Lab 2 Sterilization

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Practical Microbiology Lab (2) Assist lect.

Walaa Farhan

Sterilization : refers to any process that effectively kills or eliminates all
microorganisms (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.) from a surface,
equipment, article of food or medication, or biological culture medium. Sterilization
can be achieved through physical and chemical sterilization.

Physical sterilization:
A. Heat : Different types of heat application include:
1. Dry heat:
1) Flaming : Leaving the loop or (needle and forceps) in the flame of a
Bunsen burner until it glows red ensures that any infectious agent gets
2) Oven : which requires use of higher temperatures (160-180°C) for 1.5-2
hrs., can be used only with glass or metal objects (glass petridishes,
pipettes, test tube, flasks etc..).
2. Moist heat : kills by protein coagulation (denaturation) ,the moisture
must penetrate to pathogens so it effective
1) Pasteurization : sterilization by moist heat less than 100°C which
sterilize serum and body fluids (lymph) and milk.
2) Boiling : at 100°C, kills many vegetative cells and viruses, which
sterilize (glass syringe, syringes needle )
3) Autoclave : steam applied under high pressure (15 lbs/in2 ) (121°C for
15 min) is the most effective method of moist heat sterilization, which
sterilize (culture media, normal slain, distal water, cloths etc.. ).

B. Radiation:
1. Ultraviolet radiation : UV is good for disinfecting surfaces and air

(hospital wards, operations rooms, microbiological laboratory etc..)

2. Ionizing radiation: like gamma and x ray which have ability to penetrate

material so it effective to sterilize material sensitive to heat like drugs,

plastic articles and in synthesis of food
C. Filtration: use to sterilize biological fluids (animals serum, antibiotic solution,
enzyme solution, sugars and vitamin solution )

Chemical sterilization:
Disinfectant : are antimicrobial agents that are applied to non-living objects to
destroy all microorganisms except endospores and viruses.

Antiseptic: are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissue or skin
to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction.
The chemical antimicrobial agents are:
1) Ethanol (70%): its kill (*cidal) and inhibit the growth (**static) of
microorganisms and good for hands sterilization and other parts of the body.
2) Phenol (2-5%): use to sterilize the floor and table surface.
3) Iodine : wounds sterilization
4) Glutaraldehyde and Formaldehyde: its sporocidal which sterilize surfaces
and floors.
* if kill bacteria called (bactericidal) or fungi (fungicidal) or virus (veridical) etc…
** if inhibit bacterial growth called (bacteriostatic) or etc….

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