Mid Sem 2024 Admit Card
Mid Sem 2024 Admit Card
Mid Sem 2024 Admit Card
Name : AYUSH MUDGAL Roll No : 2024UBA9037
Degree : BBA (HONOURS) Section :1
Mobile : 8799701474
1. Always keep the Examination Admit Card with you and show it to the examination staff on duty as and when required / demanded.
2. No Candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before half the time is over.
3. The students must get seated in the Examination Hall 20 minutes before the commencement of examination. They will not be allowed to enter the examination hall
once the exam starts.
4. No Candidate shall be allowed to carry inside the Examination Hall, any textual material printed or written, bits of paper or any other material of like nature.
5. Mobile phones, pagers and articles of like nature shall not be allowed in the examination hall (scientific / simple calculators without storage feature are however
permissible in the examination hall, if prescribed).
6. No blank pages be left in between answer to various questions.
7. Candidate shall only use Blue or Black ink pen or ball pen in the Answer Booklet. Use of any other ink/ball pen (Except Blue or Black) by the candidate in the Answer
Booklet shall be considered as use of unfair means.
8. Do not write anything inside the Answer Booklet before distribution of question paper.
9. Do not write your Examination Roll Number/any Mark at any other place other than the space provided on the title cover of the Answer Booklet.
10. Do not write any matter except your Examination Roll No. on your question paper.
11. Cross out all blank pages in the Answer Booklet before submission to the invigilator.
12. Carrying of prescribed material / items inside the Examination Hall will be treated as unfair means case.
13. Candidates are admitted to the examination under the conditions laid down in the Ordinance and Regulations of the Institute/University. In this connection, a copy of
the Code of the Conduct for Examinees, Directions to Candidates for Examination and copy of Ordinance dealing with General Rules for Examination, Disorderly Conduct
and Use of Unfair-means, respectively, are given already. Candidates are advised to read the contents carefully, immediately on receipt. The rules need not to be carried by
the candidates to the examination center.
I will abide to the rules contained in the 'Code of Conduct for Examinees, Directions to the Candidate for Examinations and General
Rules for Examinations'.