List of Practicals BS CS (Revised)
List of Practicals BS CS (Revised)
List of Practicals BS CS (Revised)
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 01
Name of Subject Credit Hours Title of Practical
1 Introduction, Setting up C++ environment
2 C++ basics and Variables
3 if / if-else Statements
4 Switch Statement
5 For Loop, While Loop
6 Do while Loop, nested Loop
4 (3-1) 7 Arrays and Strings
8 Structures
9 Functions
10 File Handling
11 Data Flow Diagrams
12 Unified Modeling language (UML)
13 Structure Programming
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 01
Name of Subject Credit Hours Title of Practical
1 Creating folders and files
2 Understanding file extensions
Word Processing with MS Word, Creating, saving,
and formatting a document.
4 Spreadsheets with MS Excel
Applications of 5 Entering data and basic calculations
3 (2-1)
6 Creating simple charts and graphs
7 Creating Presentations with MS PowerPoint:
Sending and receiving emails, Attaching files to
9 Assembling of Hardware’s
10 Testing/ Analysis of Errors
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 02
Name of Subject Credit Hours Title of Practical
1 To study basic logic gates and their functions
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 02
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
Review of Programming Fundamentals & Arrays (1D
and 2D)
2 Structures
7 Polymorphism
8 Abstract
9 Exceptions Handling
10 Project
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 02
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
Implementation of DDL commands of SQL with
suitable examples
1 Create table
Alter table
Drop Table
Implementation of DML commands of SQL with
suitable examples
2 Insert
Implementation of different types of function with
suitable examples
Number function
3 Aggregate Function
Character Function
Data Base Conversion Function
4 (3-1) Date Function
Implementation of different types of operators in SQL
Arithmetic Operators
Logical Operators
Comparison Operator
Special Operator
Set Operation
Implementation of different types of Joins
Inner Join
Outer Join
Natural Join etc..
Study and Implementation of
Group By & having clause
Order by clause
7 Study & Implementation of
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 03
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
1 Revision of OOP
5 Implement Hashing
Data Structures 4 (3-1)
6 Implement Tree and tree traversals
9 Flow of Data
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 03
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr. Title of Practical
Understanding the basic policies of information for
Understanding the rules to implementation of
information security to enterprise level
Understanding and implementation cryptography
4 Implementation CEASER CIPHER
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 03
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 03
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 04
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 04
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
9 Distributed Databases
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 04
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
1 Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation
2 Mechanics: Newton's Laws and Projectile Motion
3 Optics: Reflection, Refraction, and Lens Systems
4 Thermodynamics: Heat Transfer and Thermal
5 Electricity and Magnetism: Circuits and
Applied Physics 3 (2-1) Electromagnetic Fields
6 Quantum Mechanics: Wave-Particle Duality
7 Acoustics and Sound Waves
8 Nuclear Physics: Radioactivity and Decay
9 Semiconductor Physics: Diodes and Transistors
10 Astrophysics and Cosmology
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 05
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
Introduction to the software/ hardware development
for VHDL based designs
2 Extending your design: seven segment display
3 Memory components
Single cycle MIPS CPU Design: 16 bits version-
one clock cycle per instruction
Assembly Language Programming: Writing and
5 running simple assembly language programs to
3 (2-1) perform basic arithmetic operations.
Memory Hierarchy: Analyzing memory access
6 times and cache performance using benchmarking
tools or simulators.
Processor Architecture: Simulating the execution of
7 simple instructions on a processor architecture
8 Processing programming with addressing modes
Interrupts handling with assembly programming
and service routines creation
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 05
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
Prototyping, Wireframing, and Basic
2 Usability Testing and 3D Transformations
Cognitive Walkthrough, Heuristic Evaluation, and
4 Accessibility in HCI and Texture Mapping
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 05
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
Evaluate the performance of different types of
CPU scheduling algorithms.
Perform a case study by installing and exploring
2 various types of operating systems on a physical
or logical (virtual) machine. (Linux Installation)
3 Understanding UNIX LINUX directories
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 06
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
3 Semantic Analysis
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 06
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
Parallel Programming: Hands-on coding exercises
to understand parallel programming concepts
using languages such as MPI (Message Passing
Interface) or OpenMP.
Parallel Programming: Hands-on coding exercises
to understand parallel programming concepts
using languages such as MPI (Message Passing
Interface) or OpenMP.
Distributed Systems: Setting up and configuring a
distributed system environment, including
3 exercises on distributed file systems and
distributed computing frameworks such as Hadoop
or Spark.
Parallel Algorithms: Implementing and analyzing
parallel algorithms for common computational
tasks, such as sorting, searching, or graph
Parallel & algorithms.
Distributed 3 (2-1) Cluster Computing: Configuring and managing a
Computing cluster of computers, including setting up a cluster
management system like Kubernetes, and running
parallel applications on the cluster.
Virtualization and Containerization: Setting up and
managing virtualized and containerized
environments for distributed applications, using
technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.
Introductions to UNIX/Linux & Windows
Installations and configuration of Linux
Basic shell commands
Multitasking using goroutines, and channels
8 Multithreading using threading,
APIs for thread management
Inter Process Communication Pipes , Named
Pipes & Shared Memory
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 06
Name of Subject Credit Sr.# Title of Practical
Understanding the basic policies of information for
Understanding the rules to implementation of
information security to enterprise level
Understanding and implementation cryptography
4 Implementation CEASER CIPHER
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 06
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 06
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical
List of Practical
Program: BS Computer Science Semester: 07
Name of Subject Credit Hours Sr.# Title of Practical