Taxation On Corporation
Taxation On Corporation
Taxation On Corporation
4. Resident Foreign Corporation. Applies to a foreign DOMESTIC AND RESIDENT FOREIGN CORPORATIONS,
corporation engaged in trade or business within the IN GENERAL
Philippines. Domestic corporations classified as Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises with net taxable income not
5. Non-Resident Foreign Corporation. Applies to a exceeding P5,000,000 and total assets not exceeding
foreign corporation not engaged in trade or business P100,000,000, excluding land on which the particular
within the Philippines. business entity’s office, plant and equipment are
situated, shall be taxed at 20% effective July 1, 2020.
6. General Professional Partnerships. Partnerships
formed by persons for the sole purpose of exercising Illustration 1: ABC Corporation, a manufacturer, has a
their common profession, no part of the income of gross sales of P190,000,000 for CY2021, its 2nd year of
which is derived from engaging in any trade or business. operation. Its total assets amounted to P50,000,000,
net of the value of the land of P6,000,000 where its
7. Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations manufacturing plant and business operations are
(GOCCs), Agencies or Instrumentalities. All situated. Its cost of sales and allowable operating
corporations, agencies, or instrumentalities owned or expenses amounted to P100,000,000 and P50,000,000,
controlled by the Government. 8. Foreign-Sourced respectively. Compute for its income tax due for
Dividends. Dividends received from non resident foreign CY2021.
corporations. Illustration 2: Given the same facts as above, except for
the allowable operating expenses, which amounted to
SOURCES OF INCOME P85,000,000. The net taxable income will be
Aside from knowing the classification of the taxpayer, P5,000,000.
the source of income is the next important thing to
determine —whether it is from within the Philippines or Illustration 1 Answer
without. The following rules apply:
1. Domestic corporations are taxable on income from
sources within and without the Philippines.
2. Foreign corporations whether resident or non-
resident, are taxable only on income from Philippine
Although the total assets, net of the value of the land, is
A partnership other than a general professional
less than P100,000,000, its net taxable income is above
partnership is considered a corporation and is taxable
P5,000,000. Hence, the income tax rate is 25%
as such.
Illustration 2 Answer