Zanobd - : RVZXQ Wek We' Vjq-Gi Wkÿv - X© 'I Gkwu Wek Í MN HVMX
Zanobd - : RVZXQ Wek We' Vjq-Gi Wkÿv - X© 'I Gkwu Wek Í MN HVMX
Zanobd - : RVZXQ Wek We' Vjq-Gi Wkÿv - X© 'I Gkwu Wek Í MN HVMX
[ ( ) ; -২০২১ ( -০৫/০১/২০২৩)]
( )
: ড ট
ড: ২২২২০১
১। ( ) চ ? (What is ordinal utility?)
:১ ,২ ,৩ ,৪
( ) ? (What is substitution effect?)
: ট ট ট
( ) ছ ?
(Who is the pioneer of Revealed Preference theory?)
: ছ ।
(ঘ) ? (What is Economic profit?)
(ঙ) ? (What is expansion path?
(চ) চট ? (What is monopoly power?)
: চট , MC ট
চট ।
(ছ) ড ? (What is dumping?)
ড ।
২। ছ ট ।
(Write down the main theme of Revealed Preference theory.)
৩। -ড Q= ;
(Cobb-Dauglas production function Q = AL KP; Prove that a and
indicate production elasticity with regard to labour and capital
৪। ট ' ' ?
(Why a firm under perfect competition is called "Pricetaker"?)
১০। ( ) ।
(Write down the difference between inferior goods and Giffen goods.)
( )" "-
("All Giffen goods are inferior but all inferior goods are not Giffen"-
১১। ) ? (What is indifference curve?)
( ) চ ।
(Discuss the features of indifference curve.)
১২। ( ) চট চ ?
(In which region of a demand curve does a monopoly produce?)
( ) চট ।
(Distinguish between perfect competition and monopolistic
১৩। ( ) ?
(How labour exploitation can be measured?)
( )" জ "- ট ।
(Explain the statement that imperfect competition gives birth in, the
A=[ ] d=[ ]
১৬। ট , ট জ ,
(Assuming two factors, two commodities and two consumers explain
the conditions of general equilibrium of production, consumption and
production simultaneously.)
১৭। ( ) ? (What is called welfare economies?)
( ) ড - - ট চ ।
(Discuss the principle of compensation of Kaldor- Hicks-Scitovsky.)
[ ( ) ; -২০২১ ( -০৯/০১/২০২৩)]
( )
ড: ২২২২০৩
= +C
= log (X+1) + C
(জ) । (Define definite integration.)
(ঝ) ট জ ।
(Write down an example of non-homogenous difference equation.)
: ট জ , = 20 + -1
(ঞ) MPC = 0.65 ।
(If MPC = 0.65 then write down the savings function.)
: জ ,
MPS = 1 - MPC
MPS = 1 - 0.65
MPS = 0.35
জ ,
= 0.35Y + A
(ট) ট 3×3 singular ।
(Give an example of a (3 × 3) order singular matrix)
(ঠ) “ ” ?
(Who propounds simplex method?)
: Simplex G.B. Dantzig.
২। ।
(Write down the properties of inverse matrix.)
৩। ? (What is orthogonal matrix?)
√ √ √
A= √
ট - চ ।
[√ √ √ ]
√ √ √
(Justify whether √
is an orthogonal matrix or not.
[√ √ √ ]
৪. : (i) ∫ dx
(ii) ∫ dx.
(Integrate the following: (i) ∫ dx (ii) ∫ dx.)
৫। ট চ চ
q=∫ ।
(If elasticity of demand is - in each point of a demand curve then
determine demand function q = ∫
৬। ট চ ঝ? ড
(What is meant by relative and absolute extreme value of function?)
৭। চ ট চ ট :
১০। ( ) জ ।
(Indicate the difference between minor and cofactor.)
( )A B ট - Matrix AB = I A=[ ]
I= Matrix; B Matrix ট ।
[ ] Matrix Rank ।
১২। ( ) ?
(What are the differences between unconstrained and constrained
( ) ট Q = LK চ C=L + 5K + 10
ছ। 125
ট চ ?
(Production function Q = LK and cost function C = L + 5K+ 10 of a firm
are given. Which commodities of factors have to be used to produce
125 unit product for minimizing the cost of the firm?)
১৩। ( ) ট ?
(Why a constant term is attached to indefinite integral?)
( ) ট চ MC = 2q + 1:
(Marginal cost function of a profit maximizing firm MC = 2q + 1:
(i) = 10 ট
(Determine producer's surplus when price Tk = 10.
(ii) P₁ = 15 ট ট ?
(How much change would be happened in producer's surplus when
price increases to Tk. 15 from Tk. 10.)
১৪। ( ) ছ, ট চ , MC =
FC = 66; ট ট ।
(Marginal cost of a firm MC = and fixed cost FC = 66 are
given. Find out total cost and total variable cost function.)
( ) MPS = 0.5 - 0.2 ছ। 25
(Dissaving) 3.5; ।
(The marginal propensity of savings is given MPS = 0.5 - 0.2 The
dissavings is 3.5, when the income is 25. Find out the savings function.)
১৫। ( ) ।
[ ( ) ; -২০২১ ( -১২/০১/২০২৩)]
( )
: চ
(চ) ড ? (What is board managed enterprise?)
: ঠ
ড ড ।,.
(ছ) ? (What is prospectus?)
: টড
জ ছ জ
(জ) ?
(What is multipurpose co-operative society?)
: । জ
২। ।
(State the characteristics of optimum size of business.)
৩। ।
(Show the differences between joint stock company and partnership
৪। ।
(Mention the objectives of state enterprise.)
৫। ।
(Distinguish between share and debenture.)
৬। জট জ ট ।
(Show the differences between vertical combination and horizontal
৭। ।
১০। ( ) ।
(Show the differences between business values and ethics.)
( ) জ ।
(Descrie the social responsibilities of business.)
১১। ( ) ঝ ?
(What is meant by business environment?)
( ) ।
(Describe the influencing factors on business environment in
১২। ( ) চ ।
(Show the differences between managing director and managing agent.)
( ) ।
(Describe the sources of finance of joint stock company.)
১৩। ( ) চ ।
(Discuss the suitable fields for state enterprise.)
( ) জ চ ।
(Discuss the problems of state enterprise in Bangladesh.)
১৪। ( ) জ ট ।
(Describe the classification of business combination.)
( ) ।
(Show the differences between trust and holding company.)
[ ( ) ; -২০২১ ( -১৬/০১/২০২৩)]
( )
: ট
ড: ২২২২০৭
১। ( ) ড ট ? (What is hybrid computer?)
: ড জট ট
ট ড ট ।
( ) ডট ? (What is data bus?)
: চ ডট জ
ডট ।
( ) MICR- । (Write down the full form of MICR.)
২। RAM ROM- ।
(Write down the differences between RAM and ROM.)
৩। (56)10 ।
(Convert the decimal number (56) 10 into binary.)
৪। ট ।
(Briefly describe the classification of computer bus.)
৫। - ।
(Distinguish between impact and non-impact printer.)
৬। ট চ ।
(Discuss the importance of computer in education.)
৭। জ ?
(What are the advantages ef micro soft windows?)
৮। ট ঝ ? (What is meant by virul marketing?)
৯। ডট জ জ ঠ ।
(Describe the structure of Database Management System.)
১০। ( ) ট ।
(Write down the uses of computer in various sectors.)
( ) - ঠ ।
(Describe the organization of micro processor.)
১১। ( ) ট ট - ।
(Write down the differences between Notebook and Netbook.)
( ) জ ।
(Describe the function of microprocessor.)
১২। ( ) LAN WAN- । (Distinguish between LAN and WAN.)
[ ( ) ; -২০২১ ( -২৫/০১/২০২৩)]
( - জ )
: জ ঠ ট জ
২। ট চ ।
(Discuss the characteristics of a good constitution.)
৩। ।
(Distinguish between democracy and dictatorship.)
৪। ' ট ' ? (What is the dictatorship of the cabinet?)
৫। চ জ ?
(What is the difference between a pressure group and a political
৬। ' ট জ ' ঝ?
(What do you mean by 'Senatorial Courtisy'?)
৭। চ ।
(Discuss the characteristics of federal government.)
৮। " জ "- ।
১০। । ।
(Define democracy. Write the conditions for the success of democracy.)
১১। চ ঝ? চ
চ ।
(What is meant by independence of judiciary? Discuss the ways to
protect the independence of judiciary.)
১২। ' ট '- ট ।
("The British Parliament is sovereign"-Explain it.)
১৩। ঝ? ট জ ?
(What do you mean by convention? Why are obeyed conventions in the
British political system?)
১৪। চ । চ চ
(Define the electorate. Discuss the role of electorate in modern
democratic state.)
১৫। ট ঠ , চ ।
(Discuss the formation, power and the functions of Senate of the
United States of America.)
১৬। চ ।
(Discuss the powers and functions of the President of the United States
of America.)
১৭। ট ট চ ।
(Make a comparative discussion of the party system between Great
Britain and United States of America.)