Bsbops502 Manage Business Operational Plans
Bsbops502 Manage Business Operational Plans
Bsbops502 Manage Business Operational Plans
BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Date: 19/11/2024
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Describe the key functions Program: Change the way children learn in school and create the most
and activities of the work effective form of learning by utilizing man-made awareness technology
area you will develop an
that can track each child's progress and modify according to their needs
operational plan for.
as they learn.
Source information The CEO has asked every manager to create an operational plan to
Identify stakeholders who implement this model in their department. The manager must operate
will contribute to the within the forecasted cost amounts.
operational plan and
provide relevant approvals:
The Sales manager has decided to address the objectives “increase sales
Who are they (consider
to increase donations to needy classrooms” and “strengthen the skills of
escalation, specialist
our people, to better support customers”.
resource manager,
colleague, client)?
What contribution will they Activities relate to the first objective include:
make? Activity 1: Create an online advert for the new product (quoted price of
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Identify potential
What are your suggested Goals achievement requires commitment, so maximise the likelihood of
time frames for each
success, you need to feel a sense of urgency and have an “I must do this”
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Establish potential The goal of activity resource estimating is to assign resources to each
human resource activity in the activity list. There are five tools and techniques for
estimating activity resources.
For each potential activity 8.1
in the operational plan, list
8.2 judgment means bringing in experts who have done this sort of
the human resources
required (at least one new work before and getting their opinions on what resources are needed.
human resource should be
required). Alternative analysis means considering several different options for how
For each human you assign resources. This includes varying the number of resources as
well as the kind of resources you use. Many times, there’s more than one
research and summarise way to accomplish an activity and alternative analysis helps decide among
information on
the possibilities.
resource options and
how the resource may Published estimating data is something that project managers in a lot of
be sourced (e.g. can industries use to help them figure out how many resources they need.
internal staff do the They rely on articles, books, journals, and periodicals that collect, analyse,
job, are consultants
and publish
data from other people’s projects.
required etc.?).
analyse options and
Project management software such as Microsoft Project will often have
choose one.
features designed to help project managers estimate resource needs and
explain how the resource
constraints and find the best combination of assignments for the project.
will be recruited and
inducted following Bottom-up estimating means breaking down complex activities into pieces
policy and procedure. and working out the resource assignments for each piece. It is a process
explain any financial of estimating individual activity resource need or cost and then adding
implications (e.g. these up together to come up with a total estimate. Bottom-up estimating
approval required,
is a very accurate means of estimating, provided the estimates at the
amount to be
schedule activity level are accurate. However, it takes a considerable
budgeted for etc.).
amount of time to perform bottom-up estimating because every activity
explain any Intellectual
Property (IP) must be assessed and estimated accurately to be included in the bottom-
requirements, rights up calculation. The smaller and more detailed the activity, the greater the
and responsibilities accuracy and cost of this technique.
linked to the resource.
Establish potential physical Every business need resources, whether it's people, money, suppliers, or
resource requirements time. The physical resources include tangible items thatare necessary and
Use the information from
available for a business to function. These are items that take space, have
your research and
knowledge of your work a value, and are used in the operation of the company.
For each potential activity Physical resources are necessary for all types of business. Product-based
in the operational plan, list
businesses use physical resources for providing the goods for sale and for
the physical resources
required (identify at least the operation of the business. Service-based businesses use physical
one). resources to facilitate the delivery of the service, such as having a space
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
to work, tools that are needed for the service, and resources used to
support the service.
Establish potential KPIs There are a number of approaches to developing KPIs. Organisations
For each activity, establish
need to identify approaches that are most relevant to their unique
measurable KPIs.
Show how you approached business outcomes and planning activities. Below are some guidelines on
establishing the KPIs in a different approaches that can be used for developing KPIs.
mathematical way using
problem-solving. 9.3
Lifecycle approach - KPIs may be developed using a lifecycle approach.
How do the KPIs reflect
financial requirements? For example, in managing a project, KPIs would focus on each stage of
List ways to monitor the the project life cycle such as design, planning, implementation and
KPIs. finalisation. The use of a lifecycle approach to developing KPIs ensures
they are assigned at all stages of the lifecycle from start to end.
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Level 4, 470 Collins St., Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia | +61 3 9996 1986
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Identify data security Refer to Privacy Act 1988, This legislation protects all personal information
issues handled by businesses. Attached to this legislation are the 13 Australian
Identify any data security Privacy Principles, which set the standard for handling personal
requirements or issues information. These Australian Privacy Principles relate to:
associated with the
• correction of personal information.
• open and transparent management of personal information
• collection of solicited personal information
• dealing with unsolicited personal information
• notification of the collection of personal information
• use or disclosure of personal information
• direct marketing
• cross-border disclosure of personal information
• adoption, use or disclosure of government related identifiers
• quality of personal information
• security of personal information
• access to personal information
• anonymity and pseudonymity
Proof of Policies:
(add summary of policies that you want to mention in the Operational Plan you are develop)
Policy 1
Data Protection and Privacy Policy
Purpose: In order to safeguard personal information from unauthorized access and stays afloat
legal regulations.
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Key Points:
1. Collecting Data:
We only request your name and email when you subscribe to our newsletter.
2. Using Data:
We only use your email to notify you of updates on this site and never share it with any third
3. Storing Data:
All of your information is safely stored on a server that requires a password to access It.
4. Access Rights:
The law lets you get a copy of information we have on you or make modifications to it
whenever you want.
5. Staff Training:
We assure our clients that their data will always be well handled and protected by our highly
trained team.
6. Responding to Breaches:
In the case of a breach of data, we will notify you and work on the solution immediately.
Policy 2
Health and Safety Policy
Purpose: So that nobody gets sick or injured while at their working place.
Key Points:
1. Workplace Safety:
We conduct routine risk assessment for the workplace and address any problems detected.
2. Employee Training:
Everyone in staff will know what to do in cases of emergencies and what precaution measures
to take.
3. Reporting Incidents:
If you noticed any accident or something like that, please let us know immediately and we shall
concern ourself.
4. Health Support:
For mental health issues, we offer some publications and for normal comprehensive health
check-up, there are some publications also.
5. Compliance:
We abide to all health and safety laws and ensure this policy is updated yearly in order to
remain relevant.
Policy 3
Equal Opportunity Policy
Purpose: So that everyone is treated fairly in the workplace.
Key Points:
1. No Discrimination:
Equality means that we do not discriminate against anyone based on their race, gender, age or
2. Fair Hiring:
We invite everybody to apply with us and we select people according to their skills.
3. Respectful Workplace:
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
We promote a welcoming atmosphere to ensure that everyone has a place, which they belong
to and valued.
4. Equal Opportunities:
Opportunities for training and promotion are equal to all the workers of the company.
5. Report Issues:
If there is or has been any discrimination or harassment, let us know and that will be dealt with
regardless of the outcome to you.
Document 2
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Compliance Risk Australian Keep the policy up to date and make sure the staff
government changing Are informed
policy in relation to
Operational Risk Failure to recruit Save a list for potential clients and maintain good
planned numbers of relationship with existing clients
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Approve plan Always conduct checks on the documentation when seeking sign
Follow organisational policies off and approval from the human resources department or authority
and procedures to seek in an organisation. You
16.1 can ask a colleague to carefully read the
approval for your operational documentation, check it for errors and ensure compliance with the
organisational requirements. Any advertisements that have been
Who will you seek approval
developed and subsequently processed for printing in hard copy or
publication via the internet or intranet should be proofed to check
How will you seek approval?
for errors before receiving final approval. A clear statement about
Attach proof of approval (e.g., what information and format you require in an application can help
minutes of executive team
with assessing the submissions at a later date.
meeting, draft email) to this
section of the portfolio. Suggested inclusions for an application information statement:
• Personal qualities and background
• Qualifications and experience
• Personal details
• A comment against each of the selection criteria
• Knowledge and skills
Document resource
1. Research, analyse and document resource requirements and
Document the resource develop an operational plan in consultation with relevant personnel,
requirements (following colleagues and specialist resource managers.
organisational policy and 2. Develop and/or implement consultation processes as an integral
part of the operational planning process.
Attach proof to this section of
the portfolio. 3. Ensure details of the operational plan include the development of
key performance indicators to measure organisational performance.
4. Develop and implement contingency plans at appropriate stages
of operational planning.
5. Ensure the development and presentation of proposals for
resource requirements is supported by a variety of information
sources and seek specialist advice as required.
6. Obtain approval for plan from relevant parties and ensure
understanding among work teams involve.
Explain plan to team
Operational planning is what happens when a team or department
If you are completing this
assessment in your workplace, draws from a company-wide strategic plan and puts it under a
you will need to attach proof to microscope. It’s future-oriented: it maps out department budgets
your portfolio. This should be a and goals to propel the success of the strategic plan with specific,
video for your assessor to
team-based activities for the next 2-3 years.
view. If you are using the case
study, your assessor will have
already observed you.
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Level 4, 470 Collins St., Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia | +61 3 9996 1986
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Operational plan (if you did not use the provided table) ☒
Contingency plan (if you did not use the provided table) ☒
Stakeholder meeting:
Meeting Agenda:
Discussion / objectives:
Review operational updates and challenges.
1. Discuss the implementation of the cloud-based solution.
2. Explore strategies for increasing sales and donations.
3. Address staff training needs and initiatives.
4. Evaluate marketing strategies and their effectiveness.
Attendees by name:
1. Fendi Oei
2. Thi Bich Phuong Luu
3. Thi Hong Nhung Dinh
4. Junyi Zhang
Apologies by name:
1. Jessica
2. Harris Tom
Agenda Items:
1. Operational Updates.
Some of the issues relating to current production and distribution will be briefly discussed below.
2. Implementation of A Cloud-Based Solution.
Release time table /responsibilities for implementation.
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Level 4, 470 Collins St., Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia | +61 3 9996 1986
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Meeting Minutes:
Discussion / Objectives:
Attendees by name:
1. Fendi Oei
2. Thi Bich Phuong Luu
3. Thi Hong Nhung Dinh
4. Junyi Zhang
Apologies by name:
1. Jessica
2. Harris Tom
1. Operational Updates
Production problems of the present era were pointed out with regard to the fact that the products
were delayed because of problems in the supply chain.
2. Implementation of Cloud Based Solution
The deployment plan was considered with emphasis on the capacity to roll over the
implementation plan and targets for December 2024. Roles given to the IT department.
3. Sales and Donation Strategies
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
New strategies have been offered, such as cooperation with local merchants to increase
contributions. Activities set for the sales team to do in order to address the issue with customer
4. Staff Training Initiatives
Included that there was a need for a customer service training program. Emma will make research
on this and present the outcomes to us.
5. Marketing Strategies Scrutiny
I have been scrutinizing the recent marketing campaign analyses; good responses received about
social media interaction. Expectations for a new campaign to be laid down in the next meeting.
General Business:
The further
meetings will also address initiating the further expanded market share acquisition.
Transferred Business:
Information on a follow-up of the implementation of the cloud-based solution will be continued in the
subsequent meeting.
Contingency plan :
Operational plan :
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Confirm human resource When considering the staffing needs of your organisation, making
acquisition notes on the following issues will help you to determine the level of
Confirm that any new staff staffing needed, the type of job roles required and where the most
members required to complete urgent need for new staff lies. Against each of the areas in the
the activities in the operational
following table, make notes on how changes will impact on the
plan were recruited and
inducted according to the organisation’s staffing needs.
organisation’s policies,
practices and procedures (e.g. Some organisations include specific information such as hours of
via email, face-to-face
work, work conditions and salary into the employee’s contract of
conversation, survey etc.)
employment instead of in the job description. Some organisations
prefer the person specifications and selection criteria to be included
as a separate document.
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Plan and implement monitoring Key performance indicators (KPIs) refer to a set of quantifiable
Choose one activity and its measurements used to gauge a company’s overall long-term
related KPI. performance.
Establish a process that can
be used to monitor and KPIs specifically help determine a company's strategic, financial,
document performance of the
and operational achievements, especially compared to those of
KPI (either using a flowchart or
other businesses within the same sector.
Implement the process (e.g. by
placing a poster in the office, KEY POINTS
sending an email etc.) Key performance indicators (KPIs) measure a company's success
versus a set of targets, objectives, or industry peers.
KPIs can be financial, including net profit (or the bottom line, gross
profit margin), revenues minus certain expenses, or the current ratio
(liquidity and cash availability).
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Will it meet budget? - Monitoring, evaluation and review design is critical to ensure that
information is used to inform decision-making, make appropriate
adjustments, and report to stakeholders and decision makers.
Without a clear link between monitoring and decision-making, there
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Negotiate and approve Getting results is the goal of project managers. The process of
variations making this happen starts with defining a purpose, forming a vision,
Summarise the outcomes of and working through mission and goals to deliver outputs,
preferably outcomes desired by the customer or client and key
your negotiations with relevant stakeholders. In practice, many steps are missed or skipped, and
stakeholders: stakeholder’s resist. Learn about the missing ingredients—the
integration secret sauce. This paper traverses the journey from
vision to reality, defining terms, sharing examples, and illustrating
how influencing and negotiating skills are crucial to the process.
The net outcome for readers does not require learning a whole new
process; rather you come to embrace accountability, reframing, and
persuasion as vital tools. Adopt a mindset about key concepts and
techniques that make you more complete—and immediately
Who was part of the effective to get results —as a project leader.
1. Project Manager: Personally, oversaw discussions on
negotiations and acted in the interest of the project team members.
2. Development Team Lead: Sought for technical inputs and
elaborated on what was necessary during the bargaining process.
3. Finance Officer: Made certain that the budgets concerned were
incorporated and the financial implications were controlled.
4. Stakeholders: Members of the organization’s structures, who had
an interest in the results of the conducted project.
5. External Partners: If any other firm is associated with the project
What are reasons for then the personnel right from the associated affiliated firms should
underperformance and be the members.
how can it be solved?
1. Poor Communication
Reason: There are always potential mistakes that are going to be
made due to misunderstandings of tasks or expectations.
Solution: People should be properly briefed and synchronized;
meetings should be held and progress reported often.
2. Unclear Goals
Reason: Results also show that if the project goals are not well
defined then the members may not know the priorities that need to
be followed while accomplishing the projects.
Solution: Some of the guidelines include: • State well defined
objectives of the project and make certain that every stakeholders
understands aims and objectives of the project.
3. Motivation Issues
Reason: Lack of morale or general feeling of being motivated can
What did you negotiate (e.g., slow down a person’s rate of work.
adjusted timeframe to Solution: To increase motivation of worker productivity promote a
allow for additional positive organizational culture, celebrate accomplishments, and
training)? support teamwork.
1. Adjusted Timeframe:
Change: Adding two weeks to the project timeline of development in
order to make additional training sessions for the Development
Reason: This helps team members to develop required skills in
order to satisfy all the needs of the project.
2. Increased Budget:
Change: Was able to obtain a minor raise in order to bring on a
consultant for fixed term to address certain technical issues.
How can you support the Reason: This minimizes workload and makes the development
resource going forward? process faster.
3. Resource Allocation:
Change: Provided more people to join the Development Team by
reallocating the available team members from the other projects.
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
1. Regular Check-Ins:
Meeting frequency should be as follows: You should meet once
weekly or, at the longest, twice a week to go over your progress,
forthcoming issues, and feedback.
2. Training Opportunities:
Provide refresher courses to improve competencies and educate
the staff on new developments in technologies or methods.
3. Recognize and Reward Efforts:
Reward and encourage hard work with recognition programs or
Which variations were incentives to improve morale.
approved? 4. Provide Necessary Tools:
Make it possible for the team working on the project to acquire all
materials that can enable them to work adequately and
5. Workload Management:
Closely watch who is being overloaded and do make necessary
changes to ensure that everyone is given a fair amount of work to
Attach proof of your 1. Extended Timeframe:
negotiation to this section of Variation: Due to required Training of the Development Team the
your portfolio (if not already overall time frame was shifted forward by two weeks.
viewed in person by your 2. Increased Budget for Training:
assessor). Variation: The second budget was approved for covering up training
sessions and workshops meant for building up the team skills.
3. Consultant Support:
Variation: Permission to hire a consultant to be partnered with the
Development Team and help in combating technical issues
Negotiation Documentation
Overview of Negotiation
This section provides evidence of my negotiation efforts regarding
the partnership agreement with Wolducation.
Establish a mutually beneficial partnership.
Negotiate terms of collaboration, including revenue sharing
and project timelines.
Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Agreement reached on a 70/30 revenue split in favour of
Your Company.
Project timelines established with key milestones.
Legal compliance confirmed by both parties.
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BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
Attached Evidence:
Please find attached relevant documents that support this
Minutes of the Negotiation Meeting
Final Partnership Agreement Document
Email Correspondence Related to Negotiation
Address underperformance Employers often provide employees with handbooks, policies and
Confirm that support is procedures which regulate workplace matters such as:
provided where necessary - Work health and safety.
- Anti-discrimination and equal employment opportunity.
according to policy and - Occupational Health and Safety.
procedures (e.g. email to - Use of company property.
arrange training). - Use of social media.
- Drug and alcohol use.
- Employee performance management and discipline
Email Confirmation
Subject: Training Arrangement Confirmation
Dear Team,
Best regards,
Monica Smith
Project Manager
Best Regards;
Fendi Oei
HR Manager
Documented performance ☒
Proof of approval ☒
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5.1 you need to develop your own organisational chart. This was provided as an example only
7.1 where is this evidence located. It should either be here or in an appendix which should be labelled
example: Evidence located- Appendix 1
8.1 what human resources are going to what task? this is what the question is asking.
8.2 who are these people and what are they going to do?
8.3 this section does not answer the questions. you need to be direct, accurate and offer examples.
8.4 need more specifics. this statement does not say anything tangible. example: To be able to sell our products to our
customers, we need to have in place a streamlined supply chain mechanism to process purchase orders, build and
package products and an efficient transport system with sufficient geographical penetration to reach our customers,
regardless of where the are geographically located.
9.2 will
9.3 this life cycle area is confusing and inaccurate. KPI's are a set of measuring tools that measure and report on
specific actions or performances.
10.1 incorrect analysis. A risk based approach is a decision making process used to determine the actions within a
program based the risk factors and the businesses' appetite for risk.
13.1 too many words. as discussed in class, answers need to be concise, accurate and to the point.
13.2 does not answer the question - too many over arching words that do not address the specifics of the question
14.1 when planning we cannot say depends. the plan will help us see the bigger picture and to make decisions. Without
detail, what decisions can be made?
16.1 checks on documents for what? relevance, accuracy, version control, compliance with company
19.1 these are not contingency plans or operational plan. there is not enough detail to help people know where to start,
what to do or when to stop
23.1 this is incorrect. What does this relate to? Are there no needs for communication, documentation, filing systems for
compliance, decisions?