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Mrs Elaine Strachan

299 Onslow Drive
G31 2QQ

Your gas Your customer number:

statement 85 00 09 42 52 56

Statement date: Statement period: Supply address: 0/1 Flat 1/r 299 Onslow Drive
26 Apr 2017 14 Jan 2017 - 26 Apr 2017 Glasgow G31 2QQ

1 2
What's my balance? What happens next?

Your monthly payments will continue to be taken

You are in
credit by £35.81 out of your bank account.

Could you pay less?
Gas tariff: Standard Remember - it might be worth thinking about switching your
tariff or supplier.
Personal Projection is our estimate of your energy costs
(including VAT & other discounts) for the next twelve months
and is based on previous actual consumption. This could be
Your balance was in credit by £2.50 affected by future tariff, price or consumption changes.
Total charges (including VAT) £143.13
Your gas Personal Projection is £412.23
What you've paid -£176.44
-£44.11 Great news, you're already on our Cheapest Similar &
Direct Debit 1 Feb 2017 Overall tariff.
Direct Debit 1 Mar 2017 -£44.11 We'll continue to review your account and let you know at least once a
Direct Debit 3 Apr 2017 -£44.11 year if there's a cheaper tariff you could switch to.

Pending 2 May 2017 -£44.11

Tariffs may have eligibility criteria, limited availability, exit fees and materially
different Ts & Cs.
Your account balance is in credit by £35.81 Switching tariffs may involve changing to materially different Ts&Cs.
Find out more at scottishgas.co.uk

See step 4 for more details about your

account and tariff

To manage your payments online

If you're thinking of switching – give us a call.
4 To help you find a better deal, you'll need your
I'd like more detail energy data. Just scan this QR code to download
it to your smart phone or tablet. If you don't
have a QR code reader, you can download one
from the App Store or Google Play.

About your TCR

About your tariff Tariff Comparison Rate (TCR):
This information will help you to compare your current tariff 4.45p per kWh
with others available.
Your gas tariff The TCR can be used to compare the price of energy
Tariff name Standard tariffs across suppliers.
Payment method Monthly Direct Debit The TCR is not based on your actual consumption but is
Tariff ends on No end date based on the energy consumption of a typical customer
Exit fee (if you cancel this tariff before end date) Not applicable using 12,500 kWh of gas and should be used as a guide only.
Annual consumption 8664.84 kWh
(based on your actual use in the last 12 For more information on our tariffs and TCRs go to
months) scottishgas.co.uk/tariffs

Your estimated meter reading

Your gas use in detail
Gas 0 3 5 7
Meter number: 00468161

How we calculate your gas cost?

14 Jan 2017 - we read your meter 0259 Gas is a natural product. One unit does
26 Apr 2017 - estimated meter reading 0357 not always produce exactly the same
amount of energy. In order to price
Estimated units used over 103 days 98 energy from gas consistently, we
(Unit calorific value for this period 39.4) convert your units used into kiloWatt
hours of energy, using the following
Gas units converted into kWh 3104.05 formula:
Cost of gas (3104.05 kWh x 3.570p) £110.81 a. imperial units used 98
100's Ft3
Standing charge b. x metric conversion 2.83
14 Jan 17 - 26 Apr 17 c. x calorific value 39.4
103 days at 24.770p per day £25.51 d. x volume correction 1.0226400
e. ÷ kWh conversion 3.6
Total gas used £136.32 f. = kWh 3104.05
VAT at 5.00% £6.81
Total gas including VAT £143.13 How does this compare with last
Total £143.13 year?
3275.01 kWh

14 Jan 16 - 26 Apr 16

3104.05 kWh

14 Jan 17 - 26 Apr 17
Can I save some money?

At Scottish Gas, we want to help you get on top of your energy usage and are happy to provide advice about
where to start and the tools you need to make a change. For top tips on saving energy in your home, visit:

Did you know?

If everybody in a family of four replaced one bath a week with a five-minute shower, a saving of up to £20 a
year could be made on the gas bill.

Did you know?

Doing one less washing machine cycle a week will save £5 of energy a year.

1. Change
Submit meter reads online at scottishgas.co.uk/meterread
Giving us your meter reads means you only pay for the energy you use.

2. Be efficient
Manage your energy consumption.
See how your energy use compares with others in your neighbourhood
Our Priority Service Register is a free, confidential service that provides
Where can I get some help? additional support to those most in need. To find out about eligibility
and the services on offer, such as free gas safety checks and the
password protection scheme, call us on 0800 072 8625 or go to

Your gas meter point 10 16 31 35 04 Bills for the visually impaired

reference number is:
Call us: 0800 072 8625
Textphone: 18001 0800 072 8626
ScottishPower Price Area
G4S read your meter

To find the name and

scottishgas.co.uk Know your rights Emergency address of the company
To manage your account, pay your It's easy to get free, responsible for the gas
independent advice so Smell gas?
bill and submit your meter reads. that you 'Know your pipeline delivery network to
Speak to one of our rights' as an energy
consumer. You might
0800 111 999 your home, please call:
general enquiries team want to get a better deal, (24 hours a day) 08701 600 229
0800 048 0202 find out how to make a Boiler breakdown? Mon-Fri 8am – 9pm,
complaint, get advice excluding Bank Holidays
Mon-Fri 8am – 8pm /
Sat 8am – 6pm
about the quality of your
electricity or gas supply, 0800 294 9650
Write to: or ask for help if you're (24 hours a day)
Scottish Gas struggling to pay your We’re never far away
PO BOX 227 bills. To 'Know your in an emergency.
rights' visit
Rotherham citizensadvice.org.uk/ If your boiler or central
S98 1PB energy for up to date heating isn’t working
For account questions please information or call us on just give us a call.

have your meter reading handy. 0800 048 0202 and we'll
send you a copy of their
leaflet free of charge.

If you are unhappy with our service We aim to resolve complaints

We’re really sorry you’re not happy, we want to sort as quickly as possible
things out for you quickly, so please give us a ring on:
We’ll make every effort to resolve your complaint within a day of
0800 072 8632 receiving it. However, sometimes it can take a little longer, so if we
haven’t been able to sort things out within eight weeks, or if we
can’t agree a way forward with you, (we call this ‘deadlock’), we’ll
write and let you know that you have the right to pass your
If you'd rather complain in writing go to
complaint to the Ombudsman Services: Energy.
britishgas.co.uk/energycomplaints or write to Complaints
Management Team, PO Box 226, Rotherham S98 1PB
The Ombudsman is there to help sort out disputes between energy
suppliers and their customers. It’s free to use their services and
If you aren’t happy with how we’re handling your complaint, you
they’re totally independent – they don’t take sides and their
can get in touch with our Customer Services Director’s dedicated
decisions are based only on the information they have. You can call
team on 0800 107 0184 or email
them on 0330 440 1624, textphone 0330 440 1600, email
customercomplaints@britishgas.co.uk or you can write to them
osenquiries@os-energy.org, go online at
at the address above.
ombudsman-services.org/energy or write to Ombudsman
Services: Energy, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
When you get in touch to make a complaint we’ll investigate fully
and let you know what needs to happen next. We’ll say sorry for
You don’t have to accept their decision, but if you do, we’ll act on
anything we’ve got wrong and may make a goodwill gesture, or
what they say. That might mean saying sorry, explaining what’s
offer compensation.
gone wrong, fixing the problem or paying you compensation.

If you need independent advice

The Citizens Advice Scotland consumer service gives free,
confidential and impartial advice. You can get in touch with them
for advice at anytime during the complaints process. Call them on
03454 04 05 06 , or visit citizensadvice.org.uk/energy

We record calls to improve our service to you. Calls to 0800 numbers are free from landlines Scottish Gas is the trading name of British Gas Trading Limited. Registered in England and
and mobiles. If you are hard of hearing or speech impaired and use a textphone, please call Wales (No. 03078711). Registered Office: Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire
18001 0800 072 8626 . SL4 5GD. British Gas is a mandatory FIT Licensee. scottishgas.co.uk VAT Registered Number
684 9667 62. Bill date and tax point 26 April 2017.

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