Course Curriculum

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Course Curriculam

Course Code: PHD901 Credit Units L T P/S SW AS/DS FW No. of PSDA Total Credit Unit
Course Level Doctoral 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Course Title Research and Publication Ethics
This course has total 6 units focusing on basics of philosophy of science and ethics, research integrity, publication ethics. Hands-on-
Course sessions are designed to identify research misconduct and predatory publications. Indexing and citation databases, open access
Description : publications, research metrics (citations, h-index, Impact Factor, etc.) and plagiarism tools will be introduced in this course.

Course Objectives :

SN. Objectives

Pre-Requisites : General

SN. Course Code Course Name

Course Contents / Syllabus :

SN. Module Descriptors / Topics Weightage

Module I –
1. Introduction to philosophy; definition, nature and scope, concept, branches 2. Ethics: definition, moral philosophy,
1 Philosophy 14.00
nature of moral judgments and reactions.
and Ethics
Descriptors/Topics 1. Ethics with respect to science, social science and research 2. Intellectual and research honesty
Module II –
and research integrity 3. Scientific misconducts: Falsification, Fabrication and Plagiarism (FFP) 4. Redundant
2 Scientific 14.00
publications: duplicate and overlapping publications, salami slicing 5. Selective reporting and misrepresentation of
Descriptors/Topics 1. Publications ethics: definition, introduction and importance 2. Best practices in research /
Module III – standards-setting initiatives and guidelines: COPE, WAME, etc 3. Conflicts of interest 4. Research and Publications
3 Publications misconduct: definition, concept, problems that lead to unethical behavior and vice versa, publication types 5. Violation 22.00
Ethics of publications ethics, authorship and contributorship 6. Identification of publication misconduct, complaints and
appeals 7. Predatory publishers and journals.
Module IV –
Descriptors/Topics 1. Open access publications and initiatives 2. SHERPA/RoMEO online resource to check
4 publisher copyright & self-archiving policies 3. Software tool to identify predatory publications developed by SPPU 4. 14.00
Journal finder / journal suggestion tools viz. JANE, Elseview Journal Finder, Springer Journal Suggester, etc.
Module V – A. Group Discussions 1. Subject-specific ethical issues, FFP, authorship 2. Conflicts of interest 3. Complaints and
5 Publication appeals: examples and fraud from India and abroad. B. Software tools 1. Use of plagiarism software like Turnitin, 14.00
Misconduct Urkund and other open source software tools
Module VI –
Databases A. Databases 1. Indexing databases 2. Citation databases: Web of Science, Scopus, etc. B. Research Metrics 1.
6 and Impact Factor of journal as per Journal Citation Report, SNIP, SJR, IIP, Cite Score. 2. Metrics: h-index, g index, i10 22.00
Research index, altmetrics

Course Learning Outcomes :

SN. Course Learning Outcomes

1 Awareness about the publication ethics
2 Awareness about the publication misconducts
Pedagogy for Course Delivery :

SN. Pedagogy Methods

1 Class room teaching, guest lectures, group discussion, and practical sessions

Theory /VAC / Architecture Assessment (L,T & Self Work): 100.00 Max : 100

Attendance+CE+EE : 5+35+60

SN. Type Component Name Marks

1 Attendance 5.00
2 End Term Examination (OMR) 60.00
3 Internal CLASS QUIZ 15.00
4 Internal CLASS TEST 10.00

Lab/ Practical/ Studio/Arch. Studio/ Field Work Assessment : 0.00 Max : 100


List of Professional skill development activities :

No.of PSDA : 0
SN. PSDA Point

Text & References :

SN. Type Title/Name Description ISBN/ URL

1 Book Research Ethics

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