APUSH Unit 7 Review
APUSH Unit 7 Review
APUSH Unit 7 Review
2 (1898-1945)
Imperialism- Expansion of one country’s political, economic and military influence over another
Imperialists- Wanted more access to natural resources and secure new markets for American
White Anglo Saxon race was the greatest and it was their duty to bring glory of Western
civilization to bad parts of the world.
Increase in naval strength to secure foreign markets.
Anti-imperialist- Nation should decide for itself who ruled it and what laws were passed (self-
Long history of isolation from foreign affairs
Causes of the Progressive movement- Growing power of big business, uncertainties in the
economy, increasingly violent conflict between labor groups and their employers, political
machine power, Jim Crow Segregation in the South, lack of women’s suffrage, and alcohol
Progressives believed that some government intervention was the only thing that could save
Muckrakers- Progressive journalists who wanted to expose unfairness.
Progressives wanted a secret ballot which allowed people to vote for anyone they want, and
they could avoid scrutiny from political machines.
17th Amendment- Transferred the responsibility of electing senators to people rather than state
18th Amendment- Forbade the manufacture and sale of alcohol.
19th Amendment- Recognized women’s right to vote.
Initiative- Voters could require legislators to consider a bill that they chose to ignore.
Referendum- Voters themselves could vote on the adoption of proposed laws.
Recall- A way to remove a corrupt politician before their term was complete.
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)- Abolish segregation and
expand education opportunities for black children.
Niagra movement- Black individuals would meet frequently to organize protests.
Pure food and drug Act and Meat Inspection Act
Forest Reserve Act
Square Deal- Roosevelt would remain impartial to big business and workers.
Destroyed bad trusts.
7.5 (WW!)
Started with the assassination of Archduke France Ferdinand
Triple Entente (Allied powers)- Britain, Russia, France
Triple Alliance (Central powers)- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
Unrestricted submarine warfare
Zimmermann Telegram- Sent to Mexico by Germany to start war with United States
Wilson’s 14 points- Freedom of the seas, self-determination of nations, and League of Nations
War industries board- Coordinated labor and management for factories to pump out war related
Food Administration- Ensured there was sufficient food for people at home and troops.
Migration from rural to urban areas to work in factories.
Espionage/Sedition Act- Silencing anti-war sentiments
Restriction of accurate information and silencing opinions about the Spanish Flu
Red Scare- Fear of communist infiltration in America
Emergency Quota Act/National Origins Act- Set the quotas for accepting new immigrants very
low for Southern and Eastern Europe and from Asia
Great Migration- Huge populations of Southern blacks migrated to urban centers in the North
because of new opportunities in industries.
Tulsa Massacre- A woman claimed a black shoe shiner had assaulted her, so a white mob was
created to lynch him but was confronted by a black mob. This led to a lot of destruction in the
black community and 10,000 people were homeless with 300 dead.
Women who were in urban centers had more opportunities to enter the work force.
Flappers- Women who went against the norm (show ankle, smoking, drinking, cutting hair short)
Harlem Renaissance- Revival of the arts and intellectual pursuits of Black people in New York
Scopes Monkey Trial- Modernism had triumphed over fundamentalism because of the rejection
of Darwin’s theory of Evolution.
Modernists- Changing culture
Fundamentalists- Believed every word of the bible must be taken seriously and did not approve
of degradation of morals in cities.