Agr 151
Agr 151
Agr 151
Dr. Shyamashree Roy
Assistant Professor (Agronomy)
RRS (OAZ), UBKV, Majhian
Biological control
• Use of living
organism’s viz.,
insects, disease
herbivorous fish,
snails or even
competitive plants
for the control of
weeds is called
biological control.
Dr. Shyamashree Roy, Assistant Professor
(Agronomy), RRS (OAZ), UBKV, Majhian
Biological control...
• Can’t eradicate weeds but weed population can
be reduced
• Not useful to control all types of weeds
• Introduced weeds are best targets for biological
Mode of action
a. Differential growth habits, competitive ability of crops
and varieties prevent weed establishment Eg. Groundnut,
cowpea fast growing and so good weed suppresser.
b. Insects kill the plants by exhausting plant food reserves,
defoliation, boring and weakening structure of the plant.
c. Pathogenic organisms damage the host plants through
enzymatic degradation of cell constituents, production of
toxins, disturbance of hormone systems, obstruction in
the translocation of food materials and minerals and
malfunctioning of physiological processes.
• Bio control started in the year 1900
This process continues in cyclic fashion till After some time the
the bio-agent and weed population gets bio-agent population
established at a low level may recover
• Slow operating
• Used in non cropped areas.
• In crop fields, the bio-agent will not get
opportunity to work on host weed due to
frequent use of insecticides and fungicides in
modern agriculture.
• Other wise Cyperus rotundus can be controlled
in crop fields with moth “Bactra verutana”
Criteria / Characteristics of successful bio-agent
2.Bioagent hardiness
3.Feeding habit
4.Ease of
1. Host-specific
• Should not attack other economic plant spp
• They should pass starvation test i.e. they prefer to
starve to death rather feed upon other than host weeds
• Lantana was controlled by “Teleonemia scrupulosa”
insect bio-agent
• But in India it is likely to damage teak (Tectona grandis)
and sesame (Sesamum indicum)
• Zygogramma bicolarata is an effective leaf eating bio-
agent against Parthenium (carrot grass). But it is found
to attack sunflower in India
2. Bioagent hardiness
• Bio-agent should free from its own parasites a
and predators
• Bio-agent should withstand starvation for
short or long periods of food shortage when
the target weed population is brought to low
• But carp can’t survive even a short period of
3.Feeding habit
• Bio-agents are more efficient in controlling
weeds if they attack either flowers or seeds of
the weed or bore into the stems than root and
leaf feeders
• But root-feeding insects are more effective in
controlling perennial weeds
4. Ease of multiplication
• Bio-agent should have high rate and ease of
natural reproduction
• It is very important for insects, pathogens,
snails and competitive plants
• But it is not desirable with carp as its
increased population compete with natural
Kinds of classical bio-agents
Six kinds of Bio-agents were used to control weeds
They are-
• Insects
• Carp fish
• Fungi
• Competitive plants
• Snails
• Mites
• Largely host specific- i.e one insect spp is
employed to destroy the only one weed
• First successful example reported from Hawai
in 1902 “Lantana camara” controlled by Moth
“Crocidosema lantana”
• Insects that were found effective belong to
Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera
Carp fish
• Consume large quantities of aquatic weeds
• Whiteamur (Chines grass carp)
“Ctenopharyngodon idella” is promising spp
for aquatic weed control
• Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) a non
herbivorous fish used to control submerged
aquatic weeds
Plant pathogen
• Many fungi attack specific weed spp. For
instance “Acacia glauca” controlled by spore
suspension of “Cephalosporium zonatum”
Skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncia) controlled
by rust causing fungi “Puccinia chondrillana
Competitive plants
• Larvae of Coctoblastis
cactorum, a moth borer,
control prickly pear
Opuntia sp. The larvae
tunnel through the
plants and destroy it. In
India it is controlled by
cochinial insects
Dactylopius indicus and
D. tomentosus
Lantana Camera
Lantana was the first weed controlled successfully with
certain insect bioagents in Hawaii..
• Crocidosema lantana, a moth was found to be promising
in destroying flowers and seeds of lantana. In Australia,
three successful insect biocontrol agents are hispine
beetles (Octotoma scabripennis and Uroplata girardi)
and tingid /lantana bug (Teleonemia scrupulosa)
• In Andhra Pradesh lantana has been controlled by some
of these insects ,besides the lantana seedfly (Ophiomyia
Lantana camara
Crocidosema lanatanae
Alligator weed (Alternanthera
1) Least harm to the environment
2) No residual effect
3) Relatively cheaper and comparatively long lasting effect
4) Will not affect non-targeted plants and safer in usage
1) Multiplication is costlier
2) Control is very slow
3) Success of control is very limited
4) Very few host specific bio-agents are available at present
Chemical control
Inorganic Organic
(do not contain carbon
atoms in their molecules) (contain carbon atoms
in their molecules)
•Acid type- Arsenic acid •Oil type- Diesel oil
Arsonous acid xylene type of aromatic oils
Sulphuric acid •Non oil type- Majority of
•Salt type- Sodium arsenate present day herbicides
Sodium chlorate
Copper sulphate
***There are about 150 herbicides are available. They differ each other like behavior in soil,
plants, mode of action etc. based on this chemical nature; the herbicides are grouped into 31
Tree injector
Cut stump method
Basal bark treatment
Dr.Shyamashree Roy, Assistant Professor
(Agronomy), RRS (OAZ), Majhian, UBKV
Classification on the basis of use
Sl No. Chemical class Soil applied Foliage applied
Systemic Contact Systemic Contact
1. Acetamide Alachlor - Alachlor -
2. Aliphatic TCA - Dalapon -
3. Benzoics Dicamba - - -
4. Bipyridiliums - - - Paraquat
5. Carbamates - - Asulam -
6. Cyclohexanedione - - Sethoxydim --
7. Dinitroanilines Flucloralin - - -
8. Diphenyl ether Oxyflurofen Nitrofen Oxyflurofen -
9. Imidazolines Buthidazole - Buthidazole -
10. Isoxazolidiones Imazathapyr - Imazathapyr -