Perdev 1ST Quarter

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PerDev 1st Quarter


MODULE 1 Thus, this statement leads us to the

SELF-DEVELOPMENT realization that knowing oneself is the open
door that leads us to knowing others better.
is a process of discovering oneself Authors of other materials related to this
by realizing one's potentials and capabilities idea believe that 'know thyself' is a moral
that are shaped over time either by studying epistemological injunction. This suggests
in a formal school or through environmental that the philosophy is acquiring the skills of
factors. Along this realization, an individual way of questioning or challenging the
encounters gradual changes deep within person to gain careful understanding of
him/her that may help him/her overcome oneself. It is a form of self-concern.
unacceptable practices or traits which lead
him towards positive change for his growth SELF CONCEPT
or self-fulfillment. It is also called personal
development. is one's abstract and general idea
about him/herself particularly toward his/her
KNOW THYSELF unique personality and his/her own
perception about his/her set of values, point
According to the philosophical point of view, and behavior.
of view, "An unexamined life is not worth
living", this is one of the famous lines once This theory began as Rene
uttered by one of the greatest philosophers Descartes, the Father of Modern
of Ancient Greek, Socrates. Philosophy, proposed his theory that a
person's existence depends on his/her
Know Thyself is an old maxim or perception. Rene Descartes stated that
aphorism which in time has been used in mind is the seat of consciousness.
varied literature and consequently gained This means that it is in the mind that we
different meanings. One of its meanings is know everything about ourselves like our
recorded in the Greek encyclopaedia of identity, passion, interest, feelings, and/or
knowledge called "The Suda”. intellect, thus everything that we are comes
from the mind.
Thomas Hobbes also discussed his own
views about the maxim from which he used SELF-CONCEPT THEORY (Sincero):
the phrase "read thyself" in his famous work Self-concept is learned. This explains that
The Leviathan. He stressed that an no individual is born with self- concept. A
individual could learn more by studying person will soon develop this as he/she
others and that he/she can do this by grows old. This means that self- concept
engaging himself/herself to reading books. can only be acquired as soon as the person
However, Hobbes emphasized that a learns how to mingle with others.
person learns more by studying oneself.
He further elaborated his views about know Self-concept is organized. This stresses
thyself from which he stated that a man who out that one's perception towards him/her is
investigates himself/herself and considers firm. This means that a person may hear
contemplating on what he/she did or what other people's point of view regarding
he/she thinks, reasons, hopes and/or fears him/her but will keep on believing that what
and to what grounds he/she feels all these he/she thinks of himself/herself is always
can consequently learn how to read and the right one. Change on one's perceptions
learn others' thoughts and passions in towards him/her, however, may also be
similar occasions. possible but it takes time.
PerDev 1st Quarter

Self-concept is dynamic. As an individual manifested whenever we try to satisfy our

grows older, he/she continues to encounter cravings without compromising our
problems or challenges that may reveal self-image to others.
his/her self-concept in that particular time or
situation. A person will definitely respond to The Superego. Freud believed that this
the scenario based on his/her own insights aspect of man begins to manifest as a child
and how he/she perceives himself/herself in turns 5. This is the last component of
the situation. Thus, self-concept undergoes personality which holds our moral
development as the person goes through judgments or concept of right and wrong
different experiences. that are believed to be acquired from the
family and the environment.
Self-awareness is an understanding of
The Id. Freud explained that man's oneself as unique from others. As an
personality is driven by pleasure principle. individual, we commonly observe, and
This means that the nature of Id is to satisfy undeniably, judge other people's manners,
man's desire without thinking much of the beliefs, and lifestyle. However, it can be
situation. This nature is being developed at perceived, though, that most people find it
a young age or present from birth. To hard to make good and sound evaluation
illustrate this idea let us take this as an toward their own behavior, traits, and
example. An infant will cry if he/she wants to personality. In this lesson, we will try to
be fed to satisfy his/her hunger. Definitely, know ourselves better by having careful
an infant cannot exactly explain what he/she reflections on how we see ourselves as an
really wants. Also, infants do grab things individual and understanding our characters
and would want to get things on their hands particularly as young and late adolescent.
not minding if they hurt or if they are
important or not. All they want is to get them Adolescence is the period when a young
for they want them. This is the nature of Id, individual develops from a child into an
when the Id wants it, the rest are no longer adult. There are many changes that can
important. However, this instinct is happen to an adolescent like you and some
controlled by the ego and superego as of those are: how you look, how you take
these aspects are developed in man's life your role in the community, how other
later on. people expect you in making decisions on
your own, and how you perceive yourself.
The Ego. This is the second component of Although the "Self" is one of the factors of
the personality that is developed at what we thought about ourselves, it is also
approximately the age of three. This the result of what we think and/or do.
operates according to reality which makes it
possible for the Id to work in a more proper Self-esteem is your evaluation of your own
and satisfactory ways. The ego will give a worth. It may be positive or negative.
more socially accepted means of getting the Positive self-esteem is the valuation that is
desires and wants of a person without pleasing and acceptable according to your
getting to hurt others feelings. In other standard and that of others, while negative
words, it is the job of the ego to provide a self-esteem is the opposite which is feeling
man some guidelines on how to behave distraught or down and unaccepted by
accordingly while he fulfilled his pleasure. others. Our self- concept will contain many
This component of our personality is positive thoughts and we will have high
PerDev 1st Quarter

self-esteem if we have completed an Verbal Persuasion - it is when people tell

important task, done something that we you whether they believe or not on what you
believe is valuable or important, or if we feel can do or cannot do. The effect of your
accepted and respected by others. Thus, self-efficacy will depend on how that person
self-esteem does not imply that one matters to you.
believes that he or she is better than others,
only that he or she is a person of worth Imaginal Performances - When you
(Diener & Lucas 2017). imagine yourself doing well, then it will
The Affective States & Physical
Efficacy has a specific impact on behavior Sensations - if your mood or emotion (e.g.
and emotions, allowing people to effectively shame) and physical state (e.g. shaking)
manage problems and achieve desired come together, it will affect your self-
outcomes. It is your desire to influence efficacy. If negative mood connects with
something specific. It's a self-confidence in negative physical sensation, the result will
your ability to attain your most significant be negative. And if it is positive, most likely
goal. The greater the likelihood of achieving the result will be positive.
a positive outcome, the stronger the belief.
For example, if you want to get a better SELF IDENTITY
grade and are secure in your belief, it will
happen. According to William James, a
psychologist, "the self is what happens
Self-efficacy may sound like a term you're when I reflect upon ME". Taylor described
already familiar with—self-esteem— but the self as a Reflective Project. How we see
they're not the same thing. Self-esteem is ourselves is geared toward improving
the measure of how much you like or ourselves depending on a lot of factors.
"esteem" yourself, or how much you believe
you are a decent and worthwhile person. 3 WAYS ON HOW WE REFLECT TO
Self-efficacy, on the other hand, refers to IMPROVE OURSELVES (Dan McAdam, a
your belief in your ability to succeed and psychologist):
perform well in various areas of life, such as
education, work, and relationships. Self as Social Actor
We are portraying different roles and
5 DIFFERENT WAYS THAT INFLUENCED behaving for every type/set of people in
SELF-EFFICACY (from the ideas of Albert front of us since we all care about what
Badura, a professor, and a psychologist.) people think about us. It is practically for
social acceptance.
Performance Experiences - if you are
good at achieving your specific goal, then Self as Motivated Agent
you probably think that you will achieve it People act based on their purpose.
again. When the opposite happens, if you They do things based on their own dreams,
fail, you will often think that you will fail desires, and planned goals for the future.
again. This, though, is not easily identifiable since
it is self-conceptualized, unless it was
Vicarious Performances - if others shared with us.
achieved their goal or specific task, then
you'll come to believe that you will also
achieve your goal.
PerDev 1st Quarter

Self as Autobiographical Author matches up to reality is known as

He/she as the creator of his/her own congruence and incongruence.
entire life story. It is about how oneself is
developed from his/her past, up to the Incongruence – the state of not being
present, and what he/she will become in the suitable or not fitting well with something
future. else.

Congruence - agreement with something;

JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING the state of being similar to something
and not in conflict with it.
As an individual, you are expected to
act and decide on your own. Most people Intelligence quotient (IQ) - a measurement
tend to decide based on the intuitions and of a person’s intelligence that is
available information that could be a calculated from the results of special tests.
hindrance in making a wise decision and
that could be a habit. Self-concept - individual perceptions of our
It is recommended that people think behavior, abilities, and unique
through critical judgement or decision. characteristics.
Unfortunately, we don't always do so.
(Jhangiani 2020) Many of us place far more Self-esteem - how much you value
trust in our instincts than we should. And, yourself.
even when we try to think logically, the way
we enter data into formal decision-making Self-image - how you see yourself.
procedures is frequently biased.
Strength- a quality or feature that makes
Effective – producing a decided, decisive, someone or something effective or
or desired effect. useful.

Emotional quotient (EQ) - measurement of Talent - a special ability that allows

a person's emotional intelligence (their someone to do something well.
ability to understand their own feelings and
the feelings of others). Weakness – a quality or feature that
prevents someone or something from being
Experience - skill or knowledge that you get effective or useful.
by doing something.
Personal effectiveness means making use
Knowledge is required for setting goals, of all the personal resources –
defining an action plan to achieve them and talents, skills, energy and time, to enable
risk you to achieve life goals.

Skill- the ability to do something that comes

from training, experience, or

Ideal self - how you wish you could be.

According to Carl Rogers, the degree to

which a person's self-concept
PerDev 1st Quarter

MODULE 2 successful at accomplishing a task, he is

The Power Triad: Thoughts, Feelings and unhappy and is not accorded the desired
Actions. approval by society, resulting in the
subsequent experience of difficulty when
Thoughts: Your internal summary or faced with succeeding developmental tasks.
prediction about a situation or event. This theory presents the individual
Feelings: One word summaries of internal as an active learner who continually
emotional states. interacts with a similarly active social
Behaviors: Can be both inward (invisible) environment.
and outward (observable). Havighurst proposed a bio
psychosocial model of development,
MODULE 3 wherein the developmental tasks at each
STAGES OF LIFE stage are influenced by the individual’s
biology (physiological maturation and
genetic makeup), his psychology (personal
values and goals) and sociology (specific
culture to which the individual belongs).


Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on

the Developmental Tasks Theory in the
most systematic and extensive manner. His
main assertion is that development is
continuous throughout the entire lifespan,
occurring in stages, where the individual
moves from one stage to the next by means
of successful resolution of problems or
performance of developmental tasks.

These tasks are those that are

typically encountered by most people in the
culture where the individual belongs. If the
person successfully accomplishes and
masters the developmental task, he feels
pride and satisfaction, and consequently
earns his community or society’s approval.
This success provides a sound foundation
which allows the individual to accomplish
tasks to be encountered at later stages.
Conversely, if the individual is not
PerDev 1st Quarter

MODULE 4 •Is concerned about physical and sexual

Eight (8) simple rules which could help attractiveness.
you, teenagers, to become a responsible •May complain of parents preventing him or
adolescent who is prepared for adult life: her from doing things
1. Focus on your studies and do well in all independently.
of your endeavors. There is time for • Starts to want both physical and emotional
everything. intimacy in relationships.
2. Take care of your health and hygiene. •Try the experience of intimate
Healthy body and mind are important partnerships.
as you journey through adolescence.
3. Establish good communication and Social Development
relation with your parents or guardian. • Shifts in relationship with parents from
Listen to them. This may be easier said than dependency and subordination to one
done at this stage, but creating that reflects the adolescent’s increasing
good relationship with them will do you good maturity and responsibilities in the
as they are the ones you can family and community,
lean on especially in times of trouble. • Is more and more aware of social
4. Think a lot before doing something. behaviors of friends.
Evaluate probable consequences before •Seek friends that share the same beliefs,
acting. Practice self-control and values and interests.
self-discipline. • Friends become more important.
5. Choose to do the right thing. There are • Starts to have more intellectual interest.
plenty of situations in which it is better • Explores romantic and sexual behaviors
to use your mind rather than your heart. with others.
6. Do your best to resist temptations, bad •May be influenced by peers to try risky
acts, and earthly pleasures and behaviors (alcohol, tobacco, sex).
commit to being a responsible adolescent.
7. Respect yourself. You are an adult in Mental Development
the making. Do not let your teenage • Becomes better able to set goals and think
hormones get into you. If you respect in terms of the future.
yourself, others will respect you too. • Has a better understanding of complex
8. Be prepared to be answerable or problems and issues.
accountable for your actions and behavior. • Start to develop moral ideals and to select
It is a part of growing up and becoming an role models.
• Most girls have completed the physical LATE ADOLESCENCE
changes related to puberty by age 15.
• Boys are still maturing and gaining 1. Keep Stress Under Control
strength, muscle mass, and height and 2. Understand the Causes of Stress
are completing the development of sexual 3. Analyze your Stress Factors and
traits. Write Them Down
4. Keep Stress Under
Emotional Development 5. ControlDeal with the Stressors
•May stress over school and test scores. 6. Learn to Work under Pressure or
Is self- involved (may have high Unusual Conditions
expectations and low self-concept). 7. Stress Management
• Seek privacy and time alone.
PerDev 1st Quarter

Causes and Effects of Stress 3. The stress response is intended to

Just as there is great variety of give you a burst of energy so you
emotions you might experience, there are able to fight off attackers or run
are many possible manifestations of stress away from them effectively.
– in your private life and in your This helped our ancestors, who
working life. The following are some words faced numerous physical threats, to
that describe the emotions stay safe.
associated (as cause and effect) with 4. However, now our threats tend to be
stress: less physical and more
• Anxiety associated with our way of life—a
• Pressure challenge to our status, a demand
• Misery for performance, etc. In addition to
• Strain giving us a set of changes that may
• Desperation not match our needs as well (it might
• Tension be more effective for us to have a
• Anger burst of mental clarity or wisdom
• Panic than a burst of physical
• Dejection strength, for example), the stress
Prolonged stress can be response can actually cause harm if
devastating; burnout, breakdown, and it leads to a state of chronic
depression are some of the potential stress—that is, if our stress
results of long-term, unmanaged response is triggered, and then our
stress. body doesn’t go back to its normal
By wearing a mask, you may expect state via the relaxation response.
to hide stress caused by problems in your
personal life and not let them influence your MODULE 6: BRAINPOWER:
performance on the job. This will probably COMPLEX ORGAN CONTROLS
not work. The more you try to hold your YOUR EVERY THOUGHT
emotions in, the greater the pressure AND MOVE
buildup will be.
The Power to Act
Stress Response The brain has three major
Your stress response is the parts -- the cerebrum, the
collection of physiological changes that cerebellum and the brain
occur when you face a perceived stem.
threat—when you face situations where
you feel the demands outweigh your The brain stem connects the spinal cord
resources to successfully cope. These and the brain. It controls functions that keep
situations are known as stressors. people alive such as breathing, heart rate,
blood pressure and food digestion. Those
When your stress response is triggered, a activities occur without any thought. You
series of changes occur within aren't telling yourself, "Inhale. Exhale.
your body. They include the following: Inhale." You're just breathing.
1. Redirection of blood away from
extremities and instead to major Things are different in the cerebellum. That
organs. region controls voluntary movement.
2. The release of cortisol and other
hormones, which bring other short-
and long-term changes.
PerDev 1st Quarter

Neurons, the basic functional units of the MODULE 7

nervous system, are three-part units Health is a state of complete physical,
and are key to brain function. They are mental and social well-
comprised of a nerve cell body, axon and being and not merely the absence of
dendrite, and they power the rapid-fire disease or infirmity.
process that turns thought into movement.
The thought moves as an electrical signal Mental health is a state of well-being in
from the nerve cell down the axon which an individual realizes his or
to a dendrite, which looks like branches at her own abilities, can cope with the normal
the end of nerve cells. The signal jumps stresses of life, can work productively
from the end of the dendrite on one cell and is able to make a contribution to his or
across the space, called a synapse, to the her community.
dendrite of another cell with the help of
chemicals called neurotransmitters. That 10 WAYS TO ENHANCE YOUR MENTAL
signal continues jumping from cell to cell HEALTH
until it reaches the muscle you need to
wave, wink or walk. 1. Connect with others
2. Keep your perspective
The cerebrum is the largest of the three 3. Develop positive habits
brain sections, accounts for about 85 4. Live up to your values
percent of the brain's weight, and has four 5. Be kind to yourself
lobes. The lobes-frontal, parietal, 6. Improve your work-life balance
temporal and occipital -- each have 7. Laugh loud, laugh often
different functions. They get their names 8. Look after your body
from the sections of the skull that are next to 9. Get enough sleep
them. 10. Seek help when needed
The parietal lobe helps people understand
what they see and feel, while the SUPPORT STRATEGIES/COMMUNITY
frontal lobe determines personality and MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES
emotions. Vision functions are located in the Here are some strategies for supporting
occipital lobe, and hearing and word someone with mental health concerns:
recognition abilities are in the temporal lobe. • Encourage the person to seek help and
support from an adult.
THE DOMINANT SIDE OF THE BRAIN • Spend time with the person, listen to
brain dominance determines a his/her concerns.
person’s preferences, problem-solving style, • Be hopeful; help them feel like their life
personality characteristics, and even career will get better.
choices. • Stand by them. Invite your friend to things
that you are doing; keeping busy
and staying in touch with friends will help
your friend feel better, when they
are ready.
• Learn as much as you can about mental
illness so that you understand what
Mind mapping is a powerful thinking tool. It is going on for them.
is a graphical technique that • If you are a close friend or family member
mirrors the way the brain works, and was of someone with a mental health
invented by Tony Buzan. Mind mapping problem, make sure that you get help as
helps to make thinking visible. well. Talk to someone about what is
PerDev 1st Quarter

happening. This will help you be a better Three steps that can help you handle
support person. negative emotions.
• Put the person’s life before your
friendship. If the person mentions thoughts Step 1: Identify the Emotion
of suicide, don’t keep it secret, even if the ● Don't hide how you feel from
person has asked you to. yourself.
● Know why you feel the way you do.
MODULE 8 ● Be aware of how you feel.
1. Afraid: feeling fear and worry ● Accept all your emotions as natural
2. Angry: feeling mad with a person, act, or and understandable.
3. Ashamed: feeling bad after doing wrong Step 2: Take Action
4. Confident: feeling able to do something ● Learn how to change your mood.
5. Confused: feeling unable to think clear ● Build positive emotions.
6. Depressed: feeling sad, blue, ● Seek support.
discouraged, and unhappy ● Think about the best way to express
7. Embarrassed: feeling worried about your emotion.
what others may think ● Exercise.
8. Energetic: feeling full of energy
9. Excited: feeling happy and aroused Step 3: Get Help with Difficult Emotions
10. Glad: feeling joy and pleasure
11. Jealous: feeling upset when someone
has something that you would like to have
or they get to do something you wanted
12. Lonely: feeling alone and that nobody
13. Proud: feeling pleased for doing well
14. Relaxed: feeling at ease and without
worry, calm
15. Stressed: feeling tense, tired, uneasy,
and overwhelmed
16. Joyful: happy, glad, lighthearted,
17. Grateful: thankful, appreciative
18. Peaceful: relaxed, serene, at ease
19. Interested: engaged, attentive
20. Hopeful: wishful, expecting good things
21. Proud: beaming, satisfied, confident,
22. Amused: humorous, fun-loving, playful,
23. Inspired: creative, uplifted
24. Amazed: awed, part of something larger
than ourselves
25. Loving: loved, compassionate, caring,

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