Ralph Lauren Introduces The RL 888 Handbag Collection

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4 AUGUST 22, 2023

Anna Ewers wearing

The RL 888 bag.


Ralph Lauren Introduces

The RL 888 Handbag Collection
O The campaign features Ralph Lauren, executive chairman and The 888 House, a conceptual
The 888 House, a digital chief creative officer of Ralph Lauren Corp., digital expression created using
computer generated imagery.
concept store using said on Friday.
Lauren said the handbags were designed
CGI technology that with timelessness in mind.
immerses consumers in the “When I was a young man, I was drawn
world of Ralph Lauren. to clothing and objects that were designed
for a purpose. It was about character
BY LISA LOCKWOOD and authenticity — things that last with a
Ralph Lauren has high expectations for timelessness that never goes out of style.
his new handbag collection, called The RL A woman’s handbag is like that — both
888, which bears all the designer’s style an object of beauty and utility, a trusted
signatures. companion storing the essentials she
Comprised of a crossbody, top handle carries with her every day. And although
and mini crossbody chain, each bag she may change it from day to day or day
is crafted by artisans in Florence. The to night, there is one that she chooses that
bags have defined angles and dramatic is most her own, that complements her
curvature inspired by New York City’s every mood,” Lauren said.
architecture. Even the collection’s name is In explaining how he anticipates his
The RL
a nod to the designer’s roots in Manhattan customer will wear the RL 888 and for 888 bag.
— 888 Madison Avenue is the address of what occasions, the designer said, “I’m
Lauren’s women’s flagship. excited about The RL 888 because it is not
The RL 888 collection is being offered in only beautifully crafted, and signed with
an assortment of exotic fabrications, such my initials, but I believe it will enhance
as alligator, and box calf leathers, which add the personal style of the woman I design
a smooth texture and firm construction. for. I’ve always believed that women are
Each piece is cut by hand. The bags also independent — bold and romantic, modern
have a sleek RL logo, offered in palladium, and timeless — particularly when it comes
brass or champagne finishes, which serve as to the way she dresses. Her personal style
a closure featuring a push lock. is a sign of confidence. She will make the
“The RL 888 stands as a testament to RL 888 handbag part of her individuality
timeless artistry, with each bag being made wearing it with a sexy black dress or a
by hand and individually constructed rugged pair of jeans as she writes her own
by skilled artisans. I have chosen to story, wherever she lives.”
personalize the bag with my own initials — The bags start at $1,800 retail and go as
RL — like a three-dimensional piece of art,” high as $15,000. ►
AUGUST 22, 2023 5

For the past several years, the company To support the handbag launch, Lauren
has been on a quest to elevate its image has created an ad campaign highlighting
and prices. Collection is its most elevated the juxtaposition of the sleek, modern
women’s proposition, and handbags and Deco-inspired handbag against
contribute to this elevated positioning. an otherworldly, rough and leathered
In fact, handbags continue to be a high landscape.
potential category of growth for the Ralph Discussing the thought process behind
Lauren brand. the campaign, Lauren said, “I am inspired
Overall, Lauren raised its average unit by the beauty of the natural world — a
retail prices 15 percent across its direct-to- land of contradictions where sky and
consumer network, on top of an 8 percent rugged terrain convene. It is the perfect
gain a year ago, as reported earlier this environment to express the unchanging
month when the company released first- beauty of The RL 888 and the independent
quarter results. The higher-end focus and spirit and personal style of the woman
strength in Europe and Asia helped the that writes her own story.…She is bold and
company blunt the impact of weakness romantic, modern yet timeless. Like the
in the U.S., its home market, and to top bag she carries — The RL 888.”
estimates for the first quarter. Featured in the campaign are 30-year-old The 888 House featuring Lauren
As reported, for the first quarter ended German model Anna Ewers and 34-year-old apparel and The RL 888 bag.
July 1, Lauren’s net income rose 7 percent Chinese model Fei Fei Sun. The campaign
to $131.1 million from $123.4 million a year tells the story of a woman and her most print and digital outlets, as well as on the these younger consumers are engaging with
earlier. Revenues for the three months personal accessory, sharing its romance Ralph Lauren digital platforms. digital-first and virtual experiences, and
inched up to $1.5 billion from $1.49 billion not only through photography but through Embracing the interplay between the Lauren looks to connect with them in the
a year earlier, an increase of 1 percent in a film titled “Outside of Time,” directed by digital and physical worlds, Lauren will places they gravitate to the most.
constant currencies that was led by Europe Diana Kunst and shot by Robert Elswit. introduce The 888 House — a conceptual Standing within a virtual desert
and Asia. Set against a golden landscape of fields, digital expression created using state- landscape, The 888 House mirrors the
“If you step back big time, we really shadow peaks and rustic wooden fences, of-the-art computer generated imagery “RL” logo in a surreal fusion of fantasy
reset the foundations of our brand,” the two women roam “outside of time,” technology that invites consumers to and reality. Using 3D modeling, dynamic
said Patrice Louvet, president and chief becoming different characters dressed immerse themselves and shop the the lighting and gravity-defying physics, The
executive officer, earlier this month in in a pared-down tank, weathered jeans, world of Ralph Lauren from their homes. 888 House is an immersive and interactive
a WWD interview. “This isn’t just one cowboy hat and boots, or a simple black This is the first time that Lauren has shopping experience.
quarter or two, this is years of work to dress, bringing to life their personal style used CGI to create an immersive digital Upon virtually entering the space,
really deliberately elevate every facet via The RL 888 handbag. experience. But the company, which has consumers are able to wander through
of the consumer experience. We remain Launching this month, The RL 888 long been at the forefront of experimenting the various rooms and discover shoppable
on offense.” campaign will be featured across global with digital technology in the fashion Ralph Lauren Collection Icons, featuring
world, previously used CGI in video mannequins in various looks ranging
content, digital projections on its store from trousers and gowns to denim and
fronts, and at the 4D Central Park fashion suede jackets, and The RL 888 Handbag,
show in September 2014 that projected sky prominently positioned throughout the
high images of models walking on water space. On one wall is Lauren’s famous
wearing the designer’s collection. quote, “I don’t design clothes. I design
The brand continues to put the consumer dreams,” and other walls feature various
at the center of everything it does, and imagery. Within The 888 House, Lauren’s
looks to re-engage with existing customers physical garments and handbags are mixed
while also attracting both new full-price with the latest in modern technology.
and younger consumers to their business. Consumers are able to select any product
There’s no question a large population of and shop without exiting the experience. ■

A look at The 888

House, featuring The
RL 888 handbags
and fashion looks.

Fei Fei Sun wearing

The RL 888 bag.
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