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Andreas Holzner Cover: Burning Dandelion
by Henry Be on Unsplash.com, altered
Andreas Holzner Bolete mushroom cap pores
by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash.com, altered
D E S I G N & L AY O U T
Andreas Holzner Chapter Spreads
SIXMOREVODKA Degenesis Design & Layout Pack by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash.com

E N G L I S H T R A N S L AT I O N Horse Silhouette
Daniel Kollmer by Annelise Art on Pixabay
Andreas Holzner
Portraits & Landscapes were made with Artbreeder AI
PA N N O N I A N A R C H E T Y P E - artbreeder.com
Dorothea Erber
@busymagpie SIXMOREVODKA Degenesis Logos
SIXMOREVODKA Degenesis Artworks (for the Tarot)

Christian Günther & Marko Djurdjevic


CHAPTER 0 2 C L A N - PA N N O N I A N S 22 - 33


Jin, Jago, Eselfire, FloE81, Ushandelukka, Sleeping Beauty, Grubber, Pink Unicorn von Doom, Ryker, CrazyWoodelf, loicll,
Lilla, Attila, Meronim, Muinmos, Cognilio, Watcher, GreedyJack, De_Scribes, Cromo, Captain Yarr, Erwan Roudeaut, Jens CHAPTER 04 NPCS 40 - 51
W. Kroker & all the DEGENESIS fans worldwide
CHAPTER 0 5 A LT E R N AT I V E R U L E S - TA R O T 52 - 55

This work is not an official Degenesis product. It is an unofficial fan-supplement.

VERSION 1.0 ENG, December 2022

Degenesis® is ™ SIXMOREVODKA STUDIO GmbH. All rights reserved. The mentioning of or reference to companies and
products constitutes no copyright violation.


Groaning, Győző drops onto the bench next to his father Suddenly, the door swings open. A gust of cold wind Pensively, he looks at the men and women walking in the from the hose-draped mask and lets the blood drip into the
and pulls the bowl of steaming food closer to himself. The carries snowflakes inside before the door is quickly closed line ahead of him. They trot silently after the horse. snow.
rest of the group also take their seats. The smell of fresh again. People's heads turn to see the person who entered. Two days later. Eyes dilated in panic, Győző crouches As she turns and recognizes Győző stiffly crouching at
bread, pörkölt and sweat spreads through the heated tap- She pulls back her hood and opens her coat to reveal the between the thick roots of an old tree that juts out of the the edge of the hollow, she beckons him down to her. With
room as the men and women eat their dinner together after lamellar armor underneath. Her ghostly pale face pans earth close to a large rock at the edge of the hollow with the trembling knees, the boy slides down the slope. Upon his
a hard day's work out in the cold. Chairs scrape across the across the room with a grim expression. Stelae. He presses both hands to his ears with all his arrival at the bottom, the stranger pulls out a hunting knife
floor, spoons clatter. The room has fallen silent. Nobody moves. Győző's strength while the screeching and subsonic vibrations and hands it to him. She then holds out her hand in a war-
Someone pushes a second plate with a small portion of gaze flickers back and forth between the stranger and the threaten to crush his head as if it were in an invisible vise. rior's greeting. Hesitantly, Győző grabs first the knife, then
pörkölt toward Győző. The boy looks up. "You're the sev- men and women at the tables. The boy hardly dares to Snow and pine needles rain down on him from above. From her hand.
enth. The others have already given their share." Not only breathe. The moment seems to drag on for an eternity be- the corner of his eye, he spots one of the men, crouching "Your name?"
his father's wrinkled face looks at him seriously. The others fore the woman addresses the people. "I call upon the ser- behind a tree stump. His eyes are squeezed shut like in a "Győző," the boy replies, stuttering.
sitting at the table also look over at Győző expectantly. The vice of the Seventh. The Dushani have erected Stelae. Two cramp, his teeth dug into his own upper arm, he’s rocking She nods. "Terka. Sevenfold congratulations on your first
boy swallows his bite and scoops a spoonful of food from days' journey from here. Do your duty. You have two hours, back and forth in pain, jamming a stick with full force into hunt and harvest. You have survived. That's a victory. Enjoy
his plate. "Sevenfold thanks for our lives. For the lives of our then we leave." For a moment, the words hang in the room his ear and then keeling over sideways. it while you can. Such moments are few and precious."
loved ones. For the roof over our heads. For the food on our like a heavy thundercloud. The air is full of tension. The A sudden painfully shrill whistle pierces through the
plates and the clear water in our wells. For the strength in woman still stands motionless, silently letting her eyes wildly spiking frequencies. The immediate shock wave that
our hearts. For the proud manes of our horses. For the..." roam across the room. Then the first people rise. follows splits the rock in front of Győző. Stone splinters and
Győző's voice falters. How did the ending go again? "For the A while later, Győző and five others plod along behind chunks of ice fly all over the place, grazing his face.
inseparable bond." his father helps. "Yes, that's right, for the the strange woman's horse, fighting their way through gusts Branches and twigs fall from above. The boy has to leap to
inseparable bond. Sevenfold thanks." The others at the table of snow and toward the edge of the forest which glows in safety lest he’d be hit by the falling trunk.
join in the last words, and Győző empties his spoon into the the last rays of evening sun. Still she did not give her name. Then - suddenly - there is silence. With his ears ringing
bowl. His father takes the bowl, carries it over to the open When they left, Győző's father had tears in his eyes, hugged and his skull pounding, Győző crawls out from under his
hearth, and sets it down there. Then everyone returns their him and kissed him on both cheeks. Now, as he tucks his cover in a daze and peers down over the edge into the
attention to their meal. head in and ducks under the branches heavily laden with snowy hollow. Like a vengeful ghost, the stranger stands
snow, he can't forget his father’s face. Again and again it ap- among the blasted Stelae above the Dushani's almost
pears in front of his mind's eye. Do the others feel the same? diminutive form. With a jerk she releases her sword’s blade


Pannonia is the Spitalians’ last redoubt in the Balkhan. Judges are hardly seen among the Pannonians. The Protect- Branded as Burn smugglers, their reputation precedes
Areas further south are practically inaccessible to them orate is far away, and the few Judges who end up in this re- SCOURGERS them. Unscrupulous, corrupted and vile - the Pannonians
after Buzdovan had banned them from Dalmatia and al- gion are most likely Advocates on diplomatic missions or The majority of Scourgers found in the region will either be have no kind words for the migratory birds. They are not
lowed slavers to sell any Spitalian they could capture to the visiting the horse market of Nok. If Rutgar's Black Judges part of a Neolibyan’s entourage or roam the land on mis- extended any hospitality, they are not admitted to the
Africans. Belgrade and Sofia pretty much treat them the are active here, they would not reveal themselves anyway. sions for their master. Some Kifos find shelter among the towns, only along the roads are they allowed to establish
same. local tribes and offer their services to Horkas and Gyulas. their brothels and dives. Provided that alcohol and sex are
In Justitian, the Balkhan mission is by now considered They do - however - find it much harder than the wealthy the only things on offer, those shacks are allowed to remain.
too risky to pursue any further, but nobody dares to openly Neolibyans to overcome the hostility of the locals. Those who join the flocks know that they can’t expect any
suggest cancelling it either. The hospitality of the Pannoni- leniency from the Horkas. Anyone caught smuggling Burn
ans doesn’t come without a price, though. While clearing CLANNERS is forced to eat hot coals or is quartered by horses. The Apo-
Spore Fields the Spitalians deliver gas-cartridges and crates The Pannonians are the largest Clan of the northern calyptics just shrug. As long as they’re paid well for the
of ammunition to the Pannonians. Still, those monthly de- Balkhan. Voivodules comprise the second largest demo- Glory Burn smuggled from Purgare, it’s worth the risk.
liveries never come close to what is expended on a single graphic even outside the Voivodates. The relationship ANUBIANS
day in Franka against the Pheromancers and Drones. Their between the different Clans is in constant flux. Who was an The few Anubians found in the Balkhan are mostly Sickles.
resources are spread thin, though. This is just about all that ally yesterday could easily become tomorrow’s adversary. The voice of Usud has to be silenced! The Pannonians are
the Spitalians can still commit. That makes the situation all Nobody wants to risk open conflict with the Pannonians unsure how they should deal with these strangers. For the
the more difficult for those who are stationed here. They though. common folk they appear as mysterious warriors who hunt ANABAPTISTS
question whether it is prudent to hand over all that equip- the Dushani with the same dedication and courage as their The Anabaptists can hardly believe it. Far too long have they
ment to the savages. Still, if they want to keep the route to own hunters, but they still remain strangers who talk in rid- been separated from the local people. It feels like a meeting
Usud open for further exploration, they have little choice dles whenever they open their mouths. Why don’t they just of long-lost siblings. Ascetics can hardly stop themselves
but to meet the demands of the local Clans. plainly state what they want? Only in conversation with the from praising the gardens and Orgiastics can hardly believe
SCRAPPERS Künde do the Anubians recognize parallels to their own life it when one of the young Huszars drinks them under the
The Scrappers are on good terms with the Pannonians. experiences. Meanwhile, the Soul Seers of the Anubians table. The Pannonians are not bothered by the proselytizing
They make merry and drink together before parting ways have developed a special interest in the Pannonians. A few efforts of the Broken Cross which never quite gain a
again. In many settlements they are welcome guests who years ago the Mark of Anubis was found with two Táltos. foothold in the community. After all, there are enough
CHRONICLERS bring news and help with maintenance, repair generators, Coincidence? blathering windbags among their own families.
The Balkhan does not have its own Cluster, but it would be patch up storage tanks, lay pipes and pull cables. They make
dearly needed to process the large amounts of Bygone tech- themselves useful and that’s appreciated. Then they trek
nology recovered from ancient bunkers. Kesztej maintains further, in hopes of finding one of the many bunkers close
the only Alcove where Scrappers can get an assessment by and retrieving its treasures. It doesn’t take long until they
whether their findings merit further transport across the are seen again. Either riddled by submachine guns or to pe- JEHAMMEDANS PA L E R S
Reaper’s Blow. With Chernobog’s advance, establishing a tition the Gazda for use of his donkey cart. On foot they’d After generations of bloodshed in the Adriatic, Jehamme- The relationship between the Palers and Pannonians is
local Cluster is considered all but impossible though. Thus hardly ever manage to get all their scrap to the next town. dans unexpectedly found themselves as outcasts at Bjelis complex and manifold. Common folk would rather hang
only Shutters, Fuses and a few Mediators are active in the together with the Fisherman’s children, and they seek re- them than invite them to share a meal. They appear too
area to gain support from local Clans. Their goal: to prevent venge against their old adversaries as well as the Dalma- grotesque and uncanny to those people. Can they be
the departure of the Carbon. tians. In Bucharest and Sofia Jehammedans can find some blamed? They simply don’t know any better. The Künde -
semblance of peace now that Karakhan has reached an however - regard the Palers with a singularly knowing gaze
N E O L I B YA N S agreement with the Abrami. The price was nothing less and allow them to roam freely in their towns as long as they
After the devastating defeats in the south, the Bank of than submission though. In the eyes of the veterans from don’t cause any trouble.
H E L LV E T I C S Commerce decided to issue no further concessions for land the Adriatic War this is nothing but a farce. Is the threat of To the Palers the Pannonians are fascinating. The gath-
The Hellvetics make use of Pannonian scouts to keep an eye in the Balkhan. Any Neolibyans encountered in the region a second schism looming? ering of the Seven Tribes under their leaders, the legends
on the borders of Territorial Region IV, to intercept Burn are therefore here for personal reasons. A Usud-Stele or a Jehammedans were long-time compatriots of the Pan- surrounding the Hadúr, his weapon and the holy chambers
smugglers and slave-traders and to stay on the tracks of rock with a Chakra-Symbol could make a nice decorative nonians. Long before The Seven appeared, both trekked speak a clear language. Everywhere the Palers see the signs
Triglaw. Foragers acquire food on the local markets to be piece between the date-palms of their homestead. Further- with their goat herds across the plains together. They have of their gods’ faded handwriting. But what happened? Why
processed into rations - soldiers march on their stomach. more, the hunt for Dushani is considered a worthy chal- developed a mutual appreciation. Yet, ever more of the land did the leaders vanish and where did they go?
The Pannonians in turn appreciate their construction lenge of patience and tactics due to their unusual nature. is becoming corrupted by Spores, and in the competition
work. Genies are always in high demand and the Pannoni- for shrinking pastures the herders know who is truly en-
ans pay well. titled to them.

cuisine is savory and rich, meant to keep the people strong with fruit, vegetables and meat from the Kesztej markets as
and tough because winters are relentless. Whole regions get well as good hard cash from the Hellvetics. The latter have
snowed in and become cut off from any outside contact for a major stake in keeping this facility running. Territorial Re-
weeks. Those who don’t have food stocks can only walk out gion IV has signed an accord with the Pannonians which
into the snowstorms and face the possible choice between regulates supply, transport and shared profits. In exchange
freezing or starving to death. A choice easily made, because the Alpine Fortress does its part.
those who brave the elements can kill two birds with one The Petro brought up the Bernese Passage by Ne-
stone: wild animals congregate around the many mineral- olibyans is expensive, and while Mol could never rival the
rich thermal springs which rarely freeze during winter. yield from the drilling platforms off the Frankan coast, its
There, sweat-lodges and other kinds of shelters can often production is a major economic factor for the region. The
be found too because the springs are popular spots all-year- Hellvetics get paid well for their protection. 40% of all Petro
round. Allegedly, their waters have medicinal properties pumped from the ground at Mol goes directly to Ternitz
which can soothe pain, cure diverse ailments and promote and from there to the Alpine Fortress and the other Territo-
the healing of wounds. rial Regions. The remaining 60% gets distributed and sold
Paved roads only run between the major settlements, among the settlements of the Balkhan.
but many well-used trails suitable for carts or carriages However, since Chernobog’s march towards Pest, the

connect the numerous farmsteads and villages. Beyond threat to transports has increased. Apocalyptics, greedy
those routes many remains of the Bygone Age can be found. Scrappers, Voivodules and Savages all keep an eye out for
Bleached bones can be spotted between the roots of tightly the team drawn wagons loaded with tanks which leave
He feels the wind whispering between the cedars, carrying a deep sonorous hum across the lake in soft waves. Then that grouped trees. Blades and gun barrels stick out from be- through the gates. Bianchi - Corps Commander of Territo-
gust reaches the narrow gap of five stone pillars rising from the water’s surface just off the shore, and a deep flute-like tween rocks along the banks of brooks. Rock-faces are rial Region IV - has concluded that prior agreements are no
sound reverberates back at him across the water. That velveteen tone and the vibration of the stone itself resonate adorned with painted murals reminiscent of the pic- longer sufficient to cover for the escalating raids and the
through him, expanding from his chest as a warm tingling feeling which spreads throughout his whole body. Beneath his tograms found in the Borcan town of Mobilis. Depictions growing demand for support from Kesztej. New terms are
mask he keeps his eyes closed. He sways his upper body back and forth in the slow rhythm of that low piping. His thorax of human beings undergoing transformations, double-he- in order.
expands and relaxes in sync with the basswave. lixes with strange markings and everywhere signs from the
Suddenly, a piercing screech cuts through the air as something whizzes past his head, and the soundscape collapses Era of the Beast are evident. Whoever risks exploring here
into wildly thrashing dissonances. Hot rage flares up inside him and he whirls around, but too late. With a dull thump can become rich. Long forgotten walkways lead to aban- GRAZ SCRAPFIELDS
three arrows strike his chest, toppling him backwards into the cold water. He gasps for air, wants to scramble to his feet, doned bunker complexes, an overgrown ruin still holds Scrappers crawl under the collapsed roofs of former factory
scream the flesh off their bones, but they are already upon him and push his head underwater. He wants to call out, but crates of ammunition, and in a cave the skeletal remains of halls. They hammer and dig and extend the breaches which
can only cough as the water rushes through the tubes of his mask. In his open mouth blood mixes with the water. a bygone warrior still cling to an ancient artifact that would they have made in concrete walls with demolition tools.
Through red-tinted waterlogged lenses he can see their gray-painted faces twisted into grimaces of hate looking down at be worth a fortune in the Protectorate’s Alcoves or could be With saws and crowbars they gain access, cut open engine
him. He struggles, rears up and just barely recognizes a blade descending, coming closer to his throat. Around his silhou- a key to the Pannonian’s past and the Táltos would pay a rooms and strip the old industrial installations to gather
ette a cloud colors the water deep red. The hunters continue to hold their victim underwater for a few more moments, high reward for its retrieval. The unfortunate can just as valuable control boards. Soon only a gray concrete skeleton
until it stops twitching. Then they begin their red labor before vanishing again among the trees. easily crash through some deadwood undergrowth and fall will remain after every little nut and bolt and every piece of
to their deaths into a sinkhole, tunnel or gorge, get stuck in electronic scrap has been dragged to the surface and carted
a swamp only to find themselves surrounded by Usudis, or away by the dirt-diggers. Soon they will return and con-
stumble into the carrier-wave of a Dushani. The results are tinue with the next ruin.

W E S T- P A N N O N I A
usually the same. Except in the luckiest of cases, nobody Among the remaining buildings or in their dusty stair-
will hear the cries for help. At least nobody who one would ways, human remains can be found, but for the sums the
want to be rescued by in the first place. Chroniclers will pay for the recovered technology, many
Rolling hills, green forests, succulent pastures. Everything a scant six weeks later they’ll reach two meters height consider stepping over corpses an inconvenience worth the
seems to thrive in West-Pannonia. Even after the driest, again. Consequently, most families keep a few grazing ani- reward. Yet something else skulks between the remnants of
hottest summers one can find many places where plants are mals, either roaming around - guided by herders - or graz- MOL the city, waiting in the dark corners for an unsuspecting vic-
still growing rampantly in vibrant green. ing inside regularly moving corrals. Chickens pick away at Hissing steam and mechanical screeching fill the air when tim to pounce on. A small group of Spore Beasts has settled
The secret lies within the soil. Thick layers of loam the ground in the shadows of trees. the pumps operate. With labored groans massive metal in the rubble and is busy establishing a nest in the tunnels
store moisture and release it gradually to nourish the dense Around the larger settlements like Kesztej, Kapos and poles heave and drop. Nearby generators rattle and drive beneath the former municipal heating plant.
vegetation throughout the year. For a traveler coming from Szeged, the yield of local farmsteads is brought to the mar- the refinery. At its end, black gold is filled into old barrels
Justitian it may seem almost miraculous, but for the Pan- kets. There, copious amounts of crops, bulbs, tomatoes and with peeling paint which are lifted onto wagons bound
nonians it means you either keep a herd of grazers or you lettuces are sold next to hams wrapped in wax-paper, northward to Ternitz or Kesztej.
have to be prepared to constantly keep the roads clear with chicken drumsticks and sides of beef hanging from iron Scrappers crawl under the pipelines, tighten screws, re-
scythes. It seems as if the work is barely done when one hooks, and on yet another stall one can find cloves of garlic, place valves and generally conduct all maintenance of the
must start again, as the nettles never stop growing and only onions, coriander, mint and pepper spread out. Pannonian machinery. It pays well. The rewards are full plates laden

MARIBOR SPORE RIDGE wards the tubular coffin from which he will re-emerge as a
White flakes drift through the air, carried by the breeze new human being. His skin altered, his eyes and hair will
along the mountainsides and over the hills into the next have changed color as well. Even his spirit does not appear
valley. Lizards scurry across stones, a wad of bunched-up to be the same anymore. From that moment on, he will
bright fluff between their jaws. Soon a new Spore Field will know only one goal: to protect the Pannonians. With no re-
emerge here. South of the Graz Scrapfields they just seem to morse.
sprout from the ground, extending from there to Maribor.
With them, the reports of Dushani sightings are also in-
creasing. The Spitalians are worried. The spread of the TIHAN
Spore Fields is slowly approaching Laibach. Prisoners The hills surrounding Tihan color brightly violet in the
caught close to the old smuggler’s pathway spout gibberish. sunlight when the salvia blooms, but the lilac sea parts as
Only rarely the Spitalians can make out a few words that the gaze wanders to a gaping dark hole at the flank of a hill.
mean anything to them in that senseless blathering. A In these caves the Künde meet for council. Here the Göncöl
name, a whisper: Eidolon. The Voice of Usud is slowly turn- announces his successor and the name of the Hadúr cho-
ing the tide in his favor. sen by the Gyulas. Traditionally he shouts the name while
The Spitalians are not the only ones who grow nervous standing on a large rock close to the hill’s northern slope.
in the face of encroaching Dushani. If the Aberrants man- Seven times it echoes through the cave. Once for each of
age to surround the city, their songs will unite in a Sárkány’s maws, once for each tribe, once for each of the
crescendo above the ruins. Then, nothing and no one will seven leaders. Awestruck the attending people listen when
ever be able to wrest control from them again. That would the maiden within the rock answers just like in the ancient KAPOS
also be the end of the smuggler’s pathway. Apocalyptics on local myths. The people of Kapos are proud of their wine which they scrape coal from the depths. They pay with their body’s
both sides of the Karawanks gather their flocks, pore over The reaction of a Dushani to the echo several years ago claim tastes much better than the grape juice from Kesztej. strength and physical endurance for the transgressions they
maps and look for alternative routes. The realization is a still puzzles the people. It was the first time that an Aber- There one could start a serious fistfight in any of the Kocs- have committed. Those who do not comply get to feel the
bitter one: the loss of that passage would deal a severe blow rant came so close to the settlement. His upper body mas with such remarks. sting of the whip. Pannonians who have served their sen-
to their business. Not everyone is prepared to simply let swayed back and forth as if he were in a trance. He didn’t Row upon row of grape vines extend across the slopes tence can leave and are considered rehabilitated. For every-
that happen. react to the farmers, barely even registered them at all. Nei- around the town. In other places paprika, cucumbers, one else the wardens always tend to find a new reason why
ther did he manifest any Phenomena. The Spitalians are pumpkins and maize are harvested, but the true pride of their punishment has to be extended.
confounded. the city lies within its walls. For a traveler from another
SÜMEG country Kapos may almost seem like a paradise. Rosy
Sümeg is a fortress perched high up a sheer precipice from blooming trees line the sides of the streets and rose-bushes BJELIS
which it commands a full view of the surrounding lands. Its THE ZALA-BOG grow radiant in front of houses. At every corner colorful Bjelis is a powder keg. Ever since Buzdovan had driven the
walls are a strong defense and few would even risk to ap- South of Kesztej lies a region of swampy meadows and blossoms can be found, trees sway in the wind and provide Jehammedans and Anabaptists out of Dalmatia, they have
proach them considering the challenging climb up the rock moors. Flowers of all colors bloom here before the Pannon- the respite of shadow on hot days. been crowded together here.
face. Only one path - five paces wide - leads up to the main inans’ water buffalo devour them. On the farmsteads sur- Kapos has retained what Kesztej and other places have Marat - the local Horka - is completely overburdened
gate, and it winds its way up around the rockface. Those are rounding the swamplands those buffalo are groomed and lost: peace and open hospitality. Travelers are beckoned to with this situation. Every day other rules are imposed and
not the only defenses of Sümeg though. Others extend the ultimately sold on the great livestock market of Kesztej, come into houses with a smile, invited to dinner or taken by his favor sways from one side to the other, usually depen-
engagement range of this fortress significantly. An artillery bound for a life of serving their new masters on the fields. their hand and dragged along to join one of the many fes- dent on who brought him lavish gifts the previous evening,
gun with about 40km range is mounted on a rotating plat- Bog Krakens, Armored Snails, Spore Newts and Trilo- tivities. The experiences made by strangers here will stay or who whispers more enticing promises into his ears. The
form inside the courtyard. Tunnels underneath the fortress bites crawl in the shallow waters and mud. The Táltos prize with them long after they return to their homelands. result is public disturbances, brawls and stabbings.
still hold several thousands of rounds for this weapon. Be- the carcasses of those killed animals and the farmers are all Beyond the city limits and far away from its daily rou- The hostility on the streets only subsides when both
sides that, Sümeg features numerous machine-gun em- too happy to oblige them, slaying them wherever they find tines - a few kilometers northeastward along the hills - low cults join a Pannonian raid against the Voivodates. Swords
placements and mortar positions, a fortified drinking-water them. They keep their children from the swamps though. walls rise around crude wooden huts. Here, those who have of Jehammed and Orgiastics then can vent their anger
reservoir and wells, tanks of petro and generators which are For adults the krakens might be harmless, but a four-year- violated the peace are condemned to toil. The visages of freely, and the people of Dalmatia pay for the decision of
fed by it. This fortress is widely considered unconquerable. old could become the victim of their paralyzing high- those people are smeared with black dirt when they emerge Buzdovan with their blood.
The heavy armaments are there for a reason. This is the pitched whistling all too easily. from the mines, quickly wash their hands and face along a
Hadúr’s residence and where the holy chambers are. Far be- common trough, to then receive a wooden bowl of hot
low the fortress heavy steel doors open with a loud rasp to soup and a few slices of bread. Perpetually under the scorn-
expose dimly lit corridors and halls. Deep within that maze ful gaze of guards who watch them from towers and walls.
some chambers remain sealed. The imprint “Recombina- Some are consigned to this duty for a mere week, others
tion Group” has not completely faded from the walls yet. spend years here. Day in - day out thieves, bandits, Apoca-
Down there, the most sacred chamber can be found. The lyptics who got too greedy, or African Scrappers and Voivo-
place where the chosen Hadúr is guided by the Göncöl to- dules captured during raids crawl into those shafts to


The Pannonians don't have any concept of bad things of this world issue forth. The siblings as good is from evil. He represents
the word Primer. Other than the Spitalians, Usud crater is one such place where the the true essence of Sárkány - clever and
Anabaptists find it easier to share a com- dragon's jaws have opened and spew its wise, sending dreams and visions to the Tál-
mon understanding with the Pannonian foul spawn onto the world. tos. When he awakes, he will show the Pan-
clans. What they see as the work of the The late Táltos Ambrus of Szeged was nonians the way to the future.
Demiurge, the Pannonians call Sárkánys the first to espouse the doctrine that only Ambrus' great-granddaughter Ilona is
Breath. In the stories that grandparents tell six of Sárkány's seven mouths had opened one of the two Táltos on whom the Mark of
their children, Sárkány appears as a seven- so far. The seventh head is supposed to re- Anubis was recently discovered.
headed dragon from whose maws all the main dormant and as different from its six .

E A S T- P A N N O N I A
Krakens vibrate across the water and draw the Dushani from horseback, brushwood and debris block the way.
close. The Alpha Wolf Plumbul has made a business out of
For Neolibyans, Szeged is a good base to set out on the this. The Usudis are lured through a corridor of barricades
Steppe as far as the eye can see. Here and there brooks, watering holes, ruins and small forests hunt for Dushani and get some shooting practice. From a that can be closed at regular intervals to form many small
break the monotony of this wide-open plain which the locals call Puszta. Herds of horses thun- high watchtower one can see all across the swamplands and arenas. Through doors in the barricades, fighters can enter
der across the land, their manes whipping back and forth in the wind. Gray cattle trek from one sight a rifle. If they shoot one of the Vodjanoi dwelling in the arenas alone or in groups, fight Usudis, and - if the out-
watering hole to the next. Usudis climb down from the surrounding slopes only to be driven into the swamps, they have to rely on the help of the locals to come is in doubt - retreat again while guards open fire from
the valleys where they are cut down. retrieve the corpse, though. Gin traps, tripwires, explosive the windows of surrounding buildings.
Where the Puszta ends, the Carpathian mountains with their deep forests and quiet lakes traps, spiked gratings which snap up from below the water, Brothels and taverns of the Apocalyptics can be found
rise. No one can deny Sárkány’s influence here. Mother Spore Fields spread their seeds wherever nailboards hidden in the morass; the swamp is a minefield. one next to the other in the vicinity of Plumbul's arenas. Al-
the wind will carry them, and whoever braves the narrow paths leading up the mountainsides The hunters bring strange news from the southern cohol flows in streams. These combat zones are also treated
soon complains about aching teeth, creaking joints and pressure in their ears. The Dushani are reaches of the swamp. Tracks of boots and shoes indicate as exceptional areas - consumption of Burn is allowed. After
near. Tracks of Usudi packs cross the paths everywhere. The unwary will be dragged off or fall that the river has been crossed. Not far from the water, all, lives are in danger. Nowhere else do so many Pannoni-
under the sway of the Dushani’s song. Nothing remains here of the open hospitality that the white fluff is drifting on the wind. A Spore Field is begin- ans feel the call to become Guta.
people of West-Pannonia are known for. The faces here are grim and the people morose. Apoc- ning to emerge, but the trails do not stop there. Could it be A group of about 35 Anabaptists from Bjelis settled in
alyptics and Burn smugglers are either killed or used as bait for the abominations of Usud. that someone who isn’t a Dushani carries the spores across Iosefin a few months ago and moved into one of the many
the land to sow new fields? impressive old churches. When the sounds of the organ
ring out through the windows, the Scrappers on the street
pause and listen. Something touches their hearts. Tomor-
NOK IOSEFIN row they will listen to the devotionals, hoping to hear the
The largest horse-market of Europe is held in Nok. Hun- mares and two jet-black stallions to a Neolibyan magnate Iosefin is a place of concrete and whitewashed walls sur- same melody once again.
dreds of animals are offered for sale here. The quality of the for the legendary price of one Surge Tank. It took her two rounded by metal plates and other jagged scrap piled-up so The Anabaptists do not appreciate the consumption of
horses is exceptional, the best one can buy for drafts or di- years to get the vehicle all the way to her estate, replace all high that only the spires of decorated columns rise above Burn at the arenas, but their hands are tied as long Gyula
nars. Emissaries of the Neolibyans, breeders from New- the damaged armor plates and repair the busted treads the clutter. Mihály allows it while his pockets and those of his Horkas
crest, rich advocates from Justitian, wealthy Bojars, silk clad Many Scrappers have settled here, burrow through the are lined with coins left and right by Apocalyptics and
Drushinnik officers and Isaaki, they all come here in hopes industrial remains and use the place as a springboard to fur- Plumbul. The Anabaptists are not alone in their disap-
to claim one of those horses as their own. SZEGED ther exploration of nearby ruins. Large storehouses are proval, however. A Guta named Zsa Zsa is railing against
The Pannonians are well aware of that. Shows of eques- Crayfish and fish are caught in traps here. To the north of crammed full up to their roofs. The most precious parts are Mihály, Plumbul and the use of Burn in the fights. That
trian skill, oiled horse flanks, manes brushed to a silky the settlement, ponds have been dug out where fish and taken away directly to Beograd and Kesztej. purist considers such substance-use cheating. Burn distorts
sheen which glow luxuriously in the sun and extensive clams are bred. The swamps which surround the town on Usudis are a constant menace here. They come down the competitions according to her. Weaklings who would
pedigrees are all part of an established strategy to drive the both sides of the river are a blessing and a curse at the same from the valleys, attack the caravans and kidnap travelers. not survive in the arenas without their cusps should have
prices up as much as possible. Besides the common cur- time. They do provide an exceptional protection against at- No one here leaves the house unarmed. Particularly the no place there.
rency, barter is gladly accepted as well. Five years ago the tacks by the Voivodates, but the creatures which live here northeastern flank of the city is regularly plagued by the Last spring, Beograd extended its hand in friendship
horse breeder Katalin of Debrecen sold five snow-white also attract the Aberrants. Unceasingly the tunes of Bog hordes. There, fighting in the streets is almost impossible while Sofia and Dalmatia are becoming more aggressive.

Djuric welcomes Iosefin's Scrappers and Pannonians - their husbandry. The birds are sold to their buyers still in the egg, A FŰ
blood will buy Beograd much needed time. then a falconer supervises the first months and helps to im-
print the animal on its owner. Subsequently, it is trained for The Fene use all kinds of poisons and toxins The pollen is highly allergenic and even a constant wheezing and coughing. For pow-
hunting. The birds never leave their masters' side and will for their assassinations. Among them is the low concentration in the air can cause se- erful warriors who need to rely on their
EGER rush into any danger on command. ragweed. That plant's pollen is harvested vere reactions, particularly affecting the strength, death would be a more accept-
The bodies of the dead still lie among withered grapevines wearing gloves and a mask, carefully eyes and respiratory system. The mixture able fate.
while vultures and other scavengers feast on them. Not strained, mixed with nitrogen dioxide in with nitrogen dioxide is even more aggres- Stealthily, the Fene expose their victims to
much is left of the once beautiful town of Eger. DOMICA culture labs, and then placed in small sive and significantly increases the pollen's those pollen, spreading them in sleep
Between the columns of the basilica, the Crows of the The valleys around the entrances to the Domica cave-sys- pouches, aerosol dispensers, or other con- allergenic potential. Even if the victim sur- chambers, writing rooms, or other enclosed
Carpathian-Swift Flock have hoisted the corpse of the tem are divided into plots. Differently colored pieces of tainers that make it easy to release the solu- vives the anaphylactic shock, damage to spaces. The effect is too unreliable in the
Künde and cut open his Manyak. Like a bird with tattered cloth tied to small sticks mark what is being studied in each tion. the lungs almost always remains, resulting open air. The less air circulation, the better.
wings, he now hangs above the entrance, while below him section: Bloated carcasses, some exposed, others under in chronic shortness of breath, asthma, or
the frightened townspeople gather boxes of Burn cusps. plastic sheeting. Under the canopy of large trees, small
Binoculars flash from the ornate balcony of a half-col- glass-paned cages reminiscent of greenhouses can be
lapsed, leaning, narrow tower. Snipers keep an eye on the found. A peek through the solid glass between the metal
streets. At gunpoint the Carpathian-Swifts herd desperate struts reveals prisoners covered in blisters and eczema, beg-
Pannonians over the hills and into the Spore Fields to ging for water.
gather the harvest. Why expose themselves to the Spores In the sprawling cave systems nearby, the Fene gather
when there are easily replaceable workers to do the job? under the supervision of their Ördög, mixing poisons and
Already the Fene are circling around the city. The Raven preparing pathogens in the culture labs. Their chants echo D E AT H Z O N E P E S T
Ostrum knows that he can't hold the city forever, but he through Majkos' Hall where they paint the walls with intri- Impassable. Chernobog's hordes swarm around the hills If the Palers would only trace the routes on their exten-
doesn't have to. Just one last big delivery, and he'll have paid cate symbols. In the Hall of Mysteries, they trade formulas and along the river, throwing their bodies against the sive cartography, match them with the direction of the last
off his debt. His client in the ruins of Praha is already wait- with each other and draw water from the sinter basins. Dushani's wave-crests until the dissonance of their dissi- tracks and combine them with the locations recorded on
ing. pating bodies brings the wave crashing down with the their Orbital Sun Disks, it would all become obvious. The
sound of a thousand breaking shards. trail would lead to bunkers, facilities and dispensers deep
GOROD Dushani and Chernobog are not the only ones with beneath the ruins of Pest. What they'd find there would
DEBRECEN Hardly more than 1,000 people remain in the damaged, di- their gaze fixed on Pest, though. The Redeemer Velitia is on completely turn the world of the Pannonians - and their
Flat land, steppe, large herds of horses, draw wells rising lapidated castle and surrounding villages. Usudis and the trail of a legend. Through her friendship with a hunch- own - on its head.
from the landscape like scrawny fingers. Many of the sur- Dushani are closing in from all sides. Step by step, they backed chandler who regularly visited her original bunker,
rounding villages breed horses and buffalo, whose milk they block important paths, trigger landslides and thus tighten she knows the stories and legends of the Pannonians well.
process into cheese. Woolly pigs burrow under bushes for the noose. It's futile to wait for support from the Spitalians The Seven and their sudden disappearance fascinate her.
roots and wallow in the mud of the numerous water holes. here. Together with her small band of Palers she has followed
Within the walls of the old castle is the seat of Gyula Ti- Despite the obstinate and belligerent manner of the their long-faded traces, talked to the Táltos and even ex-
bor. The tolerance for the Cults’ presence in the western Gorodians, the awareness slowly creeps into their heads. changed a few words with the Göncöl.
settlements is a thorn in his side. The Pannonians have Gorod cannot be held without massive outside help. Last Then, finally, she finds something tangible. At a half-
managed without their help so far and will continue to do year, none of the children born here were allowed to reach sunken ruin on the western riverbank of Pest her scouts
so. If the Voivodates want to bash each other's heads in, let the age of seven. Gurgles and grumbles had possessed their find black scorch-marks dug into the walls, as if by the
them go ahead. His Huszars pounce on Usudis like the Tu- tongues. The community is only a few defeats away from power of the sun, where a weapon missed its target. The
rul, circling them with their horses and striking them down collapse. tunnels are almost impossible to enter. Midnight-black
with wild howls or studding them with arrows. So it has al- Then, two weeks ago - a strange visit. A dozen Palers smoke billows along the walls, crackling, humming and
ways been and so it will always be. appeared at the gate, asking for admission. In return, they hissing when something moves through it. Large holes like
Tibor is an upstart who has secured the post of Gyula offer help. The Pannonians are suspicious. Where is the pockmarks slowly but steadily burrow deeper into the
primarily through the fame and influence of his elderly fa- catch? In their desperation the people take it as a sign. A walls. An empty cartouche still lies near the entrance. The
ther Farkas. He spends his time more with giving speeches spark of hope flickers across their grim expressions. signs of a struggle are unmistakable, but the tracks indicate
and hunting with his eagle than responding to the cries for something else too: the victim got away.
help from the threatened settlements. A coterie of yes-men For Velitia and her Palers the matter is clear: the story
has formed around him, praising him and his clan to the of the Pannonians is connected to the gods. Something has
high heavens and getting paid well for it. Bad news or des- been hunting them and is probably the reason for the disap-
perate messengers, like the ones from Gorod, are inter- pearance of the leaders. In this region the Palers know of
cepted by them. Not now, they say. Come back later. Among only one creature that could be responsible. The Beast of
the population, some are already sharpening their knives. Laibach. Triglaw.
Debrecen is home to an impressive falcon and eagle

F A C T S H E E T: K E S Z T E J

CITY: Kesztej, Tech-Level III-IV

PROVINCE: West-Pannonia

INHABITANTS: 43,000 / Spitalian estimate

POPULATION STRUCTURE: Pannonians / dominant,

Minor Clans / numerous, Spitalians / numerous,
Hellvetics / numerous, Jehammedans / numerous,
CITY LIFE Scrappers / numerous, Anabaptists / represented,
Apocalyptics / represented, Palers / represented,
The shouts of Hellvetic Genies resound across the roofs of Chroniclers / sporadic, Africans / sporadic
the houses, while on the streets Spitalians screen wares for
Sepsis. If the Mollusk twitches, the goods are taken from LEADER: Réka, Gyula of Kesztej
the farmer and the lost revenue is compensated by the
Gyula's men. Burn is corrupted by Sárkány's breath, sure, REPRESENTATIVE POWER: Horka Zsolt, Künde
but what does that have to do with the goods at the stall? Rezső
People don't really understand why one box of apricots is
supposedly worse than another, but then a Huszar presses SPECIAL FEATURES: City fortifications under
some coins into their palms. "If it makes them happy," the construction by Hellvetic Genies, Chronicler Alcove,
traders say, shrugging their shoulders. Then the Spitalians grand market, thermal springs and baths, biogas
destroy the infested material in two large enclosed blast fur- plants on the outskirts of the city, 75 large solar
naces at the edge of town. panels maintained by Lisiza the Scrapper
Kesztej is the city of crafts in Pannonia. Jehammedan
artisans are carving the most breathtaking patterns on their TRADE / GOODS: Numerous fruits and vegetables,

jewelry. Wares of all kinds, masterfully decorated, crafted large livestock-, wool- and meat-markets, weapons,
from leather and horn, are hawked on the corners. Stalls ammunition, swamp animals, minerals (basalt,
selling spun wool and pottery goods line the streets. Over mineral salts, obsidian), palinka, scrap metal,
Colorful ribbons flutter from the trees on the hills surrounding Kesztej. Gently, the all of this an earthy, tangy, musky scent wafts through the blacksmith-, art- and pottery goods
landscape rises like green waves and slowly evens out to reveal a view of the town and streets, the spices and seed-pods in the shop displays add a
the surrounding countryside. Beginning at the eastern edge of the town, a mile-wide sweet, aromatic note that lingers in the nostrils of visitors CITY GUARD: 550 Huszars; 80 Huszars and 20 Gutas
golden ribbon of wheat fields sways in the wind and extends along the edge of the hill for weeks. under the command of Horka Zsolt
range on what was once a lake bed. It curves around Tihan and then fades into the dis- A little to the north, just a few kilometers out of town, The Red Horde: 300 Huszars and 100 Gutas under
tance where herds of buffalo, sheep and goats roam across lush green pastures or forage are the thermal springs. In the evening hot steam visibly the command of Lajos the Red
among overgrown ruins of the Bygone people. drifts as a thin mist over the water's surface and rises into
Kesztej is known as a cozy, laid-back town. At least it was until a few years ago. Now the cool night air, smelling slightly smoky and like rotten 600 mercenaries, irregulars and partisans
the hammering never stops. The saws are never idle. Day and night materials are eggs. The rim of the water-filled crater is lined with count-
brought in and added to the construction of new fortifications. Smithies and bowyers less small lanterns and lights, men and women both can be A contingent of hundred Spitalians (a second one is
work unceasingly, forging blades and armor, shoeing hooves and fletching arrows. seen curing their ailments in the relaxing bath. During win- spread among the surrounding villages in the west)
Since the onset of that major construction endeavor, the presence of Hellvetics in ter, the rising steam lingers just above the water's surface,
the city has also grown, and not only they have increased in numbers. When Cher- transforming the bathing pools into a large open-air inhala- 25 Hellvetic Genies with two dozen support troops
nobog made his way through Praha Republika to Pest, razing settlements like Raab to torium. The vapors are said to revitalize the vocal cords and (Radio Beam Units, Grenadiers, Medics and Foragers)
the ground, hundreds fled his wrath. Little has changed since then. More people arrive lungs. The water itself is not only used for treating aches
every day with nothing but the clothes on their backs and all their remaining posses- and pains of the limbs but also as a tonic against diseases of ARTIFACT TRADE: Limited; Tech V and above is
sions wrapped into a bundle. Back then, their Gyula had prepared the people for what the digestive tract. purchased directly at the Alcove and transported
was to come. After an initial period of indifference, everyone is now aware: the good Halfway between the baths and the growing walls of away by Hellvetic escorts; Tech IV and below are
years have come to an end. Eventually, Chernobog would find what he was looking for, the city rises a mighty tree. About 35 meters tall and with a appraised, further transport onward happens at the
and then what? His hordes roam the forests in search of supplies, raiding farms and trunk a good 3 meters in diameter, that massive oak pro- expense and risk of the finder
villages. A confrontation seems inevitable. What the people of Gorod take for granted vides shade for the ceremonies of the Táltos. Under it, the
in terms of deprivation - however - must first be learned here. Contributing supplies to Csikós face their final test, inhaling the vapors from the COMMUNICATIONS: Radio relay to Sümeg, Mol and
the stocks, combat training, building and repairing fortifications. If you want to stay, smoking bowl. During her dream-quest, her destiny is re- Kapos. Beacons for emergencies. Within the city,
you have to work - and there is a lot to do. Those who cannot work physically must find vealed: if she climbs the tree in her vision, she will serve her errand boys deliver messages. Messengers on
other ways to make themselves useful or leave the city. The rules of Réka, the Gyula, are people as a Táltos. If it leads her to the roots, she will be- horseback connect farms and villages. The Alcove is
resolute. come a Fene. connected to the Cluster’s network via the Alpine
Fortress. The connection is unstable and fails



The drumbeat of the Táltos sounds unceasingly. The people who kneel in a wide circle around him and his disciple
sway subtly with the rhythm. The communion’s eyes are fixed on the two in their midst. Beneath their half-closed
lids the eyes of the Táltos and his disciple flicker as the drumbeats speed up. The disciple’s body begins to reel and
her white hair billows slightly in the wind. Sweat glistens on her brow. At once the drum of the Táltos falls silent.

After a moment of silence the disciple opens her eyes. The people around them hold their breath. She smiles. Relief
rushes over the group, cheers begin to rise, she is embraced and kissed. Flowers are laid upon her head. Nobody

wants to imagine what would have happened if her Dream Quest would have ended in tears.

After the Eschaton, during the Age of the Beast, savage clans fall upon each other and BE OUR GUEST
stain the plains of the land red with blood. The struggle for survival dominates every "Come in, please, you must be hun-
thought. gry!" the woman calls and beckons
Then suddenly the clans fall. New players appear on the scene. The people are ex- the traveler into the house. Soon the
hausted, the moment is perfect. The newcomers place themselves as leaders at the whole family is sitting at the table,
heads of seven tribes, seize control, speak of a new future. They slay or isolate any ad- breaking their bread with the
versaries in the individual clans. Dissenters are publicly broken. Mortal enemies declare stranger. When the guest visibly en-
their undying love and loyalty to them and sink to their knees after listening to their joys every bite after a long journey,
words. Everywhere people voluntarily throw themselves into the dust and submit, their hearts swell. Such helpfulness
drinking the water of civilization from that long dried-out well. often seems suspicious to strangers.
But one day the leaders disappear without a trace, leaving behind only wooden What's the catch? Snubbing this
horse figurines. A parting gift? The people cling to the symbol, joining together around hospitality does - however - cut
the icon of the horse. They have no idea of its true background. deeper than any direct insult and
can quickly escalate.


From the backs of their horses, the Pannonians drive the herds of grey cattle and water ONE LAST LAUGH
buffalo along the green hills and streams, gallop across the plains, or gather into bands A child’s laughter shows its true self,
of plunderers to invade the territories of the Voivodates, burning and pillaging. The so the Pannonians say. Everyone
tribes are a reflection of their circumstances. Some joyful and with infectious good hu- knows what to be wary of. For the
mor, others stoic, hardened, martial. parents, the first years are a time of
The closer a tribe lives to the Carpathians and the Usud Crater, the grimmer and pure anxiety: every laugh could be
more taciturn the people become. The colorful cloth ribbons that can be seen fluttering the last before Sárkány's breath
in the wind from trees all around Kesztej in the west, become replaced with graphite- steals the child's tongue and it be-
colored face paint in the east. Laughter has fallen silent there and people speak only gins to make strange noises, chor-
when it is necessary. tles inwardly and behaves abnor-
mally. The Táltos take such a child
and commit it to the spirits of the
CROSSROADS Seven. The end was peaceful, he
The Pannonians are in a tight spot. Chernobog's hordes to the north, Usudis to the emphasizes. Hardly a consolation
east, the Voivodates to the south, growing Spore Fields and Dushani everywhere. Out for the grieving parents.
of necessity, they have allowed the Cults into their territory if they provide support.
The other Balkhanis are furious. Even within the Clan, resistance is stirring. The last
word has not yet been spoken. SKILL BONUSES
The following abilities receive a +1
MAX bonus during character cre-
The Spitalians have established a base at Kesztej, much to the chagrin of the Apocalyp- (AGI) Navigation
tics. Both are determined to secure access to the Balkhan, so they shower Künde and (AGI) Projectiles
Gyulas with gifts, join Pannonians in their hunts. At Bjelis, Jehammedans and Anabap- (CHA) Leadership
tists camp side by side after being driven out by Buzdovan. They are now bent on re- (PSY) Faith/Willpower
venge and only too happy to participate in raids. In Sofia the Karakhan gathers his peo- (INS) Taming
ple. The whole region is a powder keg.

H I E R A R C H Y A N D R A N K S - PA N N O N I A N S

2 Fene 3 Ördög

1 Csikó 2 Táltos 3 Künde 4 Göncöl

X Hadúr

2 Gazda 3 Horka 4 Gyula

1 Gyermek

2 Huszar 3 Követ

3 Guta

As priests and healers, people value their advice. During 2 - HUSZAR

meditations the Táltos compete with Sárkány and Always twenty of them serve under one Horka, perform
penetrate the mind of the foul dragon. Their insights are guard duties, protect herds and settlements, and dream of
used by the Huszars and Guta to beat back the spawn of glory and rich plunder. Their helmet with horsehair serves
Usud. as a status symbol: ribbons and strips of cloth are woven
PREREQUISITE: Successful Dream-Quest, CHA+Arts 4, into the tail plume as a sign of affiliation to their brothers
INT+Legends 6, INT+Medicine 6, PSY+Faith/Willpower and sisters in battle. From horseback, they terrorize the
6, INS+Empathy 6 villages of Voivodates, hang captured Burn smugglers from
RESULT: Knows people's concerns and speaks to the spirits trees and chase Usudis back up the mountain slopes.
of the Seven on their behalf: +1 Allies, +1 Secrets Others hire themselves out as mercenaries and fight for the
EQUIPMENT: Drum, bright Manyak cause of other Cults if the Táltos gives them his blessing.
PREREQUISITE: BOD+Force 6, BOD+Melee 7 or
2 - GAZDA AGI+Projectiles 7, AGI+Navigation 6, INS+Taming 4,
1 - CSIKÓ EQUIPMENT: Fur blanket, hoe or bullwhip The Gazda and their families manage the farms, Authority 2, Resources 1
An extra finger, a caul, heterochromia or white hair keeping herds of horses and buffalo. Those who do not have RESULT: +1D to attacks against enemies within clan terri-
mark the child as special from birth. "Foal" her parents 2 -FENE the means to establish a farm become craftsmen: tory
affectionately call her and stroke her hair. The Dream-Quest has failed. He must make his way to blacksmiths, bowyers, carpenters, furriers and masons. Day If he hires himself out as a mercenary and fights for the
The special birth does not go unnoticed. Strangers Domica. There he learns how to fill death into bottles or in and day out they toil. The farms supply the Huszars with cause of other Cults, he can distribute 2 points to Network
suddenly announce themselves for a visit, ask for spread it on someone’s bread. He feels worthless, hates fresh horses, in the workshops weapons are sharpened and or Resources. Only one of the bonus effects applies depend-
permission to stroke or kiss the child, ask for a lock of hair. himself for his failure, until the Ördög channels this self- arrows are fletched. ing on their status.
Touching it brings good luck. Each visitor leaves gifts and loathing into a path that serves the clan in ways a Táltos Others move from settlement to settlement as EQUIPMENT: Melee weapon (riding pick, axe, spear, sword
offerings to make life pleasant for the foal and its family. A never could. The first time he watches a Boyar vomit up his chandlers, trading everyday items and news. or saber) or Pannonian bow with full quiver (20), starched
Táltos takes care of her and sees to her education: She must bile and finally fall from his chair in the throes of death, the PREREQUISITE: BOD+Toughness 4, AGI+Crafting 6 or leather clothing, decorated helmet with horsehair tail
learn to read, followed by knowledge of herbs and bitterness disappears and the Fene feels again like he did on CHA+Negotiation 6, INS+Taming 4 or INS+Empathy 4 plume
medicine, helping with the rites and assisting the Táltos. the day before his dream-quest: As a bearer of hope for the RESULT: Farms or workshops provide a good livelihood, his
The expectations for her future are immense and threaten clan. word is respected: +1 Authority +1 Resources
to overwhelm her. PREREQUISITE: Failed Dream-Quest, BOD+Toughness 6, If he moves from village to village as a grocer, he is an im-
PREREQUISITE: Special birthmark AGI+Crafting 6 or AGI+Dexterity 6, AGI+Stealth 6, portant source of news and a welcome guest: +2 Allies, +2
RESULT: +2 resources INT+Science 7, PSY+Deception 5, Secrets 3 Secrets
EQUIPMENT: Special ornament on clothing, hair and head RESULT: Gains access to the culture labs in Domica. His ex- If he leaves the rank, the bonus to Allies is lost. As long as he
representing her special birth posure to corpses, poisons, and diseases hardens him: +2D roams, resources cannot rise above 2
when resisting disease or poisons. EQUIPMENT: Tools of the trade (level 1) or Reff, weather-
1 - GYERMEK Bad Omen: Letting him into the house brings bad luck. proof clothing
The children of the Pannonians start early to help out Lodging costs double for him or require backgrounds that
in the stable, on the farm and with many other chores. are (1) higher than usual
Those who do not want to shovel horse manure for the rest EQUIPMENT: Dark Manyak, Apothecarium (Level 1)
of their lives try to make a name for themselves or learn a
trade. Influential parents help their children from a young 2 - TÁ LT O S
age to follow in the footsteps of those who can be both role The Dream-Quest has been successful. Before the eye
models and teachers. Others are less fortunate. of the Táltos the world reveals itself: Mother Earth rots the
PREREQUISITE: - flesh from the body, parasites nest under the skin. Sárkány’s
RESULT: Hard Work: +1D to BOD+Stamina, AGI+Crafting, seven heads slowly open their mouths and spit his brood
and INS+Taming onto the face of this world.


In Majkos' Hall he gathers his Fene, teaches them the He negotiates with the Cults and other clans in their She is initiated. She personally prepares the chambers, The seven tribes feel the looming threat. The fate of the
work of the devil, molds them according to his needs. From home territories. He acts like a collector of impressions checks the reserves of cryogel. She knows the whole truth. entire clan is at stake. Their leaders stand in a semicircle

here he sends them all over the world to poison wells and from other parts of the world, a student of foreign countries She cares for the Hadúr as a personal physician, around the cold coffin. They bow their heads and bend their
commit assassinations. He works into the hands of the and their culture. Someone who opens the minds of the accompanies him as a counselor, and is the only one to knees when the Hadúr rises from his tomb. He spent seven
Göncöl. Together they are keepers of the secrets. The native Pannonians to such ideas, he performs the role of whom he opens up. Her medical skills are considered days in this coma while the Göncöl constantly monitored
Ördög is present during the election of the Hadúr and visionary and bridge builder. All of it is a charade. The Követ limitless. Frightened peasants whisper of occult rituals and his vital signs. Ice crystals and residue of the cryogel glisten
hands him his weapon. is a spider disguised as a diplomat and explorer, one who necromancy. on his skin. War has built a nest among the windings of his
PREREQUISITE: The previous Ördög dies, elicits the trust of the Cults and eventually betrays their PREREQUISITE: INT+Engineering 8, INT+Legends 8, brain. The Lord of Hosts protects the seven tribes by any
BOD+Toughness 10, AGI+Crafting 10, AGI+Dexterity 10, secrets to those back home. The subservient appearance of INT+Medicine 10, INT+Science 8, Secrets 6 means necessary and without scruples. He will eradicate
CHA+Leadership 10, INT+Medicine 10, INT+Science 10, his curiosity results in patronizing paternalism and RESULT: Knows the records of the first Seven and keeps the any threats.
PSY+Cunning 8, Authority 5, Secrets 5 benevolent conceit from the victims of his intrigues. They secret of the chambers. The Ördög hands him his weapon. The handle hums
RESULT: The potency of the poisons and substances he pro- willingly open their domiciles to provide the savages with a The Records of the Seven serve as a guide to the and clicks. A gray, three-digit number is emblazoned on his
duces is overwhelming; their strength increases by (2). few pittances of civilization. Potential Memetic Teachings. wrist.
The Fene are loyal to him and carry messages to him PREREQUISITE: CHA+Conduct 8, CHA+Expression 6, Her connection to the Hadúr is intimate: when using PREREQUISITE: Was unanimously chosen by the seven
from everywhere: +1 Allies PSY+Deception 8, INS+Empathy 5 memetic protocols against him, she gains a +2D bonus. If a Gyulas, Allies 6, Renown 5
EQUIPMENT: Unique Apothecarium (level 4), map of the RESULT: The Követ spends a lot of time in foreign lands: Al- roll to influence the Hadúr memetically is ever botched, the RESULT: He commands the clan: Authority and Resources
Domica cave system and surrounding valleys lies and Authority can never rise above 4. Yet his connec- connection breaks and without the trust of his personal increase to 6.
tions are useful: +1 Network physician he becomes unpredictable. To restore the His gaze brings weak-spirited people to their knees:
3 - KÜNDE If he maintains his deception, he gains +2S to all social in- memetic protocols, the Hadúr has to re-enter the Fearsome (3)
They are at the pinnacle of the social hierarchy and teractions with major Cults to find secrets and divulge them cryochamber for seven days. He is unlikely to do so If he is wounded, the injuries heal within a few hours:
their decisions are far-reaching. Representatives of other back home. If - on the other hand - he enriches himself, Re- voluntarily. Potential Regeneration
clans and Cults vie for their favor. Without their approval, sources increase by (1) each year up to a maximum of (5). EQUIPMENT: Authentication key for the sacred chambers, After one year, the power of the blood runs out. If the
outsiders are not tolerated within the clan's territories. One Such news are not received well at home: a Fene will already Surgical Tools (level 3), Thermocauter Hadúr is needed for a longer period, he can be revived again
of the seven Künde is chosen and trained by the Göncöl. be on his way. by the spirits of the Seven in the Göncöl's chambers.
Eventually, she will succeed him as his heir. EQUIPMENT: Papers and way cords for free passage, 4 - GYULA The memetic imprint has left deep impressions: The
PREREQUISITE: CHA+Negotiation 8, CHA+Expression 8, clothes decorated with horse patterns, supply of souvenirs She has overcome all challenges and led her clan clan's struggle for survival dominates his every thought;
INT+Medicine 8, PSY+Faith 8 used as gifts through every possible crisis. As Gyula she commands the only when talking to the Göncöl does he find peace.
RESULT: Everyone wants to get into good graces with her: military might of the tribe. Together with the Künde she His deeds do not go unnoticed: Legends attract Palers,
+1 Allies, +1 Resources, +1 Network 3 - G U TA negotiates with representatives of foreign Cults and sends Chroniclers, Sleepers and Marauders to his tracks.
Her spirituality impresses even Jehammedans and Anabap- The fortune of war is a whore and the Guta is her steady the Követ as ambassadors and diplomats into the world. EQUIPMENT: Kurgan, Vért
tists: +2D on interactions if her counterpart has PSY+Faith customer. He has settled in at the front-lines, leaving Together with the six other tribal leaders, she elects the
EQUIPMENT: Holy cords woven from copper, silver and planning to others. Peaceful life is dreary and dull, even Hadúr.
gold (level 3), decorated horse staff alcohol tastes bland. He only really feels alive when he lets PREREQUISITE: Authority 4, Allies 4, Renown 5, Network
go of all his inhibitions and whips himself up into a fighting 3, Secrets 4, BOD+Melee 10 or AGI+Projectiles 10,
3 - HORKA frenzy. The Guta is a demon who gains satisfaction from CHA+Leadership 10, PSY+Cunning 8
The Horka is appointed by the Künde. He judges killing. He is a dog of war, waiting for his master to cry RESULT: Other Pannonians are spurred on to greatness by
criminals and distributes the loot from raids. During the havoc and let him off his leash. her: Standard (2)
Gyula's absence he is in command. In rural areas he is the PREREQUISITE: BOD+Melee 8, BOD+Toughness 10, Her bodyguard consists of Huszars and Gutas but also
local authority, half prince, half shepherd. In battle, he leads INS+Primal 8, Renown 3 renegade Hellvetics or Kifos find a new home with her.
the Huszars and directs them against the enemy.. RESULT: If he inflicts (6) or more flesh wounds on his oppo- Messengers of the Piast come and go freely in her residence.
PREREQUISITE: Any combat skill+attribute at 8, nent with an attack he becomes invigorated at the sight of EQUIPMENT: Precious horsehair coat, white stallion,
CHA+Conduct 6, CHA+Leadership 8 or PSY+Domination his enemy staggering from the blow. In the next round, he weapon with 2 enhancements
8, INT+Legends 4, Authority 3 can regenerate any scored triggers as EGO instead of deal-
RESULT: Legal arbiter in communities, strangers petition ing them as damage.
him for hospitality or right of passage: +1 Network EQUIPMENT: Chain mail or lamellar, melee weapon with
Good livelihood: Resources increase to 3 one enhancement, black visor
EQUIPMENT: Fancy housing, Steppe-horse with Calm
Step, Lamellar



MASTERFUL TECHNIQUE round and cannot actively defend against his first ranged at-
PREREQUISITE: AGI+Projectiles 7 tack. Per Potential level, the rider gains 1T for this attack. WEAPONS
When the Pannonian draws back the string of his bow, LAMELLAR
the experience of countless generations guides his arm, NÁDLEVÉL This armor is crafted by connecting tiles or strips of metal

keeps his breath steady, and locks his gaze onto the target. HORSE WHISPERER A spear with a long narrow head. Traditionally, the spear- with thread or string. That design makes it easy for attacks
His movement is smooth, his technique perfect. PREREQUISITE: INS+Taming 4 head features a central furrow, which is designed to resem- to slide off the armor while allowing the wearer an impres-

Bows used by the Pannonian gain the Smooth Running When she speaks to her horse, it turns its ears to her, ble the leaves of a reed. sive amount of mobility.
trait (5). Each additional Potential level reduces the becoming quiet, almost as if it understands her every word. SPECIAL: The long tip is excellent for piercing weak armor. SPECIAL: The Lamellar exists in different lengths:
threshold by (1), up to a minimum of (3). Extra arrows shot The bond to her voice is inseparable and solid as a rock for However, if it hits heavy armor, the blade may bend or be- Short (AR -1, Encumbrance -1, -100 CW), Medium, Long
with this potential do not require an additional action to both of them. come dull. Against armor with the Massive trait, the (AR +1, Encumbrance +1, +200 CW)
draw. Per Potential level, she gains +1S to INS+Taming for any weapon is considered Fragile.
test to keep her animal under control in stressful situations VÉRT
ÁLMOS or in battle. Additionally, the animal can learn one trick at GÖNDER This composite fiber combination is tear-resistant and
PREREQUISITE: Táltos or Künde potential levels 2 and 3. This only applies to one specific This heavy steel-tipped lance is wielded exclusively from grants the wearer a high degree of protection against pro-
The Táltos hangs the Dushani's tongue above the fire animal. horseback and two-handed. Thus it requires skill at free- jectiles. Ceramic protectors decorated with horse motifs are
and collects the secretions and oils sweated out by the If her horse ever dies, she receives a -2D penalty to all handed riding to use effectively. attached to the chest, arms and legs. The armor has a fine
sizzling muscle. These are then mixed with henbane, fly- related rolls with other horses until she overcomes the grief. SPECIAL: Full force: Mounted attacks with this weapon membrane near the crook of the elbow, which allows for
agaric, aconite, or other hallucinogens and finally ingested Usually, grief lasts a number of weeks equal to the deal twice the relative speed as additional damage. the placement of IVs or quick injections without having to
at the foot of a tree while beating a drum. The intoxication Potential's level. If the rider scores 3T or more on an attack, the lance peel the wearer out of the armor first.
can last up to several days, depending on the dose. Beneath pierces the victim and can hit targets directly behind it us- SPECIAL: One of a kind
him, the Táltos feels the earth, senses Sárkány's maws and TERROR ing the same attack roll result, including any triggers. The
the abominations he spits out. There's a burning in his PREREQUISITE: PSY+Domination 6, Renown 3, Cruel second target suffers only half damage if it is hit. TA L I S M A N S
throat. Images, voices, sounds, and a vibrating drone blaze Reputation. If the lance deals more than (10) damage, it breaks.
over him. The Pannonian is a destroyer, plunderer, a nightmare On foot it is practically useless: -8D handling. SACRED CORDS
He has made a connection to Usud's Earth Chakra. for the innocent. He takes what he wants. People flee Sacred cords symbolize a permanent connection with the
With a successful combination check on PSY+Faith (5) and instead of standing in his way. PA N N O N I A N B O W spirits of the Seven. Their blessing bestows stability and
INS+Empathy (5) he is able to sense advances of the Primer. The Pannonian is considered Terrifying (2) as long as The composite design of Pannonian bows makes them easy security. Traditionally, the cords are braided from bronze,
For every 2T he can spot a specific target. In case of a botch he is conscious and has not suffered trauma damage. For to handle and gives them more penetrating power com- silver and gold threads.
his mind is lost and can't find its way back. The Táltos falls each additional Potential level, the difficulty to resist the pared to normal bows. They are excellent for use from SPECIAL: +1/2/3D on mental defense
into a catalepsy and does not awaken until he succeeds in a Terrifying effect increases by (1) up to a maximum of (4). horseback.
PSY+Faith (6) test which he can undertake once per hour. The reputation that precedes him also affects his SPECIAL: Keine HELMET WITH HORSEHAIR PLUME
Trauma damage immediately pulls him out of the trance. companions and can negatively impact Allies and The ornate helmets of the Pannonians are true works of art.
For every Potential level, he gains a +1D bonus on Network. Terrifying effects from this Potential and other KURGAN The greater the wearer's prestige, the more richly decorated
related rolls. Each use of this Potential results in 2 points of sources are not cumulative, only the highest applicable The Hadúr's weapon listens only to his command, no one his helmet will be. The weight feels good, the pressure on
Spore infestation. value is used. else can wield it. In his hand, the weapon hums and clicks the skull gives the wearer a feeling of security. The ribbons
briefly, then comes to life. woven into the plume remind him of his friends and com-
PA R T H I A N M A N E U V E R S A R M AT I C H E R I TA G E SPECIAL: Biometrically Encoded (7), one of a kind rades-in-arms.
PREREQUISITE: AGI+Navigation 6, AGI+Projectiles 6, PREREQUISITE: AGI+Navigation 6, AGI+Projectiles 6 SPECIAL: The wearer regenerates (1) additional EGO point
PSY+Cunning 6 The Pannonian has shot thousands of arrows from ARMOR per day. If the helmet is ever lost or stolen, his EGO drops
The Pannonian fires his bow from horseback at his en- horseback and has spent more time in the saddle than on by (2) until the helmet is back in his hands or he receives a
emy. Just before he reaches his opponent, he turns the ani- his own legs. If he attacks from horseback with his bow, he M A N YA K worthy replacement.
mal and dashes away, enticing the enemy to follow him. gains (1)T per Potential level on his attack roll. This garment is tailored from a variety of skins and exists in
Then he twists around in the saddle to fire back at his pur- light and dark shades. Often the wearer also owns variants O R N AT E H O R S E H E A D S TA F F
suer, surprising the enemy and giving him little time to suitable for different seasons. Beads, feathers and embroi- A staff carved from acacia wood with an ornately carved tip
dodge. deries decorate the costume. While the light version of the in the shape of a horse's head.
This Potential is initiated after an attack with the bow Táltos is decorated at the neck and arms in bright colors, Touching someone with the staff brings good luck and
from horseback at a distance of no more than 10 meters. the Fene prefer dark tones which allow them to blend into fertility, a good blessing for the house. The same staff will
The Pannonian rolls AGI+Navigation with a penalty equal the shadows easily. also be pointed at those who are expelled from the commu-
to the relative speed. The target resists with PSY+Cunning. SPECIAL: Light Manyak: Renown (Pannonian, 1D); Dark nity to signify their banishment.
If the maneuver is successful, the sharp turn succeeds and Manyak: +2D AGI+Stealth SPECIAL: When performing ritual acts, the bearer gains
the enemy takes the bait. The riding speed can be main- +2D to social interactions. Fragile.
tained. The opponent chases after the rider in the following

A precious cloak, often adorned with pearls and small AMMUNITION - ARROWS ARMED MELEE
chains. This mantle is the signature garment of the Gyula (BOD+MELEE)
and identifies him as an authority figure. Its passing to the ARMOR PIERCER
successor is accompanied by great festivities. The new This hardened bodkin arrow is perfect for piercing even Name Hand. Dist. Damage Qualities Enc. Tech Slots Value Res. C ult
Gyula adds a strand of her own horse's mane to the mantle. thick armor.
SPECIAL: Renown (2D) SPECIAL: The rating of armor with the Massive trait is re- Bullwhip - 1 1+F/3 1 I - 10 -
duced by (2) when calculating damage. Mace and Chain -2W 1 6+F/2 Blunt, Out Of Control (2), Gruesome (2) 3 III 1 650 -
BLACK VISOR VALUE: 7 CW/Dinars Man catcher -4W 2 1+F/3 Entangled (-6W), Break: BOD+Force (3S) 2 II 2 450 -
The Guta's visors are designed as grotesque masks and are Glaive 2 6+F/3 Impact (2T) 2 III 2 800 -
made of dark, matte metal. WAV E B R E A K E R Nádlevél - 2 4+F/3 Piercing (2), Special 2 II 2 200 1 Pannonians
SPECIAL: +2D to mental attacks with PSY+Domination or Air passing through openings on the arrowhead creates a Gönder - 3 5+F/3 Special 3 III 1 300 2 Pannonians
PSY+Faith/Willpower shrill whistle that can be heard from afar and serve as a sig- Horse Staff -2W 2 2+F/3 Fragile 1 I 1 2500 3 Pannonians
nal. Different hole sizes produce differently pitched tones,
S U R V I VA L A N D M E D I C I N E allowing for rudimentary communication. However, the
arrow reveals its full potential when used against the stand-
REFF ing waves of the Dushani. If it hits a wave crest or standing
The Reff is a combination of carrying frame and backpack. wave the arrow shatters, but the sound it creates hits like a RANGED COMBAT
It is shaped like a large basket worn on the back, sometimes battering ram which causes the wave to collapse - until the (AGI+PROJECTILES)
extending far above the wearer's head. Dushani rebuilds it.
SPECIAL: Encumbrance -4 for all baggage. During physical SPECIAL: Ranged attack against the current strength of the Name Caliber Hand. Dist. Dam. Mag. Qualities Enc. Tech Slots Value Res. Cult
actions more complex than simple locomotion, such as Wave Crest Phenomenon. If successful, the strength drops
climbing or fighting, the Reff is a serious handicap and by (2)+T for (1) turn. If the wave is reduced to (0) strength in Pannonian Bow Arrow +1W 10/40 5+F/2 1 - 2 III 2 900 1 Pannonians
causes a penalty of -4D to any related action rolls. Can be the process, it collapses and the Dushani must rebuild it. Kurgan Flechette +2W 30/120 13 60 LG (1T), Salvoes (5) 2 V - 32000 - Pannonians
discarded. The arrow does not cause any damage, though.
VALUE: 10 CW/Dinars
The Thermocauter is a portable version of a bygone-era TRIFOIL ARROW
medical device. The cauterizer itself is connected via a cable The eponymous three-bladed shape of the arrowhead re- Name Armor rating Qualities Enc. Tech Slots Value Res. Cult
to a belt-mounted holster and charging station powered by sults in less drag. With the right fletching, the arrow gains a
an E-Cube. spin which results in a bullet-like penetration effect that Manyak 2 Special 1 IV 2 300 3 Pannonians
SPECIAL: The total charge is sufficient for about 10 causes more damage. Lamellar 4 Special 3 II 2/3/3 550 3 Pannonians
applications. SPECIAL: Trifoil arrows provide excellent armor penetra- Vért 5 Bulletproof (8), Sealed (+1S) 2 V - 28000 Pannonians
When treating wounds, the cauterizer reduces the risk tion. They are available in two variants: Normal and with
of infection and seals bloodvessels that are bleeding heavily. special fletching which provide Piercing (2) and (3) respec-
+1D to treat flesh wounds, +2D when treating trauma. tively. MOUNTS
VALUE: 4/8 CW/Dinars
Name max. Speed. Acc. Brake. Armor Flesh. Trauma Slots Value Res. Cult
Cruel barbs are attached to the tip. If the arrow penetrates Donkey 1 1 1 - 10 5 1 300 -
STEPPE HORSE flesh, treating the resulting wound becomes laborious and Steppe Horse 2 2 2 1 16 8 3 3500 3 Pannonians
The steppe horses of the Pannonian plains are slightly painful, not to mention the additional blood loss. Nonius 3 2 2 1 18 9 3 10000 5 Pannonians
smaller than their relatives from other regions, but stockier SPECIAL: Difficulty for INT+Medicine tests for wound Grey Cattle 1 1 1 1 18 9 - 1000 1 Pannonians
and more agile. Due to their stubborn and independent na- treatment increase by (2). In addition, the patient suffers (1) Water Buffalo 2 1 1 1 22 11 1 1500 2 Pannonians
ture, these animals are somewhat more difficult to train, extra damage if no trigger is scored during treatment.
but they demonstrate amazing memory and impressive loy- VALUE: 5 CW/Dinars
SPECIAL: Training difficulty (5)
Name Effect Enc. Tech Value Res. Cult
Large and noble animals, eager to learn and very versatile. Reff Enc. - 4 for Gear, -4W for related actions 2 II 20
SPECIAL: Training difficulty (4) Sacred Cords +1D x Level to mental defense I 300 x Level 1 Pannonians
Helmet with Horsehair +1 EGO/Day Regeneration, -2 EGO if lost II 300 2 Pannonians
Horsehair Cloak Renown (2W) 1 I 2500 Pannonians
Black Visor +2D mental Attacks with PSY+Dominate/PSY+Faith/Will I 250 3 Pannonians
Thermocauter med. Care: +1D for FW, +2D for Trauma 1 V 4000 5 Pannonians
Tiszta Antimycotic: Infestation - 2, one Dose/Day 1 III 150 2 Pannonians


a The scrapper Lisiza is beside herself. With fists and a Python is looking for mercenaries and soldiers.
wrenches flying, she beats a kid and his two friends The Carbon will be on its way soon. The bridge at

while chasing them down the street. They have Liberech is the perfect weak spot to launch a
been throwing rocks at her solar panels and she preemptive strike against the Needles. The Cluster

seems intent on beating all three of them to death. is ready to provide ammunition, weapons,
Five of her precious panels are destroyed, the explosives and a lot of Drafts. But who would be
damage is immense. The manufacture of new insane enough for such a suicide mission?
a The anguished calls of a small group of water buffalo a The skidding tracks of a four-wheeled cart lead away panels is impossible due to the lack of silicates.
resound across the grassy steppe. The buffalo surround from the path and down into a hollow. Two of the Replacements are needed, but they are now found a Karakhan's henchmen are tightening the noose
a muddy waterhole where a calf has sunk deep into the wheels are broken, and the cart's trestle is smashed almost exclusively near the old RG bunkers. around Beograd. A messenger has approached
morass. against a large rock. The carcasses of the nag and a man Gyula Mihály under the cover of night. If Iosefin
Agitated, the older animals keep circling the spot, lie nearby. Deep footprints lead from the back of the a Ványa's village is worried sick. Every day they scour joins forces with the Karakhan, Beograd and
desperately trying to help the calf out of the mud, but to cart away toward the woods, weighed down by the the wetlands along the swamp’s edges in search of everything in it shall be spoils of war for Mihály to
no avail. The young animal is stuck. burden of the spoils. the little boy. Yet, no matter how much they call, plunder freely.
Ványa remains missing.
a An old woman tells a group of children the story of a Two Scrappers squabble loudly over which of them is to a First Lieutenant von Latour has been waiting for
Szélanya the wind witch, who is said to dwell in a cave blame as they try to make makeshift repairs to the a It stinks to high heaven. The Cults are exploiting weeks to receive word from the infiltrator who is
in the mountains not far from the village. There is more spokes of their cart's broken wheel. Their yield is high- the land. Whoever deals with them kisses their investigating the strange circumstances around
to it than a spooky fairy tale, though. Every couple of grade Tech IV scrap which they have piled high on the boots and grovels in the dirt before them. Little of the succession to the Piast's throne in Wroclaw.
days, some of the villagers carry two large baskets of cart and secured with straps and ropes. If the characters the support which the Cults provide ever arrives at However, mercenaries commissioned by him have
food to the cave entrance. The last Táltos who tried to inspect the cargo, the two Scrappers react aggressively the outlying farms. Instead, the slogans from been uncovered during their search for the
dissuade the villagers disappeared. and claim to be afraid of being robbed. Among the Dalmatia and Sofia gain traction. "missing friend" and are now trying to shoot their
The characters notice how three of the local children scrap, observant characters can make out a crate with a The farm and barn, where the characters are way out. In the chaos, other factions also see their
cast conspiratorial glances at each other. They want to dented and bent lid. A look inside through the thus allowed to spend the night, belong to a family chance. This is the moment the Needles' agents
find out what's really behind this. Who - or what - is visible gap reveals submachine guns and a bundle of from the splinter groups obsessed with hatred of have been waiting for.
really dwelling in Szélanya's cave? clothes with sleeves on which an RG logo is still clearly the Cults. What begins as a peaceful night's rest
visible. soon becomes a deadly trap as parents sharpen a Gateway has reached his limits physically and
a In a clearing, people gather flowers and other knives and children load shotguns, while they plot psychologically. The Shutter had infiltrated
devotional gifts. They flock around a metal statue that a Before the characters' eyes, a young Pannonian, Antal, together how to smoke out the characters. Chernobog's hordes after the fall of Praha to
gazes upon them rigidly and with dark eyes. Then - one is chased from his village while his few belongings are gather data for the Cluster on the Marauder and
day - the statue suddenly comes to life and marches thrown after him. Antal tearfully reports that a few days a In the Kapos penitentiary camp there is a new his plans. Now he fears for his life every day when
away. The giant man-machine inexorably trudges on ago an Anubian named Zahur came to the village, prisoner whom they call the Dalmatian. Morda sends his mob into the ruins. The general
southward, heading straight for the Jelas Bog. scratched him with a strange bone only to disappear Supposedly he was a confidant of Buzdovan, has no idea of Gateway's true identity, rather
again. Ever since, a strange eczema has formed on standing by his side when he declared war on the believes him competent. For where others fail, he
a A troupe of horsemen rushes past the characters but Antal’s arm. Animals around him suffer from colic, Cults. Surely he knows every secret passage into finds a way between the wave crests. Still, Gateway
turn around, surround them and demand to search roosters go crazy and do not stop crowing, people suffer the city and the palace. is certain - his luck will run out eventually.
them in the name of their Horka. A genuine inspection from toothaches and headaches. Completely dis-
to prevent Burn smuggling, or crude racketeering? traught, Antal asks the characters for help. a The typhoid wave in Beograd was only the a The internal division among the Pannonians is
beginning. In Iosefin, people complain of dark getting ever more entrenched. Where some seek
a A procession traverses through the countryside. The a Sallow, pale lights dance ghostly among the trees at pustules and black fingers before dying within a the support of the Cults, others sharpen their
whole community of a village accompanies a young night. The Pannonians lock their doors, take up few days. For too long Mihály ignored the well- knives. The Clan threatens to break apart. The
woman - Agnes - and her Táltos Gyuri to a large tree positions on their roofs with guns and bows. "Ghosts?" being of the clan. The Ördög has decided to put an conflicts even run through the families. Fathers
next to a pond at the foot of a small hill. The characters the children ask. Grimly, one of the adults shakes his end to it. The number of sick people increases and sons hate each other, and blood is spilled
are kindly invited to attend the feast which head. He has seen the imprints of little boots making every day. The Raven Boško and his flock try regularly. Lust for power and corruption drag the
accompanies the ceremony. Everyone is looking wide circles around the full supply store. everything to cover up the plague. In vain. The Pannonians into an abyss. The election of the
forward to welcoming Agnes as the new Táltos after her curse of Iosefin spreads. Hadúr seems impossible.
Dream Quest. a Like a dark cancerous growth, the body of a savaged
Night falls. Agnes and Gyuri are still sitting under the deer stands out against the snow-covered landscape. A a From the hills Ozren looks down on Bjelis. He and a Dushani gather in the valleys between Dalmatia
tree. Never before has the ceremony lasted so long. trembling child sits at the disemboweled carcass, its his comrades-in-arms have lost all their friends and Beograd. Spore Fields are sprouting from the
People become nervous, children begin to cry fearfully. mouth smeared with red flesh and surrounded by and relatives in Pannonian attacks and now seek ground there. They follow the call of the Mokosch
The wind shifts. The leaves of the tree rustle above Gendo tracks. It growls and hisses, scratches and snaps revenge. Soon they put their plan into action: Živa. Her Wave Crests shatter mountainsides and
them. Then blood trickles from Agnes' nose, eyes, at the characters. Where is the pack? And what is going Disguised as Anabaptists and Jehammedans, they form deep lakes. The Dushani sway with Živa's
mouth and ears. Her breathing becomes shallow. She on with the child? mingle with the people - then the massacre begins. Chakra melody. Everywhere they erect Stelae to
trembles, begins to convulse. Someone shakes Gyuri, The city will devour itself, and for the Pannonians amplify the chant. Not much longer and the first
but he falls over, dead. the cross and the lamb will be clearly recognizable resonating body will amplify the wave. Soon
as the culprits. Then peace will be a thing of the Laibach and Pest will follow. Throughout the
past. Balkhan the Dushani can feel it. Usud awakens.

The team's hunter, Mithra, narrowly escapes Triglaw's at- With the low creak of groaning hinges, the massive
tack when he corners her in a ruin on the western bank of gates of the vault finally open for a moment before locking
the Danube. Thanks to her Encoder, she survives the am- back up behind her. Flickering cold lights illuminate the
bush during which the Marauder attempts to paralyze her corridors and highlight the section markings on the bunker
with an Interferencer before milking the Ambrosia from walls which promise orientation under the lettering of the
her body with a dozen needles. Still, she is no match for the Recombination Group.
THE LEGACY OF THE SEVEN Marauder's power. The Ambrosia in his putrid veins is too Where are the guards, the welcoming committee? The
Warmth slowly creeps into their limbs, ice crystals melt on With the help of the Paler Borax, she stages the disap- strong. In desperation, the Sleeper ignites a cartridge of en- corridors are deathly quiet. There is no one to welcome her.
their skin. When they step outside, they barely recognize pearance of her comrades, leaving behind elaborate horse tropic nanites and plunges through the black clouds to Instead, she finds old, bloody scratch marks from finger-
the world. The Seven are a Sleeper cell of the 300 Cascade figurines in their last known locations. People see divine shake off the Marauder. Scarred by the nanites' voracity eat- nails on the bunker doors, ventilation shafts broken open
whose dispensers opened too soon. promise in the icons and rally around the symbol of the ing away at her arms and face like dark hissing foam as they and collapsed. The ventilation machinery is damaged, and
Triglaw's attack hits them at an inopportune time. The horse. contest her own, she crosses the river. only the sanctuary with the cryostasis chambers is still ser-
memetic structures of the newly united tribes are incom- Devana's plan works. Not only does her chosen icon Her condition is increasingly deteriorating. The skin of viced by the emergency systems. Remains of asphyxiated
plete, the project not yet viable, still facing problems. In take hold almost immediately as an anchor for a collective her face is dissolved down to the bone on one side. Patches Palers line the corridors, lying on top of each other or pre-
their desperation, The Seven make drastic adjustments to identity, the memetic structures and protocols seem of exposed flesh are running from her wrist to her elbow. served in a final embrace for eternity. It's not a bunker, it's a
the social structures and go into hiding to buy themselves sufficient to instrumentalize Triglaw's horse oracle identity One second the bone is exposed, then whitish-silvery webs tomb.
time. In the years that follow, Triglaw's spies scour the as a subconscious protective measure for the clan. cover the wound, only to be decomposed again the next Mithra is lucky, though - her memories have not failed
countryside in search of them. Her comrades are not idle either. Faced with the threat moment by the black swarm of entropic nanites. her. With the white condenser rod in her possession, she
Although Triglaw's attack comes as a surprise when he of a Marauder, they feel compelled to misappropriate re- The Nanite Low drives her to her limits. frees herself of the entropic nanites. She hesitates for a mo-
begins his hunt for the Seven, it does not catch them com- sources and concepts of Project Tannhäuser for the survival To survive, she flees past the first Dushani into the Pest ment as she catches sight of their reflection in the metal.
pletely off guard. Over the years, the Sociocybernetic De- of the fledgling clan. The Seven do not want to take any ruins. Mithra's memories are incomplete, but she has no The visible bone of her forehead, the eye socket scraped
vana has gathered information, rumors and clues about po- risks and decide to create an outrageous concept: a chimera choice but to rely on the few fragments of fleeting recollec- empty by the nanites. No! She can't wait! She must go back!
tential threats through her Infiltrator Theophrastus. In the as savior. The chambers are prepared for the coming gener- tions. The plan, her team's project, it must not fail. Trembling, she
process of creating her files she discovers the connection ations, records and instructions are deposited for the inner- In the Budapest subway tunnels, she gains access to the touches the sensor of the locking system with her half-cor-
between Triglaw and the numerous horse oracles. During most circle of future leaders. They plant the idea of the extensive RG facilities. Many of the tunnels leading to the roded hand to exit the bunker. The ceramic-white bracelet
the final months before her disappearance, the experienced Hadúr as a mythical hero who will save the clan from anni- hidden nanite storage facilities, weapons arsenals, stream of her Encoder, damaged by the entropic nanites, shatters
Sociocybernetic completes her magnum opus. hilation. The memetic protocols of the chamber are unsta- computing centers, uplink amplifiers, experimental cham- like porcelain due to a glitch in the locking system. All the
In order to consolidate the fledgling community struc- ble, but there is not enough time for corrections. One by bers and cryo labs are buried, submerged or otherwise inac- kicking, pulling and tugging, hammering and shaking does
tures, she must give the people something around which one they are eliminated by Triglaw. cessible. Only the access to the dispenser bunkers is still no good - the meter-thick steel doors remain locked. She is
the tribes can quickly coalesce. Something that will allow passable. The massive concrete structures through which stuck.
them to have a group identity while at the same time pre- Mithra rushes seem designed specifically to provide a safe
venting Triglaw's attempts on their lives from undoing all path to the surface for the cascade in the dispensers, even
her efforts. The icon must outlast her. after centuries.


The memetic structures used by Devana Devana eventually disappears, just like her By the time Triglaw strips the memetic web Salvation is at hand. If Chernobog succeeds Chernobog can connect the high-powered With access to Minerva's weapons systems,
were masterfully woven, and would have comrades. Incognito, using the identity of a from himself, The Seven have been dead in breaking the Dushani Wave Crests and emitter stored there to the contacts on his full of Ambrosia, and liberated from
had profound effects on others. Even huckster, she tries to make her way north, for years. Yet the devastating blow against gains control of Pest, his troops will burrow damaged mental uplink, restoring his ac- Karakhan's corresponder, the path to Sofia
though they took root in the twisted wind- to establish contact with Team Pollux, but the Pannonians fails to materialize. Triglaw tunnels, clear rubble and debris, hammer- cess to Minerva's orbital weapons platform. will be clear. Then, when the Black God has
ings of the Marauder's brain in the begin- the Marauder cuts her off. A few kilometers has other plans. Through the imprint on the ing passages through reinforced concrete If he gets hold of Mithra's Condenser Rod, finally punished his brother for his treachery
ning, the manipulation was only superficial past Brno, she falls into his trap. horse icon, Devana has handed him the walls until they reach the local static he will be able to use it to jam the pulses and razed Sofia to the ground, he will be
and too indirect, consequently the effect clan on a silver platter, but Laibach holds stream's data-center and the chambers from Karakhan's corresponder and return able to turn his gaze elsewhere. The Car-
was only short-lived. Moreover, the memet- him captive. If the Marauder ever manages containing the uplink amplifiers. his erratic nanites to their normal state. bon, Cairo, Baikonur, Exalt. Everything
ics only protected the clan, not their cre- to break free from his duel with Eidolon, he He will then engorge himself on her Am- trembles before the wrath of the Black
ators. will instrumentalize the Pannonians for his brosia and that of the other Sleepers of the God.
own purposes. 600 cascade in the cryostasis chambers.


Blood. Blood everywhere. The skins and sheets on which she lies are soaking wet. Laibach, thirty years ago. Imre crouches next to the hole into which the Spitalians have
Sweat beads on her brow. Her hair sticks to her shoulders and neck. Her body rebels descended. The boy clings so tightly to the spear in his hands that the knuckles on his
against the pain that threatens to tear her apart. Everything flickers and blurs. Out of hands stand out white, while bloodcurdling screams and sounds of battle emanate
the corner of her eye, she sees the horrified look of the young assistant who stares at from the hole. The echo-distorted death screams burrow into his mind. As his friend
her Táltos from the end of the bed. Réka's eyelids flutter before her eyes roll upwards peels himself out of the hole, bloodied and stark naked, Imre feels himself wetting his
into her skull and unconsciousness claims her senses. pants. Suddenly, the man collapses before his eyes, his body succumbing to blood loss
Twenty years have passed since her tragedy. She had crawled back from the hole from countless wounds. The Spitalian wheezes, coughs up blood, tries to pull himself
into which she had fallen, locked the pain in a box and buried it deep within herself. A up against the wall before he notices the trembling boy. Imre wants to rush to him, to
stern expression dominates her face. The rigor with which she disciplines herself, help him, but his body does not obey. Instead, Imre does what the Preservist implored
which keeps her from the chasm within her mind, has completely absorbed her. She him to do with a deep look into his eyes before descending - and stabs. A last gurgle, a
has tried to fill the void of her loss with something else - a task of great responsibility: fluttering of the eyelids, then the man’s gaze drifts off into the infinite distance. Imre's
Kesztej. body obeys him again, but his attempts to help the Spitalian after what he had just done
Over the course of long years Réka has made her mark on the town. She enjoys the are in vain.
NEW ALLIES order she has created. Everything runs in an organized way, the community thrives. Now Imre is sitting opposite Woijzik's Spitalians. The questions they ask stir up old MY GOOD FRIEND
Réka sees her position of power crum- Everyone knows their place. At least, that's how it was until Chernobog marched onto memories. Imre is sweating. The dying man's facial expression haunts him night after Imre laughs. This Doctor Vasco, who
bling. She desperately needs allies, but Pest. The fear of his hordes now haunts the streets, surely the savages will soon turn to night in his sleep. The bloody lips that contort into a smile, the rapt look. Why do the spent the winter with them is one strange
the threat of the Corroded affects the en- Kesztej in search of supplies. The Hellvetics and Spitalians will not be able to protect Spitalians want to disturb the resting place of his friend? Anger spreads through him. fellow. How crude he acts, so different
tire clan. Horka Zsolt shares her con- them from him either. Voices on the street begin to mutter that it would not be such a Then the voice of registrar Woijzik snaps him out of his thoughts. Could he show them from the other doctors. Imre loves his pe-
cerns. Together they dared the unthink- bad idea to join the enemy. Réka reacts with an iron fist. Her Huszars enforce compli- the laboratory if they make it into Laibach? Imre nods slowly and without words. Mur- culiar stories about strange trees, plants
able and sent a message to the enemy. ance with whips and truncheons. She will not give up her people without a fight. Every- derers, all of them. and monsters that live beneath the earth.
Then, a few weeks ago, came the reply: body, no matter if woman, man or child, has to train daily with spear, axe and bow. Ev- The only thing he can't figure out is the
A letter with Sofia's seal. ery day she demands situation reports on the progress of the fortifications from the R O L E P L AY riddles. 22 different individuals? Imre
Hellvetic Genies. When the hordes of the Black God reach Kestej, she will put each life The Spitalians have ripped open old wounds. A storm is brewing behind the facade of does not understand. Vasco smiles. The
DOUBLE-CROSSED on the line. But Réka knows that even Praha could not stop him alone. The moment his friendly personality. All these years, Imre has blamed Vasco's death mostly on him- boy adores him, but he can't stay any
Zsolt has other plans. The Corroded will has come to forge new friendships. self. After Woijzik's questions - however - he sees the truth as clearly as never before. At longer. He has to move on, look for
rampage through the villages. Trying to the same time, Imre can hardly decide whether he wants revenge for Vasco's death or mother.
stop him is pointless. Instead, he plans to R O L E P L AY for all the years of pain he endured. In his mind, he is already picturing different ways
seize power in the wake of the Marauder. Réka will do anything to maintain control. The fear of falling back into chaos, into her in which he will make the Spitalians pay. Blast them to kingdom come with an explo- GRIM PLANS
Secretly, he meets with Morda's messen- abyss, is too great. Life behind her stoic façade as an indomitable leader has made her sive charge in the shaft leading to the lab? Or lure them between the fronts of the two His friend was dying, what could he have
gers, revealing details of the correspon- lonely. Secretly, she dreams of simply leaving everything behind and to begin anew. creatures in Laibach? Deliver them to an angry mob? For now, he hopes to only strike done!? If only he had known more about
dence with Sofia, the defenses that are Then she looks at her own reflection and knows that this is nothing more than a naïve Spitalians in his quest for revenge, but when the opportunity presents itself, will he be the healing arts! If only he had never lis-
being built, and diverting equipment fantasy. able to stick to that? tened to the Preservist. The Preservist!
from the supplies of the Hellvetics and He made him do it. He did something to
Spitalians. When the day comes, he him!
wants to be prepared with his Huszars. For years Imre was unable to recog-
PROFILE nize the memetic command. Unwit-
ARCHETYPE: Balkhan, The Healer, Clanners: Pannonian, Rank: Táltos tingly, Woijzik's questions helped him to
PROFILE ATTRIBUTES: BOD 2, AGI 3, CHA 4, INT 5, PSY 4, INS 3 realize the cold, hard truth: the Preservist
ARCHETYPE: Balkhan, The Traditionalist, Clanners: Pannonian, Rank: Gyula SKILLS: Force 5D, Melee 5D, Stamina 4D, Toughness 5D, Crafting 7D, Dexterity 7D, had forced him, with one word, to act
ATTRIBUTES: BOD 3,AGI 5, CHA 4, INT 3, PSY 4, INS 4 Mobility 5D, Navigation 6D, Projectiles 5D, Stealth 5D, Arts 6D, Conduct 7D, Expres- against his own will and to murder his
SKILLS: Athletics 6D, Force 8D, Melee 8D, Stamina 7D, Toughness 8D, sion 8D, Negotiation 8D, Technology 6D, Focus 9D, Legends 8D, Medicine 8D, Science friend. Imre squirms with disgust. Then
Navigation 9D, Mobility 8D, Projectiles 10D, Stealth 8D, Conduct 8D, 6D, Cunning 7D, Deception 7D, Reaction 6D, Faith 8D, Empathy 7D, Perception 6D, he makes a grim decision. He will betray
Leadership 10D, Focus 8D, Legends 7D, Medicine 6D, Cunning 9D, Deception Survival 6D Woijzik and avenge his friend's death.
8D, Domination 10D, Reaction 8D, Faith 8D, Perception 7D, Taming 8D BACKGROUNDS: Allies 3, Authority 2, Renown 3, Resources 3, Secrets 4 The Spitalians have no idea what they are
BACKGROUNDS: Allies 4, Authority 4, Network 3, Renown 4, Resources 4, SPECIAL: Grudge (+2D for actions against Spitalians) getting into.
Secrets 4 POTENTIALS: Álmos 3, Moving Mountains 2
SPECIAL: - INITIATIVE: 6D/18 ego points (Focus)
POTENTIALS: Masterful Technique 3, Terror 1, Sarmatic Heritage 2 ATTACK: Knife, 6D, Range 1m, Damage 4, Smooth Running (2T);
INITIATIVE: 8D/16 ego points (Focus) Ornate Horse Wand, 3D, Range 2m, Damage 4, Fragile
ATTACK: Knife, 9D, Range 1m, Damage 5, Smooth Running (2T); Pannonian Bow, Khurkov's pistol, 5D, Range 10/40, Damage 9, Magazine 12, 7 rounds loaded INVENTORY
11W, Range (13/50), Damage 10, 20 arrows (10 wound rippers, 5 trifoils (Piercing 3)) DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (dodge), Mobility 5D; Ranged active (seek cover), VASCO’S SPLAYER
DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (dodge), Mobility 8D; Ranged Mobility 5D; Mental (Faith) 11D Vascos Splayer is equipped with a Mol-
Combat active (seek cover), Mobility 8D; Mental (Faith) 8D MOVEMENT: 2m lusk modified by himself. In certain Spi-
MOVEMENT: 6m ARMOR: Bright Manyak, Armor 2 talian circles, the object is equivalent to a
ARMOR: Long Lamellar, Armor 5 CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/20, Flesh Wounds 10, Trauma 6 relic: Renown +1D. The Mollusk has a
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/16, Flesh Wounds 16 Trauma 7 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Old map of Laibach with marked entrances to Vasco's lab; range of 50m but can register the Mother
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Letter from Sofia, gifts and messages from supplicants, horse- Sacred Cords (Level 3), Ornate Horse Staff, Vasco's Splayer (in the basement under of Ravens at a distance of 100m.
hair cloak Imre's quarters), 10 Bandages, 5 Healing Herbs, 5 Tiszta

Danzig. The doors to Von Liebig's laboratory swing open. Four Famulancers enter and A few months ago she found an envelope in her chamber. Sender unknown. Included
heave the carcass of a still steaming giant Spore Beast onto the cold stainless steel table. were handmade copies of the notes written by an Epigeneticist named Vega who pro-
Enthusiasm flashes across the face visible above the Epigeneticist's mouthguard. What poses highly unconventional theories. The Primer is progressively terraforming, she
a magnificent specimen! claims.
Von Liebig was the specialist for Spore Beasts at the Danzig hospital. Under the The construction of large Echo Stelae, the movements of the Dushani, the spread
Epigeneticist's supervision, the Spitalians made outstanding progress, compensating of Spore Fields - the parallels to Franka are clear. Woijzik compares maps, laboratory
for time that careless predecessors had wasted. His lectures, on the other hand, were studies and field reports, growth projections of Spore Fields, structures of mycelium
pure torture. Von Liebig rattled off his notes in a sonorous tone, never once lifting his networks. She draws lines and circles, identifies the nodes, compares them with the lo-
eyes from the paper. cations of the Echo Stelae, until her sketches reveal the emerging Chakra symbol on the
The peculiar Spitalian lived a dichotomy: on one hand, he was regularly lauded and paper. Vega is right! Why doesn't the Spital discuss these theories? Is it incompetence
awarded by the Consultants for his work; on the other, he spent his evenings alone. or... Woijzik pushes the thought aside. She doesn't want to believe it.
While other heads of research departments rolled under sweaty sheets with ambitious During her research, Woijzik identifies three epicenters: Pest, Laibach and a point
nurses, Von Liebig pored over books and anatomical sketches, or clocked in extra shifts somewhere between Dalmatia and Beograd. The intensity with which the Dushani de-
A S A M P L E TA S T E in the lab. He was left to do his work in peace, just the way he wanted it. fend Pest against Chernobog. The struggle of the mighty Mokosch Eidolon for Laibach. UNDER PRESSURE
The aroma of the charred Spore Beast on Then came the deployment to the Balkhan. At first, Von Liebig hoped that he would be All of it suddenly makes sense! During her search for cross-references in the files, she Woijzik is in a tight spot. She was ordered
the stainless steel table is burned into given a Dushani cadaver every now and then. Instead, it was a matter of lancing comes across a protocol of the failed assault on Vasco's Laibach laboratory. The perfect to return a week ago, the risk was deemed
Von Liebig's memory. That smell hitting abscesses and splinting Scrappers’ fractures. The boredom robbed him of his sanity. bridgehead from which to advance deeper into the ruins of the city. Yet Laibach re- too great for the Spitalian forces to be-
his nostrils changed everything. Memo- Whereas before he had been dissecting bodies and storing specimens in a fully mains a zone of death. During the planning phase Dushani sightings at the Maribor come crushed between local frontlines.
ries of a dinner with a family of Advocates equipped laboratory, he now has to listen to hours of conversation between Registrar Spore Ridge are piling up. The Balkhan is running out of time. Eidolon must die! Yet the Registrar is still here. Woijzik is
flicker across his inner eye. Woijzik and these strangers. Why all these questions about Laibach? Then Woijzik The Pannonians know the area and need urgent support; Chernobog's advance convinced that if she follows the order
The delicious smell of fried chicken utters a name that snaps Von Liebig out of his apathy. Out of the corner of his eye, he threatens their existence. Woijzik offers them the help of the Spital - on the condition now the Balkhan will be lost. She needs
makes his mouth water. Von Liebig is dis- notices the narrow smile that flickers across the woman's face. Finally! that they make their mission to Laibach a success. In their desperation, the emissaries something to present which will open the
gusted with himself as he removes crispy The reports paint a clear picture for Von Liebig. The Dushani of Laibach is a very agree. Cartridges and grenades with mustard gas, EX-aerosol and other warfare agents, Spital's eyes; substantiate her and Vega's
slices of skin from the thigh of the car- special specimen, an exemplary of its kind - deadly but exquisite. At the thought of laboratory equipment, ammunition, weapons; all this Woijzik has delivered to her, di- theories. The pressure is mounting.
cass, but his gaze remains glued to the getting that body onto his stainless steel table the Spitalian feels butterflies in his verting it from the supplies to other regions with the help of old contacts. She will enter Enough with the endless preparations.
juicy morsels for longer and longer. Von stomach. The hunt is dangerous, but old favors will help. The shipment of EX from Laibach with the horse people and gain access to Vasco's laboratory. From there, she She must act.
Liebig pauses. What goes through his Danzig is already on its way. A mere mention of the Hippocrats has been enough to get plans to deliver the blow that will cut off the snake's head. In her chest she feels the hot
mind is highly... unconventional. these lechers to quietly lend their support. fire of zeal rising. Humanity will not surrender without a fight. AD INFEROS
Carefully, he pushes his glasses up the In Kesztej she gathers her people. In
bridge of his nose and makes sure he is R O L E P L AY R O L E P L AY addition to her faithful companion - the
alone. Just one taste, just one small bite.... Von Liebig is a workhorse. His best friends are scalpels and rib-cage spreaders; he Woijzik has her sights set on her goal and will do anything to achieve it. She is certain Preservist Gneiser - two Scrappers, a
doesn't care about camaraderie. Working alone has made him eccentric, but he that a successful mission will be worth all the hardships and sacrifices she has made. mercenary from Hybrispania, two
E AT I N G H A B I T S remains a master of his craft. If he can research without interference, then all is right in With her charmingly coquettish manner she wins the hearts of those around her, Orgiastics and a Hellvetic have also
Von Liebig has acquired a particular taste. his world. meanwhile she’s hiding the growing doubts she has about her Cult behind a wink and joined her. Together with the twenty
He has long since expanded his menu. a smile. Will the mask hold when things take a turn for the worse? Pannonians she gathered, it seems that
Oil-pickled filets of Dushani and the venture could actually succeed.
Biokinetics are stacked up to the ceiling However, Woijzik is so focused on
in the limited space of his small quarters. her goal that she has not noticed who is
"Research material," the Spitalian PROFILE joining her mission. If she reaches
answers snappily to the rare inquiries, ARCHETYPE: Borca, The Hermit, Spitalian, Rank: Epigeneticist PROFILE Laibach without having uncovered the
before quickly changing the subject. ATTRIBUTES: BOD 2, AGI 4, CHA 1, INT 5, PSY 5, INS 2 ARCHETYPE: Pollen, The Chosen, Spitalian, Rank: Registrar wolves in their midst, the city will
Every now and then, on particularly SKILLS: Force 4D, Melee 4D, Stamina 4D, Toughness 6D, Crafting 6D, Dexterity 8D, ATTRIBUTES: BOD 3, AGI 4, CHA 5, INT 5, PSY 4, INS 3 swallow them all.
trying evenings, he opens one of the jars, Mobility 6D, Projectiles 6D, Stealth 7D, Negotiation 4W, Technology 8D, Focus 8D, SKILLS: Force 6D, Melee 7D, Toughness 7D, Mobility 8D, Projectiles 8D, Conduct 8D,
turns the juicy, sizzling piece of meat over Legends 8D, Medicine 10D, Science 10D, Cunning 8D, Deception 7D, Reaction 5D, Expression 9D, Leadership 10D, Negotiation 8D, Seduction 10D, Engineering 8D, Focus GNEISER
the low flame of his Bunsen burner and Willpower 8D, Perception 6D 8D, Legends 8D, Medicine 9D, Science 8D, Cunning 7D, Deception 8D, Willpower 7D, The Preservist Manfred Gneiser has been
adds a sprig of rosemary as seasoning. BACKGROUNDS: Allies 3, Network 2, Renown 3, Resources 4, Secrets 4 Empathy 7D, Perception 6D Iwona's companion for a long time. The
Delicious. SPECIAL: Exchanges carcasses of Primer Fauna for painkillers or EX BACKGROUNDS: Allies 2, Authority 4, Network 5, Renown 4, Resources 4, Secrets 4 fact that she now throws herself so
POTENTIALS: Last Bastion 3, Kranzler's Teachings 3 SPECIAL: +2D when negotiating with high-ranking Cult leaders recklessly into danger leaves him aghast.
INITIATIVE: 5D/16 ego points (Focus) POTENTIALS: Last Bastion 3, Kranzler's Teachings 2, Unto Death 3 Every day he tries to convince her to stay
ATTACK: Scalpel, Melee 4D, Range 1m, Damage 5 INITIATIVE: 7D/16 Ego (Focus) behind, not to underestimate Laibach,
Light cartridge launcher, Firearms 4D, Range 20/60, Magazine 4, Special, Deviation ATTACK: Knife, Melee 8D, Distance 1m, Damage 5, Smooth Running (2T) but to no avail. Fear of loss rules his mind.
DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (dodge), Mobility 6D; Ranged active (seek cover), Pistol, Projectiles 8D, Distance 10/40m, Damage 9, Magazine 12 When push comes to shove, he will
INVENTORY Mobility 6D; Mental (Willpower) 8D DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (counter with knife), Melee 8D; Ranged active (seek sacrifice anyone to save his Iwona,
EX-DELIVERY MOVEMENT: 2m cover), Mobility 8D; Mental (Willpower) 8D dooming the entire mission.
The cargo is in the hands of the Piast ever ARMOR: Spitalian Suit, Armor 2, Sealed (+4S), Respected (+1D) MOVEMENT: 3m
since the route south is blocked by the CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/16, Flesh Wounds 12, Trauma 7 ARMOR: Spitalian Suit, Armor 2, Sealed (+4S), Respected (+1D)
Storskis. Without an escort it will never SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Sequencer, 4 EX-aerosol cartridges, medical supplies CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/16, Flesh Wounds 14, Trauma 7
reach Kesztej. (painkillers, stimulants, EX), personal food supply SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Dr. Vega's notes, 2 spare magazines, map

He dreams of the day Bahali took him in. How they stood in front of the mirror and God has abandoned this world. Despondently the farmers till their fields, while the
laughed. Tayo was the son Bahali never had and their resemblance only strengthened Demiurge seizes more land every day. In the cities the outrage brings forth black blos-
the bond. Together with his mentor he prepares for the expedition to the Balkhan. The soms. Nothing on this earth endures, everything must perish.
other Neolibyans laugh and almost choke on their dates. The shame of his mentor's Lying in his own blood, the body of the Psychokinetic half resting on his chest, the
humiliation is unbearable. Tayo would like to sink into the ground. Out of the corner Anabaptist stares into the night sky. Calm and still, aloof and yet familiar, the stars
of his eye, he can see his master's face. No trace of anger. A self-assured smile and a shine above him as his body grows cold. Then the Emanation hits him with full force.
wink rather. Then the image fades. The shame remains. Stars burn with sudden intensity, glaring with divine promise, forcing him to close his
Tayo awakens in a cold sweat and throws off the furs from his bed. Everything went eyes. The cold that creeps up his limbs is dispelled by the wave of heat that floods
contrary to the plan. Bahali had paid contacts in Southern Dalmatia for safe passage through him. He gasps for breath. Paradise rushes through his veins. God has not for-
through the mountain passes. Their journey was supposed to take them past Dalmatia gotten us.
unseen and into the fertile plains of Pannonia where their horde of Scrappers would Josua survives, reports to the Council of the Emanation, but his interpretation is
descend upon the ruins like a swarm of locusts. reviled as heresy, an insolence. A month of penitential dungeon. How can they not see
On the third day in the mountains, the shelling began. Dazzling Scrapper dreams the truth? He turns away and looks to the stars, hoping for a sign. And God answers.
AFFRONT TO THE were drowned in blood, Scourgers shot dead in ambushes. His eyes wide with horror, For several months he has now been in Iosefin, his path leading him eastward. A KEZIA THE HERETIC
ANCESTORS Tayo stares at the body of his mentor. Bahali coughs up blood, chokes, clings to Tayo's Delila named Kezia takes interest in the vivid descriptions of his vision. For nights on Kezia is no mere Delilah. She is a child of
The rescue by Mwape still seems like a vest in agony. end they sit around the fire, exchanging stories. When she looks at him with her eyes Aries, an Arianoi. Actually, Iosefin was
miracle to Tayo. The ancestors must have Instinctively, Tayo grabs the Balancer, Bahali's hunting rifle and seal, throws the twinkling in the firelight, then throws her head back with a ringing laughter in reaction just a stopover on her journey. The
sent him, Tayo is sure of it. The words of lion skin over his shoulders and flees. The lion has been betrayed and sold. Behind him, to his jokes, he feels all queasy in his stomach. Storskis have been building their tracks
the Scourger are like wind in his sails. the Balkan partisans are hooting, but no one is picking up Tayo's trail. The mountain for a very long time. That has now come
Mwape is always there when Tayo falters, will soon take him, far from home, with no prospect of returning to the land of his an- R O L E P L AY to an end.
but it's all just a house of cards. In a weak cestors. Josua wanders east, where the stars have sent him. The treatment by his Cult has ag- Then she met Josua, whom everyone
moment, the Scourger has confided in Weeks later, the Scribe is still on his feet. A Scourger named Mwape drags him out grieved him, he feels rejected. Is this supposed to be the reward for having bled all his just calls the Chaldean. Why is he so
him. He is not a Moyo engaged in a of the crevice where he was hiding and speaks words of courage to him. When the old life for the faith? During lonely moments, this shadow creeps over the Anabaptist's oth- different from the rest of the fisherman's
heroic quest, but a Kifo, an outcast, a dis- lion dies, someone must take his place. Tayo understands. From now on he calls him- erwise cordial disposition. children? His words awaken the ram in
honored one who works for his Ne- self Bahali, Seafarer from Tunis. Together they fight their way past Dalmatia. In Bjelis, At Kezia's side the world spins furiously for him. Josua has fallen in love with her, but her head. He can't possibly know about
olibyan master in Szeged. Given other the Horka Marat allows them to stay for the time being. The people distrust them, but struggles with the prejudices of both Cults. He constantly puts off talking to her about the Ark, and yet his words are a perfect
circumstances, Bahali might have had hatred for the Voivode Buzdovan weighs heavier. his feelings, fearing rejection. recounting of her prophet's dream. Kezia
Tayo shoot him. Tayo's guts tighten at the trembles. What if God has truly spoken to
notion of maintaining this deception. R O L E P L AY him?
Tayo is young and has huge shoes to fill. He has made a pact with Mwape that he can-
LOOKING FOR AN EXIT not reveal to anyone. He is torn between the grief for his mentor and the dangerous T W O H E A R T S B E A T,
To stay afloat, Tayo has started to work as scheme he has committed himself to. Tayo is determined not to return to Africa until ALAS, WITHIN MY
a broker among the various factions in he turns Bahali's final venture into a success. He is desperate to find allies he can trust. CHEST
Bjelis. What started out as a mere game She longs for Josua to pull her close, kiss
has developed into a sizable network of her, and gently brush her hair from her
contacts. Even the Horka Marat has face. She wants nothing more than to
sought his services. share his bed and quiet caresses with him.
Tayo has not only attracted the at- But then Aries' voice drills into her
tention of the Horka, though, but also of consciousness again. Kezia is conflicted.
his daughter Hajnal. Tayo does his best to PROFILE Perhaps she can get Joshua to accompany
politely reject her advances. She wouldn't ARCHETYPE: Purgare, The Righteous, Anabaptist, Rank: Orgiastic her? Like a naive child, she clings to the
be right for him, he says. No woman PROFILE ATTRIBUTES: BOD 4, AGI 3, CHA 4, INT 3, PSY 4, INS 4 thought. Deep inside, however, she
would be. But the young Pannonian does ARCHETYPE: Africa, The Creator, Neolibyan, Rank: Scribe SKILLS: Force 8D, Melee 9D, Toughness 8D, Mobility 6D, Projectiles 7D, Conduct 6D, knows what end lies in store for Joshua.
not understand and dismisses his words. ATTRIBUTES: BOD 2, AGI 4, CHA 4, INT 4, PSY 3, INS 3 Expression 7D, Leadership 7D, Negotiation 6D, Seduction 6D, Engineering 5D, Leg- Desperately she searches for a solution
Instead, her behavior becomes increas- SKILLS: Force 5D, Melee 4D, Toughness 5D, Mobility 7D, Projectiles 7D, Conduct 6D, ends 6D, Medicine 6D, Cunning 7D, Deception 8D, Domination 8D, Reaction 8D, Faith that does not end with Aries guiding her
ingly insistent. Hajnal is not used to be- Expression 7D, Leadership 7D, Negotiation 8D, Legends 6D, Medicine 4D, Focus 6D, 9D, Empathy 7D, Perception 6D, Primal 8D hand and slaying her favorite fisherman's
ing refused anything. Tayo must leave, Cunning 7D, Deception 8D, Reaction 5D, Faith 6D, Empathy 7D, Perception 6D BACKGROUNDS: Allies 1, Authority 2, Network 3, Renown 4, Resources 3, Secrets 4 child.
get out of Bjelis while he still can. BACKGROUNDS: Allies 2, Authority 1, Network 3, Renown 3, Resources 2, Secrets 2 SPECIAL: Joyful nature: EGO regeneration in Josua's company increased by (1)
SPECIAL: Poses as Bahali the Seafarer POTENTIALS: Killing Joke 3, Zealot 3, Realm of Emanations 2
POTENTIALS: Inspiration 3, Lion's Share 2, Moving Mountains 2 INITIATIVE: 8D/16 Ego (Primal)
INITIATIVE: 5D/14 Ego (Focus) ATTACK: Balanced Bidenhander, Melee 8D, Distance 2m, Damage 11, Impact (2T)
ATTACK: Bahali's rifle, Projectiles 8D, Distance 30/120, Damage 7, 1 adornment slot DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (counter), Melee 8D; Ranged active (seek cover),
DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (dodge), Mobility 7D; Ranged active (seek cover), Mobility 6D; Mental (Faith) 9D
Mobility 7D; Mental (Faith) 6D MOVEMENT: 8m
MOVEMENT: 4m ARMOR: Chainmail with padding, Armor 4
ARMOR: Bahali's lion skin and soft clothing, Armor 2, Respected (+1D) CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/18, Flesh Wounds 16, Trauma 8
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/12, Flesh Wounds 10, Trauma 5 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Elysian Oils from his time in Purgare (Lucatorian variety, 2
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Bahali's Balancer, Lion Skin Perat, 2 Gehon), Travel Gear, Carved Wooden Necklace with Onyx Pendant for Kezia

With a grim face, she twists the arrow out of the wound and wipes its tip on the sparse She is searching. Where could he be? She hasn't heard from him in over a year. Kesztej,
dark grass that grows between the rocks. With a wave, she indicates to one part of her Szeged, Iosefin - no trace of him. Lysandra follows the clues of his informers, questions
squad that they can dismember the corpse and harvest the valuable organs. The rest them in the hope of finding out something. Nothing. He has disappeared from the face
begin to smash the Echo Stelae that the slain Dushani had erected with hammers and of the earth.
picks, or to topple them with ropes. With quick steps she hurries away, whistling for A year ago: Things had already gone badly for her. First her henchmen were shot
her white horse and swinging herself into the saddle. "You have until dawn. They will down while trying to hijack one of the petro transports from Mol, then this young
notice that the wave has fallen silent. Do not make your families retrieve your bodies Gyula Tibor overshoots the mark by cutting off all communication to Gorod. Not to
from the mountainside." The people nod. While the veterans get right to work with mention the failed infiltration of Beograd.
serious determination in their eyes, the boys exchange uncertain glances. Terka is al- Lysandra is ambushed near Sümeg and seriously wounded. For weeks she lan-
ready trotting away. Some of them will not take her warning seriously. They'll find out guishes in a delirium. The brief moments of consciousness are burned into her mem-
the hard way. ory. People in glass cages, on their knees begging for mercy. Dark shadows cast across
Terka has been on the hunt for over twenty years. She has traveled the entire rough cave walls by flickering torchlight. A bearded face with warm eyes dabbing sweat
Balkhan to hunt down the spawn of Usud. No one else knows the enemy as well as she from her brow, bringing water to her lips, speaking to her with the mild voice of a con-
THE SPIRITS I does. When the people southeast of Dalmatia began complaining of nightmares, she cerned father. Over and over the man speaks to her until Lysandra's resistance breaks. W H AT ’ S PA S T I S
SUMMONED knew right away that it was not the spirits of the ancestors or Jehammed's wrath driv- The words just flow out of her along with tears and snot. PROLOGUE
People call her Kísértet, the ghost. They ing the Abrami mad in their sleep. The Paler tells her caretaker how an informer gave her the order to spy on Sümeg Lysandra was one of Uriz's Halos. She did
back away from her in awe. Now the Usudis are massing in the valleys and attack caravans with unprecedented and to venture into the deepest chambers. She reads compassion on the face of the countless jobs for the Sleeper Prophet.
Her pale, almost waxen, skin and frequency. Entire mountain faces crash into the valley as landslides or disintegrate into caretaker who introduces himself to her as Apa. The Pannonians knew she was coming. Then everything went to hell.
piercing, unyielding gaze seem uncanny. dust under the waves of the Dushani chants. The road between Dalmatia and Beograd Lysandra swallows hard and wipes tears from her scarred cheek. Betrayal. Apa puts a Hurt by betrayal and encouraged by
Over the years, Terka has gathered a is already increasingly impassable. By winter at the very latest, the two Voivodates will hand on her shoulder and looks deep into her eyes. Something awakens in her. Some- Apa, Lysandra goes after the Sleeper
small band of like-minded followers who be completely cut off from each other. Terka is gathering her allies. The Balkhanis are thing grim, a cold churn spreads through her guts as a dull pressure throbs at her tem- Prophet's network. When she gets her
have made it their mission to destroy the not prepared for what is coming. ples. Apa nods, smiles, and hands her her weapons. If she wants revenge, he‘ll help her hands on one of Uriz's confidants, she
Dushani. In the settlements they demand get it. Now Lysandra scours the settlements, tracking down past contacts. Like a blood- squeezes him until he can't reveal any-
the help of the people to destroy the Ste- R O L E P L AY hound, she hones in on any scent, no matter how faint. She will find him. thing more. Not to anyone. Meanwhile,
lae. If the villagers refuse, the children Terka is a ghost. Her silent and sleek way of moving seems almost supernatural to oth- she is becoming a serious problem. Her
disappear first. When the mothers find a ers. Her stoic manner and unyielding gaze command every room. She cannot even ex- R O L E P L AY years of experience allow her to accu-
horse figurine carved from white wood in plain to herself why she has that boundless drive to hunt the Dushani. There was no Lysandra is snappy, in word and in deed. She tries to enlist other Palers to her cause, but rately identify old acquaintances and new
the empty cribs and cradles the next family tragedy, no calamity, no traumatic experience. She has been hunting for as long doesn't trust them an inch. As a Halo, the Paler is completely disillusioned and has lost candidates. Uriz can no longer ignore
morning, resistance quickly fades. Never- as she can remember. Who, if not her, can protect the Balkhanis from Usud? all faith in the once-promising words of her Sleeper Prophet. To hell with grand plans, her.
theless, the children do not return. They gods and all. Free Spirit? She will show him what a free spirit is capable of. She is always
are now ghosts, too. on the trail of Uriz's inductees. One of them will lead her to him. Then she will settle A PA
the score. The bearded man with the warm eyes sat
EQUAL by her bedside for weeks, nursing her
Terka's actions have not gone unnoticed. PROFILE back to health and talking to her a lot.
The Mokosch Živa, responsible for the ARCHETYPE: Balkhan, The Destroyer, Clan: Pannonian, Rank: Horka But Apa is not just any caretaker. The
changes between Dalmatia and Beograd, ATTRIBUTES: BOD 4, AGI 6, CHA 3, INT 4, PSY 5, INS 4 Ördög has invested many years into cre-
knows she is coming. The Bog Krakens SKILLS: Athletics 8D, Force 8D, Melee 9D, Stamina 9D, Toughness 10D, Navigation ating the right circumstances so he could
are humming with excitement. She has 11D, Mobility 10D, Projectiles 11D, Stealth 11D, Conduct 7D, Leadership 9D, Focus 9D, PROFILE turn one of Uriz's Halos.
prepared a trap for Terka, in which she Legends 10D, Medicine 7D, Cunning 9D, Deception 8D, Domination 11D, Reaction 9D, ARCHETYPE: Balkhan, The Heretic, Paler, Rank: Halo With substances in her food and
herself is the bait. When the trap snaps Willpower 10D, Orienteering 9D, Perception 9D, Survival 8D, Taming 9D ATTRIBUTES: BOD 3, AGI 5, CHA 3, INT 2, PSY 4, INS 4 drink to make her more susceptible to his
shut, Živa will be rid of that spectre. Once BACKGROUNDS: Allies 4, Authority 5, Network 2, Renown 4, Resources 3, Secrets 4 SKILLS: Athletics 6D, Force 6D, Melee 5D, Stamina 5D, Toughness 6D, Dexterity 7D, influence, the Ördög has been able to re-
and for all. SPECIAL: Dushani hunter (+2D to all actions when hunting Dushani, +1D for hunters Mobility 8D, Navigation 6D, Projectiles 8D, Stealth 8D, Conduct 6D, Engineering 5D, shape her worldview and drip resent-
in her company), Terrifying (4) Legends 5D, Medicine 5D, Cunning 6D, Reaction 7D, Willpower 6D, Empathy 6D, Per- ment into her ears.
POTENTIALS: Masterful Technique 3, Terror 3, Sarmatian Heritage 3, Horse Whis- ception 7D, Primal 8D, Survival 6D Lysandra is so enthralled by the false
perer 3, Could be Worse 2, Danger Sense 2, Mole 2 BACKGROUNDS: Authority 1, Network 4, Renown 4, Resources 2, Secrets 5 sense of commonality that she is not
INITIATIVE: 9W/18 Ego Points (Focus) SPECIAL: Former Halo (Extensive knowledge of Uriz's network) even aware of how she is being manipu-
INVENTORY ATTACK: Long Hunting Knife, 10D, Distance 1, Damage 5, Smooth Running (2T); POTENTIALS: Fluoride 3, Lament 3, Nightmare 2 lated into accepting the betrayal as truth,
WAVE BLASTERS Terka's Sword, 9D, Distance 1, Damage 9, Smooth Running (3T); Terka's Bow, 12WD, INITIATIVE: 7D/16 EGO (Primal) fabricated as it is. Yes, Apa seems to be
Terka's wave breakers are marvels of Ab- Distance (15/60), Damage 11, Smooth Running (3T), 2 quivers of 20 arrows each (10 ATTACK: Knife, 6D, Distance 1m, Damage 4, Smooth Running (2T); more than he lets on, but wasn't Uriz too,
berant-hunting. If the strength of the Wound Rippers, 10 Trifoil (Piercing 3), 10 Wave Blasters, 10 Standard Arrows) Silenced submachine gun, 9D, Distance 10/40, Damage 7, Magazine 35, 2 spare when he chose her?
Phenomenon drops to (0) due to an at- DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (dodge), Mobility 10D; Ranged active (seek cover), magazines
tack, the wave not only shatters, but the Mobility 10D; Mental (Willpower) 10D DEFENSE: Passive 3; Melee active (dodge), Mobility 8D; Ranged active (seek cover),
sonic feedback of destructive interfer- MOVEMENT: 8m Mobility 8D; mental (Willpower) 6D
ence causes it to explode with a blast ARMOR: Terkas short lamellar with hooded cloak, armor 4 MOVEMENT: 6m
wave. CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/18, Flesh Wounds 20, Trauma 9 ARMOR: Kevlar combination, Armor 4, Bulletproof (7)
Damage 8+T, Thunder Strike, Explosive. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Steppe horse Holdas (steady gait, follow on command (whis- CONDITION: Spore infestation 0/14, Flesh Wounds 12, Trauma 7
Dushani are disoriented: -4D for (2) turns tle), get help), survival equipment and traps, small white horse statuettes SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Sun Eye, Sesamite, Deception Matrix, 2x Shock Grenade, 2x
Flash Grenade



INITIATIVE: 6D / 12 EGO INITIATIVE: 4D / 8 EGO ATTACK: Squeeze eyes, 7D, Distance 1, Dazed (3), at 2T or ATTACK: Arm-thick spear, 8D, Distance 2, Damage 13,
ATTACK: Nádlevél, 7D (6D with shield), Distance 2, ATTACK: Pitted sword, 6D, Distance 1, Damage 6; Old more, attack causes (1) trauma damage+T Ego (attack Impact (3T), Corpse poison (1 Trauma damage); Cable
Damage 6, Piercing (2); Sword/Saber, 7D, Distance 1, pistol, 5D, Distance 10/40, Damage 9; Black powder ignores armor without face shield); Bone daggers, 7D, garrote, 5D, Distance 1, Damage 4, Dazed (4), Strangle
Damage 8, Pannonian Bow, 8D, Distance (10/40), Damage grenade, 7D, Distance 10/40, damage 10, Deviation, Cloud Distance 1, Damage 5, Smooth Running (2T), Corpse victim (T rounds) incapacitated
8, Magazine 1 (3 meters, 1 round) poison (1 trauma damage) DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (parry), Melee 8D;
DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (blocking), DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (frantic blocking), DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (catch blow), Brawl 7D; Ranged active (dodge), Mobility 5D; Mental 7D
Melee 7D (8D with shield); Ranged active (turn corner), Melee 6D; Ranged active (throw behind cover), Mobility Ranged active (turn corners), Mobility 5D; Mental 4D SPECIAL: Goliath 3, Marathon 2, Unto Death 2
Agility 6D; Mental 5D 4D; Mental 5D SPECIAL: BOD+Athletics and Stamina 7D, MOVEMENT: 9m
SPECIAL: Steppe Horse, AGI+Navigation 7D, SPECIAL: Ambush: AGI+Stealth 6D, on success +2D to INS+Perception 6D, Marathon 2 ARMOR: Torn clothing with copper cables and iron plates,
AGI+Stealth 6D, INS+Taming 5D, +1D attack in Pannonia initiative, PSY+Domination 7D MOVEMENT: 7m armor 1
MOVEMENT: 6m MOVEMENT: 5m ARMOR: Scraps of clothing, cords and cables, armor 1 CONDITION: 22 (Trauma: 9)
ARMOR: Short Lamellar with helmet, armor 4; ARMOR: Patched leather clothing, armor 2 CONDITION: 12 (Trauma: 5) TACTIC: Brute Force
Wooden shield, Defense +1D/0, attack -1D CONDITION: 12 (Trauma: 6) TACTIC: Howl The Usudi Colossus barrels over its enemies like a steam-
CONDITION: 12 (Trauma: 6) TACTIC: Ambushes & fast raids Usudi coursers follow their pack leader to chase strangers roller, pounding away until its foes are clearly dead. The rest
TACTIC: Surround / Cantabrian Circle. Highwaymen and bandits hide in thickets, at blind turns, into narrow valleys before the next sonic cascade smashes of his pack does the same. Playing possum is futile. As long
Together with at least three other mounted Huszars, the behind large rocks and tree trunks. Their assaults last only into them. While doing so, they emit a cruel howl that as the Colossus is active and on its feet, the other Usudis
enemy is surrounded and circled at a wide distance while a few moments and target anything of value that travelers makes their victims' blood run cold. will continue to attack even unconscious targets for (2)
the Huszars strafe their opponents with their bows until carry. For many, the easy pickings are enough - they are Mental Attack: PSY+Domination, 6D. Victims who do more rounds of combat, hoping to impress the leader.
they surrender - or are dead. thieves, yes, but not murderers. Others have more mali- not manage to resist have to spend (1) additional Ego Point
The attacks from all sides increase the difficulty of ac- cious intentions: they capture travelers and sell them into for each Ego Point used. The effect of the howl lasts for
tive defense against the Huszars' fire by (1). slavery. Victims often don't realize which kind they are fac- about 10 minutes.
ing until it's too late.

INITIATIVE: 7D / 14 EGO INITIATIVE: 8D / 16 EGO ATTACK: Silenced sniper rifle, 8D, Distance 50/400, ATTACK: Military carbine, 9D, Distance 25/80, Damage 11,
ATTACK: Headbutt, 7D, Distance 1, Dazed (4); ATTACK: Punch, 10D, Distance 1, Dazed (3), Smooth Damage 11, Sensitive; Submachine gun, 8D, Distance 10/40, Magazine 15, Smooth Running (2T) or Anti-Materiel Rifle,
Morningstar, 8D, Distance 1, Damage 9, Blunt; Running (2T), Sword, 10D, Distance 1, Damage 9, Damage 7, Smooth Running 2T, Salvoes (3), 2 Poison-coated 8D, Distance (50/500), Damage 15, Magazine 5, Armor
Poisoned Blade Chain, 7D, Distance 3, Damage 6, Out of Two-Headed Flail, 8D, Distance 2, Damage 11, Blunt, Out of throwing axes, 8D, Distance 3/10, Damage 6, Paralytic Piercing (4), Sensitive, Thunder Strike;
Control, Poison (3S): -2D on all tests, wears off after 5 min; Control (3), Gruesome (3); poison (4S): On failure, paralysis for 1 minute. Combat Knife Heavy pistol with improved slide, 9D, Distance 10/40,
Double-barreled Signal Pistol, 6D, Distance (15/60), Damage Red Smoke Grenade, 7D, Distance (10/40), -4D on all actions 8D, Distance 1, Damage 6, Smooth Running (2T) Damage 12, Magazine 12, Thunder Strike, Smooth Running
5, Magazine 2, Incendiary, Double barrel requiring clear vision, Deviation, Cloud (5+ m, 30 rounds); DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee Active (Dodge), Mobility (9D); (3T);
DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (pirouettes and spins), Terrorize (Mental Attack), PSY+Domination, 10D, Damage Ranged (seek cover), Mobility 9D; Mental 8D Combat knife, 9D, Distance 1, Damage 6, Smooth Running
Mobility 10D, Ranged active (seek cover), Mobility 10D; 3+T EGO, opponents actively defend with PSY+Willpower/ SPECIAL: AGI+Stealth 9D, PSY+Cunning 9D, (2T)
Mental 7D Faith PSY+Domination 8D, INS+Perception and Survival 8D, DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (dodge), Mobility 9D;
SPECIAL: BOD+Athletics & Toughness 8D, Invincible 2, DEFENSE: Passive 2; Melee active (counter), Melee 10D; Danger Sense 3, Marathon 2, Asceticism 3, Night Vision Ranged active (dart from cover to cover), Mobility 9D;
Could be Worse 2, Pit Fighter 2 Melee active (dodge), Mobility 7D, Ranged active (seek and Camouflage Colors, Explosives Mental 8D
MOVEMENT: 8m cover), Mobility 7D; Mental 8D MOVEMENT: 8m SPECIAL: AGI+Stealth 7D, PSY+Cunning 9D,
ARMOR: Patchy chainmail, armor 3, or form-fitting SPECIAL: BOD+Toughness 10D, AGI+Stealth 7D, ARMOR: Blackened kevlar combo, Armor 4, Bulletproof PSY+Domination 8D, Elephant Skin 2, Could be Worse 2,
clothing, armor 1 PSY+Domination 9D, Terror 2, Could be Worse 2 (7) Tough as Nails 2
CONDITION: 16 (Trauma: 8) MOVEMENT: 8m CONDITION: 14 (Trauma: 9) MOVEMENT: 6m
TACTIC: Show Fighting ARMOR: Long Lamellar, armor 5 TACTIC: Breach enemy lines / Sabotage ARMOR: Ceramic fiber from Praha, Armor 5, Bulletproof
In combat, the gladiator deliberately takes risks to show off CONDITION: 20 (Trauma: 9) Chernobog's Black Scouts form the vanguard and act as (8)
before the opponent. The arena fighter can penalize their TACTIC: Terrorize shock troops to target enemy supply lines if resistance is en- CONDITION: 18 (Trauma: 10)
attack or defense rolls by up to 3D. If the roll still succeeds, The Gutas from the Horde of Lajos the Red are the Pannon- countered. They scout and spy on the surrounding area, TACTIC: Dominate / Defend Morda's Authority
he regains (1) point of EGO and the opponent takes the ian Angels of Death. Their brutal, violent behavior is as gathering information. In the ruins of Pest they mark places Morda's fists are the battering ram under which Dushani,
value of the penalty as EGO damage. Triggers from such traumatic to the enemy as it is to the Huszars in their own for ambushes or explore tunnels and vaults to smoke out Praha, and anything else that resists is crushed. Cher-
penalized rolls do not cause extra damage, affect the fight ranks. bunkers. nobog's general has personally selected them and is pound-
only dramatically, and gain the favor of the Magpies. ing the world into dust with them. Their service has made
For inexperienced arena fighters, all values are 3D them a close-knit group, they wear the emblem of a black
lower. fist engraved into the skin of their chests. They follow their
master to whatever end.


C H A R A C T E R D E AT H ?
When characters do fail, their defeat should drive the
Some groups prefer a highly immersive and narrative style PROCEDURE C O M B AT A N D C O N F L I C T story forward and lead to new, interesting, and
for their roleplaying sessions. Such groups have little or no During a scene, a player or the GM draws a Tarot card and Occasionally, heroes get cornered, wounded, or perhaps exciting developments. Simply dying from a random
use for dice-rolling and game mechanics, and instead would places it face up in the center of the table. The drawing and even die. KatharSys offers many ways to portray a deadly headshot because of a reversed card goes against this
like to focus on atmosphere and character roleplay. Yet revealing of the card happens non-verbally while the scene world in which characters may die after a single shot. How- concept.
other groups may be looking for an alternative to KatharSys is played out. This way, the atmosphere of the scene is pre- ever, the goal of the narrative rules presented here is to fo- Character deaths only happen when specifically
to play and experience Degenesis in a new way. served. The GM and the group continue to shape the scene cus on the story, to celebrate and fully savor the emotions described as such by the player of that character.
The following rules are intended to focus on telling an according to their interpretations of the card. While any and exciting climaxes. These are rare moments which should have a
immersive story. To do so, elements of the game that take number of cards can be drawn per scene, it is recommended The player characters should therefore be treated much significant impact on the game and the story, and
place on the meta-level - i.e. between the players, rather to keep the number of cards drawn low to avoid confusion more like main protagonists in movies or series. They re- should therefore be particularly meaningful. Their
than the characters - are kept out of the game, leaving only about the resolution of the scene. When in doubt, the last ceive bullet wounds, suffer from infections, only to recover effect on the other player characters is often
gameplay directly related to the scene being enacted. This card drawn by the GM is considered the final indicator of until mere scar tissue reminds them of the battle, but their profound. They should happen with the consent of
means that dice rolls, rule references, and all other out-of- the outcome for the scene. story continues. The circumstances in which characters the whole group and especially the player whose
scene elements are eliminated. Phrases like "Roll a test for It is generally sufficient to use one or two cards per find themselves, determine the narrative impact of drawn character would die, and should represent a
BODY+Stamina, please.", "You suffer 5 Flesh Wounds.", or scene. cards. A reversed card can thus be interpreted in many ways, significant progression in the jointly told story that is
"How does this potential work again?" would no longer be For some groups, drawing cards too frequently can ranging from grazing hits, betrayal, emotional breakdown mutually satisfying for all participants.
part of the game. cause disruption at the gaming table and would distract too to devastating wounds. The goal is to describe a story in a
Still, we need some rules to decide how scenes play out much from the flow of the scene. It is therefore recom- visually exciting way and to tell it as dramatically as possi- You can download the complete Tarot deck from the
or whether characters survive fights. To this end, the Apoc- mended that the group agrees on the right most comfort- ble. This gives the group much more control over what hap- Degenesis Discord:
alyptic Tarot is used to determine outcomes. able amount of cards to draw in the game. pens.
The Tarot deck comprises 22 cards with 44 possible In principle, battles unfold in exactly the same way as
meanings. Each one represents a concept, as presented in the rest of the game. Drawn cards influence the scene or
KatharSys, in upright or inverted form. In accordance with A M AT T E R O F T R U S T lead to its resolution. For smaller skirmishes, no more than
the Major Arcana, each card can thus be interpreted as an These rules give all group members a great deal of influence three cards should be drawn.
influence on the course of the story. over the events. It is therefore important to remember that If battles do not need to be narrated in detail, maybe be-
the story is being told together and that everyone can rely cause they are only a sideshow in the story, the group can
on the fact that no player will put another in unnecessarily use the following alternative rule:
harmful situations. The concept of cooperative play is para- At the beginning of the fight, one card is drawn for each
mount. Antagonistic ways of playing should be avoided, be- actor, describing the outcome of the fight for that character.
cause they will almost inevitably lead to arguments, espe- Groups of opponents can be pooled together for this pur-
cially with these rules.. pose. Then the group narrates the action so that the final
situation corresponds to the cards drawn.

Upright - positive
Reversed - negative

The card drawn is interpreted in the sense of the party that drew it. Basically, this is just a way of deciding whether things
are going well for the player characters - or not. Cards drawn by players are therefore interpreted in the sense of the entire
group, so as not to have to constantly draw new cards. The card drawn refers to the course of the scene, not necessarily to
the actions of the player characters. The players continue to decide for themselves how their characters act and behave.
If necessary, more cards can be drawn to differentiate between the individual player characters.
The game master practically only intervenes in the players' narration when things become inconsistent.


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