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Cambridge IGCSE
• This insert contains the reading texts.
• You may annotate this insert and use the blank spaces for planning. Do not write your answers on the
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Read Text C, and then answer Questions 2(a)–(d) and Question 3 on the question paper.
This text is taken from a longer narrative. Veda is a young girl with aspirations to become a dancer.
I pause in the doorway and bite my lip. ‘I got a letter saying I got through to the finals for the
dance competition. If I win, I win a place at the dance college,’ I finally say.
Grandma retreats into the kitchen. She has told me that she doesn’t think it’s her place to
interfere with her son and daughter-in-law. Pa’s eyes rove from Ma to me. He’s caught in
the middle. 5
Ma’s diamond earrings flash at me like angry eyes. ‘Veda, you need to study hard. If you
don’t do well in your exams this year ...’
For once my voice doesn’t stick in my throat. ‘I am studying hard. To be a dancer. I’m not
planning to become an engineer. Or a doctor.’ Or any profession that Ma finds respectable.
Ma launches into a lecture. ‘Dancing is no career. You need to study something useful in 10
college so that you can get a well-paid job.’
I sigh unnecessarily loudly. My dance teacher isn’t rich but his house is larger than ours.
Clearly he earns more than Ma at her bank job and Pa at his library.
Back when I was younger, I’d struggle to be better at school for Ma’s sake. But numbers
and letters soon grew too hard for me to hold and I grew far away from them, and Ma grew 15
out of patience.
All my life Ma’s dreamt I’ll do well at science and mathematics so that I could end up being
what she wanted to be: an engineer. All my life I’ve been waiting for her to appreciate my
compulsion to do the one thing I excel at: dance.
I think back to my conversations with Grandma. ‘Steps came to you early. Speech came 20
late,’ she’d say. She’d tell me how I used to heave myself by the restricting bars on my
prison-like cot at eight months, my limbs urgently craving release. I could shape thoughts
with my fingers, she said. While words stumbled in my throat, losing their way before reaching
my lips, my hands spoke my first sentences like lotus buds blossoming. They would shape
themselves effortlessly into the hand symbols of classical dancing. 25
My dance teacher sits cross-legged on the ground, tapping beats out on his hollow wooden
block with a stick.
I leap and land on my sure feet, excitement mounting as his rhythm speeds, challenging me 30
to repeat my routine faster. My heels strike the ground fast as fire-sparks. Streams of sweat
trickle down my neck. My braided hair flies free into the air, then whips sharply around my
waist. Nothing else fills me with such elation as chasing down soaring music, catching and
pinning rhythms to the ground with my feet, proud as a hunter rejoicing in his skill.
This brings me to the hardest pose of all. Balancing on my left leg, I extend my right upwards 35
in a vertical split. Then I bend my right knee, bring my right foot near my ear. Locking my
breath in my chest to control my trembling, I push myself to hold the pose for an entire
eight-beat cycle. A familiar thrill shoots up my spine. I enjoy testing my stamina, my balance.
My dance teacher’s stick clatters heavily to the floor. He claps spontaneously. ‘Perform like
that and you’re sure to win.’ I can see tears brimming like dew-drops in his eyes. 40
Three days later, I arrive home. Grandma opens the door. I can hardly speak. ‘The judges
loved me! I have a place at the dance school. Grandma, I am so excited.’
Grandma hugs me. ‘I am delighted, Veda. You need to tell Ma and Pa but don’t worry: I have
been talking to Pa, and I think you can persuade them, if you answer their questions sensibly 45
and explain yourself.’
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Cambridge IGCSE
• Answer all questions.
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• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
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• The total mark for this paper is 80.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
• The insert contains the reading texts.
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Re-read Text C, The dancer, in the insert and then answer Question 3 on this question paper.
Question 3
You are Veda. It is a few months later and you have started studying at your new dance school. You
write a letter home to your parents, reflecting on your past experiences.
Base your letter on what you have read in Text C, but be careful to use your own words. Address each
of the three bullet points.
Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 10 marks for the quality
of your writing.
.......................................................................................................................................................... [25]
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Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable
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To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge Assessment
International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after the live examination series.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of Cambridge Assessment. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is a department of the University of Cambridge.
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for
Cambridge International will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2022 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE™, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some Cambridge O Level
Note: All examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills
demonstrated. Nonetheless, the content must be clearly related to and derived from the texts.
Question 3
This question tests reading assessment objectives R1, R2 and R3 (15 marks):
and writing assessment objectives W1, W2, W3, W4 and W5 (10 marks):
3 You are Veda. It is a few months later and you have started studying at 25
your new dance school. You write a letter home to your parents,
reflecting on your past experiences.
Base your letter on what you have read in Text C, but be careful to use
your own words. Address each of the three bullet points.
Use the Marking Criteria for Question 3 (Table A, Reading and Table B
Notes on task
Candidates should select ideas from the text (see below) and develop them
relevantly, supporting what they write with details from the text. Look for an
appropriate register for the genre, and a clear and balanced response which
covers the three areas of the question, is well sequenced, and is in the
candidate’s own words.
Annotate A2 for references to how the adults reacted to her dancing and how
this made her feel
Annotate A3 for references to the conversation she had with her parents
after she had won
A2: How the adults reacted to her dancing and how this made her feel
A3: Her thoughts about the conversation she had with her parents after
she had told them she had won
5 13–15 • The response reveals a thorough evaluation and analysis of the text.
• Developed ideas are sustained and well related to the text.
• A wide range of ideas is applied.
• There is supporting detail throughout, which is well integrated into the response,
contributing to a strong sense of purpose and approach.
• All three bullets are well covered.
• A consistent and convincing voice is used.
4 10–12 • The response demonstrates a competent reading of the text with some evidence
of basic evaluation or analysis.
• A good range of ideas is evident.
• Some ideas are developed but the ability to sustain them may not be consistent.
• There is frequent, helpful supporting detail, contributing to a clear sense of
• All three bullets are covered.
• An appropriate voice is used.
2 4–6 • There is some evidence of general understanding of the main ideas, although
the response may be thin or in places lack focus on the text or the question.
• Some brief, straightforward reference to the text is made.
• There may be some reliance on lifting from the text.
• One of the bullets may not be addressed.
• The voice might be inappropriate.
1 1–3 • The response is either very general, with little reference to the text, or a
reproduction of sections of the original.
• Content is either insubstantial or unselective.
• There is little realisation of the need to modify material from the text.
3 5–6 • Language is clear but comparatively plain and/or factual, expressing little opinion.
• Ideas are rarely extended, but explanations are adequate.
• Some sections are quite well sequenced but there may be flaws in structure.
• Minor, but more frequent, errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar
2 3–4 • There may be some awkwardness of expression and some inconsistency of style.
• Language is too limited to express shades of meaning.
• There is structural weakness and there may be some copying from the text.
• Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar.