Synthetic Hydrograph Models
Synthetic Hydrograph Models
Synthetic Hydrograph Models
General introduction
In many parts of the world, rainfall and runoff data are not adequate in determination
or estimation peak flood in a catchments or watershed. This situation is common in
Tanzania due to lack of gauging stations along the most of the rivers and streams.
Generally, basic stream flow and rainfall data are not available for planning and
desining water management facilities and other hydraulic structures in undeveloped
watershed. Flood prediction refer to the processes of transformation of rainfall into a
flood hydrograph and to the translation of that hydrograph throughout a watershed or
any other hydrological system. Flood estimation are always a problem in ungauged
catchments. The accuracy in estimation of flood is essential for the design of various
hydraulic structures such as bridge, reservoir, spillway and other flood control works.
Sherman (1932) first proposed the unit hydrograph concept. The Unit Hydrograph
(UH) of a watershed is defined as the direct runoff hydrograph resulting from a unit
volume of excess rainfall of constant intensity and uniformly distributed over the
drainage area. In order to use the synthetic unit hydrograph in hydrological modelling
system, there some assumptions which as follows;
• Watersheds respond as linear systems. On the one hand, this implies that the
proportionality principle applies so that effective rainfall intensities (volumes)
of different magnitude produce watershed responses that are scaled
accordingly. On the other hand, it implies that the superposition principle
applies so that responses of several different storms can be superimposed to
obtain the composite response of the catchment.
• The effective rainfall intensity is uniformly distributed over the entire river
• The rainfall excess is of constant intensity throughout the rainfall duration
• The duration of the direct runoff hydrograph, that is, its time base, is
independent of the effective rainfall intensity and depends only on the effective
rainfall duration.
At ungauged basins, this is usually done by relating the selected basin characteristics
to the UH shape. Once such relations are established between the basin parameters and
UH parameters for the basins, the same relationships are applied to a unit hydrograph
at ungauged catchments of the hydro-meteorologically homogenous region.the type of
unit hydrograph used in prediction flood at ungauged catchment called synthetic unit
hydrograph. The Synthetic unit hydrograph (SUH) is one of the rainfall-discharge
transformation models that are still popularly used today primarily for estimating flood
discharge for water resources planning and management. One of the important factors
in water resources management is the determination of design flood associated with
determining the size, capacity and age of the water resources structures to be built.
Flood prediction generally involve approximate descriptions of the rainfall-runoff
transformation processes. Determination of design flood can be done in various ways,
one of which is very popular to date like the discharge prediction using synthetic unit
hydrograph (SUH) approach.
Synthetic unit hydrograph methods are utilized to determine runoff hydrographs for
ungauged sites, to fill in missing discharge records, and to forecast the major
hypothetical flood. (i .Gede tunas, Nadjadji anwar,Umboro Lasminto, April 2017).
The runoff hydrograph is important in designing stormwater management
infrastructure such as culverts and detention facilities. Analysis of the hydrologic
effects of bridge contractions and flood-plain assessment also rely on the use of runoff
The most important part in the hydrograph modelling are the three main hydrograph
parameters consisting of peak time (TP), peak discharge (QP) and base time (TB). In
general, these three parameters play a major role in controlling the hydrograph curve.
Basically, these three parameters can be estimated based on the characteristics of the
watershed, using regression analysis of either multiple linear regression or multiple
non-linear regression, depending on the tendency of the relationship between
parameters. (I Gede TUNAS,Nadjadji ANWAR,Umboro LASMINTO, 2017).
Multiple regression analysis is a useful method in developing regional parameter
estimation equations (Abdullah A.F, Lettenmaier, D.P., 1997). Regional regression
equations are useful for estimating parameters at ungauged sites, and relatively straight
forward for using information from gauged sites for equation development.
There are many types of a synthetic hydrograph model were developed based on the
characteristics of watershed morphometry such as SUH of Snyder, Nakayasu and SCS
These methods are considered to have a good performance because it has to
accommodate the characteristics of watersheds in a model parameter that greatly
contributed to the process of rainfall-runoff transformation (I Gede TUNAS,Nadjadji
ANWAR,Umboro LASMINTO, 2017)
The problem of predict the flood hydrograph resulting from a known storm in a
catchment has received considerable attention. A large number of methods are
proposed to solve this problem and of them probably the most popular and widely used
method is unit hydrograph method (Subramanya 2000). The use of flood models has
been widely applied in various parts of the world, especially in Tanzania, In Tanzania
the most methods were used in prediction flood hydrograph is TRRL (transport and
road research laboratory) model and RATIONAL method. The rational methods is
found to be suitable for peak-flow prediction in small catchment up to 0.8 km2 in area.
The TRRL model are consider all catchment found in east Africa are small, the
knowledge used to prepare the land cover/land use map are not accuracy and ways of
rainfall data are not treated well.
To overcome these problems associated with the formula were used and low accuracy
in estimation the flood discharge, the unit hydrograph must be applied but its require
some improvement in the parameter because the catchment characteristic where the
formula are developed are different with catchment found in Tanzania. A vast amount
of literature exists treating the various unit hydrograph methods and their development.
(Jones, 2006)reported that Sherman in 1932 was the first to explain the procedure for
development of the unit hydrograph and recommended that the unit hydrograph
method should be used for watersheds of 2000 square miles (5000 km2) or less. (Chow
VT, 1988)discussed the derivation of unit hydrograph and its linear systems theory.
The synthetic unit hydrograph are great useful in
• The development of flood hydrographs for extreme rainfall magnitudes for use
in the design of hydraulic structure
• Extension of flood flow records based on rainfall records
• Development of flood forecasting and warning system based on rainfall
The fundamental weakness of SUH is that they are likely to produce deviations for
watersheds that do not have the hydrological characteristics similar to the watersheds
used as the basis for the model’s development. These deviations are estimated as a
result of the assumptions used to establish the concept of unit hydrograph and the
complexity of the factors affecting hydrograph, particularly the nature of rainfall and
watershed characteristics that are not accommodated in the model, including fractal
characteristics of watersheds that are considered highly influential on the formation of
a hydrograph. The catchment should not have unusually large storage in term of tanks,
ponds, large flood bank storage etc. which affect the linear relationship between
storage and discharge. (Subramanya, 2008)
The most of the formula or methods were using in flood prediction by Engineers in
Tanzania are TRRL model and Rational methods which has some deficiency in a
determination peak discharge due to some parameter which introduces in the formula
it depends on nature of experimented watershed. The TRRL model are consider all
catchment found in east Africa are small, the knowledge of dealing to prepare the land
cover/land use map are not advanced which leads some error in computation and the
way of treating rainfall data are not good. For the rational methods is found to be
suitable for peak-flow prediction in small catchment up to 0.8 km2 in area, but unit
hydrograph is the one of the best methods in prediction flood by consider area of
catchment up to 5000km2 (Subramanya, 2008)
In those formula which used in prediction the peak discharge their parameter which
introduces as constant are represented as an environment factors (soil type, land
cover/land use and antecedent soil moisture) of the catchment where experiment was
conducted which are different with Tanzania catchments.
Due to the complexity of these factors, not all parameters thought to be part of the
factors that influence the transformation process can be accommodated in the rainfall-
discharge transformation modelling, and thus there are deviations in the predicted
discharge results. Due to that situation its lead to over a dimension (over estimated)
implying on the big cost of structures or too small dimension (under estimated) causing
a bigger risk of structure failures associated with determining the size, capacity and
age of the water resource structures to be built in certain watershed.
The catchments found in Tanzania are geomorphologically different with the
catchments where the synthetic unit hydrograph model was developed, and the most
of the catchments founding are ungagged catchment. The use of synthetic unit
hydrograph for flood prediction in Tanzania are not popular but its one of the best
method in prediction of flood discharge. Due to the lack of data like discharge and
rainfall data in many catchments found in Tanzania. So, the use of synthetic unit
hydrograph model is the best way and high accuracy in prediction the peak discharge
in ungagged catchment. But there are many methods of synthetic unit hydrograph was
already being developed. In this study, only three synthetic unit hydrograph method
are considered; Snyder synthetic unit hydrograph this model are valid for the
catchment area between 25-25000km2, Nakayasu synthetic unit hydrograph model this
model are valid for any size of catchment area and soil conservation service synthetic
unit hydrograph as been obtained from the UH’s for a great number of watersheds of
different sizes and for many different locations. (Ramirez J. A., 2000)
Scope of study
Generally, the procedure developed to synthesize unit hydrographs gives reasonable
results when applied to catchment in the region for which they are derived. parameter
involved in the relationships between catchment characteristics and unit hydrograph
parameter vary from region to region because they show combined effect of all other
characteristics which are not consider in relationships. These parameter or coefficient
may affect shape of hydrograph.
Main objective
This study seeks to assessing the suitability of synthetic hydrograph performance by
adjusting model parameter for flood prediction.
Specific objectives
The followings are specific objectives of this study
i. To generate the physical catchment characteristics
ii. To develop the equations linking with unit hydrograph parameter and physical
catchment characteristics
iii. To assessing the suitability of developed equation on a selected catchment
Models and software description
This chapter provides an insight on the theoretical and mathematical background
involved behind the software describing the data analysis and processing. Mainly two
open source software are used in this project; ArcGIS and Microsoft excel(solver
facility add ins) . ArcGIS is used as platform for generating physical basin models and
Microsoft excel are used in data analysis base flow separation and evaluation.
To generate the physical catchment characteristics
ArcGIS analysis
The important computer programs used in extracting the geomorphologic parameters
of the watersheds included Arc-Hydro and ArcGIS 10.3. Arc hydro is set model and
tools that operates within ArcGIS to supports geospatial and temporal data analyses
for water management. The digital elevation models (DEMs) were downloaded from
USGS. For this study 30m resolution DEMs were used. necessary raster files such as
the flow accumulation grid and flow direction grid were created. Using ArcHydro with
the DEM and stream network, the boundaries of the study watersheds were extracted.
These watershed polygons were saved in geodatabases which calculated the area and
From the ArcHydro output files used to generate the watershed polygons, the
geomorphologic parameters listed and defined in Tables below were computed. The
first nine parameters, are leased relate area and length measurements while the last
nine are calculated using relief and the stream network. An additional routine within
ArcHydro was used to calculate basin length, and a new feature class was created to
measure the maximum straight-line length of basin from mouth to divide for the basin
shape factor (Sb). Simple GIS techniques were used to extract other measurements.
For example, a selection of the streams within the watershed polygon was performed
to calculate the total stream length and number of streams within the watershed. This
data was used to calculate the drainage density and stream frequency. To represent the
depression storage of each watershed, the raster calculator within ArcMap was utilized
to calculate the difference in the filled DEM computed during terrain processing and
the raw DEM. The resulting raster has two categories: one represents raster cells that
were unchanged and the other category represents the raster cells that were filled
because they were sinks. Sinks are raster cells that are surrounded by cells with higher
elevation leaving no route for water to “flow”. The raster cells that are sinks must be
“filled” so ArcHydro can calculate the raster files mentioned at the beginning of this
section. Besides the Stream Stats and depression storage parameters Table below also
has three composite parameters. These are named HKR (Hickok et al., 1959), (Gray,
1961), and (J, B Murphey, 1977, p. 13(1)). These parameters are explained by the
following equations.
Refer to Table 3.1 for an explanation of the symbols used in these composite
Parameters Symbol Definition
Drainage Aw The total area projected upon a horizontal plane
area contributing overland flow to the stream segment of the
given order and all segments of lower order.
Basin Lp The length measured along the divide of the drainage basin
perimeter as projected on to the horizontal plane of the map.
Basin Lb The longest dimension of a basin parallel to the principal
length drainage line.
Form factor Rff A dimensionless parameter defined as the ratio of basin
area, Aw to the square of basin length, Lb 2
Circulatory Rc A dimensionless parameter defined as the ratio of the basin
ratio area of a given order, Aw to the area Ap of a circle having a
circumference equal to the basin perimeter, Lp.
Elongation Re The ratio of diameter of a circle, Dc with the same area as
ratio that of the basin, to basin length Lb
Basin shape Sb The square of maximum straight-line length of basin (from
factor mouth to divide) divided by total area.
Unity shape Ru The ratio of the basin length, Lb to the square root of the
factor basin area, Aw.
Basin relief H The maximum vertical distance between the lowest (outlet)
and the highest (divide) points in the watershed.
Relief ratio, Rh A dimensionless quantity, defined as the ratio of maximum
basin relief, H to horizontal distance along the longest
dimension of the basin parallel to the principal drainage
line, Lb.
To develop the equations linking with unit hydrograph parameter and physical
catchment characteristics Hydrology analysis
In general, hydrological analysis is an early part of development planning activities
Water resources. The quantities obtained in the hydrological analysis are an important
input in subsequent analysis. The dimensions and characteristics of hydraulic
structures as a means of utilizing water resources are highly dependent on the
development objectives and information obtained from hydrological analysis.
Microsoft excel analysis (Solver facility tools)
This are important computer tools/software which used in analysis of data for making
computation and analysis of data. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application that is
commonly used for a variety of uses. At its core, Excel is a table consisting of rows
and columns. Excel is composed of rows and columns and uses a spreadsheet to
display data.
Solver is a Microsoft Excel add-in program you can use for what-if analysis. Use
Solver to find an optimal (maximum or minimum) value for a formula in one cell —
called the objective cell - subject to constraints, or limits, on the values of other
formula cells on a worksheet. Basically, a solver is one of the facilities provided by
Microsoft Excel to complete computation which requires optimization (calibration) of
some parameters based on fixed limit condition. An optimized parameter is set up
based on constraint as required by each model. Optimization is based on purpose
function and its function value can be minimized and maximized or is based on a
certain value. Solver ability in optimization can be adjusted by changing the limits of
iteration, precision, tolerance, convergence, and applied assumption.
Rainfall-runoff event selection
Rainfall data is data containing rainfall record from rain stations. Rain data can be from
automatic or manual stations. Rain data from station automatically informs rain
records every time continuously (continuous), this data is used for analysis of hourly
rain distribution. From the available rainfall data it can be seen the height of the rain
at the point being reviewed, which can be used for rainfall flood analysis by using
synthetic hydrograph.
Rainfall-runoff events for use in this study were selected to conform as close as
possible to the assumptions of the UH theory. Namely, the unit volume of surface
runoff is equal to excess precipitation resulting from a storm of uniform intensity over
a given duration. The unit hydrograph (UH) method can only apply to the watershed
where rainfall and stream flow data measured. But always measured data may not be
available. In this situation the flood discharge can be calculated using synthetic unit
hydrograph methods. There are already several synthetic unit hydrograph (SUH)
methods. It is recommended by Viessman et al. (1989) that storms utilized to
determine unit hydrographs should include:
• a simple structure which results in a well-defined hydrograph with a distinct
• uniform rainfall distribution for the duration of rainfall excess
• uniform spatial distribution (of rainfall) over the entire watershed
Viessman et al. (1989) also recommend that the direct-runoff of storms selected for
analysis should range from 0.5 to 1.75 in (0.0127 to 0.04445m). This is because design
storms used for further analysis would typically fall within this range. (jr & G.L Lewis
and knap, 1989)
hydrograph analysis
The hydrograph is the response of a given catchment to a rainfall input. Hydrograph
is a graph showing the rate of flow(discharge) versus time past a specific point in a
river, channel, or conduit carrying flow. The rate of flow is typically expressed in cubic
meter or cubic feet per second (m3 /s) or cfs. It can also refer to a graph showing the
volume of water recharging in a particular outfall or location in a sewerage network.
It is consists of flow in all the three phases of runoff, viz surface runoff, interflow and
baseflow, and embodies itself the integrated effects of a wide variety of catchment and
rainfall parameter having complex interactions.
The complex hydrograph are results of storm and catchment peculiarities and their
complex interaction. while its theoretically possible to resolve a complex hydrograph
into asset of simple hydrograph analysis, the requisite data of acceptable quality are
seldom available (Subramanya, 2008)
Hydrological time series
The principal aim of time series analysis is to describe the history of movement in time
of some variable such as the rate of flow in a river at a particular site. River flow and
other hydrological sequences are characterized by variability and oscillatory
behaviour. Most time series models in hydrology are used for River flow forecasting,
Generation of synthetic data sequences and The study of physical characteristics
underlying the hydrological procceses (Deepesh Machiwal, Madan Kumar Jha, 2012)
Hydrograph separation-time series
A streamflow hydrograph observed from a discharge site generally consists of surface
flow, subsurface flow, and groundwater. Surface flow denotes water stored or flowing
on the Earth’s surface, subsurface flow is water stored or flowing between the land
surface and water table, and groundwater denotes water stored or flowing beneath the
water table.
Baseflow separation or hydrograph analysis is the process of separating the direct
runoff (surface runoff and quick interflow) from the baseflow. Determination of the
base flow component of streamflow is necessary to understand the hydrologic budgets
of surface and ground water basins. Base flow separation can also provide a ground
water discharge flow measurement for calibration of numerical models continuous
baseflow separation procedures have been frequently used to differentiate total flows
into the high-frequency, low-amplitude 'baseflow' component and the low-frequency,
high-amplitude 'flood' flows. In the past, such procedures have normally been applied
to streamflow time-series data with time steps of 1 day or greater.
Method for Hydrograph separation-time series
The following are methods which are used to separate hydrograph separation-time
Smoothed minima (variable interval) Smoothed minima baseflow separation
method originally developed for the daily flow data of perennial streams and adopted
for intermittent streams is presented.
Fixed interval These methods use a moving time window to find successive discharge
minima on a hydrograph. The base flow hydrograph is assumed to be the line
connecting the selected minima. The degree of smoothing is dependent on the length
of the time window, with longer times reducing the volume of base flow. In several
methods, the length of the time window is dependent on the formula:
Window size =2*N
N = 0.827A0.2
Where A-area of catchment
Sliding interval minima, The interval block was made by 2N-1 or 2N+1 days to
calculate minimum discharge of each interval but this value was assigned to median
days in that interval. Then, the block was slid to the next day and the process was
repeated. Finally, the assigned daily values were connected to define the baseflow
Recursive filters (analogue, digital represent impulse responses) Recursive digital
filtering of hydrographs is a baseflow separation method that can easily be automated
and has been recommended for providing reproducible results. In the past, different
formulations of the simplest filter type, the so-called one-parameter filter, have been
(1−𝐵𝐹𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥)𝛼𝑔𝑤𝑞𝑏 (𝑖−1)+(1−𝛼𝑔𝑤)𝐵𝐹𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑄(𝑖)
proposed. q b(i) = 1−𝛼𝑔𝑤𝐵𝐹𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥
TB = 5TL
QP=peak discharge (m3/s), A=watershed area (km2 ), TL=time lag (hour), Ct=Storage
coefficient (1.4-1.7), L=main river length (km), Lc=main river length from centroid of
watershed to outlet, Cp=empirical constants (0.15-0.19), n= 0.3 and TB=base time .
Nakayasu synthetic unit hydrograph model
The usage of this method needs several characteristic of watershed parameters as
follow (Limantara, 2018): a) time lag from the rainfall run-off until the peak of
hydrograph; b) time lag from the weighted point of rainfall until the weighted point of
hydrograph; c) time base of hydrograph: d) area of watershed: e) the length of main
river/ Nakayasu is developed based on the some researches in Japan (Soemarto, 1987).
The formula of Nakayasu Synthetic Unit hydrograph is as follow:
QP= 3.6(0.3Tp+αTg
Tp = TL+0.5Tr
Tb= 5Tp
QP=peak discharge (m3 /s), A=watershed area (km2), Ro=unit rainfall (mm), TL=time
lag (hour), TP=peak time (hour) and Tr=rainfall duration (mm)
Optimization of model parameter
Optimization is the process of adjusting model parameters to reduce model error in
each step. This are final step will be a performance test of SUH model. Synthetic unit
hydrograph will be evaluated based on performance analysis. This model performance
analysis will be conducted to recognize the model success in representing river
discharge which was evaluated with comparison test between measurement discharge
with simulation discharge using Nash–Sutcliffe Model Efficiency Coefficient.
Optimization is based on purpose function and its function value can be minimized
and maximized or is based on a certain value. Solver ability in optimization can be
adjusted by changing the limits of iteration, precision, tolerance, convergence, and
applied assumption.
E= 1- 𝑛
The value of error indicator will be between ∞ and 1. The lower error indicator value,
the lower performance of model produced and on the other hand when the indicator
value raised close to 1, the model performance got higher. The value of error indicator
was between ∞ and 1. The lower error indicator value, the lower performance of model
produced was, and on the other hand when the indicator value raised close to 1, the
model performance got higher. In addition, the deviation of peak time (TP), peak
discharge (QP), and base time (TB)it will be evaluated;
PQP = 𝑄𝑃𝑜𝑏𝑠
PTP = 𝑇𝑃𝑜𝑏𝑠
PTB = 𝑇𝐵𝑜𝑏𝑠
2021 2022
Activities November december January February march
Proposal consultation and
Literature review
Mobilazation of personnel,
equipment and material
Preliminary data collection
Data analysis,result and
Final desertation report