IOT For Smart City

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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

28th February 2022. Vol.100. No 4

2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


LAROSERI Laboratory, FS of Chouaib Doukkali University, Eljadida, Morocco
LAROSERI Laboratory, FS of Chouaib Doukkali University, Eljadida, Morocco
LAROSERI Laboratory, FS of Chouaib Doukkali University, Eljadida, Morocco



The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has revolutionized all areas of human life, making it more
comfortable. IoT refers to the current trend of The Internet of Things (IoT) technology that has
revolutionized all areas of human life, making it more comfortable. IoT refers to the current trend of
connecting all kinds of physical objects to the Internet, even the most unexpected ones, without human
intervention, which constitutes a self-configurable network. The Internet of Things (IoT) enables
organizations to automate the process and improve service delivery via Internet technology and data
transfer to the cloud. Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a widely discussed topic among
researchers, specialists, and experts. It is seen as the next step in the evolution of the Internet. This paper
covers the application of (IoT) technology in three different areas: smart cities, health, and agriculture.

Keywords: Internet of Things, Smart City, Smart Parking, Smart agriculture, Smart Healthcare

1. INTRODUCTION The emergence of various sensors and

software tools that allow the reading of information
The term Internet of Things (IoT) first from the sensors allows the improvement of the
appeared in 1999 in the speech of Kevin ASHTON, living environment and the maximum use of all
a British engineer. It was used to refer to a system available resources. A human can monitor and
where physical objects are connected to the manage his environment, habits and define his daily
Internet. Over time, the term has evolved to needs with the help of various IoT-supported
encompass the entire ecosystem of connected systems. The main benefit of using IoT in daily life
objects. Currently, the Internet of Things (IoT) is is to reduce the user’s involvement in their life
becoming a widely discussed topic among responsibilities. Why should the user activate the
researchers, specialists, and experts. It is seen as the light if the sensor is able to recognize the darkness?
next step in the evolution of the Internet. With the A simple example, which shows how many sensors
IoT, we are heading towards a phase where all and software tools that collect information from the
elements of our environment will be connected to sensors can improve the life of the users and solve
the Internet and will have the ability to certain obligations. The smart city concept is used
communicate with each other with minimal human to describe a better use of public resources,
effort [1]. The IoT contains a variety of objects that increasing the quality of service presented to
can be connected with both wired and wireless citizens, and at the same time, reducing the
networks. These objects have an addressing system operating costs of administrations [3].
that allows objects to interact and cooperate with
others to create new IoT applications and services The IoT provides several benefits in the
such as smart homes, smart cities, smart energy and management and optimization of public services,
networks, smart transportation and traffic such as transport, parking, lighting, surveillance,
management and control, and others [2]. maintenance of public areas, preservation of
cultural heritage, and waste collection. In addition,

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2022. Vol.100. No 4
2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

the availability of different types of data collected The Smart Parking research conducted by
by IoT devices can be used to raise awareness about Wang [8] was applied by building a parking IoT
the status of their city [4]. The application of IoT in application using the reservation method. In 2015,
agriculture allows the improvement of the Pham [9] proposed a parking system using cloud
production process, monitoring, and maintenance of services so that it could provide better performance.
planted areas. One of the advantages of Fraifer [10] contributed to the topic of Smart
implementing innovative technologies is the ability Parking through his research which proposed the
to control systems from remote locations and architecture of Smart Parking systems using CCTV
control working machines used for land cultivation devices. Then the research conducted by Khanna
Zanella et al.2014 [4]. The implementation of [7], built a Smart Parking using the Internet of
appropriate software architecture (such as well as Things integrated with cloud services.
upgrading the current software architecture used)
that can support the use and control of sensors in In the field of agriculture, Thakur et al. [11]
agriculture reduces the need for human proposed a device that can measure temperature,
involvement in a wide variety of processes [5]. In soil moisture, and automatic irrigation. To monitor
the field of smart health, (IoT) plays an important farms with camera sensors and monitor data
role to improve and deploy a wide range of transmission, Sanchez et al. [12], have designed a
applications such as monitoring of patient behavior system to do so. Jahnavi et al, [13] proposed an
change and treatment observation. Smart health intelligent wireless sensor network system for
allows people (e.g., doctors, nurses, patient greenhouse. Thakur et al, [14] conducted a survey
caregivers, family members, and patients) to access to obtain accurate information on various sensors
the right information and get the right solutions, and crops in which wireless sensor networks and
which are mainly aimed at minimizing errors and the Internet are compatible. For the health domain
improving efficiency, as well as to reduce costs at Related work in this area is described as follows:
the right time in the medical field [6].
Acharya et al. [15] introduced an IOT
The organization of the article is as
application for medical monitoring in an IoT
follows, in Section II: We will present the related
environment. The developed system monitored
work, Section III: We will discuss and analyze the
some basic human health parameters like Heartbeat,
iot smart parking application proposed by Balhwan
ECG, body temperature, and respiration. The
et al. [19], Section IV: We will study the iot smart
components used here are pulse sensor, temperature
agriculture application presented by Krishnan et al.
sensor, BP sensor, ECG sensor, and Raspberry Pi.
[20], section V: in this section we will analyze and
The data was collected from sensors and sent to
discuss the smart healthcare application developed
raspberry pi for processing and again transmitted to
by Islam et al. [21], Section VI: issues and
the IoT network. The major drawback of the system
limitation, Section VII: critical analysis and future
is that no interface for data visualization is
work and Section VIII: Conclusion of the paper.
In this paper we will show the strengths
and weaknesses of each iot application, and we will Trivedi et al. [16] suggested a mobile device
propose improvements for each IOT application for monitoring health parameters based on Arduino.
and help researchers improve their work with the The collected sensor data is analog and sent to the
latest technologies, tools, and techniques. Arduino Uno board. Using the built-in analog-to-
digital converter, the recorded analog values are
converted into digital data. The Bluetooth transmits
the digital data to the developed device. The major
Some important work has been done in the disadvantage is that the Bluetooth device uses a
IoT field. For example, smart parking is one of the module that does not cover a large area.
Smart Initiatives that tries to provide a solution to
the classical problems of parking environments in Gregoski et al. [17] introduced a
big cities. Smart parking is one of the topics that is smartphone-based heart rate monitoring system.
becoming more and more popular and is often The system uses a moving light and a camera to
associated with the Internet of Things. The Internet track finger blood. The system developed describes
of Things is the main actor in the concept of smart an integrated device that wirelessly transmits a
cities [7]. person's pulse to a computer, allowing people to
test their heart rate by simply looking at their

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2022. Vol.100. No 4
2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

phones instead of using their hands each time. This The following steps are performed by Balhwan et
is an excellent design but is not feasible if al. [19]:
continuous heart monitoring is required.
 The occupancy of a parking space is
Kumar et al. [18] developed an IoT safety measured using the sensors (ultrasonic
monitoring application. A sensor was used for body sensor and IR Sensor) with Raspberry Pi.
temperature measurement and a pulse sensor is  After measuring the data, the presence or
used for pulse measurement. The data was absence of an obstacle the data is sent to
uploaded from Arduino to the cloud via the Wi-Fi "ThingSpeak" using RPi's internal wi-fi.
and Ethernet shield module. However, Arduino
 The data is saved on the ThingSpeak
Uno was used here, and therefore many sensors
cloud. The data is displayed graphically.
cannot be processed properly. In our survey paper,
we will study the three fields of IoT applications  A user's mobile application connects to the
which are: smart city, health, and agriculture. cloud and provides information about
parking spaces (free or occupied).

3.1 System components

For the smart city domain Balhwan et al.

[19], proposed a smart parking system (Smart
parking) to find a vacant parking space in the
parking areas without involving manual efforts and
thus avoid the need to spend fuel and time on
efforts. Various sensors deployed in the parking
area determine the availability of parking spaces,
and the information can be easily accessed through
the use of the Internet by users. The developed
prototype of smart parking detects whether the
parking area is free or occupied, and the
information/data collected by the sensors is
uploaded to the cloud from where the user can
access the information using an Android
application (fig1).

Figure 2: Diagram of smart parking system [19]

3.2 Discussion

Among the strengths of the IoT application

proposed by Balhwan et al. [19], the Smart parking
system is capable of finding a vacant parking space
Figure 1: Architecture of smart parking system [19] in the parking areas without involving manual
efforts and thus avoiding the need to spend fuel and

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2022. Vol.100. No 4
2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

time on efforts, but did not consider online units: the end device node, the coordination node,
reservation with payment hence the need to the webserver node, and the mobile (control unit).
improve this prototype as follows: The end device node includes an Arduino
controller, a GSM, a motor, a plant leaf image soil
To reserve a parking space online, the user must moisture sensor, a temperature sensor, and a
query the system to check if a space is available. humidity sensor. The microcontroller device is also
The system will display the available slots in the used as the end device as a coordinating device in
database and when the user selects the slot, the user the wireless sensor network. It is used for data
will be directed to the payment page. If the communication in the network. Data is
payment is successful, the barcode will be continuously collected from the sensors and then
generated for the user and the database will be transmitted to the node coordinator, which is
updated. connected to the web server system via the serial
RS232 data bus. Data acquisition is done in the web
The barcode will be used to gain entry to the server for real-time monitoring of farmland
parking area. Without the barcode, the doors will parameters. From the server, the data can be
not be opened. The parking system will also obtained and displayed on the Android phone. Then
provide an offline reservation if the parking spaces the signal control is automatically sent to the
are free, in which case the user must pay manually coordinator node Whenever the end device receives
at the gate, then their display screen will show the a signal from the coordinator node, it acts according
available spaces. At the entrance, there will be a to the received signal whether the motor is turned
display screen, a barcode reader, and a DC motor to on or off. The on-off process of the motor for
open the door. irrigation is framed using fuzzy logic. The
controller is programmed based on fuzzy rules. As
A secure web application to be managed by the a result, the system helps farmers to control the
administrator and a mobile application to be motor and water use according to the needs of the
managed by the users should also be developed. farmland, even through remote monitoring of the
The hardware when we can add to improve the farm field. Arduino and GSM Modem / GPRS are
functioning of our system a motor, a display screen initialized upon power on. After the initialization
and a barcode reader to open the door and to save process, the system asks users to select either
time and fuel we can add GPS to indicate the free manual or automatic mode. When automatic mode
parking places in our smart parking. is selected, the Arduino initially checks the
availability of solar power using the light-
According to the study of IoT smart parking dependent resistor (LDR), which is used to detect
application proposed by Balhwan et al. [19], we sunlight. Here, the solar panel is mounted on the
will change the smart city domain to the agriculture stepper motor to expose the solar panel to light
domain and we will study the IoT application according to the movement of the sun. When there
developed by Krishnan et al. [20]. is no availability of solar power, the system runs on
a battery. The water level sensor attached to this
4. SMART AGRICULTURE system is used to indicate the water level in the
farm field tank. The relay is linked to the pump,
4.1 System components which starts pumping water to the agricultural field
and the moisture sensor identifies how dry the soil
is. The moisture sensor is used to detect the
For the agriculture sector, it is known that moisture of the soil in the crop field. The
farmers agricultural fields may be located many temperature sensor detects the surrounding
kilometers from their homes. Sometimes farmers temperature of the agricultural field. When it starts
have to go to their agricultural fields several times a to rain, the pump automatically stops pumping
day to start and stop the water (irrigation pumps). water into the field to save electricity and updates
They cannot protect the crops from unconditional the information to the user using GSM/GPRS. The
rain every time. In order to overcome these protective panels are automatically closed to protect
practical difficulties, a system is designed by the crop affected by the rain. The data collected
Krishnan et al. [20] to take care of all these from the sensors is displayed using the
problems automatically. alphanumeric display. Figure 3 shows the working
principle of the proposed system, and Figure 4
The general block diagram is shown in shows the flow chart of the proposed system.
Fig.3. The monitoring system consists of four main

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2022. Vol.100. No 4
2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

 The soil moisture sensor checks the soil

moisture content, which is maintained at a
maximum of 850 (indicating dryness) and
a minimum of 500. When the soil moisture
content is above 700, the engine will pump
water to the agricultural field.
 The temperature sensor measures the
ambient temperature of the farm.
 The rain sensor detects heavy rain and
shuts down the engine to save electricity.
It also shuts down the panel to protect the
 All information collected from the sensors
will be transferred to the user using GSM

Figure 3: Architecture of smart irrigation system [19]

The steps of the work done by Krishnan et al. [20].

 The GSM modem is initialized as soon as

the power supply is turned on.
 Using AT commands, the GSM modem
communicates with Arduino.
 The LCD screen is linked to Arduino so
that the data monitored by the sensors is
displayed correctly.
 First, the processor checks the availability
of solar energy with the help of a light-
dependent resistor (LDR) to detect
sunlight. The solar panel is interfaced with
the stepper motor, which in turn is linked Figure 4: Diagram of smart irrigation system [19]
to the stepper motor driver.
 The solar panel rotates both clockwise and 4.2 Discussion
counter-clockwise and stops where the
maximum sun intensity is obtained and Krishnan et al. [20] proposed a smart
stores the energy in the battery. irrigation system that helps farmers water their
 In the case of availability of solar energy, agricultural fields using a mobile application, as
water is pumped to the agricultural field traditional agricultural systems require a huge
with the help of solar energy or with the amount of energy for watering the fields. The
help of mains (3 phase lines). system provides acknowledgment messages on job

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2022. Vol.100. No 4
2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

statuses such as soil moisture level, the temperature

of the surrounding environment, and the status of
the engine concerning the main power supplies or
solar energy. The fuzzy logic controller is used to
calculate input parameters (moisture, temperature,
and humidity) and to produce engine status outputs.
In addition, the system also shuts down the motor
to save energy when it rains. The results prove that
water and energy savings are achieved with the
proposed smart irrigation system. The flowchart
shown in Fig. 4 and the schematic shown in Fig. 3,
contains three main functionalities the first
functionality is the temperature check, the second Figure 5: Architecture of smart healthcare system [21]
functionality is the soil moisture check and the third
functionality is the rainfall availability check, but 5.2 Discussion
they did not take into account the security of the
fields hence the need to improve this prototype by
Islam et al. [21] have proposed a system
adding the functionality of the field intrusion
of healthcare monitoring in hospitals. Healthcare
detection. This functionality is used to detect
monitoring systems with emerging technologies are
intrusion and is measured using a passive infrared
now becoming a great concern for many countries
(PIR) sensor whenever there is an intrusion
around the world. The advent of the Internet of
detection in the field, users will get to know it using
Things (IoT) technologies is facilitating the
GSM technology. The functionality of intrusion
progress of healthcare. The smart health system
detection will increase the level of security against
proposed by Islam et al. [21] in the IoT
field intrusion which has not been considered by
environment it can monitor the health status of a
Krishnan et al. [20].
patient as well as the status of the room where the
patients are in real-time. In this system, five sensors
According to the study of smart irrigation
are used to capture the data from the hospital
IOT application proposed by Krishnan et al. [20],
environment called heart rate sensor, body
we will change the smart agriculture domain by
temperature sensor, room-temperature sensor, CO2
smart health domain, and we will study the IoT
sensor and Co sensor.
application developed by Islam et al. [21].
The percentage error of the developed
5. SMART HEATHCARE scheme is within a certain limit (<5%) for each
case. The status of the patients is transmitted via a
5.1 System components portal to the medical staff, where they can process
and analyze the current situation of the patients.
Continuous online monitoring of patients The developed prototype is well suited for
and patient room status is the main idea of the healthcare monitoring which is proven by the
system proposed by Islam et al. [21]. The system is efficiency of the system.
implemented using a combination of hardware
components. All the hardware components are This system overcomes the drawbacks of
assembled in the implementation phase. The circuit the existing mechanism by making it a more
diagram of the developed system is shown in efficient method of monitoring the health
Figure 5. All sensors are connected to ESP32 using parameters of patients. It has the advantage of less
physical pins. ESP32 is used as a processing device cost, less time, low power. Accurate measurement
as it has a built-in Wi-Fi module. The user of heart rate and other health parameters of patients
prototype is shown in Figure 5 where the system is are possible and play a vital role in monitoring the
tested with a user and the data is displayed on the health status of patients. The sensors send data
webserver. wirelessly to the server using IoT. The basic
physical parameters are measured continuously. It
makes the patient more comfortable using these
portable devices. The values recorded by this
system are more accurate and precise. It reduces the
time consumed by the manual method. As these

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2022. Vol.100. No 4
2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

values are recorded continuously [22], the workload Articl Applica Gaps Improve Techniqu
of the doctors is reduced. These values can also be e tion ments es and
sent to other specialists by e-mail. IOT tools
Balh Smart The Add an Develop
According to the analysis of the IoT wan parking absenc online a secure
application proposed by Islam et al. [21], it is found [19] e of an booking web
that it is important to keep the information of a
online system. applicati
patient's medical statistics in the cloud [23], as it
bookin on
can be extremely beneficial in the future. Keeping
the records will allow the patient to make many of g managed
the choices such as whether they want to lose system by the
weight or not, which medications are mainly with administr
allergic to the patient, and much other necessary payme ator.
information [24]. This database should also help the nt.
doctor to interpret the patient's physical problem Develop
and its origin, to provide a better diagnosis. In order a secure
to show the overall workflow, Fig. 6 is proposed. mobile
by the

to get an
to the

Krish Smart The Detect Detect

nan agricult lack of intrusions the
[20] ure safety into intrusion
in agricultur using a
agricult al fields. passive
ural infrared
Figure 6: Diagram of smart healthcare system [21] fields. (PIR)
To improve this system in the future, the
Islam Smart The Analyzed Using
analysis of part of the design can be developed by
[21] healthc absenc the machine
applying machine learning and artificial
intelligence algorithms. are e of design learning
machin part of algorith
learnin applicatio artificial
According to our study of the three areas of g n intelligen
smart agriculture, smart healthcare, and smart algorith ce
parking, much has been done and much remains to ms and
be done. The following table summarizes some of artificia
the shortcomings of the three prototypes studied l
previously and suggests improvements. intellig

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
28th February 2022. Vol.100. No 4
2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

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