Cparl3 4
Cparl3 4
Cparl3 4
NATIONAL ARTIST The following may submit nominations for the Order
of National Artist:
⮚ A National Artist is a Filipino citizen who has ● Government and non-government cultural
been given the rank and title of National Artist organizations.
in recognition of his or her significant ● Educational institutions
contributions to the development of Philippine ● Private foundations and councils
Arts and letters.
⮚ The rank and title of National Artist is conferred
by means of a Presidential Proclamation. It
The following may not submit nominations:
recognizes excellence in the fields of Music, ● Members of the Special Research Group, as
dance, theater, visual arts, literature, film and well as agencies attached to the NCAA and
broadcast arts, and architecture or allied arts. CCP shall not submit nomination.
consultants and NCAA and CCP officers and
⮚ Those who have been proclaimed National staff are automatically disqualified from being
Artists are given a Grand Collar symbolizing nominated.
their status.
⮚ Represents the highest national recognition 1. The Order of National Artist Secretariat
given to Filipinos who have made distinct (CCP/NCCA) announces opening for
contributions in the field of arts and letters. nominations.
⮚ Administered by the National Commision for 2. NCAA and CCP receive nominations; screen and
Culture and the Arts (NCAA) and the Cultural deliberate
Center of the Philippines (CCP). 3. The NCAA and CCP submit a list of
⮚ Conferred by the President of the Philippines. recommendees to the president.
⮚ Should be conferred every three years. 4. The President issues a proclamation conferring
the rank and title on the recommendees.
THE INSIGNIA ORDER OF THE NATIONAL ARTIST 5. The Order of National Artist conferred during
⮚ Featuring circular links portraying the arts, and ceremonies organized by the Secretariat.
an eight-pointed conventionalized sunburst CRITERIA FOR THE ORDER OF NATIONAL ARTISTS
suspended from a sampaguita wreath in green
and white enamel. 1. Living artists who are Filipino citizens at the
⮚ The central badge is a medallion divided into time of nomination, as well as those who died
three equal portions, red white, and blue, after the establishment
recalling the Philippine flag, with three stylized of the award in 1972 but were Filipino citizens
letter Ks-the “KKK” stands for the CCP’s motto: at the time of their death;
“Katotohanan, Kabutihan, at Kagandahan” (the 2. Artists who, through the content and form of
true, the good, and the beautiful). their works, have contributed in building a
Filipino sense of
⮚ Established by virtue of Presidential 3. Artists who have pioneered in a mode of
Proclamation No. 1001, s. 1972 creative expression or style, thus earning
⮚ “To give appropriate recognition and prestige to distinction and making an
Filipinos who have distinguished themselves impact on succeeding generations of artists;
and made outstanding contributions to 4. Artists who have created a substantial and
Philippine arts and letter.” significant body of work and/or consistently
displayed excellence in the ⮚ Is conferred on Filipinos who are at the
practice of their art form thus enriching artistic forefront of the practice, preservation, and
expression or style; and promotion (or the 3P) of the nation’s traditional
5. Artists who enjoy broad acceptance through: folk arts.
• prestigious national and/or international ⮚ It was institutionalized through Republic Act No.
recognition, such as the Gawad CCP Para sa 7355
Sining, CCP ⮚ Tasked with the administration and
Thirteen Artists Award and NCCA Alab ng implementation of the award is the National
Haraya; Commision for Culture and the Arts (NCAA), the
• critical acclaim and/or reviews of their works; highest policy-making and coordinating body for
• respect and esteem from peers culture and the arts of the State. NCCA (Ad Hoc
Panel of Experts) conducts the search for the
A member of the Order of National Artists are granted
finest traditional artists of the land.
the following honors and privileges:
Objective: the main objective of the award is to honor
1. The rank and title of National Artist, as
and support traditional folk artist and to see to it that
proclaimed by the President of the Philippines;
their skills and crafts are preserved. The award is tied
2. The insignia of a National Artist and a citation;
with a program that ensures that transfer of their skills
3. A lifetime emolument and material and physical
to new generations and the promotion of the craft both
benefits comparable in value to those received
locally and internationally.
by the highest officers of the land such as:
How does one become a Manlilikha ng Bayan?
a) a cash award of One Hundred Thousand
● He/she is an inhabitant of an
Pesos (P100,000.00) net of taxes, for living
indigenous/traditional cultural community
anywhere in the Philippines that has preserved
indigenous customs, beliefs, rituals, and
b) a cash award of Seventy Five Thousand Pesos
traditions and/or has syncretized whatever
(P75,000.00) net of taxes, for posthumous
external elements that have influenced it.
awardees, payable to legal heir/s;
● He/she must have engaged in a folk art tradition
that has been in existence and documented for
c) a monthly life pension, medical and at least fifty 50 years.
hospitalization benefits; ● He/she must have consistently performed or
produced over a significant period, works of
d) life insurance coverage for Awardees who are superior and distinctive quality.
still insurable; ● He/she must possess a mastery of tools and
materials needed by the art, and must have an
e) a state funeral and burial at the Libingan ng established reputation in the art as master and
mga Bayani; maker of works of extraordinary technical
f) a place of honor, in line with protocular ● He/she must have passed on and/or will pass on
precedence, at national state functions, and to others members of the community their skills
recognition at cultural events. in the folk art for which the community is
traditionally known.
(GAMABA) A traditional artist who possesses all the qualities of a
Manlilikha ng Bayan candidate, but due to age or
infirmity has left him/her incapable of teaching further ⮚ It composed of a representatives from each
his/her craft, may still be recognized if: committees of sub-commission on cultural
communities and traditional arts
● He/she had created a significant body of works
⮚ Office of Muslim Affairs National Commision on
and/or has consistently displayed excellence in
Indigenous People.
the practice of his/her art, thus achieving
important contributions for its development. 2. NOMINATIONS
● He/she has been instrumental in the inspiration
⮚ Nominations can come from the members of
of his/her community’s artistic tradition.
the hoc panel of experts, the sub-commissions
● He/she has been recognized as a master of
on cultural communities and traditional arts,
his/her craft and admired for his/her character
government and etc.
and integrity in his or her community.
⮚ The ad hoc search committee is deployed to
The Award shall be given in each, but not limited to the
various priority areas in the country to conduct
following categories of traditional folk arts:
searches and document the candidates’
Folk architecture Literature art/craft.
Maritime transport Graphic and plastic arts ✔ The Ad hoc panel of reviewers will review the
Weaving Ornament qualifications.
Carving Textile or fiber art ✔ Submit their recommendations to the NCAA
Performing Arts Pottery Board of Commissions.
✔ The Presidents of the Philippines confers the
awardee in a public ceremony in Malacañang