TEGB/D-21 Assessment For Learning: Paper-Course-9

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TEGB/D-21 17253
Time Allowed : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note : Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each Unit.
Question No. 1 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls ,d iz'u dk p;u djrs gq,] dqy ik¡p iz'uksa ds
mÙkj nhft,A iz'u la[;k 1 vfuok;Z gSA lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSaA
Compulsory Question (vfuok;Z iz'u)
1. Answer briefly :
laf{kIr mÙkj nhft, %
(a) Concept of ‘Criterion referenced test’
^ekunaM lan£Hkr ijh{k.k dh vo/kj.kk*
(b) Four uses of Sociometric techniques
lksf'k;ksesfVªd rduhdksa ds pkj mi;ksxA
(c) Concept of ‘Portfolio’.
^iksVZiQksfy;ks* dh vo/kj.kkA
(d) What is the concept of a ‘Diagnosis Test’?
^funku ijh{k.k* dh vo/kj.kk D;k gS\
UNIT–I (bdkbZ–I)
2. Differentiate between ‘Assessment’ and ‘Evaluation’. What are the uses of
^,lslesUV* vkSj ^ewY;kadu* ds chp varj dhft,A ,lslesUV ds D;k mi;ksx gSa\
3. Briefly describe the current Evaluation practices followed in Schools.
LowQyksa esa orZeku ewY;kadu izFkkvksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft,A
UNIT–II (bdkbZ–II)
4. According to the revised Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives (2001),
what are the domains of learning?

17253/K/1071/T P. T. O.
vuqns'kkRed mís';ksa (2001) ds la'kksf/r oxhZdj.k ds vuqlkj] lh[kus ds {ks=k
D;k gSa\
5. What is the procedure of developing an Achievement Test? Discuss the
uses of achievement test.
miyfC/ ijh{k.k fodflr djus dh izfØ;k D;k gS\ miyfC/ ijh{k.k ds mi;ksxksa
ij ppkZ dhft,A
6. What is the concept and importance of Continuous and Comprehensive
evaluation? Explain.
lrr~ vkSj O;kikd ewY;kadu dh vo/kj.kk vkSj egÙo D;k gS\ Li"V dhft,A
7. What are the criteria for the assessment of Social skills of students in
Collaborative and Cooperative learning situations? Explain.
lg;ksxh vkSj lgdkjh f'k{k.k fLFkfr;ksa eas Nk=kksa ds lkekftd dkS'ky ds ewY;kadu
ds fy, D;k ekunaM gSa\ Li"V dhft,A
UNIT–IV (bdkbZ–IV)
8. What are Descriptive Statistics? Illustrate with examples w.r.t. interpreting
Student’s performance.
o.kZukRed vk¡dM+s D;k gSa\ Nk=kksa ds izn'kZu ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa mnkgj.k
ds lkFk fp=k.k dhft,A
9. What are the tools of reporting students performance ? Briefly explain along
with their uses.
Nk=kksa ds izn'kZu fjiks²Vx ds vo;o D;k gSa\ muds mi;ksx ds lkFk la{ksi
esa O;k[;k dhft,A

17253/K/1071/T 2

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