Reflection Guide (1 June 2023)
Reflection Guide (1 June 2023)
Reflection Guide (1 June 2023)
Grief and loss are a central part of our humanity. It comes without our permission and
against our will. Our culture routinely interprets losses as alien invasions that interrupt
our “normal” lives. In the book of Job, he lost everything in one day which is unbearable
to many people. But most of us experience our losses more slowly, over the span of a
lifetime, until we find ourselves on the door of death, leaving everything behind – all
our relationships, all our possessions, all our health. We even lose our wrong ideas of
God and illusions about the church. We grieve the many things we can’t do, our limits.
We all face many ‘deaths’ within our lives.
The choice is whether these deaths will be terminal (crushing our spirit and life) or
open us up to new possibilities and depths of transformation in Christ that God can
uniquely open our hearts and transforms us. There are five different phases of
biblical grieving so central to our following of Jesus.
1. Pay Attention
When we do not process before God the very feelings that make us human, such as fear or
sadness or anger, we leak through in soft ways such as passive- aggressive behaviour, sarcastic
remarks, a nasty tone of voice, and the giving of the “silent treatment”. Our churches are filled
with “leaking” Christians who have not treated their emotions as a
discipleship issue. Grieving is not possible without paying attention
to our anger and sadness.
Reference: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Peter & Geri Scazzero, Zondervan Publishers, 2017