Nothrine Manor
Nothrine Manor
Nothrine Manor
Location: Nelefayn Hundred, Meselynshire, Nothrine grows rye and sweet lintels as their main
Kingdom of Kaldor crop. The local area also has a number of useful
Holder: Sir Kaeth Bartyne herbs and spices and the river bank produces
Liege: Earl of Osel, Sedris Meleken flowers that can be used to make red and a rare
Population: Village 90; Manor 16 violet dye.
The worst of these took place in 600 TR, shortly This small dock usually has Ibenis's boat tied to
after the death of King Iemald. The confused it and has little other purpose than to land the
power struggled hit home when the Earl of Osel barges that transport lumber from Durrie village.
put his support behind Haldan, Earl of Olokand. [C] BARTYNE BARROWS.
When Elyssa Bartyne refused to denounce her
While actually a crypt instead of a barrow, the
liege and withdraw their support of Haldan, a force
name has stuck simply because of its sound. This
led by Baron Setrew (who had been roaming
crypt was gifted by Haldan II in 640 TR to show
Meselynshire drubbing up support, literally)
his appreciation for the grievous losses the
attacked Nothrine. Four of the five Bartyne heirs,
Bartynes suffered in the 600 TR attack by the
along with some twenty villagers, were killed
Baron Setrew while supporting the Elendsa cause.
before the attacking forces were defeated. It would
This expensive monument is the envy of
be this action that would later earn the Bartyne
many lords of Kaldor.
family the right to establish Hasebe in 608.
The crypt is made of polished granite and inlaid
ECONOMICS AND AGRARIAN LIFE with intricate bronze and copper inlays. A large
With the relative peace of the last several stone door bearing the Bartyne seal is cemented
decades, the Bartynes have been able to and locked shut, requiring great effort to intern the
concentrate their efforts on their estates. With newly dead. It has room for just three more bodies
1740 acres of high quality (LQ=1.13) farm land, before it must be dug deeper. The crypt and
Nothrine village has prospered. Like Durrie,
Aaron Kavli. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are copyright Columbia Games & N. Robin Crossby.
surrounding graveyard are cared for by the Misty Isle. His adventures have have taken him
residents of the Peonian chapel. from Rethem to Melderyn, and even a short stint
in Orbaal. While Turnis prefers the raucous tales of
his youth, he is a cosmopolitan man and one of the
This small grove of willows on the southern most well traveled in Nelefayn, if not all of
bank of the Hemurin is the subject of many Meselynshire. His tales are very popular, even the
rumors, tales, and superstition. Some claim to old one, and Turnis tells them well. He seldom
have seen a submerged structure of some sort at buys his own drinks. His eldest son, Jonas, has
times, and a crew of timberwrights from Durrie all become quite an archer himself, but Turnis is
drowned when their barge mysteriously went off trying to dissuade him from a military life.
course and tipped over in 695 TR. Flickering lights
are often seen on the far side of the river at night, 5) VILLEIN/BEADLE, Wetton of Korl (3)
and are believed to be the shades of the dead. Wetton is an unpopular man, even for a man of
Others believe these lights are simply fireflies. See his office. Not for any brutality or arrogance often
Across the River below for more details. known to beadles, but for his eternal snooping. He
is utterly paranoid and attributes every manner of
diabolical, complex, intricate, conspiracy to the
1) WOOKWORKER, Glenn the Sitter (6) simple folk of Nothrine.
Size: 5 Quality: **** Prices: High
Wetton spends most of his time searching and
Glenn is an aged and wealthy man, whose yet questioning villagers too intimidated to protest.
strong hands craft the finest furniture in Wetton has suffered at least one drubbing from the
Meselynshire. His family has crafted fine furniture more strong willed villagers. Evert of Aard
for several generations, and Glenn has passed on particularly takes pleasure in shoving Wetton
his skills to his four sons and daughter. While his around, but for some unknown reason the reeve
hands are strong, Glenn's back and knees are not tacitly approves of Wetton's actions and is
so and he spends most of his time in a fine chair Madgella that keeps Wetton in his position.
crafted by his sires some 200 years ago.
6) MILLER, Jamis Strawbeard (6)
His children now do much of the work, and Size: 4 Quality: *** Prices: Average +
Glenn leaves such woodworking required that
doesn't involve his furniture to his sons. His Jamis operates a large, stone mill that is
daughter has become quite the artist and adds her powered by the waters of the Hemurin river. He is
skills to Glenn's already decorative and sturdy a fair man, but is considered somewhat of a
furniture. Glenn pays much of his rent by gifting dullard. While not particularly true, he certainly
Kaeth with his goods, either for the lord's use or as has suffered. Jamis is missing three fingers on his
gifts to other nobles. left hand from an accident with the mill, and a bit
of carelessness led to a good deal of flour being
2) VILLEIN, Edarg of Thone (6) ruined by rain. He gets his name from his long,
3) VILLEIN, Sharon of Nedrin (5) utterly straight, blond beard.
Sharon is now nearly 65 years old, and has been 7) VILLEIN/REEVE, Madgella the Snarling
widowed for over three decades. She is a twisted (4)
and ailing woman who seems to remain alive by While women reeves are somewhat rare in the
sheer will alone. Some rumor she fears turning lands of Kaldor, Madgella is very skilled and
over the family lands to her imbecile sons, who dedicated to her duties. None in Nothrine would
currently work the lands. Whether this is true or argue her abilities, but she is not overly popular
not can only be guessed, but she makes it quite except with Kaeth, who values her ability to quell
clear that her feelings towards her sons' protests and whines with a glance. Madgella is
capabilities is less than favorable. She is a close very crass, blunt, bossy, and rather unattractive
friend of Madgella the reeve, probably due to their and obese.
shared stubbornness, and few villagers remain
when the two get together. Only Kaeth is safe from her biting commentary,
though this seems to more out of mutual respect
4) YEOMAN (LB), Turnis of the Marches (5) than any fear of reprisal. Her two daughters are
Turnis spent much of his youth as a mercenary, fortunately quite lovely, and all three of her
where he has fought in campaigns across the
Aaron Kavli. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are copyright Columbia Games & N. Robin Crossby.
children are very, very polite and well behaved. merchant whipping two servants in an overly
Her son, Kamron is the manor chamberlain. brutal manner. When he confronted the merchant,
it came out they were slaves and the merchant
8) HALF-VILLEIN, Penden of Greten (4)
was rather disrespectful.
9) APOTHECARY, Debrick of Oaln (2)
Kaeth informed the man slavery was illegal in
Debrick left Nothrine in his youth to apprentice
Kaldor and liberated them. Kaeth violently
with a mysterious stranger when he was a lad.
silenced the man's protests and hired the new
After nearly a decade learning in Melderyn,
freemen as his servants. They followed him to
Debrick returned with his master status in the
Nothrine after his duties were complete. Justyn
guild and received permission to open his shop.
and Eala are hard working, and even after nearly
Some whisper that Debrick knows of nsorcelments
two decades, still worship their lord's footprints.
from the Wizards' Isle, but most trust his
medications. He brought his young apprentice, 16) METALSMITH, Zestriman the Smith (4)
Jon, with him and few know anything about the Size: 3 Quality: *** Prices: Average
laconic boy.
"Zesty", as he is known to the village, is a
10) VILLEIN, Karick of Oaln (3) hulking man. He is also totally hairless, suffering
from a rare medical condition that prevents its
11) YEOMAN (MF), Evert of Aard (4)
growth. This has left him with more scars,
Evert was a sergeant with the Laranian fighting
especially on the scalp and forearms, than most
order, Lady of Paladins, at the Iversen chapter
house until 710 TR. He had long toiled under
problems with gambling and drinking which finally 17) INNKEEPER, Salidan Aleman (6)
resulted in his disgraceful expulsion from the order Size: 6 Quality: **** Prices: Average
for dishonorable conduct. Evert's options seemed
Salidan is the keeper of the "Happy Hawk" inn,
and is rather proud of the ridiculously smile of the
However Kaeth remembered a great service hawk on the inn's sign. He is a skilled lute player
done to him by Evert and when the news of the and his wife brews a fine ale. Salidan also keeps a
expulsion reached Nothrine, Kaeth offered the large stock of finer wines, delivered by his brother
outcast man land in exchange for his military from his trips to Olokand. The inn its self is well
service. Kaeth did demand however that Evert furnished, mostly to Breddik's taste.
change his ways or be outcast once again. Evert
Salidan's brother, Breddik, is a mercantyler and
slips from time to time, but tries very hard to
lives in his own room at the inn. He owns roughly
live up to his bargain and Kaeth is generally
half of the inn, due to Salidan taking a loan from
pleased with his efforts.
him when the inn needed repairs from a fire in
12) HALF-VILLEIN/WOODWARD, Birch of 703. Breddik organizes a caravan twice a year to
Greten (6) carry lumber, dyed wool, furniture, and anything
Birch is the village woodward, though the else he gets paid to transport. Before each caravan
position was sort of thrust upon him when his is ready to leave, a handful of freelance guards
father died in 718. While his father was a skilled arrive hoping to be hired as guards. Breddik is
woodsman, Birch, despite his name, is quite quite wealthy, as his clothes always show, and is
uncomfortable in the woods. It is his 14 year old, friendly and well liked despite his status.
younger brother who actually does most of the
Kyla of Loand is Breddik's servant and
work. Birch has petitioned Madgella for reprieve,
sometimes lover. She is an attractive, smallish
but she has yet refused.
woman, mostly responsible for keeping her
13) COTTAR, Rodrick of Cloe (4) master's finery in good order and running errands
when they visit Olokand. She also works about the
14) VILLEIN, Shanik of Oaln (5) inn.
15) COTTAR, Justyn from Nothrine (2) Kyla has another name however, that of
Justyn and his wife, Eala, were rescued by "Redquick", though only her fellows in the
Kaeth in 702 TR while he was performing his Olokand Lia Kavair know her by this name. She
feudal duties with the Chelmarch army. When often has a task they set to her when the caravan
escorting a caravan from Trobridge, Kaeth spied a
Aaron Kavli. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are copyright Columbia Games & N. Robin Crossby.
visits, usually important ones so she can be gone always draws a bit of suspicion and spooks young
and not traced to the local brotherhood. She often children. The fact that he is the only open
sneaks about the inn and village if she thinks worshipper of queer Ilvir (his names sake is lost on
something might interest her, but Kyla does not most villagers) does not help his reputation in this
break the laws of Nothrine. She considers this akin regard. Some even believe to speak to, or be, the
to "messing in your own cot". Willow Man (see the Haunted Grove below).
18) HIDEWORKER, Hedillo of Kranst (1) Ibenis owns a well made pinda which he runs as
Size: 1 Quality: ** Prices: Average far as Olokand and Tashal, carrying people and
important cargo. He is a devout Ilviran, and would
Hedillo is a solitary man and carries little in
be the equivalent of a third circle priest if he
stock. He specializes in making vellum for sale in
belonged to a particular order. Ibenis the Boatman
Olokand, and only crafts other items on request.
is addicted to the hallucinogen Fletharane, and he
Hedillo lost his leg to an
knows a place westward down the river where it
infection in 714.
grows in abundance.
19) FISHERMAN, Dustryn Wetfeet (5)
23) PEONIAN SHRINE, Ebasethe Yselde the
Dustryn holds land as a cottar, but has a paltry
Gentle (3)
bit. He makes his rent and survives by plying the
This small shrine is little more than cottage
Hemurin River for its fish, with Kaeth's permission.
where Yselde and her two acolytes live. Yselde is
He uses a tattered net and raft of little more than
somewhat prim and prudish for a Peonian, but her
trees lashed with rope. Dustryn knows many
sonorous sermons are enough to bring most
bountiful fishing areas, which he keeps secret. At
villagers to the regular masses. She enjoys adding
times the fisherman will work with Ibenis, who
a little excitement and pomp to her orations, even
gets a portion of the catch for use of his far more
if her fellows accuse her of acting like a Laranian
sturdy boat. Dustryn and his children also act as a
at times.
sort of river wardens, clearing it as they can,
managing it as their lord sees fit, and collecting The field behind the shrine is where Yselde
flower dyes so the lord can sell it to Thomyn. holds all services come rain or snow. Several large,
Dustryn, on the practiced advice of Ibenis, will not smooth rocks have been pulled from the river over
approach the willow grove. the years and are used by the congregation as
20) CLOTHIER, Thomyn of Glenn (2)
Thomyn and his apprentice Aine make most of MANOR COMPLEX MAP KEY
their income by spinning and dyeing bolts of [A] The Nothrine manor house is a two story,
Nothrine's abundant wool product. While Kaeth stone structure. The upper floor was finished in
and his household are their best customers, stone at the turn of the century. A 12 foot wooden
Thomyn and Aine mostly ship out their richly died wall surrounds the complex. While still relatively
cloth with the caravans to Olokand. sturdy, the wall is beginning to show its age.
21) HALF-VILLEIN/HERDER, Libbid the Livid 1) Main Hall. This room contains a single large
(3) table and three large, chairs. These items, like all
Libbid, his wife, and his son act as the village of the manor's furnishings, are of excellent quality
herders. Libbid gets his name from cursing loudly, and made by Glenn the Sitter. The large hearth is
and angrily, at any poor animal who doesn't follow used mostly to warm the house as best it may in
his instructions well enough. He has a tendency to the chill months. Kaeth has recently had another
act "livid" towards his wife from time to time, who hearth installed, and several braziers are scattered
herself gets livid and cuffs him about the head and around the manor, to try to stave off his constant
face for yelling at her. chill. Many walls, especially those in the lord's
22) BOATMAN, Ibenis the Boatman (1) favored areas, have woolen drapes and tapestries
Ibenis came to Nothrine in 712 TR and is for much the same purpose.
viewed as being somewhere between a wise 2) Kitchen. This spacious kitchen is
mystic and crazed bogeyman by the villagers. constructed of stone, in part to reduce the
While generally considered a kindly enough man, common risk of kitchen fires and in part to act as a
his tall and lanky form slinking through the village defensible last stand. Most of the cooking is done
Aaron Kavli. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are copyright Columbia Games & N. Robin Crossby.
in the large fireplace that was recently added in condition is painfully apparent, only Kaeth himself
700 TR. knows how how bad it is, expecting fully to die
within two years at most. Kaeth has called for his
A large set of antlers, one of Kaeth's hunting
son, Sir Alegan, to return home from his quest to
trophies from his youth, is set into wall to hang
find their liege, Earl Meleken. His lethargic, pale,
utensils from. His wife did it as a joke, feeling
and haggard body can still move with agility when
Kaeth was feeling far to serious about himself.
needed, but he suffers from ever longer bouts of
Kaeth was never able to take it down.
weakness brought on by a weak heart. This is only
3) Guard Room. This small room is were the the most recent problem to be suffered by the lord.
Bartyne clan keeps their weapons, and where the
In 708 TR, Kaeth and his wife Lady Corintha
men-at-arms sleep. The sturdy door has slots in to
rode off along the Hemurin as they were known to
to allow spears to be thrust at those coming
do. Unfortunately Corintha's horse fell down a
through the main doors.
bluff. Without hesitation Kaeth spurred his mount
4) Lord's Chambers. This room is where down to save his love, but both mounts tumbled
Kaeth and Panna sleep. The bed is sturdy and dangerously over their riders. Corintha died from
ornately detailed, and the frame is some 100 years her trauma, and Lord Kaeth suffered badly. His
old. A small shrine with tokens of the Bartyne wounds and broken bones would not heal
ancestors and Laranian reliefs. properly, leaving him a weakened, limping
widower. Kaeth was effectively unable to perform
5) Guest Rooms. These rooms are for
his military duties.
important visitors. Kamron and Alania each use
one of these rooms, though they are relegated to Despite a life of misfortune and certain death,
the servant's quarters when needed. These rooms Kaeth is a merry fellow for the most part, even if
also have fine furnishings provided by Glenn the his smile is a bit sallow and his eyes seem a bit
Sitter and his sires over the years. glazed. When unable to perform his knightly duties
sufficiently, and to keep his mind from his wife's
6) This ladder leads to the roof. The roof has a
death, Kaeth began running the village with the
single bench on it for Kaeth to use when watching
vigor he had once shown in the saddle. Corintha
his falcons. A wooden coop keeps the falcons,
had before her death run the manor and village, as
Hirin and Ahnu.
is common with Bartyne women.
[B] This building was once a small barracks for
The folk of Nothrine are well endeared of their
a more violent time in Bartyne history. Currently is
lord, and many view him as sort of surrogate
is used for general storage, emergency rations, and
grandfather. When able, Kaeth spends his time in
as sleeping quarters for the manor servants. It is
the village common watching his falcons, watching
open, and a bit drafty, but cozy enough for those
the children play, and telling them stories if he has
who live there.
the breath.
[C] The stables are where Laster cares for the
lord's horses and lives in a small room at the Kaeth Bartyne
northern edge. The stables hold Kaeth's war-horse Panna of Kignun is an attractive noble lady of
Spearmont, Ranuul's war-horse Steadfast, and four some 43 years of age. She become Kaeth's lover in
palfreys. While the ostler is responsible for the 715 when her family lost their fortunes. Originally
horses, the two squires often do chores here to from the Jedes area, Panna was touring with a
learn proper horse care. group of courtiers and caught Kaeth's eye while in
Olokand. Having little money left, and finding the
[D] This well was dug after Nothrine was lord of Nothrine a kindly man, she returned his
attacked in 600 TR, to ensure they had water if flirtations and came with him to his home.
besieged. A large copper tub sits nearby to catch
rain water and to wash dishes. Kaeth's lover has no allusions of any marriage
or inheritance, and both understand it is a
THE MANOR HOUSEHOLD relationship of convenience, even if an amiable
one. Panna is lover and caretaker of her lord, in
Kaeth Bartyne return for her assured, comfortable retirement at
The lord of Nothrine manor, Kaeth Bartyne, is a Nothrine. Of late she has performed more as a
year short of 60 and in failing health. While his nurse maid than a lover, but the old man still
Aaron Kavli. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are copyright Columbia Games & N. Robin Crossby.
has some energy in him. When not with her lord, eased their fears left a great impression on
Panna helps about the manor and enjoys helping the young Bartyne.
in the garden.
From that time Edwin spent his time studying
Panna gets along with everyone, simply because people and philosophy, what drove people, and
she wishes to step on no toes, but she is honestly a what lay beyond. Instead of learning martial
kindly sort. Kaeth has instructed his heirs and prowess, or joining the Laranian church (Edwin
family that she is to be taken care of when he has a secret distrust of all organized religion), he
returns to Dolithor, and she trusts the Bartynes. has spent his time attending various teachers and
But she knows that once her benefactor passes philosophers, paying for their tutelage.
beyond, he can no longer really protect her so
Edwin is a good listener, and loves academic or
wants to be safe just in case.
philosophic discussions. He especially likes
Karyl Bartyne speaking with commoners, as their "honest and
Karyl Bartyne is Kaeth's eldest daughter. earthy" philosophies are often the most profound
Bartyne women, while strong and respected, are (though he really considers most of them dullards).
not known for their striking beauty. This homely Always outwardly compassionate, some wonder if
family trait tends to manifest its self in the form of Edwin's concern is genuine, or merely a self
somewhat plain looking faces and large noses. centered attempt to fulfill his own lofty
Karyl has strong Bartyne blood. philosophical ideals.
Despite her homely looks and bellicose Ranuul Bartyne
personality, the Bartyne wealth ensured her Sir Ranuul Bartyne the Fortress is Kaeth's 43
marriage. Unfortunately family wealth could not year old brother. Ranuul is a veteran warrior,
ensure a happy marriage. Her husband, Lord Asket earning his moniker from his steadfast abilities
Cedamyne of Irians manor was not inclined to with a shield. He has lived in Nothrine since
deal with his new bride's sharp tongue. Neither achieving knighthood, and has acted as his
were able to live together, and instead of dealing brother's sergeant-at-arms. Since his brother's
with a disgraceful divorce, Kaeth made an riding accident, Ranuul has gladly served
arrangement for his daughter to return to live in Nothrine's levy commitments as he rather enjoys
Nothrine in 718. the campaign trail and strives to maintain the
Bartyne military reputation.
While the agreement brokered by her father
tacitly allowed for each to pursue their own Ranuul has 3 sons of his own, currently serving
dalliances, Karyl feels betrayed by both and has as knights in various parts of Kaldor, and one
taken to growling about "damnable Laranian daughter who has disgracefully joined the Halean
ways". Her countenance is constantly brooding, church in Tashal. He would pay his entire fortune,
unless she's angry, and she does her best to stay and give his life, if he could get her out of that den
clear of her father. Karyl Bartyne has often of whores. She has fortunately kept her family ties
thought about getting even with her distant to herself.
husband, in the most gruesome way possible.
Sheda Blantworth
Edwin Bartyne Sheda Blantworth is Kaeth's 17 year old squire.
Edwin Bartyne is Kaeth's youngest son at 27 His family hails from from Vemionshire, where his
years, and is his father's greatest disappointment. father is a courtier in the court of Minarsis. As
Edwin lacks the brawn, grit, or fire the Bartyne Kaeth does little sparring anymore, Ranuul has
men take such pride in. Instead he is a slight, taken over most of the boy's military training.
androgynous man who is more introspective and Sheda however does pay close attention to Kaeth's
thoughtful than most of his kin. every word, as the elderly knight is
very politically savvy. Kaeth has made
Edwin's life has been shaped by a single event
arrangements for Sheda's squirehood to transfer to
in 705 TR. He was traveling with his father and
his son when he passes away.
brother when they passed through a village that
was suffering from an outbreak of Red Fever. A Adrus of Doln
single Peonian priest was tending to the dying, and Adrus of Doln is Ranuul's 15 year old squire,
the compassion the man showed and way he hailing from a minor Olokand family. He is known
Aaron Kavli. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are copyright Columbia Games & N. Robin Crossby.
to be somewhat of a dimwit, but Adrus is a loyal Alania the Falconer
and hard working Alania the Falconer came to Nothrine about
student. Despite his knight's admonitions, Ardrus four years ago, seeking work with Lord Bartyne.
likes to play with common villagers of his age, While it was an uninvited audience, Kaeth was
often traipsing into the forest or along the river duly impressed with her birds and their training.
bank. Adrus has a fear He decided to hire her and purchase the birds, and
of the manor burning, and is constantly making has become truly enamored with the two
sure the hearths and braziers are not throwing off marvelous falcons. Alania herself is a smallish,
too many embers or sparks. attractive woman who likes to frequent the Happy
Hawk. She has a room in the manor.
Fedrin the Walker and Shadin of Trann
Fedrin the Walker and Shadin of Trann are Kayla and Abgil of Tromus
Kaeth's hired men-at-arms. Both are young and Kayla of Tromus, and her sister Abgil are the
inexperienced, but relatively skilled. Fedrin has manor's cook and alewife respectively, though
some experience as a caravan guard, and like to each is known to share the duties of the other. The
embellish the tale of his single combat experience two sisters came highly recommended Sir Kaeth,
(a raid by a small group of Kath that was actually and they have worked in the manor sin 697 TR.
over before he saw any of the attackers). Shadin They are both highly skilled in the kitchen, and are
spent several years as an apprentice to a quite fond of their elderly lord. Kayla and Abgil are
weaponsmith before falling out of favor with his also somewhat known as "kitchen witches", having
master (due to accusations of theft), and serves to a large collection of dried herbs for various herbal
maintain the manor's armory. concoctions.
Kamron the Daft House Servants
Kamron the Daft is a Nothrine native, the 24 Zabeth of Shange, Boe of Elin, and Birgitte of
year old son of the village reeve. He is considered Denton are the manor house servants, performing
by many to be the most attractive man in all manner of domestic duties from serving food to
Nothrine, and he is very amiable, polite, intelligent, laundering bed sheets. They are somewhat
and skilled in his duties. stereotypical, chattering young ladies who are
His one glaring flaw is that he fancies himself friendly and hardworking if a bit simple (or at least
somewhat of a jester. He learned how to juggle they act simple...).
and tumble from a visiting troupe of entertainers Clement Shoreman
some years back. Since then he has forced his Clement Shoreman is a stout lad of 23, and acts
performances and somewhat lacking sense of as the manor's handyman, fixing loose boards,
humor on any who happen to be nearby, repairing doors, and other such chores. He
especially visitors waiting to meet Sir Kaeth. This constantly hums, and is a lay cleric of the Peonian
has earned him his somewhat uncomplimentary shrine. The serving girls enjoy flirting with him,
name. Kamron is one of the only two servants that which makes him somewhat nervous.
lives in the manor.
Laster of Ving
Laster of Ving is a the lord's ostler. His
apprentice was killed in 717 TR from
complications of a kick from Ranuul's horse,
Steadfast. His own face is marred due a similar
kick before Steadfast was finally trained. Despite
the injuries caused, Ranuul was determined. Laster
is known to smell of horse dung and takes his
meals in the stable. He works hard and doesn't
bother anyone, and seldom speaks to anyone but
Aaron Kavli. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are copyright Columbia Games & N. Robin Crossby.
The Bartyne family can trace its heritage in On the south bank of the Hemurin, about 200
what is now Kaldor since before the time of yards east of Nothrine, lies a large grove of large,
Lothrim. The earliest family histories describe the somewhat queer looking, willow trees. The long,
Bartynes as hailing from the kingdom of Pagostra, drooping limbs of the willows reach out over the
where they were minor land holders. Sergeff water and cover a large ebb in the river, leaving a
Bartyne gained position when he led his kith and leafy shell that shades the area. Locals call it
kin against the Pagaelin. He was present at the simply the "Willow Grove". No one over the
Battle of Kobing in 183 TR, where the barbarians generations has ever been able to specifically point
were finally defeated. When King Orsin swore out what seems odd about the trees, just they look
fealty to Medrik, the Bartyne's were elevated for wrong and disturbing. The flickering lights some
their bravery. claim to see at night, whether one believes them to
be fireflies or otherwise, have made Weeping
The Bartyne warriors would become involved in
Grove the place of shades and bogeyman since
the Kaldoric Civil War, where they supported
humans have populated the area. Even the few
Fierth the Usurper, and later fought against him in
Kath that range on the south side of the Hemurin
the rebellion. Fighting against their former master
avoid the area.
was the first time the Bartynes had changed sides
for better or worse. The clan head at the time, Nothrine's incarnation of the haunt of the grove
Myrell Bartyne, decided that Fierth's actions were is known, rather unimaginatively as, "the Willow
a betrayal and ordered his men to fight against Man". He is described as a shadowy figure with
him. The rebellion was eventually put down and glowing eyes (that some claim are the source of
the Bartynes were declared outlaw for a time, lights in the willows), and long branch like fingers.
and their lands seized. With the death of Fierth He stalks the night, creeping about the village,
and his son (some family histories relate how a steals livestock, and snatches disobedient children.
Bartyne was part of the hunting party that killed He is blamed for the deaths of several
Uthred, but few believe it), their titles, though not timberwrights from Durrie in 695, supposedly
their lands, were restored by the baronial council. drawing their barge into the willow grove, tipping
it over, and holding them under until they drown.
Bartynes have been involved in just about every
Large bon fires are set along Nothrine's bank on
civil conflict, as well as the battles of Chelna Gap,
the 30th of Navek, the Night of Shadows, to keep
Ramala Gap, and Siege of Burzyn. Their long
the Willow Man on his side of the river on this
history of skilled warriors, and loyalty, have made
darkest of nights.
them well sought after in such baronial conflicts.
This was especially notable when Elyssa Bartyne There is no real Willow Man of course (unless of
held off an attack by the Baron Setrew in 600 TR, course the GM decides otherwise...), but the
losing all of her sons save one. This action shaded river eddy does hold a terrible secret.
endeared the Bartynes to the Elendsa clan, and did Buried in the sands of the bank is a relic from the
quite the opposite with their relations with the lost Earthmasters, a glimmering, pinkish crystal
men of Setrew. Both of these relations remain statue of great psionic powers and size. These
today, with the "Battle of Durrie" in 677 rekindling powers however, have long been tainted by
the animosity of the Ethasiel family. some unknown force or malfunction.
When the Earl of Osel was given the The statue in the shape of a vaguely reptilian
opportunity to hold land in Nelefayn in 540 TR, he figure well over 20 feet tall, buried upright, deep in
chose the steadfast Bartyne clan who would be the sands of Hemurin. Occasionally the swirling
able to overcome the wild area. Shyrel Bartyne eddy will uncover the very tip of the statue's head.
accepted and moved to establish Nothrine. Shyrel This is the cause of the odd lights at night (they
and her successors were able to use the quality cannot be seen during the day). The current buries
lands and resources effectively and have since the statue almost as quickly as it uncovers it.
established both Hasebe (608 TR) and Durrie (677
At one time this statue was used as a psionic
TR) villages.
focus by the Earthmasters, enabling them to send
telepathic messages over great distances and
between worlds. In the eons it has been
Aaron Kavli. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are copyright Columbia Games & N. Robin Crossby.
abandoned, the relic has lost its attunement. Now
instead of sending the users mind across vast
distances, it traps their mind within its glittering
Simply seeing the statue directly is enough to
draw a person mindlessly towards it, until they
touch it and have their mind sucked away. To
resist the lure of the statue requires a successful
willpower test, and to resist losing one's mind
requires passing a very difficult willpower test
(values left up to the GM and system of choice).
Those who are drawn to the statue (i.e. failing
the willpower test) will go mindlessly towards it at
all costs, ignoring everything else including pain
and threat of death. The only way to save
someone who is being drawn is to physically
restrain them and drag them out of sight of the
statue, and at least 100 yards from the statue. If
successful the victim will snap awake, not
remembering anything of the incident.
Those whose minds are pulled into the statue,
are lost forever within the depths of the relic, save
for some kindly GM or other divine intervention.
Their bodies live on as mindless catatonics, as
long as they are fed and watered.. Most who do so
will die however, drown in the strong current. This
is what happened to the timberwrights, they saw
the exposed statue, steered towards it, and jumped
overboard to touch the glittering artifact.
Aaron Kavli. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are copyright Columbia Games & N. Robin Crossby.