Jahangir Abbas CV

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Master Studies
Email: jahangirabbas6200@gmail.com


2018-2020 Master of Science (M.Sc) Physics (16 Year Education)

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
Jahangir Abbas
Thesis Title:A DFT Study of electronic structure, magnetic and optical
properties of Cobalt doped Strontium Selenide (SrSe) for Spintronic and
Optoelectronic devices.
P/O Bhabra Tehsil Major courses studied:
Phalia, District
Mandi Bahaudin,  Quantum Mechanics-I, Quantum Mechanics-II, Solid State Physics,
Punjab, Pakistan Thermal and Statistical Physics
Date Of Birth:  Electronics (Lab), Advanced Electronics (Lab), Classical Mechanics,
Electromagnetism-I, Electronics
 Electromagnetism-II, Nuclear Physics, Mechanics and Optics (Lab),
Phone: Modern Physics (Lab)
+923061776200  Mathematical Physics-I, Mathematical Physics-II.
2016-2018 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) (14 Year Education)
University Of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
I have full command
Intermediate(Science)(12 Year Education)
I. English 2014-2016
II. Urdu Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Sargodha, Punjab,
III. Basic Chinese
My research interests are PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Computational (DFT) as Lecturer Physics (Intermediate+BS level)
well as Experimental work Superior College, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
on, 2020- 2024
Courses teaching at BS level
Basic Electronics, Digital Electronics, Electrodynamics, Solid State
I. Material Science
II. Nano-technology Physics-I
(i) Thermoelectric and Optoelectronic Properties of Rb2LiMoX6 (X=Br, I)
EXPERTISE Ferromagnets Using Density Functional Theory. As a Coauthor. DOI #
COMPUTER SKILLS https://doi.org/10.1007/s10904-024-03339-2
 WIEN2k
Software (ii) Investigation of spin polarized semiconductor Cs2XMoBr6 (X=Li, Na)
 CASTEP compounds for spintronic and optoelectronic applications. As a
 Materials Studio Coauthor. DOI# https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2024.416632
(For DFT
(iii) Co doping as a useful approach to induce half metallic ferromagnetism
 Origin Software
in SrSe: A DFT+U Insight. ( As a First Author Under Review)
 QT Grace
 Mendeley
 Image Software
Jahangir Abbas
Traveling, having a keen
interest in various new and
upcoming technologies.  1st Dr. Riaz-Ud-Din memorial School on Physics held at Department of Physics,
University of Agriculture Faisalabad on February 22-26 (2021).
 2nd Dr. Riaz-Ud-Din memorial School on Physics held at Department of Physics
I have the ability to work ,University of Agriculture Faisalabad on February 22-26 (2022).
as a part of a team, as well  3rd International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology
as an individual. (MSNANO) held at Government College University Faisalabad on February 18-
Professional and university
tasks were performed on
the basis of team oriented  5th International Conference on advances in Theoretical and Applied Physics
projects as well as many held by Government College Women University Faisalabad (2020)
individual projects..  3rd International Conference on advances in Theoretical and Applied Physics
held by Government College Women University Faisalabad (2020).
 International Workshop on Progress in nanomaterial and Technology (IWPNT-
TIME MANAGEMENT 2021) organized by National Centre of Physics (NCP), Islamabad, Pakistan,
Have the ability to January 26-27 (2021).
manage time. During
student and professional  Seminar on Recent development in Space Exploration held at Department of
life, university projects Physics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF).
and work were prioritized  One-day SYMPOSIUM on emerging trends in Material Science held at
in an efficient way to Department of Physics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF),
meet deadlines. I Pakistan (03 December 2018).
managed social needs  Workshop on Superior Executive Development program (SEDP)held at
around work & utilized Superior University Faisalabad.
my time effectively.  Organizer of departmental Sports gala at University Of Agriculture
 Chief Organizer of Departmental Annual Dinner at the University of
Agriculture Faisalabad.

Able to communicate at all levels. Written communication was strengthened by
compiling numerous project reports. Oral communication is enhanced through
presentations, discussions, and interaction with people of different personalities during
employment and personal life.
Name: Dr. Muhammad Yaseen
Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Physics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Email: m.yaseen@uaf.edu.pk

Name: Dr. Yasir Javed

Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Physics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Email: yasir.javed@uaf.edu.pk

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