Solar Water Distiller

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A Research Project

Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School

Bestlink College of the Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Strand

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics






May 2022


This research entitled A PROPOSED PROJECT OF A SOLAR


was prepared and submitted by Resty De Guzman, Kyla Mia Gillang,

Rheyner Magnaye, Marielle Pataueg, and Antoine Miguel Valera, in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the strand of Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics, has been examined and is recommended

for acceptance and approval for Oral Defense.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of 92%.


Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the strand of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.


Strand Head, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Date of Final Defense: May 16, 2022


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt thanks

and gratitude to the following persons who, in one way or another, have

contributed much, and extended the willingness and support needed to

make this research possible:

Dr. Maria M. Vicente, President/CEO of Bestlink College of the

Philippines, for her generosity and kind heart in establishing this institution

and giving opportunities to those less fortunate students to continue their

studies and pursue their dreams;

Ms. Edith M. Vicente, Executive Vice President, for providing the

needed information to complete this research;

Dr. Charlie I. Cariño, Vice President for Academic Affairs, for his

support and encouragement to make this thesis writing possible;

Engr. Diosdado T. Lleno, Vice President for Administration and

Finance, for his words of encouragement and motivation;

Mr. Reynold R. Bangalisan, Senior High School Research Head,

for his good heart, to extend the help needed by the researchers;

Dr. Milagros O. Luang, Senior High School Principal, for his critical

appraisal and highly valuable suggestions that have aided in the process of this

Ms. Levi L. Rodriguez, thesis adviser, for his patient supervision

in guiding the researchers in the preparation of this manuscript;

Respondents, who cooperated and spent time answering

questionnaires, and made it possible to accomplish this research;

Families and Friends, for all the financial and moral support that

have enabled the researchers to triumph over all the challenges, especially

during the lowest time that served as their inspiration to complete this


Panelists, Mr. Resty V. Maldo and Mrs. Sonia A. Reyes extended

their effort and time to be able to constructively criticize this thesis and

share their knowledge with them to deepen and widen their needed

information; and,

Above all, to the Almighty God, for the strength and knowledge that

were used for the accomplishment of this research journey.

The Researchers

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents, who

have been our source of inspiration and strength throughout this research.

Their continuous moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support to us has

helped us finish this research.

We also dedicate this research to the ALMIGHTY GOD, for His

guidance, provision, wisdom and knowledge, protection, and for giving us

a healthy life to be able to carry out this research. All of these, we offer for

the Glory of your Name.

And also, we dedicate this Ms. Levi L. Rodriguez, as our Research

adviser for her tremendous effort and patience to guide us throughout the

research and helped us to better understand the key points of this research.

Furthermore, to our classmates who shared their words of advice and

encouragement that helped us be motivated to finish this research.

Lastly, we dedicate this to the researchers for doing our best to

make it to the end and overcome all those difficulties and problems while

conducting this research.




Researchers: Resty De Guzman

Kyla Mia Gillang

Rheyner Magnaye

Marielle Pataueg

Antoine Miguel Valera

Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and


Date of Completion: May 2022

Solar Water Distillation is a method of evaporating water using solar

energy, with the condensate collected in the same closed system. Water

purification can be accomplished by a variety of methods, including

distillation. Solar radiation can be used to generate heat. This type still is a

passive solar distiller that only needs sunshine to operate. This type still is

a passive solar distiller that only needs sunshine to operate. Solar Water

Distiller or solar stills are usually used in remote areas where there is

limited access to freshwater. The study's primary focus is on coastal parts

of the Philippines that lack safe and sustainable water sources, with

household water supplies for drinking and/or cooking coming from various

natural bodies of water such as seawater, rivers, springs, lakes, and so on.

Northern Samar, Sarangani, Lanao del Sur, Eastern Samar, Maguindanao,

Zamboanga del Norte, Negros Oriental, and Sultan Kudarat are the

provinces involved.

This study utilized the quantitative-experimental research method

of the study while utilizing purposive and snowball sampling. The statistical

treatment used for this study was a T-test to determine the difference

between the assessment of the two groups of respondents. Using the

questionnaire as the research instrument, the research survey was used to

assess the level of acceptability of the Solar Water Distiller in terms of the

construction materials, distilling mechanism, design and procedure, and

presentation by using statistical analysis. The respondents of the study are

5 Mechanical Engineers and 15 Mechanical Engineering Students. The

following procedures were undertaken in the process of developing the

model: Preparing the Floor plan with different dimensions, making the body

of the solar water distiller, putting water, placement in a sunny place, and

presenting and testing the project.

The result of the study in terms of construction materials, distilling

mechanism, design and procedure, and presentation are highly

acceptable. The obtained overall mean of the Mechanical Engineers is 3.71

interpreted as Highly Acceptable. The obtained overall mean of the

Mechanical Engineering Student is 3.55 interpreted as Highly Acceptable.

The t-computed was 1.1, and the t-critical was 2.45, the t-computed < t-

critical. It indicates that there is no significant difference between the

assessment of the two groups of respondents.

The study indicates that using the right materials can help the project

meet its goals, such as toughness and quality. It also shows that using the

right funds, processes, and the right floor layout can help the project

succeed. There are still some flaws in this study, including some

methodologies, materials, and designs, which could lead to further














Background Of The Study 1

Statement Of The Problem 3

Hypothesis 5
Scope And Delimitation Of The Study 5

Significance Of The Study 6

Definition Of Terms 8


Foreign Literature 10

Local Literature 12

Foreign Studies 14

Local Studies 15

Synthesis 17

Theoretical Framework 19

Conceptual Framework 20


Research Design 23

Respondents Of The Study 24

Sampling Technique 24

Instrument Used 25

Validation Of The Instrument 26

Statistical Treatment Of Data 26

Construction Of Solar Water Distiller 28

Materials Used 30

Procedures 32


Sub-Problem No.1. 41

Sub-Problem No.2. 52

Sub-Problem No.3 61

Sub-Problem No.4. 63

Sub-Problem No.5. 64

Results And Discussions 64



Summary Of Findings 66

Conclusion 71

Recommendations 72




Table 1 Respondents of the Study 24

Table 2 Materials Used 31

Table 3 Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Gender 41

Table 4 Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Age 42

Table 5 Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Highest 43

Educational Attainment

Table 6 Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Board 44

Examination Passed

Table 7 Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Length 45

of Service

Table 8 Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Industrial 46


Table 9 Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students 47

as to Gender

Table 10 Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students 48

as to Age

Table 11 Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students 49

as to Highest Educational Attainment

Table 12 Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students 50

as to Length of Service

Table 13 Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students 51

as to Industrial Experience

Table 14 Assessments as to Construction Materials 52

Table 15 Assessments as to Distilling Mechanism 54

Table 16 Assessments as to Design and Procedure 56

Table 17 Assessments as to Presentation 58

Table 18 Summary of the Assessment of the Two 60

Groups of Respondents

Table 19 Significant Difference between the Assessment 62

of the Two Groups of Respondents


Figure 1 Conceptual Framework 22

Figure 2 Top View 33

Figure 3 Side View 33

Figure 4 Preparing 34

Figure 5 Marking 34

Figure 6 Cutting (Fiberglass) 35

Figure 7 Cutting (Pipe) 35

Figure 8 Adhesion 36

Figure 9 Sealing (Fiberglass) 36

Figure 10 Connecting Pipe 37

Figure 11 Sealing (Pipe) 37

Figure 12 Watering 38

Figure 13 Covering 38

Figure 14 Placing Under the Sun 39

Figure 15 Evaporating 39

Figure 16 Final Product 40


Appendix A Letter Permit to Conduct the Study

Appendix B Questionnaire

Appendix C Documentation

Appendix D Certificate Of Originality

Appendix E Certificate Of Statistician

Appendix F Certificate Of English Editing

Appendix G Statistician Curriculum Vitae

Appendix H Grammarian Curriculum Vitae

Appendix I Researcher's Curriculum Vitae

Chapter 1


This chapter discusses the background of the study, statement of

the problem, hypothesis, scope and delimitation, significance of the study,

and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Solar Water Distillation is a method of evaporating water using solar

energy, with the condensate collected in the same closed system. Water

purification can be accomplished by a variety of methods, including

distillation. Solar radiation can be used to generate heat. This type still is a

passive solar distiller that only needs sunshine to operate. Solar Water

Distiller or solar stills are usually used in remote areas where there is

limited access to freshwater. Water is evaporated, separating water vapor

from dissolved substances, and then condensed as pure water in this

process. Water is heated to the point of evaporation by the sun's energy.

Water vapor rises as it evaporates, condensing back into the water as it

cools. Impurities such as salts and heavy metals are left behind, and

microbiological organisms are removed. Pure (potable) water is the result.

Water plays an important role in all of our everyday activities, and

its overall consumption is increasing every day as the world's living

standards rise. The world is expanding at a breakneck pace, with

population and technological advancements increasing by the day. Water

scarcity has become a key stumbling block in the development of many

parts of the world as a result of global warming, and the salinity of natural

drinkable resources has led us to develop smart desalination procedures

for coastal waters.

According to an article written by, a study conducted in

October 2020 states that nearly 5 million people in the Philippines rely on

unsafe and unsustainable water sources and 9 million lack access to

improved sanitation. Because of its demand in daily life activities from

personal hygiene, sanitary services, laundry, drinking, etc., water

availability is still threatened by some major water sources problems:

increasing water demand due to drastic growth in population, water

resources pollution, droughts, and flooding and weak institutional


The study's primary focus is on coastal parts of the Philippines that

lack safe and sustainable water sources, with household water supplies for

drinking and/or cooking coming from various natural bodies of water such

as seawater, rivers, springs, lakes, and so on. Northern Samar, Sarangani,

Lanao del Sur, Eastern Samar, Maguindanao, Zamboanga del Norte,

Negros Oriental, and Sultan Kudarat are the provinces involved.

People and the environment will massively benefit from the Solar

Water Distiller. It will be an excellent answer to the problem of water

shortages and the requirement of accessibility of secure and sustainable

sources for drinking water. Solar water distillers are simple, low-cost

materials that provide alternative sources of freshwater in water-stressed

areas. They can be utilized at the household level as well as scaled-up

through programmatic initiatives for climate change adaptation and


Statement of the Problem

The goal of this research was to design and develop a model of a

Solar Water Distiller in the Philippines.

Specifically, this study seeks the answer to the following questions:

1. How may the Profile of two groups of the respondents be described

in terms of:

1.1. mechanical engineers

1.1.1 gender

1.1.2 age

1.1.3 highest educational attainment

1.1.4 board examination passed

1.1.5 length of service, and

1.1.6 industrial experience?

1.2. mechanical engineering students

1.2.1 gender

1.2.2 age

1.2.3 highest educational attainment

1.2.4 length of service, and

1.2.5 industrial experience?

2. How do the mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering

students assess the level of acceptability in constructing a Solar

Water Distiller in terms of:

2.1. construction materials

2.2. distilling mechanism

2.3. design and procedure, and

2.4. presentation?

3. Is there any significant difference between the assessment of

mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering students on the

level of acceptability of the Solar Water Distiller?

4. What are the problems encountered and the solutions made by the

researchers during the construction of the Solar Water Distiller?

5. Based on the findings of the study, what are the suggestions and

recommendations that mechanical engineers and mechanical

engineering students can propose to further improve the project?



This study hypothesized that there is no significant difference

between Mechanical Engineers and Mechanical Engineering students on

the acceptability assessment of the Solar Water Distiller.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study limits its scope in the following ingredients and materials

used in making the solar water distiller, fiberglass, plastic sheet, container,

plastic pipes, silicone sealant, grinder, drill, and mighty band. This study

also limits with the following respondents which are 5 Mechanical

Engineers and 15 Mechanical Engineering Students.

The following were the procedures undertaken in the construction of

the Solar Water Distiller: the researchers gathered the materials and

components that will be used in the water distiller, cut the fabric glass

according to the amount of water that was required to be accommodated,

then create a box to act as your water distiller, seal it with a black silicone

sealer, drill a hole in the side, and then insert a plastic pipe to function as

a canal for the salty. After that, cover it with a plastic sheet and place a

water container on the side linked to your water distiller so that all of the

accumulated water goes there. When everything is ready, you can start
using it as a water distiller by placing it under the sun and filling it with water.

The water will evaporate and the evaporated water will be safe and clean

water. Then lastly, the products were subjected to a different test to retrieve

the required result.

Significance of the Study

This study will work as an advantage and is beneficial to the

following group of persons.

Residents of the Community. This research attempts to reduce

water stress and the health risks associated with contaminated drinking

water. For coastal populations who do not have access to clean and secure

water sources but do have access to other natural bodies of water. It will

be possible to promote an alternate method of producing a water distiller

that does not require power to operate, it can deliver safe drinking water

from saltwater using solar water distillation, and it can be employed at the

home level.

Industry. This research yields suggestions on how to improve the

water production industry's safe water production in areas with abundant

water supplies such as seas, lakes, rivers, and so on.

Student. This study could be used as a guide and reference for

students who are working on similar projects.

Teachers. This research will help them with talks about related

lessons. It will be simpler for them to address connected research issues.

Administrator. This study provides an opportunity for

administrators and strand heads to become even more acquainted with the

school's efficient utilization of a solar water distiller as an alternate method

of distilling water for deprived areas.

Water Distiller Companies. This will provide them with new ideas

for providing a low-cost, yet safe, source of drinking water for their


Future Distiller Developer. This research will provide them with

further ideas for creating a better water distiller cost-effectively and simply

for the needy.

Future Researchers. This study could serve as a tool for future

researchers, allowing them to add information to what is missing in this and

on theirs.

Government. This study could serve as a step toward a solution for

the government in terms of giving the coastal areas safe clean drinking

Definition of Terms

The terms used had been defined from the operational point of view

of the researcher to help the readers comprehend the study efficiently.

Gender. Refers to the sexual preference of the respondents of the


Age. Refers to the length of time that the respondents existed

Highest Educational attainment. Refers to the highest grade or

year completed in school, college, or university of the respondents'

Board Examination Passed. having received a passing grade on

an examination or test or completed a school course, year, or program of


Length of service. The total time spent at a job during which a

worker(respondents) has been inactive services

Industrial Experience. Refers to the time that the respondents

have spent and knowledge gained from working in a particular industry or

sector of the economy.

Construction Materials. Any materials or equipment that was

bought and used by the researcher to construct a solar water distiller.

Distilling Mechanism. The underlying mechanism of distillation is

the difference in the volatility between individual components that the

respondents access.
Design and Procedure. A design is a plan or specification for the

construction of an object or system or the implementation of an activity or

process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype,

product, or process. And procedure on how the product was constructed.

Presentation. Refers to the outcome and how the product can be

done by the researchers.

Mechanical Engineer. Refers to the professional respondents of

this research that has knowledge and degree in machines.

Mechanical Engineering Students. Refers to the respondents of

this research that have the knowledge and are still studying machines.
Chapter 2


This chapter offers related literature and studies from both foreign

and local sources, as well as a state-of-the-art synthesis, gap-bridging

research, and theoretical framework words that are described theoretically

and operationally for clarity.

Foreign Literature

According to Abujazar et al. (2017), The productivity of a

solar still is influenced by ambient conditions (solar radiation, ambient

temperature, wind velocity), operating conditions (brine water depth, saline

concentration), and design conditions (cover angle, insulation). The

behavior of solar stills with different configurations and different working

conditions has been widely studied over the past few decades. Since the

distribution of solar radiation around the world is non-uniform, the

performance studies of solar still are required to be replicated under the

climatic condition of Bangladesh.

Water purification can be accomplished by a variety of methods,

including distillation. This necessitates a significant energy input, such as

heat; energy will be supplied through radiation. Solar distillation is a simple

and clean process that may be used to convert brackish/polluted water into
drinking water while also reducing the need for fossil fuels that currently

occur with large-scale desalination technologies. The ability to anticipate

solar still performance using long-term daily fluctuating solar irradiance, air

temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and cloud cover data should help

with solar distillation facility sizing. This could help determine the

appropriate degree of expenditure required to generate the appropriate

amount of drinkable water for individuals or a community.

According to Badran, (2017), The study of theoretically the most

important factors related to improving the productivity of solar still validates

the experimental and theoretical results for validation. Depending on the

following factors: solar radiation intensity, total heat loss coefficient,

transmissivity, and efficacious absorptivity, the difference between external

cover temperatures, water speed, and wind, and the influence of changing

the thickness of the insulation of 1, 2.5, and 5 cm, evaluate the performance

of the single-slope solar still associated with the solar collector. External

conditions affect the overall productivity of solar distillation as they increase

by increasing the temperature of the basin water, utilizing the latent heat to

increase distillation, as well as increasing the difference between the

temperature of condensation surface and evaporation.

Solar stills are designed to meet the needs of water, whether for a

family, a society, or an entire town. With a few stones, a clear plastic sheet
or glass, and a condensate container, rudimentary solar still can be

created. Solar energy heats water till evaporation occurs. Water vapor

gathers on the inner surface of the glass as water evaporates, resulting in

water that is cleaner than rainwater. Impurities of any kind can be removed

with solar stills.

Local Literature

According to Johnston (2021), When compared to fossil fuels, solar

energy has a much lower environmental impact. Because the system does

not require fuel combustion, its greenhouse gas emissions are negligible.

Because the sun shines all over the world, every country can produce

energy providing for greater energy independence and security. Solar

energy promises to bring national security and independence, solar panels

can also be installed on individual residences, giving power that is not

dependent on being connected to a bigger electrical grid.

Solar energy is a renewable and clean source of energy. Solar

energy can be produced for free after a solar panel is installed. Solar

energy will last indefinitely whereas world oil reserves are expected to last

for 30 to 40 years. Solar energy also does not pollute the environment. It's

a complete waste of time. Solar cells require very little maintenance to keep

them going. Due to the quantity of free energy a solar panel may create, it
is anticipated that the average family will receive 50% of its energy from

solar panels in the long term.

Solar distillation removes contaminants from water using heat,

making it generally safe to drink. Instead of using machines or fire to

generate heat and pressure, you use sunshine and a basic solar still to

keep enough heat to make clean water vapor. The water vapor is then

collected by the solar still and condensed back into liquid form. (Ultimate

Guide To Solar Water Distillers: How To Make A Solar Still 101, 2021)

Distilled water is steam that has been cooled and restored to a liquid

state from boiling water. Some individuals believe that distilled water is the

purest water available. Minerals, germs, pesticides, and other

contaminants may be present in any water, whether it comes from a natural

spring, an artesian well, or a conventional tap. By collecting steam from

boiling water, salts, minerals, and other organic elements are removed. It

is safe to drink distilled water. However, you'll most likely find it flat or

tasteless. This is due to the removal of key minerals such as calcium, salt,

and magnesium, which give tap water its distinctive flavor. All that is left is

hydrogen and oxygen.

Foreign Studies

Solar Distillation is gradually becoming the most widely used direct

process; it has a simple structure, easy and flexible operation, and low

consumption of conventional energy. It boasts technical and economic

competitiveness and is accessible to remote coastal areas with high solar

irradiance and limited primary energy supply. (Chen et al., 2019)

Desalination systems based on renewable energy are emerging as

a promising option as fresh and abundant water supplies become

increasingly rare. a long-term alternative One such technology that has

recently gotten a lot of interest is solar still. Water plays a significant role in

our daily lives and is essential to our survival. A crucial foundation for

human economic and social health development

According to Malaeb et al., (2019) Solar experiments were

conducted during sunshine hours to examine the synergistic effect of solar

radiation and solar heating. Results showed that subjecting the stills to

solar radiation could eliminate bacteria in both the distillate and the basin

water. This observation was true even when water temperatures did not

rise to significant inactivation temperatures.

The importance of fresh water in daily living cannot be overstated.

The most serious problem is a chronic lack of potable water. Critical issues

in impoverished countries, including the use of tainted water for survival,

cause damage to one's health Because of this, the amount of drinking

water available per capita is decreasing. The population is increasing.

Borewells, rainwater, and river or lake water are all conceivable water

sources. For human consumption, however, surface water must be filtered.

This may necessitate the removal of substances that aren't dissolved,

dissolved substances, and dangerous microorganisms Filtering using is a

popular strategy. Sand eliminates only undissolved matter, whereas

chlorination and boiling kill only hazardous bacteria. All three functions are

carried out via solar distillation.

Local Studies

Many studies have been conducted on the right selection of design and

operating parameters that affect the performance of a basin-type solar still.

The goal of this experiment was to enhance design factors including

condensing glass surface area, inlet brine water temperature, incident sun

intensity rate, and the distance between basin water and glass. The solar still's

condensation area was enhanced thanks to the pyramid glass cover. The input

brine water was preheated using the little solar pond, and the two external

reflectors reflected more solar energy into the still. The stepped basin had a

smaller space between the basin water and the glass. The results indicated

that the daily productivity increased in the mini solar pond integrated with the

stepped basin solar still having mirrors. The productivity of the modified solar
still was 4,920 mL per day, which was 66.2% higher than the conventional

solar still. (Appadurai & Velmurugan, 2020)

Solar stills are occasionally utilized in underdeveloped countries for

longer periods. Settings in the real world They do, however, create a little

amount of pure water. Where the source water is saline or brackish, and

even lesser amounts. The ability to assemble a solar still is a useful survival

skill. In the event of a disaster, it might provide a crucial source of drinking

water. There is an emergency in the wilderness. Water may be extracted

from the air using solar stills. However, water can be used to increase the

quantity of moisture available to a solar still. (fresh or saline) can be added

within the still or along the borders.

Solar distillation differs from other forms of desalination that are

more energy-intensive, such as methods such as reverse osmosis, or

simply boiling water due to its use of free energy. A very common and, by

far, the largest example of solar distillation is the natural water cycle that

the Earth experiences (Freak, 2019).

Solar stills are used to desalinate saline water via solar distillation.

Using a basic solar still, you can easily create the water you need for

drinking and cooking. Homes that do not have access to safe drinking water

Distilled water can also be used in the manufacturing industry. Because it

is cleaner, it can be used for a variety of reasons. It provides simple

technology that non-skilled workers can use.


In Foreign Literature, The productivity of a solar still is influenced by

ambient conditions (solar radiation, ambient temperature, wind velocity),

operating conditions (brine water depth, saline concentration), and design

conditions (cover angle, insulation). The behavior of solar stills with

different configurations and different working conditions has been widely

studied over the past few decades. (Abujazar et al, 2017). Also, Badran

(2017), Emphasize that the most important factors related to improving the

productivity of solar still validate the experimental and theoretical results

for validation External conditions affect the overall productivity of solar

distillation as they increase by increasing the temperature of the basin

water, utilizing the latent heat to increase distillation, as well as increasing

the difference between the temperature of condensation surface and


In Local literature, According to Johnston (2021), When compared

to fossil fuels, solar energy has a much lower environmental impact.

Because the system does not require any fuel combustion, its greenhouse

gas emissions are negligible. Because the sun shines all over the world,

every country can produce energy, providing for greater energy

independence and security. Also, Solar distillation removes contaminants

from water using heat, making it generally safe to drink. Instead of using

machines or fire to generate heat and pressure, you use sunshine and a

basic solar still to keep enough heat in to make clean water vapor. The

water vapor is then collected by the solar still and condensed back into

liquid form. (Ultimate Guide To Solar Water Distillers: How To Make A

Solar Still 101, 2021)

Foreign Studies from Chen et al. (2019), state that the Solar

Distillation is gradually becoming the most widely used direct process; it

has a simple structure, easy and flexible operation, and low consumption

of conventional energy. It boasts technical and economic competitiveness

and is accessible to remote coastal areas with high solar irradiance and

limited primary energy supply. Also, Results showed that subjecting the

stills to solar radiation could eliminate bacteria in both the distillate and the

basin water. This observation was true even when water temperatures did

not rise to significant inactivation temperatures. (Malaeb et al. 2019)

Local Studies from Appadurai & Velmurugan (2020), state that

many studies have been conducted on the right selection of design and

operating parameters that affect the performance of a basin-type solar still.

The goal of this experiment was to enhance design factors including

condensing glass surface area, inlet brine water temperature, incident sun
intensity rate, and the distance between basin water and glass. Also, Freak

(2019), says that Solar distillation differs from other forms of desalination

that are more energy-intensive, such as methods such as reverse osmosis,

or simply boiling water due to its use of free energy. A very common and,

by far, the largest example of solar distillation is the natural water cycle that

the Earth experiences.

The related literature and studies both serve as references for

developing the solar water distiller. It will also help us prove that a solar

water distiller can save us from clean water scarcity at the same time as a

kind of solution that is not expensive. These literature and studies aid in the

betterment of our daily lives and spread knowledge that should be shared

with the rest of the world to live more efficiently and intelligently.

Theoretical Framework

Maslow's hierarchy of needs (1943) entitled “A Theory of Human

Motivation” states that five categories of human needs dictate an

individual’s behavior. Those needs are physiological, safety needs, love

and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Clean

and Safe drinking water is a part of number one and most needed which is

Physiological needs. Household water is an essential component of

human existence and advancement that is intimately linked to people's

everyday activities. Water for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing, laundry,

and home cleaning is the key categories of water used by residential

homes. Through the support of the law in the physiological needs of the

Filipinos, the Philippine Clean Water Act was created in 2004 to protect

water bodies from contamination and monitor their safety.

This theory relates to the present study in terms of the importance

of clean drinking water in our daily lives which is the main reason for this


Conceptual Framework

This study has made use of the Input – Process – Output (IPO)

model as a system of the conceptual model of the study.

According to Regoniel (2015), a conceptual framework represents

the researcher’s synthesis of the literature on how to explain a

phenomenon. It maps out the actions required in the course of the study

given his previous knowledge of other researchers’ points of view and his

observations on the subject of research.

Figure 1 shows that the input of this study consists of five (5)

Mechanical Engineers as the respondents of the study; their profile as to

gender, age, highest educational attainment, board examination passed,

length of service, and industrial experience; and fifteen (15) Mechanical

Engineering Students as the respondents of the study; their profile as to

gender, age, highest educational attainment, length of service, and

industrial experience; the materials used such as fiberglass, plastic sheet,

container, plastic pipes, silicone sealant, grinder, drill, mighty band; a

collection of related literature and studies; guided with the theory of

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; and construction of the questionnaire.

The process of the study along with the Assessment of Solar Water

Distiller in terms of Construction Materials, Distilling Mechanism, Design,

and Procedure, and Presentation; Difference between Mechanical

Engineers and Mechanical Engineering students on the acceptability

assessment of the Solar Water Distiller; also with the significant difference

between and among the structures of water distillers given that it has

different treatments.

The output of this study was the developed Solar Water Distiller

Figure 1: Conceptual framework

Chapter 3


This chapter explains the research methodologies that will be used

by the researcher to perform the study, including the research design, study

population, research instrument development, validity, and reliability

testing, data collection techniques, and suitable statistical treatment of


Research Design

This study utilized the quantitative-experimental research method of

the study.

Quantitative-experimental research encompasses a range of

methods concerned with the systematic investigation of social phenomena,

using statistical or numerical data. Therefore, quantitative research

involves measurement and assumes that the phenomena under study can

be measured. It sets out to analyze data for trends and relationships and

to verify the measurements made. (Watson, 2015)

The research design of this study used a quantitative-experimental

research method to help formulate the hypothesis testing of the Solar

Water Distiller if there is a significant difference between the two groups of

respondents' assessments on the level of acceptability of the Solar Water

Distiller in terms of the construction materials, distilling mechanism, design

and procedure, and presentation by using statistical analysis.

Respondents of the Study

This study presents the respondents of the study as shown in the

table below.


Respondent of the Study

Respondents Frequency Percentage

Mechanical Engineers 5 25 %

Mechanical Engineering Students 15 75 %

TOTAL 20 100 %

Table 1 shows the frequency distribution of the two groups of

respondents. It is shown in Table 1 that 5 or 25% of the respondents were

Mechanical Engineers and 15 or 75% were Mechanical Engineering


Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling techniques were utilized in this study.

According to Frey (2018), Snowball sampling is a sampling method

used by researchers to generate a pool of participants for a research study

through referrals made by individuals who share a particular characteristic

of research interest with the target population. It is also referred to as chain

sampling or chain referral sampling. Purposive sampling was used in this

study, with a total of twenty (20) samples collected from five (5)

professional Mechanical Engineers and fifteen (15) Mechanical

Engineering students who answered the instrument.

Instrument Used

The instrument utilized in this study was a questionnaire

Part 1 of the questionnaire includes the profile and description of the

respondents in terms of gender, age, year and course, highest educational

attainment, board examination passed (for mechanical engineers), length

of service, and industrial experience. Part 2 of the questionnaire contains

the criteria for determining the level of acceptability in building a Solar

Water Distiller in terms of construction materials, distilling mechanism,

design and procedure, and presentation. Part 3 of the questionnaire is the

final section, which includes the two groups' suggestions and

recommendations for improvement projects.

Validation of the Instrument

The instrument used was validated by the research adviser and

grammarian before the distribution of the questionnaire to the respondents.

The questionnaire was pre-tested by the leaders of STEM 1204 following

some existing technical errors of the instrument. After validation, the pre-

existing data are ready for distribution.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following tools were utilized in this study.

1. Relative Frequency. It was used to determine the number of certain

times a certain response occurs.

2. Percentage. A Percentage is a part of a whole. It can take on values

between 0 (none of the whole respondents) and 100 (all of the whole

respondents. The whole is called the base. The base must ALWAYS

be reported whenever a percentage is determined (Thomas 2010)

P(%) = 𝑥100


P(%) = Percentage

f = Frequency

N = Population

100 = Constant
3. Weighted Mean is used to assess the Solar Water Distiller

Miniature in terms of the construction materials, distilling

mechanism, design and procedure, and presentation.

∑ 𝑓𝑥
𝑥̄ =
∑ 𝑛


𝑥̄ = computed mean

∑ 𝑓𝑥 = the sum of the product of the frequency and

assigned point

∑ 𝑛 = the total number of respondents

4. t-test. is used to test the significant difference between the

assessment of the two respondents in terms of the construction

materials, distilling mechanism, design and procedure, and


(𝑥̄ 1 − 𝑥̄ 2 )
(𝑆1 )2 (𝑆2 )2
√ +
𝑛1 𝑛2


t = t- computed value
𝑥̄ 1 = mean of the Mechanical Engineers

𝑥̄ 2 = mean of the Mechanical Engineering Students

𝑆1 = variance of the Mechanical Engineers

𝑆2 = variance of the Mechanical Engineering Students

𝑛1 = sample number 1

𝑛2 = sample number 2

The Likert scale shown below was utilized in this study to determine the

weighted mean of the assessment made by 2 groups of respondents.

Rating Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Symbol

5 4.50-5.00 Very Highly Acceptable VHA

4 3.50-4.49 Highly Acceptable HA

3 2.50-3.49 Acceptable A

2 1.50-2.49 Moderately Acceptable MA

1 1.00-1.49 Least Acceptable LA

Level Of Significance at a=0.05

Degree of Freedom: df = 𝑛1 + 𝑛2 – 2

Construction of Solar Water Distiller

1. Prepare the Floor plan with different dimensions

2. Prepare all the materials needed

3. Mark the Fabric glasses according to the cutting list.

4. Cut the fabric glasses for the solar water distiller's foundation into 26

(Long) x 16 (Width) inch rectangles.

For the side: 26 (Long) x 7 (Depth) x 4 (Depth) inches

For the front: 4(D) x 16(W)

For the back: 7(D) x 16 (W)

5. Cut the orange pipe in half

6. Using a mighty bond, attach the fabric glasses and wait for them to

dry completely.

7. Seal the solar water distiller with the use of silicone sealant

8. Connect the half orange pipe to the solar water distiller's front side.

9. Using a drill, drill a hole into the side. Fill the hole with an elbow pipe

and seal it.

10. Put salt water inside

11. Cover the top with a plastic sheet.

12. Place the solar water distiller in a sunny place

13. Wait for the evaporated water to travel down the pipe and into the


14. Present and test the project

Materials Used

The table below is the essentials of the material to establish a Solar

Water Distiller.

Table 2 shows the materials used in establishing a water distiller.

Quantity shows the exact number of details needed. Descriptions are the

necessary materials that are used in building the Solar Water Distiller, while

the picture is the illustration of the specific materials. Unit price is the value

of each material and total is the overall expenses needed for the materials

needed in the project. The materials used in the study were fabric glasses

(Php 350.00), 1 poly pipe ½ (Php 115.00), 1 silicone sealant (Php 185.00),

1 PVC elbow ½ (Php 12.00), 1 PVC pipe 2 (Php 135.00), 2 Mighty bonds

(Php 70.00), Plastic sheets (Php 20.00) Water container (provided),

Grinder (provided), and drill (provided).


Materials Used

Quantity Items Image Unit Price Total

2 sq. Fiberglass 175.00 350.00

1 pc. poly pipe ½ 115.00 115.00

1 pc. 185.00 185.00

PVC elbow
1 pc. 12.00 12.00

1 pc. PVC pipe 2 135.00 135.00


2 pcs. Mighty bond 35.00 70.00

1 yd. 20.00 20.00

1 pc. 280.00 280.00

1 set Grinder 3,000.00 3,000.00

1 set Drill 2,500.00 2,500.00

TOTAL 6,667.00

1. Prepare the Floor plan with different dimensions

Figure 2: TOP VIEW

Figure 3: SIDE VIEW

2. Prepare all the materials needed

Figure 4: Preparing

3. Mark the Fabric glasses according to the cutting list.

Figure 5: Marking
4. Cut the fabric glasses for the solar water distiller's foundation into 26

(Long) x 16 (Width) inch rectangles. For the side: 26 (Long) x 7

(Depth) x 4 (Depth) inches

For the front: 4(D) x 16(W), For the back: 7(D) x 16 (W)

Figure 6: Cutting (Fiberglass)

5. Cut the orange pipe in half

Figure 7: Cutting (Pipe)

6. Using a mighty bond, attach the fabric glasses and wait for them to

dry completely.

Figure 8: Adhesion

7. Seal the solar water distiller with the use of silicone sealant

Figure 9: Sealing (fiberglass)

8. Connect the half orange pipe to the solar water distiller's front side.

Figure 10: Connecting Pipe

9. Using a drill, drill a hole into the side. Fill the hole with an elbow pipe

and seal it.

Figure 11: Sealing (pipe)

10. Put salt water inside

Figure 12: Watering

11. Cover the top with a plastic sheet.

Figure 13: Covering

12. Place the solar water distiller in a sunny place

Figure 14: Placing under the Sun

13. Wait for the evaporated water to travel down the pipe and into the


Figure 15: Evaporating

14. Present and test the project

Figure 16: Final Product

Chapter 4



This chapter presents the tables that answer the statement of the

problem. This also presents the analysis and interpretation of the gathered


Sub-problem No.1. How may the profile of two groups of the

respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 mechanical engineers

1.1.1 gender


Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Gender

Mechanical Engineers
Frequency Percent

Male 4 80 %

Female 1 20 %

Total 5 100 %
Table 3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution profile of

the respondents as to gender. The quantity of the Mechanical Engineers, there

are 4 (80%) male Mechanical Engineers and 1 (20%) female Mechanical

Engineers, and a total of 5 (100%) Professional Mechanical Engineers.

1.1.2 age


Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Age

Mechanical Engineers
Frequency Percent
18 years below 0 0%
18 – 25 years 1 20 %
26 – 35 years 3 60 %
36 – 45 years 1 20 %
46 and above 0 0%
Total 5 100 %

Table 4 presents the frequency and percentage distribution profile of

the respondents as to Age. The ages of the mechanical engineers who

participated in the survey are one 18-25 years old with a percentage of 20 and

three 26-35 years old with a percentage of 60 and one 36-45 years old with a

percentage of 20 and the total is 5 Mechanical Engineers or 100%.

1.1.2 highest educational attainment


Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Highest Educational


Mechanical Engineers
Highest Educational
Frequency Percent

Doctor of Education
0 0%
(Ed. D)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) 0 0%

Units in Doctoral Degree

0 0%

Master of Arts 1 20 %

Units in Master of Arts Degree 0 0%

Bachelor of Science 4 80 %

Undergraduate 0 0%

Total 5 100 %

Table 5 presents the frequency and percentage distribution profile of

the respondents as to the highest educational attainment. The highest

educational attainment of the mechanical engineers who participated in the

survey are consisting of 1 master of arts with a percentage of 20 and 4

bachelors of science with a percentage of 80 with a total of 5 Mechanical

Engineers percentage of 100

1.1.4 board examination passed


Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Board Examination Passed

Mechanical Engineers
Board Examination Passed
Frequency Percent

Licensure Examination for

0 0%

Civil Service Examination (CSE) 0 0%

Civil Engineering Licensure Exam 0 0%

Mechanical Engineering Licensure

5 100 %

Total 5 100 %

Table 6 presents the profile of respondents as to the board examination

passed. There are 5 Mechanical Engineers who have taken a Mechanical

Engineering Licensure Exam or 100 in percentage with a total of 5 in frequency

and 100 in percent.

1.1.5 length of service


Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Length of Service

Mechanical Engineers
Length of Service
Frequency Percent

5 years and below 3 60 %

6 to 10 years and above 1 20 %

10 to 15 years and above 1 20 %

15 to 20 years and above 0 0%

20 to 25 years 0 0%

25 to 30 years 0 0%

Total 5 100 %

Table 7 presents the profile of respondents as to Length of Service. In

Mechanical Engineer has been in service for 5years and below with 3 in

frequency and 60 in percent, and 6 to 10 years and above with 1 in frequency

and 20 in percent, and 10 to 15 years and above with 1 in frequency and 20

in percent, with a total of 5 in frequency and 100 in percent.

1.1.6 industrial experience


Profile of the Mechanical Engineers as to Industrial Experience

Mechanical Engineers
Industrial Experience

Frequency Percent

Manufacturing 0 0%

Science 0 0%

Engineering 5 100 %

Technology 0 0%

Total 5 100 %

Table 8 presents the profile of respondents as to Industrial Experience.

Mechanical Engineers have an Engineering Industrial Experience with 5 in

frequency and 100 in percent, with a total of 5 in frequency and 100 in percent.
1.2 mechanical engineering students

1.2.1 gender


Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students as to Gender

Mechanical Engineering
Gender Students

Frequency Percent
Male 10 66.67 %
Female 5 33.33 %
Total 15 100 %

Table 9 presents the frequency and percentage distribution profile of

the respondents as to gender. The quantity of the Mechanical Engineering

Students, there are 10 (66.67%) male Mechanical Engineering Students and

5 (33.33%) female Professional Mechanical Engineers, and a total of 15

(100%) Mechanical Engineering Students.

1.2.2 age


Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students as to Age

Mechanical Engineering Students

Frequency Percent
18 years below 0 0%
18 – 25 years 15 100 %
26 – 35 years 0 0%
36 – 45 years 0 0%
46 and above 0 0%
Total 15 100 %

Table 10 presents the frequency and percentage distribution profile of

the respondents as to Age. The ages of the mechanical engineering students

who participated in the survey are all 18-25 years with a total of 100%.
1.2.3 highest educational attainment


Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students as to Highest

Educational Attainment

Mechanical Engineering
Highest Educational Students
Frequency Percent
Doctor of Education
0 0%
(Ed. D)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) 0 0%
Units in Doctoral Degree
0 0%
Master of Arts 0 0%
Units in Master of Arts
0 0%
Bachelor of Science 8 53.33 %
Undergraduate 7 46.67 %
Total 15 100 %

Table 11 presents the frequency and percentage distribution profile of

the respondents as to the highest educational attainment. The highest

educational attainment of the mechanical engineering students who

participated in the survey consists of 8 Bachelors of Science with a percentage

of 53.33 and 7 of them are undergraduate with a percentage of 46.67 with a

total percentage of 100.

1.2.4 length of service


Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students as to Length of


Mechanical Engineering
Length of Service Students

Frequency Percent
Not Yet (Student) 8 53.33 %
5 years and below 7 46.67 %
6 to 10 years and above 0 0%
10 to 15 years and above 0 0%
15 to 20 years and above 0 0%
20 to 25 years 0 0%
25 to 30 years 0 0%
Total 15 100 %

Table 12 presents the profile of respondents as to Length of Service.

In Mechanical Engineering Students have Not Yet Taken (Students) with 8 in

frequency and 53.33 in percent, and 5years and below with 7 in frequency and

46.67 in percent, with a total of 15 in frequency and 100 in percent.

1.2.5 industrial experience


Profile of the Mechanical Engineering Students as to Industrial


Mechanical Engineering
Industrial Experience Students

Frequency Percent
Not Yet (student) 8 53.33 %
Manufacturing 0 0%
Science 0 0%
Engineering 7 46.67 %
Technology 0 0%
Total 15 100 %

Table 13 presents the profile of respondents as to Industrial

Experience. In Mechanical Engineering Students have Not yet (student) with

8 in frequency and 53.33% in percent, and have an Engineering with 7 in

frequency and 46.67% in percent, with a total 15 in frequency and 100 in

Sub-problem No.2. How do the Mechanical Engineers and

Mechanical Engineering students assess the level of acceptability in

constructing a Solar Water Distiller in terms of:

2.1 Construction materials


Assessments as to Construction materials

Mechanical Mechanical
Indicators Engineers Engineering Students

𝑥̄ 1 V.I 𝑥̄ 2 V.I

Materials are durable 3.2 A 3.8 HA

Materials used are
appropriate to their 3.6 HA 3.73 HA
Materials can be
4.2 HA 3.6 HA
operated easily
Materials used are
3.6 HA 3.73 HA
Materials are
available in the 4.6 VHA 3.53 HA
3.84 HA 3.68 HA
Weighted Mean

4.50-5.00 Very Highly Acceptable VHA
3.50-4.49 Highly Acceptable HA
2.50-3.49 Acceptable A
1.50-2.49 Moderately Acceptable MA
1.00-1.49 Least Acceptable LA

Table 14 presents the summary of the assessment of the group of

respondents who obtained a composite weighted mean of 3.84 as Highly

Acceptable in response to Mechanical Engineers and 3.68 as Highly

Acceptable in response to Mechanical Engineering Students. In terms of

Materials being durable, Mechanical Engineers got 3.2 was interpreted as

Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.8 interpreted as

Highly Acceptable. In terms of materials used that are appropriate to their

task, Mechanical Engineers got 3.6 interpreted as Highly Acceptable and

Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.73 interpreted as Highly

Acceptable. In terms of Materials that can be operated easily, Mechanical

Engineers got 4.2 interpreted as Highly Acceptable and Mechanical

Engineering Students got 3.6 interpreted as Highly Acceptable. In terms of

Materials used are economically cost, Mechanical Engineers got 3.6

interpreted as Highly Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got

3.73 interpreted as Highly Acceptable. Lastly, In terms of Materials

available in the market, Mechanical Engineers got 4.6 interpreted as Very

Highly Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.53

interpreted as Highly Acceptable.

2.2 Distilling Mechanism


Assessments as to Distilling Mechanism

Mechanical Mechanical
Engineers Engineering Students
𝑥̄ 1 V.I 𝑥̄ 2 V.I

Capability of the
mechanism to 3.4 A 3.53 HA

The durability of the

3.6 HA 3.4 A
engineered system

Functionality of the
solar water distiller
3.2 A 3.46 A
mechanism when
Distilling speed of
the mechanism
3.0 A 3.13 A
when being
exposed to the sun
Assurance of the
clean water
3.0 A 3.33 A
provided by the

3.24 A 3.37 A
Weighted Mean
Table 15 presents the summary of the assessment of the group of

respondents who obtained a composite weighted mean of 3.24 as

Acceptable in response to Mechanical Engineers and 3.37 as Acceptable

in response to Mechanical Engineering Students. In terms of the Capability

of the mechanism to operate, Mechanical Engineers got 3.4 interpreted as

Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.53 interpreted as

Highly Acceptable. In terms of Durability of the engineered system,

Mechanical Engineers got 3.6 interpreted as Highly Acceptable and

Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.4 interpreted as Acceptable. In

terms of Functionality of the solar water distiller mechanism when operated,

Mechanical Engineers got 3.2 interpreted as Acceptable and Mechanical

Engineering Students got 3.46 interpreted as Acceptable. In terms of the

Distilling speed of the mechanism when being exposed to the sun,

Mechanical Engineers got 3.0 interpreted as Acceptable and Mechanical

Engineering Students got 3.13 interpreted as Acceptable. Lastly, In terms

of Assurance of the clean water provided by the distiller, Mechanical

Engineers got 3.0 interpreted as Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering

Students got 3.33 interpreted as Acceptable.

2.3 Design and Procedure


Assessments as to Design and Procedure

Mechanical Mechanical
Engineers Engineering Students
𝑥̄ 1 V.I 𝑥̄ 2 V.I

The design is well

4.2 HA 3.6 HA

The procedure can

4.0 HA 3.4 A
be done easily

Utilization of
4.0 HA 3.66 HA

Accuracy in
3.4 A 3.53 HA

Design and
from the floor plan
4.0 HA 3.53 HA
were accurately
scaled and

3.92 HA 3.54 HA
Weighted Mean
Table 16 presents the summary of the assessment of the group of

respondents who obtained a composite weighted mean of 3.92 as Highly

Acceptable in response to Mechanical Engineers and 3.54 as Highly

Acceptable in response to Mechanical Engineering Students. In terms of

The design is well structured, Mechanical Engineers got 4.2 interpreted as

Highly Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.6

interpreted as Highly Acceptable. In terms of The procedure that can be

done easily, Mechanical Engineers got 4.0 interpreted as Highly

Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.4 interpreted as

Acceptable. In terms of Utilization of Materials, Mechanical Engineers got

4.0 interpreted as Highly Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students

got 3.66 interpreted as Highly Acceptable. In terms of Accuracy in

Measurement, Mechanical Engineers got 3.4 interpreted as Acceptable

and Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.53 interpreted as Highly

Acceptable. Lastly, In terms of Design and measurements from the floor

plan were accurately scaled and followed, Mechanical Engineers got 4.0

interpreted as Highly Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got

3.53 interpreted as Highly Acceptable.

2.4 Presentation


Assessments as to Presentation

Mechanical Mechanical
Engineers Engineering Students

𝑥̄ 1 V.I 𝑥̄ 2 V.I

3.6 HA 3.53 HA

Neatness 4.0 HA 3.8 HA

Attention to detail 3.8 HA 3.46 A

Measurement and
sizes are 3.8 HA 3.33 A

Simplicity 4.0 HA 3.86 HA

3.84 HA 3.6 HA
Weighted Mean
Table 17 presents the summary of the assessment of the group of

respondents who obtained a composite weighted mean of 3.84 as Highly

Acceptable in response to Mechanical Engineers and 3.6 as Highly

Acceptable in response to Mechanical Engineering Students. In terms of

Appropriately finished, Mechanical Engineers got 3.6 interpreted as Highly

Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.53 interpreted as

Highly Acceptable. In terms of Neatness, Mechanical Engineers got 4.0

interpreted as Highly Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got

3.8 interpreted as Highly Acceptable. In terms of Attention to detail,

Mechanical Engineers got 3.8 interpreted as Highly Acceptable and

Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.46 interpreted as Acceptable. In

terms of Measurement and sizes are equilibrium, Mechanical Engineers

got 3.8 interpreted as Highly Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering

Students got 3.33 interpreted as Acceptable. Lastly, In terms of Simplicity,

Mechanical Engineers got 4.0 interpreted as Very Highly Acceptable and

Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.86 interpreted as Highly


Summary on the Assessment of the Two Groups of Respondents

Mechanical Mechanical
Engineers Engineering Students

𝑥̄ 1 V.I 𝑥̄ 2 V.I

Construction Materials 3.84 HA 3.6 HA

Distilling Mechanism 3.24 A 3.37 A

Design and Procedure 3.92 HA 3.54 HA

Presentation 3.84 HA 3.6 HA

Overall Weighted
3.71 HA 3.55 HA

Table 18 shows the mean and the verbal interpretation of the

Summary on the Assessment of the Two Groups of Respondents. As

observed by the two groups of respondents it obtained an overall weighted

mean of 3.71 interpreted as highly acceptable in Mechanical Engineers,

and 3.55 interpreted as highly acceptable in Mechanical Engineering

Students. In terms of Construction Materials, Mechanical Engineers got

3.84 interpreted as Highly Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering

Students got 3.6 interpreted as Highly Acceptable. In terms of Distilling

Mechanism, Mechanical Engineers got 3.24 interpreted as Acceptable and

Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.37 interpreted as Acceptable. In

terms of Design and Procedure, Mechanical Engineers got 3.92 interpreted

as Highly Acceptable and Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.54

interpreted as Highly Acceptable. And lastly, In terms of Presentation,

Mechanical Engineers got 3.84 interpreted as Highly Acceptable and

Mechanical Engineering Students got 3.6 interpreted as Acceptable.

Sub-problem No.3. Is there any significant difference between the

assessment of mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering

students on the level of acceptability of the Solar Water Distiller?


Significant Difference between the Assessment of the Two

Groups of Respondents

Overall critical
Respondents Weighted Variance a= Remarks
Mean 0.05
df= 6

3.71 0.0747
1.1 2.45
Mechanical 𝐻0
Engineering 3.55 0.01297

Table 19 presents the significant difference between the

assessment of the two groups of respondents. The obtained overall mean

of the Mechanical Engineers is 3.71 with the variance of 0.0747, a t-

computed of 1.1, a degree of freedom of 6 with the value of 2.45, and the

t-computed < t-critical, therefore the assessment of the

Mechanical Engineers are accepted. The obtained overall mean of the

Mechanical Engineering Student is 3.55 with the variance of 0.01297, a t-

computed of 1.1, a degree of freedom of 6 with the value of 2.45, the t-

computed < t-critical, therefore the assessment of the Mechanical

Engineering Students are accepted. There is no significant difference

between the assessment of the groups of respondents as to construction

materials, distilling mechanism, design and procedure, and presentation.

Sub-problem No.4. What are the problems encountered and the

solutions made by the researchers during the construction of the Solar

Water Distiller?

4.1 Money is the main problem encountered by the researchers in

constructing the solar water distiller because some of the materials are

quite expensive and cannot be bought in retail. The solution that we use is

to find and buy some retail materials from the neighbors who have extra.

4.2 Time management was one of the problems encountered

because each researcher has individual responsibilities to be taken care of

at home. But we find ways by communicating with each other and asking

about the common free time that every researcher has.

4.3 There is also a problem with the operation of the solar water

distiller especially when it is not sunny and when it is cloudy. We wait until

sunny for us to examine our product.

4.4 There is difficulty in finding the respondents of the research. We

tried our best by asking common friends also their friends if they are

acquainted with those respondents that we need.

Sub-problem No.5. Based on the findings of the study, what are

the suggestions and recommendations that Mechanical Engineers can be

proposed to further, improve the project?

5.1 They recommend adding an artificial evaporator, UV light, and

water filter, and also using a solar panel partnered with a rechargeable

battery for it to function even if there is not enough sunlight or in the


5.2 Have more economical materials that can produce clean water

at a low-cost price to distribute the product at ease.

5.3 Use a water filter for distillation to make sure that the water that

your project will produce is safe for drinking/cooking.

5.4 They suggest having more inclination for the plastic so that the

water will fall faster to the pipe.

5.5 You can put some stands to your product, also to ensure that

water droplets enter the pipe smoothly, try utilizing fiberglass in exchange

of plastic.

Results and Discussions

The results of the study in terms of Construction Materials, Distilling

Mechanism, Design and Procedure, and Presentation are acceptable as

assessed by the Mechanical Engineers and Mechanical Engineering

Students. It indicates that there is a significant difference between the

assessment of the two groups of respondents. in terms of the

aforementioned variables. The acquired overall mean of the Mechanical

Engineers was 3.71 with a variance of 0.0747 a t-computed mean of 1.1 a

degree of freedom of 6 with a value of 2.45 the t-computed < t-critical,

therefore the assessment of the Mechanical Engineers was Accepted H0.

The acquired overall mean of the Mechanical Engineering Students was

3.55 with a variance of 0.01297 a t-computed mean of 1.1 a degree of

freedom of 6 with a value of 2.45 the t-computed < t-critical, therefore the

assessment of the Mechanical Engineering Students was Accepted H0.

The study indicates that using the right materials can help the project

meet its goals, such as toughness and quality. It also shows that using the

right funds, processes, and the right floor layout can help the project

succeed. There are still some flaws in this study, including some

methodologies, materials, and designs, which could lead to further

Chapter 5



The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the findings that

emerged from the study. The findings presented, and the conclusions and

recommendations were concerning the problems in questions and

directions proposed for future studies.

Summary of Findings

Based on the gathered data, this study came up with the following


1. Profile of the two groups of respondents

1.1 Mechanical Engineers

1.1.1 Gender, Male Mechanical Engineers with 4 or 80%,

female Mechanical Engineers with 1 or 20%.

1.1.2 Age, 18-25 years of Mechanical Engineers with 1 or

20%, 26-35 years of Mechanical Engineers with 3 or 60%, 36-45

years of Mechanical Engineers with 1 or 20%.

1.1.3 Highest Educational Attainment, Mechanical

Engineer who undergoes master of arts with 1 or 20%, and

Mechanical Engineers who undergoes Bachelor of Science with 4

or 80%.

1.1.4 Board Examination Passed, 5 or 100% of Mechanical

Engineers undergo the Mechanical Engineering Licensure Exam.

1.1.5 Length of Service, 3 or 60% of the Mechanical

Engineers are already in 5 years and below the length of service, 6-

10 years of Mechanical Engineers with 1 or 20%, 10-15 years of

Mechanical Engineers with 1 or 20%.

1.1.6 Industrial Experience, 5 or 100% of Mechanical

Engineers who have been in an Engineering industry.

1.2 Mechanical Engineering Students

1.2.1 Gender, Male Mechanical Engineering students with 10

or 66.67%, and female Mechanical Engineering Students with 5 or


1.2.2 Age, 18-25 years of Mechanical Engineering students

with 15 or 100%.
1.2.3 Highest Educational Attainment, Mechanical

Engineering Students who are Undergraduate with 7 or 46.67%, and

Mechanical Engineering Students who undergo Bachelor of Science

with 8 or 53.33%.

1.2.4 Length of Service, 5 years and below of the

Mechanical Engineering Students with 8 or 53.33% and 7 or 46.67%

of Mechanical Engineering Students have Not yet been in service.

1.2.5 Industrial Experience, 8 or 53.33% of Mechanical

Engineering students are still not in the industry and 7 or 46.67% of

Mechanical Engineering students are already in the engineering


2. Mechanical Engineers and Mechanical Engineering students

assess the level of acceptability in constructing a Solar Water

Distiller in terms of:

2.1 Construction Materials. They obtain a composite mean of 3.84

as Highly Acceptable in response of Mechanical Engineers and 3.68 as

Highly Acceptable in response of Mechanical Engineering Students.

2.2 Distilling Mechanism. They obtain a composite mean of 3.24

as Acceptable in response of Mechanical Engineers and 3.37 as

Acceptable in response of Mechanical Engineering Students.

2.3 Design and Procedure. They obtain a composite mean of 3.92

as Highly Acceptable in response of Mechanical Engineers and 3.54 as

Highly Acceptable in response of Mechanical Engineering Students.

2.4 Presentation. They obtain a composite mean of 3.84 as Highly

Acceptable in response of Mechanical Engineers and 3.6 as Highly

Acceptable in response of Mechanical Engineering Students.

3. The significant difference between the assessment of Mechanical

Engineers and Mechanical Engineering students on the level of

acceptability of the Solar Water Distiller. The obtained overall mean

of the Mechanical Engineers is 3.71 with the variance of 0.0747, a

t-computed of 1.1, a degree of freedom of 6 with the value of 2.45,

and the t-computed < t-critical, therefore the assessment of the

Mechanical Engineers are accepted. The obtained overall mean of

the Mechanical Engineering Student is 3.55 with the variance of

0.01297, a t-computed of 1.1, a degree of freedom of 6 with the

value of 2.45, the t-computed < t-critical, therefore the assessment

of the Mechanical Engineering Students are accepted.

4. Problems encountered and the solutions made by the researchers

during the construction of the Solar Water Distiller?

The problem encountered in constructing Solar Water Distiller is the

Money encountered by the researchers in constructing the solar water

distiller because some of the materials are quite expensive and cannot be

bought in retail. Time management was one of the problems encountered

because each researcher has individual responsibilities to be taken care of

at home. There is also a problem with the operation of the solar water

distiller especially when it is not sunny and when it is cloudy. There is

difficulty in finding the respondents of the research.

5. Suggestions and recommendations may that Mechanical Engineers

can be proposed to further, improve the project

The following were suggestions and recommendations of the two

groups of respondents regarding the Solar water Distiller: they recommend

adding an artificial evaporator, UV light, and water filter, and also using a

solar panel partnered with a rechargeable battery for it to function even if

there is not enough sunlight or in the evening. Have more economical

materials that can produce clean water at a low-cost price to distribute the

product at ease. Use a water filter for distillation to make sure that the water

that your project will produce is safe for drinking/cooking. I suggest having

more inclination for the plastic so that the water will fall faster to the pipe.
You can put some stands to your product, also to ensure that water droplets

enter the pipe smoothly, try utilizing fiberglass in exchange of plastic.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion was


1. The result of the study in terms of the profile of the respondents

there are 5 mechanical engineers and 15 mechanical engineering

students with a total of 20 respondents was acceptable.

2. The assessment of the level of acceptability of the solar water

distiller is highly acceptable.

3. There is a significant difference between the assessment of the two

groups of respondents in terms of construction materials, distilling

mechanism, design and procedure, and presentation.

4. There are problems that the researcher encountered during the

construction of the solar water distiller just as having an expensive

material, time management, and the cloudy weather but we did our

best to overcome those by addressing the problems and doing our

best to give solutions to them just like finding retail materials and

buying all those needed, making free time for the research and

finding a sunny place.

5. One of the abilities in model construction to make a more reliable

source of clean water should be knowledge of the suitable materials

to utilize in creating a Solar Water Distiller. Should have more

inclination so that the evaporated water droplets will easily go down

the pipe.


Based on the conclusion drawn, the following recommendations are


1. The researcher recommended add an artificial evaporator, UV light,

and water filter and also use a solar panel partnered with a

rechargeable battery for it to function even if there is not enough

sunlight or in the evening.

2. Have more economical materials that can produce clean water at a

low-cost price to distribute the product at ease.

3. Use a water filter for distillation to make sure that the water that your

project will produce is safe for drinking/cooking.

4. The researcher suggest having more inclination for the plastic so

that the water will fall faster to the pipe.

5. You can put some stands to your product, also to ensure that water

droplets enter the pipe smoothly, try utilizing fiberglass in exchange

of plastic.


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Appendix A


May 10, 2022

Sir/ Ma’am

Good Day!

We, students of Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Strand, section 1204 from Bestlink College of the Philippines, currently
conducting research entitled “A PROPOSED PROJECT OF A SOLAR
requesting permission to gather respondents from your department. Your
cooperation would be highly appreciated.

Hoping for your approval and thank you for kind consideration.

Truly yours,







Research Adviser
Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D


This is to certify that the research project presented in this research

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, in Bestlink College of the
Philippines embodies the result of the original and scholarly work carried
out by the undersigned.






Appendix E


This is to certify that the research entitled A PROPOSED PROJECT

PHILIPPINES submitted by its authors






has been computed and checked for the proper statistical tools
used, tabulation, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.



May 2022
Appendix F


This is to certify that the research entitled A PROPOSED PROJECT

PHILIPPINES submitted by its authors






has been edited for language, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and

overall style. Neither the research contents nor the author’s ideas were
altered during the editing process.



May 2022
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I


Full Name: Resty Aragon Zerna De Guzman

Address: #3 San Nicasio St. Brgy Gulod Novaliches Quezon City
Contact Number: 0928 434 5362
Birthdate: September 4, 2004
Birthplace: Quezon City
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Secondary: Bestlink College of the Philippines (2020-2022),
Sta. Lucia High School (2016-2020)
Primary: Lambakin Elementary School (2010-2012),
Heuin Dol World Mission Christian Academy (2012-2014),
San Gabriel Elementary School (2014-2016)
Full Name: Rheyner Lanurias Magnaye
Address: 13 Maisan St. Aguardiente, Brgy Sta. Monica Novaliches Q,C
Contact Number: 09551208424
Birthdate: March 2, 2004
Birthplace: Makati, Guadalupe
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Born Again, Christian
Secondary: Bestlink College of the Philippines (2020 - 2022)
Tandang Sora National High School (2016 - 2020)
Primary: Rosa L Susano Elementary School (2010 - 2016)
Full Name: Marielle Ombrog Pataueg
Address: Phase 4 Package6 Block15 Lot17 Bagong Silang Caloocan
Contact Number: 0961 784 4374
Birthdate: December 10, 2004
Birthplace: Caloocan City
Height: 157.5 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Born Again, Christian
Secondary: Bestlink College of the Philippines (2020-2022)
Camarin High School (2016-2018, 2019-2020)
San Pablo National High School (2018-2019)
Primary: Gabriela Silang Elementary School (2009-2016)
Top 7 (Grade 10)
Top 3 (Grade 11, 1st semester),
Top 4 (Grade 12, 1st semester)
Full Name: Antoine Miguel C. Valera
Address: # Block 24 Lot 1 Castle Spring Heights Caloocan City
Contact Number: 09318522530
Birthdate: June 14, 2002
Birthplace: Quezon City
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic

Secondary: Bestlink College of the Philippines (2020-2022)

St. Joseph College Of Novaliches Inc. (2016-2019)

Primary: Cielito Zamora Memorial School (2010-2016)

Full Name: Kyla Mia Gillang
Address: #34 Belen St. RP. Gulod Nova. Quezon City
Contact Number: 09707487116
Birthdate: March 21, 2003
Birthplace: Quezon City
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Born Again, Christian
Secondary: Bestlink College of the Philippines (2020 - 2022)
Sta. Lucia High School (2016 - 2020)
Primary: San Bartolome Elementary School (2010-2016)

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