Market Leader Upper Intermediate (3rd Ed.) SB SAMPLE
Market Leader Upper Intermediate (3rd Ed.) SB SAMPLE
Market Leader Upper Intermediate (3rd Ed.) SB SAMPLE
Upper Intermediate
Talk about what Listening: An interview Good communicators Dealing with The price of success:
UNIT 1 makes a good with an expert on communication Make recommendations
COMMUN ICATION communicator communication breakdown to improve
communications within
C) page 6 Reading: A quiet word
beats sending e-mail - an electronics company
Financial Times Writing: e-mail
Talk about Reading: Diego Della Marketing word Brainstorming Henri-Claude Cosmetics
international Valle: Italian atmosphere partnerships - creating a global brand:
INTERNATIONAL brands is central to Tod's global Devise a TV commercial
MARKETING Noun compounds and
expansion Financial
- for a new eau-de-cologne
noun phrases
C) page 14
Writing: action minutes
Listening: An interview
with a professor of
international marketing
and the CEO of a training
Talk about building Listening: An interview Describing relations Networking Al-Munir Hotel and Spa
relationships with the Head of Global Group: Come up with
BUILDING Multiword verbs
Corporate Responsibility a plan for improving
RE LATI ONSHIPS of a major company customer satisfaction
and loyalty
C) page 22
Reading: How East is
meeting West - Writing: letter
Business Week
C) page 44 lnternational/KPMG -
The Sunday Times
Writing: guidelines
Discuss different Listening: An interview Describing risk Reaching Winton Carter Mining:
aspects of risk with the MD of the Institute agreement Evaluate the risks of a
RISK of Risk Management
Adverbs of degree
new mining venture
C) page 52 Reading:
Writing: report
- risk or opportunity? -
Financial Times
Discuss different Listening: An interview Management qualities Presentations Selig and Lind:
U N IT7 with the author of a Choose a new project
aspects of Text reference
MANAG E M E N T management management book manager for a team
STYLES style Reading: Anna Wintour/ Writing: report
Jim Buckmaster - CBS/
c:) page 66 Times on/ine
Discuss how Listening: An interview Financial terms Negotiating Last throw of the
U N I T9 and where with the MD of a private dice: Negotiate
RAI S I N G Dependent prepositions
finance can be equity firm finance for a new film
FINANCE raised Reading: No more easy Writing: summary
money Financial Times
c:) page 82
Discuss ways of Listening: An interview Handling crises Asking and In Range: Plan a
U N I T 11
handling crises with a professor of ethics Conditionals answering difficult press conference to
CRISIS and social responsibility questions defend criticism of a
MANAG E M E N T video game
Reading: How not to
take care of a brand I
c:) page 104 Expect the unexpected -
Writing: article/report
Financial Times
Which of these words apply to good com mun icators and which apply
Good to bad communicators? Add two adjectives of your own to the list.
com m unicators articulate coherent eloquent extrovert fluent
focused hesitant inhibited persuasive rambling
reserved responsive sensit ive succinct vague
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II Complete the extract below from a talk by a com munication expert with
the verbs from the box.
I clarify confuse digress engage explain interrupt tt5teft ramble
'Good communicators really ! i �f.e n . 1 to people and take in what is said. They maintain
. . . .
eye contact and have a relaxed body language, but they seldom ...... . ..... 7 and stop
people talking. If they don't understand and want to . . . ...... . . . 3 something, they wait for
a suitable opportunity.
When speaking, effective communicators are good at giving information. They do not
. . . ... .. . .. .4 their listener. They make their points clearly. They will avoid technical terms,
abbreviations or jargon. If they do need to use unfamiliar terminology, they ....... . .. . . 5 by
giving an easy-to-understand example. Furthermore, although they may . 6 in order
. . . . . . . . . . .
to elaborate a point and give additional information and details where appropriate, they
will not . . . . . . . . . . . 7and lose sight of their main message. Really effective communicators
who have the ability to .. . .. . .. . .. . 8 with colleagues, employees, customers and suppliers
are a valuable asset for any business.'
See the DVD-ROM � D Thin k of a poor or bad commun icator you know. How could they i mprove
for the i-Glossary. V their skills? What advice would you give them?
IJ �ll) co1.2 Listen to the first part of an interview with Alastair Dryburgh,
Improving an expert on communication. Does he think technology makes good
com mu nication easier?
com mun ications
E) �ll) CDl.2 Listen again. What fou r key poi nts does Alastair make about
com munication?
II �ll) CD1.3 Listen to the second part of the interview. Alastair gives an example
of a company which has used technology to change the way it communicates
with customers. Give reasons why it com m u nicates well.
Alastair Dryburgh E �ll) CD1.4 Listen to the final part, where Alastair is describing a bad customer
experience. What mistakes did the company make, and how could they have
i m p roved the customer experience?
Watch the
interview on
D Discuss an example you know of a company which commun icates well with
its customers or a company which communicates bad ly. What advice would
the DVD-ROM. you give to the bad communicator?
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web presentation
B Read the article on the opposite page q uickly and choose the best title.
1 Time to switch your BlackBerry off
2 How to deal with your inbox
3 A quiet word beats sending e-mail
l:J Read the article again and list the advantages and disadvantages of using
e-mail. Does the writer mention any that you listed i n Exercise B?
5 keeping writing or talking to someone, even though you do not see them often
(paragraph 8)
6 aiming a n idea or product at someone (paragraph 8)
D Complete this text with the expressions in Exercise E i n the correct form.
I don't have a problem with him . . . ... . . . . . . 1 his family whilst he's posted overseas and
sending e-mails in office time. That's not the main issue. However, if h e thinks he can
.... .
. . . . . . .2 sending such abusive e-mails to colleagues, he is sadly mistaken and he'll have
to face the consequences of his actions later. He is clearly ............3 about his colleagues
and spreading nasty rumours. He'd be better off speaking to colleagues . . . .... if he has
. . . . .11
problems with them. He's slightly better when speaking with customers, but he needs to
think about who he's speaking to when he's .... . . .. ..5 our products to them. And he just
. .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
by Luke Johnson
•eaa1ma1rrnwi Idioms
a Complete the idioms below with the words from the box.
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to be on the same
B Complete these sentences with the idioms from Exercise A i n the
correct form.
1 OK, I ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'm afraid it's the last time we're going to miss a deadline.
10 I've tried to get my supplier to give us a discount several times, but they just won't.
It's like . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 I'll need regular updates about the progress of the project. I'll also need to know
what's going on when I'm away. Please . . . . .. . . . . . . .
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11 �>» CDl.6 Listen to the same two speakers in a similar conversation. Explain
why the second conversation is better. Give as many reasons as you can.
m �>)) CDl.6 Listen to the conversation again and complete these extracts with
words or expressions from it.
1 That's good. Could you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . while I get a pen?
2 Sorry, Bernard, I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Could you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a little,
please? I need to take some notes.
3 Let me . . . . . . . . . . . . that: 200 posters, pens and pencils and 50 bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . it.
Sorry, could you repeat that? Would/Could you spell that, INFORMATION Sorry, it's a bad line.
I didn't (quite) catch that. please? Could you give me some Can I call you back?
Can I �ad that back to more details, please? It's a terrible connection.
Could you speak up, please?
you? Could you be a bit more I'm afraid I'll have to get
Could you say that again,
specific? back to you later.
PROBLEMS WITH Could you explain that in Sorry, we were cut off.
UNDERSTAN DING more detail?
Sorry, I'm not with you. SUMMARISING THE CALL
What do you mean by ...?
Sorry, I don't follow you. Let me go over what we've
What does ... mean?
Sorry, I'm not sure I know agreed.
Could you clarify that?
what you mean. Let m e just summarise ...
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A product defect Lawrence Discount Stores
A weakness in the company's communications Another incident a few weeks ago showed that
was highlighted by the following incident. What internal communications in the company were not
mistakes do you think were made in the way working well. Read about the problem and discuss
this problem was handled? How could they be the reason(s) why WCH lost an important customer.
Richard Lawrence, one of WC H's best and oldest
About three months ago, a customer found a fault in customers, phoned William Hooper about
WCH's most up-to-date, multi-functional cell phone. the company's new digital camera, the EX-120.
Her phone became very hot after being recharged He told Hooper that he'd probably be placing an
and it burned her hand. 'It was so hot, I thought it order for 5,000 of the products in the next few
would explode,' she said. The customer complained weeks. Hooper passed on this information by
to the Customer Service Department, who sent her phone to the Sales Manager. When Lawrence sent
a replacement phone. The employee dealing with in the order five weeks later, the Sales Manager
the complaint did not inform either the Marketing or sent him an e-mail saying that unfortunately
R&D Departments about the fault. After this incident, the new product was out of stock. Lawrence
there were a number of similar complaints. As a complained to Hooper, who asked the Sales
result of bad publicity, the phone was withdrawn Manager why he hadn't given priority to Lawrence's
from the market. order. The manager replied, 'I was waiting for him to
confirm his order. I didn't realise that his order had to
be given priority.'
1 Internal communications
Communications between Directors and Heads of
Department need to be improved.
• Heads of Department should send weekly reports to
the Board of Directors. This would enable Directors to
keep in touch with key developments in the company.
As Communications Director at WCH, write a follow-up e-mail to the Head of
Ward Associates, summarising the decisions you have taken, with your reasons.
c:) Writing file page 127
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