GE - S2022 (3130606) (GTURanker - Com)
GE - S2022 (3130606) (GTURanker - Com)
GE - S2022 (3130606) (GTURanker - Com)
Q.4 (a) What is Mohr’s strength theory for soils? Sketch typical strength envelop 03
for a clean sand.
(b) Draw Coulomb’s failure envelop for sandy soil, clay soil and mix soil. 04
(c) Describe direct shear test. What are the advantages of this test? What are 07
its limitations?
Q.4 (a) Distinguish between ‘active’ and ‘passive’ earth pressure. 03
(b) A retaining wall 6m height with vertical back supports cohesive soil 04
backfill having unit weight 20 kN/m3 and angle of internal friction as zero.
i) Internal Pressure intensity at top
ii) Depth of tension crack
iii) Lateral pressure intensity at the base.
(c) Explain Culmann’s graphical methods for active earth pressure. 07