - -

9 Tiltmeter - - - -
Total 21 00 21 100.00

Instruments in Total Working Mortality
A) Earth Dams 466 05 461 98.93
B) Masonry Dams 21 00 21 100
Grand Total 487 05 482 98.97

DSP-ADHSR-2021-22/(NMR) 214
Table No. 4.3

Comparative Statement for Status of Instruments in Dams

Year HSR-2020 HSR-2021

Sr.No Name of Chief Total Total Not- % Total Not- %

Functioning Total Dams Functioning
. Engineer Dams Instruments Functioning functioning Instruments Functioning functioning

1 Chief Engineer (W.R) 8 318 7 311 2.20 8 317 07 310 1.58

N.M.R, Nashik

Chief Engineer
2 T.I.D.C. Jalgaon
2 170 0 170 0.00 2 170 0 170 0.00

Total 10 488 7 481 1.43 10 487 07 480 1.43

DSP-ADHSR-2021-22/(NMR) 215

Annual Performance Report of

Meteorological Instruments
Part-5 : Annual Performance Report of Meteorological Instruments
5.1 General :
Hazard potential of dam depends upon the possible hazard it poses to population on the
downstream during flood. In case of gated spillways, generally flood is considered to
impinge when reservoir is at F.R.L. If flood forecasting and warning systems are in place,
flood impingement can be considered at lower when F.R.L. considering prior depletion.

The establishment of hydro-meteorological stations in the vicinity of every Class-I dam and
rain gauge network in its catchments assumes vital importance due to its role in flood
forecasting and warning. The hydro-meteorological station shall be capable of recording
data relating to, among other parameters, rainfall, atmospheric pressure, maximum &
minimum temperature and humidity, wind speed, wind direction, height of waves and
reservoir water temperature. It is important that a representative proportion of the rain
gauge network is linked to flood forecasting and warning control center by telemetry.

5.2 Observations :

From Pre/Post Monsoon Reports it is seen that the ANNEXURE-IV which is “Checklist
of Various Meteorological Instruments installed on Dams” is not filled properly and
quantity of number of instruments varies from year to year. As this status of instruments is
submitted to C.W.C., New Delhi. Field authorities need to make sure that correct
information is filled. Table 4.1 gives the dam wise status of the meteorological instruments,
and Table 4.2 gives the status of morality of meteorological instruments installed in the

1. As per Pre/Post Monsoon reports of North Maharashtra region it is seen that 176
various meteorological instruments installed on dams out of which 140 are functioning
and 36 are non functioning. The non-functioning should be repaired/replaced on priority.
2. As per the government circular CDA-1013/(207/13)/CAD(works)/ August-2013. It is
mandatory to install Pan Evaporimeter to measure evaporation on all major and medium
Efforts should be taken by field officers to establish automatic flood
warning systems which will help in saving lives, livestock and property and will invariantly
contribute to lessening of the overall impact of floods.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 216
Table 5.1


Sr. Not
Name of dam Name of instruments
No. Workin workin Remark
Total g g s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 0 1
1 Gangapur 3) Rain Gauge in catchment 3 0 3
3) Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 2 2 0
2) Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
2 Darna
4) Rain Gauge in catchment 2 2 0
6) Automatic water level recorder 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
3 Karwa 2) Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
4)pan evaporimeter 1 1 0
4 Rameshwar 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
5 Chankapur 2)Pan evaporimeter 1 0 1
4) Rain Gauge in the catchments 3 0 3
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
6 Ozarkhed
4)Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
1) Rain Gauge on Dam( ordinary) 2 2 0
2)RainGauge in the catchment
7 Karanjwan
(Ordinary) 4 2 2
4) Pan evaporimeter 1 1 0
1) Rain Gauge on Dam( ordinary) 1 1 0
8 Waghad
4)Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0

9 Palkhed 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0

3) Pan evaporimeter 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 2 2 0
10 Punegaon 3) RainGauge in the catchment 2 0 2
4) Pan evaporimeter 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
11 Gautami
2) Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
12 Bhojapur 2) Rain Gauge in catchment 1 0 1
3) pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
13 Haranbari 2) Rain Gauge in catchment 1 1 0
4) Pan Evaporimeter 1 0 1
14 Bori (Ambedari)
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 0 1

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 217
Sr. Not
Name of dam Name of instruments
No. Workin workin
Total g g Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
15 Alandi 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 2 2 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 0 1
16 Kelzar 2) Rain Gauge in catchment 1 1 0
3) pan evaporimeter 1 0 0
17 Punand 1) Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
1) Rain Gauge on Dam 2 2 0
3) pan evaporimeter 1 0 1
18 Mukane
3) wind velocity recorder 1 1 0
4) wet dry bulb thermometer 1 1 0
1)Raingauge in catchment 1 1 0
19 Waldevi
1) Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 0 1
2) Pan evaporimeter 1 1 0
20 Kashyapi
3) Rain Gauge in catchment 2 0 2
4) Automatic water level recorder 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
21 Bhavali
2) Pan evaporimeter 1 1 0
1) Rain Gauge in catchment (self
recorder) 2 2 0
2)Rain Gauge on Dam (ordinary) 1 1 0
22 Waghur
3)Rain Gauge in catchment
(ordinary) 15 15 0
4) ) Pan Evaporimeter 1 0 1
1) Rain Gauge in catchment 1 1 0
23 Aner
2)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
24 Karwand 3) Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
25 Panzara 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
26 Sonwad 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
27 Akkalpada 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 0 1

28 Shrimant
1) Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
29 Rangawali 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
30 Amravati 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 0 1
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 0 1
31 Koradinala
2) Rain Gauge in catchment 1 1 0
32 Nagan 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
33 Shivan 1) Rain Gauge on dam 1 1 0
1) Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
34 Mangrul
2) Water level recorder 1 1 0

35 Bahula 1) ) Pan Evaporimeter 1 0 1

2)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 0 1

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 218
Name Of Dam Non
Name Of Instrument Total Working Working Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0

36 Girna 2) Rain Gauge in catchment 8 8 0
3) pan evaporimeter 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 2 2 0
37 Anjani 2) ) Pan Evaporimeter 1 0 1
4) Rain Gauge in catchment 1 1 0
1) Rain Gauge on Dam 2 2 0
38 Gul 2) Rain Gauge in catchment (self
recorder) 1 1 0
39 Suki 1) Raingauge on dam 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
40 Manyad
2) Rain Gauge in catchment 2 2 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
41 Bori
2) Pan Evaporimeter 1 0 1
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
42 Agnawati
2) Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
43 Charthana 1) Raingauge on dam 1 1 0
44 Hiwara 1) Raingauge on dam 1 1 0
45 Tondapur 1) Raingauge on dam 1 1 0
46 Sarvapimpari 1) Raingauge on dam 1 1 0
47 Lahasar
1) Raingauge on dam 1 1 0
48 Abhora 1) Raingauge on dam 1 1 0
49 Pimpari 1) Raingauge on dam 1 1 0
1) Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
50 Hatnoor
2)Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
51 Waghur 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
52 Mor 2) Rain Gauge in catchment 1 0 1
3)Water level recorder 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
2) Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
53 Sina 3) Wind velocity recorder 1 1 0
4)Wind direction recorder 1 1 0
5)wet/dry bulb thermometer 1 1 0

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 219
Name Of Dam Name Of Instrument Non
Total Working Working Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1) Rain Gauge on Dam 2 2 0
2) Rain Gauge in catchment 1 1 0
3) Pan Evaporimeter 1 1 0
54 Mula
4) Wind velocity recorder 1 0 1
5)Wind direction recorder 1 0 1
6)wet/dry bulb thermometer 1 0 1
55 Mandohol 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
56 Visapur
2) Rain Gauge in catchment 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
57 Adhala
2) Pan Evaporimeter 1 0 1
2) Rain Gauge in catchment 3 3 0
58 Bhandardara 2) Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
3) Pan evaporimeter 1 1 0
59 Bhatodi 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 0 1
60 Nilwande 1) Rain Gauge in catchment 5 4 1
61 Waki 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
62 Bham 1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
1)Rain Gauge on Dam 1 1 0
63 Kalu 2) Rain Gauge in catchment 3 3 0
3) Pan evaporimeter 1 1 0
176 140 36

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 220
Table No. 5.2

Status of Meteorological instruments Mortality

Number Of Instruments

Non- Mortality
Sr. No. Type of Instruments Total Working Working (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Rain gauge on dam 70 61 9 12.85

2 Rain gauge in catchment 65 50 15 23.65

3 Pan Evaporimeter 29 20 8 27.58
4 Wind velocity recorder 3 2 1 33.33
5 Wind direction recorder 2 1 1 50.00
6 Wet/dry bulb thermometer 3 2 1 33.33
7 Thermometer for air jump 0.00
Thermometer for reservoir
8 water temp 0.00
9 Water stage recorder 4 4 0 0.00
10 Barometer 0.00
11 Sun shine recorder 0.00
12 Max & Min thermometer 0.00
13 Wave height recorder 0.00
14 Hydrometer 0.00
15 Humidity Meter 0.00
16 Automatic level controller 0.00
17 Steven meter 0.00
18 DWLL 0.00
Other Meteorological
19 Instruments 0.00

Total 176 140 36 19.88

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 221

National Committee on Dam

Safety (NCDS) Documents
Part- 6 National Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS) Documents

Importance of National Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS) Documents:

Central Water Commission (CWC) has laid down various guidelines covering the standardized dam safety
practices-essentially guiding the dam owners in preparation of Emergency Action Plans, Periodical Dam Safety
inspections, comprehensive dam Safety evaluation and appropriate institutional framework for dam safety. Their
implementation is emphasized during the meetings of National Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS) and through the
communications sent in this regard.

During the 34th meeting held at Chennai in March 2015 it was requested to all the Dam owners to take necessary
steps for preparation of EAPs & other documents & report to NCDS Secretariat about the number of Dams for which
EAPs & other documents have been prepared, along with the target dates for the preparation of EAPs & other
documents for the remaining Dams.

The documents to be prepared as per National Committee on Dam Safety are as under & these shall be properly
maintained and kept up to date by including latest information available.

1. EAP

2. R.O.S & G.O.S.

3. Data Book

4. O & M manual

5. Record Drawing & Completion Report,

1. EAP : Emergency Action Plan:

An Emergency action plan is a formal plan that identifies potential emergency conditions at a dam prescribes
the procedures to be followed to minimize property damage and loss of life. The EAP contains procedures and
information to assist the dam owner in taking necessary actions in time to moderate or alleviate the problems, in
addition to issuing early warning & notification messages to responsible emergency management authorities,viz.,District
Magistrate/Collector, Armed Forces, Paramilitary forces, Project Authorities & other Central/State Agencies. It also
contains inundation maps to show the emergency management authorities of the critical areas for necessary relief and
rescue actions in case of an emergency. In a nutshell, it outlines “who does, what, where, when and how” in an
emergency situation or unusual occurrence affecting the Dams. The Emergency Action Plan has to be prepared as per
Guidelines circulated by C.W.C., New Delhi’s vide letter no. 3/19/NCDS/Guidelines EAP/DSM/2004/233-67, Dtd.
17 May 2006.CWC Guidelines are available on http://www.cwc.gov.in/main/downloads /cwc/EAP chapters.pdf

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 222
2. R.O.S. (Reservoir operation schedule) & G.O.S. (Gate operation schedule) :

It is very necessary to lay down operating procedures of all storage reservoirs with the objective to limit the
flood stages in the river downstream and with maximum feasible utilization of the flood capacity of the river channel
downstream of reservoirs, consistent with the safety of the dam. A proper reservoir operation schedule should be in

For this purpose a schedule of opening and closing the gates to limit the reservoir levels to preset gauges
should be laid down. Schedule for the dam as per operation & maintenance manual should be strictly adhered. The
entire capacity of reservoir is used for active conservation. When the reservoir rises above active conservation, operation
will be in accordance with the standing operation procedures. Inflow forecasting arrangement should be made for easy
operation of gates. The Engineer in charge should inform immediately to the flood maintenance engineer downstream
and flood –fighting center of the releases from the reservoir.

3. Data book:

Proper assessment of dam safety involves a thorough review of design, construction and performance records
prior to conducting a field examination. The Data Book is an unpublished document which is prepared before the
initial safety inspection of each dam. This book is abbreviated, convenient source of information, summarizing all
pertinent records and history related to the safety of a dam and is a reference for the evaluation team. This Data Book
should answer most questions about the dam. A list of reference is included if additional information is needed.
Continual updating of the Data Book will be required as future inspections are made, new problems arise, new
investigations are undertaken and remedial treatments performed. Documentation of all projects may be done in the
Data Book format which is the primary data base for the team evaluating the safety of a dam. (Guidelines on
standardized Data Book format are available at http://www.cwc.gov.in/ Dam_safety.html)

4. O & M Manual:

It is desirable that a separate manual is available with the officers .The officers Incharge of such works are
requested to personally go through the manual and maintain the records from time to time in such a manner as to give
their successors complete and correct idea of the state of each of the several storage works in their charge and the
different standing orders on all matters concerning the works. This will enable them to tackle problems as they arise, by
quickly referring to the manual as far as possible without having to depend on the office to give information. The
complete set of manual for each of the storage works should be personally handed over to successor by each concerned

Copies of the maintenance manual shall be maintained at all offices right from sectional office to Circle office.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 223
It is also necessary that the manuals are inspected at the time of inspection by the superior officers. Record of
handing over and inspection should be maintained.

5. Record Drawing & Completion Report :

The importance of record drawings & completion report as an archival data need not be emphasized. All efforts
should be made by field engineers to prepare Record Drawing & Completion Report and store them for future

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 224
Table – 6.1


Status of Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Sr.No Name of C.E. Total Dam Received Not Remark
1 C.E. NMR, Nashik 33 15 18

2 C.E.TIDC, Jalgaon 35 19 16

3 C.E, S.P, Pune (NMR Region) 0 0 0

4 C.E, W.R, Konkan (NMR Region) 1 0 1

5 Private Dams in NMR Region 1 0 1

Total 70 34 36

Table – 6.2
Status of Reservoir Operation Schedule (ROS)
Gated Dams =34
Sr.No Name of C.E. Total Dam Received Not Remark
1 C.E. NMR, Nasik 15 12 3

2 C.E.TIDC, Jalgaon 20 17 3

3 C.E, S.P, Pune (NMR Region) -- -- --

4 C.E, W.R, Konkan (NMR Region) -- -- --

5 Private Dams in NMR Region 1 0 1

Total 36 29 7

Table – 6.3
Status of Gate Operation Schedule (GOS)
Sr.No Name of C.E. Total Dam Received Not Received Remark
1 C.E. NMR, Nasik 15 12 3

2 C.E.TIDC, Jalgaon 20 17 3

3 C.E, S.P, Pune (NMR Region) -- -- --

4 C.E, W.R, Konkan (NMR Region) -- -- --

5 Private Dams in NMR Region 1 0 1

Total 36 29 7

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 225

Dam Wise Status of GOS & ROS, EAP (Class-I Dams)

R = Received, NR = Not Received, UG = Un Gated

Sr.No. Name of Dam EAP ROS GOS
1 2 3 4 5
North Maharashtra Region
A ) Chief Engineer, North Maharashtra Region,Nashik
I) Superintending Engineer,North Maharashtra Region,Nashik
1 ) Executive Engineer, Nashik Irrigation Division, Nashik
1 Bhojapur NR UG UG
2 Bavali NR UG UG
3 Darna R(1997) R(2018) R(2018)
4 Gangapur NR R(2018) R(2018)
5 Gautami Godavari R(2010) R(2018) R(2018)
6 Kadwa R(1997) R(2018) R(2018)
7 Kashyapi R(2004) R(2018) R(2018)
8 Mukane R(2003) R(2018) R(2018)
9 Waldevi R(2004) UG UG
2) Executive Engineer, Palkhed Irrigation Division, Nashik
10 Karanjwan R(1996) R(2018) R R(2017)
11 Palkhed R(1998) R(2018) R(2017)
12 Wagad R(1997) UG UG
13 Punegaon NR R(2018) R(2017)
14 Ozarkhed R(1997) UG UG
3) Executive Engineer, Ahamadnagar Irrigation Division, Nashik
15 Adhala NR UG UG
16 Balthan NR UG UG
17 Bhandardara NR UG UG
18 Ghoti (Shilwandi) NR UG UG
19 Kothale NR UG UG
20 Padoshi NR UG UG
21 Shirpunje NR UG UG
22 Kalu(Bruhat) NR NR NR
23 Tatvi NR UG UG
4) Executive Engineer, Malegaon Irrigation Division, Malegaon
24 Bhegu R(2008) UG UG
25 Chankapur R(2007) R(2018) R(2017)
26 Haranbari R(1996) UG UG
27 Kelzar R(1997) UG UG
5) Executive Engineer, Mula Irrigation Division, Ahamadnagar
28 Mula R(1996) R(2018) R(2017)

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 226
Dam wise Position of EAP, ROS, GOS Documents
Class - I Dams
R = Received, NR = Not Received, UG = Un Gated
Sr.No. Name of Dam EAP ROS GOS
1 2 3 4 5
1) Executive Engineer, UPPD,SANGAMER
29 Nilwande NR R(2018) R(2018)
30 Bham NR NR NR
Received 16 13 13
Not Received 14 2 2
Un Gated 0 15 15
Total 30 30 30
II) CE, T.I.D.C. Jalgaon
A)Superitendibg Engineer & Adm CADA Jalgaon
1) Executive Engineer, Dhule Irrigation Division, Dhule
1 Burai R(1983) UG UG
2 Karwand R(1997) UG UG
3 Panzara R(1998) UG UG
4 Ranipur R(2015) UG UG
5 Sonwad R(2015) R(2015) R(2015)
6 Jamkhedi R(2015) UG UG
7 Aner R(1997) R(2008) R(2008)
8 Amarawati NR R(2008) R(2008)
9 Prakasha Barrage NR R(2009) R(2009)
10 Sarangkheda Barrage NR R(2009) R(2009)
2) Executive Engineer, Jalgaon Irrigation Division, Jalgaon
11 Suki R(1998) UG UG
12 Mangrul (Bhokar) NR UG UG
13 Mor R(2008) R(2007) R(2007)
14 Bahula R(2004) R(2008) R(2008)
15 Hatnur R(1997) R(2008) R(2008)
3)Executive Engineer, Girna Irrigation Division, Jalgaon
16 Girna R(1969) R(2008) R(2008)
17 Bori R(2003) R(2008) R(2008)
18 Manyad R(1996) UG UG
B) S.E.J.I.P.C. Jalgaon
1)Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Jalgaon
19 Waghzira NR UG UG
20 Nimbadevi NR UG UG
21 Borkheda NR UG UG
22 Haripura NR UG UG
DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 227
Sr.No. Name of Dam EAP ROS GOS
1 2 3 4 5
2)Executive Engineer, Jalgaon Medium Project Div No1, Jalgaon
23 Anjani R(2008) R(2009) R(2009)
24 Gul R(2014) R(2009) R(2009)
3) Executive Engineer, Waghur Dam Div ,Jalgaon
25 Waghur NR R(2009) R(2009)
C)S.E, D.I.P.C.Dhule
1) Executive Engineer, Nandurbar Medium Project Div No 2, Nandurbar
26 Susari NR R(2008) R(2008)
27 Dara NR UG UG
28 Shivan (virchek) R R(2008) R(2008)
29 Kordi (Nalla) NR UG UG
2)Executive Engineer, Girna River Valley Project Div, Nashik
30 Manikpunj NR UG UG
31 Punand R NR NR
3)Executive Engineer, Dhule Medium Project Div , Dhule
32 Wadi Shewadi NR R(2009) R(2009)
33 Akkalpada (Lower Panzara) NR NR NR
34 Sulwade Barrage NR R(2009) R(2009)
35 Nagan R(2016) NR NR
Received 19 17 17
Not Received 16 03 3
Un Gated 0 15 15
Total 35 35 35
C.E, W.R, Konkan, Mumbai
III) (NMR Region)
S.E, TIC, Thane
1)Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Nashik
1 Shrimant NR UG UG
Received 0 0 0
Not Received 1 0 0
Un Gated 0 1 1
Total 1 1 1
Private Dam
1 Chehedi NR NR NR

Received 0 0 0
Not Received 1 1 1
Total 1 1 1

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 228
Table-6.5 Status of Other NCDS Documents (Class-I Dams)

Sr. Total No
Name of C.E. Completion Report Record Drawing Data Book O & M Manual
No. Of Dams

Not Not Not

Received Received Received Received Not Received
received received received
1 C.E. NMR, Nasik
30 6 24 16 14 14 16 13 17
Jalgaon 35 7 28 11 24 9 26 7 28

3 C.E, S.P, Pune

(NMR Region) 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1

4 C.E, W.R,
Konkan (NMR
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

5 Private Dams in
NMR Region 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Total For NMR

68 13 55 28 40 24 44 20 48

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 229
Dam Wise Status of Other NCDS Documents

Sr. Completion Record Data O&M

Name Of Dam Remark
No Report Drawing Book manual
I) C.E., NMR, Nashik
A) S.E., CADA,
1 ) Executive Engineer, Nashik Irrigation Division, Nashik
1 Bhojapur NR R R NR
2 Bavali NR NR NR NR
3 Darna R R R R
4 Gangapur R R NR NR
5 Gautami Godavari NR NR NR NR
6 Kadwa NR R R R
7 Kashyapi NR NR NR NR
8 Mukane NR R NR NR
9 Waldevi NR NR NR NR
2 ) Executive Engineer, Palkhed Irrigation Division, Nashik
10 Karanjwan R R R R
11 Palkhed NR R R R
12 Wagad NR R R R
13 Punegaon NR NR NR NR
14 Ozarkhed NR R R R
3) Executive Engineer, Ahemadnagar Irrigation Division, Ahemadnagar
15 Adhala R R R R
16 Balthan NR NR NR NR
17 Bhandardara R R R R
18 Ghoti (Shilwandi) NR NR NR NR
19 Kothale NR NR NR NR
20 Padoshi NR NR NR NR
21 Shirpunje NR NR NR NR
22 Kalu(Bruhat) NR NR NR NR
23 Tatvi NR NR NR NR
4 ) Executive Engineer, Malegaon Irrigation Division, Malegaon
24 Bhegu NR R R R
25 Chankapur R R R R
26 Haranbari NR R R R
27 Kelzar NR R R R
4) Executive Engineer, Mula Irrigation Division, Ahemadnagar
28 Mula NR R R R

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 230
Sr. Completion Record Data O&M
Name Of Dam Remark
No Report Drawing Book manual
C.E., NMR, Nashik
A) S.E., CADA, Ahemadnagar
1) Executive Engineer, Uppar Prawara Dam Division,Sagamner
29 Nilwande NR NR NR NR
30 Bham NR NR NR NR
Received 6 16 14 13
Not Received 24 14 16 17
Ungated 0 0 0 0
Total 30 30 30 30
IIC.E., T.I.D.C. Jalgaon
A) S.E., CADA Jalgaon
1) Executive Engineer,Dhule Irrigation Div Dhule
31 Amarawati NR NR NR NR
32 Prakasha Barrage NR NR NR NR
33 Sarangkheda Barrage NR NR NR NR
B) S.E., J.I.P.C. Jalgaon
1) Executive Engineer,Minor Irrigation Div Jalgaon
Waghzira NR NR NR NR
Nimbadevi NR NR NR NR
Borkheda NR NR NR NR

Haripura NR NR NR NR
2) Executive Engineer,Medium Project Div Jalgaon
Anjani NR NR NR NR
3) Executive Engineer,Waghur Dam Div jalgaon
Waghur NR NR NR NR
C) S.E., D.I.P.C.Dhule
1) Executive Engineer,Nandurbar Medium Project Div Nandurbar
Susari NR NR NR NR
Shivan NR NR NR NR
2)Executive Engineer, Girna River Valley Project Div ,Nashik
Manikpunj NR NR NR NR
Punand NR NR NR NR

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 231
Sr. Completion Record Data O&M
Name Of Dam Remark
No Report Drawing Book manual
3) Executive Engineer, Dhule Medium Project Div ,Dhule
Wadi Shewadi NR NR NR NR
Akkalpada (Lower
Panzara) NR NR NR NR
Sulwade Barrage NR NR NR NR
Received 7 11 9 7
Not Received 28 24 26 28
Un Gated 0 0 0 0
Total 35 35 35 35
III C.E, W.R, Konkan, Mumbai (NMR Region)
S.E, TIC, Thane
1) Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division ,Nashik
1 Shrimant NR NR NR NR
Received 0 0 0 0
Not Received 1 1 1 1
Un Gated 0 0 0 0
Total 1 1 1 1
Private Dams
Nashik Municipal
1 Corporation
1 Chehedi NR NR NR NR
Received 0 0 0 0
Not Received 1 1 1 1
Un Gated 0 0 0 0
Total 1 1 1 1

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 232

Dam Health & Rehabilitation

Monitoring Application
PART-7 - DHARMA: Dam Health and Rehabilitation monitoring



Dam health & Rehabilitation Monitoring application (DHARMA) is a web based asset management
software to support the effective collection and management of authentic asset and health data for all
large dams in India and address key dam safety challenges of .

i)Insuring Completeness of information.

ii) Bring stake holders together

iii) Effectively managing asset inventory.

iv) Assess soundness of dame health.

Design and Development-

DHARMA software will consist of seven modules.

i) Project features

ii) Project portfolio

iii) Engineering features.

iv) Asset health.

v) Asset rehabilitation.

vi) Stake holders and

vii) Document library.

The first three modules (i to iii consist of mostly static data, to be enter once and rarely undergo
a change where as modules iv) and v) will be dynamic and requires regular updating with information
associated with inspections investigations, instrumentation and rehabilitation works. Modules vi ) and
vii)contain information useful for reference.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 233
DHARMA Application User Registration Form

Dam Data Manager

1. Date of Application: < dd/mm/yyyy>

2. Type of User: Dam Data Manager

Name of the
3. <Title>. <Name>
4. Designation:
Name of the
Complete Postal
7. Email ID:

8. Mobile Number: Office Tel. Number:

☐ Coordinating Dam Safety
☐ Water Resource Management
☐ Dam Design
Current ☐ Dam Construction /Rehabilitation
Responsibilities: ☐ Dam Operations
☐ Academic /Research
☐ Other: <please specify>
☐ Project Features
Viewing Permission
10. ☐ Project Portfolio
Required for:
☐ Engineering Features
☐ Project Features
Editing Permission
11. ☐ Project Portfolio
Required for:
☐ Engineering Features

12. Provide List of Dams

Please select out of the choice provided; add separate sheets for providing additional information.

Declaration: I, hereby declare that the information provided in the application is true. I further
the detriment of the Central or State Governments.
Signature and Seal / stamp Name:
of the Applicant:
Seal / Stamp:
Please send the completed Application Form to the concerned Licensee.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 234
DHARMA Application User Registration Form

Dam Health Engineer

1. Date of Application: < dd/mm/yyyy>

2. Type of User: Dam Health Engineer

Name of the
3. <Title>. <Name>
4. Designation:
Name of the
Complete Postal
7. Email ID:

8. Mobile Number: Office Tel. Number:

☐ Coordinating Dam Safety
☐ Water Resource Management
☐ Dam Design
Current ☐ Dam Construction /Rehabilitation
☐ Dam Operations
☐ Academic /Research
☐ Other: <please specify>
☐ Project Features
Viewing Permission
10. ☐ Project Portfolio
Required for:
☐ Engineering Features
☐ Project Features
Editing Permission
11. ☐ Project Portfolio
Required for:
☐ Engineering Features

12. Provide List of Dams

Please select out of the choice provided; add separate sheets for providing additional information
.Declaration: I, hereby declare that the information provided in the application is true. I further
declare that I will not use the information collected from DHARMA software for any unlawful
activities and/or to the detriment of the Central or State Governments.

Signature and Seal / stamp Name:
of the Applicant:
Seal / Stamp:
Please send the completed Application Form to the concerned Licensee.

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 235
Table 7.1 Status of DHARMA Information updation

Sr. No Name of Dam NRLD registration Dharma data filling

number status (%)
1 2 3 4
[1] Chief Engineer ,NMR,Nashik
(1) Superintending Engineer & Adm., CADA, Nashik
(a) Executive Engineer,NID,Nashik
1 Bhojapur MH09HH0313 11
2 Gangapur MH09HH0113 22
3 Mukane MH09MH1380 11
4 Waldevi MH09HH1376 10
5 Kashyapi MH09HH1479 11
6 Gautami Godavari MH09HH1778 11
7 Bhavali MH09HH1789 11
8 Darana MH09MH0037 27
9 Karawa MH09MH1444 27
(b) Executive Engineer, PID,Nashik
10 Ozarkhed MH09HH0943 23
11 Punegaon MH09MH1486 11
12 Waghad MH09HH0797 12
13 Palkhed MH09HH0532 11
14 Karanjwan MH09HH0454 09
(C) Executive Engineer, AID,Ahamadnagar
15 Adhala MH09HH0594 11
16 Kothale MH09MH1938 10
17 Titavi MH09HH1941 11
18 Shirpunje MH09HH1940 11
19 Ghoti Shilwandi MH09HH1937 11
20 Padoshi MH09HH1939 11
21 Kalu(Bruhat) -- 00
22 Bhadardara MH09HH0013 60
23 Balthan MH09MH1936 11
24 Nandurmadhmeshwar -- --
25 Pimpalgaon khand -- --
26 Waki -- --
(d) Executive Engineer, MID,Malegaon
27 Kelzar MH09HH0896 11
28 Bhegu MH09HH1540 11
29 Haranbari MH09HH0842 11
30 Chankapur MH09HH0028 25
(e) Executive Engineer, MID,Ahamadnagar
31 Mula MH09HH0316 03

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 236
Sr. No Name of Dam NRLD registration Dharma data filling
number status (%)
1 2 3 4
2) Superintending Engineer & Adm., CADA, Ahamadnagar
a) Executive Engineer Upper Pravara Dam div, Sangamner
32 Nilwande MH09HH1942 11
33 Bham MH09HH1761 10
[2]CE, TIDC, Jalgaon
(1) Superintending Engineer, DIPC, Dhule
(a) Executive Engineer, NMPD 2, Nandurbar
34 Susari MH09MH1950
35 Dara MH09HH1797 11
36 Shivan Virchek MH09MH1748
37 Kordinala MH09MH1094
(b) Executive Engineer DMPD, Dhule
38 Wadi Shewadi MH09HH1815 11
39 Sulwade Barrage MH09MH1814
40 Nagan MH09MH1791
41 Akkalpada MH09HH1795 11
( c ) Executive Engineer GRVPD, Nashik
42 Manikpunj MH09HH1786
43 Punand MH09MH1820 11
(2) Superintending Engineer & Adm, CADA, Jalgaon
(a) Executive Engineer DID, Dhule
44 Amravati MH09MH1644
45 Sarangkheda Barrage MH09HH1770
46 Prakasha Barrage MH09HH1810
47 Burai MH09HH1009 11
48 Karwand MH09HH0226
49 Panzara MH09MH0385
50 Ranipur MH09HH1481 11
51 Aner MH09HH0741
52 Sonwad MH09MH1487
53 Jamkhedi MH09MH1593 11
(b) Executive Engineer, JID, Jalgaon
54 Suki MH09HH0656 10
55 Bhokar Not Available 00
56 Bahula MH09MH1445 00
57 Mor MH09HH1619 11
58 Hatnur MH09MH0948 11
( c ) Executive Engineer, GID, Jalgaon
59 Girana MH09MH0196 10
60 Manyad MH09HH0387 16
61 Bori MH09MH0659 11

DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 237
Sr. No Name of Dam NRLD registration Dharma data filling
number status (%)
1 2 3 4
(3) Superintending Engineer,JIPC,Jalagon
(a) Executive Engineer, MID,Jalgaon
62 Waghzira MH09HH1659
63 Nimbadevi MH09HH1660
64 Borkheda MH09HH1658
65 Haripura MH09HH1956
(b) Executive Engineer,JMPD 1,Jalgaon
66 Anjani MH09MH1954 10
67 Gul MH09HH1955 11
(c) Executive Engineer,Waghur Dam Div,Jalgaon
68 Waghur MH09LH1750 10
[3]CE,WR,Kokan ,Mumbai
(1) Superintending Engineer, TIC, Thane
(a) Executive Engineer,MID,Nashik
69 Shrimant MH09HH2037 11

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DSO-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 244

Health Status of Gated Dam

(As per Mechanical Organisation)
Part-8 Status report of Gates of Various gated dams in North Maharashtra region

(including Private Dams )

8.1 General
As per GR.NO.ID/1078/23/8/IMP/2 Dtd.10/09/1980, Dam Safety Organization has been
established by Government of Maharashtra for effective monitoring the safety aspects of dam.

As per Maharashtra Government Guidelines and regulation, Chief Engineer (Mechanical), Water
Resources Dept. Nashik assigned Dams gate Inspection work to Superintending Engineer, Mechanical Circle,
Nashik to assure proper operation and maintenance of Dam gates

Under Superintending Engineer, Mechanical Circle, Nashik Executive Engineer, Inspection unit ,
Aurangabad and Executive Engineer, Sluice Gate Mfg. Division, Dapodi , Pune are looking after all the
inspection works.

Division offices Conduct all pre monsoon & Post Monsoon Gate Inspection work of Government,
Semi Government, & Private Dams and send Reports to related authorities for same.

After Inspection work the observed points or deficiencies are classified into various categories as
given below.

Def. Category 1 Dams with Major Deficiencies which Very Serious Defects
may lead to dam failure

Def. Category 2 Dams with rectifiable Deficiencies needs Serious Defects (2A)
immediate attention
(2 A)& (2B) Require immediate attention (2B)

Def. Category 3 General Defects General Defects

In the year of 2021 pre and post monsoon inspection of total gated dams have been carried out by
Mechanical Organisation. It is to be noted that Chief engineer (Mechanical) W.R.D Nashik, prepares
independently the detail Health status Report of all the gated dams inspected by mechanical organisation. This
report is published and submitted to WRD and circulated to all Concern Chief Engineers.

In this Health Status Report, only the dam wise number of deficiencies noted by mechanical
organisation are given in this part of AHSR. For details regarding the actual deficiencies Health Status Report
circulated by Mechanical Organisation shall be referred.

8.2 Overall Health Statues of Gated Dams

35 Class-I gated dams in the North Maharashtra region were inspected by Mechanical Organisation. 01
Category -1 deficiency is observed on Sarangkheda Barrage .Category -2 & 3 deficiencies are observed on all
the 35 dams. Total 655 Category -2 deficiencies and 1726 Category -3 deficiencies are observed on the dams in
the region.

DSP-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 245
Table 8.1
Status of Deficiencies

Sr. Name of Class-1 Gated Dam Category wise Identified Remarks

No. Deficiencies

Cat-I Cat-II (2A)&(2B) Cat-III

1 2 3 4 5 6
A) Chief Engineer (NMR)
(1) Superintending Engineer & Adm., CADA, Nashik
(a) Executive Engineer,NID,Nashik
1 Gangapur 0 11 14
2 Darana 0 11 13
3 Kadwa 0 00 13
4 Mukane 0 07 24
5 Kashyapi 0 05 20
6 Gautami Godawari 0 09 17
7 Nandur Madhameshwar 0 17 43
b) Executive Engineer,PID,Nashik
8 Karanjvan 0 06 33
9 Punegaon 0 09 21
10 Palkhed 0 03 16
c) Executive Engineer,AID,Ahemadnagar
11 Bhandardara 0 07 17
d) Executive Engineer,Mula ID,Ahemadnagar
12 Not
Mula -- -- -- Inspected
e)Executive Engineer, MID,Malegaon
13 Chanakapur 0 04 23
2) Superintending Engineer & Adm., Ahemadnagar
a) Executive EngineerUpper Pravara Dam div, Sangamner
14 Not
Nilvande -- -- -- Inspected
b)Executive Engineer, Nandurmadhmeshwar Project Div, Nashik
15 Waki 0 00 08
B) CE, TIDC, Jalgaon
1) Superintending Engineer&Adm,CADA,Jalgaon

1) Executive Engineer,GID,Jalgaon
16 Bori 0 25 74
2) Executive Engineer,JID,Jalgaon
17 Hatnur 0 42 148
18 Bahula 0 16 60

DSP-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 246
19 Mor 0 29 40
Sr. Name of Class-1 Gated Dam Category wise Identified Remarks
No. Deficiencies

Cat-I Cat-II (2A)&(2B) Cat-III

1 2 3 4 5 6
3)Executive Engineer,GID,Jalgaon
20 Girna
0 12 69
4)Executive Engineer,DID,Dhule
21 Amrawati 0 43 ----
22 Aner 0 29 ----
23 Sonwad 0 42 82
24 Prakasha Barage 0 16 40
25 Sarangkheda Barage 1 34 43
2) Superintending Engineer,JIPC,Jalgaon
1) Executive Engineer,JMPD,Jalgaon
26 Anjani 0 17 86
27 Gul 0 35 86
2)Executive Engineer Waghur Dam Div Jalgaon
28 Waghur 0 38 154
3)Superintending Engineer,DIPC,Dhule
1) Executive Engineer, NMPD No 2, Nandurbar
29 Susri 0 25 45
30 Shivan 0 27 63
2) Executive Engineer,DMPD,Dhule
31 Nagan 0 18 92
32 Wadishewadi 0 26 101
33 Akkalpada (Lower Panzra) 0 19 125
34 Sulwade Barage 0 26 35
3) Executive Engineer,GRVP Div,Nashik
35 Punand
0 43 113
Private Dam
1)Comissioner, Nashik Municipal Corporation Nashik
36 Chehadi Barrage Private Dam
(Class-II) 0 04 ---
Total - 01 655 1726

DSP-ADHSR-2021-2022/(NMR) 247

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