Exercise 03 - DISIMBAN, Raifa A

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Laboratory Exercise #3

Name:__________________________________________________________ Section:______________________
BIT101 - Uu

I. Objectives

At the end of the activity, the student is able to

1. Analyze and recognize that there is an alternate to nested IF function.
2. Analyze and use VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions for values that both
match and not match on lookup tables.
3. Create lookup tables.
4. Analyze and use LOOKUP functions in certain situations.

II. Instructions

1. Open Exercise 03 in your Drive Z:\.

2. Analyze, answer, MAKE NECESSARY FORMATTING CHANGES, and mind your
own work.
3. Save as Exercise 03 – your name.

For Sheet 5:
Use HLOOKUP function in each of the yellow cells to return the details for the product
code typed into the green cell.

Typing in a different code should return the correct data

For Sheet 6:
Use a LOOKUP function in a formula to calculate the total for each item.

It's enough to make you think about a career change

For Sheet 7:
Use LOOKUP function in each of the yellow cells to return the base price and multiplier
for the chosen destination and holiday type.

The hedonistic holiday to Thailand is the most expensive

Try typing in different destinations and holiday types to make sure the functions are
working properly.

For Sheet 1:
Fill in the unit prices table based on the following categories:

 1 - 499 = £1
 500 - 999 = £0.90
 1000 - 1499 = £0.80
 1500 or more = £0.70

Your lookup table should begin as shown in the diagram below:

Start with the smallest amount that could be ordered

Use a VLOOKUP function to calculate the total value of each order.

Your formula should lookup the quantity ordered

For Sheet 2:
Create a lookup table containing scores and ratings based on the following categories:

 0-4 = Pooh
 5-9 = Could do better
 10 - 14 = Doing better
 15 or more = Tiggerific

Your Lookup table should begin as shown in the diagram:

Create a HLOOKUP function to calculate a rating for each player as follows:

The function should look up the score for each player

III. Questions

1. Write down the formula of the following cells:

Sheet 5, C12: _______________________________________________________


Sheet 5, C13: _______________________________________________________


Sheet 5, C14: _______________________________________________________


Sheet 7, K8: ________________________________________________________


Sheet 7, K9: ________________________________________________________


2. If we use VLOOKUP function in Sheet 6 instead of LOOKUP, what would be the

formula for cell F8?

3. If we use VLOOKUP function in Sheet 7 instead of LOOKUP, what would be the

formula for cell K8?

4. What is your table array or cell range that you use for your custom table in Sheet

5. What is your table array or cell range that you use for your custom table in Sheet

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