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Roleplay Script

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First Scene (In the lobby area)

**Lovely**: Michael wa totemo hansamu da ne!

(Michael is so handsome!)

**Julie**: Kare wa atama mo ii ne!

(He’s smart too!)

**Hannylou**: Hotondo kanpeki ne!

(Almost perfect!)

**Dona**: Yan, sore wa anata no karei desu ka?

(Yan, is that your crush?)

**Yan**: Hai


**Marielle**: Yan wa ii shumi ga aru ne!

(You have good taste, Yan!)

**Danica**: Watashitachi wa anata o tasukemasu!

(We will help you!)

**Yan**: Michael!

**Yan**: Cloud 9 ga hoshii no?

(Do you want Cloud 9?)

**Michael**: Anata, koku ga kusai yo.

(You have bad breath.)

**Yan**: Tōsu o wasureta dake da yo.

(I just forgot to brush my teeth.)

**Mirevel**: Iya! Tadashii eisei ga nai!

(Yuck! No proper hygiene!)

**Maxine**: Sore wa haji desu ne.

(That is so embarrassing.)

**Ven**: Nazeka, dare mo kanojo ga suki ja nai n da ne.

(No wonder, no one likes her.)

Second Scene (Classroom)

**Michael**: **Watashi wa hayakatta.**

(I was too early.)

**Lovely**: **Michael wa ima suki na hito ga iru ne.**

(Michael has a crush now.)

**Julie**: **Watashi mo sore wo kiita.**

(I also heard about it.)

**Màrielle**: **Un, dare ga sono unmei no onnanoko ka na?**

(I wonder, who is this lucky girl?)

**Mirevel**: **Watashi de arimasu you ni negatteimasu.**

(I hope it was me.)

**Rhea**: **Anata ja nai to omou.**

(I think it's not you.)

**Ven**: **Dare ka wa wakarimasu ne.** (We will find out who it was.)
**Danica**: **Yan, dare ga ai no tegami wo kaita no?**

(Who gave you a love letter, Yan?)

**Yan**: **Wakarimasen.**

(I don’t know.)

**Dona**: **Yatto, dareka ga anata ni koi wo shiteiru ne.**

(Finally, someone had a crush on you.)

Third Scene (Classroom)

**Lovely**: Maikeru no isu wa ai no tegami de ippai da ne!

(Michael's chair is full of love letters!)

**Julie**: Sono naka no hitotsu wa watashi no da yo.

(One of them is mine.)

**Màrielle**: Watashi mo!

(Me too!)

**Mirevel**: Watashi mo takusan ai no tegami ga aru yo!

(I have a lot of love letters too!)

**Rhea**: Anata wa ureshi desu ne.

(I'm happy for you.)

**Ven**: Tabun, Maikeru no ai no tegami mo sono naka ni aru kamo ne.

(Maybe Michael's love letter is one of them.)

**Yan**: Wakarimashita!

(I got it!)
**Danica**: Nani o wakatta no?

(What did you get?)

**Yan**: Maikeru no ai no tegami da yo!

(Michael's love letter!)

**Dona**: Hontou ni?


**Yan**: Un!


Insert Sound: That's what I like (by Bruno Mars)

Fourth Scene ( In a romantic view)

**Michael:** Suki da yo, Yan. (I like you, Yan.)

**Yan:** Hontou ni? (Really?)

**Michael:** Un. (Yes.)

**Yan:** Itsu? (When?)

**Michael:** Kimi no fukushū no nioi wo kagi kagaeta toki. (When I smell your bad breath.)

Insert sound: to seek of secret potion, I make you fall in love🎶

**Yan:** Sore wa watashi no himitsu no tokuryou da. (Well, that's my secret potion.)


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