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Degenesis Schlagwetter LQ

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LAYOUT AND MAP Special thanks to Cockroach Luis, Shogun

diskordanz Trooper and all the editors, proofreaders and
test players - especially Prof. Philip, who, for the
second time, has significantly improved a major
ILLUSTRATIONS project of mine and gives this project the
Katharina Niko appearance of seriousness with his title.


This document is a fan publication based on the role-playing game DEGENESIS REBIRTH by
Christian Günter and Marko Djurdjevic. Degenesis® is a registered trademark of

Graphic elements: Degenesis DIY Design Elements. Photographs: pexels.com (licensed under

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons - Credit – Noncommercial - No Derivative

Works 4.0 International License. (CC-BY-NC-ND).




S 1 53

C E: E M E S S A 3 31

A mine
Eine Zeche
from dercivilization.
Ab- remaining
in den Baracken.
50 inhabitants
Knapp 60aredavon
dauerhaft hier;
dent onvon
delivered by the durchProtectorate.
das Protektorat.
Local pro-
Le- 20-30 Arbeiter und Angestellte mit ihren Familien, wäh-
duction of food,
tools und
and the
like is lassen
near impossible,
sich nicht butvor rend die restlichen 50 Einwohner Saisonarbeiter sind.
Ort Diatomite
the produzieren, mined
aber here
das hier
is ofabgebaute
such great Kieselgur
value thatist it
so großem
worth the Wert,
cost of dass
sich dieTheVersorgungskosten
yields are barely lohnen.
large Leiden was originally founded by an aspiring Clan, which
Die Erträge
enough thatsind
a comfortable
allerdings gerade
and securegroßlife genug,
can only
dass be
an- wasEsupported
G SCHIC by HtheTProtectorate
E with Hammer and
sible with plenty
und sicheres
of hardLeben
Parts of wirdthe mine
– jedoch
are clad
nur Leiden The
Drafts: wurdeEmessa.
Without the durchgraineinen
of theaufstrebenden
mit reichlich
with reinforced harter
Mine sindinto vonbunkers
Altvor- Clan gegründet,
establishing a settlement
welcher durch
so fardas from
fertile land
mit would
by the mit
The timeverschalt
when they
und zu roused
the curiosity
ausgebaut of mer und
have beenWechsel
futile. Conversely,
unterstützt wurde:
Leiden Diewas Emessa.
too far from
worden. Die
scrappers is over
for now.
zu denen
sie die
the Neugier
bunkers vonat the
mine Korn desto Protektorats
lization justify a permanent
wäre eine presence
of the Judiciary. so
tern weckten
entrance are used
dienen doch forzumindest
workers. Thedie Bun-
tools weit von Ackerland
Through this cooperation,
Emessa gained
lag Lei-
and machineryam Mineneingang
are not the bestheuteand the als area
is made für
Ar- den zu weit
wealth. Quiteaba vom
few members
Schuss, um of the
to the civ-
by marauding
Die Werkzeuge
Clanners,und evenMaschinen
if Leiden sind itselfnicht
is adequately
die Bes- Protektorats
ilized Justitianzuand
left the strenuous
to the
ten und die
protected. About
Gegend110 souls
wird durch
live here,
most of them Sipplinge
in the brachtenOgmar.
Steward es die Emessa
After initially
zu beträchtlichem
amicable cooperation,
Reichtum. Nichthow-
unsicher gemacht,
barracks. Just underauch 60 wenn
of them Leiden
live here
ausreichend wenige
ever, clear
to light;
the settlement’s
20-30 workers
ist. Etwa
and employees
110 Seelen leben
with their
hier, families,
die meistenwhile
the an über und had
construction überließen
been embezzled.
das anstrengende
Everything Tagesgeschäft
seemed to
dem Verwalter
that theOgmar.
EmessaNach had become
zunächst tooeinträchtiger
greedy. Un- FA C T S H E E T: L E I D E N
der pressure from kamen Justitian,jedoch
Leidenklarewas fullyBeweise
subordi- ans
Licht, to
nated dassOgmar,
Gelderwho für was
den notSiedlungsbau
suspected unterschlagen
because of the STADT:
CITY: Leiden,
lack of family
waren. tiesAllestoschien
the Clan.
darauf The hinzudeuten,
Emessa, ondass the
die Emessa
other hand, lost zu prestige,
gierig geworden
wealth and waren.
Unter dem PROVINZ: Protektorat
PROCVINCE: Protectorate
Druck InJustitians
fact, Ogmar wurde hadLeiden
been responsible
vollends Ogmar for the unter-
stellt, welcher
bezzlement. His
plan wasder tofehlenden
blame his Familienbande
old masters to POPULATION: Knapp
EINWOHNER: Just over
über 100,
100, mit
zu dem
get them Clan
of the verdächtigt
way and then wurde. disappear
Die Emessa withhin- the Schwankungen
gegen verloren
profits. However, Ansehen,
he did Reichtum
not anticipate und Einfluss.
the fierceness
of the
Emessa's anger.war Ogmar
They recognized
für die Unterschlagung
him as the cul- PEOPLE: Scrappers
/ dominant,
prit and swore revenge,Sein Plan nowar,
seine thealten
HerrenWith da- linge (dominant)
für verantwortlich
the loot being smaller zu machen,
than expected,
sie aus he dem sawWegnozu way räu-
men, umhimself
protect dann mit against
dem Gewinn
them. Although
zu verschwinden.
the Emessa Er OBERHAUPT:
LEADER: Ogmar,
the Steward
der Verwalter
hatte only
were jedocha shadow
nicht mitof their
der former
Heftigkeitselves desas Zorns
a resultder of
the scandal,
they now Diesehaderkannten
eyes and in earsihmin den
Sheriff; Wenn
of the protectorate.
und schworenHis ihmonly– chance
Beweiseofhin survival
oder was her to– anwesend:
cate Bruenn,
if presentBruenn
stay in Leiden.
Da die he Beute
knew geringer
everyoneausfiel and thought
als ge-
dacht sah
himself safeerfrom
keine their
vengeance.sich So, he vorstayed.
ihnen For zu FEATURES: Diatomite Kieselgurmine:
BESONDERHEITEN: mines: The buildings
Die Ge-
schützen. Zwar waren die Emessa durch den Skandal
decades. bäude
not pretty,
ihre quite
corroded by
nur noch
Ogmareingrew Schatten
old and ihrer
no other
doch hatten
home. He sie von Sulphur
the der mit Schwefel
and rust infused
und Rostair,
but still theyLuft
runs the mine ihresternly
Augen- und the Ohren
required in yield
Teilen angegriffen,
low the extraction
doch dennoch
of tons ermöglichen
of Diatomitesieeachdie
des Protektorats.
tough shifts - butDie he manages
einzige Chance
to keepzuthings überleben
running. war Förderung
month; ThevonOld
an Kieselgur
The Emessapro Monat;
es, in Leiden
However, his old
zu bleiben.
sins are catching
Hier kannte up wither jeden
him. und His Alte Bunkeranlage:
climbed out of the old
light of sind
wähnte sich vor Leibner,
Quartermaster, ihrer Rache whosicher.
is involved
Also blieb in er.murkyFür einst die
today the Emessa
barren rooms
ans Tageslicht
inside provide
dealings, recently obtained evidence of his crime. A nun bieten
dozens of workers;
die kargenHotRäume
in seinem
The greenish
Mittlerweile Pragma,ist Ogmar
who was alt und
kennt gar in Leiden
keine an- at Obdach
water smelling
für Dutzende
of rottenvon eggsArbeitern;
is a blessingHeiße
the Heimat hadmehr.
gained Er insight
führt dieintoMinethehartmine’s– diefinances
Erträ- Quellen:
mind andGrünliches,
body; Alcove:
nach faulen
The hut Eiern
ge, welche
and discovered gefordert
werden, erfordern
Before he straffe
could Schicht-
report des Wasser, Egress
Chronicler welchescalls
own home
für Geist
is being
his findings,
– aber Ogmar
er schafft found
es, alles
out am aboutLaufenhim,zuhad halten.
him Körper by
avoided ist;most
othersEinzelne Hütte, die der
Nun holen
tracked down ihnand
seine murdered.
Sünden jedoch
The body ein. disappeared
Sein Quartier- in Chronist Egress sein Eigenheim nennt und von
the countryside
in undurchsichtige
in a crevice Geschäf-
between TRADE
den meisten/ GOODS:
gemieden wird
no other sources
te verstrickt
rubble. The Chronicler's
ist, gelangte equipment,
vor kurzem including
an Beweisehis seines
data of income.
storage device, Ein
lost untilPragma,
a Scrapper
der damals
found in it Lei-
and HANDEL / WAREN: Kieselgur. Keine weiteren
den operierte,
sold it off. By chance,
hatte sichthe Quartermaster
Einblick in die got Finanzen
his hands der CITY GUARD: 6 guards under the command of
on the verschafft
data storage undwith dabei
evidence - and since gefun- he Gorn
den. Bevor
desired the Steward’s
er seine power,
he made berichten
a plan. He’d konnte,
wait STADTGARDE: Sechs Wächter unter Komman-
for Ogmar
next ihmdelivery
auf die
of supplies
Schliche,byließ theihnProtectorate,
aufspüren do von GornTRADE: Hardly any
und ermorden.
which would beDie accompanied
Leiche verschwand
by Judgesim andUmland
hand over von
the evidencein einer
to them.
By then,Diehe Ausrüstung
plans to create des Chro-a sit- COMMUNICATION: Messenger
on horseback;
nicht vor-
nisten, insamt
uation whichDatenspeicher
he himself would gingbeverloren,
designatedbis as the
ein handen deliveries of food and goods by the Judi-
next leader. alles
He fand
is prepared
und verscherbelte.
for anything.Per If there
Zufallisge- an ciary, as well as transport of the precious Di-
langte derenough
election, Quartiermeister
of the workersan denwill Datenspeicher
readily support mit KOMMUNIKATION:
atomite; Radio available
within Regelmäßige
the Alcove,
den Beweisen
him; he will see – to
und that.
da er
If, dem
he’ll have
seinen to pro-
Ein- Lebensmittel-
though rarely used.
und Warenlieferungen durch die
fluss neidete,
voke a revolt, schmiedete
he will. er einen Plan. Auf die nächs- Richterschaft, sowie Abtransport des geförderten
te Versorgungslieferung durch das Protektorat zu war- Kieselgurs; Funk durch den Alkoven möglich, je-
ten, welche
He’ll stop at nothing
durch Richter
to win..begleitet wird und diesen doch selten genutzt.
die Beweise übergeben. Bis dahin will er eine Situation
schaffen, in der er selbst als der nächste Anführer be-
stimmt werden muss. Er ist auf alles vorbereitet. Sollte
es eine Wahl geben, werden ihn schon genug der Ar-
beiter unterstützen; dafür wird er sorgen. Sollte er je-
doch einen Aufstand anstiften müssen, wird er auch
das tun.

Nichts wird seinen Sieg stoppen.

This already used to be a mining town, struction was never finished, however; safe enough to use as an arsenal and sup-
long before the Eshaton - and at that nonetheless, the ancestors of the Emessa ply point for activated sleeper cells; at
time Leiden had already been abandoned survived in the half-finished facilities, least, a rumour to that effect has reached
once. The shafts, however, stayed. Ideal later using the steel and the buried tech- the Steward. Ogmar, however, keeps
conditions for building a bunker when nology to build their first settlement. these suspicions to himself.
the disaster became apparent. The con- Still, some bunker sections nearby were


Gorn, the Sheriff, is a Juryman and has been given special his men, and important people like Ogmar and Leibner.
powers by the Judiciary to maintain security here. Typi- Egress is allowed to carry his non-lethal weapons. Even
cally, minor offenses are punishable by a few days of hard though Amber is not actually allowed to own a weapon,
labour in the mine, food deprivation, or a combination of hers is tacitly tolerated - it is quite useful if she can resolve
both. This is the case for fights, theft, adultery, or similar disputes in the brothel quickly and discreetly, as long as no-
offenses. Those who go particularly overboard or repeat- body dies. Knives and tools are not considered weapons -
edly earn Gorn's ire will be publicly punished with a cane. but those who use them as such will have to answer to the
For more serious offences such as murder, rape and the like, Protectorate’s Judiciary.
the offender is arrested and handed over to Judge Klaudia
Bruenn the next time she comes through the village.
Carrying weapons and armour is restricted to all but Gorn,


The workers live free of charge in the old mine shaft or can Another perk of permanent employment is that Rena - the
rent the barracks for a monthly fee. They can get food for Innkeeper - provides medical care at material cost only;
free at the commercial kitchen near the warehouse. Only guests are asked to pay 50 Drafts for her care. However, she
bland gruel, however, which is why Rena offers stew (7 does not dare to treat injuries worth more than 1 point of
Drafts) or roast (15 Drafts), as well as beer and distillate (3 / Trauma – such wounded are stabilized and taken to the
8 Drafts) at the Pump. Guests from out of town pay 3 Drafts closest Spital as soon as possible.
for a portion of the porridge from the warehouse. Still, bet- In the warehouse, goods up to tech level III are avail-
ter than starving. At the Pump, dormitory beds are available able for 1.2 times the normal price; goods up to tech level IV
for 10 Drafts, a private room for 25 Drafts per night. A place for 1.5 times the normal price. Up to the DMs discretion, the
to sleep in the mineshaft costs 5 Drafts - if one is available. assortment is limited; weapons and ammunition are usu-
However, the wages paid here aren’t shabby. Seasonal ally not available.
workers get 15 Drafts a day, provided they can stand work- For those who desire certain services - half an hour
ing underground and wield a pickaxe – BOD+Toughness with the Magpies in the Sento costs 30 Drafts, a whole night
and BOD+Force each need to be 5 or higher to qualify. costs 250. But if you really only want to bathe, you pay 10
However, those who are a bit more adept at complex work Drafts for an hour in a pool – which regenerates (1) Flesh
– AGI+Crafting 8+, INT+Engineering 6+, or INT+Science Wound and (1) Ego. There is no distillate here, only at the
6+ - get paid 30 Drafts per day and don't have to toil as Pump..
much. To enjoy the perks of the permanent workers - room
and board - you have to be paid monthly. Thus it’s no won-
der that Rena has fresh meat delivered once again at the
end of the month and the whores dress up nicely. Payday
for the workers is payday for everyone.
a Steward Ogmar, Quartermaster Leibner and a The white Diatomite that used to be mined here has
Forewoman Schamotte have a clear division of roles. dried up. Only the grey Diatomite remains, which
Ogmar takes care of finances - like paying wages - must be processed in kilns; a laborious effort, which
talking to the Judges and all the engineering work reduces the profit. This is the reason why such hard
around the mine, planning new tunnels and the like. labour is required to produce the yields that the Judges
Schamotte takes care of shift schedules and organizes demand. The available amount of water is not
the work around and within the mine itself. Leibner sufficient to expand.
however takes care of all the logistics. This includes
supplying the miners with food, storing, purchasing The following sections are replaced by those mentioned in
and transporting building materials, as well as storing Nonfractal when playing both scenarios together.
and transporting the Diatomite.
a There are interesting old bunkers near Leiden. Old
a The contract with the Judiciary is vital for Leiden. It Paler records (which none of the locals know about)
ensures that Ogmar can buy food for the miners tell of a Recombination Group facility which was
cheaply. On the other hand, Justitian receives certain never completed, and was instead used as an
minimum quotas for an artificially low price; only equipment cache for Sleepers. However, due to the
above these quantities is payment made according to dangerous, barren environment, it's hard to search for
market value. Without the contract, more could be these facilities and loot them. Also, these facilities
charged for the Diatomite, but the cost of grain would likely hold their very own dangers.
suddenly turn the operation into a net loss.
a There is a larger lair of Scrappers. They scavenge old
a Getting food here is almost impossible. The Black artefacts and pay smugglers to keep themselves
Lung lives up to its name and there is hardly any game. supplied. The Fence Fasko who runs this lair
Even Jehammedans with their goat herds try to leave occasionally diverts deliveries from the Protectorate
as soon as possible. Supplies from outside are the only meant for Leiden. From time to time the
viable source of food. Quartermaster is here to sell embezzled goods. Here,
he also acquired the evidence against the Steward
a The Quartermaster has diverted weapon deliveries to from a clueless Scrapper who didn’t know what he was
equip his men. In Leiden, only Gorn’s guards and selling. The Madame knows of the Quartermaster
Judges are allowed to carry weapons. being a regular, as she deals with Fasko from time to
a There are rumours that Leibner is trying to get people
on his side. The Steward suspects that he just wants to a Due to mining, the place has its own hot springs. They
arrange something simple like an 'accident' for him are said to have healing properties; either way, the
and doesn't expect a revolt, or problems from his past. warm water is a luxury. It also makes the place
independent of water supplies. Some of the older
a Leibner considers sabotaging the mines to weaken miners mutter that these springs are the best thing
Ogmar’s reputation. However, he’d be playing with about all of Leiden. It’s too far from civilization to turn
fire. Too much damage could shut down production it into a proper spa, however. But the locals swear by it
for so long that the whole of Leiden would be at risk. - 10 drafts for a bath that lasts about 1 hour, and you
Perhaps the food supply can be cut instead. Hunger regenerate (1) Flesh Wound and (1) Ego.
quickly leads to anger.

Spitalians are rarely here and are viewed with suspicion. There are many good reasons why a judge might come by,
The Madame and Emerillion in particular will suspect that and none of the reasons will please the locals. Some work-
they are after the Burn, which is in the bathhouse, albeit in ers are here because they haven't gotten along with the
small quantities. For simple injuries, people here are treated Judges in the past, causing a few to leave the settlement in
by Rena - who demands fewer Drafts - but for serious in- a hurry. Leibner will worry because foreign Judges - whose
juries, a skilled healer could gain a lot of sympathy - as long behaviour he can’t anticipate - might get the idea to start
as he’s not greedy. snooping around. That could significantly damage his
plans. Another factor is important: Judges are the only
strangers allowed to keep their guns within the settlement..
Egress will be full of joy that his replacement is finally com-
ing - and very bitter should that not be the case. Ogmar and CLANNERS
Leibner, on the other hand, will both be worried that the Clanners from the Protectorate arrive here often; to work
new Chronicler is after his late predecessor's legacy. Per- or to trade. Or just to pass through. They hardly stand out
haps the new Chronicler will suffer an accident. It won’t at all. Exotic Clanners however may be met with suspicion..
matter for which reasons the Cluster sent one of his own
here in the first place.
Almost all of the workers are Scrappers. Another one won’t
H E L LV E T I C S stand out here. Whoever plays nice will be greeted like a
Hellvetics are hardly ever seen here. Why would they; brother, as there’s no competition for promising Scrap ields
there's no war here, nothing valuable to guard. Some will here. All helping hands are needed..
curiously pester the heavily armoured stranger with ques-
tions, but otherwise leave them alone. And Gorn will ex-
plain kindly, but emphatically, that he too must please sur-
render his weapon, best thanks, and will not receive it back
until he leaves the settlement..
Perhaps the Bank of Commerce is trying to play a trick on A Jehammedan might not be able to convert anyone here,
the Protectorate, trying to strike a deal of their own with but they’ll be allowed to live in peace - after all, the goat
Ogmar. However, he’s stubborn; only a skilled trader will be herders who occasionally pass through the place don't
able to make a good offer. Meanwhile, everyone else regards bother anyone. The occasional slur might be heard how-
their dark skin with a bigoted mix of concern and preju- ever.

SCOURGERS There's no room or patience for thieves here, but more
A Scourger will hardly, if ever, be welcomed eagerly. If he agreeable Apocalyptics can expect work and a friendly re-
travels in the entourage of a wealthy (or, more importantly, ception in the bathhouse - as long as they don’t try to com-
generous) Neolibyan, he will be barely tolerated if he allows pete with the Madame.
himself to be disarmed. Otherwise, he is met by a wall of
hostility and fear..
Anabaptists are rarely seen around here. Some workers may
ANUBIANS be a bit religious, but no one can expect more defence here.
Their skin colour and mumbo jumbo will hardly be appre-
ciated. The Madame – who travelled much and is open-
minded towards new things – may still treat them with PA L E R S
friendliness.. Old RG cards or runes which Fasko placed on his travels
through Borca may lead some Palers here. And there’s work
for them, out of sight from the burning sun. If they keep
their heads down, they'll have no trouble getting by.

a The Spitalians came here once. For delousing the a The one boy the Madame has working for her,
workers. The baldies lingered around the bathhouse, Emerillion, has only recently arrived. From
and the madam forbade them the girls. No work was somewhere back east. Didn't take long for the first of
done for two days, only delousing – and after that the mates to have a go at him. Well, he's nimble. And
everything itched even worse. Then they wanted to has a fire in him, like a cockroach drunk on blood.
charge the Steward for the whole thing. He raved at Little Leica's got a crush on him, everybody knows
Bruenn - she had ordered the whole thing, after all - that. That's why Gorn can't stand him.
and Gorn almost had to intervene. Quite the
spectacle! a There are probably other bunker sections which aren’t
accessible from here. That's why there’s the occasional
a There are only few families here, and they mostly live Scrapper lurking around the caves. The boss doesn't
in the huts. Most of the miners aren’t married, and like it, but they don't cause any trouble.
they are housed in the mine shaft, in the old bunkers.
For years there's been talk of building new huts. a Weapons? Only Gorn's boys carry them, and a few of
Nothing's happened yet. those trusted by the Steward. Well, you can do some
serious damage with a pickaxe. But you still don't want
a The water tastes funny here, doesn't it? Some say it's to mess with the guards' muskets.
because it's been filtered through the Diatomite.
Others say that the Steward adds a powder made by a Old Schamotte got burned badly once, in an accident.
the Spitalians that inhibits the sex drive. To make Ever since, she's been bitching about the Steward, the
people work harder. The whores know better - if old slave driver. She rants about the big accident that
there's anything mixed in, it doesn’t work. It's a miracle she's so sure will come. The fact that he got Gorn out
that they don't get pregnant more often - or is it in time, but not her, has left her bitter.
because of the ointments that the Madame buys and
prepares? a The Innkeeper, Rena, rants a lot. About everything and
everyone. But if you get yourself hurt, she'll patch you
a Down in the mine it's hot and stuffy. Pumps roar, to up without bankrupting you. The distillate she sells is
get air in and water out. The Diatomite elevator, a kind good too, if a bit expensive. It's probably a deal with
of vertical conveyor belt, rattles constantly. In one of Ogmar so the miners don't get too drunk. She's a good
the hollowed out rooms the miners have created a woman, but if Leibner sold distillate himself, it'd cost
'cathedral'; the room is full of carvings. It's a real half as much, he told us. Also nobody wants to trade
beauty, and the Steward had lightbulbs installed. Some places with her husband; he's completely under her
crevices there apparently were used to bury miners. thumb.

a The Diatomite must be baked. Otherwise, it’s a The Chronicler here, Egress, hates everything and
worthless. The required coal is supplied from Born. everyone and just wants to get out of here. There's not
Sometimes the Steward grumbles that not only the much in the way of artefacts, and he calls Leiden his
Diatomite blazes in the kilns, but also the anticipated exile. I don't think he's interested in the girls either. He
profit margin goes up in smoke. won't last long before he disappears. Apparently that
happened once before; decades ago, one of them
a One time, a completely raggedy Scrapper came by. suddenly vanished here. What was he called again…
Wanted to work in the mine. Then he saw Leibner, Pragma?
spat out, and left in a hurry. Seemed to know him, and
there wasn't much love lost between the two.
a The Sheriff suspects that Emerillion isn’t good for his a Rumors suggest that a survivor of the East Wind Flock
beloved and asks the characters to investigate him. In has escaped to Leiden. Perhaps there will be a hefty
the process, they find evidence of the coup in the reward if they are turned over to the Judiciary. Or
making. maybe he still knows a few of the Burn stashes, whose
value has skyrocketed now that there's hardly any Burn
a For far too long, the data on the old Mediator – left.
Pragma – who disappeared 50 years ago has been
overlooked. Now parts of his modules have resurfaced, a The characters want to get into the old bunkers. The
with a Neolibyan trader. The trail leads to Leiden, and easiest way likely takes them through the mine.
the Chroniclers are paying handsomely for clues.. Ogmar, however, is not thrilled about strangers
lurking within his realm - but if they help him take a
a The Emessa know that their son is probably here closer look at his competition, he might be willing to
looking for revenge. They pay mercenaries to protect let them.
Floris, stop him or even support him.


He had never felt truly welcome among the Emessa. They called him use-
ful, talented, respected - but never did he dine with the family, never did
the friendly words go beyond collegial banter. That they appointed him
Steward of Leiden, he realized, was because of his talents – and because
the Emessa had gone native at Justitian. They got him out of their view and
profited from his work.
He didn't play along. Instead, he fabricated evidence of embezzle-
ments which ultimately ended up within his pockets. Even when the mine
was built - and when the Emessa were condemned and shunned – he, who
was not linked to them by family ties, was above suspicion. So, the Judges
appointed him Steward. But the Emessa were well connected in the Pro-
tectorate. They swore revenge against him. Only in Leiden did he hold
power, knew everyone, and could stay safe.
That was over 40 years ago. Ogmar is now over 70 years old, but still
on his toes. And he must be - because the yields here don't come close to
the Emessa's projections. It's hard work to fulfil the contracts anyway, but
together they make it work. He spurs his workers on, offering secure jobs
in return. He works like a dog himself, hardly allowing himself any plea-
BORCA sure except the occasional game of chess. They may not put him in their
THE VISIONARY will, but he knows he is doing a good job. And that shall suffice.
CLANNER (EMESSA) He distrusts the quartermaster, but underestimates him. Even if the
RANK 4: STEIGER workers grumble about him because of the hard shifts, Ogmar is sup-
ported by some. The fact that he is always honest and correct - as far as the
ATTRIBUTES: workers know - is worth something, and some prefer to stick to the tried
BOD 2, AGI 2, CHA 3, INT 4, PSY 4, INS 3 and tested. However, he is also realistic enough to know that Leibner's
SKILLS: Force 6D, Melee 3D, Toughness 4D, empty promises - better wages, better working hours - are turning the tide.
Crafting 8D, Mobility 4D, Projectiles 5D, The higher you are, the thinner the air.
Expression 4D, Leadership 7D, Negotiation 6D,
Engineering 6D, Focus 6D, Legends 5D, Science
8D, Cunning 5D, Deception 6D, Domination 6D, R O L E P L AY
Reaction 5D, Willpower 7D, Perception 5D Age is not always accompanied by wisdom; in Ogmar's case, however, it is.
BACKGROUNDS: Allies 2, Authority 4, Renown 2, He always appears calm and controlled, is polite but cold. His thoughts are
Resources 3, Secrets 2 always on several problems at the same time and occasionally he appears
POTENTIALS: Brainwave 2, Unto Death 2 irritable when once again important work is interrupted by sudden emer-
INITIATIVE: : 5D / 12 Ego (Focus) gencies. His presence usually causes worried calm, as he is known for
ATTACK: : Knife, 4D, Distance 1, Damage 5, handing out appropriate punishment without hesitation or remorse.
Smooth Running (2T); Sawn-Off Shotgun, 5D,
Distance 5/10, Damage 10, Double-Barreled, Scat-
ter, 2 Rounds EQUIPMENT
DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Dodge) 4D, THE STEWARD’S KEY CHAIN
Ranged active (Seek cover) 4D, Mental (Willpower) The heavy steel ring, on which keys are strung like prayer beads, gives Og-
7D mar almost unrestricted access. The keys on it open all the doors in the
MOVEMENT: 2D colliery, the kilns and the administration building, as well as to the store-
ARMOR: Mining Helmet and Leather Coat, Armor rooms.
2, Encumbrance 2
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/14, Flesh COILERY MAPS
Wounds 8, Trauma 6 The Steward’s collection of maps is extensive. It shows the known shafts
in the mountain, together with natural caves. Notes on the quality of the
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Diatomite and the state of development of the passages supplement the
8 Rounds of 12 Gauge (Buckshot), Technical records. But what would make the maps particularly valuable to a Scrap-
Sketches and Schematics per: On some of the maps, Ogmar has entered suspected positions of
bunkers. No one but him gets to see these pages.

Back in the day, he led a troop that brought steel to Justitian. Hard, honest
work. That wasn’t for him. He persuaded his men to pool in their hard-
earned money to buy better equipment - and then made off with the
Drafts. With the haul, he lived like a king. Why work yourself to death
when you can get others to do it?
But at some point everything was squandered. He needed money
again, and in Justitian old chums might find him. A change of air would do
him good, and he was good with logistics. So he moved to Leiden. He takes
care of storage, handing out material and tools, buying food and equip-
ment and organizes the deliveries of Diatomite. Here and there he diverts
material and sells it to Scrappers who have set up camp nearby. In the
bathhouse, they don't ask where the Drafts came from. Oh, he knows how
to deal with the bitches. Even if he has to be more careful than he likes
before he gets banned.
Then recently a stroke of luck. A Scrapper had found a long-dead
Chronicler and sold off his stuff. Among other things, there was an old
data storage device. Leibner could not believe his eyes. His oh-so-upright
boss had screwed over the Emessa! With this knowledge he could over-
throw him. And take over the helm himself. And then later make off with BORCA
the settlement’s coffers. Just like in the old days. THE DEFILER
So, he’s preparing. He talks to people, buys rounds in the Pump and SCRAPPER
secures the loyalty of the workers. If words and evidence are not enough, RANK 4: ALPHA WOLF
he has smuggled weapons and ammunition to Leiden. His men may only
have flintlock pistols, but there are more of them than Gorn and his men ATTRIBUTES:
have muskets. And Leibner doesn't care about a few deaths. The end justi- BOD 4, AGI 2, CHA 2, INT 3, PSY 4, INS 3
fies the means. SKILLS: Athletics 6D, Brawl 5D, Force 7D, Melee
6D, Toughness 7D, Mobility 3D, Projectiles 4D,
Conduct 4D, Leadership 8D, Negotiation 5D,
R O L E P L AY Seduction 4D, Artifact Lore 5D, Engineering 4D,
Leibner is generous, both with Drafts and with words. He laughs a lot, lis- Legends 4D, Cunning 7D, Deception 6D,
tens, shows understanding. A façade he has rehearsed perfectly. In a Domination 5D, Reaction 5D, Willpower 6D,
friendly first conversation, he immediately assesses other people accord- Perception 4D, Primal 5D, Survival 6D
ing to their strengths, weaknesses and usefulness for his agenda. He steers BACKGROUNDS: Allies 4, Authority 4, Network 4,
conversations towards topics that fit his goals, stirs up mistrust and then Resources 3
watches the fruits of his labor from afar. And as soon as he has pushed his POTENTIALS: Rat 1, Nitro 2
games too far, Leibner disappears from the dance floor. His massive, dull INITIATIVE: 5D / 10 Ego (Primal)
appearance has already led many to underestimate him. ATTACK: : Leibners Crusher, 5D, Distance 1, Dam-
age 7, Hidden Shotgun Round (Attack with 4D,
causes 10 Damage at Distance 1 once); Revolver,
EQUIPMENT 4D, Distance 10/40, Damage 10, 6 Rounds
ENGRAVED POCKET WATCH DEFNSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Parry) 5D,
The small mechanical wonder was given to him by his men after five years Ranged active (Seek cover) 3D, Mental (Willpower)
together. The name of the troupe and his guys is engraved on it and re- 6D
minds Leibner every day that trust, after all, only takes work. First they MOVEMENT: 6D
didn't like him, then they entrusted him their savings. Those fools. ARMOR: Rubber Harness, Armor 4, Encumbrance
DATA STORAGE CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/12, Fleshwounds
The device is roughly palm sized, flat and black, with one dark side, 14, Trauma 8
smooth like a mirror. Leibner has already hooked it to a generator, seen
the data and immediately hid his find in the warehouse - in such a way that SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
it is safe, but also not directly attributed to him. The data here proves con- 6 Rounds of .44, Keys to the Storages
clusively that Ogmar has been pulling the wool over the eyes of both the
Emessa and the judges.


The same journey every few weeks. From Justitian to Leiden. Delivering
grain, meat, cloth, coal. Receive the Diatomite. Weighing. Not getting
ripped off. See that everything is in order. Back to town.
She's taken the trip more times than she can count. The place bores
her. Small, rural, remote, primitive. She’d rather be back home, with her
family. Her husband runs the household – a failed advocate, no career
man, but she still can't tear herself away from his eyes after eight years of
marriage. Two little ones who give her a run for her money. Some savings,
with which the two want to take off to Purgare someday. An Anabaptist
who used to court her told her about the vineyards there. That'd be some-
thing. Fat soil, a farm of her own. Not too far from a bigger town though.
Without people, she'd wither.
But her boredom doesn't make her any less reliable, her plans for the
future don't make her corrupt. First, she knows and appreciates the two
Protectors who accompany her as guards. And knows they would not let
her get away with such a thing, despite their friendship. Second, she is still
a Judge. An advocate. Convinced of the Codex, the Law, and the Protec-
torate. Sworn to the Judiciary. Even though she would like nothing better
BORCA than to give someone else the disservice of having to drag themselves here
THE RIGHTEOUS all the time. If only she could administer justice for once! If she could do
JUDGE what she was trained to do! A little excitement would fire her up.
R A N K 4 : A D V O C AT E

BOD 2, AGI 3, CHA 3, INT 3, PSY 3, INS 2 She can be quite charming. Friends and family feel comfortable around
SKILLS: Force 4D, Melee 6D, Toughness 4D, her, know Klaudia as funny and cheerful, especially if they get her to talk
Mobility 4D, Projectiles 5D, Arts 5D, Conduct 4D, about her favourite topics. In Leiden, however, no one would suspect that.
Expression 6D, Negotiation 6D, Focus 5D, Here she is cold professionalism incarnate, at most laughing at the jokes of
Legends 6D, Cunning 4D, Domination 4D, the Judges who accompany her and otherwise appearing completely aloof.
Faith 4D, Reaction 5D, Empathy 3D, All with the aim of doing her job as quickly and thoroughly as possible. So
Perception 3D, Taming 3D that she can return home, to Justitian, where she can show her human face
BACKGROUNDS: Authority 2, Resources 2 again..
POTENTIALS: Hail of Lead 1
INITIATIVE: 5D / 10 Ego (Focus))
ATTACK: Baton, 6D, Distance 3, Damage 3, EQUIPMENT
Smooth-Running (3T), Blunt; Flintlock Pistol, 5D, NOTEBOOK
Distance 5/20, Damage 8, Muzzle Loader, 1 Round When Bruenn talks to other people, she often holds the notebook in her
DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Parry) 6D, hands and scribbles away. In fact, she makes sketches of people and adds
Ranged active (Dodge) 4D, Mental (Faith) 4D notes in shorthand. This habit has often proven useful, because some of
MOVEMENT: 2D her interlocutors later found their sketches scattered around the Protec-
ARMOR: Judges Coat and Hat, Armor 2, Encum- torate, on a wanted poster. To decipher the notes, a roll of INT+Science (3)
brance 2 is necessary, to find information on various citizens of Leiden and wanted
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/8, Fleshwounds criminals of the Protectorate. That way someone can also decipher that a
8, Trauma 5 couple of the faces belong to loved ones - her husband, her children, her
parents. These are hidden among the other portraits so that no criminal
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT who gets hold of the booklet can stalk her family.
15 rounds of lead and powder, Horse, Leather-
bound Codex (+2 on CHA+Expression when pass-
ing judgement)

When he first arrived in Leiden, he worked the mines. He was not good at
it. Dissatisfied as he was, he liked to have a drink. Got into brawls. At one
point he was drunk at work when he knocked over a lamp. Parts of the
wooden beams were on fire. The whole mine had to be evacuated. He
would’ve died, hadn’t Ogmar pulled him out from the flames himself. And
instead of the scolding he deserved, he gave him another job. As Sheriff.
There’s too much drinking, too many accidents in Leiden. Take care of it.
The fervent gratitude he feels since then is the basis of their friend-
ship. He no longer drinks, not a single drop, but still gets along well with
the men. Talks with them, has the occasional friendly wrestling match and
spends his downtime with his puppy. With the women, however, things
don't go as well. He's had a crush on Leica for months, but she only has
eyes for Emerillion, and Gorn ain’t that kind of pretty. He'd let her be
happy with him, but there's something about her sweetheart that bothers
him. Even if he himself suspects that it’s his jealousy after all. That's why
he leaves him alone. However, should his suspicions be confirmed, his
wrath would be merciless. People who know him as a quiet, sociable guy
would be surprised. Only his six guards and Ogmar know how fiercely he
would protect his mine. His people. His girl. BORCA
Gorn is a cheerful man with whom everyone likes to have a friendly chat
with. After all, one look at his physique and arsenal of weapons is enough ATTRIBUTES:
to know that you'd rather be his friend. He cares for the people of Leiden, BOD 4, AGI 3, CHA 3, INT 2, PSY 3, INS 3
helps to settle disputes and prefers to make peace through his presence SKILLS: Athletics 7D, Brawl 6D, Force 8D, Melee
rather than violence. He once had to punish someone with a cane who had 7D, Stamina 5D, Toughness 7D, Mobility 4D,
clearly gone too far. It gives him no pleasure when Ogmar orders such Projectiles 7D, Conduct 5D, Leadership 4D,
measures, but he fully trusts the old man's judgement. Legends 3D, Medicine 3D, Domination 8D, Faith
5D, Reaction 5D, Empathy 4D, Perception 4D,
Primal 7D, Taming 4D
EQUIPMENT BACKGROUNDS: Allies 2, Authority 2, Renown 3
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL POTENTIALS: Danger Sense 1, Tough as Nails 1
A small pillbox contains the chunks of charcoal, of which Gorn always car- INITIATIVE: 5D / 14 Ego (Primal)
ries some. He keeps them in the same pocket as his Drafts so he can feel ATTACK: Baton, 7D, Distance 1, Damage 5, Smooth
them when he’s tempted to pay for a drink. Then he opens the box, takes Running (3T), Blunt; Short Sword, 7D, Distance 1,
one of the chunks and puts it in his mouth. Immediately he tastes and Damage 7, Smooth Running (3T); Double Barrel-
smells the fire of yesteryear. He almost burnt alive once because he was led Rifle, 7D, Distance 30/120, Damage 11, Double
such a drunkard, and he won't make that mistake again. He hardly needs Barreled, 2 Rounds
the box anymore, but if he were to use the activated charcoal in case of DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Parry) 7D, Ran-
poisoning, he would get +1D to BOD+Toughness to withstand it. ged active (Seek cover) 4D, Mental (Faith) 5D
ARMOR: Leather Armor, Armor 3, Encumbrance 2
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/10,
Fleshwounds 14, Trauma 7

8 rounds of 5.56x45mm; a Gendo puppy which ad-
ores him


Once upon a time he was part of a small band, removing all sorts of human
obstacles on the path to Borca. Back then, he had many names; Pavel,
Mikhail, Mark... When the East Wind Flock still bought their Bion from
Pollen he and his brothers lived in splendour, but with the Great Purge the
noose tightened around their necks. They made too many enemies; too
many of their friends were only interested in their Drafts. He knew that
the Spitalians would soon be coming for them too. Instead of hiding, he
swaggered into their camp, stepped before their commander, and de-
manded an offer. The man despised him, he could sense that immediately,
but a quick resolution to the operation was worth swallowing his wrath.
All the wages from back then have been squandered away since then.
Now, he ended up here, in a whorehouse by a mine. Justitian is too danger-
ous; there might be other members of his old flock lurking around. Here
he gets paid to fuck. Not as glamorous as he’d hoped, but he can manage.
It’s almost entertaining.
But he won't stay long. A girl here, a Scrapper, fell for him. She's
pretty, too, if naïve enough to still believe in love. Well, he won’t complain.
She wants to get out of here, together. And he’d gladly humor her, only to
POLLEN leave her with empty pockets. But before that, he wants Leibner to pay him
THE HERETIC off. The fatso paid him, to get rid of Ogmar – someday – but keeps saying
A P O C A LY P T I C that it ain’t time yet. The Quartermaster stalls him, tells him that in two or
RANK 2: OWL three weeks everything will be over. And Emerillion charges him for his
patience - after all, any day longer here could be the day Gorn finally snaps
ATTRIBUTES: and tries to pick a fight with him. Poor sap - the way he's in love with Leica,
BOD 3, AGI 4, CHA 4, INT 2, PSY 3, INS 2 he doesn't even see that he'd likely lose this fight. Doesn’t matter. The
SKILLS: Athletics 5D, Brawl 5D, Force 6D, drafts he’ll earn here are taking him closer to his dream. A flock of his own.
Melee 8D, Stamina 5D, Toughness 6D, Someday.
Dexterity 5D, Mobility 7D, Projectiles 5D,
Stealth 6D, Arts 5D, Conduct 5D, Seduction 7D,
Focus 6D, Cunning 5D, Deception 5D, R O L E P L AY
Domination 4D, Reaction 6D, Willpower 6D, Emerillion is well aware of his effect on others. He is handsome, takes care
Empathy 4D, Perception 4D of himself and trains as a warrior would. An apt comparison. The fact that
BACKGROUNDS: Allies 2, Resources 1, Secrets 2 he reveals little about himself and occasionally shows temper only en-
POTENTIALS: All-In 2 hances the effect. He acts tame and waits patiently to then sink his claws
INITIATIVE: 6D / 12 Ego (Focus)) into the fattest prey. This here is only a stopover to fill his purse. First Lei-
ATTACK: Knife (Melee), 9D, Distance 1, Damage 4, den, then the world.
Smooth Running (2T); Knife (Thrown), 6D, Dis-
tance 3/10, Damage 4
DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Dodge) 7D, EQUIPMENT
Ranged active (Seek cover) 7D, Mental (Willpower) EMERILLION’S PURSE
6D The Anabaptists had paid for the Burn at that time with war gold - gold
MOVEMENT: 5D coins bearing the symbol of the ram. He carefully hid a few of them, be-
ARMOR: Leather Vest, Armor 1, Encumbrance 1 cause gold can be useful.
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 4/12,
Fleshwounds 12, Trauma 6 OLD LOGBOOK
Cheap paper, bound in brittle leather, filled with crazy scribbles and mean-
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ingless numbers. Unless you know the code. Then this book turns out to
4 Knives (hidden on his body), 2 Cusps of Burn be a guide to numerous old Burn hideouts. Not as profitable as the camps
(Bion, well-hidden) of the East Wind Flock, and many of these places have already been discov-
ered - but not all of them. A check of PSY+Cunning (5) must be passed to
recognize the code as such. Deciphering, on the other hand, requires an
extended check of INT+Science (30), with each roll requiring one day.

Leiden isn’t for her. She was born here, she grew up here. She has climbed
through the tunnels and mountains, knows every pebble and has seen ev-
erything there is to see here. But she hardly knows what’s going on across
the next hilltop. When the Judge comes by and brings news from Justitian,
she soaks up each of her words. But why stop there? Purgare sounds like a
paradise on earth - and Africa, with its mystical stories... She draws
sketches of what these strange places might look like, builds little sculp-
tures and makes up stories to go with them. But that’s not enough. She
wants to see these places, with her own eyes.
She saved up. As a technician who maintains the generator, the
pumps and the lift, she doesn't earn badly, even if the work is hard. Noth-
ing keeps her here - almost nothing, except for love. Emerillion from the
brothel has taken a fancy to her, with his foreign dialect, seeming so grace-
ful and yet full of fire. She only has to persuade him, then she can leave.
But he eludes her, keeps stalling - and Leica notices, because she's not
stupid. Maybe he enjoys the life in the whorehouse too much - the thought
makes her furious and only pushes her all the more to tie him to her.
Leibner has promised her help. But promises are not enough for her.
She considers pointing out the Burn buds Emerillion has hidden, exposing BORCA
him to Gorn. It would be a betrayal of her lover, but then he would have to THE ADVENTURER
run off with her. Her bag is packed, she has even built herself a crossbow, SCRAPPER
hidden in pieces in her chamber, to prepare for her adventure. She wants RANK 3: MECHANIST
to see the world. Children, perhaps, someday, when travelling becomes
too much for her. Though she doesn't really believe she'll ever stop being ATTRIBUTES:
young. The technician is intelligent, but lacks wisdom. BOD 3, AGI 3, CHA 2, INT 3, PSY 2, INS 3
SKILLS: Brawl 4D, Force 4D, Toughness 4D,
Crafting 7D, Dexterity 4D, Mobility 4D,
R O L E P L AY Projectiles 4D, Stealth 4D, Arts 5D,
The world is just waiting to be explored. Of course, the Scrapper has heard Artifact Lore 5D, Engineering 7D, Reaction 3D,
all the stories, about war, monsters and danger, but that doesn't diminish Willpower 3D, Empathy 4D, Perception 4D,
her curiosity. Leica is high-spirited and in love, seeing the world through Primal 4D, Survival 6D
rose-tinted glasses. Leiden was a good home for her, but she’s been here BACKGROUNDS: Network 1, Renown 1,
too long. Behind the next hilltop adventure beckons. She is not stupid, but Resources 2
young and inexperienced. POTENTIALS: Truffle Pig 1
INITIATIVE: 3D / 8 Ego (Primal)
ATTACK: Wrench, 3D, Distance 1, Damage 4;
EQUIPMENT Scrap Crossbow, 4D, Distance 15/60, Damage 10
SCRAP CROSSBOW DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Dodge) 4D,
She designed this construct herself. It is easy to disassemble and reassem- Ranged active (Seek cover) 4D, Mental (Willpower)
ble - AGI+Crafting (2) - and offers a lot of room for modifications – 3 Slots. 3D
Maybe she'll attach an automated winch, or a magazine? She has lots of MOVEMENT: 3D
ideas for further tinkering with her weapon, but has never turned it ARMOR: Leather Apron, Armor 1, Encumbrance 1
against a living creature. The parts are hidden in her room, so that Ogmar CONDITION: Spore Infestation 2/6, Fleshwounds
or Gorn don’t take her toy away. 8, Trauma 5


She hardly remembers who gave her the old thing. It hadn't worked then, 5 Crossbow Bolts, Toolbox (+1D to Crafting or En-
but she patched it up; not her prettiest work, but one of her first successful gineering), Stash of saved-up Drafts
projects. Duct tape and glue give it a wild look and she can only take four
more pictures. Pictures of sunsets, Gendo packs and dusty, grinning Scrap-
pers adorn the walls of their hut.


His first alcove! In an area, he was told, where there were supposed to be
old bunkers. A straight path to fame and fortune. And there were bunkers!
Open and empty. His predecessor likely knew that already; probably the
reason why Pragma disappeared without a trace. Only a few Scrappers find
their way to him and offer their finds. And until he produces something of
value, he's trapped here.
He wanted to explore the stream! Rebuild it. See and learn new
things. But there is only stagnation here. The Steward’s trying awfully hard
not to let things change. That old Fart! Egress is constantly nagging him to
provide men and material for an expedition into the old bunkers. Maybe
something was overlooked! Something to get him out of here! They both
know it would be useless, Ogmar told him. And kicked him out of his
office. Him, a Chronicler!
But Leibner is more receptive. He wants to assemble a squad. Grant
him the funds. But he’ll need his support for that, he explains, grinning.
What for? He does not explain. Only that the day will come. If he helps
him, he would be able to get Egress out of the mine. Even if the bunkers
are truly empty. Some artefact will be found, he explains, grinning.
R A N K 3 : M E D I AT O R Clanners might be impressed by Egress's bossy manner and technical jar-
gon. But the people in Leiden are mostly Scrappers who show little respect
ATTRIBUTES: for this lone whiner. Egress notices this, but has no idea what to do about
BOD 2, AGI 3, CHA 2, INT 4, PSY 3, INS 2 it. He doesn't understand other people, longs to be absorbed into the
SKILLS: Toughness 3D, Dexterity 4D, Mobility 4D, Stream. But the Cluster does not consider him worthy. His greatest fear is
Negotiation 5D, Artifact Lore 7D, Engineering 6D, that he is actually worth no more than a post in a backwater at the bottom
Legends 5D, Science 6D, Cunning 5D, of the world.
Domination 6D, Reaction 5D, Willpower 5D,
Perception 3D, Primal 6D
BACKGROUNDS: Network 2, Resources 1, EQUIPMENT
POTENTIALS: White Noise 2 Before Egress, there were other chroniclers who held this penal post. Most
INITIATIVE: 5D / 12 Ego (Primal) of them managed to quickly get away from here. Hardly anyone was inter-
ATTACK: Streamer Glove, 4D, Distance 1, Damage ested in the old, dusty data store among all the junk. A curious reader,
0, Stunned (5), 30 Charges however, might discover a program which analyses financial data. And a
DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Dodge) 4D, closer look might reveal that certain data is missing that should actually be
Ranged active (Seek cover) 4D, Mental (Willpower) there. Egress doesn't know that he has the solution to his problems long at
5D hand, forgotten among all the junk.
ARMOR: Chronicler Suit, Armor 2, Encumbrance
2, First Impression +1D
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/10, Fleshwounds
6, Trauma 5

Vocoder, Draft Printer, E-Cube

Her men are sacred to her. Only together can they move forward. That's
what the Steward claims, too - but when there's an accident, he just lets
them plod on. Burns on both arms? A few days’ rest, and then it's back
down again. The yields wouldn't be enough otherwise, he explains. There’s
no other way.
Yields, yields. Nothing else goes through the mind of the old scrooge. Her
men are tired, exhausted. At least she is. And that son of a bitch just keeps
driving them on. Her arms are covered in skin that looks like it melted. For
that, he paid her a meagre bonus on her monthly wage. No apology. Noth-
ing. She could puke. The only ones who take away her anger are the ca-
naries she keeps in her hut. Rumour has it that she feels no love for any
other living creature. She even builds them protective boxes - so they won't
die if they discover mine gas. A box with a glass panel; if they stop chirping,
you close one valve and open another so that they are supplied with oxy-
gen. The other miners joke about it - and yet they are glad that their little
buddies do not have to pay for their service with their lives. But even the
birds do not relieve Schamotte of their anger.
Ogmar's system is inhumane, Leibner explains. Things would be better
under him. He wouldn't let the people slave away like that. He only drives BORCA
his own helpers like this because the Steward is breathing down his neck. THE MARTYR
If he had his say, it would be better for everyone. She nods in agreement. SCRAPPER
Her anger at the Steward blinds her to all the signs that the fatso is making R A N K 3 : S C AV E N G E R
empty promises. For him, she'd take risks. Or rather, for her men.
BOD 3, AGI 2, CHA 2, INT 3, PSY 3, INS 3
R O L E P L AY SKILLS: Athletics 4D, Brawl 4D, Force 5D,
Day in, day out, she swings her pickaxe, furiously beating at the rock. Melee 4D, Toughness 5D, Crafting 5D, Mobility 3D,
Sometimes she relaxes, has a beer or two with her mates, only to be back Projectiles 3D, Expression 5D, Engineering 5D,
at the mine before sunrise, working and swearing. Leisure is a concept she Legends 5D, Medicine 4D, Science 4D,
has never really understood. Her home is a workshop with a bed, nothing Domination 5D, Reaction 4D, Willpower 5D,
more. Only her work brings her satisfaction, defines who she is. Without Empathy 5D, Perception 5D, Primal 6D, Survival
her role as Forewoman, she would be nothing. And if she didn't have Og- 6D
mar as an enemy, she would have to find another. Because without a target BACKGROUNDS: AAllies 2, Authority 2, Network
for her anger, she would have to admit to herself that no one else is at fault 2, Renown 2
that she never found happiness. POTENTIALS: The Mob 1
INITIATIVE: 4D / 12 Ego (Primal)
ATTACK: Derringer, 3D, Distance 3/10, Damage 6,
EQUIPMENT Double Barreled, Camo (2S), 2 Rounds
BIRD BOX DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Dodge) 3D,
Underground, you need canaries to detect mine gas. When the air be- Ranged active (Seek cover)3, Mental (Willpower)
comes scarce or poisonous, they stop their song, and while people save 5D
themselves, they die. A sacrifice that Schamotte refuses to accept. She built MOVEMENT: 4D
this construct out of a cage, metal plates and an old oxygen bottle. As soon ARMOR: Mining Helmet and Leather Clothes, Ar-
as the bird becomes restless, she closes a latch and opens the oxygen valve. mor 2, Encumbrance 2
The canaries have saved lives, hers and her mates'. She is only too happy to CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/10,
return the favour. In return, the birds reward her with their song, their Fleshwounds 10, Trauma 6
company. Despite the boxes, she only hands the birds to workers she
knows and trusts. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
2 rounds of .357, 2 Charges of Gunpowder, Deto-
nators, Fuse


This isn't Justitian, she thought as she arrived here. At the time, it was
shock in her voice. Today, it's contentment. No Judges breathing down her
neck all the time. The guards can be reasoned with. No other flocks trying
to take her territory. And a huge gap in the market. The men need meat
beneath them; they need spread thighs. The Madame could provide that.
And the 'Sento', her bathhouse, also provides pleasant surroundings for
such intimate meetings. Even if she can't count on the wealthiest clientele
here, the beds are clean, the water in the baths gets changed regularly. For
Amber does not run a dump. Ain’t her style.
She won’t get rich here, but isn’t wanting for much more either. At
night, the girls who aren’t working keep her bed warm. She loves them, all
of them. Sees her boys and girls as her little family. She’s a foster mother,
mentor and lover to them all. And if anyone touches her Magpies, they will
feel her wrath. Almost no man here would dare. Almost none.
Leibner, on the other hand, is a fat, sadistic, disgusting piece of shit,
she swears and spits into the gutter. Not like Ogmar - he once courted her,
but elegantly withdrew when he realized that more than friendship and
dalliances with men were out of the question for her. Leibner, on the other
BORCA hand, only leaves her alone because she can stand her ground. He prefers
THE MENTOR weaker prey. The way he treats her girls is vile. But he pays too well, and
A P O C L AY P T I C when she stops him from coming (Ha!), her girls run home to him. There
RANK 2: WOODPECKER he just treats them even worse. Or he 'loses' her supply of food. Sure, she
can buy from other sources, but then she’ll make a loss. And on top of that,
ATTRIBUTES: she’d buy back her own goods that the pig there was flogging. It makes her
BOD 2, AGI 4, CHA 4, INT 3, PSY 4, INS 2 sick. If only she could get rid of him! But she’s no fighter. And this place is
SKILLS: Athletics 3D, Force 3D, Stamina 3D, too small for anyone to disappear without a fuss..
Toughness 3D, Dexterity 7D, Mobility 6D,
Projectiles 5D, Stealth 5D, Arts 7D, Conduct 6D,
Leadership 6D, Seduction 7D, Focus 5D, R O L E P L AY
Legends 5D, Medicine 4D, Cunning 5D, The Madame enjoys life. She likes to drink good wine, enjoys intelligent
Deception 8D, Domination 4D, Reaction 4D, conversations, likes to flirt. To provoke is as much fun for her as a dalliance
Willpower 5D, Empathy 5D, Perception 4D based on reciprocity. She rarely craves more and people who play her game
BACKGROUNDS: Resources 3, Network 3 without losing their dignity earn her respect. Despite her playful nature,
POTENTIALS: 1000 Ways 1 she is a lady, through and through. In her home, she is the undisputed mis-
CONDITION: 4D / 10 Ego (Focus) tress. And those who think they can face her with rudeness quickly get to
ATTACK: Knife, 3D, Distance 1, Damage 3, know her cold side.
Smooth Running (2T); Double Barreled Shotgun,
5D, Distance 5/20, Damage 10, Double-Barreled,
Scatter, 2 Rounds Schuss EQUIPMENT
DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Dodge) 6D, SHOTGUN
Ranged active (Seek cover) 6D, Actually, she is not allowed to own this weapon, but in this case, Ogmar
Mental (Willpower) 5D bends the rules a little. The male workers in particular can sometimes be a
MOVEMENT: 3D little unreasonable, and a few blows may already be struck before Gorn and
ARMOR: - his men get there. A gun, however, often calms tempers, and Amber has
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 2/10, proven that she can keep a cool head. As long as the weapon does not leave
Fleshwounds 6, Trauma 5 the Sento, it may stay there. And she never had to use it. Yet.

Hidden Stash of Burn (Unity), Make-Up Case (1
hour of preparation, +1D on all CHA-rolls), Guitar

She likes to rant, the Innkeeper. At the good-for-nothing miners, at her

useless husband, at the senile Steward, at the sluttish Madame. People take
it in stride. They know full well that although the woman makes a big
show of being a misanthrope, in the end it is a sign of affection. Without
her husband, she would wither of loneliness. Without the miners, no one
would listen to her rantings. And the Steward? He respects her monopoly,
just as much as the Madame. You'd think you could get drunk in a whore-
house - and you can. By having it delivered from her inn. Only she is al-
lowed to offer beer and distillate.
Leibner doesn't like that. He'd get his hands on cheaper booze and
make a profit. But the Steward refuses. Firstly, because he doesn't want to
offend the Innkeeper - she is the only person in Leiden who really knows
how to treat wounds. Secondly, because the higher prices are good for the
health of his miners. No one drinks themselves to death and there’s fewer
accidents underground.
If he's gone, there goes the monopoly. Her inn, the Pump, doesn't
turn that much profit either. She'd have to close it down. Move away. Her
biggest fear is that her husband wouldn’t be able to deal with her anymore.
She'd be alone for good. And she can't bear the thought. She’s got no one BORCA
else to put up with her. So, everything must stay as it is. The caretaker THE TRADITIONALIST
mustn't leave. Not until she's in the ground. CLANNER (PROVIDER)

Rena shows her affection not through words, but actions. A quirk with BOD 3, AGI 2, CHA 2, INT 4, PSY 2, INS 3
which she might cause offence elsewhere - but the workers here are the SKILLS: Athletics 4D, Force 6D, Melee 4D,
sort who appreciate a full plate and a bandaged wound more than empty Stamina 6D, Toughness 4D, Navigation 3D,
words. Perhaps she suspects that she wouldn’t be accepted for who she is Conduct 3D, Negotiation 4D, Legends 6D,
anywhere else. That elsewhere people would resent her honest but harsh Medicine 7D, Domination 4D, Reaction 3D,
words, find cheaper beer elsewhere and that her husband might seek a less Willpower 4D, Perception 4D, Primal 4D,
combative wife. Her marriage is relatively happy - even if it doesn't always Survival 6D
look that way from the outside - but childless. Leiden is her family. BACKGROUNDS: Allies 1, Authority 2, Network 1
POTENTIALS: Earthbound 1
CONDITION: 3D / 8 Ego (Primal)
EQUIPMENT ATTACK: Club, 4D, Distance 1, Damage 5, Blunt
HERBAL BAG DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Parry) 4D,
Rena's bag contains all kinds of tools, leather pouches and flasks. For an- Ranged active (Seek cover) 2D,
other user, the system is chaotic, but she knows exactly which herb is Mental (Willpower) 4D
packed where, what she needs for festering wounds and what she uses to MOVEMENT: 4D
relieve pain and fever. There are also bandages, splints, scissors and knives ARMOR: Leather Apron, Armor 1, Encumbrance 1
- everything she needs when one of the boys is injured again. The bag gives CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/8,
her +2D on INT+Medicine rolls to stabilize patients and heal Flesh Fleshwounds 8, Trauma 5
Wounds (but not Trauma damage). It contains 10 applications; after that
she has to search in the wild for 3 hours, rolling INS+Survival to do so, re- SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
plenishing 1+Trigger applications. Bottle with Distillate

FA S K O , T H E F E N C E

Once, the people of his bunker entrusted him with vital tasks. Looking for
spare parts and repairing solar panels, however, was not quite what Fasko
had dreamed of. Wasn't the goal of the Palers to seek out other bunkers
and awaken the Prophets? If they were already dragging him back to day-
light again and again, shouldn't that serve a purpose? He shared his
thoughts, but the Demagogues were not enthusiastic about such inflam-
matory speeches. The sun had burnt his brain, they said; his job was to
work and not to think. All this was just about bearable until the two vain
tyrants started a civil war. That was when his patience broke. He toiled to
preserve the life of his bunker - and they spat at this honourable goal?
He fled and never looked back. Slowly he got used to life on the sur-
face. His skin darkened and he passed for a scrapper. He passed the cres-
cent by befriending Hellvetics, offering them a few repairs and ending up
pushing a few drafts across the counter. Eventually he settled down about
a day's walk from Leiden. He had heard there was an old bunker here - but
he was no Reviver. What he could do, however, was set up a sort of pub in
a cave and pay Scrappers for their finds, draw maps and wait for things to
happen. Everything that was found that did not serve his purposes he sold.
BALKHAN To Hellvetics or even Neolibyans. He despised the Chroniclers; with their
THE RULER posturing they reminded him too much of the despised Demagogues. But
PA L E R the knowledge he gathered on the surface aroused doubts in him. Sleepers
RANK 2: SOLAR were chosen for their beauty, their genetic purity (a concept he understood
only piecemeal) - so why should they bother with his kind?
ATTRIBUTES: Leibner is a regular customer here. Without his diverted supplies, ev-
BOD 2, AGI 2, CHA 2, INT 4, PSY 3, INS 3 erything would collapse. Nevertheless, he cannot stand him. And if he
SKILLS: Athletics 3D, Force 3D, Toughness 4D, knew of his plans, which would cause chaos and endanger his operation,
Crafting 5D, Dexterity 4D, Mobility 3D, he would intervene. Recently, one of his Scrappers - usually 4-6 are hang-
Projectiles 4D, Stealth 3D, Negotiation 4D, ing around - found some nice modules and sold them to the fatso. Un-
Artifact Lore 5D, Engineering 5D, Focus 5D, usual. Observe and wait.
Legends 5D, Science 5D, Cunning 4D,
Deception 5D, Reaction 4D, Willpower 4D,
Orienteering 4D, Perception 4D, Survival 4D
BACKGROUNDS: Network 1, Resources 1, R O L E P L AY
Secrets 2 Throwing off the shackles of indoctrination and rising from the bunker
POTENTIALS: Alias 1 that gave birth to him was the best thing that could have happened to
INITIATIVE: 4D / 10 Ego (Focus)) Fasko. He is still no friend of light, but he enjoys being his own man. Crit-
ATTACK: Paler Pistol, 4D, Distance 10/40, ical thinking has become a habit for him; he questions everything and likes
Damage 7, Smooth Running (2T), 20 Rounds to engage in conversations with strangers who tell him about the world.
DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Dodge) 3D, He doesn't yet have a goal for the future, but the information and bills of
Ranged active (Seek cover) 3D, exchange he gathers up here are carefully stored away. Soon his time will
Mental (Willpower) 4D come.
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/8, EQUIPMENT
Fleshwounds 8, Trauma 5 PALER PISTOL
Palers are good at using things that have been lost by others - sometimes
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT even things that their previous owners did not even know they had lost.
15 rounds of 4.6x30mm, Sun Disc (Arbiter, Level 1), This pistol, for example, is thought by some Palers to still be in the Heistos
Electrical Tester and Tools, E-Cube bunker, while others suspect that Veska and her followers looted it before
their exodus. Fasko keeps it close, having already fired a few of its rounds
on his journey, but still has enough up his sleeve. Should he encounter
problems, he won’t shy away from final solutions.

Only recently has this young miner signed in at the mine. He knows his
way around, the others declare approvingly. Got talent. Can't stand Og-
mar, but who can? So, he avoids him. That's right. Let him. If they knew
the kind of thoughts that boy carries around, they'd avoid him like the
devil avoids holy water.
He's an Emessa. A descendant of the ancient Clan whose roots lie in
Leiden. Who were betrayed by Ogmar. And vengeance burns inside him.
The family's been out of luck ever since. And that bastard is to blame. He
should suffer.
That's why he's here. To find out more about this place. To explore its
vulnerabilities. Eventually, he'll burn it all down. Then the supplies will
stop coming. The old man will die in shame and poverty for not fulfilling
the contract. Unless he finds him first and strangles him with his bare
And Leiden? Well - if the Emessa can't have it, no one shall. No one
shall emerge victorious from this conflict. No one but him. No outsider
should govern this place - neither Ogmar, nor Leibner, nor any of the
Judges' henchmen. The contract is broken, and Leiden is either free of out-
siders, or lies in ruins, so that the Emessa can repopulate their homeland BORCA
if they so choose. That is the goal of his holy war. THE DESTROYER
The other workers like him because he is sociable, lends a hand and knows ATTRIBUTES:
what needs to be done. In fact, however, he is full of rage against all those BOD 4, AGI 2, CHA 2, INT 3, PSY 4, INS 3
who profit from his forefathers' homeland. He doesn't show it, although SKILLS: : Athletics 7D, Brawl 5D, Force 6D,
hints about the place's past might quickly make him angry. As soon as he Melee 6D, Stamina 6D, Toughness 6D,
sees an opportunity, he will strike - and even more so when Ogmar's Crafting 6D, Mobility 4D, Projectiles 3D,
downfall is already looming. For this anger will only be extinguished if the Stealth 3D, Conduct 4D, Expression 5D,
Steward goes down together with this settlement. The longing for the old Engineering 5D, Legends 4D, Science 4D,
homeland and justice holds his family in an iron grip. Only when Cunning 6D, Deception 6D, Reaction 6D,
everything lies in ruins can the Emessa turn to the future again. Willpower 7D, Empathy 4D, Perception 4D,
Primal 5D
BACKGROUNDS: Authority 2, Network 1, Secrets 1
Gunpowder, detonators and fuses lie safely stowed and buried, just out- ATTACK: Pipe, 6D, Distance 1, Damage 5, Blunt;
side the settlement, waiting for Floris to use them. Through hard work, he Knife, 7D, Distance 1, Damage 4,
has always made small amounts disappear during blasts or deliveries, given Smooth Running (2T); Pipe Bomb, 3D, Distance
the opportunity. Schamotte may even have noticed the missing gear, but 10/-, Damage 10, Explosive, Thunder Strike
never came to suspect him. She will learn to regret that when he sets his DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Parry) 6D,
charges. Maybe he’ll destroy the mine lift, trapping the workers below and Ranged active (Seek cover) 4D,
then takes his revenge? Or maybe he'll blow up the entrance to the old tun- Mental (Willpower) 7D
nel with the quarters. Whatever thins the ranks of those he sees as his en- MOVEMENT: 7D
emies. ARMOR: Leather Apron, Armor 1, Encumbrance 1
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/14,
Fleshwounds 12, Trauma 8

Mining Helmet and Lamp, 2 Pipe Bombs, Lighter

ATTACK: Pipe, 5D, Distance 1, Damage 6, Blunt; Flintlock ATTACK: Baton, 6D, Distance 1, Damage 4, Smooth Run-
Pistol, 4D, Distance 5/20, Damage 8, Muzzle Loader ning (3T), Blunt; Short Sword, 6D, Distance 1, Damage 6,
DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Parry) 5D, Ranged active Smooth Running (3T); Musket, 5D, Distance 10/40, Damage
(Seek cover) 4D, Mental 4D 8, Muzzle Loader
MOVEMENT: 5D DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Parry) 5D, Ranged active
ARMOR: Leather Apron, Armor 1, Encumbrance 1 (Seek cover) 6D, Mental 5D
CONDITION: 14 (Trauma: 5) MOVEMENT: 6D
SKILLS: Stealth 3D, Perception 4D ARMOR: Leather Armor, Armor 3, Encumbrance 2
TACTICS: The guns will only be brought out when a revolt CONDITION: 12 (Trauma: 7)
starts. SKILLS: Stealth 4D, Domination 4D, Perception 5D

ATTACK: Judgement Hammer, 5D, Distance 1, Damage 8,
Blunt, Impact (3T); Musket, 6D, Distance 10/40, Damage 8,
Muzzle Loader
DEFENSE: Passive 1, Melee active (Parry) 5D, Ranged active
(Seek cover) 5D, Mental 5D
ARMOR: Judges Coat and Hat, Armor 2, Encumbrance 2
CONDITION: 12 (Trauma: 6)
SKILLS: Navigation 6D, Expression 5D, Leadership 5D,
Domination 5D, Perception 5D, Taming 5D


SHORT SWORD: Fancied both among primitive Clans and BATON: Commonly used by law enforcement, before and
Jurymen of the Protectorate. after the Eshaton.

Name Handl. Dis. DMG Traits Enc. Tech Slots Value

Short Sword - 1 4+K/3 Smooth Running (3T) 1 II 1 200

Baton - 1 1+K/2 Smooth Running (3T), Blunt 1 II 1 30


is often found in old Recombination Group bunkers. with rifled barrels - which increases accuracy. A single-bar-
relled variant (without the trait) is available for 850 drafts.
DERRINGER: Simple, concealable double-barrelled pistol.
Often used for self-defence.

Name Calibre Handl. Dis. DMG Mag. Traits Enc. Tech Slots Value

Paler Pistol 4.6×30mm - 10/40 7 20 Smooth Running (2T) 1 IV - 2500

Derringer .357 -1W 3/10 6 2 Smooth Running (2T), 1 III 1 900

Camo (2S)
Double Barrel Rif. 5.56×45mm +1W 30/120 11 2 Double Barrel 2 III 2 1800

a Floris wanted to carry out sabotage - perhaps the a The Game Master may choose to detail the alleged
generator, or the mine lift - but gets caught by Leica. bunker nearby, or not - whichever suits him best. If it
Thus, he knocks her out and tries to kill her. Whether does exist, the metal plates on the huts in the village
he succeeds or not, the situation will escalate: Gorn hint towards the Recombination Group - a few bunker
suspects the Pleasure Boy, Leibner denounces the lack parts already bore their sigils, although the facility was
of security - clearly Ogmar and Gorn can't do their jobs never fully operational. There may be unknown access
- and Floris is forced to quickly and ruthlessly carry out points via the mineshaft used as quarters, or within
his plan. It consists of disrupting operations so that the mines, which could be discovered using Ogmar's
the mine lies fallow and can later be reopened by his plans.
family. To do so, he wants to instigate or fuel conflict.
Ogmar must die in the process, preferably by Floris' a Leibner offered Emerillion money to kill Ogmar or
hand.. Gorn if necessary, but preparations for his coup have
dragged on, frustrating the Owl. He may want to speed
a One of the Scrappers gets beaten up but won't tell why things up a bit, despite Leibner's promises that ‘it’ll be
or by whom. He had told a story about a buddy of his, over in two, three weeks'..
whose Scavenger boss stole the money of the whole
group - and the men who beat him up advised him a Gorn's one-sided love towards Leica and his distrust of
stop spreading such rumours. Emerillion could escalate at any time. Emerillion, on
the other hand, could try to get the troublesome
competitor out of the way. Ideally, it would look like
an accident.

a Sabotaging food supplies could quickly lead to anger easy to hide. If Ogmar gets wind of this, he will also
and suspicions. mobilize workers who distrust Leibner or allow
themselves to be bought by him. He also has the
a Klaudia Bruenn has only one role: she is the fire support of Gorn, Rena and Amber, who in turn have
burning down the fuse. As soon as she arrives in their own contacts.
Leiden, the coup begins. If the evidence comes to light,
Ogmar cannot continue as Steward and with enough
support from the workers, Leibner will take over his
post. If that doesn't work, he will start an uprising.
Through Schamotte, some workers are on his side and
he has already armed them - with pistols which are

R E S U LT S / E N D I N G S

a Should the characters openly act against Leibner, he to Leiden. Their knowledge and skills could bring new
will have them beaten up, but try to avoid any major glory to the place.
confrontation. If they find his evidence and make it
disappear, he will either back down or launch a coup, a No matter how Advocate Bruenn is drawn into the
depending on the situation. affair, she will secretly be glad that there was finally
something for her to do. Even if she lacks insight into
a Should Leibner be able to hand over the evidence to the affairs of the settlement, she will dispense justice
the Advocate, there will be an election for the new as best she can. This will not go unnoticed; she will be
Steward, which he’ll likely win. First, the shifts become promoted and can finally leave this shithole behind.
much laxer, which means that the Protectorate does
not receive the expected yields, prompting the a If Emerillion and Leica run off together, it won't end
Judiciary to tighten the thumbscrews. Then, his true well for the young Scrapper. She will find herself
face shows; working conditions become even worse. somewhere, alone, possibly pregnant and with no
Rebellious workers are enslaved and only the gang Drafts in her pocket - if her throat is not cut right
loyal to the Quartermaster is still allowed to enjoy away. If Emerillion dies without her ever seeing his
luxuries. Within a year or two there will be another true face, she will mourn him, but not forever; this was
open revolt, which Leiden will not survive. Schamotte a love out of lust rather than true bonding. Should she
would drown her guilt in distillate. The Madame will learn the truth, she will grow from the event, as a
pack her bags; she can survive elsewhere. Rena and her person - and learn to appreciate Gorn, even if she will
husband will join, even if they will never find their old likely never fall in love with him.
happiness outside Leiden again.
a Egress will never get his expedition funded. Leibner
a Should a coup occur, Leibner will likely win, as he has used him and Ogmar has more important things to do.
more supporters who he has armed. In that case, there The only hope for him is to find out the secret of the
will be an immediate reign of terror and Leiden will missing Chronicler Pragma. This would convince the
perish within months. Cluster to finally give him a chance. If that doesn't
work, he'll just have to prove himself. Maybe the
a Should Leibner be overthrown, Leiden will live on, and characters can help?
Ogmar will promptly appoint a worthy successor;
either a single supporter, or a 'Council' of sorts. The
Protectorate would, in principle, be willing to provide
a loan or advance to have any damage from the coup
repaired – as long as the Diatomite keeps flowing.

a Bringing Floris to power is no guarantee of the survival

of Leiden. The Emessa are only a shadow of their
former self and Floris always saw himself as a warrior
rather than a Steward, let alone a politician. On the
other hand, sooner or later other Clansmen will flock


Found evidence against Emerillon +1EP Convinced Floris that destruction is not the only way +3EP
Pulled Schamotte to his side +2EP Exposed Ogmar’s crime +3EP
Defeated Emerillion in battle +3EP Exposed Leibner’s true character +3EP
Convinced Leica of the truth +1EP Eliminated or convinced Gorn and his guards +3EP
Recovered the evidence from Leibner +2EP Drew Rena, Amber, and Egress to their own side +1EP
Resolved the situation peacefully +4EP Drew Claudia Bruenn to the Emessa’s side +2EP
Stopped the coup +3EP OR
Talked with Ogmar about his past +1EP Made the Judges invalidate the contract +2EP


Murdered Gorn +5EP Uncovered Floris’ actions and rendered him harmless +3EP
Deceived Amber, the Madame+2EP Made contact with Fasko, the Fence +1EP
Intimidated Rena +2EP Uncovered Fasko’s identity +2EP
Sabotaged the mine +4EP Explored the old bunkers +1EP
Convinced Klaudia Bruenn of Leibner’s qualities +2EP
Captured or killed Ogmar +2EP


a Harm’s Way provides a good setup for the journey to Judges who want to ensure a stronger Judiciary
Leiden. presence in the enclaves - or alternatively demonstrate
the Protectorate’s weakness. Also, Emerillion used to
a A modified version can be used for the outdated run with the East Wind Flock.
campaign volume ‘Nichtfraktal’. Here, Leiden is the
closest town to the cauldron, where the hunt for a a As a prelude to the Jehammed Trilogy, characters
legendary artifact begins. Ogmar tries to keep his might head to Leiden to look for traces of Helios (who
Scrappers in the village and mine, while Leibner might have equipped himself in a nearby bunker
embezzles material and barters it away on a large scale. before leaving for Britain and being enslaved by
Fasko, on the other hand, who lives nearby and has so Argyre), or they might follow the rumor that a former
far organized smaller Scrapper expeditions, sees his Burn smuggler lives here who is said to have done
livelihood in jeopardy due to the numerous business with the Anabaptists. This, of course, is
competitors. More hints on this can be found in the Emerillion, who was paid in Jehammedan coins...
Rebirth errata for ‘Nonfractal’. And perhaps Schamotte will set off for Toulon. Surely
the characters will be happy to see a friendly face
a Connections to Justitian are readily available. The there.
Emessa live and operate primarily out of the
Protectorate's capital and could ask for help in finding
Floris, the prodigal son. Leiden is remote enough to
provide shelter for fugitives. And Leibner's small
planned rebellion may be supported by factions of


Long before the City Wars, the Emessa existed. They crawled out of an old tunnel in which their ancestors had hidden.
Down below, it was damp and clammy; one could work there, but not live. Even the rusty air that greeted them was better
than what had been sucked in through the filters. The world around them was not necessarily conducive to life, deterring
them from traveling far. So, they stayed; retrieved what materials they could salvage from the tunnels and built their
home. Underground, they worked mostly to reach new veins of water, preserving their ancient skills. Up in the daylight,
for the first time they viewed the helmets and equipment that had served them so well in that time with new eyes; they
read the imprint on the gear and named themselves after the gear that had saved them from the Eshaton.
Then came Exalt. The city was hungry - but not only for wheat and meat. The Emessa quickly realized that the rock
in their tunnels could be used for all sorts of purposes. Diatomite could be used to filter water, for thermal insulation, for
grinding, as a pesticide, to stabilize vibration-sensitive explosives - so they mined Diatomite. In large quantities. The
Emessa got rich - until Exalt fell. And when the Judges came, the now impoverished miners were only too happy to let
themselves be incorporated into the Protectorate.

SISYPHOS The Emessa never completely forgot the tales of their past. And they retained their skills
PREREQUISITE: in basic form. A few became Scrappers, roaming the area and using their technical skills in
Clanner (Emessa), mining. One of them, in the process, travelled through the place where they had once
PSY+Willpower/Faith 6 lived. Out of nostalgia. And found that no one had worked the tunnels since. Such wasted
The Emessa are used to getting potential!
back on their feet. If the character Driven by a thirst for action, the Emessa besieged their new masters in the Protec-
botches, he gains Triggers equal torate. They needed only the means, only a push, and they could resume mining. They pre-
to the Potential level on the fol- sented them with old maps, estimates of yields, calculations. Explained to them how use-
lowing dice roll. ful the mineral would be to the Protectors' arsenals, to the Spitalians' operations. The
Judges were impressed and advanced the funds. Contracts were drawn up, including
clauses about minimum quantities, which had to be produced. No matter, no matter. As
SPECIAL long as the Emessa reconquered their legacy.
EQUIPMENT But then everything went wrong. The construction of the colliery burned through
Circular Breathing Apparatus - Drafts and material. The Emessa themselves were in a frenzy of joy - until Protectors
The symbol of the Emessa is em- kicked down their doors and dragged them into their interrogation cells. The charge: Em-
blazoned on the back of the back- bezzlement. The evidence was clear. Their patriarch at the time, Khorl Emessa, was sen-
pack-sized but pleasantly light- tenced to death. Many others marked with paints or tattoos. The Clan had finally fallen
weight boxes; a hose easily con- from grace, their holdings confiscated, their mine placed under stewardship outside the
nects to a breathing mask. As long bloodline. The Steward - the same one they had hired - was the only one to survive this
as the device is plugged in, the air disaster unscathed. It was clear to the Emessa that he had profited from it all, that he must
is stuffy but clean. The machine be the culprit..
allows the wearer to breathe for a
maximum of 4 hours, after which
it needs to be plugged into a REVENGE
power source to recharge - or The Emessa still exist, though you can't call it living anymore. They take menial jobs as day
needs a change its E-Cube. While labourers, slaved away at the construction of the North Wall until that house of cards col-
effective, the device provides +3E lapsed as well. Many signed on at other mines. The family scattered. Or so it seemed. Only
against spores, toxins, or disease, in winter do they all return to Justitian, where they gather and reminisce about old times.
and allows the user to survive in And curse their archenemy. Ogmar who had taken their old home from them. They
environments without oxygen; still know about the old bunkers that had been closed to them then, about the old tunnels.
however, it does not work under- So, they planned for years. Selling maps to Scrappers, luring them there, spreading ru-
water. Encumbrance 2, Tech V, mours among Apocalyptics that there's something to be had there. Anything to destabilize
Price: 7.000 Drafts the region, to be a thorn in the side of their old familiar. But that won't be enough forever.
Eventually, someone's going to pay a personal visit. To see the old fart dangle.
In the past, the Emessa were open to others who were
allowed to join them without marriage. That’s a thing of
the past. Now they are suspicious of strangers, forming
alliances through marriages and keeping to themselves.
In their hatred, they fail to see that this only continues
their stagnation. Their numbers are dwindling. If things
continue like this, the old mining clan will soon go ex-
But they still hold on to their traditions; even more
so since their decline. Though it’s difficult to notice from
the outside, as the Clan has been fully absorbed into the
urban culture of Justitian. Their outfits look like simple,
practical work clothes, and only someone familiar with
them would recognize the small symbols indicating Clan
affiliation and rank. Their helmets are only worn down
in the mines.
The different branches of the family keep to them-
selves, usually only allowing strangers some insight if
they are good customers or the relatives of women and
men who will marry in in the future. Once a year, they
all come together and celebrate the day when their fore-
fathers saw the light again with roast meat, ale and a
mushroom pudding made according to an old recipe,
which was supposedly prepared from what their ances-
tors had left over after the hard time underground. Since
the loss of their old home, however, this feast has a sad,
nostalgic flavour..

For Emessa, the following skills are considered preferred
at character creation (MAX +1):
(BOD) Force
(AGI) Crafting
(CHA) Negotiation
(INT) Science
(PSY) Cunning




1 – LEHRHAUER EQUIPMENT: Donkey cart to transport goods OR toolbox

PREREQUISITE: - (+1D to AGI+Crafting).
EFFECT: He has not yet learned his trade and works mostly
in Justitian. Soon he must decide if he wants to learn the 3 – BOURGEOIS TO BE
old mining trade or be absorbed into the city. PREREQUISITE: CHA+Negotiation 8, PSY+Deception 6,
EQUIPMENT: Haversack, room in Justitian's lower town AGI+Crafting 6, Network 3
(with the family). EFFECT: The Bourgeois-to-be has already firmly estab-
lished himself in the city. He trades, offers repair work,
2 – VOLLHAUER charges humane prices and at the same time is not stingy.
PREREQUISITE: BOD+Force 6, BOD+Toughness 4, AGI- He cares more about making contacts and increasing the
+Crafting 6 Clan's influence. He gets +1D to CHA+Negotiation or AGI-
EFFECT: The Vollhauer has proven that he has what it takes +Crafting, depending on what he specializes in, and +1 to
to work Underground. With his skills, he finds work easily; Renown.
his Resources increase by +1. EQUIPMENT: Small shop in the lower town of Justitian.
EQUIPMENT: Pickaxe, Breathing Cloth
3 – HUTHER PREREQUISITE: CHA+Conduct 6, CHA+Negotiation 8,
PREREQUISITE: BOD+Force 6, BOD+Toughness 4, AGI- PSY+Cunning 6, PSY+Deception 6, AGI+Crafting 6, Net-
+Crafting 6, INT+Science 4, Authority 2 work 4, Allies 3, Renown 3
EFFECT: The Huther is a foreman. Although he prefers to EFFECT: The Bourgeois made it. He is an official citizen of
work with his own people, he is occasionally put in charge Justitian, fully recognized, able to purchase land and bring
of other miners who respect him: He is allowed to use his new glory to the family. Through his many connections he
Authority on Scrappers as well. In addition, he is given ex- is well connected and can exert political influence when it
plosives and is allowed to use them underground. comes to building projects and the like.
EQUIPMENT: Mining helmet, Toolbox (+1W to AGI+Craft- EQUIPMENT: Citizen papers of Justitian
ing), 2 charges of Gunpowder
5 – PAT R I A R C H
4 – STEIGER PREREQUISITE: Authority 4, Network 4, Allies 4, Resources
PREREQUISITE: BOD+Force 6, BOD+Toughness 4, AGI- 4, Renown 3
+Crafting 8, INT+Science 8, Authority 4, Allies 2, EFFECT: The Patriarch can rally his family at any time -
Resources 3 which would cause unacceptable delays in the numerous
EFFECT: The Steiger is the master of the mountain; he mines where his Huthers and Steigers work. As a result, he
mixes the gunpowder for the Huthers and dispenses it. He has some influence among Judges and Scrappers; when ne-
can use his Authority over Scrappers, just like them. Addi- gotiating with them, he can use half the value of his Au-
tionally, he knows that he supports the whole family with thority.
his abilities; if he sacrifices one point of Resources for the EQUIPMENT: Detailed maps of Leiden’s underground; Cir-
benefit of the Emessa, his Renown increases by 1 (up to a cular Breathing Apparatus - to lend out for important mis-
maximum of 4). sions.
EQUIPMENT: Technical sketches and schematics; give +1D
to all rolls to construct tunnels or plan blasting.

PREREQUISITE: CHA+Negotiation 6, PSY+Deception 4,
AGI+Crafting 4
EFFECT:: Not everyone has what it takes to be a miner. So
be it - the family also needs others, namely those who work
in the city, make contacts and increase their fame. His Net-
work increases by +1.
The Scrapper licked his chapped lips as he waited patiently in the shadow of two
boulders. Every time his tongue ran from corner to corner of his mouth, he thought
he felt a small rise. Just his imagination. Unlike back then, when the Judges had
freshly forced the bluish tattoo onto his face, today the bump only existed in his
mind. However, the thin blue line from forehead to chin remained a constant re-
minder of his miserable life - a path that had inevitably led him to Leiden. Some
shithole; somewhere the Protectorate’s watchdogs rarely ventured. The other in-
habitants treated him with suspicion, but at the end of the day, he still had work, a
full stomach, and a roof above his head. And as long as he kept his head down, the
young administrator - Ogmar - tolerated him. All in all, no life of riches but a life
regardless. Loyalty need not cost much.
When Ogmar had approached him with a small request, he gladly let himself be
talked into it. He’d never fancied the mask-wearing creeps and that request paid
well. At least for a job that wasn’t much tougher than lifting a stone. That is if you
look at it from a purely physical point of view.
He had been braving the icy wind for what felt like an eternity when a move-
ment caught his attention. Pragma, striding along the path as if he owned the damn
dirt beneath his feet. The Scrapper didn't know what it was about the Chronicler, or
why Ogmar had beef with him. Not that he cared. A brief clicking of his teeth – a
habit to calm himself down. Put on a gas mask - if the Chronicler gets one look at
the Judge’s stigma, the plan fails. Abruptly, he stepped out from his hiding place and
with a joyful expression on his face, hidden by the mask, he strutted towards the
“Yes,” he explained, “...high-grade junk, and would you like to take a look? Sure,
I could carry the stuff to the nearest alcove, but I'd rather get rid of it here, that’d
save me the trouble of hauling it all throughout the Protectorate, and surely the
price could be adjusted a bit…”
With steady friendly chatter, he led Pragma to his rucksack, which he had laid
by the wayside, opened it carefully, and took a step back. As the Chronicler looked
down, the stone hit him in the back of the head. The man fell down, like a bag of
sand. The Scrapper waited a moment, putting a hand on his victim's chest. Still
breathing. Another blow, an ugly crunch, and the matter was settled.
The body disappeared into a crevice nearby. The terrain here was rugged
enough. Why did he have to get rid of the man? Well, he didn’t care, it was done.
Now he could finally grab his stuff, run home, and warm his limbs by a crackling
fire. Just about when he reached the settlement did he remember that he should
have looted Pragma's body - before throwing it down into the chasm. Well, no mat-
ter. No one would find it there anyway.

It was better this way. Now Pragma wouldn't cause any more trouble.




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