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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: This manuscript addresses the existing governance tools and monitoring systems for implementing a sustainable
Bioeconomy and regenerative Bioeconomy in the OECD member states and G20. It takes inspiration from the outcomes of
Bioeconomy indicators an international workshop entitled “Bioeconomy in the G20 and OECD countries: sharing and comparing the
Bioeconomy strategies
existing national strategies and policies for co-designing more effective bioeconomy governance mechanisms and
G20 Italian Presidency
monitoring systems” co-organized by the Italian Presidency of G20 environment 2021, the National Bioeconomy
Circular bioeconomy
Decarbonization Coordination Board of the National Committee of Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences of the Italian Pres-
idency of Council of Ministers and the OECD Working Party on Bio-, Nano- and Converging Technologies. The
workshop aimed to share virtuous experiences, identify challenges and co-design more robust governance tools
and more comprehensive monitoring systems. The manuscript outlines the current situation regarding governance
and monitoring, so as to identify relevant issues and areas for further research and policy action.
1. Introduction formative and practical measurement tools and indicators as a basis for
policy development and for an effective and responsible implementation
The world has realized that building a sustainable bioeconomy can of the bioeconomy in the different territories, countries and continents.
boost economic growth within environmental policy goals. At least 50 One of the earliest strategies was the US bioeconomy blueprint of 2012
nations (Fig. 1) have put in place national tailored bioeconomy strate- (US White House 2012), which maintained the link between economic
gies or have policies that are steering towards a sustainable bioeconomy activity and biotechnologies. Since then, the links to major economic
(El-Chichakli et al., 2016). For bioeconomy policy makers, the future is sectors have been reinforced while the emphasis on biotechnologies has
complex and multi-faceted. As the first generation of bioeconomy poli- decreased (Bell et al., 2021; National Academies of Sciences, Engineer-
cies comes to a close, the vision of a bioeconomy pitched against societal ing, and Medicine 2020).
grand challenges clearly needs better national and international policies There is no internationally accepted definition of ‘bioeconomy’, and
and governance to succeed (OECD 2018). different definitions have often arisen in response to the priorities of
The pervasiveness of national bioeconomy strategies (Fig. 1) mani- an individual country (Frisvold et al., 2021). Most EU member states
fests the increasing worldwide commitment to the green transition, i.e., (MS) have adopted the definition proposed in the EU bioeconomy strat-
drastically reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, replacing fossil egy (European Commission 2022). Since the bioeconomy is meant to
carbon with renewable resources, and regenerating the environment, stimulate international trade, a lack of an agreed international defi-
its biodiversity and ecosystems (Anon 2023). While the fundamental nition means that measuring and monitoring the bioeconomy cannot
justification for public intervention in the bioeconomy is improved sus- be carried out on an internationally comparable basis. Moreover, there
tainability (Marvik and Philp, 2020), there is a need to agree on in- is wide agreement that sustainability encompasses the three pillars of
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: James.PHILP@oecd.org (J. Philp), Fabio.Fava@unibo.it (F. Fava).
Received 23 December 2022; Received in revised form 15 April 2023; Accepted 15 April 2023
2667-0410/© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of European Federation of Biotechnology. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
L. Gardossi, J. Philp, F. Fava et al. EFB Bioeconomy Journal 3 (2023) 100053
Fig. 1. National bioeconomy strategies and related policy instruments. Source: OECD (2018). Meeting policy challenges for a sustainable bioeconomy. OECD
Publishing, Paris. ISBN 978–92–64–29,233–8.
economic, environmental and social aspects. This further complicates the European Union. Concrete progress towards a methodology for mon-
sustainability assessment. For instance, there are no internationally itoring at the international level has been made at the United Nations
agreed tools or indicators to measure biomass sustainability (van Dam Food and Agriculture Organization, and this deserves specific attention
and Junginger, 2011; Böhringer and Jochem, 2007; Bruckner et al., as it seems to point to the way that the private sector may operate in
2015; Arru et al., 2022; Velasco-Mu˜noz et al., 2021; Dumitru and future. But the bioeconomy will increasingly need to adjust to the needs
Wendling, 2021; Aggestam and Giurca, 2022) and social issues such as of net-zero carbon by 2050. Thus the final section considers how the
workers’ rights and land rights are difficult to measure (Shawki, 2016). bioeconomy relates to carbon management and the extension to other
Not only has the bioeconomy concept diversified, but several G20 forms of renewable carbon which take pressure off land and biomass –
and OECD countries have revised, or are revising, their bioeconomy it is not possible to replace fossil production completely with biomass
strategies. In Europe, they are aligned in terms of sectors and priori- (Kircher, 2022). The use of such forms of carbon as flue gases, solid mu-
ties and there is significant association of the bioeconomy with the cir- nicipal waste and in the longer term atmospheric carbon (Carus et al.,
cular economy (Stegmann et al., 2020). Furthermore, bioeconomy has 2020) will alleviate biomass supply issues while bringing greater polit-
also the capacity to regenerate the environment, coastal, rural and aban- ical visibility to the bioeconomy.
doned lands as well as former industrial sites. Therefore an inescapable
conclusion is that sustainability and environmental regeneration will be 2. Bioeconomy strategies and monitoring progress: the
a major goal of governance for the bioeconomy of the future. But with contribution of different OECD countries
continuing debate about how to measure and monitor sustainability, it is
timely for an OECD event organized in the frame of a G20 environment The workshop was organized in two panels: “Bioeconomy strategies
chaired by a Ministry for the Ecological Transition to revisit the topic in the different OECD countries: comparison of their objectives, priori-
and identify a way forward for OECD economies. The National Bioe- ties, governance and implementation guidelines” and “Targets and mon-
conomy Coordination Board of the National Committee of Biosafety, itoring tools: towards a common framework to monitor progress in the
Biotechnology and Life Sciences of the Italian Presidency of Council of bioeconomy”. Experts from G20 and OECD countries with a national
Ministers in Rome held a workshop to highlight recent developments in bioeconomy strategy in place or under elaboration were designated by
bioeconomy strategies and ask some key questions of the governance of their national delegates and contributed to the two web panels men-
the bioeconomy. All G20 and OECD countries with a dedicated bioecon- tioned and according to the programme in the supplementary material.
omy strategy in place or ready to be adopted were invited to contribute Their contributions are summarized in the sections below, along with
to the event, which was designed as two panel sessions. The detailed comments and some key statements of the representatives of OECD, Eu-
programme is reported on the Supplementary Materials and further in- ropean Commission, FAO and the hosting G20 Italian Presidency. The
formation is available at the dedicated web site (Anon 2022). The work- first panel session examined the essential elements of the existing bioe-
shop aimed to share virtuous experiences and identify challenges. It is conomy strategies relating to governance through three questions.
hoped that this could lead to future work to co-design more robust gov- 1 Which sectors comprise your national bioeconomy (i.e., agriculture,
ernance tools and more comprehensive monitoring systems across coun- livestock, aquaculture, fisheries, forestry, food industry, industrial
tries such that international harmonization might be approachable. biotechnology and biorefineries – plus the use of products in the
The present paper attempts to set out progress in monitoring the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical, textile, energy industries, mu-
bioeconomy internationally, with particular reference to OECD mem- nicipal biowaste and wastewater valorization, composting, etc.) and
ber states, then takes a more nuanced look at what is happening within the reasons for their selection.
L. Gardossi, J. Philp, F. Fava et al. EFB Bioeconomy Journal 3 (2023) 100053
2 How is the strategy on bioeconomy in your country implemented? bioeconomy strategies overwhelmingly discuss sustainability (Bell et al.,
Did your country develop an Implementation Action Plan following 2021) but as long as there is confusion as to what sustainability is and
the Bioeconomy Strategy definition? how to measure it, its deployment will be hindered.
3 What are the missing policies, current needs and opportunities for As climate change policy has evolved, there has been a sharp fo-
your national bioeconomy? cus on emissions reduction in sustainability, which should help increase
The Bioeconomy of the EU MSs with a national strategy comprises the visibility of the bioeconomy. If other aspects of sustainability are
sectors and economic activities that have been selected in line with the crowded out of policy conversations, this creates a potential for unin-
EU bioeconomy strategy. However, the relevance of the quoted sectors tended consequences that later may need to be reversed (OECD 2023).
depends on the individual country, and the sectors’ impacts on the re- This has been termed “sustainability tunnel vision”. For example, over-
spective economy, ecosystems and industrial context. Some countries reliance on biomass for bioenergy purposes could result in deforestation,
are focusing more on agriculture, others on forestry, others on marine and exacerbate negative externalities for biodiversity (Anon 2023), and
resources; some others are providing a special emphasis to the key en- even stimulate criminal illegal logging. Land use and land use change
abling role of biotechnologies. Looking beyond the EU borders, Brazil, is a major, if not the major, source of sustainability trade-offs: efforts
Japan, United States and South Africa included health, life sciences, to maximise one benefit of land nearly always reduce other benefits
medical diagnostics, therapeutics and precision medicines amongst the (Meyfroidt et al., 2022). If not apparent at the national level, this is an
enabling pillars of their national bioeconomy, while Norway gives em- essential reason for international dialogues such as this workshop.
phasis to the reduction of climate emissions and more effective use of The debate gave voice to the efforts of nine different countries to-
renewable bioresources. wards the implementation of monitoring systems capable of assessing
Details of the sectors that characterise the bioeconomies of the dif- environmental and socio-economic progress specifically attributable to
ferent OECD countries involved in the workshop are available in Table the bioeconomy. Representatives from Austria, Canada, Finland, Ger-
S1 of Supplementary Material. many, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Africa, the United States reported on
The second panel session attempted to identify the gaps and opportu- the reasons that led to the identification of databases and the selection
nities in policy to ensure this sustainable future, again addressing three of performance indicators that can be used for the monitoring process,
questions which, in some cases, have not been fully implemented. For instance,
Italy relies on EU key performance indicators (KPIs) on national supply
1 Objectives versus indicators: Taking into account the context of your and demand sides (Anon 2022) as reported in Table 1. Most indicators
national bioeconomy, what indicators (economical, environmental refer to Eurostat and national data and allow for the implementation
and social) are you using and would be appropriate for the corre- of benchmarking analysis while others are based on the studies of Lier
sponding monitoring? (Lier et al., 2018) and Egenolf (Egenolf and Bringezu, 2019) and on the
2 Managing complexity and interlinks: How did your country tackle results of the BERST project consortium (Anon 2022, 2022).
the challenge of accessing statistical sources of high quality, homo- Finland is monitoring bioeconomy at sectoral level annually using
geneous and aggregated data for monitoring and assessing the im- selected indicators through the LUKE Institute (Anon 2022). Environ-
pact of the national bioeconomy strategy? mental and social indicators are now part of the broader national sus-
3 What kind of cooperation is needed/recommended between coun- tainability programme and SDGs. Germany is adopting a collaborative
tries and actors active in this field, such as the Food and Agriculture and joint monitoring approach developed by several German federal
Organization (FAO), the JRC Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy of ministries (Research, Agriculture, Economic Affairs). The monitoring
the European Commission, in order to reach consistent and compa- comprises material flows of resources from the agrarian, forestry and
rable country assessment and results? fishery sectors, but also data on residuals and waste streams. It includes
The inputs provided by the speakers during their presentations or in more than 60 economic indicators and five footprints of the German
the discussion session, are summarized in the following paragraphs. The bioeconomy (agrarian and forest land use, material use of wood, water
aim was to offer a picture which, far from being exhaustive, is nonethe- use, GHG balance), which were modelled. Data, indicators and models
less significant because it was traced on the basis of a lively discussion are under refinement with the intent of expanding the monitoring scope
between the representatives of the participating states, rather than on by further aspects like biodiversity.
desk analysis. The Canadian forest bioeconomy is monitored through several pro-
Concerning the monitoring of national bioeconomies, many of the cesses. The Montreal Process is a framework of criteria and indicators
countries with a national strategy (i.e., Italy, Austria, Norway) or similar to report progress towards achieving sustainable forest ecosystem man-
national policy statements (i.e., Ireland), are working at the definition agement. Also, every year the State of Canada’s Forests Report provides
of the most suitable indicators and data to use. The general intention is information on trends, statistics and stories related to sustainable for-
to implement different databases and use the therein mapped measures est management in Canada to ensure forests remain healthy for future
to show the public the level of achievement of the strategic objectives generations.
of the bioeconomy strategies. The point is that the bioeconomy relies on South Africa is measuring the contribution of the bioeconomy to the
several sectors and that each sector draws on a wide range of data and GDP and the focus of much of government attention is on how the strat-
measures to monitor and evaluate its performance and sustainability. egy assists in developing household food security, reducing the impacts
The most envisioned indicators are the availability of primary feedstock, of the disease burden, encouraging entrepreneurial opportunities and
the output from economic sectors considered part of the bioeconomy, relevant skills development, together with the establishment of an en-
and a number of sustainability indicators, including economic (e.g., em- abling system of innovation. A broader macroeconomic monitoring sys-
ployment, private investments in new bioeconomy value chains), social tem is under development, and it will rely on innovation input measures,
(e.g., well-being), and environmental (e.g., accounting of natural capital innovation output measures, and more economic measures including
and ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, reduction of GHG economic growth, employment, investment and export measures.
emissions). The US Bioeconomy Initiative Implementation Framework tracks key
There are risks associated with countries developing their own bioe- indicators (economic, environmental, and social) while board mem-
conomy strategies in isolation. They tend to emphasise what is impor- ber agencies complete an annual or biennial evaluation, leveraging
tant for their own country (Bracco et al., 2018), and this is often contri- resources such as EPA reports and RFS databases (USDA’s various
butions to GDP, turnover and employment in the sectors of most direct databases, statistical services, and market reports; DOE’s biomass as-
concern to them. On the other hand a clear objective of the bioecon- sessments). The US Administration priorities include a requirement to
omy in an international sense is environmental sustainability: national reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and indicators measuring bioeconomy
L. Gardossi, J. Philp, F. Fava et al. EFB Bioeconomy Journal 3 (2023) 100053
L. Gardossi, J. Philp, F. Fava et al. EFB Bioeconomy Journal 3 (2023) 100053
pave the way for the collection of reliable data and effective site-specific anisms. First, the European Bioeconomy Policy Forum is a knowledge
monitoring. At the same time these innovations allow for a drastic re- exchange and policy dialogue forum for EU member states. It has five
duction of the reporting load for companies, forest owners and farm- objectives, enabled by a dual structure: a strategic/political level high
ers. As new technologies are implemented and different priorities of level group, and an operational/working level expert level group. The
sustainability come more into focus, the involvement of data collec- five objectives are:
tors and statistic institutions becomes increasingly crucial for the es-
1 Support networking and interaction between member states.
tablishment of consistent data codes and for the identification of new
2 Enhance cooperation and best practice exchange.
emerging needs in terms of data or monitoring practices. A compre-
3 Shape a concrete agenda of joint actions.
hensive monitoring framework for the bioeconomy should thus address
4 Increase the visibility/potential of the bioeconomy.
economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability and
5 Enable policy feedback and analysis.
should be based on a set of indicators that were selected in a participa-
tory process to provide information on the condition, performance and Second, the Bioeconomy Policy Support Facility was formed, with
trajectory of the bioeconomy as a whole and at different levels. This the objective to support the member states in the development of their
will in turn support the preparation and evaluation of the bioeconomy own dedicated national bioeconomy strategy/action plans. Concern-
related policies/legislations/instruments and will enable better coordi- ing governance, the facility took the form of a Mutual Learning Exer-
nation and cooperation at different policy levels, including regional and cise with the aim of identifying and sharing best practice by 19 mem-
local scales. Thus, the impact of the monitoring framework may be an ber states. The process was steered by independent experts and work-
improved and consistent basis for better policy decisions at different shops were held addressing specific objectives (e.g., encouraging inter-
policy levels. ministerial cooperation and stakeholder engagement, funding of bioe-
conomy development). A final report containing ten key policy messages
3. The bioeconomy in The European Union: the position and the and recommendations for the development of national (or regional) sus-
actions of the European Commission tainable and circular bioeconomies has been published (Anon 2022). On
the larger arena, the European Commission proposes transformation of
The bioeconomy is a cornerstone of the European economy. The EU the EU economy and society to meet climate ambitions through the Eu-
bioeconomy strategy was updated in 2018 (European Commission 2018) ropean Green Deal. The European Commission sees a knowledge-based,
to place sustainability and circularity at its heart. For the update, the sustainable and circular bioeconomy as a model for green growth. The
bioeconomy covers all sectors and systems that rely on renewable bio- JRC is the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. The
logical resources; it includes and interlinks land and marine ecosystems EC’s Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy, managed by the JRC, and the
and the services they provide (Lange et al., 2021). EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System are key tools for the deployment of
Looking at individual member states, there are currently ten EU a sustainable EU Bioeconomy (Sanchez-Jerez et al., 2023; Anon 2022,
member states with dedicated bioeconomy strategies and seven that are 2022, Kilsedar et al., 2021). A robust knowledge base and a fit-for-
in the process of developing theirs. As highlighted in the progress re- purpose monitoring system are crucial elements for adaptive and ef-
port (European Commission 2022) published by the European Commis- fective governance (Mubareka et al., 2023). The JRC approach to bioe-
sion in July 2022, “since 2018, there have been several developments conomy monitoring considers the constant evolution of the entire value
at national level: Austria, the Netherlands and Portugal have developed chain and it is object of a constant updating activity (Kilsedar et al.,
a (new) national strategy while Croatia, Czechia, Poland and Slovakia 2023; Giuntoli et al., 2023). The system consists of ten steps to moni-
(supported by the BIOEAST initiative) as well as Sweden, started the pro- toring and evaluation (Fig. 2), with the selection, collection and compi-
cess of developing one. Furthermore, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Fin- lation of indicators at its core, along with selection of reference values
land, have updated their existing strategies or action plans and Finland, for each indicator (Anon 2022; Kilsedar et al., 2021).
France and Spain are currently updating their existing national strate- The EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System addresses the need for a
gies or action plans.” Furthermore, 28 EU regions have in place their comprehensive monitoring system by establishing a mechanism to mea-
own dedicated bioeconomy strategies and 69 other EU regions are in sure the progress of the EU bioeconomy towards the five strategic objec-
the process or have already adopted strategies in which the bioeconomy tives it tackles (see Supplementary Material for details). It defines and
is one of the key elements. (European Commission 2022; Haarich and implements a comprehensive monitoring framework for the EU bioecon-
Kirchmayr-Novak, 2022) Within the European scenario, Norway and the omy, which covers environmental, social and economic dimensions of
UK also have a dedicated bioeconomy strategy. sustainability and relates to the overarching Sustainable Development
There are currently three large macro-regional bioeconomy initia- Goals (SDGs) context.
tives in Europe, involving governmental authorities (Mubareka et al., As commented in a recent JRC publication, the monitoring of
2023): BIOEAST - Central-Eastern European Initiative for Knowledge- progress towards sustainability objectives still presents several indicator
based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry in the Bioeconomy; Nordic gaps, in particular on the full set of climate change adaptation indica-
bioeconomy; Bioeconomy in the Baltic Sea Region. Moreover, the Eu- tors. Nevertheless, the existing indicators in agriculture and LULUCF
ropean Territorial Cooperation Programmes – Interreg - played an im- (Land use, land use change and forestry), already show negative trends.
portant role in developing four additional macro-regional initiatives: Emissions from agriculture increased from 2012 levels and trends in the
Danube Region (DanubeBioValNet); AlpLinkBioEco, Linking BioBased LULUCF are even more worrisome, with the sink effect reduced since
Industry Value Chains Across the Alpine Region; BIO-ECOnomy Re- 2013. The Water Exploitation Index, an indicator showing the balance
search Driven Innovation for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (Bioeco-RDI- between water demand and abstractions vs. water availability, appears
ADRION); Bio-Innovation Support for Entrepreneurs throughout NWE particularly critical for water-stressed regions such as the Mediterranean
regions (BioBase4SME). (Mubareka et al., 2023).
The EU Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan takes a system-wide
approach. It proposes more than research and innovation to strengthen 4. The FAO initiative “Towards sustainable bioeconomy
the bio-based sectors and unlock investments. To deploy bioeconomies guidelines (SBG)”
across Europe, policy must span the sectors and address tradeoffs (eco-
logical boundaries) and co-benefits. It must deliver its benefits for rural Through support provided by the German government, FAO has been
areas in particular. To achieve this, it has a set of 14 well-defined actions, working on the project ‘Towards sustainable bioeconomy guidelines’
including a monitoring system. The further deployment of bioeconomy (De Santi, 2021) to help countries develop coherent sustainable and cir-
strategies and policies within the EU is supported through two key mech- cular bioeconomy strategies, programmes and action plans. As part of
L. Gardossi, J. Philp, F. Fava et al. EFB Bioeconomy Journal 3 (2023) 100053
Fig. 2. Ten steps to monitoring and evaluation of the bioeconomy. Adapted from (De Santi, 2021).
this project, in 2016, an International Sustainable Bioeconomy Work- ties and when land appears to be a limited resource, how should it best
ing Group, led by FAO, was established to foster knowledge-exchange be used, e.g. for food, feed, energy, or industrial products?
on sustainable and circular bioeconomy between countries and regions, Meanwhile, it has become clear from various lines of evidence that
but also between science, policy and the private sector. biological resources alone cannot replace fossil resources as feedstocks
The International Sustainable Bioeconomy Working Group has al- for the future. Aviation fuel consumption in the EU was 62.8 million
ready achieved a number of concrete results. First, Working Group mem- tonnes in 2018. Using sunflower oil as an aviation biofuel would re-
bers have agreed on a set of principles and criteria that serve as guide- quire 60% of EU arable land (Anon 2022). Polymer production in Eu-
lines to mainstream sustainability in bioeconomy strategies. These 10 rope is of a similar volume (64 million tonnes in 2019). Global plastics
principles and 24 criteria cover the economic, environmental and social demand could continue growing to about one billion tonnes by 2050
dimensions of sustainability, but also include governance as a fourth pil- (Carus et al., 2020), while the entry of plastic waste to the marine en-
lar. Second, Working Group members have stressed the need for com- vironment is already out of control and growing as a threat to ocean
prehensive metrics and data for monitoring systems to measure the de- health (Eriksen et al., 2023). Even with 60% recycling (mechanical and
velopment of the bioeconomy and its contributions to the SDGs. Third, chemical), this implies a fossil replacement of about 400 million tonnes
the International Sustainable Bioeconomy Working Group has stressed (McKinsey 2018). As alluded to above, the heart of the issue is competi-
the need for bioeconomy initiatives to be linked more closely with other tion for land, and the international community will need to confront the
international policy processes, such as multilateral environmental agree- inevitable trade-offs. Thus, biomass must also be accompanied by other
ments, including the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Aichi sources of renewable carbon, and completing the analysis will require
biodiversity targets. policies to maximise the recycling of carbon, to create the renewable
carbon paradigm (Carus et al., 2020; Anon 2022).
Carbon management strategies, which consider all available non-
5. The transition towards carbon neutrality: the OECD BNCT geological sources of carbon, provide a holistic mechanism to plan for
foresight study the efficient supply and use of carbon, putting the carbon in its various
forms to best use (Fig. 3). Carbon management strategies would bring to-
An overarching question is how industry can be supplied with carbon gether new tools to boost bioproduction (e.g., biotechnology), measures
feedstocks when the use of fossil carbon is discontinued. The concept for resource efficiency (e.g., precision farming and cascading use of ma-
of carbon management aims to provide a holistic view on carbon as a terials) and the circular economy (Marvik, 2021). Importantly, carbon
limited resource by broadening the perspectives of the bioeconomy to management policies must also account for energy aspects (Huang et al.,
include reuse and recycling of carbon present in the bio- and techno- 2021) i.e., include the (renewable) energy needed to collect, concen-
sphere (Carus et al., 2020) as well as direct use of atmospheric CO2 as trate, upgrade or recycle the various carbon resources.
a future industrial feedstock. Finally, carbon capture and sequestration In the context of carbon management, more work is required to
activities are also part of carbon management. better understand the constraints on land and water use in bioproduc-
Even with the strongest intention to foster greater future sustain- tion and the energy consumption in carbon recycling (Hernandez and
ability and resilience, it is entirely foreseeable that the increasing use Cullen, 2019) or industrial capturing of atmospheric CO2 (Chen et al.,
of biomass for food, materials, and chemicals, could lead to over- 2023). Even with appropriate indicators in place, it should be realized
exploitation of natural resources. Limited resources could then lead to that a key challenge in addressing these issues and tradeoffs in policy
competition for land between bioenergy (climate action) and food crops making, is that it requires value-based assessment and prioritizing quali-
(food security) or between the bio-based production and the preserva- tatively different entities such as CO2 footprint, food security, economic
tion of biodiversity and natural ecosystems. This raises a series of critical development and biodiversity. This is enshrined in the concept of “car-
questions. How much land should be made available for human activi- bon tunnel vision” (Deivanayagam and Osborne, 2023).
L. Gardossi, J. Philp, F. Fava et al. EFB Bioeconomy Journal 3 (2023) 100053
L. Gardossi, J. Philp, F. Fava et al. EFB Bioeconomy Journal 3 (2023) 100053
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