Pedagogy of Teaching (Science)
B. Ed. Special Education (BEDSEDE-15)
Second Semester, Examination, 2017
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Note : This paper is of sixty (60) marks containing three
(03) sections A, B and C. Learners are required to
attempt the questions contained in these sections
according to the detailed instructions given therein.
uksV % ;g iz’u i= lkB ¼60½ vadksa dk gS tks rhu ¼03½ [k.Mksa
^d*] ^[k* rFkk ^x* esa foHkkftr gSA f’k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks bu
[k.Mksa esa fn, x, foLr`r funsZ’kksa ds vuqlkj gh iz’uksa ds
mŸkj nsus gSaA
Section–A / [k.M&d
(Long Answer Type Questions) / ¼nh?kZ mŸkjh; iz’u½
Note : Section ‗A‘ contains four (04) long answer type
questions of fifteen (15) marks each. Learners are
required to answer two (02) questions only.
uksV % [k.M ^d* esa pkj ¼04½ nh?kZ mŸkjh; iz’u fn;s x;s gSaA
izR;sd iz’u ds fy, iUnzg ¼15½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA
f’k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy nks ¼02½ iz’uksa ds mŸkj nsus
1. What is Project method ? Explain Project method in
detail with suitable examples in context of Science
A-84 P. T. O.
[2] A–4(I)
[3] A–4(I)
uksV % [k.M ^[k* esa vkB ¼08½ y?kq mŸkjh; iz’u fn;s x;s gaSA
izR;sd iz’u ds fy, ik¡p ¼05½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA
f’k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy pkj ¼04½ iz’uksa ds mŸkj nsus
1. Write a short note on the ‗Relationship between
Science and Society‘.
^foKku vkSj lekt dk lEcU/k* ij ,d laf{kIr fVIi.kh
2. Explain behavioural terms of teaching objectives.
f’k{k.k mís’;ksa ds O;ogkjxr mís’;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
3. Write a short note on—Group learning and individual
laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k,&lewg vf/kxe rFkk O;fDrxr
4. Write five charactersitics of good lesson plan.
mŸke ikB ;kstuk dh ik¡p fo’ks‛krk,¡ fyf[k,A
5. Summarize the main points to prepare a good Science
theory question paper.
,d vPNs foKku F;ksjh iz’u&i= dks cukrs le; eq[; ckrksa
dks la{ksi esa fyf[k,A
6. Explain any three co-curricular activities for children
with disabilities.
fo’ks‛k vko’;drk okys cPpksa ds fy, fdUgha rhu
ikB~;lgxkeh fØ;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
7. Write a short note on Science Laboratory.
foKku iz;ksx’kkyk ij ,d laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
A-84 P. T. O.
[4] A–4(I)
uksV % [k.M ^x* esa nl ¼10½ oLrqfu‛B iz’u fn;s x;s gSaA izR;sd
iz’u ds fy, ,d ¼01½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSA bl [k.M ds
lHkh iz’u vfuok;Z gSaA
Select correct answer for the following :
fuEufyf[kr ds fy, lgh fodYi pqfu, %
1. Which of the following is not related to the scientific
process ?
(a) Observation
(b) Inspection
(c) Discovery
(d) Flexibility
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu oSKkfud izfØ;k ls lEcfU/kr ugha
gS \
¼v½ izs{k.k
¼c½ fujh{k.k
¼l½ [kkst
¼n½ yphykiu
[5] A–4(I)
A–4(I) 180